sfadb: Ellen Datlow : Datlow Originals
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class="menutdl">Campbell Memorial</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Philip K. Dick</div></a></td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Nebula</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Bram Stoker</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Chesley</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Shirley Jackson</div></a></td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl"> Andre Norton</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">British Fantasy</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Arthur C. Clarke</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Theodore <b>Sturgeon</b></div></a></td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl"> Ray Bradbury</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">British SF</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">International Fantasy Award</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">James <b>Tiptree</b> Jr</div></a></td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <table class="mmaw" width="550"><tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">— Locus Poll and Awards —</div></a></td> </tr></table> <table class="mmaw" width="550"><tr> <td> </td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Aurealis</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Aurora</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Ditmar</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Endeavour</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Kitschies</div></a></td><td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Mythopoeic</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Prometheus</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Sidewise</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Spectrum</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Sunburst</div></a></td> <td> </td> </tr></table> <table class="mmaw" width="550"><tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">— — <b><i>complete Awards Directory</i></b> — —</div></a></td> </tr></table> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="">Citations</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><div class="menuhdr">— Citations Directory —</div></li> <li class="mm"><table class="mmaw" width="200"> <tr><td> </td></tr></table> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="">Anthologies</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><div class="menuhdr">— Anthologies Directory —</div></li> <li class="mm"><table class="mmaw" width="200"> <tr><td> </td></tr></table> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="">Rankings</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><table class="mmaw" width="200"> <tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Intro & Scoring Methodology</div></a></td></tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Short Stories</div></a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Novelettes</div></a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Novellas</div></a></td></tr> </table> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="">Timeline</a> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="#">More</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><table class="mmaw" width="200"> <tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Introduction</div></a></td></tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">FAQS & Stats</div></a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Awards Results by Publisher</div></a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Awards Results by Periodical</div></a></td></tr> </table> </li> </ul> </li> <!-- <li class="mm"><a href="">FAQs&Stats</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><div class="menuhdr">— FAQs & Stats Directory —</div></li> <li class="mm"><table class="mmaw" width="200"> <tr><td> </td></tr></table> </li> </ul> </li> --> </ul> <br style="clear: left" /> </div> </div></div></div> <div id="wrap"> <div class="floatleft"> <a href="../"> <img src="../graphics/sfadblogo_175x42.jpg" width="175" height="42" border="0"></a></div> <div class="pagetitle"> <div class="citationname"> Ellen Datlow : Datlow Originals </div> </div> <!-- pagetitle --> <br clear="all"> <!-- open left pane --> <div class="floatleft"><div class="leftpane"> <br> science fiction awards database <br> </div> <!-- leftpane --> </div> <!-- floatleft --> <div class="floatright"><div class="pagemain"> <div align="center"> <table class="threadbox" width="90%"> <tr><td class="threadleft"> <a href="BestOfAwards">Best of Awards</a></td><td class="threadmid"> <— <a href="Anthologies_Directory">Anthologies</a> —></td> <td class="threadright"> <a href="DozoisTomes">Dozois: Tomes</a></td></tr> </table> </div> <div class="contentblock"> <div class="summarybox"> <img src="../graphics/DatlowOriginals.jpg" width="650"><br> </div> <div class="summarybox"> In addition to her annual year's best anthologies of fantasy and horror, and her Omni anthologies, Ellen Datlow has published at least other 50 anthologies, the majority of them originals. (About half of these are shown in the photo.) Many of them co-edited with Terri Windling, early books include series based on fairy tales and mythic fiction. Later books have gravitated more toward horror (Datlow's primary interest, judging from her current Year's Best annuals), with the occasional science fiction volume (<b>Vanishing Acts</b>, which published Ted Chiang's "Seventy-Two Letters", and <b>After</b>, gathering post-apocalyptic tales). (Two early volumes, mostly originals, are compiled on the Sex and Gender page.) <br><br> <a href="">Datlow</a> has won Hugo Awards for Best Editor 7 times, plus another win for website <i>Sci Fiction</i>. Five of the books listed here have won World Fantasy Awards; four have won Bram Stoker Awards. <br><br> Most frequently published authors: Jeffrey Ford (21), Jane Yolen (17), Delia Sherman (16), Tanith Lee (15), Richard Bowes and Pat Cadigan (14 each), Kathe Koja and Joyce Carol Oates (13 each), then Michael Cadnm, Neil Gaiman, and Laird Barron (12, 11, 10 respectively). <br clear="all"> <div class="clearFix"></div> </div><!--summarybox--> <br><ul> <li> <b>Blood Is Not Enough</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Morrow, 1989) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>A Whisper Of Blood</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Morrow, 1991) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Snow White, Blood Red</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (AvoNova Morrow, 1993) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Black Thorn, White Rose</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (AvoNova Morrow, 1994) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Little Deaths</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Millennium, 1994) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Morrow AvoNova, 1995) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Lethal Kisses</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Orion/Millennium UK, 1996) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Dell Horror, 1996) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Black Swan, White Raven</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Avon, 1997) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (HarperPrism, 1998) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Silver Birch, Blood Moon</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Avon, 1999) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Simon & Schuster, 2000) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Black Heart, Ivory Bones</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Avon, 2000) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Vanishing Acts</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Tor, 2000) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Viking, 2002) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Simon & Schuster, 2003) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Dark: New Ghost Stories</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Tor, 2003) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Viking, 2004) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Salon Fantastique</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Thunder's Mouth Press, 2006) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Inferno</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Tor, 2007) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Viking, 2007) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Ballantine Del Rey, 2008) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Lovecraft Unbound</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Dark Horse Books, 2009) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Poe</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Solaris, 2009) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Troll's Eye View</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Viking, 2009) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Haunted Legends</b>, Ellen Datlow & Nick Mamatas, eds. (Tor, 2010) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Viking, 2010) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Blood and Other Cravings</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Tor, 2011) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (St. Martin's Griffin, 2011) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Supernatural Noir</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Dark Horse, 2011) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Teeth: Vampire Tales</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Harper, 2011) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>After</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Hyperion Books for Children, 2012) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Queen Victoria's Book of Spells</b>, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Tor, 2013) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Fearful Symmetries</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (ChiZine Publications, 2014) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Nightmare Carnival</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Dark Horse, 2014) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Doll Collection</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Tor, 2015) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Children of Lovecraft</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Dark Horse, 2016) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Pegasus, 2017) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Haunted Nights</b>, Ellen Datlow & Lisa Morton, eds. (Penguin Random House/Blumhouse Books/Anchor, 2017) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Mad Hatters and March Hares</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Tor, 2017) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea</b>, Ellen Datlow (Night Shade Books, 2018) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories</b>, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Saga Press, 2019) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> </ul> <br><hr><br> <div align="center"> <b>Combined Contents by Author and Title</b></div><br><br> <a href="Daniel_Abraham_Titles">Daniel Abraham</a> <li> An Amicable Divorce (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <li> Chimera 8 -- Vanishing Acts </li> <a href="Leonid_Andreyev_Titles">Leonid Andreyev</a> <li> Lazarus -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <a href="Kim_Antieau_Titles">Kim Antieau</a> <li> The Se眔rita and the Cactus Thorn -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <a href="Kelley_Armstrong_Titles">Kelley Armstrong</a> <li> Nos Galan Gaeaf -- Haunted Nights </li> <a href="Russell_William_Asplund_Titles">Russell William Asplund</a> <li> The Dybbuk in the Bottle -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <a href="Dale_Bailey_Titles">Dale Bailey</a> <li> The Crevasse (by DB & <a href="Nathan_Ballingrud">Nathan Ballingrud</a>) -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <li> Mr. Splitfoot -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <li> Precipice -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Scott_Baker_Titles">Scott Baker</a> <li> Varicose Worms -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <a href="Nathan_Ballingrud_Titles">Nathan Ballingrud</a> <li> The Atlas of Hell -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <li> The Crevasse (by <a href="Dale_Bailey">Dale Bailey</a> & NB) -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <li> Jasper Dodd's Handbook of Spirits and Manifestations -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> The Monsters of Heaven -- Inferno </li> <li> North American Lake Monsters -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <li> Skullpocket -- Nightmare Carnival </li> <li> Sunbleached -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> The Way Station -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <a href="Clive_Barker_Titles">Clive Barker</a> <li> On Amen's Shore (<b>Demons and Deviants</b>, 1992) -- Little Deaths </li> <a href="Laird_Barron_Titles">Laird Barron</a> <li> The Carrion Gods in Their Heaven -- Supernatural Noir </li> <li> Catch Hell -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <li> The Forest -- Inferno </li> <li> The Lagerstatte -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <li> Oblivion Mode -- Children of Lovecraft </li> <li> The Redfield Girls -- Haunted Legends </li> <li> Screaming Elk, Mt. -- Nightmare Carnival </li> <li> The Siphon -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <li> Strappado -- Poe </li> <li> The Worms Crawl in, -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <a href="Christopher_Barzak_Titles">Christopher Barzak</a> <li> Gap Year -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> The Guardian of the Egg -- Salon Fantastique </li> <li> Map of Seventeen -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <li> Realer Than You (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <a href="Peter_S_Beagle_Titles">Peter S. Beagle</a> <li> Chandail -- Salon Fantastique </li> <li> The Children of the Shark God -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <li> Underbridge (<b>Naked City</b>, 2011) -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> Up the Down Beanstalk: A Wife Remembers -- Troll's Eye View </li> <a href="Elizabeth_Bear_Titles">Elizabeth Bear</a> <li> The Governess -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <li> Inelastic Collisions -- Inferno </li> <li> King Pole, Gallows Pole, Bottle Tree -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> Mongoose (by <a href="Sarah_Monette">Sarah Monette</a> & EB) -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <li> Needles -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <li> The Romance -- Supernatural Noir </li> <li> Sonny Liston Takes the Fall -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <a href="M_E_Beckett_Titles">M. E. Beckett</a> <li> Near-Beauty -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <a href="M_Shayne_Bell_Titles">M. Shayne Bell</a> <li> The Pagodas of Ciboure -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <li> The Thing About Benny -- Vanishing Acts </li> <a href="Steve_Berman_Titles">Steve Berman</a> <li> All Smiles -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> The Price of Glamour -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <li> Thimbleriggery and Fledglings -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <li> Wagers of Gold Mountain (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <a href="Jedediah_Berry_Titles">Jedediah Berry</a> <li> The Other Labyrinth (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <li> To Measure the Earth -- Salon Fantastique </li> <a href="Simon_Bestwick_Titles">Simon Bestwick</a> <li> Deadwater -- The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea </li> <li> Hushabye -- Inferno </li> <a href="Anne_Bishop_Titles">Anne Bishop</a> <li> Match Girl -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <li> Rapunzel -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <li> The Wild Heart -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <a href="Holly_Black_Titles">Holly Black</a> <li> The Boy Who Cried Wolf -- Troll's Eye View </li> <li> The Night Market -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <li> Noble Rot -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> The Perfect Dinner Party -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> A Reversal of Fortune (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <a href="Russell_Blackford_Titles">Russell Blackford</a> <li> The King with Three Daughters -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <a href="James_P_Blaylock_Titles">James P. Blaylock</a> <li> Smithfield -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <a href="Michael_Blumlein_Titles">Michael Blumlein</a> <li> Snow in Dirt -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <a href="Richard_Bowes_Titles">Richard Bowes</a> <li> Aka St. Mark's Place -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <li> Blood Yesterday, Blood Tomorrow -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <li> Doll Court -- The Doll Collection </li> <li> Dust Devil on a Quiet Street -- Salon Fantastique </li> <li> Icarus Rising -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> Knickerbocker Holiday -- Haunted Legends </li> <li> The Margay's Children -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <li> Mortal Bait -- Supernatural Noir </li> <li> The Office of Doom -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <li> On the Slide -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> Reality Girl -- After </li> <li> The Season of the Raptors -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <li> Some Kind of Wonderland -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <li> A Tale for the Short Days (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <a href="Scott_Bradfield_Titles">Scott Bradfield</a> <li> Goldilocks Tells All -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <a href="Gary_A_Braunbeck_Titles">Gary A. Braunbeck</a> <li> Return to Mariabronn -- Haunted Legends </li> <a href="Sarah_Rees_Brennan_Titles">Sarah Rees Brennan</a> <li> Faint Heart -- After </li> <a href="Patricia_Briggs_Titles">Patricia Briggs</a> <li> Fairy Gifts -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> The Price -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <a href="John_Brunner_Titles">John Brunner</a> <li> The Emperor Who Had Never Seen a Dragon -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <a href="Edward_Bryant_Titles">Edward Bryant</a> <li> Ashes on Her Lips -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <li> Good Kids -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <a href="Emma_Bull_Titles">Emma Bull</a> <li> De La Tierra -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <li> Joshua Tree -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <li> My Generation -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <a href="Milbre_Burch_Titles">Milbre Burch</a> <li> After Push Comes to Shove -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <li> The Huntsman's Story -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <a href="William_S_Burroughs_Titles">William S. Burroughs</a> <li> Ruski -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <a href="Jim_Butcher_Titles">Jim Butcher</a> <li> Curses -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <a href="P_D_Cacek_Titles">P. D. Cacek</a> <li> The Keeper -- Inferno </li> <a href="Pat_Cadigan_Titles">Pat Cadigan</a> <li> About the O'Dells -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> Between Heaven and Hull -- Haunted Legends </li> <li> Dirty Work -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <li> Home by the Sea -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <li> In Case of Zebras -- The Doll Collection </li> <li> Jack -- Haunted Nights </li> <li> Jimmy -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <li> A Lie for A Lie -- Lethal Kisses </li> <li> A Little Bird Told Me -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <li> Picking up the Pieces -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> Serial Monogamist -- Little Deaths </li> <li> Stilled Life -- Inferno </li> <li> Truth and Bone -- Poe </li> <li> Will the Real Psycho in This Story Please Stand Up? -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <a href="Michael_Cadnum_Titles">Michael Cadnum</a> <li> Bear It Away -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <li> Bite the Hand -- Vanishing Acts </li> <li> Can't Catch Me -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <li> Cat of the World (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <li> Daphne -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <li> The Flounder's Kiss -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <li> The Man Who Did Cats Harm (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> Mrs. Big: "Jack and the Beanstalk" Retold -- A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales </li> <li> Naked Little Men -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <li> 'Skin -- Troll's Eye View </li> <li> Toad-Rich -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <li> Touch Me Everyplace -- Lethal Kisses </li> <a href="Jack_Cady_Titles">Jack Cady</a> <li> Seven Sisters (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Ramsey_Campbell_Titles">Ramsey Campbell</a> <li> Chucky Comes to Liverpool -- Haunted Legends </li> <li> Feeling Remains (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Jonathan_Carroll_Titles">Jonathan Carroll</a> <li> The Moose Church -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <a href="Siobhan_Carroll_Titles">Siobhan Carroll</a> <li> The Air, the Ocean, the Earth, the Deep -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> Haunt -- The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea </li> <li> Nesters -- Children of Lovecraft </li> <li> Wendigo Nights -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <a href="Debra_Cash_Titles">Debra Cash</a> <li> Briar Rose -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <li> Witch -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <a href="Susan_Casper_Titles">Susan Casper</a> <li> A Child of Darkness -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <a href="Cecil_Castellucci_Titles">Cecil Castellucci</a> <li> Best Friends Forever -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> The Marker -- After </li> <a href="Michael_Chabon_Titles">Michael Chabon</a> <li> In the Black Mill (<i>Playboy</i> Jun 1997) -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <a href="Suzy_McKee_Charnas_Titles">Suzy McKee Charnas</a> <li> Late Bloomer (<b>Teeth</b>, 2011) -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> Listening to Brahms (<i>Omni</i> Sep 1986) -- Vanishing Acts </li> <li> Lowland Sea -- Poe </li> <li> Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <a href="Ted_Chiang_Titles">Ted Chiang</a> <li> Seventy-two Letters -- Vanishing Acts </li> <a href="Michael_Cisco_Titles">Michael Cisco</a> <li> Bread and Water -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <li> Machines of Concrete Light and Dark -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <a href="Susanna_Clarke_Titles">Susanna Clarke</a> <li> Mr. Simonelli or the Fairy Widower -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <li> On Lickerish Hill -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <a href="Douglas_Clegg_Titles">Douglas Clegg</a> <li> The Five (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> Ice Palace -- Little Deaths </li> <li> O, Rare and Most Exquisite -- Lethal Kisses </li> <a href="Sarah_Clemens_Titles">Sarah Clemens</a> <li> Holes -- Little Deaths </li> <li> I Gatti di Roma (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <a href="Ray_Cluley_Titles">Ray Cluley</a> <li> The Whalers Song -- The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea </li> <a href="Isabel_Cole_Titles">Isabel Cole</a> <li> The Brown Bear of Norway -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <a href="Nancy_A_Collins_Titles">Nancy A. Collins</a> <li> Billy Fearless -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <a href="Bill_Congreve_Titles">Bill Congreve</a> <li> The Shooter at the Heartrock Waterhole -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <a href="Storm_Constantine_Titles">Storm Constantine</a> <li> My Lady of the Hearth -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <li> Of a Cat, But Her Skin (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> Sweet Bruising Skin -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <a href="C_S_E_Cooney_Titles">C. S. E. Cooney</a> <li> Lily-White & the Thief of Lesser Night -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <a href="Greg_Costikyan_Titles">Greg Costikyan</a> <li> And Still She Sleeps -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <a href="Bruce_Coville_Titles">Bruce Coville</a> <li> A Life in Miniature (<b>Swan Sister</b>, 2003) -- Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold </li> <a href="F_Marion_Crawford_Titles">F. Marion Crawford</a> <li> The Upper Berth (<b>The Broken Shaft: Unwin's Annual for 1886</b>, 1885) -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Harry_Crews_Titles">Harry Crews</a> <li> Becky Lives -- Little Deaths </li> <a href="John_Crowley_Titles">John Crowley</a> <li> And Go Like This -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> Lost and Abandoned -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <a href="Leah_R_Cutter_Titles">Leah R. Cutter</a> <li> The Red Boots -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <a href="Jack_Dann_Titles">Jack Dann</a> <li> Down Among the Dead Men (by JD & <a href="Gardner_Dozois">Gardner Dozois</a>) (<i>Oui</i> Jul 1982) -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <li> The Glass Casket -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> Ships (by JD & <a href="Michael_Swanwick">Michael Swanwick</a>) -- Lethal Kisses </li> <a href="Dennis_Danvers_Titles">Dennis Danvers</a> <li> Swan Song and Then Some -- Nightmare Carnival </li> <a href="Indra_Das_Titles">Indra Das</a> <li> A Shade of Dusk -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Avram_Davidson_Titles">Avram Davidson</a> <li> Now Let Us Sleep (<i>Venture</i> Sep 1957) -- Vanishing Acts </li> <a href="Aliette_de_Bodard_Titles">Aliette de Bodard</a> <li> A Burning Sword for Her Cradle -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Charles_de_Lint_Titles">Charles de Lint</a> <li> The Boys of Goose Hill (<i>Author's Choice Monthly</i> #22 1991) -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <li> Crow Roads (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <li> The Moon Is Drowning While I Sleep -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> My Life as a Bird -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <li> Somewhere in My Mind There Is a Painting Box -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <a href="Stephen_Dedman_Titles">Stephen Dedman</a> <li> For Those in Peril on the Sea -- Haunted Legends </li> <li> The Lady of Situations -- Little Deaths </li> <a href="A_M_Dellamonica_Titles">A. M. Dellamonica</a> <li> The Dream Eaters -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <a href="Bradley_Denton_Titles">Bradley Denton</a> <li> A Ship of the South Wind -- The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea </li> <a href="Paul_Di_Filippo_Titles">Paul Di Filippo</a> <li> Femaville 29 -- Salon Fantastique </li> <a href="Kristine_Dikeman_Titles">Kristine Dikeman</a> <li> Gentle Alice -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <a href="Terry_Dowling_Titles">Terry Dowling</a> <li> Corpse Rose -- Nightmare Carnival </li> <li> The Four Darks -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <li> One Thing About the Night (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <li> The Suits at Auderlene -- Inferno </li> <li> The Tryal Attract -- The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea </li> <li> The Unwrapping -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Ann_Downer_Titles">Ann Downer</a> <li> Somnus's Fair Maid -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <a href="Amanda_Downum_Titles">Amanda Downum</a> <li> The Tenderness of Jackals -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <a href="Gardner_Dozois_Titles">Gardner Dozois</a> <li> Down Among the Dead Men (by <a href="Jack_Dann">Jack Dann</a> & GD) (<i>Oui</i> Jul 1982) -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <a href="Steven_Duffy_Titles">Steven Duffy</a> <li> X for Demetrious -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <a href="Andy_Duncan_Titles">Andy Duncan</a> <li> Worrity, Worrity -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <a href="Carolyn_Dunn_Titles">Carolyn Dunn</a> <li> Ali Anugne O Chash (The Boy Who Was) -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <li> Before -- After </li> <li> Coyote Woman -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <a href="India_Edghill_Titles">India Edghill</a> <li> Arabian Phoenix -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <a href="Elise_Forier_Edie_Titles">Elise Forier Edie</a> <li> All Through the Night -- Haunted Nights </li> <a href="Ryan_Edmonds_Titles">Ryan Edmonds</a> <li> The Springfield Swans (by RE & <a href="Caroline_Stevermer">Caroline Stevermer</a>) -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <a href="Doris_Egan_Titles">Doris Egan</a> <li> The Sweet of Bitter Bark and Burning Clove -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <a href="Harlan_Ellison_Titles">Harlan Ellison</a> <li> Try a Dull Knife (<i>F&SF</i> Oct 1968) -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <a href="Carol_Emshwiller_Titles">Carol Emshwiller</a> <li> The Abominable Child's Tale -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <li> All I Know of Freedom -- After </li> <li> All Washed Up While Looking for a Better World -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <li> God Clown (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <li> Mrs. Jones (<i>Omni</i> Aug 1993) -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <li> Overlooking -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <a href="Kelley_Eskridge_Titles">Kelley Eskridge</a> <li> And Salome Danced -- Little Deaths </li> <li> The Eye of the Storm -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <a href="Brian_Evenson_Titles">Brian Evenson</a> <li> The Absent Eye -- Supernatural Noir </li> <li> The Din of Celestial Birds (<b>The Din of Celestial Birds</b>, 1997) -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <li> Glasses -- Children of Lovecraft </li> <li> His Haunting -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> Sisters -- Haunted Nights </li> <li> The Window -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <a href="Sharon_N_Farber_Titles">Sharon N. Farber</a> <li> Return of the Dust Vampires (<b>Whispers V</b>, 1985) -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <a href="Nancy_Farmer_Titles">Nancy Farmer</a> <li> Castle Othello -- Troll's Eye View </li> <li> Falada: The Goose Girl's Horse -- A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales </li> <a href="Gemma_Files_Titles">Gemma Files</a> <li> Gaze -- The Doll Collection </li> <li> Little Ease -- Children of Lovecraft </li> <li> Marya Nox -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <li> The Puppet Motel -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> A Wish from a Bone -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <a href="Paul_Finch_Titles">Paul Finch</a> <li> Bethany's Wood -- Inferno </li> <a href="Ford_Madox_Ford_Titles">Ford Madox Ford</a> <li> The Medium's End (<i>The Bystander</i> Mar 1912) -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Jeffrey_Ford_Titles">Jeffrey Ford</a> <li> All the King's Men -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <li> The Annals of Eelin-Ok -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <li> The Bedroom Light -- Inferno </li> <li> Blood Drive -- After </li> <li> Daddy Long Legs of the Evening -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> Daltharee -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <li> Down Atsion Road -- Haunted Legends </li> <li> The Dreaming Wind (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <li> The Fairy Enterprise -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <li> Ganesha -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <li> The Green Word -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <li> Hibbler's Minions -- Nightmare Carnival </li> <li> The Jeweled Wren -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> The Last Triangle -- Supernatural Noir </li> <li> Mount Chary Galore -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <li> The Murmurations of Vienna Von Drome -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <li> The Night Whiskey -- Salon Fantastique </li> <li> Sit the Dead -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> The Trentino Kid (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <li> Witch Hazel -- Haunted Nights </li> <li> Word Doll -- The Doll Collection </li> <a href="Christopher_Fowler_Titles">Christopher Fowler</a> <li> Oblivion by Calvin Klein -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> Unforgotten -- Lethal Kisses </li> <li> The Uninvited -- Inferno </li> <a href="Karen_Joy_Fowler_Titles">Karen Joy Fowler</a> <li> The Black Fairy's Curse -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <li> Faded Roses (<i>Omni</i> Nov 1989) -- Vanishing Acts </li> <a href="Esther_M_Friesner_Titles">Esther M. Friesner</a> <li> Big Hair -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <li> No Bigger Than My Thumb -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <li> Puss -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <a href="Gregory_Frost_Titles">Gregory Frost</a> <li> The Comeuppance of Creegus Maxin -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <li> The Dingus -- Supernatural Noir </li> <li> The Final Act -- Poe </li> <li> The Harp That Sang (<b>Swan Sister</b>, 2003) -- Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold </li> <li> The Root of the Matter -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> Sparks -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <li> Tengu Mountain -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <a href="Wendy_Froud_Titles">Wendy Froud</a> <li> Faery Tales -- Troll's Eye View </li> <li> Persephone or, Why the Winters Seem to Be Getting Longer -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <a href="Nan_Fry_Titles">Nan Fry</a> <li> How to Find Faery -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <li> Rosina -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <a href="Jeannine_Hall_Gailey_Titles">Jeannine Hall Gailey</a> <li> The White Doe: Three Poems -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <a href="Neil_Gaiman_Titles">Neil Gaiman</a> <li> Bloody Sunrise -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> Boys and Girls Together -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <li> The Faery Reel -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <li> Going Wodwo -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <li> Instructions -- A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales </li> <li> Inventing Aladdin (<b>Swan Sister</b>, 2003) -- Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold </li> <li> Locks -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <li> Observing the Formalities -- Troll's Eye View </li> <li> Tastings -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <li> Troll Bridge -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> The White Road -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <a href="Stephen_Gallagher_Titles">Stephen Gallagher</a> <li> Doctor Hood (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <li> Heroes and Villains -- The Doll Collection </li> <li> Misadventure -- Inferno </li> <a href="Terra_L_Gearhart-Serna_Titles">Terra L. Gearhart-Serna</a> <li> Coyote and Valorosa -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <a href="Greer_Ilene_Gilman_Titles">Greer Ilene Gilman</a> <li> Down the Wall -- Salon Fantastique </li> <a href="Bruce_Glassco_Titles">Bruce Glassco</a> <li> Never Never -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <li> Taking Loup -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <li> True Thomas -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <a href="Christopher_Golden_Titles">Christopher Golden</a> <li> The Curious Allure of the Sea -- The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea </li> <a href="Lisa_Goldstein_Titles">Lisa Goldstein</a> <li> Breadcrumbs and Stones -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> Brother Bear -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <a href="Theodora_Goss_Titles">Theodora Goss</a> <li> Estella Saves the Village -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <li> How Raven Made His Bride -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <a href="Hiromi_Goto_Titles">Hiromi Goto</a> <li> Foxwife -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <li> The Hikikomori -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <a href="Steven_Gould_Titles">Steven Gould</a> <li> Rust with Wings -- After </li> <a href="Charles_L_Grant_Titles">Charles L. Grant</a> <li> Brownie, and Me -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Gavin_J_Grant_Titles">Gavin J. Grant</a> <li> Yours, Etc. -- Salon Fantastique </li> <a href="John_Grant_Titles">John Grant</a> <li> Lives -- Inferno </li> <a href="Orrin_Grey_Titles">Orrin Grey</a> <li> Mortensen's Muse -- Children of Lovecraft </li> <a href="Nicola_Griffith_Titles">Nicola Griffith</a> <li> Yaguara -- Little Deaths </li> <a href="Eric_J_Guignard_Titles">Eric J. Guignard</a> <li> A Kingdom of Sugar Skulls and Marigolds -- Haunted Nights </li> <a href="Joe_Haldeman_Titles">Joe Haldeman</a> <li> Endangered Species -- Vanishing Acts </li> <li> Time Lapse -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <a href="Melissa_Mia_Hall_Titles">Melissa Mia Hall</a> <li> The Pool People -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <a href="Emma_Hardesty_Titles">Emma Hardesty</a> <li> Rosie's Dance -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <a href="M_John_Harrison_Titles">M. John Harrison</a> <li> Isobel Avens Returns to Stepney in the Spring -- Little Deaths <br> -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <a href="Maria_Dahvana_Headley_Titles">Maria Dahvana Headley</a> <li> Mr. Doornail -- Children of Lovecraft </li> <a href="Leanna_Renee_Hieber_Titles">Leanna Renee Hieber</a> <li> Charged -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <a href="Glen_Hirshberg_Titles">Glen Hirshberg</a> <li> Dancing Men (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <li> The Janus Tree -- Inferno </li> <li> The Pikesville Buffalo -- Poe </li> <li> A Small Part in the Pantomime -- Nightmare Carnival </li> <a href="Lily_Hoang_Titles">Lily Hoang</a> <li> The Foxes -- Haunted Legends </li> <a href="M_K_Hobson_Titles">M. K. Hobson</a> <li> Oaks Park -- Haunted Legends </li> <a href="Brian_Hodge_Titles">Brian Hodge</a> <li> He Sings of Salt and Wormwood -- The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea </li> <li> On These Blackened Shores of Time -- Children of Lovecraft </li> <a href="Alice_Hoffman_Titles">Alice Hoffman</a> <li> The Other Woman -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Nina_Kiriki_Hoffman_Titles">Nina Kiriki Hoffman</a> <li> The Breadcrumb Trail -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <li> Chambers of the Heart (<b>Swan Sister</b>, 2003) -- Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold </li> <li> Grounded -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <li> Immersed in Matter -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <li> Incidental Cats (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> The Listeners (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <li> Rags and Riches -- Troll's Eye View </li> <a href="Robert_Holdstock_Titles">Robert Holdstock</a> <li> The Ragthorn (by RH & <a href="Garry_Kilworth">Garry Kilworth</a>) -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <a href="Nalo_Hopkinson_Titles">Nalo Hopkinson</a> <li> The Easthound -- After </li> <li> Precious -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <li> Riding the Red -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <a href="Simon_Ings_Titles">Simon Ings</a> <li> Keeping Alice -- Lethal Kisses </li> <a href="Harvey_Jacobs_Titles">Harvey Jacobs</a> <li> L'Chaim! -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <li> The Orphan the Moth and the Magic -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <li> Persimmon -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> Thank You for That (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> The Vanishing Virgin -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <a href="N_K_Jemisin_Titles">N. K. Jemisin</a> <li> Valedictorian -- After </li> <a href="K_W_Jeter_Titles">K. W. Jeter</a> <li> Black Nightgown -- Little Deaths </li> <li> Riding Bitch -- Inferno </li> <li> True Love -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <a href="Kij_Johnson_Titles">Kij Johnson</a> <li> The Evolution of Trickster Stories Among the Dogs of North Park After the Change (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <a href="Carole_Johnstone_Titles">Carole Johnstone</a> <li> Catching Flies -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <li> Deep, Fast, Green -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Stephen_Graham_Jones_Titles">Stephen Graham Jones</a> <li> Alis -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <li> Broken Record -- The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea </li> <li> Daniel's Theory About Dolls -- The Doll Collection </li> <li> The Darkest Part -- Nightmare Carnival </li> <li> Dirtmouth -- Haunted Nights </li> <li> Eternal Troutland -- Children of Lovecraft </li> <li> Pigeon from Hell -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <li> The Spindly Man -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <li> The Tree of Self-Knowledge -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Kate_Jonez_Titles">Kate Jonez</a> <li> A Flicker of Light on Devil's Night -- Haunted Nights </li> <a href="Richard_Kadrey_Titles">Richard Kadrey</a> <li> Ambitious Boys Like You -- The Doll Collection </li> <li> A Hinterlands Haunting -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> The Secrets of Insects -- Children of Lovecraft </li> <a href="Bryn_Kanar_Titles">Bryn Kanar</a> <li> Dreaming among Men -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <a href="Michael_Kandel_Titles">Michael Kandel</a> <li> Ogre -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <a href="Paul_Kane_Titles">Paul Kane</a> <li> The Turn -- Haunted Nights </li> <a href="Sandra_Kasturi_Titles">Sandra Kasturi</a> <li> O Terrible Bird -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <a href="Caitlin_R_Kiernan_Titles">Caitl韓 R. Kiernan</a> <li> Anamorphosis -- Lethal Kisses </li> <li> As Red as Red -- Haunted Legends </li> <li> Ballad of an Echo Whisperer -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <li> The Colliers' Venus (1893) -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> Excerpts for An Eschatology Quadrille -- Children of Lovecraft </li> <li> Fake Plastic Trees -- After </li> <li> Glass Coffin -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <li> Houses Under the Sea -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <li> The Maltese Unicorn -- Supernatural Noir </li> <a href="Garry_Kilworth_Titles">Garry Kilworth</a> <li> The Frog Chauffeur -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <li> Masterpiece -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <li> Mirrors -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <li> The Ragthorn (by <a href="Robert_Holdstock">Robert Holdstock</a> & GK) -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <li> The Silver Collar -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <li> The Trial of Hansel and Gretel -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <a href="Stephen_King_Titles">Stephen King</a> <li> The Cat from Hell (<i>Cavalier</i> Jun 1977) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <a href="Ellen_Klages_Titles">Ellen Klages</a> <li> Friday Night at St. Cecilia's -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <a href="Kathe_Koja_Titles">Kathe Koja</a> <li> Baby -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> Becoming Charise -- A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales </li> <li> The Careful Geometry of Love (by KK & <a href="Barry_N_Malzberg">Barry N. Malzberg</a>) -- Little Deaths </li> <li> The Disquieting Muse -- Little Deaths </li> <li> Homage to Custom (by KK & <a href="Barry_N_Malzberg">Barry N. Malzberg</a>) (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> I Shall Do Thee Mischief in the Wood -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> Lupe (<b>Swan Sister</b>, 2003) -- Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold </li> <li> La Reine d'Enfer -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <li> Remnants -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <li> Teratisms -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <li> Toujours -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <li> Velocity (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <li> Waking the Prince -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <a href="Mary_Robinette_Kowal_Titles">Mary Robinette Kowal</a> <li> Doctor Faustus -- The Doll Collection </li> <a href="Nancy_Kress_Titles">Nancy Kress</a> <li> Clad in Gossamer -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <li> Marigold Outlet (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> Stalking Beans -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> Steadfast -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <li> Summer Wind -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <li> Words Like Pale Stones -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <a href="Matthew_Kressel_Titles">Matthew Kressel</a> <li> The Bricks of Gelecek -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> The Great Game at the End of the World -- After </li> <li> In Memory of a Summer's Day -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <a href="Ellen_Kushner_Titles">Ellen Kushner</a> <li> The Children of Cadmus (<b>The Beastly Bride</b>, 2010) -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <li> The Duke of Riverside -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> History -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> Honored Guest -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <li> The House of Nine Doors -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <li> The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces -- Troll's Eye View </li> <li> The Vital Importance of the Superficial -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <a href="Carrie_Laben_Titles">Carrie Laben</a> <li> Face Like a Monkey -- Haunted Legends </li> <a href="Marc_Laidlaw_Titles">Marc Laidlaw</a> <li> Leng -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <a href="Terry_Lamsley_Titles">Terry Lamsley</a> <li> Back in the Dunes -- Lethal Kisses </li> <a href="Margo_Lanagan_Titles">Margo Lanagan</a> <li> The Goosle -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <li> Mulberry Boys -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <a href="Joel_Lane_Titles">Joel Lane</a> <li> Last of the Fair -- Nightmare Carnival </li> <li> The Pain Barrier -- Little Deaths </li> <li> Scratch (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> Sight Unseen -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <a href="John_Langan_Titles">John Langan</a> <li> The Deep Sea Swell -- The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea </li> <li> Episode Three: On the Great Plains, in the Snow -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <li> Homemade Monsters -- The Doll Collection </li> <li> In Paris, in the Mouth of Kronos -- Supernatural Noir </li> <li> Lost in the Dark -- Haunted Nights </li> <li> Natalia, Queen of the Hungry Dogs -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> The Supplement -- Children of Lovecraft </li> <li> Technicolor -- Poe </li> <li> The Third Always Beside You -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <a href="Katherine_Langrish_Titles">Katherine Langrish</a> <li> Visiting Nelson -- After </li> <a href="Roberta_Lannes_Titles">Roberta Lannes</a> <li> Butcher's Logic -- Lethal Kisses </li> <li> Roach in Loafers -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <a href="Joe_R_Lansdale_Titles">Joe R. Lansdale</a> <li> Dead Sister -- Supernatural Noir </li> <li> The Folding Man -- Haunted Legends </li> <a href="Tim_Lebbon_Titles">Tim Lebbon</a> <li> Skin and Bone -- The Doll Collection </li> <a href="Nicole_J_LeBoeuf_Titles">Nicole J. LeBoeuf</a> <li> First Breath -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <a href="Tanith_Lee_Titles">Tanith Lee</a> <li> Among the Leaves So Green -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <li> Awake (<b>Swan Sister</b>, 2003) -- Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold </li> <li> The Beast -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <li> Elvenbrood -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <li> Flowers for Faces, Thorns for Feet (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> The Ghost of the Clock (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <li> The Janfia Tree -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <li> Kiss Kiss -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <li> The Puma's Daughter -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <li> Rapunzel -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <li> Snow-Drop -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> Their Monstrous Minds -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <li> Why Light? -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> A Wolf at the Door -- A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales </li> <li> Wolfed -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <a href="Fritz_Leiber_Titles">Fritz Leiber</a> <li> The Girl with the Hungry Eyes (<b>The Girl With the Hungry Eyes</b>, 1949) -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <a href="Jonathan_Lethem_Titles">Jonathan Lethem</a> <li> Martyr and Pesty -- Lethal Kisses </li> <a href="Bill_Lewis_Titles">Bill Lewis</a> <li> Green Men -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <a href="Thomas_Ligotti_Titles">Thomas Ligotti</a> <li> Mrs. Rinaldi's Angel -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <a href="Kelly_Link_Titles">Kelly Link</a> <li> The Cinderella Game -- Troll's Eye View </li> <li> The Constable of Abal (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <li> The Faery Handbag -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <li> The Hortlak (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <li> Swans -- A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales </li> <a href="John_R_Little_Titles">John R. Little</a> <li> The First Lunar Halloween -- Haunted Nights </li> <a href="Alison_Littlewood_Titles">Alison Littlewood</a> <li> The July Girls -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> The Orphan Bird -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <a href="Livia_Llewellyn_Titles">Livia Llewellyn</a> <li> The Acid Test -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <li> Bright Crown of Joy -- Children of Lovecraft </li> <li> The Mysteries -- Nightmare Carnival </li> <a href="Karawynn_Long_Titles">Karawynn Long</a> <li> The Shell Box -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <a href="Elizabeth_A_Lynn_Titles">Elizabeth A. Lynn</a> <li> The Princess in the Tower -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <a href="Jonathan_Maberry_Titles">Jonathan Maberry</a> <li> A Small Taste of the Old Country -- Haunted Nights </li> <a href="Bracken_MacLeod_Titles">Bracken MacLeod</a> <li> The Loneliness of Not Being Haunted -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Catherine_A_MacLeod_Titles">Catherine A. MacLeod</a> <li> The Attic -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <a href="Gregory_Maguire_Titles">Gregory Maguire</a> <li> Fee, Fie, Foe, et Cetera -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <li> A Few Twigs He Left Behind -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <li> How Th'irth Wint Rong by Hapless Joey @ -- After </li> <li> Nottamun Town -- Salon Fantastique </li> <li> The Oakthing -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <li> The Seven Stage a Comeback -- A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales </li> <a href="Usman_T_Malik_Titles">Usman T. Malik</a> <li> The Fortune of Sparrows -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <a href="Barry_N_Malzberg_Titles">Barry N. Malzberg</a> <li> Caius -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <li> The Careful Geometry of Love (by <a href="Kathe_Koja">Kathe Koja</a> & BNM) -- Little Deaths </li> <li> Folly for Three -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <li> Homage to Custom (by <a href="Kathe_Koja">Kathe Koja</a> & BNM) (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> The Passion of Azazel -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <li> Sinfonia Expansiva -- Little Deaths </li> <a href="Nick_Mamatas_Titles">Nick Mamatas</a> <li> Air Valve Semilunar Astern -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> Dreamer of the Day -- Supernatural Noir </li> <li> That of Which We Speak When We Speak of the Unspeakable -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <li> Work, Hook, Shoot, Rip -- Nightmare Carnival </li> <a href="John_Mantooth_Titles">John Mantooth</a> <li> Shoebox Train Wreck -- Haunted Legends </li> <a href="Melissa_Marr_Titles">Melissa Marr</a> <li> Guns for the Dead -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> Transition -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <a href="Helen_Marshall_Titles">Helen Marshall</a> <li> In the Year of Omens -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <a href="Elizabeth_Massie_Titles">Elizabeth Massie</a> <li> M Is for the Many Things -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <a href="Vincent_J_Masterson_Titles">Vincent J. Masterson</a> <li> Linger Longer -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Richard_Christian_Matheson_Titles">Richard Christian Matheson</a> <li> Menage a Trois -- Little Deaths </li> <li> The Screaming Man -- Lethal Kisses </li> <a href="Bruce_McAllister_Titles">Bruce McAllister</a> <li> The Girl Who Loved Animals (<i>Omni</i> May 1988) -- Vanishing Acts </li> <li> The Witch Moth -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <a href="Paul_J_McAuley_Titles">Paul J. McAuley</a> <li> Prisoners of the Action -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <li> The Rift -- Vanishing Acts </li> <a href="Sharyn_McCrumb_Titles">Sharyn McCrumb</a> <li> The Gallows Necklace (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <li> The Mountain House -- Poe </li> <a href="Ian_McDowell_Titles">Ian McDowell</a> <li> Sunflowers -- Vanishing Acts </li> <a href="Seanan_McGuire_Titles">Seanan McGuire</a> <li> The Mathematical Inevitability of Corvids -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <li> Must Be This Tall -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> Sentence Like a Saturday -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <li> Sister, Dearest Sister, Let Me Show to You the Sea -- The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea </li> <li> There Is No Place for Sorrow in the Kingdom of the Cold -- The Doll Collection </li> <li> With Graveyard Weeds and Wolfsbane Seeds -- Haunted Nights </li> <a href="Maureen_F_McHugh_Titles">Maureen F. McHugh</a> <li> The Memory Book -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <li> Special Economics -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <a href="Patricia_A_McKillip_Titles">Patricia A. McKillip</a> <li> The Fortune-Teller -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <li> Hunter's Moon -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <li> The Snow Queen -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> Toad -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <li> The Twelve Dancing Princesses -- A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales </li> <li> Undine -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <a href="Robin_McKinley_Titles">Robin McKinley</a> <li> Marsh-Magic -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <a href="Gary_McMahon_Titles">Gary McMahon</a> <li> Kaiju -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <a href="Lois_Metzger_Titles">Lois Metzger</a> <li> The Girl in the Attic (<b>Swan Sister</b>, 2003) -- Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold </li> <a href="S_P_Miskowski_Titles">S. P. Miskowski</a> <li> We're Never Inviting Amber Again -- Haunted Nights </li> <a href="Sarah_Monette_Titles">Sarah Monette</a> <li> Mongoose (by SM & <a href="Elizabeth_Bear">Elizabeth Bear</a>) -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <a href="Stewart_Moore_Titles">Stewart Moore</a> <li> One Thin Dime -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <a href="A_R_Morlan_Titles">A. R. Morlan</a> <li> Fast Glaciers -- Vanishing Acts </li> <li> No Heaven Will Not Ever Heaven Be ... -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> ... Warmer -- Lethal Kisses </li> <a href="Pat_Murphy_Titles">Pat Murphy</a> <li> Attachments -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <li> A Flock of Lawn Flamingos -- Lethal Kisses </li> <li> One Odd Shoe (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <li> The True Story -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <a href="Shweta_Narayan_Titles">Shweta Narayan</a> <li> Pishaach -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <a href="Kim_Newman_Titles">Kim Newman</a> <li> Illimitable Domain -- Poe </li> <a href="David_Nickle_Titles">David Nickle</a> <li> Jules and Richard -- Children of Lovecraft </li> <a href="Garth_Nix_Titles">Garth Nix</a> <li> Hansel's Eyes -- A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales </li> <li> Mee-Ow -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> The Seventeen-Year Itch -- Haunted Nights </li> <li> Shay Corsham Worsted -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <li> An Unwelcome Guest -- Troll's Eye View </li> <li> Vampire Weather -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> You Won't Feel a Thing -- After </li> <a href="Naomi_Novik_Titles">Naomi Novik</a> <li> Priced to Sell -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <a href="Joyce_Carol_Oates_Titles">Joyce Carol Oates</a> <li> Broke Heart Blues -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <li> Commencement (<b>Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction</b>, 2001) -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <li> The Crossing -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <li> The Doll-Master -- The Doll Collection </li> <li> Face -- Inferno </li> <li> Fever Blisters -- Little Deaths </li> <li> Great Blue Heron -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <li> In the Insomniac Night -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <li> Leave Me Alone God Damn You -- Lethal Kisses </li> <li> Nobody Knows My Name (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> Subway (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <li> The Surviving Child -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> You, Little Match-girl -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <a href="M_M_O'Driscoll_Titles">M. M. O'Driscoll</a> <li> Rare Promise -- Lethal Kisses </li> <a href="Mike_O'Driscoll_Titles">Mike O'Driscoll</a> <li> 13 O'Clock -- Inferno </li> <li> Blyth's Secret -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <li> The Silence of the Falling Stars (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Reggie_Oliver_Titles">Reggie Oliver</a> <li> Baskerville's Midgets -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <a href="Susan_Palwick_Titles">Susan Palwick</a> <li> The Real Princess -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <a href="Severna_Park_Titles">Severna Park</a> <li> The Golem -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <a href="Joanna_Parypinski_Titles">Joanna Parypinski</a> <li> Wick's End -- Haunted Nights </li> <a href="Susan_Beth_Pfeffer_Titles">Susan Beth Pfeffer</a> <li> Reunion -- After </li> <a href="Holly_Phillips_Titles">Holly Phillips</a> <li> Cold Water Survival -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <a href="Tom_Piccirilli_Titles">Tom Piccirilli</a> <li> But for Scars -- Supernatural Noir </li> <a href="J_Calvin_Pierce_Titles">J. Calvin Pierce</a> <li> Sahib -- Little Deaths </li> <a href="Steven_Pirie_Titles">Steven Pirie</a> <li> The Spring Heel -- Haunted Legends </li> <a href="David_Prill_Titles">David Prill</a> <li> The Heaven and Hell of Robert Flud -- Poe </li> <li> The Mask of '67 -- Salon Fantastique </li> <a href="Daniel_Quinn_Titles">Daniel Quinn</a> <li> The Frog King, or Iron Henry -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <a href="Kit_Reed_Titles">Kit Reed</a> <li> Akbar -- Haunted Legends </li> <li> Weston Walks -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <a href="Ruth_Rendell_Titles">Ruth Rendell</a> <li> The Dreadful Day of Judgment (<b>The Fever Tree and Other Stories of Suspense</b>, 1982) -- Lethal Kisses </li> <li> An Outside Interest (<i>EQMM</i> Jan 27 1982) -- Little Deaths </li> <a href="Beth_Revis_Titles">Beth Revis</a> <li> The Other Elder -- After </li> <a href="M_Rickert_Titles">M. Rickert</a> <li> The Shooter -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> Sleeping with Angels -- Poe </li> <a href="Barbara_Roden_Titles">Barbara Roden</a> <li> The Brink of Eternity -- Poe </li> <li> Sweet Sorrow -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <a href="Christopher_Rowe_Titles">Christopher Rowe</a> <li> The Children of the Tilford Fortune (<b>Swan Sister</b>, 2003) -- Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold </li> <li> Gather -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <a href="Nicholas_Royle_Titles">Nicholas Royle</a> <li> The Obscure Bird -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <li> The Reunion -- Poe </li> <li> Skin Deep (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> The Swing -- Little Deaths </li> <a href="Kristine_Kathryn_Rusch_Titles">Kristine Kathryn Rusch</a> <li> Flitting Away -- Poe </li> <a href="Carrie_Ryan_Titles">CARRIE RYAN</a> <li> After the Cure -- After </li> <a href="Leonard_Rysdyk_Titles">Leonard Rysdyk</a> <li> A Sound, Like Angels Singing -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <a href="Wayne_Allen_Sallee_Titles">Wayne Allen Sallee</a> <li> Lover Doll -- Little Deaths </li> <a href="Mark_Samuels_Titles">Mark Samuels</a> <li> Ghorla -- Inferno </li> <a href="Veronica_Schanoes_Titles">Veronica Schanoes</a> <li> The Permanent Collection -- The Doll Collection </li> <li> Phosphorus -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <a href="Lawrence_Schimel_Titles">Lawrence Schimel</a> <li> Journeybread Recipe -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <a href="David_J_Schow_Titles">David J. Schow</a> <li> Blessed Event -- Vanishing Acts </li> <li> A Punch in the Doughnut -- Lethal Kisses </li> <li> A Week in the Unlife -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <a href="Ekaterina_Sedia_Titles">Ekaterina Sedia</a> <li> Tin Cans -- Haunted Legends </li> <a href="Farida_S_T_Shapiro_Titles">Farida S. T. Shapiro</a> <li> This Century of Sleep or, Briar Rose Beneath the Sea -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <a href="Priya_Sharma_Titles">Priya Sharma</a> <li> The Crow Palace -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <li> The Firebrand -- Nightmare Carnival </li> <li> Mercury -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <a href="Melissa_Lee_Shaw_Titles">Melissa Lee Shaw</a> <li> Heat -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <li> The Sea Hag -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <a href="Michael_Shea_Titles">Michael Shea</a> <li> The Recruiter -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <a href="Robert_Shearman_Titles">Robert Shearman</a> <li> The Popping Fields -- Nightmare Carnival </li> <li> Suffer Little Children -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <a href="Lucius_Shepard_Titles">Lucius Shepard</a> <li> Ditch Witch -- Supernatural Noir </li> <li> The Ease With Which We Freed the Beast -- Inferno </li> <li> The Flock -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <li> Kirikh'quru Krokundor -- Poe </li> <li> The Last Time -- Little Deaths </li> <li> The Lepidopterist -- Salon Fantastique </li> <li> Limbo (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <li> The Skinny Girl -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> Slice of Life -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <a href="Delia_Sherman_Titles">Delia Sherman</a> <li> Carabosse -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <li> Catnyp -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <li> The Crone -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <li> The Faerie Cony-Catcher -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <li> La F閑 Verte -- Salon Fantastique </li> <li> The Fiddler of Bayou Teche (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <li> Flying -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> Grand Central Park -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <li> How the Pooka Came to New York City -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> The Months of Manhattan -- A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales </li> <li> My Own Invention -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <li> The Printer's Daughter -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <li> Queen Victoria's Book of Spells -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <li> The Red Piano -- Poe </li> <li> The Selkie Speaks -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <li> Wizard's Apprentice -- Troll's Eye View </li> <a href="Will_Shetterly_Titles">Will Shetterly</a> <li> Black Rock Blues (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <li> Little Red and the Big Bad (<b>Swan Sister</b>, 2003) -- Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold </li> <a href="William_Shunn_Titles">William Shunn</a> <li> Dance of the Yellow-Breasted Luddites -- Vanishing Acts </li> <a href="M_L_Siemienowicz_Titles">M. L. Siemienowicz</a> <li> The Number of Things You Remember -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Miranda_Siemienowicz_Titles">Miranda Siemienowicz</a> <li> After and Back Before -- The Doll Collection </li> <a href="Robert_Silverberg_Titles">Robert Silverberg</a> <li> Warm Man (<i>F&SF</i> May 1957) -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <a href="Dan_Simmons_Titles">Dan Simmons</a> <li> Carrion Comfort (<i>Omni</i> Sep 1983 (+1)) -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <a href="Johanna_Sinisalo_Titles">Johanna Sinisalo</a> <li> Bear's Bride -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <a href="Angela_Slatter_Titles">Angela Slatter</a> <li> Run, Rabbit -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <a href="Dave_Smeds_Titles">Dave Smeds</a> <li> A Wife of Acorn, Leaf, and Rain -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <a href="Michael_Marshall_Smith_Titles">Michael Marshall Smith</a> <li> Foreign Bodies -- Lethal Kisses </li> <li> Not Waving (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> Power -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <li> Shit Happens -- The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea </li> <a href="Melinda_M_Snodgrass_Titles">Melinda M. Snodgrass</a> <li> Requiem (<b>A Very Large Array</b>, 1987) -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <a href="Midori_Snyder_Titles">Midori Snyder</a> <li> Charlie's Away -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <li> Golden Fur (<b>Swan Sister</b>, 2003) -- Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold </li> <li> Molly -- Troll's Eye View </li> <li> The Monkey Bride -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <li> The Reverend's Wife -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <li> Tattercoats -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <li> Uncle Tompa -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <a href="Martha_Soukup_Titles">Martha Soukup</a> <li> To Destroy Rats (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <a href="Nate_Southard_Titles">Nate Southard</a> <li> The Blisters on My Heart -- Supernatural Noir </li> <a href="William_Browning_Spencer_Titles">William Browning Spencer</a> <li> Come Lurk With Me and Be My Love -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <a href="Steven_G_Spruill_Titles">Steven G. Spruill</a> <li> Humane Society -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <a href="Brian_Stableford_Titles">Brian Stableford</a> <li> Chanterelle -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <li> O for a Fiery Gloom and Thee -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <li> Tenebrio -- Vanishing Acts </li> <a href="Joseph_Stanton_Titles">Joseph Stanton</a> <li> Puss in Boots, The Sequel -- Troll's Eye View </li> <a href="Ellen_Steiber_Titles">Ellen Steiber</a> <li> The Cats of San Martino -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <li> The Fox Wife -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <li> In the Season of Rains -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <li> Screaming for Faeries -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <li> Silver and Gold -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <a href="Caroline_Stevermer_Titles">Caroline Stevermer</a> <li> The Springfield Swans (by <a href="Ryan_Edmonds">Ryan Edmonds</a> & CS) -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> Uncle Bob Visits (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <a href="Jason_Stoddard_Titles">Jason Stoddard</a> <li> The Elephant Ironclads -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <a href="Peter_Straub_Titles">Peter Straub</a> <li> Ashputtle -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <a href="Lucy_Sussex_Titles">Lucy Sussex</a> <li> Ardent Clouds -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <li> Miss Sibyl-Cassandra -- The Doll Collection </li> <a href="Michael_Swanwick_Titles">Michael Swanwick</a> <li> Midnight Express -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <li> Ships (by <a href="Jack_Dann">Jack Dann</a> & MS) -- Lethal Kisses </li> <a href="Anna_Tambour_Titles">Anna Tambour</a> <li> Gladiolus Exposed -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <li> Sincerely, Petrified -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <a href="Lucy_Taylor_Titles">Lucy Taylor</a> <li> Hungry Skin -- Little Deaths </li> <li> Walled (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <a href="Melanie_Tem_Titles">Melanie Tem</a> <li> The Changelings -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> Keeping Corky -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <li> Little Shit -- Supernatural Noir </li> <li> The Pickers -- Poe </li> <li> The Rock -- Little Deaths </li> <li> The Willful Child, the Black Dog, and the Beanstalk -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <a href="Steve_Rasnic_Tem_Titles">Steve Rasnic Tem</a> <li> The Little Match Girl -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <li> Little Poucet -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> Miri -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <li> Nocturne -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <li> Saudade -- The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea </li> <li> Shadow -- Poe </li> <a href="Thomas_Tessier_Titles">Thomas Tessier</a> <li> A Grub Street Tale -- Lethal Kisses </li> <li> Infidel -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <a href="Lee_Thomas_Titles">Lee Thomas</a> <li> An Apiary of White Bees -- Inferno </li> <li> Comfortable in Her Skin -- Supernatural Noir </li> <li> Fodder's Jig -- The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea </li> <li> Whimper Beg -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <a href="Lavie_Tidhar_Titles">Lavie Tidhar</a> <li> My Travels with Al-Qaeda -- Salon Fantastique </li> <li> One Day, Soon -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <li> The Projected Girl -- Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy </li> <li> Shira -- The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy </li> <a href="Mark_W_Tiedemann_Titles">Mark W. Tiedemann</a> <li> Links -- Vanishing Acts </li> <li> Private Words -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <a href="E_Catherine_Tobler_Titles">E. Catherine Tobler</a> <li> Beyond Porch and Portal -- Poe </li> <li> Island Lake -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <a href="Paul_G_Tremblay_Titles">Paul G. Tremblay</a> <li> The Getaway -- Supernatural Noir </li> <li> Ice Cold Lemonade 25? Haunted House Tour: 1 Per Person -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> Something About Birds -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <a href="Carolyn_Turgeon_Titles">Carolyn Turgeon</a> <li> La Llorona -- Haunted Legends </li> <a href="Lisa_Tuttle_Titles">Lisa Tuttle</a> <li> Shelf-Life -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <a href="Simon_Kurt_Unsworth_Titles">Simon Kurt Unsworth</a> <li> Vernon, Driving -- Lovecraft Unbound </li> <a href="Catherynne_M_Valente_Titles">Catherynne M. Valente</a> <li> A Delicate Architecture -- Troll's Eye View </li> <li> Fifteen Panels Depicting the Sadness of the Baku and the Jotai -- Haunted Legends </li> <li> The Flame After the Candle -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <li> A Gray and Soundless Tide -- Salon Fantastique </li> <li> In the Future When All's Well -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> We Without Us Were Shadows -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <a href="Genevieve_Valentine_Titles">Genevieve Valentine</a> <li> A Comfort, One Way -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <li> From the Catalogue of the Pavilion of the Uncanny and Marvelous, Scheduled for Premiere at the Great Exhibition (Before the Fire) -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <li> The Lion Cage -- Nightmare Carnival </li> <li> The Segment -- After </li> <li> Things to Know About Being Dead -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> Visit Lovely Cornwall on the Western Railway Line -- The Doll Collection </li> <a href="Carrie_Vaughn_Titles">Carrie Vaughn</a> <li> Goodness and Kindness -- The Doll Collection </li> <a href="Katherine_Vaz_Titles">Katherine Vaz</a> <li> The Chamber Music of Animals (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <li> The Kingdom of Melting Glances -- A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales </li> <li> Moon, and Memory, and Muchness -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <li> My Swan Sister (<b>Swan Sister</b>, 2003) -- Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold </li> <li> A World Painted by Birds -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <li> Your Garnet Eyes -- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm </li> <a href="Ray_Vukcevich_Titles">Ray Vukcevich</a> <li> Catch (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <a href="Susan_Wade_Titles">Susan Wade</a> <li> The Black Swan -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <li> Ivory Bones -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <li> Like a Red, Red Rose -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> Ruby Slippers -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <li> White Rook, Black Pawn (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <a href="Karl_Edward_Wagner_Titles">Karl Edward Wagner</a> <li> The Slug -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <a href="Howard_Waldrop_Titles">Howard Waldrop</a> <li> Our Mortal Span -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <li> The Sawing Boys -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <a href="Kaaron_Warren_Titles">Kaaron Warren</a> <li> All You Can Do Is Breathe -- Blood and Other Cravings </li> <li> Bridge of Sighs -- Fearful Symmetries </li> <li> Eating the Alice Cake -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <li> The List of Definite Endings -- Teeth: Vampire Tales </li> <li> The Tell -- Poe </li> <li> That Girl -- Haunted Legends </li> <li> The Unwanted Women of Surrey -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <a href="Don_Webb_Titles">Don Webb</a> <li> Three Dwarves and 2000 Maniacs -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <a href="Janeen_Webb_Titles">Janeen Webb</a> <li> Ali Baba and the Forty Aliens -- A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales </li> <a href="Elizabeth_E_Wein_Titles">Elizabeth E. Wein</a> <li> Always the Same Story (<b>Coyote Road</b>, 2007) -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <li> For the Briar Rose -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <li> No Human Hands to Touch -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <a href="Sten_Westgard_Titles">Sten Westgard</a> <li> The Dog Rose -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <a href="Wendy_Wheeler_Titles">Wendy Wheeler</a> <li> Little Red -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> Skin So Green and Fine -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <a href="Rick_Wilber_Titles">Rick Wilber</a> <li> The Impaler in Love -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <a href="Ysabeau_S_Wilce_Titles">Ysabeau S. Wilce</a> <li> The Queen of Hats -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <a href="Conrad_Williams_Titles">Conrad Williams</a> <li> The Light That Passes Through You -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <li> Perhaps the Last -- Inferno </li> <a href="Chet_Williamson_Titles">Chet Williamson</a> <li> ...To Feel Another's Woe -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <a href="Gahan_Wilson_Titles">Gahan Wilson</a> <li> Best Friends (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> The Dead Ghost (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- The Dark: New Ghost Stories </li> <li> The Frog Prince -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> Hansel and Grettel -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <li> The Sea Was Wet as Wet Could Be (<i>Playboy</i> May 1967) -- Blood Is Not Enough </li> <a href="A_C_Wise_Titles">A. C. Wise</a> <li> And the Carnival Leaves Town -- Nightmare Carnival </li> <li> The Ghost Sequences -- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories </li> <li> A Moment Before Breaking -- The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea </li> <li> The Secret of Flight -- Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology </li> <li> When the Stitches Come Undone -- Children of Lovecraft </li> <a href="Gene_Wolfe_Titles">Gene Wolfe</a> <li> The Death of Koshchei the Deathless (a tale of old Russia) -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <a href="Jack_Womack_Titles">Jack Womack</a> <li> Lifeblood -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <li> That Old School Tie -- Little Deaths </li> <a href="Alyssa_Wong_Titles">Alyssa Wong</a> <li> What My Mother Left Me -- The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea </li> <a href="N_Lee_Wood_Titles">N. Lee Wood</a> <li> Scapegoats -- Nightmare Carnival </li> <a href="Patricia_C_Wrede_Titles">Patricia C. Wrede</a> <li> Stronger Than Time -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <a href="Tim_Wynne-jones_Titles">Tim Wynne-jones</a> <li> The Goose Girl -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <a href="Chelsea_Quinn_Yarbro_Titles">Chelsea Quinn Yarbro</a> <li> Do I Dare to Eat a Peach? (<b>Shadows</b>, 1985) -- A Whisper Of Blood </li> <a href="Erzebet_Yellowboy_Titles">Erzebet Yellowboy</a> <li> Following Double-Face Woman -- Haunted Legends </li> <a href="Jane_Yolen_Titles">Jane Yolen</a> <li> Bird Count -- Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers </li> <li> Cinder Elephant -- A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales </li> <li> Conjoined -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <li> The Elephant's Bride -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <li> Flattened Fauna Poem #37: Cats (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror </li> <li> Godmother Death -- Black Swan, White Raven </li> <li> Granny Rumple -- Black Thorn, White Rose </li> <li> Gray -- After </li> <li> Greenkid (<b>Swan Sister</b>, 2003) -- Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold </li> <li> The Jewel in the Toad Queen's Crown -- Queen Victoria's Book of Spells </li> <li> Knives -- Snow White, Blood Red </li> <li> Kwaku Anansi Walks the World's Web -- The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales </li> <li> Run, Rabbit, Run -- Mad Hatters and March Hares </li> <li> Snow in Summer -- Black Heart, Ivory Bones </li> <li> Song of the Cailleach Bheur -- The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest </li> <li> The Traveler and the Tale -- Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears </li> <li> Troll -- Troll's Eye View </li> <a href="Pat_York_Titles">Pat York</a> <li> The Fish's Story (<b>Swan Sister</b>, 2003) -- Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold </li> <li> You Wandered Off Like a Foolish Child to Break Your Heart and Mine -- Silver Birch, Blood Moon </li> <a href="Marly_Youmans_Titles">Marly Youmans</a> <li> Concealment Shoes -- Salon Fantastique </li> <li> The Salamander Fire -- The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People </li> <a href="Roger_Zelazny_Titles">Roger Zelazny</a> <li> Godson -- Black Thorn, White Rose </div> <!-- contentblock --> </div> <!-- pagemain --> </div> <!-- floatright --> <br clear="all"> <div class="copyrightblock"> Copyright 2012 - 2025 by Mark R. Kelly and the <a class="white" href="">Locus Science Fiction Foundation</a>. All rights reserved. </div> <!-- copyrightblock --> <div class="timestampblock"> This page last updated Thursday 3 Sep 2020 at 10:24 PT </div> <!-- timestampblock --> <br clear="all"> </div> <!-- wrap --> </body></html>