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7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$101k – $198k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">New York City</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">4 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">4 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 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7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$168k – $330k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">New York City</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L 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9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$168k – $330k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium 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7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 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5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Spain</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">4 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">4 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" 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ScienceLogic/AIOps: IT at speed & scale in real time</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">201-500<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 9.5C4.67392 9.5 3.40215 8.97322 2.46447 8.03553C1.52678 7.09785 1 5.82608 1 4.5C1.65661 4.5 2.30679 4.62933 2.91342 4.8806C3.52005 5.13188 4.07124 5.50017 4.53553 5.96447C4.99983 6.42876 5.36812 6.97995 5.6194 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4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->3</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold 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13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$80k – $120k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Reston</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/calhr"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="CalHR company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/calhr"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">CalHR</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">CalHR supports departments within the state of California</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">5000+<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 5% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">CalHR is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within a week</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, CalHR usually responds to incoming applications within a week</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 6H4.5C3.70435 6 2.94129 5.68393 2.37868 5.12132C1.81607 4.55871 1.5 3.79565 1.5 3V2H3C3.79565 2 4.55871 2.31607 5.12132 2.87868C5.68393 3.44129 6 4.20435 6 5V10M6 7C6 6.20435 6.31607 5.44129 6.87868 4.87868C7.44129 4.31607 8.20435 4 9 4H10.5V4.5C10.5 5.29565 10.1839 6.05871 9.62132 6.62132C9.05871 7.18393 8.29565 7.5 7.5 7.5H6" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Growth Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Expanding market presence</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3140791-chief-information-security-officer-must-reside-in-california">Chief Information Security Officer (Must reside in California)</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$132k – $161k • No equity</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Sacramento<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->30</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/twitch"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Twitch company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/twitch"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Twitch</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Come together live every day to chat, interact, and make entertainment together</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">1001-5000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2C</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 9.5C4.67392 9.5 3.40215 8.97322 2.46447 8.03553C1.52678 7.09785 1 5.82608 1 4.5C1.65661 4.5 2.30679 4.62933 2.91342 4.8806C3.52005 5.13188 4.07124 5.50017 4.53553 5.96447C4.99983 6.42876 5.36812 6.97995 5.6194 7.58658C5.87067 8.19321 6 8.84339 6 9.5ZM6 9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->2</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3142934-security-engineering-intern">Security Engineering Intern</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">San Francisco</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline 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9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->5</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3143106-senior-staff-technical-program-manager">Senior Staff Technical Program Manager</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • New York City</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center 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lives by improving communication</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">501-1000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2C</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 9.5C4.67392 9.5 3.40215 8.97322 2.46447 8.03553C1.52678 7.09785 1 5.82608 1 4.5C1.65661 4.5 2.30679 4.62933 2.91342 4.8806C3.52005 5.13188 4.07124 5.50017 4.53553 5.96447C4.99983 6.42876 5.36812 6.97995 5.6194 7.58658C5.87067 8.19321 6 8.84339 6 9.5ZM6 9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->5</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end 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12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$137k – $189k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Canada • United States</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">today</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">today</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none 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5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Chennai</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">7 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">7 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white 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12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Chennai</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline 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stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Chennai</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 year ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 year ago</span><button 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class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Workflows to provision, secure, connect, and run any infrastructure for any application</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">501-1000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 6.5L5 5.5M6 6L7 5M6 10.5V4M4.9121 8.00022C4.69333 7.98741 4.48003 7.92682 4.2872 7.82272C4.09437 7.71862 3.92668 7.57353 3.79595 7.39766C3.66521 7.22179 3.5746 7.01941 3.53048 6.80476C3.48637 6.5901 3.48982 6.36839 3.5406 6.15522C3.35933 6.00427 3.21622 5.81269 3.12289 5.59606C3.02956 5.37942 2.98864 5.14382 3.00345 4.9084C3.01826 4.67298 3.08838 4.44437 3.20812 4.24113C3.32786 4.0379 3.49385 3.86577 3.6926 3.73872C3.51828 3.42905 3.45957 3.06754 3.52693 2.71862C3.59428 2.3697 3.78333 2.05603 4.06038 1.83348C4.33743 1.61094 4.68449 1.49399 5.03973 1.50346C5.39497 1.51294 5.7353 1.64822 6.0001 1.88522C6.26495 1.6486 6.60517 1.51363 6.96021 1.50434C7.31525 1.49505 7.66206 1.61204 7.93893 1.83448C8.2158 2.05693 8.40476 2.37039 8.47218 2.71909C8.53959 3.06779 8.4811 3.4291 8.3071 3.73872C8.50588 3.86572 8.67191 4.03782 8.79169 4.24103C8.91148 4.44425 8.98165 4.67285 8.99651 4.90827C9.01137 5.1437 8.97049 5.3793 8.8772 5.59596C8.78391 5.81263 8.64084 6.00423 8.4596 6.15522C8.51208 6.37561 8.51396 6.60504 8.46509 6.82627C8.41622 7.04749 8.31788 7.25478 8.17743 7.43256C8.03699 7.61033 7.8581 7.75399 7.65419 7.85274C7.45029 7.95149 7.22666 8.00276 7.0001 8.00272H5.0001L4.9121 8.00022Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Public Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Publicly traded company</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->2</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3158266-senior-technical-program-manager">Senior Technical Program Manager</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">United States</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">today</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">today</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white 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href="/company/tanium"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Tanium company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/tanium"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Tanium</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">See, control and protect every endpoint, everywhere, with Converged Endpoint Management</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">1001-5000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 9.5C4.67392 9.5 3.40215 8.97322 2.46447 8.03553C1.52678 7.09785 1 5.82608 1 4.5C1.65661 4.5 2.30679 4.62933 2.91342 4.8806C3.52005 5.13188 4.07124 5.50017 4.53553 5.96447C4.99983 6.42876 5.36812 6.97995 5.6194 7.58658C5.87067 8.19321 6 8.84339 6 9.5ZM6 9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->4</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3154595-administrative-operations-project-management-intern">Administrative Operations - Project Management Intern</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Reston</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black 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text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3154596-administrative-operations-project-management-intern">Administrative Operations - Project Management Intern</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Durham</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 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9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$85k – $260k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Emeryville</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline 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class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/minted"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Minted company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/minted"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Minted</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Design marketplace that connects people with the world’s best artists</span><span 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9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3036506-director-of-information-technology">Director of Information Technology</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$184k – $276k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">San Francisco</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">5 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">5 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min 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text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$72k – $108k</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">6 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">6 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased 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14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$150k – $200k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • San 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text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$150k – $200k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • San Francisco</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">4 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">4 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased 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class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$150k – $250k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">San Francisco</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">4 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">4 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/rubrik-1"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Rubrik company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/rubrik-1"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Rubrik</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Unlock the Power of Data by Organizing and Protecting the World's Business Information</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">1001-5000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg 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5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Palo Alto</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3137562-people-services-lead">People Services Lead</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Bengaluru</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG 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space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium 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6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • United States</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/notion-labs"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Notion company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/notion-labs"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Notion</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">The all-in-one workspace</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">501-1000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 9.5C4.67392 9.5 3.40215 8.97322 2.46447 8.03553C1.52678 7.09785 1 5.82608 1 4.5C1.65661 4.5 2.30679 4.62933 2.91342 4.8806C3.52005 5.13188 4.07124 5.50017 4.53553 5.96447C4.99983 6.42876 5.36812 6.97995 5.6194 7.58658C5.87067 8.19321 6 8.84339 6 9.5ZM6 9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->1</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3089525-technical-program-manager-security">Technical Program Manager, Security </a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$175k – $205k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">New York City • San Francisco</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/ambient-ai-1"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt=" company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/ambient-ai-1"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold"></h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000"> is a leader in real-time human-level perception technology (Series-A YC/a16z)</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">51-200<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 5% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF"> is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within a few days</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, usually responds to incoming applications within a few days</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->4</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3157847-customer-success-manager-strategic-accounts">Customer Success Manager, Strategic Accounts</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$140k – $150k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div 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9.5ZM6 9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 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13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$158k – $198k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 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8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">New York</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 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5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$150k – $187k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center 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company that develops the most comprehensive [AI-powered DevSecOps Platform](, used by more than 100,000 organizations. Our [mission]( is to enable everyone to contribute to and co-create the software that powers our world. When everyone can contribute, consumers become contributors, significantly accelerating the rate of human progress. This mission is integral to our culture, influencing how we hire, build products, and lead our industry. We make this possible at GitLab by running our [operations]( on our product and staying aligned with our [values]( Learn more about [Life at GitLab](\n\n## Overview\n\nThe Manager, Product Security Engineering will lead a critical team responsible for delivering security capabilities through direct contributions to the GitLab platform. This role combines software engineering leadership with security domain expertise to drive GitLab's vision of being the most secure DevOps platform. Reporting to the VP of Product Security, you'll lead a team that bridges Product Security needs with engineering solutions, focusing on integrating security tooling into the product and building new security capabilities that enable GitLab’s Security Department, GitLab’s engineering teams, and our customers to operate more securely.\n\nLearn more about the team and its processes in our handbook: []( \n\n## What You'll Do\n\n- Lead and grow a team of security and software engineers, focusing on their technical growth, career development, and ability to deliver impactful security solutions\n- Drive the strategy and execution of integrating custom security tooling into GitLab's product, working closely with Security, Product and Engineering stakeholders\n- Manage the team's milestone planning process, ensuring alignment with both immediate needs and long-term strategic goals\n- Partner with Product teams to shepherd the team’s security enhancements from concept through implementation\n- Own and iterate on processes for pilot engineering and integration engineering workflows\n- Lead cross-functional initiatives with Application Security, Infrastructure Security, and other security teams to identify and implement automation opportunities\n- Balance the needs of maintaining existing security tooling while driving forward new security enhancements and features\n- Champion the team's work and communicate its impact to various stakeholders, from engineering teams to executive leadership\n- Guide the team in contributing to GitLab's broader security strategy through software solutions and platform improvements\n\n## What You'll Bring\n\n### Required Experience:\n\n- 5+ years of software engineering management experience, with a focus on building and shipping production software\n- Strong understanding of software security principles and best practices\n- Strong understanding of modern software development practices, CI/CD, and DevOps principles\n- Experience managing development teams working with Ruby on Rails or similar web frameworks\n- Track record of successful cross-functional project leadership and stakeholder management\n- Demonstrated ability to translate complex technical requirements into actionable engineering plans\n- Experience balancing team autonomy with organizational needs and strategic alignment\n\n### Preferred Experience:\n\n- Experience managing security engineering teams conducting security-focused software projects\n- Background in application security, infrastructure security, or related security domains\n- Familiarity with GitLab's architecture and development practices\n- History of contributing to or maintaining open-source software\n- Experience with pilot programs or feature incubation within a larger product\n- Track record of building and executing on technical roadmaps that span multiple quarters\n- Experience working with enterprise customers and understanding their security needs (note: this isn’t a customer-facing role)\n\n### Personal Qualities:\n\n- Strong bias for action while maintaining attention to security details\n- Excellent communication skills with ability to engage technical and non-technical stakeholders on security and engineering topics\n- Proven ability to build and maintain strong relationships across organizational boundaries\n- Data-driven approach to decision making and measuring team impact\n- Commitment to fostering an inclusive and collaborative team environment\n- Growth mindset with focus on continuous learning and improvement\n\n*The base salary range for this role’s listed level is currently for residents of listed locations only. Grade level and salary ranges are determined through interviews and a review of education, experience, knowledge, skills, abilities of the applicant, equity with other team members, and alignment with market data. See more information on our [benefits]( and [equity]( Sales roles are also eligible for incentive pay targeted at up to 100% of the offered base salary.*\n\nCalifornia/Colorado/Hawaii/New Jersey/New York/Washington/DC pay range$140,000—$300,000 USD\n* * *\n\n**Country Hiring Guidelines:** GitLab hires new team members in countries around the world. All of our roles are remote, however some roles may carry specific location-based eligibility requirements. Our Talent Acquisition team can help answer any questions about location after starting the recruiting process. \n\n**Privacy Policy:** Please review our [Recruitment Privacy Policy.]( Your privacy is important to us.\n\nGitLab is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. GitLab’s policies and practices relating to recruitment, employment, career development and advancement, promotion, and retirement are based solely on merit, regardless of race, color, religion, ancestry, sex (including pregnancy, lactation, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression), national origin, age, citizenship, marital status, mental or physical disability, genetic information (including family medical history), discharge status from the military, protected veteran status (which includes disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans), or any other basis protected by law. GitLab will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics. See also [GitLab’s EEO Policy]( and [EEO is the Law]( If you have a disability or special need that requires [accommodation](, please let us know during the [recruiting process](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732235211,"locationNames":[],"primaryRoleTitle":"Security Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"manager-product-security-engineering","title":"Manager, Product Security Engineering ","compensation":"$140k – $300k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3157013","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3155759":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"GitLab is an open core software company that develops the most comprehensive [AI-powered DevSecOps Platform](, used by more than 100,000 organizations. Our [mission]( is to enable everyone to contribute to and co-create the software that powers our world. When everyone can contribute, consumers become contributors, significantly accelerating the rate of human progress. This mission is integral to our culture, influencing how we hire, build products, and lead our industry. We make this possible at GitLab by running our [operations]( on our product and staying aligned with our [values]( Learn more about [Life at GitLab](\n\n**Mission**\n\nOur mission as program managers is to own the execution of cross-functional initiatives that are critical to the business. We lead programs from start to finish to help GitLab meet our organizational goals. Program managers develop strategies, evaluate the performance of projects, keep teams organized, and allocate budgets and resources across projects. Program managers may oversee several different teams, all working toward different goals and separate work schedules. We take the lead on tracking project progress, aligning team members, and strategizing program outcomes.\n\n**Core Competencies**\n\nTechnical Program Managers drive complex and cross-functional technical initiatives by leveraging domain expertise, building a holistic execution strategy and harnessing human leadership qualities to deliver strategic business outcomes that have wide-reaching impact. The role of TPM can mean different things at different organizations. At GitLab, TPMs should be proficient in 5 core competencies: Communication, Critical Thinking, Organization \u0026 Execution, Relationship-Building, and Technical Knowledge \u0026 Application. ([More info in our handbook](\n\nThis role is a generalist TPM and will be focused on larger cross-functional projects that are critical to GitLab’s long term success and strategy. There will be a heavy focus on the dependency planning and stakeholder management elements of program management. In order to effectively support these projects, the Senior TPM will need to develop relationships with folks across the organization, including our Engineering, Marketing, Sales, and Security teams.\n\nOur Technical Program Management team is primarily based in the USA, however there are a number of key project efforts aligned with stakeholders in European time zones. For this role, we’re seeking candidates who are either located in EMEA or, if based outside of EMEA, are able to regularly accommodate meetings with EMEA stakeholders.\n\n**What You’ll Do** \n\n- Manage and collaborate on key initiatives with stakeholders and leadership across R\u0026D. Drive accountability ensuring all program objectives are met\n- Refine and optimize division processes improving overall efficiency and execution of the division\n- Gather inputs and feedback and suggest improvements to our Product Process, and operational model within the Product division\n- Communicate successfully within the project team and at multiple levels of management, employing various asynchronous and synchronous facilitation techniques\n- Collaborate on operational strategy and direction with organizational stakeholders; Oversee project planning and management\n- Identify and coordinate the interdependencies among programs, products and other critical initiatives across the Product Division, and possibly across multiple sub-divisions of R\u0026D as a whole.\n- Provide insight and suggestions to steer Product strategy and roadmap\n- Examine risks associated with programs and prioritize risks accordingly\n- Proactively identify gaps in process, and execution and work with the relevant stakeholders to remedy\n- Operate cross functionally to ensure the success of programs.\n- Develop repeatable, scalable, efficient, and effective processes where applicable\n\n**What You’ll Bring**\n\n- Prior experience delivering SaaS products\n- Proven track record of being a self-led and self-motivated individual, willing to jump into complex and ambiguous projects in order to bring clarity to the team\n- Experience collaborating with senior leadership in various functions across the organization in order to align program goals with larger business outcomes\n- Experience crafting and executing on cross functional Product-driven initiatives, including capturing and redefining requirements into impactful work items\n- Experience influencing others without having direct management authority and motivating them to successfully complete tasks within required timelines\n- Risk analysis and problem-solving skills\n- Excellent written and verbal communication skills, building relationships with partners\n- Proven track record of complex, cross divisional program management\n- Understanding of our product, and market with a willingness to dive deep\n- Strong analytical skills for assessing and recommending solutions based on data and research\n- Experience driving initiatives according to plan and timelines\n\n**About the team**\n\nThe [Technical Program Management]( function is fairly new to GitLab; over the last year we’ve built out the team, developed relationships with stakeholders across the organization, and implemented new systems and processes to improve efficiency. We are excited to expand the team and bring new ideas about Technical Program Management to GitLab!\n\n#### **How GitLab will support you**\n\n- [Benefits to support your health, finances, and well-being](\n- [All remote](, [asynchronous]( work environment\n- [Flexible Paid Time Off](\n- [Team Member Resource Groups](,-TMRGs%20are%20voluntary\u0026text=The%20purpose%20for%20this%20type,developing%20the%20sense%20of%20belonging.)\n- [Equity Compensation \u0026 Employee Stock Purchase Plan](\n- [Growth and development budget](\n- [Parental leave](\n- [Home office]( support\n\nPlease note that we welcome interest from candidates with varying levels of experience; many successful candidates do not meet every single requirement. Additionally, studies have shown that people from [underrepresented groups]( are less likely to apply to a job unless they meet every single qualification. If you're excited about this role, please apply and allow our recruiters to assess your application.\n\n* * *\n\n**Country Hiring Guidelines:** GitLab hires new team members in countries around the world. All of our roles are remote, however some roles may carry specific location-based eligibility requirements. Our Talent Acquisition team can help answer any questions about location after starting the recruiting process. \n\n**Privacy Policy:** Please review our [Recruitment Privacy Policy.]( Your privacy is important to us.\n\nGitLab is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. GitLab’s policies and practices relating to recruitment, employment, career development and advancement, promotion, and retirement are based solely on merit, regardless of race, color, religion, ancestry, sex (including pregnancy, lactation, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression), national origin, age, citizenship, marital status, mental or physical disability, genetic information (including family medical history), discharge status from the military, protected veteran status (which includes disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans), or any other basis protected by law. GitLab will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics. See also [GitLab’s EEO Policy]( and [EEO is the Law]( If you have a disability or special need that requires [accommodation](, please let us know during the [recruiting process](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732148849,"locationNames":["Emeabiam"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":true,"slug":"senior-technical-program-manager-product","title":"Senior Technical Program Manager, Product ","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3155759","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3135268":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"GitLab is an open core software company that develops the most comprehensive [AI-powered DevSecOps Platform](, used by more than 100,000 organizations. Our [mission]( is to enable everyone to contribute to and co-create the software that powers our world. When everyone can contribute, consumers become contributors, significantly accelerating the rate of human progress. This mission is integral to our culture, influencing how we hire, build products, and lead our industry. We make this possible at GitLab by running our [operations]( on our product and staying aligned with our [values]( Learn more about [Life at GitLab](\n\n#### **An overview of this role**\n\nAs an Engineering Manager at GitLab, *you* see your team as your most valuable product. Your primary focus is on the people you lead—guiding them, nurturing their growth, and ensuring they have everything they need to succeed. While you're technically credible and understand the details of the work being done, *your* role is about empowering a world-class engineering team, fostering their health, and driving delivery on product commitments.\n\nIn this role, *you* will lead the Analytics Instrumentation team, which is responsible for building tools that allow GitLab and its customers to track and measure user engagement within our platform. The insights gained from this work are invaluable, helping shape GitLab’s product roadmap and ensuring we continually improve user experiences.\n\nChallenges in this role include growing top-tier talent, improving productivity, and working cross-functionally to achieve collaborative goals. You’ll work closely with key leaders, data scientists, product managers, analytics and software engineers while maintaining a laser focus on delivering quality work on time. Your leadership impacts key decisions across departments based on the analytics and insights your team generates.\n\nAs a remote-first company, GitLab offers flexibility, allowing *you* to work from anywhere while staying connected to a global community of talented professionals. Transparency is one of our core values, so you can see exactly what we’re working on and stay updated by visiting our[ team page](\n\nIn this role, you’ll make a lasting impact—not only by leading a high-performing team but also by driving the evolution of GitLab through data-driven insights.\n\nSome examples of our projects: \n\n1. [Internal Analytics](\n2. [Version App](\n3. [Metrics Dictionary](\n4. [Snowplow Pseudonymization](\n5. [Iglu Schema repository for GitLab](\n\n**What You’ll Do** \n\n- Manage a [team]( of engineers, fostering a collaborative and innovative team culture to drive high performance.\n- Collaborate with the product manager and key leaders across the company to create a shared roadmap and drive adoption of product usage data, creating significant impact through data-driven decision making by providing reliable metrics.\n- Provide long-term strategic direction of GitLab’s [in-product event instrumentation system]( for internal and external customers\n- Foster technical decision making on the team, but make final decisions when necessary\n- Draft quarterly OKRs and [Engineering KPIs](\n- Improve product quality, security, and performance\n- Author project plans for epics\n- Run agile project management processes\n- Provide guidance and coaching to team members on technical contributions, product architecture, and other areas.\n- Maintain empathy for the team by keeping awareness of engineering processes and practices. Examples might be: evaluating individual workflow during one on ones, conducting code reviews, or working on non-critical path bugs and/or features.\n- Actively seek and hire globally-distributed talent\n- Conduct managerial interviews for candidates, and train the team to do technical interviews\n- Contribute to the sense of psychological safety on your team\n- Generate and implement process improvements\n- Hold regular [1:1s]( with all members of their team\n- Give regular and clear feedback around the [individual’s performance](\n- May have more than one specialty on their team, per our [shared manager team]( concept\n- Participate in the [Incident Management on-call rotation]( to help ensure the availability goals for are met, by working with reliability engineers and development team members.\n\n**What You’ll Bring**\n\n- Exquisite communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to build strong relationships with technical and non-technical stakeholders across departments, regularly achieving consensus.\n- Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities, with the ability to translate complex technical concepts into actionable insights help evaluate options, and make informed technical recommendations in alignment with bigger-picture goals.\n- Demonstrated progressive experience in a leadership role with up-to-date technical experience\n- Demonstrated ability to process a high volume of work with high complexity with nonstandard solutions\n- Strong organizational skills and attention to detail, with a focus on delivering high-quality results\n- In-depth technical experience with SQL, and one of Python, Ruby, or Go, enabling effective oversight of data pipeline development and processes.\n- Experience with product analytics solutions such as Snowplow, Segment, Mixpanel, Pendo, or similar solutions.\n- Working knowledge of OLAP systems such as ClickHouse, Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift or similar\n- Familiarity with data platforms and distributed systems\n- Demonstrated ability to work across multiple time zones and cultures.\n- Ability to use GitLab\n- Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic environment and adapt to changing priorities and requirements\n- Excellent written and verbal communication skills\n- You share our [values](, and work in accordance with those values\n\n \n\n**It’s a Plus if You Have**\n\n- Experience working in a peak-performance organization\n- Working knowledge architecting and realizing infrastructure to support data platforms\n- Working knowledge of data transformation tools such as dbt\n- Working knowledge of cloud infrastructure technologies such as Lambda, S3, Kubernetes, etc.\n- Working knowledge of modern frontend frameworks such as React or Vue.js\n- Product company experience\n- Startup experience\n- Enterprise software company experience\n- A computer science education or equivalent experience\n- Are passionate about open source and developer tools\n\n**About the team**\n\nThe Analytics Instrumentation team at GitLab is responsible for building the tools that track and analyze user interactions on the GitLab platform. These tools provide critical data that informs product improvements and drives development. By delivering reliable insights, the team helps internal and external stakeholders make data-driven decisions that enhance user experience and guide GitLab's roadmap.\n\nOne of the team's key challenges is ensuring the accuracy and relevance of the data collected, making sure it is actionable for product managers, engineers, and designers. Their work directly impacts the development of new features and optimizations across GitLab, helping us better serve our users.\n\nThanks to GitLab’s value of transparency, you can follow the team’s progress through their[ team page](, explore their[ roadmap](, and even listen to some of their[ meetings]( This openness allows you to see how they drive innovation and solve complex problems through data.\n\n**How GitLab will support you**\n\n- [Benefits to support your health, finances, and well-being](\n- [All remote](, [asynchronous]( work environment\n- [Flexible Paid Time Off](\n- [Team Member Resource Groups](,-TMRGs%20are%20voluntary\u0026text=The%20purpose%20for%20this%20type,developing%20the%20sense%20of%20belonging.)\n- [Equity Compensation \u0026 Employee Stock Purchase Plan](\n- [Growth and development budget](\n- [Parental leave](\n- [Home office]( support\n\nPlease note that we welcome interest from candidates with varying levels of experience; many successful candidates do not meet every single requirement. Additionally, studies have shown that people from [underrepresented groups]( are less likely to apply to a job unless they meet every single qualification. If you're excited about this role, please apply and allow our recruiters to assess your application.\n\n*The base salary range for this role’s listed level is currently for residents of listed locations only. Grade level and salary ranges are determined through interviews and a review of education, experience, knowledge, skills, abilities of the applicant, equity with other team members, and alignment with market data. See more information on our [benefits]( and [equity]( Sales roles are also eligible for incentive pay targeted at up to 100% of the offered base salary.*\n\nCalifornia/Colorado/Hawaii/New Jersey/New York/Washington/DC pay range$131,600—$282,000 USD\n* * *\n\n**Country Hiring Guidelines:** GitLab hires new team members in countries around the world. All of our roles are remote, however some roles may carry specific location-based eligibility requirements. Our Talent Acquisition team can help answer any questions about location after starting the recruiting process. \n\n**Privacy Policy:** Please review our [Recruitment Privacy Policy.]( Your privacy is important to us.\n\nGitLab is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. GitLab’s policies and practices relating to recruitment, employment, career development and advancement, promotion, and retirement are based solely on merit, regardless of race, color, religion, ancestry, sex (including pregnancy, lactation, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression), national origin, age, citizenship, marital status, mental or physical disability, genetic information (including family medical history), discharge status from the military, protected veteran status (which includes disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans), or any other basis protected by law. GitLab will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics. See also [GitLab’s EEO Policy]( and [EEO is the Law]( If you have a disability or special need that requires [accommodation](, please let us know during the [recruiting process](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729815951,"locationNames":[],"primaryRoleTitle":"Full-Stack Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"fullstack-engineering-manager-analytics-instrumentation","title":"Fullstack Engineering Manager, Analytics Instrumentation","compensation":"$132k – $282k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3135268","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:183505":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"183505","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-183505"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"One interface. 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We enable organizations of all sizes to easily build, scale, and run modern applications by helping them modernize legacy workloads, embrace innovation, and unleash AI. Our industry-leading developer data platform, MongoDB Atlas, is the only globally distributed, multi-cloud database and is available in more than 115 regions across AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. Atlas allows customers to build and run applications anywhere—on premises, or across cloud providers. With offices worldwide and over 175,000 new developers signing up to use MongoDB every month, it’s no wonder that leading organizations, like Samsung and Toyota, trust MongoDB to build next-generation, AI-powered applications.\n\nMongoDB Professional Services (PS) works with customers of all shapes and sizes, in all verticals, from tier-1 banks to small web startups, on a variety of exciting use cases. This role solves technically sophisticated problems, gains incredible cross-stack experience, works with top-notch people in the business, networks with industry leaders, and sees new places - all in a day’s work!\n\nMongoDB PS exists to support the development of our customers’ vision, accelerate customers’ time to value, and drive a multitude of customer adoption scenarios – from building new solutions to modernizing legacy applications or migrating to cloud. Our consulting solutions ensure that organizations get the best out of MongoDB.\n\nAs the Senior Technical Project Manager, you will work in conjunction with the team’s Technical Lead to lead a small Agile team responsible for migrating a customer’s legacy Java application to a modern cloud-based architecture running on MongoDB. The team will use the latest genAI tools and approaches to accelerate the migration process. You will also be responsible for liaising with customers and internal stakeholders, managing concerns and potential resolutions, and guiding the team towards success. The Agile team will be required to be innovative in deriving solutions to unseen challenges, and you will foster a culture of innovation and collaboration within the team. \n\nWe are looking to speak to candidates who are based in New York City for our hybrid working model.\n\n### Position Expectations\n\n- Agile mindset with an understanding of SCRUM/Kanban processes\n- Able to support a project team consisting of onsite, co-located and remote team members\n- Be able to proactively identify and remove impediments\n- Manage project risks and issues\n- Define and refine project team’s “Way of Working”\n- Streamline communications between the project team and project stakeholders\n- Able to manage expectations of project stakeholders, where the majority are leaders within the organization\n- Operate in a small, dynamic, fast-growing team, able to be self-sufficient with an ability to have a can-do attitude and make oneself accountable\n- Act as a liaison between the customer, project team and the rest of MongoDB (sales, customer success, support, product and engineering) throughout an engagement\n- Create plans and priorities for both project delivery and customer resources. Guide customer as well as project team members to a successful business outcome by managing the client relationship and setting and managing customer expectations during implementations\n- Establish and lead recurring project status or governance meetings, including preparation of materials and working with customer project manager and key internal and external stakeholders to review key project information and maintain visibility and accountability\n- Periodically report, in a concise and actionable manner, project status both internally as well as to the customer and document project progress as per established best practices (meeting minutes, project plan updates, weekly status reports)\n- Manage escalations or critical situations\n- Assist with scoping of solution and project scope definition\n- Adopt a consultative and prescriptive approach that inspires trust and confidence\n- Be intrigued by the possibilities of genAI to assist in accelerating the delivery of projects\n\n### Requirements\n\n- 5+ years of project management experience with enterprise-scale software solutions, large-scale software engineering or consulting services delivery experience preferred\n- Excellent customer interaction and presentation skills (ability to present to different audiences and bring the message across in a concise, professional manner)\n- Demonstrated belief in the power of stakeholder management and communications; track record of affecting change through stakeholder engagement\n- Services delivery experience with development or operation teams is a plus\n- Ability to travel and work on customer sites for a number of continuous weeks\n\n### Nice-to-have skills\n\n- Experience as a SCRUM master\n- Experience in managing projects with a high degree of uncertainty (research and innovation)\n- Experience in delivering software development projects (ideally modernization of a legacy application)\n- Experience with JIRA / Project tools\n\nSuccessful candidates will engage with customer systems and may be exposed to highly confidential customer data, including but not limited to non-public information. For this reason, and due to the nature of the highly regulated industry in which our customers operate, successful candidates may be subject to enhanced background checks, security screenings, and possible constraints around the trading of securities. Successful candidates will understand these requirements and be willing to participate in enhanced screenings and constraints as required by MongoDB and its customers in connection with this role. \n\nTo drive the personal growth and business impact of our employees, we’re committed to developing a supportive and enriching culture for everyone. From employee affinity groups, to fertility assistance and a generous parental leave policy, we value our employees’ wellbeing and want to support them along every step of their professional and personal journeys.[ Learn more about what it’s like to work at MongoDB](, and help us make an impact on the world!\n\nMongoDB is committed to providing any necessary accommodations for individuals with disabilities within our application and interview process. To request an accommodation due to a disability, please inform your recruiter.\n\nMongoDB, Inc. provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type and makes all hiring decisions without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws.\n\nMongoDB’s base salary range for this role is posted below. Compensation at the time of offer is unique to each candidate and based on a variety of factors such as skill set, experience, qualifications, and work location. Salary is one part of MongoDB’s total compensation and benefits package. Other benefits for eligible employees may include: equity, participation in the employee stock purchase program, flexible paid time off, 20 weeks fully-paid gender-neutral parental leave, fertility and adoption assistance, 401(k) plan, mental health counseling, access to transgender-inclusive health insurance coverage, and health benefits offerings. Please note, the base salary range listed below and the benefits in this paragraph are only applicable to U.S.-based candidates.\n\nMongoDB’s base salary range for this role in the U.S. is:$101,000—$198,000 USD","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731978016,"locationNames":["New York City"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Project Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-technical-project-manager-professional-services","title":"Senior Technical Project Manager, Professional Services","compensation":"$101k – $198k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3154426","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3111531":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"MongoDB’s mission is to empower innovators to create, transform, and disrupt industries by unleashing the power of software and data. We enable organizations of all sizes to easily build, scale, and run modern applications by helping them modernize legacy workloads, embrace innovation, and unleash AI. Our industry-leading developer data platform, MongoDB Atlas, is the only globally distributed, multi-cloud database and is available in more than 115 regions across AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. Atlas allows customers to build anywhere—on the edge, on premises, or across cloud providers. With offices worldwide and over 175,000 developers joining MongoDB every month, it’s no wonder that leading organizations, like Samsung and Toyota, trust MongoDB to build next-generation, AI-powered applications.\n\n### **Who You Are**\n\nWith a strong security engineering management background, you’re looking for a role that gives you the freedom to increase MongoDB’s resonance with customers by strengthening our products. You’re passionate about leading teams to solve hard security engineering problems, while putting a strong emphasis on customer experience. You enjoy collaborating with different teams to innovate and implement pragmatic solutions.\n\n### **Who We Are**\n\nThe MongoDB Security organization is a diverse collection of individuals working together to scale MongoDB’s security, both security of the products themselves and the security features we offer to customers. The team is responsible for several products including the[ MongoDB Atlas Cloud](,[ Ops Manager](,[ Kubernetes Operator](, and the MongoDB Server ([Community]( and [Enterprise]( editions).\n\nThe MongoDB Security organization works with software engineers to design, implement, and operate systems in a manner that protects customer and MongoDB data. It is a multidisciplinary organization that covers product, software, cloud, infrastructure, and operational security concerns. Our organization…\n\n- Defines and drives an engaging, exciting security strategy for MongoDB and our customers\n- Builds a developer driven security program where there is tight integration with engineering artifacts, process, and tooling\n- Uses software architecture and coding patterns to reduce the impact of security issues\n- Are the security subject matter experts for our tech stack and products\n\n### The ideal candidate will have...\n\n- At least eight years of experience in managing security engineering programs\n- At least two years of experience leading multiple globally-distributed teams\n- A proven track record of successfully securing, evolving, and scaling complex systems\n- Superb written and verbal communication, time management skills, and a growth mindset\n- The ability to make and evaluate realistic assessments of project complexity\n- A passion for building technical and leadership skills in others\n- A strong commitment to building and fostering a diverse and supportive culture that values customer obsession, continuous improvement, and high standards\n- Experience with either high-scale database or cloud computing environments\n- A deep sense of ownership, accountability, and pride\n\n### In this role, you will...\n\n- Lead one or more globally-distributed engineering teams by creating a positive culture, handling career growth and performance conversations, proactively setting vision and direction, and removing blockers\n- You will take ownership, define strategy, and drive improvement for parts of our program such as fuzzing, threat modeling, secrets management, or container security\n- Own critical elements of our overall information security program, and operate them with excellence\n- Partner with stakeholders across the business with visibility all the way up to the executive level, as we deliver as a “One Mongo” team\n- Provide feedback on the feasibility, functionality, design, and timeline of new security engineering proposals\n- Serve as a resource for other engineering teams as they take personal ownership for the security of the systems they own\n- Hire, mentor and grow strong, high-performing security engineering teams\n\nThis role can be based out of our Seattle or New York City offices.\n\nDon’t feel that you meet all of the requirements? We encourage you to apply anyway because studies have shown that some strong candidates may self-select out of the interview process prematurely. We have a diverse, inclusive, equitable, and high-performing environment at MongoDB and want to continuously improve our ability to deliver for customers.\n\nTo drive the personal growth and business impact of our employees, we’re committed to developing a supportive and enriching culture for everyone. From employee affinity groups, to fertility assistance and a generous parental leave policy, we value our employees’ wellbeing and want to support them along every step of their professional and personal journeys.[ Learn more about what it’s like to work at MongoDB](, and help us make an impact on the world!\n\nMongoDB is committed to providing any necessary accommodations for individuals with disabilities within our application and interview process. To request an accommodation due to a disability, please inform your recruiter.\n\nMongoDB, Inc. provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type and makes all hiring decisions without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws.\n\nMongoDB’s base salary range for this role is posted below. Compensation at the time of offer is unique to each candidate and based on a variety of factors such as skill set, experience, qualifications, and work location. Salary is one part of MongoDB’s total compensation and benefits package. Other benefits for eligible employees may include: equity, participation in the employee stock purchase program, flexible paid time off, 20 weeks fully-paid gender-neutral parental leave, fertility and adoption assistance, 401(k) plan, mental health counseling, access to transgender-inclusive health insurance coverage, and health benefits offerings. Please note, the base salary range listed below and the benefits in this paragraph are only applicable to U.S.-based candidates.\n\nMongoDB’s base salary range for this role in the U.S. is:$168,000—$330,000 USD","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1727711326,"locationNames":["New York City"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Security Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"director-of-product-security-engineering","title":"Director of Product Security Engineering","compensation":"$168k – $330k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3111531","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3111528":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"MongoDB’s mission is to empower innovators to create, transform, and disrupt industries by unleashing the power of software and data. We enable organizations of all sizes to easily build, scale, and run modern applications by helping them modernize legacy workloads, embrace innovation, and unleash AI. Our industry-leading developer data platform, MongoDB Atlas, is the only globally distributed, multi-cloud database and is available in more than 115 regions across AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. Atlas allows customers to build anywhere—on the edge, on premises, or across cloud providers. With offices worldwide and over 175,000 developers joining MongoDB every month, it’s no wonder that leading organizations, like Samsung and Toyota, trust MongoDB to build next-generation, AI-powered applications.\n\nWant to secure the future of data management and AI/ML? At MongoDB we are transforming industries and empowering developers to build amazing AI/ML-powered apps that people and enterprises use every day. We are the leading modern data platform and the first database provider to IPO in over 20 years. Overall, the worldwide data management software market is massive (IDC forecasts it to be $138 billion by 2026!). Join our team and be at the forefront of innovation and creativity.\n\n### **Who You Are**\n\nWith a strong security engineering management background, you’re looking for a role that gives you the freedom to increase MongoDB’s resonance with customers by strengthening our products. You’re passionate about leading teams to solve hard security engineering problems, while putting a strong emphasis on customer experience. You enjoy collaborating with different teams to innovate and implement pragmatic solutions.\n\n### **Who We Are**\n\nThe MongoDB Security organization is a diverse collection of individuals working together to scale MongoDB’s security, both security of the products themselves and the security features we offer to customers. The team is responsible for several products including the[ MongoDB Atlas Cloud](,[ Ops Manager](,[ Kubernetes Operator](, and the MongoDB Server ([Community]( and [Enterprise]( editions).\n\nThe MongoDB Security organization works with software engineers to design, implement, and operate systems in a manner that protects customer and MongoDB data. It is a multidisciplinary organization that covers product, software, cloud, infrastructure, and operational security concerns. Our organization…\n\n- Defines and drives an engaging, exciting security strategy for MongoDB and our customers\n- Builds a developer driven security program where there is tight integration with engineering artifacts, process, and tooling\n- Uses software architecture and coding patterns to reduce the impact of security issues\n- Are the security subject matter experts for our tech stack and products\n\n### The ideal candidate will have...\n\n- At least eight years of experience in managing security engineering programs\n- At least two years of experience leading multiple globally-distributed teams\n- A proven track record of successfully securing, evolving, and scaling complex systems\n- Superb written and verbal communication, time management skills, and a growth mindset\n- The ability to make and evaluate realistic assessments of project complexity\n- A passion for building technical and leadership skills in others\n- A strong commitment to building and fostering a diverse and supportive culture that values customer obsession, continuous improvement, and high standards\n- Experience with either high-scale database or cloud computing environments\n- A deep sense of ownership, accountability, and pride\n\n### In this role, you will...\n\n- Lead one or more globally-distributed engineering teams by creating a positive culture, handling career growth and performance conversations, proactively setting vision and direction, and removing blockers\n- You will take ownership, define strategy, and drive improvement for parts of our program such as fuzzing, threat modeling, secrets management, or container security\n- Own critical elements of our overall information security program, and operate them with excellence\n- Partner with stakeholders across the business with visibility all the way up to the executive level, as we deliver as a “One Mongo” team\n- Provide feedback on the feasibility, functionality, design, and timeline of new security engineering proposals\n- Serve as a resource for other engineering teams as they take personal ownership for the security of the systems they own\n- Hire, mentor and grow strong, high-performing security engineering teams\n\nThis role can be based out of our Seattle or New York City offices.\n\nDon’t feel that you meet all of the requirements? We encourage you to apply anyway because studies have shown that some strong candidates may self-select out of the interview process prematurely. We have a diverse, inclusive, equitable, and high-performing environment at MongoDB and want to continuously improve our ability to deliver for customers.\n\nTo drive the personal growth and business impact of our employees, we’re committed to developing a supportive and enriching culture for everyone. From employee affinity groups, to fertility assistance and a generous parental leave policy, we value our employees’ wellbeing and want to support them along every step of their professional and personal journeys.[ Learn more about what it’s like to work at MongoDB](, and help us make an impact on the world!\n\nMongoDB is committed to providing any necessary accommodations for individuals with disabilities within our application and interview process. To request an accommodation due to a disability, please inform your recruiter.\n\nMongoDB, Inc. provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type and makes all hiring decisions without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws.\n\nMongoDB’s base salary range for this role is posted below. Compensation at the time of offer is unique to each candidate and based on a variety of factors such as skill set, experience, qualifications, and work location. Salary is one part of MongoDB’s total compensation and benefits package. Other benefits for eligible employees may include: equity, participation in the employee stock purchase program, flexible paid time off, 20 weeks fully-paid gender-neutral parental leave, fertility and adoption assistance, 401(k) plan, mental health counseling, access to transgender-inclusive health insurance coverage, and health benefits offerings. Please note, the base salary range listed below and the benefits in this paragraph are only applicable to U.S.-based candidates.\n\nMongoDB’s base salary range for this role in the U.S. is:$168,000—$330,000 USD","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1727711326,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Security Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"director-of-product-security-engineering","title":"Director of Product Security Engineering","compensation":"$168k – $330k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3111528","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:85454":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"85454","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-85454"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-85454"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-85454"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-85454"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-85454"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-85454"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"The most popular database for modern apps","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3154426"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3111531"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3111528"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"MongoDB","slug":"mongodb"},"Badge:B2B-42896":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-42896","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-42896":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-42896","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-42896":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-42896","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3153706":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Vonage is the emerging leader in the $100B+ cloud communications platform (CPaaS) market. Customers like Airbnb, Viber, Whatsapp, Snapchat, and many others depend on our APIs and SDKs to connect with their customers all over the world.\n\nAs businesses continue to shift to a real-time, customer-centric communications model, we are experiencing a time of impressive growth.\n\n**Why this role matters**\n\nAs part of our engineering operational transformation that will incorporate leading DevOps \u0026 DevSecOps practices while maintaining compliance with laws and statutes, the Project Manager will lead in driving transformational projects. This role will be pivotal in implementing a variety of industry best practices and tools that will lead to a competitive advantage in the market. The ability to rapidly establish credibility while delivering complex cross functional technical projects while being fully hands on are critical to the role. \n\n***IF THIS SOUNDS LIKE YOU, CONTINUE READING BELOW…….***\n\n***What you will do***\n\n- Effectively track, report and address project issues and risks with the right stakeholder engagement\n- Provide project support and leadership for multiple projects across the product and engineering organization.\n- Drive strong interlock and alignment with the Compliance, Privacy and Security teams to ensure all security standards and in-region regulations are followed and adhered to.\n- Work cross-functionally to synthesize diverse sets of information and define, sequence and estimate project product operations requirements, resource requirements and duration.\n- Contribute to and perform a broad range of project-related functions and duties, including:\n\n - Needs assessment,\n - Scoping and planning,\n - Scheduling,\n - Team facilitation,\n - Documentation\n - Post-project evaluation\n\n**What you will bring**\n\n- 5+ years experience in project management for software or high-tech industry.\n- The ability to operationalize and implement best practices, solve problems and deliver on commitments\n- The ability to develop collaborative, cross-functional relationships and work in a matrixed organization\n- Experience implementing projects in an Agile or Hybrid model\n- Experience in cloud technology, development lifecycle, Dev Ops, DevSecOps, and Engineering or IT background.\n- Must be highly organized and results driven\n\nStrong interpersonal and communication skills, including technical writing skills.\n\n- Comfortable working with stakeholders at all levels both technical and business.\n- Influence assessment, planning, design, development and implementation processes.\n- Present problem analysis and recommended solutions in a creative and logical manner.\n\n#LI-JB1\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731977452,"locationNames":["Spain"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Project Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-technical-project-manager","title":"Senior Technical Project Manager","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3153706","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3154797":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Job Overview**:\n\nThe IT/Data Alignment Manager plays a critical role in bridging the gap between data governance policies and IT implementation. This position ensures that all data-related projects adhere to governance standards, policies, and regulatory requirements, while also aligning IT strategies with the organization’s data governance framework. The IT/Data Alignment Manager serves as a liaison between IT, data governance, and business stakeholders, ensuring the seamless integration of data governance into IT infrastructure and processes.\n\n**Key Responsibilities**:\n\n- **Liaison between IT and Data Governance**: \nServe as the primary point of contact between the IT department and data governance team, ensuring that IT projects and data-related activities comply with the organization’s data governance policies.\n- **Project Management and Oversight**: \nOversee the implementation of strategic IT projects related to data governance, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to policy and compliance requirements. Provide project management support, including timelines, resources, and reporting.\n- **Policy Compliance and Enforcement**: \nEnsure that IT systems, data platforms, and processes adhere to the company’s data governance policies and regulatory standards, including GDPR, CCPA, and industry-specific telecommunications regulations.\n- **Strategic IT Alignment**: \nCollaborate with IT leadership to align technical strategies with data governance goals. Support the development of IT architectures that promote data quality, integrity, and protection across the organization.\n- **Technology Integration**: \nWork closely with IT teams to integrate data governance tools (e.g., Collibra, Informatica, or other data cataloging tools) into the company’s data management ecosystem, ensuring they support metadata management, data classification, and policy enforcement.\n- **Compliance Monitoring and Reporting**: \nAssist in developing and maintaining dashboards and KPIs to monitor compliance with data governance standards within IT projects. Report findings to the Data Governance Leader and other stakeholders.\n- **Support for Data Governance Initiatives**: \nCollaborate with the **Metadata Manager**, **Privacy Manager**, and **Issues Manager** to support data governance initiatives, including metadata management, privacy compliance, and issue resolution.\n- **Risk and Issue Management**: \nWork closely with the **Issues Manager** to identify, log, and mitigate risks related to data governance non-compliance within IT projects. Implement corrective actions as needed.\n- **Continuous Improvement**: \nIdentify opportunities for improving IT processes and systems to better align with data governance policies and standards. Propose enhancements that improve data quality, data protection, and lifecycle management.\n\n**Qualifications**:\n\n- Bachelor’s degree in Information Systems, Data Management, or a related field. Master’s degree preferred.\n- 7+ years of experience in IT project management, data governance, or a related technical field.\n- Strong knowledge of data governance frameworks, regulatory standards (GDPR, CCPA), and telecommunications industry regulations.\n- Experience with data management tools, data cataloging platforms (e.g., Collibra, Informatica), and cloud environments (AWS, Azure, GCP).\n- Strong project management experience with a proven ability to manage cross-functional teams and complex projects.\n- Excellent communication skills, with the ability to explain technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders and align IT with business and governance needs.\n- Knowledge of IT risk management and compliance processes.\n\n**Skills**:\n\n- **Project Management**: Demonstrated experience in managing IT and data projects, with a focus on aligning them with governance policies and regulatory requirements.\n- **Technical Proficiency**: Deep understanding of IT architecture, data platforms, and integration of data governance tools within IT infrastructure.\n- **Compliance and Policy Adherence**: Experience working with regulatory frameworks such as GDPR, CCPA, and industry-specific telecommunications regulations.\n- **Stakeholder Management**: Ability to work closely with IT, governance, and business teams to ensure IT strategies support governance goals.\n- **Analytical Thinking**: Ability to assess risks, manage issues, and align IT systems with governance frameworks.\n- **Communication**: Strong ability to communicate across teams and ensure alignment between technical and business requirements.\n\nThis role is critical for ensuring that IT projects support and comply with the company’s data governance policies and regulatory frameworks. The **IT/Data Alignment Manager** works at the intersection of IT and data governance, ensuring seamless integration of governance into technical operations while driving projects that enhance the company’s overall data management lifecycle.\n\nIn a telecommunications company, where data governance is crucial for maintaining the integrity, security, and compliance of vast datasets, the **Data Policy Manager** plays a critical role in shaping how data is managed, accessed, and protected. The governance team, managing **Data Quality, Data Integrity, Data Protection**, and the **Data Management Lifecycle**, requires a broad skill set to ensure success.\n\n#LI-KP\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732063789,"locationNames":["Wrocław"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Customer Service","remote":false,"slug":"it-data-alignment-manager","title":"IT/Data Alignment Manager","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3154797","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:42896":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"42896","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-42896"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-42896"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-42896"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"Quality VoIP Phone Solutions for both corporate and residential applications","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3153706"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3154797"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Vonage","slug":"vonage"},"Badge:B2B-189106":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-189106","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-189106":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-189106","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-189106":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-189106","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-189106":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-189106","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"ScienceLogic is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.5 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.5","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-189106":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-189106","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate ScienceLogic 4.5/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.5","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-189106":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-189106","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate ScienceLogic 4.4/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.4","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3154239":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"*To comply with U.S. federal government requirements, U.S. citizenship is required for this position.*\n\n**Who we are...**\n\n \n\nIn a world of constant change, we're leading the charge towards truly autonomous enterprises. Our cutting-edge platform harnesses the power of automation and generative AI to revolutionize how businesses manage and optimize their IT operations.\n\nWe're not just adapting to digital transformation—we're accelerating it. Our solutions bring business and operations leaders together, unlocking new levels of innovation, efficiency, and scalability. We empower organizations to deliver superior customer experiences and drive revenue growth in an always-on, always-mobile world.\n\nAt ScienceLogic, we're building the foundation for Autonomic IT—a future where IT operations are self-healing, self-optimizing, and aligned perfectly with business objectives. Our team of visionaries is reshaping the $18+ billion IT operations market, creating cost-optimized, efficient, and next-level capabilities for enterprises worldwide.\n\n \n\nThe Site Reliability team uses Software Development, Cloud Engineering, Security and SRE skills to:\n\n- Onboard new customers and maintain them throughout their lifecycle\n- Maintain reliability and improve performance of the SaaS platform\n- Ensure that the revenue generating product is meeting uptime SLAs\n- Safeguard Security and maintain Scalability of the product line\n- Design, Deploy and Maintain the infrastructure architecture\n\nOverall, we’re passionate about automation and solving complex business and technology challenges. Our team combines SRE, DevOps, Software Development and Information Security knowledge to help make Cloud operations agile, elastic inside the security and governance framework boundaries.\n\n \n\n \n\n**What we’re looking for…**\n\nScienceLogic is looking for an Associate Delivery Manager to join our Site Reliability team. This position is responsible for coordinating cross-functional teams to deliver customer platforms and related activities. If you are well organized, high energy, and have a strong project management background focusing on delivering strategic and tactical initiatives? Then read on.\n\n**What you'll be doing...**\n\n- Assist Site Reliability team in managing and coordinating team projects\n- Coordinate and keep track of SaaS customer lifecycle events like migrations, deployments and upgrades\n- Work with technical subject matter experts for on-time delivery of customer platforms as per requirements\n- Act as an escalation point for the SRE team in India\n- Mitigate project risks for timely fulfilment of project deliverables\n- Contribute to management of pre-defined checklists /project plans\n- Manage team projects and tasks through Salesforce and Jira ticketing system\n- Prepare for \u0026 attend project meetings as needed. Update Slack \u0026 Teams channels with Meeting Notes\n- Optimize performance to spend where you need to and redistribute resources\n- Prepare Service usage and error dashboards\n- Able to occasionally work off hours for planned maintenance or unplanned emergencies as needed\n- Work on special projects as assigned\n\n \n\n**Qualities you possess…**\n\n- From 1 to 3 years of successful project management or equivalent experience\n- Excellent written and verbal communication skills\n- Exposure to Agile project management practices is a plus\n- Ability to work under pressure and with tight deadlines\n- Experience in technologies like Jira, Salesforce, Slack, Microsoft Teams\n- Self-motivated and able to work both independently and within a team on multiple engagements/project\n- Familiarity with collaboration tools like Jira, Confluence, Sharepoint and ticketing systems like Salesforce is highly desirable\n- PMP or equivalent certification is a plus\n- US Citizenship required\n\n \n\n \n\n**Benefits \u0026 Perks**\n\n- A remote-first culture - work from home or come into the office, it's totally up to you.\n- Comprehensive medical, dental and vision plans.\n- 401(k) plan with employer match.\n- Flexible Paid Time Off (FTO) so that you can take the time that you need to re-energize.\n- Volunteer Time Off (VTO) - take two days off per calendar year to volunteer with your preferred charitable organization.\n- 5-year Service Milestone Sabbatical.\n- Paid parental leave.\n- Generous employee referral bonus program.\n- Pet insurance.\n- HQ Office centrally located in Reston Town Center featuring a well-stocked kitchen with rotating snacks and beverages, and catered lunch on Thursdays.\n- Regular virtual company-wide events, including cooking classes, yoga, meditation and more.\n- The opportunity to learn and develop from some of the best and brightest minds in the industry!\n\n*Don’t meet every single requirement? Studies have shown that women and people of color are less likely to apply to jobs unless they meet every single qualification. At ScienceLogic, we are dedicated to building a diverse, inclusive and authentic workplace, so if you’re excited about this role but your past experience doesn’t align perfectly with every qualification in the job description, we encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate for this or other roles.*\n\n*All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or any other applicable legally protected characteristics in the location in which you are applying.*\n\n \n\n**About ScienceLogic**\n\nScienceLogic empowers intelligent, automated IT operations, freeing up time and resources, and driving business outcomes with actionable insights. ScienceLogic’s AIOps platform sees broadly across clouds and on-premises, enabling business service visibility with relationship mapping, and workflow automation to eliminate manual tasks. Trusted by thousands of organizations across the globe, ScienceLogic’s technology has been proven for scale by the world’s largest service providers, enterprises and government agencies.\n\n \n\n[](\n\n \n\n*All ScienceLogic employees have the responsibility to protect information assets, adhere to access controls, report suspicious activity, and comply with security and privacy policies.*\n\n \n\n#LI-Remote\n\n \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732054658,"locationNames":["Reston"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Project Manager","remote":true,"slug":"associate-delivery-manager-site-reliability","title":"Associate Delivery Manager, Site Reliability ","compensation":"$80k – $120k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3154239","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:189106":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"189106","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-189106"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-189106"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-189106"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-189106"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-189106"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-189106"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"Empower Intelligent \u0026 Automated IT. ScienceLogic/AIOps: IT at speed \u0026 scale in real time","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3154239"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"ScienceLogic","slug":"sciencelogic"},"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-9642502":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_RESPONDER-9642502","name":"TOP_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Top 5% of responders","tooltip":"CalHR is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-9642502":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"QUICK_RESPONDER-9642502","name":"QUICK_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Responds within a week","tooltip":"Based on past data, CalHR usually responds to incoming applications within a week","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-9642502":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-9642502","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Growth Stage","tooltip":"Expanding market presence","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"growth_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3140791":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"**We are a remote-centric team, and this position can be primarily remote for California residents. Relocatoin is not provided. The office is located in Sacramento, CA**\n\nEmployees must provide acceptable documentation as shown on the Form I-9 ( to show their identity and authorization to work. Please review the acceptable documentation to determine if you are eligible to apply and accept employment. Please note, the department is not able to be a sponsor.\n\nCalifornia’s long-awaited statewide Cradle-to-Career Data System has launched. You can help build a statewide system that brings together existing data with an aim of addressing barriers to opportunity from early learning, through K-12, college, and career.\n\nWe are hiring a Chief Information Security Officer to be the information security authority in an executive management role, overseeing state staff and contractors’ efforts to validate security-related functional and non-functional requirements and directing the maintenance and enforcement of security policies and standards to safeguard C2C systems, data, interfaces, and information processing infrastructure.\n\nWe are looking for a leader who is excited to build something new with a small, entrepreneurial team. Our ideal candidate is passionate about information security and risk management, collaborative, and experienced in implementing state, federal, and industry standards and best practices.\n\n\n**About us**\n\nThe Office of Cradle-to-Career Data (C2C) is a new state investment working to build a statewide data system that will provide tools to help students reach their goals and deliver reliable and actionable information on education and workforce outcomes.\n\nCalifornia’s information on early education, K-12 schools, colleges, social services, and employment is currently separate and disconnected. That’s why California authorized the creation of the Cradle-to-Career Data System. Through a collaborative 18-month planning process, we designed a data system to be a suite of user-friendly resources focused on early learning through K-12 and higher education, as well as on the financial aid and social services that help students reach their goals. It will include:\n\nPlanning and application tools for students, families, and educators to streamline the college and financial aid processes and monitor student progress,\nDashboards, query tools, and an analytical data set for researchers, policymakers, educators, and community members to inform research, advocacy, and policy analysis, and\nCommunity engagement and training to raise awareness of the data system and ensure it can be used by students, families, educators, researchers, and policymakers.\nOur vision is to foster evidence-based decision-making to help Californians build more equitable futures and empower individuals to reach their full potential. This is your chance to join a brand-new office to build a transformative set of services to help Californians successfully navigate life from cradle to career.\n\n**About the Role**\n\nAs the Chief Information Security Officer, you will have responsibility for the information security of the C2C Data System and the Office itself. This includes:\n\nWorking closely with the System Integrator contractors to ensure deliverables are met throughout the System Development Life Cycle\nReporting to C2C’s Executive Team and project stakeholders, including data-sharing partners, on security risks and issues\nLeading the development, implementation, and management of a comprehensive information security program and risk management program\nManaging security incidents and compliance reporting\nYour work will be challenging, fun, and focused on enabling Californians to build a more equitable future.\n\n**About You**\n\nThe following captures your approach:\n\nYou have innovative ideas for informing cybersecurity and risk management with values like equity, transparency, collaboration, accountability, and curiosity\nYou have a passion for improving the lives of young people, including empowering students, community members, researchers, and policy makers with actionable information and data systems\nYou have practical experience developing security policies and building new systems\nYou are highly organized and skilled at project managing multiple work streams at the same time\nYou have a track record of effective leadership and working collaboratively within an organization and across organizations\n\nWe are advertising this position as until filled. We will review applications on the first and third Friday of each month starting 10/04/2024.\n\nYou will find additional information about the job in the Duty Statement:\u0026amp;name=DS-ITMII-CISO(Proposed).pdf\n\nYou will find the Minimum Requirements in the Class Specification - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER II:\n\n--\u0026gt; To formally apply, follow the steps below - the hiring manager will only be able to review applications and resumes on the California state career site: CalCareers in the link below.\n--\u0026gt; Please email me once you have applied:\n--\u0026gt; The Wellfound apply will not submit your application.\n\nRecruiting at the state is different. I cannot send your resume to the hiring manager and I do not qualify candidates (no phone interview.) The hiring manager also cannot ask about your experience till you apply and are invited to an interview. All candidates must apply.\n\n**Steps for how to apply =**\n- For more details of the job responsibilities (Duty Statement,) the minimum requirements, comp/benefits, how to apply and more click on the job posting link:\n- You will need to take the Information Technology Manager II exam if you have not already --\u0026gt; These are questions around your experience. Follow this link to the exam information:\n- PLEASE view the details of the “Examination Information” AND the “Training and Experience Examination Preview” in the exam link. This information will help you with the exam.\n- Click 'Apply' --\u0026gt; Login or create a CalCareers account if you do not have one already. Then click 'Continue' for the exam.\n- Once you have taken the exam, go back to the job posting if you are not guided there: and click Apply --\u0026gt; \"I have eligibility'\n- Attach your resume, cover letter and responses to the Statement of Qualifications. See the \"Special Requirements\" section for details on the Statement of Qualifications.\n--\u0026gt; Not attaching your resume, cover letter and Statement of Qualification response to your application on CalCareers will prevent you from moving forward in the hiring process.\n\n**A couple tips to share for the exam and Statement of Qualifications:**\n- The Statement of Qualifications are like interview questions that you answer in writing. We do recommend using word.doc for your responses and keep to the requirements if it says two pages for example and the specific font of Arial 12 font. Take your time to think about your response in answering the questions. Also check spelling. Please do look at the duty statement from the job posting and match to your experience to answer the questions. Here is a link to more tips:\n- For the ‘exam,’ the exams are questions around your experience. Include all your experience from every job to volunteer work, internships, leading groups and/or projects, and more. Don’t sell yourself short. Before you start the exam, review the sample questions in the exam bulletin. This gives you a sense of what we’ll ask you. Have your resume handy. You’ll need it during the exam. Make sure your resume shows you meet the minimum qualifications. Anything you mention in your exam needs to be on your resume.\n\n**Equal Opportunity Employer**\nThe State of California is an equal opportunity employer to all, regardless of age, ancestry, color, disability (mental and physical), exercising the right to family care and medical leave, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, military or veteran status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religious creed, sex (includes pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and related medical conditions), and sexual orientation.\n\nIt is an objective of the State of California to achieve a drug-free work place. Any applicant for state employment will be expected to behave in accordance with this objective because the use of illegal drugs is inconsistent with the law of the State, the rules governing Civil Service, and the special trust placed in public servants.","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730482749,"locationNames":["Sacramento","Stockton","Folsom","Davis","Fresno","West Sacramento","Chico","Roseville","Citrus Heights","Modesto","Fairfield","Vacaville","Rancho Cordova","Yuba City","Rocklin","Fair Oaks","Placerville","Fresno","Orangevale","Sacramento","Placer County","El Dorado County","El Dorado Hills","Sacramento County","Granite Bay","Loomis","Yuba County","Fresno County","Sacramento","Natomas","Sacramento"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Engineering Manager","remote":true,"slug":"chief-information-security-officer-must-reside-in-california","title":"Chief Information Security Officer (Must reside in California)","compensation":"$132k – $161k • No equity","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3140791","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:9642502":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"9642502","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-9642502"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-9642502"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-9642502"}],"companySize":"SIZE_5000_PLUS","highConcept":"CalHR supports departments within the state of California","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3140791"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"CalHR","slug":"calhr"},"Badge:B2C-114142":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-114142","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-114142":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-114142","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-114142":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-114142","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-114142":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-114142","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_500M-114142":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_500M-114142","name":"VALUATION500M_BADGE","label":"Valuation $500M+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $500M or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3142934":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Please apply to this job with your personal email address (not your University or Program account) to avoid important Twitch emails hitting your spam inbox.\n\n### **About Us**\n\nTwitch is the world’s biggest live streaming service, with global communities built around gaming, entertainment, music, sports, cooking, and more. It is where thousands of communities come together for whatever, every day.\n\nWe’re about community, inside and out. You’ll find coworkers who are eager to team up, collaborate, and smash (or elegantly solve) problems together. We’re on a quest to empower live communities, so if this sounds good to you, see what we’re up to on [LinkedIn]( and [Twitter](, and discover the projects we’re solving on our [Blog]( Be sure to explore our [Interviewing Guide]( to learn how to ace our interview process.\n\n### **About the Role**\n\nTwitch is looking for a Security Engineering Intern to join our Product Security team. The team is responsible for removing security anti-patterns from Twitch’s source code and infrastructure and helping drive security outcomes across the company for a variety of challenges.\n\nWe’re looking for a person that wants to participate in a positive, encouraging team that cares about the community and customers it protects. Does that sound like you, or like someone you want to be? Cool. We would like for you to apply.\n\nAs an intern, you'll be thrown in the deep end of the pool. You'll own a project from start to finish and find the support of a dedicated Mentor and a Program Manager. You'll also participate in dedicated leadership development curriculum and gain industry knowledge from top Twitch executives in fireside chats. Add to this cohort trips, service opportunities, resume workshops, and housing (yes housing!) and you've got a packed summer.\n\n### **You Will:**\n\n- Participate in Product Security related review and consultation of Twitch services\n- Contribute to program and process design and improvements\n\n### **You Have:**\n\n- Capable of thinking through a security problem and presenting a reasonable solution\n- Experience in understanding Go, or object-oriented style of programming languages\n- Prior experience in cloud infrastructure\n- Desire to work collaboratively in a team environment\n\n### **Perks**\n\n- Housing stipend provided (for in person)\n\n*We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at Twitch. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.*\n\n*Pursuant to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, we will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.*\n\n*Our compensation reflects the cost of labor across several US geographic markets. The base pay for this position ranges from $42.5/hr in our lowest geographic market up to $88.94/hr in our highest geographic market. Pay is based on a number of factors including market location and may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Amazon is a total compensation company. Dependent on the position offered, equity, sign-on payments, and other forms of compensation may be provided as part of a total compensation package, in addition to a full range of medical, financial, and/or other benefits. For more information, please visit* [**](*. Applicants should apply via our internal or external career site.*\n\n#EarlyCareers \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730766256,"locationNames":["San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Security Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"security-engineering-intern","title":"Security Engineering Intern","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3142934","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:114142":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"114142","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-114142"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-114142"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-114142"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-114142"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_500M-114142"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"Come together live every day to chat, interact, and make entertainment together","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3142934"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Twitch","slug":"twitch"},"Badge:B2B-3412687":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-3412687","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-3412687":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-3412687","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-3412687":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-3412687","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-3412687":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-3412687","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-3412687":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-3412687","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-3412687":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-3412687","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Lattice is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.8 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.8","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-3412687":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-3412687","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Lattice 4.2/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-3412687":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-3412687","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Lattice 4.8/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.8","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3143106":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"## **This is EPD at Lattice**\n\nJoin Lattice’s EPD (Engineering, Product, and Design) organization as a Sr. Staff Technical Program Manager (TPM), where you’ll lead projects that advance our mission to build a people-focused platform for growth and success. In this role, you’ll partner with engineering leaders to optimize technical documentation, making knowledge easily accessible across teams. By establishing best practices for collaboration and project delivery, you’ll scale tools and systems to support large initiatives. As a key partner in department-wide communications, you’ll help foster a healthy, cohesive culture. This role is perfect for a seasoned TPM skilled in process optimization, cross-team alignment, and impactful program leadership.\n\n## **What You Will Do**\n\n- You’ll be responsible for overseeing the planning, coordination, and execution of critical programs across Lattice’s EPD organization, with a focus on engineering-wide initiatives like stability, data governance, security, etc.\n- You’ll partner with stakeholders across EPD, including product, security, and engineering teams, to drive alignment and integrate stability and governance measures into core projects effectively.\n- You’ll craft project roadmaps, timelines, and plans that guide teams from initiation through execution, ensuring long-term reliability, scalability, and compliance across Lattice's platform.\n- You’ll facilitate cross-functional collaboration, clearly defining roles, responsibilities, and expectations—particularly for initiatives that impact organization-wide security and data governance.\n- You’ll provide mentorship and guidance to team members, fostering a culture of security awareness and data governance best practices within the EPD organization.\n- You’ll own risk assessment and mitigation strategies focused on stability and security, continuously monitoring for potential vulnerabilities and adapting plans to align with EPD’s evolving priorities.\n- Within your first 90 days, you will have developed a deep understanding of EPD’s structure, project landscapes, and will have taken ownership of one or more initiatives, driving key milestones on track.\n- At 6 months, you will have successfully led multiple initiatives from concept to delivery across EPD, establishing best practices. By the end of your first year, you will be a trusted partner across teams, shaping strategic direction and reinforcing our top priorities and values.\n\n## **What You Will Bring to the Table**\n\n- 10+ years of experience in technical program management, with at least 3+ years in a senior or staff-level role in a tech or software environment.\n- You have experience taking complex programs from concept to successful delivery, managing timelines, dependencies, and resources, particularly in areas related to stability, data governance, and security.\n- You proactively identify roadblocks, mitigate risks, and ensure projects are on track to meet or exceed goals.\n- You have experience doing cross-functional collaboration, bringing together diverse teams and perspectives to achieve a common objective.\n- You understand the importance of communication, crafting clear, concise updates and adapting technical information for various audiences.\n- You’re efficient, organized, and capable of juggling multiple priorities with strong attention to detail.\n\n---\n\n*The estimated annual cash salary for this role is $172,000 - $215,000. This position is also eligible for incentive stock options, subject to the terms of Lattice’s applicable plans.*\n\n*Benefits: The Company offers the following benefits for this position, subject to applicable eligibility requirements: Medical insurance; Dental insurance; Vision insurance; Life, AD\u0026D, and Disability Insurance; Emergency Weather Support; Wellness Apps; Paid Parental Leave, Paid Time off inclusive of holidays and sick time; Commuter \u0026 Parking Accounts; Lunches in the Office; Workplace Amenities Stipend, Internet and Phone Stipend; One time WFH Office Set-Up Stipend; 401(k) retirement plan; Financial Planning; Learning \u0026 Development Budget; Sabbatical Program; and Invest in Your People Fund*\n\n**Note on Pay Transparency:*\n\n*Lattice provides an estimate of the compensation for roles that may be hired as required by state regulations. Compensation may vary based on (a) location, as Lattice factors in specific location when benchmarking compensation for most roles; (b) individual candidate skills and qualifications; and (c) individual candidate experience.*\n\n*Additionally, Lattice leverages current market data to determine compensation, so posted compensation figures are subject to change as new market data becomes available. The salary, other compensation, and benefits information is accurate as of the date of this posting. Lattice reserves the right to modify this information at any time, subject to applicable law.*\n\n## **About Lattice**\n\nLattice is on a mission to build cultures where employees and their companies thrive. In an age where employees have more choices than ever before, businesses that put employees first are winning 🏅– and Lattice is building the tools to empower those people-centric companies.\n\nLattice is a people success platform that offers performance reviews, employee engagement surveys, real-time feedback, weekly check-ins, goal setting, and career planning in a way that allows companies to focus on employee development, growth, and engagement – yielding stronger employee retention, performance, and impact to the bottom line 📈. Since launching in 2016, we have grown to over 5,000+ customers globally, including brands like Slack, Robinhood, and Gusto. \n\n* * *\n\n*Lattice is committed to equal treatment and opportunity in all aspects of recruitment, selection, and employment without regard to gender, race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, veteran or military status, or any other category protected under the law. Lattice is an equal opportunity employer; committed to a community of inclusion, and an environment free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.*\n\n*By clicking the \"Submit Application\" button below, you consent to Lattice processing your personal information for the purpose of assessing your candidacy for this position in accordance with*[ *Lattice's Job Applicant Privacy Policy*](*.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730769640,"locationNames":["New York City"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Project Manager","remote":true,"slug":"senior-staff-technical-program-manager","title":"Senior Staff Technical Program Manager","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3143106","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:3412687":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"3412687","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-3412687"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-3412687"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-3412687"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-3412687"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-3412687"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-3412687"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-3412687"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-3412687"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"Making performance management software for forward-thinking organizations","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3143106"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Lattice","slug":"latticehq"},"Badge:B2C-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-371359","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-371359","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-371359","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-371359","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-371359","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-371359","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Grammarly is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.9 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.9","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-371359","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Grammarly 4.4/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.4","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-371359","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Grammarly 4.8/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.8","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3158123":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"*Grammarly offers a dynamic hybrid model, and candidates in this role can be based remotely. You may be expected to travel to meet in person during your team’s scheduled collaboration weeks. Managers will determine in-person time according to business needs. *\n\n*This hybrid approach helps foster trust, innovation, and a strong team culture, with the flexibility of working from home, whenever you need focus time.*\n\n### **About Grammarly**\n\n[Grammarly]( is the world’s leading AI writing assistance company trusted by over 30 million people and 70,000 teams. From instantly creating a first draft to perfecting every message, Grammarly helps people at 96% of the Fortune 500 and teams at companies like Atlassian, Databricks, and Zoom get their point across—and get results—with best-in-class security practices that keep data private and protected. Founded in 2009, Grammarly is No. 14 on the *Forbes* Cloud 100, one of *TIME*’s 100 Most Influential Companies, one of *Fast Company*’s Most Innovative Companies in AI, and one of *Inc.*’s Best Workplaces.\n\n### **The Opportunity**\n\nTo achieve our ambitious goals, we’re looking for a Product GTM Enablement Manager to join our Sales Enablement team. This role will create and present engaging training materials to equip Revenue teams with thorough product knowledge.\n\nAs a Product GTM Enablement Manager, you will be supporting product launches by working closely with the Product and Product Marketing teams to develop effective enablement programs. Additionally, you will maintain and update knowledge resources to ensure that all training materials stay accurate and relevant to upcoming product features.\n\n- Develop and Deliver Training: Create engaging, interactive training materials—including presentations, demos, and workshops—that equip Revenue teams with deep product knowledge, ensuring they can effectively convey product value to customers.\n- Support Product Launches: Collaborate with Product, PMM, and Revenue teams to create training materials (e.g., demos, scripts, FAQs) for new releases and significant updates.\n- Maintain and Update Knowledge Resources: Regularly update enablement materials based on product roadmaps and upcoming features, ensuring the content is accurate, current, and relevant.\n- Collaborate Across Teams: Work closely with Segment Enablement Managers to ensure teams have the tools to address objections, communicate product benefits, and close deals. Partner with Channel teams to make materials accessible and valuable.\n- Measure and Optimize Impact: Track enablement effectiveness through key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics, using insights to continuously refine and improve training programs and materials.\n\n### **Qualifications**\n\n- Has 3+ years of SaaS enablement experience.\n- Has 2+ years in a quota-carrying sales or customer success role.\n- Collaboration: Strong interpersonal skills to effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams, including product, sales, marketing, and customer support.\n- Project Management: Proficiency in managing multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring timely delivery of enablement programs and materials.\n- Deep Technical Acumen: Ability to quickly understand complex product knowledge and distill the information down simply and effectively to Revenue Teams.\n- Adult Learning \u0026 Instructional Design: Experienced with adult learning methodologies, principles, and evaluation models, such as ADDIE and Kirkpatrick\n- Pre and post-sales experience: Ability to understand the specific needs of the sales and success teams to ensure they feel confident in articulating product releases.\n- Embodies our EAGER values—is ethical, adaptable, gritty, empathetic, and remarkable.\n- Is inspired by our MOVE principles: move fast and learn faster; obsess about creating customer value; value impact over activity; and embrace healthy disagreement rooted in trust.\n\n### **Compensation and Benefits**\n\nGrammarly offers all team members competitive pay along with a benefits package encompassing the following and more: \n\n- Excellent health care (including a wide range of medical, dental, vision, mental health, and fertility benefits)\n- Disability and life insurance options\n- 401(k) and RRSP matching\n- Paid parental leave\n- 20 days of paid time off per year, 12 days of paid holidays per year, two floating holidays per year, and flexible sick time\n- Generous stipends (including those for caregiving, pet care, wellness, your home office, and more)\n- Annual professional development budget and opportunities\n\nGrammarly takes a market-based approach to compensation, which means base pay may vary depending on your location. Our US locations are categorized into two compensation zones based on proximity to our hub locations. In Canada, all locations where we support employment are considered “Zone 1”. \n\nBase pay may vary considerably depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. The expected salary ranges for this position are outlined below by compensation zone and may be modified in the future. \n\nUnited States: Zone 1: $137,000 – $189,000/year (USD)Zone 2: $123,000 – $170,000/year (USD) Canada: Zone 1: $122,000 – $169,000/year (CAD)\n\nFor more information about our compensation zones and locations where we currently support employment, please refer to [this page]( If a location of interest is not listed, please speak with a recruiter for additional information. \n\n### **We encourage you to apply**\n\nAt Grammarly, we value our differences, and we encourage all to apply—especially those whose identities are traditionally underrepresented in tech organizations. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender expression or identity, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, age, marital status, veteran status, disability status, political belief, or any other characteristic protected by law. Grammarly is an equal opportunity employer and a participant in the US federal E-Verify program (US). We also abide by the Employment Equity Act (Canada).\n\n#LI-SL1\n\n#PST\n\n#LI-Hybrid\n\n \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732322824,"locationNames":["Canada","United States"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"product-gtm-enablement-manager","title":"Product GTM Enablement Manager","compensation":"$137k – $189k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3158123","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3129687":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"*Grammarly offers a dynamic hybrid working model for this role. This flexible approach gives team members the best of both worlds: plenty of focus time along with in-person collaboration that helps foster trust, innovation, and a strong team culture.*\n\n### **About Grammarly**\n\n[Grammarly]( is the world’s leading AI writing assistance company trusted by over 30 million people and 70,000 teams. From instantly creating a first draft to perfecting every message, Grammarly helps people at 96% of the Fortune 500 and teams at companies like Atlassian, Databricks, and Zoom get their point across—and get results—with best-in-class security practices that keep data private and protected. Founded in 2009, Grammarly is No. 14 on the *Forbes* Cloud 100, one of *TIME*’s 100 Most Influential Companies, one of *Fast Company*’s Most Innovative Companies in AI, and one of *Inc.*’s Best Workplaces.\n\n### **The Opportunity**\n\nTo achieve our ambitious goals, we’re looking for a Website CRO manager to join our Acquisition Marketing team. This person will be responsible for optimizing potential customers' experiences from when they land on our marketing website (both desktop and mobile) to when they enter the product conversion funnel. \n\nAs a Manager of Website Conversion, you will help create and drive the strategy to optimize conversion from first visit to first contact. You will be a key player on our acquisition marketing team and instrumental in helping Grammarly build web conversion rate optimization into a vibrant and performative channel. You will be able to directly impact the business by improving the experience of millions of visitors weekly.\n\nIn this role, you will:\n\n- Be an advocate for optimizing marketing web pages (on both desktop and mobile) to best meet visitors’ needs, balancing conversion rate optimization with user experience and long-term brand sentiment.\n- Drive both individual and team user signups.\n- Use data and other insights to develop the web page optimization roadmap, execute on this roadmap, and track the performance.\n- Has good testing knowledge, including A/B and multivariate, and knows when to apply different methodologies.\n- Work hands-on with testing tools and data analysis\n- Set goals for conversion rate optimization that help meet broader website and Acquisition team objectives.\n- Develop best practices, guidance, and templates for building new marketing web pages; consult with partners in marketing and other departments to optimize web pages.\n- Collaborate with other members of the Organic Acquisition team, including SEO managers and content marketers, to drive our overall website growth strategy and identify new landing page opportunities.\n- Partner with data science and human insights teams to better understand visitor behavior on our website.\n- Build cross-functional partnerships with product, engineering, design, and other marketing teams to create a seamless first-touch-to-website-to-conversion funnel experience.\n- Be the knowledge holder of industry trends, best practices, and innovation in the Web CRO space, and advocate for bringing new techniques and technologies to the company to keep us on the cutting edge.\n\n### **Qualifications**\n\n- Someone who has at least 5 years of experience.\n- Is a constant source of new ideas, champions out-of-the-box thinking, and has a track record of innovating new methods to achieve a goal.\n- Thinks strategically and weighs alternative scenarios based on strategic objectives. Can anticipate problems and enjoy tackling them.\n- Thinks on their feet and always has a backup plan for their backup strategy.\n- Likes organization but can be flexible.\n- Enjoys piecing a project together like a puzzle, involving the right people at the right time to achieve optimum results.\n- Searches for answers to questions. Able to synthesize quantitative and qualitative data, make data-driven decisions, and use (sometimes incomplete) data to identify gaps and opportunities.\n- Understands how people use websites, the information presented on site, and how that information significantly impacts what users experience with user segmentation and personalization is appreciated.\n- May have experience in UX, web design, product management, and content strategy.\n- Embodies our EAGER values—is ethical, adaptable, gritty, empathetic, and remarkable.\n- Is inspired by our MOVE principles: move fast and learn faster; obsess about creating customer value; value impact over activity; and embrace healthy disagreement rooted in trust.\n\n### **Compensation and Benefits**\n\nGrammarly offers all team members competitive pay along with a benefits package encompassing the following and more: \n\n- Excellent health care (including a wide range of medical, dental, vision, mental health, and fertility benefits)\n- Disability and life insurance options\n- 401(k) and RRSP matching\n- Paid parental leave\n- 20 days of paid time off per year, 12 days of paid holidays per year, two floating holidays per year, and flexible sick time\n- Generous stipends (including those for caregiving, pet care, wellness, your home office, and more)\n- Annual professional development budget and opportunities\n\nGrammarly takes a market-based approach to compensation, which means base pay may vary depending on your location. Our US locations are categorized into two compensation zones based on proximity to our hub locations.\n\nBase pay may vary considerably depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. The expected salary ranges for this position are outlined below by compensation zone and may be modified in the future. \n\nZone 1: $123,000 – $169,000/year (USD) \n### **We encourage you to apply**\n\nAt Grammarly, we value our differences, and we encourage all to apply—especially those whose identities are traditionally underrepresented in tech organizations. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender expression or identity, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, age, marital status, veteran status, disability status, political belief, or any other characteristic protected by law. Grammarly is an equal opportunity employer and a participant in the US federal E-Verify program (US). We also abide by the Employment Equity Act (Canada).\n\n#LI-Hybrid\n\n \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729212154,"locationNames":["San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Other","remote":false,"slug":"manager-website-optimization","title":"Manager, Website Optimization","compensation":"$123k – $169k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3129687","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:371359":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"371359","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-371359"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-371359"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-371359"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-371359"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-371359"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-371359"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-371359"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-371359"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"Improving lives by improving communication","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3158123"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3129687"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Grammarly","slug":"grammarly-1"},"Badge:B2B-6930300":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-6930300","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-6930300":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-6930300","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-6930300":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-6930300","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Bounteous is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.8 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.8","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-6930300":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-6930300","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Bounteous 4.6/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.6","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-6930300":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-6930300","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Bounteous 4.7/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.7","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3152659":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Bounteous x Accolite makes the future faster for the world's most ambitious brands. Our services span Strategy, Analytics, Digital Engineering, Cloud, Data \u0026 AI, Experience Design, and Marketing. We are guided by Co-Innovation, our proven methodology of collaborative partnership. \nBounteous x Accolite brings together 5000+ employees spanning North America, APAC, and EMEA, and partnerships with leading technology providers. Through advanced digital engineering, technology solutions, and data-driven digital experiences, we create exceptional and efficient business impact and help our clients win. \n### Information Security Responsibilities\n- Awareness on information security measures such as acceptable use of information assets, malware protection, password security\n- Understand and report security risks and how they impact the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets\n- Understand how data is stored, processed, or transmitted from a Data privacy and protection standpoint\n\n### Key Responsibilities\n- **Project Planning and Execution**\n- Define project scope, goals, and deliverables in collaboration with stakeholders and technical teams.\n- Develop detailed project plans, schedules, and milestones using tools like JIRA, MS Project, or Asana.\n- Coordinate resources and ensure the flawless execution of projects, balancing timelines and technical constraints.\n- **Team Leadership and Collaboration**\n- Lead cross-functional teams, including developers, DevOps engineers, QA testers, and UI/UX designers.\n- Facilitate daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and retrospectives for Agile teams.\n- Ensure effective communication and collaboration between technical and non-technical stakeholders.\n- **Technical Oversight**\n- Understand and guide architectural decisions, technical design, and system integrations.\n- Oversee system deployments, infrastructure scaling, and integration of third-party APIs.\n- **Risk and Issue Management**\n- Identify potential risks, blockers, or technical challenges and proactively create mitigation strategies.\n- Manage changes in project scope, timeline, and costs using proper change management processes.\n- **Performance Monitoring and Reporting**\n- Track project performance using metrics like velocity, burn rate, and defect resolution rates.\n- Create and deliver project status reports and dashboards to stakeholders.\n- Measure project outcomes and ensure continuous improvement in delivery processes.\n- **Stakeholder Management**\n- Establish and maintain strong relationships with clients, vendors, and internal Teams.\n- Translate complex technical concepts into clear, actionable updates for stakeholders.\n- **Documentation and Compliance**\n- Maintain comprehensive project documentation, including technical requirements, process flows, and post-mortems.\n- Ensure projects adhere to technical standards, compliance requirements, and best practices.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731717433,"locationNames":["Chennai"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Project Manager","remote":false,"slug":"project-manager-technical","title":"Project Manager-Technical","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3152659","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3146412":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Bounteous x Accolite makes the future faster for the world's most ambitious brands. Our services span Strategy, Analytics, Digital Engineering, Cloud, Data \u0026 AI, Experience Design, and Marketing. We are guided by Co-Innovation, our proven methodology of collaborative partnership. \nBounteous x Accolite brings together 5000+ employees spanning North America, APAC, and EMEA, and partnerships with leading technology providers. Through advanced digital engineering, technology solutions, and data-driven digital experiences, we create exceptional and efficient business impact and help our clients win. \n### Information Security Responsibilities\n- Awareness on information security measures such as acceptable use of information assets, malware protection, password security\n- Understand and report security risks and how they impact the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets\n- Understand how data is stored, processed, or transmitted from a Data privacy and protection standpoint\n\n### Key Responsibilities:\n- **Backlog Management \u0026 Prioritization:**\n- Own and manage the team’s backlog with accountability for delivering value.\n- Prioritize backlog items to streamline execution and ensure alignment with program goals.\n- Work closely with the Product Manager to ensure lock-in step alignment on priorities and delivery.\n- **Vision \u0026 Customer Advocacy:**\n- Convey the product vision to the Agile Team, ensuring a clear understanding of the goals.\n- Act as the voice of the customer, ensuring that the team’s deliverables meet customer needs and expectations.\n- **Agile Team Collaboration:**\n- Be an integral part of the Agile Team, available and accessible for collaboration and decision-making.\n- Engage with stakeholders, including the Product Manager, to align on product goals and objectives.\n- **Marketing Automation:**\n- Must have a high-level understanding of Marketing Automation Platforms, including Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Oracle Marketing Cloud, Adobe Cloud, and others.\n- Have a good understanding of the Customer lifecycle journey process (ie., Reach, Acquisition, Conversion, Retention, Loyalty)\n- Experience or background in the telecommunications industry is a plus.\n- **Business Process Facilitation:**\n- Partner with sponsors, stakeholders, and Information Technology to facilitate, define, and document relevant business processes.\n- Gain an understanding of the needs, measures, risks, and controls within the improvement area to drive successful outcomes.\n- Work with management and other stakeholders to understand and validate business strategy, vision, and customer needs.\n- **Product Management \u0026 Oversight:**\n- Work independently on medium to large complexity efforts or support Senior/Lead roles on larger projects.\n- Oversee project-level plans related to schedule, scope, and resource allocation, ensuring alignment with overall business objectives.\n- Collaborate with business process owners to manage and track benefits, adoption, and risks to operations.\n- **Feedback Management \u0026 Requirement Prioritization:**\n- Review, accept, and prioritize feedback and new requirements from stakeholders to ensure continuous improvement and alignment with business goals.\n- Ensure that the development output meets specified acceptance criteria by reviewing and accepting or declining deliverables.\n\n### Preferred Qualifications:\n- Previous experience as a Product Owner or Product Manager in Agile environments.\n- Experience working with cross-functional teams and stakeholders in a fast-paced environment.\n- Strong communication and leadership skills with the ability to inspire and motivate teams.\n\n### Education \u0026 Experience:\n- Bachelor's degree in a relevant field or equivalent experience.\n- 5+ years of experience in Product Management, Product Ownership, or a related role.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731026786,"locationNames":["Chennai"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"product-owner-martech","title":"Product Owner-Martech","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3146412","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3120426":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Bounteous x Accolite makes the future faster for the world's most ambitious brands. Our services span Strategy, Analytics, Digital Engineering, Cloud, Data \u0026 AI, Experience Design, and Marketing. We are guided by Co-Innovation, our proven methodology of collaborative partnership. \nBounteous x Accolite brings together 5000+ employees spanning North America, APAC, and EMEA, and partnerships with leading technology providers. Through advanced digital engineering, technology solutions, and data-driven digital experiences, we create exceptional and efficient business impact and help our clients win. \n### Information Security Responsibilities\n- Awareness on information security measures such as acceptable use of information assets, malware protection, password security\n- Understand and report security risks and how they impact the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets\n- Understand how data is stored, processed, or transmitted from a Data privacy and protection standpoint\n\n### Position Overview\n- A Sr. Salesforce QA Engineer is responsible for validating end to end functional modules or apps in Sales, Service and Marketing cloud. This role requires proficient knowledge of []( platform and an analytical mindset with a keen eye for detail.\n \n- A Sr. Salesforce QA engineer is an instrumental member of a project team, helping to ensure that a solution is fit for end user's needs, work closely with the entire project team to review the overall functional and non-functional requirements, while keeping a user's perspective in mind. Activities in this role will include analysing non-functional requirements and technical designs, translating functional requirements into test cases, and identifying defects and driving them to resolution.\n - Ideally, candidates should possess a drive for thinking creatively to resolve complex problems and enjoy contributing to solutions regardless of their functional role within a project team.\n\n### Key Responsibilities\n- **Salesforce platform:** Validate all the end-to-end functional flows/apps which is developed or customized in Sales Cloud, Service cloud and Marketing cloud. Experience in testing Salesforce Lightning, Classic experience, Salesforce configuration, Integration, and data migration projects.\n- **Collaborate:** Collaborate with project/business teams to reproduce, analyse, and debut issues. Demonstrate ownership and accountability through self-directed task management.\n- **Design Review:** Review functional/operational requirements and design specifications, advise Project Management, Business Analysts, and/or Testing Leads regarding requirements and design testability.\n- **Ownership:** Own and/or monitor a small QA team for Delivery/Client Services/Internal projects (with guidance from QA Lead or QA Manager).\n- **Test case management and execution:** Creation and management of QA test artifacts like test plans, test estimations and test cases. Execute test cases while leveraging various test heuristics to validate products are working as expected.\n- **Agile methodology:** Actively participate in all agile ceremonies, backlog refinement and user story reviews.\n- **Client handling:** Direct client interaction and expectation to be able to lead QA calls.\n- **Delivery**: Facilitate UAT planning and execution of UAT.\n- **Team handling:** Actively contribute to knowledge sharing initiatives and help in skill development of peer QA engineers.\n\n### Required Skills\n- Bachelor’s degree in computer science, Information Technology, or a related field.\n- Minimum 4+ years of experience in []( testing which is developed or customized in Sales Cloud, Service cloud and Marketing cloud.\n- Minimum 3+ year of testing experience in Salesforce Lightning, Classic experience, Salesforce configuration, Integration, and data migration projects.\n- Exposure in validating functional flows in Account / Contact / Lead / Campaign / Opportunity / Quote / Case Management, Activities, Approval, and workflow, Reports and Dashboards, integration, and validations.\n- Experience in integrating testing of []( and []( with relational databases, 3rd party platforms, and []( partner applications.\n- Strong testing skills in Salesforce standard object, custom objects, custom fields, page layouts, custom Tabs, Reports and various other components as per application requirements including Salesforce Mobile App\n- Experience with leading and mentoring Testing team.\n- Exposure in configuring validation rules, workflows, process builders, approval processes, email notifications and custom reports.\n- Exposure to Security and sharing rules implementation at object, field, and record level for different users at different levels of organization.\n- Strong knowledge of Integration testing is highly desirable.\n- Good knowledge of SOQL is highly desirable for data validation.\n- Experience in creating Reports in Salesforce for daily metrics, dashboards, and monitoring the variance in the data Reviewing.\n- Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment and adapt to changing project requirements.\n- Should have hands on experience in Agile / Waterfall Methodologies\n- Interacting with client-side professionals for system study, requirements verification and analysis.\n- Documenting/Reporting, tracking, communicating test results, analysis, unresolved problems using tools.\n- Hands on experience in Functional, Integration, Regression testing and preparation of Test cases \u0026 Test Reports.\n- Able to analyse the requirements. Generate test cases from the requirements.\n- Analyse various scenarios and implement test cases.\n- Conversant with SDLC and STLC.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1692151256,"locationNames":["Chennai"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Other","remote":false,"slug":"senior-salesforce-qa","title":"Senior Salesforce QA","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3120426","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:6930300":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"6930300","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-6930300"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-6930300"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-6930300"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-6930300"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-6930300"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"We co‑innovate with the world's most ambitious brands to create digital experiences","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3152659"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3146412"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3120426"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Bounteous","slug":"bounteous"},"Badge:B2B-7227722":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-7227722","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-7227722":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-7227722","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-7227722":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-7227722","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-7227722":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-7227722","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"HashiCorp is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.1 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.1","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-7227722":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-7227722","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate HashiCorp 4.1/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.1","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3158266":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"P4\n\nRemote - US\n\nJR103834 Senior Technical Program Manager (Open)\n\n**About the team**\n\n- The HashiCorp R\u0026D Operations group is dedicated to driving operational excellence across our rapidly scaling R\u0026D organization. Within this group, the R\u0026D Productivity team focuses on building and refining processes, systems, and practices that empower our Engineering, Product Management, and Design teams to deliver high-value products efficiently and effectively. Our mission is to enable seamless collaboration, optimize execution, and support continuous improvement, ensuring R\u0026D can meet the growing complexity of our business with agility and impact.\n\n**What you’ll do (responsibilities)**\n\n- Drive the end-to-end execution of complex, large-scale programs that support the continued standardization of product and software development processes, empowering teams to learn and adopt new ways of working to meet business needs.\n- Develop comprehensive program plans that clearly articulate the business value, goals and objectives, milestones, dependencies, enablement strategies, and success metrics.\n- Design process frameworks and solutions, illustrating how they work through written documentation and visuals.\n- Conduct discovery on existing processes and tooling, identifying pain points and opportunities to improve.\n- Facilitate workshops to foster stakeholder alignment and ensure solutions are developed collaboratively.\n- Drive decision-making and approvals of program scope, objectives, and deliverables across multiple stakeholder groups within R\u0026D and the organization in Marketing, Sales, Support, Security, and IT.\n- Facilitate the rollout and training of teams on new processes \u0026 tools, while also creating learning materials (training guides, videos) and knowledge management hubs.\n- Monitor and report on program progress and performance, proactively identifying and mitigating risks and issues.\n- Maintain centralized documentation and reporting for programs, ensuring teams have consistent access to up-to-date information.\n- Track and manage program deliverables, dependencies, and timelines, ensuring all administrative details are handled efficiently.\n- Support ongoing adoption of processes and tools by addressing team questions, troubleshooting challenges, and iterating on materials based on user feedback.\n\n**What you’ll need (basic qualifications)**\n\n- Proven experience as a process designer, systems-thinker and change agent, leading large-scale process change programs across multiple teams and functions\n- A solid understanding and application of Product Development Life Cycle and Software Development Life Cycle standards and best practices\n- Advanced JIRA, Confluence, and JIRA Product Discovery skills and experience developing standardized frameworks to support consistent usage of these tools across organizations\n- Strong analytical skills, a second-order thinker who can evaluate alternatives, and make decisions based on quantitative and qualitative data\n- Advanced presentation skills, the ability to create persuasive and compelling narratives and lead discussions\n- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to collaborate effectively across functions and levels\n- Strong bias for action and an intrinsic ability to deal with ambiguity in a fast-paced environment\n- Experience working in a globally distributed team, with an understanding of cultural and timezone considerations.\n\n**What's nice to have (preferred qualifications)**\n\n- Experience with large-scale migrations or integrations of product and engineering tools, such as transitioning from one project management system to another (e.g., Asana to Jira).\n- Certification in program management methodologies, such as PMP, PgMP, or Lean Six Sigma, to bring additional structure to complex programs.\n- Familiarity with enterprise-level compliance frameworks (e.g., SOC 2, ISO 27001) and how they intersect with R\u0026D processes.\n- Expertise in developing and analyzing operational success metrics, with a track record of presenting actionable insights to senior leadership.\n- Demonstrated ability to mentor junior TPMs or operational staff, fostering a culture of growth and continuous learning.\n\n**Sponsorship**\n\nHashiCorp welcomes all qualified candidates who have authorization to work in the United States to apply - HashiCorp will not be sponsoring visas for this role at this time. \n\n#LI-Remote\n\nIndividual pay within the range will be determined based on job related-factors such as skills, experience, and education or training.\n\nThe base pay range for this role in the SF Bay Area / NYC area is:$182,800—$215,000 USDThe base pay range for this role in Seattle Metro, Denver / Boulder Metro, New York (excluding NYC), Washington D.C., or California (excluding SF Bay Area) is:$167,500—$197,100 USDThe base pay range for this role in Colorado (excluding Denver / Boulder Metro) and Washington (excluding Seattle Metro) is:$152,300—$179,200 USD","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732325744,"locationNames":["United States"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Project Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-technical-program-manager","title":"Senior Technical Program Manager","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3158266","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:7227722":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"7227722","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-7227722"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-7227722"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-7227722"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-7227722"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-7227722"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"Workflows to provision, secure, connect, and run any infrastructure for any application","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3158266"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"HashiCorp","slug":"hashi-1"},"Badge:B2B-162081":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-162081","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-162081":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-162081","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-162081":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-162081","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-162081":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-162081","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-162081":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-162081","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Tanium is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.7 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.7","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-162081":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-162081","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Tanium 4.4/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.4","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-162081":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-162081","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Tanium 4.7/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.7","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3154595":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**The Basics:**\n\nThe **Administrative Operations Intern** will contribute to making our functional operations best in class by supporting Tanium's workforce. The Administrative Operations Intern will systematically dissect existing processes for inefficiencies within the Procurement, Real Estate, \u0026 Security functions. They will then strategically develop new \u0026 innovative processes to solve for these inefficiencies with the goal of providing our employees with the support they need to get the job done. Once processes are developed, they will partner with the Process Development \u0026 Implementation Manager to successfully implement these processes, ensuring the long-term process owner understands how to operate it successfully. They will assist in supporting all Administrative Operations functions and those this team integrates with, including but not limited to the IT, HR Operations, Legal, Finance, \u0026 Accounting teams. They will gain broad exposure by assisting in a range of projects and deliverables that actually impact Tanium's ability to be agile \u0026 successfully operate.\n\nThe hourly rate for this internship is $25.00. This hourly rate is an estimate for what Tanium will pay an intern. The actual rate offered may be adjusted based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to, education, skills, training, and experience. In addition to an hourly rate, interns will be eligible for a housing stipend, 401k matching, and a monthly allowance for communications reimbursement. \n\n**What you'll do:**\n\n- Contribute to daily stand-ups with various functional partners to ensure current processes are being applied effectively\n- Meet with manager \u0026 functional stakeholders to understand current process flows and identify pain points\n- Visually depict current and future processes, calling out areas for improvement\n- Utilize \u0026 learn operational project management\n- Contribute to Administrative function budget data entry and spend tracking\n- Learn various tools for project management and critical path tracking\n- Develop business acumen through one-on-one learning sessions with strategic business leaders\n- Support various programs as directed by the Process Development \u0026 Implementation Manager \u0026 Head of Global Administrative Operations\n- Develop understanding of basic supply chain, procurement, \u0026 sourcing operations\n- Gain exposure to other Administrative functions including Commercial Real Estate, Construction Project Management, Crisis Management, \u0026 Business Continuity\n\n**We are looking for someone who is:**\n\n- Authorized to work in the U.S. now and in the future\n- Available to work full-time from June 9, 2025 to August 15, 2025\n- A currently enrolled Bachelors degree candidate, preferably studying in Business Administration, Project Management, Math, Statistics, Economics, Finance, Accounting, or related fields, ideally with a 3.5+ GPA\n- Graduating Spring 2026 or Fall 2025\n- Exceptional in interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills\n- Self-driven and creative with the passion to go above and beyond\n- Strong in attention to detail and high integrity\n- Strong working knowledge of applications such as Microsoft Office, Google Apps, and other collaboration tools is required\n- Transitioning Veterans are encouraged to apply.\n\n**About Tanium**\n\nTanium delivers the industry's only true real-time cloud-based endpoint management and security offering. Its converged endpoint management (XEM) platform is real-time, seamless, and autonomous, allowing security-conscious organizations to break down silos between IT and Security operations that results in reduced complexity, cost, and risk. Securing more than 32M endpoints around the world, Tanium's customers include Fortune 100 organizations, top US retailers, top US commercial banks, and branches of the U.S. Military. It also partners with the world's biggest technology companies, system integrators, and managed service providers to help customers realize the full potential of their IT investments. Tanium has been named to the Forbes Cloud 100 list for nine consecutive years and ranks on the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For. For more information on The Power of Certainty™, visit []( and follow us on [LinkedIn]( and [X]( \n\n**On a mission. Together.**\n\nAt Tanium, we are stewards of a culture that emphasizes the importance of collaboration, respect, and diversity. In our pursuit of revolutionizing the way some of the largest enterprises and governments in the world solve their most difficult IT challenges, we are strengthened by our unique perspectives and by our collective actions. \n\nWe are an organization with stakeholders around the world and it’s imperative that the diversity of our customers and communities is reflected internally in our team members. We strive to create a diverse and inclusive environment where everyone feels they have opportunities to succeed and grow because we know that only together can we do great things. \n\nEach of our team members has 5 days set aside as volunteer time off (VTO) to contribute to the communities they live in and give back to the causes they care about most. Interns and other Tanium contractors are eligible for VTO after 90 days of employment. \n\n \n\nFor more information on how Tanium processes your personal data, please see our [Privacy Policy](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732062072,"locationNames":["Reston"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Project Manager","remote":false,"slug":"administrative-operations-project-management-intern","title":"Administrative Operations - Project Management Intern","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3154595","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3154596":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**The Basics:**\n\nThe **Administrative Operations Intern** will contribute to making our functional operations best in class by supporting Tanium's workforce. The Administrative Operations Intern will systematically dissect existing processes for inefficiencies within the Procurement, Real Estate, \u0026 Security functions. They will then strategically develop new \u0026 innovative processes to solve for these inefficiencies with the goal of providing our employees with the support they need to get the job done. Once processes are developed, they will partner with the Process Development \u0026 Implementation Manager to successfully implement these processes, ensuring the long-term process owner understands how to operate it successfully. They will assist in supporting all Administrative Operations functions and those this team integrates with, including but not limited to the IT, HR Operations, Legal, Finance, \u0026 Accounting teams. They will gain broad exposure by assisting in a range of projects and deliverables that actually impact Tanium's ability to be agile \u0026 successfully operate.\n\nThe hourly rate for this internship is $25.00. This hourly rate is an estimate for what Tanium will pay an intern. The actual rate offered may be adjusted based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to, education, skills, training, and experience. In addition to an hourly rate, interns will be eligible for a housing stipend, 401k matching, and a monthly allowance for communications reimbursement. \n\n**What you'll do:**\n\n- Contribute to daily stand-ups with various functional partners to ensure current processes are being applied effectively\n- Meet with manager \u0026 functional stakeholders to understand current process flows and identify pain points\n- Visually depict current and future processes, calling out areas for improvement\n- Utilize \u0026 learn operational project management\n- Contribute to Administrative function budget data entry and spend tracking\n- Learn various tools for project management and critical path tracking\n- Develop business acumen through one-on-one learning sessions with strategic business leaders\n- Support various programs as directed by the Process Development \u0026 Implementation Manager \u0026 Head of Global Administrative Operations\n- Develop understanding of basic supply chain, procurement, \u0026 sourcing operations\n- Gain exposure to other Administrative functions including Commercial Real Estate, Construction Project Management, Crisis Management, \u0026 Business Continuity\n\n**We are looking for someone who is:**\n\n- Authorized to work in the U.S. now and in the future\n- Available to work full-time from June 9, 2025 to August 15, 2025\n- A currently enrolled Bachelors degree candidate, preferably studying in Business Administration, Project Management, Math, Statistics, Economics, Finance, Accounting, or related fields, ideally with a 3.5+ GPA\n- Graduating Spring 2026 or Fall 2025\n- Exceptional in interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills\n- Self-driven and creative with the passion to go above and beyond\n- Strong in attention to detail and high integrity\n- Strong working knowledge of applications such as Microsoft Office, Google Apps, and other collaboration tools is required\n- Transitioning Veterans are encouraged to apply.\n\n**About Tanium**\n\nTanium delivers the industry's only true real-time cloud-based endpoint management and security offering. Its converged endpoint management (XEM) platform is real-time, seamless, and autonomous, allowing security-conscious organizations to break down silos between IT and Security operations that results in reduced complexity, cost, and risk. Securing more than 32M endpoints around the world, Tanium's customers include Fortune 100 organizations, top US retailers, top US commercial banks, and branches of the U.S. Military. It also partners with the world's biggest technology companies, system integrators, and managed service providers to help customers realize the full potential of their IT investments. Tanium has been named to the Forbes Cloud 100 list for nine consecutive years and ranks on the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For. For more information on The Power of Certainty™, visit []( and follow us on [LinkedIn]( and [X]( \n\n**On a mission. Together.**\n\nAt Tanium, we are stewards of a culture that emphasizes the importance of collaboration, respect, and diversity. In our pursuit of revolutionizing the way some of the largest enterprises and governments in the world solve their most difficult IT challenges, we are strengthened by our unique perspectives and by our collective actions. \n\nWe are an organization with stakeholders around the world and it’s imperative that the diversity of our customers and communities is reflected internally in our team members. We strive to create a diverse and inclusive environment where everyone feels they have opportunities to succeed and grow because we know that only together can we do great things. \n\nEach of our team members has 5 days set aside as volunteer time off (VTO) to contribute to the communities they live in and give back to the causes they care about most. Interns and other Tanium contractors are eligible for VTO after 90 days of employment. \n\n \n\nFor more information on how Tanium processes your personal data, please see our [Privacy Policy](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732062072,"locationNames":["Durham"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Project Manager","remote":false,"slug":"administrative-operations-project-management-intern","title":"Administrative Operations - Project Management Intern","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3154596","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3118810":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**The Basics**\n\nOur CTO organization is actively seeking a Program Manager to support the CTO organization's product development activities. In this role, you will play a critical role in ensuring the precision of ideation, development and ultimate delivery of new Tanium product features. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in technology, attention-to-detail, and a passion for managing the development of products from cradle to grave. You will represent the Product Organization in collaboration with several departments including Engineering, UX, Enablement, \u0026 Marketing to usher these products through development lifecycle.\n\nA successful candidate will be a strong communicator, organized, and self-sufficient. The candidate will be able to bring their industry expertise to drive vision and development cross-functionally across all levels of the organization. Must have a successful track record of working with stakeholders on new products.\n\n **What you’ll do**\n\n- Facilitate product launch process from ideation to delivery phase while driving efficiency and consistency.\n- Manage timelines \u0026 communicate product readiness to leadership\n- Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including subject matter experts, UX, Engineering, Enablement \u0026 Marketing\n- Support additional project management and product development processes as needed\n\n **We’re looking for someone with**\n\n- Education\n - Bachelor’s degree\n- Experience\n - A passion for becoming an expert in Tanium’s product and technology\n - 5+ years experience in creating and reviewing content – preferably at a security company\n - Expertise in editorial practices and conventions. \n - Excellent organizational and time-management skills. \n - Outstanding oral and written communication skills. \n - Exceptional attention to detail and the ability to identify and correct errors. \n - Ability to work independently and collaborate effectively in a remote work environment. \n - Expertise in product-related project management \u0026 launch processes\n - Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple projects simultaneously. \n\n \n\n**About Tanium**\n\nTanium delivers the industry's only true real-time cloud-based endpoint management and security offering. Its converged endpoint management (XEM) platform is real-time, seamless, and autonomous, allowing security-conscious organizations to break down silos between IT and Security operations that results in reduced complexity, cost, and risk. Securing more than 32M endpoints around the world, Tanium's customers include Fortune 100 organizations, top US retailers, top US commercial banks, and branches of the U.S. Military. It also partners with the world's biggest technology companies, system integrators, and managed service providers to help customers realize the full potential of their IT investments. Tanium has been named to the Forbes Cloud 100 list for nine consecutive years and ranks on the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For. For more information on The Power of Certainty™, visit []( and follow us on [LinkedIn]( and [X]( \n\n**On a mission. Together.**\n\nAt Tanium, we are stewards of a culture that emphasizes the importance of collaboration, respect, and diversity. In our pursuit of revolutionizing the way some of the largest enterprises and governments in the world solve their most difficult IT challenges, we are strengthened by our unique perspectives and by our collective actions. \n\nWe are an organization with stakeholders around the world and it’s imperative that the diversity of our customers and communities is reflected internally in our team members. We strive to create a diverse and inclusive environment where everyone feels they have opportunities to succeed and grow because we know that only together can we do great things. \n\nEach of our team members has 5 days set aside as volunteer time off (VTO) to contribute to the communities they live in and give back to the causes they care about most. \n\n**What you’ll get**\n\nThe annual base salary range for this full-time position is $85,000 to $260,000. This range is an estimate for what Tanium will pay a new hire. The actual annual base salary offered may be adjusted based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to, location, education, skills, training, and experience.\n\nIn addition to an annual base salary, team members will receive equity awards and a generous benefits package consisting of medical, dental and vision plan, family planning benefits, health savings account, flexible spending account, transportation savings account, 401(k) retirement savings plan with company match, life, accident and disability coverage, business travel accident insurance, employee assistance programs, disability insurance, and other well-being benefits.\n\n \n\nFor more information on how Tanium processes your personal data, please see our [Privacy Policy](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1728087507,"locationNames":["Emeryville"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Project Manager","remote":false,"slug":"technical-program-manager","title":"Technical Program Manager ","compensation":"$85k – $260k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3118810","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:162081":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"162081","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-162081"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-162081"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-162081"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-162081"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-162081"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-162081"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-162081"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"See, control and protect every endpoint, everywhere, with Converged Endpoint Management","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3154595"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3154596"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3118810"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Tanium","slug":"tanium"},"Badge:B2C-32625":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-32625","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-32625":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-32625","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-32625":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-32625","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3036506":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"\nThe Role:\n\nWe are looking for an experienced technical leader to lead our IT organization, spearheading our technology strategy and infrastructure support, supporting our company goals of profitability and revenue growth. This highly cross-functional role will manage our IT resources as well as drive key strategic initiatives that impact the entire company and make our employees more efficient. Partnering with key stakeholders from the executive team members to evangelists in each department, you will own projects from ideation to wide adoption that is critical to Minted’s scalability and growth. This pivotal role demands an innovative leader with a deep understanding of IT systems, a knack for strategic planning, and a passion for driving digital transformation.\n\n\nThe IT department at Minted is a small but highly efficient team, and we pride ourselves in being able to wear many hats across infrastructure, tooling, security, and supporting the company and employees. Minted has a strong culture of mentorship and promoting from within, as well as projects that enable us to cross-train and learn from one another. We are a metrics-driven organization and we work hard to make sure every project we do is cost-efficient, measurable, and impactful. \n\n\nAnticipated Start Date: 8/1/2024\n\nOur SF-based team has an in-person 3x a week schedule.\n\nAs part of our recruitment process, we want to ensure the security and legitimacy of all communication channels. Therefore, please be advised that all official correspondences from our team will be sent from email addresses ending with \"\"\n\n\n\n\nYou Will: \n- Develop, advocate, and execute a comprehensive roadmap to enhance Minted's IT infrastructure, security protocols, and internal processes.\n- Oversee the network, systems, security, and help desk teams to ensure they achieve their goals, providing mentorship, strategic direction and vision, and support.\n- Implement and manage robust security measures to protect Minted’s data and systems from internal and external threats.\n- Ensure the efficient operation and maintenance of internal IT infrastructure, including servers, networks, and workstations; ensure seamless collaboration across the company in a cost-effective manner.\n- Streamline and enhance help desk operations to provide exceptional support to all internal users, resolving issues promptly and effectively.\n- Collaborate with department leaders to identify and address coverage gaps, inefficiencies, and pain points within and across departments.\n- Devise and execute on a strategy around internal information management that is logical, centralized, and easy to search and maintain.\n- Collaborate with HR teams to streamline management of internal user processes, especially automations and controls around user onboarding, off-boarding, and application access\n- Analyze and utilize metrics to drive continuous improvement in IT processes, infrastructure, and service delivery.\n- Lead complex technical projects from initiation to completion, ensuring feasibility, detailed planning, effective implementation, and seamless integration.\n- Maintain and strengthen relationships with third-party vendors, managing RFI/RFP processes, bake-offs, and contract negotiations.\n- Manage the IT budget, ensuring it aligns with Minted’s profit and growth objectives and infrastructure needs.\n \n\n\nYou Are:\n- Patient and thoughtful; Detail oriented with the ability to juggle many projects in parallel.\n- Able to foster effective working relationships and build consensus across the organization including C-suite.\n- Familiar with the challenges in scaling knowledge and creating education within the non-technical areas of a company, and an intuitive understanding of how scaling and knowledge are linked.\n- Familiar with the information technology and knowledge sharing needs of the non-technical functions of a company.\n- Familiar with IT industry best practices across networking, infrastructure, application management \u0026 security.\n- Familiar with emerging trends on new business \u0026 productivity tooling on the market.\n- Assertive when needed to drive the IT roadmap and clearly communicate with stakeholders throughout the project.\n- Methodical in identifying, stack ranking, documenting and communicating projects and project requirements, scope, \u0026 risks to stakeholders.\n \n\n\nYou Have:\n- 8+ years of experience driving cross functional IT projects for late stage technology startups.\n- 5+ years of experience leading IT organizations with diverse skillsets across infrastructure and technical support.\n- Domain knowledge and expertise of multiple disciplines including IT systems, networking, security and compliance.\n- Understanding of image management and WDAM solutions.\n- Experience with SaaS and terrestrial file systems ([](, SAN).\n- Expertise in project management tools (Smartsheets, [](, Asana).\n- Experience working with Application Catalogs (Torri, Zylo, Assets).\n- Experience with integration of information systems with specific organizational business needs and plans, such as a company intranet portal.\n- Experience in vendor management and contract negotiations.\n- Experience monitoring project financials.\n- Experience with working with SSO, MFA, and cloud API middleware tools.\n- Excellent verbal and written communication skills to both technical and non-technical audiences.\n- Experience working with a globally distributed workforce involving many companies.\n\n\nBonus Points:\n- Experience with Adobe Creative Suite and Adobe Experience Manager.\n- Experience working at an e-commerce company.\n\n\nCompensation:\n\nThe compensation range for the role applies to both employment offers and Minted employees actively working in the role. Our employment offers fall between the minimum and midpoint of the range to allow for continued salary growth during your employment at Minted. The upper half of the range accommodates this growth and supports our intention to create an environment that encourages lasting relationships between Minted and our employees.\n\nGeo Base Full Salary Range 0 - Includes SF Bay Area $184,178 - $276,268(Midpoint $230,223)\nGeo Base Full Salary Range 1 - All non-SF CA, DC, NY - $169,444 - $254,166 (Midpoint $211,805)\nGeo Base Full Salary Range 2 - Includes CO, IL, MA, MD, NJ, OR, RI, TX, VT, VA, WA - $156,552 - $234,827 (Midpoint $195,690)\nGeo Base Full Salary Range 3 - Includes AL, AK, AZ, AR, CT, DE, FL, GA, IA, ID, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, NH, NC, OH, OK, PA, SC, SD, TN, UT, WI, WV, WY - $143,659 - $215,489 (Midpoint $179,574)\n\nThis role is eligible for an annual performance bonus and stock options.\n\nBenefits: \nBenefits will be effective the first of each month following your initial hire date. \n \n- Medical, Dental, and Vision Benefits\n- Employer Funded Health Savings Account\n- 10 Paid Holidays\n- Paid Time Off and Sick Leave\n- Paid Parental Leave\n- Employer Paid Wellbeing Apps (e.g. Headspace and Calm)\n- Monthly Gym/Wellness Reimbursement\n- 401(k) retirement savings plan\n- Employer Funded Commuter Benefits\n- Employee Discount\n- Friends and Family Discount\n\n\nAbout Minted:\n\nArtists shape culture. They spark conversation, create connection, and bring beauty into the world. Minted is where they come together to reach further. Our marketplace empowers a thriving community of independent artists to sell and scale their work. We nurture self-expression, cultivate community, and bring the best in visual art to a global audience.\n\nWe’re building a new way to discover the world’s best creative talent. We’re here for the emerging talent ready to take off, the local favorites ready to grow, and the established artists ready to dream bigger.\n\nAt Minted, our people don’t just believe in the power of art–we live it. We have our finger on the pulse of what’s new and now. We’re obsessed with great design, art, and interiors. We’re in galleries, at fairs, and constantly finding inspiration online. We seek undiscovered talent that deserves to stand up and stand out. We connect with artists that have something to say, and we collaborate to amplify their work. The Minted community’s art, stationery, and textiles products have reached over 75 million homes worldwide.\n\nOur marketplace brings the best in independent design to consumers everywhere. We recognize the challenges independent artists face, and we leverage our resources to level the playing field and create a platform that gives artists the freedom to develop their craft and grow their business.\n\nWe are headquartered in San Francisco, CA and currently employ 350+ full-time employees, plus additional temporary workers during the holiday season. We have raised over $300M from top-tier investors including Benchmark Capital, T. Rowe Price, Permira, Ridge Ventures, Technology Crossover Ventures, and Norwest Venture Partners. Angel investors include Marissa Mayer, Jeremy Stoppelman, Julia \u0026 Kevin Hartz, Yishan Wong, and more.\n\nMinted is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to inclusion and diversity. We welcome people of different backgrounds, experiences, abilities and perspectives and will consider all qualified applicants for employment in accordance with all state, local, and federal laws. Minted participates in the E-verify program.\n\nHow Our Process Works:\n\nMinted uses technology and innovative practices to bring unique, best-selling design to market at scale. Using its crowdsourcing technology, consumers are empowered to vote for the designs they love and want to see sold, ensuring that Minted always sells continuously fresh and trend-forward product. The winning designs are manufactured by Minted, enabling artists from around the world to share and sell their work while letting Minted do the rest. Since launch in 2007, the company has expanded to serve consumers in new categories including wall art, textiles, digital content and home decor, as well as serve major retailers and consumer products brands with data-backed design through licensing and wholesale partnerships.","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1718659236,"locationNames":["San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Engineering Manager","remote":false,"slug":"director-of-information-technology","title":"Director of Information Technology","compensation":"$184k – $276k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3036506","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3003543":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"The Role:\n\nThe Trade Associate is primarily responsible for supporting and driving the scale of Minted’s Trade Programs for fundraising, photographers, and wedding professionals by playing a critical ‘front-line’ role in managing our relationships and the administrative needs of our program members to deliver a best-in-class customer service experience. The successful candidate will be efficient and solutions-oriented, and have excellent relationship management skills. \n\nAnticipated Start Date: 7/2/2024\n\nWe’re open to hiring in either San Francisco or remote. This role will report to the Marketing Manager.\n\nAs part of our recruitment process, we want to ensure the security and legitimacy of all communication channels. Therefore, please be advised that all official correspondences from our team will be sent from email addresses ending with \"\"\n\n\n\nYou Will:\n- Onboard new program members – ensure efficient and accurate account sign-up and send welcome materials; vet new program applicants for alignment with respective program terms and with the Minted’s brand; vet new NPO fundraising program applicants to ensure compliance with 501(c)(3) regulations provided by the IRS.\n- Act as a main point of contact for the Customer Service and Concierge teams supporting Trade. Answer questions, provide additional training and information as needed, and meet regularly with the Support Team Leads to give feedback and ensure the team is operating efficiently and accurately.\n- Act as an ambassador for the Minted brand, providing best-in-class support to our trade communities. This includes addressing their questions in a timely and courteous manner and proactively resolving issues.\n- Work with the Finance team to handle all donation and commission payment procedures.\n- Conduct proactive outreach, resolve issues with orders and payments and address general inquiries and requests from program members.\n- Utilize organizational and prioritization skills working across a portfolio of clients and support long-term relationship build.\n- Execute trade marketing campaigns to grow the fundraising and photographer programs, in support of member activation and engagement goals. Support the wedding trade programs as a secondary initiative.\n- Support the planning, organization, and execution of trade shows and events and attend events as needed.\n- Meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment while ensuring superior quality that represents Minted’s premium brand and commitment to an outstanding customer experience.\n- Raise key observations of your interactions with the communities to your team to help inform program improvements.\n\n\nYou Are:\n- Highly effective at building business relationships, as well as representing a brand to external constituents.\n- Fast learner, with ability to find creative solutions to new problems and drive to resolution self-sufficiently.\n- Exceptionally analytical with the ability to slice and dice data.\n- Passionate about design and style, and excited by staying on top of industry trends.\n- An excellent project manager with a track record of on-time delivery and ability to manage many different projects simultaneously.\n- Obsessive attention to detail, and extremely high standards for quality.\n- Comfortable in an entrepreneurial environment, with its fast paced and fluid nature; comfortable delivering results with a small, lean team.\n- Fanatically committed to our customers, our community of designers, and our premium brand.\n- Strong sense of urgency and good judgment for when urgency is required.\n- Knowledgeable and interest in the wedding industry, as well as cause marketing/charitable giving a plus.\n\n\nYou Have:\n- Bachelor’s degree required, with 1-2 years of experience in consumer marketing.\n- Verbal \u0026 written 'soft sales' communication skills.\n- Experience working with various industry professionals including wedding planners, venues, portrait \u0026 event photographers and nonprofit fundraising organizers a plus.\n- Proven track record in meeting goals for high growth marketing programs.\n- Proficiency with Google Docs and Excel, Salesforce, and CRM platforms a plus.\n- Customer service experience a plus.\n- Microsoft Office, Mac or PC proficiency.\n- Remote or San Francisco (SF).\n\n\nCompensation:\n\nThe compensation range for the role applies to both employment offers and Minted employees actively working in the role. Our employment offers fall between the minimum and midpoint of the range to allow for continued salary growth during your employment at Minted. The upper half of the range accommodates this growth and supports our intention to create an environment that encourages lasting relationships between Minted and our employees.\n\nGeo Base Full Salary Range 0 - Includes SF Bay Area $72,308 - 108,462 (Midpoint $90,385)\nGeo Base Full Salary Range 1 - All non-SF CA, DC, NY - $66,523 - 99,785 (Midpoint $85,154)\nGeo Base Full Salary Range 2 - Includes CO, IL, MA, MD, NJ, OR, RI, TX, VT, VA, WA - $61,462 - $92,913 (Midpoint $76,827)\nGeo Base Full Salary Range 3 - Includes AL, AK, AZ, AR, CT, DE, FL, GA, IA, ID, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, NH, NC, OH, OK, PA, SC, SD, TN, UT, WI, WV, WY - $56,400 - $84,600 (Midpoint $70,500)\n\n\nBenefits: \nBenefits will be effective the first of each month following your initial hire date. \n \n- Medical, Dental, and Vision Benefits\n- Employer Funded Health Savings Account\n- 10 Paid Holidays\n- Paid Time Off and Sick Leave\n- Paid Parental Leave\n- Employer Paid Wellbeing Apps (e.g. Headspace and Calm)\n- Monthly Gym/Wellness Reimbursement\n- 401(k) retirement savings plan\n- Employer Funded Commuter Benefits\n- Employee Discount\n- Friends and Family Discount\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1715289999,"locationNames":[],"primaryRoleTitle":"Marketing","remote":true,"slug":"trade-associate","title":"Trade Associate","compensation":"$72k – $108k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3003543","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:32625":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"32625","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-32625"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-32625"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-32625"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"Design marketplace that connects people with the world’s best artists","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3036506"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3003543"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Minted","slug":"minted"},"Badge:B2B-8054890":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-8054890","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8054890":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-8054890","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Growth Stage","tooltip":"Expanding market presence","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"growth_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-8054890":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-8054890","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:GROWING_FAST-8054890":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"GROWING_FAST-8054890","name":"GROWING_FAST_BADGE","label":"Growing fast","tooltip":"Showed strong hiring growth in the past month","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:2681740":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Ashby::Listing","description":"**ABOUT BASETEN**\n\nWe’re a growing team of builders backed by top-tier investors, including [IVP](, [Spark Capital](, [Greylock](, and [Sarah Guo]( at [Conviction]( ML teams at enterprises and category-defining AI-native companies like [Descript](, [](, [Patreon](, [Writer](, and [Robust Intelligence]( use Baseten to power their core production workloads with best-in-class performance, security, and reliability. While we’ve unlocked PMF and secured [Series B funding](, the ML infrastructure market is massive, and we’re just getting started. If you’re excited to work on engaging and relevant problems while building something new from the ground up, come join us!\n\n**THE ROLE**\n\nAs a software engineer with an affinity towards infrastructure at Baseten, you will set the direction for—and help build—the upcoming versions of Baseten’s cloud infrastructure, which is the backbone of Baseten and what our users rely on when building machine learning-powered applications. \n \n**_RESPONSIBILITIES:_**\n\n- Develop and maintain software systems using one or more general-purpose programming languages, such as Python, Ruby, or Go.\n\n- Manage Kubernetes clusters in production settings, ensuring stability and scalability.\n\n- Understand and address security, observability, SLA, and scalability implications, while avoiding premature optimization.\n\n- Own products and projects end-to-end, functioning as both an engineer and a project manager, with a focus on user empathy, project specification, and end-to-end execution.\n\n- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand project requirements and translate them into technical solutions.\n\n- Mentor and potentially lead a team, fostering growth and sharing knowledge.\n\n- Navigate ambiguity and exercise good judgment on tradeoffs and tools needed to solve problems, avoiding unnecessary complexity.\n\n- Demonstrate pride, ownership, and accountability for your work, expecting the same from your teammates.\n\n**_REQUIREMENTS:_**\n\n- Bachelor's, Master's, or Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or related field.\n\n- 3+ years of work professional work experience in a fast-paced, high-growth environment.\n\n- Experience with one or more general-purpose programming languages, including Python, Ruby, or Go.\n\n- Experience in managing Kubernetes clusters in production environments.\n\n- Strong understanding of security, observability, SLA, and scalability considerations.\n\n- Experience supporting machine learning teams or building ML Ops platforms is a plus, as well as a strong interest in learning about machine learning.\n\n- Interest in growing and leading a team is highly valued.\n\n**_BENEFITS:_**\n\n- Competitive compensation package (Unlimited PTO, 401k, covered healthcare premiums, remote-first culture).\n\n- A unique opportunity to be part of a rapidly growing startup in one of the most exciting engineering fields of our era.\n\n- An inclusive and supportive work culture that fosters learning and growth.\n\n- Exposure to a variety of ML startups, offering unparalleled learning and networking opportunities.\n\n**Apply Now** to embark on a rewarding journey in shaping the future of AI! If you are a motivated individual with a passion for machine learning and a desire to be part of a collaborative and forward-thinking team, we would love to hear from you.\n\n*At Baseten, we are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. We provide equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730914601,"locationNames":["San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"software-engineer-infrastruture","title":"Software Engineer - Infrastruture","compensation":"$150k – $200k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"2681740","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:2518150":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Ashby::Listing","description":"**ABOUT BASETEN**\n\nWe’re a growing team of builders backed by top-tier investors, including [IVP](, [Spark Capital](, [Greylock](, and [Sarah Guo]( at [Conviction]( ML teams at enterprises and category-defining AI-native companies like [Descript](, [](, [Patreon](, [Writer](, and [Robust Intelligence]( use Baseten to power their core production workloads with best-in-class performance, security, and reliability. While we’ve unlocked PMF and secured [Series B funding](, the ML infrastructure market is massive, and we’re just getting started. If you’re excited to work on engaging and relevant problems while building something new from the ground up, come join us!\n\n**THE ROLE**\n\nAs a Full-Stack Engineer, you’ll envision and build elegant systems and abstractions around the complexities our users encounter in shipping their ML products. This can range from UI builders which empower our js-averse users to create complex UIs, to systems that make ML models serving and monitoring more approachable.\n\nWe all work closely with our users, learning from their past struggles in operationalizing ML, onboarding them onto our platform, and turning our learnings into ideas for improving Baseten.\n\n**_RESPONSIBILITIES:_**\n\n- Develop and maintain rich, interactive frontends with a focus on data-intensive interfaces, using frameworks like React and TypeScript.\n\n- Build and optimize backend systems using Python and Django, ensuring seamless integration with frontend components.\n\n- Establish standards and best practices for other developers, contributing to the overall improvement of the development process.\n\n- Own products and projects end-to-end, functioning as both an engineer and a project manager, with a focus on user empathy, project specification, and end-to-end execution.\n\n- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to translate project requirements into technical solutions.\n\n- Navigate ambiguity and exercise good judgment on tradeoffs and tools needed to solve problems, avoiding unnecessary complexity.\n\n- Demonstrate pride, ownership, and accountability for your work, expecting the same from your teammates.\n\n- Open to learning about machine learning, even if you don’t have prior experience.\n\n**_REQUIREMENTS:_**\n\n- Bachelor's, Master's, or Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or related field.\n\n- 3+ years of work professional work experience in a fast-paced, high-growth environment.\n\n- Experience in backend development using Python and Django.\n\n- Familiarity with building interfaces that are data-intensive and tools for technical audiences.\n\n- Ability to establish standards and best practices for other developers.\n\n- Ability to own projects end-to-end, from project specification to execution.\n\n**_BENEFITS:_**\n\n- Competitive compensation package (Unlimited PTO, 401k, covered healthcare premiums).\n\n- A unique opportunity to be part of a rapidly growing startup in one of the most exciting engineering fields of our era.\n\n- An inclusive and supportive work culture that fosters learning and growth.\n\n- Exposure to a variety of ML startups, offering unparalleled learning and networking opportunities.\n\n**Apply Now** to embark on a rewarding journey in shaping the future of AI! If you are a motivated individual with a passion for machine learning and a desire to be part of a collaborative and forward-thinking team, we would love to hear from you.\n\n*At Baseten, we are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. We provide equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1720567367,"locationNames":["San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Full-Stack Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"software-engineer-fullstack-core-product","title":"Software Engineer - Fullstack (Core Product)","compensation":"$150k – $200k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"2518150","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3053207":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Ashby::Listing","description":"**_ABOUT BASETEN_**\n\nWe’re a growing team of builders backed by top-tier investors, including [IVP](, [Spark Capital](, [Greylock](, and [Sarah Guo]( at [Conviction]( ML teams at enterprises and category-defining AI-native companies like [Descript](, [](, [Patreon](, [Writer](, and [Robust Intelligence]( use Baseten to power their core production workloads with best-in-class performance, security, and reliability. While we’ve unlocked PMF and secured [Series B funding](, the ML infrastructure market is massive, and we’re just getting started. If you’re excited to work on engaging and relevant problems while building something new from the ground up, come join us!\n\n**_THE ROLE_**\n\nAs a Site Reliability Engineer, you'll envision and build robust systems and processes that ensure our infrastructure is scalable, reliable, and efficient. This can range from automating deployments and monitoring systems to optimizing performance and managing incidents.\n\nWe all work closely with our users, learning from their past struggles in operationalizing ML, onboarding them onto our platform, and turning our learnings into ideas for improving Baseten.\n\n**_RESPONSIBILITIES:_**\n\n- Build and maintain scalable infrastructure to support the deployment and operation of machine learning models.\n\n- Establish standards and best practices for reliability and performance across the infrastructure.\n\n- Automate processes when relevant, particularly for managing CI/CD pipelines.\n\n- Own products and projects end-to-end, functioning as both an engineer and a project manager, with a focus on user empathy, project specification, and end-to-end execution.\n\n- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand project requirements and translate them into technical solutions.\n\n- Mentor junior team members and contribute to knowledge sharing within the organization.\n\n- Navigate ambiguity and exercise good judgment on tradeoffs and tools needed to solve problems, avoiding unnecessary complexity.\n\n- Demonstrate pride, ownership, and accountability for your work, expecting the same from your teammates.\n\n**_REQUIREMENTS:_**\n\n- Bachelor's, Master's, or Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or related field.\n\n- 3+ years of work professional work experience in a fast-paced, high-growth environment.\n\n- Extensive experience with Kubernetes.\n\n- Experience in building and maintaining scalable infrastructure.\n\n- Experience with infrastructure-as-code tools (e.g., Terraform, CloudFormation, Pulumi) and CI/CD tooling (e.g., GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, Circle CI, Jenkins).\n\n- Relevant OSS observability experience (Prometheus, ELK stack, Grafana stack, Opentelemetry) is a plus.\n\n- Ability to own projects end-to-end, from project specification to execution.\n\n- No prior machine learning experience required, but should be open to learning about it.\n\n**_BENEFITS:_**\n\n- Competitive compensation package (Unlimited PTO, 401k, covered healthcare premiums).\n\n- A unique opportunity to be part of a rapidly growing startup in one of the most exciting engineering fields of our era.\n\n- An inclusive and supportive work culture that fosters learning and growth.\n\n- Exposure to a variety of ML startups, offering unparalleled learning and networking opportunities.\n\n**Apply Now** to embark on a rewarding journey in shaping the future of AI! If you are a motivated individual with a passion for machine learning and a desire to be part of a collaborative and forward-thinking team, we would love to hear from you.\n\n*At Baseten, we are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. We provide equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1720480961,"locationNames":["San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"DevOps","remote":false,"slug":"site-reliability-engineer","title":"Site Reliability Engineer","compensation":"$150k – $250k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3053207","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:8054890":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"8054890","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-8054890"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8054890"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-8054890"},{"__ref":"Badge:GROWING_FAST-8054890"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"The ML application builder for data scientists","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:2681740"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:2518150"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3053207"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Baseten","slug":"baseten"},"Badge:B2B-659485":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-659485","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-659485":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-659485","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-659485":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-659485","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-659485":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-659485","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3142745":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"## About the team:\n\nThe Information Security organization advances the overall state of security at Rubrik through critical initiatives and coordination of large security projects. Information Security builds technologies, tools, and processes to better enable teams at Rubrik to develop secure software and protect data and systems with appropriate security controls. Information Security also develops systems to monitor and respond to attacks against our assets, provides awareness education to teams on security best practices for data protection, and ensures data governance and data sharing relationships with third parties in order to securely protect Rubrik information. \n\nRubrik is seeking a ninja-skilled Project Manager to organize, plan, schedule, and deliver on our dynamic portfolio of technical and cross-functional initiatives related to our government security programs and related risk remediation. The ideal candidate will take a pragmatic approach to ensuring continual progress across multiple overlapping assignments, holding themselves accountable for adding value through the project outcomes they drive and achieve. \n\nThe successful incumbent will be a hands-on, proactive self-starter who collaborates effectively with InfoSec leadership, Compliance, and our business partners across the organization. Getting things done here requires persistence in clearing obstacles, applying just the right level of project management rigor, and working consistently with a due sense of urgency and velocity. \n\nA high-performing Project Manager in this environment is first and foremost a leader by influence who uses the PMBOK, but that’s only one of many tools in their arsenal. They must also bring security domain expertise, internal consulting skills, willingness to be an additional pair of hands at times, and a relentless focus on setting, managing, and meeting stakeholder expectations. Success means owning the initiatives and moving them through to completion vs. simply facilitating and documenting the work of others. You’ll need to know or learn the subject matter, look for other initiatives that might impact your assignments, and actively lead all assigned initiatives to success from launch to closure. \n\nIn addition to continually (re)prioritizing initiatives and executing on these priorities, the Project Manager is responsible for sprint and milestone planning using Jira, Confluence, backlog management, and ongoing status reporting to a variety of stakeholders and audiences. \n\nA solid PM at Rubrik must do so much more than create and manage project schedules:\n\n- bring disparate stakeholders to consensus on charter, priorities, and timing.\n- drive organizational change and security maturity.\n- address operational issues and processes needing improvement.\n- define requirements and success criteria for targeted outcomes.\n- move the needle on security remediation and risk reduction.\n- handle project owner scope while getting leaders to handle service owner scope.\n\nReporting to the PMO Lead, this position will work responsively with multiple InfoSec Leaders to shape the plans and road map for InfoSec initiatives, ensuring accountability for timely completion of assigned and scheduled work. They will use solid communication and collaboration skills to manage stakeholder expectations and participation, and to resolve or escalate issues to keep things moving forward. \n\n## What You’ll Do:\n\n- Drive multiple overlapping InfoSec initiatives in a hands-on Project Manager role.\n- Define project plans and schedules to meet deadlines and timelines.\n- Work with Management to address security maturity pain points and challenges.\n- Implement projects using formal and informal tools and methods tailored to an appropriate degree of project management rigor.\n- Lead, plan, execute, and control assigned InfoSec initiatives.\n- Effectively influence and collaborate with others to achieve continual progress while effectively managing risks and changes.\n- Manage milestones and complexities by leading through them.\n- Anticipate issues so as to avoid them; escalate risks and blockers to leadership.\n- Understand the landscape of related projects that may impact assigned initiatives.\n\n## Experience you’ll need:\n\n- 5-8 years prior work experience in a similar role in a SaaS company of small to medium size.\n- Experience working with public cloud and compliance initiatives.\n- Knowledge of regulatory guidelines and standards such as SOC2, ISO 27001, FedRAMP, etc. FedRAMP experience preferred.\n- Bias for action, especially in working through conflict or addressing ambiguity.\n- Solid delivery skills as a project / program manager, handling concurrent initiatives.\n- Pragmatic use of PMBOK / Project / Program Management/Agile best practices; applying these and other methods creatively to achieve targeted outcomes.\n- Driven to organize, establish, and improve processes, balancing speed, efficiency, and effectiveness with internal customer involvement, consensus, and satisfaction.\n- Superb interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills with the ability to convey complex concepts to a broad range of technical and non-technical audiences.\n- Familiarity with sprint planning and use of JIRA a plus\n- Bachelor’s degree required; in Information Security, Information Technology Management, Engineering, Business Management, or a related field is preferred.\n- PMP / PgMP / equivalent and CISSP / CISA / CISM or similar certification(s)\n- Understanding of cloud security maturity model frameworks and how to apply them\n- Strong written and verbal communication skills\n\nRubrik provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetics. In addition to federal law requirements, Rubrik complies with applicable state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment in every location in which the company has facilities. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including recruiting, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leaves of absence, compensation, and training.\n\n### Security and Privacy Responsibilities: \n\nThis position carries special Security and Privacy Responsibilities for protecting the U.S. Federal Government’s interests:\n\n- Know, acknowledge, and follow system-specific security policies and procedures;\n- Protect data and individual privacy per requirements and regulations;\n- Perform ongoing activities in compliance with service and contractual obligations;\n- Participate in role-based training, completing assignments on a timely basis;\n- Report security issues promptly, and aid investigation when needed;\n- Support controlled changes and vulnerability remediation activities; and\n- Work collaboratively with Information Security in designing, implementing, assessing or enhancing system-specific security and privacy controls.\n\n### Position Risk Designation:\n\nThis position carries duties and responsibilities involving the U.S. Federal Government’s interests. The selected incumbent may be subject to one or both of the additional background checks with periodic re-screening as noted below:\n\n### Position Risk Designation: Non-Sensitive, Low Risk, Tier 1 \n\n*Incumbents without access to U.S. Government data may be required to complete Standard Form 85 and undergo a Tier 1 Investigation (T1) for non-sensitive positions of Low Risk. (Baseline screening; formerly National Agency Check and Inquiries (NACI)).*\n\n### Position Risk Designation: Non-Sensitive, Moderate Risk, Tier 2 (Public Trust)\n\n*Incumbents with access to U.S. Government data may be required to complete Standard Form 85P and undergo Tier 2 (T2) Investigation for non-sensitive positions designated Moderate Risk.*\n\n### Position Risk Designation:Moderate Risk Law Enforcement (CJIS)\n\n*When hired for a position where access to Moderate Risk criminal justice information is required, the employee must complete a fingerprint-based national criminal history background check within 30 days after the employee’s start date.*\n\n#LI-Remote\n\n \n\nThe minimum and maximum base salaries for this role are posted below; additionally, the role is eligible for bonus potential, equity and benefits. The range displayed reflects the minimum and maximum target for new hire salaries for the role based on U.S. location. Within the range, the salary offered will be determined by work location and additional factors, including job-related skills, experience, and relevant education or training.US (SF Bay Area, DC Metro, NYC) Pay Range$142,300—$213,500 USDThe minimum and maximum base salaries for this role are posted below; additionally, the role is eligible for bonus potential, equity and benefits. The range displayed reflects the minimum and maximum target for new hire salaries for the role based on U.S. location. Within the range, the salary offered will be determined by work location and additional factors, including job-related skills, experience, and relevant education or training.US2 (all other US offices/remote) Pay Range$128,100—$192,100 USD\n## Join Us in Securing the World's Data\n\nRubrik (NYSE: RBRK) is on a mission to secure the world’s data. With Zero Trust Data Security™, we help organizations achieve business resilience against cyberattacks, malicious insiders, and operational disruptions. Rubrik Security Cloud, powered by machine learning, secures data across enterprise, cloud, and SaaS applications. We help organizations uphold data integrity, deliver data availability that withstands adverse conditions, continuously monitor data risks and threats, and restore businesses with their data when infrastructure is attacked.\n\n[Linkedin]( | [X (formerly Twitter)]( | [Instagram]( | [](\n\n## Diversity, Equity \u0026 Inclusion @ Rubrik\n\nAt Rubrik we are committed to building and sustaining a culture where people of all backgrounds are valued, know they belong, and believe they can succeed here.\n\nRubrik's goal is to hire and promote the best person for the job, no matter their background. In doing so, Rubrik is committed to correcting systemic processes and cultural norms that have prevented equal representation. This means we review our current efforts with the intent to offer fair hiring, promotion, and compensation opportunities to people from historically underrepresented communities, and strive to create a company culture where all employees feel they can bring their authentic selves to work and be successful.\n\n### Our DEI strategy focuses on three core areas of our business and culture:\n\n- Our Company: Build a diverse company that provides equitable access to growth and success for all employees globally.\n- Our Culture: Create an inclusive environment where authenticity thrives and people of all backgrounds feel like they belong.\n- Our Communities: Expand our commitment to diversity, equity, \u0026 inclusion within and beyond our company walls to invest in future generations of underrepresented talent and bring innovation to our clients.\n\n## Equal Opportunity Employer/Veterans/Disabled\n\nRubrik is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or protected veteran status and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability.\n\nRubrik provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or genetics. In addition to federal law requirements, Rubrik complies with applicable state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment in every location in which the company has facilities. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including recruiting, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leaves of absence, compensation and training. \n\nFederal law requires employers to provide reasonable accommodation to qualified individuals with disabilities. Please contact us at if you require a reasonable accommodation to apply for a job or to perform your job. Examples of reasonable accommodation include making a change to the application process or work procedures, providing documents in an alternate format, using a sign language interpreter, or using specialized equipment.\n\n[EEO IS THE LAW](\n\n[EEO IS THE LAW - POSTER SUPPLEMENT](\n\n[PAY TRANSPARENCY NONDISCRIMINATION PROVISION](\n\n[NOTIFICATION OF EMPLOYEE RIGHTS UNDER FEDERAL LABOR LAWS](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730766607,"locationNames":["Palo Alto"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Project Manager","remote":false,"slug":"project-manager-security-operations-portfolio-fedramp","title":"Project Manager, Security Operations Portfolio - FedRAMP","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3142745","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3137562":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"## \n**About The Team:** \n\nRubrik is on a mission to secure the world’s data and our People Team is committed to unlocking the full potential of the Rubrikans behind that mission. Our mission is to recruit, develop, reward, and retain a global workforce that is at the heart of our company's success. Our team understands that people are the core of our organization, and we're passionate about creating an environment where everyone has an opportunity to thrive in their growth, in their experience, and in realizing the purpose of their work in the world. If you crave a culture that encourages great ideas and debate, where you can take your best ideas and see them to fruition, join us and let’s be unstoppable, together.\n\n## **What you’ll do:**\n\n- **Triaging, Team and Case Management: (60% of time)**\n- Train and mentor team members who are responsible for case triaging, responding to employee inquiries, immigration, mobility and other People Services responsibilities.\n- Provide direction, counsel and set goals for career growth and development. Ensure the team is appropriately staffed and supported.\n- Monitor triaging metrics and maintain a response Time SLA of \\\u003c15 minutes.\n- Support triaging as needed and responding to escalations\n- Partner with People Services Manager to identify opportunities, create, and implement programs and best practices to improve the effectiveness of triaging and case management. Drive a strong level of customer service.\n- Develop and maintain documentation of team process procedures and functions.\n- Partner with People Services Manager to serve as department People Services process liaison to Talent Acquisition, Talent Development, People Partners, Legal, Workday Data Management team etc.\n- Collaborate with regional People Ops and People Partner team members to ensure process consistency across regions.\n- Monitor daily team passdown reports and provide support for troubleshooting as required; escalate issues as appropriate.\n- Ensure the team maintains the intranet “The Cube” with up-to-date process information.\n- Provide weekly inbox coverage for team member breaks, OOO and shift coverage gaps.\n- Monitor quality of service in responses provided by the team to ensure that the highest level of service is consistently provided to all employees and stakeholders. Provide prompt coaching and feedback as needed.\n- **Self Service, Employee Experience \u0026 Other Responsibilities: (40% of time)**\n- Manage India statutory compliance and liaise with vendors while ensuring compliance through the year. Provide internal audit support as needed for internal processesDocumentation of global business processes leveraging partnerships with subject matter experts in all regions (EMEA, APAC, and Americas).\n- Manage/participate on project teams for business process review, project management, testing, documentation, communication, etc.\n- Develop and maintain training materials for all team processes.\n- Manage accommodation requests\n- Partner with People Services Manager to monitor non-Workday self-service adoption and develop innovative ways to streamline processes and education to increase adoption. Develop instructions for Manager and Rubrikan Self-Service updates.\n- Develop and maintain training materials and knowledge base for all internal Team processes and Employees processes on The Cube.\n- Partner with specialists and Legal to update/maintain a library of legal templates and agreements.\n\n## **Experience you’ll need**:\n\n- B.S. degree in Business, HR, or related area.\n- Available to work onsite at Bangalore office 3+ days per week.\n- Able to accommodate an adjusted schedule 3 days per week to accommodate meetings across time zones.\n- 5+ years of HR/HR Operations experience, including 2+ years experience managing teams and previous experience managing global mobility and immigration processes.\n- Experience with Workday is required, and experience with Greenhouse ATS is an added plus.\n- Strong understanding of HR, Payroll, and Finance business processes as well as intra and inter-departmental functions and interdependencies.\n- Strong understanding of labour compliance for India.\n- Excellent written and verbal communication skills.\n- Expert Excel/Google Sheets, and Word/Google Docs.\n- Ability to connect and effectively communicate with and present to people of all levels.\n- Organized, proactive, and maintains a positive, team-focused attitude.\n- Must thrive in a fast paced environment where multitasking and prioritizing is necessary.\n- Ability to manage change effectively; always being mindful of technology, business processes, and systems implications.\n- Ability to motivate direct reports and others by providing an environment that promotes individual growth and reinforces Rubrik’s RIVET values and culture.\n\n \n\n## Join Us in Securing the World's Data\n\nRubrik (NYSE: RBRK) is on a mission to secure the world’s data. With Zero Trust Data Security™, we help organizations achieve business resilience against cyberattacks, malicious insiders, and operational disruptions. Rubrik Security Cloud, powered by machine learning, secures data across enterprise, cloud, and SaaS applications. We help organizations uphold data integrity, deliver data availability that withstands adverse conditions, continuously monitor data risks and threats, and restore businesses with their data when infrastructure is attacked.\n\n[Linkedin]( | [X (formerly Twitter)]( | [Instagram]( | [](\n\n## Diversity, Equity \u0026 Inclusion @ Rubrik\n\nAt Rubrik we are committed to building and sustaining a culture where people of all backgrounds are valued, know they belong, and believe they can succeed here.\n\nRubrik's goal is to hire and promote the best person for the job, no matter their background. In doing so, Rubrik is committed to correcting systemic processes and cultural norms that have prevented equal representation. This means we review our current efforts with the intent to offer fair hiring, promotion, and compensation opportunities to people from historically underrepresented communities, and strive to create a company culture where all employees feel they can bring their authentic selves to work and be successful.\n\n### Our DEI strategy focuses on three core areas of our business and culture:\n\n- Our Company: Build a diverse company that provides equitable access to growth and success for all employees globally.\n- Our Culture: Create an inclusive environment where authenticity thrives and people of all backgrounds feel like they belong.\n- Our Communities: Expand our commitment to diversity, equity, \u0026 inclusion within and beyond our company walls to invest in future generations of underrepresented talent and bring innovation to our clients.\n\n## Equal Opportunity Employer/Veterans/Disabled\n\nRubrik is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or protected veteran status and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability.\n\nRubrik provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or genetics. In addition to federal law requirements, Rubrik complies with applicable state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment in every location in which the company has facilities. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including recruiting, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leaves of absence, compensation and training. \n\nFederal law requires employers to provide reasonable accommodation to qualified individuals with disabilities. Please contact us at if you require a reasonable accommodation to apply for a job or to perform your job. Examples of reasonable accommodation include making a change to the application process or work procedures, providing documents in an alternate format, using a sign language interpreter, or using specialized equipment.\n\n[EEO IS THE LAW](\n\n[EEO IS THE LAW - POSTER SUPPLEMENT](\n\n[PAY TRANSPARENCY NONDISCRIMINATION PROVISION](\n\n[NOTIFICATION OF EMPLOYEE RIGHTS UNDER FEDERAL LABOR LAWS](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730161619,"locationNames":["Bengaluru"],"primaryRoleTitle":"H.R.","remote":false,"slug":"people-services-lead","title":"People Services Lead","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3137562","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:659485":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"659485","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-659485"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-659485"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-659485"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-659485"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"Unlock the Power of Data by Organizing and Protecting the World's Business Information","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3142745"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3137562"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Rubrik","slug":"rubrik-1"},"Badge:B2B-895963":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-895963","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-895963":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-895963","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Growth Stage","tooltip":"Expanding market presence","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"growth_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-895963":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-895963","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-895963":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-895963","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-895963":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-895963","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Mattermost is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.3 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.3","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-895963":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-895963","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Mattermost 4.1/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.1","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-895963":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-895963","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Mattermost 4.2/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3150579":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Mattermost provides secure, workflow-centric collaboration for technical and operational teams that need to meet nation-state-level security and trust requirements. We serve technology, public sector, national defense, and financial services industries with customers ranging from tech giants to the world’s largest banks, to the U.S. Department of Defense and governmental agencies around the world. \nOur self-hosted and cloud offerings provide integrated workflow automation, AI-acceleration, ChatOps with team messaging, audio calling and screen share on an open core platform vetted and deployed by the world’s most secure and mission critical organizations. \nWe co-build the future of collaboration with over 4,000 open source project contributors who’ve provided over 30,000 code improvements towards our shared product vision, which is translated into 20 languages.To learn more, visit []( \nIn this role, you will serve as the primary technical lead to guide key customers through implementation, integration, and expansion of their use of Mattermost as the central communication platform for their DevOps and technical teams. A key part of your job will be to identify and architect the key points of integration for the Mattermost platform within the customer's environment and work with the customer to implement these integrations utilizing customer, or partner-led development expertise. Delivering our predefined Onboarding Journey process, and helping to evolve this process through continuous improvement will be key. \nThis is a highly technical role for people who also enjoy interacting with and enabling customers to unblock the power of Mattermost’s product. You have a growth mindset and you constantly seek to understand blindspots and challenges - whether it’s a customer’s unique need or interacting with new technologies. You feel comfortable tackling issues, enjoy digging into technical details with customers, and are energized by solving challenges across a diverse range of technologies from databases to Docker, and cross-platform mobile development to RESTful web services. This role is U.S. based.\n### Responsibilities: \n- Lead the delivery of a purposeful Onboarding Journey process from initial internal sales hand-off, through technical discovery, system configuration, testing, and end-user roll-out.\n- Make architectural recommendations for the Mattermost software deployment and other adjacent technologies (e.g. MySQL/PostgreSQL, mobile, SSO, ElasticSearch, to ensure high availability, redundancy and scalability).\n- Deliver best practices and consulting based on experiences with other successful Mattermost customer deployments.\n- Work with our Product Management, Engineering and Support teams to resolve issues that occur during the Onboarding Journey.\n- Capture detailed documentation of customer design and deployment decisions, and onboarding challenges, for sharing with the broader customer and Mattermost teams.\n- Identify key integration opportunities to develop Mattermost as the central collaboration platform within DevOps and technical teams.\n- Present detailed technical information and benefits of the Mattermost platform to a wide array of customers, including: line of business managers, developers, technical architects, and executives.\n- Serve as the technical lead for all things related to the Mattermost deployment.\n\n### Requirements:\n- 5+ years Technical Account Management, Customer Support, hands-on Solution Engineering or equivalent experience - developers interested in working directly with customers are highly encouraged to apply.\n- Ability to read and understand code in one or more modern programming languages and SQL is essential.\n- Proficiency in Linux is required, with the ability to navigate and troubleshoot Linux-based services. This includes: network troubleshooting, log analysis, and service management.\n- Practical experience with containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes is required.\n- Proficiency in understanding concepts and technologies in DevOps, IT operations, security, cloud, microservices, and container platforms.\n- Experience using Git/Github and Bash.\n- Outstanding written and verbal communications skills, with the ability to go deep with technical customer resources or to describe the value proposition of Mattermost to IT executives.\n- Excellent presentation skills for communicating advanced technical concepts.\n- Experience leading and crafting technical solutions, engaging with, and motivating change across multiple levels of IT executives and organizations.\n- Experience with AWS or Azure is a plus.\n- Past success in critical infrastructure industries including defense, cybersecurity, communications, manufacturing, or other vital functions.\n- Ability to travel up to 15%.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731543376,"locationNames":["United States"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Account Manager","remote":true,"slug":"senior-technical-account-manager-remote","title":"Senior Technical Account Manager (Remote)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3150579","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:895963":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"895963","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-895963"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-895963"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-895963"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-895963"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-895963"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-895963"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-895963"}],"companySize":"SIZE_51_200","highConcept":"Self-hosted alternative to Slack","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3150579"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Mattermost","slug":"mattermost"},"Badge:B2B-160083":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-160083","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-160083":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-160083","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-160083":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-160083","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-160083":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-160083","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3089525":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"### About us\n\nWe're on a mission to make it possible for every person, team, and company to be able to tailor their software to solve any problem and take on any challenge. Computers may be our most powerful tools, but most of us can't build or modify the software we use on them every day. At Notion, we want to change this with focus, design, and craft.\n\nWe've been working on this together since 2016, and have customers like Pixar, Mitsubishi, Figma, Plaid, Match Group, and thousands more on this journey with us. Today, we're growing fast and excited for new teammates to join us who are the best at what they do. We're passionate about building a company as diverse and creative as the millions of people Notion reaches worldwide.\n\n### About the role\n\nMillions of people use Notion — and this number is increasing every day. Our users depend on us to deliver a secure and trustworthy experience, and we value this more than anything. We want to keep building on that trust, while also continuing to amaze our users with the tools they can build in Notion. This is where you come in — partnering with teams within our Security, Trust, \u0026 IT organization to help us forge a strong, reliable, and secure path forward to the future.\n\n### What you’ll achieve\n\nAs our Technical Program Manager, you’ll be responsible for designing, launching, and operating Security-related projects and programs — ensuring that teams in the organization work together quickly, efficiently, and at a high quality bar. You’ll also help to unify all initiatives across the organizations, running and refining processes for engagement, reporting, and response that create the rhythm for our work.\n\n- Operate and continuously improve our project management systems and practices to align our Engineering, Operations, and Program management teams\n- Monitor key project progress, quickly identifying potential risks and implementing mitigations\n- Design and implement a comprehensive vulnerability management program, ensuring timely identification, assessment, and remediation or acceptance of security risks\n- Define and own our service-level agreements with teams across Notion, building relevant reporting and driving accountability for all stakeholders\n- Partner with engineering managers to drive the execution of complex technical, multi-team projects, from planning to delivery\n- Facilitate transparent communication across Security teams, other Notion teams, and executive stakeholder\n- Drive periodic planning processes to set Security strategy and OKRs, ensure that our resources and budget are aligned to our priorities\n\n### Skills you’ll need to bring\n\n- **Experience:** 5+ years managing programs at scale as a Technical Program Manager, Project Manager, Program Manager, or a similar field, preferably at a growth-stage software business. Familiarity with vulnerability management when working with Engineering teams.\n- **Speed:** You bias towards action and operate with ambition, creating repeatable processes that help the multi-disciplinary teams you manage do the same\n- **Collaboration:** People on the teams you operationalize become the best versions of themselves by working with you\n- **Order agent:** You thrive in the day-to-day and are task oriented, and are always seeking to turn ambiguity into clarity\n- **Skilled executor:** You’re able to operate at all levels within an organization, from designing org-wide Planning processes, to planning a project sprint, to ensuring project are updated correctly; you have a track record successfully leading complex technical projects\n- **Communication:** You can communicate across altitudes, from high-level executive updates to in the weeds timeline discussions with engineers\n- **High EQ:** You’re great at reading both people and rooms, and can adapt your operating style situationally\n- **Data sense:** You know how to find the “so what’s” when analyzing data, and how to craft insights into a narrative to effect change. You can perform basic to intermediate data analysis.\n\n### Nice-to-haves\n\n- Experience using Notion - bonus points for work use\n- Understanding of Security principles, Risk management, and Vulnerability management.\n- Competency with common data analysis tools - Excel, SQL, or similar\n- Past experience in an analyst or generalist role\n\nWe hire talented and passionate people from a variety of backgrounds because we want our global employee base to represent the wide diversity of our customers. If you’re excited about a role but your past experience doesn’t align perfectly with every bullet point listed in the job description, we still encourage you to apply. If you’re a builder at heart, share our company values, and enthusiastic about making software toolmaking ubiquitous, we want to hear from you.\n\nNotion is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate in hiring or any employment decision based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, genetic information, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or other applicable legally protected characteristic. Notion considers qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state and local law. Notion is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, please let your recruiter know.\n\nNotion is committed to providing highly competitive cash compensation, equity, and benefits. The compensation offered for this role will be based on multiple factors such as location, the role’s scope and complexity, and the candidate’s experience and expertise, and may vary from the range provided below. For roles based in San Francisco, the estimated base salary range for this role is $175,000 - 205,000 per year.\n\n#LI-Onsite\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1725916471,"locationNames":["New York City","San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Project Manager","remote":false,"slug":"technical-program-manager-security","title":"Technical Program Manager, Security ","compensation":"$175k – $205k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3089525","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:160083":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"160083","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-160083"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-160083"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-160083"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-160083"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"The all-in-one workspace","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3089525"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Notion","slug":"notion-labs"},"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-4622890":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_RESPONDER-4622890","name":"TOP_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Top 5% of responders","tooltip":" is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-4622890":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"QUICK_RESPONDER-4622890","name":"QUICK_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Responds within a few days","tooltip":"Based on past data, usually responds to incoming applications within a few days","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-4622890":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-4622890","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-4622890":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-4622890","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Growth Stage","tooltip":"Expanding market presence","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"growth_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-4622890":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-4622890","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-4622890":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-4622890","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:GROWING_FAST-4622890":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"GROWING_FAST-4622890","name":"GROWING_FAST_BADGE","label":"Growing fast","tooltip":"Showed strong hiring growth in the past month","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3157847":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Ashby::Listing","description":"[]( is a unified, AI-powered physical security platform that helps enterprise organizations reduce risk, improve security operation efficiency, and gain critical insights. Seven of the top 10 U.S. technology companies, along with multiple Fortune 500 organizations across a variety of industries, leverage to unify their security infrastructure and significantly enhance their security posture. \n\nThe platform applies AI and computer vision intelligence to existing sensor and camera infrastructure to deliver continuous monitoring and detect threats in real-time. does this while simultaneously decreasing false alarms by over 95%, allowing security teams to focus on legitimate threats. With, companies can do more with less and prevent security incidents before they happen.\n\nWe were founded in 2017 by[ Shikhar Shrestha]( and[ Vikesh Khanna](, experts in artificial intelligence from Stanford University who previously built iconic products at Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Dropbox. We are a Series-B company backed by Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), Allegion Ventures, SV Angel, Y Combinator, and investment angels like Jyoti Bansal, Mark Leslie, and Elad Gil. \n\nNamed on the YC Top Companies List 2021, 2022, 2023, and the Forbes Cloud 100 Rising Stars 2020, we are turning the impossible into the inevitable. We are always looking for passionate people who enjoy solving the toughest problems with cutting-edge AI/ML.\n\n**Position Overview**\n\nThe Customer Success team at plays a pivotal role with our enterprise customers. The team is responsible for orchestrating the customer relationship, shepherding them from an initial kick-off through implementation, onboarding, testing, and training. They help drive effective product adoption and provide best practice advice to ensure customers get value and derive success from our platform, leading to renewal and expansion.\n\nThe Customer Success Manager is perfect for someone with excellent interpersonal skills, customer success experience, and some technical implementation, product configuration, or professional services expertise. Part coach, project manager, consultant, and product expert, you’ll be passionate about helping our enterprise customers transform their business processes by deploying cutting-edge technology in complex enterprise environments at a global scale. \n\n**The impact you’ll make:**\n\n- Own the ultimate success of our customers; this is a full-service CSM role, owning the customer’s post-contract signature all the way to renewal. Manage \u0026 support our customers through setup, onboarding, implementation, training, testing, and launch, working closely with stakeholders to establish and document critical goals, success criteria, or KPIs, then measure \u0026 report progress towards those goals\n\n- Drive product adoption and ongoing usage, ensuring customers realize the full value of the[]( platform resulting in a magical customer experience, which leads to retention and growth\n\n- Become an expert on the platform and keep up with industry trends, allowing you to establish a trusted advisor relationship with assigned customers\n\n- Ensure customer feedback is clearly captured and conveyed internally to enable ongoing improvements to our products and services\n\n- Engage with business leaders to thoughtfully help them identify opportunities to expand our footprint and depth of engagement\n\n- Partner with marketing to highlight opportunities for customer references and case studies\n\n- Able to travel up to 30%\n\n**The amazing skills you’ll bring to**\n\n- 4-5 years of experience in a customer-facing customer success role, working with large Fortune 100/500 companies. Also important is Enterprise SaaS and start-up experience, as well as a history of successful customer renewals\n\n- Strong program management skills and experience managing projects at large enterprise companies with multiple stakeholder complexity\n\n- Self-motivated, proactive team player with high integrity and desire to assist your colleagues and customers - you can be flexible as this company \u0026 role scales\n\n- Strong interpersonal skills and experience building strong internal and external relationships\n\n- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills; displays trust and integrity under pressure when working through customer issues\n\n- Excellent verbal and written communication \u0026 presentation skills\n\n- Basic understanding or interest in learning about machine learning / artificial intelligence\n\n- Bonus: Experience in management consulting and/or business process transformation\n\n**Why join us:**\n\n- We are creating an entirely new category within a 120+ billion-dollar physical security industry and looking for team members who are also passionate about our mission to prevent every security incident possible\n\n- We have an impressive customer roster of F500 companies, including Adobe, VMware, and SentinelOne\n\n- Regular Full-time employees receive stock options for the opportunity to share ownership in the success of our company\n\n- Comprehensive health + welfare package (Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, EAP, Legal Services, 401k plan)\n\n- We offer flexible time off to rest and recharge, including Winter Break (time off between Christmas and New Year’s for most roles depending on customer demand)\n\n- The latest tech and awesome swag will be delivered to your door\n\n- Enjoy a full range of opportunities to connect with your awesome co-workers\n\n- We love to [hike](, are foodies, and love music! Check out our most recent [Ambient Spotify Playlist](\n\n**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**\n\nWe take a market-based approach to pay here at, which may vary depending on multiple factors. The successful candidate’s starting pay will be determined based on job-related skills, experience, qualifications, work location, level, market conditions, and internal parity. \n\nBase salary is just one component of our total rewards package. As a fast-growing start-up, our regular employees are also granted stock options, and an opportunity to succeed when succeeds. As a young start-up with product market fit, our stock upside is substantial, and a large part of our total rewards strategy. \n\nThe pay scale below represents the starting base salary range we expect to pay for this position and is subject to change:\n\nSF Bay Area: $135,000 - $150,000 \n\n**Occasionally, we may make an offer to a candidate that is either leveled below or above this role based on skills, experience, and interview performance. *\n\n[]( is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. Ambient does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical conditions), gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ancestry citizenship, age, physical or mental disability, legally protected medical condition, family care status, military or veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, or any other basis protected by local, state, or federal laws. Ambient is an E-Verify participant.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732327674,"locationNames":["San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Customer Success Manager","remote":false,"slug":"customer-success-manager-strategic-accounts","title":"Customer Success Manager, Strategic Accounts","compensation":"$140k – $150k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3157847","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:4622890":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"4622890","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-4622890"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-4622890"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-4622890"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-4622890"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-4622890"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-4622890"},{"__ref":"Badge:GROWING_FAST-4622890"}],"companySize":"SIZE_51_200","highConcept":" is a leader in real-time human-level perception technology (Series-A YC/a16z)","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3157847"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"","slug":"ambient-ai-1"},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-5029724":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-5029724","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3126472":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Binance is the leading global blockchain ecosystem and cryptocurrency infrastructure provider whose suite of financial products includes the world’s largest digital-asset exchange.Our mission is to accelerate cryptocurrency adoption and increase the freedom of money. \nIf you’re looking for a fast-paced, mission-driven organization where opportunities to learn and excel are endless, then Binance is the place for you.\n### Responsibilities:\n- Oversee and actively participate in the establishment, implementation, and refinement of the IT security function and framework for the Binance platform in Luxembourg.\n- Manage outsourced suppliers, ensuring their compliance with our security standards through active involvement.\n- Conduct and engage in Security Risk Management with all stakeholders according to Security Risk Management Frameworks.\n- Serve as the accountable Senior Manager for the Security function for Binance in Luxembourg.\n- Work as part of the three lines of defense model to ensure the security of funds, data, and systems.\n- Ensure all security obligations for governance, regulatory, and compliance matters are met.\n- Take an active role in delivering Security Risk Management as part of the management team and Board of Directors.\n- Advise and be directly involved in the annual IT audit plan and other internal and external audits related to Security Risk Management.\n- Drive cyber security assessments and penetration tests as per the PASSI testing framework.\n- Lead hands-on IT security risk management for new projects and any integration with third-party vendors.\n- Ensure all third-party integrations adhere to required security standards, including but not limited to SLA in contractual agreements.\n- Manage the local security effort and contribute to the continual improvement of the global department.\n- Be accountable for hands-on security incident management, including prompt reporting to senior management and other teams.\n- Work with the Risk Function to ensure effective and adequate Business Continuity Plans.\n- Oversee day-to-day Security Risk Management and reporting to the Luxembourg executive leadership teams.\n- Facilitate internal and external audits, penetration testing, and all regulatory compliance obligations to ensure they are continually met and reported to global and local stakeholders.\n\n### Requirements: \n- Proven track record of working in international companies, with experience in cybersecurity within a regulatory context.\n- A combination of senior management experience and deep cybersecurity expertise is mandatory.\n- Active contributor to the security community through published materials or participation in international conferences.\n- Demonstrable experience working in a global team within a rich, multicultural, and fast-paced environment.\n- 10+ years of experience in security and technology compliance within the finance sector.\n- Bachelor's degree or higher in information technology, cybersecurity, or a related field.\n- Proven track record of self-motivated leadership, with excellent communication and listening skills.\n- Proven experience in directly managing cybersecurity operations and actively contributing to their implementation.\n- Hands-on experience in delivering global projects involving international data privacy and information security frameworks, including NIST Cybersecurity \u0026 Privacy Framework, ISO 27001, ISO 27701, CIS, PASSI audits, and PCI-DSS.\n- A commitment to excellence by default, with a passion for collaboration and team achievement.\n- Demonstrable experience in delivering effective business and technical security solutions, processes, tools, and project management within high-performing teams.\n- A strong passion for the latest cybersecurity trends and emerging threats is essential.\n- Mandatory experience in engaging directly with regulatory bodies and implementing their recommendations.\n- ISO 27001 Lead Auditor, and/or certifications from ISC2, ISACA, GIAC, PASSI are a plus.\n- Fluency in English is essential, French would be beneficial.\n- Luxembourg based.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1728953713,"locationNames":["Luxembourg","Luxembourg City"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Other","remote":false,"slug":"information-security-officer","title":"Information Security Officer","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3126472","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:5029724":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"5029724","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-5029724"}],"companySize":"SIZE_5000_PLUS","highConcept":"Trade bitcoin, bnb, and hundreds of other cryptocurrencies in minutes","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3126472"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Binance","slug":"binance-3"},"Badge:B2C-38445":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-38445","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-38445":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-38445","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-38445":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-38445","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-38445":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-38445","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3022993":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**The opportunity**\n\nUnity understands the significance of a solid Security Program. The Security Program is key to maintaining customer confidence in our products and is the pathway to a well-tuned, functional Information Security Management System, Compliance and Program. This will be a chance to work on real security problems in a fast-paced high growth business. The person in this role will be at the helm of critical security risk and compliance projects with major impact across the company. You will help Unity to obtain and maintain applicable security certifications. You will have input into the overall security strategy to guide our security policy and architecture in addition to driving security awareness and compliance across the business units.\n\n**What you'll be doing**\n\n- Driving Technical audits and implementation of audit and control framework to monitor production environments for potential system integrity, cyber-risk exposure and control weaknesses\n- Perform security gap analysis and help define specific/technical remediation measures.\n- End-to-end project and program management : Manage audit and/or remediation projects. Produce high-quality deliverables, project material and audit documentation that are suitable for engineering teams, external stakeholders and auditors.\n- Guide and work with engineering and DevOps as they execute on risk remediation and novel solutions Work day-to-day with technical Security engineers and collaborate with them for driving project progress and resolving blockers\n- Be responsible for reporting on these projects to senior leadership. Effectively communicate not only with peers, engineers , devops, business development stakeholders, but also with VP and execs.\n- Operate and lead initiatives within a distributed team and collaborate with colleagues both local and remote, cross functionally and within your department. Stay updated on the latest industry trends and technologies to keep our services cutting-edge.\n\n**What we're looking for**\n\n- Experience driving compliance or audit engagements (eg SOX or SOC 2 or PCI or ISO 27001). Experience conducting risk assessment on products and applications (in-house and/or third-party) to inculcate better security using NIST or Similar compliance frameworks..\n- Experience working on cloud service providers such as AWS/GCP/AZURE, and knowledge of cloud services and infrastructure\n- Experience in Vulnerability management ( Qualys/ORCA etc), Security Operations ( Logging and monitoring, SIEM and SOAR tools ) and Infrastructure Security.\n- Familiarty with SAST/ DAST tools\n- Exposure to distributed systems development and/or an understanding of container and orchestration technologies such as Docker, Kubernetes or Nomad.\n- Strong understanding of software development best practices and design patterns, a security and quality first mentality and approach (Secure Software development Lifecycle SSDLC)\n- Experience with one or more of the following: threat modeling, security reviews, vulnerability management, penetration testing, secure software development\n- Excellent project management skills and communication and collaboration abilities, adept at working with teams across various disciplines. Experience with process mapping (preferably on MS Visio / Lucidchart or equivalent). Excellent skills with excel and powerpoint.\n- Excellent communication skills and experience collaborating with cross functional teams, driving for alignment on key decisions, effective communication with project participants and leadership\n\n**You might also have**\n\n- Professional certifications in security, privacy risk management, and audit areas are a plus, such as PMP, CISA, CISM, CISSP, or CIPT.\n- Experience with Unity, Unreal, or other game engines\n- Experience working within an Agile environment (SCRUM/Kanban/XP) and leading work within teams\n\n**Additional information**\n\n- Relocation support is not available for this position.\n- International relocation support is not available for this position.\n- Work visa/immigration sponsorship is not available for this position.\n\n**Life at Unity**\n\nUnity [NYSE: U] is the world's leading platform of tools for creators to build and grow real-time games, apps, and experiences across multiple platforms. Creators, ranging from game developers to artists, architects, automotive designers, infrastructure experts, filmmakers, and more, use Unity to bring their imaginations to life across multiple platforms, from mobile, PC, and console, to spatial computing.\n\nAs of the fourth quarter of 2023, more than 69% of the top 1,000 mobile games are made with Unity as derived from a blended number of the top 1,000 games in the Google Play Store and iOS App Store. In 2023, Made with Unity applications had an average of 3.7 billion downloads per month. For more information, please visit\n\n*Unity is an equal opportunity employer committed to fostering an inclusive, innovative environment with the best employees. Therefore, we provide employment opportunities without regard to age, race, color, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender, or any other protected status in accordance with applicable law. If there are preparations or accommodations we can make to help ensure you have a comfortable and positive interview experience, please fill out [this form]( to let us know.*\n\n*This position requires the incumbent to have a sufficient knowledge of English to have professional verbal and written exchanges in this language since the performance of the duties related to this position requires frequent and regular communication with colleagues and partners located worldwide and whose common language is English. Headhunters and recruitment agencies may not submit resumes/CVs through this website or directly to managers. Unity does not accept unsolicited headhunter and agency resumes. Unity will not pay fees to any third-party agency or company that does not have a signed agreement with Unity.*\n\n*Your privacy is important to us. Please take a moment to review our [Prospect]( and [Applicant]( Privacy Policies. Should you have any concerns about your privacy, please contact us at [](*\n\n#SEN\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1717205817,"locationNames":["Bengaluru"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Project Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-information-security-technical-program-manager-technical-security-audit-and-risk-management","title":"Senior Information Security Technical Program Manager: Technical Security Audit and Risk Management","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3022993","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:38445":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"38445","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-38445"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-38445"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-38445"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-38445"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"The world’s leading platform for creating and operating interactive, real-time 3D content","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3022993"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Unity","slug":"unity-technologies"},"Badge:B2C-32171":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-32171","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-32171":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-32171","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-32171":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-32171","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-32171":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-32171","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate FanDuel 4.4/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.4","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3150465":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**ABOUT FANDUEL**\n\nFanDuel Group (“FanDuel\") is an innovative sports-tech entertainment company that is changing the way consumers engage with their favorite sports, teams, and leagues. The premier gaming destination in the United States, FanDuel consists of a portfolio of leading brands across gaming, sports betting, daily fantasy sports, advance-deposit wagering, and TV/media. \n\nFanDuel has a presence across all 50 states with approximately 17 million customers and 28 retail locations. FanDuel is based in New York with offices in New Jersey, Georgia, California, Oregon, Canada and Scotland.\n\nIts networks FanDuel TV and FanDuel+ are broadly distributed on linear cable television and through its relationships with leading direct-to-consumer over-the-top platforms.\n\nFanDuel Group is a subsidiary of Flutter Entertainment plc, the world's largest sports betting and gaming operator with a portfolio of globally recognized brands and traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: FLUT).\n\n**THE ROSTER** At FanDuel, we give fans a new and innovative way to interact with their favorite games, sports and teams. We’re dedicated to building a winning team and we pride ourselves on being able to make every moment mean more, especially when it comes to your career. So, what does “winning” look like at FanDuel? It’s recognition for your hard-earned results, a culture that brings out your best work—and a roster full of talented coworkers. Make no mistake, we are here to win, but we believe in winning right. That means we’ll never compromise when it comes to looking out for our teammates. From creatives professionals to cutting edge technology innovators, FanDuel offers a wide range of career opportunities, best in class benefits, and the tools to explore and grow into your best selves. At FanDuel, our principle of “We Are One Team” runs through all our offices across the globe, and you can expect to be a part of an exciting company with many opportunities to grow and be successful.\n\n**THE POSITION** \nOur roster has an opening with your name on it\n\nWe are looking for a Senior Manager to lead our Technology Governance \u0026 Controls Monitoring team. You will drive strategy, establish and implement key governance processes, and implement tooling \u0026 automation to streamline control assurance and compliance activities for all Technology \u0026 Cybersecurity teams. This role requires a strong leader who can foster collaboration across departments, manage GRC tooling solutions to automate controls assurance \u0026 compliance activities, and ensure alignment with regulatory requirements and internal standards. The Technology Governance \u0026 Controls Monitoring Senior Manager will report to the Technology GRC Director within FanDuel Group’s Technology Assurance \u0026 Controls team.\n\n**THE GAME PLAN** \nEveryone on our team has a part to play\n\nGeneral Program Strategy \u0026 Oversight\n\n- Develop and execute a strategic plan for the Technology Governance \u0026 Controls Monitoring program to achieve department objectives.\n- Define and document program goals, objectives, and key results that align with technology, cybersecurity, and regulatory requirements.\n- Present regular updates on KPIs, KRIs, and program progress to leadership, ensuring transparency and accountability.\n- Manage technical solution(s) supporting Technology Governance \u0026 Continuous Controls Monitoring, driving automation and continuous improvement to improve overall operational efficiency.\n- Maintain contact with vendors, industry peers, and professional associations to keep informed of existing and evolving industry standards, technologies, and cyber threats.\n- Perform and/or support special initiatives, as assigned.\n\nTechnology \u0026 Cybersecurity Governance \u0026 Policy Management\n\n- Lead the team responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of policies, standards, and procedures ensuring compliance with regulations and applicable industry best practices.\n- Establish and operate key governance forums to oversee technology and cybersecurity risk and compliance activities.\n- Identify opportunities to enhance technology \u0026 cybersecurity governance processes and adapt the program to meet future organizational needs and reduce overall operational efficiencies.\n- Develop and implement an efficient process to respond to external requests for information from auditors, regulators, and customers, ensuring timely and accurate delivery of required documentation and evidence.\n\nContinuous Controls Monitoring \u0026 Assurance\n\n- Lead the team responsible for automation and engineering-led solutions for Tech \u0026 Cyber control assurance, evidence collection, and summary reporting.\n- Advise key stakeholders on ways to enable better audit and assurance testing of technology and cybersecurity controls against FanDuel policy requirements and key authoritative sources (e.g., NIST CSF, SOX ITGC, SOC2, PCI, GLI).\n- Drive the alignment of all testing automation and control monitoring with applicable internal policies, guidance, regulations, applicable laws, and standards.\n- Ensure timely alerts and identification of control drift and work with control owners, Tech GRC, and Enterprise Risk team members to document a path to green.\n- Identify opportunities for automation and improvement to help the team and other key stakeholders work smarter, faster, and more effectively.\n- Conduct continuous research, development, and adaptation of innovative technologies, best practices, and strategies to increase the effectiveness of continuous monitoring within the context of the company's operational landscape.\n\nTeam Leadership \u0026 Collaboration\n\n- Manage and mentor a hybrid team of GRC analysts and engineers, fostering career development and accountability.\n- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate continuous monitoring into new or existing technology \u0026 security workflows.\n- Provide training and support to relevant stakeholders to drive adoption of governance and control monitoring processes and tools.\n\nStakeholder Engagement\n\n- Build strong relationships with key stakeholders across Risk, Compliance, Internal Audit, and Engineering to ensure alignment on governance initiatives.\n- Serve as a trusted advisor, keeping stakeholders informed of evolving industry standards and best practices.\n\n**THE STATS** \nWhat we're looking for in our next teammate\n\n- Minimum 10 years of IT or Security GRC experience or across a variety of relevant engineering roles in a highly regulated industry.\n- 5+ years in a management role; demonstrated success leading senior professionals and developing a strong organization and workforce in a complex, service-intensive, deadline-driven environment\n- Hands-on experience with continuous control monitoring tools such as Anecdotes or building custom technical assurance capabilities with integrations with GRC tools such as ZenGRC and AuditBoard.\n- Strong track record of delivering IT and Security governance programs including policy lifecycle management.\n- Advanced technical knowledge of cloud technology (AWS, GCP), security controls, database systems, network systems, auditing and compliance software and tools, and IT infrastructure. Hands-on experience with IT controls, internal auditing, or IT risk management, including NIST CSF, ISO, SOX, SOC2, PCI, CIS Critical Controls, COBIT, ITIL, and CMMI. Exposure to GLI preferred.\n- “Stay Hungry, Stay Humble” mindset that strives to continuously learn and share new skills with others, and embraces a steep learning curve to understand our business and technology drivers to get the job done\n- “Anything Is Possible” attitude that is highly organized and results-driven to solve our most important challenges\n- Comfortable navigating shifting priorities in a fast-paced environment, with the ability to work independently with minimal supervision while also as an exceptional team player that excels at cultivating relationships and promoting collaboration and cohesiveness to fulfill our “We Are One Team” principle\n- Excellent communication skills, with the ability to effectively interact with senior leadership and cross-functional teams.\n- Proficient working with Microsoft Office and Agile project management tools (e.g., Atlassian JIRA / Confluence).\n- Relevant cybersecurity certification(s), including CISSP, CISA, CISM, or CCSP preferred.\n\n**PLAYER BENEFITS** \nWe treat our team right\n\nFrom our many opportunities for professional development to our generous insurance and paid leave policies, we’re committed to making sure our employees get as much out of FanDuel as we ask them to give. Competitive compensation is just the beginning. As part of our team, you can expect:\n\n- An exciting and fun environment committed to driving real growth\n- Opportunities to build really cool products that fans love\n- Career and professional development resources to help you refine your game plan for owning and driving your career and development\n- Be well, save well and live well - with FanDuel Total Rewards your benefits are one highlight reel after another\n\nFanDuel is an equal opportunities employer and we believe, as one of our principal states, “We Are One Team!” We are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, creed, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship status, marital status, disability, gender identity, gender expression, Veteran status, or another other characteristic protected by state, local or federal law. We believe FanDuel is strongest and best able to compete if all employees feel valued, respected, and included. We want our team to include diverse individuals because diversity of thought, diversity of perspectives, and diversity of experiences leads to better performance. Having a diverse and inclusive workforce is a core value that we believe makes FanDuel stronger and more competitive as One Team!\n\n***The applicable salary range for this position is $158,000 - $198,000, which is dependent on a variety of factors including relevant experience, location, business needs and market demand. This role may offer the following benefits: medical, vision, and dental insurance; life insurance; disability insurance; a 401(k) matching program; among other employee benefits. This role may also be eligible for short-term or long-term incentive compensation, including, but not limited to, cash bonuses and stock program participation. This role includes paid personal time off and 14 paid company holidays. FanDuel offers paid sick time in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws.***\n\n \n\n#LI-Hybrid\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731544672,"locationNames":["Atlanta"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Engineering Manager","remote":false,"slug":"technology-governance-controls-monitoring-senior-manager","title":"Technology Governance \u0026 Controls Monitoring Senior Manager","compensation":"$158k – $198k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3150465","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3150466":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**ABOUT FANDUEL**\n\nFanDuel Group (“FanDuel\") is an innovative sports-tech entertainment company that is changing the way consumers engage with their favorite sports, teams, and leagues. The premier gaming destination in the United States, FanDuel consists of a portfolio of leading brands across gaming, sports betting, daily fantasy sports, advance-deposit wagering, and TV/media. \n\nFanDuel has a presence across all 50 states with approximately 17 million customers and 28 retail locations. FanDuel is based in New York with offices in New Jersey, Georgia, California, Oregon, Canada and Scotland.\n\nIts networks FanDuel TV and FanDuel+ are broadly distributed on linear cable television and through its relationships with leading direct-to-consumer over-the-top platforms.\n\nFanDuel Group is a subsidiary of Flutter Entertainment plc, the world's largest sports betting and gaming operator with a portfolio of globally recognized brands and traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: FLUT).\n\n**THE ROSTER** At FanDuel, we give fans a new and innovative way to interact with their favorite games, sports and teams. We’re dedicated to building a winning team and we pride ourselves on being able to make every moment mean more, especially when it comes to your career. So, what does “winning” look like at FanDuel? It’s recognition for your hard-earned results, a culture that brings out your best work—and a roster full of talented coworkers. Make no mistake, we are here to win, but we believe in winning right. That means we’ll never compromise when it comes to looking out for our teammates. From creatives professionals to cutting edge technology innovators, FanDuel offers a wide range of career opportunities, best in class benefits, and the tools to explore and grow into your best selves. At FanDuel, our principle of “We Are One Team” runs through all our offices across the globe, and you can expect to be a part of an exciting company with many opportunities to grow and be successful.\n\n**THE POSITION** \nOur roster has an opening with your name on it\n\nWe are looking for a Senior Manager to lead our Technology Governance \u0026 Controls Monitoring team. You will drive strategy, establish and implement key governance processes, and implement tooling \u0026 automation to streamline control assurance and compliance activities for all Technology \u0026 Cybersecurity teams. This role requires a strong leader who can foster collaboration across departments, manage GRC tooling solutions to automate controls assurance \u0026 compliance activities, and ensure alignment with regulatory requirements and internal standards. The Technology Governance \u0026 Controls Monitoring Senior Manager will report to the Technology GRC Director within FanDuel Group’s Technology Assurance \u0026 Controls team.\n\n**THE GAME PLAN** \nEveryone on our team has a part to play\n\nGeneral Program Strategy \u0026 Oversight\n\n- Develop and execute a strategic plan for the Technology Governance \u0026 Controls Monitoring program to achieve department objectives.\n- Define and document program goals, objectives, and key results that align with technology, cybersecurity, and regulatory requirements.\n- Present regular updates on KPIs, KRIs, and program progress to leadership, ensuring transparency and accountability.\n- Manage technical solution(s) supporting Technology Governance \u0026 Continuous Controls Monitoring, driving automation and continuous improvement to improve overall operational efficiency.\n- Maintain contact with vendors, industry peers, and professional associations to keep informed of existing and evolving industry standards, technologies, and cyber threats.\n- Perform and/or support special initiatives, as assigned.\n\nTechnology \u0026 Cybersecurity Governance \u0026 Policy Management\n\n- Lead the team responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of policies, standards, and procedures ensuring compliance with regulations and applicable industry best practices.\n- Establish and operate key governance forums to oversee technology and cybersecurity risk and compliance activities.\n- Identify opportunities to enhance technology \u0026 cybersecurity governance processes and adapt the program to meet future organizational needs and reduce overall operational efficiencies.\n- Develop and implement an efficient process to respond to external requests for information from auditors, regulators, and customers, ensuring timely and accurate delivery of required documentation and evidence.\n\nContinuous Controls Monitoring \u0026 Assurance\n\n- Lead the team responsible for automation and engineering-led solutions for Tech \u0026 Cyber control assurance, evidence collection, and summary reporting.\n- Advise key stakeholders on ways to enable better audit and assurance testing of technology and cybersecurity controls against FanDuel policy requirements and key authoritative sources (e.g., NIST CSF, SOX ITGC, SOC2, PCI, GLI).\n- Drive the alignment of all testing automation and control monitoring with applicable internal policies, guidance, regulations, applicable laws, and standards.\n- Ensure timely alerts and identification of control drift and work with control owners, Tech GRC, and Enterprise Risk team members to document a path to green.\n- Identify opportunities for automation and improvement to help the team and other key stakeholders work smarter, faster, and more effectively.\n- Conduct continuous research, development, and adaptation of innovative technologies, best practices, and strategies to increase the effectiveness of continuous monitoring within the context of the company's operational landscape.\n\nTeam Leadership \u0026 Collaboration\n\n- Manage and mentor a hybrid team of GRC analysts and engineers, fostering career development and accountability.\n- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate continuous monitoring into new or existing technology \u0026 security workflows.\n- Provide training and support to relevant stakeholders to drive adoption of governance and control monitoring processes and tools.\n\nStakeholder Engagement\n\n- Build strong relationships with key stakeholders across Risk, Compliance, Internal Audit, and Engineering to ensure alignment on governance initiatives.\n- Serve as a trusted advisor, keeping stakeholders informed of evolving industry standards and best practices.\n\n**THE STATS** \nWhat we're looking for in our next teammate\n\n- Minimum 10 years of IT or Security GRC experience or across a variety of relevant engineering roles in a highly regulated industry.\n- 5+ years in a management role; demonstrated success leading senior professionals and developing a strong organization and workforce in a complex, service-intensive, deadline-driven environment\n- Hands-on experience with continuous control monitoring tools such as Anecdotes or building custom technical assurance capabilities with integrations with GRC tools such as ZenGRC and AuditBoard.\n- Strong track record of delivering IT and Security governance programs including policy lifecycle management.\n- Advanced technical knowledge of cloud technology (AWS, GCP), security controls, database systems, network systems, auditing and compliance software and tools, and IT infrastructure. Hands-on experience with IT controls, internal auditing, or IT risk management, including NIST CSF, ISO, SOX, SOC2, PCI, CIS Critical Controls, COBIT, ITIL, and CMMI. Exposure to GLI preferred.\n- “Stay Hungry, Stay Humble” mindset that strives to continuously learn and share new skills with others, and embraces a steep learning curve to understand our business and technology drivers to get the job done\n- “Anything Is Possible” attitude that is highly organized and results-driven to solve our most important challenges\n- Comfortable navigating shifting priorities in a fast-paced environment, with the ability to work independently with minimal supervision while also as an exceptional team player that excels at cultivating relationships and promoting collaboration and cohesiveness to fulfill our “We Are One Team” principle\n- Excellent communication skills, with the ability to effectively interact with senior leadership and cross-functional teams.\n- Proficient working with Microsoft Office and Agile project management tools (e.g., Atlassian JIRA / Confluence).\n- Relevant cybersecurity certification(s), including CISSP, CISA, CISM, or CCSP preferred.\n\n**PLAYER BENEFITS** \nWe treat our team right\n\nFrom our many opportunities for professional development to our generous insurance and paid leave policies, we’re committed to making sure our employees get as much out of FanDuel as we ask them to give. Competitive compensation is just the beginning. As part of our team, you can expect:\n\n- An exciting and fun environment committed to driving real growth\n- Opportunities to build really cool products that fans love\n- Career and professional development resources to help you refine your game plan for owning and driving your career and development\n- Be well, save well and live well - with FanDuel Total Rewards your benefits are one highlight reel after another\n\nFanDuel is an equal opportunities employer and we believe, as one of our principal states, “We Are One Team!” We are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, creed, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship status, marital status, disability, gender identity, gender expression, Veteran status, or another other characteristic protected by state, local or federal law. We believe FanDuel is strongest and best able to compete if all employees feel valued, respected, and included. We want our team to include diverse individuals because diversity of thought, diversity of perspectives, and diversity of experiences leads to better performance. Having a diverse and inclusive workforce is a core value that we believe makes FanDuel stronger and more competitive as One Team!\n\n***The applicable salary range for this position is $158,000 - $198,000, which is dependent on a variety of factors including relevant experience, location, business needs and market demand. This role may offer the following benefits: medical, vision, and dental insurance; life insurance; disability insurance; a 401(k) matching program; among other employee benefits. This role may also be eligible for short-term or long-term incentive compensation, including, but not limited to, cash bonuses and stock program participation. This role includes paid personal time off and 14 paid company holidays. FanDuel offers paid sick time in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws.***\n\n \n\n#LI-Hybrid\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731544672,"locationNames":["New York"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Engineering Manager","remote":false,"slug":"technology-governance-controls-monitoring-senior-manager","title":"Technology Governance \u0026 Controls Monitoring Senior Manager","compensation":"$158k – $198k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3150466","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3142798":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**ABOUT FANDUEL**\n\nFanDuel Group (“FanDuel\") is an innovative sports-tech entertainment company that is changing the way consumers engage with their favorite sports, teams, and leagues. The premier gaming destination in the United States, FanDuel consists of a portfolio of leading brands across gaming, sports betting, daily fantasy sports, advance-deposit wagering, and TV/media. \n\nFanDuel has a presence across all 50 states with approximately 17 million customers and 28 retail locations. FanDuel is based in New York with offices in New Jersey, Georgia, California, Oregon, Canada and Scotland.\n\nIts networks FanDuel TV and FanDuel+ are broadly distributed on linear cable television and through its relationships with leading direct-to-consumer over-the-top platforms.\n\nFanDuel Group is a subsidiary of Flutter Entertainment plc, the world's largest sports betting and gaming operator with a portfolio of globally recognized brands and traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: FLUT).\n\n**THE ROSTER** At FanDuel, we give fans a new and innovative way to interact with their favorite games, sports and teams. We’re dedicated to building a winning team and we pride ourselves on being able to make every moment mean more, especially when it comes to your career. So, what does “winning” look like at FanDuel? It’s recognition for your hard-earned results, a culture that brings out your best work—and a roster full of talented coworkers. Make no mistake, we are here to win, but we believe in winning right. That means we’ll never compromise when it comes to looking out for our teammates. From creatives professionals to cutting edge technology innovators, FanDuel offers a wide range of career opportunities, best in class benefits, and the tools to explore and grow into your best selves. At FanDuel, our principle of “We Are One Team” runs through all our offices across the globe, and you can expect to be a part of an exciting company with many opportunities to grow and be successful.\n\n**THE POSITION** \nOur roster has an opening with your name on it\n\nFanDuel is seeking a dynamic and experienced Staff SOX IT Controls Analyst to add to its first line of defense (1LOD) Technology \u0026 Cyber Governance, Risk \u0026 Controls (GRC) team. This role will serve as the central point of contact for addressing all ITGC inquiries, managing escalations related to SOX IT control issues, and partnering with internal and external stakeholders to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and will work closely with Enterprise Risk and Flutter Internal Controls for alignment with 2LOD Divisional and 2LOD Group SOX strategies. This role will report to the Technology Regulatory and Controls Senior Manager and will play a pivotal role in defining robust controls and processes to adhere to the company’s compliance obligations with SEC and SOX regulations. The ideal candidate will bring extensive experience in IT SOX audits, controls testing, and risk management, while fostering collaboration across departments.\n\n**THE GAME PLAN** \nEveryone on our team has a part to play\n\n- Liaise with the SOX Testing team and key stakeholders to ensure FanDuel’s overall compliance with SOX Section 404 requirements, including but not limited to:\n - Act as the primary liaison between Technology, Cybersecurity, Finance, Enterprise Risk, and SOX testing / audit teams for all matters related to SOX IT General Controls (ITGC).\n - Respond to inquiries and escalations related to SOX ITGCs from internal and external auditors, ensuring timely resolution and clear communication\n - Work in lockstep with SOX Accounting and SOX Risk Program Management to ensure scope alignment and audit support\n - Drive efforts to improve SOX IT scoping strategies, develop a comprehensive understanding of applicable IT and business processes, and support the maintenance of integrated IT and business process, risk and control framework documentation\n - Consult on the control design and implementation of required and repeatable ITGCs with process owners to meet regulatory requirements, including for new products, processes and system implementation launches ensuring appropriate internal controls are in place prior to launch\n - Create and improve SOX ready documentation (e.g., narratives, flow charts, IT process \u0026 control descriptions)\n - Coordinate dynamic ITGC testing schedules defined by Flutter Internal Controls and/or external audit with stakeholders that fit business capacities while still meeting regulatory deadlines\n - Evaluate and track reported control deficiencies, root causes, and planned corrective actions in conjunction with IT and business process owners to ensure timely and accurate resolution\n - Prepare and present regular reports to senior leadership, Enterprise Risk, Flutter Internal Controls, and other stakeholders on the status of SOX IT compliance, control issues, and remediation progress\n- Strive to continuously improve the SOX program to be more efficient and effective through optimization and automation:\n - Support the stand up of a continuous controls monitoring tool by ensuring SOX ITGC requirements are defined and in place to enable SOX readiness including automated ITGC evidence gathering and testing efforts\n - Support the integration of IT SOX controls with broader compliance initiatives, including PCI-DSS, SOC2, and other regulatory requirements as needed\n- Serve as a subject matter expert on SOX ITGCs and provide guidance on ITGC-related matters thru cross-functional discussions and workshops to foster a proactive risk management culture and alignment with SOX requirements and company objectives\n- Develop and deliver tailored training and communications as needed on relevant IT general control practices for the technology \u0026 cyber community\n- Stay abreast of evolving technology \u0026 cyber threats, news, and trends to enhance risk and control management strategies\n- Assist with special risk assessment and department initiatives, as assigned\n- Maintain procedures, playbooks, virtual webpages, and metrics dashboards surrounding SOX ITGC effectiveness\n- Mentor and guide junior team members, sharing expertise and promoting continuous professional development\n\n**THE STATS** \nWhat we're looking for in our next teammate\n\n- Bachelor’s degree preferred in a technical field (e.g., Cybersecurity, Information Technology) or equivalent combination of education, training, and relevant experience\n- 8+ years of relevant work experience in public accounting, internal auditing, and/or in SOX industry experience. Technology or Software industry experience preferred.\n- Hands-on experience executing and managing cybersecurity assessments in a heavily regulated industry, including writing, documenting, and assessing risks/controls and drafting business process summaries for executives\n- Strong IT \u0026 security risk domain knowledge of technology and cybersecurity best practices, principles, tools, and industry control frameworks (e.g., SOX, GLI, NIST CSF, ISO, SOC2, PCI, CIS Critical Controls, COBIT, ITIL, CMMI)\n- Experience with designing testing approaches for ITGCs, ITACs, Interfaces and related supporting controls.\n- Understand the ITGC relationship with financial reporting to properly scope a SOX environment.\n- “Stay Hungry, Stay Humble” mindset that strives to continuously learn and share new skills with others, and embraces a steep learning curve to understand our business and technology drivers to get the job done\n- “Anything Is Possible” attitude that is highly organized and results-driven to solve our most important challenges\n- Comfortable navigating shifting priorities in a fast-paced environment, with the ability to work independently with minimal supervision while also as an exceptional team player that excels at cultivating relationships and promoting collaboration and cohesiveness to fulfill our “We Are One Team” principle\n- Ability to translate risk/control standards into functional business requirements\n- Strong written and verbal communication skills to articulate risk/control insights to both technical and non-technical stakeholders\n- Proficient working with Microsoft Office, GRC and project management tools (e.g., JIRA, AuditBoard, Anecdotes)\n- Relevant professional certifications such as CISA, CISSP, CPA, CISM, or CRISC are preferred\n\n**PLAYER BENEFITS** \nWe treat our team right\n\nFrom our many opportunities for professional development to our generous insurance and paid leave policies, we’re committed to making sure our employees get as much out of FanDuel as we ask them to give. Competitive compensation is just the beginning. As part of our team, you can expect:\n\n- An exciting and fun environment committed to driving real growth\n- Opportunities to build really cool products that fans love\n- Career and professional development resources to help you refine your game plan for owning and driving your career and development\n- Be well, save well and live well - with FanDuel Total Rewards your benefits are one highlight reel after another\n\nFanDuel is an equal opportunities employer and we believe, as one of our principal states, “We Are One Team!” We are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, creed, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship status, marital status, disability, gender identity, gender expression, Veteran status, or another other characteristic protected by state, local or federal law. We believe FanDuel is strongest and best able to compete if all employees feel valued, respected, and included. We want our team to include diverse individuals because diversity of thought, diversity of perspectives, and diversity of experiences leads to better performance. Having a diverse and inclusive workforce is a core value that we believe makes FanDuel stronger and more competitive as One Team!\n\n***The applicable salary range for this position is $150,000- $187,000, which is dependent on a variety of factors including relevant experience, location, business needs and market demand. This role may offer the following benefits: medical, vision, and dental insurance; life insurance; disability insurance; a 401(k) matching program; among other employee benefits. This role may also be eligible for short-term or long-term incentive compensation, including, but not limited to, cash bonuses and stock program participation. This role includes paid personal time off and 14 paid company holidays. FanDuel offers paid sick time in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws.***\n\n \n\n#LI-Hybrid\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730767180,"locationNames":["New York"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Other","remote":false,"slug":"staff-sox-it-controls-analyst","title":"Staff SOX IT Controls Analyst","compensation":"$150k – $187k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3142798","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:32171":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"32171","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-32171"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-32171"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-32171"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-32171"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"FanDuel is America's #1 Sportsbook. 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