Have I got sexism for you? | Organgrinder |

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see Lorraine Kelly or Fern Britton. Or, in the case of Anne Widdecombe, fresh meat for the team captains.</p> <p>Perhaps this is more about style than gender - plenty of male panelists have struggled with Merton's brilliant but obtuse humour and Hislop's acid tongue.</p> <p>A bigger problem for HIGNFY - now in its 18th year - might be competing with its slightly younger, much cooler brother Never Mind the Buzzcocks, which is consistently funnier and far more dramatic; their panelists at least have the rock'n'roll credentials of drunkenness (<a href="">Amy Winehouse</a>) and self-importance (<a href="">Samuel Preston</a>). </p> <p>We'll leave it to the wise words of HIGNFY regular Germaine Greer - one female panelist who does seem to sparkle among all that macho cut-and-thrust. </p> <p>"Mariella might ask herself why they asked her on in the first place? She's not known for being amazingly witty, is she? I thought she was best known for her sexy voice."</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-leftbox-headed"> <div class="blogs-article-comments"> <h3>Comments</h3> <div class="blogs-article-comment-form"> <p>Comments are now closed on this entry.</p> </div> <a name="comments"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1099705"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Kelme</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1099705">1099705</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1099705">May 13 10:34</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>I think this might be the first time Ian Hislop and the word 'macho' have appeared in the same article.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1099705, was written by Kelme, at May 13, 2008 10:34 AM, and starts with I think this might be the first time Ian Hislop and the word 'macho' have appeared in the same artic">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1099714"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">nationwide</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1099714">1099714</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1099714">May 13 10:38</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>The question seems to be answered in your last sentence. The criteria for selection is wit and humour, not sex, (or embarrassment in the case of politicians) <br/> It's in it's autumn years, like the News Quiz, but it's still just an entertainment show. <br/> Kirsty Young has hosted it five times because she's funny. Gordon Ramsay hosts it for publicity but because he makes such a dog's breakfast of the autocue we get to laugh at him. </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1099714, was written by nationwide, at May 13, 2008 10:38 AM, and starts with The question seems to be answered in your last sentence. The criteria for selection is wit and humou">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1099745"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">DBlack</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1099745">1099745</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1099745">May 13 10:46</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>women aren't funny. end of.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1099745, was written by DBlack, at May 13, 2008 10:46 AM, and starts with women aren't funny. end of.">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1099849"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">RichJohnston</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1099849">1099849</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1099849">May 13 11:30</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>DBlack, Aren't funny to you, maybe. Your problem, perhaps?</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1099849, was written by RichJohnston, at May 13, 2008 11:30 AM, and starts with DBlack, Aren't funny to you, maybe. Your problem, perhaps?">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1099915"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">iainl</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1099915">1099915</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1099915">May 13 11:55</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>We did this very topic the other week, didn't we? People, of either gender, who aren't able to be funny in the format don't get invited back again. Frostrup was dull. She didn't get invited back.<br/> <br/> As a competitive panel show it's a fairly agressive environment, I agree. But that's what the show is - you can't change it just to give more room for women to be funny at their own pace.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1099915, was written by iainl, at May 13, 2008 11:55 AM, and starts with We did this very topic the other week, didn't we? People, of either gender, who aren't able to be fu">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1099950"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">ollybenson</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1099950">1099950</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1099950">May 13 12:07</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>I was sat watching Dave last night and thinking exactly the same thing, except about QI.</p> <p>I love QI, but I can't think of a female other than Jo Brand that has been on it. And given that they've had everyone from Jeremy Clarkson and Jonathan Ross on; they seem open to going beyond the usual intelligent-comedian suspects.</p> <p>I think someone like Lucy Porter would play brilliantly against Alan Davies (although I might be biased as I *heart* Lucy Porter).</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1099950, was written by ollybenson, at May 13, 2008 12:07 PM, and starts with I was sat watching Dave last night and thinking exactly the same thing, except about QI. I love QI,">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1099956"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">uncleleo</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1099956">1099956</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1099956">May 13 12:10</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Can anyone think of a decent reason why Mariella Frostrup hasn't been invited to take part on Have I Got News For You? any more than two lousy times?<br/> <br/> How about - She's not funny or interesting</p> <p><br/> In a few teaser lines from a Sky interview, Frostrup said the programme is a "disgrace" because women are only invited on as tokens, and the show is ruled by its "testosterone-driven" team captains Ian Hislop and Paul Merton.<br/> <br/> Merton and Hislop are in no way "testosterone driven". Yhis is sour grapes from a boring, witless hack. I can think of both good (contributive) and bad (nothing to say) female contestants over the years. </p> <p><br/> A cursory look at the list of regular guests (do those heavily script reliant presenters count?!) shows around a fifth are female, including Anne Robinson, Liza Tarbuck and Janet Street-Porter.<br/> <br/> I think if you are writing an article for a national newspaper, your research should be more than "cursory" especially when the article is critical.<br/> </p> <p><br/> Have I Got News For You has always been dominated by macho knockabout, and perhaps those "token" female panelists and guest presenters have been more self-deprecating than ball-busting; see Lorraine Kelly or Fern Britton. Or, in the case of Anne Widdecombe, fresh meat for the team captains.<br/> <br/> Men get a much harder time on the show.<br/> </p> <p>Perhaps this is more about style than gender - plenty of male panelists have struggled with Merton's brilliant but obtuse humour and Hislop's acid tongue.</p> <p>A bigger problem for HIGNFY - now in its 18th year - might be competing with its slightly younger, much cooler brother Never Mind the Buzzcocks, which is consistently funnier and far more dramatic; their panelists at least have the rock'n'roll credentials of drunkenness (Amy Winehouse) and self-importance (Samuel Preston). <br/> <br/> Yes. Paul Merton vs Phil Jupitus. He does try hard, mind that Mr Jupitus. <br/> </p> <p>We'll leave it to the wise words of HIGNFY regular Germaine Greer - one female panelist who does seem to sparkle among all that macho cut-and-thrust. </p> <p>"Mariella might ask herself why they asked her on in the first place? She's not known for being amazingly witty, is she? I thought she was best known for her sexy voice."</p> <p>Quite.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1099956, was written by uncleleo, at May 13, 2008 12:10 PM, and starts with Can anyone think of a decent reason why Mariella Frostrup hasn't been invited to take part on Have I">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1099957"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">mickeydolenz</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1099957">1099957</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1099957">May 13 12:10</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Linda Smith, Maureen Lipman and Jo Brand managed to put it in a good few solid performances. <br/> But the simple fact is - women are underepresented on all panel shows - including radio ones. Which means that panel show sexism is pandemic or DBlack might not be far off the mark.<br/> Or get this - maybe many women just don't thrive in the format because it's not the best platform - even though they are indeed funny as f*ck? <br/> Kathy Burke and Caroline Aherne hardly said a word on their appearances, but are infinitely funnier than most male comics.<br/> </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1099957, was written by mickeydolenz, at May 13, 2008 12:10 PM, and starts with Linda Smith, Maureen Lipman and Jo Brand managed to put it in a good few solid performances. But th">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1099964"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">GloriaL</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1099964">1099964</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1099964">May 13 12:17</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>It's just an *article*, for heaven's sake. Of course it's going to be predicated upon the flimsiest of notions. No need to get upset. Its job isn't to illuminate, inform or even entertain. It exists to separate advertisements from each another. </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1099964, was written by GloriaL, at May 13, 2008 12:17 PM, and starts with It's just an *article*, for heaven's sake. Of course it's going to be predicated upon the flimsiest">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1099973"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">torikeeper</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1099973">1099973</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1099973">May 13 12:20</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Have I Got News may speak with a male voice, that doesn't make it sexist or anti-women. Women are not treated worse than men on the show. I cannot recollect a woman being invited on the show purely for men to comment on her looks, unlike Friday night with Jonathan Ross for example. In the media, it is best to have a plurality of distinctive, positive voices, not homogenisation.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1099973, was written by torikeeper, at May 13, 2008 12:20 PM, and starts with Have I Got News may speak with a male voice, that doesn't make it sexist or anti-women. Women are n">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1099986"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Rolphus</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1099986">1099986</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1099986">May 13 12:23</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>On the QI front (and pulling all these numbers from Wikipedia), Jo Brand has been a guest on the show more than anyone else. </p> <p>Meera Syal, Jackie Clune, Linda Smith, Julia Morris, Anneka Rice, Josie Lawrence, Doon Mackichan, Helen Atkinson-Wood, Liza Tarbuck, Ronni Ancona, and Jessica Stevenson have all been on QI at some point, several of them more than once. That said, I couldn't find an individual show where there was more than one woman on the panel, and I could find plenty of episodes where there are no women at all. This seems reasonably in line with the number of male vs. female "amusing TV persons" though.</p> <p>I apologise for having this much time on my hands.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1099986, was written by Rolphus, at May 13, 2008 12:23 PM, and starts with On the QI front (and pulling all these numbers from Wikipedia), Jo Brand has been a guest on the sho">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1099990"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">sweat64</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1099990">1099990</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1099990">May 13 12:25</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>On the 'Funny Women' thing, interesting to note that Linda Smith was a regular (and very funny) contributor to HIGNFY's older radio 4 sibling, 'The News Quiz'</p> <p>How many times did she appear/present HIGNFY?</p> <p>Appeared, as far as I can tell, 8 times. Series, 16, 20, 23, 25, 26 &amp; 28</p> <p>(From IMDB)</p> <p>Presented? 0</p> <p>BUT:<br/> Only 2 people have presented 6 times: Jack Dee and Kirtsy Young<br/> With only Alex Armstrong presenting more (9 times)</p> <p>(From Wikipedia - I know, not always accurate although IMDB shows Kirsty Young: once as guest, six times as Guest Presenter)</p> <p>Not, I would suggest, cutting women out of the show is it?</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1099990, was written by sweat64, at May 13, 2008 12:25 PM, and starts with On the 'Funny Women' thing, interesting to note that Linda Smith was a regular (and very funny) cont">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1099991"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">AndyCh</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1099991">1099991</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1099991">May 13 12:25</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>I was going to do the 'Women aren't funny' comment, but<br/> a: someone beat me to it<br/> b: I saw Jenny Eclair at Glastonbury (before she sold her soul to some advertiser)<br/> c: Roseanne was quite funny.</p> <p>But maybe in this kind of format, men are funnier, or quicker, or just louder. There are, for example, plenty of women in Quote Unquote (which is dull and slow) but virtually none on I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue. Mock the Week usually has women panelists, but they're typically Jo Caulfield so that doesn't count (because she's not funny).</p> <p>Perhaps there should be an Orange Prize for Women Panel-show guests/hosts. Mariella could do the Radio 4 coverage, Jo Caulfield could do BBC 3 (because she's not funny) and Stephen Fry could do BBC 4.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1099991, was written by AndyCh, at May 13, 2008 12:25 PM, and starts with I was going to do the 'Women aren't funny' comment, but a: someone beat me to it b: I saw Jenny Ecla">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1099996"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Satan900</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1099996">1099996</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1099996">May 13 12:27</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Is anyone really that bothered? Its TV. Its meant to be enjoyed - I don't sit there and think 'This would be better if we had a disabled lesbian on here'.</p> <p>If you don't like it or agree with it - turn it off and switch over. </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1099996, was written by Satan900, at May 13, 2008 12:27 PM, and starts with Is anyone really that bothered? Its TV. Its meant to be enjoyed - I don't sit there and think 'This ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1099997"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">ilfordpeach</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1099997">1099997</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1099997">May 13 12:27</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Olly - Liza Tarbuck (whom I equally heart) has been on QI - and was perfectly excellent too.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1099997, was written by ilfordpeach, at May 13, 2008 12:27 PM, and starts with Olly - Liza Tarbuck (whom I equally heart) has been on QI - and was perfectly excellent too.">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1100035"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Stumpysheep</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1100035">1100035</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1100035">May 13 12:41</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Silly article, but then isn't she a Gruaniad columnist? She isn't funny.<br/> <br/> <br/> HIGNFY tends to take panelists from male-dominated areas and there have been some stand-out performances - Jo Brand, Linda Smith, etc - and the demographics for panelists and the audience are a little older. Nothing to do with the bias of the producers. Anne Widdicombe was hilarious for all the wrong reasons, but then she barely even qualifies as human, let alone female.<br/> <br/> <br/> ollybenson - You have competition for Lucy Porter :P Highly under-rated.<br/> <br/> <br/> How about suggesting they get Ms Sherine or one of the twins on? </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1100035, was written by Stumpysheep, at May 13, 2008 12:41 PM, and starts with Silly article, but then isn't she a Gruaniad columnist? She isn't funny. HIGNFY tends to take pa">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1100057"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Fantomex</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1100057">1100057</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1100057">May 13 12:47</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Funnily enough, when you look at the list of guests on HIGNFY, there have been loads of female guests..<br/> <br/> <a href=""></a><br/> <br/> Though whether many are still on the show today can be directly attributed to whether or not they were funny, which I guess is more of a personal opinion.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1100057, was written by Fantomex, at May 13, 2008 12:47 PM, and starts with Funnily enough, when you look at the list of guests on HIGNFY, there have been loads of female guest">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1100072"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">sweat64</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1100072">1100072</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1100072">May 13 12:53</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Just spotted blatant typo. Should read LS appeared 6 times, not 8.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1100072, was written by sweat64, at May 13, 2008 12:53 PM, and starts with Just spotted blatant typo. Should read LS appeared 6 times, not 8.">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1100076"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">dfic1999</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1100076">1100076</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1100076">May 13 12:54</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>"Can anyone think of a decent reason why Mariella Frostrup hasn't been invited to take part on Have I Got News For You? any more than two lousy times?"</p> <p>Because I suspect most people could come up with a dozen other women who might be even better? Frostrup has a point re. women on HIGNFY, but it doesn't follow she'll get a regular gig. (Since the show's already had Widdecombe, please can we have Hazel Blears as guest presenter, btw?)</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1100076, was written by dfic1999, at May 13, 2008 12:54 PM, and starts with &quot;Can anyone think of a decent reason why Mariella Frostrup hasn't been invited to take part on Have ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1100102"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">simonsomething</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1100102">1100102</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1100102">May 13 13:03</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Back in the dim distant past - when the series was still on BBC2 - they asked someone from the production team (it might have been Harry Thompson) why they didn't have very many female guests on and he said "we have had women on, but the truth is that they've not been very good" - which echoes Johnny Bierling's line that he didn't put women on Radio One when he was in charge because "the audience doesn't like female voices".</p> <p>It seemed to be a bit of a lame excuse - akin to 'we can't have Madam Curie doing science, because Helen Smith from Class 4C had a go at science and made a right mess of her frog dissection, so clearly all women must be bad at it.'</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1100102, was written by simonsomething, at May 13, 2008 1:03 PM, and starts with Back in the dim distant past - when the series was still on BBC2 - they asked someone from the produ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1100272"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">scratchandsniff</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1100272">1100272</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1100272">May 13 13:50</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Sounds like Mariella has been hanging out with Ian "self-deluded" Wright.<br/> </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1100272, was written by scratchandsniff, at May 13, 2008 1:50 PM, and starts with Sounds like Mariella has been hanging out with Ian &quot;self-deluded&quot; Wright. ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1100283"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">phonelinesnowclosed</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1100283">1100283</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1100283">May 13 13:52</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>they'd never invite fostrup as it's clear the hislop and merton's humour rarely makes it out of the schoolyard- where cheeky boys in shorts clam up and start fumbling when fiesty blondes who can hang with headmaster fry come too close. hislop is a potato headed swot with a catapult and merton is rarely as funny as he thinks he is, hanging about after each whacky quip as if expecting an albert hall full of applause. the fact that guest presenters must attempt to stick to the script while they snipe makes it easy for them. the whole thing is so tired it's wearing pyjamas. </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1100283, was written by phonelinesnowclosed, at May 13, 2008 1:52 PM, and starts with they'd never invite fostrup as it's clear the hislop and merton's humour rarely makes it out of the ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1100483"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">wamdue</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1100483">1100483</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1100483">May 13 14:55</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>so you have nothing to say about the sexism of Loose Women?</p> <p>the show is good, leave it alone</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1100483, was written by wamdue, at May 13, 2008 2:55 PM, and starts with so you have nothing to say about the sexism of Loose Women? the show is good, leave it alone">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1100582"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">eponymous</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1100582">1100582</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1100582">May 13 15:35</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>I think Loose Women could be improved tremendously by the addition of Geoff Boycott, Richard Littlejohn and Rod Liddle to the roster. </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1100582, was written by eponymous, at May 13, 2008 3:35 PM, and starts with I think Loose Women could be improved tremendously by the addition of Geoff Boycott, Richard Littlej">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1100692"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">BigDaveB</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1100692">1100692</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1100692">May 13 16:10</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>I, on the other hand, think that Loose Women could be improved tremendously by the addition of a hefty padlock on the doors of Upper Ground.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1100692, was written by BigDaveB, at May 13, 2008 4:10 PM, and starts with I, on the other hand, think that Loose Women could be improved tremendously by the addition of a hef">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1100763"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">fishingcat</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1100763">1100763</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1100763">May 13 16:39</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>I tend to agree with phonelinesnowclosed. HIGNFY's style of humour is of that shouty variety that is predicated on the the rampaging egos of the key blokes. </p> <p>The 'women aren't funny' article is a bit of a lame duck and anyone who actually thinks that should a) get over their mother issues and b) read the recent Observer article on Tina Fey.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1100763, was written by fishingcat, at May 13, 2008 4:39 PM, and starts with I tend to agree with phonelinesnowclosed. HIGNFY's style of humour is of that shouty variety that is">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1100807"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Jeff1</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1100807">1100807</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1100807">May 13 17:00</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>I was actually reading this article with a serious eye until the bit about Never Mind the Buzzcocks being funny.</p> <p>Then it lost all credibility.</p> <p>Frostrup loves a fight though doesn't she...</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1100807, was written by Jeff1, at May 13, 2008 5:00 PM, and starts with I was actually reading this article with a serious eye until the bit about Never Mind the Buzzcocks ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1100879"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">MELANIEBELLAMY</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1100879">1100879</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1100879">May 13 17:35</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Ian and Paul are the BBC's answer to Ant and Dec only with short trousers on !</p> <p>Was funny one night when that Diva Michael White on the panel</p> <p>Mel Bel x </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1100879, was written by MELANIEBELLAMY, at May 13, 2008 5:35 PM, and starts with Ian and Paul are the BBC's answer to Ant and Dec only with short trousers on ! Was funny one night ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1100958"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Briantist</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1100958">1100958</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1100958">May 13 18:10</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>I thought the idea of having gender equality was supposed to be in an 'overall' sense, judging it by just one formula-panel-show seems a bit unfair.</p> <p>The other side of this argument is that Woman's Hour should be scrapped on Radio 4, for example.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1100958, was written by Briantist, at May 13, 2008 6:10 PM, and starts with I thought the idea of having gender equality was supposed to be in an 'overall' sense, judging it by">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1100969"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">southernlad</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1100969">1100969</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1100969">May 13 18:21</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>This is why media types are so annoying! People saying HIGNY is a 'tired format', what rubbish! 18th Series, still pulls in the viewers, still consitently the only watchable thing on a friday night! Wheras the more 'cutting edge' 'new concept' trash gets heavily promoted and fails! Stick to what works for once.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1100969, was written by southernlad, at May 13, 2008 6:21 PM, and starts with This is why media types are so annoying! People saying HIGNY is a 'tired format', what rubbish! 18th">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1101060"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Ianmacs</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1101060">1101060</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1101060">May 13 19:16</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Rather than say here here to D BLACK I 'll just say women , in my humble opinion , have not got a hope in hell of being funny....... </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1101060, was written by Ianmacs, at May 13, 2008 7:16 PM, and starts with Rather than say here here to D BLACK I 'll just say women , in my humble opinion , have not got a ho">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1101089"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Blythy</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1101089">1101089</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1101089">May 13 19:35</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Kirsty young's doing it this friday IIRC, should be interesting. She's one of the best as well, with Alexander armstrong, jack dee, clarkson and boris.</p> <p>Now, frostrup may be unfunny, but still, probably better than brian blessed (or richard madley for that matter). However no one cares about her, All I want to see is paxman hosting it (I was badly, badly let down by wikipedia on that front last series.)</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1101089, was written by Blythy, at May 13, 2008 7:35 PM, and starts with Kirsty young's doing it this friday IIRC, should be interesting. She's one of the best as well, with">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1101289"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">dillydally</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1101289">1101289</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1101289">May 13 22:29</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Ok - if anyone imagines for a second that the Hat Trick offices don't RING each year with the desperate request "What women can we get on this series???" then they are nuts. EVERY TV series tries to get kudos by featuring more gals. So what exactly is the shortlist that HIGNFY is wilfully ignoring?<br/> Because unless they are WILFULLY shutting out female talent then it might really be down to the fact that there aint too many worth having. To me the only criteria is BE FUNNY - and there are PLENTY of male guests over the years who have never been asked back because of that tricky stickler...</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1101289, was written by dillydally, at May 13, 2008 10:29 PM, and starts with Ok - if anyone imagines for a second that the Hat Trick offices don't RING each year with the desper">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1101576"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">seanyprawny</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1101576">1101576</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1101576">May 14 7:32</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Interesting that you mention Never Mind the Buzzcocks. If this is more poular with some viewers it certainly isn't becuas of its more enlightened attitude to women. Like HIGNFY its female guests are relatively few and far between. And Simon Amstell seems to enjoy almost bullying some of the women who appear on the show.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1101576, was written by seanyprawny, at May 14, 2008 7:32 AM, and starts with Interesting that you mention Never Mind the Buzzcocks. If this is more poular with some viewers it ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1101612"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">wakkalekkeding</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1101612">1101612</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1101612">May 14 8:27</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>What's the ratio of female to male comedians anyway? I'd imagine that shows like HIGNFY are fairly representative.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1101612, was written by wakkalekkeding, at May 14, 2008 8:27 AM, and starts with What's the ratio of female to male comedians anyway? I'd imagine that shows like HIGNFY are fairly r">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1101654"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">niltiac</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1101654">1101654</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1101654">May 14 9:10</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Women can be funny. Of course if you're Catherine Tate being funny doesn't help when Ant and Dec still take home the prize.</p> <p>Is being funny the sole criteria for being on the show anyway?</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1101654, was written by niltiac, at May 14, 2008 9:10 AM, and starts with Women can be funny. Of course if you're Catherine Tate being funny doesn't help when Ant and Dec sti">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1101685"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">iainl</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1101685">1101685</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1101685">May 14 9:31</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>As someone who absolutely cannot stand The Catherine Tate Show, I'll beg to differ about her. But whatever abilities she has are in writing and performing scripted pieces, not the imporovisational jousting required for HIGNIFY. That seems to go for most of our funniest women in this country, which would probably go some way to explaining the debate.<br/> <br/> Not that it's a purely male/female distinction; Peter Serafinowitz usually seems to die in the editing room on the show, and he's brilliant in other contexts.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1101685, was written by iainl, at May 14, 2008 9:31 AM, and starts with As someone who absolutely cannot stand The Catherine Tate Show, I'll beg to differ about her. But wh">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1101731"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">simonsomething</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1101731">1101731</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1101731">May 14 9:56</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>@seanyprawny<br/> There are female guests on almost every Buzzcocks, surely? And I don't really think the claim that Amstell "almost bullies" them would stand up - he treats them with no less or no more respect than the male guests, surely?</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1101731, was written by simonsomething, at May 14, 2008 9:56 AM, and starts with @seanyprawny There are female guests on almost every Buzzcocks, surely? And I don't really think th">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1101809"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">fishingcat</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1101809">1101809</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1101809">May 14 10:21</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>@Briantist: "The other side of this argument is that Woman's Hour should be scrapped on Radio 4, for example."</p> <p>No not really, because I don't think anyone would argue that men are historically thought of as unfunny, no radio controller has ever said men shouldn't present because 'people don't like their voices' etc etc. You can't remove things from their contexts and the context and history here is quite obvious, regardless of whether you think women have equality today or not.</p> <p>Why do people persist in these childish 'Oh, it's reverse sexism' arguments? </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1101809, was written by fishingcat, at May 14, 2008 10:21 AM, and starts with @Briantist: &quot;The other side of this argument is that Woman's Hour should be scrapped on Radio 4, for">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1102022"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Gogglebox</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1102022">1102022</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1102022">May 14 11:27</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Rename it Have I Got No Laughs For You and have Mariella Frost on it every week</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1102022, was written by Gogglebox, at May 14, 2008 11:27 AM, and starts with Rename it Have I Got No Laughs For You and have Mariella Frost on it every week">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1102086"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Manciniyo</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1102086">1102086</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1102086">May 14 11:52</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Oh no, have I fallen into that trap set by so many media 'commentators' whereby they say something so ridiculously bone-headed and inflammatory that I HAVE to react ? i suspect so... as comedic and humorous as our Mariela is known to be, whom would she like to see on the programme I wonder ?? A token woman to make up the numbers it would appear, in the absence of any suggestions. Off the top of my head the best female guest panel member of recent years was Sarah Cox who was great, she was turned to several times and each time the question started with 'Sarah, you're a woman...' This was funny and part of the sort of banter that is uniquely HIGNFY and dare I say it male. While women/girls are thinking about the more important things in life boys seemingly evolve very little from the times at school when farting in class is funny, and thank god for that. Jokes, japes and silliness is how men bond and also attract women. I take nothing away from female comedians such as Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders and Shazia Mirza who I think are brilliant but the pop-comedy charts (if there were such a thing) would reflect the fact that comedy is a male dominated arena. There's no right or wrong about it, it's a simple fact. Have the pseudo-feminists still got people left to grate ?</p> <p>Would you rather a consistantly excellent show like HIGNFY (Sorry Jemima but despite the introduction of Simon Amstell Nevermind The Buzzcocks is neither funnier or cooler than <br/> HIGNFY and it never will be, they are different shows with different agendas) or a bland, unfunny yet Guardian/Frostrup friendly 'Have I Got News For Everyone Regardless of Gender, Race or Ability to be What the Chauvanist Facists dub 'Funny' ? HIGNFY will always be funny as long as Paul Merton graces it and Ian Hislop injects some of the show's real value i.e. political insight. He did have a pop at the Guardian on Friday though did he not ? Something about being relenetlessly biased and anti-Conservative.. not like them. </p> <p>Proof that post-modern feminism is unnecessary, unnecessarily divisive, humorless and lacking in any real cause for debate in this country ? Am intrigued as to what else Frostrup has to say</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1102086, was written by Manciniyo, at May 14, 2008 11:52 AM, and starts with Oh no, have I fallen into that trap set by so many media 'commentators' whereby they say something s">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1102187"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">badrobot</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1102187">1102187</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1102187">May 14 12:29</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>the panel show on radio and tv is a boys club and has been since day one.<br/> just as the stand up circuit is a largely blokey enviroment so the panel show, which is showcase for stand ups to do their thing on brodcast media, is the same.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1102187, was written by badrobot, at May 14, 2008 12:29 PM, and starts with the panel show on radio and tv is a boys club and has been since day one. just as the stand up circu">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1102296"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">ilfordpeach</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1102296">1102296</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1102296">May 14 13:06</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>No strong opinions on Mariella one way or t'other, but her being lamely and predictably dissed by Greer is enough to have me voting for MF as a HIGNFY mainstay.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1102296, was written by ilfordpeach, at May 14, 2008 1:06 PM, and starts with No strong opinions on Mariella one way or t'other, but her being lamely and predictably dissed by Gr">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1102336"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Manciniyo</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1102336">1102336</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1102336">May 14 13:21</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Why do people persist in these childish 'Oh, it's reverse sexism' arguments? </p> <p><br/> Because other people continue to seek 'sexism' where it does not exist like on a cherished comedy-entertainment programme. <br/> Do you think of this as anything but a 'card' being played by Ms Frostrup ? </p> <p>What's the difference between male-lead and testosterone driven ? Was the Apollo Space Programme or the Beveridge Report testosterone driven ? Should it ever be described as such ?</p> <p>WHERE IS THE MARX SISTER ?<br/> </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1102336, was written by Manciniyo, at May 14, 2008 1:21 PM, and starts with Why do people persist in these childish 'Oh, it's reverse sexism' arguments? Because other people">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1102351"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Manciniyo</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1102351">1102351</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1102351">May 14 13:27</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>ooo i'm in Ilford, just went to Iceland, Gants Hill</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1102351, was written by Manciniyo, at May 14, 2008 1:27 PM, and starts with ooo i'm in Ilford, just went to Iceland, Gants Hill">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1102358"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">BadMono</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1102358">1102358</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1102358">May 14 13:29</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Mariella Frostrup? No thanks. I'm subjected to her on Radio 4 more times than I care to count. Bland, uninteresting, unfunny, self-important, over-hyped and ANNOYING.</p> <p>A shortlist of women who *should* be on:</p> <p>Sally Phillips<br/> Sandi Toksvig<br/> Kirsty Wark<br/> Kirsty Young<br/> Ann Widdecombe (!)<br/> Jan Ravens</p> <p><br/> While you're at it, keep Fi Glover off too. Yeeeuuch!</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1102358, was written by BadMono, at May 14, 2008 1:29 PM, and starts with Mariella Frostrup? No thanks. I'm subjected to her on Radio 4 more times than I care to count. Bl">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1102496"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">CupofTea</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1102496">1102496</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1102496">May 14 14:17</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Have I Got News For You macho? Never Mind The Buzzcocks funny? Have you been drinking?</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1102496, was written by CupofTea, at May 14, 2008 2:17 PM, and starts with Have I Got News For You macho? Never Mind The Buzzcocks funny? Have you been drinking?">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1102602"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Nobjocki</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1102602">1102602</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1102602">May 14 14:54</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Mariella Frostrup is dull and interested in nothing but Mariella Frostrup.<br/> She should stick to what she does best - advertising voiceovers for crap stuff on TV.<br/> </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1102602, was written by Nobjocki, at May 14, 2008 2:54 PM, and starts with Mariella Frostrup is dull and interested in nothing but Mariella Frostrup. She should stick to what ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1102740"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">fishingcat</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1102740">1102740</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1102740">May 14 15:37</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Regardless of whether or not HIGNFY is a sexist format or their (alleged) lack of female guests is sexist or just an innocent coincidence or the meritocratic selection method, the people who harp on about feminism being irrelevant in this day and age haven't really got much of a leg to stand on when other people still seem to feel perfectly justifed in making statements here like "women, in my humble opinion , have not got a hope in hell of being funny". </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1102740, was written by fishingcat, at May 14, 2008 3:37 PM, and starts with Regardless of whether or not HIGNFY is a sexist format or their (alleged) lack of female guests is s">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1102852"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">muncher</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1102852">1102852</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1102852">May 14 16:12</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Never Mind the Buzzcocks has to be the most appallingly unfunny programme I have ever seen. HIGNFY is often extremely funny. Don't know about 'macho' - I wouldn't apply that term to either PM or IH myself! I've never really noticed the paucity of female presenters, but now you come to mention it, a fifth doesn't seem many. But really - do we want the producers to choose women just because they are women? How insulting for those who *are* invited....</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1102852, was written by muncher, at May 14, 2008 4:12 PM, and starts with Never Mind the Buzzcocks has to be the most appallingly unfunny programme I have ever seen. HIGNFY i">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1103075"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Briantist</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1103075">1103075</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1103075">May 14 17:36</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>fishingcat: Thanks for calling me childish and putting words into my mouth.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1103075, was written by Briantist, at May 14, 2008 5:36 PM, and starts with fishingcat: Thanks for calling me childish and putting words into my mouth.">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1103310"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">PeteScuffer</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1103310">1103310</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1103310">May 14 21:03</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>I'd like to complain about the number of men on Loose Women.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1103310, was written by PeteScuffer, at May 14, 2008 9:03 PM, and starts with I'd like to complain about the number of men on Loose Women.">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1103316"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">TwoOneStu</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1103316">1103316</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1103316">May 14 21:04</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Unbelievable.</p> <p>Over 75% of the comments seem to think that this article is about Have I got news for you. There are so few people who realized that Ms. Kiss was writing an article about Mariela Frostrup's remarks. The standard of reading comprehension is tragic. It seems as if certain people are so thick that they see a word like 'sexism' and they think they know what and article is about without having to read it.</p> <p>Oh, and 'AndyCh,' I happen to think Jo Caulfied is very funny and she HAS been on Have I Got News For You, you dick. </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1103316, was written by TwoOneStu, at May 14, 2008 9:04 PM, and starts with Unbelievable. Over 75% of the comments seem to think that this article is about Have I got news for">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1104172"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">fishingcat</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1104172">1104172</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1104172">May 15 9:59</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Um, considering Jemima mentions the show about five times and the hosts at least twice and Mariella's original comments were about the show, I think people are perfectly fair in picking up on the HIGNFY reference. Oh, and Jemima asks 'Can anyone think of a decent reason why Mariella Frostrup hasn't been invited to take part on Have I Got News For You? any more than two lousy times?' which is clearly a reference to the show itself.... unless I'm missing something here?<br/> </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1104172, was written by fishingcat, at May 15, 2008 9:59 AM, and starts with Um, considering Jemima mentions the show about five times and the hosts at least twice and Mariella'">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1104524"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">seanyprawny</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1104524">1104524</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1104524">May 15 12:15</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>@simonsomething</p> <p>I think 13 out of 48 guests on the last series of Buzzcocks were women. Hardly representative of the population. David Cameron has appointed a similar proportion of women to the shadow cabinet. As for Amstell being a bully - well it's just an opinion, but it seems to me that there have been several shows where he has concentrated his fire on a particular female guest.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1104524, was written by seanyprawny, at May 15, 2008 12:15 PM, and starts with @simonsomething I think 13 out of 48 guests on the last series of Buzzcocks were women. Hardly rep">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1104558"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">sionnyn</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1104558">1104558</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1104558">May 15 12:31</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p> Who is Marriella Frostrup? </p> <p>I do know HIGNFY, however and enjoy it enormously - never more than watching the undoubtedly egotistical team getting upstaged, out hammed and put in their places by the Blessed Brian. Watched it three times, and it was obvoiously an ambush from Brian, pre-empting the usual patronising undermining of the guest presenter by Ian and Paul. Well done Brian. </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1104558, was written by sionnyn, at May 15, 2008 12:31 PM, and starts with Who is Marriella Frostrup? I do know HIGNFY, however and enjoy it enormously - never more than w">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1104568"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">sionnyn</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1104568">1104568</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1104568">May 15 12:33</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p> Who is Marriella Frostrup? </p> <p>I do know HIGNFY, however and enjoy it enormously - never more than watching the undoubtedly egotistical team getting upstaged, out hammed and put in their places by the Blessed Brian. Watched it three times, and it was obvoiously an ambush from Brian, pre-empting the usual patronising undermining of the guest presenter by Ian and Paul. Well done Brian. </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1104568, was written by sionnyn, at May 15, 2008 12:33 PM, and starts with Who is Marriella Frostrup? I do know HIGNFY, however and enjoy it enormously - never more than w">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1104569"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">sionnyn</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1104569">1104569</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1104569">May 15 12:33</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p> Who is Marriella Frostrup? </p> <p>I do know HIGNFY, however and enjoy it enormously - never more than watching the undoubtedly egotistical team getting upstaged, out hammed and put in their places by the Blessed Brian. Watched it three times, and it was obvoiously an ambush from Brian, pre-empting the usual patronising undermining of the guest presenter by Ian and Paul. Well done Brian. </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1104569, was written by sionnyn, at May 15, 2008 12:33 PM, and starts with Who is Marriella Frostrup? I do know HIGNFY, however and enjoy it enormously - never more than w">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1104577"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">sionnyn</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1104577">1104577</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1104577">May 15 12:37</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>sorry for the tripple posting - didn't get a feed back first time, so tried, tried again. </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1104577, was written by sionnyn, at May 15, 2008 12:37 PM, and starts with sorry for the tripple posting - didn't get a feed back first time, so tried, tried again. ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1105527"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">artwest</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1105527">1105527</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1105527">May 15 19:38</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>TwoOneStu "Over 75% of the comments seem to think that this article is about Have I got news for you."<br/> <br/> It is baffling, given that the programme is referred to explicitly or implicitly in every single sentence. </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1105527, was written by artwest, at May 15, 2008 7:38 PM, and starts with TwoOneStu &quot;Over 75% of the comments seem to think that this article is about Have I got news for you">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1106135"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">MELANIEBELLAMY</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1106135">1106135</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1106135">May 16 9:17</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Marriella Frostrup wouldn't know fun if it bit her on the arse she is too busy shmoozing the celebs ..she deseves Sky and take Parky with her, both are over rated and most of all by themselves ...</p> <p>Mel Bel x </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1106135, was written by MELANIEBELLAMY, at May 16, 2008 9:17 AM, and starts with Marriella Frostrup wouldn't know fun if it bit her on the arse she is too busy shmoozing the celebs ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1108935"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">spiggynodules</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1108935">1108935</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1108935">May 19 8:41</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>The trouble with some would-be scary, sparky feminists is that actually, no, our kid, you're just no Julie Burchill and how come you've never noticed?<br/> Burchill can be ferociously thrilling and on the same topic, Frostrup can just seem like any old 19-yr old girl who has just discovered the concept that life's not fair.<br/> - But she's not "useless" at all!<br/> The Melv Bragg "voice of calm in the middle" routine is something which she does very well on Sky Arts. She has the right sort of personality for that schtick!<br/> Some of us are better at "being accommodating" than we are at being shrill, vicious, "bitey". In some people "bitey" comes across as funny, and in some it just looks whiney.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1108935, was written by spiggynodules, at May 19, 2008 8:41 AM, and starts with The trouble with some would-be scary, sparky feminists is that actually, no, our kid, you're just no">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1108984"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">mereobserver</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1108984">1108984</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1108984">May 19 9:37</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>...and not a single transvestite. Shame on the BBC. </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1108984, was written by mereobserver, at May 19, 2008 9:37 AM, and starts with ...and not a single transvestite. Shame on the BBC. ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1109224"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">nationwide</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1109224">1109224</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1109224">May 19 12:04</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>This isn't funny because it's nearly all blokes. It's just funny. Which is the point, see?<br/> <a href=""></a></p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1109224, was written by nationwide, at May 19, 2008 12:04 PM, and starts with This isn't funny because it's nearly all blokes. It's just funny. Which is the point, see? http://ww">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1109667"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">hwntw</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1109667">1109667</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1109667">May 19 15:32</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>MF is just a girl about town. Like Claudia Winklemann and tons more AutoCuties, she has elbowed her way onto TV by blowing cigar smoke into producers' faces &amp; forcing her promotional video up their fundamental orifices.<br/> HIGNFY is a parody of itself anyway and even the divine germaine greer cannot always find something useful to say amidst the usual potty humour and look at me I am so clever stuff.<br/> Kisses,<br/> Hwntw</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1109667, was written by hwntw, at May 19, 2008 3:32 PM, and starts with MF is just a girl about town. Like Claudia Winklemann and tons more AutoCuties, she has elbowed her ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1109689"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">hwntw</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1109689">1109689</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1109689">May 19 15:45</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Guardian, thx for posting my comments.<br/> The Times blew me out the other day and wouldnt print my comments cos' I dont much care for Libby Purves and said so, motherfuckers.<br/> Kisses,<br/> Hwntw</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1109689, was written by hwntw, at May 19, 2008 3:45 PM, and starts with Guardian, thx for posting my comments. The Times blew me out the other day and wouldnt print my comm">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-widgets"> <div id="mpu" class="blogs-mpu-right"> <div id="mpuwrapper"> <iframe title="Advertisement" width="300" height="250" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=";spacedesc=mpu&amp;site=Media&amp;section=blogorgangrinder&amp;country=usa&amp;rand=5349168&amp;system=blog&amp;blogset=UNKNOWN_MPU_BLOGSET"> <a href=";spacedesc=mpu&amp;site=Media&amp;section=blogorgangrinder&amp;country=usa&amp;rand=5349168&amp;system=blog&amp;blogset=UNKNOWN_MPU_BLOGSET"> <img src=";spacedesc=mpu&amp;site=Media&amp;section=blogorgangrinder&amp;country=usa&amp;rand=5349168&amp;system=blog&amp;blogset=UNKNOWN_MPU_BLOGSET" width="300" height="250" border="0" alt="Advertisement"/></a> </iframe> </div> <!-- /div mpuwrapper --> </div> <!-- /div mpu --> <!-- widgets --> <!-- [BEGIN] $Id: 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