Morris Jacobs Papers: Morris Jacobs Papers: NYU Special Collections Finding Aids

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Jacobs left behind a legacy of work in pollution research, toxicology, and public health in the form of 20 textbooks, 100 research papers, 200 technical journals, and multiple patents. The collection covers active years in Jacobs&#39;s career (1929-1963) with an emphasis on the years during his work at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn."> <meta name="eadmd5" content="md5:5dcbc2a638a10ff9fd8166968c899597"> <meta name="libversion" content="v0.31.0"> <meta name="appversion" content="v0.30.0 (using EAD package v0.31.0)"> <meta name="timestamp" content="2024-11-14T02:49:33.59253282-05:00"> <meta name="generator" content="Hugo 0.117.0"> <meta property="og:url" content=""> <meta property="og:title" content="Morris Jacobs Papers: NYU Special Collections Finding Aids"> <meta property="og:description" content="Morris Boris Jacobs (1905-1965), a chemical engineer, was an adjunct professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn from 1946-1952. Jacobs left behind a legacy of work in pollution research, toxicology, and public health in the form of 20 textbooks, 100 research papers, 200 technical journals, and multiple patents. The collection covers active years in Jacobs&#39;s career (1929-1963) with an emphasis on the years during his work at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn."> <meta property="og:type" content="website"><title>Morris Jacobs Papers: Morris Jacobs Papers: NYU Special Collections Finding Aids</title> <link rel="canonical" href="" /> </head> <body data-bs-spy="scroll" data-bs-target="#guide-contents-nav" data-bs-offset="20" class="d-flex flex-column ishome isnode page home"> <header id="top"> <div class="skip-nav"> <a href="#content">Skip to main content</a> <a href="#guide-nav">Skip to main navigation</a> </div><div class="bd-header header-repository"> <div class="container-lg"> <a href="" title="NYU Libraries Homepage"> <img alt="NYU Libraries logo" width="233" height="30" src = "/poly/poly_rg_035/images/nyulibraries-logo.svg" > </a> </div> </div> <nav aria-label="breadcrumb" class="dl-breadcrumbs container-lg"> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="">NYU Special 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class="publisher"> <img class="logo" src = "/poly/poly_rg_035/images/PolyCentennialseal_1954.png" alt=""> <div class="publicationstmt-publisher">Poly Archives at Bern Dibner Library of Science and Technology</div> <div class="publicationstmt-address"> <div class="publicationstmt-addressline">Bern Dibner Library of Science and Technology</div> <div class="publicationstmt-addressline">5 MetroTech Center</div> <div class="publicationstmt-addressline">Brooklyn, NY 11201</div> </div> <div class="repo-url"> <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="Poly Archives at Bern Dibner Library of Science and Technology"><span style="white-space: nowrap;">&nbsp;<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" fill="currentColor" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 32 32" aria-label="External Link"><path d="M25.152 16.576v5.696q0 2.144-1.504 3.648t-3.648 1.504h-14.848q-2.144 0-3.648-1.504t-1.504-3.648v-14.848q0-2.112 1.504-3.616t3.648-1.536h12.576q0.224 0 0.384 0.16t0.16 0.416v1.152q0 0.256-0.16 0.416t-0.384 0.16h-12.576q-1.184 0-2.016 0.832t-0.864 2.016v14.848q0 1.184 0.864 2.016t2.016 0.864h14.848q1.184 0 2.016-0.864t0.832-2.016v-5.696q0-0.256 0.16-0.416t0.416-0.16h1.152q0.256 0 0.416 0.16t0.16 0.416zM32 1.152v9.12q0 0.48-0.352 0.8t-0.8 0.352-0.8-0.352l-3.136-3.136-11.648 11.648q-0.16 0.192-0.416 0.192t-0.384-0.192l-2.048-2.048q-0.192-0.16-0.192-0.384t0.192-0.416l11.648-11.648-3.136-3.136q-0.352-0.352-0.352-0.8t0.352-0.8 0.8-0.352h9.12q0.48 0 0.8 0.352t0.352 0.8z"></path> </svg></span></a></div> </div> </div> </div> </nav> </aside> <main id="content" class="content" tabindex="-1"><h1 class="page-title">Morris Jacobs Papers</h1> <div class="md-group unit_id"> <h2 class="formattednote-header">Call Number</h2> <div>RG.035</div> </div> <div class="md-group unit_date"> <h2 class="formattednote-header">Date</h2><div>1929-1963, inclusive</div> </div> <div class="md-group origination has-non-donor-role-false"> <h2 class="formattednote-header">Creator</h2></div> <div class="md-group formattednote extent"> <h2 class="label formattednote-header">Extent</h2> <div class="extent-groups"> <div class="extent-group"> 1 Linear Feet </div> <div class="extent-group"> Three 1.5 inch legal-sized manuscript boxes </div> </div> </div> <div class="md-group langmaterial" id ="aspace_2d98dd68adec9da5656f41eea22be29d"> <h2 class="formattednote-header">Language of Materials</h2> <div>Materials entirely in English.</div></div> <div class="md-group formattednote abstract" id ="aspace_a6422506ba58113ecd5a6336122ac696"> <h2 class="label formattednote-header">Abstract</h2> <p>Morris Boris Jacobs (1905-1965), a chemical engineer, was an adjunct professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn from 1946-1952. Jacobs left behind a legacy of work in pollution research, toxicology, and public health in the form of 20 textbooks, 100 research papers, 200 technical journals, and multiple patents. The collection covers active years in Jacobs's career (1929-1963) with an emphasis on the years during his work at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn.</p> </div> <div class="md-group formattednote bioghist" id ="aspace_5b7e462393b73c7c7ba50f9654dae593"> <h2 class="formattednote-header">Biographical / Historical</h2> <div> <p>Morris Boris Jacobs (1905-1965) was born in Ekaterinoslav, Ukraine and moved to the United States as a child. He earned his BA from the college of the City of New York in 1926 and his MS and PhD from New York University in 1929 and 1931, respectively. Dr. Jacobs worked as a chemist in the United States Food, Drug and Insecticide Administration and the New York City Department of Health. During World War II, he was the director of Gas Reconnaissance and executive officer of the Gas Defense Service of the city's Civil Defense Corps.</p> <p>Following WWII, Dr. Jacobs was an adjunct professor of chemical engineering at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn from 1946-1952. In 1959, he became an associate professor of occupational medicine in the School of Public Health and Administrative Medicine at Columbia University. The following year he was promoted to full professor and supervisor of the toxicology and hygiene laboratory.</p> <p>Dr. Jacobs died, suddenly, as the result of a massive cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 59. Jacobs left behind a legacy of work in pollution research, toxicology, and public health in the form of 20 textbooks, 100 research papers, 200 technical journals, and multiple patents.</p> <p>Sources: Morris B. Jacobs obituary (1965, July 14). The New York Times. Morris B. Jacobs, PhD 1905-1965 Obituary (Nov 1965). Archives of Environmental Health, Volume 11.</p> </div> </div> <div class="md-group formattednote arrangement" id ="aspace_8b5da823ef5b1789b8d70e7567e1c1d8"> <h2 class="formattednote-header">Arrangement</h2> <div> <p>The collection is arranged in two series. Series I: Biography and Writings includes biographical materials and various scholarly works, including reports, articles, and rough drafts. Series II: Patents includes correspondence with the patent lawyer, rough drafts, revisions, and amendments of Morris Jacobs's patents.</p> </div> </div> <div class="md-group formattednote scopecontent" id ="aspace_ddba4c13e2b7339cbb1ba72c52e08aaf"> <h2 class="formattednote-header">Scope and Contents</h2> <div> <p>This collection covers biographical information, including curriculum vitae, as well as bibliographies of scholarly output, articles, reports, patents, and correspondence related to publishing and patents. The collection covers active years in Jacobs's career (1929-1963) with an emphasis on the years during his work at the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute (1946-1952).</p> </div> </div> <div class="md-group controlaccess"> <h2 class="label formattednote-header">Subjects</h2> <div class="controlaccess-inner"> <div class="controlaccess-genreform-group"> <h3 class="sub-label">Genres</h3> <div> <span class="controlaccess-value"><a href=";f%5Brepository_sim%5D%5B%5D=poly&amp;q=Patents">Patents</a></span>; <span class="controlaccess-value"><a href=";f%5Brepository_sim%5D%5B%5D=poly&amp;q=Correspondence">Correspondence</a></span>; <span class="controlaccess-value"><a href=";f%5Brepository_sim%5D%5B%5D=poly&amp;q=Annual&#43;reports">Annual reports</a></span>; <span class="controlaccess-value"><a href=";f%5Brepository_sim%5D%5B%5D=poly&amp;q=Articles">Articles</a></span> </div> </div> <div class="controlaccess-occupation-group"> <h3 class="sub-label">Occupations</h3> <div> <span class="controlaccess-value"><a href=";f%5Brepository_sim%5D%5B%5D=poly&amp;q=Chemical&#43;engineering">Chemical engineering</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="md-group formattednote accessrestrict" id ="aspace_76d74eeecd638c0efb5b43e5afeb9f0d"> <h2 class="formattednote-header">Conditions Governing Access</h2> <div> <p>Open for research without restrictions.</p> </div> </div> <div class="md-group formattednote userestrict" id ="aspace_9629229d44a01bd833eb7bfdd040bb78"> <h2 class="formattednote-header">Conditions Governing Use</h2> <div> <p>Permission to publish materials must be obtained from:</p> <p>Poly Archives & Special Collections, Bern Dibner Library of Science and Technology, 5 MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201</p> <p>Phone: (718) 260-3943 E-mail:</p> </div> </div> <div class="md-group formattednote prefercite" id ="aspace_5a6f5ca247fe5d18f3ea2a130bbc17f2"> <h2 class="formattednote-header">Preferred Citation</h2> <div> <p>Identification of item, date; Morris Jacobs Papers; RG 035; box number; folder number or item identifier; Poly Archives at Bern Dibner Library of Science and Technology, New York University.</p> </div> </div> <div class="md-group formattednote physloc"> <h2 class="label formattednote-header">Location of Materials</h2> <div><span id ="aspace_7b6ab78d461a5ec074b043263427a7cc">Bern Dibner Library of Science and Technology 5 MetroTech Center Brooklyn, New York, 11201 (646) 997-3943</span> </div> </div> <div class="md-group formattednote acqinfo" id ="aspace_aacb8e70eb9ae2544b05962ae03c4835"> <h2 class="formattednote-header">Immediate Source of Acquisition</h2> <div> <p>This collection was donated to the Poly Archives by Dr. Mark Gellis, the grandson of Dr. Morris Jacobs, in 2017.</p> </div> </div> <div class="md-group author"> <h2 class="formattednote-header">Collection processed by</h2> <div>Lindsay Anderberg</div> </div> <div class="md-group profiledesc"> <h2 class="label formattednote-header">About this Guide</h2> <div class="creation">This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on <span class="ead-date">2023-08-22 10:07:29 -0400</span>.</div> <div class="descrules">Using <i>Describing Archives: A Content Standard</i></div> <div class="langusage">Language: Description is written in: <span class="ead-language">Undetermined, Code for undetermined script script</span>.</div> </div> <div class="md-group formattednote revisiondesc"><h2 class="label formattednote-header">Revisions to this Guide</h2> <div class="revisiondesc-change"> <span>November 2021:</span> Finding aid revised and edited by Zoe Blecher-Cohen, Mandy Abokhair, and Aileen Thong in 2021 to update the institutional change from NYU-Poly to NYU and for compliance with DACS Required Elements for Archival Description.</div></div> <div class="md-group repository"> <h2 class="label formattednote-header">Repository</h2> <div><span class="corpname">Poly Archives at the Bern Dibner Library of Science and Technology, NYU Libraries</span></div> </div> </main> </div><div class="d-block d-md-none mobile-repoinfo"> <div class="publicationstmt"> <div class="publisher"> <img class="logo" src = "/poly/poly_rg_035/images/PolyCentennialseal_1954.png" alt=""> <div class="publicationstmt-publisher">Poly Archives at Bern Dibner Library of Science and Technology</div> <div class="publicationstmt-address"> <div class="publicationstmt-addressline">Bern Dibner Library of Science and Technology</div> <div class="publicationstmt-addressline">5 MetroTech Center</div> <div class="publicationstmt-addressline">Brooklyn, NY 11201</div> </div> <div class="repo-url"> <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="Poly Archives at Bern Dibner Library of Science and Technology"><span style="white-space: nowrap;">&nbsp;<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" fill="currentColor" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 32 32" aria-label="External Link"><path d="M25.152 16.576v5.696q0 2.144-1.504 3.648t-3.648 1.504h-14.848q-2.144 0-3.648-1.504t-1.504-3.648v-14.848q0-2.112 1.504-3.616t3.648-1.536h12.576q0.224 0 0.384 0.16t0.16 0.416v1.152q0 0.256-0.16 0.416t-0.384 0.16h-12.576q-1.184 0-2.016 0.832t-0.864 2.016v14.848q0 1.184 0.864 2.016t2.016 0.864h14.848q1.184 0 2.016-0.864t0.832-2.016v-5.696q0-0.256 0.16-0.416t0.416-0.16h1.152q0.256 0 0.416 0.16t0.16 0.416zM32 1.152v9.12q0 0.48-0.352 0.8t-0.8 0.352-0.8-0.352l-3.136-3.136-11.648 11.648q-0.16 0.192-0.416 0.192t-0.384-0.192l-2.048-2.048q-0.192-0.16-0.192-0.384t0.192-0.416l11.648-11.648-3.136-3.136q-0.352-0.352-0.352-0.8t0.352-0.8 0.8-0.352h9.12q0.48 0 0.8 0.352t0.352 0.8z"></path> </svg></span></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="footer mt-auto "> <div class="container-lg"> <div class="footer-text"> <div> <a href=""><span>Report Harmful Language</span></a> </div><div> <a href=""><span>NYU Libraries Open Metadata Policy</span></a> </div><div> <a href=""><span>NYU Digital Accessibility Policy</span></a> </div></div> </div> <script src="" defer></script> </footer></body> </html>

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