PerlMonks - The Monastery Gates

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Complete ideas are more likely to be used. <p> Note that links may be used in choices but not in the title.</ul> </td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- BEGIN listapproved default outer container --> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr class="section_title" width="100%" border="1"> <td class="section_title" width="100%"> Perl News </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <!-- BEGIN embed node container --> <TR class="highlight"><TD><a href="?node_id=11164084">PDL::Stats 0.854 released</a> <BR> on Feb 25, 2025 at 14:11 </TD> <TD valign=top> <a href="?node_id=11164084">0 replies</a> </TD> <TD valign=top> by <a href="?node_id=1068773">etj</a> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD> <ul>Significant changes in recent times: <ul> <li><a href=""></a> has been fixed: now anova_rptd works with mixed-model designs <li>There's now a demo at <a href=""></a> <li>The plotting functions now use <a href="">PDL::Graphics::Simple</a> (which facilitates generating the above) <li>The plotting functions have also had a tidy-up, and now include plotting categorical anova data with stripcharts <li>It uses the new PDL 2.096+ "lib/*.pd" format so it builds quicker </ul> Any problems, please let us know by opening a GitHub issue, joining the IRC channel (both linked on the <a href="">PDL::Stats</a> page) or emailing the pdl-general list.</ul> </TD></TR> <!-- END embed node container --> <!-- BEGIN embed node container --> <TR class="highlight"><TD><a href="?node_id=11163868">Proposed Perl Changes, by Dave Cross</a> <BR> on Jan 28, 2025 at 15:13 </TD> <TD valign=top> <a href="?node_id=11163868">0 replies</a> </TD> <TD valign=top> by <a href="?node_id=24491">perlnewsbot</a> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD> <ul><p> <a href="">Proposed Perl Changes</a>, by Dave Cross &mdash; essentially a high-level snapshot for those of us not involved in the nitty-gritty. </p> </ul> </TD></TR> <!-- END embed node container --> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- END listapproved default outer container --> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr class="section_title" width="100%" border="1"> <td class="section_title" width="100%"> Supplications </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <!-- 1 reply --> <!-- Begin Post --> <!-- embed node with vote container --> <tr class="post-head post_head"> <td valign="top" style="padding-left:.2em"> <!-- TITLE --> <a id ="post-head-id11164056" name="post-head-id11164056" href="?node_id=11164056" >what should be in PERL5LIB after installing from source the 5.40.1 version on MacOS (am64)</a> <br/> <!-- REPLIES --> 1 direct reply &mdash; <a href="?node_id=11164056">Read more / Contribute</a> </td> <td valign="top" align="right" style="padding-right:.2em"> <!-- AUTHOR --> by <a href="?node_id=486996">kwolcott</a> <br/> <!-- DATE --> on Feb 21, 2025 at 23:28 </td> </tr> <tr class="post-voterep"> <td colspan="2" class="voterep"> </td> </tr> <tr class="post-body post_body"> <td colspan="2"> <ul><p> I'm really confused and frustrated about how to get my PERL5LIB environment variable set correctly. </p> <p> I'm on MacOS Sequoia, aarch64, running zsh, installed Perl 5.40.1 from source, into the /opt/perl_5.40.1 directory. </p> <p> I already have a Perl 5.38.2, also built from source, located in the /opt/perl directory. </p> <p> I have a MacPorts version of Perl installed (5.34.3). I removed an additional MacPorts Perl version 5.38.3 that I had installed recently. </p> <p> I was reading in the Programming Perl book about PERL5LIB...I don't understand the order of the paths that should be in the PERL5LIB. </p> <p> I've installed MANY Perl modules from CPAN using cpanm, specifying -L path respective to each version of Perl. </p> <p> I have a section in my ~/.zshrc for Perl that looks like this: <p> <div class='readmore-link'><a href="?node_id=11164056">Read more...</a><span class='readmore-size'> (3 kB)</span></div> </p> <p> I'm not using homebrew and I'm not using perlbrew. </p> <p> I was using Sidef (installing manually as a standalone executable, not as a Perl Module) for some while, then things went bonkers when I installed Perl 5.38.3 from MacPorts (I think). Now Sidef fails, and many Perl programs fail that require modules (some work, some fail). </p> <pre class="code"><div class='codeblock'><tt class='codetext'>./ Can&#39;t locate local/ in @INC (you may need to install the local::<span class="line-breaker"> <font color="red">+</font></span>lib module) (@INC entries checked: /opt/perl_5.40.1/lib/site_perl/5.4<span class="line-breaker"> <font color="red">+</font></span>0.1/darwin-2level /opt/perl_5.40.1/lib/site_perl/5.40.1 /opt/perl_5.4<span class="line-breaker"> <font color="red">+</font></span>0.1/lib/5.40.1/darwin-2level /opt/perl_5.40.1/lib/5.40.1) at ./wagsta<span class="line-breaker"> <font color="red">+</font></span> line 4. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ line 4. </tt></div><div class='embed-code-dl'><a href="?part=2;abspart=1;node_id=11164056;displaytype=displaycode">&#91;download&#93;</a></div></pre> <p> The aforementioned is a script from Rosetta Code. </p> <pre class="code"><div class='codeblock'><tt class='codetext'>find /opt/perl_5.40.1/lib -type f -name /opt/perl_5.40.1/lib/5.40.1/darwin-2level/ /opt/perl_5.40.1/lib/lib/perl5/local/ </tt></div><div class='embed-code-dl'><a href="?abspart=1;part=3;node_id=11164056;displaytype=displaycode">&#91;download&#93;</a></div></pre> </ul> </td> </tr> <!-- End Post --> <!-- 1 reply --> <!-- Begin Post --> <!-- embed node with vote container --> <tr class="post-head post_head"> <td valign="top" style="padding-left:.2em"> <!-- TITLE --> <a id ="post-head-id11164052" name="post-head-id11164052" href="?node_id=11164052" >Existing module for PerlX::Maybe except for hash existence?</a> <br/> <!-- REPLIES --> 1 direct reply &mdash; <a href="?node_id=11164052">Read more / Contribute</a> </td> <td valign="top" align="right" style="padding-right:.2em"> <!-- AUTHOR --> by <a href="?node_id=5348">Corion</a> <br/> <!-- DATE --> on Feb 21, 2025 at 11:51 </td> </tr> <tr class="post-voterep"> <td colspan="2" class="voterep"> </td> </tr> <tr class="post-body post_body"> <td colspan="2"> <ul><p>I'm quite fond of using <a href="">PerlX::Maybe</a> to pass parameters to subroutines if they are there:</p> <pre class="code"><div class='codeblock'><tt class='codetext'> GetOptions( &#39;f&#39; =&gt; \my $filename, &#39;bar&#39; =&gt; \my $bar, &#39;bruce&#39; =&gt; \my $batman, &#39;u&#39; =&gt; \my $universe, ); foo( file =&gt; $filename, maybe bar =&gt; $bar, maybe baz =&gt; $batman, maybe universe =&gt; $universe, ) </tt></div><div class='embed-code-dl'><a href="?part=1;abspart=1;displaytype=displaycode;node_id=11164052">&#91;download&#93;</a></div></pre> <p>The above will invoke <tt class='inlinecode'>foo()</tt> with only the hash keys that have a defined value. This is better in the sense that this allows <tt class='inlinecode'>foo()</tt> to make a difference between <i>parameter was not passed at all</i> and <i>parameter was passed, but was <tt class='inlinecode'>undef</tt></i>:</p> <pre class="code"><div class='codeblock'><tt class='codetext'>sub foo( %options ) { if( ! exists $options{ baz } ) { $options{ baz } = &#39;Superman&#39;; }; ... } </tt></div><div class='embed-code-dl'><a href="?part=5;abspart=1;displaytype=displaycode;node_id=11164052">&#91;download&#93;</a></div></pre> <p>Now, I'd like to have something similar(ish) to <tt class='inlinecode'>maybe</tt> on the receiving side for subroutines and objects, but I'm lacking a good name and a good syntax for it. The idea is to only set a value in a hash if the key does not exist yet. This is different from the <tt class='inlinecode'>//</tt> operator, because that one only checks for defined-ness, not for existence.</p> <p>If we already had <a href="">full-grown subroutine keyword parameters</a>, this could be written in a declarative way as:</p> <pre class="code"><div class='codeblock'><tt class='codetext'>sub foo( :$baz = &#39;Superman&#39;, :$bar, :$file, :$universe=&#39;DC&#39; ) { } </tt></div><div class='embed-code-dl'><a href="?part=8;abspart=1;node_id=11164052;displaytype=displaycode">&#91;download&#93;</a></div></pre> <p>(actually, I'm not sure if the above is correct for an invocation <tt class='inlinecode'>foo( baz =&gt; undef )</tt>).</p> <p>But we don't have named parameters in the syntax yet, so we have to deparse the parameters ourselves:</p> <pre class="code"><div class='codeblock'><tt class='codetext'>sub foo( %options ) { ... } </tt></div><div class='embed-code-dl'><a href="?node_id=11164052;displaytype=displaycode;part=10;abspart=1">&#91;download&#93;</a></div></pre> <p>Let's assume that <tt class='inlinecode'>option</tt> is a good name for this (I'm not convinced):</p> <pre class="code"><div class='codeblock'><tt class='codetext'>sub option ( $key, $def, $options ) { if( !exists $options-&gt;{ $key } ) { $options-&gt;{ $key } = $def; } return $options } </tt></div><div class='embed-code-dl'><a href="?node_id=11164052;displaytype=displaycode;part=12;abspart=1">&#91;download&#93;</a></div></pre> <p>Then we could have a syntax like this:</p> <pre class="code"><div class='codeblock'><tt class='codetext'>sub foo( %options ) { option baz =&gt; &#39;Superman&#39;, option universe =&gt; &#39;DC&#39;, \%options; return \%options } </tt></div><div class='embed-code-dl'><a href="?abspart=1;part=13;node_id=11164052;displaytype=displaycode">&#91;download&#93;</a></div></pre> <p>But I'm not entirely happy with this approach for two reasons:</p> <ol> <li>It doesn't strike me as overly elegant. I'm happy with it being not overly elegant, but there are some warts: <ul> <li>We pass in and modify the <tt class='inlinecode'>%options</tt> hash by reference. Alternatively we could do <tt class='inlinecode'>%options = option foo =&gt; &#39;bar&#39;, %options;</tt>, but that copies the whole hash a lot of times</li> <li>We eagerly evaluate the default values, which might be costly in the case of function calls: <pre class="code"><div class='codeblock'><tt class='codetext'> option files =&gt; &#91;glob(&#39;~/*&#39;)&#93;, option html =&gt; $user_agent-&gt;get(&#39;;), </tt></div><div class='embed-code-dl'><a href="?displaytype=displaycode;node_id=11164052;abspart=1;part=16">&#91;download&#93;</a></div></pre> </li> </ul> </li> <li>There must be something like this on CPAN already</li> </ol> <p>Test file:</p> <p> <div class='readmore-link'><a href="?node_id=11164052">Read more...</a><span class='readmore-size'> (3 kB)</span></div> </p></ul> </td> </tr> <!-- End Post --> <!-- 1 reply --> <!-- Begin Post --> <!-- embed node with vote container --> <tr class="post-head post_head"> <td valign="top" style="padding-left:.2em"> <!-- TITLE --> <a id ="post-head-id11164044" name="post-head-id11164044" href="?node_id=11164044" >AppVeyor failing to build/test CPAN distro</a> <br/> <!-- REPLIES --> 1 direct reply &mdash; <a href="?node_id=11164044">Read more / Contribute</a> </td> <td valign="top" align="right" style="padding-right:.2em"> <!-- AUTHOR --> by <a href="?node_id=360854">jkeenan1</a> <br/> <!-- DATE --> on Feb 20, 2025 at 22:09 </td> </tr> <tr class="post-voterep"> <td colspan="2" class="voterep"> </td> </tr> <tr class="post-body post_body"> <td colspan="2"> <ul>I am doing my annual revision and upload of an income-tax-related CPAN module. For testing on Windows (to which I myself don't have access), this year I added an AppVeyor configuration file (.appveyor.yml) essentially cloned from one of existing AppVeyor config files. <p> <pre class="code"><div class='codeblock'><tt class='codetext'>$ cat .appveyor.yml version: 1.0.{build} branches: except: - /travis/ skip_tags: true cache: - C:\strawberry -&gt; .appveyor.yml install: - if not exist &quot;C:\strawberry&quot; cinst strawberryperl - set PATH=C:\strawberry\perl\bin;C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin;C:\str<span class="line-breaker"> <font color="red">+</font></span>awberry\c\bin;%PATH% - cd C:\projects\%APPVEYOR_PROJECT_NAME% - cpanm --installdeps . build_script: - perl Makefile.PL - gmake test_script: - gmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 notifications: - provider: Email to: - on_build_status_changed: true </tt></div><div class='embed-code-dl'><a href="?displaytype=displaycode;node_id=11164044;part=1;abspart=1">&#91;download&#93;</a></div></pre> <p> However, the AppVeyor process repeatedly fails. Here's the relevant part of the output: <p> <p> <div class='readmore-link'><a href="?node_id=11164044">Read more...</a><span class='readmore-size'> (2 kB)</span></div> </p> <p> If I download the log.txt file from this run, the last 10 to 12 lines match the tail of the output above. <p> My other distros using .appveyor.yml configuration files build and test as expected, so I am at a lost as to explain why this one does not. Any suggestions?</ul> </td> </tr> <!-- End Post --> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- END general container --> <!--/contained stuff--> </td> <!--nodelet handling code (monktainer)--> <td width="20%" valign="top" align="right" class="nodelets"> <!-- Begin nodelets --> <table class='nodelet_container' id='nodelet_container'> <!-- Nodelet Break --> <tbody class="nodelet" id="Log_In"> <tr><th class="nodelet_head"> <span class="title">Log In</span><a href="?node=About The Log In Nodelet" class="nodelethead-annot"><sup>?</sup></a> </th></tr> <tr><td class="nodelet_body"> <form method="post" action="?" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="login"> <span><input type="hidden" name="node_id" value="109" ></input></span> <input type="hidden" name="op" value="login" /> <input type="hidden" name="lastnode_id" value="131" /> <table border="0"><tr><td> Username:</td><td> <input type="text" name="user" size="10" maxlength="34" /> </td></tr><tr><td> Password:</td><td> <input type="password" name="passwd" size="10" maxlength="10" /> </td></tr></table> <label><input type="checkbox" name="expires" value="+10y" />remember me</label> <input type="submit" name="login" value="Login" /> <br /> <a href="?node_id=2513">What's my password?</a> <br /> <a href="?node_id=101">Create A New User</a> </form> </td></tr> </tbody> <!-- Nodelet Break --> <tbody class="nodelet" id="Domain_Nodelet"> <tr><th class="nodelet_head"> <span class="title">Domain Nodelet</span><a href="?node=About The Domain Nodelet" class="nodelethead-annot"><sup>?</sup></a> </th></tr> <tr><td class="nodelet_body"> <p class='domain_link' align='center'><a class='wwwdomainlink' href="">www</a>.<a class='domainlink' href="">com</a> | <a class='wwwdomainlink' href="">www</a>.<a class='domainlink' href="">net</a> | <a class='wwwdomainlink' href="">www</a>.<span class='currentdomain'>org</span></p> </td></tr> </tbody> <!-- Nodelet Break --> <tbody class="nodelet" id="Chatterbox"> <tr><th class="nodelet_head"> <span class="title">Chatterbox</span><a href="?node=About The Chatterbox Nodelet" class="nodelethead-annot"><sup>?</sup></a> </th></tr> <tr><td class="nodelet_body"> <form method="get" action="?" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <span><input type="hidden" name="node_id" value="131" ></input></span><i>and the web crawler heard nothing...</i> <input type="submit" name="foo" value="Refresh" /> </form> <i><br /> <a href="?node=ChatterBox%20FAQ">How do I use this?</a> &bull; <a href="?node=last%20hour%20of%20cb">Last hour</a> &bull; <a href="?node_id=20842">Other CB clients</a></i> </td></tr> </tbody> <!-- Nodelet Break --> <tbody class="nodelet" id="Other_Users"> <tr><th class="nodelet_head"> <span class="title">Other Users</span><a href="?node=About The Other Users Nodelet" class="nodelethead-annot"><sup>?</sup></a> </th></tr> <tr><td class="nodelet_body"> <span class="other-users-text">Others <span class="other-users-blurb">pondering</span> the Monastery:</span> (2)<br /><ul class="spacey-list"><li><span class='even-row'><span class='item-000'><span class='user-level-20'><span class='user-200365'><a title="Tux's home node. 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