If you feel bullied, harassed or discriminated against | Employment New Zealand
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It’s important for employers to use good hiring processes, and for everyone to follow minimum rights and responsibilities.</p> </div> <div class="flex items-start w-full sm:ml-20 xl:ml-32 relative"> <ul id="starting-employment-submenu" class="w-full"> <li class="w-full"> <v-dropdown v-slot="{ isOpen, toggleDropdown }"> <div class="block xl:w-4/12"> <div class="mb-5 xl:mb-2"> <a href="/starting-employment/rights-and-responsibilities" class=" rounded-md py-3 px-4 box-border font-600 text-lead-sm lead hover:bg-white hover:no-underline transition-colors duration-150 hidden xl:inline-block parent-item" data-menu="189" role="button" title="Display Rights and responsibilities submenu" aria-controls="rights-and-responsibilities-submenu" > <span class="flex items-center"> <span class="text-3"> <i class="fa-light fa-chevron-right " aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <span class="block ml-4">Rights and responsibilities</span> </span> </a> <a href="" class="font-600 text-lead-sm lead relative flex 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14.2891C9.58984 14.6055 9.02734 14.6055 8.71094 14.2539C8.39453 13.9375 8.39453 13.375 8.74609 13.0586L13.4219 8.62891H1.46875C0.976562 8.62891 0.625 8.24219 0.625 7.78516C0.625 7.29297 0.976562 6.94141 1.46875 6.94141H13.4219L8.74609 2.47656C8.39453 2.16016 8.39453 1.59766 8.71094 1.28125C9.02734 0.929688 9.55469 0.929688 9.90625 1.24609Z" fill="#753BBD"/> </svg> </span> </a> <ul> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/starting-employment/rights-and-responsibilities/employee-rights-and-responsibilities" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Employee rights and responsibilities page"> Employee rights and responsibilities </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/starting-employment/rights-and-responsibilities/minimum-rights-of-employees-language-translations" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Minimum rights of employees - language translations page"> Minimum rights of employees - language translations </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a 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employees are entitled to.</p> </div> <div class="flex items-start w-full sm:ml-20 xl:ml-32 relative"> <ul id="pay-and-hours-submenu" class="w-full"> <li class="w-full"> <v-dropdown v-slot="{ isOpen, toggleDropdown }"> <div class="block xl:w-4/12"> <div class="mb-5 xl:mb-2"> <a href="/pay-and-hours/pay-and-wages" class=" rounded-md py-3 px-4 box-border font-600 text-lead-sm lead hover:bg-white hover:no-underline transition-colors duration-150 hidden xl:inline-block parent-item" data-menu="26" role="button" title="Display Pay and wages submenu" aria-controls="pay-and-wages-submenu" > <span class="flex items-center"> <span class="text-3"> <i class="fa-light fa-chevron-right " aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <span class="block ml-4">Pay and wages</span> </span> </a> <a href="" class="font-600 text-lead-sm lead relative flex items-center hover:no-underline xl:hidden" role="button" title="Display Pay and wages submenu" :aria-expanded="isOpen" aria-controls="pay-and-wages-submenu" 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2.16016 8.39453 1.59766 8.71094 1.28125C9.02734 0.929688 9.55469 0.929688 9.90625 1.24609Z" fill="#753BBD"/> </svg> </span> </a> <ul> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/pay-and-hours/pay-and-wages/minimum-wage" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Minimum wage page"> Minimum wage </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/pay-and-hours/pay-and-wages/leave-and-holiday-pay" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Holidays and leave pay page"> Holidays and leave pay </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/pay-and-hours/pay-and-wages/types-of-pay" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Types of pay page"> Types of pay </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/pay-and-hours/pay-and-wages/allowances" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Allowances page"> Allowances </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/pay-and-hours/pay-and-wages/deductions" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Deductions page"> Deductions </a> </li> <li 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14.2891C9.58984 14.6055 9.02734 14.6055 8.71094 14.2539C8.39453 13.9375 8.39453 13.375 8.74609 13.0586L13.4219 8.62891H1.46875C0.976562 8.62891 0.625 8.24219 0.625 7.78516C0.625 7.29297 0.976562 6.94141 1.46875 6.94141H13.4219L8.74609 2.47656C8.39453 2.16016 8.39453 1.59766 8.71094 1.28125C9.02734 0.929688 9.55469 0.929688 9.90625 1.24609Z" fill="#753BBD"/> </svg> </span> </a> <ul> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/pay-and-hours/hours-and-breaks/hours-of-work" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Hours of work page"> Hours of work </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/pay-and-hours/hours-and-breaks/rest-and-breaks" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Rest and breaks page"> Rest and breaks </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/pay-and-hours/hours-and-breaks/rostering" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Rostering page"> Rostering </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/pay-and-hours/hours-and-breaks/working-overtime-or-extra-shifts" 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</div> </v-dropdown> </li> <li class="basis-full"> <v-dropdown v-slot="{ isOpen, toggleDropdown, handleFocusOut }" :sticky-state="stickyState"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays" class=" block h-full p-4 md:py-4 md:px-8 xl:px-3 xl:py-4 group/a hover:no-underline transition-shadow duration-150 relative pr-11 md:pr-16 xl:static shadow-none focus-visible:outlines-black-white" role="button" title="Display Leave and holidays submenu" :aria-expanded="isOpen" aria-controls="leave-and-holidays-submenu" @click.prevent="toggleDropdown" @focusout="handleFocusOut" > <span class="block font-600 group-hover/a:text-purple-700 transition-colors duration-150 text-lead-sm md:text-lead-md xl:text-body-md">Leave and holidays</span> <span class="block font-300 text-grey-500 text-lead-sm md:text-lead-md xl:text-body-md" lang="mi">Whakamatuatanga me ngā hararei</span> <span class="absolute text-center top-1/2 right-4 md:right-8 w-4 md:w-5 -translate-y-1/2 transition-transform duration-100 xl:hidden" :class="{ 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2.47656C8.39453 2.16016 8.39453 1.59766 8.71094 1.28125C9.02734 0.929688 9.55469 0.929688 9.90625 1.24609Z" fill="#753BBD"/> </svg> </span></h5> </a> <p class="pt-4 font-300 medium">Employees are entitled to annual holidays, public holidays, sick leave, bereavement leave, parental leave and other types of leave as long as they meet certain conditions.</p> </div> <div class="flex items-start w-full sm:ml-20 xl:ml-32 relative"> <ul id="leave-and-holidays-submenu" class="w-full"> <li class="w-full"> <v-dropdown v-slot="{ isOpen, toggleDropdown }"> <div class="block xl:w-4/12"> <div class="mb-5 xl:mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays" class=" rounded-md py-3 px-4 box-border font-600 text-lead-sm lead hover:bg-white hover:no-underline transition-colors duration-150 hidden xl:inline-block parent-item" data-menu="143" role="button" title="Display Public holidays submenu" aria-controls="public-holidays-submenu" > <span class="flex items-center"> <span class="text-3"> <i class="fa-light fa-chevron-right " aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <span class="block ml-4">Public holidays</span> </span> </a> <a href="" class="font-600 text-lead-sm lead relative flex items-center hover:no-underline xl:hidden" role="button" title="Display Public holidays submenu" :aria-expanded="isOpen" aria-controls="public-holidays-submenu" @click.prevent="toggleDropdown" > <span :class="{ 'rotate-90': isOpen }" class="text-3"> <i class="fa-light fa-chevron-right " aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <span class="block ml-4">Public holidays</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="l3-menu-143 l3-menu absolute top-0 right-0 w-8/12 hidden pl-32 col-span-1"> <div class="pl-8 border-l border-[#7A797B]"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays" class="lead mb-2 flex items-center py-3 text-lead-sm font-600" title="Go to the Public holidays page"> Public holidays <span class="block pl-4"><svg width="17" height="15" viewBox="0 0 17 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M9.90625 1.24609L16.0938 7.15234C16.2695 7.32812 16.375 7.53906 16.375 7.78516C16.375 7.99609 16.2695 8.20703 16.0938 8.38281L9.90625 14.2891C9.58984 14.6055 9.02734 14.6055 8.71094 14.2539C8.39453 13.9375 8.39453 13.375 8.74609 13.0586L13.4219 8.62891H1.46875C0.976562 8.62891 0.625 8.24219 0.625 7.78516C0.625 7.29297 0.976562 6.94141 1.46875 6.94141H13.4219L8.74609 2.47656C8.39453 2.16016 8.39453 1.59766 8.71094 1.28125C9.02734 0.929688 9.55469 0.929688 9.90625 1.24609Z" fill="#753BBD"/> </svg> </span> </a> <ul> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/public-holidays-and-anniversary-dates" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Public holidays and anniversary dates page"> Public holidays and anniversary dates </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/previous-years-public-holidays-and-anniversary-dates" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Previous years: Public holidays and anniversary dates page"> Previous years: Public holidays and anniversary dates </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/managing-public-holidays-as-an-employer" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Managing public holidays as an employer page"> Managing public holidays as an employer </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/public-holidays-rights-for-employees" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Public holidays rights for employees page"> Public holidays rights for employees </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/transferring-a-public-holiday" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Transferring a public holiday page"> Transferring a public holiday </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/alternative-holidays" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Alternative holidays page"> Alternative holidays </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/when-a-public-holiday-falls-on-a-weekend" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the When a public holiday falls on a weekend page"> When a public holiday falls on a weekend </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/restricted-trading-days-for-shops" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Restricted trading days for shops page"> Restricted trading days for shops </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/working-and-trading-on-easter-sunday" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Working and trading on Easter Sunday page"> Working and trading on Easter Sunday </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div :class="{ hidden: !isOpen }" :aria-hidden="isOpen ? null : 'true'"> <ul class="grid gap-4 pl-6 mb-5 xl:hidden"> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/public-holidays-and-anniversary-dates" class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the Public holidays and anniversary dates page">Public holidays and anniversary dates</a> </li> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/previous-years-public-holidays-and-anniversary-dates" class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the Previous years: Public holidays and anniversary dates page">Previous years: Public holidays and anniversary dates</a> </li> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/managing-public-holidays-as-an-employer" class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the Managing public holidays as an employer page">Managing public holidays as an employer</a> </li> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/public-holidays-rights-for-employees" class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the Public holidays rights for employees page">Public holidays rights for employees</a> </li> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/transferring-a-public-holiday" class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the Transferring a public holiday page">Transferring a public holiday</a> </li> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/alternative-holidays" class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the Alternative holidays page">Alternative holidays</a> </li> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/when-a-public-holiday-falls-on-a-weekend" class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the When a public holiday falls on a weekend page">When a public holiday falls on a weekend</a> </li> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/restricted-trading-days-for-shops" class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the Restricted trading days for shops page">Restricted trading days for shops</a> </li> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/working-and-trading-on-easter-sunday" class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the Working and trading on Easter Sunday page">Working and trading on Easter Sunday</a> </li> </ul> </div> </v-dropdown> </li> <li class="w-full"> <v-dropdown v-slot="{ isOpen, toggleDropdown }"> <div class="block xl:w-4/12"> <div class="mb-5 xl:mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/annual-holidays" class=" rounded-md py-3 px-4 box-border font-600 text-lead-sm lead hover:bg-white hover:no-underline transition-colors duration-150 hidden xl:inline-block parent-item" data-menu="385" role="button" title="Display Annual holidays submenu" aria-controls="annual-holidays-submenu" > <span class="flex items-center"> <span class="text-3"> <i class="fa-light fa-chevron-right " aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <span class="block ml-4">Annual holidays</span> </span> </a> <a href="" class="font-600 text-lead-sm lead relative flex items-center hover:no-underline xl:hidden" role="button" title="Display Annual holidays submenu" :aria-expanded="isOpen" aria-controls="annual-holidays-submenu" @click.prevent="toggleDropdown" > <span :class="{ 'rotate-90': isOpen }" class="text-3"> <i class="fa-light fa-chevron-right " aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <span class="block ml-4">Annual holidays</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="l3-menu-385 l3-menu absolute top-0 right-0 w-8/12 hidden pl-32 col-span-1"> <div class="pl-8 border-l border-[#7A797B]"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/annual-holidays" class="lead mb-2 flex items-center py-3 text-lead-sm font-600" title="Go to the Annual holidays page"> Annual holidays <span class="block pl-4"><svg width="17" height="15" viewBox="0 0 17 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M9.90625 1.24609L16.0938 7.15234C16.2695 7.32812 16.375 7.53906 16.375 7.78516C16.375 7.99609 16.2695 8.20703 16.0938 8.38281L9.90625 14.2891C9.58984 14.6055 9.02734 14.6055 8.71094 14.2539C8.39453 13.9375 8.39453 13.375 8.74609 13.0586L13.4219 8.62891H1.46875C0.976562 8.62891 0.625 8.24219 0.625 7.78516C0.625 7.29297 0.976562 6.94141 1.46875 6.94141H13.4219L8.74609 2.47656C8.39453 2.16016 8.39453 1.59766 8.71094 1.28125C9.02734 0.929688 9.55469 0.929688 9.90625 1.24609Z" fill="#753BBD"/> </svg> </span> </a> <ul> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/annual-holidays/managing-annual-holidays" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Managing annual holidays page"> Managing annual holidays </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/annual-holidays/taking-annual-holidays" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Taking annual holidays page"> Taking annual holidays </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/annual-holidays/annual-closedowns-and-holidays" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Annual closedowns and holidays page"> Annual closedowns and holidays </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div :class="{ hidden: !isOpen }" :aria-hidden="isOpen ? null : 'true'"> <ul class="grid gap-4 pl-6 mb-5 xl:hidden"> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/annual-holidays/managing-annual-holidays" class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the Managing annual holidays page">Managing annual holidays</a> </li> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/annual-holidays/taking-annual-holidays" class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the Taking annual holidays page">Taking annual holidays</a> </li> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/annual-holidays/annual-closedowns-and-holidays" class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the Annual closedowns and holidays page">Annual closedowns and holidays</a> </li> </ul> </div> </v-dropdown> </li> <li class="w-full"> <v-dropdown v-slot="{ isOpen, toggleDropdown }"> <div class="block xl:w-4/12"> <div class="mb-5 xl:mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/sick-leave" class=" rounded-md py-3 px-4 box-border font-600 text-lead-sm lead hover:bg-white hover:no-underline transition-colors duration-150 hidden xl:inline-block parent-item" data-menu="145" role="button" title="Display Sick leave submenu" aria-controls="sick-leave-submenu" > <span class="flex items-center"> <span class="text-3"> <i class="fa-light fa-chevron-right " aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <span class="block ml-4">Sick leave</span> </span> </a> <a href="" class="font-600 text-lead-sm lead relative flex items-center hover:no-underline xl:hidden" role="button" title="Display Sick leave submenu" :aria-expanded="isOpen" aria-controls="sick-leave-submenu" @click.prevent="toggleDropdown" > <span :class="{ 'rotate-90': isOpen }" class="text-3"> <i class="fa-light fa-chevron-right " aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <span class="block ml-4">Sick leave</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="l3-menu-145 l3-menu absolute top-0 right-0 w-8/12 hidden pl-32 col-span-1"> <div class="pl-8 border-l border-[#7A797B]"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/sick-leave" class="lead mb-2 flex items-center py-3 text-lead-sm font-600" title="Go to the Sick leave page"> Sick leave <span class="block pl-4"><svg width="17" height="15" viewBox="0 0 17 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M9.90625 1.24609L16.0938 7.15234C16.2695 7.32812 16.375 7.53906 16.375 7.78516C16.375 7.99609 16.2695 8.20703 16.0938 8.38281L9.90625 14.2891C9.58984 14.6055 9.02734 14.6055 8.71094 14.2539C8.39453 13.9375 8.39453 13.375 8.74609 13.0586L13.4219 8.62891H1.46875C0.976562 8.62891 0.625 8.24219 0.625 7.78516C0.625 7.29297 0.976562 6.94141 1.46875 6.94141H13.4219L8.74609 2.47656C8.39453 2.16016 8.39453 1.59766 8.71094 1.28125C9.02734 0.929688 9.55469 0.929688 9.90625 1.24609Z" fill="#753BBD"/> </svg> </span> </a> <ul> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/sick-leave/managing-sick-leave" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Managing sick leave page"> Managing sick leave </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/sick-leave/taking-sick-leave" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Taking sick leave page"> Taking sick leave </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div :class="{ hidden: !isOpen }" :aria-hidden="isOpen ? null : 'true'"> <ul class="grid gap-4 pl-6 mb-5 xl:hidden"> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/sick-leave/managing-sick-leave" class="inline-block 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items-center hover:no-underline xl:hidden" role="button" title="Display Bereavement leave submenu" :aria-expanded="isOpen" aria-controls="bereavement-leave-submenu" @click.prevent="toggleDropdown" > <span :class="{ 'rotate-90': isOpen }" class="text-3"> <i class="fa-light fa-chevron-right " aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <span class="block ml-4">Bereavement leave</span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="l3-menu-381 l3-menu absolute top-0 right-0 w-8/12 hidden pl-32 col-span-1"> <div class="pl-8 border-l border-[#7A797B]"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/bereavement-leave" class="lead mb-2 flex items-center py-3 text-lead-sm font-600" title="Go to the Bereavement leave page"> Bereavement leave <span class="block pl-4"><svg width="17" height="15" viewBox="0 0 17 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M9.90625 1.24609L16.0938 7.15234C16.2695 7.32812 16.375 7.53906 16.375 7.78516C16.375 7.99609 16.2695 8.20703 16.0938 8.38281L9.90625 14.2891C9.58984 14.6055 9.02734 14.6055 8.71094 14.2539C8.39453 13.9375 8.39453 13.375 8.74609 13.0586L13.4219 8.62891H1.46875C0.976562 8.62891 0.625 8.24219 0.625 7.78516C0.625 7.29297 0.976562 6.94141 1.46875 6.94141H13.4219L8.74609 2.47656C8.39453 2.16016 8.39453 1.59766 8.71094 1.28125C9.02734 0.929688 9.55469 0.929688 9.90625 1.24609Z" fill="#753BBD"/> </svg> </span> </a> <ul> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/bereavement-leave/managing-bereavement-leave" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Managing bereavement leave page"> Managing bereavement leave </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/bereavement-leave/taking-bereavement-leave" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Taking bereavement leave page"> Taking bereavement leave </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div :class="{ hidden: !isOpen }" :aria-hidden="isOpen ? null : 'true'"> <ul class="grid gap-4 pl-6 mb-5 xl:hidden"> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/bereavement-leave/managing-bereavement-leave" class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the Managing bereavement leave page">Managing bereavement leave</a> </li> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/bereavement-leave/taking-bereavement-leave" class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the Taking bereavement leave page">Taking bereavement leave</a> </li> </ul> </div> </v-dropdown> </li> <li class="w-full"> <v-dropdown v-slot="{ isOpen, toggleDropdown }"> <div class="block xl:w-4/12"> <div class="mb-5 xl:mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/parental-leave" class=" rounded-md py-3 px-4 box-border font-600 text-lead-sm lead hover:bg-white hover:no-underline transition-colors duration-150 hidden xl:inline-block parent-item" data-menu="146" role="button" title="Display Parental leave submenu" aria-controls="parental-leave-submenu" > <span class="flex items-center"> <span class="text-3"> <i class="fa-light fa-chevron-right " aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <span class="block ml-4">Parental leave</span> </span> </a> <a href="" class="font-600 text-lead-sm lead 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13.9375 8.39453 13.375 8.74609 13.0586L13.4219 8.62891H1.46875C0.976562 8.62891 0.625 8.24219 0.625 7.78516C0.625 7.29297 0.976562 6.94141 1.46875 6.94141H13.4219L8.74609 2.47656C8.39453 2.16016 8.39453 1.59766 8.71094 1.28125C9.02734 0.929688 9.55469 0.929688 9.90625 1.24609Z" fill="#753BBD"/> </svg> </span> </a> <ul> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/parental-leave/managing-parental-leave-as-an-employer" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Managing parental leave as an employer page"> Managing parental leave as an employer </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/parental-leave/taking-parental-leave" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Taking parental leave page"> Taking parental leave </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/parental-leave/types-of-parental-leave" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Types of parental leave page"> Types of parental leave </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a 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class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the If you’re self-employed page">If you’re self-employed</a> </li> </ul> </div> </v-dropdown> </li> <li class="w-full"> <v-dropdown v-slot="{ isOpen, toggleDropdown }"> <div class="block xl:w-4/12"> <div class="mb-5 xl:mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/family-violence-leave" class=" rounded-md py-3 px-4 box-border font-600 text-lead-sm lead hover:bg-white hover:no-underline transition-colors duration-150 hidden xl:inline-block parent-item" data-menu="386" role="button" title="Display Family violence leave submenu" aria-controls="family-violence-leave-submenu" > <span class="flex items-center"> <span class="text-3"> <i class="fa-light fa-chevron-right " aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <span class="block ml-4">Family violence leave</span> </span> </a> <a href="" class="font-600 text-lead-sm lead relative flex items-center hover:no-underline xl:hidden" role="button" title="Display Family violence leave submenu" :aria-expanded="isOpen" 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7.78516C0.625 7.29297 0.976562 6.94141 1.46875 6.94141H13.4219L8.74609 2.47656C8.39453 2.16016 8.39453 1.59766 8.71094 1.28125C9.02734 0.929688 9.55469 0.929688 9.90625 1.24609Z" fill="#753BBD"/> </svg> </span> </a> <ul> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/family-violence-leave/managing-family-violence-leave" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Managing family violence leave page"> Managing family violence leave </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/family-violence-leave/taking-family-violence-leave" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Taking family violence leave page"> Taking family violence leave </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div :class="{ hidden: !isOpen }" :aria-hidden="isOpen ? null : 'true'"> <ul class="grid gap-4 pl-6 mb-5 xl:hidden"> <li> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/family-violence-leave/managing-family-violence-leave" class="inline-block small color" title="Go to the Managing family violence leave 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8.24219 0.625 7.78516C0.625 7.29297 0.976562 6.94141 1.46875 6.94141H13.4219L8.74609 2.47656C8.39453 2.16016 8.39453 1.59766 8.71094 1.28125C9.02734 0.929688 9.55469 0.929688 9.90625 1.24609Z" fill="#753BBD"/> </svg> </span> </a> <ul> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/other-types-of-leave/leave-without-pay" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Leave without pay page"> Leave without pay </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/other-types-of-leave/long-service-leave" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Long service leave page"> Long service leave </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/other-types-of-leave/leave-in-lieu-of-notice" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Leave in lieu of notice page"> Leave in lieu of notice </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/leave-and-holidays/other-types-of-leave/leave-during-or-after-a-natural-disaster" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the 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8.24219 0.625 7.78516C0.625 7.29297 0.976562 6.94141 1.46875 6.94141H13.4219L8.74609 2.47656C8.39453 2.16016 8.39453 1.59766 8.71094 1.28125C9.02734 0.929688 9.55469 0.929688 9.90625 1.24609Z" fill="#753BBD"/> </svg> </span></h5> </a> <p class="pt-4 font-300 medium">Fair work practices balance the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers. They establish clear and consistent expectations and support the mana and dignity of everyone in the workplace. </p> </div> <div class="flex items-start w-full sm:ml-20 xl:ml-32 relative"> <ul id="fair-work-practices-submenu" class="w-full"> <li class="w-full"> <v-dropdown v-slot="{ isOpen, toggleDropdown }"> <div class="block xl:w-4/12"> <div class="mb-5 xl:mb-2"> <a href="/fair-work-practices/workplace-policies-and-procedures" class=" rounded-md py-3 px-4 box-border font-600 text-lead-sm lead hover:bg-white hover:no-underline transition-colors duration-150 hidden xl:inline-block parent-item" data-menu="431" role="button" title="Display Workplace policies and procedures submenu" aria-controls="workplace-policies-and-procedures-submenu" > <span class="flex items-center"> <span class="text-3"> <i class="fa-light fa-chevron-right " aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <span class="block ml-4">Workplace policies and procedures</span> </span> </a> <a href="" class="font-600 text-lead-sm lead 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0.625 7.78516C0.625 7.29297 0.976562 6.94141 1.46875 6.94141H13.4219L8.74609 2.47656C8.39453 2.16016 8.39453 1.59766 8.71094 1.28125C9.02734 0.929688 9.55469 0.929688 9.90625 1.24609Z" fill="#753BBD"/> </svg> </span> </a> <ul> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/fair-work-practices/restructuring-and-workplace-change/the-basics-of-workplace-changes" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the The basics of workplace change page"> The basics of workplace change </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/fair-work-practices/restructuring-and-workplace-change/workplace-change-process" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Workplace change process page"> Workplace change process </a> </li> <li class="mb-2"> <a href="/fair-work-practices/restructuring-and-workplace-change/restructuring-when-a-business-is-sold-or-transferred" class="small inline-block font-300" title="Go to the Restructuring when a business is sold or transferred page"> Restructuring when a business is sold or 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xl:text-body-md">Ending employment</span> <span class="block font-300 text-grey-500 text-lead-sm md:text-lead-md xl:text-body-md" lang="mi">Te whakamutu i te mahi</span> <span class="absolute text-center top-1/2 right-4 md:right-8 w-4 md:w-5 -translate-y-1/2 transition-transform duration-100 xl:hidden" :class="{ 'rotate-180': isOpen }" > <i class="fa-solid fa-chevron-down text-[12px] md:text-[16px]" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> </a> <div class="w-full bg-beige py-4 md:py-8 xl:py-12 xl:absolute xl:top-full xl:left-0 xl:-z-[1] xl:shadow-dd-menu" :class="{ hidden: !isOpen }" :aria-hidden="isOpen ? null : 'true'" > <div class="dropdown-wrapper sm:flex px-4 md:px-8 xl:container relative"> <div class="w-full sm:max-w-[300px] pb-10 sm:pb-0"> <a href="/ending-employment" class="block"> <h5 class="flex items-center">Ending employment <span class="block pl-4"><svg width="17" height="15" viewBox="0 0 17 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M9.90625 1.24609L16.0938 7.15234C16.2695 7.32812 16.375 7.53906 16.375 7.78516C16.375 7.99609 16.2695 8.20703 16.0938 8.38281L9.90625 14.2891C9.58984 14.6055 9.02734 14.6055 8.71094 14.2539C8.39453 13.9375 8.39453 13.375 8.74609 13.0586L13.4219 8.62891H1.46875C0.976562 8.62891 0.625 8.24219 0.625 7.78516C0.625 7.29297 0.976562 6.94141 1.46875 6.94141H13.4219L8.74609 2.47656C8.39453 2.16016 8.39453 1.59766 8.71094 1.28125C9.02734 0.929688 9.55469 0.929688 9.90625 1.24609Z" fill="#753BBD"/> </svg> </span></h5> </a> <p class="pt-4 font-300 medium">There are several ways in which employment relationships may be ended, such as resignation, retirement, dismissal or redundancy.</p> </div> <div class="flex items-start w-full sm:ml-20 xl:ml-32 relative"> <ul id="ending-employment-submenu" class="w-full"> <li class="w-full"> <div class="block xl:w-4/12"> <div class="mb-5 xl:mb-2"> <a href="/ending-employment/resignation" class=" rounded-md py-3 px-4 box-border font-600 text-lead-sm lead hover:bg-white hover:no-underline transition-colors duration-150 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xl:border-grey xl:pl-16 xl:pr-8"> <div class="flex flex-col gap-8 mb-10 md:mb-16"> <div class="flex flex-col gap-4"> <p class="h6 uppercase font-600 text-[var(--audience-color-700)] print:text-black">Everyone</p> <h1 class="h2 max-w-reading text-[var(--audience-color-700)] print:text-black">If you feel bullied, harassed or discriminated against</h1> <p class="lead max-w-reading">If you think you are being bullied or harassed or discriminated against at work, you can deal with the matter yourself, ask someone to help informally, or make a formal complaint.</p> </div> <v-heading-indexer title="On this page" /> </div> <div class="elemental-area"> <div class="element enz__elements__elementcontent" id="e2182"> <div class="max-w-content"> <div class="typography md:typography-md xl:typography-xl"> <h2 class="h3">Getting advice and support </h2> <p>If you feel bullied, harassed or discriminated against at work, you could first talk to a trusted person to ‘sense check’ that what you are experiencing is indeed bullying, <v-tooltip id="glossary-96-1" title="Harassment" aria-label="Show harassment definition"> <template v-slot:content="">harassment</template> <template v-slot:tooltip=""> <p>Any unwanted and unjustified behaviour which another person finds offensive or humiliating. The behavior must be serious or repeated, and have a negative effect on the person’s employment, job performance or job satisfaction. </p> </template> </v-tooltip> or <v-tooltip id="glossary-77-2" title="Discrimination" aria-label="Show discrimination definition"> <template v-slot:content="">discrimination</template> <template v-slot:tooltip=""> <p>When a person is treated differently and less fairly than others, for example, because of their race, sex, age, religion, or other prohibited ground under the Human Rights Act 1993.</p> </template> </v-tooltip> .</p> <p>If your workplace has relevant policies or processes, you should follow these. There may be trained people — for example, managers, a health and safety or human resources representative, or a <v-tooltip id="glossary-50-3" title="Union" aria-label="Show union definition"> <template v-slot:content="">union </template> <template v-slot:tooltip=""> <p>An organisation that supports and advocates for employees in the workplace. Unions bargain for collective agreements and help employees with information and advice about work-related issues. </p> </template> </v-tooltip> delegate in your workplace — who can advise you.</p> <p>Remember, you are entitled to have a support person present at interviews and meetings.</p> <p>There is also useful information on the WorkSafe and Human Rights Commission Te Kāhui Tika Tangata websites, including definitions and examples of bullying and harassment.</p> <p><a class="external" rel="external" href="">Bullying at work: Advice for workers – WorkSafe<span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a></p> <p><a class="external" rel="external" href="">Sexual harassment – WorkSafe<span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a></p> <p><a class="external" rel="external" href="">What is unlawful discrimination – Human Rights Commission<span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="element enz__elements__elementcontent" id="e2183"> <div class="max-w-content"> <div class="typography md:typography-md xl:typography-xl"> <h2 class="h3">Dealing with the issue yourself</h2> <p>Some employees may feel comfortable dealing with an issue themselves. This could be done by writing to the person or by speaking to them in private, perhaps with a support person present.</p> <p>A record of what is discussed and agreed should be kept in case the behaviour is repeated</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="element enz__elements__elementcontent" id="e2184"> <div class="max-w-content"> <div class="typography md:typography-md xl:typography-xl"> <h2 class="h3">What you can do informally</h2> <p>You can, if you wish, ask your direct manager to step in informally. If the person accused of bullying or harassment is the direct manager, ask another manager, or a human resources or health and safety representative.</p> <p>Your employer should have processes for reporting bullying, harassment and other unreasonable behaviour. They should consider the information provided before deciding what to do — they may choose to carry out a formal investigation or take another approach.</p> <p>If your employer does not have a report or complaint form, you can use the forms on the WorkSafe website.</p> <p><a class="external" rel="external" href="">Bullying: Reporting and assessment forms – WorkSafe <span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a></p> <p><a class="external" rel="external" href="">Sexual harassment - form – WorkSafe<span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a></p> <p>The person who steps in to address your concerns will first need to gather details about what has happened and then try to resolve the matter informally. They may speak with the person accused of the behaviour to tell them it was inappropriate and ask them not to do it again.</p> <p>Managers involved need to be clear on what has actually happened — otherwise, a formal investigation may need to be carried out to be fair to the person accused.</p> <p>If the behaviour continues, you may wish to make a formal complaint.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="element enz__elements__elementcontent" id="e2185"> <div class="max-w-content"> <div class="typography md:typography-md xl:typography-xl"> <h2 class="h3">Making a formal complaint</h2> <ul> <li>First find out if there are any relevant <v-tooltip id="glossary-154-4" title="Workplace policy" aria-label="Show workplace policies definition"> <template v-slot:content="">workplace policies</template> <template v-slot:tooltip=""> <p>Workplace policies and procedures explain the rules and expectations in the workplace.</p> </template> </v-tooltip> or procedures for reporting and follow these. There may be designated and trained people in your workplace who know how to deal with these issues in a sensitive way.</li> <li>A formal complaint should trigger a formal investigation.</li> <li>If there are no relevant workplace policies or procedures, you should still let your employer know as soon as possible. If the person accused is your direct manager, you can raise the complaint with a human resources or health and safety representative, union or lawyer.</li> <li>If you are not comfortable doing this by yourself, you can ask a colleague, friend or your union to support you.</li> <li>It is good to put what happened in writing so that there are no misunderstandings. It is important to be as clear as you can about what happened, including dates and what was said, seen or done.</li> <li>If anyone else was there, tell your manager so that they can ask the person whether they agree with your account of what happened.</li> <li>You can use the ‘Bullying: Formal complaint form’ on the WorkSafe website.</li> </ul> <p><a class="external" rel="external" href="">Bullying: Reporting and assessment forms – WorkSafe<span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a></p> <ul> <li>If you have a preference for what you would like to see happen, tell your manager. They will consider your views, but they may decide that a different course of action is more appropriate.</li> <li>The person who has carried out the investigation should tell you: <ul> <li>whether the behaviour was found to be bullying or harassment</li> <li>whether action will be taken and, if so, when.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="element enz__elements__elementaccordion" id="e2186"> <div class="max-w-content"> <div class="mb-8"> <div class="typography md:typography-md xl:typography-xl"> <h2 class="h3">If you are not happy with your employer’s response</h2> <p>If you are not happy with the outcome, there are options available to you. You can seek support from Employment <v-tooltip id="glossary-30-5" title="Mediation" aria-label="Show Mediation definition"> <template v-slot:content="">Mediation</template> <template v-slot:tooltip=""> <p>A confidential and safe way for employers and employees to work through their issues and develop solutions with the help of an independent mediator. Mediation is usually voluntary, but in some cases can be directed by the Employment Relations Authority.</p> </template> </v-tooltip> Services to help resolve the issue.<a href="/resolving-problems/how-to-resolve-problems/mediation"></a></p> <p><a href="/resolving-problems/how-to-resolve-problems/mediation">Mediation</a></p> <p>You can also raise a <v-tooltip id="glossary-123-6" title="Personal grievance" aria-label="Show personal grievance definition"> <template v-slot:content="">personal grievance</template> <template v-slot:tooltip=""> <p>An action that an employee can take against a current or former employer when they have an employment issue they cannot resolve. </p> </template> </v-tooltip> . There are time limits that apply for raising a personal grievance.<a href="/resolving-problems/how-to-resolve-problems/personal-grievances"></a></p> <p><a href="/resolving-problems/how-to-resolve-problems/personal-grievances">Personal grievances</a></p> <p>You can bring an action with the <v-tooltip id="glossary-23-7" title="Human rights" aria-label="Show Human Rights definition"> <template v-slot:content="">Human Rights</template> <template v-slot:tooltip=""> <p>Rights that everyone has, for example, the right to health and safety, right to life, right to the freedom from torture, and right to the freedom of expression. </p> </template> </v-tooltip> Commission Te Kāhui Tika Tangata if it is in relation to discrimination or racial or sexual harassment. </p> <p><a class="external" rel="external" href="">Te Kāhui Tika Tangata Human Rights Commission<span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a></p> <p>If you have a problem at work that you have not been able to resolve by talking to the other person or by using mediation, you can ask the <v-tooltip id="glossary-88-8" title="Employment Relations Authority " aria-label="Show Employment Relations Authority (ERA) definition"> <template v-slot:content="">Employment Relations Authority (ERA)</template> <template v-slot:tooltip=""> <p>The tribunal established under the Employment Relations Act to resolve employment relationship problems. </p> </template> </v-tooltip> to resolve the issue by making a binding decision.</p> <p><a class="external" rel="external" href="">Who can apply to the authority – Employment Relations Authority<span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a></p> <p>Find out more about your other options when an issue has not been resolved.<a href="/resolving-problems/how-to-resolve-problems/escalating-unresolved-issues"></a></p> <p><a href="/resolving-problems/how-to-resolve-problems/escalating-unresolved-issues">Escalating unresolved issues </a></p> <h3>Examples</h3> </div> </div> <v-accordion title="Example A: Charlie is being mistreated by a colleague"> <div class="typography md:typography-md xl:typography-xl pb-4"> <p>Charlie works as a mechanic at an auto repair shop and has been mistreated by one of his colleagues since starting the job. The colleague excludes Charlie from social activities at work, calls him names and shuts down his opinions.</p> <p>Charlie feels undervalued and disrespected. He talks to his friend, who suggests checking out</p> <p>Charlie calls 0800 20 90 20 to speak with someone from Employment NZ. He is given information on how to deal with bullying and harassment problems. He is also told where to find other helpful resources and given suggestions on how to raise the issue with his employer.</p> <p>Charlie talks privately with his employer and they discuss ways to solve the issue. The employer talks with Charlie’s colleague about their behaviour and holds a team meeting to discuss expected behaviours in the workplace.</p> <p>The employer puts a new policy in place that outlines workplace expectations and the steps to be followed for future issues.</p> </div> </v-accordion> <v-accordion title="Example B: Josie’s team is being overworked"> <div class="typography md:typography-md xl:typography-xl pb-4"> <p>Josie works at a large retail chain. Demand at the store has really picked up, and the store manager is forcing Josie and the team to work during lunch breaks to get more work done. Josie feels bullied because the of the way the store manager is linking lunchtime cover with job performance.</p> <p>Josie talks with their teammates and decides to lodge a complaint with head office. Head office tells Josie they will investigate, but after a few weeks nothing has changed.</p> <p>Josie looks on to see what options there are for resolving issues like this. They see that the Early Resolution Service can be used to resolve the issue with the store manager quickly, informally, confidentially and free of charge.</p> <p>After filling out the online form, Josie is contacted by an early resolution facilitator. They ask Josie to tell them about the issue, and with Josie’s consent, they contact the head office to see how the matter can be resolved.</p> <p>Head office agrees to confront the store manager and issue a company-wide directive that all staff must take their lunch breaks. Head office offers the team one day of special paid leave to compensate.<a href="/resolving-problems/how-to-resolve-problems/early-resolution"></a></p> <p><a href="/resolving-problems/how-to-resolve-problems/early-resolution">Early resolution</a></p> </div> </v-accordion> <v-accordion title="Example C: Alex is being sexually harassed by her colleague"> <div class="typography md:typography-md xl:typography-xl pb-4"> <p>Alex works as a kitchen assistant in a busy restaurant. The head chef has been making unwanted sexual comments and inappropriate sexual gestures towards her.</p> <p>Alex feels extremely uncomfortable and tells the head chef how their behaviour makes her feel and asks them to stop. After confronting the head chef, Alex is not called in to work for several days and when she asks why, she gets no response.</p> <p>Alex decides to apply for mediation through Employment Mediation Services, saying she has been sexually harassed and now appears to have lost her job. The Mediation Service contacts Alex and her employer to set a date and time for mediation.</p> <p>At mediation, the mediator ensures both parties are comfortable talking to each other. Alex is able to tell the employer what happened. The employer agrees that the behaviour was unacceptable and that something must be done.</p> <p>The mediator works with both parties to resolve the complaint and make the workplace safe for Alex to return to work. The employer apologises and agrees to confront the head chef and put appropriate action in place, including rostering Alex on different shifts.</p> <p>The employer agrees to pay compensation for the impact of the head chef’s actions and to have regular meetings to check in with Alex to make sure she feels safe. They also agree to update workplace policies on sexual harassment and remind all staff of expectations for workplace behaviour and the consequences of any breach.<a href="/resolving-problems/how-to-resolve-problems/mediation"></a></p> <p><a href="/resolving-problems/how-to-resolve-problems/mediation">Mediation</a></p> </div> </v-accordion> </div> </div> <footer> <ul class="border-t border-b border-grey flex flex-col gap-y-4 gap-x-8 py-4 md:flex-row md:flex-wrap"> <li><strong>Published:</strong> <time datetime="2024-05-21 09:08:13">21 May 2024</time></li> <li><strong>Last modified:</strong> <time datetime="2024-12-20 10:05:54">20 December 2024</time></li> <li><strong>Written for:</strong> Everyone</li> </ul> <ul class="flex flex-col gap-y-4 gap-x-8 py-4 md:flex-row md:flex-wrap print:hidden"> <li class="flex flex-wrap items-center gap-x-2"> <strong class="inline-block">Share this page:</strong> <ul class="flex flex-wrap items-center gap-x-1"> <li> <a class="inline-block p-1 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class="small uppercase font-600 text-[var(--audience-color-700)]">Everyone</p> <h5>Mediation</h5> <p class="small">If an employment issue cannot be resolved informally by the parties themselves, mediation may help them to reach an agreement.</p> </a> </li> <li class="theme-purple col-auto md:col-span-1"> <a href="/resolving-problems/how-to-resolve-problems/personal-grievances" class="card card--hover flex flex-col gap-2 md:gap-4 focus-visible:outlines-black-white " > <p class="small uppercase font-600 text-[var(--audience-color-700)]">Everyone</p> <h5>Personal grievances</h5> <p class="small">A ‘personal grievance’ is an action that you can take against a current or former employer when you have an employment issue you are unable to resolve.</p> </a> </li> <li class="theme-purple col-auto md:col-span-1"> <a href="/resolving-problems/how-to-resolve-problems/early-resolution" class="card card--hover flex flex-col gap-2 md:gap-4 focus-visible:outlines-black-white " > <p class="small 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