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Ji艡ina 艩iklov谩, Vladim铆r Mlyn谩艡, Petru拧ka 艩ustrov谩, Ladislav Snopko, Jan 艩abata, Vil茅m Pre膷an, Jarom铆r Slomek, Zden臎k Pinc, Zden臎k Kotrl媒, Derek Paton, Franti拧ek Janouch, Ji艡铆 Pelik谩n, Ji艡铆 Van膷ura, Sylvie Richterov谩,Anton铆n Liehm, Eduard Goldst眉cker, Milan Hauner, Milan Hor谩膷ek, Miroslav Kus媒, Milan Uhde, Jan 膶ul铆k, Iva Kotrl谩, Eva Kant暖rkov谩 </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 ><BR> </td> <td class=td1 >Listy </td> <td class=td1 align=center>1996 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>Pln媒 text DNNT</A><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>2</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000002 method=GET><label for="select_row000002" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000002" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="45%">Domov - exil - v臎da - um臎n铆 / Marina Hu啪v谩rov谩. </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Hofmanov谩, Marina, 1960- </td> <td class=td1 >Akademick媒 bulletin </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2008 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>Pln媒 text</A><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>3</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000003 method=GET><label for="select_row000003" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000003" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="45%">Dv臎 vzpom铆nky : vzpom铆nka na mal铆艡e Karla Sou膷ka : vzpom铆nka na mal铆艡e a grafika V谩clava Ma拧ka / Ladislav Janouch </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Janouch, Ladislav, 1944- </td> <td class=td1 >Posel z Bud膷e </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2022 </td> <td class=td1 ><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>4</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000004 method=GET><label for="select_row000004" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000004" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="45%">Janouch a p艡谩tel茅 zapln铆 Zlat茅 slunce / (hh) </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Hosnedlov谩, Hana, 1947- </td> <td class=td1 >膶eskobud臎jovick媒 den铆k </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2009 </td> <td class=td1 ><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>5</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000005 method=GET><label for="select_row000005" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000005" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="45%">Jubilejn铆 Cena Jaroslava Seiferta / Franti拧ek Janouch ; Ladislav 膶umba </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Janouch, Franti拧ek, 1931-2024 </td> <td class=td1 >Reflex </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2005 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>Pln媒 text DNNT</A><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>6</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000006 method=GET><label for="select_row000006" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000006" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="45%">Jubileum kladensk茅 v媒tvarnice / L. Janouch </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Janouch, Ladislav, 1944- </td> <td class=td1 >Posel z Bud膷e </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2021 </td> <td class=td1 ><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>7</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000007 method=GET><label for="select_row000007" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000007" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="45%">Ladislav Janouch vystavuje v Rakovn铆ku / ref </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Fry膷ov谩, Ren谩ta </td> <td class=td1 >Rakovnick媒 den铆k </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2018 </td> <td class=td1 ><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>8</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000008 method=GET><label for="select_row000008" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000008" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="45%">Monitoring slune膷n铆ho ultrafialov茅ho z谩艡en铆 v Krkono拧铆ch = Monitoring ultraviolet radiation in the Krkono拧e Mts / Michal Janouch, Josef Har膷arik, Ladislav Sieger, Irena Kholov谩, David 沤谩k </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Janouch, Michal, 1967-2021 </td> <td class=td1 >Opera Corcontica </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2018 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF='javascript:open_window("");'>Pln媒 text</A><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>9</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000009 method=GET><label for="select_row000009" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000009" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="45%">Nejlep拧铆 diplomat na sv臎t臎 je kultura! / Ladislav Ballek ; [zapsal] Roman Janouch </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Ballek, Ladislav, 1941-2014 </td> <td class=td1 >Hal贸 noviny </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2001 </td> <td class=td1 ><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign=top> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>10</A></td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000010 method=GET><label for="select_row000010" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000010" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form></td> <td class=td1 width="45%">N臎me膷t铆 okupanti se starali, kde nakoup铆 bu艡ty : p艡铆jezd voj谩k暖 do T谩bora za啪il 98let媒 Ladislav Janouch jako oktavi谩n / Radek G谩lis </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >G谩lis, Radek, 1968- </td> <td class=td1 >膶eskobud臎jovick媒 den铆k </td> <td class=td1 align=center>2019 </td> <td class=td1 ><br> </td> <!--td class=td1 ><br> </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-tail --> </table> <!-- filename: short-tail --> </form> <p align=right> <img src= border=0 alt='No Previous Page'> <a href= title=Next Page><img src= border=0 alt='Next Page'></a> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function get_counter() { var counter = document.createElement("img"); var doc_ref = document.referrer.replace(/\/F\/[0-9A-Z-]+/,"/F/"); counter.setAttribute("src","" + escape(doc_ref) + "&wi="+escape(window.screen.width) + "&he="+escape(window.screen.height) + "&t="+escape(document.title)); counter.setAttribute("width","1"); counter.setAttribute("height","1"); counter.setAttribute("border","0"); document.body.insertBefore(counter,document.getElementById("copyright")); } //--> </script> <noscript> <img src="" alt="TOPlist" border="0" width="1" height="1"/> </noscript> </a> <!-- filename: copyrights --> <br> <div id="copyright" class="copyright"> © 2015 Ex Libris<br> N谩rodn铆 knihovna 膶R zp艡铆stup艌uje sv茅 datab谩ze jako <a href="" target="_blank">otev艡en谩 data pod licenc铆 CC0</a></div> <br> </body> </html>