St Augustine's Catholic College - Curriculum Approach

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We are committed to fostering a culture of excellence, aiming for the highest standards of academic achievement while nurturing the development of wisdom and understanding in each individual.</p> <p>Our curriculum is designed to be inclusive and ambitious, providing every student with a robust foundation for success and personal fulfilment across all facets of life. It is expansive in scope, fostering independence, creativity, and critical thinking, while also prioritizing the holistic well-being of our students&mdash;spiritually, physically, and socially.</p> <p>Ultimately, our curriculum is not just a means to academic achievement but a pathway to a compassionate and purposeful life. By instilling in our students a deep sense of empathy, respect, and social responsibility, we prepare them to make meaningful contributions to society and uphold the dignity of every human being, including their own.</p> <h4>How our curriculum has been created:</h4> <p>In each subject area, our curriculum is meticulously crafted by our dedicated educators, guided by seven key principles rooted in cognitive science and informed by the latest research:</p> <ol> <li><strong>Coherence:</strong> Our curriculum is built upon the foundational principles and overarching concepts of each subject, ensuring a logical and interconnected framework that facilitates deep understanding.</li> <li><strong>Sequencing:</strong> We carefully structure the order in which topics are taught, emphasizing the relational aspects between concepts and fostering a seamless progression of learning that builds upon prior knowledge.</li> <li><strong>Interleaving:</strong> Through deliberate practice and regular review, we encourage students to revisit and reinforce previously learned material, promoting deeper understanding and long-term retention.</li> <li><strong>Spacing:</strong> Recognizing the importance of distributed practice, we incorporate strategies that encourage students to revisit subject content over extended periods, allowing for the consolidation of knowledge and the formation of lasting connections.</li> <li><strong>Depth</strong>: Our curriculum emphasises substantive and disciplinary knowledge, challenging students to engage critically and analytically with the content across a diverse range of subjects.</li> <li><strong>Cultural Capital:</strong> We are committed to providing all students with a rich and diverse educational experience, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and cultural awareness necessary to navigate an increasingly complex world.</li> <li><strong>Contextual Relevance:</strong> Our curriculum is tailored to meet the unique needs and backgrounds of our student body, ensuring that every individual feels seen, valued, and represented within the learning environment.</li> </ol> </div> </div><!--wrapper-inside--> </div> </div> <!-- blackout background --> <div id="modal-wrap"></div> <!-- Footer --> <footer> <!-- put database code like diary and news items in here --> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="flex"> <div class="left"> <h2 class="footer-heading">St Augustine鈥檚 Catholic College</h2> <p class="address">Wingfield Road, Trowbridge, BA14 9EN<br></p> <p class="telephone">01225 350001 | <a href=""></a></p> <p>Company Registration No. 07736524 (England and Wales)</p> </div> <div class="right"> <p id="copyright">&copy; 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