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4.7-15.3 4.7ZM665.533 132.7V78.1h14v8.2c1.4-3.4 3.366-5.7 5.9-6.9 2.6-1.267 5.566-1.9 8.9-1.9h3.2v13h-4.7c-3.667 0-6.634 1.133-8.9 3.4-2.267 2.2-3.4 5.333-3.4 9.4v29.4h-15ZM631.7 133.9c-5.8 0-10.833-1.267-15.1-3.8-4.267-2.6-7.567-6.067-9.9-10.4s-3.5-9.133-3.5-14.4c0-5.467 1.2-10.333 3.6-14.6 2.467-4.267 5.767-7.633 9.9-10.1 4.133-2.467 8.8-3.7 14-3.7 5.8 0 10.7 1.2 14.7 3.6 4 2.4 7.033 5.633 9.1 9.7 2.133 4 3.2 8.533 3.2 13.6a25.84 25.84 0 0 1-.2 3.2c-.067 1-.233 1.867-.5 2.6h-38.2c.4 3.4 1.767 6.133 4.1 8.2 2.333 2.067 5.333 3.1 9 3.1 2.667 0 4.933-.533 6.8-1.6 1.933-1.067 3.433-2.533 4.5-4.4l12 5.7c-1.667 4-4.6 7.233-8.8 9.7-4.2 2.4-9.1 3.6-14.7 3.6Zm-1-45c-2.933 0-5.433.833-7.5 2.5-2 1.667-3.367 4.067-4.1 7.2h22.7c-.333-2.867-1.5-5.2-3.5-7-2-1.8-4.533-2.7-7.6-2.7ZM569.715 133.9c-3.333 0-6.467-.533-9.4-1.6-2.867-1.133-5.267-2.733-7.2-4.8v5.2h-14V57h15v25.7c3.867-3.867 9.1-5.8 15.7-5.8 5.2 0 9.9 1.267 14.1 3.8 4.2 2.533 7.533 5.967 10 10.3 2.467 4.267 3.7 9.067 3.7 14.4 0 5.267-1.233 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4.133-2.467 8.8-3.7 14-3.7 5.8 0 10.7 1.2 14.7 3.6 4 2.4 7.033 5.633 9.1 9.7 2.133 4 3.2 8.533 3.2 13.6a25.84 25.84 0 0 1-.2 3.2c-.067 1-.233 1.867-.5 2.6h-38.2c.4 3.4 1.767 6.133 4.1 8.2 2.333 2.067 5.333 3.1 9 3.1 2.667 0 4.933-.533 6.8-1.6 1.933-1.067 3.433-2.533 4.5-4.4l12 5.7c-1.667 4-4.6 7.233-8.8 9.7-4.2 2.4-9.1 3.6-14.7 3.6Zm-1-45c-2.933 0-5.433.833-7.5 2.5-2 1.667-3.367 4.067-4.1 7.2h22.7c-.333-2.867-1.5-5.2-3.5-7-2-1.8-4.533-2.7-7.6-2.7ZM298 132.7V58.2h15l24.3 32.3L361 58.2h15v74.5h-15.5v-48l-22.5 29h-2l-22.5-30.1v49.1H298Z"></path></g><g id="Memberstack-M"><path fill="#fff" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M119.947 18.66a47.054 47.054 0 0 1 17.176-13.016c23.839-10.614 51.769.107 62.383 23.947l35.594 79.946c10.614 23.839-.107 51.768-23.947 62.382-19.08 8.495-40.782 3.323-54.127-11.305-8.783 10.186-21.781 16.634-36.285 16.634-14.766 0-27.97-6.683-36.755-17.188-13.264 15.325-35.469 20.893-54.943 12.222-23.839-10.614-34.56-38.543-23.946-62.383L40.69 29.953C51.305 6.114 79.234-4.607 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3.6 9.9 0 5.067-1.933 9.167-5.8 12.3-3.867 3.133-8.967 4.7-15.3 4.7ZM665.533 132.7V78.1h14v8.2c1.4-3.4 3.366-5.7 5.9-6.9 2.6-1.267 5.566-1.9 8.9-1.9h3.2v13h-4.7c-3.667 0-6.634 1.133-8.9 3.4-2.267 2.2-3.4 5.333-3.4 9.4v29.4h-15ZM631.7 133.9c-5.8 0-10.833-1.267-15.1-3.8-4.267-2.6-7.567-6.067-9.9-10.4s-3.5-9.133-3.5-14.4c0-5.467 1.2-10.333 3.6-14.6 2.467-4.267 5.767-7.633 9.9-10.1 4.133-2.467 8.8-3.7 14-3.7 5.8 0 10.7 1.2 14.7 3.6 4 2.4 7.033 5.633 9.1 9.7 2.133 4 3.2 8.533 3.2 13.6a25.84 25.84 0 0 1-.2 3.2c-.067 1-.233 1.867-.5 2.6h-38.2c.4 3.4 1.767 6.133 4.1 8.2 2.333 2.067 5.333 3.1 9 3.1 2.667 0 4.933-.533 6.8-1.6 1.933-1.067 3.433-2.533 4.5-4.4l12 5.7c-1.667 4-4.6 7.233-8.8 9.7-4.2 2.4-9.1 3.6-14.7 3.6Zm-1-45c-2.933 0-5.433.833-7.5 2.5-2 1.667-3.367 4.067-4.1 7.2h22.7c-.333-2.867-1.5-5.2-3.5-7-2-1.8-4.533-2.7-7.6-2.7ZM569.715 133.9c-3.333 0-6.467-.533-9.4-1.6-2.867-1.133-5.267-2.733-7.2-4.8v5.2h-14V57h15v25.7c3.867-3.867 9.1-5.8 15.7-5.8 5.2 0 9.9 1.267 14.1 3.8 4.2 2.533 7.533 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14.2608C0.545266 13.0827 0.545266 11.1642 2.3078 9.9861C3.50142 9.17829 5.18587 8.85291 6.76993 9.03244C6.31256 9.97488 6.06714 11.0407 6.06714 12.1739Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M12.2804 15.5616C12.1911 15.5504 12.0907 15.5504 11.9903 15.5616C9.93776 15.4943 8.29791 13.8001 8.29791 11.7133C8.30907 9.58155 10.0159 7.85373 12.1465 7.85373C14.266 7.85373 15.9839 9.58155 15.9839 11.7133C15.9728 13.8001 14.3441 15.4943 12.2804 15.5616Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M8.65482 17.8847C6.97037 19.0179 6.97037 20.8803 8.65482 22.0023C10.5736 23.2926 13.7193 23.2926 15.6381 22.0023C17.3225 20.8691 17.3225 19.0067 15.6381 17.8847C13.7305 16.5945 10.5847 16.5945 8.65482 17.8847Z" fill="white"></path></svg> <span class="svelte-7nybd" data-svelte-h="svelte-taw01e">Support Team</span></a> <a class="button filled icon svelte-7nybd" href="" target="_blank"><svg width="27" height="23" viewBox="0 0 27 23" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M26.6112 2.79473V18.1078C26.6112 19.3571 25.5996 20.5033 24.3575 20.6578L23.9606 20.7094C21.8605 20.9927 18.9025 21.8685 16.5208 22.873C15.6884 23.2208 14.7665 22.5897 14.7665 21.6753V3.76065C14.7665 3.28413 15.0354 2.84625 15.458 2.61443C17.8013 1.33941 21.3483 0.206063 23.7557 0H23.8325C25.3691 0 26.6112 1.24926 26.6112 2.79473Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M12.152 2.61443C9.80864 1.33941 6.26162 0.206063 3.85425 0H3.76462C2.228 0 0.985901 1.24926 0.985901 2.79473V18.1078C0.985901 19.3571 1.99751 20.5033 3.23961 20.6578L3.63657 20.7094C5.73661 20.9927 8.6946 21.8685 11.0764 22.873C11.9087 23.2208 12.8307 22.5897 12.8307 21.6753V3.76065C12.8307 3.27125 12.5746 2.84625 12.152 2.61443ZM4.84025 6.51675H7.72141C8.24642 6.51675 8.68179 6.95463 8.68179 7.48267C8.68179 8.02358 8.24642 8.44859 7.72141 8.44859H4.84025C4.31524 8.44859 3.87986 8.02358 3.87986 7.48267C3.87986 6.95463 4.31524 6.51675 4.84025 6.51675ZM8.68179 12.3123H4.84025C4.31524 12.3123 3.87986 11.8873 3.87986 11.3464C3.87986 10.8183 4.31524 10.3804 4.84025 10.3804H8.68179C9.2068 10.3804 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class="svelte-7nybd"> <li class="message assistant svelte-7nybd" data-svelte-h="svelte-pdky5l"><div class="message__avatar svelte-7nybd"><img src="/_app/immutable/assets/rey-icon-cropped.BUrEg_JM.png" alt="Rey the AI Help Bot" class="svelte-7nybd"></div> <div class="message__text svelte-7nybd"><p class="svelte-7nybd">Hey there! 👋 I&#39;m Rey, your AI sidekick with complete knowledge of the <a href="" target="_blank">Memberstack Help Center</a>.</p> <p class="svelte-7nybd">Here&#39;s what I can do:</p> <ul><li class="svelte-7nybd">🔍 Find answers to your questions in the <a href="" target="_blank">Help Center</a>. Just let me know if you want me to search!</li> <li class="svelte-7nybd">🔑 Retrieve your app&#39;s data using your <a href="" target="_blank">public key</a> (don&#39;t share your secret key).</li></ul> <p class="svelte-7nybd">If you need clarification or human support, just ask! 🚀</p> <p class="svelte-7nybd">What can I help you with today? ✨</p> </div></li> </ul></div> <div class="chat-input__container svelte-7nybd"><form class="svelte-7nybd"><textarea name="question" id="question" placeholder="How can I..." rows="1" maxlength="4000" class="svelte-7nybd"></textarea> <button type="submit" id="submitButtton" class="svelte-7nybd"><svg width="27" height="27" viewBox="0 0 27 27" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M22.555 8.22852L9.79309 1.83531C1.22058 -2.46666 -2.29788 1.05857 1.99583 9.64758L3.29289 12.2467C3.66561 13.0085 3.66561 13.8898 3.29289 14.6517L1.99583 17.2358C-2.29788 25.8248 1.20567 29.3501 9.79309 25.0481L22.555 18.6549C28.2799 15.7869 28.2799 11.0965 22.555 8.22852ZM17.7394 14.562H9.68872C9.07747 14.562 8.57057 14.0542 8.57057 13.4417C8.57057 12.8293 9.07747 12.3214 9.68872 12.3214H17.7394C18.3507 12.3214 18.8576 12.8293 18.8576 13.4417C18.8576 14.0542 18.3507 14.562 17.7394 14.562Z" fill="white"></path></svg></button></form> <div class="input-character-count svelte-7nybd"><div>0 / 4000 characters </div></div></div></div></div> <div class="modal svelte-7nybd" id="modal"><div class="modal__content svelte-7nybd"><div class="modal__content__text svelte-7nybd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1lp03o8"><h2 class="svelte-7nybd">About Rey</h2> <p>Our website, designed with OpenAI technology, is aimed at assisting Memberstack customers, although its precision is not infallible. We encourage you to use the thumbs up and thumbs down buttons to contribute to our ongoing improvement efforts.</p> <p>Please note, this platform is not designed for extensive coding discussions.</p> <p>Like all AI, there may be instances where inaccurate, misleading, or even offensive or biased content is generated. We are continuously striving to enhance the integrity and accuracy of this chatbot, but we cannot guarantee absolute correctness at all times.</p> <p>This platform is not a source of professional advice, encompassing areas such as legal, financial, and medical guidance. We urge users not to depend solely on this chatbot and to undertake their own independent research.</p> <p>For additional details, we invite you to visit our <a href="" target="_blank" class="svelte-7nybd">help center</a>.</p></div> <div class="modal__content__buttons svelte-7nybd"><button class="filled svelte-7nybd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1l7ad4k">Close</button></div></div></div> <div class="toast svelte-7nybd"><div class="toast__content svelte-7nybd"><div class="toast__content__text svelte-7nybd"><p class="svelte-7nybd"></p></div></div></div> </div> <script> { __sveltekit_1j4de8v = { base: new URL(".", location).pathname.slice(0, -1) }; const element = document.currentScript.parentElement; const data = [null,null]; Promise.all([ import("./_app/immutable/entry/start.yv-lF1CM.js"), import("./_app/immutable/entry/app.BvlBpVpE.js") ]).then(([kit, app]) => { kit.start(app, element, { node_ids: [0, 3], data, form: null, error: null }); }); } </script> </div> </body> </html>

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