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We run expert panels with thought leaders, event professionals and conference organisers. All webinars are available on-demand below.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='resource-section last-body-section'> <h2 class='page'>Missed us live? Catch up On-Demand</h2> <div class='resource-section'> <div class='resource-panel is-prev-webinar1'> <header> <div class='title'> <h4>Conference Sustainability: Are you prioritising it?</h4> <p>1 hr 1 min</p> </div> <a class="button tertiary with-arrow" target="_blank" href="">View Now</a> </header> <section> <p>Are you part of the growing cohort of conference organisers who are struggling with the rising costs of conferences to find the right recipe for sustainability? In this webinar, consultant <strong>Stylianos Filopoulos</strong>, <strong>Courtney Lohmann</strong> from <strong>PRA Business Events</strong>, and <strong>Johanna Fischer</strong> from <strong>tmf dialogue marketing</strong>, take an all-encompassing look at conference sustainability, and share actionable insights on how you can build a more sustainable conference strategy.</p> </section> </div> </div> <div class='resource-section'> <div class='resource-panel is-prev-webinar3'> <header> <div class='title'> <h4>The crash course in event tech is over. So, what’s next?</h4> <p>1 hr 2 min</p> </div> <a class="button tertiary with-arrow" target="_blank" href="">View Now</a> </header> <section> <p>Event professionals in the scholarly industry faced a steep learning curve over the past two years. While “how to hybrid” is still an elephant in the room, the event tech environment has stabilised considerably. Platform providers are in a place to intentionally innovate, rather than just scramble to fill the gaps in supply. Association leaders and scholarly event organisers have had a chance to look ahead and redefine how they connect with their community. Join <strong>Nika Kurent</strong> from the <strong>Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, meetings technology speaker Corbin Ball</strong>, and <strong>Anne Ornelas</strong> from <strong>CASSS</strong>, as they discuss the impact that the crash course in event tech has had on all of us, and predict the next big shift that scholarly meetings could face.</p> </section> </div> <div class='resource-panel is-webinar-arrow'> <header> <div class='title'> <h4>The Future of Academic Meetings: Event Planning with Purpose</h4> <p>1 hr 1 min</p> </div> <a class="button tertiary with-arrow" target="_blank" href="">View Now</a> </header> <section> <p>With the new year well on its way, the challenges of going hybrid mixed with new attendee expectations for online accessibility may make physical meetings complicated to plan. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, conference organisers are all running into similar problems. And they all come back to the same core questions: What is the purpose of our meetings? And what is important to our conference community? Join <strong> Emily T. Blitz </strong> from the <strong>Inter-parliamentary Union, Shawn Cheng </strong> from <strong>DAHLIA+Agency</strong>, and <strong>Lauren Parr</strong> from the <strong>American Geophysical Union</strong> as they discuss how we can reframe the way we think about scholarly meetings.</p> </section> </div> <div class='resource-panel is-prev-webinar2'> <header> <div class='title'> <h4>Why Virtual Conferences Have Sticking Power</h4> <p>59 mins</p> </div> <a class="button tertiary with-arrow" target="_blank" href="">View Now</a> </header> <section> <p>2020 forced us all to rewrite the rulebook on academic and association conferences. But, what will we do with all that learning and growth when physical events are possible again? In this webinar, <strong>Yael Fitzpatrick</strong> from the <strong>Society for Scholarly Publishing</strong>, <strong>Nika Kurent</strong> from the <strong>Chartered Institute of Arbitrators</strong>, and <strong>Emily T. Blitz</strong> from the <strong>Inter-Parliamentary Union</strong> discuss some of the reasons to choose virtual for your conference long after large gatherings are the norm again.</p> </section> </div> <div class='resource-panel is-prev-webinar1'> <header> <div class='title'> <h4>Conferences in 2021 (and Beyond): Is Virtual Here to Stay?</h4> <p>57 mins</p> </div> <a class="button tertiary with-arrow" target="_blank" href="">View Now</a> </header> <section> <p>Now that hope for physical meetings is on the horizon, what will happen to virtual? Is there an opportunity for online events to continue leading the industry? In this webinar, <strong>Tony Banks</strong> from the <strong>Stroke Association</strong>, <strong>Nicole Leida</strong> from <strong>NCRI</strong>, and <strong>Paul Cook</strong> from <strong>the Hybrid Event Centre</strong> discuss the important lessons we’ve learned in the last year, the new attendee expectations that virtual conferences have created, and what it all might mean for conference organisers in 2021 (and beyond).</p> </section> </div> <div class='resource-panel is-prev-webinar3'> <header> <div class='title'> <h4>Gathering a Top-notch Team for Your Hybrid Conference</h4> <p>1 hr 3 min</p> </div> <a class="button tertiary with-arrow" target="_blank" href="">View Now</a> </header> <section> <p>If you’re planning a hybrid conference for the first time, it can be easy to underestimate how big that team should be. Managing the overlap between the online and physical conference experience requires a lot of hands (and a brand new set of skills). <strong>Sina Bünte</strong> from <strong>ICCA</strong> and <strong>Jacob Ward</strong> from <strong>Chemical Watch</strong> are here to help you learn.</p> </section> </div> <div class='resource-panel is-webinar2'> <header> <div class='title'> <h4>How to Get Started Planning Your Hybrid Conference</h4> <p>59 mins</p> </div> <a class="button tertiary with-arrow" target="_blank" href="">View Now</a> </header> <section> <p>Odds are you’ve heard of hybrid - the buzzword that’s dominated the discussion in the events community since the early days of the pandemic. But, for most of 2020, online-only was still the safest option for conferences across the globe. And while it’s not yet clear what “Hybrid” will mean for scientific conference planners in 2021, the future looks promising. <strong>Sam Burrell</strong> from <strong>Society Street</strong>, <strong>Riad Mannan</strong> from the <strong>Institution of Engineering and Technology</strong> and <strong>Gabrielle Mouterde</strong> from the <strong>international society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology</strong> are here to help you learn how.</p> </section> </div> </div> <div class='resource-panel is-webinar1'> <header> <div class='title'> <h4>Pro-tips for planning a scientific conference in the middle of a pandemic</h4> <p>1 hr 3 m</p> </div> <a class="button tertiary with-arrow" target="_blank" href="">View Now</a> </header> <section> <p>Virtual? Hybrid? Or In-person? Right now, there is no clear path for event organisers to follow. Global and local regulations are in constant flux, and you may feel that predictions for the future often create more questions than answers. All the while, associations and scientific communities are trying to find a way to continue the valuable knowledge sharing that once happened at traditional in-person conferences. <strong>Anne Ornelas</strong> from <strong>CASSS - Sharing Science Solutions</strong>, <strong>Paul Gentry</strong> from the <strong>Royal Statistical Society</strong> and <strong>Mary Beth Barilla</strong> from the <strong>Society for Scholarly Publishing</strong> are here to help you learn how.</p> </section> </div> <div class='resource-panel is-prev-webinar3'> <header> <div class='title'> <h4>Creating unique and engaging experiences for your online conference</h4> <p>1 hr 3 m</p> </div> <a class="button tertiary with-arrow" target="_blank" href="">View Now</a> </header> <section> <p>Seemingly overnight, online events transformed from the new kid on the block to the new norm. And with this change, the exciting novelty of attending a virtual event has faded. Simply running an event online is no longer enough to draw attention and keep your attendees hooked. So how can you create unique memories and engaging experiences? <strong>Kiki L'Italien</strong> from <strong>Association Chat</strong>, <strong>Jeff Hurt</strong> from <strong>Empowered Epiphanies</strong>, and <strong>Marjorie Anderson</strong> from <strong>Community by Association</strong> are here to help you learn how.</p> </section> </div> <div class='resource-panel is-webinar3'> <header> <div class='title'> <h4>Virtual event revenue: Picking a price for your online conference</h4> <p>1 hr 3 m</p> </div> <a class="button tertiary with-arrow" target="_blank" href="">View Now</a> </header> <section> <p>Planning a virtual research conference is no walk in the park. Yet it’s easy to undervalue your efforts when deciding how much your online event tickets should cost. We’ve gathered experts to discuss the challenges and help you pick a price that’s right for you and your attendees. Our panel is made up of <strong>Emily Blitz</strong> from the <strong>International AIDS Society</strong>, events consultant <strong>Sasha Frieze</strong> from <strong>The Business Narrative</strong>, and <strong>Anki Frencken</strong> from the <strong>European Atherosclerosis Society</strong>.</p> </section> </div> <div class='resource-panel is-webinar2'> <header> <div class='title'> <h4>Virtual conferencing: Designing event formats for the online experience</h4> <p>59 m</p> </div> <a class="button tertiary with-arrow" target="_blank" href="">View Now</a> </header> <section> <p>Trying to copy/paste your in-person research conference format into an online event simply won’t work. Our panel of event planning pros discuss online conference format considerations to help you create an experience that will keep your attendees coming back. We’re joined by <strong>Kimberly Coerr</strong> from The <strong>Optical Society</strong>, <strong>Johna Burke</strong> from The <strong>International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communications</strong>, and <strong>Lorraine Reese</strong> from the <strong>Biochemical Society</strong>.</p> </section> </div> <div class='resource-panel is-webinar1'> <header> <div class='title'> <h4>Virtual conferencing: Keeping your sponsors and exhibitors onside</h4> <p>59 m</p> </div> <a class="button tertiary with-arrow" target="_blank" href="">View Now</a> </header> <section> <p>For many conference planners, the move to virtual means scrapping the sponsor and exhibitor playbook. In this webinar, our panel of industry experts help you rework your virtual event sponsorship and exhibitors programme to benefit everyone involved. We’re joined by association consultant <strong>Bruce Rosenthal</strong>, <strong>Rebecca Orens</strong> from the <strong>American Geophysical Union</strong>, and <strong>Brittany Pappendorf</strong> from <strong>AACSB International</strong>.</p> </section> </div> <div class='resource-panel is-prev-webinar1'> <header> <div class='title'> <h4>Taking your Conference Virtual with Ex Ordo</h4> <p>59 m</p> </div> <a class="button tertiary with-arrow" target="_blank" href="">View Now</a> </header> <section> <p>This sudden switch to virtual will forever change how we conference. In this webinar, <strong>our Founder and CEO, Paul Killoran</strong>, discusses how Covid-19 forced conferences to break from tradition. And how now is the perfect time to reimagine their future.</p> </section> </div> <div class='resource-panel is-prev-webinar2'> <header> <div class='title'> <h4>Ex Ordo Virtual Product Vision</h4> <p>1hr 2m</p> </div> <a class="button tertiary with-arrow" target="_blank" href="">View Now</a> </header> <section> <p>You may not know who <strong>Mike Rockall</strong> is, but you’re likely familiar with his work. Mike is <strong>Ex Ordo's Chief Technical Officer</strong> and the man behind the system. This webinar is focused on his vision for Ex Ordo Virtual. And he'll take you through what it could help you achieve with virtual events in the future.</p> </section> </div> <div class='resource-panel is-prev-webinar3'> <header> <div class='title'> <h4>Scholarly Events: Is Virtual the New Norm?</h4> <p>1hr 58m</p> </div> <a class="button tertiary with-arrow" target="_blank" href="">View Now</a> </header> <section> <p>With global uncertainty around physical conferences, it’s unclear when live events will be held again. We invited a group of experts to discuss how research conferences may be changed forever... We’re joined by <strong>Celia Popovic</strong> from <strong>York University, Toronto</strong>; <strong>Emily Blitz</strong> from the <strong>International AIDS Society</strong>; <strong>Bob Moore</strong> from the <strong>American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians</strong>; and <strong>Ron Mangun</strong> from the <strong>Cognitive Neuroscience Society</strong>.</p> </section> </div> </div> <footer class='footer-banners-wrapper'> <div class='ck-notification'> <div class='ck-notification--close'></div> <p> By using this website you agree to our <a class="js-cookies-link" href="/legal/cookie-policy">cookie policy</a> </p> </div> <div class='info-banner-wrapper is-eoc-banner is-closed'> <div class='grid-row'> <div class='info-banner-close-v'> <a class='info-banner-small-action js-eoc-banner' href='/no-panic-scholarly-event-guide'> Organising a conference? 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