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Dedicated to [[American football]], the network features game telecasts from the NFL, as well as NFL-related content including analysis programs, [[television special|specials]] and [[documentary film|documentaries]]. The network is headquartered in the NFL Los Angeles building located next to [[SoFi Stadium]] in [[Inglewood, California|Inglewood]], [[California]], and broadcasts its worldwide feed from Encompass Digital Media (formerly Crawford Communications, and Broadcast Facilities Inc.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |author1=TVTechnology |date=2010-07-21 |title=Broadcast Facilities Inc. Rebrands as Encompass Digital Media |url= |access-date=2024-07-31 |website=TVTechnology |language=en}}&lt;/ref>) in [[Atlanta]], [[Georgia (U.S. state)|Georgia]].&lt;ref>[ Crawford distributes NFL Network via satellite services] ''Broadcast Engineering'' November 28, 2008&lt;/ref> The network has secondary [[East Coast of the United States|East Coast]] facilities in the [[NFL Films]] building in [[Mount Laurel, New Jersey]]. {{As of|2015|02}}, NFL Network was available to approximately 71.10 million television households in the United States (totaling 61.9000% of U.S. households with at least one television set).&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=February 23, 2015|title=List of how many homes each cable network is in as of February 2015|last=Seidman|first=Robert|work=[[TV by the Numbers]]|publisher=Zap2it|date=February 22, 2015|access-date=March 14, 2015}}&lt;/ref> {{As of|2023|06}}, the channel was available in 51.5 million homes as cord cutting continues to affect the industry.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=How many homes the sports networks are available in |author=Robert Seidman |website=Internet Compost |date=4 June 2023}}&lt;/ref> == History == NFL Network was launched on November 4, 2003, only eight months after the owners of the league's 32 teams voted [[Unanimity|unanimously]] to approve its formation. Originally located in the [[Los Angeles]] suburb of [[Culver City, California|Culver City]], [[California]], the league invested $100 million to fund the network's operations. [[NFL Films]], which produces commercials, television programs, and feature films for the NFL, is a key supplier of NFL Network's programming, with more than 4,000 hours of footage available in its library. As a result, much of the network's highlights and recaps feature NFL Films' [[NFL Films#Style|trademark style]] of slow-motion game action, sounds of the game, and sideline conversations between players and/or team staff. Both the network's site and app, were launched in 2004 (on and 2009, respectively. Beginning with the [[2006 NFL season|2006 season]], the network began to broadcast eight regular-season NFL games during Thursday [[prime time]], branded as ''[[Thursday Night Football]]''. In addition to live games, the network has provided coverage of the [[NFL draft]] since 2006; its coverage competes with that provided by [[ESPN]] and [[ESPN2]]. It was simulcast in a co-production with [[Fox Sports (United States)|Fox Sports]] for the [[2018 NFL draft|2018 edition]], though this was only a one-year agreement as exclusive over-the-air broadcast rights moved to [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] for the 2019 edition, which saw ESPN produce a different broadcast for 'casual' fans. In 2020, the network simulcast ESPN's coverage of [[2020 NFL draft|that year's draft]] which was produced remotely from the basement of commissioner [[Roger Goodell]]’s home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On September 8, 2021, the network moved with the rest of NFL Media to a {{convert|200,000|sqft|sqm|adj=on}} space on the campus of Hollywood Park, a development that also features [[SoFi Stadium]] in [[Inglewood, California]]. In addition to office and studio space, the facility also features NFL Media's first outdoor studio and space to host studio audiences.&lt;ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=NFL Media Set to Move to New LA Rams, Chargers Stadium in 2021|date=March 26, 2018|work=TheWrap|access-date=March 27, 2018|language=en-US}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web|title=NFL Los Angeles Officially Opens|url=|access-date=2021-09-08|}}&lt;/ref> == Branding == At the [[2008 NFL draft]], NFL Network unveiled a revised logo that was updated to match the revised NFL logo introduced around the same time. Unlike the updated logo for the league, the NFL Network's logo included subtle changes such as using a darker shade of blue and changing the "NFL" lettering to match that of the new league logo. During the [[2012 NFL draft]], the network debuted an overhauled logo resembling that used by sister network NFL Red Zone; the network also began to play down the "HD" branding used on-air, as the vast majority of cable providers currently carrying NFL Network transmit the channel's [[standard-definition television|standard definition]] feed as a [[downscaling|downscaled]] [[letterboxing (filming)|letterboxed]] version of the [[High-definition television|high definition]] feed. The logo, as with those of all NFL properties, was tinted gold during the [[2015 NFL season]] in commemoration of [[Super Bowl 50]]. The network unveiled an updated ticker at the start of the 2017 season, replacing the one used since the 2012 rebranding. It would be changed again for the start of the 2023 season. == Programming == {{Main|List of programs broadcast by NFL Network}} === NFL game telecasts === {{Main|NFL Network Exclusive Game Series}} NFL Network introduced original game broadcasts in the [[2006 NFL season|2006 season]] via the ''Run to the Playoffs''—a late-season package of Thursday- and Saturday-night games, branded as ''[[Thursday Night Football]]'' and ''Saturday Night Football'' respectively. After most Saturday games were dropped from the package beginning in the 2008 season, all of the games were branded as ''Thursday Night Football'' regardless of night beginning in 2009. Starting with the [[2012 NFL season|2012 season]], ''Thursday Night Football'' expanded to include a weekly game from Weeks 2 through 15 (excluding the Kickoff Game and Thanksgiving Day, which is held by NBC), as well as one Saturday night game during Week 16. As a result, every NFL team now appears in at least one timeslot-exclusive nationally televised game per-season. As with the games broadcast by ESPN's ''[[Monday Night Football]]'', the NFL Network telecasts are also aired on a designated broadcast television station in the primary [[media market|markets]] of the participating teams, although prior to the suspension of blackout rules in 2015 stations in the home team's market only carried it if the televised game [[NFL on television#Blackout policies|sold out all remaining available tickets 72 hours prior to the game's start time]]. When ''Thursday Night Football'' premiered, veteran television announcer [[Bryant Gumbel]] served as [[play-by-play]] announcer, with former [[NFL on Fox|Fox]] and current [[Football Night in America|NBC]] analyst [[Cris Collinsworth]] serving as [[color commentator]] for the broadcasts.&lt;ref>[ Bryant Gumbel, Cris Collinsworth to announce NFL Network games] {{Webarchive|url=|date=April 30, 2006}} NFL Network.&lt;/ref> Collinsworth won the Sports [[Emmy Award|Emmy]] for best game analyst for his work on the NFL Network telecasts. [[Dick Vermeil]] replaced Collinsworth for two games in 2006; [[Marshall Faulk]] and [[Deion Sanders]] replaced Collinsworth when needed in 2007. In the [[2014 NFL season]], the NFL established a sub-licensing agreement with [[NFL on CBS|CBS]] to increase the prominence of the ''Thursday Night Football'' package, under which a portion of the package would air in simulcast on broadcast television, and [[CBS Sports]] would produce all games. Specific games would still be exclusive to NFL Network to comply with carriage agreements guaranteeing a minimum number of exclusive NFL broadcasts per-season.&lt;ref name="cbs-nflthursday">{{cite web |title=CBS to broadcast eight Thursday night football games in 2014 |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=February 5, 2014 |access-date=February 5, 2014 |work=CBS Sports}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="usatoday-nflcbs">{{cite web |title=CBS-NFL marriage extended to Thursday nights in 2014 |url= |access-date=February 5, 2014 |work=USA Today}}&lt;/ref> In 2016, [[NBC Sports]] also gained a portion of the package under a similar arrangement.&lt;ref name="deadline-tnf2016nbccbs">{{cite web |title=CBS &amp; NBC To Share 'Thursday Night Football' With NFL Network; League Eyes "Tri-Cast" With Digital Partner |url= |access-date=February 1, 2016 |website=[[Deadline Hollywood]]|date=February 2016 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="wp-tnfnbccbs">{{cite news |title=NFL reaches deal with CBS, NBC to split 'Thursday Night Football' |newspaper=[[The Washington Post]] |url= |access-date=February 1, 2016}}&lt;/ref> [[Fox Sports (United States)|Fox Sports]] took over the package from 2018 to 2022.&lt;ref name="espn-foxtnf">{{Cite news |title=Fox to broadcast Thursday Night Football for next five seasons | |url= |access-date=January 31, 2018}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite news |last=Bonesteel |first=Matt |date=January 31, 2018 |title='Thursday Night Football' will move to Fox next season |language=en-US |newspaper=[[The Washington Post]] |url= |access-date=January 31, 2018 |issn=0190-8286}}&lt;/ref> With [[Amazon Prime Video]] taking over exclusive rights to ''Thursday Night Football'' beginning in the 2022 season, NFL Network switched to a package consisting primarily of Sunday morning [[NFL International Series]] games, and late-season Saturday games.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |date=March 18, 2021 |title=NFL completes long-term media distribution agreements through 2033 season |url= |access-date=October 23, 2021 |website=NFL}}&lt;/ref> ==== Preseason coverage ==== NFL Network televises all 65 [[National Football League preseason|preseason games]] each August. Some of the games air live on the network; however, a majority of these contests air on a [[broadcast delay|tape-delayed]] basis and use the local broadcast of one of the teams involved. Live preseason game broadcasts on NFL Network are blacked out in the home markets of both participating teams, where the game is broadcast on a local station; in those affected areas, an alternate feed of NFL Network is shown instead with a different preseason game, documentary programming, or a previously aired game. Prior to 2014, NFL Network occasionally broadcast selected preseason games as special editions of ''Thursday Night Football'', such as the [[Pro Football Hall of Fame Game]] between the [[Pittsburgh Steelers]] and the [[New Orleans Saints]] in 2007 (NBC had opted out to carry the proposed [[China Bowl (NFL)|China Bowl]] preseason game in Beijing, which was eventually cancelled). === Studio shows === On weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays during the off-season, ''[[Good Morning Football]]/Good Morning Football Weekend'' airs live from 7-10 am ET, followed by a repeat from 10 am-1 pm ET. On Sundays during the NFL season, the ''NFL GameDay Morning'' pre-game show airs from 9 am-1 pm ET, ''NFL GameDay Live'' from 1-7:30 pm ET, ''NFL GameDay Highlights'' from 7:30-8:30 ET, ''NFL GameDay Prime'' from 8:30 pm–11:30 pm ET and NFL GamDay Final from 11:30 pm–12:30 am ET (though this schedule may change depending on if the network airs a 8:30 am ET International game). On Thursdays, Mondays and anytime NFL Network airs a game, NFL GameDay Kickoff begins two hours prior to the game, with NFL GameDay Live airing during the game (for Thursdays and Mondays), or Live Game coverage (if it's airing the game), with NFL GameDay Final airing after the game. === Other football === ==== Arena Football League ==== NFL Network held the broadcast rights to the revived [[Arena Football League]] from 2010 to 2012. Starting with the 2010 season, the network broadcast a weekly ''Friday Night Football'' game each week during the regular season and playoff games at 8:00&amp;nbsp;p.m. [[Eastern Time Zone|Eastern Time]] from March to August, in addition to rights to playoff games and the [[ArenaBowl]]. The NFL stated that unlike when the NFL last showed interest in arena football, there would be no attempts to buy into the league.&lt;ref>Lombardo, John and John Ourand (February 8, 2010). [ NFL Network to broadcast new arena league’s games]. Sports Business Journal.&lt;/ref> Broadcasters for the games included [[Kurt Warner]], [[Tom Waddle]], [[Paul Burmeister]], [[Fran Charles]], [[Charles Davis (defensive back)|Charles Davis]] and [[Ari Wolfe]]. NFL Network ceased airing Arena Football League games partway through the [[2012 Arena Football League season|2012 season]] as a result of ongoing labor problems within the league. The season's remaining games were carried on a [[broadcast delay|tape delay]] before the network terminated the league broadcast contract outright at the end of the season; the rights were then obtained by [[CBS Sports Network]]. In March, 2024 the NFL announced they would broadcast 30 regular season games from the [[Arena Football League (2024)|2024 revival of the AFL]] on NFL Network.&lt;ref name="AFL_OT7">{{Cite web|title=NFL Network to televise Arena Football League (AFL), Overtime's football league (OT7) games this spring|url=|website=NFL}}&lt;/ref> The league never carried any games, with [[West Texas Desert Hawks]] owner Zack Bugg accusing the network of malfeasance after he personally paid for one of his team's games to be televised only for the network never to carry it.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Bauer |first=Michael |date=2024-06-22 |title=ARENA FOOTBALL LEAGUE: West Texas Desert Hawks officially fold |url= |access-date=2024-06-22 |website=Odessa American |language=en-US}}&lt;/ref> Another league member, the [[Albany Firebirds (2023–)|Albany Firebirds]], indicated that the network had refused to carry the games because the league had a number of small-market teams (including West Texas) that "scared (them) off."&lt;ref>{{Cite news |last=Kelly |first=Michael |title=Arena Football League team drops out, back in for Week 2 |url= |access-date=2024-05-03 |work=Times Union |language=en}}&lt;/ref> [[Oregon Blackbears]] president [[Patrick Johnson (wide receiver)|Patrick Johnson]] was among the league's franchisees who was against the NFL Network deal, noting the predatory structure required the league to pay the network a [[brokered programming|brokerage]] fee but did not allow the league to sell advertising nor share in any advertising sales the network sold.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|title=Arena Football League pulled from NFL Network amidst chaos, unpaid bills, and replacement players|url=||date=May 3, 2024 }}&lt;/ref> ==== College football ==== {{Further|College Football on NFL Network}} In 2006, NFL Network began a foray into televising [[college football]] [[bowl game]]s, acquiring rights to the newly established [[Texas Bowl]] in Houston (whose management rights were held by the [[Houston Texans]] at the time), the [[Insight Bowl]], as well as two all-star events—the [[Senior Bowl]] (which features prospects that had completed their college eligibility) and the [[Las Vegas All-American Classic]] (which, however, was cancelled at the last minute due to financial and sponsorship issues). These games were intended to help make NFL Network more attractive to television providers.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Las Vegas All-American Classic canceled at last minute|date=2007-01-08||language=en|access-date=2019-05-23}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=NFL Network gets bowl game in Houston | |date=20 July 2006 |archive-url= |archive-date=23 August 2006}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=NFL Net Adds Fourth Game|last=Grossman|first=Ben|website=Broadcasting &amp; Cable|date=August 2, 2006 |language=en-us|access-date=2019-05-23}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Senior Bowl: More Than Just an All-Star Game|last=Shuck|first=Barry|website=Bleacher Report|language=en|access-date=2019-05-21}}&lt;/ref> The [[2006 Insight Bowl]], played between [[2006 Minnesota Golden Gophers football team|Minnesota]] and [[2006 Texas Tech Red Raiders football team|Texas Tech]], would also achieve notoriety for featuring the largest comeback victory in [[Division I FBS]] bowl game history, with Texas Tech coming back from a 38–7 third-quarter deficit to win 44–41 in overtime.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=10 of the greatest comebacks in college football history|last=Zarett|first=E. Jay|website=Sporting News|date=January 15, 2018 |language=en|access-date=2019-05-23}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=How TCU pulled off the impossible in Alamo Bowl comeback|date=2016-01-03||language=en|access-date=2019-05-23}}&lt;/ref> On April 14, 2007, the network televised the [[Nebraska Cornhuskers football|Nebraska Cornhuskers]]' spring football game. The network again aired the Insight, Texas and Senior bowls in late 2007 and early 2008. In addition, it carried two games between [[historically black colleges and universities]] during the 2007 season, including the [[Circle City Classic]] at the [[RCA Dome]] in [[Indianapolis, Indiana]]. Rights to the Insight and Texas Bowls were later acquired by [[ESPN]] (with the former later moving to [[Fox Sports (United States)|Fox Sports]]). In May 2019, NFL Network announced a four-year deal with [[Conference USA]] to air a weekly regular-season game on Saturday afternoons beginning in the [[2019 NCAA Division I FBS football season|2019 season]].&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=NFL Network signs a four-year deal with Conference USA|date=2019-05-20|website=Awful Announcing|language=en-US|access-date=2019-05-21}}&lt;/ref> NFL Network opted out of the agreement after one season.&lt;ref name=":0">{{Cite web |last=Jimenez |first=James H. |date=2022-08-22 |title=Pair of Sun Belt vs. MAC games to air nationally on NFL Network |url= |access-date=2022-09-11 |website=Hustle Belt |language=en}}&lt;/ref> Since 2019, NFL Network has annually carried the [[Black College Football Hall of Fame Classic]], a college football kickoff game that features a matchup of two [[historically black colleges and universities]] (HBCUs) on the Sunday before [[Labor Day]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title = 2021 Black College Hall of Fame Classic Airs September 5 on NFL Network {{!}} NFL Football Operations| date=September 2021 }}&lt;/ref> The [[HBCU Legacy Bowl]], a postseason all-star game involving draft-eligible HBCU players, also has broadcast rights held by NFL Network.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title = Black College Football Hall of Fame establishes HBCU Legacy Bowl| website=[[]] }}&lt;/ref> In the [[2022 NCAA Division I FBS football season|2022 season]], NFL Network returned to carrying regular college football games through a weekly sub-license agreement with [[ESPN College Football|ESPN]].&lt;ref name=":0" />&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Two MAC Football Matchups Selected for NFL Network |url= |access-date=2022-08-29 | |date=August 22, 2022 |language=en}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=EMU-Louisiana Football Game to Air Nationally on NFL Network |url= |access-date=2022-08-29 | |language=en}}&lt;/ref> ==== High school football ==== NFL Network aired two high school all-star games in June 2007: the [[Bayou Bowl]] between players from [[Texas]] and [[Louisiana]] on June 9 (via a live feed from [[regional sports network]] [[Fox Sports Southwest|FSN Southwest]]), and the [[Big 33 Football Classic]] between players from [[Pennsylvania]] and [[Ohio]] on June 16 (sharing its feed with CN8 (now the [[Comcast Network]]) and cable outlets in [[Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania]] and Ohio). For the 2023 off-season, the NFL Network broadcast delayed games from the 7-on-7 [[Overtime Elite|Overtime's]] football league (OT7). In 2024 the network had live coverage of OT7's five-week regular season.&lt;ref name="AFL_OT7" /> ==== Canadian Football League ==== On July 1, 2010, NFL Network began airing live [[Canadian Football League]] games simulcast from Canadian sports network [[The Sports Network|TSN]]. NFL Network aired the league's Thursday games, three Saturday games during the month of July, and then Friday night games beginning in September (after [[ArenaBowl XXIII]]). NFL Network did not air CFL games during August as it carried a heavy amount of NFL preseason game broadcasts.&lt;ref>[ NFL Network Going Canadian – CFL games begin airing on network July 1] ''Broadcasting &amp; Cable'' July 1, 2010&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ CFL to air on NFL Network] {{webarchive|url= |date=March 4, 2014 }} CFL Official Site June 30, 2010&lt;/ref> In addition, NFL Network did not carry any playoff games, including the [[Grey Cup]] championship, as those games are all played on Sundays opposite NFL regular season games. Those games were instead broadcast on the [[ESPN3]] online service (ESPN owns a 20% interest in TSN, in a [[joint venture]] with majority parent [[Bell Media]]). On May 25, 2012, NFL Network announced it would not renew its contract with the CFL.&lt;ref>McMillan, Ken (May 25, 2012). [ No CFL on NFLN, eh?]. ''''. Retrieved June 14, 2012.&lt;/ref> The package was subsequently acquired by the [[NBC Sports Network]], then by the [[ESPN Inc.|ESPN networks]]. NFL Network expressed interest in picking up CFL games again beginning in the 2019 season after its previous deal with ESPN expired. To accommodate this, the NFL insisted that the CFL move its schedule over a month earlier than it currently runs, so that the network can use the league to fill air time between the [[NFL draft]] and [[National Football League training camp|training camp]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|first=Tim|last=Baines|title=Grey Cup in October? NFL Network TV deal could follow for CFL|work=Sun Media|date=November 24, 2017|access-date=May 24, 2018}}&lt;/ref> As such a change would require a rework of the league's collective bargaining agreement, it was unable to fulfill that request&lt;ref name="CBA talks">{{Cite web | | url= | title=CFL players search for unified voice as CBA talks loom | date=March 23, 2018 | access-date=September 12, 2018}}&lt;/ref> and instead renewed its agreement with ESPN.&lt;ref>[ CFL TO BE ON ESPN+ AND ESPN NETWORKS IN MULTI-YEAR AGREEMENT]. Retrieved January 14, 2019.&lt;/ref> ==== Alliance of American Football ==== On January 31, 2019, NFL Network signed a multi-year deal to air [[Alliance of American Football]] games, broadcasting two games per week, most of them on Saturday and Sunday nights.&lt;ref>{{cite web|last=Ourand|first=John|url=|title=Alliance Of American Football Signs Deals With Turner, NFL Net|work=SportsBusiness Daily|date=January 31, 2019|access-date=January 31, 2019}}&lt;/ref> As with all other AAF games, the broadcasts were produced in conjunction with CBS Sports.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Dachman |first=Jason |date=February 8, 2019 |title=At Dawn of AAF Era, Technological Innovation Drives Live Productions |url= |access-date=2019-02-21 |website=Sports Video Group |language=en}}&lt;/ref> The league ultimately folded in the middle of its [[2019 AAF season|inaugural season]].&lt;ref name=leagueonfire>{{cite magazine|first=Conor|last=Orr|url=|title=League on Fire: The Curious Rise and Spectacular Crash of the Alliance of American Football|magazine=[[Sports Illustrated]]|date=May 1, 2019|access-date=May 5, 2019}}&lt;/ref> == High definition == NFL Network HD is a [[1080i]] [[High-definition television|high definition]] simulcast feed of NFL Network that launched in August 2004. It is available nationally on satellite providers [[DirecTV]] and [[Dish Network]], and regionally on [[Verizon FiOS]], [[AT&amp;T U-verse]] and most [[Comcast]] and [[Cogeco]] Cable systems. In mid-October 2008, in-studio programs began to air in "enhanced HD", featuring contained additional scores and statistics on a dedicated wing on the right side of the screen that was only visible on the HD feed. Content that is presented in [[4:3]] [[standard-definition television|standard definition]] is shown with [[Pillarbox#Stylized pillarboxing on television|stylized pillarboxes]], or for some footage, blurred pillarbox wings. On May 1, 2009, ''NFL Total Access'' began airing in full HD without pillarboxing or enhanced graphics; this was followed by the upgrade of ''NFL GameDay'' to HD the following September. Most providers began to exclusively carry the HD feed of the network during 2011, transmitting a [[downscaling|downscaled]] and [[Letterboxing (filming)|letterboxed]] version of the HD feed to provide the channel in 4:3 standard definition for analog viewers without any deviation, including the "NFL HD" logo. The standard definition feed was discontinued entirely in July 2012, concurrent with the introduction of the network's current logo. == NFL RedZone channel == {{Main|NFL RedZone}} The '''NFL RedZone channel''' is a special game-day only channel that broadcasts on Sundays during the regular season from 1:00 to 8:00&amp;nbsp;p.m. Eastern Time (10:00&amp;nbsp;a.m. to 5:00&amp;nbsp;p.m. [[Pacific Time Zone|Pacific Time]]). ''RedZone'' provides "whip around" coverage of all Sunday afternoon games airing in-progress on [[NFL on CBS|CBS]] and [[NFL on Fox|Fox]]. Whenever a team enters the [[Red zone (gridiron football)|red zone]], the coverage will switch full-screen over to the live feed of that game's television broadcast, and attempt to cover a potential scoring result (touchdown or field goal). The coverage is hosted by [[Scott Hanson]]. This is not to be confused with the former [[DirecTV]]-exclusive channel which was a part of [[NFL Sunday Ticket]] until the end of the 2022 season. Starting in 2016, NFL Network during the offseason replayed one week of NFL RedZone every Sunday from the previous season. == International distribution == ===Canada=== NFL Network was approved for distribution on Canadian television providers by the [[Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission|CRTC]] in 2004;&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2004-88|date=2007-09-20|publisher=CRTC|access-date=2019-07-20}}&lt;/ref> Live ''Thursday Night Football'' games are blacked out on the feed distributed in Canada to protect local rightsholders [[The Sports Network|TSN]] and [[CTV 2]]. NFL Network is also offered as part of [[DAZN]]'s NFL Game Pass service as of 2017.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=DAZN, the NFL's new streaming-TV partner, leaving some Canadian fans frazzled|work=National Post|date=2017-09-08|language=en-CA|access-date=2019-07-20|last3=Nfl}}&lt;/ref> === United Kingdom === It was reported that the network would be made available in the United Kingdom in 2008.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=| – Features: Display Features&lt;!-- Bot generated title -->|access-date=July 22, 2017}}&lt;/ref> However, this did not come to pass although significant elements of NFL Network programming is now seen in the UK on [[Sky Sports]]. Almost every edition of ''[[Good Morning Football]]'' and ''[[NFL Total Access]]'' are broadcast by ''Sky Sports NFL'', which Sky has operated throughout the NFL season since 2020, and [[NFL Red Zone]] airs in the UK in its entirety on Sky Sports Mix. === Germany === Since the 2017 season, NFL Network is a part of the IPTV subscription service [[DAZN]], which also offers NFL RedZone to German viewers. === Brazil === NFL Network is available on NFL GamePass Free Tier. NFL RedZone is available on the Pro Tier. == Carriage and distribution complications == The launch of the ''Thursday Night Football'' package led NFL Network to increasingly insist on carriage on lower subscription tiers of television providers; in particular, demanding carriage on a basic package and a carriage fee of $0.61 per subscriber. Time Warner Cable and other major cable providers wished to place it on a sports tier. Cable companies felt that a channel with such marginal interest, few live games, and filler programming, would be tough to sell outside of the football season.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Outlook Dim for NFL Network, MSOs – 11/22/2006 3:56:00 PM – Multichannel News&lt;!-- Bot generated title -->|access-date=July 22, 2017|archive-url=|archive-date=September 7, 2008|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref> In February 2008, ''[[The Wall Street Journal]]'' reported that the NFL had been in discussion with [[Disney]] executives over the possibility of partnering with [[ESPN Inc.|ESPN]] to bolster NFL Network; one analyst suggested the possibility of NFL Network being combined into its lesser-viewed, but better-carried [[ESPN Classic]] channel.&lt;ref name ="ESPN">{{cite web |url= |title= ESPN, NFL Network To Partner: Report |access-date= January 13, 2016 |date= June 20, 2008 |last= Barrett|first= Larry|publisher= Multichannel News|archive-url=|archive-date=June 24, 2008}}&lt;/ref> === 2006 free preview === NFL Network offered a free preview from December 24 to 30, 2006 to [[Suddenlink Communications]] systems in [[West Texas]], and to [[Time Warner Cable]] and [[Cablevision (US)|Cablevision]] systems in the New York City area. The package included the [[2006 Texas Bowl|Texas Bowl]] and [[Insight Bowl]], but excluded that week's NFL game between the [[2006 New York Giants season|New York Giants]] and [[2006 Washington Redskins season|Washington Redskins]] (which was already scheduled to air on a local broadcast station under existing NFL policy). However, Time Warner Cable and Cablevision were only interested in showing the Texas Bowl, which featured the [[Rutgers Scarlet Knights]], who developed strong local appeal in 2006 and barely missed a berth in the [[Bowl Championship Series]]. The NFL denied that request and would only offer the free preview if Cablevision and/or Time Warner Cable made the entire preview week available to customers.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Columbia, SC Breaking News, Sports, Weather &amp; More – &amp; The State||access-date=July 22, 2017}}{{Dead link|date=April 2020 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}&lt;/ref> TWC then offered to carry the free preview on a digital tier. Cablevision, however, continued to refuse to carry any NFL Network programming other than the Texas Bowl. It even announced that Cablevision would put it on channel 14 (normally occupied by a television listings channel that was used as an overflow feed for [[MSG (TV network)|MSG Network]] and [[MSG Plus|FSN New York]]) at 6:00&amp;nbsp;p.m. until the end of the network's postgame coverage. The NFL, however, stated that it would not accept that request.&lt;ref>[ Cablevision, NFL in new Rutgers war of words]''[[The Hollywood Reporter]]''&lt;/ref> On December 21, however, after New Jersey legislators threatened legal action, Cablevision changed its mind and indeed showed not only the game between Rutgers and [[Kansas State Wildcats|Kansas State]], but also the entire free preview schedule. Time Warner had made a similar announcement only hours earlier.&lt;ref>[ Cablevision to broadcast Texas Bowl] ESPN.&lt;/ref> Suddenlink agreed on December 22 to carry the entire free preview for their customers in West Texas.&lt;ref name="NFLSudd">[ NFL Network and Suddenlink Cable Reach Agreement] Texas Tech website&lt;/ref> The free preview did not lead to long-term carriage deals, and the standoff continued between all three cable companies and the NFL Network. === 2007 Packers vs. Cowboys controversy === 2007 saw fresh controversy about the NFL Network. That year, the network happened to hold the rights to some match-ups with major implications. The first came in late November when the one-loss [[2007 Dallas Cowboys season|Dallas Cowboys]] hosted the one-loss [[2007 Green Bay Packers season|Green Bay Packers]]. Green Bay's [[Brett Favre]] was also having one of the best seasons of his career and would eventually lead the resurgent Packers to the [[NFC Championship Game]]. Most fans could not see the game because of carriage restrictions, more noticeable because it involved nationally respected teams in a highly anticipated match-up. This controversy would pale in comparison to the final game the NFL Network would broadcast that season. === 2007 Patriots vs. Giants controversy === {{Main|2007 New England Patriots–New York Giants game}} In December 2007, [[United States Senate|U.S. Senator]] [[John Kerry]] of [[Massachusetts]] wrote a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell asking for the league to settle their differences in time for the [[2007 New England Patriots season|New England Patriots]]-[[2007 New York Giants season|New York Giants]] game on December 29 that would be broadcast on ''[[Run to the Playoffs|Saturday Night Football]]''. The game was the Patriots' record-sealing win that made them the first undefeated team through the regular season in 35 years. Kerry urged for a solution to be decided upon in time so that Americans could witness "a historic event".&lt;ref>Reiss, Mike. [ Kerry presses on NFL Network] ''The Boston Globe'', December 6, 2007.&lt;/ref> An agreement was worked out between the NFL and two of the league's television partners, NBC and CBS, to allow the NFL Network broadcast of the game to be [[simulcast]] on those networks, resulting in the first NFL simulcast since [[Super Bowl I]] and the first three-network simulcast in the history of the league.&lt;ref name="07PatriotsGiants">{{cite web | last = Donohue | first = Steve | title = NFL to Simulcast Patriots-Giants Game on CBS, NBC | publisher = Multichannel News | date = December 26, 2007 | url = | access-date = December 26, 2007 | archive-url = | archive-date = December 29, 2007 | url-status = dead }}&lt;/ref> In addition, [[New York City]] area [[MyNetworkTV]] owned-and-operated station [[WWOR-TV]] (channel 9), and [[Hearst Television]]-owned [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] affiliates [[WCVB-TV]] (channel 5) in [[Boston]] and [[WMUR-TV]] (channel 9) in [[Manchester, New Hampshire]], expressed dissatisfaction over the CBS/NBC simulcast, stating it violated their agreements with the network. The stations had already been scheduled to air the game, as per NFL rules. Greg Aiello, an NFL spokesperson, stated that NBC and CBS would not have agreed to present the simulcast without clearing the game nationally, including the aforementioned markets. WWOR came to an agreement with the network and showed the game along with WNBC and [[WCBS-TV]] (channel 2) in the New York City market. WCVB also would still televise the game and stated that it was still working toward resolving issues with the NFL Network over additional coverage rights.&lt;ref name="07PatriotsGiants2">{{cite web | last = Reynolds | first = Mike | title = NFL Working Toward Local Accords Over Patriots Game | publisher = Multichannel News | date = December 28, 2007 | url = | access-date = December 29, 2007 | archive-url = | archive-date = January 1, 2008 | url-status = dead }}&lt;/ref> The result of these arrangements was that viewers in the New York, Boston and New Hampshire areas could see the game on up to four networks. Also in addition, satellite provider [[Dish Network]] and radio companies [[Sirius XM Radio]] and [[Entercom]], expressed dissatisfaction over the NBC/CBS simulcast. [[RCN Corporation]], the 12th-largest cable provider in the U.S., stated that the league's deal with CBS and NBC "devalues its contract with the league’s in-house service." Greg Aiello, an NFL spokesperson, said he was unaware of dissatisfaction among NFL Network affiliates over the simulcast and if any were seeking a rebate or other form of compensation because the game was being more widely distributed. If that were the case, he said, those discussions would “take place privately with our TV partners.”&lt;ref name="07RCNNFL">{{cite web | last = Reynolds | first = Mike | title = RCN Calls For Penalty On NFL Network Simulcast | publisher = Multichannel News | date = December 28, 2007 | url = | access-date = December 29, 2007 | archive-url = | archive-date = January 8, 2008 | url-status = dead }}&lt;/ref> === Comcast === On November 10, 2006, [[Comcast]] announced it would add NFL Network on its digital tier in time for the debut of ''Thursday Night Football''.&lt;ref name ="MultiC">[ Cox Adds NFL Network Game Package] Multichannel&lt;/ref> On August 6, 2007, Comcast moved NFL Network from the digital tiers to the ''Sports Entertainment Package''. This led to a court battle between NFL Network and Comcast, with the ruling in favor of Comcast; the NFL Network later appealed the ruling.&lt;ref>[ NFL Network to Appeal Court Ruling for Comcast] Media Buyer Planner&lt;/ref> Comcast sent NFL Network a cease-and-desist letter to stop encouraging subscribers to drop their Comcast service.&lt;ref name="USACom">[ Comcast sends NFL Network cease-and-desist note] Media Buyer Planner&lt;/ref> Comcast's carriage agreement with the NFL Network ended in mid-2009.&lt;ref name ="MultiCom">[ Jones: Comcast’s NFL Network Deal Expires In 18 Months] Multichannel&lt;/ref> On February 26, 2008, a New York appellate court reversed course on a May 2007 judgment that allowed Comcast to move the network from its second-most distributed tier to the company's sports tier. At that time, a court date had not been set. Four judges at the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department, ruled the language "concerning ''additional programming package'' was ambiguous and that ''neither party has established that its interpretation of the relevant contracts is a matter of law.''"&lt;ref name ="SportsTier2">{{cite web |url= |title= Court Reverses Field On Comcast's NFL Network Tier Play |access-date= February 27, 2008 |date= February 26, 2008 |last= Reynolds |first= Mike |publisher= Multichannel News }}&lt;/ref> Comcast's deal with the NFL Network was set to expire on April 30, 2009.&lt;ref name=comcastsackssnfln>{{cite news|url=|title=Comcast to Sack NFL Network|last=Finn|first=Chad|publisher=The Boston Globe|date=April 10, 2009|access-date=April 10, 2009}}&lt;/ref> According to messages sent out to Comcast, [[Midco]], and some Cable Systems customers with or without [[set-top boxes]], NFL Network might be removed from some customers' channel lineups. The message said: "In spite of our efforts to continue carrying NFL Network/NFL Network HD, the NFL may terminate our rights. As a result these networks may be removed from lineups as soon as 5/1." On April 10, 2009, it was confirmed that Comcast would remove the channel on that date due to failing to reach a carriage agreement. However, on April 30, 2009, NFL Network announced that it would continue to be carried on Comcast in the interim while both sides tried to reach an agreemenet on a new contract.&lt;ref>[ Comcast to Sack NFL Network], ''The Boston Globe'', April 10, 2009&lt;/ref> On July 30, 2009, NFL Network was made available to lower-tiered Comcast digital cable subscribers. NFL Network later filed a discrimination case against Comcast with the [[Federal Communications Commission]] (FCC), claiming that since Comcast does not charge an extra fee for the sports channels it owns, [[NBC Sports Network|Versus]] and [[Golf Channel]], it considered Comcast's move to charge extra for NFL Network unfair. On October 10, 2008, the FCC ruled as follows: {{Blockquote|In the Second Report and Order, the Commission emphasized that the statute “does not explicitly prohibit multichannel distributors from acquiring a financial interest or exclusive rights that are otherwise permissible,” and thus, that “multichannel distributors [may] negotiate for, but not insist upon such benefits in exchange for carriage on their systems.” The Commission stated, however, that “ultimatums, intimidation, conduct that amounts to exertion of pressure beyond good faith negotiations, or behavior that is tantamount to an unreasonable refusal to deal with a vendor who refuses to grant financial interests or exclusivity rights for carriage, should be considered examples of behavior that violates the prohibitions set forth in Section 616.” We find that the NFL has presented sufficient evidence to make a [[prima facie]] showing that Comcast indirectly and improperly demanded a financial interest in the NFL’s programming in exchange for carriage. We further find that the pleadings and documentation present several factual disputes as to whether Comcast’s retiring of the NFL Network is the result of Comcast’s failure to obtain a financial interest in the NFL’s programming. Accordingly, we direct an Administrative Law Judge to hold a hearing, issue a recommended decision on the facts underlying the financial interest claim and a recommended remedy, if necessary, and then return the matter to the Commission within 60 days.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=FCC: Programmers make case for discrimination|access-date=22 July 2017}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ FCC Order DA 08-2269]&lt;/ref>}} ==== Comcast trial ==== The trial before an administrative law judge (as ordered above) began on April 14, 2009.&lt;ref>[ NFL Network's FCC Program-Access Complaint Against Comcast Kicks Off Tuesday – ALJ Will Hear Network's Case Against Operator; Other Huddles To Follow], ''MultiChannel News'', April 13, 2009&lt;/ref> On April 17, 2009, Comcast chairman and CEO Brian Roberts testified that the provider was willing to move the channel from the Sports Entertainment Package to a lower-priced base package if the subscriber fee was reduced to 25¢ per month (at that time, NFL Network was charging 75¢ per month). He claimed that overall, Comcast saved $50 million a year in license fees by leaving the channel on its Sports Package, which in turn led to savings for its customers.&lt;ref>[ Updated: Comcast Would Move NFL Network Off Tier If Service Drops Price: Roberts – Monthly License Fee Of 25 Cents Could Trigger Broader Distribution] ''Multichannel News'' April 17, 2009&lt;/ref> On April 30, 2009, NFL Network ''Total Access'' correspondent [[Lindsey Soto]] reported Comcast would continue to carry the network after its contract expired at midnight as negotiations proceeded. On May 19, 2009, the NFL and Comcast reached a ten-year agreement to place NFL Network on Comcast's Digital Classic package by August 1, 2009, for a monthly price between 45 and 50¢, instead of the 70¢ fee that the NFL originally requested.&lt;ref>[;template=without-video&amp;confirm=true NFL, Comcast reach long-term carriage agreement for NFL Network] '''', May 19, 2009&lt;/ref> This deal led to speculation that other cable operators would end their holdouts and try to reach deals that would bring the network to a wider audience. {{Citation needed|date=October 2009}} {{As of|2011|1|3}}, the NFL Network was available only on the Digital Preferred or Sports package on Comcast's Xfinity system in Atlanta, Georgia, and not on a Digital Classic package (which does not exist). This is contrary to the above-mentioned agreement between Comcast and the NFL. === Time Warner Cable === NFL Network was added to Time Warner Cable systems in [[western New York]] and the [[Mohawk Valley]] in 2005 following the company's acquisition of [[Adelphia Communications]]' assets, replacing Adelphia's [[regional sports network]], [[Empire Sports Network|Empire]]. It was NFL Network's first substantial clearance on an analog cable system.&lt;ref>{{cite web|title=Adelphia adds NFL Net|url=|author=John Dempsey|periodical=[[Variety (magazine)|Variety]]|publisher=Reed Business Information|date=March 6, 2005|access-date=April 12, 2015}}&lt;/ref> On December 20, 2007, the NFL Network proposed to [[Time Warner Cable]] to enter into binding [[arbitration]], which would have a neutral third party determine the price and tier for NFL Network on the provider's systems, based on fair market value of the service. The NFL Network noted that the process could take some time and offered to make the December 29, 2007 game between the then unbeaten [[New England Patriots]] and New York Giants immediately available to Time Warner Cable subscribers, upon “written agreement to participate in the arbitration process and to be bound by its result.” The network was willing to make the binding arbitration available to cable providers not carrying the NFL Network and for an extension of Comcast's current contract.&lt;ref name="NFLTWCArb">{{cite web | last = Reynolds | first = Mike | title = NFL Network Play Call: Time Warner Cable Arbitration | publisher = Multichannel News | date = December 20, 2007 | url = | access-date = December 20, 2007 | archive-url = | archive-date = December 25, 2007 | url-status = dead }}&lt;/ref> Time Warner Cable denied the binding arbitration proposal, saying "the operator has successfully reached agreements with hundreds of programming networks without the use of arbitration. We continue to believe that the best way to achieve results is to privately seek a resolution and not attempt to negotiate through the press or elected officials.” TWC stated that it would be willing to make the network available on its sports tier, as a premium service, or make the game available to its subscribers on a per-game basis, at a retail price set by the NFL, with 100% of attendant revenue going to the league.&lt;ref name="NFLTWCArb2">{{cite web | last = Reynolds | first = Mike | title = Britt Balks At NFL Network's Arbitration Play | publisher = Multichannel News | date = December 20, 2007 | url = | access-date = December 20, 2007 | archive-url = | archive-date = December 24, 2007 | url-status = dead }}&lt;/ref> The network refused and stated: {{Blockquote|In addition to more cable providers, NFL asked TWC to put NFL Network. The network said that it will file a lawsuit with Comcast instead. But [[Bright House Networks]] and Time Warner Cable will carry the NFL Network instead.}} On September 21, 2012, the [[Associated Press]] reported that Time Warner Cable and [[Bright House Networks]] had reached an agreement to carry NFL Network.&lt;ref>Cohen, Rachel (September 21, 2012). [;SECTION=HOME&amp;TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&amp;CTIME=2012-09-21-13-08-09 AP Source: Time Warner Cable to add NFL Network]. ''Associated Press''. Retrieved September 21, 2012.&lt;/ref> Within hours, both NFL Network and NFL RedZone began to be carried on many Time Warner Cable systems in time for that week's games, with full distribution across the company's systems planned to be completed by September 27, in time for the next ''Thursday Night Football'' game.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=NFL Network on Time Warner Ch 1346|last=Kiesewetter|first=John|date=September 21, 2012|work=[[Cincinnati Enquirer]] | access-date=September 22, 2012}}&lt;/ref> === Cogeco === On November 10, 2006, Canadian cable provider Cogeco Cable announced that it had reached a carriage agreement with the NFL Network to carry the network on its "Sports &amp; Information Tier". NFL Network had previously insisted that it would only allow cable providers to carry the network on basic tiers; Time Warner Cable stated it would only carry the network on a digital sports tier.&lt;ref name="MultiC" /> This makes Cogeco the only major cable provider to reach an agreement with the NFL Network by placing it directly on a digital sports tier without any repercussions from the network. When it was announced that NFL Network would carry ''Run to the Playoffs'' on Cogeco but not on a digital basic tier, it was stated that Cogeco's ''Sports &amp; Information Tier'' "has about 30% penetration across all Cogeco subscribers and 60% penetration among Cogeco [[digital cable|digital-cable]] homes."&lt;ref name ="MultiChr3">[ NFL Network Is Still Plugging Holes] {{Webarchive|url= |date=November 16, 2007 }} Multichannel&lt;/ref> === Insight Communications === In 2004, [[Insight Communications]] reached a carriage agreement with the NFL Network to carry the network on the provider's digital tier, in addition to carrying NFL Network On Demand and NFL Network HD.&lt;ref name ="MultiIns">[ NFL Network Suits Up Insight] {{Webarchive|url= |date=December 27, 2007 }} Multichannel&lt;/ref> At first, Insight did not carry the "Run to the Playoffs" games due to the extra surcharge providers pay to carry the games.&lt;ref name ="MultiChr3" /> Insight did not show the first-ever game, between the [[Denver Broncos]] and the [[Kansas City Chiefs]] on November 23, 2006, but the game that aired the following week and future games were available due to a long-term agreement that was later reached.&lt;ref name ="MultiIn2">[ NFL Network Scores Insight Deal] {{Webarchive|url= |date=December 27, 2007 }} Multichannel&lt;/ref> Following Insight's January 2012 acquisition by Time Warner Cable, TWC chose to let the carriage agreement for NFL Network and NFL RedZone expire on August 1, 2012, which resulted in the two channels being removed from Insight's systems in [[Ohio]], [[Kentucky]] and [[Indiana]], due to the long-running carriage impasse between the [[National Football League]] and Time Warner Cable.&lt;ref>[ NFL Network, RedZone Face August 1 Drop on Former Insight Systems], ''Multichannel News'', July 27, 2012.&lt;/ref> They were restored immediately upon Time Warner reaching a carriage agreement with the network two months later. === Dish Network === On February 20, 2008, [[Dish Network]] moved the NFL Network from its "America's Top 100" package to the "America's Top 200" package. Dish Network notified customers that the NFL Network was "moving out of [[free preview|Free Preview]] into America's Top 200 package" on February 20, 2008. The move cost NFL Network four million subscribers.&lt;ref name ="Dish2">{{cite web |url= |title= Dish Sacks NFL Net |access-date= February 27, 2008 |date= February 25, 2008 |last= Reynolds |first= Mike |publisher= Multichannel News |archive-url= |archive-date= March 6, 2008 |url-status= dead }}&lt;/ref> On February 27, 2008, the NFL Network announced it would file suit against Dish Network for moving the network to "America's Top 200". The move stemmed from the NFL Network's decision to simulcast the 2007 [[New England Patriots]]-[[New York Giants]] game on [[CBS]] and [[NBC]], in addition to the game being shown on the NFL Network.&lt;ref name ="Dish1">{{cite web |url= |title= NFL Network Files Suit Against EchoStar Over Tier Downgrade |access-date= February 27, 2008 |date= February 27, 2008 |last= Reynolds |first= Mike |publisher= Multichannel News |archive-url= |archive-date= March 2, 2008 |url-status= dead }}&lt;/ref> {{As of|2008|3|3}}, the NFL no longer encouraged customers to switch to Dish Network on the [] website; instead, the network only encouraged customers to switch to [[DirecTV]], [[Verizon FiOS]] or [[AT&amp;T U-verse]] if their provider does not carry the network or has placed the network on a higher-priced tier. On January 15, 2009, New York State Supreme Court Judge Rich Lowe ruled in favor of NFL Network, claiming their 2006 agreement for carriage on America's Top 100 package was still valid and Dish Network violated it by moving it to the America's Top 200 package, but he did not order Dish Network to move the channel to the lower package immediately.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Judge: Amended Dish Carriage Deal Lead To Live Game Package for NFL Network|access-date=July 22, 2017|archive-url=|archive-date=March 6, 2012|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref> On April 10, 2009, it was announced that NFL Network and Dish Network had reached an out-of-court settlement to place the channel on the "Classic Silver 200" package.&lt;ref>[ NFL Network Remains On Dish's Classic Silver 200 Package After Settlement – Pro Football Service Stays On DBS's Second Most-Penetrated Tier] {{Webarchive|url= |date=April 14, 2009 }} ''Multichannel News'' April 10, 2009&lt;/ref> On June 16, 2016, Dish entered a new dispute with the NFL Network when the contract to carry the network expired at 7 PM ET, which resulted in the removal of the NFL Network and NFL Red Zone from the Dish Lineup, which marked the first time in the history of the NFL Network that a carriage agreement contract to carry the NFL Network expired and a new agreement was not reached before the deadline in which resulted in the temporary removal of the network from a cable/satellite provider.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=NFL Network and NFL RedZone Dropped by Dish||access-date=July 22, 2017}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Dish Reaches Deal To Carry NFL Network &amp; NFL RedZone – Update|first=Patrick|last=Hipes|date=August 3, 2016|access-date=July 22, 2017}}&lt;/ref> As part of the new carriage agreement, Dish subsidiary [[Sling TV]] added both networks to its lineup on August 11, 2016, in time for the start of the 2016 NFL preseason schedule. NFL Network was available on Sling until June 19, 2020.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=;_ylt=AwrT6VrsgL9XFQwAsYonnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByc3RzMXFjBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwM0BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--|title=NFL Network and NFL RedZone Launch on Sling TV|access-date=July 22, 2017}}&lt;/ref> === Charter Communications === [[Charter Communications]] became one of the first [[multiple system operator]]s to provide NFL Network, in 2004.&lt;ref name ="MultiChrt">[ Charter Hands the Ball to NFL Network] {{Webarchive|url= |date=December 27, 2007 }} Multichannel&lt;/ref> Initially the deal called for the network to be carried on Charter's digital-basic programming and included NFL HD and NFL On Demand.&lt;ref name ="MultiChr2">[ First MSO Touchdown for NFL Network] {{Webarchive|url= |date=December 27, 2007 }} Multichannel&lt;/ref> However, in December 2005, the network had pulled itself from Charter and filed a breach of contract suit against the provider in the New York Supreme Court over contract language regarding distribution.&lt;ref name ="MultiChr3" /> It was reported that NFL Network wanted a 125% rate increase in carriage fees and placement on Charter's expanded basic tiers.&lt;ref name ="MadChrt">[ NFL Network Seeks Charter Rate Hike] Madison&lt;/ref> In August 2011, Charter Communications and NFL Network announced that the two parties had reached a new, long-term agreement to carry the NFL Network and RedZone in time for the 2011 season.&lt;ref>[ Charter Communications Lands NFL Network, RedZone] {{Webarchive|url= |date=August 9, 2011 }} ''TV Newser'', August 1, 2011&lt;/ref> === Suddenlink === On August 20, 2010, the [[National Cable Television Association|National Cable Television]] Cooperative reached an agreement, of which Suddenlink Communications is a member, to carry the NFL Network on the organization's participating providers. As a result, Suddenlink announced it would offer NFL Network and NFL RedZone and immediately began carrying the channels. [[Suddenlink Communications|Suddenlink]] expected that the network's rollout to all of its service areas would be completed by or before September 12, the first Sunday of the NFL's 2010 regular season.&lt;ref>[ Suddenlink Kicks Off NFL Network Launch] {{Webarchive|url= |date=August 29, 2010 }} ''Multichannel News'', August 23, 2010&lt;/ref> === AT&amp;T U-verse === On April 15, 2019, AT&amp;T U-verse removed the channel from the lineup along with [[NFL RedZone]]. ==Carriage disputes== ===Cablevision=== The network refused to be carried on Cablevision in 2004, but that this dispute ended in 2006, when the network was added to Cablevision. == See also == * [[List of personalities on NFL Network]] * [[List of NFL draft broadcasters]] * [[NFL Sunday Ticket]] == References == {{Reflist}} == External links == * {{Commons category-inline}} * {{Official website}} {{NFL Network}} {{Sports television in the United States}} {{National Football League on television and radio}} {{U.S. premium 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