Bio-mc:240 Fwd: Very sad news 擔杮婡夿妛夛僶僀僆僄儞僕僯傾儕儞僌晹栧俵俴奺埵 柤戝偺徏杮寬榊偱偡丏 NUS偺James Goh偐傜楢棈偑偁傝丆UCSD偺YC Fung愭惗偑12/15偵 偍朣偔側傝偵側偭偨偦偆偱偡丏嬣傫偱偛柣暉傪偍婩傝偟傑偡丏 側偍丆俋寧偵奐嵜偝傟偨Fung愭惗偺100嵨婰擮僔儞億僕僂儉偺條巕偑 偵偁傝傑偡丏嵼傝偟擔偺愭惗傪幟傇傛偡偑偵側傟偽偲巚偄丆 偍抦傜偣偟傑偡丏 ****** << Takeo MATSUMOTO, PhD, Professor (>> ****** Biomechanics Lab, Dept of Mech Sys Eng, Grad Sch of Eng, Nagoya Univ Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, JAPAN, Tel&Fax +81-52-789-2721 In Japanese丗柤屆壆戝妛 戝妛堾岺妛尋媶壢 婡夿僔僗僥儉岺妛愱峌 仹464-8603 柤屆壆巗愮庬嬫晄榁挰 (Tel&Fax 052-789-2721) ****************** ******************* > 揮憲偝傟偨儊僢僙乕僕: > > 嵎弌恖: "Goh Cho Hong, James" > 審柤: Very sad news > 擔晅: 2019擭12寧19擔 13:38:21 JST > > ? > Dear Friends, > Prof Savio Woo informed me that Dr. YC Fung passed away peacefully on Sunday (December 15) at 10 pm Pacific time! > Savio wrote: 乬He was admitted to the UCSD hospital on the 9th (Monday) for treatment of double pneumonia. On Friday evening, he seemed to be doing better and that gave us some hope! But, the good news would not last and unfortunately, he lost the battle乧. > Our world has lost a great one!乭 > Dr Fung had just recently celebrated his centennial birthday. I had the privilege of knowing him when I was starting out. > > Professor James GOH :: President, Biomedical Engineering Society (Singapore) > Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering :: National University of Singapore :: E4 #04-08, 4 Engineering Drive 3, Singapore 117583 > Important: This email is confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete it and notify us immediately; you should not copy or use it for any purpose, nor disclose its contents to any other person. Thank you > > > > Important: This email is confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete it and notify us immediately; you should not copy or use it for any purpose, nor disclose its contents to any other person. Thank you.