Elfinspell: Sannazaro, Iacopo [Jacopo], Lament of Androgeo, Poem, Italian text and English translation with biographical Notes by Lorna de’ Lucchi, from An Anthology of Italian Poems 13th-19th century Matthew: capitolo; poetry, Renaissance Italian literature online text; 15th 16th century poetry, literature,
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Knopf, New York; 1922; pp. 112-116, 352.</P> <P CLASS="note2">[For purists, the Italian text of the poems follows the English translation.]</P> <A NAME="Sannazaro"></A> <H1>IACOPO [Jacopo] Sannazaro, 1458-1530</H1> <H2>Notes and translation by Lorna de’ Lucchi</H2> <SPAN CLASS= "pagenum"><A NAME="pg352">[352]</A></SPAN> <BR><H4>Biographical Note</H4> <P CLASS="note3"><SPAN CLASS="scap">IACOPO SANNAZARO</span>, born in Naples; entered the service of the Duke of Calabria, and later that of King Frederick of Naples. He wrote a number of sonnets and canzoni, also the pastoral <I>Arcadia</I> and letters; in Latin: <I>Piscatory Eclogues</I>, <I>Elegies</I>, <I>Epigrams</I>, and a poem, <I>De Partu Virginis</I>.</P> <P CLASS="ElfNote">[For a near-contemporary's assessment of his worth, see <a name="PaoloSannazaro" href="PaoloPart5style.html#jacopo" target="_blank"><U><I>Jacopo Sannazaro</I>, by Paolo Giovio</U></a>, in <I>An Italian Portrait Gallery</I>, translated by F. A. Gragg, on this site. — Elf.Ed.]</P> <P CLASS="brownTitle">POEMS</P> <SPAN CLASS= "pagenum"><A NAME="pg113">[113]</A></SPAN> <A NAME="English"></A> <H1>English</H1> <A NAME="Lament"></A> <H3><I>Lament of Androgéo</I> (<I>Arcadia</I>)</H3> <H6>O <SPAN CLASS="scap">BLESSED</SPAN> soul and sweet, <BR>From mortal bonds set free, <BR>Naked unto th’ eternal choirs didst rise, <BR>And there thy star didst meet <BR>And joinest in her glee; <BR>Mocking our cares, now showest in the skies <BR>A bright sun to our eyes <BR>Among the purest loves; <BR>And ’neath thee canst behold <BR>The wandering stars unfold, <BR>And by clear springs, in sacred myrtle groves, <BR>Heaven’s flocks agrazing, whence <BR>Scornfully thou dost cast earth’s troubles hence. <BR> Now other hills and plains, <BR>And other streams and groves, <BR>And fresher flowers thou seest in the sky; <BR>Down peaceful summer lanes <BR>Moved by more passionate loves, <BR>By other Fauns pursued the Nymphs flit by; <BR>Where shadows softly lie <BR>And fragrance is distilled, <BR>Daphne and Meliboeus nigh, <BR>Androgeus sings, the sky <BR>Burdening with tender sweets, while stirred and stilled <BR> <SPAN CLASS= "pagenum"><A NAME="pg115">115</A></SPAN> The winds are by the sound <BR>Of unaccustomed accents wafted round. <BR> As unto elm the vine, <BR>As bull unto the herd, <BR>As to the happy fields the waving corn, <BR>Even so art thou the wine <BR>And fame our hearts preferred; <BR>Who may escape from thee, O Death forlorn, <BR>If hills thy fire hath shorn? <BR>O who can hope to see <BR>So gay a shepherd again, <BR>Singing so sweet a strain, <BR>Stripping the woods as he, <BR>And scattering everywhere <BR>Shade on the waters with green branches fair? <BR> The Goddess divine <BR>Thy passing did deplore, <BR>The streams, the caves, the beeches mourned thy plight, <BR>The wan, frail grass did pine, <BR>Bewailed the verdant shore, <BR>Full many a day the sun concealed his light; <BR>Wild beasts lurked out of sight <BR>Nor to the fields did go, <BR>Nor flocks o’er hillsides pass <BR>To drink and crop the grass; <BR>Untoward fate had aimed so dire a blow <BR>That in or sun or shade <BR>“Androgeus, Androgeus” thrilled the glade. <BR> Hence garlands fresh we lay <BR>Thy sacred tomb a-nigh, <BR>And these with husbandmen who’d honour thee <BR>Thou shalt behold alway; <BR>Like tender dove shalt fly <BR> <SPAN CLASS= "pagenum"><A NAME="pg11">117</A></SPAN> From shepherds’ lips; O everlastingly <BR>Be cherished thy dear name <BR>While snakes in brambles teem <BR>And fishes swim in stream! <BR>Nor shalt live only in my accents tame, <BR>Shepherds in myriad ways <BR>Shall wreathe their rhymes and pipe unto thy praise. <BR> If in your midst there dwell a soul of Love, <BR>O leafy oaks, give shade <BR>To the quiet bones here laid. </H6> <SPAN CLASS= "pagenum"><A NAME="pg112">[112]</A></SPAN> <BR> <A NAME="Italian"></A> <H1>Italian</H1> <A NAME="Lamento"></A> <H3><I>Lamento di Androgéo</I> (<I>Arcadia</I>)</H3><BR> <P CLASS="poem33">A<SPAN CLASS="scap">LMA</SPAN> beata e bella, <BR>che da’ ligami sciolta <BR>nuda salisti nei superni chiostri, <BR>ove con la tua stella <BR>ti godi insieme acolta; <BR>et lieta ivi, schernendo i pensier nostri, <BR>quasi un bel sol ti mostri <BR>tra li più chiari spirti, <BR>et sotto le tue piante <BR>vedi le stelle erranti; <BR>et tra pure fontane et sacri mirti <BR>pasci celesti greggi, <BR>et le mundane cure indi dispreggi. <BR> Altri monti, altri piani. <BR>altri boschetti et rivi <BR>vedi nel cielo, et più novelli fiori, <BR>altri Fauni et Silvani <BR>per luoghi dolci estivi <BR>seguir le ninfe in più felici amori. <BR>Tal fra suavi odori <BR>dolce cantando all’ ombra <BR>tra Dafni e Melibeo <BR>siede il nostro Androgéo, <BR>et di vaga dolcezza il cielo ingombra, <BR> <SPAN CLASS= "pagenum"><A NAME="pg114">114</A></SPAN> temprando gli elementi <BR>col suon di novi inusitati accenti. <BR> Quale la vite a l’ olmo, <BR>et agli armenti il toro, <BR>et l’ ondeggianti biade ai lieti campi, <BR>tale la gloria e ’l colmo <BR>fostù del nostro coro. <BR>Ahi cruda morte, et chi fia che ne scampi, <BR>se con tue fiamme avvampi <BR>le più elevate cime? <BR>chi vedrà mai nel mondo <BR>pastor tanto giocondo, <BR>che cantando fra noi sì dolci rime <BR>sparga il bosco di fronde, <BR>et di bei rami induca ombra su l’ onde? <BR> Pianser le sante dive <BR>la tua spietata morte; <BR>i fiumi il sanno e le spelunch’ e i faggi: <BR>pianser le verde rive, <BR>l’ erbe pallide et smorte, <BR>e ’l sol più giorni non mostrò suo’ raggi, <BR>nè gli animal selvaggi <BR>usciro in algun prato, <BR>nè greggi andâr per monti <BR>nè gustâro erbe o fonti: <BR>tanto dolse ad ciascun l’ acerbo fato, <BR>tal che al chiaro et al fosco <BR>“Androgéo, Androgéo” sonava il bosco <BR> Dunche fresche corone <BR>a la tua sacra tomba <BR>et voti di bifolci ognor vedrai, <BR>tal che in ogni stagione, <BR>quasi nuova colomba, <BR>per bocche de’ pastor volando andrai; <BR> <SPAN CLASS= "pagenum"><A NAME="pg116">116</A></SPAN> nè verrà tempo mai <BR>che ’l tuo bel nome extingua, <BR>mentre serpenti in dumi <BR>saranno et pesci in fiumi. <BR>Nè sol vivrai nella mia stanca lingua, <BR>ma, per pastor diversi, <BR>in mille altre sampogne et mille versi. <BR> Se spirto algun d’amor vive fra voi, <BR>quercie frondose et folte, <BR>fate ombra alle quïete ossa sepolte. </P> <H1>————————</H1> <H1>[<a href="PolizianoPoem.html">BACK</a>] [<a href="blueprint.html">Blueprint</a>] [<a href="MachiavelliPoem.html">NEXT</a>]</H1> <!-- Begin Personal Site Search Form --> <form method=get action="/.search"> <input type="text" name="p" value="" size=18> <input type="submit" name="name" value="Search"> </form><!-- End Personal Site Search Form --> <H2><a href=""> <img style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px" src="" alt="Valid CSS!"> </a></H2>