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HIMSS Analytics supports improved decision making for healthcare organizations, healthcare IT companies and consulting firms by delivering high quality data and analytical expertise. The EMR Adoption Model identifies and scores hospitals using an 8 step scale that charts the cumulative path to a fully paperless environment. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/transforming-clinical-adoption-using-enterprise-health-systems-wid-123.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/moving-towards-safer-medication-practices-wid-124.html" class="Georgia14"> Moving Towards Safer Medication Practices </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">As the healthcare market continues to witness advancement in technology, care providers are now able to move towards safer healthcare practices. This white paper discusses how practices in medication management have seen transformational progression from fewer rights of medication management to current state where the benchmark is against '10 Rights of Medication Management'. Medication administration is a complex multi step process that encompasses prescribing, transcribing, dispensing, and administering drugs and monitoring patient response. Administration errors account for about 30% of total medication errors and nurses only administer most of the drugs to their patients. Nurses can be distracted during their patient interactions with various other work related inquiries and it may lead to enter the information inaccurately, or they may wait to enter information after returning to the central nurse station or some time at the end of one’s shift. <br /> <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/moving-towards-safer-medication-practices-wid-124.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/hiring-employees-and-vendors-in-india-wid-127.html" class="Georgia14"> Hiring employees and vendors in india </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">As employers around the world progress towards a standard practice in global background screening, they are discovering arange of unique regional- and country specific issues that must be addressed and resolved to optimize their hiring success.India, the focus of this document, is a prime example. For starters, India is a hotspot that has become synonymous withthe offshoring or outsourcing of key business processes such as information technology (IT), product development, sharedservices for back office functions, and customer support. Likewise, considering its massive population, roughly 1.2 billionpeople compared to 313 million people in the United States (U.S.), it’s also a hiring mecca for organizations looking torecruit the best talent to work both inside and outside the country. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/hiring-employees-and-vendors-in-india-wid-127.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/delegate-to-dell-wid-211.html" class="Georgia14"> Delegate to Dell </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">From small budgets to limited resources, IT departments face an array of challenges. Dell’s PC management services help your IT department better use their time and resources, so they can focus on bigger, more strategic projects. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/delegate-to-dell-wid-211.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/digital-controllers-optimize-digital-transformers-innovate-wid-212.html" class="Georgia14"> Digital Controllers Optimize, Digital Transformers Innovate </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">oday, IT is tasked with increasing operational efficiency, whilst arming employees with the right tools, products, and services to get their jobs done. Enterprises need the power of the latest technology to keep up with constantly changing digital environments and a highly mobile and demanding workforce. And although the two types of IT, controllers (linear, IT-centric, and insular) and transformers (agile, employee-centric, and flexible) have different approaches, they face similar challenges when enlisting the help of vendors that will enable them to focus on the more strategic tasks of understanding their employees needs. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/digital-controllers-optimize-digital-transformers-innovate-wid-212.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/the-pc-lifecycle-continuum-from-control-to-transformation-wid-213.html" class="Georgia14"> The PC Lifecycle Continuum: From Control to Transformation </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">As diverse organizations seek to implement data-driven strategies, the personal computer in all its varieties remains the key workforce productivity tool. IT leaders must guide PC management across the entire PC lifecycle to enable users to work most effectively. Today, IT leaders address the PC lifecycle across a continuum from control to transformation. Control is geared to optimization, while transformation focuses on the business impact of technology. Although different, the two approaches are not in opposition. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/the-pc-lifecycle-continuum-from-control-to-transformation-wid-213.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/transformation-made-real-wid-214.html" class="Georgia14"> Transformation made real </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">With the right partner, your IT can find the power and efficiency they need for a full-scale digital transformation. Whether it is a bolstering your security or creating efficient new systems and management, a digital transformation can move your department and your business into the future. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/transformation-made-real-wid-214.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/the-total-economic-impact-of-dellrsquos-pc-lifecycle-services-wid-215.html" class="Georgia14"> The Total Economic Impact Of Dell’s PC Lifecycle Services </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">Both public and private organizations acknowledge that managing the PC lifecycle becomes more complicated and expensive as the variety of PC devices and employee workstyles increase. In order to be fully productive, different groups of employees have different needs in terms of end-user device hardware, software, and configuration. While IT departments are trying to provide and support a wider range of technology to an increasingly dispersed and mobile workforce, while maintaining low-end user disruption, they are also under a lot of cost pressure. However, consolidating processes and enlisting the help of a vendor partner, such as Dell, might reduce costs and provide expert-level knowledge for better PC life-cycle management operations. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/the-total-economic-impact-of-dellrsquos-pc-lifecycle-services-wid-215.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/four-key-ways-it-leaders-can-start-to-scale-their-transformation-wid-216.html" class="Georgia14"> Four key ways IT leaders can start to scale their transformation </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">Most IT departments want to take a safe, control-based approach to management, but a tech transformation can make a better business impact. Meeting with functional leaders helps IT better understand the tools that will be the greatest benefit to users. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/four-key-ways-it-leaders-can-start-to-scale-their-transformation-wid-216.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="urgently"> <div id="depends3" class="arial13bold"> <a href="/whitepaper/modernize-your-business-workflow-wid-217.html" class="Georgia14"> Modernize your business workflow </a> </div> <div id="depends4"> <img src="" width="123" height="160" class="photonewcommunity"/> <div id="longevity" class="arial12Black"> <div align="center">Presented by</div> </div> <div id="longevity"><img src="" width="123" height="56" class="photonewcommunity" /></div> </div> <div id="depends5" class="arial12Black">Reach ALL your systems, even when out of the band. Update once and update everywhere. Only Dell offers one-to-many capabilities with The Dell Command Intel® vProTM Out of Band console4. Experience full-performance, sleek desktop form factors without compromise. Brilliant touch-enabled OptiPlex All-in-Ones provide immersive interaction, optimizing workspace and your IT investment. <div class="arial12Green" id="depends6"> <div align="right"> <a href="/whitepaper/modernize-your-business-workflow-wid-217.html"> <img src="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--white paper 1 --> <div id="Furthermore"></div> <div id="lastno"> <div align="center"> <span class="Verdanabold"> <a href="/whitepaper.html?&pgid=4"> << prev</a> <a href="/whitepaper.html?&pgid=1">1</a> <a href="/whitepaper.html?&pgid=2">2</a> <a href="/whitepaper.html?&pgid=3">3</a> <a href="/whitepaper.html?&pgid=4">4</a> 5 <a href="/whitepaper.html?&pgid=6">6</a> <a href="/whitepaper.html?&pgid=6"> next >> </a> </span> </div> </div> <div style="clear:left; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:15px; "> <div id="benchmark" > </div> </div> <!--event list close --> </div> </td> <td align="left" valign="top" style="padding: 10px;"> <style type="text/css"> #london{ margin-top:30px;} </style> <div id="london"> <div id='div-gpt-ad-1382945176144-0'> <script type='text/javascript'> googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1382945176144-0'); 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