Dear Mr. President : NPR
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What do you want him to remember in his second term? We will feature your responses in..."/> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0"/> <meta name="font:Body" content="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"/> <meta name="if:Two column posts" content="1"/> <!-- Appearance option --> <meta name="if:Show blog title" content="1"/> <meta name="if:Show blog description" content="1"/> <meta name="if:Show profile photo" content="0"/> <meta name="if:Use endless scrolling" content="1"/> <meta name="if:Use larger font for quotes" content="0"/> <meta name="if:Show image shadows" content="1"/> <meta name="if:Show post notes" content="1"/> <meta name="if:Show copyright in footer" content="1"/> <meta name="text:Disqus Shortname" content=""/> <link rel="shortcut icon" href=""/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href=""/> <!-- HTML5 Shiv --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> <!-- Reset CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"> <!-- Theme CSS --> <style type="text/css" media="screen"> body { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; 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What do you want him to remember in his second term? We will feature your responses in our inauguration coverage! Questions? Problems? Email <a href=""></a>.<br/><br/><a href=""> <strong style="color:#d54721">LIVE NOW:</strong> Chat about the inauguration and tune in to NPR's live coverage</a></div> </section> <aside id="sidebar"> <ul class="links"> <li><a href="/web/20130121204725/">page</a></li> </ul> <ul class="links" style="display:none; display:block;"> <li><a href="/web/20130121204725/" class="submit"><span class="icon"></span>submit a post</a></li> </ul> <ul class="links"> <li><a href="" class="rss"><span class="icon"></span>rss</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20130121204725/" class="archive"><span class="icon"></span>archive</a></li> </ul> </aside> </header> <section id="dmp-form"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="hdr"> <h3><span></span>SHARE: What Do You Want The President To Remember?</h3> </div> <div class="dmp-iframe-wrapper"> <iframe class="dmp-iframe" src="" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> <div class="legal"> By submitting an image, you certify that you created, or have ownership of the work. 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You grant NPR the right to use your name in a credit for the image and you agree that you have provided NPR accurate credit information. </div> </div> </div> </section> <ul id="posts"> <!-- START POSTS --> <li class="post group"> <div class="wrap"> <section class="top media" style="display:block;"> <a href="" class="link"><img src="" alt="Dear Mr. President,I voted for you.I have been in public service for over 20 years. It seems to me that the cry to &#8220;do more with less&#8221; has reached a fever peak. At some point, employees cannot do more with less. I know there is the stereotypical government employee who is lazy and sitting around doing nothing, but in my experience, that is not the case. Police, fire, child welfare services, all are being cut and there comes a point where necessary functions will not be able to be performed.Signed,Alison Meason from Rockford, IllinoisWhat do you want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at NPR&#8217;s Dear Mr. President."></a> </section> <section class="group caption_and_post_info after_top_part isphoto "> <ul class=" post_info "> <li class="timestamp-wrap"> <a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption ">5 minutes ago </a> </li> </ul> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont"><p><p class="intro">Dear Mr. President,</p><p class="voted" data-vote-type="i-voted-for-you">I voted for you.</p><p class="message">I have been in public service for over 20 years. It seems to me that the cry to “do more with less” has reached a fever peak. At some point, employees cannot do more with less. I know there is the stereotypical government employee who is lazy and sitting around doing nothing, but in my experience, that is not the case. Police, fire, child welfare services, all are being cut and there comes a point where necessary functions will not be able to be performed.</p><p class="signature-name">Signed,<br/>Alison Meason from Rockford, Illinois</p><p class="footnote">What do <em>you</em> want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at <a href="">NPR’s Dear Mr. President</a>.</p></p></div> </section> <ul class="post_info social"> <li class="share">Share This Postcard</li> <li class="facebook"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Facebook In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Like This Page On Facebook"><span></span>Facebook</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Twitter In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Share This Page On Twitter"><span></span>Twitter</a></li> </ul> </section> </div> <!-- end .wrap --> </li> <li class="post group"> <div class="wrap"> <section class="top media" style="display:block;"> <a href="" class="link"><img src="" alt="Dear Mr. President,I voted for you.This matters because the United States Government needs to make decisions to get the country moving. Our government needs to learn that punishing the president is punishing the nation. Right now from my point of view I can only hear the wailing of Republicans and Democrats, pushing away their food and throwing their building blocks. We have more to gain from co-operation then we do from special interests and lobbyists. I don&#8217;t intend to blame President Obama for not bringing complete unity to our Government, that&#8217;s a romantic dream. It&#8217;s the threat of government shutdown, fillerbusters, and antiquated ideals ( just to mention: a dramatic media coverage that over exaggerates the issues) that I have a problem with. Our leaders should argue and fight for their ideals, but they should not be definitive judgments for the whole of the nation. Those ideals should be strong open minded opinions. We the people are tired of the wailing, get on with government and let us advance with the times.Our nation has overwhelming issues that require thoughtful and co-operative action. I don&#8217;t want my government to hold hands and sing Kumbaya I want my government, our government, to make the best decision for the now and the future. Signed,Krystallynne from Brooklyn, New YorkWhat do you want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at NPR&#8217;s Dear Mr. President."></a> </section> <section class="group caption_and_post_info after_top_part isphoto "> <ul class=" post_info "> <li class="timestamp-wrap"> <a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption ">6 minutes ago </a> </li> </ul> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont"><p><p class="intro">Dear Mr. President,</p><p class="voted" data-vote-type="i-voted-for-you">I voted for you.</p><p class="message">This matters because the United States Government needs to make decisions to get the country moving. Our government needs to learn that punishing the president is punishing the nation. Right now from my point of view I can only hear the wailing of Republicans and Democrats, pushing away their food and throwing their building blocks. We have more to gain from co-operation then we do from special interests and lobbyists. I don’t intend to blame President Obama for not bringing complete unity to our Government, that’s a romantic dream. It’s the threat of government shutdown, fillerbusters, and antiquated ideals ( just to mention: a dramatic media coverage that over exaggerates the issues) that I have a problem with. Our leaders should argue and fight for their ideals, but they should not be definitive judgments for the whole of the nation. Those ideals should be strong open minded opinions. We the people are tired of the wailing, get on with government and let us advance with the times.<br/>Our nation has overwhelming issues that require thoughtful and co-operative action. I don’t want my government to hold hands and sing Kumbaya I want my government, our government, to make the best decision for the now and the future. <br/></p><p class="signature-name">Signed,<br/>Krystallynne from Brooklyn, New York</p><p class="footnote">What do <em>you</em> want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at <a href="">NPR’s Dear Mr. President</a>.</p></p></div> </section> <ul class="post_info social"> <li class="share">Share This Postcard</li> <li class="facebook"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Facebook In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Like This Page On Facebook"><span></span>Facebook</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Twitter In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Share This Page On Twitter"><span></span>Twitter</a></li> </ul> </section> </div> <!-- end .wrap --> </li> <li class="post group"> <div class="wrap"> <section class="top media" style="display:block;"> <a href="" class="link"><img src="" alt="Dear Mr. President,I voted for you.Dear President Obama, Congratulations on your inauguration and best wishes for your second term. Our message is: do everything possible to reduce health inequalities. Doing so will improve public health, strengthen the economy and enhance quality of life for millions of Americans. Assure that prevention continues to be the cornerstone of the Affordable Care Act in implementation. Send a strong Presidential message that the HPV vaccine prevents cancer. We look forward to working with you to achieve these goals. Best wishes, Barbara K. RimerSigned,Barbara Rimer (On behalf of the President&#8217;s Cancer Panel) from Chapel Hill, NCWhat do you want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at NPR&#8217;s Dear Mr. President."></a> </section> <section class="group caption_and_post_info after_top_part isphoto "> <ul class=" post_info "> <li class="timestamp-wrap"> <a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption ">22 minutes ago </a> </li> </ul> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont"><p><p class="intro">Dear Mr. President,</p><p class="voted" data-vote-type="i-voted-for-you">I voted for you.</p><p class="message">Dear President Obama, Congratulations on your inauguration and best wishes for your second term. Our message is: do everything possible to reduce health inequalities. Doing so will improve public health, strengthen the economy and enhance quality of life for millions of Americans. Assure that prevention continues to be the cornerstone of the Affordable Care Act in implementation. Send a strong Presidential message that the HPV vaccine prevents cancer. We look forward to working with you to achieve these goals.<br/><br/> Best wishes, Barbara K. Rimer</p><p class="signature-name">Signed,<br/>Barbara Rimer (On behalf of the President’s Cancer Panel) from Chapel Hill, NC</p><p class="footnote">What do <em>you</em> want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at <a href="">NPR’s Dear Mr. President</a>.</p></p></div> </section> <ul class="post_info social"> <li class="share">Share This Postcard</li> <li class="facebook"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Facebook In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Like This Page On Facebook"><span></span>Facebook</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Twitter In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Share This Page On Twitter"><span></span>Twitter</a></li> </ul> </section> </div> <!-- end .wrap --> </li> <li class="post group"> <div class="wrap"> <section class="top media" style="display:block;"> <a href="" class="link"><img src="" alt="Dear Mr. President,I voted for you.In 2008 I believed in you.In 2012 I voted for Jill Stein. Today I feel a little better. If only you could just remember your own power and the dangers you pose.Signed,K from The United States of AmericaWhat do you want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at NPR&#8217;s Dear Mr. President."></a> </section> <section class="group caption_and_post_info after_top_part isphoto "> <ul class=" post_info "> <li class="timestamp-wrap"> <a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption ">54 minutes ago </a> </li> <li><a class="notecount" href="">2 notes</a></li> </ul> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont"><p><p class="intro">Dear Mr. President,</p><p class="voted" data-vote-type="i-voted-for-you">I voted for you.</p><p class="message">In 2008 I believed in you.<br/>In 2012 I voted for Jill Stein. <br/>Today I feel a little better. <br/>If only you could just remember your own power and the dangers you pose.</p><p class="signature-name">Signed,<br/>K from The United States of America</p><p class="footnote">What do <em>you</em> want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at <a href="">NPR’s Dear Mr. President</a>.</p></p></div> </section> <ul class="post_info social"> <li class="share">Share This Postcard</li> <li class="facebook"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Facebook In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Like This Page On Facebook"><span></span>Facebook</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Twitter In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Share This Page On Twitter"><span></span>Twitter</a></li> </ul> </section> </div> <!-- end .wrap --> </li> <li class="post group"> <div class="wrap"> <section class="top media" style="display:block;"> <a href="" class="link"><img src="" alt="Dear Mr. President,I voted for you.Just a picture of myself and a promise to help you push through meaningful climate change legislation. So glad you gave it a solid mention in your talk today.Signed,George Wagner from Milwaukee, WIWhat do you want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at NPR&#8217;s Dear Mr. President."></a> </section> <section class="group caption_and_post_info after_top_part isphoto "> <ul class=" post_info "> <li class="timestamp-wrap"> <a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption ">1 hour ago </a> </li> </ul> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont"><p><p class="intro">Dear Mr. President,</p><p class="voted" data-vote-type="i-voted-for-you">I voted for you.</p><p class="message">Just a picture of myself and a promise to help you push through meaningful climate change legislation. So glad you gave it a solid mention in your talk today.</p><p class="signature-name">Signed,<br/>George Wagner from Milwaukee, WI</p><p class="footnote">What do <em>you</em> want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at <a href="">NPR’s Dear Mr. President</a>.</p></p></div> </section> <ul class="post_info social"> <li class="share">Share This Postcard</li> <li class="facebook"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Facebook In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Like This Page On Facebook"><span></span>Facebook</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Twitter In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Share This Page On Twitter"><span></span>Twitter</a></li> </ul> </section> </div> <!-- end .wrap --> </li> <li class="post group"> <div class="wrap"> <section class="top media" style="display:block;"> <a href="" class="link"><img src="" alt="Dear Mr. President,I voted for you.Them that are The Builders of The Walls, of Red Tape, are them that will Kill in order to get their Plans thru, they need to be put away!Signed,Randy Konigsberg from Castro Valley Ca.What do you want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at NPR&#8217;s Dear Mr. President."></a> </section> <section class="group caption_and_post_info after_top_part isphoto "> <ul class=" post_info "> <li class="timestamp-wrap"> <a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption ">1 hour ago </a> </li> </ul> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont"><p><p class="intro">Dear Mr. President,</p><p class="voted" data-vote-type="i-voted-for-you">I voted for you.</p><p class="message">Them that are The Builders of The Walls, of Red Tape, are them that will Kill in order to get their Plans thru, they need to be put away!</p><p class="signature-name">Signed,<br/>Randy Konigsberg from Castro Valley Ca.</p><p class="footnote">What do <em>you</em> want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at <a href="">NPR’s Dear Mr. President</a>.</p></p></div> </section> <ul class="post_info social"> <li class="share">Share This Postcard</li> <li class="facebook"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Facebook In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Like This Page On Facebook"><span></span>Facebook</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Twitter In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Share This Page On Twitter"><span></span>Twitter</a></li> </ul> </section> </div> <!-- end .wrap --> </li> <li class="post group"> <div class="wrap"> <section class="top media" style="display:block;"> <a href="" class="link"><img src="" alt="Dear Mr. President,I voted for you.Don&#8217;t forget the homeless and hungry men, women, and children and don&#8217;t forget those of us who work in nonprofits struggling every day to meet the needs of our citizens. I invite you to come and tour our facility at Desert Manna and see the work that we do out here in the Mojave Desert of Southern California. Check out our website at God bless you and your family, may our nation prosper and become economically sound with equality ringing throughout our nation.Signed,Rev. Sheri Lea Randolph from Barstow, CAWhat do you want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at NPR&#8217;s Dear Mr. President."></a> </section> <section class="group caption_and_post_info after_top_part isphoto "> <ul class=" post_info "> <li class="timestamp-wrap"> <a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption ">1 hour ago </a> </li> </ul> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont"><p><p class="intro">Dear Mr. President,</p><p class="voted" data-vote-type="i-voted-for-you">I voted for you.</p><p class="message">Don’t forget the homeless and hungry men, women, and children and don’t forget those of us who work in nonprofits struggling every day to meet the needs of our citizens. I invite you to come and tour our facility at Desert Manna and see the work that we do out here in the Mojave Desert of Southern California. Check out our website at <a href=""></a>.<br/><br/>May God bless you and your family, may our nation prosper and become economically sound with equality ringing throughout our nation.</p><p class="signature-name">Signed,<br/>Rev. Sheri Lea Randolph from Barstow, CA</p><p class="footnote">What do <em>you</em> want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at <a href="">NPR’s Dear Mr. President</a>.</p></p></div> </section> <ul class="post_info social"> <li class="share">Share This Postcard</li> <li class="facebook"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Facebook In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Like This Page On Facebook"><span></span>Facebook</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Twitter In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Share This Page On Twitter"><span></span>Twitter</a></li> </ul> </section> </div> <!-- end .wrap --> </li> <li class="post group"> <div class="wrap"> <section class="top media" style="display:block;"> <a href="" class="link"><img src="" alt="Dear Mr. President,I didn&#8217;t vote.I currently live outside the country and, regrettably, was unable to cast my vote for Mr.Obama. Nevertheless, I am a firm supporter of our president and anticipate seeing real change happen not only in policies, but also in the lives of the individuals whom those policies are written in behalf of. I believe in children. I believe they are capable and will go on to leave an indelible mark on this world; however, whether that mark will be a positive or a negative one is not determined individually, but rather by the opportunities&#8212;particularly educational opportunities&#8212;that are presented to each child. Such educational opportunities should be available to all children and provided in an environment where they can be challenged not only academically, but socially as well. Attending a school with mostly students from a similar background inhibits students from becoming culturally aware and well-rounded individuals. Our students need to learn how to socially and culturally engage in the world around them with open minds and sensitivity. This cannot be accomplished if schools remain segregated and better educational opportunities are offered, predominantly, to those fortunate enough to be born privileged. Signed,Nikia A. Brown from Philadelphia, PAWhat do you want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at NPR&#8217;s Dear Mr. President."></a> </section> <section class="group caption_and_post_info after_top_part isphoto "> <ul class=" post_info "> <li class="timestamp-wrap"> <a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption ">1 hour ago </a> </li> <li><a class="notecount" href="">1 notes</a></li> </ul> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont"><p><p class="intro">Dear Mr. President,</p><p class="voted" data-vote-type="i-didnt-vote">I didn’t vote.</p><p class="message">I currently live outside the country and, regrettably, was unable to cast my vote for Mr.Obama. Nevertheless, I am a firm supporter of our president and anticipate seeing real change happen not only in policies, but also in the lives of the individuals whom those policies are written in behalf of. I believe in children. I believe they are capable and will go on to leave an indelible mark on this world; however, whether that mark will be a positive or a negative one is not determined individually, but rather by the opportunities—particularly educational opportunities—that are presented to each child. Such educational opportunities should be available to all children and provided in an environment where they can be challenged not only academically, but socially as well. Attending a school with mostly students from a similar background inhibits students from becoming culturally aware and well-rounded individuals. Our students need to learn how to socially and culturally engage in the world around them with open minds and sensitivity. This cannot be accomplished if schools remain segregated and better educational opportunities are offered, predominantly, to those fortunate enough to be born privileged. </p><p class="signature-name">Signed,<br/>Nikia A. Brown from Philadelphia, PA</p><p class="footnote">What do <em>you</em> want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at <a href="">NPR’s Dear Mr. President</a>.</p></p></div> </section> <ul class="post_info social"> <li class="share">Share This Postcard</li> <li class="facebook"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Facebook In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Like This Page On Facebook"><span></span>Facebook</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Twitter In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Share This Page On Twitter"><span></span>Twitter</a></li> </ul> </section> </div> <!-- end .wrap --> </li> <li class="post group"> <div class="wrap"> <section class="top media" style="display:block;"> <a href="" class="link"><img src="" alt="Dear Mr. President,I voted for you.Your students. When money gets tight, it seems the first cuts to be made are in education. How will we ever get ourselves out of *insert mess here* if we don&#8217;t have: ingenuity, logic, creativity, tact, and inspiration? Aren&#8217;t these the things that our schools should be teaching? Let&#8217;s give our teachers the tools they need to bring about brilliant problem solvers, so that we can conquer the obstacles of: financial challenges, economic inequality, social intolerance, and limits on natural resources. And, let&#8217;s give our students the support they need so that they have the financial, social, and intellectual freedom to choose an education, be it trade school, apprenticeship or university.Signed,Christina Minniti from Phoenix, AZWhat do you want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at NPR&#8217;s Dear Mr. President."></a> </section> <section class="group caption_and_post_info after_top_part isphoto "> <ul class=" post_info "> <li class="timestamp-wrap"> <a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption ">1 hour ago </a> </li> </ul> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont"><p><p class="intro">Dear Mr. President,</p><p class="voted" data-vote-type="i-voted-for-you">I voted for you.</p><p class="message">Your students. When money gets tight, it seems the first cuts to be made are in education. How will we ever get ourselves out of *insert mess here* if we don’t have: ingenuity, logic, creativity, tact, and inspiration? Aren’t these the things that our schools should be teaching? Let’s give our teachers the tools they need to bring about brilliant problem solvers, so that we can conquer the obstacles of: financial challenges, economic inequality, social intolerance, and limits on natural resources. And, let’s give our students the support they need so that they have the financial, social, and intellectual freedom to choose an education, be it trade school, apprenticeship or university.</p><p class="signature-name">Signed,<br/>Christina Minniti from Phoenix, AZ</p><p class="footnote">What do <em>you</em> want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at <a href="">NPR’s Dear Mr. President</a>.</p></p></div> </section> <ul class="post_info social"> <li class="share">Share This Postcard</li> <li class="facebook"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Facebook In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Like This Page On Facebook"><span></span>Facebook</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Twitter In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Share This Page On Twitter"><span></span>Twitter</a></li> </ul> </section> </div> <!-- end .wrap --> </li> <li class="post group"> <div class="wrap"> <section class="top media" style="display:block;"> <a href="" class="link"><img src="" alt="Dear Mr. President, I voted for you. End legal fraud and judicial moral turpitude in Nevada state-wide justice system. Legal fraud and corruption that was permitted to flourish under Ron Titus as Chief Administrator for state-wide Nevada Court system for over a decade is now impacting justice systems in other states, particularly in terms of custody and divorce issues, as well as property ownership records, etc. Sloppy oversight of LLCs in state of Nevada allows rampant corruption to hide profits from ill-gotten gains of criminal activities (human trafficking, gambling, drug trafficking). Please demand Governor Sandoval provide We The People with full disclosure as to why Ron Titus was fired in January 2011 and provide full disclosure of the depth and extent of corruption that was permitted to flourish under his tutelage as Chief Administrator for Informational Technical Services state-wide court system in Nevada. Thank you. Signed,HawkeEye from Plymouth, MA What do you want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at NPR&#8217;s Dear Mr. President."></a> </section> <section class="group caption_and_post_info after_top_part isphoto "> <ul class=" post_info "> <li class="timestamp-wrap"> <a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption ">1 hour ago </a> </li> <li><a class="notecount" href="">3 notes</a></li> </ul> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont"><p><p class="intro">Dear Mr. President,</p> <p class="voted">I voted for you.</p> <p class="message">End legal fraud and judicial moral turpitude in Nevada state-wide justice system. Legal fraud and corruption that was permitted to flourish under Ron Titus as Chief Administrator for state-wide Nevada Court system for over a decade is now impacting justice systems in other states, particularly in terms of custody and divorce issues, as well as property ownership records, etc. Sloppy oversight of LLCs in state of Nevada allows rampant corruption to hide profits from ill-gotten gains of criminal activities (human trafficking, gambling, drug trafficking). Please demand Governor Sandoval provide We The People with full disclosure as to why Ron Titus was fired in January 2011 and provide full disclosure of the depth and extent of corruption that was permitted to flourish under his tutelage as Chief Administrator for Informational Technical Services state-wide court system in Nevada. Thank you.</p> <p class="signature-name">Signed,<br/>HawkeEye from Plymouth, MA</p> <p class="footnote">What do <em>you</em> want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at <a href="">NPR’s Dear Mr. President</a>.</p></p></div> </section> <ul class="post_info social"> <li class="share">Share This Postcard</li> <li class="facebook"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Facebook In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Like This Page On Facebook"><span></span>Facebook</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Twitter In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Share This Page On Twitter"><span></span>Twitter</a></li> </ul> </section> </div> <!-- end .wrap --> </li> <li class="post group"> <div class="wrap"> <section class="top media" style="display:block;"> <a href="" class="link"><img src="" alt="Dear Mr. President,I voted for you.I am thrilled about the National Prevention Strategy developed under the Affordable Care Act. But the recommendations are only that &#8212; they need funding and they need a champion. A focus on prevention will save money and lives and has the potential to transform our healthcare system. This is important for me and my children. Thank you for your work on this important issue! Keep up the good work.Signed,Wendy Stephan from Miami, FLWhat do you want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at NPR&#8217;s Dear Mr. President."></a> </section> <section class="group caption_and_post_info after_top_part isphoto "> <ul class=" post_info "> <li class="timestamp-wrap"> <a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption ">1 hour ago </a> </li> </ul> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont"><p><p class="intro">Dear Mr. President,</p><p class="voted" data-vote-type="i-voted-for-you">I voted for you.</p><p class="message">I am thrilled about the National Prevention Strategy developed under the Affordable Care Act. But the recommendations are only that — they need funding and they need a champion. A focus on prevention will save money and lives and has the potential to transform our healthcare system. This is important for me and my children. Thank you for your work on this important issue! Keep up the good work.</p><p class="signature-name">Signed,<br/>Wendy Stephan from Miami, FL</p><p class="footnote">What do <em>you</em> want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at <a href="">NPR’s Dear Mr. President</a>.</p></p></div> </section> <ul class="post_info social"> <li class="share">Share This Postcard</li> <li class="facebook"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Facebook In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Like This Page On Facebook"><span></span>Facebook</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Twitter In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Share This Page On Twitter"><span></span>Twitter</a></li> </ul> </section> </div> <!-- end .wrap --> </li> <li class="post group"> <div class="wrap"> <section class="top media" style="display:block;"> <a href="" class="link"><img src="" alt="Dear Mr. President,I voted for you.I am an American living abroad. One year ago I met my boyfriend, who is a Finnish citizen, but lives in Sweden. For us to be together, it was much easier for me to move to Sweden than to bring him to the United States with me. Because same sex marriage is legal in Sweden, we can get married if we choose. People often forget that just like straight people, gay people also meet and fall in love with people who are not American citizens. I hope President Obama really pushes for marriage equality, so Americans in my situation can marry and be with the person they choose in America. Signed,Wesley Mills from Columbus, OhioWhat do you want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at NPR&#8217;s Dear Mr. President."></a> </section> <section class="group caption_and_post_info after_top_part isphoto "> <ul class=" post_info "> <li class="timestamp-wrap"> <a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption ">1 hour ago </a> </li> </ul> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont"><p><p class="intro">Dear Mr. President,</p><p class="voted" data-vote-type="i-voted-for-you">I voted for you.</p><p class="message">I am an American living abroad. One year ago I met my boyfriend, who is a Finnish citizen, but lives in Sweden. For us to be together, it was much easier for me to move to Sweden than to bring him to the United States with me. Because same sex marriage is legal in Sweden, we can get married if we choose. People often forget that just like straight people, gay people also meet and fall in love with people who are not American citizens. I hope President Obama really pushes for marriage equality, so Americans in my situation can marry and be with the person they choose in America. </p><p class="signature-name">Signed,<br/>Wesley Mills from Columbus, Ohio</p><p class="footnote">What do <em>you</em> want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at <a href="">NPR’s Dear Mr. President</a>.</p></p></div> </section> <ul class="post_info social"> <li class="share">Share This Postcard</li> <li class="facebook"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Facebook In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Like This Page On Facebook"><span></span>Facebook</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Twitter In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Share This Page On Twitter"><span></span>Twitter</a></li> </ul> </section> </div> <!-- end .wrap --> </li> <li class="post group"> <div class="wrap"> <section class="top media" style="display:block;"> <a href="" class="link"><img src="" alt="Dear Mr. President,I voted for you.My 9-year-old isn&#8217;t sure what she means when she asks President Obama to remember the people. On her behalf, I guess it wouldn&#8217;t hurt for the President to think of individual citizens of the nation in every circumstance, citizens who can inspire him to fight hard in the power plays of politics and citizens who can remind him that the world can be a beautiful place. Signed,Sarah Olsen from Cheboygan, MIWhat do you want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at NPR&#8217;s Dear Mr. President."></a> </section> <section class="group caption_and_post_info after_top_part isphoto "> <ul class=" post_info "> <li class="timestamp-wrap"> <a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption ">2 hours ago </a> </li> </ul> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont"><p><p class="intro">Dear Mr. President,</p><p class="voted" data-vote-type="i-voted-for-you">I voted for you.</p><p class="message">My 9-year-old isn’t sure what she means when she asks President Obama to remember the people. On her behalf, I guess it wouldn’t hurt for the President to think of individual citizens of the nation in every circumstance, citizens who can inspire him to fight hard in the power plays of politics and citizens who can remind him that the world can be a beautiful place. </p><p class="signature-name">Signed,<br/>Sarah Olsen from Cheboygan, MI</p><p class="footnote">What do <em>you</em> want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at <a href="">NPR’s Dear Mr. President</a>.</p></p></div> </section> <ul class="post_info social"> <li class="share">Share This Postcard</li> <li class="facebook"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Facebook In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Like This Page On Facebook"><span></span>Facebook</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Twitter In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Share This Page On Twitter"><span></span>Twitter</a></li> </ul> </section> </div> <!-- end .wrap --> </li> <li class="post group"> <div class="wrap"> <section class="top media" style="display:block;"> <a href="" class="link"><img src="" alt="Dear Mr. President,I voted for you.I am a public school teacher. I don&#8217;t believe in teaching to a test. I want children to be able to think, reason, write coherently, etc.; not just regurgitate facts. I teach majority minority children who come from varied backgrounds. The students I teach have many socio-economic realities to deal with. I do not believe my evaluation should be based on children&#8217;s test scores. There are too many variables. I am a hard-working, passionate teacher. I want to be able to do my job. I feel like I am hindered from doing so because of some of the education policies that have come down the pike. Please listen to master teachers as opposed to those who feel because they attended school, know everything there is to know about education.Signed,Robin J. Rubio from Woodbridge, VAWhat do you want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at NPR&#8217;s Dear Mr. President."></a> </section> <section class="group caption_and_post_info after_top_part isphoto "> <ul class=" post_info "> <li class="timestamp-wrap"> <a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption ">2 hours ago </a> </li> <li><a class="notecount" href="">6 notes</a></li> </ul> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont"><p><p class="intro">Dear Mr. President,</p><p class="voted" data-vote-type="i-voted-for-you">I voted for you.</p><p class="message">I am a public school teacher. I don’t believe in teaching to a test. I want children to be able to think, reason, write coherently, etc.; not just regurgitate facts. I teach majority minority children who come from varied backgrounds. The students I teach have many socio-economic realities to deal with. I do not believe my evaluation should be based on children’s test scores. There are too many variables. I am a hard-working, passionate teacher. I want to be able to do my job. I feel like I am hindered from doing so because of some of the education policies that have come down the pike. Please listen to master teachers as opposed to those who feel because they attended school, know everything there is to know about education.</p><p class="signature-name">Signed,<br/>Robin J. Rubio from Woodbridge, VA</p><p class="footnote">What do <em>you</em> want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at <a href="">NPR’s Dear Mr. President</a>.</p></p></div> </section> <ul class="post_info social"> <li class="share">Share This Postcard</li> <li class="facebook"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Facebook In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Like This Page On Facebook"><span></span>Facebook</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Twitter In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Share This Page On Twitter"><span></span>Twitter</a></li> </ul> </section> </div> <!-- end .wrap --> </li> <li class="post group"> <div class="wrap"> <section class="top media" style="display:block;"> <a href="" class="link"><img src="" alt="Dear Mr. President,I voted for you.Remember the poor. Simplify taxes. Wage peace. Feed the world. Continue to make friends throughout the world. Stop climate change. Regulate whatever needs regulated. Be true to your calling.Signed,Joseph Norman from IndiWhat do you want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at NPR&#8217;s Dear Mr. President."></a> </section> <section class="group caption_and_post_info after_top_part isphoto "> <ul class=" post_info "> <li class="timestamp-wrap"> <a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption ">2 hours ago </a> </li> </ul> <section class="caption group"> <div class="cont"><p><p class="intro">Dear Mr. President,</p><p class="voted" data-vote-type="i-voted-for-you">I voted for you.</p><p class="message">Remember the poor. Simplify taxes. Wage peace. Feed the world. Continue to make friends throughout the world. Stop climate change. Regulate whatever needs regulated. Be true to your calling.</p><p class="signature-name">Signed,<br/>Joseph Norman from Indi</p><p class="footnote">What do <em>you</em> want President Obama to remember in his second term? Share your message at <a href="">NPR’s Dear Mr. President</a>.</p></p></div> </section> <ul class="post_info social"> <li class="share">Share This Postcard</li> <li class="facebook"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Facebook" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Facebook In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Like This Page On Facebook"><span></span>Facebook</a></li> <li class="twitter"><a rel="external" href="" alt="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Social', 'Click Twitter In Post', 'Dear Mr President']);" title="Share This Page On Twitter"><span></span>Twitter</a></li> </ul> </section> </div> <!-- end .wrap --> </li> <!-- END POSTS --> </ul> <footer id="footer"> <nav class="pagination"> <section class="buttons"> <a href="/web/20130121204725/" class="right">Next page<span class="arrow"></span></a> </section> <section class="disabled buttons"> <li class="left"><span class="arrow"></span></li> <li class="right"><span class="arrow"></span></li> </section> <section class="count">Page 1 / 48</section> </nav> </footer> </section> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var Tumblelog = {}; 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