Where Parade Floats Go to Retire - Atlas Obscura

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n{agentIdentifier;constructor(){this.agentIdentifier=(0,r.LA)(16)}#e(t,...r){if("function"==typeof this.api?.[t])return this.api[t](...r);(0,e.R)(35,t)}addPageAction(e,t){return this.#e("addPageAction",e,t)}recordCustomEvent(e,t){return this.#e("recordCustomEvent",e,t)}setPageViewName(e,t){return this.#e("setPageViewName",e,t)}setCustomAttribute(e,t,r){return this.#e("setCustomAttribute",e,t,r)}noticeError(e,t){return this.#e("noticeError",e,t)}setUserId(e){return this.#e("setUserId",e)}setApplicationVersion(e){return this.#e("setApplicationVersion",e)}setErrorHandler(e){return this.#e("setErrorHandler",e)}addRelease(e,t){return this.#e("addRelease",e,t)}log(e,t){return this.#e("log",e,t)}}class o extends n{#e(t,...r){if("function"==typeof this.api?.[t])return this.api[t](...r);(0,e.R)(35,t)}start(){return this.#e("start")}finished(e){return this.#e("finished",e)}recordReplay(){return this.#e(t.G4.RECORD)}pauseReplay(){return this.#e(t.G4.PAUSE)}addToTrace(e){return this.#e("addToTrace",e)}setCurrentRouteName(e){return this.#e("setCurrentRouteName",e)}interaction(){return this.#e("interaction")}wrapLogger(e,t,r){return this.#e("wrapLogger",e,t,r)}}var a=i(860),s=i(9417);const c=Object.values(a.K7);function u(e){const t={};return c.forEach((r=>{t[r]=function(e,t){return!0===(0,s.gD)(t,"".concat(e,".enabled"))}(r,e)})),t}var d=i(8969);var l=i(1687),f=i(4234),h=i(5289),g=i(6154),p=i(5270),m=i(7767),v=i(6389);class b extends f.W{constructor(e,t,r=!0){super(e.agentIdentifier,t),,this.abortHandler=void 0,this.featAggregate=void 0,this.onAggregateImported=void 0,!1===e.init[this.featureName].autoStart&&(!1),,l.Ak)(e.agentIdentifier,t)"manual-start-all",(0,v.J)((()=>{(0,l.Ak)(e.agentIdentifier,this.featureName),!0,this.importAggregator(e)})))}importAggregator(t,r={}){if(this.featAggregate||!;let n;this.onAggregateImported=new Promise((e=>{n=e}));const o=async()=>{let o;try{if((0,m.V)(this.agentIdentifier)){const{setupAgentSession:e}=await i.e(891).then(i.bind(i,6526));o=e(t)}}catch(t){(0,e.R)(20,t),"internal-error",[t]),this.featureName===a.K7.sessionReplay&&this.abortHandler?.()}try{if(!this.#t(this.featureName,o))return(0,l.Ze)(this.agentIdentifier,this.featureName),void n(!1);const{lazyFeatureLoader:e}=await i.e(891).then(i.bind(i,6103)),{Aggregate:a}=await e(this.featureName,"aggregate");this.featAggregate=new a(t,r),t.runtime.harvester.initializedAggregates.push(this.featAggregate),n(!0)}catch(t){(0,e.R)(34,t),this.abortHandler?.(),(0,l.Ze)(this.agentIdentifier,this.featureName,!0),n(!1),}};g.RI?(0,h.GG)((()=>o()),!0):o()}#t(e,t){switch(e){case a.K7.sessionReplay:return(0,p.SR)(this.agentIdentifier)&&!!t;case a.K7.sessionTrace:return!!t;default:return!0}}}var y=i(6630);class R extends b{static featureName=y.T;constructor(e,t=!0){super(e,y.T,t),this.importAggregator(e)}}var x=i(384);var w=i(9908),E=i(2843),A=i(3878),T=i(782),_=i(1863);class S extends b{static featureName=T.T;constructor(e,t=!0){super(e,T.T,t),g.RI&&((0,E.u)((()=>(0,w.p)("docHidden",[(0,_.t)()],void 0,T.T,,!0),(0,A.sp)("pagehide",(()=>(0,w.p)("winPagehide",[(0,_.t)()],void 0,T.T,,this.importAggregator(e))}}var O=i(8154);class N extends b{static featureName=O.TZ;constructor(e,t=!0){super(e,O.TZ,t),this.importAggregator(e)}}var I=i(6774),P=i(3304);class j{constructor(e,t,r,n,i){"UncaughtError",this.message="string"==typeof e?e:(0,P.A)(e),this.sourceURL=t,this.line=r,this.column=n,this.__newrelic=i}}function C(e){return D(e)?e:new j(void 0!==e?.message?e.message:e,e?.filename||e?.sourceURL,e?.lineno||e?.line,e?.colno||e?.col,e?.__newrelic)}function k(e){const t="Unhandled Promise Rejection";if(!e?.reason)return;if(D(e.reason))try{return e.reason.message=t+": "+e.reason.message,C(e.reason)}catch(t){return C(e.reason)}const r=C(e.reason);return r.message=t+": "+r?.message,r}function H(e){if(e.error instanceof SyntaxError&&!/:\d+$/.test(e.error.stack?.trim())){const t=new j(e.message,e.filename,e.lineno,e.colno,e.error.__newrelic);return,t}return D(e.error)?e.error:C(e)}function D(e){return e instanceof Error&&!!e.stack}class L extends b{static featureName=I.T;#r=!1;constructor(e,r=!0){super(e,I.T,r);try{this.removeOnAbort=new AbortController}catch(e){}"internal-error",((e,t)=>{this.abortHandler&&(0,w.p)("ierr",[C(e),(0,_.t)(),!0,{},this.#r,t],void 0,this.featureName,})),,(e=>{this.#r=e})),"unhandledrejection",(e=>{this.abortHandler&&(0,w.p)("err",[k(e),(0,_.t)(),!1,{unhandledPromiseRejection:1},this.#r],void 0,this.featureName,}),(0,A.jT)(!1,this.removeOnAbort?.signal)),"error",(e=>{this.abortHandler&&(0,w.p)("err",[H(e),(0,_.t)(),!1,{},this.#r],void 0,this.featureName,}),(0,A.jT)(!1,this.removeOnAbort?.signal)),this.abortHandler=this.#n,this.importAggregator(e)}#n(){this.removeOnAbort?.abort(),this.abortHandler=void 0}}var M=i(8990);let K=1;const U="nr@id";function V(e){const t=typeof e;return!e||"object"!==t&&"function"!==t?,M.I)(e,U,(function(){return K++}))}function G(e){if("string"==typeof e&&e.length)return e.length;if("object"==typeof e){if("undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer&&e instanceof ArrayBuffer&&e.byteLength)return e.byteLength;if("undefined"!=typeof Blob&&e instanceof Blob&&e.size)return e.size;if(!("undefined"!=typeof FormData&&e instanceof FormData))try{return(0,P.A)(e).length}catch(e){return}}}var F=i(8139),B=i(7836),W=i(3434);const z={},q=["open","send"];function Z(t){var r=t||;const n=function(e){return(e||"xhr")}(r);if(void n;if(z[n.debugId]++)return n;z[n.debugId]=1,(0,F.u)(r);var i=(0,W.YM)(n),,,,,u="readystatechange",d=["onload","onerror","onabort","onloadstart","onloadend","onprogress","ontimeout"],l=[],{const r=new o(t),a=n.context(r);try{n.emit("new-xhr",[r],a),r.addEventListener(u,(s=a,function(){var e=this;e.readyState>3&&!s.resolved&&(s.resolved=!0,n.emit("xhr-resolved",[],e)),i.inPlace(e,d,"fn-",y)}),(0,A.jT)(!1))}catch(t){(0,e.R)(15,t);try{n.emit("internal-error",[t])}catch(e){}}var s;return r};function h(e,t){i.inPlace(t,["onreadystatechange"],"fn-",y)}if(function(e,t){for(var r in e)t[r]=e[r]}(o,f),f.prototype=o.prototype,i.inPlace(f.prototype,q,"-xhr-",y),n.on("send-xhr-start",(function(e,t){h(e,t),function(e){l.push(e),a&&(p?p.then(b):c?c(b):(m=-m,}(t)})),n.on("open-xhr-start",h),a){var p=s&&s.resolve();if(!c&&!s){var m=1,v=document.createTextNode(m);new a(b).observe(v,{characterData:!0})}}else r.on("fn-end",(function(e){e[0]&&e[0].type===u||b()}));function b(){for(var e=0;e<l.length;e++)h(0,l[e]);l.length&&(l=[])}function y(e,t){return t}return n}var Y="fetch-",X=Y+"body-",J=["arrayBuffer","blob","json","text","formData"],,,te="prototype";const re={};function ne(e){const t=function(e){return(e||"fetch")}(e);if(!(Q&&ee&& t;if(re[t.debugId]++)return t;function r(e,r,n){var 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a=(0,r.ZF)(),s=(0,r.el)(),,u={spanId:a,traceId:s,timestamp:c};return(e.sameOrigin||this.isAllowedOrigin(e)&&this.useTraceContextHeadersForCors())&&(u.traceContextParentHeader=this.generateTraceContextParentHeader(a,s),u.traceContextStateHeader=this.generateTraceContextStateHeader(a,c,n,i,o)),(e.sameOrigin&&!this.excludeNewrelicHeader()||!e.sameOrigin&&this.isAllowedOrigin(e)&&this.useNewrelicHeaderForCors())&&(u.newrelicHeader=this.generateTraceHeader(a,s,c,n,i,o)),u}generateTraceContextParentHeader(e,t){return"00-"+t+"-"+e+"-01"}generateTraceContextStateHeader(e,t,r,n,i){return i+"@nr=0-1-"+r+"-"+n+"-"+e+"----"+t}generateTraceHeader(e,t,r,n,i,o){if(!("function"==typeof null;var a={v:[0,1],d:{ty:"Browser",ac:n,ap:i,id:e,tr:t,ti:r}};return o&&n!==o&&(,btoa((0,P.A)(a))}shouldGenerateTrace(e){return this.isDtEnabled()&&this.isAllowedOrigin(e)}isAllowedOrigin(e){var 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featureName=se.T;constructor(e,t=!0){super(e,se.T,t),this.dt=new ae(e.agentIdentifier),this.handler=(e,t,r,n)=>(0,w.p)(e,t,r,n,;try{const e={xmlhttprequest:"xhr",fetch:"fetch",beacon:"beacon"};"resource").forEach((t=>{if(t.initiatorType in e&&0!==t.responseStatus){const r={status:t.responseStatus},n={rxSize:t.transferSize,duration:Math.floor(t.duration),cbTime:0};ge(r,,this.handler("xhr",[r,n,t.startTime,t.responseEnd,e[t.initiatorType]],void 0,a.K7.ajax)}}))}catch(e){}ne(,Z(,function(e,t,r,n){function i(e){var t=this;t.totalCbs=0,t.called=0,t.cbTime=0,t.end=x,t.ended=!1,t.xhrGuids={},t.lastSize=null,t.loadCaptureCalled=!1,t.params=this.params||{},t.metrics=this.metrics||{},e.addEventListener("load",(function(r){E(t,e)}),(0,A.jT)(!1)),g.lR||e.addEventListener("progress",(function(e){t.lastSize=e.loaded}),(0,A.jT)(!1))}function o(e){this.params={method:e[0]},ge(this,e[1]),this.metrics={}}function 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URL?t=e[0].href:"function"==typeof e[0].toString&&(t=e[0].toString()),"string"==typeof t&&0!==t.length){t&&(this.parsedOrigin=(0,ie.D)(t),this.sameOrigin=this.parsedOrigin.sameOrigin);var i=n.generateTracePayload(this.parsedOrigin);if(i&&(i.newrelicHeader||i.traceContextParentHeader))if(e[0]&&e[0].headers)s(e[0].headers,i)&&(this.dt=i);else{var o={};for(var a in r)o[a]=r[a];o.headers=new Headers(r.headers||{}),s(o.headers,i)&&(this.dt=i),e.length>1?e[1]=o:e.push(o)}}function s(e,t){var r=!1;return t.newrelicHeader&&(e.set("newrelic",t.newrelicHeader),r=!0),t.traceContextParentHeader&&(e.set("traceparent",t.traceContextParentHeader),t.traceContextStateHeader&&e.set("tracestate",t.traceContextStateHeader),r=!0),r}}function y(e,t){this.params={},this.metrics={},this.startTime=(0,_.t)(),this.dt=t,e.length>=1&&([0]),e.length>=2&&(this.opts=e[1]);var r,n=this.opts||{},;"string"==typeof i?r=i:"object"==typeof i&&i instanceof le?"object"==typeof i&&i instanceof URL&&(r=i.href),ge(this,r);var 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0,a.K7.sessionTrace,r)})),n.observe({type:Re,buffered:!0})}catch(e){}this.importAggregator(e,{resourceObserver:n})}}var Oe=i(2614);class Ne extends b{static featureName=t.TZ;#i;#o;constructor(e,r=!0){let n;super(e,t.TZ,r),this.replayRunning=!1,this.#o=e;try{n=JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("".concat(Oe.H3,"_").concat(Oe.uh)))}catch(e){}(0,p.SR)(e.agentIdentifier)&&,(()=>this.#a())),this.#s(n)?(this.#i=n?.sessionReplayMode,this.#c()):this.importAggregator(e),"err",(e=>{this.replayRunning&&(this.errorNoticed=!0,(0,w.p)(t.G4.ERROR_DURING_REPLAY,[e],void 0,this.featureName,})),,(e=>{this.replayRunning=e}))}#s(e){return e&&(e.sessionReplayMode===Oe.g.FULL||e.sessionReplayMode===Oe.g.ERROR)||(0,p.Aw)(this.agentIdentifier)}#u=!1;async#c(e){if(!this.#u){this.#u=!0;try{const{Recorder:t}=await Promise.all([i.e(891),i.e(222)]).then(i.bind(i,8589));this.recorder??=new t({mode:this.#i,agentIdentifier:this.agentIdentifier,trigger:e,,agentRef:this.#o}),this.recorder.startRecording(),this.abortHandler=this.recorder.stopRecording}catch(e){}this.importAggregator(this.#o,{recorder:this.recorder,errorNoticed:this.errorNoticed})}}#a(){this.featAggregate?this.featAggregate.mode!==Oe.g.FULL&&this.featAggregate.initializeRecording(Oe.g.FULL,!0):(this.#i=Oe.g.FULL,this.#c(t.Qb.API),this.recorder&&this.recorder.parent.mode!==Oe.g.FULL&&(this.recorder.parent.mode=Oe.g.FULL,this.recorder.stopRecording(),this.recorder.startRecording(),this.abortHandler=this.recorder.stopRecording))}}var Ie=i(3333);class Pe extends b{static featureName=Ie.TZ;constructor(e,t=!0){super(e,Ie.TZ,t);const r=[e.init.page_action.enabled,e.init.performance.capture_marks,e.init.performance.capture_measures,e.init.user_actions.enabled,e.init.performance.resources.enabled];if(g.RI&&(e.init.user_actions.enabled&&(Ie.Zp.forEach((e=>(0,A.sp)(e,(e=>(0,w.p)("ua",[e],void 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It features a collection of some of the most iconic parade floats in U.S. history, including an eagle that’s more than 29 feet tall, a 30-foot-long limousine, massive polar bears, and an epic American flag float that was created for President Ronald Reagan’s inauguration.", "thumbnailUrl": "", "uploadDate": "2019-10-29T12:41:00-04:00", "duration": "PT3M04S", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Atlas Obscura", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "width": 600, "height": 60 } }, "contentUrl": "", "embedUrl": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Atlas Obscura", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "width": 600, "height": 60 } }, "@context": "", "@type": "NewsArticle", "headline": "Where Parade Floats Go to Retire", "url": "", "thumbnailUrl": "", "datePublished": "2019-10-29T12:41:00-04:00", "articleSection": "Video", "keywords": [], "description": "The party’s over, the parade’s done. But what happens to parade floats after the parade? Some of them end up at American Celebration on Parade, a unique museum in Quicksburg, Virginia. It features a collection of some of the most iconic parade floats in U.S. history, including an eagle that’s more than 29 feet tall, a 30-foot-long limousine, massive polar bears, and an epic American flag float that was created for President Ronald Reagan’s inauguration.", "creator": "Atlas Obscura", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Atlas Obscura" }, "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 520, "width": 780 }, "dateCreated": "2019-10-29T12:41:00-04:00", "dateModified": "2020-11-06T17:12:47-05:00" } </script> </head> <body class="videos show "> <div id="fb-root"></div> <script> window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '206394544492', xfbml : true, version : 'v2.5' }); FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(response) { Cookies.set('fb_subscriber', '1', { expires: 200, path: '/' }); }); FB.Event.subscribe('edge.remove', function(response) { Cookies.set('fb_subscriber', '0', { expires: 200, path: '/' }); }); }; (function(d, s, id){ var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); function isGastroPage() { return ; } </script> <!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <noscript><iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript> <!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <script type="text/javascript"> window.horizontalFoodCardTemplate = function() { return '<div class="athanasius"></div>'; }; </script> <header class="page-header"> <div class="container-fluid no-pad "> <nav class="navbar-main"> <div class="nav-header"> <div class="row"> <div class="mobile-logo-link"> <a class="logo-link" title="Atlas Obscura" href="/"> <i class="icon icon-atlas-icon"></i> <i class="icon icon-atlas-logo-alt"></i> </div> <div class="hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-print nav-tools-right with-notification-spacer hide-spacer js-notification-spaceable"> </div> <div class="nav-search hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-print"> <a id="m-search-dropdown-link" class="js-launch-search-link nav-header-search-link-m non-decorated-link" aria-label="Open Site Search Form" data-search-dock="search-dock-m" data-category="Search Suggest" data-action="Opened Search Form" data-label="Global Search" href="javascript:void(0)"> <svg width="24px" height="24px" class="icon-search" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--! 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But what happens to parade floats after the parade? Some of them end up at <a href="">American Celebration on Parade</a>, a unique museum in Quicksburg, Virginia. It features a collection of some of the most iconic parade floats in U.S. history, including an eagle that’s more than 29 feet tall, a 30-foot-long limousine, massive polar bears, and an epic American flag float that was created for President Ronald Reagan’s inauguration.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="video-filters"> <span class="index-select-wrap hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-xl"> <select @change="filterVideos($event)" class="js-mobile-video-filters sort-select index-select-icon" aria-label="Select a series"> <option selected value="">ALL VIDEOS</option> <option value="object-of-intrigue">OBJECT OF INTRIGUE</option> <option value="ao-docs">AO DOCS</option> <option value="pindrop">PINDROP</option> <option value="gastro-obscura">GASTRO OBSCURA</option> </select> </span> <ul class="hidden-sm hidden-xs"> <li @click="recordGAFilterClick('ALL VIDEOS')" class="selected"><a href="/videos">ALL VIDEOS</a></li> <li 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Here&#39;s Why They Are. | Untold Earth</h3> <div class="video-duration">7:58</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="32" :video="videos[32]" :active="currentVideo.video_id" :click-handler="playlistLinkClick"> <a class="video-link" href=/videos/untold-earth-series-trailer> <div class="video-thumbnail-container"> <img class="lazy" src="blank.png" data-src="#&lt;#&lt;Class:0x00007f0d64118b68&gt;:0x00007f0d304b1b50&gt;" alt=""/> </div> <div class="video-title-container"> <h3>Untold Earth | Series Trailer</h3> <div class="video-duration">0:39</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="33" :video="videos[33]" :active="currentVideo.video_id" :click-handler="playlistLinkClick"> <a class="video-link" href=/videos/gastro-obscura-tries-olive-oil-coffee> <div 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class="video-title-container"> <h3>A Phoenix Made From 18,000 Keys Rises From the Ashes of a Wildfire</h3> <div class="video-duration">10:22</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="64" :video="videos[64]" :active="currentVideo.video_id" :click-handler="playlistLinkClick"> <a class="video-link" href=/videos/antiquarian-horologist-nico-cox> <div class="video-thumbnail-container"> <img class="lazy" src="blank.png" data-src="#&lt;#&lt;Class:0x00007f0d64118b68&gt;:0x00007f0d304c7720&gt;" alt=""/> </div> <div class="video-title-container"> <div class="video-series-label">Wonder From Home</div> <h3>Show &amp; Tell With Antiquarian Horologist Nico Cox</h3> <div class="video-duration">9:24</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="65" :video="videos[65]" 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</div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="76" :video="videos[76]" :active="currentVideo.video_id" :click-handler="playlistLinkClick"> <a class="video-link" href=/videos/show-and-tell-oddities> <div class="video-thumbnail-container"> <img class="lazy" src="blank.png" data-src="#&lt;#&lt;Class:0x00007f0d64118b68&gt;:0x00007f0d304c4160&gt;" alt=""/> </div> <div class="video-title-container"> <div class="video-series-label">Wonder From Home</div> <h3>Show &amp; Tell: See a Collection of Dissected Skulls and Medical Marvels</h3> <div class="video-duration">14:07</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="77" :video="videos[77]" :active="currentVideo.video_id" :click-handler="playlistLinkClick"> <a class="video-link" href=/videos/iran-rainbow-island> <div 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class="video-title-container"> <div class="video-series-label">AO Docs</div> <h3>A Journey Through Black History in Miniature</h3> <div class="video-duration">10:14</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="139" :video="videos[139]" :active="currentVideo.video_id" :click-handler="playlistLinkClick"> <a class="video-link" href=/videos/step-inside-a-retrofuturistic-home> <div class="video-thumbnail-container"> <img class="lazy" src="blank.png" data-src="#&lt;#&lt;Class:0x00007f0d64118b68&gt;:0x00007f0d304e1788&gt;" alt=""/> </div> <div class="video-title-container"> <div class="video-series-label">PinDrop</div> <h3>A Home for the Future, Imagined in the Past</h3> <div class="video-duration">1:26</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="140" 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class="video-title-container"> <h3>How to Dig a Grave</h3> <div class="video-duration">8:51</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="142" :video="videos[142]" :active="currentVideo.video_id" :click-handler="playlistLinkClick"> <a class="video-link" href=/videos/step-inside-los-angeles-s-oldest-bowling-alley> <div class="video-thumbnail-container"> <img class="lazy" src="blank.png" data-src="#&lt;#&lt;Class:0x00007f0d64118b68&gt;:0x00007f0d304e0978&gt;" alt=""/> </div> <div class="video-title-container"> <div class="video-series-label">PinDrop</div> <h3>Secrets of Los Angeles&#39;s Oldest Bowling Alley</h3> <div class="sponsored-tag">Sponsored ByDiscover Los Angeles</div> <div class="video-duration">1:55</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="143" 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class="video-series-label">Object of Intrigue</div> <h3>Mysterious and Intricate 17th-Century Anatomical Manikins</h3> <div class="video-duration">2:13</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="155" :video="videos[155]" :active="currentVideo.video_id" :click-handler="playlistLinkClick"> <a class="video-link" href=/videos/meet-piano-pat-and-the-sip-n-dip-mermaids> <div class="video-thumbnail-container"> <img class="lazy" src="blank.png" data-src="#&lt;#&lt;Class:0x00007f0d64118b68&gt;:0x00007f0d3050da40&gt;" alt=""/> </div> <div class="video-title-container"> <div class="video-series-label">AO Docs</div> <h3>Meet Piano Pat and the Sip &#39;n Dip Mermaids</h3> <div class="video-duration">5:01</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="156" 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class="video-duration">3:18</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="195" :video="videos[195]" :active="currentVideo.video_id" :click-handler="playlistLinkClick"> <a class="video-link" href=/videos/explore-china-red-beach> <div class="video-thumbnail-container"> <img class="lazy" src="blank.png" data-src="#&lt;#&lt;Class:0x00007f0d64118b68&gt;:0x00007f0d30501240&gt;" alt=""/> </div> <div class="video-title-container"> <div class="video-series-label">PinDrop</div> <h3>The Spectacular Beauty of China&#39;s Red Beach</h3> <div class="video-duration">1:22</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="196" :video="videos[196]" :active="currentVideo.video_id" :click-handler="playlistLinkClick"> <a class="video-link" href=/videos/the-vhs-guys> <div 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class="video-duration">3:07</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="198" :video="videos[198]" :active="currentVideo.video_id" :click-handler="playlistLinkClick"> <a class="video-link" href=/videos/explore-the-many-gates-to-the-underworld> <div class="video-thumbnail-container"> <img class="lazy" src="blank.png" data-src="#&lt;#&lt;Class:0x00007f0d64118b68&gt;:0x00007f0d305002f0&gt;" alt=""/> </div> <div class="video-title-container"> <div class="video-series-label">PinDrop</div> <h3>Explore the Many Gates to the Underworld</h3> <div class="video-duration">2:07</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="video-link-container hidden" is='video-link' :shown="shown" :index="199" :video="videos[199]" :active="currentVideo.video_id" :click-handler="playlistLinkClick"> <a class="video-link" 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Though the company dissolved in 2003, the blast furnaces at its flagship mill in Pennsylvania remain a local landmark." data-width="2300" data-height="1381" class="lazy Card__img u-img-responsive --img-responsive --content-card-img" nopin="nopin" src="" /></figure> <div class="Card__content-wrap --content-card-text"> <div class="Card__hat">abandoned</div> <h3 class="Card__heading --content-card-v2-title js-title-content"> <span>The Steel Mill That Built America</span> </h3> <div class="Card__content js-subtitle-content"> Bethlehem Steel was the birthplace of skyscrapers, bridges, and battleships. 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But what happens to parade floats after the parade? Some of them end up at <a href=\"\">American Celebration on Parade</a>, a unique museum in Quicksburg, Virginia. It features a collection of some of the most iconic parade floats in U.S. history, including an eagle that’s more than 29 feet tall, a 30-foot-long limousine, massive polar bears, and an epic American flag float that was created for President Ronald Reagan’s inauguration.</p>","video_id":"lQ_BrFAvdv4","slug":"where-parade-floats-go-to-retire","description":"<p>The party’s over, the parade’s done. But what happens to parade floats after the parade? Some of them end up at <a href=\"\">American Celebration on Parade</a>, a unique museum in Quicksburg, Virginia. It features a collection of some of the most iconic parade floats in U.S. history, including an eagle that’s more than 29 feet tall, a 30-foot-long limousine, massive polar bears, and an epic American flag float that was created for President Ronald Reagan’s inauguration.</p>","duration":"3:04","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"American Celebration on Parade","related_content_subtitle":"An enormous warehouse filled with parade floats collected from over 50 years of patriotic celebrations.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Sea Critters of Charlotte Harbor","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Just a few steps offshore, Charlotte Harbor boasts a thriving habitat for fascinating sea creatures. The seagrass beds in the shallows provide an ideal environment for small critters from pipefish to hermit crabs to breed and grow. The majority of the sea life in Charlotte Harbor relies on its estuaries for food and shelter. Without these vital areas, larger animals higher up the food chain would struggle to survive.</span></p>","video_id":"cYOnZX2XMUk","slug":"sea-critters-charlotte-harbor","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Just a few steps offshore, Charlotte Harbor boasts a thriving habitat for fascinating sea creatures. The seagrass beds in the shallows provide an ideal environment for small critters from pipefish to hermit crabs to breed and grow. The majority of the sea life in Charlotte Harbor relies on its estuaries for food and shelter. Without these vital areas, larger animals higher up the food chain would struggle to survive.</span></p>","duration":"1:00","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"VISIT FLORIDA ","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Why Your Michelin Star Meal Is Dog 💩","subtitle":"<p>In kitchens around the world, truffles represent culinary excellence and prestige, but in the forest they’re just another flora fighting to exist, using somewhat…unusual methods. In the lush woodland of the Pacific Northwest, these modest mushrooms’ adaptation strategies promote not only their own survival but that of their forest ecosystem at large.</p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <a href=\"\"><em>Untold Earth</em></a>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best.</p>","video_id":"Z6p0poLg4KQ","slug":"truffles-untold-earth","description":"<p>In kitchens around the world, truffles represent culinary excellence and prestige, but in the forest they’re just another flora fighting to exist, using somewhat…unusual methods. In the lush woodland of the Pacific Northwest, these modest mushrooms’ adaptation strategies promote not only their own survival but that of their forest ecosystem at large.</p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <a href=\"\"><em>Untold Earth</em></a>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best.</p>","duration":"8:02","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Small, Mighty Fruit That Dominates Dade City","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The vibrant town of Dade City, Florida plays host to a cherished annual festival celebrating a relatively uncommon fruit—the kumquat! From its modest origins to becoming a local sensation, join us as we dive into this tiny fruit's rise to fame in the heart of citrus country, and immerse ourselves in the unique charm and community spirit behind Dade City's kumquat craze.</span></p>","video_id":"jhUu1IP8vls","slug":"kumquat-festival-dade-county-florida","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The vibrant town of Dade City, Florida plays host to a cherished annual festival celebrating a relatively uncommon fruit—the kumquat! From its modest origins to becoming a local sensation, join us as we dive into this tiny fruit's rise to fame in the heart of citrus country, and immerse ourselves in the unique charm and community spirit behind Dade City's kumquat craze.</span></p>","duration":"4:39","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Florida’s Sports Coast","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Saddle Up for a Good Time","subtitle":"<p>Those who seek the rich legacy of barrel racing can trace its roots back to Texas. It's there that we encounter Gary Leffew, a former world champion bull rider and Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association Hall of Famer. In this episode of \"All Roads Lead to Texas,\" host Dylan Thuras journeys to Emory, Texas, to glean wisdom from the master himself in the art of barrel racing—maneuvering a horse around a pattern of barrels with speed and precision. Saddle up for a firsthand glimpse into the cowboy way of life as Dylan steps into the rodeo ring for the very first time.</p>","video_id":"sDBiBNpzMIg","slug":"all-roads-lead-to-texas","description":"<p>Those who seek the rich legacy of barrel racing can trace its roots back to Texas. It's there that we encounter Gary Leffew, a former world champion bull rider and Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association Hall of Famer. In this episode of \"All Roads Lead to Texas,\" host Dylan Thuras journeys to Emory, Texas, to glean wisdom from the master himself in the art of barrel racing—maneuvering a horse around a pattern of barrels with speed and precision. Saddle up for a firsthand glimpse into the cowboy way of life as Dylan steps into the rodeo ring for the very first time.</p>","duration":"04:11","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Travel Texas","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Why Antelope Canyon Never Looks The Same Twice","subtitle":"<p>Antelope Canyon might be the most visited and photographed slot canyon in the world, but there is more to this ancient sandstone structure than meets the eye. Formed millions of years ago and revered as a spiritual site by the Navajo Nation, the origins of this geologic wonder are as fascinating as its beauty is renowned. Existing in a perpetual state of flux, Antelope Canyon is constantly being altered by relentless forces of nature—what does it mean to preserve something defined by its impermanence?</p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best. </p>","video_id":"CLYqQgFUzik","slug":"antelope-canyon-untold-earth","description":"<p>Antelope Canyon might be the most visited and photographed slot canyon in the world, but there is more to this ancient sandstone structure than meets the eye. Formed millions of years ago and revered as a spiritual site by the Navajo Nation, the origins of this geologic wonder are as fascinating as its beauty is renowned. Existing in a perpetual state of flux, Antelope Canyon is constantly being altered by relentless forces of nature—what does it mean to preserve something defined by its impermanence?</p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best. </p>","duration":"7:07","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Hidden Histories","subtitle":"<p>Mineral Wells, Texas, just a short drive from Fort Worth, is a town with plenty of history and local lore. Renowned for its unique structure of mineral springs, the town has attracted tourists seeking a rejuvenating and holistic getaway. But the town's history also has a mystical side. Host Dylan Thuras immerses himself in the “Crazy Water” source and the paranormal, in a new episode of “All Roads Lead to Texas.”</p>","video_id":"iTx_YW5soh8","slug":"all-roads-lead-to-texas-hidden-histories","description":"<p>Mineral Wells, Texas, just a short drive from Fort Worth, is a town with plenty of history and local lore. Renowned for its unique structure of mineral springs, the town has attracted tourists seeking a rejuvenating and holistic getaway. But the town's history also has a mystical side. Host Dylan Thuras immerses himself in the “Crazy Water” source and the paranormal, in a new episode of “All Roads Lead to Texas.”</p>","duration":"04:13","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Travel Texas","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Just Add Water","subtitle":"<p>Surf culture thrives along the Texas coast, offering opportunities to engage in a myriad of watersports and ride waves as tall as 14 feet. In South Padre Island, located on the Gulf Coast, Gene Gore, proprietor of the South Padre Surf Co., guides host Dylan Thuras through the art of surfing on the pristine shores of Isla Blanca Beach.</p>","video_id":"j4sxmvzMXMI","slug":"all-roads-lead-to-texas-just-add-water","description":"<p>Surf culture thrives along the Texas coast, offering opportunities to engage in a myriad of watersports and ride waves as tall as 14 feet. In South Padre Island, located on the Gulf Coast, Gene Gore, proprietor of the South Padre Surf Co., guides host Dylan Thuras through the art of surfing on the pristine shores of Isla Blanca Beach.</p>","duration":"03:48","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Travel Texas","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Nature is Nurture","subtitle":"<p>One could spend weeks in West Texas' Big Bend and still not fully explore the vastness of this massive national park. Known as the holy grail of Texas nature and recreation, Big Bend National Park offers over 800,000 acres for exploration with activities like canoeing, hiking, mountain biking, and stargazing. In this latest episode of \"All Roads Lead to Texas,\" host Dylan Thuras journeys to the Rio Grande river to behold its towering limestone cliffs, before settling in for a night of breathtaking stargazing.</p>","video_id":"EVf9mBG0ET4","slug":"all-roads-lead-to-texas-nature-is-nurture","description":"<p>One could spend weeks in West Texas' Big Bend and still not fully explore the vastness of this massive national park. Known as the holy grail of Texas nature and recreation, Big Bend National Park offers over 800,000 acres for exploration with activities like canoeing, hiking, mountain biking, and stargazing. In this latest episode of \"All Roads Lead to Texas,\" host Dylan Thuras journeys to the Rio Grande river to behold its towering limestone cliffs, before settling in for a night of breathtaking stargazing.</p>","duration":"03:51","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Travel Texas","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Destination Delicious","subtitle":"<p>Foods from every corner of Texas draw upon various cultures and influences, creating a culinary melting pot that makes each city a destination for new and exciting flavors. In this episode of \"All Roads Lead to Texas,\" host Dylan Thuras ventures to San Antonio and visits Stixs and Stone, an Asian-Tex-Mex fusion restaurant operated by chef Leo Davila. As they craft handmade tortillas and explore the creation of some of the restaurant's signature dishes, such as pork belly with apple mole, Chef Leo discusses his perspective on authenticity in food in what he refers to as \"the city of gastronomy.\"</p>","video_id":"JzyFDUjPdGA","slug":"all-roads-lead-to-texas-destination-delicious","description":"<p>Foods from every corner of Texas draw upon various cultures and influences, creating a culinary melting pot that makes each city a destination for new and exciting flavors. In this episode of \"All Roads Lead to Texas,\" host Dylan Thuras ventures to San Antonio and visits Stixs and Stone, an Asian-Tex-Mex fusion restaurant operated by chef Leo Davila. As they craft handmade tortillas and explore the creation of some of the restaurant's signature dishes, such as pork belly with apple mole, Chef Leo discusses his perspective on authenticity in food in what he refers to as \"the city of gastronomy.\"</p>","duration":"03:37","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Travel Texas","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Texas Traditions","subtitle":"<p>A cowboy boot is one of the most iconic symbols of Texas and has become, over time, the official footwear of the state. In this episode of “All Roads Lead to Texas,” host Dylan Thuras heads to Austin to visit a boot-making institution, Texas Traditions. Owner Lee Miller has been making cowboy boots here since the 1970s, using the same techniques that the previous owner did when he opened the shop more than 100 years ago. Get an inside look at how a custom, Texas cowboy boot is made by hand, from the sole on up.</p>","video_id":"ydvaSYuYJtc","slug":"all-roads-lead-to-texas-texas-traditions","description":"<p>A cowboy boot is one of the most iconic symbols of Texas and has become, over time, the official footwear of the state. In this episode of “All Roads Lead to Texas,” host Dylan Thuras heads to Austin to visit a boot-making institution, Texas Traditions. Owner Lee Miller has been making cowboy boots here since the 1970s, using the same techniques that the previous owner did when he opened the shop more than 100 years ago. Get an inside look at how a custom, Texas cowboy boot is made by hand, from the sole on up.</p>","duration":"02:53","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Travel Texas","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Up The Action","subtitle":"<p>The Texas Panhandle, known for its flat and vast grasslands, is also home to jaw-dropping, 800-foot cliffs and 30 miles of multi-use trails in Palo Duro Canyon State Park. In this episode of “All Roads Lead to Texas,” Amarillo-based mountain biker and trail builder Chris Podzemny takes us out into the rugged and rocky terrain of the park. Host Dylan Thuras and Chris hike up the craggy paths to the park’s lookout point before blasting down the trails on their mountain bikes, an exhilarating, adrenaline-fueled ride of the second-largest canyon in the country.</p>","video_id":"nhbb6_kWnJE","slug":"all-roads-lead-to-texas-up-the-action","description":"<p>The Texas Panhandle, known for its flat and vast grasslands, is also home to jaw-dropping, 800-foot cliffs and 30 miles of multi-use trails in Palo Duro Canyon State Park. In this episode of “All Roads Lead to Texas,” Amarillo-based mountain biker and trail builder Chris Podzemny takes us out into the rugged and rocky terrain of the park. Host Dylan Thuras and Chris hike up the craggy paths to the park’s lookout point before blasting down the trails on their mountain bikes, an exhilarating, adrenaline-fueled ride of the second-largest canyon in the country.</p>","duration":"04:19","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Travel Texas","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"How This Cave Formed Upside Down | Untold Earth","subtitle":"<p>Below the Chihuahuan Desert in southeastern New Mexico lies an extensive system of limestone caves, among them the pristine Lechuguilla Cave and famed Carlsbad Cavern, home to one of North America's largest underground chambers. But there’s much more to this subterranean world than gigantic geological formations. It's also the theater of a microbial war that’s been raging for thousands of years, right beneath our feet.</p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best. </p>","video_id":"Mtpg1e4un-w","slug":"chihuahuan-desert-caverns-untold-earth","description":"<p>Below the Chihuahuan Desert in southeastern New Mexico lies an extensive system of limestone caves, among them the pristine Lechuguilla Cave and famed Carlsbad Cavern, home to one of North America's largest underground chambers. But there’s much more to this subterranean world than gigantic geological formations. It's also the theater of a microbial war that’s been raging for thousands of years, right beneath our feet.</p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best. </p>","duration":"5:57","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Florida Haven Where Artists Thrive","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Immerse yourself in the unparalleled creativity of the Village of the Arts in Bradenton, Florida. From funky painted houses to wild lawn sculptures and trees donning knitted sweaters, this live-work artist community is a haven for creatives of all kinds. Explore paintings, sculptures, jewelry, pottery, and more as artists live, work, and sell their craft. The eccentric neighborhood radiates creativity, and lively ArtWalks on the first Friday and Saturday of each month offer music and food, making it a must-visit artist's paradise!</span></p>","video_id":"Lbyv5OTEMks","slug":"the-florida-haven-where-artists-thrive","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Immerse yourself in the unparalleled creativity of the Village of the Arts in Bradenton, Florida. From funky painted houses to wild lawn sculptures and trees donning knitted sweaters, this live-work artist community is a haven for creatives of all kinds. Explore paintings, sculptures, jewelry, pottery, and more as artists live, work, and sell their craft. The eccentric neighborhood radiates creativity, and lively ArtWalks on the first Friday and Saturday of each month offer music and food, making it a must-visit artist's paradise!</span></p>","duration":"4:19","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Discover More in the Bradenton Area","sponsor":"Bradenton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"10 Reasons Why You Should Visit the Bradenton Area","related_content_subtitle":"From a towering mastodon skeleton to a funky art village and a serene riverwalk, here are 10 supercool stops in the Friendly City.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"This Volcano Won't Stop Erupting | Untold Earth","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Kīlauea, a shield volcano in Hawaiʻi, has been in a state of near-constant eruption for decades, providing researchers with a uniquely reliable setting in which to study one of Earth’s most unpredictable and destructive forces. In a time of climate panic and tangible ecological destruction, what can we learn about the survival of our planet from one of the harshest environments we have?</span></p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best.</p>","video_id":"nBcxx84AHSk","slug":"kilauea-volcano-untold-earth","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Kīlauea, a shield volcano in Hawaiʻi, has been in a state of near-constant eruption for decades, providing researchers with a uniquely reliable setting in which to study one of Earth’s most unpredictable and destructive forces. In a time of climate panic and tangible ecological destruction, what can we learn about the survival of our planet from one of the harshest environments we have?</span></p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best.</p>","duration":"10:03","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"What NASA Is Looking for in Yellowstone National Park | Untold Earth","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The Grand Prismatic Spring is the most recognizable thermal feature of Yellowstone National Park, but some of its most fascinating features are invisible to the naked eye. Below the surface there is a diverse ecosystem of microbes that scientists have been studying for decades. Could these microbes be the key to discovering life on other planets?</span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best.</span></p>","video_id":"CQxqmA3CTjU","slug":"grand-prismatic-spring-untold-earth-nature","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The Grand Prismatic Spring is the most recognizable thermal feature of Yellowstone National Park, but some of its most fascinating features are invisible to the naked eye. Below the surface there is a diverse ecosystem of microbes that scientists have been studying for decades. Could these microbes be the key to discovering life on other planets?</span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best.</span></p>","duration":"6:59","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"In Maine, the Art of Basketry Hangs On By a Thread ","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Embark on a journey with Jeremy Frey, a revered traditional Wabanaki basket weaver, as we delve into the heart of his artistry and heritage in the scenic splendor of Maine. From ash wood harvesting to intricate weaving, witness the beauty of his craft against the backdrop of Maine's breathtaking landscape.</span></p>\r\n<p><strong>To view and/or buy Wabanaki Art from Maine, visit the below sites: </strong></p>\r\n<p><em>Abbe Museum/Abbe Gift Shop in downtown Bar Harbor - <a href=\";;sdata=DdO6i4HFWoZ1zOEHp8f88SnAnqL7OEBO75JFhJlVnzg%3D&amp;reserved=0\"><br /></a></em><em>Wabanaki Winter Market - <a href=\"\"><br /></a></em><em>Common Ground Country Fair - <a href=\"\"><br /></a></em><em>Abbe Museum Indian Market - <a href=\";;sdata=ddziRtlZE%2BFFRiLUlkPlR6gnQsLIpa77jLPfweLT4e0%3D&amp;reserved=0\">Abbe Museum Indian Market<br /></a></em><em>Portland Museum of Art - <a href=\";;sdata=L%2BQ6UQUjlGaR%2FWaMEB5W%2BlqodFb%2B6ayGmwnMCsLuq%2F0%3D&amp;reserved=0\">Portland Museum of Art</a></em></p>","video_id":"C4TWgYABKSk","slug":"maine-art-of-wabanaki-basketry","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Embark on a journey with Jeremy Frey, a revered traditional Wabanaki basket weaver, as we delve into the heart of his artistry and heritage in the scenic splendor of Maine. From ash wood harvesting to intricate weaving, witness the beauty of his craft against the backdrop of Maine's breathtaking landscape.</span></p>\r\n<p><strong>To view and/or buy Wabanaki Art from Maine, visit the below sites: </strong></p>\r\n<p><em>Abbe Museum/Abbe Gift Shop in downtown Bar Harbor - <a href=\";;sdata=DdO6i4HFWoZ1zOEHp8f88SnAnqL7OEBO75JFhJlVnzg%3D&amp;reserved=0\"><br /></a></em><em>Wabanaki Winter Market - <a href=\"\"><br /></a></em><em>Common Ground Country Fair - <a href=\"\"><br /></a></em><em>Abbe Museum Indian Market - <a href=\";;sdata=ddziRtlZE%2BFFRiLUlkPlR6gnQsLIpa77jLPfweLT4e0%3D&amp;reserved=0\">Abbe Museum Indian Market<br /></a></em><em>Portland Museum of Art - <a href=\";;sdata=L%2BQ6UQUjlGaR%2FWaMEB5W%2BlqodFb%2B6ayGmwnMCsLuq%2F0%3D&amp;reserved=0\">Portland Museum of Art</a></em></p>","duration":"5:22","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Maine Office of Tourism","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Story Behind This Giant Rock in the Middle of a Field | Untold Earth","subtitle":"<p>Devil’s Tower, also known as Mato Tipila or Bear’s Lodge, was formed over 50 million years ago. Rising dramatically from the Wyoming plains, this spellbinding monolith is a pillar of Lakota Sioux mythology, and an enduring challenge to rock climbers worldwide. Through thousands of years of human fascination, there has been a critical question: How did it get here?</p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best.</p>","video_id":"Gwy7GqE-G9o","slug":"devils-tower-untold-earth-nature-pbs","description":"<p>Devil’s Tower, also known as Mato Tipila or Bear’s Lodge, was formed over 50 million years ago. Rising dramatically from the Wyoming plains, this spellbinding monolith is a pillar of Lakota Sioux mythology, and an enduring challenge to rock climbers worldwide. Through thousands of years of human fascination, there has been a critical question: How did it get here?</p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best.</p>","duration":"7:34","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Why Does This Sea Glow in the Dark? | Untold Earth","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">From Aristotle to Darwin, humankind’s efforts to understand bioluminescence span thousands of years. It is one of the oldest fields of scientific study, and researchers today know a great deal about how it works, but mysteries remain. In this episode of Untold Earth we get in the water with the bioluminescent algae of the Salish Sea of the Pacific Northwest. What is it about this place that inspires such obsession?</span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best. </span></p>","video_id":"l6IjegeWPNM","slug":"salish-sea-untold-earth-nature-pbs","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">From Aristotle to Darwin, humankind’s efforts to understand bioluminescence span thousands of years. It is one of the oldest fields of scientific study, and researchers today know a great deal about how it works, but mysteries remain. In this episode of Untold Earth we get in the water with the bioluminescent algae of the Salish Sea of the Pacific Northwest. What is it about this place that inspires such obsession?</span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best. </span></p>","duration":"8:26","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"What Are These Strange Towers Growing Out of This Lake? | Untold Earth","subtitle":"<p>Many of the big salt lakes of the Americas are on the brink of collapse due to climate change and water diversion. Nestled at the eastern edge of the Sierra Nevada in California, <a href=\"\">Mono Lake</a>’s survival is a <a href=\"\">testament to the work of scientists, activists, and locals</a> who have fought for decades to preserve it. Home to a unique ecosystem of brine shrimp, alkali flies, and migratory birds, punctuated by otherworldly tufa towers, Mono Lake’s desiccation would be detrimental to the wildlife and humans who call it home. </p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best. </p>","video_id":"X6wUVIbXoS4","slug":"mono-lake-untold-earth-nature-pbs","description":"<p>Many of the big salt lakes of the Americas are on the brink of collapse due to climate change and water diversion. Nestled at the eastern edge of the Sierra Nevada in California, <a href=\"\">Mono Lake</a>’s survival is a <a href=\"\">testament to the work of scientists, activists, and locals</a> who have fought for decades to preserve it. Home to a unique ecosystem of brine shrimp, alkali flies, and migratory birds, punctuated by otherworldly tufa towers, Mono Lake’s desiccation would be detrimental to the wildlife and humans who call it home. </p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best. </p>","duration":"9:06","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"You Aren’t Paying Enough Attention to Moss | Untold Earth","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Mosses were among the first land plants to evolve out of the ocean roughly 450 million years ago. They can grow anywhere, from the world’s harshest landscapes to cracks in the sidewalk. This episode of <em>Untold Earth</em> will get you up close and personal with <a href=\"\">the famed mosses of the Hoh Rainforest in Washington State</a> to understand their vital role in this ecosystem—and their potential to offer a glimpse into our planet’s future.</span></p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best.</p>","video_id":"VVeBSKK88Ig","slug":"hall-of-mosses-untold-earth-nature-pbs","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Mosses were among the first land plants to evolve out of the ocean roughly 450 million years ago. They can grow anywhere, from the world’s harshest landscapes to cracks in the sidewalk. This episode of <em>Untold Earth</em> will get you up close and personal with <a href=\"\">the famed mosses of the Hoh Rainforest in Washington State</a> to understand their vital role in this ecosystem—and their potential to offer a glimpse into our planet’s future.</span></p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best.</p>","duration":"5:41","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Atlas Obscura Tries: Tarpon Fishing","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Atlas Obscura Tries</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"> our host, Zak Martellucci, tries his hand at Tarpon fishing in Charlotte Harbor, FL- a sport fishing mecca known to anglers world-wide. Join us on the hunt for the ‘Silver King,’ and an exploration of the natural and cultural habitat that makes this community on the Gulf so vibrant and unique. </span></p>","video_id":"86rsRGr8-bA","slug":"atlas-obscura-tries-tarpon-fishing","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Atlas Obscura Tries</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"> our host, Zak Martellucci, tries his hand at Tarpon fishing in Charlotte Harbor, FL- a sport fishing mecca known to anglers world-wide. Join us on the hunt for the ‘Silver King,’ and an exploration of the natural and cultural habitat that makes this community on the Gulf so vibrant and unique. </span></p>","duration":"0:00","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","content_series_title":"Let Your Florida Adventure Begin","sponsor":"VISIT FLORIDA ","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Why Won't These Icebergs Leave Canada Alone? | Untold Earth","subtitle":"<p>Icebergs can be found in the world’s remotest, coldest, most dangerous seas. But each spring, a unique phenomenon brings hundreds of them to communities along Newfoundland’s northeast coast, where they have become a staple of everyday life. What are these icebergs doing here? And why is it imperative that we keep our eyes on them?</p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em data-stringify-type=\"italic\">Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em data-stringify-type=\"italic\">Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best. </p>","video_id":"zGmQQwkCFaI","slug":"iceberg-alley-untold-earth-nature-pbs","description":"<p>Icebergs can be found in the world’s remotest, coldest, most dangerous seas. But each spring, a unique phenomenon brings hundreds of them to communities along Newfoundland’s northeast coast, where they have become a staple of everyday life. What are these icebergs doing here? And why is it imperative that we keep our eyes on them?</p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em data-stringify-type=\"italic\">Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em data-stringify-type=\"italic\">Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best. </p>","duration":"7:05","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"All Roads Lead to Texas: Deep In The Art ","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Embark on a captivating journey through the unique art scene of Texas in \"All Roads Lead To Texas: Deep in the Art.\" Taking the adage “You can make art out of anything” to the next level, Texas is home to a unique spirit of wonder and adventure, manifesting itself in marvelous creations like the “Cathedral of Junk.\" Witness the transformative power of light in James Turrell's mesmerizing installation at Rice University. Experience the artistry of glassblowing at Wimberley Glassworks and discover the boundless possibilities of artistic expression. Watch this enchanting adventure through Texas' art scene, where creativity knows no bounds. </span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">See our full itinerary on places to experience unique art destinations in Texas <a href=\"\">here</a>. </span></p>\r\n<p> </p>","video_id":"z5IOlf1k06E","slug":"all-roads-lead-to-texas-deep-in-the-art","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Embark on a captivating journey through the unique art scene of Texas in \"All Roads Lead To Texas: Deep in the Art.\" Taking the adage “You can make art out of anything” to the next level, Texas is home to a unique spirit of wonder and adventure, manifesting itself in marvelous creations like the “Cathedral of Junk.\" Witness the transformative power of light in James Turrell's mesmerizing installation at Rice University. Experience the artistry of glassblowing at Wimberley Glassworks and discover the boundless possibilities of artistic expression. Watch this enchanting adventure through Texas' art scene, where creativity knows no bounds. </span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">See our full itinerary on places to experience unique art destinations in Texas <a href=\"\">here</a>. </span></p>\r\n<p> </p>","duration":"04:52","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Travel Texas","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"All Roads Lead to Texas: Texas’s Watery Wonders","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">When you think of Texas, water may not be the first thing that comes to mind. But if you know where to look, there’s a wealth of aquatic wonders to marvel at, from gorgeous spots to cliff dive to awe-inspiring landscapes where you can kiteboard. Dive into Texas’s watery wonders here. </span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">See our full itinerary on places to experience watery wonders in Texas <a href=\"\">here</a>. </span></p>","video_id":"OkxS7n_EM78","slug":"all-roads-lead-to-texas-texas-s-watery-wonders","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">When you think of Texas, water may not be the first thing that comes to mind. But if you know where to look, there’s a wealth of aquatic wonders to marvel at, from gorgeous spots to cliff dive to awe-inspiring landscapes where you can kiteboard. Dive into Texas’s watery wonders here. </span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">See our full itinerary on places to experience watery wonders in Texas <a href=\"\">here</a>. </span></p>","duration":"05:06","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Travel Texas","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"All Roads Lead to Texas: Big Wonder","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In Episode 3 of “All Roads Lead to Texas”, our host Dylan heads to the iconic Big Texan Steak Ranch in Amarillo, where he attempts their world-famous 72-ounce steak-eating contest. From there we head to Fort Davis, a remote mountain observatory, where scientists dedicate their lives to unraveling the mysteries of the universe. And finally, get your cowboy boots ready for some line dancing at the famed Billy Bob's in Fort Worth, the largest honky-tonk in the world. </span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">See our full itinerary on places to experience big wonder in Texas <a href=\"\">here</a>. </span></p>\r\n<p> </p>","video_id":"wAa4LqVUu5Y","slug":"all-roads-lead-to-texas-big-wonder","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In Episode 3 of “All Roads Lead to Texas”, our host Dylan heads to the iconic Big Texan Steak Ranch in Amarillo, where he attempts their world-famous 72-ounce steak-eating contest. From there we head to Fort Davis, a remote mountain observatory, where scientists dedicate their lives to unraveling the mysteries of the universe. And finally, get your cowboy boots ready for some line dancing at the famed Billy Bob's in Fort Worth, the largest honky-tonk in the world. </span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">See our full itinerary on places to experience big wonder in Texas <a href=\"\">here</a>. </span></p>\r\n<p> </p>","duration":"05:24","url":"","image":"","sponsor":"Travel Texas","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Ghosts that Haunt Tonopah","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">No funny business here, well..maybe, just a little bit with the Clown Motel that is chock-full of—you guessed it—clowns. But tear your eyes away from the grinning visages of the clowns, and you’ll soon see that Tonopah has more to its haunted history than the eerie, grinning entertainers. From a cemetery filled with colorful tales to a mine that has its fair share of ghost stories, Tonopah is full of character—both past and present.</span></p>","video_id":"EExj1qz1FXA","slug":"the-ghosts-that-haunt-tonopah","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">No funny business here, well..maybe, just a little bit with the Clown Motel that is chock-full of—you guessed it—clowns. But tear your eyes away from the grinning visages of the clowns, and you’ll soon see that Tonopah has more to its haunted history than the eerie, grinning entertainers. From a cemetery filled with colorful tales to a mine that has its fair share of ghost stories, Tonopah is full of character—both past and present.</span></p>","duration":"5:59","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Travel Nevada","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Little Slice of France and Spain in Nevada ","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">There’s a region that straddles the borders of Spain and France called the Basque Country. Over the course of a century, people from this region migrated to Nevada, first chasing the Gold Rush and then working as shepherds and bringing their own distinct touch to the Silver State. Today, Basque culture thrives in northern Nevada, celebrating their traditions and their food, which has been described as “half Spanish, half French, and mostly garlic.”</span></p>","video_id":"HlQ9B3GuIuM","slug":"the-little-slice-of-france-and-spain-in-nevada-atlas-obscura-x-travel-nevada","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">There’s a region that straddles the borders of Spain and France called the Basque Country. Over the course of a century, people from this region migrated to Nevada, first chasing the Gold Rush and then working as shepherds and bringing their own distinct touch to the Silver State. Today, Basque culture thrives in northern Nevada, celebrating their traditions and their food, which has been described as “half Spanish, half French, and mostly garlic.”</span></p>","duration":"4:12","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Travel Nevada","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"All Roads Lead to Texas | Texas, Below The Surface ","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this first episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">All Roads Lead to Texas</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura co-founder and host, Dylan Thuras, explores the incredible underground wonders of Texas, including the Stuart Bat Cave, the Sonora Caverns, and the Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern. With over 700,000 miles of highways, Texas has more room to roam than anywhere in America, and hidden beneath the surface are incredible spaces waiting to be explored. We meet a guide known as \"Cave Jesus\" and learn about the creative freedom of cave developers in the 1960s who built almost two miles of walkable passage. </span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">See our full itinerary on Texas' subterranean wonders <a href=\"\">here</a>. </span></p>","video_id":"tSwD77tS_bg","slug":"all-roads-lead-to-texas-below-the-surface","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this first episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">All Roads Lead to Texas</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura co-founder and host, Dylan Thuras, explores the incredible underground wonders of Texas, including the Stuart Bat Cave, the Sonora Caverns, and the Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern. With over 700,000 miles of highways, Texas has more room to roam than anywhere in America, and hidden beneath the surface are incredible spaces waiting to be explored. We meet a guide known as \"Cave Jesus\" and learn about the creative freedom of cave developers in the 1960s who built almost two miles of walkable passage. </span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">See our full itinerary on Texas' subterranean wonders <a href=\"\">here</a>. </span></p>","duration":"04:05","url":"","image":"","sponsor":"Travel Texas","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"All Roads Lead to Texas | From Ancient Past To Modern Future","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In Episode 2 of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">All Roads Lead to Texas</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, we take a trip through time and explore the rich history of humanity. From an ancient flint quarry where stone tools were made 13,000 years ago to the world-renowned astronaut training facility and a historic seaport, each site reveals a unique chapter in the history of humanity.</span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><br /></span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><br /></span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Our host, Dylan, gets hands-on and learns how to make arrowheads and spearpoints using ancient techniques. We also take a rare glimpse into the historic mission control room at the Johnson Space Center, where the iconic images of the first astronauts on the moon were broadcast to the world. And finally, we join the crew of the Alyssa, an authentic sailing vessel from 1877, as they prepare for their sailing season and keep traditional skills alive.</span></p>\r\n<p>See our full itinerary on discovering Texas’ rich history <a href=\"\">here</a>. </p>","video_id":"vieNipRM1VE","slug":"all-roads-lead-to-texas-rear-view","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In Episode 2 of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">All Roads Lead to Texas</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, we take a trip through time and explore the rich history of humanity. From an ancient flint quarry where stone tools were made 13,000 years ago to the world-renowned astronaut training facility and a historic seaport, each site reveals a unique chapter in the history of humanity.</span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><br /></span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><br /></span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Our host, Dylan, gets hands-on and learns how to make arrowheads and spearpoints using ancient techniques. We also take a rare glimpse into the historic mission control room at the Johnson Space Center, where the iconic images of the first astronauts on the moon were broadcast to the world. And finally, we join the crew of the Alyssa, an authentic sailing vessel from 1877, as they prepare for their sailing season and keep traditional skills alive.</span></p>\r\n<p>See our full itinerary on discovering Texas’ rich history <a href=\"\">here</a>. </p>","duration":"03:33","url":"","image":"","sponsor":"Travel Texas","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"All Roads Lead to Texas: Sounds of the Lonestar State","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Immerse yourself in the music of Texas in Episode 4 of \"All Roads Lead to Texas: Sounds of the Lone Star State.\" In this auditory journey, we discover the soul of Texas through its diverse music traditions. From the birthplace of conjunto in San Antonio to the intimate town of Luckenbach, where old-school country tunes resonate – the richness of Texas' musical heritage shines through across the state. </span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">See our full itinerary on places to explore music (and history) in Texas <a href=\"\">here</a>. </span></p>","video_id":"iBpIkJ4kUEE","slug":"all-roads-lead-to-texas-sounds-of-the-lonestar-state","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Immerse yourself in the music of Texas in Episode 4 of \"All Roads Lead to Texas: Sounds of the Lone Star State.\" In this auditory journey, we discover the soul of Texas through its diverse music traditions. From the birthplace of conjunto in San Antonio to the intimate town of Luckenbach, where old-school country tunes resonate – the richness of Texas' musical heritage shines through across the state. </span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">See our full itinerary on places to explore music (and history) in Texas <a href=\"\">here</a>. </span></p>","duration":"0:00","url":"","image":"","sponsor":"Travel Texas","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Redwoods Shouldn't Be So Tall. Here's Why They Are. | Untold Earth","subtitle":"<p>Beyond their iconic height, the redwoods of Northern California are sacred to the Yurok people—and a scientific frontier for the study of biodiversity that exists nowhere else on Earth. This episode of <em>Untold Earth</em> examines the myriad relationships between the redwoods, their forest ecosystems, and the humans who live and work among them. At every turn we ask what makes these trees so epic, so unique, so worth preserving. </p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em data-stringify-type=\"italic\">Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em data-stringify-type=\"italic\">Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best. </p>","video_id":"-BVHSUMAWR4","slug":"redwood-forest-untold-earth-nature-pbs","description":"<p>Beyond their iconic height, the redwoods of Northern California are sacred to the Yurok people—and a scientific frontier for the study of biodiversity that exists nowhere else on Earth. This episode of <em>Untold Earth</em> examines the myriad relationships between the redwoods, their forest ecosystems, and the humans who live and work among them. At every turn we ask what makes these trees so epic, so unique, so worth preserving. </p>\r\n<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em data-stringify-type=\"italic\">Untold Earth</em>, a new series from <em>Atlas Obscura</em>, in partnership with <em data-stringify-type=\"italic\">Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best. </p>","duration":"7:58","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Untold Earth | Series Trailer","subtitle":"<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from Atlas Obscura in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best. <em>Untold Earth</em> premieres Wednesday, April 12, on PBS Terra.</p>","video_id":"8uEPBI9IyIY","slug":"untold-earth-series-trailer","description":"<p>Explore the seeming impossibilities behind our planet’s strangest, most unique natural wonders in <em>Untold Earth</em>, a new series from Atlas Obscura in partnership with <em>Nature</em> and PBS Digital Studios. From fragile, untouched ecosystems to familiar but unexplained occurrences in our own backyards, this series chases insight into natural phenomena through the voices of those who know them best. <em>Untold Earth</em> premieres Wednesday, April 12, on PBS Terra.</p>","duration":"0:39","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Gastro Obscura Tries: Olive Oil Coffee ","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Olive oil and coffee might seem like they go together like, well, oil and water, but Starbucks has cracked the code on this surprising combination. Join Gastro Obscura’s Rachel Rummel on a whirlwind tour through Starbucks Support Center and Tryer Lab in Seattle, where she experiences Oleato™ beverages for the first time. </span></p>","video_id":"h4ets6BvkGs","slug":"gastro-obscura-tries-olive-oil-coffee","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Olive oil and coffee might seem like they go together like, well, oil and water, but Starbucks has cracked the code on this surprising combination. Join Gastro Obscura’s Rachel Rummel on a whirlwind tour through Starbucks Support Center and Tryer Lab in Seattle, where she experiences Oleato™ beverages for the first time. </span></p>","duration":"5:56","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Starbucks ","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"How Olive Oil and Coffee Came Together in a Cup","related_content_subtitle":"At first glance olives and coffee might seem to go together like, well, oil and water. But these Italian essentials possess deep cultural similarities—not to mention complementary flavors.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Dive Into Florida’s Sunken Gardens ","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Roadside attractions are peculiar places of entrepreneurial ambition and dreams that have driven tourists to pockets of a unique Americana culture since the 1900s. In St. Pete, Florida, the <a href=\"\">Sunken Gardens</a> is one such attraction – an unnatural creation celebrating the wonder of nature. Within its four acres guests can enjoy small waterfalls, countless species of flora, meandering paths, pretty-in-pink flamingos, and towering walls of magenta bougainvillea - all of it “sunken” below sea level.</span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">This video was sponsored by <a href=\"\">Visit St. Pete/Clearwater</a>.</span></p>\r\n<p> </p>","video_id":"_0NZXt1dZsY","slug":"florida-sunken-gardens","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Roadside attractions are peculiar places of entrepreneurial ambition and dreams that have driven tourists to pockets of a unique Americana culture since the 1900s. In St. Pete, Florida, the <a href=\"\">Sunken Gardens</a> is one such attraction – an unnatural creation celebrating the wonder of nature. Within its four acres guests can enjoy small waterfalls, countless species of flora, meandering paths, pretty-in-pink flamingos, and towering walls of magenta bougainvillea - all of it “sunken” below sea level.</span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">This video was sponsored by <a href=\"\">Visit St. Pete/Clearwater</a>.</span></p>\r\n<p> </p>","duration":"1:34","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","content_series_title":"Discover More Wonder in Visit St. Pete/Clearwater","sponsor":"Visit St. Pete/Clearwater","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"Sunken Gardens","related_content_subtitle":"A luxuriant botanical garden below sea level. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Hidden Wonders of the Hudson Valley ","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">For our co-founder Dylan Thuras, moving to New York’s Hudson Valley was a surprising delight. The Hudson Valley is perfect to undertake a journey of discovery, chock-full of natural wonders and hidden histories tucked away. Dive in as Dylan and his family take us around some of their favorite hidden wonders, from flying antique airplanes to the world’s largest kaleidoscope. </span></p>","video_id":"OrvqnDMvqHU","slug":"the-hidden-wonders-of-the-hudson-valley-atlas-obscura-x-defender","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">For our co-founder Dylan Thuras, moving to New York’s Hudson Valley was a surprising delight. The Hudson Valley is perfect to undertake a journey of discovery, chock-full of natural wonders and hidden histories tucked away. Dive in as Dylan and his family take us around some of their favorite hidden wonders, from flying antique airplanes to the world’s largest kaleidoscope. </span></p>","duration":"03:53","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Defender","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"One Street: Chinatown-International District, Seattle","subtitle":"<p>History—both personal and societal—is enshrined in Seattle's Chinatown-International District, with loyal locals coming back to time-honored, beloved institutions like Tai Tung’s or the Seattle Pinball Museum. A whole tapestry of history unfolds here, one that stretches across cultural lines and works to remember all the sacrifices of those who came before.</p>\r\n<p>Streets and neighborhoods run through cities like arteries through the body, giving them life through art, food, culture, and history — powered by the people who live and work there. Come along as we embark on a journey to explore the Emerald City through its most wondrous streets.</p>\r\n<p> </p>","video_id":"N8OgHpR48qc","slug":"one-street-history-in-seattle-s-chinatown-international-district","description":"<p>History—both personal and societal—is enshrined in Seattle's Chinatown-International District, with loyal locals coming back to time-honored, beloved institutions like Tai Tung’s or the Seattle Pinball Museum. A whole tapestry of history unfolds here, one that stretches across cultural lines and works to remember all the sacrifices of those who came before.</p>\r\n<p>Streets and neighborhoods run through cities like arteries through the body, giving them life through art, food, culture, and history — powered by the people who live and work there. Come along as we embark on a journey to explore the Emerald City through its most wondrous streets.</p>\r\n<p> </p>","duration":"06:59","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Visit Seattle","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"One Street: Georgetown Neighborhood, Seattle","subtitle":"<p>Seattle is filled with passionate people who not only have great ideas, but are willing to help others fulfill their own Big Ideas. Nowhere is that more evident than in Georgetown, where community spirit thrives alongside entrepreneurs chasing their visions and dreams. From one restaurateur couple’s love story to a family-owned comic store, there’s lots to explore.</p>\r\n<p>Streets and neighborhoods run through cities like arteries through the body, giving them life through art, food, culture, and history — powered by the people who live and work there. Come along as we embark on a journey to explore the Emerald City through its most wondrous streets.</p>","video_id":"6GtTGvkRM_I","slug":"one-street-georgetown-neighborhood-seattle","description":"<p>Seattle is filled with passionate people who not only have great ideas, but are willing to help others fulfill their own Big Ideas. Nowhere is that more evident than in Georgetown, where community spirit thrives alongside entrepreneurs chasing their visions and dreams. From one restaurateur couple’s love story to a family-owned comic store, there’s lots to explore.</p>\r\n<p>Streets and neighborhoods run through cities like arteries through the body, giving them life through art, food, culture, and history — powered by the people who live and work there. Come along as we embark on a journey to explore the Emerald City through its most wondrous streets.</p>","duration":"06:25","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Visit Seattle","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"One Street: Fremont Neighborhood, Seattle","subtitle":"<p>Seattle is known for a lot of things: great coffee, beautiful landscapes, and amazing people, just to name a few. The neighborhood of Fremont takes all of that and dials it up to eleven, putting on a show for the most curious wanderer willing to look a little harder under the hood. From a troll lurking under a bridge to a workshop turned music school, there’s lots to indulge even the most wondrous wanderer in Fremont.</p>\r\n<p>Streets and neighborhoods run through cities like arteries through the body, giving them life through art, food, culture, and history — powered by the people who live and work there. Come along as we embark on a journey to explore the Emerald City through its most wondrous streets.</p>","video_id":"wvqCxwgEHj8","slug":"one-street-fremont-neighborhood-seattle","description":"<p>Seattle is known for a lot of things: great coffee, beautiful landscapes, and amazing people, just to name a few. The neighborhood of Fremont takes all of that and dials it up to eleven, putting on a show for the most curious wanderer willing to look a little harder under the hood. From a troll lurking under a bridge to a workshop turned music school, there’s lots to indulge even the most wondrous wanderer in Fremont.</p>\r\n<p>Streets and neighborhoods run through cities like arteries through the body, giving them life through art, food, culture, and history — powered by the people who live and work there. Come along as we embark on a journey to explore the Emerald City through its most wondrous streets.</p>","duration":"06:17","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Visit Seattle","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Carousel of Happiness ","subtitle":"<p>A music box, a soldier looking for happiness, a carousel. All three things were combined to create the <a href=\"\">Carousel of Happiness </a>in Nederland, Colorado. Inspired by a music box his sister sent him during his time in the military, Scott Harrison decided to bring to life to his vision of populating a bare carousel with an entire fleet of hand-carved animals—producing joy for the community.  </p>","video_id":"YwCAQDkbIeg","slug":"video-carousel-of-happiness","description":"<p>A music box, a soldier looking for happiness, a carousel. All three things were combined to create the <a href=\"\">Carousel of Happiness </a>in Nederland, Colorado. Inspired by a music box his sister sent him during his time in the military, Scott Harrison decided to bring to life to his vision of populating a bare carousel with an entire fleet of hand-carved animals—producing joy for the community.  </p>","duration":"10:02","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Visit Colorado","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"Podcast: Carousel of Happiness","related_content_subtitle":"Join us for a daily celebration of the world’s most wondrous, unexpected, even strange places.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Atlas Obscura Tries: Mermaid Camp ","subtitle":"<p> In this episode of Atlas Obscura Tries, our host Sarah Durn dives into the world of mythical mermaids during the two-day Sirens of the Deep Camp at Weeki Wachee Springs. Explore with us the history of The City of Live Mermaids, home to the World Famous Weeki Wachee Mermaids, a troupe, tradition, and attraction in their 75th year.</p>","video_id":"nc4zLpPBLlM","slug":"atlas-obscura-tries-mermaid-camp","description":"<p> In this episode of Atlas Obscura Tries, our host Sarah Durn dives into the world of mythical mermaids during the two-day Sirens of the Deep Camp at Weeki Wachee Springs. Explore with us the history of The City of Live Mermaids, home to the World Famous Weeki Wachee Mermaids, a troupe, tradition, and attraction in their 75th year.</p>","duration":"7:36","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"VISIT FLORIDA ","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"City of Live Mermaids - Only in Florida ","related_content_subtitle":"A childhood dream come true on the Gulf Coast is also an ode to roadside Americana and a love letter to Florida’s natural beauty.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Inside Asheville's River Arts District","subtitle":"<div class=\"_1cCXb sc-kIPQKe jzTGTe\">\r\n<div class=\"_1DKxU sc-eXEjpC cwaXVG\">\r\n<div class=\"_wMel\" dir=\"auto\" data-description-content=\"true\">\r\n<p class=\"first\">In the 1880s, the Norfolk Southern Railroad ran alongside the French Broad River’s path in Asheville, North Carolina. Factories and mills lined the river's banks, producing fabric, cotton, and ice, but all that was swept away in the Great Flood of 1916, which decimated the railroad and surrounding area. But the area didn’t stay down for long. Today, what is known as the River Arts District is a hotbed of arts and culture, with over 200 artist studios housed in repurposed sites like an old tannery and cotton mill—a nod to the area’s industrial roots.</p>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>","video_id":"dI4lPt5flJo","slug":"asheville-s-river-arts-district","description":"<div class=\"_1cCXb sc-kIPQKe jzTGTe\">\r\n<div class=\"_1DKxU sc-eXEjpC cwaXVG\">\r\n<div class=\"_wMel\" dir=\"auto\" data-description-content=\"true\">\r\n<p class=\"first\">In the 1880s, the Norfolk Southern Railroad ran alongside the French Broad River’s path in Asheville, North Carolina. Factories and mills lined the river's banks, producing fabric, cotton, and ice, but all that was swept away in the Great Flood of 1916, which decimated the railroad and surrounding area. But the area didn’t stay down for long. Today, what is known as the River Arts District is a hotbed of arts and culture, with over 200 artist studios housed in repurposed sites like an old tannery and cotton mill—a nod to the area’s industrial roots.</p>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>","duration":"1:37","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","content_series_title":"Asheville: Off the Beaten Path","sponsor":"Explore Asheville","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"Asheville: Off the Beaten Path","related_content_subtitle":"This mountain town has stayed off many folks’ radars by keeping some of its greatest attractions at or beyond city limits.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"How a Blacksmith in Jordan Created His Own Sign Language","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">“In this place, the way you treat someone determines who you are.” Abdullah Ahmad, a blacksmith from Wahdat, Jordan, has lived by this precept his whole life. Abdullah was born deaf, but through care, trial, and patience, has developed an improvised sign language largely unique to him and his family and friends. Join us for an intimate glimpse into Abdullah’s world, as he demonstrates how he navigates the stigma of disability in the city. </span></p>\r\n<p> </p>","video_id":"tQ7-ih2gnkA","slug":"jordan-blacksmith-sign-language","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">“In this place, the way you treat someone determines who you are.” Abdullah Ahmad, a blacksmith from Wahdat, Jordan, has lived by this precept his whole life. Abdullah was born deaf, but through care, trial, and patience, has developed an improvised sign language largely unique to him and his family and friends. Join us for an intimate glimpse into Abdullah’s world, as he demonstrates how he navigates the stigma of disability in the city. </span></p>\r\n<p> </p>","duration":"9:02","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura’s Guide to Jordan","related_content_subtitle":"Up close with the ancient world and more. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"In Naples, Praying With Skulls Is an Ancient Tradition","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">“When you enter the Cemetery delle Fontanelle, it feels like you are going down to hell, descending into the underworld.” In Naples, members of the cult of the souls of purgatory practice an ancient tradition in which they express devotion to the skulls of lost or abandoned souls to help them seek salvation. The tradition lives underneath the city, a representation of the unusually close relationship Neapolitans have with death. </span></p>","video_id":"lJ4SWfviyUE","slug":"naples-cult-of-lost-souls","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">“When you enter the Cemetery delle Fontanelle, it feels like you are going down to hell, descending into the underworld.” In Naples, members of the cult of the souls of purgatory practice an ancient tradition in which they express devotion to the skulls of lost or abandoned souls to help them seek salvation. The tradition lives underneath the city, a representation of the unusually close relationship Neapolitans have with death. </span></p>","duration":"7:28","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura’s Guide to Skulls","related_content_subtitle":"Symbols of death and remembrance, all over the world. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Stilt Houses of Pasco County","subtitle":"<p class=\"p1\">Discover the curious history of Pasco County's stilt houses and take a rare look inside the homes built by a seafaring community generations ago. Located offshore the cities of New Port Richey and Port Richey by the mouth of the Cotee River, just nine of these unique structures remain, with many of them being prized family possessions. Should you choose to venture out, travel in a healthy and safe way when visiting and keep an eye out for the American flag mural.</p>","video_id":"-RdlyKDTt5s","slug":"the-stilt-houses-of-pasco-county","description":"<p class=\"p1\">Discover the curious history of Pasco County's stilt houses and take a rare look inside the homes built by a seafaring community generations ago. Located offshore the cities of New Port Richey and Port Richey by the mouth of the Cotee River, just nine of these unique structures remain, with many of them being prized family possessions. Should you choose to venture out, travel in a healthy and safe way when visiting and keep an eye out for the American flag mural.</p>","duration":"2:20","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Florida's Sports Coast","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Inside a Domed Pyramid With Astounding Acoustics and a History of Miracles ","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Up until this year, thousands of people of all faiths traveled to Lithuania’s Dzūkija National Park to meditate inside a glass dome. The structure was inspired by an incident in 1990, when a boy named Povilas Zekas was told by a mysterious voice that he would have the gift of divine conversation. In 2002, to commemorate what some believe to be a miracle, Zekas built the \"Pyramid of Merkine\" and added a glass dome for protection, turning it into a New Age marvel that’s said to channel divine energy. Belief aside, come to indulge in the acoustic marvels the dome creates. </span></p>","video_id":"mb_vzmKuiio","slug":"inside-the-pyramid-of-merkine","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Up until this year, thousands of people of all faiths traveled to Lithuania’s Dzūkija National Park to meditate inside a glass dome. The structure was inspired by an incident in 1990, when a boy named Povilas Zekas was told by a mysterious voice that he would have the gift of divine conversation. In 2002, to commemorate what some believe to be a miracle, Zekas built the \"Pyramid of Merkine\" and added a glass dome for protection, turning it into a New Age marvel that’s said to channel divine energy. Belief aside, come to indulge in the acoustic marvels the dome creates. </span></p>","duration":"4:16","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura’s Guide to the Divine","related_content_subtitle":"All faiths have their hidden wonders. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"See the Mysterious Horned Helmet of Henry VIII","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Behold the horned helmet of Henry VIII, gifted to the monarch by Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I in 1514. It’s perhaps the most recognizable helmet in the world, but if you’re wondering why someone would wear a helmet that’s quite this bizarre, you’re not alone. This piece of headgear has quite a bit of a mystery about it, and the theories behind its design range from having been based on a depiction of a fool, to being modeled on Maximilian I himself. There’s quite a lot to unpack here, so settle in for a brief history with Henry Yallop, the Keeper of Edge Weapons and Armour at the Royal Armouries in Leeds. </span></p>","video_id":"A3pMxvS_bI4","slug":"horned-helmet-henry-viii","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Behold the horned helmet of Henry VIII, gifted to the monarch by Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I in 1514. It’s perhaps the most recognizable helmet in the world, but if you’re wondering why someone would wear a helmet that’s quite this bizarre, you’re not alone. This piece of headgear has quite a bit of a mystery about it, and the theories behind its design range from having been based on a depiction of a fool, to being modeled on Maximilian I himself. There’s quite a lot to unpack here, so settle in for a brief history with Henry Yallop, the Keeper of Edge Weapons and Armour at the Royal Armouries in Leeds. </span></p>","duration":"4:00","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura’s Guide to the Renaissance","related_content_subtitle":"The hidden side of the flowering of European art, literature, and science. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Searching for Home and Connection Through Typewritten Poetry","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">“Are we foolish for making homes out of those moving targets, who are other people? Or is it what happens when you stop asking the question, and begin living?” Afrose Fatima Ahmed is a traveling poet who, along with her trusty typewriter, has traveled across the contiguous United States in pursuit of an idea of home. Born out of grief after a personal tragedy, Afrose’s project—”Poem Store,” impromptu typewritten poetry for strangers—is an opportunity to connect with other people in a common quest for belonging. </span></p>","video_id":"B8w6vpDWE_M","slug":"poem-store-typewritten-poetry","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">“Are we foolish for making homes out of those moving targets, who are other people? Or is it what happens when you stop asking the question, and begin living?” Afrose Fatima Ahmed is a traveling poet who, along with her trusty typewriter, has traveled across the contiguous United States in pursuit of an idea of home. Born out of grief after a personal tragedy, Afrose’s project—”Poem Store,” impromptu typewritten poetry for strangers—is an opportunity to connect with other people in a common quest for belonging. </span></p>","duration":"6:12","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura’s Guide to Poetry","related_content_subtitle":"It’s all around you.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Female Shark Spotter Protecting Réunion Island’s Surfers","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Réunion Island, some 400 miles east of Madagascar, is one of the highest-risk locations for shark encounters in the world. Surfing there is illegal except for two small, netted areas, patrolled by a small team of shark spotters known as Vigie Requin, or Shark Lookout. Meet Nelly Guichard—the only female shark spotter on this squad—as she braves dangerous conditions to help keep surfers safe.</span></p>","video_id":"rejpTnYkRCc","slug":"shark-spotters-reunion-island","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Réunion Island, some 400 miles east of Madagascar, is one of the highest-risk locations for shark encounters in the world. Surfing there is illegal except for two small, netted areas, patrolled by a small team of shark spotters known as Vigie Requin, or Shark Lookout. Meet Nelly Guichard—the only female shark spotter on this squad—as she braves dangerous conditions to help keep surfers safe.</span></p>","duration":"4:14","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Every Week Is Shark Week at Atlas Obscura","related_content_subtitle":"From the latest studies to unusual statues, we love these cartilaginous ocean-dwellers. ","related_content_url":" "},{"title":"Peek Inside NYC’s Iconic Rubber Stamp Shop","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">John Casey is the owner of East Village mainstay Casey Rubber Stamps, a local landmark that has endured for almost two decades. The iconic stamp and ink shop, located on East 11th Street in downtown New York, is beloved by locals. For years, residents and tourists alike have swung by to buy and make their own novelty rubber stamps. This short film from filmmakers Eric Maierson and Leandro Badalotti offers a glimpse into Casey’s intricate stamp-making process. </span></p>","video_id":"9dt65z1bAcY","slug":"new-york-rubber-stamp-shop","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">John Casey is the owner of East Village mainstay Casey Rubber Stamps, a local landmark that has endured for almost two decades. The iconic stamp and ink shop, located on East 11th Street in downtown New York, is beloved by locals. For years, residents and tourists alike have swung by to buy and make their own novelty rubber stamps. This short film from filmmakers Eric Maierson and Leandro Badalotti offers a glimpse into Casey’s intricate stamp-making process. </span></p>","duration":"3:40","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Unique Shops on Atlas Obscura","related_content_subtitle":"Unusual retail experiences around the world. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Reviving the Lost Art of Cambodian Shadow Puppetry","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Meet Mann Kosal, founder of the Sovanna Phum Center in Cambodia and a master of large shadow puppetry, an ancient art that dates back to before the Angkorian period in the seventh century. During the brutal regime of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s, this form of expression and storytelling all but disappeared; at least 80 percent of artists, including shadow puppeteers, had been killed. It’s Kosal’s quest to revive this nearly lost art and help it take center stage in Cambodia’s culture once more. </span></p>","video_id":"Gtvu5L8jX1g","slug":"cambodian-shadow-puppetry","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Meet Mann Kosal, founder of the Sovanna Phum Center in Cambodia and a master of large shadow puppetry, an ancient art that dates back to before the Angkorian period in the seventh century. During the brutal regime of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s, this form of expression and storytelling all but disappeared; at least 80 percent of artists, including shadow puppeteers, had been killed. It’s Kosal’s quest to revive this nearly lost art and help it take center stage in Cambodia’s culture once more. </span></p>","duration":"3:54","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura’s Guide to Puppets","related_content_subtitle":"Exploring a diverse, global art form. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Meet Nepal’s Mountain Porters","subtitle":"<p>Meet the porters of Nepal, who work long days, sometimes even weeks, transporting baggage and materials around the steep, mountainous terrain of the Khumbu region. Being a local porter, some of whom belong to the Sherpa ethnic group, is a tough, thankless job, especially outside of the more coveted jobs in the tourist trade. Some begin transporting materials around the mountains as teens, and many are forced to continue because of a lack of other opportunities. </p>","video_id":"3mdEjwgMqBs","slug":"nepal-mountain-porters","description":"<p>Meet the porters of Nepal, who work long days, sometimes even weeks, transporting baggage and materials around the steep, mountainous terrain of the Khumbu region. Being a local porter, some of whom belong to the Sherpa ethnic group, is a tough, thankless job, especially outside of the more coveted jobs in the tourist trade. Some begin transporting materials around the mountains as teens, and many are forced to continue because of a lack of other opportunities. </p>","duration":"5:09","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura’s Guide to Mountains","related_content_subtitle":"Don’t look down. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Meet Ms. Showtime: Motorcyclist, Poet, Trailblazer","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Marian “Ms. Showtime” Peterson is a force to be reckoned with. Since her youth, she’s forged her own path in the world, challenging gender stereotypes and unashamedly chasing her passions on the streets of Los Angeles—on two wheels. Peterson’s accomplishments in the male-dominated world of motorcycling are legendary: She was the first woman to join the Magnificent 7 motorcycle club and, in recognition of her skills, was named a Road Captain to boot. </span></p>","video_id":"g6HC4Mz9Evk","slug":"marian-ms-showtime-peterson-motorcyclist","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Marian “Ms. Showtime” Peterson is a force to be reckoned with. Since her youth, she’s forged her own path in the world, challenging gender stereotypes and unashamedly chasing her passions on the streets of Los Angeles—on two wheels. Peterson’s accomplishments in the male-dominated world of motorcycling are legendary: She was the first woman to join the Magnificent 7 motorcycle club and, in recognition of her skills, was named a Road Captain to boot. </span></p>","duration":"6:33","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura’s Guide to Kickass Women","related_content_subtitle":"Meet trailblazing women from across the world and throughout history. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"A Former CIA Chief of Disguise Shows Off a Five-Second Mask","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Meet Jonna Mendez, the former CIA Chief of Disguise (a real job!). During her tenure, Mendez oversaw the equipment used by spies to conceal their identities, including a five-second mask, which had been inspired by Hollywood. The technology, developed over a period of 10 years, allowed for facial movement—and, unlike its cinematic counterparts, which required hours in the makeup chair, it could be put on and removed at a moment’s notice. Listen to Mendez explain the ins and outs of this unique piece of spy technology. </span></p>","video_id":"Q0uAh02-vPU","slug":"cia-chief-of-disguise-hollywood-mask","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Meet Jonna Mendez, the former CIA Chief of Disguise (a real job!). During her tenure, Mendez oversaw the equipment used by spies to conceal their identities, including a five-second mask, which had been inspired by Hollywood. The technology, developed over a period of 10 years, allowed for facial movement—and, unlike its cinematic counterparts, which required hours in the makeup chair, it could be put on and removed at a moment’s notice. Listen to Mendez explain the ins and outs of this unique piece of spy technology. </span></p>","duration":"3:59","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Espionage","related_content_subtitle":"It’s just like the movies, except it’s not. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Conspiracy Theories and Misinterpreted Murals of Denver Airport","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">You may have heard of the infamous Blue Mustang, the giant blue horse sculpture outside Denver International Airport. ‘Blucifer’ has inspired one of many conspiracy theories related to airport art at DIA. When Leo Tanguma painted a series of murals for the Denver International Airport, he had no idea that they too would become a lightning rod for controversy and conspiracy theories. Despite his attempts to explain the true meaning behind the murals, the firestorm of spurious speculation rolls on.</span></p>","video_id":"mUzfjOe2ynY","slug":"the-conspiracy-theories-and-misinterpreted-murals-of-denver-airport","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">You may have heard of the infamous Blue Mustang, the giant blue horse sculpture outside Denver International Airport. ‘Blucifer’ has inspired one of many conspiracy theories related to airport art at DIA. When Leo Tanguma painted a series of murals for the Denver International Airport, he had no idea that they too would become a lightning rod for controversy and conspiracy theories. Despite his attempts to explain the true meaning behind the murals, the firestorm of spurious speculation rolls on.</span></p>","duration":"3:49","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Denver Airport Has the Best Public Service Announcements Ever","related_content_subtitle":"Conspiracy or construction?","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Show & Tell With the Genius Behind America’s Best Roadside Attraction","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Meet Erika Nelson, the artist behind—deep breath—the World’s Largest Collection of the World’s Smallest Versions of the World’s Largest Things. In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell, </span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">she takes us through her own unique collection, which helped inspire what is arguably America’s best roadside attraction. From the Thing (no, really!) to a cow hairball, check out what inspires Nelson’s unusual take on the world. </span></p>","video_id":"D4ey4Crqids","slug":"show-tell-best-roadside-attraction","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Meet Erika Nelson, the artist behind—deep breath—the World’s Largest Collection of the World’s Smallest Versions of the World’s Largest Things. In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell, </span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">she takes us through her own unique collection, which helped inspire what is arguably America’s best roadside attraction. From the Thing (no, really!) to a cow hairball, check out what inspires Nelson’s unusual take on the world. </span></p>","duration":"11:40","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura’s Guide to One-of-a-Kind Collections","related_content_subtitle":" A giant collection of our favorites. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Show & Tell With a Master Magic Auctioneer ","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">,</span> <span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras speaks with Gabe Fajuri of Potter &amp; Potter Auctions, located in Chicago, Illinois, which focuses on all sorts of unusual objects and ephemera. From vintage magic-related memorabilia to acrobatic automatons, Fajuri has a varied, diverse collection to show off. Stay tuned to see him demonstrate the art of auctioneering and show off a skull that sold for a whopping $13,000! </span></p>","video_id":"90bpSpcQnnE","slug":"show-tell-magic-auctioneer","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">,</span> <span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras speaks with Gabe Fajuri of Potter &amp; Potter Auctions, located in Chicago, Illinois, which focuses on all sorts of unusual objects and ephemera. From vintage magic-related memorabilia to acrobatic automatons, Fajuri has a varied, diverse collection to show off. Stay tuned to see him demonstrate the art of auctioneering and show off a skull that sold for a whopping $13,000! </span></p>","duration":"10:02","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_title":"An Insider’s Tour of New York’s Disappearing Magic History","related_content_subtitle":"A peek behind the curtain. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Show & Tell With a Pull-Tab Archaeologist","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura staff writer Jessica Leigh Hester talks with Jobbe Wijnen, a “pull-tab archaeologist” based out of the Netherlands. Pull tabs are those small metal things that open cans of beer and soda! Wijnen has amassed more than 3,000 of them, a collection he is continually working to categorize. He has even opened up his work to citizen scientists, so the next time you see a pull tab wedged in the dirt, consider sending it to him. </span></p>","video_id":"T5JDuqk4TBo","slug":"pull-tab-archaeology","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura staff writer Jessica Leigh Hester talks with Jobbe Wijnen, a “pull-tab archaeologist” based out of the Netherlands. Pull tabs are those small metal things that open cans of beer and soda! Wijnen has amassed more than 3,000 of them, a collection he is continually working to categorize. He has even opened up his work to citizen scientists, so the next time you see a pull tab wedged in the dirt, consider sending it to him. </span></p>","duration":"10:07","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_title":" The Atlas Obscura Guide to Archaeology","related_content_subtitle":"Wacky and wonderful ways to study human history.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Show & Tell With Colored-Pencil Cartographer Anton Thomas","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura staff writer Jessica Leigh Hester speaks with artist and cartographer Anton Thomas, who draws maps of the world by hand with colored pencils. Thomas employs meticulous detail to depict everything from destructive earthquakes to mythical beasts. Check out Thomas’s custom mapmaking tools, the original North America map, and all the whimsical details that live in his creations. </span></p>","video_id":"ff6qtRaSkEQ","slug":"hand-drawn-maps-anton-thomas","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura staff writer Jessica Leigh Hester speaks with artist and cartographer Anton Thomas, who draws maps of the world by hand with colored pencils. Thomas employs meticulous detail to depict everything from destructive earthquakes to mythical beasts. Check out Thomas’s custom mapmaking tools, the original North America map, and all the whimsical details that live in his creations. </span></p>","duration":"11:53","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Maps","related_content_subtitle":"A mix of cartography, history, and fantasy.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Show & Tell at a Secret Wonder Emporium","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras speaks with Dan Buck, co-owner of Art of Play, a wonder emporium of cards, illusions, magic tricks, and puzzles in San Diego. Join Dylan on a virtual tour of Dan’s secret showroom, with its rare Japanese wooden puzzle boxes, designer playing cards, custom automata, and other magical surprises. </span></p>","video_id":"PyPWuXl1EWI","slug":"secret-wonder-emporium","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras speaks with Dan Buck, co-owner of Art of Play, a wonder emporium of cards, illusions, magic tricks, and puzzles in San Diego. Join Dylan on a virtual tour of Dan’s secret showroom, with its rare Japanese wooden puzzle boxes, designer playing cards, custom automata, and other magical surprises. </span></p>","duration":"13:46","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_title":"33 of the World’s Most Enchanting Local Magic Shops","related_content_subtitle":"Atlas Obscura readers share their personal favorites. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Atlas Obscura Tries: Magnet Fishing","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Atlas Obscura Tries</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, our Editorial Director Samir S. Patel learns how to magnet fish</span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">—</span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">the art of using a high-powered magnet to “fish” for metal debris in bodies of water. Samir discovered magnet fishing on Reddit, where enthusiasts have posted videos of incredible finds, from motorcycles to go-karts. Watch Samir plumb the depths of Van Cortlandt Lake in the Bronx, and check out the smelly catch of the day!</span></p>","video_id":"W1B8uKlWL6c","slug":"atlas-tries-magnet-fishing","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Atlas Obscura Tries</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, our Editorial Director Samir S. Patel learns how to magnet fish</span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">—</span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">the art of using a high-powered magnet to “fish” for metal debris in bodies of water. Samir discovered magnet fishing on Reddit, where enthusiasts have posted videos of incredible finds, from motorcycles to go-karts. Watch Samir plumb the depths of Van Cortlandt Lake in the Bronx, and check out the smelly catch of the day!</span></p>","duration":"6:00","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to the Bronx","related_content_subtitle":"27 Cool and Unusual Things to Do in the Bronx, New York. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"How One Man Built a Sprawling Treehouse With a Dance Floor","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">When Buddy Melvin set out to build a treehouse in 1997, he only planned for one room. Today the sprawling structure has 16, including bars, bedrooms, a pool room, and a dance floor. At the heart of the treehouse is an enormous trunk, which continues to grow, fed by the subterranean stream below. Buddy’s treehouse has a few broken floorboards and crooked beams, but he likes it that way. Used as a gathering space for dance parties and motorcycle groups, the treehouse is home to many happy memories.</span></p>","video_id":"4OZYtBczE3E","slug":"sprawling-treehouse","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">When Buddy Melvin set out to build a treehouse in 1997, he only planned for one room. Today the sprawling structure has 16, including bars, bedrooms, a pool room, and a dance floor. At the heart of the treehouse is an enormous trunk, which continues to grow, fed by the subterranean stream below. Buddy’s treehouse has a few broken floorboards and crooked beams, but he likes it that way. Used as a gathering space for dance parties and motorcycle groups, the treehouse is home to many happy memories.</span></p>","duration":"6:55","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Treehouses","related_content_subtitle":"Homes and hideouts built in trees around the world. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Show & Tell With Drag-Racing Legend Al Young","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">,</span> <span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras speaks with dragster driving legend Al Young. The first Asian-American world champion drag racer, Al is also a kung fu master, long-time teacher, and direct descendant of Chinese-American railroad workers. At 73, his passion for racing hasn’t slowed, and he still builds customized race cars from his garage in Seattle. Get an inside look at Al’s high-powered cars, hear stories about overcoming personal obstacles, and learn more about Chinese-American history.</span></p>","video_id":"h8vXIdXB9cg","slug":"show-tell-drag-racing-al-young","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">,</span> <span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras speaks with dragster driving legend Al Young. The first Asian-American world champion drag racer, Al is also a kung fu master, long-time teacher, and direct descendant of Chinese-American railroad workers. At 73, his passion for racing hasn’t slowed, and he still builds customized race cars from his garage in Seattle. Get an inside look at Al’s high-powered cars, hear stories about overcoming personal obstacles, and learn more about Chinese-American history.</span></p>","duration":"12:31","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Cars","related_content_subtitle":"Unique automobiles from around the world.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"A Phoenix Made From 18,000 Keys Rises From the Ashes of a Wildfire","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In the wake of the disastrous and deadly Camp Fire, former Paradise, California, resident and community artist Jessie Mercer wanted to make something from the remnants of the town’s lost homes. Gathering more than 18,000 donated keys to homes, churches, schools, businesses, and cars, Jessie created an 800-pound sculpture of the mythological phoenix</span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">—</span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">a bird that is born again from the ashes of its predecessor. The finished piece, now in the Building Residency Center in Paradise, is a powerful symbol of loss and rebuilding.</span></p>","video_id":"Mf1mLl0tQFQ","slug":"paradise-phoenix-sculpture","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In the wake of the disastrous and deadly Camp Fire, former Paradise, California, resident and community artist Jessie Mercer wanted to make something from the remnants of the town’s lost homes. Gathering more than 18,000 donated keys to homes, churches, schools, businesses, and cars, Jessie created an 800-pound sculpture of the mythological phoenix</span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">—</span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">a bird that is born again from the ashes of its predecessor. The finished piece, now in the Building Residency Center in Paradise, is a powerful symbol of loss and rebuilding.</span></p>","duration":"10:22","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The California Photographer Who Has Shot More Than 100 Wildfires","related_content_subtitle":"Noah Berger is in his element amid smoke and flames.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Show & Tell With Antiquarian Horologist Nico Cox","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura staff writer Jessica Leigh Hester speaks with Nico Cox, an antiquarian horologist—that is, one who fixes old clockwork mechanisms. Away from her wondrous workshop, Nico has several projects to tinker with at home, including the restoration of a player piano and porcelain ceramics of magical cryptids. Learn more about mechanical magic, the mysteries of a piano that plays itself, and a funky lava lamp! </span></p>","video_id":"atiBP6WT0E4","slug":"antiquarian-horologist-nico-cox","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura staff writer Jessica Leigh Hester speaks with Nico Cox, an antiquarian horologist—that is, one who fixes old clockwork mechanisms. Away from her wondrous workshop, Nico has several projects to tinker with at home, including the restoration of a player piano and porcelain ceramics of magical cryptids. Learn more about mechanical magic, the mysteries of a piano that plays itself, and a funky lava lamp! </span></p>","duration":"9:24","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_title":"How an Antiquarian Horologist Brings Tiny Machines Back to Life","related_content_subtitle":"The minutiae of restoring 18th-century technology.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"How a Group of Rock Climbers Saved a Ranch for Everyone","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">For over a century, the Reimers family opened its Texas ranch to outdoor enthusiasts. But in 2003, Milton Reimers decided to sell the property, and offered it to Travis County. To keep the land public, a dedicated group of rock climbers rounded up 10,000 signatures to hold a bond election to finance the purchase for public use. It worked, and today Reimers Ranch is considered a world-class rock-climbing destination.</span></p>","video_id":"d4bccmrsJHU","slug":"rock-climbers-reimers-ranch","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">For over a century, the Reimers family opened its Texas ranch to outdoor enthusiasts. But in 2003, Milton Reimers decided to sell the property, and offered it to Travis County. To keep the land public, a dedicated group of rock climbers rounded up 10,000 signatures to hold a bond election to finance the purchase for public use. It worked, and today Reimers Ranch is considered a world-class rock-climbing destination.</span></p>","duration":"0:00","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura’s Guide to Austin","related_content_subtitle":"30 Cool, Hidden, and Unusual Things to do in Austin, Texas","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Show & Tell With the Staff of Chicago’s Field Museum","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras and staff writer Jessica Leigh Hester speak with six employees of the Field Museum in Chicago about their personal collections. Among them are a fluorescent scorpion, a taxidermied squirrel, a miniature replica of a living room, and a unique pinned wasp! Isolated and unable to interact with the museum’s natural history exhibits, these Field Museum employees still have access to wonder.</span></p>","video_id":"zZXsnlUhuKU","slug":"show-and-tell-chicago-field-museum","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras and staff writer Jessica Leigh Hester speak with six employees of the Field Museum in Chicago about their personal collections. Among them are a fluorescent scorpion, a taxidermied squirrel, a miniature replica of a living room, and a unique pinned wasp! Isolated and unable to interact with the museum’s natural history exhibits, these Field Museum employees still have access to wonder.</span></p>","duration":"11:15","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura’s Guide to Chicago","related_content_subtitle":"138 Cool, Hidden, and Unusual Things to Do in Chicago, Illinois","related_content_url":""},{"title":"How Chinese Folk Dancers Continue to Practice During Quarantine","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">For the Xuejuan Dance Ensemble, practice continues despite a stay-at-home order in Virginia. According to the ensemble’s director, Xuejuan Feng, teaching classical Chinese dance online is difficult because it requires dancers to have </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">shen yun</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, or “body rhythm,” but her students still meet virtually to practice. Chinese folk dance reflects regional and cultural differences, and offers Chinese-American dancers a connection to their ancestors. The pandemic has led to the cancellation of exciting national competitions, but for some it has offered more time to hone their flexibility, skills, and fan dances.</span></p>","video_id":"-4jHiVzWmvk","slug":"chinese-folk-dance-quarantine","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">For the Xuejuan Dance Ensemble, practice continues despite a stay-at-home order in Virginia. According to the ensemble’s director, Xuejuan Feng, teaching classical Chinese dance online is difficult because it requires dancers to have </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">shen yun</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, or “body rhythm,” but her students still meet virtually to practice. Chinese folk dance reflects regional and cultural differences, and offers Chinese-American dancers a connection to their ancestors. The pandemic has led to the cancellation of exciting national competitions, but for some it has offered more time to hone their flexibility, skills, and fan dances.</span></p>","duration":"5:01","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura’s Guide to Dance","related_content_subtitle":"Beauty, expression, and identity around the world.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Show & Tell: Inside a House of Hot Sauce With Vic Clinco","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Gastro Obscura associate editor Anne Ewbank speaks with Vic Clinco, an avid hot sauce fan with the (unofficial) largest collection of hot sauces in the world. Clinco’s collection started 22 years ago, when his wife gifted him a few bottles for Christmas. Today his collection is around 9,200 bottles, organized by region, including a shelf dedicated solely to Tabasco. Clinco also has rare bottles, such as hand-blown ones in the shape of a Carolina Reaper, a hot sauce grenade, and a bottle of crystalized capsaicin oil that clocks in at 16 million Scoville Heat Units</span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">—making it the hottest on the planet. </span></p>","video_id":"eUrHjt-znnA","slug":"hot-sauce-collection-vic-clinco","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Gastro Obscura associate editor Anne Ewbank speaks with Vic Clinco, an avid hot sauce fan with the (unofficial) largest collection of hot sauces in the world. Clinco’s collection started 22 years ago, when his wife gifted him a few bottles for Christmas. Today his collection is around 9,200 bottles, organized by region, including a shelf dedicated solely to Tabasco. Clinco also has rare bottles, such as hand-blown ones in the shape of a Carolina Reaper, a hot sauce grenade, and a bottle of crystalized capsaicin oil that clocks in at 16 million Scoville Heat Units</span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">—making it the hottest on the planet. </span></p>","duration":"13:16","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura’s Guide to the Hottest of the Hot","related_content_subtitle":"From death noodles to ghost pepper ice cream. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Coyolillo’s Carnival Is a Celebration of Afro-Mexican Culture ","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The oldest of its kind in Veracruz, Mexico, Coyolillo’s Carnival originated when enslaved African, brought to the area by Spanish colonists, were given a single day off, and used it to disguise themselves with masks. Today the Carnival celebrates the heritage of Afro-Mexicans, who have been historically marginalized. Only in 2016 did the government formally acknowledge them in the national census. The day’s festivities include a parade, a beauty pageant, traditional homemade dishes, and intricately designed masks.  </span></p>","video_id":"lOdzYNrLu14","slug":"coyolillo-carnival-afro-mexican-culture","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The oldest of its kind in Veracruz, Mexico, Coyolillo’s Carnival originated when enslaved African, brought to the area by Spanish colonists, were given a single day off, and used it to disguise themselves with masks. Today the Carnival celebrates the heritage of Afro-Mexicans, who have been historically marginalized. Only in 2016 did the government formally acknowledge them in the national census. The day’s festivities include a parade, a beauty pageant, traditional homemade dishes, and intricately designed masks.  </span></p>","duration":"8:22","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"An Explorer's Guide to Mexico","related_content_subtitle":"Hundreds of cool, hidden, and unusual things in Mexico City and beyond","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Show & Tell: The Magic of Imperfect Objects With Jessica Oreck","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras speaks with artist and filmmaker Jessica Oreck while exploring her collection of ubiquitous, often tiny, items. Containing things such as used stamps and dice with imperfect pips, Jessica’s collection highlights the wonder of everyday objects. Check out </span><a href=\"\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Myriapod Productions</span></a><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"> for more of Jessica’s work. </span></p>","video_id":"thS-STd58xM","slug":"imperfect-objects-with-jessica-oreck","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras speaks with artist and filmmaker Jessica Oreck while exploring her collection of ubiquitous, often tiny, items. Containing things such as used stamps and dice with imperfect pips, Jessica’s collection highlights the wonder of everyday objects. Check out </span><a href=\"\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Myriapod Productions</span></a><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"> for more of Jessica’s work. </span></p>","duration":"9:58","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura's Guide to Curious Things","related_content_subtitle":"The world isn't just full of amazing places. There are wondrous and weird objects, too.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Show & Tell: The Tenacious Tendrils of Ithaca’s Gourdlandia","subtitle":"<p>Even though she’s sheltering at home, Graham Ottoson has plenty to keep her busy at Gourdlandia. Nicknamed “The Gourd Lady,” Graham transforms gourds of all shapes and sizes into instruments, lamps, clocks, and other decor. In this episode of <em>Show &amp; Tell</em>, Graham teaches Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras the process behind her gourd-geous craft, from pollinating plants to carving with specialized gourd saws!</p>","video_id":"duIqmVV9X-M","slug":"show-tell-ithaca-gourdlandia","description":"<p>Even though she’s sheltering at home, Graham Ottoson has plenty to keep her busy at Gourdlandia. Nicknamed “The Gourd Lady,” Graham transforms gourds of all shapes and sizes into instruments, lamps, clocks, and other decor. In this episode of <em>Show &amp; Tell</em>, Graham teaches Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras the process behind her gourd-geous craft, from pollinating plants to carving with specialized gourd saws!</p>","duration":"12:29","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Ithaca","related_content_subtitle":"9 Cool, Hidden, and Unusual Things to Do","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Explore South Africa’s Forest Beneath the Waves","subtitle":"<p>If you take a short swim from Cape Town, South Africa, you might get to see a kelp forest, a unique ecosystem teeming with diverse aquatic life. Unfortunately, these algal wonderlands are under threat from rising sea temperatures. Meet the community that’s formed around the 750-mile-long Great African Sea Forest, which attracts researchers, divers, and more to its enchanting underwater groves.</p>","video_id":"RkRlLYZEwkg","slug":"south-africa-kelp-forest","description":"<p>If you take a short swim from Cape Town, South Africa, you might get to see a kelp forest, a unique ecosystem teeming with diverse aquatic life. Unfortunately, these algal wonderlands are under threat from rising sea temperatures. Meet the community that’s formed around the 750-mile-long Great African Sea Forest, which attracts researchers, divers, and more to its enchanting underwater groves.</p>","duration":"5:02","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"An Explorer's Guide to South Africa","related_content_subtitle":"Cool, hidden, and unusual things in Cape Town and beyond","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Show & Tell: The Mechanical Magic of Scotland’s House of Automata","subtitle":"<p>Ready for a shot of joy and wonder? Maria and Michael Start, the owners of the House of Automata in Forres, Scotland, talk to Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras in our latest episode of <em>Show &amp; Tell</em>. Watch their collection of charmingly whimsical objects—from a mechanical, bubble-blowing bear to an automaton that pours vodka in an infinite loop—come to life. </p>","video_id":"wri0X_cHyDA","slug":"the-mechanical-magic-of-scotland-s-house-of-automata","description":"<p>Ready for a shot of joy and wonder? Maria and Michael Start, the owners of the House of Automata in Forres, Scotland, talk to Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras in our latest episode of <em>Show &amp; Tell</em>. Watch their collection of charmingly whimsical objects—from a mechanical, bubble-blowing bear to an automaton that pours vodka in an infinite loop—come to life. </p>","duration":"16:44","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura's Guide to Curious Objects","related_content_subtitle":"The world isn't just full of amazing places. There are wondrous and weird things, too. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Dying Art of Traditional Boat-Building in Iran","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">For almost 400 years, the Guranian people of Iran’s Qeshm Island have preserved the art of building Lenj boats—large, handmade, wood vessels for moving passengers or cargo. For generations, these ships have been built without blueprints or maps, save for the memories of the skilled builders. Once, almost all of the Guranian people worked in the business, but today the industry is at risk of disappearing. The few remaining builders are still hammering away to protect this intangible cultural heritage and art form for future generations. </span></p>","video_id":"wdAt_AOlChw","slug":"traditional-boats-in-iran","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">For almost 400 years, the Guranian people of Iran’s Qeshm Island have preserved the art of building Lenj boats—large, handmade, wood vessels for moving passengers or cargo. For generations, these ships have been built without blueprints or maps, save for the memories of the skilled builders. Once, almost all of the Guranian people worked in the business, but today the industry is at risk of disappearing. The few remaining builders are still hammering away to protect this intangible cultural heritage and art form for future generations. </span></p>","duration":"5:21","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"An Explorer's Guide to Iran","related_content_subtitle":"Cool, hidden, and unusual things in the Islamic Republic","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Watch the Cutest Little Hummingbird on Its 3,000-Mile Migration","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">We’re all feeling some measure of stress, and many people out there have found comfort and distraction in new hobbies—like birdwatching.  If you’re on the West Coast and you play your cards right, you might even have a unique opportunity to see the rufous hummingbird during its 3,000-mile migration from Mexico to Alaska. That’s a big journey for a small, small bird!  </span></p>","video_id":"kb0_kyvCTHo","slug":"cutest-little-hummingbird-migration","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">We’re all feeling some measure of stress, and many people out there have found comfort and distraction in new hobbies—like birdwatching.  If you’re on the West Coast and you play your cards right, you might even have a unique opportunity to see the rufous hummingbird during its 3,000-mile migration from Mexico to Alaska. That’s a big journey for a small, small bird!  </span></p>","duration":"3:38","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura's Guide to Birds","related_content_subtitle":"Wondrous places, immersive stories, and more. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Show & Tell: See a Collection of Dissected Skulls and Medical Marvels","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras speaks with Ryan Cohn, host of </span><a href=\"\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Science Channel’s </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Oddities</span></em></a><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"> and curator of </span><a href=\"\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Brooklyn’s House of Wax</span></a><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"> about why he collects medical marvels. Feast your eyes: you’ll spot an array of anatomical models, including multiple skulls and an oversized wax écorché (that’s a human model, minus the skin) that is twice life-size. </span></p>","video_id":"lIpokkD9Q88","slug":"show-and-tell-oddities","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Show &amp; Tell</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">, Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras speaks with Ryan Cohn, host of </span><a href=\"\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Science Channel’s </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Oddities</span></em></a><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"> and curator of </span><a href=\"\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Brooklyn’s House of Wax</span></a><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"> about why he collects medical marvels. Feast your eyes: you’ll spot an array of anatomical models, including multiple skulls and an oversized wax écorché (that’s a human model, minus the skin) that is twice life-size. </span></p>","duration":"14:07","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_title":"Atlas Obscura's Guide to Medical History","related_content_subtitle":"From amazing models to pandemics throughout the ages. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"A Local’s View of Iran’s Rainbow Island","subtitle":"<p>Hormuz Island, also known as Rainbow Island, is famous for its colorful soil. There are 72 shades of soil in the area, and its diverse, serene landscapes make it a magnet for artists around the region. Local art aficionado Farzad Kari takes us on a virtual tour and explains why the island is such a beacon of inspiration.</p>","video_id":"BrWYKUZPTyU","slug":"iran-rainbow-island","description":"<p>Hormuz Island, also known as Rainbow Island, is famous for its colorful soil. There are 72 shades of soil in the area, and its diverse, serene landscapes make it a magnet for artists around the region. Local art aficionado Farzad Kari takes us on a virtual tour and explains why the island is such a beacon of inspiration.</p>","duration":"5:17","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"An Explorer's Guide to Iran","related_content_subtitle":"Cool, hidden, and unusual things in the Islamic Republic","related_content_url":""},{"title":"See the World Through Its Windows","subtitle":"<p>The world may have shrunk down to your living room, but there are still ways to instill wonder. We asked our community to share their window views with us, and suffice it to say, it feels like we just took a trip around the world. Can you guess where these views are? </p>","video_id":"P91Hpgsjxmg","slug":"see-the-world-through-its-windows","description":"<p>The world may have shrunk down to your living room, but there are still ways to instill wonder. We asked our community to share their window views with us, and suffice it to say, it feels like we just took a trip around the world. Can you guess where these views are? </p>","duration":"1:44","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_subtitle":"Capture the spirit of discovery and community. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Show & Tell: The Radio Guy’s Collection of Scary-Looking Headgear","subtitle":"<p>In our first episode of <em>Show &amp; Tell</em>, Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras makes a virtual visit to the house of Steve Erenberg, also known as the Radio Guy. For years, Steve has been on the hunt for strange objects that are either worn on—or illustrate—the head, which means he’s amassed an impressive collection of items that look like they came from a macabre sci-fi movie. Steve shows Dylan his astonishing collection of industrial headgear, including helmets, medical models, and what appear to be inspirations for a few <em>Star Wars</em> characters! </p>","video_id":"0OxGK-8s8XQ","slug":"show-and-tell-radio-guy","description":"<p>In our first episode of <em>Show &amp; Tell</em>, Atlas Obscura co-founder Dylan Thuras makes a virtual visit to the house of Steve Erenberg, also known as the Radio Guy. For years, Steve has been on the hunt for strange objects that are either worn on—or illustrate—the head, which means he’s amassed an impressive collection of items that look like they came from a macabre sci-fi movie. Steve shows Dylan his astonishing collection of industrial headgear, including helmets, medical models, and what appear to be inspirations for a few <em>Star Wars</em> characters! </p>","duration":"11:59","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Wonder From Home","related_content_title":"We Love Collectors","related_content_subtitle":"Check out a variety of unusual collections from around the world. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"What's the Point of Pointing in Japan?","subtitle":"<p>On every platform and every train in Tokyo, employees are always pointing at things. These ritualistic gestures—known as <em>shisa kanko</em>, or “pointing and calling”—are crucial to keeping Japan’s train system running smoothly, and they might even save lives. But how does it actually work?</p>","video_id":"RZun7IvqMvE","slug":"pointing-and-calling-japan","description":"<p>On every platform and every train in Tokyo, employees are always pointing at things. These ritualistic gestures—known as <em>shisa kanko</em>, or “pointing and calling”—are crucial to keeping Japan’s train system running smoothly, and they might even save lives. But how does it actually work?</p>","duration":"3:16","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"An Explorer's Guide to Japan","related_content_subtitle":" Cool, hidden, and unusual things to do in the Land of the Rising Sun.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Behold, the Vampire-Killing Kit","subtitle":"<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\">Stakes. Mallets. Crucifixes. These form part of a vampire-killing kit located in the Royal Armouries in Leeds, England. It’s one of the only two vampire-killing kits in museums around the world. When was the kit assembled, and what's inside it? Jonathan Ferguson, the Keeper of Firearms and Artillery at the museum, takes us through it—and tells us what the object reveals about the time it was made.</span></p>","video_id":"gmJy_kiYSPU","slug":"vampire-killing-kit","description":"<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\">Stakes. Mallets. Crucifixes. These form part of a vampire-killing kit located in the Royal Armouries in Leeds, England. It’s one of the only two vampire-killing kits in museums around the world. When was the kit assembled, and what's inside it? Jonathan Ferguson, the Keeper of Firearms and Artillery at the museum, takes us through it—and tells us what the object reveals about the time it was made.</span></p>","duration":"4:19","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"An Explorer's Guide to Leeds","related_content_subtitle":"Cool, hidden, and unusual things to do in Northern England.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Mystery of Hawai‘i’s Doctor’s Pit","subtitle":"<p>David Douglas was many things: a horticulturalist, a mountaineer, and a famed botanist. He was last seen the morning of July 12, 1834, hiking around Hawaiʻi’s Mauna Kea; later that day, his body was found at the bottom of a cattle pit trap. What killed Douglas? Was it a rare instance of carelessness? Or, as unfounded rumors had it back in 1834, was he murdered by a man who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?</p>\r\n<p><em>Note: This video was filmed in July 2019, and access may have changed. Please always check with Hawaiʻi local or regional offices for real-time <a href=\"\">updates on park access and closures</a>.</em></p>","video_id":"JQs72G01MRs","slug":"the-mystery-of-hawaiis-doctors-pit","description":"<p>David Douglas was many things: a horticulturalist, a mountaineer, and a famed botanist. He was last seen the morning of July 12, 1834, hiking around Hawaiʻi’s Mauna Kea; later that day, his body was found at the bottom of a cattle pit trap. What killed Douglas? Was it a rare instance of carelessness? Or, as unfounded rumors had it back in 1834, was he murdered by a man who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?</p>\r\n<p><em>Note: This video was filmed in July 2019, and access may have changed. Please always check with Hawaiʻi local or regional offices for real-time <a href=\"\">updates on park access and closures</a>.</em></p>","duration":"4:46","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","related_content_title":"An Explorer's Guide to Hawai‘i","related_content_subtitle":"Cool, hidden, and unusual things to do in the Aloha state.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Oregon's One-Man Dessert Winery","subtitle":"<p>Shallon Winery, located in Astoria, Oregon, is one of the smallest wineries in the country. It is \"the only fully operating brick-and-mortar working winery for 7,000 square miles\" in that part of the United States, says winemaker Paul van der Veldt. He runs a one-man operation known for unique, all-natural dessert wines in unexpected flavors, including a rich orange whey wine made with six kinds of chocolate and a smooth, semi-dry cranberry wine called Cran du Lait.</p>","video_id":"OmfKzkZMb0k","slug":"oregon-dessert-winery","description":"<p>Shallon Winery, located in Astoria, Oregon, is one of the smallest wineries in the country. It is \"the only fully operating brick-and-mortar working winery for 7,000 square miles\" in that part of the United States, says winemaker Paul van der Veldt. He runs a one-man operation known for unique, all-natural dessert wines in unexpected flavors, including a rich orange whey wine made with six kinds of chocolate and a smooth, semi-dry cranberry wine called Cran du Lait.</p>","duration":"4:48","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","related_content_title":"An Explorer's Guide to Oregon","related_content_subtitle":"Cool, hidden, and unusual things to do in the Beaver State. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The CIA's Fake Scrotum That Hid a Radio","subtitle":"<p>In this episode of Object of Intrigue, at the International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C., we look at a scrotum concealment device, developed to be worn on the human body. It was designed to hide a miniaturized escape radio, with the idea that enemy officers would never think to thoroughly search the genital area. It was never used in the field, and lingered in a desk drawer for many years. </p>","video_id":"Hcrdjn33h-4","slug":"cia-fake-scrotum","description":"<p>In this episode of Object of Intrigue, at the International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C., we look at a scrotum concealment device, developed to be worn on the human body. It was designed to hide a miniaturized escape radio, with the idea that enemy officers would never think to thoroughly search the genital area. It was never used in the field, and lingered in a desk drawer for many years. </p>","duration":"3:32","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"International Spy Museum","related_content_subtitle":"From lipstick pistols to the ENIGMA cipher machine, see the sometimes not-so-glamorous tools of spycraft. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Last Mayors of the Salton Sea","subtitle":"<p>Southern California's Salton Sea—often thought of as a wasteland—is home to a small community. Locals gather at the Ski Inn, one of the last taverns left in <a href=\"\">Bombay Beach</a>. At 223 feet below sea level, it's known as the “lowest bar in the Western Hemisphere.” In this episode of Local Legends, we sit down with Wendell and Jane Southworth, the most recent co-owners of the Ski Inn. </p>","video_id":"b8zW4MA6Lvg","slug":"ski-inn-salton-sea-owners","description":"<p>Southern California's Salton Sea—often thought of as a wasteland—is home to a small community. Locals gather at the Ski Inn, one of the last taverns left in <a href=\"\">Bombay Beach</a>. At 223 feet below sea level, it's known as the “lowest bar in the Western Hemisphere.” In this episode of Local Legends, we sit down with Wendell and Jane Southworth, the most recent co-owners of the Ski Inn. </p>","duration":"4:30","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"An Explorer's Guide to Hidden Coachella Valley","related_content_subtitle":"This region stays wonderfully weird all year long.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"An Emotional Visit to Vermont's Dog Chapel","subtitle":"<p>Warning: You’ll need tissues for this one. On a mountaintop farm in <a href=\"\">St. Johnsbury, Vermont</a>, you'll find the <a href=\"\">Dog Chapel</a>, a special space built out of love by the folk artist Stephen Huneck and his wife, Gwen. The chapel’s walls are covered floor to ceiling in handwritten notes and photographs dedicated to beloved dogs that have died. Atlas Obscura editor Sam O'Brien decided to visit for herself. </p>","video_id":"tRErXD7K3Co","slug":"vermont-dog-mountain-chapel-visit","description":"<p>Warning: You’ll need tissues for this one. On a mountaintop farm in <a href=\"\">St. Johnsbury, Vermont</a>, you'll find the <a href=\"\">Dog Chapel</a>, a special space built out of love by the folk artist Stephen Huneck and his wife, Gwen. The chapel’s walls are covered floor to ceiling in handwritten notes and photographs dedicated to beloved dogs that have died. Atlas Obscura editor Sam O'Brien decided to visit for herself. </p>","duration":"6:12","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Vermont","related_content_subtitle":"58 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Behind the Scenes at Alabama's Unclaimed Baggage Center","subtitle":"<p>What happens to unclaimed baggage? It ends up in Scottsboro, Alabama, at the <a href=\"\">Unclaimed Baggage Center</a>—the only store in the U.S. that buys and resells unclaimed baggage from the airline industry. In this episode of Infrequently Asked Questions, we learn how it all works and see some of the most unusual items the center has received.</p>","video_id":"NUD29YHHwdE","slug":"visit-the-unclaimed-baggage-center","description":"<p>What happens to unclaimed baggage? It ends up in Scottsboro, Alabama, at the <a href=\"\">Unclaimed Baggage Center</a>—the only store in the U.S. that buys and resells unclaimed baggage from the airline industry. In this episode of Infrequently Asked Questions, we learn how it all works and see some of the most unusual items the center has received.</p>","duration":"5:20","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Alabama","related_content_subtitle":"59 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Wonderful World of a Garden Dedicated to Gourds","subtitle":"<p>How do you define a place like <a href=\"\">Gourdlandia</a>? Located in Ithaca, New York, Gourdlandia is part farm, part art studio, and part workshop. Graham Ottoson, also known as the “Gourd Lady,\" is the artist at the helm of this unique garden. She's dedicated her life to growing and transforming gourds into staggering pieces of art. </p>","video_id":"nDIlMrgzmmg","slug":"gourdlandia-visit","description":"<p>How do you define a place like <a href=\"\">Gourdlandia</a>? Located in Ithaca, New York, Gourdlandia is part farm, part art studio, and part workshop. Graham Ottoson, also known as the “Gourd Lady,\" is the artist at the helm of this unique garden. She's dedicated her life to growing and transforming gourds into staggering pieces of art. </p>","duration":"9:47","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Ithaca","related_content_subtitle":"9 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Shaking Things Up at the Antique Vibrator Museum","subtitle":"<p>In this episode of Infrequently Asked Questions, we go behind the scenes and back in time with Dr. Carol Queen, sexologist and curator of the <a href=\"\">Good Vibrations Antique Vibrator Museum</a> in San Francisco, in order to answer questions like: How have vibrators been marketed to women throughout history? How did the museum acquire the vibrators in the collection? Which vibrator in the collection has the most novel design? [Please note, this content may not be appropriate for all ages—viewer discretion advised.]</p>","video_id":"BdgiT6J86vw","slug":"visit-the-antique-vibrator-museum","description":"<p>In this episode of Infrequently Asked Questions, we go behind the scenes and back in time with Dr. Carol Queen, sexologist and curator of the <a href=\"\">Good Vibrations Antique Vibrator Museum</a> in San Francisco, in order to answer questions like: How have vibrators been marketed to women throughout history? How did the museum acquire the vibrators in the collection? Which vibrator in the collection has the most novel design? [Please note, this content may not be appropriate for all ages—viewer discretion advised.]</p>","duration":"6:09","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to San Francisco","related_content_subtitle":"182 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"This Tiny Welsh Town Is Brimming With Books","subtitle":"<p>Hay-on-Wye, the <a href=\"\">United Kingdom</a>'s mecca for bibliophiles, is less than one square mile in size, but it’s packed with independent booksellers curating all kinds of used and antique reading material. Today, the area doesn't just provide a safe haven for books—the books actually help to preserve their home.</p>","video_id":"q3WK4v1MITk","slug":"welsh-town-all-books","description":"<p>Hay-on-Wye, the <a href=\"\">United Kingdom</a>'s mecca for bibliophiles, is less than one square mile in size, but it’s packed with independent booksellers curating all kinds of used and antique reading material. Today, the area doesn't just provide a safe haven for books—the books actually help to preserve their home.</p>","duration":"5:04","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Book Towns Are Made for Book Lovers","related_content_subtitle":"Around the world, tiny towns have made bookstores their speciality.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"On Scotland's Electric Brae, Cars Really Do Seem to Roll Uphill","subtitle":"<p>On a quarter-mile <a href=\"\">stretch of road in South Ayrshire, Scotland</a>, objects are pulled in a direction that appears to defy gravity. Atlas Obscura teamed up with Bridget Barbara from <a href=\"\">The Curious World</a> to explore the optical illusions behind gravity hills and test the wonder-factor of this unusual landscape—by putting a car in neutral and letting it roll.</p>","video_id":"rvJybXg1EeQ","slug":"see-cars-roll-uphill-on-scotland-s-electric-brae","description":"<p>On a quarter-mile <a href=\"\">stretch of road in South Ayrshire, Scotland</a>, objects are pulled in a direction that appears to defy gravity. Atlas Obscura teamed up with Bridget Barbara from <a href=\"\">The Curious World</a> to explore the optical illusions behind gravity hills and test the wonder-factor of this unusual landscape—by putting a car in neutral and letting it roll.</p>","duration":"4:54","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Scotland","related_content_subtitle":"341 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Meet Dynasty Handbag, L.A.’s Queen of Weird","subtitle":"<p>How does a performance artist amass a devoted, loyal following in Los Angeles? Watch and learn through the uncategorizable, avant-garde productions of Dynasty Handbag, the alter ego of artist Jibz Cameron. Her sold-out variety show, which <em>The New York Times</em> calls “one of the most insanely funny, tone-perfect pieces of performance art seen in years” (and Jibz calls a “veritable cornucopia of self-indulgent performance art”) captivates audiences from all walks of life. Her name's Dynasty for a reason.</p>","video_id":"l-bs8X4lcqM","slug":"dynasty-handbag-los-angeles-performance-artist","description":"<p>How does a performance artist amass a devoted, loyal following in Los Angeles? Watch and learn through the uncategorizable, avant-garde productions of Dynasty Handbag, the alter ego of artist Jibz Cameron. Her sold-out variety show, which <em>The New York Times</em> calls “one of the most insanely funny, tone-perfect pieces of performance art seen in years” (and Jibz calls a “veritable cornucopia of self-indulgent performance art”) captivates audiences from all walks of life. Her name's Dynasty for a reason.</p>","duration":"6:14","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Los Angeles","related_content_subtitle":"217 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Why There's an 'Italian' Village in Wales","subtitle":"<p>Tucked away on the coast of northern Wales is the town of <a href=\"\">Portmeirion</a>, an eye-catching village with a colorful, whimsical design. How did such a place—which looks like it belongs in Italy, rather than Britain—come to exist? Portmeirion was constructed over the course of several decades by Sir Clough Williams-Ellis, an eccentric British architect. Williams-Ellis's vision for an Italianate town eventually led Portmeirion to became a home for lost building parts—bricks from a demolished castle, for instance, were used to create the town's clock tower. But the most striking aspect of Portmeirion is the way it integrates nature into its colorful architecture. Nearly every single building has been modified to complement the nearby terrain.</p>","video_id":"Em32gV0RFq0","slug":"the-unusual-italian-village-in-wales","description":"<p>Tucked away on the coast of northern Wales is the town of <a href=\"\">Portmeirion</a>, an eye-catching village with a colorful, whimsical design. How did such a place—which looks like it belongs in Italy, rather than Britain—come to exist? Portmeirion was constructed over the course of several decades by Sir Clough Williams-Ellis, an eccentric British architect. Williams-Ellis's vision for an Italianate town eventually led Portmeirion to became a home for lost building parts—bricks from a demolished castle, for instance, were used to create the town's clock tower. But the most striking aspect of Portmeirion is the way it integrates nature into its colorful architecture. Nearly every single building has been modified to complement the nearby terrain.</p>","duration":"5:27","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Gwynedd, Wales","related_content_subtitle":"7 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Surfing Alaska's Unique Bore Tide","subtitle":"<p>The Turnagain Arm, a long, narrow body of water near Anchorage, Alaska, is known for its bore tides. This rare phenomenon occurs when tides collide, creating long-traveling waves as tall as 10 feet, with speeds of up to 15 miles per hour. Meet the adventurous Alaskan surfers who know these tides the best, and love the unique waves they create.</p>","video_id":"PM3y6gVKSEs","slug":"surfing-alaska-famous-bore-tide","description":"<p>The Turnagain Arm, a long, narrow body of water near Anchorage, Alaska, is known for its bore tides. This rare phenomenon occurs when tides collide, creating long-traveling waves as tall as 10 feet, with speeds of up to 15 miles per hour. Meet the adventurous Alaskan surfers who know these tides the best, and love the unique waves they create.</p>","duration":"4:14","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Turnagain Arm Bore Tide","related_content_subtitle":"During the summer, Alaskan surfers take advantage of this inlet’s unusual water patterns. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"New York's Disappearing Sunken Forest","subtitle":"<p>Just 60 miles from New York City, the Sunken Forest is slowly disappearing—but not for the reasons you might think. Located on the skinny barrier island known as Fire Island, this old-growth American holly forest is one of only two like it in the world. Atlas Obscura Staff Writer Jessica Hester dons a tick suit to get up close and personal with the elements of destruction contributing to this unique ecosystem’s demise.</p>","video_id":"CchaSHbkYAQ","slug":"fire-island-disappearing-sunken-forest","description":"<p>Just 60 miles from New York City, the Sunken Forest is slowly disappearing—but not for the reasons you might think. Located on the skinny barrier island known as Fire Island, this old-growth American holly forest is one of only two like it in the world. Atlas Obscura Staff Writer Jessica Hester dons a tick suit to get up close and personal with the elements of destruction contributing to this unique ecosystem’s demise.</p>","duration":"6:50","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Fire Island Lighthouse","related_content_subtitle":"A historic lighthouse steeped in rumors of ghost and pirate stories. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"A Colossal Squid Is Hiding in New Zealand","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Where can you get up close and personal with a colossal squid, an enormous sea monster from the deep sea? You might want to pay a visit to <a href=\"\">Te Papa</a>, New Zealand’s national museum, which is home to the world’s only preserved complete colossal squid specimen. This type of squid was discovered in the Antarctic, and is the heaviest invertebrate in the world, with lengths up to 20 feet and weighing up to a thousand pounds. </span></p>","video_id":"EislnT33xpo","slug":"a-colossal-squid-is-hiding-in-new-zealand","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Where can you get up close and personal with a colossal squid, an enormous sea monster from the deep sea? You might want to pay a visit to <a href=\"\">Te Papa</a>, New Zealand’s national museum, which is home to the world’s only preserved complete colossal squid specimen. This type of squid was discovered in the Antarctic, and is the heaviest invertebrate in the world, with lengths up to 20 feet and weighing up to a thousand pounds. </span></p>","duration":"3:07","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Wellington","related_content_subtitle":"8 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Where Scientists Play With Fire","subtitle":"<p>This is the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station Fire Lab in Missoula, Montana. Here, researchers have spent five decades studying fire science to develop new models for predicting fire behavior, which helps them understand how to put out forest fires. Whether it’s wind speed, slope, air flow, or anything else that influences flames, scientists at this lab study fire in intimate detail. Our friends from Gizmodo joined us to explore the lab and learn about philosophies like the Fire Paradox, partake in fire-based experiments, and walk through a fire wind tunnel.</p>","video_id":"KzwEOokenks","slug":"missoula-us-forest-service-fire-lab","description":"<p>This is the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station Fire Lab in Missoula, Montana. Here, researchers have spent five decades studying fire science to develop new models for predicting fire behavior, which helps them understand how to put out forest fires. Whether it’s wind speed, slope, air flow, or anything else that influences flames, scientists at this lab study fire in intimate detail. Our friends from Gizmodo joined us to explore the lab and learn about philosophies like the Fire Paradox, partake in fire-based experiments, and walk through a fire wind tunnel.</p>","duration":"7:22","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Montana","related_content_subtitle":"47 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Racing a Giant Pumpkin Boat in Goffstown’s Regatta","subtitle":"<p>Every October, the people of Goffstown, New Hampshire, come prepared with supersized squash for the <a href=\"\">Goffstown Giant Pumpkin Regatta</a>. Here, giant pumpkins are weighed, sliced, scooped, and finally transformed into boats, which participants ride in a race down the river. In this episode of Atlas Obscura Tries, we sent Gastro Obscura foods editor Sam O’Brien to find out how hard it actually is to row a giant pumpkin.</p>","video_id":"pKU0wOtdr7w","slug":"pumpkin-racing-goffstown-giant-pumpkin-regatta","description":"<p>Every October, the people of Goffstown, New Hampshire, come prepared with supersized squash for the <a href=\"\">Goffstown Giant Pumpkin Regatta</a>. Here, giant pumpkins are weighed, sliced, scooped, and finally transformed into boats, which participants ride in a race down the river. In this episode of Atlas Obscura Tries, we sent Gastro Obscura foods editor Sam O’Brien to find out how hard it actually is to row a giant pumpkin.</p>","duration":"7:52","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to New Hampshire","related_content_subtitle":"80 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Delicate Work of Restoring Mechanical Antiques","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of Infrequently Asked Questions, we meet Nico Cox, an antiquarian horologist based in Seattle. Her job involves restoring antiques that include mechanical engineering, such as clocks, watches, and automatons. Watch as we go behind the scenes in her workshop, learn about her oldest tools, and discover what whales have to do with watches. </span></p>","video_id":"qZeu63dDmzM","slug":"horologist-brings-mechanical-antiques-back-to-life","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In this episode of Infrequently Asked Questions, we meet Nico Cox, an antiquarian horologist based in Seattle. Her job involves restoring antiques that include mechanical engineering, such as clocks, watches, and automatons. Watch as we go behind the scenes in her workshop, learn about her oldest tools, and discover what whales have to do with watches. </span></p>","duration":"5:56","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"How an Antiquarian Horologist Brings Tiny Machines Back to Life","related_content_subtitle":"The minutiae of restoring 18th-century technology.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"A Visit to Buffalo's Lava Lab","subtitle":"<p>Can scientists predict volcanic eruptions? To answer that question, we joined our friends at Gizmodo to visit the researcher Ingo Sonder's lava lab at the University at Buffalo, where he's researching explosive reactions between magma and water in order to one day answer that very question. Gizmodo staff writer Yessenia Funes gets up close and personal with glowing magma for a firsthand look at the process of conducting this delicate experiment. </p>","video_id":"geCBTP8k5FE","slug":"step-inside-buffalo-s-lava-lab","description":"<p>Can scientists predict volcanic eruptions? To answer that question, we joined our friends at Gizmodo to visit the researcher Ingo Sonder's lava lab at the University at Buffalo, where he's researching explosive reactions between magma and water in order to one day answer that very question. Gizmodo staff writer Yessenia Funes gets up close and personal with glowing magma for a firsthand look at the process of conducting this delicate experiment. </p>","duration":"4:51","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Buffalo","related_content_subtitle":"18 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"What Exactly Is a Bezoar?","subtitle":"<p>A bezoar stone is a hardened mass of chewed hair formed in a ruminant animal’s stomach. Since medieval times, people have believed that these stones were endowed with healing properties, and they were used mainly as an antidote to poison. Anne Garner, from the New York Academy of Medicine's Rare Book Library, shares more insights into these unusual objects. </p>","video_id":"33DZjT7XXpE","slug":"what-is-a-bezoar","description":"<p>A bezoar stone is a hardened mass of chewed hair formed in a ruminant animal’s stomach. Since medieval times, people have believed that these stones were endowed with healing properties, and they were used mainly as an antidote to poison. Anne Garner, from the New York Academy of Medicine's Rare Book Library, shares more insights into these unusual objects. </p>","duration":"3:13","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"New York Academy of Medicine Rare Book Library","related_content_subtitle":"This hidden library of physiological ephemera contains centuries worth of knowledge on the vim and viscera of the human body.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Discovering the Legendary Instruments at Nashville’s Carter Vintage Guitars","subtitle":"<p>There's no shortage of guitar shops in Music City, but one in particular has developed a reputation setting it apart from the rest. The opportunity to jam out on in-store instruments may be rare in music stores, but patrons at Carter Vintage Guitars are encouraged to try any of their more than 1,600 instruments. It wouldn't seem so extraordinary, but given that many of the vintage guitars hail from country music legends, the unparalleled access has led to its unofficial designation as Nashville's Friendliest Guitar Store. Proprietor Walter Carter is proud of the unique assortment of history that has passed through his shop over the years. As a historian himself, Carter traces the backstories of just about every guitar he sells— from famous songs recorded on a given instrument, to their original owners, and everything between.</p>\r\n<p><em>Learn more about life ruggedly reimagined with the Mitsubishi 2020 Outlander Sport by clicking <a href=\";257984840;w\">here</a>. </em></p>","video_id":"5nK9BoXSgu0","slug":"discovering-the-legendary-instruments-at-nashville-s-carter-vintage-guitars","description":"<p>There's no shortage of guitar shops in Music City, but one in particular has developed a reputation setting it apart from the rest. The opportunity to jam out on in-store instruments may be rare in music stores, but patrons at Carter Vintage Guitars are encouraged to try any of their more than 1,600 instruments. It wouldn't seem so extraordinary, but given that many of the vintage guitars hail from country music legends, the unparalleled access has led to its unofficial designation as Nashville's Friendliest Guitar Store. Proprietor Walter Carter is proud of the unique assortment of history that has passed through his shop over the years. As a historian himself, Carter traces the backstories of just about every guitar he sells— from famous songs recorded on a given instrument, to their original owners, and everything between.</p>\r\n<p><em>Learn more about life ruggedly reimagined with the Mitsubishi 2020 Outlander Sport by clicking <a href=\";257984840;w\">here</a>. </em></p>","duration":"2:02","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Mitsubishi Outlander Sport","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Inside Ohio's Experimental Archaeology Lab","subtitle":"<p>In a quiet corner of Kent State University, scientists are exploring the past in new and exciting ways. Kent State's Experimental Archaeology Lab is where archaeological researchers recreate the artifacts they dig up, and then put them to the test in the field to see how they might work in the real world. It’s a way to learn about ancient technologies, not only by making them, but by understanding how they might have been used in centuries gone by.</p>","video_id":"liXxdXnmIds","slug":"inside-ohio-s-experimental-archaeology-lab","description":"<p>In a quiet corner of Kent State University, scientists are exploring the past in new and exciting ways. Kent State's Experimental Archaeology Lab is where archaeological researchers recreate the artifacts they dig up, and then put them to the test in the field to see how they might work in the real world. It’s a way to learn about ancient technologies, not only by making them, but by understanding how they might have been used in centuries gone by.</p>","duration":"7:29","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Why Two Anthropologists Reconstructed Prehistoric Weaponry","related_content_subtitle":"Hunter-gatherers were more tech-savvy than we give them credit for.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Discover Asheville's Hidden Craggy Gardens","subtitle":"<p>Just north of Asheville, North Carolina is a winding mountain road, known for being one of the nation's most scenic drives. The Blue Ridge Parkway takes travelers high up into the Great Craggy Mountains, a subrange of the Blue Ridge Mountains touching the Carolinas, Virginia, and Tennessee. </p>\r\n<p>The best views of the Craggies, named for their rocky crags and jagged cliffs, are seen by making a short trip up the Craggy Pinnacle Trail. The path, a roughly 1.5 mile hike to the overlook and back down again, leads to a series of rocky, exposed surfaces known as balds, perfect for taking in the breathtaking vistas. Rhododendrons line the scenic hiking route and form an enchanting tunnel of twisted, knobby branches in the off-season, guiding explorers up the mountain to the balds. In spring, travelers can see what makes the Craggy Gardens extra special: the show-stopping display of the pinks and reds of rhododendron bushes in full bloom along these high slopes. </p>\r\n<p><em>Learn more about life ruggedly reimagined with the Mitsubishi 2020 Outlander Sport by clicking <a href=\";258323296;p\">here</a>.</em></p>\r\n<div class=\"c-message__content c-message__content--feature_sonic_inputs\" data-qa=\"message_content\"> </div>","video_id":"v5n0oF4C3eg","slug":"discover-ashevilles-hidden-craggy-gardens","description":"<p>Just north of Asheville, North Carolina is a winding mountain road, known for being one of the nation's most scenic drives. The Blue Ridge Parkway takes travelers high up into the Great Craggy Mountains, a subrange of the Blue Ridge Mountains touching the Carolinas, Virginia, and Tennessee. </p>\r\n<p>The best views of the Craggies, named for their rocky crags and jagged cliffs, are seen by making a short trip up the Craggy Pinnacle Trail. The path, a roughly 1.5 mile hike to the overlook and back down again, leads to a series of rocky, exposed surfaces known as balds, perfect for taking in the breathtaking vistas. Rhododendrons line the scenic hiking route and form an enchanting tunnel of twisted, knobby branches in the off-season, guiding explorers up the mountain to the balds. In spring, travelers can see what makes the Craggy Gardens extra special: the show-stopping display of the pinks and reds of rhododendron bushes in full bloom along these high slopes. </p>\r\n<p><em>Learn more about life ruggedly reimagined with the Mitsubishi 2020 Outlander Sport by clicking <a href=\";258323296;p\">here</a>.</em></p>\r\n<div class=\"c-message__content c-message__content--feature_sonic_inputs\" data-qa=\"message_content\"> </div>","duration":"2:10","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Mitsubishi Outlander Sport","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"Craggy Gardens Rhododendron Tunnels","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Mapping the World Through Smell","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The U.K.-based designer Kate McLean is on a mission: to preserve scent-based memory by encouraging people to be curious about the communities in which they spend their time. With the help of locals, McLean attempts to distill a city’s scent down to several fragrant notes—a unique blend of its olfactory identity. </span></p>","video_id":"Y1a9rJHe0NE","slug":"artist-who-maps-the-world-through-smell","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The U.K.-based designer Kate McLean is on a mission: to preserve scent-based memory by encouraging people to be curious about the communities in which they spend their time. With the help of locals, McLean attempts to distill a city’s scent down to several fragrant notes—a unique blend of its olfactory identity. </span></p>","duration":"3:25","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Learning About Cities by Mapping Their Smells","related_content_subtitle":"How a U.K. artist is trying to preserve olfactory memory.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Pleased to Meet You, I'm Bat-Man","subtitle":"<p>“There are lots of people in the world who don’t know me at all, except as Bat-Man.”</p>\r\n<p>Meet Merlin Tuttle, a bat biologist and conservationist. Founder of the nonprofit <a href=\"\">Merlin Tuttle’s Bat Conservation</a>, Tuttle has been studying bats in every major habitat zone around the world for 60 years. For Tuttle, it's all about how crucial bat populations are to protecting ecosystems, particularly agricultural crops. And where better to watch them emerge into the night than on an overpass bridge?</p>","video_id":"UNkXe8jpoUg","slug":"bat-man-of-texas-merlin-tuttle","description":"<p>“There are lots of people in the world who don’t know me at all, except as Bat-Man.”</p>\r\n<p>Meet Merlin Tuttle, a bat biologist and conservationist. Founder of the nonprofit <a href=\"\">Merlin Tuttle’s Bat Conservation</a>, Tuttle has been studying bats in every major habitat zone around the world for 60 years. For Tuttle, it's all about how crucial bat populations are to protecting ecosystems, particularly agricultural crops. And where better to watch them emerge into the night than on an overpass bridge?</p>","duration":"3:29","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"A Journey to the Bat Caves of Texas","related_content_subtitle":"Join Atlas Obscura on an illuminating four-day trip alongside local experts and bat biologists.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Explore Victoria Beach’s Mysterious Pirate Tower","subtitle":"<p>An enigmatic seaside tower on California’s Victoria Beach looks like something out of a storybook. Built in 1926, the 60-foot building, known as the “Pirate Tower,” is in reality a private staircase. So the story goes, its former owner, Harold Kendrick, had a deep passion for pirate culture and would hide coins in the rocks for local children to find. Today, the tower is locked to the public, but beach-goers may still explore its base and the surrounding waterfront. </p>\r\n<p><em>Learn more about life ruggedly reimagined with the Mitsubishi 2020 Outlander Sport by clicking <a href=\";258323815;m\">here</a>.</em></p>","video_id":"13DGZL9aaDQ","slug":"explore-laguna-beach-s-mysterious-beachside-pirate-tower","description":"<p>An enigmatic seaside tower on California’s Victoria Beach looks like something out of a storybook. Built in 1926, the 60-foot building, known as the “Pirate Tower,” is in reality a private staircase. So the story goes, its former owner, Harold Kendrick, had a deep passion for pirate culture and would hide coins in the rocks for local children to find. Today, the tower is locked to the public, but beach-goers may still explore its base and the surrounding waterfront. </p>\r\n<p><em>Learn more about life ruggedly reimagined with the Mitsubishi 2020 Outlander Sport by clicking <a href=\";258323815;m\">here</a>.</em></p>","duration":"2:10","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Mitsubishi Outlander Sport","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"Victoria Beach's Pirate Tower","related_content_subtitle":"This strange seaside tower got its name from a wealthy eccentric who would hide coins among its stones. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Many Lives of Oʻahu’s Majestic Koko Crater Trail","subtitle":"<p>In Oʻahu, a massive mountain looms over the landscape. This is Kohelepelepe, a mountain also known as Koko Crater. During WWII, a railway ran up and down the mountain to cart supplies to a radar station at the summit. Today, the abandoned railway has become an intense, 1,000+ step hike: the <a href=\"\">Koko Crater Trail</a>, or the Pu’u Mai Stairs. For locals, this hiking trail represents more than just a path—it’s offered them a way to conquer their fears, overcome trauma, or discover their own unique communities. </p>","video_id":"2tAKzUmM7V8","slug":"gaze-upon-o-ahu-s-majestic-koko-crater-trail","description":"<p>In Oʻahu, a massive mountain looms over the landscape. This is Kohelepelepe, a mountain also known as Koko Crater. During WWII, a railway ran up and down the mountain to cart supplies to a radar station at the summit. Today, the abandoned railway has become an intense, 1,000+ step hike: the <a href=\"\">Koko Crater Trail</a>, or the Pu’u Mai Stairs. For locals, this hiking trail represents more than just a path—it’s offered them a way to conquer their fears, overcome trauma, or discover their own unique communities. </p>","duration":"4:58","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Hawaii","related_content_subtitle":"53 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Discover the Tuscan Olive Trees Growing in California","subtitle":"<p>California's McEvoy Ranch is like no other ranch in the state. Since the early 1990s, its farmers have been growing olives that actually got their start in Italy. The ranch's original owner had a deep love for Italian olive oil and was so determined to make the same flavors available right on her own property that she had trees imported from Tuscany. The young trees were incubated for a number of years and flourished once planted in the terrain that many know only for its vineyards. McEvoy Ranch is located in the Petaluma Gap, a microclimate known for varied soil and unique wind patterns. While the region is commonly associated with wine production, it also provides the perfect conditions needed for growing olives.</p>\r\n<p>For one Atlas Obscura reader, olive oil has taken on a deeper meaning throughout her travels. On this road trip, Bobbi Frankel returns to the place where she first purchased the olive trees that she now uses to make her own olive oil. </p>\r\n<p><em>Learn more about life ruggedly reimagined with the Mitsubishi 2020 Outlander Sport by clicking <a href=\";258324910;j\">here</a>.</em></p>\r\n<div class=\"col-md-4 video-related-column\"> </div>","video_id":"dDVbwwbh05A","slug":"a-tuscan-olive-tree-grows-in-california","description":"<p>California's McEvoy Ranch is like no other ranch in the state. Since the early 1990s, its farmers have been growing olives that actually got their start in Italy. The ranch's original owner had a deep love for Italian olive oil and was so determined to make the same flavors available right on her own property that she had trees imported from Tuscany. The young trees were incubated for a number of years and flourished once planted in the terrain that many know only for its vineyards. McEvoy Ranch is located in the Petaluma Gap, a microclimate known for varied soil and unique wind patterns. While the region is commonly associated with wine production, it also provides the perfect conditions needed for growing olives.</p>\r\n<p>For one Atlas Obscura reader, olive oil has taken on a deeper meaning throughout her travels. On this road trip, Bobbi Frankel returns to the place where she first purchased the olive trees that she now uses to make her own olive oil. </p>\r\n<p><em>Learn more about life ruggedly reimagined with the Mitsubishi 2020 Outlander Sport by clicking <a href=\";258324910;j\">here</a>.</em></p>\r\n<div class=\"col-md-4 video-related-column\"> </div>","duration":"1:57","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","sponsor":"Mitsubishi Outlander Sport","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Western World's Oldest Cookbook","subtitle":"<p>The medieval cookbook known as <em>Apicius</em> was written in the year 830 in Fulda, Germany, and includes recipes dating back to the 4th century. Today, you can find it in the <a href=\"\">New York Academy of Medicine's Rare Book Library</a>. Friend of Atlas Obscura <a href=\"\">Emmymadeinjapan</a> made a trip to browse through the cookbook, and we challenged her to pick a recipe to <a href=\"\">recreate in her own kitchen</a>.</p>\r\n<p> </p>","video_id":"Xwq5m8yN-Kw","slug":"the-oldest-cookbook-of-the-west","description":"<p>The medieval cookbook known as <em>Apicius</em> was written in the year 830 in Fulda, Germany, and includes recipes dating back to the 4th century. Today, you can find it in the <a href=\"\">New York Academy of Medicine's Rare Book Library</a>. Friend of Atlas Obscura <a href=\"\">Emmymadeinjapan</a> made a trip to browse through the cookbook, and we challenged her to pick a recipe to <a href=\"\">recreate in her own kitchen</a>.</p>\r\n<p> </p>","duration":"4:41","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Oldest Cookbooks From Libraries Around the World","related_content_subtitle":"Vintage recipes include flaming peacocks and kangaroo brains.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Flesh-Eating Beetles of Chicago's Field Museum","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Some of the hardest-working employees at the <a href=\"\">Field Museum</a> in Chicago are flesh-eating beetles. These scavenger beetles, or dermestid beetles, efficiently clean the animal carcasses that the museum prepares to be specimens for its collection. To date, the beetles have helped researchers add about 80,000 migratory birds to the Field Museum's growing database. </span></p>","video_id":"QFo-9meGN48","slug":"flesh-eating-beetles-field-museum-chicago","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Some of the hardest-working employees at the <a href=\"\">Field Museum</a> in Chicago are flesh-eating beetles. These scavenger beetles, or dermestid beetles, efficiently clean the animal carcasses that the museum prepares to be specimens for its collection. To date, the beetles have helped researchers add about 80,000 migratory birds to the Field Museum's growing database. </span></p>","duration":"3:58","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Hidden Egyptian Temple in Field Museum Break Room","related_content_subtitle":"Years of archaeology, just chillin' by the water cooler. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"A Journey to Coney Island Creek's Sunken Submarine","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Deep in Brooklyn’s <a href=\"\">Coney Island Creek</a> lies a mysterious homemade yellow submarine, which looks like it's been abandoned to time. The submarine, named Quester I, was built out of salvaged metal by a shipyard worker named Jerry Bianco, who wanted to use it to dive for the wreckage of the SS <em>Andrea Doria</em>. Unfortunately, when he launched the submarine, it rolled over on its side. Ever since it's remained marooned in the creek, a monument to Bianco's bigger-than-life dreams. </span></p>","video_id":"T9bFRrFfS1M","slug":"journey-to-coney-island-creek-submarine","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Deep in Brooklyn’s <a href=\"\">Coney Island Creek</a> lies a mysterious homemade yellow submarine, which looks like it's been abandoned to time. The submarine, named Quester I, was built out of salvaged metal by a shipyard worker named Jerry Bianco, who wanted to use it to dive for the wreckage of the SS <em>Andrea Doria</em>. Unfortunately, when he launched the submarine, it rolled over on its side. Ever since it's remained marooned in the creek, a monument to Bianco's bigger-than-life dreams. </span></p>","duration":"11:23","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Coney Island Creek","related_content_subtitle":"A waterway populated with abandoned projects, including a submarine. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Real Story Behind George Washington's Dentures","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Contrary to popular myth, George Washington did not have wooden teeth. Instead, he had several sets of dentures. One particular set was designed by his dentist, John Greenwood, who worked in <a href=\"\">New York City</a> in the late 18th-century. The dentures were made of hippopotamus ivory, inlaid with six real human teeth, and had a hole at the end that slipped over Washington’s last tooth. That tooth ended up enshrined in a locket that the <a href=\"\">New York Academy of Medicine</a> possesses today. </span></p>","video_id":"sokmOdq_x3k","slug":"what-were-george-washingtons-dentures-made-of","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Contrary to popular myth, George Washington did not have wooden teeth. Instead, he had several sets of dentures. One particular set was designed by his dentist, John Greenwood, who worked in <a href=\"\">New York City</a> in the late 18th-century. The dentures were made of hippopotamus ivory, inlaid with six real human teeth, and had a hole at the end that slipped over Washington’s last tooth. That tooth ended up enshrined in a locket that the <a href=\"\">New York Academy of Medicine</a> possesses today. </span></p>","duration":"3:30","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"New York Academy of Medicine Rare Book Library","related_content_subtitle":"A unique collection focused on the vim and viscera of the human body. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"These Grandmothers Are Preserving Ukraine’s Folk Music Traditions ","subtitle":"<p>Miklós Both, founder of the <a href=\"\">Polyphony Project</a>, is on a mission to preserve the folk music traditions of Ukraine. Over the last four years, the project has visited more than 100 villages and recorded 2,000 songs. Most often, Both and his colleagues recruit groups of local seniors to sing the traditional songs of their villages into professional recording equipment. The recordings are being compiled into a digital archive, as a way to ensure that future generations will always have access to them. </p>","video_id":"0KdMG1NkrWg","slug":"these-grandmothers-rescuing-ukraine-s-folk-music-traditions","description":"<p>Miklós Both, founder of the <a href=\"\">Polyphony Project</a>, is on a mission to preserve the folk music traditions of Ukraine. Over the last four years, the project has visited more than 100 villages and recorded 2,000 songs. Most often, Both and his colleagues recruit groups of local seniors to sing the traditional songs of their villages into professional recording equipment. The recordings are being compiled into a digital archive, as a way to ensure that future generations will always have access to them. </p>","duration":"4:20","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Ukraine","related_content_subtitle":"57 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"How a Border Village Keeps the Memories of Divided Families Alive","subtitle":"<p>Between 1947 and 1971, the border village of Hundarman Broq was located in Pakistan. But when the dust settled after the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, the village was suddenly part of India. Many villagers who'd fled their homes at the time remained Pakistani citizens, while those who'd stayed home became Indian citizens overnight. Without a way to cross the border, many residents of Hundarman Broq had no way to see their families again.</p>\r\n<p>To keep their memories alive, Mohd Ilyas Ansari founded <a href=\"\">Unlock Hundarman Museum of Memories</a>. The museum showcases objects left behind by the villagers who never returned home to this small border town, and is a poignant way to remember all the divided families in India and Pakistan. </p>","video_id":"sgdAXVscyQ0","slug":"museum-of-memories-india-border-village","description":"<p>Between 1947 and 1971, the border village of Hundarman Broq was located in Pakistan. But when the dust settled after the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, the village was suddenly part of India. Many villagers who'd fled their homes at the time remained Pakistani citizens, while those who'd stayed home became Indian citizens overnight. Without a way to cross the border, many residents of Hundarman Broq had no way to see their families again.</p>\r\n<p>To keep their memories alive, Mohd Ilyas Ansari founded <a href=\"\">Unlock Hundarman Museum of Memories</a>. The museum showcases objects left behind by the villagers who never returned home to this small border town, and is a poignant way to remember all the divided families in India and Pakistan. </p>","duration":"7:32","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to India","related_content_subtitle":"161 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Meet the Owner of America’s Best Roadside Attraction ","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">On your next U.S. road trip, make a pit stop in Lucas, Kansas, where you can visit the <a href=\"\">World’s Largest Collection of the World’s Smallest Versions of the World’s Largest Things</a>. In this episode of Infrequently Asked Questions, meet the founder of the collection, Erika Nelson, who photographs America's largest roadside attractions and then creates miniature versions of each one. Watch for her answers about her favorite items in the collection, where the best roadside attractions are, and why people are so drawn to overly large versions of everyday objects. </span></p>","video_id":"JQRDHteKlNk","slug":"meet-the-owner-of-america-s-best-roadside-attraction","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">On your next U.S. road trip, make a pit stop in Lucas, Kansas, where you can visit the <a href=\"\">World’s Largest Collection of the World’s Smallest Versions of the World’s Largest Things</a>. In this episode of Infrequently Asked Questions, meet the founder of the collection, Erika Nelson, who photographs America's largest roadside attractions and then creates miniature versions of each one. Watch for her answers about her favorite items in the collection, where the best roadside attractions are, and why people are so drawn to overly large versions of everyday objects. </span></p>","duration":"5:33","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"World’s Largest Collection of the World’s Smallest Versions of the World’s Largest Things","related_content_subtitle":"A unique attraction and museum dedicated to exploring iconic roadside structures. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"On the Hunt for Signtronix Signs in Greater Boston","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Meet David Hebb, a self-identified commercial archaeologist based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Since 2012, Hebb has made it his personal mission to track down and catalog a particular type of commercial sign—those custom made by the California-based manufacturer Signtronix™. The company has a distinctive visual style, and caters to small business owners across the United States. As Greater Boston continues to expand and change, the signs are increasingly hard to find in Hebb's hometown. </span></p>","video_id":"DDq8wGlyc9o","slug":"signtronix-signs-dave-hebb","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Meet David Hebb, a self-identified commercial archaeologist based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Since 2012, Hebb has made it his personal mission to track down and catalog a particular type of commercial sign—those custom made by the California-based manufacturer Signtronix™. The company has a distinctive visual style, and caters to small business owners across the United States. As Greater Boston continues to expand and change, the signs are increasingly hard to find in Hebb's hometown. </span></p>","duration":"9:14","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Boston","related_content_subtitle":"89 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Value of the Largest Egg in the World","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The world’s largest egg (no, it’s not an ostrich egg, and no, you can’t eat it) is located inside Chicago’s Field Museum, which with over 60,000 eggs, is one of the largest such collections in the world. How does learning about an egg this big help with species conservation? Associate curator John Bates explains. </span></p>","video_id":"XarZahzI0Vs","slug":"the-largest-egg-in-the-world","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The world’s largest egg (no, it’s not an ostrich egg, and no, you can’t eat it) is located inside Chicago’s Field Museum, which with over 60,000 eggs, is one of the largest such collections in the world. How does learning about an egg this big help with species conservation? Associate curator John Bates explains. </span></p>","duration":"3:11","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Weekend Guide to Chicago","related_content_subtitle":"Just when you thought you knew the Windy City, it finds new ways to surprise you.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"See the Ruins of an Estonian Ghost Town","subtitle":"<p>This is Viivikonna, an abandoned town in Eastern Estonia that used to be a bustling mining hub in the 1920s. But as the oil shale deposit dried up, the townspeople moved away. When Estonia gained independence from the Soviet Union in the 1990s, Viivikonna became a ghost town; today, it is home to only 50 permanent residents. </p>","video_id":"aCzWUOoph9g","slug":"estonia-ghost-town","description":"<p>This is Viivikonna, an abandoned town in Eastern Estonia that used to be a bustling mining hub in the 1920s. But as the oil shale deposit dried up, the townspeople moved away. When Estonia gained independence from the Soviet Union in the 1990s, Viivikonna became a ghost town; today, it is home to only 50 permanent residents. </p>","duration":"5:25","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide To Estonia","related_content_subtitle":"54 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Reopening of Turkey's Controversial Greek Orthodox Monastery","subtitle":"<p>The Halki Seminary in Heybeliada, Istanbul, was first established in 1844, and was one of the top institutions for theological education in the Greek Orthodox world. The seminary trained future church leaders until 1971, when the Turkish authorities forced the school to close. Almost 50 years later, under the leadership of Father Ioann, the school is preparing to open its doors to students again. </p>","video_id":"3ho_OHzBS9U","slug":"turkey-greek-orthodox-monastery-halki","description":"<p>The Halki Seminary in Heybeliada, Istanbul, was first established in 1844, and was one of the top institutions for theological education in the Greek Orthodox world. The seminary trained future church leaders until 1971, when the Turkish authorities forced the school to close. Almost 50 years later, under the leadership of Father Ioann, the school is preparing to open its doors to students again. </p>","duration":"3:50","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Istanbul","related_content_subtitle":"15 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The First Meteorite to Crash Into a Car","subtitle":"<p>At the Field Museum in Chicago, you can come face-to-face with the unique Benld Meteorite. After traveling all the way to Earth from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, in 1938 this small rock smashed through the garage of a man named Ed McCain. McCain, who lived in the town of Benld, Illinois, discovered the meteorite after first noticing a large hole in the passenger seat of his car. Listen as collection manager Jim Holstein explains the physics of this notable meteorite crash site.</p>","video_id":"BM7cD5EKQes","slug":"the-first-meteorite-that-wrecked-a-car","description":"<p>At the Field Museum in Chicago, you can come face-to-face with the unique Benld Meteorite. After traveling all the way to Earth from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, in 1938 this small rock smashed through the garage of a man named Ed McCain. McCain, who lived in the town of Benld, Illinois, discovered the meteorite after first noticing a large hole in the passenger seat of his car. Listen as collection manager Jim Holstein explains the physics of this notable meteorite crash site.</p>","duration":"4:06","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"Narwhals at the Field Museum","related_content_subtitle":"To find the \"unicorns of the deep\" you've got to go downstairs. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Explore a Rescued Frank Lloyd Wright Masterpiece","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">This architectural pilgrimage site was once nearly lost to disrepair, but lives on today. Frank Lloyd Wright’s signature Prairie School stylings characterize the Martin House Complex, located in Buffalo, New York. In 1905, wealthy businessman Darwin Martin commissioned the residence comprised of six interconnected buildings. Following Martin’s death in 1935, his family abandoned the property, leaving the complex to deteriorate. A massive restoration effort was launched in the late 1990s and the property, which serves as a destination for many of the famed architect’s enthusiasts, is now open to the public as a historic site and museum. </span></p>","video_id":"EWBbnMZPTAA","slug":"explore-a-rescued-frank-lloyd-wright-masterpiece","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">This architectural pilgrimage site was once nearly lost to disrepair, but lives on today. Frank Lloyd Wright’s signature Prairie School stylings characterize the Martin House Complex, located in Buffalo, New York. In 1905, wealthy businessman Darwin Martin commissioned the residence comprised of six interconnected buildings. Following Martin’s death in 1935, his family abandoned the property, leaving the complex to deteriorate. A massive restoration effort was launched in the late 1990s and the property, which serves as a destination for many of the famed architect’s enthusiasts, is now open to the public as a historic site and museum. </span></p>","duration":"1:41","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","sponsor":"Visit Buffalo Niagara","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Giant Megaphones Tucked Inside a Remote Estonian Forest","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Deep in a forest that’s three hours from Estonia’s capital, you can find a hidden acoustic wonder: three large wooden megaphones clustered together in an art installation known as RUUP. The megaphones act as amplifiers to enhance the sounds of waving trees or singing birds. Listeners are invited to come to the center of the clearing to experience a unique surround-sound effect reflecting the peacefulness of Estonia’s Võru County forest.  </span></p>","video_id":"vQaI12mAeLk","slug":"why-are-there-megaphones-in-this-estonian-forest","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Deep in a forest that’s three hours from Estonia’s capital, you can find a hidden acoustic wonder: three large wooden megaphones clustered together in an art installation known as RUUP. The megaphones act as amplifiers to enhance the sounds of waving trees or singing birds. Listeners are invited to come to the center of the clearing to experience a unique surround-sound effect reflecting the peacefulness of Estonia’s Võru County forest.  </span></p>","duration":"6:02","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Pähni Megaphones","related_content_subtitle":"A trio of giant wooden megaphones turn up nature's volume. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Meet the Man Behind Ohio’s Whimsical Temple of Tolerance","subtitle":"<p>In this episode of Local Legends, we meet Jim Bowsher, who has been building the <a href=\"\">Temple of Tolerance</a> in the backyard of his home in Wapakoneta, Ohio, for decades. What is the Temple of Tolerance? It’s a rock garden and collection of outsider art that began in 1981, when Bowsher decided to build a place that encouraged people of all walks of life to come together and feel accepted. From a sculpture known as the “Bully Eater” to a tube filled with shell casings representing every man or woman who died in a war from 1812 on, the Temple of Tolerance is filled with poignant stories that touch all who come across it.</p>","video_id":"5Uu0ooJk2Io","slug":"step-inside-ohio-s-whimsical-temple-of-tolerance","description":"<p>In this episode of Local Legends, we meet Jim Bowsher, who has been building the <a href=\"\">Temple of Tolerance</a> in the backyard of his home in Wapakoneta, Ohio, for decades. What is the Temple of Tolerance? It’s a rock garden and collection of outsider art that began in 1981, when Bowsher decided to build a place that encouraged people of all walks of life to come together and feel accepted. From a sculpture known as the “Bully Eater” to a tube filled with shell casings representing every man or woman who died in a war from 1812 on, the Temple of Tolerance is filled with poignant stories that touch all who come across it.</p>","duration":"5:11","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Ohio","related_content_subtitle":"154 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The World's Largest Collection of the World's Smallest Versions of the World's Largest Things","subtitle":"<p>Erika Nelson travels the U.S. to visit some of the world's largest things—the largest rocking chair, the largest ball of twine, the largest bottle of ketchup, and so on. She then painstakingly creates the smallest versions of the same objects, and returns to photograph the two representations side by side. Her collection makes up the <a href=\"\">World's Largest Collection of the World's Smallest Versions of the World's Largest Things</a>.</p>","video_id":"nkJSFd68kCo","slug":"the-world-s-largest-collection-of-the-world-s-smallest-versions-of-the-world-s-largest-things","description":"<p>Erika Nelson travels the U.S. to visit some of the world's largest things—the largest rocking chair, the largest ball of twine, the largest bottle of ketchup, and so on. She then painstakingly creates the smallest versions of the same objects, and returns to photograph the two representations side by side. Her collection makes up the <a href=\"\">World's Largest Collection of the World's Smallest Versions of the World's Largest Things</a>.</p>","duration":"1:13","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Kansas","related_content_subtitle":"58 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"4 of Alaska's Most Intriguing Places","subtitle":"<p>Generations of artisans, builders, and scientists have found inspiration in Alaska’s unique landscape. Take a tour of four of the state's most unusual, inspired spots: <a href=\"\">Goose Creek Tower</a>, a whimsical, 185-foot-tall cabin that serves as a “poem to the sky”; <a href=\"\">Aunt Claudia’s Dolls</a>, a museum featuring one of the world’s most diverse collections of indigenous dolls; <a href=\"\">Igloo City</a>, an abandoned concrete hotel made to look like an igloo; and a <a href=\"\">permafrost tunnel</a> that's part of a research laboratory, where fossils of all kinds abound.</p>","video_id":"uRJkdTjzLGA","slug":"discover-four-of-alaska-s-most-unusual-sights","description":"<p>Generations of artisans, builders, and scientists have found inspiration in Alaska’s unique landscape. Take a tour of four of the state's most unusual, inspired spots: <a href=\"\">Goose Creek Tower</a>, a whimsical, 185-foot-tall cabin that serves as a “poem to the sky”; <a href=\"\">Aunt Claudia’s Dolls</a>, a museum featuring one of the world’s most diverse collections of indigenous dolls; <a href=\"\">Igloo City</a>, an abandoned concrete hotel made to look like an igloo; and a <a href=\"\">permafrost tunnel</a> that's part of a research laboratory, where fossils of all kinds abound.</p>","duration":"13:34","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Alaska","related_content_subtitle":"72 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"A Spherical 'Micro-Nation' in the Middle of Vienna","subtitle":"<p>Meet <a href=\"\">Kugelmugel</a>, a tiny \"micro-nation\" tucked inside an amusement park in Vienna, Austria. Originally constructed in a small town, the structure ran afoul of local building laws, so its designers declared it an \"independent republic.\" It has since been relocated, and today the building serves mostly as an art and performance space.</p>","video_id":"rQcnPjOlmmg","slug":"a-spherical-micro-nation-in-vienna","description":"<p>Meet <a href=\"\">Kugelmugel</a>, a tiny \"micro-nation\" tucked inside an amusement park in Vienna, Austria. Originally constructed in a small town, the structure ran afoul of local building laws, so its designers declared it an \"independent republic.\" It has since been relocated, and today the building serves mostly as an art and performance space.</p>","duration":"1:04","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Vienna","related_content_subtitle":"47 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Many Lives of a Single Giant Rock","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In a remote spot on the outskirts of <a href=\"\">Landers, California</a>, at the end of a bumpy, unpaved road, sits <a href=\"\">Giant Rock</a>, thought to be one of the largest freestanding boulders in the world. Throughout its history, Giant Rock has attracted hermits, UFO fanatics, and Instagram pilgrims. But to truly understand its magnetic appeal, you have to see it for yourself. </span></p>","video_id":"Lx0vwUmBHKU","slug":"giant-rock-landers-history","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In a remote spot on the outskirts of <a href=\"\">Landers, California</a>, at the end of a bumpy, unpaved road, sits <a href=\"\">Giant Rock</a>, thought to be one of the largest freestanding boulders in the world. Throughout its history, Giant Rock has attracted hermits, UFO fanatics, and Instagram pilgrims. But to truly understand its magnetic appeal, you have to see it for yourself. </span></p>","duration":"5:01","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"An Explorer's Guide to Hidden Coachella Valley","related_content_subtitle":"This region stays wonderfully weird all year long.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Meet the Man Who Built North Dakota’s Enchanted Highway","subtitle":"<p>If you take a road trip to Regent, North Dakota, you’ll see the world’s largest tin family, among other sights, looming up along the highway. This is the <a href=\"\">Enchanted Highway</a>, which was built by Gary Greff as a way to bring attention to his struggling hometown. </p>","video_id":"RZmJPZCKUV0","slug":"meet-the-man-who-built-north-dakota-s-enchanted-highway","description":"<p>If you take a road trip to Regent, North Dakota, you’ll see the world’s largest tin family, among other sights, looming up along the highway. This is the <a href=\"\">Enchanted Highway</a>, which was built by Gary Greff as a way to bring attention to his struggling hometown. </p>","duration":"5:52","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to North Dakota","related_content_subtitle":"23 cool, hidden, and unusual things to see and do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"This Once-Thriving Hotel Couldn't Compete With Climate Change","subtitle":"<p><span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;Hotel Belvédère, nestled in the Swiss Alps, couldn't compete with climate change. While it once hosted party-goers and adventurers, and even the likes of Pope John XXIII and Sean Connery (it makes a brief appearance in Goldfinger!), the serene little spot is now closed indefinitely.&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:14851,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;4&quot;:[null,2,16777215],&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:[null,2,6317936],&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;16&quot;:11}\">The <a href=\"\">Hotel Belvédère</a>, nestled in the Swiss Alps, was renowned for its views of the Rhône Glacier. But as the glacier receded dramatically over the past decades, so did its number of visitors. Today, the hotel is shuttered. Drivers en route to the melting glacier still stop to take pictures of the building and its mountainous backdrop. </span></p>","video_id":"9dAer9HY4sw","slug":"this-once-thriving-hotel-was-shuttered-by-climate-change","description":"<p><span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;Hotel Belvédère, nestled in the Swiss Alps, couldn't compete with climate change. While it once hosted party-goers and adventurers, and even the likes of Pope John XXIII and Sean Connery (it makes a brief appearance in Goldfinger!), the serene little spot is now closed indefinitely.&quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:14851,&quot;3&quot;:{&quot;1&quot;:0},&quot;4&quot;:[null,2,16777215],&quot;12&quot;:0,&quot;14&quot;:[null,2,6317936],&quot;15&quot;:&quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;16&quot;:11}\">The <a href=\"\">Hotel Belvédère</a>, nestled in the Swiss Alps, was renowned for its views of the Rhône Glacier. But as the glacier receded dramatically over the past decades, so did its number of visitors. Today, the hotel is shuttered. Drivers en route to the melting glacier still stop to take pictures of the building and its mountainous backdrop. </span></p>","duration":"1:27","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Switzerland","related_content_subtitle":"97 cool, hidden, and unusual things to see and do.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Secret Spaces in Biltmore Estate ","subtitle":"<p>With over four acres' floor space and 250 rooms, the enormous Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina, has plenty of places to hide. George Vanderbilt III built one of the world's largest private residences at the height of the Gilded Age and filled it with fascinating details, including clandestine doors, underground passageways, a gentlemen's only smoking room, and a private reading den. One of the most popular tourist attractions in the state, Biltmore Estate proves that even the most-visited places have their secrets. </p>","video_id":"a9cevqG6EVk","slug":"secret-spaces-in-biltmore-estate","description":"<p>With over four acres' floor space and 250 rooms, the enormous Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina, has plenty of places to hide. George Vanderbilt III built one of the world's largest private residences at the height of the Gilded Age and filled it with fascinating details, including clandestine doors, underground passageways, a gentlemen's only smoking room, and a private reading den. One of the most popular tourist attractions in the state, Biltmore Estate proves that even the most-visited places have their secrets. </p>","duration":"1:28","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","sponsor":"Explore Asheville","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"Biltmore Estate's Secret Passages","related_content_subtitle":"The sprawling Vanderbilt mansion conceals hidden doors and secret passageways. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"What It's Like to Compete in a Grits Rolling Contest","subtitle":"<p>Every spring, the town of St. George in South Carolina hosts the World Grits Festival, a three-day event that celebrates all things grits. This year, Atlas Obscura Foods Editor Sam O'Brien participated in the crown jewel of the festival: the <a href=\"\">Rolling in the Grits contest</a>, where contestants have 10 seconds to dive into a grits-filled kiddie pool and trap as much of the traditional Southern food on their bodies as they can. </p>","video_id":"B7ydniBBvZo","slug":"competing-in-the-rolling-in-the-grits-contest","description":"<p>Every spring, the town of St. George in South Carolina hosts the World Grits Festival, a three-day event that celebrates all things grits. This year, Atlas Obscura Foods Editor Sam O'Brien participated in the crown jewel of the festival: the <a href=\"\">Rolling in the Grits contest</a>, where contestants have 10 seconds to dive into a grits-filled kiddie pool and trap as much of the traditional Southern food on their bodies as they can. </p>","duration":"9:23","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Rolling in the Grits","related_content_subtitle":"This South Carolina competition challenges you to trap grits on your body.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"An Ancient Cemetery, Resurrected","subtitle":"<p><a href=\"\">Chauchilla Cemetery</a> is an archeological site that had to be put back together after it was plundered by thieves. The original corpses in the necropolis were naturally mummified by the dry, desert climate of the Nazca region. Today, the site is protected by the Peruvian government, and 12 tombs have been rearranged and left on display for visitors.</p>","video_id":"S0HV9N7K7E0","slug":"an-ancient-cemetery-pillaged-by-grave-robbers","description":"<p><a href=\"\">Chauchilla Cemetery</a> is an archeological site that had to be put back together after it was plundered by thieves. The original corpses in the necropolis were naturally mummified by the dry, desert climate of the Nazca region. Today, the site is protected by the Peruvian government, and 12 tombs have been rearranged and left on display for visitors.</p>","duration":"1:51","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Chauchilla Cemetery","related_content_subtitle":"Once plundered by grave robbers, this ancient necropolis has been painstakingly pieced back together. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"A 30-Acre Garden Inspired by the Principles of Modern Physics ","subtitle":"<p>This unusual garden in Holywood, Scotland, was designed with physics in mind. Its owners and engineers wanted to bridge the worlds of art, nature, and science. Today, the <a href=\"\">Garden of Cosmic Speculation</a> is only open one day a year.</p>","video_id":"aCMGp6j9m6A","slug":"step-inside-the-garden-of-cosmic-speculation","description":"<p>This unusual garden in Holywood, Scotland, was designed with physics in mind. Its owners and engineers wanted to bridge the worlds of art, nature, and science. Today, the <a href=\"\">Garden of Cosmic Speculation</a> is only open one day a year.</p>","duration":"1:32","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Inside the World of Tannen’s Magic Shop","subtitle":"<p>Atlas Obscura recently visited <a href=\"\">Tannen’s Magic Shop</a>, New York City’s oldest magic store, and sat down with the magician Noah Levine to ask him all our burning questions, such as: Why have wands fallen out of fashion? What’s the commonality between clowns, comedians, and magicians? What’s the scariest thing for a magician? How often do you get to wear a cape? Explore the mind of a magician in this episode of Infrequently Asked Questions.</p>","video_id":"oHyOz9VSKsM","slug":"the-magical-wonderland-of-tannen-s-magic-shop","description":"<p>Atlas Obscura recently visited <a href=\"\">Tannen’s Magic Shop</a>, New York City’s oldest magic store, and sat down with the magician Noah Levine to ask him all our burning questions, such as: Why have wands fallen out of fashion? What’s the commonality between clowns, comedians, and magicians? What’s the scariest thing for a magician? How often do you get to wear a cape? Explore the mind of a magician in this episode of Infrequently Asked Questions.</p>","duration":"6:41","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Tannen's Magic Shop","related_content_subtitle":"New York's oldest magic store. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Art of the Lion Dance","subtitle":"<p>James Liao has been teaching lion dance and martial arts to young people in Kolkata, India, for more than ten years. Lion dance is a centuries-old art form that offers its practitioners more than just the opportunity to carry on a cultural tradition—it's also a key source of extra income. </p>","video_id":"egKHpaNuxDI","slug":"meet-the-lion-dancers-of-kolkata","description":"<p>James Liao has been teaching lion dance and martial arts to young people in Kolkata, India, for more than ten years. Lion dance is a centuries-old art form that offers its practitioners more than just the opportunity to carry on a cultural tradition—it's also a key source of extra income. </p>","duration":"3:51","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Kolkata","related_content_subtitle":"Cool, hidden, and unusual things to do in Kolkata, India.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Beekeeper of Paris","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Audric de Campeau is an urban beekeeper who keeps hives on the rooftops of some of Paris’s most famous landmarks: the Musee d’Orsay, the Ecole Militaire, Cordon Bleu, and other iconic sites. Accompanied by his dog Filouche, de Campeau works tirelessly to keep his bees happy—and in return, reaps delicious local honey. </span></p>","video_id":"OXw6wuLhy2A","slug":"meet-paris-s-rooftop-beekeeper","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Audric de Campeau is an urban beekeeper who keeps hives on the rooftops of some of Paris’s most famous landmarks: the Musee d’Orsay, the Ecole Militaire, Cordon Bleu, and other iconic sites. Accompanied by his dog Filouche, de Campeau works tirelessly to keep his bees happy—and in return, reaps delicious local honey. </span></p>","duration":"3:14","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Paris","related_content_subtitle":"140 cool, hidden, and unusual things to do in Paris, France.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"A Journey Through Black History in Miniature","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The folk artist Karen Collins is the creative force behind the <a href=\"\">African American Miniature Museum</a>, a visual tour of African American history depicted in intricate dioramas placed in shadowboxes, which she and her husband built over the course of 25 years. The museum is a way for Collins to teach future generations about their history and identity in the United States.</span></p>","video_id":"fBzSkhiA8is","slug":"african-american-miniature-museum-history","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The folk artist Karen Collins is the creative force behind the <a href=\"\">African American Miniature Museum</a>, a visual tour of African American history depicted in intricate dioramas placed in shadowboxes, which she and her husband built over the course of 25 years. The museum is a way for Collins to teach future generations about their history and identity in the United States.</span></p>","duration":"10:14","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"A Home for the Future, Imagined in the Past","subtitle":"<p>Buckminster Fuller designed the <a href=\"\">Dymaxion House</a> in 1927 as \"the home of the future.\" The only surviving prototype of Fuller's vision, located at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, was meant to be a model of an affordable, mass-produced residence, but the design never caught on. </p>","video_id":"q3t9F4TmtA4","slug":"step-inside-a-retrofuturistic-home","description":"<p>Buckminster Fuller designed the <a href=\"\">Dymaxion House</a> in 1927 as \"the home of the future.\" The only surviving prototype of Fuller's vision, located at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, was meant to be a model of an affordable, mass-produced residence, but the design never caught on. </p>","duration":"1:26","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Dymaxion House","related_content_subtitle":"The only surviving prototype for Buckminster Fuller's house of the future. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Lava Lamps That Help Encrypt the Internet","subtitle":"<p>At <a href=\"\">Cloudflare</a> in San Francisco, California, a wall of lava lamps encrypts up to 10 percent of the world wide web. Cameras record the groovy, random movement of the lamps and convert the movement into an unbreakable code.</p>","video_id":"VGDxCCrpkiM","slug":"these-lava-lamps-help-encrypt-the-internet","description":"<p>At <a href=\"\">Cloudflare</a> in San Francisco, California, a wall of lava lamps encrypts up to 10 percent of the world wide web. Cameras record the groovy, random movement of the lamps and convert the movement into an unbreakable code.</p>","duration":"1:08","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Encryption Lava Lamps","related_content_subtitle":"The randomness of this wall of lava lamps helps encrypt up to 10 percent of the internet. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"How to Dig a Grave","subtitle":"<p>What is it like to get down into the dirt and actually carve out a human body’s final resting place? Atlas Obscura Director of Video Chris Naka decided to find out, with help from Ed Bixby, owner and operator of Steelmantown Cemetery in Woodbine, New Jersey.</p>","video_id":"sY5ey_E6Ix8","slug":"how-to-dig-a-grave","description":"<p>What is it like to get down into the dirt and actually carve out a human body’s final resting place? Atlas Obscura Director of Video Chris Naka decided to find out, with help from Ed Bixby, owner and operator of Steelmantown Cemetery in Woodbine, New Jersey.</p>","duration":"8:51","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Atlas Obscura Guide to Unusual Cemeteries in the United States","related_content_subtitle":"Discover 288 U.S. graveyards with unique stories to tell. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Secrets of Los Angeles's Oldest Bowling Alley","subtitle":"<p>When it first opened in 1927 during Prohibition, Highland Park Bowl was one of the few speakeasies that also had a bowling alley in it. The upstairs floor of the building housed doctor’s offices where patrons could get a prescription for “medicinal” whiskey that could then be filled and enjoyed in the lanes below.</p>","video_id":"rFyLKdDnXg8","slug":"step-inside-los-angeles-s-oldest-bowling-alley","description":"<p>When it first opened in 1927 during Prohibition, Highland Park Bowl was one of the few speakeasies that also had a bowling alley in it. The upstairs floor of the building housed doctor’s offices where patrons could get a prescription for “medicinal” whiskey that could then be filled and enjoyed in the lanes below.</p>","duration":"1:55","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","sponsor":"Discover Los Angeles","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"Highland Park Bowl","related_content_subtitle":"L.A.'s oldest operating bowling alley is a beautifully restored homage to its speakeasy days. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Most Dangerous Toy in the World","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">What is the world’s most dangerous toy? Probably the Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab Kit, which included three sources of radiation and four uranium ores that are also radioactive. The kit, which first went on sale in 1950, came with an instruction booklet, a pamphlet on how to prospect uranium, and various tools that enabled children to dive deep into the world of atomic chemistry. Voula Saridakis, a curator at the <a href=\"\">Chicago Museum of Science and Industry</a>, explains the fascinating history of this rare toy. </span></p>","video_id":"zeyoJGqKbOQ","slug":"this-atomic-energy-lab-kit-is-the-world-s-most-dangerous-toy","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">What is the world’s most dangerous toy? Probably the Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab Kit, which included three sources of radiation and four uranium ores that are also radioactive. The kit, which first went on sale in 1950, came with an instruction booklet, a pamphlet on how to prospect uranium, and various tools that enabled children to dive deep into the world of atomic chemistry. Voula Saridakis, a curator at the <a href=\"\">Chicago Museum of Science and Industry</a>, explains the fascinating history of this rare toy. </span></p>","duration":"3:15","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"This Statue of a Decomposing Prince Once Held His Actual Heart","subtitle":"<p>This morbid statue of the decomposing form of René de Chalon, Prince of Orange, once held his actual dried heart in its hand. Rather than favor an idealistic portrayal of the prince, the artist, Ligier Richier, highlights the realities of decay and death. The <a href=\"\">Transi de René de Chalon</a> is located in the Saint-Étienne church in Bar-le-Duc, France. </p>","video_id":"CkP1e7WYBFU","slug":"this-statue-of-a-decomposing-prince-once-held-his-actual-heart","description":"<p>This morbid statue of the decomposing form of René de Chalon, Prince of Orange, once held his actual dried heart in its hand. Rather than favor an idealistic portrayal of the prince, the artist, Ligier Richier, highlights the realities of decay and death. The <a href=\"\">Transi de René de Chalon</a> is located in the Saint-Étienne church in Bar-le-Duc, France. </p>","duration":"1:15","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Transi de René de Chalon","related_content_subtitle":"Statue of a decomposing prince that once held his heart in its hand. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"'Discovering' Mexico's Monarch Butterfly Migration","subtitle":"<p>Each year, as winter gives way to spring, tens of millions of monarch butterflies leave the safety of their wintering grounds in central Mexico and migrate north. But the history behind how the global scientific community finally came to understand the unique role that this part of Mexico plays in the lifecycle of monarchs is just as fascinating as the butterflies themselves. </p>","video_id":"mXc1ZeRlOe0","slug":"gaze-upon-a-million-monarch-butterflies-in-mexico","description":"<p>Each year, as winter gives way to spring, tens of millions of monarch butterflies leave the safety of their wintering grounds in central Mexico and migrate north. But the history behind how the global scientific community finally came to understand the unique role that this part of Mexico plays in the lifecycle of monarchs is just as fascinating as the butterflies themselves. </p>","duration":"6:46","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"The Tiny Sticker That Traveled More Than a Thousand Miles on the Wing of a Butterfly","related_content_subtitle":"Tracking these insects takes a little adhesive and a lot of luck.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"California’s Dazzling Mosaic Tile House","subtitle":"<p>Los Angeles's Venice Beach is known for its boardwalk filled with colorful, eccentric people. The houses, buildings, and structures that inhabit this area also reflect the neighborhood's free spirit and eclecticism. But no place quite captures the effervescent essence of Venice like the Mosaic Tile House. </p>","video_id":"JA30H9QBFac","slug":"california-s-dazzling-mosaic-tile-house-2","description":"<p>Los Angeles's Venice Beach is known for its boardwalk filled with colorful, eccentric people. The houses, buildings, and structures that inhabit this area also reflect the neighborhood's free spirit and eclecticism. But no place quite captures the effervescent essence of Venice like the Mosaic Tile House. </p>","duration":"1:42","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","sponsor":"Discover Los Angeles","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"Neighborhood Guides for the Curious Traveler: Venice","related_content_subtitle":"This bohemian beehive has always attracted artists and performers, and everyone is welcome to enjoy the show.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Million Dollar Doll House","subtitle":"<p>Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry holds a delicate treasure: <a href=\"\">Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle</a>. Moore was best known as a successful film actress whose career began in the silent era but later transitioned into talking pictures. A lifelong fan of dolls and doll houses, she commissioned this elaborate tiny house in 1928, for a total cost of nearly $500,000—in 2019 money, it's estimated to be worth $7 million. By 1935, approximately 100 craftspeople had worked on the Fairy Castle, according to the museum. No detail was too small to include. </p>","video_id":"YZ4xNzewzmQ","slug":"see-chicago-s-million-dollar-fairy-castle","description":"<p>Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry holds a delicate treasure: <a href=\"\">Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle</a>. Moore was best known as a successful film actress whose career began in the silent era but later transitioned into talking pictures. A lifelong fan of dolls and doll houses, she commissioned this elaborate tiny house in 1928, for a total cost of nearly $500,000—in 2019 money, it's estimated to be worth $7 million. By 1935, approximately 100 craftspeople had worked on the Fairy Castle, according to the museum. No detail was too small to include. </p>","duration":"3:51","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Step Inside Gaudí's First House in Barcelona","subtitle":"<p>The first house designed by Antoni Gaudí has a surprising religious history. Before Gaudí built <a href=\"\">Casa Vicens</a>, an order of monks lived on this land and claimed the water from one of the property's natural springs had curative effects. They dedicated their work to Saint Rita, and according to local lore, many women in the neighborhood were named Rita in her honor.</p>","video_id":"aj2YIRBNi1Q","slug":"step-inside-gaudi-s-first-house-in-barcelona","description":"<p>The first house designed by Antoni Gaudí has a surprising religious history. Before Gaudí built <a href=\"\">Casa Vicens</a>, an order of monks lived on this land and claimed the water from one of the property's natural springs had curative effects. They dedicated their work to Saint Rita, and according to local lore, many women in the neighborhood were named Rita in her honor.</p>","duration":"1:24","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Casa Vicens","related_content_subtitle":"Designed by the famed architect Antoni Gaudí, it's considered to be one of the first Art Nouveau buildings. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Growing Up Underground","subtitle":"<p>Coober Pedy, located in South Australia, calls itself the “opal mining capital of the world.” It’s also a remote and extreme place to live—due to the extreme temperatures of the Australian desert, 70 percent of the population have chosen to live underground. Since 1915, miners have hunted for opal in the surrounding rocks, and despite grueling conditions, mining continues today. Take a tour of <a href=\"\">Coober Pedy</a> with Desrey, one of the few working women miners in the town.</p>","video_id":"pniXiSEoTwM","slug":"coober-pedy-underground-mining-town","description":"<p>Coober Pedy, located in South Australia, calls itself the “opal mining capital of the world.” It’s also a remote and extreme place to live—due to the extreme temperatures of the Australian desert, 70 percent of the population have chosen to live underground. Since 1915, miners have hunted for opal in the surrounding rocks, and despite grueling conditions, mining continues today. Take a tour of <a href=\"\">Coober Pedy</a> with Desrey, one of the few working women miners in the town.</p>","duration":"4:41","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"Coober Pedy","related_content_subtitle":"An opal mining town in the middle of Australia where people live, worship, and shop underground. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Largest Gnome Collection in the World","subtitle":"<p>The <a href=\"\">Gnome Reserve</a> of North Devon, England, boasts over 2,000 garden gnomes. The four-acre refuge is covered with gnomes doing a range of activities: playing chess, driving go-carts, enjoying feasts, and exploring space.</p>","video_id":"zX2wNqzMYq8","slug":"the-largest-gnome-collection-in-the-world","description":"<p>The <a href=\"\">Gnome Reserve</a> of North Devon, England, boasts over 2,000 garden gnomes. The four-acre refuge is covered with gnomes doing a range of activities: playing chess, driving go-carts, enjoying feasts, and exploring space.</p>","duration":"1:17","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"The Gnome Reserve","related_content_subtitle":"The world's largest collection of garden gnomes lives among the trees and wildflowers on this woodland reserve. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"A Glimpse Inside a Synthetic Cadaver Factory","subtitle":"<p>Tampa, Florida-based <a href=\"\">SynDaver Labs</a> uses a unique formula of water, salt, and other ingredients to create incredibly lifelike synthetic human tissue and organs. Paired with \"bones\" constructed by 3-D printers, workers at SynDaver carefully sew the fake body parts together with mint dental floss. These exceptional synthetic cadavers are meant to inspire more empathy compared to traditional medical training devices.</p>","video_id":"se8sB7pzCic","slug":"a-glimpse-inside-a-synthetic-cadaver-factory","description":"<p>Tampa, Florida-based <a href=\"\">SynDaver Labs</a> uses a unique formula of water, salt, and other ingredients to create incredibly lifelike synthetic human tissue and organs. Paired with \"bones\" constructed by 3-D printers, workers at SynDaver carefully sew the fake body parts together with mint dental floss. These exceptional synthetic cadavers are meant to inspire more empathy compared to traditional medical training devices.</p>","duration":"3:48","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"A Visit to the Synthetic Cadaver Factory","related_content_subtitle":"Florida’s SynDaver Labs makes extraordinarily advanced anatomical models.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Inside Los Angeles’s Hidden Japanese Village","subtitle":"<p>One of the most intriguing places in all of Los Angeles is hidden in plain sight. A <a href=\"\">“Japanese Cultural Village”</a> exists on the edge of Little Tokyo in a 5,000 square-foot warehouse, and houses a museum-worthy collection of Japanese ephemera. The bright and beautiful space is the work of Peter Lai, a fashion designer who fell in love with Japanese design at an early age. Regular visits and guided private tours of this unique destination are available by appointment.</p>","video_id":"1GcDF8ARdYM","slug":"the-secret-world-of-los-angeles-s-hidden-japanese-village","description":"<p>One of the most intriguing places in all of Los Angeles is hidden in plain sight. A <a href=\"\">“Japanese Cultural Village”</a> exists on the edge of Little Tokyo in a 5,000 square-foot warehouse, and houses a museum-worthy collection of Japanese ephemera. The bright and beautiful space is the work of Peter Lai, a fashion designer who fell in love with Japanese design at an early age. Regular visits and guided private tours of this unique destination are available by appointment.</p>","duration":"1:23","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","sponsor":"Discover Los Angeles","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"Japanese Cultural Village","related_content_subtitle":"A fashion designer's dazzling world of Japanese collectibles is hidden in a warehouse downtown. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"An Abandoned Victorian Sea Fort Turned Hotel","subtitle":"<p>This former sea fort exemplifies the strange fates of “Palmerston’s Follies,” a series of mammoth fortifications built in Victorian times to defend the coast of Britain against perceived threats from France. Now known as No Man's Fort, today it operates as a hotel and private event venue. But at one time, it was the site of strange business machinations that led to a property developer taking the only set of keys and barricading himself inside the island fortress.</p>","video_id":"KxPLVpG6jaU","slug":"an-abandoned-victorian-sea-fort-turned-hotel","description":"<p>This former sea fort exemplifies the strange fates of “Palmerston’s Follies,” a series of mammoth fortifications built in Victorian times to defend the coast of Britain against perceived threats from France. Now known as No Man's Fort, today it operates as a hotel and private event venue. But at one time, it was the site of strange business machinations that led to a property developer taking the only set of keys and barricading himself inside the island fortress.</p>","duration":"1:38","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"No Man's Land","related_content_subtitle":"This foolish Victorian sea fort was converted to a deluxe hotel. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Mysterious and Intricate 17th-Century Anatomical Manikins","subtitle":"<p>The New York Academy of Medicine maintains a collection of extremely rare ivory anatomical manikins from the 17th century. Male physicians of the era likely collected them as status symbols. The manikins are designed with removable parts and layers, from the abdominal wall to the inner organs and even fetuses.  </p>","video_id":"7UsQbSZ3l1A","slug":"17th-century-anatomical-manikins","description":"<p>The New York Academy of Medicine maintains a collection of extremely rare ivory anatomical manikins from the 17th century. Male physicians of the era likely collected them as status symbols. The manikins are designed with removable parts and layers, from the abdominal wall to the inner organs and even fetuses.  </p>","duration":"2:13","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"New York Academy of Medicine Rare Book Library","related_content_subtitle":"This hidden library of physiological ephemera contains centuries worth of knowledge on the vim and viscera of the human body.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Meet Piano Pat and the Sip 'n Dip Mermaids","subtitle":"<p>Piano Pat has been a staple live piano bar entertainer at the <a href=\"\">Sip ‘n Dip Lounge</a> in Great Falls, Montana, for over 50 years. At the sprightly age of 84, Pat still entertains guests with piano renditions of Johnny Cash and Elvis songs as mermaids twirl gracefully behind the bar. Mermaids? That’s right, we said mermaids. </p>","video_id":"UBhFt2brTzY","slug":"meet-piano-pat-and-the-sip-n-dip-mermaids","description":"<p>Piano Pat has been a staple live piano bar entertainer at the <a href=\"\">Sip ‘n Dip Lounge</a> in Great Falls, Montana, for over 50 years. At the sprightly age of 84, Pat still entertains guests with piano renditions of Johnny Cash and Elvis songs as mermaids twirl gracefully behind the bar. Mermaids? That’s right, we said mermaids. </p>","duration":"5:01","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"Sip 'n Dip Lounge","related_content_subtitle":"\"Polynesia on the Plains.\"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Nevada's Thriving 'Ghost Town'","subtitle":"<p>Virginia City, Nevada, is a rare example of a \"ghost town\" that's still very much alive. The mining town boomed in 1859, but while its counterparts withered away, <a href=\"\">Virginia City</a> continues to host a thriving community, many of whom live and work in the town's historic buildings.</p>","video_id":"WhD0Ylq3TJU","slug":"nevada-s-thriving-ghost-town","description":"<p>Virginia City, Nevada, is a rare example of a \"ghost town\" that's still very much alive. The mining town boomed in 1859, but while its counterparts withered away, <a href=\"\">Virginia City</a> continues to host a thriving community, many of whom live and work in the town's historic buildings.</p>","duration":"1:52","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","sponsor":"Travel Nevada","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"Ponderosa Saloon","related_content_subtitle":"Beneath a Virginia City bar is the entrance to an abandoned gold mine. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Truth About George Washington's Hidden Beer Recipe","subtitle":"<p>At the back of his journal from his time as a Virginia Colonel, George Washington wrote a recipe for small beer. By today's standards, it's pretty unappetizing. Learn more about Washington's recipe, and the journal it's found in, from Thomas Lannon, assistant director of manuscripts, archives, and rare books at the New York Public Library.</p>","video_id":"m4XxghQEQT4","slug":"george-washington-hidden-beer-recipe","description":"<p>At the back of his journal from his time as a Virginia Colonel, George Washington wrote a recipe for small beer. By today's standards, it's pretty unappetizing. Learn more about Washington's recipe, and the journal it's found in, from Thomas Lannon, assistant director of manuscripts, archives, and rare books at the New York Public Library.</p>","duration":"4:24","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"This Part of New Mexico Looks Like Another Planet","subtitle":"<p>The <a href=\"\">Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness Study Area</a> in Bloomfield, New Mexico, is full of geologic eye candy including otherworldly spires, mushroom-shaped hoodoos, and prehistoric fossils.</p>","video_id":"TYgTIKDWJMo","slug":"this-part-of-new-mexico-looks-like-a-martian-planet","description":"<p>The <a href=\"\">Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness Study Area</a> in Bloomfield, New Mexico, is full of geologic eye candy including otherworldly spires, mushroom-shaped hoodoos, and prehistoric fossils.</p>","duration":"1:26","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness Study Area","related_content_subtitle":"An area of New Mexico that's full of geologic eye candy.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Science of Watchmaking Is Incredibly Exquisite","subtitle":"<p>Join deputy editor Samir Patel as he visits the <a href=\"\">Horological Society of New York</a> to learn how to take apart a watch and put it back together. The Horological Society was founded in 1866, and is one of the world’s oldest continuously operated watch-making associations. </p>","video_id":"DtEFYTbD1xQ","slug":"the-science-of-watchmaking-is-incredibly-exquisite","description":"<p>Join deputy editor Samir Patel as he visits the <a href=\"\">Horological Society of New York</a> to learn how to take apart a watch and put it back together. The Horological Society was founded in 1866, and is one of the world’s oldest continuously operated watch-making associations. </p>","duration":"4:52","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The World's Most Beautiful Public Toilet","subtitle":"<p>Along the Norwegian Scenic Routes are many pit stops, but none as lavish as the the <a href=\"\">Uredd Rest Area</a>, or <em>Ureddplassen</em>. This stunningly designed public restroom overlooks breath-taking fjords and seas.</p>","video_id":"2bBr1YKsd18","slug":"the-world-s-most-beautiful-public-toilet","description":"<p>Along the Norwegian Scenic Routes are many pit stops, but none as lavish as the the <a href=\"\">Uredd Rest Area</a>, or <em>Ureddplassen</em>. This stunningly designed public restroom overlooks breath-taking fjords and seas.</p>","duration":"1:08","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Uredd Rest Area (Ureddplassen)","related_content_subtitle":"Norway has built what may be the world's most beautiful public toilet. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Meet the Man Behind Brooklyn's Pinball Speakeasy","subtitle":"<p>Sunshine Laundromat in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, is not your average laundromat. A washer-dryer unit that doubles as a secret door in the back reveals a pinball speakeasy. Owner Peter Rose answers some unusual questions about what goes on behind-the-scenes at <a href=\"\">Sunshine Laundromat</a>.</p>","video_id":"9VzEI0n0pcU","slug":"meet-the-man-behind-brooklyn-s-pinball-speakeasy","description":"<p>Sunshine Laundromat in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, is not your average laundromat. A washer-dryer unit that doubles as a secret door in the back reveals a pinball speakeasy. Owner Peter Rose answers some unusual questions about what goes on behind-the-scenes at <a href=\"\">Sunshine Laundromat</a>.</p>","duration":"5:40","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Sunshine Laundromat","related_content_subtitle":"One of New York's best collections of pinball is hidden in a secret bar in the back of this laundromat. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"A Visit to the Museum of Broken Relationships","subtitle":"<p>The <a href=\"\">Museum of Broken Relationships</a> in Zagreb, Croatia, has a collection that'll pull on any visitor's heartstrings. The museum crowdsources items from relationships that have ended, ranging from mobile phones to dreadlocks to parachute rigs. Takes a tour of some of the objects and stories inside this unique collection.</p>","video_id":"lMNdTZhQ1TU","slug":"visit-the-museum-of-broken-relationships","description":"<p>The <a href=\"\">Museum of Broken Relationships</a> in Zagreb, Croatia, has a collection that'll pull on any visitor's heartstrings. The museum crowdsources items from relationships that have ended, ranging from mobile phones to dreadlocks to parachute rigs. Takes a tour of some of the objects and stories inside this unique collection.</p>","duration":"3:58","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","related_content_title":"Zagreb's Museum of Broken Relationships","related_content_subtitle":"Where the lovelorn find a home for their sentimental keepsakes. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Here Be Dragons: Secrets of One of the Earliest Terrestrial Globes","subtitle":"<p>The Hunt-Lenox globe is the second-oldest surviving terrestrial globe and also the oldest known globe to depict the Americas. The globe is covered in hidden details, including the Latin phrase, HC SVNT DRACONES, or “here be dragons.” Learn more about the Hunt-Lenox globe from Michael Inman, curator of rare books at the New York Public Library.</p>","video_id":"i6UaGMaZ518","slug":"secrets-of-the-hunt-lenox-globe","description":"<p>The Hunt-Lenox globe is the second-oldest surviving terrestrial globe and also the oldest known globe to depict the Americas. The globe is covered in hidden details, including the Latin phrase, HC SVNT DRACONES, or “here be dragons.” Learn more about the Hunt-Lenox globe from Michael Inman, curator of rare books at the New York Public Library.</p>","duration":"2:26","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Step Inside Iran's Technicolor Mosque","subtitle":"<p>Nasir al-Mulk Mosque is often called the \"Pink Mosque\" thanks to its captivating, brightly colored tiles and stained-glass windows. Built in the late 19th century during the Qajar dynasty, <a href=\"\">Nasir al-Mulk</a> still functions as a mosque as well as a tourist attraction. Visit in the morning, when the light filters through the stained-glass windows and casts mesmerizing shadows in the prayer hall. </p>","video_id":"_5Wi7nW3yjU","slug":"step-inside-iran-s-technicolor-mosque","description":"<p>Nasir al-Mulk Mosque is often called the \"Pink Mosque\" thanks to its captivating, brightly colored tiles and stained-glass windows. Built in the late 19th century during the Qajar dynasty, <a href=\"\">Nasir al-Mulk</a> still functions as a mosque as well as a tourist attraction. Visit in the morning, when the light filters through the stained-glass windows and casts mesmerizing shadows in the prayer hall. </p>","duration":"1:32","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Nasir al-Mulk Mosque","related_content_subtitle":"A spectacular rainbow of stained glass makes the \"Pink Mosque\" one of the most beautiful in Iran.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Chinese Bagel That Helped to Win a War","subtitle":"<p class=\"item-body-text-graf\">At 3:30 a.m. every morning, bakers in Fuqing, China, start prepping Guang Bing, a bagel recipe that helped Chinese troops win a war. Five hundred years ago, a general needed a recipe that his troops could eat on the run. Though the recipe has survived to today, the tradition of making the bagel is fading away. For now at least, the last Guang Bing baker in his village still practices this centuries-old craft.</p>","video_id":"ms1gNvNtZws","slug":"the-chinese-bagel-that-helped-to-win-a-war","description":"<p class=\"item-body-text-graf\">At 3:30 a.m. every morning, bakers in Fuqing, China, start prepping Guang Bing, a bagel recipe that helped Chinese troops win a war. Five hundred years ago, a general needed a recipe that his troops could eat on the run. Though the recipe has survived to today, the tradition of making the bagel is fading away. For now at least, the last Guang Bing baker in his village still practices this centuries-old craft.</p>","duration":"2:58","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Gastro Obscura","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Love Story Behind L.A.'s Bunny Museum","subtitle":"<p>If you hop on over to see the Los Angeles area's <a href=\"\">Bunny Museum</a>, you'll find bunny clocks, bunny stuffed animals, ancient bunny rings, bunny drawings, and much more. Candace Frazee and Steve Lubanski's infatuation with rabbits grew out of the gift-giving of bunny trinkets early on in their relationship. Over two decades later, their collection has grown to 30,000 rabbit-related items, now open to the public.</p>","video_id":"Re36uwmNa5A","slug":"the-love-story-behind-the-bunny-museum","description":"<p>If you hop on over to see the Los Angeles area's <a href=\"\">Bunny Museum</a>, you'll find bunny clocks, bunny stuffed animals, ancient bunny rings, bunny drawings, and much more. Candace Frazee and Steve Lubanski's infatuation with rabbits grew out of the gift-giving of bunny trinkets early on in their relationship. Over two decades later, their collection has grown to 30,000 rabbit-related items, now open to the public.</p>","duration":"3:28","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","related_content_title":"The Bunny Museum","related_content_subtitle":"\"The Hoppiest Place in the World\" holds the world’s largest collection of bunny memorabilia.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"A CIA-Issued Rectal Tool Kit for Spies","subtitle":"<p class=\"item-body-text-graf\">Among the variety of espionage gadgets on display at the <a href=\"\">International Spy Museum</a> in Washington, D.C., is the rectal tool kit. This device is a tightly sealed, pill-shaped container full of tools that could help a spy escape sticky situations. Learn more about the rectal tool kit from the museum's curator and historian, Vince Houghton. </p>","video_id":"98cl0z2YPzs","slug":"a-cia-issued-rectal-tool-kit-for-spies","description":"<p class=\"item-body-text-graf\">Among the variety of espionage gadgets on display at the <a href=\"\">International Spy Museum</a> in Washington, D.C., is the rectal tool kit. This device is a tightly sealed, pill-shaped container full of tools that could help a spy escape sticky situations. Learn more about the rectal tool kit from the museum's curator and historian, Vince Houghton. </p>","duration":"2:44","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"International Spy Museum","related_content_subtitle":"“They say you're judged by the strength of your enemies”—James Bond, Quantum of Solace. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"There's an Abandoned Futuristic Fort in Portland, Maine","subtitle":"<p>Hidden among the foliage and forests of Peaks Island in Portland, Maine, are abandoned fortifications from World War II. During the war, authorities thought the fighting might reach American soil, so naval forts were set up around Peaks Island to defend the coast. In the video above, staff writer Jessica Hester explores <a href=\"\">Battery Steele</a>, the main facility that is now home to graffiti and local art fairs.</p>","video_id":"a6kBtpMLUck","slug":"abandoned-futuristic-fort-portland-maine","description":"<p>Hidden among the foliage and forests of Peaks Island in Portland, Maine, are abandoned fortifications from World War II. During the war, authorities thought the fighting might reach American soil, so naval forts were set up around Peaks Island to defend the coast. In the video above, staff writer Jessica Hester explores <a href=\"\">Battery Steele</a>, the main facility that is now home to graffiti and local art fairs.</p>","duration":"3:32","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Battery Steele","related_content_subtitle":"Explore the dark underground corridors of this graffiti-covered former military fortification.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Explore the Giant Hillside Horses of Great Britain","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Carved into hills all over England are massive white horses that date back as far as 3,000 years ago. Some celebrate their location, such as the spot where St. George supposedly slew a dragon. One horse honors King George III, while another is accompanied by a time capsule installed by the local community. To keep these horses' coats shiny and white, volunteers regularly clean up trash and debris from the sites. </span></p>","video_id":"sI4iA8Pz0HI","slug":"explore-the-giant-hillside-horses-of-great-britain","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Carved into hills all over England are massive white horses that date back as far as 3,000 years ago. Some celebrate their location, such as the spot where St. George supposedly slew a dragon. One horse honors King George III, while another is accompanied by a time capsule installed by the local community. To keep these horses' coats shiny and white, volunteers regularly clean up trash and debris from the sites. </span></p>","duration":"1:50","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"England’s Centuries-Old Fascination With Carving Giant Horses Into Hillsides","related_content_subtitle":"The country’s unbridled enthusiasm for the trend even inspired the creation of the term “leucippotomy.”","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Spy Tactic That Almost Destroyed WWII Britain","subtitle":"<p>During World War II, the German army designed printing plates to create counterfeit British bills. Known as \"Operation Bernhard,\" its goal was to flood the British economy with currency and destabilize the economy. Learn more about these elaborate printing plates from Vince Houghton, curator and historian at the <a href=\"\">International Spy Museum</a> in Washington, D.C. </p>","video_id":"WIBJ51ujSzg","slug":"the-spy-tactic-that-almost-destroyed-wwii-britain","description":"<p>During World War II, the German army designed printing plates to create counterfeit British bills. Known as \"Operation Bernhard,\" its goal was to flood the British economy with currency and destabilize the economy. Learn more about these elaborate printing plates from Vince Houghton, curator and historian at the <a href=\"\">International Spy Museum</a> in Washington, D.C. </p>","duration":"2:40","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"International Spy Museum","related_content_subtitle":"“They say you're judged by the strength of your enemies.”—James Bond, Quantum of Solace","related_content_url":""},{"title":"A Rewarding Visit to L.A.'s Historic Marionette Theater","subtitle":"<p>One of the longest-running puppetry theaters in the United States, <a href=\"\">Bob Baker Marionette Theater</a> in Los Angeles has been serving up laughs and ice cream since 1963. The theater has over 2,000 handmade marionettes and was designated a Los Angeles historic-cultural landmark in 2009. </p>","video_id":"UfcwyirLGAo","slug":"visit-bob-baker-historic-marionette-theater","description":"<p>One of the longest-running puppetry theaters in the United States, <a href=\"\">Bob Baker Marionette Theater</a> in Los Angeles has been serving up laughs and ice cream since 1963. The theater has over 2,000 handmade marionettes and was designated a Los Angeles historic-cultural landmark in 2009. </p>","duration":"4:20","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Bob Baker Marionette Theater","related_content_subtitle":"Historic marionette theater features thousands of handmade puppets and free cups of ice cream. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Oaxaca's Intricate Radish-Sculpting Festival","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Every December 23, locals in Oaxaca, Mexico, celebrate La Noche de Rábanos, or <a href=\"\">Night of the Radishes</a>. During the festival, contestants carve and sculpt incredible art pieces from radishes. Religious and secular masterpieces are made from radishes big and small, and visitors can view the displays set up in booths around the public square. At the end of the night, the best sculpture wins a grand prize of 30,000 pesos. </span></p>","video_id":"Y9bq8H2yNcE","slug":"oaxaca-radish-sculpting-festival","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Every December 23, locals in Oaxaca, Mexico, celebrate La Noche de Rábanos, or <a href=\"\">Night of the Radishes</a>. During the festival, contestants carve and sculpt incredible art pieces from radishes. Religious and secular masterpieces are made from radishes big and small, and visitors can view the displays set up in booths around the public square. At the end of the night, the best sculpture wins a grand prize of 30,000 pesos. </span></p>","duration":"1:16","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Night of the Radishes","related_content_subtitle":"At this Oaxaca contest, artists turn purple produce into stunning depictions of saints, buildings, and La Pietà.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"What It's Like to Take Lessons in Horseback Falconry","subtitle":"<p>Associate Places Editor Kerry Wolfe ventured to England’s Dartmoor National Park for a modern take on an ancient sport: mounted falconry. Dartmoor Hawking is one of the few places outside Mongolia to offer such lessons. </p>","video_id":"5J4MzjnayQs","slug":"horseback-falconry-in-southern-england","description":"<p>Associate Places Editor Kerry Wolfe ventured to England’s Dartmoor National Park for a modern take on an ancient sport: mounted falconry. Dartmoor Hawking is one of the few places outside Mongolia to offer such lessons. </p>","duration":"4:18","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","related_content_title":"Learning the Ancient Art of Horseback Falconry","related_content_subtitle":"I spent a day with one of the few people on the planet still teaching the sport.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Explore the Ruins of a Medieval East African Empire","subtitle":"<p>Kilwa Kisiwani (\"isle of the fish\") was once one of the greatest trading cities of the Swahili culture. In the 10th century, it traded resources of the African interior: gold, ivory, timber, and other riches. But <a href=\"\">Kilwa Kisiwani</a> began to decline when the Portuguese arrived in the 16th century. The ruins of the city are still reachable, though it's no easy task. </p>","video_id":"YByo9L5VarM","slug":"explore-the-ruins-of-a-medieval-east-african-empire","description":"<p>Kilwa Kisiwani (\"isle of the fish\") was once one of the greatest trading cities of the Swahili culture. In the 10th century, it traded resources of the African interior: gold, ivory, timber, and other riches. But <a href=\"\">Kilwa Kisiwani</a> began to decline when the Portuguese arrived in the 16th century. The ruins of the city are still reachable, though it's no easy task. </p>","duration":"3:41","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Kilwa Kisiwani Ruins","related_content_subtitle":"Stunning ruins of what was once the center of one of the greatest empires in East Africa. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"An Introduction to America's Most Metal Cemetery","subtitle":"<p>The <a href=\"\">Most Holy Trinity Cemetery</a> in Brooklyn, New York, is home to acres of metal gravestones. Since its founding in 1851, the cemetery has fallen victim to the elements. Hollow monuments of tin, copper, and other metals have corroded and even been stolen over the years. Ella Morton and Caitlin Doughty from The Order of the Good Death discuss the cemetery, its wholesome intentions, and ultimate decay. </p>","video_id":"f6KAdk_ygkA","slug":"a-conversation-in-america-s-most-metal-cemetery","description":"<p>The <a href=\"\">Most Holy Trinity Cemetery</a> in Brooklyn, New York, is home to acres of metal gravestones. Since its founding in 1851, the cemetery has fallen victim to the elements. Hollow monuments of tin, copper, and other metals have corroded and even been stolen over the years. Ella Morton and Caitlin Doughty from The Order of the Good Death discuss the cemetery, its wholesome intentions, and ultimate decay. </p>","duration":"6:04","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Most Holy Trinity Cemetery","related_content_subtitle":"A burial ground of rusting metal grave markers. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Inspiring Story of Cambodia's First LGBTQ Dance Company","subtitle":"<p>Prumsodun Ok and Natyarasa is Cambodia's first LGBTQ dance company, which aims to revive and reinvent Khmer classical dance. Under the direction of founder Prumsodun Ok, the company is pushing the boundaries of a 1,000-year-old art form. </p>","video_id":"-2BdVZaXatQ","slug":"cambodia-first-lgbtq-dance-company","description":"<p>Prumsodun Ok and Natyarasa is Cambodia's first LGBTQ dance company, which aims to revive and reinvent Khmer classical dance. Under the direction of founder Prumsodun Ok, the company is pushing the boundaries of a 1,000-year-old art form. </p>","duration":"3:58","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Muslims Preserving Kolkata's Last Jewish Synagogues","subtitle":"<p>For generations, Muslim caretakers have worked at the <a href=\"\">Magen David Synagogue</a>, one of the last Jewish houses of worship in Kolkata. Some caretakers and members of the congregation grew up together, and they share a respect for the historic building and its community. But the Jewish community in Kolkata is rapidly decreasing and the future of the synagogue is uncertain. </p>","video_id":"-iYq1bzR_Hc","slug":"the-muslims-preserving-kolkatas-last-jewish-synagogue","description":"<p>For generations, Muslim caretakers have worked at the <a href=\"\">Magen David Synagogue</a>, one of the last Jewish houses of worship in Kolkata. Some caretakers and members of the congregation grew up together, and they share a respect for the historic building and its community. But the Jewish community in Kolkata is rapidly decreasing and the future of the synagogue is uncertain. </p>","duration":"4:08","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"The Magen David Synagogue","related_content_subtitle":"In Mumbai, a bright blue synagogue is home to the largest Baghdadi Jewish community in Asia. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Step Inside the Geometrically Stunning Fingal's Cave","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The distinct basalt columns of <a href=\"\">Fingal’s Cave</a> in Scotland are the result of ancient lava flows and geological pressure. Though known for its unique natural design, the cave is perhaps most famous for its acoustics. Writers and musicians from Keats to Pink Floyd have long been inspired by the cave's echoes. </span></p>","video_id":"kIQja0uxNac","slug":"step-inside-the-geometrically-stunning-fingal-s-cave","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The distinct basalt columns of <a href=\"\">Fingal’s Cave</a> in Scotland are the result of ancient lava flows and geological pressure. Though known for its unique natural design, the cave is perhaps most famous for its acoustics. Writers and musicians from Keats to Pink Floyd have long been inspired by the cave's echoes. </span></p>","duration":"1:44","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Fingal's Cave","related_content_subtitle":"This astonishingly geometric cave has inspired everyone from Jules Verne to Pink Floyd.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Step Inside a Surreal, Dizzying Italian Fortress","subtitle":"<p>Before Count Cesare Mattei built his whimsical mansion in Grizzana Morandi, Italy, he was known for his unique medical treatments. He claimed he could use plants to cure cancer and other ailments. His expansive home, <a href=\"\">Rochetta Mattei</a>, is a mix of Morrish, Middle Eastern, and Gothic architectural styles. Mattei hoped his mansion would be the headquarters of his medical revolution, but today visitors come to Rochetta Mattei for its hodgepodge of architectural traditions.</p>","video_id":"Gef2wkWbU7A","slug":"step-inside-a-surreal-dizzying-italian-fortress","description":"<p>Before Count Cesare Mattei built his whimsical mansion in Grizzana Morandi, Italy, he was known for his unique medical treatments. He claimed he could use plants to cure cancer and other ailments. His expansive home, <a href=\"\">Rochetta Mattei</a>, is a mix of Morrish, Middle Eastern, and Gothic architectural styles. Mattei hoped his mansion would be the headquarters of his medical revolution, but today visitors come to Rochetta Mattei for its hodgepodge of architectural traditions.</p>","duration":"1:54","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Rocchetta Mattei","related_content_subtitle":"Sitting on an Italian hilltop is this surreal fortress built by the mad inventor of electrohomeopathy. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Meet a Bug Whisperer and His Traveling Insect Zoo","subtitle":"<p class=\"item-body-text-graf\">Aaron Rodriques, known as the Bug Whisperer, has hundreds of animals, most of which are insects. Infatuated by bugs since elementary school, Rodriques only recently began showing his collection off at live events. He hopes to teach people how to forge connections and better understand insects through his performances. </p>","video_id":"QwaffHKJoOA","slug":"meet-a-bug-whisperer-and-his-traveling-insect-zoo","description":"<p class=\"item-body-text-graf\">Aaron Rodriques, known as the Bug Whisperer, has hundreds of animals, most of which are insects. Infatuated by bugs since elementary school, Rodriques only recently began showing his collection off at live events. He hopes to teach people how to forge connections and better understand insects through his performances. </p>","duration":"5:55","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"The Bronx Bug Whisperer and His Traveling Insect Zoo","related_content_subtitle":"Can insects and humans get to know each other?","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Step Inside Indonesia's Chicken Church","subtitle":"<p>Gereja Ayam is a massive chicken-shaped church in the forests of Magelang, Indonesia. Daniel Alamsjah began construction of this non-denominational space in the late 1980s, after experiencing a vision. Due to the financial burden, Alamsjah had to abandon <a href=\"\">Gereja Ayam</a> in 2000. However, the story of the church spread in 2015, and after significant media attention, Alamsjah revived the church as a tourist destination and gallery. </p>","video_id":"UKR5epJoeR0","slug":"step-inside-indonesia-chicken-church","description":"<p>Gereja Ayam is a massive chicken-shaped church in the forests of Magelang, Indonesia. Daniel Alamsjah began construction of this non-denominational space in the late 1980s, after experiencing a vision. Due to the financial burden, Alamsjah had to abandon <a href=\"\">Gereja Ayam</a> in 2000. However, the story of the church spread in 2015, and after significant media attention, Alamsjah revived the church as a tourist destination and gallery. </p>","duration":"5:28","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Gereja Ayam","related_content_subtitle":"This massive chapel in the middle of the Indonesian forest is both haunting and fowl. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"How the Fictional Town of Sleepy Hollow Became Real","subtitle":"<p>In 1820, Washington Irving invented the town of Sleepy Hollow for his famous short story about the Headless Horseman. Over the next couple of centuries, the town slowly leaned into its literary reputation, eventually rebranding itself to reflect Irving's legend.</p>","video_id":"Mpsp3CyGtd8","slug":"how-the-fictional-town-of-sleepy-hollow-became-real","description":"<p>In 1820, Washington Irving invented the town of Sleepy Hollow for his famous short story about the Headless Horseman. Over the next couple of centuries, the town slowly leaned into its literary reputation, eventually rebranding itself to reflect Irving's legend.</p>","duration":"3:09","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"The Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow","related_content_subtitle":"Oldest existing church in New York and the inspiration for Washington Irving's \"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.\" ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Meet the Beard That Killed Its Owner","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Sixteenth-century mayor Hans Steininger was famous for his supposedly four-foot-long beard—until it killed him. Today, Steininger's beard is still displayed at the local museum in Branau am Inn, Austria. Steininger was said to often roll his beard up into his pocket and out of the way. But when a fire broke out one day, he forgot to tuck his beard away and tripped at the top of a flight of stairs. The fall was lethal, and so Steininger's beard became famous for more than its length. </span></p>","video_id":"fLjOiv_H6dg","slug":"meet-the-beard-that-killed-its-owner","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Sixteenth-century mayor Hans Steininger was famous for his supposedly four-foot-long beard—until it killed him. Today, Steininger's beard is still displayed at the local museum in Branau am Inn, Austria. Steininger was said to often roll his beard up into his pocket and out of the way. But when a fire broke out one day, he forgot to tuck his beard away and tripped at the top of a flight of stairs. The fall was lethal, and so Steininger's beard became famous for more than its length. </span></p>","duration":"1:27","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Visit a Beard That Killed Its Owner","related_content_subtitle":"Over 450 years later, Hans Steininger’s deadly facial hair is still on display.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Most Influential Medical Book of the 16th Century","subtitle":"<p>Andreas Vesalius's <em>De Humani Corporis Fabrica </em>is one of the earliest anatomical texts to document first-hand dissections of human bodies. First printed in 1543, the book depicts bodies at various stages of dissection and is incredibly accurate for its time.</p>","video_id":"FnEFW14f3zU","slug":"the-most-influential-medical-book-of-the-16th-century","description":"<p>Andreas Vesalius's <em>De Humani Corporis Fabrica </em>is one of the earliest anatomical texts to document first-hand dissections of human bodies. First printed in 1543, the book depicts bodies at various stages of dissection and is incredibly accurate for its time.</p>","duration":"2:41","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"New York Academy of Medicine Rare Book Library","related_content_subtitle":"This hidden library of physiological ephemera contains centuries worth of knowledge on the vim and viscera of the human body.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Why Is There a Columbo Statue in the Middle of Budapest?","subtitle":"<p class=\"item-body-text-graf\">In the center of Budapest, Hungary, there's a <a href=\"\">life-size bronze sculpture</a> of a not-so-obvious cultural icon: Lieutenant Columbo. The actor Peter Falk's on-screen character, Columbo, was the star of an American detective show that started in 1968. But why is he in Budapest? Eric Grundhauser investigates.</p>","video_id":"-zZHEQLVyWE","slug":"why-is-there-a-columbo-statue-in-the-middle-of-budapest","description":"<p class=\"item-body-text-graf\">In the center of Budapest, Hungary, there's a <a href=\"\">life-size bronze sculpture</a> of a not-so-obvious cultural icon: Lieutenant Columbo. The actor Peter Falk's on-screen character, Columbo, was the star of an American detective show that started in 1968. But why is he in Budapest? Eric Grundhauser investigates.</p>","duration":"3:32","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Columbo Statue","related_content_subtitle":"Uh, pardon me, ma'am, but I couldn't help noticing that there's a Columbo statue in the middle of Budapest.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Abandoned 'Ghost Mansion' of Northern Italy","subtitle":"<p>The mansion <a href=\"\">Villa de Vecchi</a> has been left to decay in the mountains of Northern Italy since the 1960s. Rumors and local lore around the estate led many to believe it was haunted. As it turns out, former groundskeeper Giuseppe Negri used those rumors to his advantage.</p>","video_id":"oTP2erZ7CBc","slug":"step-inside-an-abandoned-ghost-mansion-of-northern-italy","description":"<p>The mansion <a href=\"\">Villa de Vecchi</a> has been left to decay in the mountains of Northern Italy since the 1960s. Rumors and local lore around the estate led many to believe it was haunted. As it turns out, former groundskeeper Giuseppe Negri used those rumors to his advantage.</p>","duration":"2:59","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"Villa de Vecchi","related_content_subtitle":"The abandoned \"Ghost Mansion\" was left to decay in the mountains of Northern Italy.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Step Inside Rome's Doll Hospital","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Near the Piazza del Popolo in Rome, Italy, there’s a shop display window full of doll heads. Restauri Artistici Squatriti, more commonly known as the <a href=\"\">Dolls’ Hospital</a>, has been open and family-run since 1953. The shop is packed floor to ceiling with doll parts for its patients from around the world. </span></p>","video_id":"j3IxF48C2XM","slug":"step-inside-rome-doll-hospital","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Near the Piazza del Popolo in Rome, Italy, there’s a shop display window full of doll heads. Restauri Artistici Squatriti, more commonly known as the <a href=\"\">Dolls’ Hospital</a>, has been open and family-run since 1953. The shop is packed floor to ceiling with doll parts for its patients from around the world. </span></p>","duration":"1:26","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Ospedale delle Bambole (Doll Hospital)","related_content_subtitle":"A hospital where antique dolls are given new life.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Meet the Man Behind the World’s Only Sourdough Library","subtitle":"<p>Karl De Smedt has over 100 sourdough starters from around the world, making him the head librarian of the world's only <a href=\"\">Sourdough Library</a>. These specimens bubble away in refrigerators, but Karl also bakes with them to understand their nuanced flavors and characteristics. </p>","video_id":"HX0sWkye4yo","slug":"meet-the-man-behind-the-worlds-only-sourdough-library","description":"<p>Karl De Smedt has over 100 sourdough starters from around the world, making him the head librarian of the world's only <a href=\"\">Sourdough Library</a>. These specimens bubble away in refrigerators, but Karl also bakes with them to understand their nuanced flavors and characteristics. </p>","duration":"3:58","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Gastro Obscura","related_content_title":"Sourdough Library","related_content_subtitle":"Burbling away in refrigerators are 105 sourdough starters from around the world.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"How Singapore's Haw Par Villa Brings Hell to Life","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Haw Par Villa in Singapore was originally built in the 1930s to honor Chinese folklore and culture. The park was meant to be both an attraction and a learning opportunity for its visitors. One of <a href=\"\">Haw Par Villa</a>'s main highlights is the Ten Courts of Hell, which demonstrates </span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">the consequences of sin in graphic detail and is based on Buddhist teachings about the afterlife. </span></p>","video_id":"j_U9b1Z4pKQ","slug":"step-inside-haw-par-villa","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Haw Par Villa in Singapore was originally built in the 1930s to honor Chinese folklore and culture. The park was meant to be both an attraction and a learning opportunity for its visitors. One of <a href=\"\">Haw Par Villa</a>'s main highlights is the Ten Courts of Hell, which demonstrates </span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">the consequences of sin in graphic detail and is based on Buddhist teachings about the afterlife. </span></p>","duration":"1:35","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Haw Par Villa","related_content_subtitle":"This Singapore theme park offers visitors a unique lens on Hell.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Unboxing the World’s Largest Lizard","subtitle":"<p>The Komodo dragon specimens at the Field Museum in Chicago are kept in massive stainless steel tanks of preservative solution. These animals weigh around 125 pounds, and are the largest lizard species on Earth. </p>","video_id":"nW7xHuWAnUo","slug":"unboxing-a-kimodo-dragon-specimen","description":"<p>The Komodo dragon specimens at the Field Museum in Chicago are kept in massive stainless steel tanks of preservative solution. These animals weigh around 125 pounds, and are the largest lizard species on Earth. </p>","duration":"2:15","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"Narwhals at the Field Museum","related_content_subtitle":"To find these \"unicorns of the deep,\" you've got to go downstairs. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Why Poisonous Books Were Found Hidden in a Library","subtitle":"<p>In July 2018, three poisonous books were found in a library at the University of Southern Denmark. Dated to the 16th and 17th centuries, these books had green covers painted with high concentrations of arsenic. Back then, arsenic was often used in dyes for wallpapers, books, and clothes. Researchers suggest that the chemical was meant to protect the texts from mice and bookworms. Today, arsenic is known for its poisonous properties when inhaled or touched. But never fear, these dangerous books have been moved to specially ventilated cabinets. </p>","video_id":"3U_2po1f06M","slug":"three-poisonous-books-hidden-in-a-library","description":"<p>In July 2018, three poisonous books were found in a library at the University of Southern Denmark. Dated to the 16th and 17th centuries, these books had green covers painted with high concentrations of arsenic. Back then, arsenic was often used in dyes for wallpapers, books, and clothes. Researchers suggest that the chemical was meant to protect the texts from mice and bookworms. Today, arsenic is known for its poisonous properties when inhaled or touched. But never fear, these dangerous books have been moved to specially ventilated cabinets. </p>","duration":"1:22","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Found: 3 Poisonous Books in a University Library","related_content_subtitle":"Their green covers meant danger.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"One Family's Private Museum of Retro-Future Artifacts","subtitle":"<p>The Kleeman family has a massive collection of Space Age toys and memorabilia. Today, the private Space Age Museum is an extensive archive spread out across the Kleeman home and converted haybarn in Connecticut. </p>","video_id":"XMWWDI3Wm0E","slug":"step-inside-this-family-s-hidden-museum-of-retro-future-artifacts","description":"<p>The Kleeman family has a massive collection of Space Age toys and memorabilia. Today, the private Space Age Museum is an extensive archive spread out across the Kleeman home and converted haybarn in Connecticut. </p>","duration":"4:43","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"Inside Connecticut’s Secret Museum of Retro-Future Oddities","related_content_subtitle":"Robots, rockets, and UFOs are all hiding in a quaint New England barn.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Venezuela's Everlasting Lightning Storm","subtitle":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Almost 300 nights a year, a lightning storm rages in a small part of Venezuela. Known as <a href=\"\">Relámpago del Catatumbo</a>, the storm is located where the Catatumbo River flows into Lake Maracaibo. Warm air from the Caribbean meets the cold air from the mountains, creating the perfect conditions for lightning. </span></p>","video_id":"Nnc5axMt9UU","slug":"see-venezuela-s-everlasting-lightning-storm","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Almost 300 nights a year, a lightning storm rages in a small part of Venezuela. Known as <a href=\"\">Relámpago del Catatumbo</a>, the storm is located where the Catatumbo River flows into Lake Maracaibo. Warm air from the Caribbean meets the cold air from the mountains, creating the perfect conditions for lightning. </span></p>","duration":"1:40","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Relampago del Catatumbo","related_content_subtitle":"This everlasting lightning storm may be the world's largest generator of ozone.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Step Inside a Secret Library Apartment","subtitle":"<p><span class=\"section-start-text\">Not so very long ago, </span>New York Public Library buildings were heated by coal furnaces. Those furnaces required a lot of upkeep, and needed full-time custodians to look after them. That’s why New York City’s early library buildings also included apartments—they were designed as dwellings for on-site custodians and their families. Today, only 13 of these original apartments remain.</p>","video_id":"_VfJsTKHBT4","slug":"step-inside-a-secret-library-apartment","description":"<p><span class=\"section-start-text\">Not so very long ago, </span>New York Public Library buildings were heated by coal furnaces. Those furnaces required a lot of upkeep, and needed full-time custodians to look after them. That’s why New York City’s early library buildings also included apartments—they were designed as dwellings for on-site custodians and their families. Today, only 13 of these original apartments remain.</p>","duration":"3:18","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Secret Apartment in the Fort Washington Library","related_content_subtitle":"This abandoned caretaker's apartment is one of 13 left in the New York Public Library system.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Spectacular Beauty of China's Red Beach","subtitle":"<p>In Panjin, China, a beach of seepweed changes from green to red to purple in the fall due to its unique geography. Seepweed is a common coastal plant, but the soil at this beach is particularly salty and alkaline-heavy. These conditions cause the plant to absorb more minerals and change color, earning <a href=\"\">Red Beach</a> its nickname. </p>","video_id":"ZC7s1FBKVRo","slug":"explore-china-red-beach","description":"<p>In Panjin, China, a beach of seepweed changes from green to red to purple in the fall due to its unique geography. Seepweed is a common coastal plant, but the soil at this beach is particularly salty and alkaline-heavy. These conditions cause the plant to absorb more minerals and change color, earning <a href=\"\">Red Beach</a> its nickname. </p>","duration":"1:22","url":"","image":"","promo_image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Red Beach","related_content_subtitle":"A part of the world's largest marsh seems to be growing bright red Martian grass.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The World’s Best Collection of Unintentionally Funny VHS Tapes","subtitle":"<p>Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher started collecting old VHS tapes in 1991, and haven't stopped since. Their collection focuses on \"special interest\" tapes, ranging from ridiculous job training videos to scarf-tying to spin-off exercise classes. The duo showcases their collection through their <a href=\"\">Found Film Festival</a> events across North America. </p>","video_id":"5t4pZOnLoSc","slug":"the-vhs-guys","description":"<p>Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher started collecting old VHS tapes in 1991, and haven't stopped since. Their collection focuses on \"special interest\" tapes, ranging from ridiculous job training videos to scarf-tying to spin-off exercise classes. The duo showcases their collection through their <a href=\"\">Found Film Festival</a> events across North America. </p>","duration":"5:01","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Eating Lunch 14,000 Feet Below Sea Level","subtitle":"<p>There's no kitchen or bathroom onboard Alvin, the United States' deepest diving manned submersible vessel. When dives can take up to nine hours, meals need to be specially planned and often simple. Alvin pilot Bruce Strickrott takes viewers through his lunch routine. </p>","video_id":"n30yBGu1CTc","slug":"eating-lunch-14-000-feet-below-sea-level","description":"<p>There's no kitchen or bathroom onboard Alvin, the United States' deepest diving manned submersible vessel. When dives can take up to nine hours, meals need to be specially planned and often simple. Alvin pilot Bruce Strickrott takes viewers through his lunch routine. </p>","duration":"3:07","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Gastro Obscura","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Explore the Many Gates to the Underworld","subtitle":"<p>Throughout history, cultures all over the world have claimed to discover entrances to Hell. In this episode of PinDrop, Atlas Obscura highlights some of those locations. </p>","video_id":"7QBWhAYWLGk","slug":"explore-the-many-gates-to-the-underworld","description":"<p>Throughout history, cultures all over the world have claimed to discover entrances to Hell. In this episode of PinDrop, Atlas Obscura highlights some of those locations. </p>","duration":"2:07","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Cape Matapan Caves","related_content_subtitle":"A cave network located at the southernmost tip of mainland Greece was once believed to be an entrance to Hades. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Unboxing a Roly-Poly the Size of Your Head","subtitle":"<p>The Field Museum in Chicago is home to giant isopod specimens of up to a foot long. These creatures live between 300 and 800 meters under the sea, and exist as scavengers, searching for the dead remains of fish, whales, and crustaceans. The museum keeps these massive roly-polies in jars of alcohol for research. </p>","video_id":"Gc1Vy-PvKvw","slug":"unboxing-a-roly-poly-the-size-of-your-head","description":"<p>The Field Museum in Chicago is home to giant isopod specimens of up to a foot long. These creatures live between 300 and 800 meters under the sea, and exist as scavengers, searching for the dead remains of fish, whales, and crustaceans. The museum keeps these massive roly-polies in jars of alcohol for research. </p>","duration":"2:45","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"Narwhals at the Field Museum","related_content_subtitle":"To find these \"unicorns of the deep,\" you've got to go downstairs. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Hawaiʻi’s Native-Language Newspaper Archive","subtitle":"<p>Back in the 1870s, Hawaiians were served by as many as 10 native-language newspapers. By 1948, as fluency in the Hawaiian language dramatically declined, they were all gone. Today, a group of Hawaiian-language scholars are working to scan, catalog, and translate tens of thousands of fragile newsprint pages. The hope is that by digitizing and opening up access to the stories within these lost newspapers, a crucial resource will be available for generations to come.</p>","video_id":"ggj-aH1JOEc","slug":"inside-hawai-i-s-native-language-newspaper-archive","description":"<p>Back in the 1870s, Hawaiians were served by as many as 10 native-language newspapers. By 1948, as fluency in the Hawaiian language dramatically declined, they were all gone. Today, a group of Hawaiian-language scholars are working to scan, catalog, and translate tens of thousands of fragile newsprint pages. The hope is that by digitizing and opening up access to the stories within these lost newspapers, a crucial resource will be available for generations to come.</p>","duration":"3:35","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","sponsor":"Olukai","sponsor_image":"","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Why Is This Lake in Australia Bright Pink?","subtitle":"<p>Lake Hillier on Middle Island, Australia, is the color of bright-pink bubble gum. Researchers recently discovered that the lake's unique color is caused by algae, halobacteria, and other microbes. Additionally, this body of water is extremely salty—just as salty as the Dead Sea. It's harmless to swim in, but you can't just hop in for a quick lap. <a href=\"\">Lake Hillier</a> is only viewable from the sky by a helicopter or plane ride over the island. </p>","video_id":"9rf3W0qFSCs","slug":"why-is-lake-hillier-in-australia-bright-pink","description":"<p>Lake Hillier on Middle Island, Australia, is the color of bright-pink bubble gum. Researchers recently discovered that the lake's unique color is caused by algae, halobacteria, and other microbes. Additionally, this body of water is extremely salty—just as salty as the Dead Sea. It's harmless to swim in, but you can't just hop in for a quick lap. <a href=\"\">Lake Hillier</a> is only viewable from the sky by a helicopter or plane ride over the island. </p>","duration":"1:18","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Lake Hillier","related_content_subtitle":"An Australian lake with a distinctive pink hue. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Inside the World of an Obsessive Collector of Old Tech","subtitle":"<p>Steve Erenberg collects outdated medical devices, masks, and technology. The self-described “Radio Guy” houses his collection of technology and art objects in both his home and his store, <a href=\"\">Radio Guy Antiques</a>, in Peekskill, New York. </p>","video_id":"hkAVl2fM9tw","slug":"the-radio-guy-collection","description":"<p>Steve Erenberg collects outdated medical devices, masks, and technology. The self-described “Radio Guy” houses his collection of technology and art objects in both his home and his store, <a href=\"\">Radio Guy Antiques</a>, in Peekskill, New York. </p>","duration":"4:05","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"Radio Guy Antiques","related_content_subtitle":"Astonishing collection of helmets, scientific instruments, and medical models.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Beautiful World of Microscopic Food","subtitle":"<p>Through her microscope, Steph Mantis captures celestial-like images of food. Mantis is a bio artist, and creates artworks from microscopic photographs of food items such as onion skins, honey, and peppermint sticks. </p>","video_id":"s4lOn7OwZhw","slug":"the-beautiful-world-of-microscopic-food","description":"<p>Through her microscope, Steph Mantis captures celestial-like images of food. Mantis is a bio artist, and creates artworks from microscopic photographs of food items such as onion skins, honey, and peppermint sticks. </p>","duration":"3:04","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Gastro Obscura","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Memory in Miniature","subtitle":"<p>In rapidly changing Kuala Lumpur, the artist Pui Wan makes miniature models of beautiful old buildings. Her subjects are often under threat from new construction. Pui Wan's artwork captures these spaces in a physical form before they are destroyed, and gives future generations the opportunity to experience them in a tangible way.</p>","video_id":"JvM6ddLvAgM","slug":"memory-in-miniature","description":"<p>In rapidly changing Kuala Lumpur, the artist Pui Wan makes miniature models of beautiful old buildings. Her subjects are often under threat from new construction. Pui Wan's artwork captures these spaces in a physical form before they are destroyed, and gives future generations the opportunity to experience them in a tangible way.</p>","duration":"3:26","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"","related_content_subtitle":"","related_content_url":""},{"title":"At Home With an Extraordinary Collection of Pop-Up Books","subtitle":"<p>With her more than 9,000 pop-up and movable books from around the world, Ellen G.K. Rubin has earned herself the nickname “The Popuplady.” Step inside her home to explore the collection and discover what she finds so fascinating about the handmade art of paper engineering.</p>\r\n<p> </p>","video_id":"OFTU6Z_wbts","slug":"the-popuplady","description":"<p>With her more than 9,000 pop-up and movable books from around the world, Ellen G.K. Rubin has earned herself the nickname “The Popuplady.” Step inside her home to explore the collection and discover what she finds so fascinating about the handmade art of paper engineering.</p>\r\n<p> </p>","duration":"5:19","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"AO Docs","related_content_title":"The History of Movable Paper in One Massive, 9,000-Book Collection","related_content_subtitle":"Pop-ups, harlequinades, and Meggendorfers, oh my!","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Step Inside the Giant Dragon of the Wat Samphran Temple","subtitle":"<p>Wat Samphran Temple has an enormous dragon wrapped around its 17-story structure, earning it the nickname of \"Dragon Temple.\" Features of the structure have significance in Buddhist history and culture. Visitors can walk through the body of the dragon, considered to bring good luck, before climbing to the temple's top. Though technically unfinished, this <a href=\"\">architectural marvel</a> is a sight to see. </p>","video_id":"ORbHVzrvKp0","slug":"step-inside-the-giant-dragon-of-the-wat-samphran-temple","description":"<p>Wat Samphran Temple has an enormous dragon wrapped around its 17-story structure, earning it the nickname of \"Dragon Temple.\" Features of the structure have significance in Buddhist history and culture. Visitors can walk through the body of the dragon, considered to bring good luck, before climbing to the temple's top. Though technically unfinished, this <a href=\"\">architectural marvel</a> is a sight to see. </p>","duration":"2:00","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"PinDrop","related_content_title":"Wat Samphran Temple","related_content_subtitle":"An enormous dragon scales the walls of this 16-story temple.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"The Secret to China's Bounciest Meatballs","subtitle":"<p>Chaoshan's signature bouncy meatballs are made through a traditional hand-pounding technique that tenderizes the meat and gives it an elastic consistency. For 25 minutes per cut of brisket, a worker pounds and folds the meat with metal clubs until it becomes a paste. This shop sells about 3,200 hand-squeezed meatballs every day. </p>","video_id":"x37kdrS6c_U","slug":"china-s-bounciest-meatballs","description":"<p>Chaoshan's signature bouncy meatballs are made through a traditional hand-pounding technique that tenderizes the meat and gives it an elastic consistency. For 25 minutes per cut of brisket, a worker pounds and folds the meat with metal clubs until it becomes a paste. This shop sells about 3,200 hand-squeezed meatballs every day. </p>","duration":"3:47","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Gastro Obscura","related_content_title":"Bouncy Meatballs","related_content_subtitle":"This Chaoshan specialty makes it hard to resist playing with your food.","related_content_url":""},{"title":"Unboxing a Prehistoric Fish","subtitle":"<p>The coelacanth is a species of fish that has been around for more than 400 million years. These mammoth creatures can grow more than 2 meters (6 feet 6 inches) long and weigh up to 200 pounds. In the video above, we visited the Wet Specimen Collection of Chicago's Field Museum to see how a coelacanth is stored and unpacked. </p>","video_id":"qzHn2wibqgo","slug":"unboxing-a-prehistoric-fish","description":"<p>The coelacanth is a species of fish that has been around for more than 400 million years. These mammoth creatures can grow more than 2 meters (6 feet 6 inches) long and weigh up to 200 pounds. In the video above, we visited the Wet Specimen Collection of Chicago's Field Museum to see how a coelacanth is stored and unpacked. </p>","duration":"2:48","url":"","image":"","content_series_title":"Object of Intrigue","related_content_title":"Hidden Egyptian Temple in Field Museum Break Room","related_content_subtitle":"Years of archaeology, just chillin' by the water cooler. ","related_content_url":""},{"title":"All the Rectangles in Grand Central Station","subtitle":"<p>At least 750,000 people pass through New York's Grand Central Station each day. Between the hoards of tourists and hurried commuters, it can be difficult to take a moment to just look around. But at a second glance, you might see the iconic landmark from a different perspective. </p>\r\n<p> </p>","video_id":"JICmmxeDa9w","slug":"all-the-rectangles-in-grand-central-station","description":"<p>At least 750,000 people pass through New York's Grand Central Station each day. Between the hoards of tourists and hurried commuters, it can be difficult to take a moment to just look around. But at a second glance, you might see the iconic landmark from a different perspective. </p>\r\n<p> </p>","duration":"1:19","url":"","image":"","related_content_title":"Grand Central Terminal Whispering Gallery","related_content_subtitle":"Whisper secrets in a busy station only to be heard on the other side of this acoustic arch. ","related_content_url":""}]; var playlistString = allVideos.slice(0).map(function(video){ return video.video_id }).join(', '); $(function() { new Vue({ el: '.vue-js-videos', name: 'Videos', data: function () { return { videos: allVideos, currentVideoIndex: 0, shown: 5, playlist: playlistString, perPage: 5, series: '' } }, computed: { currentVideo: function () { return this.videos[this.currentVideoIndex]; } }, methods: { updateMetaInfo: function () { var vid = this.currentVideo; document.title = vid.title + ' - Atlas Obscura'; $('meta[name="description"]').attr("content", vid.subtitle); $('meta[property="og:title"]').attr("content", vid.title); $('meta[property="og:description"]').attr("content", vid.subtitle); $('meta[property="og:url"]').attr("content", window.location.origin + '/videos/' + vid.slug); if(vid.promo_image) { $('meta[property="og:image"]').attr("content", vid.promo_image); $('meta[property="twitter:image"]').attr("content", vid.promo_image); } else if (vid.image) { 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0.060s-3.056-0.012-4.123-0.060c-1.064-0.049-1.791-0.218-2.427-0.465-0.658-0.256-1.215-0.597-1.771-1.153s-0.898-1.114-1.153-1.771c-0.247-0.636-0.416-1.363-0.465-2.427-0.049-1.067-0.060-1.407-0.060-4.123s0.012-3.056 0.060-4.123c0.049-1.064 0.218-1.791 0.465-2.427 0.256-0.658 0.597-1.215 1.153-1.771s1.114-0.898 1.771-1.153c0.636-0.247 1.363-0.416 2.427-0.465 1.067-0.049 1.407-0.060 4.123-0.060zM12 3.802c-2.67 0-2.986 0.010-4.041 0.058-0.975 0.044-1.504 0.207-1.857 0.344-0.467 0.181-0.8 0.398-1.15 0.748s-0.567 0.683-0.748 1.15c-0.137 0.352-0.3 0.882-0.344 1.857-0.048 1.054-0.058 1.371-0.058 4.041s0.010 2.986 0.058 4.041c0.044 0.975 0.207 1.504 0.344 1.857 0.181 0.467 0.398 0.8 0.748 1.15s0.683 0.567 1.15 0.748c0.352 0.137 0.882 0.3 1.857 0.344 1.054 0.048 1.371 0.058 4.041 0.058s2.987-0.010 4.041-0.058c0.975-0.044 1.504-0.207 1.857-0.344 0.467-0.181 0.8-0.398 1.15-0.748s0.567-0.683 0.748-1.15c0.137-0.352 0.3-0.882 0.344-1.857 0.048-1.054 0.058-1.371 0.058-4.041s-0.010-2.986-0.058-4.041c-0.044-0.975-0.207-1.504-0.344-1.857-0.181-0.467-0.398-0.8-0.748-1.15s-0.683-0.567-1.15-0.748c-0.352-0.137-0.882-0.3-1.857-0.344-1.054-0.048-1.371-0.058-4.041-0.058zM12 6.865c2.836 0 5.135 2.299 5.135 5.135s-2.299 5.135-5.135 5.135c-2.836 0-5.135-2.299-5.135-5.135s2.299-5.135 5.135-5.135zM12 15.333c1.841 0 3.333-1.492 3.333-3.333s-1.492-3.333-3.333-3.333c-1.841 0-3.333 1.492-3.333 3.333s1.492 3.333 3.333 3.333zM18.538 6.662c0 0.663-0.537 1.2-1.2 1.2s-1.2-0.537-1.2-1.2 0.537-1.2 1.2-1.2c0.663 0 1.2 0.537 1.2 1.2z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-reddit" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-reddit</title> <path d="M22.999 12.034c0-1.397-1.137-2.534-2.534-2.534-0.621 0-1.208 0.225-1.67 0.632-1.648-1.054-3.834-1.732-6.252-1.823l1.441-4.096 3.601 0.861c0.002 1.139 0.929 2.065 2.069 2.065 1.141 0 2.069-0.928 2.069-2.069s-0.929-2.069-2.069-2.069c-0.866 0-1.609 0.536-1.917 1.292l-4.265-1.020-1.771 5.030c-2.519 0.048-4.803 0.729-6.512 1.816-0.46-0.399-1.040-0.618-1.655-0.618-1.397 0-2.534 1.137-2.534 2.534 0 0.864 0.445 1.661 1.166 2.126-0.044 0.253-0.069 0.509-0.069 0.77 0 3.658 4.434 6.634 9.884 6.634s9.884-2.976 9.884-6.634c0-0.253-0.023-0.502-0.064-0.748 0.74-0.461 1.199-1.27 1.199-2.148l-0.001-0.001zM7.283 13.759c0-0.86 0.697-1.557 1.558-1.557 0.86 0 1.557 0.697 1.557 1.557 0 0.86-0.697 1.557-1.557 1.557-0.861 0-1.558-0.697-1.558-1.557zM15.652 17.971c-0.046 0.049-1.164 1.185-3.689 1.185-2.538 0-3.554-1.153-3.595-1.202-0.143-0.167-0.124-0.419 0.044-0.562 0.166-0.142 0.415-0.124 0.559 0.041 0.023 0.025 0.87 0.926 2.993 0.926 2.16 0 3.107-0.933 3.116-0.942 0.153-0.156 0.404-0.16 0.562-0.006s0.162 0.401 0.011 0.56l0.001-0.001zM15.342 15.316c-0.861 0-1.558-0.697-1.558-1.557s0.697-1.557 1.558-1.557c0.86 0 1.557 0.697 1.557 1.557 0 0.86-0.697 1.557-1.557 1.557z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-rss" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-rss</title> <path d="M3 2c-0.552 0-1 0.448-1 1v18c0 0.552 0.448 1 1 1h18c0.552 0 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0-0.692-0.020-1.028-0.061 1.907 1.251 4.172 1.983 6.604 1.983 7.926 0 12.258-6.731 12.258-12.569 0-0.192-0.004-0.384-0.011-0.573 0.842-0.623 1.573-1.401 2.148-2.287z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-accommodation" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-accommodation</title> <path d="M23 12v1h-17c-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1s0.448-1 1-1h4v-2.834c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1 0.051 0 0.102 0.004 0.152 0.012l11 1.692c0.488 0.075 0.848 0.495 0.848 0.988v2.142zM4 14h19v6h-3v-3h-16v3h-3v-15c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1h1c0.552 0 1 0.448 1 1v9zM7 10c-1.105 0-2-0.895-2-2s0.895-2 2-2c1.105 0 2 0.895 2 2s-0.895 2-2 2z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-activity-level" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-activity-level</title> <path d="M22.994 17.99h-7.239c-0.366 0-0.72-0.134-0.994-0.377l-11.172-9.883 3.409-4.016c0.422-0.557 0.839-0.788 1.251-0.694 0.619 0.141 0.619 2.349 2.249 3.47 0.909 0.625 1.601 0.94 5 0.5 0.889 1.249 2.099 5.976 3.050 6.747s4.447 1.234 4.447 3.753v0.5zM22.994 18.99v1c0 0.552-0.448 1-1 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0.75h-4v-5.025c0-0.787-0.282-1.52-0.762-2.091zM19.188 9.375c-1.208 0-2.187-0.979-2.187-2.187s0.979-2.187 2.187-2.187c1.208 0 2.187 0.979 2.187 2.187s-0.979 2.187-2.187 2.187zM5.187 9.375c-1.208 0-2.187-0.979-2.187-2.187s0.979-2.187 2.187-2.187c1.208 0 2.187 0.979 2.187 2.187s-0.979 2.187-2.187 2.187zM9.279 9.587c0.74 0.61 1.688 0.976 2.721 0.976s1.981-0.366 2.721-0.976l0.824 0.206c1.002 0.25 1.704 1.15 1.704 2.183v6.9c0 0.621-0.504 1.125-1.125 1.125h-8.25c-0.621 0-1.125-0.504-1.125-1.125v-6.9c0-1.032 0.703-1.932 1.704-2.183l0.824-0.206z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-heart-outline" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-heart-outline</title> <path d="M18.91 11.473c0.697-0.71 1.090-1.677 1.090-2.689s-0.394-1.979-1.091-2.689c-0.689-0.703-1.62-1.095-2.587-1.095s-1.897 0.393-2.587 1.095l-1.736 1.768-1.736-1.768c-1.433-1.46-3.741-1.46-5.174 0-1.454 1.481-1.454 3.897-0.031 5.347l6.941 6.765 6.91-6.734zM11.375 4.395l0.625 0.613 0.623-0.611c1.026-0.898 2.338-1.397 3.7-1.397 1.506 0 2.95 0.61 4.015 1.695s1.663 2.556 1.663 4.090-0.598 3.006-1.663 4.090l-8.337 8.125-8.337-8.125c-2.217-2.259-2.217-5.921 0-8.18 2.114-2.154 5.481-2.254 7.712-0.3z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-heart-solid" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-heart-solid</title> <path d="M11.375 4.395l0.625 0.613 0.623-0.611c1.026-0.898 2.338-1.397 3.7-1.397 1.506 0 2.95 0.61 4.015 1.695s1.663 2.556 1.663 4.090-0.598 3.006-1.663 4.090l-8.337 8.125-8.337-8.125c-2.217-2.259-2.217-5.921 0-8.18 2.114-2.154 5.481-2.254 7.712-0.3z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-home" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-home</title> <path d="M15 22v-5c0-1.657-1.343-3-3-3s-3 1.343-3 3v5h-5v-11h-2v-1l9.995-8 10.005 8v1h-2v11h-5z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-important" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-important</title> <path d="M21.775 18.469c0.641 1.125-0.164 2.531-1.444 2.531h-16.663c-1.283 0-2.083-1.408-1.444-2.531l8.331-14.626c0.641-1.125 2.247-1.123 2.887 0l8.331 14.626zM12 8c-0.552 0-1 0.448-1 1v5c0 0.552 0.448 1 1 1s1-0.448 1-1v-5c0-0.552-0.448-1-1-1zM12 19c0.552 0 1-0.448 1-1s-0.448-1-1-1c-0.552 0-1 0.448-1 1s0.448 1 1 1z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-knife-fork" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-knife-fork</title> <path d="M9.25 2.75v4.625c0 0.345 0.28 0.625 0.625 0.625s0.625-0.28 0.625-0.625v-4.625c0-0.414 0.336-0.75 0.75-0.75s0.75 0.336 0.75 0.75v6.25c0 1.306-0.835 2.417-2 2.829v8.671c0 0.828-0.672 1.5-1.5 1.5s-1.5-0.672-1.5-1.5v-8.671c-1.165-0.412-2-1.523-2-2.829v-6.25c0-0.414 0.336-0.75 0.75-0.75s0.75 0.336 0.75 0.75v4.625c0 0.345 0.28 0.625 0.625 0.625s0.625-0.28 0.625-0.625v-4.625c0-0.414 0.336-0.75 0.75-0.75s0.75 0.336 0.75 0.75zM19 1v19.5c0 0.828-0.672 1.5-1.5 1.5s-1.5-0.672-1.5-1.5v-7.5h-1c-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1v-6c0-2.761 2.239-5 5-5z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-library-books" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-library-books</title> <path d="M4 6h-2v14c0 1.1 0.9 2 2 2h14v-2h-14v-14zM20 2h-12c-1.1 0-2 0.9-2 2v12c0 1.1 0.9 2 2 2h12c1.1 0 2-0.9 2-2v-12c0-1.1-0.9-2-2-2v0zM19 11h-10v-2h10v2zM15 15h-6v-2h6v2zM19 7h-10v-2h10v2z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-link" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-link</title> <path d="M9.937 12.2c0.441-0.33 1.067-0.24 1.397 0.201 0.542 0.724 1.372 1.178 2.274 1.242s1.788-0.266 2.428-0.906l2.451-2.451c1.187-1.229 1.171-3.173-0.032-4.377-1.201-1.201-3.146-1.221-4.355-0.053l-1.421 1.413c-0.391 0.389-1.023 0.387-1.412-0.004s-0.387-1.023 0.004-1.412l1.431-1.423c2.002-1.934 5.192-1.904 7.164 0.067 1.975 1.975 1.998 5.165 0.044 7.187l-2.463 2.463c-1.049 1.049-2.502 1.591-3.982 1.485s-2.841-0.85-3.73-2.038c-0.33-0.441-0.24-1.067 0.201-1.397zM14.425 12.152c-0.441 0.33-1.067 0.24-1.397-0.201-0.542-0.724-1.372-1.178-2.274-1.242s-1.788 0.266-2.428 0.906l-2.451 2.451c-1.187 1.229-1.171 3.173 0.032 4.377 1.201 1.201 3.145 1.221 4.352 0.056l1.414-1.414c0.39-0.39 1.022-0.39 1.412 0s0.39 1.022-0 1.412l-1.426 1.426c-2.002 1.933-5.191 1.903-7.163-0.068-1.975-1.975-1.998-5.165-0.044-7.187l2.463-2.463c1.049-1.049 2.502-1.591 3.982-1.485s2.841 0.85 3.73 2.038c0.33 0.441 0.24 1.067-0.201 1.397z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-list-circle-bullets" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-list-circle-bullets</title> <path d="M4 10.5c-0.83 0-1.5 0.67-1.5 1.5s0.67 1.5 1.5 1.5c0.83 0 1.5-0.67 1.5-1.5s-0.67-1.5-1.5-1.5v0zM4 4.5c-0.83 0-1.5 0.67-1.5 1.5s0.67 1.5 1.5 1.5c0.83 0 1.5-0.67 1.5-1.5s-0.67-1.5-1.5-1.5v0zM4 16.5c-0.835 0-1.5 0.677-1.5 1.5s0.677 1.5 1.5 1.5c0.823 0 1.5-0.677 1.5-1.5s-0.665-1.5-1.5-1.5v0zM7 19h14v-2h-14v2zM7 13h14v-2h-14v2zM7 5v2h14v-2h-14z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-list" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-list</title> <path d="M3 13h2v-2h-2v2zM3 17h2v-2h-2v2zM3 9h2v-2h-2v2zM7 13h14v-2h-14v2zM7 17h14v-2h-14v2zM7 7v2h14v-2h-14z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-location-add" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-location-add</title> <path d="M12 2c-3.86 0-7 3.14-7 7 0 5.25 7 13 7 13s7-7.75 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2.839-7.553 2.839-7.358 0-11.719-4.748-11.719-10.914 0-6.412 4.629-11.086 11.256-11.086 6.797 0 10.744 4.283 10.744 9.715 0 4.209-1.998 6.534-4.653 6.534-1.657 0-2.509-0.832-2.826-1.762zM8.75 12.011c0 1.747 1.19 2.989 2.929 2.989s3.071-1.149 3.071-2.989c0-1.839-1.357-3.011-3.095-3.011s-2.905 1.241-2.905 3.011z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-notifications-muted" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-notifications-muted</title> <path d="M13 4.071c3.392 0.485 6 3.403 6 6.929v5l2 1v2h-18v-2l2-1v-5c0-3.526 2.608-6.444 6-6.929v-1.071c0-0.552 0.448-1 1-1s1 0.448 1 1v1.071zM10 20h4c0 1.105-0.895 2-2 2s-2-0.895-2-2zM13.407 11.993l2.828-2.828-1.414-1.414-2.828 2.828-2.828-2.828-1.414 1.414 2.828 2.828-2.828 2.828 1.414 1.414 2.828-2.828 2.828 2.828 1.414-1.414-2.828-2.828z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-aoc-notifications-tracking" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <title>aoc-notifications-tracking</title> <path d="M19 9.9c0.323 0.066 0.658 0.1 1 0.1s0.677-0.034 1-0.1v10.1c0 1.105-0.895 2-2 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