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and the New York City Health Benefits Program." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Actuary, NYC Office of the (NYCOA)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Office of the Administrative Justice Coordinator (AJC) works to improve the professionalism, efficiency, transparency, and accountability of the City's administrative tribunals. The Office works with the tribunals to establish and implement Rules of Conduct for Administrative Law Judges, improve the training and recruitment of Administrative Law Judges, and enhance the public's understanding of and access to the administrative justice system." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Administrative Justice Coordinator, NYC Office of (AJC)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services", "business"]}" data-desc="The Office of Administrative Tax Appeals was established by Local Law 57 of 2007 to bring together the agencies that provide fair, independent and efficient appeals of the taxes administered by the City of New York." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Administrative Tax Appeals, Office of</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety"]}" data-desc=" The NYC Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH) is an independent city agency responsible for holding administrative hearings on cases that are filed by other NYC agencies. OATH is comprised of four different administrative tribunals: the Environmental Control Board; OATH Health Tribunal; OATH Taxi Tribunal and OATH Tribunal." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Administrative Trials and Hearings, Office of (OATH)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services"]}" data-desc="NYC Aging funds community-based organizations throughout the five boroughs to provided essential services for seniors, including hot meals and activities at senior centers, home-delivered meals, case management, home care, transportation, legal services and caregiver services. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Aging, Department for the (NYC Aging)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services"]}" data-desc="The Office of Animal Welfare recognizes the exchange between human social justice issues, environmental sustainability, and animal welfare, and therefore aims to facilitate solutions that address the integrated nature of these problems." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Animal Welfare, NYC Mayor’s Office of</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Office of Appointments (MOA) is dedicated to advancing the Mayor's vision of a diverse and inclusive team of senior leaders in city government, and charged with promoting equity, opportunity and excellence in policy making and the delivery of city services. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Appointments, Mayor's Office of (MOA)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services"]}" data-desc="The NYC Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) work recognizes the city’s response to the emerging asylum seekers’ migration from the border to our city. Created in March 2023, OASO is primarily responsible for overseeing and coordinating all support services for asylum seekers and their families. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Asylum Seeker Operations, Office of</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="B"> <h6 class="letter-header">B</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The New York City Board of Education Retirement System (BERS) was founded on August 31, 1921, and is one of the five public pension funds of New York City. The benefits that BERS provides include service retirement benefits, disability retirement benefits, death benefits, and a Tax-Deferred Annuity (TDA) program. BERS is one of the largest multi-employer, multi-tiered retirement systems in the United States. Our members are employed in such agencies as the Department of Education, the School Construction Authority, and the Police Department." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Board of Education Retirement System (BERS) </a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc=" The Borough Presidents are the executive officials of each borough. The City Charter gives them authority to: work with the Mayor in preparing the annual executive budget submitted to the City Council and to propose borough budget priorities directly to the council; review and comment on major land use decisions and propose sites for city facilities within their respective boroughs; monitor and modify the delivery of city services within their boroughs; and engage in strategic planning for their boroughs. Each Borough President appoints a member of the New York City Board of Education and a member of the City Planning Commission. Each also is a trustee of the New York City Employees' Retirement System. The Borough Presidents appoint members to Community Boards who serve without compensation, and each chairs a Borough Board. Each Borough President maintains a topographical bureau. The Borough President must be a citizen of the United States and resident of the borough when elected and throughout the term of office." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Borough President - Bronx</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Borough Presidents are the executive officials of each borough. The City Charter gives them authority to: work with the Mayor in preparing the annual executive budget submitted to the City Council and to propose borough budget priorities directly to the council; review and comment on major land use decisions and propose sites for city facilities within their respective boroughs; monitor and modify the delivery of city services within their boroughs; and engage in strategic planning for their boroughs. Each Borough President appoints a member of the New York City Board of Education and a member of the City Planning Commission. Each also is a trustee of the New York City Employees' Retirement System. The Borough Presidents appoint members to Community Boards who serve without compensation, and each chairs a Borough Board. Each Borough President maintains a topographical bureau. The Borough President must be a citizen of the United States and resident of the borough when elected and throughout the term of office." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Borough President - Brooklyn</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc=" The Borough Presidents are the executive officials of each borough. The City Charter gives them authority to: work with the Mayor in preparing the annual executive budget submitted to the City Council and to propose borough budget priorities directly to the council; review and comment on major land use decisions and propose sites for city facilities within their respective boroughs; monitor and modify the delivery of city services within their boroughs; and engage in strategic planning for their boroughs. Each Borough President appoints a member of the New York City Board of Education and a member of the City Planning Commission. Each also is a trustee of the New York City Employees' Retirement System. The Borough Presidents appoint members to Community Boards who serve without compensation, and each chairs a Borough Board. Each Borough President maintains a topographical bureau. The Borough President must be a citizen of the United States and resident of the borough when elected and throughout the term of office. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Borough President - Manhattan</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc=" The Borough Presidents are the executive officials of each borough. The City Charter gives them authority to: work with the Mayor in preparing the annual executive budget submitted to the City Council and to propose borough budget priorities directly to the council; review and comment on major land use decisions and propose sites for city facilities within their respective boroughs; monitor and modify the delivery of city services within their boroughs; and engage in strategic planning for their boroughs. Each Borough President appoints a member of the New York City Board of Education and a member of the City Planning Commission. Each also is a trustee of the New York City Employees' Retirement System. The Borough Presidents appoint members to Community Boards who serve without compensation, and each chairs a Borough Board. Each Borough President maintains a topographical bureau. The Borough President must be a citizen of the United States and resident of the borough when elected and throughout the term of office. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Borough President - Queens</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc=" The Borough Presidents are the executive officials of each borough. The City Charter gives them authority to: work with the Mayor in preparing the annual executive budget submitted to the City Council and to propose borough budget priorities directly to the council; review and comment on major land use decisions and propose sites for city facilities within their respective boroughs; monitor and modify the delivery of city services within their boroughs; and engage in strategic planning for their boroughs. Each Borough President appoints a member of the New York City Board of Education and a member of the City Planning Commission. Each also is a trustee of the New York City Employees' Retirement System. The Borough Presidents appoint members to Community Boards who serve without compensation, and each chairs a Borough Board. Each Borough President maintains a topographical bureau. The Borough President must be a citizen of the United States and resident of the borough when elected and throughout the term of office." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Borough President - Staten Island</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["business"]}" data-desc="The Brooklyn Navy Yard (the Yard) is a mission-driven industrial park that is a nationally acclaimed model of the viability and positive impact of modern, urban industrial development. The Yard is home to 450+ businesses employing more than 11,000 people and generating over $2.5 billion per year in economic impact for the city. Building on the Yard's history as the economic heart of Brooklyn, the 300-acre waterfront asset offers a critical pathway to the middle class for many New Yorkers." data-url="" data-social-email="" data-social-facebook=""> <a href="" class="name">Brooklyn Navy Yard</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation"]}" data-desc="Discover exhibition information, events schedules, hours of operation, and an online catalog from the Brooklyn Public Library." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Brooklyn Public Library (BPL)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["housing-development"]}" data-desc="The Department of Buildings (DOB) ensures the safe and lawful use of over 900,000 buildings and properties by enforcing the Building Code, Zoning Resolution, and other applicable laws. Each year it reviews over 60,000 construction plans, issues over 110,000 new and renewed permits, performs over 300,000 inspections, and issues 12 types of licenses, registrations, and certificates. It facilitates construction by continually streamlining the permit application process, and delivers services with integrity and professionalism." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Buildings, Department of (DOB)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["business"]}" data-desc="The Business Integrity Commission is responsible for the regulation of the trade waste industry, the shipboard gambling industry, the Fulton Fish Market distribution area and other seafood distribution areas, and the public wholesale markets. The Commission consists of a full-time chairperson appointed by the Mayor and of the Commissioners of the Departments of Small Business Services, Consumer Affairs, Investigation, Sanitation, and the Police Department." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Business Integrity Commission (BIC)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="C"> <h6 class="letter-header">C</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Campaign Finance Board administers the City Campaign Finance Program, publishes the City Voter Guide, and implements the debate requirement for candidates running for Mayor, Comptroller, and Public Advocate." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Campaign Finance Board (CFB)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["health", "social-services", "business"]}" data-desc="The Center for Innovation through Data Intelligence (CIDI) is a data intelligence team in the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of the Mayor, who establishes partnerships that can leverage the analytical resources of the City of New York through an innovative inter-agency research agenda. This position affords CIDI greater access to data and ensures persons’ confidentiality in its research activities. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Center for Innovation through Data Intelligence (CIDI) </a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="This site is up for historical purposes only. The Charter Revision Commission is charged with reviewing the entire Charter of the City of New York, holding hearings in all five boroughs to solicit public input, and issuing a report outlining findings and recommendations to amend or revise the Charter." data-url="/site/charter/" data-social-email="/site/charter/"> <a href="/site/charter/" class="name">Charter Revision Commission</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="OCME is responsible for investigating deaths occurring in any suspicious or unusual manner, provides additional forensic services, and manages the City mortuary." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Chief Medical Examiner, NYC Office of (OCME)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["education"]}" data-desc="The Office for Child Care and Early Childhood Education’s mission is to ensure New York City families have access to equitable, high-quality, and affordable early education and care and builds off of Mayor Adams’ Blueprint for Child Care and Early Childhood Education." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Child Care and Early Childhood Education, Office for (OCCECE)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services"]}" data-desc="The Administration for Children's Services (ACS) protects and ensures the well-being of New York City's children and families. ACS investigated child abuse and neglect reports involving approximately 79,000 children and provided contract preventive services to a daily average of 27,000 children. ACS provides direct foster care and adoption services, as well as contractual services for approximately 17,000 children through 44 foster care agencies Citywide. The Agency also administers 263 Head Start sites and enrolls 57,000 children in child care programs through contracted providers or child care vouchers." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Children's Services, Administration for (ACS)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The City Clerk issues marriage licenses, performs civil marriage ceremonies, qualifies commissioners of deeds, registers marriage officiants and domestic partnerships, files oaths of office, issues certificates of non-impediment, and registers lobbyists." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">City Clerk, Office of the (CLERK)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["transportation", "culture-recreation", "education", "environment", "health", "public-safety", "social-services", "housing-development", "civic-services", "business"]}" data-desc="The Council monitors the operation and performance of city agencies, makes land use decisions and has sole responsibility for approving the city's budget. It also legislates on a wide range of other subjects. The Council is an equal partner with the Mayor in the governing of New York City." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">City Council, New York</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Department of City Planning (DCP) oversees land use planning for New York City, utilizing zoning regulations to promote strategic growth and sustainable communities throughout the five boroughs." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">City Planning, Department of (DCP)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["education"]}" data-desc="The City University of New York (CUNY) is the largest urban university in the US, serving more than 400,000 students." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">City University of New York (CUNY)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="DCAS ensures that City agencies have the critical resources and support needed to provide the best possible services to the public in several key areas." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Citywide Administrative Services, Department of (DCAS)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["transportation", "culture-recreation", "public-safety", "civic-services", "business"]}" data-desc="The Office of Citywide Event Coordination and Management (CECM) oversees all event permitting activity in New York City. CECM advises and assists the Mayor in the coordination of policies, plans, procedures, and operations common to the permitting, review, and coordination of street events and other permitted activities." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Citywide Event Coordination and Management, Office of (CECM)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Civic Engagement Commission strives to enhance civic participation, promote civic trust, and strengthen democracy in New York City." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Civic Engagement Commission (CEC)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Civil Service Commission functions as a quasi-judicial body for individual appeals from disciplinary actions and appeals from decisions of the Commissioner of the Department of Citywide Administrative Services and acts as guardian of the City's merit system." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Civil Service Commission (CSC)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety"]}" data-desc="The agency takes complaints from people who believe they’ve experienced misconduct by a NYC police officer and want to file a complaint. The CCRB is impartial and not part of the police department." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["education", "social-services"]}" data-desc="Mayor de Blasio established New York City’s Commission on Gender Equity (CGE) through Executive Order Number 10. This Commission is an advisory body that supports City agencies in dismantling institutional barriers for women and girls regardless of race, ethnicity, class, gender identity and sexual orientation and helps achieve the Mayor’s commitment to reduce gender-based inequity." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Commission on Gender Equity (CGE)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services"]}" data-desc="The Commission to Combat Police Corruption was created in 1995 as a permanent board to monitor and evaluate the anti-corruption programs, activities, commitment, and efforts of the New York City Police Department, and is completely independent of the NYPD." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Commission to Combat Police Corruption (CCPC)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation", "health", "social-services", "housing-development", "civic-services", "business"]}" data-desc="The Community Affairs Unit works with neighborhood groups and City Agencies to improve the quality of life in NYC by delivering services more efficiently." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Community Affairs Unit (CAU)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="Community boards are local representative bodies. There are 59 community boards throughout the City, and each one consists of up to 50 unsalaried members, half of whom are nominated by their district's City Council members. Board members are selected and appointed by the Borough Presidents from among active, involved people of each community and must reside, work, or have some other significant interest in the community." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Community Boards (CB)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["business"]}" data-desc="The Office of Community Hiring (OCH)'s mission is to use the City's purchasing power to drive economic mobility by connecting City vendors with a pipeline of talent and creating pathways to careers for our community." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Community Hiring, Office of</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Comptroller is responsible for conducting performance and financial audits of all City agencies; serving as a fiduciary to the City’s five public pension funds totaling nearly $140 billion in assets; providing comprehensive oversight of the City’s budget and fiscal condition; reviewing City contracts for integrity, accountability and fiscal compliance; managing the fair, efficient and effective resolution of claims; ensuring transparency and accountability in the prevailing wage rate-setting process and vigorously enforcing prevailing wage and living wage laws; and promoting innovative policies that enhance City government’s efficiency, integrity and performance for all New Yorkers." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Comptroller (COMP)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Conflicts of Interest Board administers the City's conflicts of interest and financial disclosure laws." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["business"]}" data-desc="The NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP)—formerly the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA)—protects and enhances the daily economic lives of New Yorkers to create thriving communities." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Consumer and Worker Protection, Department of (DCWP)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Office of Contract Services supervises and sustains the procurement activities of New York City's agencies." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Contract Services, Mayor's Office of (MOCS)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety"]}" data-desc="The NYC Board of Correction establishes and ensures compliance with minimum standards regulating conditions of confinement and correctional health and mental health care in all City correctional facilities. The Board monitors conditions in the City's jails, investigates serious incidents, evaluates the performance of the Department of Correction, reviews inmate and employee grievances, and makes recommendations in critical areas of correctional planning." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Correction, Board of (BOC)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety"]}" data-desc="The Department of Correction operates ten jails on Rikers Island and additional facilities and court pens throughout the city. It houses an average daily population of approximately 12,500 inmates." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Correction, Department of (DOC)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Counsel to the Mayor and City Hall advises the Mayor on legal matters involving City Hall and the executive staff, as well as provide counsel to the Mayor on legal aspects of policy and administrative matters." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Counsel to the Mayor, Office of</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety"]}" data-desc="The the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice (MOCJ) facilitates cooperation and partnerships among the agencies and actors involved in crime-fighting and criminal justice in New York City. In doing so, MOCJ works to ensure the fair and efficient functioning of the criminal justice system in New York City." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Criminal Justice, Mayor's Office of</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation"]}" data-desc="The Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) ensures that cultural activities are an integral part of New York City’s civic and economic life by providing support, advocacy and technical assistance for the City’s cultural community. DCLA’s constituency consists of the 34 City-owned cultural institutions comprising the Cultural Institutions Group (CIG) and more than 1,500 other not-for-profit organizations serving constituencies in all neighborhoods of the City. DCLA also provides donated materials for arts programs offered by the public schools and cultural and social service groups, and commissions works of public art at Cityfunded construction projects throughout the City." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Cultural Affairs, Department of (DCLA)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="D"> <h6 class="letter-header">D</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="DemocracyNYC is a nonpartisan initiative of the City of New York focused on increasing voter participation and civic engagement in NYC. Part of that mission is to encourage every eligible New Yorker to make their voice heard at the ballot box. DemocracyNYC also works to address and eliminate historic barriers to voting through public education, outreach, and policy reform efforts. Currently we are focusing on encouraging voters to participate in special and local elections by educating New Yorkers on Ranked Choice Voting and pushing for long term reform through legislation." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">DemocracyNYC</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services"]}" data-desc="The Department of Social Services (DSS) is comprised of the administrative units of the NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA) and the Department of Homeless Services (DHS)." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Department of Social Services (DSS)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["housing-development"]}" data-desc="The Department of Design and Construction (DDC) currently manages a design and construction portfolio of over $4.6 billion of the City's capital construction projects. Projects range from streets, highways, sewers and water mains to public safety, health and human service facilities, as well as cultural institutions and libraries. Through a combination of in-house staff and private consultants and contractors, the Department delivers quality, cost-effective projects in a safe and efficient manner." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Design and Construction, Department of (DDC)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety", "social-services", "civic-services", "housing-development"]}" data-desc="Pursuant to Article 13, section 13 of the State Constitution, District Attorneys are constitutional officers elected every four years. Section 927 of the County Law imposes upon District Attorneys the duty to protect the public by investigating and prosecuting criminal conduct in the counties in which they hold office." data-url=" " data-social-email=" "> <a href=" " class="name">District Attorney - Bronx County </a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety", "social-services", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="Pursuant to Article 13, section 13 of the State Constitution, District Attorneys are constitutional officers elected every four years. Section 927 of the County Law imposes upon District Attorneys the duty to protect the public by investigating and prosecuting criminal conduct in the counties in which they hold office." data-url=" " data-social-email=" "> <a href=" " class="name">District Attorney - Kings County (Brooklyn) </a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety", "social-services", "housing-development", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="Pursuant to Article 13, section 13 of the State Constitution, District Attorneys are constitutional officers elected every four years. Section 927 of the County Law imposes upon District Attorneys the duty to protect the public by investigating and prosecuting criminal conduct in the counties in which they hold office." data-url=" " data-social-email=" "> <a href=" " class="name">District Attorney - New York County (Manhattan) </a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety", "social-services", "housing-development", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="Pursuant to Article 13, section 13 of the State Constitution, District Attorneys are constitutional officers elected every four years. Section 927 of the County Law imposes upon District Attorneys the duty to protect the public by investigating and prosecuting criminal conduct in the counties in which they hold office." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">District Attorney - Queens County </a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety", "social-services", "housing-development", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="Pursuant to Article 13, section 13 of the State Constitution, District Attorneys are constitutional officers elected every four years. Section 927 of the County Law imposes upon District Attorneys the duty to protect the public by investigating and prosecuting criminal conduct in the counties in which they hold office." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">District Attorney - Richmond County (Staten Island) </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="E"> <h6 class="letter-header">E</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["business"]}" data-desc="The New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC), a nonprofit organization operating under contract with the City of New York, is the City’s primary vehicle for economic development services. NYCEDC serves as a catalyst for public and private initiatives that promote the City’s long-term vitality. Through affordable financing, tax exemptions and low-cost energy programs, NYCEDC helps City businesses gain the competitive edge they need to meet their short- and long-term goals." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["education"]}" data-desc="The New York City Department of Education is the largest system of public schools in the United States, serving about 1.1 million students in over 1,700 schools." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Education, Department of (DOE)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Board of Elections is an administrative body of 10 bipartisan Commissioners, two from each borough, appointed by the City Council for a term of four years. The Board oversees voter, poll site, and campaign-related issues" data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Elections, Board of (BOE)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["environment"]}" data-desc="MOEC's mission is to be a resource for city agencies and private applicants by providing information and assistance in completing the environmental review process and to help the city to lead by example in applying state-of-the-art green building requirements." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Environmental Coordination, Mayor’s Office of (MOEC)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["environment"]}" data-desc="The NYC DEP protects public health and the environment by supplying clean drinking water, collecting and treating wastewater, and reducing air, noise, and hazardous substances pollution." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="This Commission is an independent City agency composed of a Chair and four other members, all appointed for staggered four year terms. The Commission is responsible for monitoring the equal employment programs, practices, policies, and procedures of all local government agencies that are funded in whole or in part by the City, or have a majority of board members who are appointed by the Mayor, or serve by virtue of being City officers." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Equal Employment Practices Commission (EEPC)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation"]}" data-desc="The Mayor’s Office of Ethnic and Community Media facilitates connections between Ethnic and Community Media outlets, and City agencies, and Mayoral offices; advises the Mayor on communicating information to the public; oversees the Local Law 83 ECM advertising spending requirement; manages the citywide marketing directory, and publishes an annual report on advertising spending by Mayoral Agencies and for the Mayor and the Speaker." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Ethnic and Community Media, Mayor’s Office of (MOECM)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="F"> <h6 class="letter-header">F</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["business"]}" data-desc="We collect revenue, value property, record property documents, administer tax benefits, adjudicate parking tickets, advise the Mayor on pension issues, and are the chief civil law enforcement officer." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Finance, Department of (DOF)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety"]}" data-desc="As first responders to fires, public safety and medical emergencies, disasters and terrorist acts, FDNY protects the lives and property of New York City residents and visitors." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Fire Department, New York City (FDNY)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation", "environment", "health"]}" data-desc="Mayor’s Office of Food Policy works to advance the City’s efforts to increase food security, promote access to and awareness of healthy foods, and support economic opportunity in the food system. The Food Policy Executive Director works with the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services, and the Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development, in the Office of the Mayor." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Food Policy, Mayors Office of </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="G"> <h6 class="letter-header">G</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island is the 501(c)(3) non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion cre­at­ed by the City of New York respon­si­ble for the plan­ning, oper­a­tions and ongo­ing devel­op­ment of Gov­er­nors Island. The Trust’s mis­sion is to real­ize the full poten­tial of Gov­er­nors Island for the inspi­ra­tion and enjoy­ment of all New York­ers, demon­strat­ing a bold vision for pub­lic space." data-url="" data-social-email="" data-social-facebook=""> <a href="" class="name">Governors Island, Trust for</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="Working to reduce New York City’s greenhouse gas emissions 30 percent by 2030." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">GreeNYC (GNYC)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="H"> <h6 class="letter-header">H</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["health"]}" data-desc="The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) protects and promotes the health and mental well being of all New Yorkers." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services"]}" data-desc="The mission of the Department of Homeless Services (DHS) is to prevent homelessness when possible and to provide short-term, emergency shelter for individuals and families who have no other housing options available." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Homeless Services, Department of (DHS)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["housing-development"]}" data-desc="The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) provides affordable housing to nearly 420,000 low- and moderate-income City residents in 345 housing developments with 180,000 apartments in the five boroughs. Through federal rent subsidies (Section 8 Leased Housing Program), the Authority assists over 87,500 families in locating and renting housing in privately owned buildings. In addition, the Authority provides social services for its residents through 112 community centers, 42 senior centers, and a variety of programs." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Housing Authority, New York City (NYCHA)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["housing-development"]}" data-desc="The New York City Housing Development Corporation (HDC) seeks to increase the supply of multi-family housing, stimulate economic growth and revitalize neighborhoods by financing the creation and preservation of affordable housing for low- , moderate- , and middle-income New Yorkers." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Housing Development Corporation (NYC HDC)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["housing-development"]}" data-desc="Using a variety of preservation, development, and enforcement strategies, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) strives to improve the availability, affordability, and quality of housing in New York City. As the nation’s largest municipal housing agency, HPD works with private, public, and community partners to strengthen neighborhoods and enable more New Yorkers to become homeowners or to rent well-maintained, affordable housing." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Housing Preservation and Development, Department of (HPD)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["housing-development"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Office of Housing Recovery Operations (HRO), was created to assist homeowners, landlords, renters, and tenants affected by Hurricane Sandy within the five boroughs. The program offers multiple pathways of assistance, including: property rehabilitation or reconstruction, reimbursement for repair work already carried out, and acquisition of homes. The primary goal of the program is to make Sandy-affected New Yorkers and communities safer and more resilient." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Housing Recovery Operations (HRO)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["housing-development", "business"]}" data-desc="The Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation is a local development corporation created in 2005 by the City of New York to finance certain property acquisition and infrastructure work, including the extension of the No. 7 subway line, as part of the development of the Hudson Yards Financing District." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services"]}" data-desc="HRA works to end poverty and income inequality in New York City by connecting New Yorkers in need with a variety of essential services such as Food Stamps and Cash Assistance." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Human Resources Administration (HRA)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="The New York City Commission on Human Rights is charged with the enforcement of the Human Rights Law, Title 8 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York, and with educating the public and encouraging positive community relations. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Human Rights, City Commission on (CCHR)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="I"> <h6 class="letter-header">I</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs and Language Services promotes the interests and needs of immigrants and provides " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Immigrant Affairs, Mayor's Office of (MOIA)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Independent Budget Office provides non-partisan budgetary, economic, and policy analysis for New York City residents and elected officials, and increases the visibility of the budget process." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Independent Budget Office, NYC (IBO)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety"]}" data-desc="The Office of the Inspector General for the NYPD (OIG-NYPD) is charged with investigating, reviewing, studying, auditing and making recommendations relating to the operations, policies, programs and practices of the New York City Police Department (NYPD)." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Inspector General NYPD, Office of the</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Office of Intergovernmental Affairs coordinates the City's interaction with state and federal Legislative Affairs offices, as well as the offices of the City Comptroller, Public Advocate, and Borough Presidents. The office keeps the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor for Operations informed about intergovernmental issues and is the liaison between the City and other governments, seeking to foster constructive links between the Administration and these entities." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Intergovernmental Affairs, Mayor's Office of (MOIGA)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety"]}" data-desc="DOI is NYC's watchdog, exposing and stopping corruption, and referring for prosecution City employees, contractors, and others who engage in fraudulent activities against the City and its taxpayers." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Investigation, Department of (DOI)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="J"> <h6 class="letter-header">J</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Advisory Committee on the Judiciary recruits, evaluates, and nominates highly qualified judicial candidates for appointment to the New York City Criminal, Family, and Interim Civil Court. The Committee also evaluates incumbent judges for reappointment to these courts." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Judiciary, Mayor's Advisory Committee on the (MACJ)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="K"> <h6 class="letter-header">K</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"></ul> </li> <li id="L"> <h6 class="letter-header">L</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Office of Labor Relations represents the Mayor in all labor relations between the City of New York and labor organizations representing employees of the City. The Office Commissioner also administers a variety of programs for City Employees." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Labor Relations, NYC Office of (OLR)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["housing-development"]}" data-desc="The Landmarks Preservation Commission protects and preserves the historically and architecturally significant neighborhoods, buildings and sites that tell the collective story of New York City. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Law Department is the attorney for the City, City agencies and certain non- City agencies and pension boards, and is in charge of litigation and other legal matters involving the City and its interests. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Law Department (LAW)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation"]}" data-desc="Discover exhibition information, events schedules, hours of operation, and an online catalog from the Brooklyn Public Library." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Library, Brooklyn Public (BPL)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation"]}" data-desc="Library services are provided through three independent systems: the Brooklyn Public Library, the New York Public Library, and the Queens Library. These systems operate 208 local library branches throughout the City and four research library centers in Manhattan. The libraries offer free and open access to books, periodicals, electronic resources, and non-print materials. Reference and career services; Internet access; and educational, cultural, and recreational programming for adults, young adults, and children are also provided. The libraries’ collections include 377 electronic databases and more than 65 million books, periodicals, and other circulating and reference items." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Library, New York Public (NYPL)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation"]}" data-desc="The Queens Library provides an online catalog, activities for kids and teens, online research, and an events calendar in a variety of languages. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Library, Queens Public (QL)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["housing-development"]}" data-desc="The New York City Loft Board resolves issues regarding the legalization for residential use of buildings under the Board's jurisdiction (known as interim multiple dwellings or IMDs), adjudicates proceedings resulting from applications filed by IMD owners and tenants, and enforces minimum housing maintenance standards for IMD buildings." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Loft Board (LOFT)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="M"> <h6 class="letter-header">M</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Committee on City Marshals establishes and publishes qualifying criteria for appointment to the office of City Marshal, recruits and receives names of candidates for that office, determines which candidates are best qualified to serve as City Marshals, and recommends qualified persons to the Mayor when there is a vacancy." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Mayor's Committee on City Marshals (MCCM)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services", "business"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City was established in 1994 to serve as the umbrella not-for-profit corporation for the City of New York. The Mayor's Fund is a publicly supported, not-for-profit corporation, dedicated to working closely with the City of New York. As the City's 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, the Mayor's Fund works with the City of New York to leverage public sector initiatives with private sector support. The Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City raises money to promote the general welfare of the City's residents and aid civic improvements. The Fund supports the work of many City Agencies including Education, Parks, Health, and Cultural Affairs, and raises funds for many quality of life initiatives." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Mayor's Fund to Advance NYC (Mayor's Fund)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="Mayor Eric L. Adams took office on January 1, 2022. The Mayor's Office site features the biography of the 110th Mayor, as well as press releases, City Hall press conference videos and major addresses." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Mayor's Office (OM)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="OMB is responsible for preparing the Mayor's Preliminary and Executive Budgets and advises the Mayor on issues affecting the City's fiscal health and the efficiency of City services and programs." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Mayor's Office Of Management and Budget, Office of (OMB)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services"]}" data-desc="The Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity (NYC Opportunity), formerly known as the Center for Economic Opportunity, was established by Mayor Bloomberg on December 18, 2006 to implement innovative ways to reduce poverty in New York City. NYC Opportunity uses evidence and innovation to reduce poverty and increase equity. We advance research, data and design in the City’s program and policy development, service delivery, and budget decisions. NYC Opportunity’s work includes analyzing existing anti-poverty approaches, developing new interventions, facilitating the sharing of data across City agencies, and rigorously assessing the impact of key initiatives." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Office for International Affairs is the first point of contact for foreign governments and the diplomatic community for any City-related requests or issues." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Mayor's Office for International Affairs (IA)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services"]}" data-desc="MOPD works hand-in-hand with other City agencies to assure that the voice of the disabled community is represented and that City programs and policies address the needs of people with disabilities." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["environment"]}" data-desc="The Office of Environmental Remediation (OER) is responsible for the implementation of the brownfield cleanup and redevelopment initiatives outlined in PlaNYC, the City's comprehensive sustainability plan, to support environmental cleanup and economic redevelopment. In August 2010, Mayor Bloomberg launched the New York City Brownfield Cleanup Program (NYC BCP), the nation's first municipal cleanup program, which offers oversight and liability protection to developers and property owners for sites with light to moderate contamination. OER's Brownfield Incentive Grant (BIG) program provides financial incentives and technical support to developers and community organizations. OER also directs the NYC E-Designation Review Program for Hazardous Materials, Air Quality, and Noise and conducts brownfield educational workshops and outreach activities to support meaningful community engagement in brownfields redevelopment. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Mayor's Office of Environmental Remediation (OER)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Office of Equity (MOE) will help foster a fairer, and more equitable city through policy, practices, and programs across all City agencies and systems. As the City's first, centralized equity office, MOE is an integral component of Mayor Adam's vision to build a stronger and healthier city that delivers for all New Yorkers." data-url="/site/equity/" data-social-email="/site/equity/"> <a href="/site/equity/" class="name">Mayor's Office of Equity (MOE)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Office of Special Projects and Community Events (MOSPCE) organizes, manages and directs all public ceremonies, celebrations, receptions, and similar affairs held under City auspices by order of the Mayor. MOSPCE also coordinates the activities of the various City agencies and departments with regard to the planning and implementation of special events, and maintains liaison with the private sector for the coordination and support of City-sponsored functions. Gracie Mansion – "the People's House" – serves as a historical centerpiece for many of these gatherings, as do New York City schools, museums, theatres, and landmark buildings." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Mayor's Office of Special Projects & Community Events (MOSPCE)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services", "business"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Office of Strategic Partnerships (OSP) serves as the central entry point for strategic partnerships across City government and aligns common goals of the private and public sector to enhance New York City’s ability to serve its residents." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Mayor's Office of Strategic Partnerships (OSP)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["health"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV) operates the NYC Family Justice Centers, formulates policies and programs, monitors service delivery, and performs outreach to raise awareness. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Mayor's Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["health", "social-services", "housing-development", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Public Engagement Unit (PEU) proactively connects New Yorkers to key City services, like housing and healthcare." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Mayor's Public Engagement Unit (PEU)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["environment"]}" data-desc="As a unit of the Mayor's Office, Climate Policy and Programs leads the City's program for integrated climate actions, and includes the Office of Recovery and Resiliency, the Office of Sustainability, the Office of Environmental Coordination, and the coordination of the OneNYC Program." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["health"]}" data-desc="The Mayor’s Office of Community Mental Health promotes mental health for all New Yorkers. The office works to ensure New Yorkers get the mental health treatment they need and fewer mental health needs become crises. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Mayor’s Office of Community Mental Health</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["business"]}" data-desc="Mayor’s Office of M/WBEs is focused on fostering the success of minority- and women-owned businesses and coordinating the work of other City offices, including the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services and the Department of Small Business Services, that administer the City’s M/WBE programs. Through this office, the City is increasing agency accountability and ensuring access for businesses that want to contract with the City. The office also serves as a one-stop-shop for M/WBEs to connect with various City agencies." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Mayor’s Office of Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation"]}" data-desc="The agency includes the Office of Film, Theatre and Broadcasting; NYC Digital, which works to realize NYC’s potential as the world’s leading digital city; and NYC Media, the City's official network. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Media and Entertainment, Mayor's Office of (MOME)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation"]}" data-desc="NYC Media, part of the Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment, is the official TV, radio and online network of New York City, informing, educating and entertaining New Yorkers about the City's diverse people and neighborhoods, government, services, attractions and activities. As a unique public media entity, NYC Media produces award-winning content that is accountable, useful and compelling. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Media, NYC </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="N"> <h6 class="letter-header">N</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["education"]}" data-desc="The NYC Children’s Cabinet enables coordination and communication between government agencies and other partners that serve the City’s youth. Its mission is to help align City efforts and resources towards ensuring that all of New York City’s children can reach healthy, successful adulthood." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">NYC Children's Cabinet</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Commission on Racial Equity is a new independent 15-member commission responsible for holding government accountable to advancing racial equity in government operations and uplifting community voices in government decision making. CORE provides accountability for New Yorkers, regularly evaluating the City’s progress on its racial requirements and goals. CORE will be composed of diverse New Yorkers with equity expertise and/or relevant lived experience, serving as a conduit to bring historically excluded communities and voices into government decision-making. CORE’s independent commission composed of 15 commissioners, including one Chair Executive Director, jointly appointed by the Mayor and New York City Council Speaker. Other CORE commissioners will be appointed by the Mayor, City Council Speaker, City Comptroller, and Public Advocate. City officials appointing commissioners to CORE are required to consider individuals that represent or have advocated for historically excluded voices, including people with lived experience of marginalization and individuals who have never served on a government board or commission before." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">NYC Commission on Racial Equity</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety"]}" data-desc="NYC OEM plans and prepares for emergencies, educates the public about preparedness, coordinates emergency response and recovery, and collects and disseminates emergency information." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">NYC Emergency Management</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="Founded in 1920, NYCERS has grown into the largest public retirement system within New York City serving over 330,000 active members and retirees. Membership in NYCERS is available to all New York City employees who are not eligible to participate in the New York City Teachers' Retirement System, the New York City Police Pension Fund, the New York City Fire Department Pension Fund or the New York City Board of Education Retirement System." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">NYC Employees' Retirement System (NYCERS)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["health"]}" data-desc="A public health care network of hospitals, nursing homes, community health centers and a home care agency, focused on primary & preventive care for all New Yorkers regardless of ability to pay." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">NYC Health + Hospital</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="NYC Service is meeting its goals to make New York City the easiest place in the world to volunteer, target volunteer efforts to address the most pressing local challenges, and promote service as a core part of what it means to be a New Yorker. NYC Service aims to drive volunteer resources to six impact areas where New York City’s needs are greatest: strengthening communities, helping neighbors in need, improving education, increasing public health, enhancing emergency preparedness and protecting our environment." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">NYC Service</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Sheriff is an officer of the court whose main job is to serve and execute legal processes/mandates issued by the State courts, legal community and the general public." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">NYC Sheriff</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation"]}" data-desc="NYC & Company is New York City's official marketing, tourism and partnership organization. Our mission is to maximize travel and tourism opportunities throughout the five boroughs, build economic prosperity and spread the dynamic image of New York City around the world. With the launch of major interactive initiatives—including and the Official NYC Information Center—NYC & Company becomes the ultimate resource for visitors and residents to find everything they need about what to do and see in New York City." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">NYC Tourism + Conventions</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services"]}" data-desc="The NYC Young Men’s Initiative (YMI) is a cross-agency enterprise that is culmination of 18 months of work, begun when New York City committed to finding new ways to tackle the crisis affecting its young Black and Latino men. The City pledged to invest a combination of public and private funds to support new programs and policies designed to address disparities between young Black and Latino men and their peers across numerous outcomes related to education, health, employment and the criminal justice system." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">NYC Young Men’s Initiative</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services"]}" data-desc="The City of New York partners with thousands of nonprofit organizations every year to deliver programs and services to communities throughout the five boroughs. This website offers information and resources in support of our partnerships." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Nonprofit Services, Mayor's Office of (MONS)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="O"> <h6 class="letter-header">O</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Office of Technology and Innovation (OTI) creates tech-based solutions for a more effective, future-ready New York City. We make services work better across all sectors, from emergency services to benefits screening. We pool combined expertise from across the City to get stuff done for all New Yorkers. " data-url="/content/oti/pages/" data-social-email="/content/oti/pages/"> <a href="/content/oti/pages/" class="name">Office of Technology and Innovation, New York City </a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Office of Operations oversees the daily operations of City agencies, provides them with technical assistance and consulting services, and coordinates the streamlining and restructuring of City government." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Operations, Mayor's Office of (OPS)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="P"> <h6 class="letter-header">P</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation"]}" data-desc="We oversee parks, athletic fields, playgrounds, public pools, golf courses, and beaches. We look after 650,000 street trees, and are providers of recreational and athletic facilities and programs." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Parks and Recreation, Department of (DPR)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Office of Payroll Administration is charged with administering the City's payroll and ensuring prompt and accurate payment of employees' wages and salaries." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Payroll Administration, Office of (OPA)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety"]}" data-desc="The Police Department (NYPD) is committed to providing, with the utmost integrity and respect, a safe and secure environment for the public. The personnel assigned to the Department's 76 precincts, 12 Transit Districts, nine Housing Police Service Areas and other investigative and specialized units, protect life and deter crime while responding to emergency calls and impartially enforcing the law." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Police Department, New York City (NYPD)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Police Pension fund provides services to current and retired officers of the New York City Police Department." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Police Pension Fund (PPF)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety", "social-services"]}" data-desc="The Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes (OPHC) takes a holistic approach to preventing hate crimes, developing and coordinating community-driven prevention strategies to address biases fueling such crimes, and fostering healing for victims and their communities." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Prevention of Hate Crimes, Office for (OPHC)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety"]}" data-desc="DOP helps build stronger and safer communities by expanding opportunities for probation clients to seek meaningful education, employment, health services, family engagement and civic participation." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Probation, Department of (DOP)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["business"]}" data-desc="The Procurement Policy Board (PPB) is authorized to promulgate rules governing the procurement of goods, services, and construction by the City of New York under Chapter 13 of the Charter of the City of New York." data-url="/site/mocs/regulations/" data-social-email="/site/mocs/regulations/"> <a href="/site/mocs/regulations/" class="name">Procurement Policy Board (PPB)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["housing-development"]}" data-desc="This site is up for historical purposes only. The New York City Advisory Commission on Property Tax Reform worked to evaluate all aspects of the current property tax system in New York City and recommend reforms to make it fairer, simpler, and more transparent, while ensuring that there is no reduction in revenue used to fund City services." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Property Tax Reform, Advisory Commission on</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["health", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Office of Public Administrator administers estates of decedents where no person entitled to take or to share in the estate will accept the responsibility to act, or where the decedent leaves no will or a personal representative entitled by law to act. Appointed by and subject to removal by the Surrogates of the County. No specific term." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Public Administrator - Bronx County (BCPA)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["health", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Public Administrator administers estates of deceased persons. There is a Public Administrator in every county in the City of New York. The Public Administrator's primary duty is to administer estates that would otherwise remain unadministered; to protect the decedent's property from waste, loss, or theft; to make appropriate burial arrangements when no close relative is available to make the decisions; to conduct thorough investigations to discover all assets; to liquidate assets at public sale or distribute assets to heirs; to pay the decedent's bills and taxes; and to locate persons entitled to inherit from the estate and ensure that the legal distributees receive their inheritance." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Public Administrator - Kings County (KCPA)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["health", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Public Administrator of New York County administers the estates of New York County residents who die without anyone who is willing or able to administer the estate. The Public Administrator’s primary duty is to administer estates that would otherwise remain unadministered: to protect the decedent’s property from waste, loss or theft; make appropriate burial arrangements when no close relative is available to make the decisions; conduct thorough investigations to discover all assets; liquidate assets at public auction or distribute assets to heirs; pay the decedent’s bills and taxes; and to locate persons entitled to inherit from the estate and ensure that the legal distributees receive their inheritance." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Public Administrator - New York County (NYCountyPA)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["health", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Office of Public Administrator administers estates of deceased persons where no person entitled to take or share in an estate will accept the responsibility to act, or where no will or personal representative entitled by law is left to act." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Public Administrator - Queens County (QPA)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["health", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Office of Public Administrator administers estates of decedents where no person entitled to take or to share in the estate will accept the responsibility to act, or where the decedent leaves no will or a personal representative entitled by law to act. Appointed by and subject to removal by the Surrogates of the County. No specific term." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Public Administrator - Richmond County (RCPA)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Office of Public Advocate for the City of New York is a citywide elected position in New York City, which is first in line to succeed the Mayor. The office serves as a direct link between the electorate and city government, effectively acting as an ombudsman, or "watchdog," for New Yorkers by providing oversight for city agencies, investigating citizens' complaints about city services and making proposals to address perceived shortcomings or failures of those services." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Public Advocate (PUB ADV)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation"]}" data-desc="Established in 1898 as the Art Commission, New York City’s design review agency was renamed the Design Commission in July 2008 to better reflect its mission. The Design Commission reviews permanent works of art, architecture and landscape architecture proposed on or over City-owned property. The Commission also acts as caretaker and curator of the City’s public art collection and maintains an extensive archive documenting the history of New York City’s public works." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Public Design Commission</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["education"]}" data-desc="The New York City Department of Education is the largest system of public schools in the United States, serving about 1.1 million students in over 1,700 schools." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Public Schools, New York City</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="Q"> <h6 class="letter-header">Q</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"></ul> </li> <li id="R"> <h6 class="letter-header">R</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation"]}" data-desc="The Department of Records and Information Services preserves and maintains the City’s records and publications through the Municipal Archives, the Municipal Records Management Division, and the City Hall Library. The Department currently responds to more than 65,000 requests annually and provides the public and City agencies access to approximately 160,000 cubic feet of historically valuable City records and photos, and a unique collection of nearly 260,000 books, official government reports, studies and other publications. Through its Web site, the Department also provides electronic access to official reports issued by New York City government agencies." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Records and Information Services, Department of (DORIS) </a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["housing-development"]}" data-desc="The Rent Guidelines Board provides information on renewal-lease guidelines for rent stabilized apartments in New York City." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Rent Guidelines Board (RGB)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="S"> <h6 class="letter-header">S</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["business"]}" data-desc="The Sales Tax Asset Receivable Corporation is a local development corporation created in 2004 by the City of New York to issue bonds to provide for the payment of the outstanding bonds of the Municipal Assistance Corporation of the City of New York and the outstanding bonds of the City held by MAC." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Sales Tax Asset Receivable Corporation (STAR)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["environment"]}" data-desc="DSNY manages NYC’s municipal and residential solid waste, both refuse and recyclables; clears snow & ice; cleans vacant lots, enforces sanitation laws and removes abandoned vehicles from city streets." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Sanitation, Department of (DSNY)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["education", "housing-development"]}" data-desc="The School Construction Authority (SCA) is the one agency accountable for new school construction and major renovations to older schools. SCA is responsible for all capital planning, budgeting, design, and operations. SCA coordinates the development of the Department of Education’s Five-Year Capital Plan, selects and acquires sites for new schools, leases buildings for schools and supervises conversion of administrative space for classroom use." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">School Construction Authority (SCA)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["business"]}" data-desc="SBS makes it easier for businesses to start, operate and grow by providing direct assistance to business owners, linking employers to a qualified workforce, and fostering neighborhood development. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Small Business Services (SBS)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["education"]}" data-desc="The office of the Special Commissioner of Investigation for the New York City School District ("SCI") was created to conduct investigations and oversight of the largest public school district in the United States. SCI is independent of the DOE, and has broad authority to conduct investigations, reviews, and audits with the goal of rooting out corruption, preventing waste and fraud, and identifying and eliminating the misuse of City resources. The SCI commissioner also serves as the inspector general for the Teachers Retirement System and the Board of Education Retirement System, and the office serves as the investigative arm of the New York City Conflicts of Interest Board regarding violations of Chapter 68 of the City Charter by DOE employees." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Special Commissioner of Investigation for the New York City School District</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety", "business"]}" data-desc="The Mayor's Office of Special Enforcement (OSE) is an innovative, solutions-oriented task force that ensures NYC communities are safe from harmful illegal and unregulated industries that one agency and one set of enforcement tools alone can't address. Our multi-agency enforcement team devises strategic solutions—ranging from public education to enforcement action—to complex problems." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Special Enforcement, Mayor’s Office of (OSE)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["public-safety"]}" data-desc="An independent prosecutors’ office with Citywide jurisdiction, the Office of the Special Narcotics Prosecutor (SNP) is responsible for felony narcotics investigations and prosecutions in the five boroughs of New York City. Founded in 1971, it is the only agency of its kind in the United States." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Special Narcotics Prosecutor, NYC Office of the (SNP)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["culture-recreation"]}" data-desc="The NYC Mayor's Office of Sports, Wellness & Recreation (MOSWR) manages and oversees The Mayor's Cup brand and events, and identifies innovative, practical, and quality programs that positively impact youth and communities." data-url="/content/sports/pages/about-office-of-sports-wellness-and-recreation" data-social-email="/content/sports/pages/about-office-of-sports-wellness-and-recreation"> <a href="/content/sports/pages/about-office-of-sports-wellness-and-recreation" class="name">Sports, Wellness and Recreation, Mayor's Office of (MOSWR)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["housing-development"]}" data-desc="The Board of Standards and Appeals hears and decides appeals from property owners whose various building and renovation applications have been denied as contrary to law by the enforcement agencies." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Standards and Appeals, Board of (BSA)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="T"> <h6 class="letter-header">T</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["business"]}" data-desc="TSASC, Inc. is a local development corporation created as a financing entity whose purpose is to issue and sell bonds and notes to fund a portion of the capital program of the City of New York. TSASC issued debt secured by tobacco settlement revenues." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">TSASC, Inc. </a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services", "business"]}" data-desc="WKDEV is responsible to coordinate workforce with economic development in all five boroughs, to create a real time connection to businesses to ensure their needs are met, and to effectively connect those New Yorkers seeking workforce services to quality jobs with opportunities for advancement." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Talent and Workforce Development, Mayor’s Office of</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["business"]}" data-desc="The Tax Appeals Tribunal is an independent agency that resolves disputes between taxpayers and the New York City Department of Finance involving taxes administered by the City of New York. The Tax Appeals Tribunal does not resolve disputes related to the New York City Real Property Tax." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Tax Appeals Tribunal, New York City (TAT)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["housing-development", "business"]}" data-desc="The Tax Commission is the City of New York's forum for independent administrative review of real property tax assessments set by the Department of Finance. The Tax Commission reviews and determines annual applications for correction of assessment filed by owners and other parties with sufficient legal interest in properties which they claim are incorrectly assessed or improperly denied an exemption from real property tax." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Tax Commission, New York City (TC)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["transportation"]}" data-desc="The TLC was created in 1971, and is the agency responsible for the regulation and licensing of 200,000 yellow medallion taxicabs and for-hire vehicles, their drivers & their supporting businesses." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["education", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Teachers’ Retirement System of the City of New York (TRSNYC) is a public pension fund that provides New York City educators with retirement, disability, and death benefits. TRSNYC was established on August 1, 1917 and is currently the second-largest New York City pension system. We are also one of the largest pension plan sponsors in the United States, with more than $72 billion in assets as of June 30, 2018 and over 200,000 active and inactive members, retirees and beneficiaries." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Teachers' Retirement System of the City of New York</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Office of Technology and Innovation (OTI) creates tech-based solutions for a more effective, future-ready New York City. We make services work better across all sectors, from emergency services to benefits screening. We pool combined expertise from across the City to get stuff done for all New Yorkers. " data-url="/content/oti/pages/" data-social-email="/content/oti/pages/"> <a href="/content/oti/pages/" class="name">Technology and Innovation, NYC Office of (OTI)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["business"]}" data-desc="The New York City Transitional Finance Authority is a public benefit corporation created in 1997 to fund a portion of the capital program of the City of New York and to facilitate the capital finance program of the City." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Transitional Finance Authority, New York City (TFA)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["transportation"]}" data-desc="DOT provides for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods in New York City. The agency maintains bridges, tunnels, streets, sidewalks and bike lanes, and operates the Staten Island Ferry." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Transportation, Department of (DOT)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="U"> <h6 class="letter-header">U</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["environment"]}" data-desc="The Mayor’s Office of Urban Agriculture works to support, strengthen, and expand the city’s network of community gardens and urban farms for a healthier, more sustainable, and more equitable city. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Urban Agriculture, Mayor’s Office of</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="V"> <h6 class="letter-header">V</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services", "civic-services"]}" data-desc="The Department of Veterans' Services advises the Mayor on issues and projects impacting the veterans' community." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Veterans' Services, Department of (DVS)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="W"> <h6 class="letter-header">W</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["environment"]}" data-desc=" The New York City Water Board’s mission is to establish rates for and distribute the collected revenues of the Water and Sewer System (the "System") of the City of New York, proactively considering the optimal level to achieve efficient financing of the System’s infrastructure and sustainable provision of high-quality service at a fair price to our customers." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Water Board (NYWB)</a> </li> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["environment", "business"]}" data-desc="The New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority provides funding through the issuance of bonds, bond anticipation notes, and other obligations to finance capital projects related to supplying and purifying the City's high-quality drinking water and maintain safe wastewater collection and treatment." data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Water Finance Authority, NYC Municipal (NYW)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="X"> <h6 class="letter-header">X</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"></ul> </li> <li id="Y"> <h6 class="letter-header">Y</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"> <li data-topic="{"topics": ["social-services"]}" data-desc="The Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) was created in 1996 to provide the City of New York with high-quality youth and family programming. Our central task is administering available City, state, and federal funds to effective community-based organizations. " data-url="" data-social-email=""> <a href="" class="name">Youth and Community Development, Department of (DYCD)</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="Z"> <h6 class="letter-header">Z</h6> <ul class="alpha-list"></ul> </li> </ul> <a class="button-link black-link hidden-desktop hidden-tablet clearfix" id="view-all" href="#">View All</a><script type="text/x-handlebars-template" id="agency-info-template"></script> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--ls:end[component-1376502731329]--> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ls-row-clr"></div> </div> </div> <div class="ls-row" id="ls-row-1-col-1-row-3"> <div class="ls-fxr" id="ls-gen64592297-ls-fxr"> <div class="ls-area" id="ls-row-1-col-1-row-3-area-1"> <div class="ls-area-body" id="ls-gen64592298-ls-area-body"> <div class="ls-cmp-wrap ls-1st" id="w1376502731331"> <!--ls:begin[component-1376502731331]--> <div class="iw_component" id="1376502731331"><!--googleoff: all--><!-- Global Footer Start --><div class="row"> <footer aria-labelledby="nyc-footer" 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