Open Government - Custom query
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <feed xmlns="" xml:lang="en"><id></id><title>Open Government - Custom query</title><updated>2025-02-18T19:34:13.184615+00:00</updated><author><name>Alberta Open Government</name></author><link href="/dataset/" rel="alternate"/><link href="/feeds/custom.atom" rel="self"/><link href="/feeds/custom.atom?query=page&query=2" rel="next"/><link href="/feeds/custom.atom" rel="first"/><link href="/feeds/custom.atom?query=page&query=1562.1" rel="last"/><generator uri="" version="0.9.0">python-feedgen</generator><subtitle>Recently created or updated datasets on Open Government. Custom query: ''</subtitle><entry><id></id><title>Base Hydrography Point Event</title><updated>2025-02-18T03:49:03.599562+00:00</updated><content>The Base Hydrography Point Event layer contains hydrographic point features representing the locations of water or water related features captured through the 1:20000 Provincial Base Mapping Project, the 1:50000 Resource Access Mapping Program, the Alberta Vegetation Inventory Program and the Federal Government National Topographic Data Base 1:50000 mapping.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="DAM"/><category term="FALLS"/><category term="HYDRO"/><category term="HYDROGRAPHY"/><category term="HYDROGRAPHY-POINT"/><category term="ICEFIELD"/><category term="INLANDWATERS"/><category term="RAPIDS"/><category term="WATER-CONTROL-DEVICE"/><published>2020-04-30T04:12:44.085850+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>83 - Historical Reconnaissance Vegetation Inventory (RVI) Maps</title><updated>2025-02-18T03:49:03.669299+00:00</updated><content>This map series includes the Reconnaissance Vegetation Inventory maps as well as Current Vegetation Cover (CVC) for Wildlife Resource Inventory and the Assessment and Current Cover Types (CCT) for Wildlife Habitat Inventory. This series of reports and hardcopy maps provides a broad vegetation inventory for the Green Area and White Area. The maps depict both forestry and agricultural based vegetation cover types including those native and introduced to the province, as well as height, and density. In some cases non-vegetated areas are included in the inventory. The Reconnaissance Vegetation Inventory and Current Cover Types for Wildlife Habitat Inventory maps were created at a scale of 1:100 000. The Current Vegetation Cover for Wildlife Resource Inventory and Assessment maps were created at a scale of 1:250 000. The legend for the Reconnaissance Vegetation Inventory maps is slightly more detailed than the legend for the Current Cover Types for Wildlife Habitat Inventory maps. This product can be viewed on a computer, printed or be plotted in part or in whole. All available maps are provided in Adobe PDF and Tif format within downloadable WinZip files. This series is not updated and contains a range of publication dates. These maps are not available as geo-referenced rectified images or GIS-ready data.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="-CANADA"/><category term="1-100-000-SCALE-MAPS"/><category term="1-250-000-SCALE-MAPS"/><category term="AGRICULTURE"/><category term="ALBERTA"/><category term="BIOTA"/><category term="FORESTRY"/><category term="GREEN-AND-WHITE-AREA"/><category term="HABITAT-EVALUATION"/><category term="HABITAT-INVENTORY"/><category term="IMAGERYBASEMAPSEARTHCOVER"/><category term="MONOCHROME"/><category term="NATIONAL-TOPOGRAPHIC-SYSTEM"/><category term="NTS"/><category term="RECONNAISSANCE"/><category term="STATIC-MAP-IMAGES"/><category term="VEGETATION"/><category term="VEGETATION-COVER"/><category term="WILDLIFE-HABITAT"/><category term="WILDLIFE-MANAGEMENT-UNIT"/><published>2020-04-30T04:12:46.008426+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>Critical Habitat of Aquatic Species at Risk</title><updated>2025-02-18T03:49:03.753291+00:00</updated><content>Critical habitat is identified for species listed as Endangered or Threatened under the federal Species at Risk Act (SARA) and where federal critical habitat protection orders are in effect. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is the responsible authority for the protection, recovery and conservation of all listed aquatic species at risk in Canada. Critical habitat is defined as the habitat that is necessary for the survival or recovery of a listed wildlife species and that is identified as such in the recovery strategy or action plan for the species ( SARA makes it illegal to destroy any part of the critical habitat of a listed species and may impose restrictions on development and construction. Species in this layer have federal protection of critical habitat under a Critical Habitat Order pursuant to subsections 58(4) and (5) of SARA, which brings into force the subsection 58(1) prohibition against the destruction of any part of critical habitat. This dataset delineates an area or extent in which the species and its critical habitat may be found. Exterior extent polygons are derived from the detailed data provided in DFO's Fisheries and Oceans Canada Species at Risk dataset, reproduced under the Open Government Licence - Canada. Alberta Environment and Protected Areas Fish and Wildlife Management Information System (FWMIS) Hydrology Arc and Polygons data, and a surrounding larger buffer. This dataset communicates to users the following information: the proximity of aquatic critical habitat. the prohibition against the destruction of any part of aquatic critical habitat. directs users to DFO to ensure compliance with federal legal instruments. and ensures that any activities which may result in the destruction of critical habitat are managed to the extent required under SARA. Users must consult Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Projects Near Water webpage: Fisheries Protection Program: in relation to the application of the Species at Risk Act and published Critical Habitat Orders (SARA Public Registry).</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="-CANADA"/><category term="ALBERTA"/><category term="AQUATIC-ANIMALS"/><category term="AQUATIC-SPECIES"/><category term="BIOTA"/><category term="CRITICAL-HABITAT"/><category term="DIADROMOUS-FISH"/><category term="ENDANGERED-SPECIES"/><category term="ENVIRONMENT"/><category term="FISHERIES-MANAGEMENT"/><category term="FRESHWATER-FISH"/><category term="INLANDWATERS"/><category term="MOLLUSCS"/><category term="PROTECTED-SPECIES"/><category term="SALTWATER-FISH"/><category term="SEA-TURTLES"/><category term="SPECIES-AT-RISK"/><category term="THREATENED-SPECIES"/><category term="WHALES"/><published>2020-04-30T04:12:48.307797+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>2M Base Map - Provincial Base Map Series</title><updated>2025-02-18T03:49:03.821792+00:00</updated><content>This cartographic quality series of 1:2 000 000 scale colour maps cover the provincial extent of Alberta. The primary provincial base map displays the Alberta Township System (ATS), major hydrographic features, municipalities, major roads, railways and select geoadministrative features (parks, reserves, etc.). In addition to the primary provincial base map, this series includes various themes that overlay the primary base map. The update of this map series is based on the provincial Base Features Access Update Program that has an approximate 5 year update cycle. Refer to the 'time period of content' in the metadata record for currency of each map product. Each individual map sheet is provided in Adobe .pdf format.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="-CANADA"/><category term="1-2-000-000-SCALE-MAPS"/><category term="ALBERTA"/><category term="ALBERTA-TOWNSHIP-SYSTEM"/><category term="ATS"/><category term="BOUNDARIES"/><category term="HYDROGRAPHY"/><category term="IMAGERYBASEMAPSEARTHCOVER"/><category term="MUNICIPALITIES"/><category term="NATIONAL-TOPOGRAPHIC-SYSTEM"/><category term="NTS"/><category term="PROVINCIAL-HIGHWAYS"/><category term="RAILWAYS"/><category term="ROADS"/><category term="TRANSPORTATION"/><category term="WALL-MAPS"/><published>2022-04-12T05:15:57.878786+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>NTS Grid 1:50 000</title><updated>2025-02-18T03:49:03.900602+00:00</updated><content>This dataset is produced for the Government of Alberta and is available to the general public. Note that the distribution contact is different for the general public than for Government of Alberta ministries. Please consult the Distribution Information of this metadata for the appropriate contact to acquire this dataset.The National Topographic System of Canada (NTS) is a national mapping reference grid defined by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) that is based on degrees of latitude and longitude. Starting at the Prime Meridian and at the Equator, the 1:50 000 grid is formed by intersecting every 1/4 degree of the meridians with every 1/2 degrees of parallels. It can also true that the standard 1:250 000 NTS block is broken down into 16 1:50 000 blocks that a numbered south to north alternating east to west then west to east from one to 16. Each polygon in the grid is designated with a two digit number. a single letter and two additional numbers (Example 83H08). The province of Alberta is covered by 670 complete and 131 partially complete 1:50 000 NTS blocks.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="000"/><category term="1-50"/><category term="1-50K"/><category term="50K"/><category term="LOCATION"/><published>2020-04-30T04:12:50.250321+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>74 - Historical Reconnaissance Vegetation Inventory (RVI) Maps</title><updated>2025-02-18T03:49:03.987051+00:00</updated><content>This map series includes the Reconnaissance Vegetation Inventory maps as well as Current Vegetation Cover (CVC) for Wildlife Resource Inventory and the Assessment and Current Cover Types (CCT) for Wildlife Habitat Inventory. This series of reports and hardcopy maps provides a broad vegetation inventory for the Green Area and White Area. The maps depict both forestry and agricultural based vegetation cover types including those native and introduced to the province, as well as height, and density. In some cases non-vegetated areas are included in the inventory. The Reconnaissance Vegetation Inventory and Current Cover Types for Wildlife Habitat Inventory maps were created at a scale of 1:100 000. The Current Vegetation Cover for Wildlife Resource Inventory and Assessment maps were created at a scale of 1:250 000. The legend for the Reconnaissance Vegetation Inventory maps is slightly more detailed than the legend for the Current Cover Types for Wildlife Habitat Inventory maps. This product can be viewed on a computer, printed or be plotted in part or in whole. All available maps are provided in Adobe PDF and Tif format within downloadable WinZip files. This series is not updated and contains a range of publication dates. These maps are not available as geo-referenced rectified images or GIS-ready data.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="-CANADA"/><category term="1-100-000-SCALE-MAPS"/><category term="1-250-000-SCALE-MAPS"/><category term="AGRICULTURE"/><category term="ALBERTA"/><category term="BIOTA"/><category term="FORESTRY"/><category term="GREEN-AND-WHITE-AREA"/><category term="HABITAT-EVALUATION"/><category term="HABITAT-INVENTORY"/><category term="IMAGERYBASEMAPSEARTHCOVER"/><category term="MONOCHROME"/><category term="NATIONAL-TOPOGRAPHIC-SYSTEM"/><category term="NTS"/><category term="RECONNAISSANCE"/><category term="STATIC-MAP-IMAGES"/><category term="VEGETATION"/><category term="VEGETATION-COVER"/><category term="WILDLIFE-HABITAT"/><category term="WILDLIFE-MANAGEMENT-UNIT"/><published>2020-04-30T04:12:52.162336+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>84G 50K Map - Provincial Resource Access Map Series</title><updated>2025-02-18T03:49:04.071708+00:00</updated><content>This series of cartographic quality printed 1:50 000 scale monochrome maps cover the provincial extent of Alberta comprised of 764 maps that are individually named using the National Topographic System (NTS) map sheet identifier. These maps display the Alberta Township System (ATS), hydrographic features, municipalities, roads, cutlines, facilities, pipelines, powerlines, railways, select geo-administrative features (parks, reserves, etc.). All maps contained within a 1:250 000 block (generally up to 16 map sheets) will be included in the NTS Block download.This series is not updated on a regular basis and may contain a range of publication dates.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="-CANADA"/><category term="1-50-000-SCALE-MAPS"/><category term="ALBERTA"/><category term="ALBERTA-TOWNSHIP-SYSTEM"/><category term="ATS"/><category term="BOUNDARIES"/><category term="CUTLINES"/><category term="FACILITIES"/><category term="GEOADMINISTRATIVE-BOUNDARIES"/><category term="HYDROGRAPHY"/><category term="IMAGERYBASEMAPSEARTHCOVER"/><category term="MUNICIPAL-BOUNDARIES"/><category term="MUNICIPALITIES"/><category term="NATIONAL-TOPOGRAPHIC-SYSTEM"/><category term="NTS"/><category term="PIPELINES"/><category term="POWERLINES"/><category term="PROVINCIAL-BASE-MAP"/><category term="PROVINCIAL-HIGHWAYS"/><category term="PROVINCIAL-RESOURCE-ACCESS-MAP-SERIES"/><category term="RAILWAY"/><category term="RAILWAYS"/><category term="ROADS"/><category term="TRANSPORTATION"/><category term="WALL-MAPS"/><published>2020-04-30T04:12:54.179268+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>83F 50K Map - Provincial Resource Access Map Series</title><updated>2025-02-18T03:49:04.151254+00:00</updated><content>This series of cartographic quality printed 1:50 000 scale monochrome maps cover the provincial extent of Alberta comprised of 764 maps that are individually named using the National Topographic System (NTS) map sheet identifier. These maps display the Alberta Township System (ATS), hydrographic features, municipalities, roads, cutlines, facilities, pipelines, powerlines, railways, select geo-administrative features (parks, reserves, etc.). All maps contained within a 1:250 000 block (generally up to 16 map sheets) will be included in the NTS Block download.This series is not updated on a regular basis and may contain a range of publication dates.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="-CANADA"/><category term="1-50-000-SCALE-MAPS"/><category term="ALBERTA"/><category term="ALBERTA-TOWNSHIP-SYSTEM"/><category term="ATS"/><category term="BOUNDARIES"/><category term="CUTLINES"/><category term="FACILITIES"/><category term="GEOADMINISTRATIVE-BOUNDARIES"/><category term="HYDROGRAPHY"/><category term="IMAGERYBASEMAPSEARTHCOVER"/><category term="MUNICIPAL-BOUNDARIES"/><category term="MUNICIPALITIES"/><category term="NATIONAL-TOPOGRAPHIC-SYSTEM"/><category term="NTS"/><category term="PIPELINES"/><category term="POWERLINES"/><category term="PROVINCIAL-BASE-MAP"/><category term="PROVINCIAL-HIGHWAYS"/><category term="PROVINCIAL-RESOURCE-ACCESS-MAP-SERIES"/><category term="RAILWAY"/><category term="RAILWAYS"/><category term="ROADS"/><category term="TRANSPORTATION"/><category term="WALL-MAPS"/><published>2020-04-30T04:12:56.363992+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>Livingstone-Porcupine Hills (LPH) Region Linear Disturbance (2017)</title><updated>2025-02-18T03:49:04.235499+00:00</updated><content>This is a linear disturbance dataset for the Livingstone-Porcupine Hills region of Alberta. This dataset was created to support spatial analyses of linear disturbances in the Livingstone-Porcupine Hills region for the Alberta Environment and Parks report entitled 'Linear Disturbances in the Livingstone-Porcupine Hills of Alberta: Review of Potential Ecological Responses' which can be found at All linear disturbances are grouped into five categories using attribution from input data sources. These include: paved roads. gravel roads. unimproved roads, unclassified roads, and truck trails. pipelines and powerlines. and cutlines and trails. Please note: this legacy dataset will not be updated. For questions regarding the data, please contact</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="-ACCESS"/><category term="-LINEAR-DISTURBANCE"/><category term="-LIVINGSTONE-PUBLIC-LAND-USE-ZONE"/><category term="-PORCUPINE-HILLS-PUBLIC-LAND-USE-ZONE"/><category term="-ROADS"/><category term="-TRAILS"/><category term="DOWNLOADABLE-DATA"/><category term="ENVIRONMENT"/><category term="LIVINGSTONE-PORCUPINE-HILLS-REGION"/><category term="TRANSPORTATION"/><published>2020-04-30T04:12:58.789301+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>Public Land Recreation Area</title><updated>2025-02-18T03:49:04.300467+00:00</updated><content>The Public Land Recreation Area dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent Public Land Recreation Areas in Alberta. A Public Land Recreation Area is an area of recreation land designated under the authority of Section 179 of the Public Lands Administration Regulation under the Public Lands Act. Public Land Recreation Area was formerly known as Forest Recreation Area under the Forest Recreation Regulation under the Forests Act. No changes to the Forest Recreation Area data layer were made when it was migrated to become the Public Land Recreation Area dataset.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="-CANADA"/><category term="ALBERTA"/><category term="BOUNDARIES"/><category term="PUBLIC-LAND"/><category term="RECREATION-AREA"/><published>2024-05-31T02:51:21.823740+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>Industrial Heartland - Designated Industrial Zone Boundaries</title><updated>2025-02-18T03:49:04.383399+00:00</updated><content>The dataset was developed to provide geographic guide to better understand the boundaries of the Industrial Heartland - Designated Industrial Zone (IH-DIZ). The IH-DIZ industrial zoned land extends into 5 different municipalities, including: Approx. 533 km2 within the City of Fort Saskatchewan and the Counties of Lamont, Strathcona and Sturgeon. Approx. 49 km2 in the City of Edmonton, which is the industrial area known as the Edmonton Energy and Technology Park.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="-CANADA"/><category term="ALBERTA"/><category term="BOUNDARIES"/><category term="DESIGNATED-INDUSTRIAL-ZONES"/><category term="ECONOMIC-ZONE"/><category term="ECONOMY"/><category term="EDMONTON"/><category term="FORT-SASKATCHEWAN"/><category term="INDUSTRIAL-HEARTLAND"/><category term="INTER-COUNTY-INDUSTRIAL-ECONOMIC-ZONE"/><category term="LAMONT-COUNTY"/><category term="STRATHCONA-COUNTY"/><category term="STURGEON-COUNTY"/><published>2024-03-28T02:51:05.793565+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>Springbank Off-stream Reservoir land use plan</title><updated>2025-02-18T15:29:27.541863+00:00</updated><content>The Springbank off-stream reservoir land use plan directs permissible land uses and priorities for use for the plan area, located between Highway 1 and Highway 8, at the junction of Highway 22 and Springbank Road, and is situated on Treaty 7 land. The land use plan describes a variety of access scenarios, suitable land uses, and related policy directions specific to the plan area, and it reflects the primary intention for an overall reduction of flood risk to people and infrastructure downstream and prioritizing the exercise of treaty rights and traditional uses after flood mitigation and safety. </content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="Crown land use"/><category term="Crown lands"/><category term="Springbank land use plan"/><category term="Springbank off-stream reservoir"/><category term="land use planning"/><category term="reservoirs"/><category term="water management"/><published>2024-07-25T14:28:23.554826+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>Monthly reference price calculations [2024]</title><updated>2025-02-18T16:07:27.189129+00:00</updated><content>The Alberta natural gas reference price is a monthly weighted average field price of all Alberta gas sales, as determined by the Alberta Department of Energy through a survey of actual sales transactions. This price is used for royalty purposes. </content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="butanes ISC reference prices"/><category term="ethane ISC reference prices"/><category term="gas reference prices"/><category term="methane ISC par prices"/><category term="methane ISC reference prices"/><category term="natural gas liquids reference par prices"/><category term="natural gas liquids reference prices"/><category term="natural gas prices"/><category term="pentanes ISC reference prices"/><category term="propane ISC reference prices"/><category term="reference price calculations"/><category term="sulphur default prices"/><published>2024-03-15T17:07:34.575556+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>Protocol for agreements for minority-language education and second-language instruction 2024-2025 to 2027-2028 between the Government of Canada and the provinces and territories</title><updated>2025-02-18T16:34:13.740269+00:00</updated><content>A multi-year, multilateral agreement between the Government of Canada and the provinces and territories setting out the key parameters for collaboration between the two orders of government on official languages in education. The agreement provides a mechanism through which the federal government contributes to the costs incurred by the provinces and territories in the delivery of minority-language education and second-language instruction.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="minority language education"/><category term="official languages"/><category term="second language instruction"/><published>2025-02-18T16:21:58.371211+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>Protocole d'entente relatif à l'enseignement dans la langue de la minorité et à l'enseignement de la langue seconde 2024-2025 to 2027-2028 entre le gouvernement du Canada et les provinces et les territoires</title><updated>2025-02-18T16:34:23.004962+00:00</updated><content>Un accord multilatéral pluriannuel entre le Gouvernement du Canada et les provinces et territoires établissant les paramètres clés de collaboration entre les deux ordres de gouvernement sur les langues officielles dans le domaine de l’éducation. L’entente fournit un mécanisme en vertu duquel le gouvernement fédéral assume une partie des frais engagés par les provinces et les territoires relativement à la prestation des programmes d’enseignement dans la langue de la minorité et des programmes d’enseignement de la langue seconde.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="langue de la minorité"/><category term="langue seconde"/><category term="langues officielles"/><category term="minority language education"/><category term="official languages"/><category term="second language instruction"/><category term="second languages"/><published>2025-02-18T16:26:32.318244+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>Protocol for agreements for minority-language education and second-language instruction 2019-2020 to 2022-23 between the Government of Canada and the provinces and territories</title><updated>2025-02-18T16:35:09.277212+00:00</updated><content>A multi-year, multilateral agreement between the Government of Canada and the provinces and territories setting out the key parameters for collaboration between the two orders of government on official languages in education. The agreement provides a mechanism through which the federal government contributes to the costs incurred by the provinces and territories in the delivery of minority-language education and second-language instruction.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="minority language education"/><category term="official languages"/><category term="second language instruction"/><published>2020-05-05T19:57:23.592978+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>Protocole d'entente relatif à l'enseignement dans la langue de la minorité et à l'enseignement de la langue seconde 2019–2020 à 2022–2023 entre le gouvernement du Canada et les provinces et les territoires</title><updated>2025-02-18T16:37:36.291987+00:00</updated><content>Un accord multilatéral pluriannuel entre le Gouvernement du Canada et les provinces et territoires établissant les paramètres clés de collaboration entre les deux ordres de gouvernement sur les langues officielles dans le domaine de l’éducation. L’entente fournit un mécanisme en vertu duquel le gouvernement fédéral assume une partie des frais engagés par les provinces et les territoires relativement à la prestation des programmes d’enseignement dans la langue de la minorité et des programmes d’enseignement de la langue seconde.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="langue de la minorité"/><category term="langue seconde"/><category term="langues officielles"/><category term="minority language education"/><category term="minority languages"/><category term="official languages"/><category term="second language instruction"/><category term="second languages"/><published>2020-05-05T20:01:23.532605+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>STANDATA interpretation : building [National Building Code-2023 Alberta Edition]</title><updated>2025-02-18T16:39:39.898553+00:00</updated><content>The following STANDATA were issued under the National Building Code–2023 Alberta edition. STANDATA, which include province-wide variances and interpretations, are specific to the version of the Code that they were issued under. Once a new Code comes into effect, all existing STANDATA are deemed to be obsolete and cannot be used for new construction. They are, however, still valid for evaluating code compliance of existing structures by fire services, insurance companies and by building inspectors in consideration of renovations and retrofits.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="National Building Code-2023 Alberta Edition"/><category term="STANDATA"/><category term="building codes"/><category term="standards"/><published>2024-04-02T17:13:14.201686+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>STANDATA variance : building [National Building Code–2023 Alberta Edition]</title><updated>2025-02-18T17:22:28.302192+00:00</updated><content>The following STANDATA were issued under the National Building Code–2023 Alberta edition. STANDATA, which include province-wide variances and interpretations, are specific to the version of the Code that they were issued under. Once a new Code comes into effect, all existing STANDATA are deemed to be obsolete and cannot be used for new construction. They are, however, still valid for evaluating code compliance of existing structures by fire services, insurance companies and by building inspectors in consideration of renovations and retrofits.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="National Building Code-2023 Alberta Edition"/><category term="STANDATA"/><category term="building codes"/><category term="standards"/><published>2024-04-02T17:30:37.266106+00:00</published></entry><entry><id></id><title>Alberta small business profile</title><updated>2025-02-18T17:48:50.587870+00:00</updated><content>The Alberta Small Business Profile 2024 details the importance of small business to Alberta's economy, using facts and statistics about small businesses in Alberta. Context is provided through comparisons with other Canadian provinces, and through industry and regional breakdowns within Alberta.This publication serves as a helpful tool for businesses leaders, policy makers, entrepreneurs and all Albertans, providing a means the monitor the competitiveness of Alberta's small business and the entrepreneurial environment.</content><link href="" rel="alternate"/><link href="" rel="enclosure"/><category term="economic development"/><category term="small business profile"/><category term="small businesses"/><category term="statistics"/><published>2024-10-11T20:39:37.175281+00:00</published></entry></feed>