@prefix : <> . @prefix dct: <> . @prefix dc: <> . @prefix foaf: <> . @prefix owl: <> . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix skos: <> . @prefix skosxl: <> . @prefix void: <> . @prefix xsd: <> . @prefix lime: <> . :Agrovoc rdf:type void:Dataset ; rdfs:label "Agrovoc Dataset"^^xsd:string ; foaf:homepage <> ; dct:created "1981"^^xsd:gYear ; dct:modified "2024-11-05T08:24:42Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; dct:creator <> ; dc:creator "賲賳馗賲丞 丕賱兀睾匕賷丞 賵丕賱夭乇丕毓丞 賱賱兀賲賲 丕賱賲鬲丨丿丞"@ar ; dc:creator "Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations"@en ; dc:creator "Organizaci贸n de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentaci贸n y la Agricultura"@es ; dc:creator "Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture"@fr ; dc:creator "袩褉芯写芯胁芯谢褜褋褌胁械薪薪邪褟 懈 褋械谢褜褋泻芯褏芯蟹褟泄褋褌胁械薪薪邪褟 芯褉谐邪薪懈蟹邪褑懈褟 袨斜褗械写懈薪械薪薪褘褏 袧邪褑懈泄"@ru ; dc:creator "鑱斿悎鍥界伯椋熷強鍐滀笟缁勭粐"@zh ; dct:description "The AGROVOC thesaurus contains more than 41 000 concepts in 42 languages covering topics related to food, nutrition, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, environment and other related domains"@en ; dct:license <> ; dc:rights "CC-BY 4.0"^^<> ; dct:publisher <> ; dct:source <> ; dct:subject <> , <> , <> , <> , <> , <>; dct:title "Agrovoc"^^xsd:string ; void:dataDump <>; void:feature <> , <> ; void:exampleResource <> , <> , <> , <> , <> ; void:rootResource :c_330995 , :c_331000 , :c_50227 , :c_331093 , :c_7644 , :c_7778 , :c_330985 , :c_330892 , :c_330991 , :c_13586 , :c_49904 , :c_330493 , :c_9001017 , :c_330705 , :c_330704 , :c_49874 , :c_330834 , :c_330829 , :c_6211 , :c_330979 , :c_4788 , :c_331061 , :c_330988 , :c_330919 , :c_330998 ; void:sparqlEndpoint <> ; void:uriSpace "" ; # resources in the <> scheme void:subset :landvoc ; # resources in the <> scheme void:subset :faolex ; # resources in the <> scheme void:subset :asfa ; # resources in the <> scheme void:subset :one-cgiar ; # statistics computed on the LOD distribution void:triples 9526883 ; void:entities 1219485 ; void:distinctSubjects 1237446 ; void:distinctObjects 1289087 ; void:classPartition [ void:class skos:Concept; void:entities 41239 ; ]; void:classPartition [ void:class skosxl:Label; void:entities 1177964; ]; # set of lexicalizations in Agrovoc void:subset :ara_lex ; void:subset :bel_lex ; void:subset :bul_lex ; void:subset :ben_lex ; void:subset :cat_lex ; void:subset :ces_lex ; void:subset :dan_lex ; void:subset :deu_lex ; void:subset :gre_lex ; void:subset :eng_lex ; void:subset :spa_lex ; void:subset :es-419_lex ; void:subset :est_lex ; void:subset :fas_lex ; void:subset :fin_lex ; void:subset :fra_lex ; void:subset :gle_lex ; void:subset :hin_lex ; void:subset :hrv_lex ; void:subset :hun_lex ; void:subset :ind_lex ; void:subset :ita_lex ; void:subset :jpn_lex ; void:subset :kat_lex ; void:subset :khm_lex ; void:subset :kor_lex ; void:subset :lat_lex ; void:subset :lao_lex ; void:subset :lit_lex ; void:subset :lav_lex ; void:subset :mkd_lex ; void:subset :mar_lex ; void:subset :msa_lex ; void:subset :mlt_lex ; void:subset :mya_lex ; void:subset :nob_lex ; void:subset :nep_lex ; void:subset :dut_lex ; void:subset :nno_lex ; void:subset :pol_lex ; void:subset :por_lex ; void:subset :pt-BR_lex ; void:subset :ron_lex ; void:subset :rus_lex ; void:subset :sme_lex ; void:subset :sin_lex ; void:subset :slk_lex ; void:subset :slv_lex ; void:subset :alb_lex ; void:subset :srp_lex ; void:subset :swe_lex ; void:subset :swa_lex ; void:subset :tel_lex ; void:subset :tha_lex ; void:subset :tur_lex ; void:subset :ukr_lex ; void:subset :vie_lex ; void:subset :zho_lex ; # set of linksets in Agrovoc void:subset :AGROVOC2DBPEDIA_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DBPEDIA_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DBPEDIA_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DBPEDIA_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DBPEDIA_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DDC_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DDC_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DDC_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DDC_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DDC_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DNB_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DNB_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DNB_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DNB_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DNB_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EUROVOC_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EUROVOC_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EUROVOC_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EUROVOC_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EUROVOC_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EIGE_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EIGE_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EIGE_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EIGE_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EIGE_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GEMET_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GEMET_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GEMET_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GEMET_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GEMET_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GeoNames_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GeoNames_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GeoNames_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GeoNames_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GeoNames_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GeopoliticalOntology_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GeopoliticalOntology_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GeopoliticalOntology_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GeopoliticalOntology_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GeopoliticalOntology_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2LCSH_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2LCSH_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2LCSH_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2LCSH_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2LCSH_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2NALT_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2NALT_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2NALT_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2NALT_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2NALT_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2RAMEAU_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2RAMEAU_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2RAMEAU_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2RAMEAU_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2RAMEAU_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2STW_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2STW_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2STW_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2STW_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2STW_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2TheSoz_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2TheSoz_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2TheSoz_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2TheSoz_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2TheSoz_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EARTh_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EARTh_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EARTh_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EARTh_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EARTh_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CAAS_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CAAS_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CAAS_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CAAS_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CAAS_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2BNCF_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2BNCF_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2BNCF_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2BNCF_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2BNCF_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CABI_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CABI_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CABI_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CABI_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CABI_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNESCO_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNESCO_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNESCO_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNESCO_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNESCO_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2INRA_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2INRA_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2INRA_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2INRA_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2INRA_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GACS_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GACS_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GACS_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GACS_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GACS_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2WORLDBANK_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2WORLDBANK_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2WORLDBANK_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2WORLDBANK_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2WORLDBANK_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2MESH_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2MESH_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2MESH_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2MESH_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2MESH_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GBIF_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GBIF_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GBIF_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GBIF_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2GBIF_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2REALFAGSTERMER_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2REALFAGSTERMER_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2REALFAGSTERMER_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2REALFAGSTERMER_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2REALFAGSTERMER_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNBIS_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNBIS_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNBIS_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNBIS_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNBIS_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2SDG_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2SDG_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2SDG_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2SDG_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2SDG_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2LOTERRE_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2LOTERRE_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2LOTERRE_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2LOTERRE_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2LOTERRE_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ESCO_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ESCO_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ESCO_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ESCO_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ESCO_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UKAT_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UKAT_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UKAT_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UKAT_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UKAT_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CRAI_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CRAI_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CRAI_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CRAI_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CRAI_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2NERC_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2NERC_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2NERC_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2NERC_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2NERC_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ENVTHES_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ENVTHES_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ENVTHES_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ENVTHES_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ENVTHES_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2SCOT_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2SCOT_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2SCOT_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2SCOT_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2SCOT_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DTIC_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DTIC_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DTIC_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DTIC_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2DTIC_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2WIKIDATA_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2WIKIDATA_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2WIKIDATA_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2WIKIDATA_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2WIKIDATA_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2MESA_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2MESA_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2MESA_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2MESA_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2MESA_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNSPSC_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNSPSC_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNSPSC_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNSPSC_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNSPSC_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2YSO_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2YSO_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2YSO_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2YSO_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2YSO_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EC_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EC_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EC_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EC_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EC_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2THEPLANTLIST_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2THEPLANTLIST_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2THEPLANTLIST_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2THEPLANTLIST_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2THEPLANTLIST_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2IPNI_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2IPNI_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2IPNI_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2IPNI_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2IPNI_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2IUCN_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2IUCN_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2IUCN_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2IUCN_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2IUCN_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNIPROT_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNIPROT_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNIPROT_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNIPROT_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2UNIPROT_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CALATHE_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CALATHE_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CALATHE_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CALATHE_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2CALATHE_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ILO_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ILO_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ILO_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ILO_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ILO_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EPPO_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EPPO_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EPPO_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EPPO_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EPPO_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2POWO_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2POWO_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2POWO_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2POWO_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2POWO_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2TROPICOS_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2TROPICOS_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2TROPICOS_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2TROPICOS_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2TROPICOS_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EF_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EF_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EF_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EF_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EF_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2FAUNAEUR_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2FAUNAEUR_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2FAUNAEUR_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2FAUNAEUR_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2FAUNAEUR_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2INDEXFUNGORUM_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2INDEXFUNGORUM_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2INDEXFUNGORUM_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2INDEXFUNGORUM_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2INDEXFUNGORUM_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2TESAUROBAC_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2TESAUROBAC_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2TESAUROBAC_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2TESAUROBAC_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2TESAUROBAC_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EURFASHION_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EURFASHION_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EURFASHION_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EURFASHION_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EURFASHION_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ICD_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ICD_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ICD_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ICD_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2ICD_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EUVOCCOUNTRY_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EUVOCCOUNTRY_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EUVOCCOUNTRY_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EUVOCCOUNTRY_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EUVOCCOUNTRY_5 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EUVOFC300_1 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EUVOFC300_2 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EUVOFC300_3 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EUVOFC300_4 ; void:subset :AGROVOC2EUVOFC300_5 . # void description of the landvoc subset :landvoc rdf:type void:Dataset ; owl:versionInfo "2.0" ; dct:title "LandVoc - the Linked Land Governance Thesaurus"@en ; dct:title "LandVoc - el tesauro de datos enlazados sobre gobernanza de la tierra"@es ; dct:title "LandVoc - il tesauro connesso alla governance della terra"@it ; dct:title "LandVoc - O l茅xico de liga莽茫o em governan莽a da terra"@pt ; dct:title "LandVoc - le th茅saurus connect茅 de la gouvernance fonci猫re"@fr ; rdfs:label "LandVoc - the Linked Land Governance Thesaurus"@en ; rdfs:label "LandVoc - el tesauro de datos enlazados sobre gobernanza de la tierra"@es ; rdfs:label "LandVoc - il tesauro connesso alla governance della terra"@it ; rdfs:label "LandVoc - O l茅xico de liga莽茫o em governan莽a da terra"@pt ; rdfs:label "LandVoc - le th茅saurus connect茅 de la gouvernance fonci猫re"@fr ; dct:description "LandVoc is the standardized vocabulary for concepts relating to land governance, curated by the Land Portal Foundation"@en ; dct:description "LandVoc es un vocabulario estandarizado de conceptos relativos a la gobernanza de la tierra, seleccionado y organizado por Land Portal Foundation"@es ; dct:description "LandVoc 猫 un vocabolario standardizzato di concetti relativi alla governance della terra, a cura della Land Portal Foundation"@it ; dct:description "LandVoc 茅 o vocabul谩rio padr茫o para conceitos relativos 脿 governan莽a da terra, com a curadoria da Land Portal Foundation"@pt ; dct:description "LandVoc est le vocabulaire standardis茅 pour les concepts relatifs 脿 la gouvernance fonci猫re, ger茅 par la Land Portal Foundation"@fr ; dc:contributor "Laura Meggiolaro" ; dc:contributor "Lisette Meij" ; dc:contributor "Vittoria Ruggiero" ; dc:contributor "Gerard Ciparisse" ; dc:contributor "Natalia Vaccarezza" ; dc:contributor "Carlos Tejo-Alonso" ; dc:contributor "Henrique Pires dos Santos (ACTUAR)" ; dc:contributor "Sara Jani (ICARDA, MEL)" ; dc:contributor "Mira Haddad (ICARDA, MEL)" ; dct:contributor <> ; dct:contributor <> ; dct:contributor <> ; dct:contributor <> ; dct:contributor <> ; dct:contributor <> ; dct:contributor <> ; dct:contributor <> ; dct:contributor <> ; dct:contributor <> ; dct:publisher <> ; dct:license <> ; foaf:homepage <> ; dct:created "2016-06-01"^^xsd:date ; dct:modified "2024-11-05T08:24:42Z"^^xsd:date ; dct:issued "2016-06-01"^^xsd:date ; foaf:homepage <> . # void description of the asfa subset :asfa rdf:type void:Dataset ; owl:versionInfo "2.0" ; dct:modified "2024-11-05T08:24:42Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; dct:license <> ; dct:publisher <> ; void:sparqlEndpoint <> ; foaf:homepage <> ; foaf:homepage <>. # void description of the faolex subset :faolex rdf:type void:Dataset ; owl:versionInfo "2.0" ; dct:modified "2024-11-05T08:24:42Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; dct:license <> ; dct:publisher <> ; void:sparqlEndpoint <> ; foaf:homepage <> ; foaf:homepage <> . #void description of the one-cgiar subset :one-cgiar rdf:type void:Dataset ; owl:versionInfo "2.0" ; dct:modified "2024-11-05T08:24:42Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; dct:license <> ; dct:publisher <> ; foaf:homepage <> ; foaf:homepage <> . # Linguistic Metadata (LIME) # see: # see: # lime:lexicalEntries number of distinct lexical entries lexicalizing the dataset # lime:references number of entities in the dataset lexicalized by at least a lexical entry # lime:lexicalizations number of lexicalizations in a lexicalization set, i.e. number of unique <lexentry,reference> pairs # lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations average number of lexicalizations per dataset entity = lexicalizations/|ref-dataset| # lime:percentage percentage of entities in the reference dataset which have at least one lexicalization :ara_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "ar" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "42703"^^<> ; lime:references "41238"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.9992004"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "43018"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "1.0423299"^^<> . :bel_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "be" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "11160"^^<> ; lime:references "9088"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.22020304"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "11199"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.27135277"^^<> . :bul_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "bg" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "34"^^<> ; lime:references "33"^^<> ; lime:percentage "7.9959293E-4"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "34"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "8.2382304E-4"^^<> . :ben_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "bn" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "5"^^<> ; lime:references "5"^^<> ; lime:percentage "1.2115044E-4"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "5"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "1.2115044E-4"^^<> . :cat_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "ca" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "465"^^<> ; lime:references "455"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.01102469"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "465"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.0112669915"^^<> . :ces_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "cs" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "46711"^^<> ; lime:references "37982"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.9203072"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "46806"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "1.1341136"^^<> . :dan_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "da" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "23211"^^<> ; lime:references "23185"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.5617746"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "23211"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.5624046"^^<> . :deu_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "de" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "46509"^^<> ; lime:references "38765"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.9392794"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "46526"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "1.1273291"^^<> . :gre_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "el" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "193"^^<> ; lime:references "191"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.0046279468"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "193"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.004676407"^^<> . :eng_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "en" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "53333"^^<> ; lime:references "41243"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.9993216"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "53347"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "1.2926025"^^<> . :spa_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "es" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "56572"^^<> ; lime:references "41242"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.9992973"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "56721"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "1.3743548"^^<> . :es-419_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "es-419" ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "2"^^<> ; lime:references "1"^^<> ; lime:percentage "2.4230088E-5"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "2"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "4.8460177E-5"^^<> . :est_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "et" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "362"^^<> ; lime:references "358"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.008674372"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "362"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.008771292"^^<> . :fas_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "fa" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "28721"^^<> ; lime:references "19816"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.48014343"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "28723"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.6959608"^^<> . :fin_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "fi" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "454"^^<> ; lime:references "453"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.010976231"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "454"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.01100046"^^<> . :fra_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "fr" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "49137"^^<> ; lime:references "41068"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.9950813"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "49149"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "1.1908846"^^<> . :gle_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "ga" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "90"^^<> ; lime:references "90"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.002180708"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "90"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.002180708"^^<> . :hin_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "hi" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "27376"^^<> ; lime:references "20314"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.49221003"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "27590"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.6685082"^^<> . :hrv_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "hr" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "54"^^<> ; lime:references "54"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.0013084247"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "54"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.0013084247"^^<> . :hun_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "hu" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "40332"^^<> ; lime:references "34026"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.824453"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "40455"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.98022825"^^<> . :ind_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "id" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "22"^^<> ; lime:references "22"^^<> ; lime:percentage "5.33062E-4"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "22"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "5.33062E-4"^^<> . :ita_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "it" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "47695"^^<> ; lime:references "38497"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.93278575"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "47852"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "1.1594582"^^<> . :jpn_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "ja" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "35768"^^<> ; lime:references "30619"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.7419011"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "36332"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.8803276"^^<> . :kat_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "ka" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "38183"^^<> ; lime:references "31836"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.7713891"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "38184"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.9252017"^^<> . :khm_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "km" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "260"^^<> ; lime:references "264"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.0063967435"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "266"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.0064452034"^^<> . :kor_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "ko" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "14547"^^<> ; lime:references "12785"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.3097817"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "14719"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.3566427"^^<> . :lat_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "la" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "22212"^^<> ; lime:references "22122"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.536018"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "22212"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.5381987"^^<> . :lao_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "lo" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "19698"^^<> ; lime:references "17188"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.41646677"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "19706"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.47747815"^^<> . :lit_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "lt" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "3"^^<> ; lime:references "3"^^<> ; lime:percentage "7.2690265E-5"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "3"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "7.2690265E-5"^^<> . :lav_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "lv" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "12"^^<> ; lime:references "12"^^<> ; lime:percentage "2.9076106E-4"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "12"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "2.9076106E-4"^^<> . :mkd_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "mk" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "1"^^<> ; lime:references "1"^^<> ; lime:percentage "2.4230088E-5"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "1"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "2.4230088E-5"^^<> . :mar_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "mr" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "3"^^<> ; lime:references "3"^^<> ; lime:percentage "7.2690265E-5"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "3"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "7.2690265E-5"^^<> . :msa_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "ms" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "880"^^<> ; lime:references "859"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.020813646"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "883"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.02139517"^^<> . :mlt_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "mt" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "3"^^<> ; lime:references "3"^^<> ; lime:percentage "7.2690265E-5"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "3"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "7.2690265E-5"^^<> . :mya_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "my" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "283"^^<> ; lime:references "282"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.006832885"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "285"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.0069055753"^^<> . :nob_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "nb" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "27357"^^<> ; lime:references "27140"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.65760463"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "27357"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.66286254"^^<> . :nep_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "ne" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "6"^^<> ; lime:references "6"^^<> ; lime:percentage "1.4538053E-4"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "6"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "1.4538053E-4"^^<> . :dut_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "nl" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "22870"^^<> ; lime:references "22858"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.55385137"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "22870"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.5541421"^^<> . :nno_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "nn" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "651"^^<> ; lime:references "631"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.0152891865"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "651"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.015773788"^^<> . :pol_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "pl" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "43024"^^<> ; lime:references "34281"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.8306317"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "43025"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "1.0424995"^^<> . :por_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "pt" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "41906"^^<> ; lime:references "35679"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.86450535"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "41937"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "1.0161372"^^<> . :pt-BR_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "pt-BR" ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "26078"^^<> ; lime:references "25255"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.6119309"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "26087"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.63209033"^^<> . :ron_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "ro" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "37349"^^<> ; lime:references "33251"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.8056747"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "37353"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.9050665"^^<> . :rus_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "ru" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "50357"^^<> ; lime:references "41242"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.9992973"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "50532"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "1.2243948"^^<> . :sme_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "se" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "21"^^<> ; lime:references "20"^^<> ; lime:percentage "4.8460177E-4"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "21"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "5.088319E-4"^^<> . :sin_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "si" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "1"^^<> ; lime:references "1"^^<> ; lime:percentage "2.4230088E-5"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "1"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "2.4230088E-5"^^<> . :slk_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "sk" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "39104"^^<> ; lime:references "33610"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.8143733"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "39340"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.9532117"^^<> . :slv_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "sl" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "94"^^<> ; lime:references "93"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.0022533983"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "94"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.0022776283"^^<> . :alb_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "sq" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "51"^^<> ; lime:references "51"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.0012357346"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "51"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.0012357346"^^<> . :srp_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "sr" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "27035"^^<> ; lime:references "26791"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.6491483"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "27039"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.6551574"^^<> . :swe_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "sv" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "23126"^^<> ; lime:references "23098"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.5596666"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "23127"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.56036925"^^<> . :swa_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "sw" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "40002"^^<> ; lime:references "39096"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.94729954"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "40075"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.9710208"^^<> . :tel_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "te" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "4548"^^<> ; lime:references "3914"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.09483657"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "4548"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.110198446"^^<> . :tha_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "th" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "25688"^^<> ; lime:references "19953"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.48346296"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "25699"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.62268907"^^<> . :tur_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "tr" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "56894"^^<> ; lime:references "41121"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.9963655"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "57030"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "1.381842"^^<> . :ukr_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "uk" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "32366"^^<> ; lime:references "29234"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.70834243"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "32415"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.78541833"^^<> . :vie_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "vi" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "22809"^^<> ; lime:references "22813"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.552761"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "22823"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "0.5530033"^^<> . :zho_lex a lime:LexicalizationSet ; lime:language "zh" ; dct:language <>, <> ; lime:lexicalizationModel <> ; lime:referenceDataset :Agrovoc ; lime:lexicalEntries "46806"^^<> ; lime:references "38493"^^<> ; lime:percentage "0.93268883"^^<> ; lime:lexicalizations "47003"^^<> ; lime:avgNumOfLexicalizations "1.1388869"^^<> . <> rdf:type foaf:Organization ; foaf:homepage <> ; foaf:mbox <> . <> rdf:type foaf:Organization ; foaf:homepage <> ; foaf:name "Open Development Mekong" . <> rdf:type foaf:Organization ; foaf:homepage <> ; foaf:name "The Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development (RCSD)" . <> rdf:type foaf:Organization ; foaf:homepage <> ; foaf:name "Chiang Mai University" . <> rdf:type foaf:Organization ; foaf:homepage <> ; foaf:name "Open Development Cambodia" . <> rdf:type foaf:Organization ; foaf:homepage <> ; foaf:name "Open Development Vietnam" . <> rdf:type foaf:Organization ; foaf:homepage <> ; foaf:name "Open Development Myanmar" . # DBPedia has not been explicitly defined as Dataset here as we are directly referencing its void:Dataset instance, available on the web :AGROVOC2DBPEDIA_1 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:exactMatch ; void:objectsTarget <> ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 54 . :AGROVOC2DBPEDIA_2 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:closeMatch ; void:objectsTarget <> ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 10990 . :AGROVOC2DBPEDIA_3 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:relatedMatch ; void:objectsTarget <> ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2DBPEDIA_4 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:narrowMatch ; void:objectsTarget <> ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2DBPEDIA_5 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:broadMatch ; void:objectsTarget <> ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2DDC_1 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:exactMatch ; void:objectsTarget :DDC ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2DDC_2 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:closeMatch ; void:objectsTarget :DDC ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2DDC_3 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:relatedMatch ; void:objectsTarget :DDC ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2DDC_4 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:narrowMatch ; void:objectsTarget :DDC ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2DDC_5 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:broadMatch ; void:objectsTarget :DDC ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2DNB_1 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:exactMatch ; void:objectsTarget :DNB ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 5430 . :AGROVOC2DNB_2 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:closeMatch ; void:objectsTarget :DNB ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 563 . :AGROVOC2DNB_3 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:relatedMatch ; void:objectsTarget :DNB ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2DNB_4 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:narrowMatch ; void:objectsTarget :DNB ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2DNB_5 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:broadMatch ; void:objectsTarget :DNB ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 260 . :AGROVOC2EUROVOC_1 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:exactMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EUROVOC ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 1401 . :AGROVOC2EUROVOC_2 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:closeMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EUROVOC ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 52 . :AGROVOC2EUROVOC_3 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:relatedMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EUROVOC ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 1 . :AGROVOC2EUROVOC_4 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:narrowMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EUROVOC ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2EUROVOC_5 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:broadMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EUROVOC ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2EIGE_1 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:exactMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EIGE ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 28 . :AGROVOC2EIGE_2 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:closeMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EIGE ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 1 . :AGROVOC2EIGE_3 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:relatedMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EIGE ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2EIGE_4 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:narrowMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EIGE ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2EIGE_5 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:broadMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EIGE ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2GEMET_1 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:exactMatch ; void:objectsTarget :GEMET ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 1259 . :AGROVOC2GEMET_2 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:closeMatch ; void:objectsTarget :GEMET ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 10 . :AGROVOC2GEMET_3 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:relatedMatch ; void:objectsTarget :GEMET ; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2GEMET_4 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:narrowMatch ; 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void:linkPredicate skos:exactMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EUVOCCOUNTRY; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 2 . :AGROVOC2EUVOCCOUNTRY_2 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:closeMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EUVOCCOUNTRY; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2EUVOCCOUNTRY_3 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:relatedMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EUVOCCOUNTRY; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2EUVOCCOUNTRY_4 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:narrowMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EUVOCCOUNTRY; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2EUVOCCOUNTRY_5 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:broadMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EUVOCCOUNTRY; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2EUVOFC300_1 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:exactMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EUVOCFC300; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 2 . :AGROVOC2EUVOFC300_2 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:closeMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EUVOCFC300; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2EUVOFC300_3 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:relatedMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EUVOCFC300; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2EUVOFC300_4 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:narrowMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EUVOCFC300; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :AGROVOC2EUVOFC300_5 rdf:type void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate skos:broadMatch ; void:objectsTarget :EUVOCFC300; void:subjectsTarget :Agrovoc ; void:triples 0 . :DDC rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :DNB rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :EUROVOC rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :EIGE rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :GEMET rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :GeoNames rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :GeopoliticalOntology rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :LCSH rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :NALT rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :RAMEAU rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :STW rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :TheSoz rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :EARTh rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> ; void:sparqlEndpoint <> . :CAAS rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> ; void:sparqlEndpoint <> . :BNCF rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :CABI rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :UNESCO rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :INRA rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :GACS rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :WORLDBANK rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :MESH rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :GBIF rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :REALFAGSTERMER rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :UNBIS rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :SDG rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :LOTERRE rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :ESCO rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :UKAT rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :CRAI rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :NERC rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :ENVTHES rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :SCOT rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :DTIC rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :WIKIDATA rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :MESA rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :AGROVOC2UNSPSC rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :YSO rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :EC rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :THEPLANTLIST rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :IPNI rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :IUCN rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :UNIPROT rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :CALATHE rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :ILO rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :EPPO rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :POWO rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :TROPICOS rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :EF rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :FAUNAEUR rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :INDEXFUNGORUM rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :TESAUROBAC rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :EURFASHION rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :ICD rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :EUVOCCOUNTRY rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> . :EUVOCFC300 rdf:type void:Dataset ; foaf:homepage <> .