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<div class="clearfix"></div> <!-- SEARCH RESULTS :: START --> <div id="search-resultslist-wrap"> <ul class="search-resultslisting"> <!-- LIST --> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="米國の太平洋方面軍港設備" >米國の太平洋<div class='search-highlight'>方面軍</div>港設備</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title=""> </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >地学雑誌</a> <br> 1920年 32 巻 3 号 146 <br> 発行日: 1920/03/15<br> 公開日: 2010/12/22<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> </div> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (157K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="日中戦争時における占領地都市計画について" >日中戦争時における占領地都市計画について</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="越沢 明"> 越沢 明 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >都市計画論文集</a> <br> 1979年 14 巻 385-390 <br> 発行日: 1979/10/25<br> 公開日: 2020/09/01<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="オープンアクセス">オープンアクセス</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> </div> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (679K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="日中戦争期の華北占領区における日本とその協力政権の宣伝工作" >日中戦争期の華北占領区における日本とその協力政権の宣伝工作</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="メディア管理と言論統制を中心に"> メディア管理と言論統制を中心に <div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="曲 揚"> 曲 揚 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >メディア研究</a> <br> 2024年 105 巻 111-129 <br> 発行日: 2024/07/31<br> 公開日: 2024/09/28<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"><span class="show_abstract">抄録を表示する</span><span class="hide_abstract">抄録を非表示にする</span></a> </div> </div> <div class="inner-content abstract" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 10em;"> <p> This paper examines the propaganda efforts by Japan and its collaborative government in the Japanese-occupied region of North China during the Second Sino-Japanese War. It explores the development and characteristics of these efforts, with a focus on media control and censorship. Building on the experience from Manchukuo, the propaganda in the occupied region of North China was adapted to the local conditions and the shifting war situation. These efforts can be summarized in three key points: (1) centralized management system: as the war progressed, the propaganda system evolved from a fragmented management approach to a centralized, powerful structure designed to maximize its effectiveness;(2) shifting propaganda entities: the responsibility for propaganda shifted throughout the war, moving from the Japanese military to Chinese collaborators, and then back to the Japanese military. Chinese collaborators played a significant role in directing and executing propaganda efforts; (3) dual nature of propaganda: in the occupied region of North China, propaganda had a dual character, projecting an image of Sino-Japanese cooperation while maintaining substantial Japanese control. This duality resulted in a fundamental contradiction between the envisioned East Asian prosperity under Japanese dominance and the future vision of national independence and development held by Chinese collaborators. This conflict made it difficult for propaganda to resonate with the Chinese populace.</p> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bluelink-style fontsize12 full-abstract"><div class="print-non-disp">抄録全体を表示</div></a> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (570K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="財宝に触発される記憶と希望" >財宝に触発される記憶と希望</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="フィリピンにおける「山下財宝伝説」の語りから"> フィリピンにおける「山下財宝伝説」の語りから <div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="*師田 史子"> *師田 史子 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >日本文化人類学会研究大会発表要旨集</a> <br> 2023年 2023 巻 <br> 発行日: 2023年<br> 公開日: 2023/06/19<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="会議録・要旨集">会議録・要旨集</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"><span class="show_abstract">抄録を表示する</span><span class="hide_abstract">抄録を非表示にする</span></a> </div> </div> <div class="inner-content abstract" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 10em;"> 本発表は、フィリピンにおける財宝伝説「山下財宝」の語りや宝探しの実践を通じて、不確実な存在が確実な存在として立ち現れていく様相を明らかにする。財宝譚を語ることで人びとは、戦時中の略奪された記憶を基層としながら、自らの生活世界に隠れる富のイメージを精緻化している。今は掴めずともいつか掴みうる潜在的な財として財宝の存在が据え置かれることに、財宝伝説が社会に残存し続ける現代的な意味が見出せる。 <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bluelink-style fontsize12 full-abstract"><div class="print-non-disp">抄録全体を表示</div></a> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (198K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="日中戦争下の山西省太原都市計画事業" >日中戦争下の山西省太原都市計画事業</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="徳永 智"> 徳永 智 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >アジア経済</a> <br> 2013年 54 巻 2 号 56-78,160 <br> 発行日: 2013/06/15<br> 公開日: 2022/09/07<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> </div> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (1213K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="戦間期のロシア内戦像-スターリン化とその矛盾-" >戦間期のロシア内戦像-スターリン化とその矛盾-</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="富田 武"> 富田 武 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >年報政治学</a> <br> 2000年 51 巻 39-58 <br> 発行日: 2001/01/30<br> 公開日: 2009/12/21<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> </div> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (2087K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="バ・モオ政府(ビルマ)の日本人顧問団" >バ・モオ政府(ビルマ)の日本人顧問団</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="武島 良成"> 武島 良成 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >東南アジア -歴史と文化-</a> <br> 2016年 2016 巻 45 号 69-85 <br> 発行日: 2016年<br> 公開日: 2018/06/01<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"><span class="show_abstract">抄録を表示する</span><span class="hide_abstract">抄録を非表示にする</span></a> </div> </div> <div class="inner-content abstract" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 10em;"> <p>This article aims to follow footsteps of the Japanese advisory body that was placed in Burma’s Ba Maw government during the Pacific War, and to deepen the understanding of the degree of the accomplishment of autonomy and self-reliance of the government. </p><p>Japan withdrew many of the military directorial personnel from Burma after its ‘independence’ (August, 1943), and instead, decided to send an advisory group. Booklets created by the Historical Facts Section of the Demobilization Department and some publications of the hometown of OGAWA Gotaro (the supreme advisor) state that the advisory group contributed great deal to the reconstruction of Burma. If this is the fact, it means that the resistance and countercharge of Ba Maw government to realize Burma’s autonomy and self-reliance did not succeed in this sphere. </p><p>However, as I studied unpublicized diaries and official documents, it was revealed that Ogawa arrived in Burma in December 1943, and returned to Japan temporarily during March through July of 1944. Ogawa went back to Japan to summon advisory members. Those senior advisors summoned at that time arrived on a plane in Burma around August. Meanwhile, general advisors took boats and trains and all the members finally arrived by November. However, by that time, Burmese frontline was about to collapse, and the advisory group did not have enough time to operate much. In addition, Ba Maw’s government, at that time, was requiring science technicians, and there was not much of work the advisory group could have done. Consequently, it never intervened and interfered with the Ba Maw government in full scale. </p><p>Incidentally, Lieutenant General KAWABE Masakazu came to think that there was not much to expect from the advisory group by 1944. If the Japanese Burma Area Army actually decided to go back to the policy of interfering with the government of Burma by the civil officers belonging to the Army, the weakened interventions and interferences of Japan would have been only about the advisory group or a temporary status. However, there were differences of opinions between KAWABE and other staff officers. Besides, there were some other materials that implied the interference had been slackened all the way. Then, it would be well possible that the military never went back to its original policy of interfering with Burma’s politics. I intend to excavate historical materials further to reveal the fact.</p> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bluelink-style fontsize12 full-abstract"><div class="print-non-disp">抄録全体を表示</div></a> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (1360K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="日本占領期ビルマにおける敵国資産の移譲問題" >日本占領期ビルマにおける敵国資産の移譲問題</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="──日本とバ・モオ政府の角逐──"> ──日本とバ・モオ政府の角逐── <div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="武島 良成"> 武島 良成 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >東南アジア -歴史と文化-</a> <br> 2014年 2014 巻 43 号 5-22 <br> 発行日: 2014年<br> 公開日: 2016/12/17<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"><span class="show_abstract">抄録を表示する</span><span class="hide_abstract">抄録を非表示にする</span></a> </div> </div> <div class="inner-content abstract" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 10em;"> <p>This article shows the situation in depth about the independence of the Ba Maw government and compromise from the Japanese army, through the issue of transferring the enemy’s property to the Ba Maw government. The literature indicates that the Ba Maw government acted autonomously and did not try to avoid a head-on collision with Japan. Such a relationship between the local regimes and the Japanese army is a focal issue for the historical assessment of establishing the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. However, there is no established theory regarding how much importance can be attached to the relationship. This article aims to examine the strategy of transferring the enemy’s property in Burma by utilizing historical documents collected in Japan and Burma. </p><p>The first section will review the events related to the transferal of the enemy’s property before Burma gained “independence” in August 1943. In “Biruma Dokuritsu Shido Yoko(緬甸独立指導要綱)(The Guideline of Burmese Independence)” that was established at the Liaison Conference between the Japanese Government and the Imperial General Headquarters, it was decided to transfer items other than those that were special and important after the “independence,” implying that Japan would not transfer oil fields, mines, and railways. However, Ba Maw disagreed with the decision and succeeded in establishing the format that oil fields and mines would once be transferred. Also around this time, transferring forest income to the government of Ba Maw became permitted. </p><p>The second section will examine how the enemy’s property was transferred after the “independence,” and how Ba Maw tried to actualize it. In “Tekisan Shori Yoryo(敵産処理要領)(The Main Point of the Enemy’s Property)” that was completed in October 1943 by the Burma Area Army, it was decided that in addition to oil fields and mines, railways would also be transferred. However, when the transfer was executed in March 1944, the transfer for railway was postponed. In response to this, Ba Maw proposed that railways, mines, and factories should be jointly operated by Japan and Burma, leading to the agreement that the Burma side would possess 60% of the share. In addition, Ba Maw also announced the general rule to lay a tax on Japanese in Burma, and succeeded to continuously make the Japanese army pay above the actual cost for the forest management. </p><p>In this way, this article suggests that Ba Maw persistently continued the effort to recover Burma’s rights and interests. Japan was unable to constrain it and had to compromise every time.</p> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bluelink-style fontsize12 full-abstract"><div class="print-non-disp">抄録全体を表示</div></a> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (895K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="バ・モオ政府(ビルマ)と日本軍の葛藤" >バ・モオ政府(ビルマ)と日本軍の葛藤</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="―バ・モオ暗殺未遂事件の処理をめぐって―"> ―バ・モオ暗殺未遂事件の処理をめぐって― <div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="武島 良成"> 武島 良成 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >国際政治</a> <br> 2018年 2018 巻 192 号 192_50-192_64 <br> 発行日: 2018/03/30<br> 公開日: 2018/12/19<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"><span class="show_abstract">抄録を表示する</span><span class="hide_abstract">抄録を非表示にする</span></a> </div> </div> <div class="inner-content abstract" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 10em;"> <p>In recent studies, attentions has been drawn to the fact that in Japanese occupied Burma, the Ba Maw government resisted Japan head-on, and the Japanese military made concessions. Japan at that time regarded ‘independent Burma’ as a trial newly ‘independent’ countries in the Great East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere, and these studies are important to understand Japan’s later policy towards the Sphere. Meanwhile, however, Ba Maw and U Nu (Foreign Minister) left reminiscences that implied Japan did not make concessions and considerations in the legal action on the attempted assassination of Ba Maw. In these reminiscences it was written that Japan did not put the attackers (Japanese and Burmese) into prison, but also refused to have Burmese jurisdiction applied to the Burmese accomplice. In this research, the processes involved in the occurrence and outcomes of the incident were investigated in order to reveal what actually happened. By doing so, this research aimed to comprehensively illuminate the relations between Japan and the Ba Maw government.</p><p>The Army Ministry of Japan at that time actually was eager to establish responsibility for supervising the incident. They switched from a court-martial system (軍法会議) to trials by military law (軍律会議). However, this meant that they did not intend to apply Japanese municipal laws to judge the incident. Also, despite the fact that they could have brought the Burmese accomplice to justice by the court-martial or military law conference, they tried to leave him under Burmese jurisdiction instead.</p><p>The Japanese Burma Area Army then did not accept fully such requests from the Army Ministry. However, they were conscious of treating the incident as exceptionally important, and accepted part of what the Army Ministry requested. Then, they ruled to put the Japanese attackers into prison, and they were actually confined. The Burmese accomplice was not prosecuted, as he neither broke into the residence of Ba Maw, nor was he a central figure of the incident.</p><p>Consequently, Japan was actually making considerations to the Ba Maw government to a certain degree. There simply was a discrepancy in the ideas of the degree of considerations and concessions between the Army Ministry and the Japanese Burma Area Army.</p> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bluelink-style fontsize12 full-abstract"><div class="print-non-disp">抄録全体を表示</div></a> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (540K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="儀礼としての綱引きの境界性" >儀礼としての綱引きの境界性</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="ハパオ村の伝統綱引きプンノクによる地域再生"> ハパオ村の伝統綱引きプンノクによる地域再生 <div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="日丸 美彦"> 日丸 美彦 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >日本文化人類学会研究大会発表要旨集</a> <br> 2016年 2016 巻 <br> 発行日: 2016年<br> 公開日: 2016/04/23<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="会議録・要旨集">会議録・要旨集</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"><span class="show_abstract">抄録を表示する</span><span class="hide_abstract">抄録を非表示にする</span></a> </div> </div> <div class="inner-content abstract" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 10em;"> フィリピンのイフガオ州フンドゥアン郡ハパオ村の伝統綱引きプンノクを通じて、儀礼としての綱引きと地域の持続可能性との関係性を探る。フィリピン・マルコス政権以来30年近くプンノクが途絶し、1998年に復活した。プンノクの途絶前、途絶期間中、復活後の三つの期間の地域の変容をもとに、伝統綱引きプンノクの儀礼としての機能を考察する。 <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bluelink-style fontsize12 full-abstract"><div class="print-non-disp">抄録全体を表示</div></a> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (196K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="日本占領下の中国山西省における上水道建設" >日本占領下の中国山西省における上水道建設</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="徳永 智"> 徳永 智 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >アジア経済</a> <br> 2015年 56 巻 4 号 28-56,145 <br> 発行日: 2015/12/15<br> 公開日: 2022/08/10<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> </div> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (3562K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="南方軍軍政総監部の組織と任務" >南方軍軍政総監部の組織と任務</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="『執務規程』と『軍政令』を中心に"> 『執務規程』と『軍政令』を中心に <div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="太田 弘毅"> 太田 弘毅 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >東南アジア研究</a> <br> 1978年 16 巻 1 号 103-118 <br> 発行日: 1978年<br> 公開日: 2018/06/02<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> </div> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (1294K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="米議会図書館蔵『泰国兵要地誌』(義部隊司令部1945)について" >米議会図書館蔵『泰国兵要地誌』(義部隊司令部1945)について</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="加納 寛"> 加納 寛 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >東南アジア -歴史と文化-</a> <br> 2016年 2016 巻 45 号 182-192 <br> 発行日: 2016年<br> 公開日: 2018/06/01<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> </div> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (10136K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="第一次世界大戦とロシア・ドイツ人" >第一次世界大戦とロシア・ドイツ人</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="忠誠・従軍・捕虜・土地収用・強制移住"> 忠誠・従軍・捕虜・土地収用・強制移住 <div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="鈴木 健夫"> 鈴木 健夫 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >ロシア史研究</a> <br> 2016年 98 巻 30-41 <br> 発行日: 2016/07/20<br> 公開日: 2021/08/08<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> </div> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (918K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="日本-中国間の地図作製技術の移転に関連する資料について" >日本-中国間の地図作製技術の移転に関連する資料について</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="渡辺 理絵, 小林 茂"> 渡辺 理絵, 小林 茂 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >地図</a> <br> 2004年 42 巻 3 号 13-28 <br> 発行日: 2004/09/30<br> 公開日: 2011/07/19<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> </div> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (15073K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="朝鮮における日本統治の終焉" >朝鮮における日本統治の終焉</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="日韓関係の展開"> 日韓関係の展開 <div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="森田 芳夫"> 森田 芳夫 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >国際政治</a> <br> 1963年 1963 巻 22 号 82-97,L6 <br> 発行日: 1963/07/25<br> 公開日: 2010/09/01<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"><span class="show_abstract">抄録を表示する</span><span class="hide_abstract">抄録を非表示にする</span></a> </div> </div> <div class="inner-content abstract" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 10em;"> The Allied Nations publically announced their intentions to establish Korean independence through the Cairo and Potsdam declarations. Furthermore, the Allied Powers decided to apply trusteeship in Korea and not to land their forces for combat. Japan, on the other hand, in order to encounter the American-Soviet joint attack in Korea, increased military strength there while inducing the Koreans to cooperate with Japan in her war aims by improving their treatment and allowing them a certain amount of privilege to participate in politics.<br>Soviet troops invaded northeastern Korea immediately after the declaration of war against Japan. The Soviet participation in the war brought about U. S. -U. S. S. R. joint occupation of Korea for the purpose of demilitarization of the Japanese troops in Korea, establishing the 38th parallel as a border line between the two occupation armies. On the last day of the war the Secretary-General of the Government-Genreal in Korea invited the cooperation of a Korean leader, Yo Wun-hyong, in maintaining law and order. Yo organized the Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence, and directed the people through his organization.<br>The Soviet troops which invaded northern Korea organized Korean People's Committees in each province and took over administrative power from the Japanese. The American troops, meanwhile, carried out a ceremony of the signing of surrender in in Seoul with the Japanese, and established the United States Army Military Government in (USAMGIK), patterned after the Japanese Government-General in Korea. Since then, both North and South Korean regimes carried out a separation process between Japan and Korea, involving repatration of Japanese nationals, and take-over of Japanese property. Meanwhile, approximately 1, 500, 000 Koreans returned home from Japan, leaving some 500, 000 behind.<br>Three years after the liberation of Korea, there emerged two independent nations in Korea, one in the North and the other in the South. After three years and eight months since the emergence of the two regimes in Korea, the Peace Treaty was signed between Japan and the Allied Powers, recognizing the independence of Korea. <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bluelink-style fontsize12 full-abstract"><div class="print-non-disp">抄録全体を表示</div></a> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (2204K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="大民会の成立と中華民国維新政府" >大民会の成立と中華民国維新政府</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="堀井 弘一郎"> 堀井 弘一郎 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >現代中国</a> <br> 1997年 1997 巻 71 号 123-135 <br> 発行日: 1997/07/30<br> 公開日: 2024/11/05<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> </div> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (1574K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="日本・東アフリカ関係史の一考察" >日本・東アフリカ関係史の一考察</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="土井 茂則"> 土井 茂則 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >アフリカ研究</a> <br> 1982年 1982 巻 21 号 90-96 <br> 発行日: 1982/03/30<br> 公開日: 2010/04/30<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> </div> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (1089K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="ワルシャワ蜂起 (1944) 年の政治的・軍事的背景 ―国内軍総指令部の理念を中心に―" >ワルシャワ蜂起 (1944) 年の政治的・軍事的背景 ―国内軍総指令部の理念を中心に―</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="渡辺 克義"> 渡辺 克義 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >東欧史研究</a> <br> 1988年 11 巻 1- <br> 発行日: 1988年<br> 公開日: 2018/08/01<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="オープンアクセス">オープンアクセス</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> </div> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (6484K) </span> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="searchlist-title"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style customTooltip" title="日本占領期ビルマにおけるタキン・トゥンオウッ,タキン・バセインの闘争" >日本占領期ビルマにおけるタキン・トゥンオウッ,タキン・バセインの闘争</a> </div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="――バモオ,タキン・コウドオ・フマイン派との主導権争い"> ――バモオ,タキン・コウドオ・フマイン派との主導権争い <div> <div class="searchlist-authortags customTooltip" title="武島 良成"> 武島 良成 </div> <div class="searchlist-additional-info"> <a href="" class="bluelink-style" >東南アジア -歴史と文化-</a> <br> 2021年 2021 巻 50 号 85-103 <br> 発行日: 2021年<br> 公開日: 2023/06/01<br> </div> <div class="result-doi-wrap"> <span class="doi-icn">DOI</span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> <div class="global-tags"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="ジャーナル">ジャーナル</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="フリー">フリー</span> </div> <div class="showabstractbox content"> <div class="showabstractbox-header"> <div class="expand collapse1"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"><span class="show_abstract">抄録を表示する</span><span class="hide_abstract">抄録を非表示にする</span></a> </div> </div> <div class="inner-content abstract" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 10em;"> <p>I have suggested elsewhere that the Ba Maw government built up a framework of “Independent” Burma with the Japanese military in spite of repeated all-out conflicts. This research is based on the assumption that the government rose up together to face the Japanese military. However, cabinet members Thakin Tun Ok and Thakin Ba Sein are said to have trusted Japan to the extent that they were regarded as pro-Japanese. If this is the case, it is possible that they disrupted Burmese unity by bowing to Japanese military power. Therefore, focusing on Tun Ok and Ba Sein, this paper explores their relationships between Thakin party Kodaw Hmaing faction and Ba Maw. Whether the interpretation described above is correct is to be determined.</p><p>Section I suggests that the relationship between Tun Ok and his comrades and the Kodaw Hmaing faction was not restored during the Minami-Kikan reign. Backed by Shozo Kokubu (a former naval lieutenant), Tun Ok and Ba Sein had a strained relationship with Keiji Suzuki who assumed the head of Minami-Kikan. In Section II, it is suggested that they did not partner with the Kodaw Hmaing faction even during the Ba Maw Executive Administration. Ba Maw did not make Tun Ok and Ba Sein take the initiative to get the Kodaw Hmaing faction on his side. Section III discusses the sidelining of Tun Ok and Ba Sein and their move to Singapore. The reasons why a part of the Japanese military supported them is also discussed.</p><p>This analysis demonstrates that Tun Ok and Ba Sein occasionally lobbied more strongly for autonomy and independence from Japan than Ba Maw and his cohorts. Although it is true that they tried to compete against Ba Maw, this does not mean that they bowed to Japanese power. Anyway, a part of the Japanese military backed Tun Ok and Ba Sein. This section of the Japanese military supported Tun Ok and Ba Sein intending to secure one of confronting powers to use beyond the boundary between pro- and anti-Japan factions. Such measures had been used for years by Japanese troops on the Chinese continent.</p> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="bluelink-style fontsize12 full-abstract"><div class="print-non-disp">抄録全体を表示</div></a> </div> <div class="lft"> <span> <a href="" class="bluelink-style">PDF形式でダウンロード</a> (1458K) </span> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <!-- SEARCH RESULTS :: END --> <div class="clearfix"></div> <!-- SEARCH PAGINATION :: START --> <div id="search-pagination-wrap-bottom"> <div class="inner colorscheme-global-dark-lighter print-non-disp"> <div class="search-pagination-left"> <ul class="search-pagination-list"> <li class="inactive-page">|<</li><li class="inactive-page"><</li><li class="active-page">1</li><li><a href="/result/global/-char/ja?from=20" class="defaultstyle" onClick="paging(20); return false;">2</a></li><li><a href="/result/global/-char/ja?from=40" class="defaultstyle" onClick="paging(40); return false;">3</a></li><li><a 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