Weather in Costa Rica - Costa Rica Guides

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average temperature is 22&deg;C (71&deg;F) and is constantly cooled by the coastal breeze.</p> <p> The average annual temperature for most of the country lies between 22&deg;C (71&deg;F) and 27&deg;C (81&deg;F).&nbsp; Due to its close proximity to the equator, Costa Rica has no real summer or winter periods, and the sun shines here throughout the year.&nbsp; The climate in Costa Rica is classically divided into two major seasons &ndash; rainy and dry.</p> <p> Costa Rica&rsquo;s dry season runs from December through May and&nbsp; Costa Rica&rsquo;s rainy season from May to November.&nbsp; Locally, dry months are called &lsquo;verano&rsquo; or summer, and the rainy months &lsquo;invierno&rsquo; or winter.&nbsp; An interesting fact is that some of the coldest temperatures are registered during the early dry season or &lsquo;verano&rsquo;.</p> <p> The <u><a href="limon.html">Caribbean</a></u> coast is the wettest area in the country.&nbsp; Here the rainy season begins in April and continues through December and sometimes January.&nbsp; Major storms occasionally hit this slope between the months of September and February, causing constant rain for several days.&nbsp; On the contrary, the driest months of February and March might be almost entirely without rainfall.&nbsp; </p> <p> The Pacific slope is known for having sunny and warm days, with occasional rains in late afternoons during the rainy season (May to November).&nbsp; The <u><a href="provinces/puntarenas.html">Northern Pacific</a></u> experiences an intense dry season each year, with no rainfall for several months, while the southern half of the Pacific is much wetter with a shorter dry season and heavier afternoon rains during the wet season.&nbsp; On the other hand, the Central Valley experiences a mild dry season with moderate temperatures for most of the year and a lower than average amount of precipitation.&nbsp; <br /> One of the most notable weather patterns to affect Costa Rica is the El Ni&ntilde;o phenomenon.&nbsp; El Ni&ntilde;o is a weather pattern of severe rainfall which occurs every two to seven years.&nbsp; It causes an unusual increase in water temperature in the Pacific Ocean, changing weather conditions as far north as the United States and as far south as Argentina.</p> <p><strong>The best time to visit Costa Rica</strong></p> <p> In general, the best time to visit Costa Rica is December through April, as it is the country&rsquo;s dry season.&nbsp; Although the dry season doesn&rsquo;t mean it does not rain, there&rsquo;s definitely less rainfall.</p> <p> Tourism in Costa Rica is heavier from December to February, as well as during Easter week.&nbsp; Because of the number of North American and European tourists, the country experiences a mini-high season during the months of June and July.</p> <p> If you want to avoid the tourist fuss and get more economic rates for <u><a href="lodging_options.html">lodging</a></u>, the early months of the rainy season are a great time to travel to Costa Rica.&nbsp;&nbsp; During this time, however, roads get muddy and rivers start to swell, making travel throughout the country a more challenging experience.</p> <p><u><a href="../climate.html">View Costa Rica Weather Map</a></u></p> <p align="justify">&nbsp;</p> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div id="apDiv8"> <div id="apDiv10"> <b><b>Travel Agencies, after hours &amp; weekends:</b> <br /> (506) 2257-4171 <br /> <br /> Toll Free:</b> 1-877-281-8515<br /> <b>Costa Rica:</b> (506) 2233-5151<br /> Fax: (506) 2233-5284 <br /> E-mail: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#d7beb9b1b897b4b8a4a3b6a5beb4b6b0a2beb3b2a4f9b4b8ba"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="472e292128072428343326352e242620322e2322346924282a">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> </div> <div id="apDiv11"><b>*Rates are subject to change without previous notice, according to any tax changes or any government regulations.</b><br /> <br /> <a 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