<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <feed xmlns=""> <title type="text">Recent zbMATH articles in MSC 13F25</title> <id></id> <updated>2024-11-22T16:52:57.400418Z</updated> <link href="" /> <link href="" rel="self" /> <generator>Werkzeug</generator> <entry xml:base=""> <title type="text">On the computational complexity of compressed power series</title> <id></id> <updated>2024-11-22T16:52:57.400418Z</updated> <link href="" /> <author> <name>"Karatsuba, E. A."</name> <uri></uri> </author> <content type="text">Summary: We present computational algorithms and complexity estimates for power series in which all exponents are positive integers raised to one and the same integer power \(\ge2\).</content> </entry> </feed>