Wood Mackenzie | Sign in

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You can unlock your account by resetting your password', 'forgotpassword':'Forgot password or need to unlock account?', 'error.username.required': 'Please enter your email', 'error.password.required': 'Please enter your password', } }, config.authParams = { issuer: "https:\/\/\/oauth2\/ausbgmypl3Irw5BT8697", pkce: false, responseType: 'code', state: "state-9e1898a9-3568-4448-a193-af17563c7002", scopes: ["openid offline_access profile"], display: 'page' }; var idpDiscoveryFlag = true; config.helpLinks = { help: '#', forgotPassword: '/forgot-password', custom: [ /*{ text: 'Resend activation email', href: '/resend-activation' },*/ ...(idpDiscoveryFlag === true ? [{ text: 'Login via non-SAML SSO', href: '/sign-in?sso=false' }] : []), { text: 'Trouble signing in?', href: '/trouble-signing-in' } ] }; // If updating this update the blueconic stuff config.features = { idpDiscovery: true, showPasswordToggleOnSignInPage: true }; if (idpDiscoveryFlag === true) { config.idpDiscovery = { requestContext: "https:\/\/\/sign-in?iss=https:\/\/\/oauth2\/ausbgmypl3Irw5BT8697\u0026state=state-9e1898a9-3568-4448-a193-af17563c7002" }; } var signIn = new OktaSignIn(config); signIn.renderEl({ el: '#sign-in-widget' }, function success(res) { console.log(res); if(res.status === 'IDP_DISCOVERY'){ res.idpDiscovery.redirectToIdp(); } }); // After-render widget customisations for remember me and reset password labels and help links signIn.on('afterRender', function (context) { if (keepSignedInCheck === null){ toggleRememberMe(keepSignedInCheckDefault) } else { toggleRememberMe(keepSignedInCheck) } $('a[href*="sign-in?sso=false"]').attr('title', 'Use this option only if you have been instructed to do so'); }); $(document).on("blur", "input[name='username']", function (e) { try { if (blueConicClient != null) { //console.debug($("#idp-discovery-username")); var profile = blueConicClient.profile.getProfile(); var email = null; if (idpDiscoveryFlag) { email = $("#idp-discovery-username").val(); } else { email = $("#okta-signin-username").val(); } if (email != null && email.length > 0) { profile.setValue("email", email); // Setting a date/time value profile.setValue("lastvisit", new Date().getTime()); // Changes are only persistent after calling the updateProfile() method. blueConicClient.profile.updateProfile(); } else {"Skipping blueconic"); } } } catch(exception) { console.error("Failed to get username " + exception); } }); $(document).on("click", "input[name='remember']", function (e) { var checked = $("input[name='remember']").is(":checked"); $("input[name='remember']").attr("disabled", true); /*<![CDATA[*/ var state = "state-9e1898a9-3568-4448-a193-af17563c7002"; /*]]>*/ $.ajax({ type: "POST", contentType: "application/json", url: "/toggleKeepSignedIn?state=" + state, dataType: 'json', cache: false, timeout: 600000, success: function (data) { $("input[name='remember']").attr("disabled", false); if (data === null || !data.result) { $("input[name='remember']").prop("checked", !checked); keepSignedInCheck = !checked; } else { keepSignedInCheck = checked; } }, error: function (e) { $("input[name='remember']").attr("disabled", false); $("input[name='remember']").prop("checked", !checked); keepSignedInCheck = !checked; console.log("ERROR : ", e); } }); }); </script> <!-- End Okta widget --> </div> <div class="col small-12 medium-3"> <h2 class="mega push-half--bottom">Don't have sign-in details? 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