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The team is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. EST."> <title>Customer Support - Connect -</title> </head> <body> <a class="visually-hidden visually-hidden-focusable text-dark" href="#main">Skip to main content</a> <header class = "container-fluid bg-white text-white" id = "header"> <div class = "row"> <div class= "col-xs-12 col-md px-0 bg-white"> <a href = "" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener"> <img class = "pb-1 header-logo float-start" src = "" alt = "Gale, a Cengage Company logo"> </a> <div class = "h2 pt-3 float-start fst-normal"><a class = "text-primary" href = "/">SUPPORT</a></div> </div> <div class = "col-xs-12 col-md text-end my-auto bg-white d-print-none"> <button class="mb-2 mt-md-2 btn-xs-sm mt-1 btn-secondary float-start d-block d-md-none navbar-toggler text-center" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#site-nav" aria-label="Navigation Toggle"> <i class = "bi bi-list fs-5"></i> </button> <div class = ""> <div class = ""> <a class = 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class = "d-inline-block bg-light rounded-15"> <ul class = "list-group"> <li class = "list-group-item"> <i class = "bi bi-phone me-2"></i> <a href = "tel:18008774253">1-800-877-4253 option 2</a> </li> <li class = "list-group-item"> <i class = "bi bi-chat-dots-fill me-2"></i> <a href = "" target = "_blank">Request support</a> </li> <li class = "list-group-item"> <i class = "bi bi-envelope me-2"></i> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#2047414c450e435553544f4d4552455850455249454e43456043454e474147450e434f4d"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="93f4f2fff6bdf0e6e0e7fcfef6e1f6ebe3f6e1faf6fdf0f6d3f0f6fdf4f2f4f6bdf0fcfe">[email protected]</span></a> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class = "h4 mt-4 mb-4 text-primary">Frequently Asked Questions</h3> <div class="nav nav-tabs"> <a class = "nav-link show active" data-bs-toggle="tab" href = "#myaccount">My Account </a> <a class = "nav-link" data-bs-toggle="tab" href = "#general">General Information</a> <a class = "nav-link" data-bs-toggle="tab" href = "#invoicing">Invoicing & Billing Settings</a> <a class = "nav-link" data-bs-toggle="tab" href = "#orders">Orders & Fulfillments</a> <a class = "nav-link" data-bs-toggle="tab" href = "#products">Products</a> <a class = "nav-link" data-bs-toggle="tab" href = "#returns">Return Policy</a> </div> <!--filter--> <div class = "tab-content bg-light p-4" id = "section-faq"> <div class = "tab-pane active" id = "myaccount"> <h4 class = "h5">Customers who register for <strong>My Account</strong> access:</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <ul type="disc"> <li>Instantly preview any eBook available on the GVRL platform</li> <li>Manage contacts, billing and shipping information</li> <li>Order print and eBook titles online</li> <li>Renew subscription of electronic resources online</li> <li>View detailed pricing and availability</li> <li>Track order status</li> <li>View shopping cart and manage wish lists</li> <li>Print and pay invoices</li></ul> </div> <h4 class = "h5">How do I register for My Account access?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <ol start="1" type="1"> <li>Proceed to <a target = "_blank" href=""></a></li> <li>Access <strong>My Account</strong> (top right-hand corner).</li> <li>Scroll down and to the left of the screen, see the following field, “New User”? then select the <strong>Register tab.</strong></li> <li>If already an existing customer, enter Account #, Zip Code and click on the Retrieve tab (your account information will populate).</li> <li>If account number is unknown, scroll down and enter Account information and contact information. Upon validation the user will be provided with an account #.</li> <li>Once all the required fields are populated, click on the <strong>Submit Registration</strong> tab.</li> </ol> <p>*Please note that a confirmation will be sent to the email address provided during registration.</p> </div> <h4 class = "h5">How do I reset My Account password?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <ol start="1" type="1"> <li>Proceed to</li> <li><strong>My Account – My Profile Overview</strong></li> <li>Profile</li> <li>Password & Security</li> <li>Enter Current Password</li> <li>Enter New Password</li> <li>Confirm Password</li> <li>Enter answer to security question</li> <li>Update Password</li> </ol> <p>Please contact the Gale Customer Experience team: M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (EST) 800-877-4253 ext. 54258, if you are need assistance with resetting your password.</p> </div> <h4 class = "h5">Where is the <strong>My Account</strong> feature located?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>Please visit <a href="" target = "_blank"></a> for Gale products, and <a href="" target = "_blank"></a> for Thorndike Press products. The <strong>My Account</strong> link is located on the top right-hand corner of the page. Click on the link to login.</p> </div> </div> <!--myaccount --> <div class = "tab-pane" id = "general"> <h4 class = "h5">How can I reach the Gale Technical Support team?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>Please contact Technical Support at 800-877-4253 opt. 4 <br> <strong>or</strong> email <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#5e393f323b702a3b3d3630373d3f322d2b2e2e312c2a1e3d3b30393f393b703d3133"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="b0d7d1dcd59ec4d5d3d8ded9d3d1dcc3c5c0c0dfc2c4f0d3d5ded7d1d7d59ed3dfdd">[email protected]</span><br> </a></p> </div> <h4 class = "h5">How can I obtain usage statistics for my Gale online resource?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4">Please contact Technical Support at 800-877-4253 opt. 4 <br> <strong>or</strong> email <a href=""><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="45222429206b3120262d2b2c262429363035352a37310526202b222422206b262a28">[email protected]</span></a> </div> <h4 class = "h5">How do I contact my Gale Sales rep?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>Please visit <a href="/reps">support.gale/reps</a> to locate your Gale Sales representative.</p> </div> <h4 class = "h5">I am a professor/instructor. How do I request a Gale desk/review copy?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>Desk/Review copies can be obtained the following ways:</p> <ul> <li>Fax completed Review Copy form to 800- 414-5043</li> <li>Email: Send completed Review copy form to: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#ccafa3a1bcafa3bcb5e2a8a9bfa7afa3bcb5e2a3bea8a9bebf8cafa9a2abadaba9e2afa3a1"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="86e5e9ebf6e5e9f6ffa8e2e3f5ede5e9f6ffa8e9f4e2e3f4f5c6e5e3e8e1e7e1e3a8e5e9eb">[email protected]</span></a></li> </ul> <p>Orders are processed/confirmed within 24 -72 hrs. of receipt. </p> </div> <h4 class = "h5">I have a Cengage textbook question. Who should I contact?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>Please contact our parent company, Cengage Learning Customer Service at 800-354-9706 or contact them via <a href="/cms/faq/" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener"></a> and select the option that best fits your market (i.e. college, student, instructor etc.).</p> </div> <h4 class = "h5">What is the difference between Gale and Cengage?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>Gale is a part of Cengage Learning. Gale is a research provider, specializing primarily in reference products. See our website for more information regarding our products: <a href="" target = "_blank"></a>. Our parent company, Cengage Learning specializes in higher learning products, including textbooks. Learn more about Cengage via their website: <a target = "_blank" href=""></a>.</p> </div> <h4 class = "h5">How can I change my address?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>We offer several ways to make changes to your address.</p> <ol> <li>Contact the Gale Customer Experience team: M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (EST) 800-877-4253 ext. 54258</li> <li>E-mail the Gale Customer Experience team: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#afc8cec3ca81ccdadcdbc0c2cadddccaddd9c6cccaefcccac1c8cec8ca81ccc0c2"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="34535558511a574147405b595146475146425d57517457515a535553511a575b59">[email protected]</span></a></li> <li>Register and make the changes via <a href=""></a> (Self-service option).</li> </ol> </div> <h4 class = "h5">How can I remove my name from your mailing list?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <ol> <li>Contact the Gale Customer Experience team: M-F 8 a.m. -5 p.m. (EST) 800-877-4253 ext. 54258</li> <li>E-mail the Gale Customer Experience team: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#5037313c357e332523243f3d3522233522263933351033353e373137357e333f3d"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="0166606d642f627472756e6c6473726473776862644162646f666066642f626e6c">[email protected]</span></a></li> </ol> </div> </div> <!-- end access --> <div class = "tab-pane" id = "invoicing"> <h4 class = "h5">Where do I send payments?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>Payments should be sent to:</p> <address> Cengage Learning, Gale<br> PO Box 936754<br> Atlanta, GA 31193-6754 </address> </div> <h4 class = "h5">Can I pay my invoices via credit card?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>Customers can pay their invoices at the point of sale using a credit card. Gale customers with <a href="" target = "_blank"><strong>My Account</strong></a> access may pay their invoices online via credit card.</p> </div> <h4 class = "h5">How do I request a refund on my account?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <ul> <li>Refund requests must be sent in writing to the Credit Analyst assigned to your account.</li> <li>Contact the Gale Customer Experience team: M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (EST) 800-877-4253 ext. 54258 for assistance with locating the Credit Analyst for your account.</li> <li>Refund checks will be issued to the mailing address on the “bill to” account, which is the account where the credit balance is being refunded.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- end invoicing --> <div class = "tab-pane" id = "orders"> <h4 class = "h5">What is the email address and/or fax number for placing an order?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>The email address is <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#b3d4d2dfd69ddcc1d7d6c1c0f3d0d6ddd4d2d4d69dd0dcde"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="dabdbbb6bff4b5a8bebfa8a99ab9bfb4bdbbbdbff4b9b5b7">[email protected]</span></a>. The fax number is 800-414-5043. Orders are processed/confirmed within 24 -72 hrs. of receipt. Orders may also be placed online via <strong>My Account</strong> (see instructions for <strong>My Account</strong> registration).</p> </div> <h4 class = "h5">Do you provide return labels?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>Prepaid labels are promptly provided if/when a customer reports receipt of a damaged/defective title or if a duplicate shipment is received. These are sent via email or mailed depending on customer preference.</p> </div> <h4 class = "h5">How can I make changes to my standing order?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <ul> <li>Contact the Gale Customer Experience team: M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (EST) 800-877-4253 ext. 54258</li> <li>E-mail the Gale Customer Experience team: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#f295939e97dc918781869d9f9780819780849b9197b291979c95939597dc919d9f"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="44232528216a273137302b292136372136322d27210427212a232523216a272b29">[email protected]</span></a></li> </ul> </div> <h4 class = "h5">How are shipping charges calculated?</h4> <div class = "card card-body"> <p>Shipping charges are calculated based on the weight of the items that are purchased. There is no shipping charge on prepaid orders.</p> </div> </div> <!-- end orders --> <div class = "tab-pane" id = "products"> <h4 class = "h5">Where can I find large print titles on Gale's website?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>Large print titles can be found on the Thorndike website: <a href="" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener">https//</a>. Search options include: </p> <ul type="disc"> <li>Title</li> <li>Standing Order Plans</li> <li>Coming Soon</li> <li>Special Offers </li> <li>Bestsellers</li> <li>Young Readers</li> </ul> <p>You may also download current <strong>Thorndike</strong> catalogs; however, please note that the catalog will expire within 3 months of the download.</p> </div> <h4 class = "h5">Where can I access information about Gale product updates?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>Real time product updates can be found via: <a href="" target="_blank" rel = "noopener"></a></p> </div> <h4 class = "h5">How do I obtain MARC records for my institution's Gale resources?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>MARC records can be accessed via: <a href="" target="_blank" rel = "noopener"></a>/products/. Enter your institution's LOC ID and you will see a link for your MARC records for your eBooks and databases. Click on the link to access your MARC records.</p> </div> </div> <!-- end products --> <div class = "tab-pane" id = "returns"> <h4 class = "h5">What is Gale's return policy and address for returning product?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>Print titles may be returned within 60 days of the invoice if the items are in resalable condition. These should be returned via traceable means. The following address should be used for Gale product returns: </p> <address> CENGAGE LEARNING<br> Distribution Center<br> 10650 Toebben Drive<br> Location 04<br> Independence KY 41051 </address> <p>Please include a copy of your invoice and indicate the reason for the return. Returns should be sent via traceable means either via UPS or Federal Express. Return credits can take between 6-8 weeks to post to your account.</p> </div> <h4 class = "h5">Can I cancel an EBook after purchase?</h4> <div class = "card card-body mb-4"> <p>EBooks cannot be cancelled after purchase. Once eBooks are purchased they are a permanent part of your GVRL collection if you opt to maintain access via your hosting fee, which is billed annually.</p> </div> </div> <!-- end returns --> </div> <!-- tab-content --> </div> </main> <footer class="container-fluid mt-5 bg-light pt-3 border-top border-bottom d-print-none" id = "footer"> <div class = "container mb-4"> <div class="row py-1 g-5"> <div class="d-none d-md-block col-sm-2"> <div> <div class = "fs-5 text-dark mb-2">COMPANY</div> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li><a href="" class = "text-secondary" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener">About</a> </li> <li><a href="" class = "text-secondary" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener">Blog</a> </li> <li><a href="" class = "text-secondary" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener">Events</a> </li> <li><a href="" class = "text-secondary" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener">News</a> </li> <li><a href="" class = "text-secondary" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener">Careers</a> </li> <li><a href="" class = 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$(".js-filter-market").bind("click",function() { filter(); }); // FILTER NEW $(".js-filter-new").bind("click",function() { filter(); }); // FILTER UPDATED $(".js-filter-updated").bind("click",function() { filter(); }); // FILTER NEW $(".js-filter-owner").bind("click",function() { filter(); }); // MARC FILTERS $(".js-filter-invoice").bind("click",function() { marc_reset(); filter(); }); $(".js-filter-date").bind("click",function() { marc_reset(); filter(); }); // PRODUCT UPDATES FILTER // WHEN PRODUCT CLICKED, ADD IT TO THE FILTER AND DO A SEARCH $(".js-product").on("click",function() { var product = $(this).attr("data-product"); $("#topic").val(product); // CALL THE FILTER FUNCTION filter(); }); function filter() { // GET ASSIGNED var assigned = ""; if ($(".js-filter-assigned").is(":checked")) { assigned = 1; } // GET CATS var cats = []; var cat = ""; $(".js-filter-cat").each(function() { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { cat = $(this).val(); cats.push(cat); } if ($(this).is(":selected")) { cat = $(this).val(); cats.push(cat); } }); // NEW TAG var filternew = ""; $(".js-filter-new").each(function() { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { filternew = $(this).val(); } }); var filterupdated = ""; $(".js-filter-updated").each(function() { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { filterupdated = $(this).val(); } }); // PARENT TAG var filterowner = ""; $(".js-filter-owner").each(function() { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { filterowner = $(this).val(); } }); // MARKET TAG var filtermarket = ""; $(".js-filter-market").each(function() { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { filtermarket = $(this).val(); } }); // GET SEARCH var filter = $(".js-filter").val(); filter = filter.toLowerCase(); filter = filter.replace(/ /g, "_"); filter = filter.replace(/&/g, "_"); // NOW WE DO OUR FILTERING // SHOW ALL $(".js-filter-item").removeClass("d-none"); // 1) assigned filter if (assigned === 1) { $(".js-filter-item").not( "[data-assigned='assigned']").addClass("d-none"); } // 2) filter to only show the cats selected // go through each item that's still not hidden. hide it, then show it if it's in any class if (cats.length > 0) { $(".js-filter-item").each(function() { if ($(this).hasClass("d-none")) { } else { // THEY WEREN'T HIDDEN, SO NOW WE CAN CHECK IF THEY HAVE THIS CAT $(this).addClass("d-none"); for (i=0;i<cats.length;i++) { cat = cats[i]; // THIS IS KIND OF UGLY - BUT IT CHECKS ALL POSSIBLE CATEGORIES if ($(this).attr("data-cat") == cat || $(this).attr("data-family") == cat || $(this).attr("data-phase") == cat || $(this).attr("data-invoice") == cat || $(this).attr("data-date") == cat) { $(this).removeClass("d-none"); } // MARKETS if (this.hasAttribute("data-markets")) { if ($(this).attr("data-markets").includes(cat)) { $(this).removeClass("d-none"); } } } } }); // $(this).attr("data-markets").includes(cat) //$(".js-filter-item").not( "[data-cat" + cats + "]").addClass("d-none"); } // MARC OPTIONS // NEW TAG if (filternew != "") { $(".js-filter-item").not( "[data-new=" + filternew + "]").addClass("d-none"); } if (filterupdated != "") { $(".js-filter-item").not( "[data-updated=" + filterupdated + "]").addClass("d-none"); } // PARENT (consortium) OPTION if (filterowner != "") { $(".js-filter-item").not( "[data-owner=" + filterowner + "]").addClass("d-none"); } // 3) filter search if (filter != "") { $(".js-filter-item").not( "[data-item*=" + filter + "]").addClass("d-none"); } // GROUP HEADER HIDE (ON THEME PAGE ONLY) $(".js-group-header").addClass("d-none"); if (filter === "" && cat.length === 0 && filternew === "" && filterupdated === "") { $(".js-group-header").removeClass("d-none"); } } /* --------------------------------- MARC RECORDS ----------------------------------*/ // INITIATE VALUES var folder = ""; // assets folder (type of marc record) var counter = 0; // # of titles selected var arr_ids = []; // list of titles selected; var message = ""; // message response // DISPLAY INITIAL COUNTER $("#js-marc-counter").html(counter); // (checkbox) SELECT / DESELECT ALL TITLES $(".js-marc-pickall").on("click",function() { $('.js-marc-check:visible').not(this).prop('checked', this.checked); marc_prep(); }); // (checkbox) SELECT / DESELECT ONE TITLE $('.js-marc-check').on('change',marc_prep); // RESET MARC CHECKBOXES AND DOWNLOAD BUTTON function marc_reset() { // uncheck all checks $("input:checkbox").each(function() { this.checked = false; }); // disable andn set counter to 0 $("#js-marc-merge").prop('disabled', true); $("#js-marc-counter").html(0); } // (checkbox) GET ALL SELECTED TITLES. CHANGE COUNTER AND ID LIST function marc_prep() { // reset counter counter = 0; arr_ids = []; $('input:checkbox:checked:not(.js-marc-pickall)').each(function () { arr_ids.push($(this).val); // add to id array counter++; // add to counter }); // TOGGLE SUBMIT BUTTON if (counter > 0) { $("#js-marc-merge").prop('disabled', false); } else { $("#js-marc-merge").prop('disabled', true); } // SHOW NEW COUNTER $("#js-marc-counter").html(counter); }; // MERGE TITLES $("#js-marc-merge").click(function() { var button = $(this); var folder = $(this).attr("data-folder"); button.html("Merging Records <i class = 'my-auto spinner-border spinner-border-sm text-white'></i>"); var records = $("#form-marc").serialize(); var url_merge = "/marc/actions/merge.php?folder=" + folder; $.post(url_merge, records, function(data) { console.log(data); if (data == "success") { button.removeClass("btn-secondary"); button.addClass("btn-green"); button.html("Merge Completed"); } // EXPORT THE DATA TO FILE var url2 = "/marc/actions/export.php"; location.href = url2; }); }); // CUSTOMIZE ONE RECORD $(".js-marc-one").click(function() { var button = $(this); button.removeClass("bi-cloud-arrow-down"); button.html("<i class = 'text-primary spinner-border spinner-border-sm'></i>"); var record = $(this).attr("data-record"); var folder = $(this).attr("data-folder"); var url = "/marc/actions/merge.php?folder=" + folder + "&record=" + record; $.post(url, function(data) { if (data == "success") { button.removeClass("btn-secondary"); button.html("<i class = 'bi bi-cloud-check-fill'></i>"); } // EXPORT THE DATA TO FILE var url2 = "/marc/actions/export.php"; location.href = url2; }); }); // EXPORT BUTTON $(".js-export").click(function() { $(this).removeClass("btn-secondary"); $(this).addClass("btn-green"); var url = "/actions/export.php"; location.href = url; $(this).html("Export Complete"); }); // EXPORT BUTTON $(".js-export2").click(function() { $(this).removeClass("btn-maroon"); $(this).addClass("btn-green"); var url = "/actions/export2.php"; location.href = url; $(this).html("Export Complete"); }); /* WIDGETS */ // COPY HTML // we get the HTML of the widget one CLICK at a time $(".js-widget-tab-html").click(function() { // GET THE ID AND DIVS WE WILL COPY THE HTML TO var id = $(this).attr("data-id"); var copyDiv = "#js-copy-" + id; var viewDiv = "#js-view-" + id; // GET THE HTML var url = $(this).attr("data-link"); url = url+"&from=galepages"; url = encodeURI(url); $.get(url, function(data) { data_view = "<textarea disabled class = 'widget'>" + data + "</textarea>"; // NOW ADD DATA TO THE DOM $(copyDiv).attr("data-clipboard-text",data); $(viewDiv).html(data_view); }); }); }); </script> <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src=""></script> <script> //window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-45644640-1'); gtag('config', 'G-4EN4GYMTDV'); </script> <div class="modal fade container" id="myModal"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <!-- AJAX MODAL PAGES WILL LOAD HERE --> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>