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The Screwdriver team is pleased to announce our newest release which brings in new features and bug fixes across various components.</p><h2><b>New Features</b></h2><p><b>UI</b></p><p><b></b></p><ul><li>UI codebase has been upgraded to use <a href="">Ember.js 4.4</a></li><li>Build detail page to <a href="">display the Template</a> in use</li></ul><figure data-orig-width="3096" data-orig-height="394" class="tmblr-full"><img src="" data-orig-width="3096" data-orig-height="394"/></figure><ul><li>Links in the event label are <a href="">now clickable</a></li><li><a href="">PR title</a> shows on PR build page</li><li>Job list to display a <a href="">build’s start &amp; end times</a> on hover</li></ul><figure data-orig-width="3086" data-orig-height="654" class="tmblr-full"><img src="" data-orig-width="3086" data-orig-height="654"/></figure><h2><b><br/></b></h2><!-- more --><h2><b>Bug Fixes</b></h2><p><b>UI</b></p><ul><li>Job list view to <a href="">handle job display name</a> as expected</li><li>Artifacts with <a href="">&amp; in name</a> are now loaded properly<br/></li></ul><p><b>API</b></p><ul><li>Fixed data loss when adding <a href="">Templates from multiple browser tabs</a><br/></li><li>Add API endpoints to add or <a href="">remove one or more pipelines</a> in a collection</li></ul><h2><b>Internals</b></h2><ul><li>Fix for Launcher putting <a href="">invalid characters</a> on log lines</li></ul><h2><b>Compatibility List</b></h2><p>In order to have these improvements, you will need these minimum versions:</p><ul><li><a href="">API</a> - v6.0.9</li><li><a href="">UI</a> - v1.0.790</li><li><a href="">Store</a> - v5.0.2</li><li><a href="">Queue-Service</a> - v3.0.2</li><li><a href="">Launcher</a> - v6.0.180</li><li><a href="">Build Cluster Worker</a> - v3.0.3</li></ul><h2><b>Contributors</b></h2><p>Thanks to the following contributors for making these features possible:</p><ul><li><a href="">Alan</a></li><li><a href="">Anusha</a></li><li><a href="">Haruka</a></li><li><a href="">Ibuki</a></li><li><a href="">Keisuke</a></li><li><a href="">Pritam</a></li><li><a href="">Sagar</a></li><li><a href="">Yuki</a></li><li><a href="">Yuta</a></li></ul><h2><b>Questions and Suggestions</b></h2><p>We’d love to hear from you. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out<a href=""> here</a>. You can also visit us on<a href=""> Github</a> and<a href=""> Slack</a>.</p><p><b>Author</b><br/><a href=";t=NzIyYTMyYTRjYjdiNGVkMzU1Y2UxNjMwMzMzYTVmN2U5YTU1OWFjNSxiZTRiMzRlY2U3MjA1MjFkMDYwNmEyYWUzYjJmMmMwZWYyMTRjMzVh&amp;ts=1672423789">Jithin Emmanuel</a>, Director Of Engineering, Yahoo</p>," target="_blank" aria-label=”Share on Mail"><i class="d-icon d-mail" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></li> </ul> <div class="social-tooltip"> <ul class="social-share"> <li><a class="d" title="Share on Facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-label=”Share on Facebook”><i class="d-icon d-facebook" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></li> <li><a class="d" title="Share on Twitter" href=" updates - March 2023&url=" target="_blank" aria-label=”Share on Twitter"><i class="d-icon d-twitter" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></li> <li><a class="d" title="Share on Tumblr" href="" target="_blank" aria-label=”Share on Tumblr"><i class="d-icon d-tumblr" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></li> <li><a class="d" title="Share on Mail" href="mailto:?subject=Latest updates - March 2023&body=<p>Happy Spring! The Screwdriver team is pleased to announce our newest release which brings in new features and bug fixes across various components.</p><h2><b>New Features</b></h2><p><b>UI</b></p><p><b></b></p><ul><li>UI codebase has been upgraded to use <a href="">Ember.js 4.4</a></li><li>Build detail page to <a href="">display the Template</a> in use</li></ul><figure data-orig-width="3096" data-orig-height="394" class="tmblr-full"><img src="" data-orig-width="3096" data-orig-height="394"/></figure><ul><li>Links in the event label are <a href="">now clickable</a></li><li><a href="">PR title</a> shows on PR build page</li><li>Job list to display a <a href="">build’s start &amp; end times</a> on hover</li></ul><figure data-orig-width="3086" data-orig-height="654" class="tmblr-full"><img src="" data-orig-width="3086" data-orig-height="654"/></figure><h2><b><br/></b></h2><!-- more --><h2><b>Bug Fixes</b></h2><p><b>UI</b></p><ul><li>Job list view to <a href="">handle job display name</a> as expected</li><li>Artifacts with <a href="">&amp; in name</a> are now loaded properly<br/></li></ul><p><b>API</b></p><ul><li>Fixed data loss when adding <a href="">Templates from multiple browser tabs</a><br/></li><li>Add API endpoints to add or <a href="">remove one or more pipelines</a> in a collection</li></ul><h2><b>Internals</b></h2><ul><li>Fix for Launcher putting <a href="">invalid characters</a> on log lines</li></ul><h2><b>Compatibility List</b></h2><p>In order to have these improvements, you will need these minimum versions:</p><ul><li><a href="">API</a> - v6.0.9</li><li><a href="">UI</a> - v1.0.790</li><li><a href="">Store</a> - v5.0.2</li><li><a href="">Queue-Service</a> - v3.0.2</li><li><a href="">Launcher</a> - v6.0.180</li><li><a href="">Build Cluster Worker</a> - v3.0.3</li></ul><h2><b>Contributors</b></h2><p>Thanks to the following contributors for making these features possible:</p><ul><li><a href="">Alan</a></li><li><a href="">Anusha</a></li><li><a href="">Haruka</a></li><li><a href="">Ibuki</a></li><li><a href="">Keisuke</a></li><li><a href="">Pritam</a></li><li><a href="">Sagar</a></li><li><a href="">Yuki</a></li><li><a href="">Yuta</a></li></ul><h2><b>Questions and Suggestions</b></h2><p>We’d love to hear from you. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out<a href=""> here</a>. You can also visit us on<a href=""> Github</a> and<a href=""> Slack</a>.</p><p><b>Author</b><br/><a href=";t=NzIyYTMyYTRjYjdiNGVkMzU1Y2UxNjMwMzMzYTVmN2U5YTU1OWFjNSxiZTRiMzRlY2U3MjA1MjFkMDYwNmEyYWUzYjJmMmMwZWYyMTRjMzVh&amp;ts=1672423789">Jithin Emmanuel</a>, Director Of Engineering, Yahoo</p>," target="_blank" aria-label=”Share on Mail"><i class="d-icon d-mail" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pure-u-1-1"> <h2 class="blog-title">Latest updates - March 2023</h2> </div> <div class="pure-u-1-1"> <article class="blogBody" style="display: none;"> <p>Happy Spring! The Screwdriver team is pleased to announce our newest release which brings in new features and bug fixes across various components.</p><h2><b>New Features</b></h2><p><b>UI</b></p><p><b></b></p><ul><li>UI codebase has been upgraded to use <a href="">Ember.js 4.4</a></li><li>Build detail page to <a href="">display the Template</a> in use</li></ul><figure data-orig-width="3096" data-orig-height="394" class="tmblr-full"><img src="" data-orig-width="3096" data-orig-height="394"/></figure><ul><li>Links in the event label are <a href="">now clickable</a></li><li><a href="">PR title</a> shows on PR build page</li><li>Job list to display a <a href="">build’s start &amp; end times</a> on hover</li></ul><figure data-orig-width="3086" data-orig-height="654" class="tmblr-full"><img src="" data-orig-width="3086" data-orig-height="654"/></figure><h2><b><br/></b></h2><!-- more --><h2><b>Bug Fixes</b></h2><p><b>UI</b></p><ul><li>Job list view to <a href="">handle job display name</a> as expected</li><li>Artifacts with <a href="">&amp; in name</a> are now loaded properly<br/></li></ul><p><b>API</b></p><ul><li>Fixed data loss when adding <a href="">Templates from multiple browser tabs</a><br/></li><li>Add API endpoints to add or <a href="">remove one or more pipelines</a> in a collection</li></ul><h2><b>Internals</b></h2><ul><li>Fix for Launcher putting <a href="">invalid characters</a> on log lines</li></ul><h2><b>Compatibility List</b></h2><p>In order to have these improvements, you will need these minimum versions:</p><ul><li><a href="">API</a> - v6.0.9</li><li><a href="">UI</a> - v1.0.790</li><li><a href="">Store</a> - v5.0.2</li><li><a href="">Queue-Service</a> - v3.0.2</li><li><a href="">Launcher</a> - v6.0.180</li><li><a href="">Build Cluster Worker</a> - v3.0.3</li></ul><h2><b>Contributors</b></h2><p>Thanks to the following contributors for making these features possible:</p><ul><li><a href="">Alan</a></li><li><a href="">Anusha</a></li><li><a href="">Haruka</a></li><li><a href="">Ibuki</a></li><li><a href="">Keisuke</a></li><li><a href="">Pritam</a></li><li><a href="">Sagar</a></li><li><a href="">Yuki</a></li><li><a href="">Yuta</a></li></ul><h2><b>Questions and Suggestions</b></h2><p>We’d love to hear from you. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out<a href=""> here</a>. You can also visit us on<a href=""> Github</a> and<a href=""> Slack</a>.</p><p><b>Author</b><br/><a href=";t=NzIyYTMyYTRjYjdiNGVkMzU1Y2UxNjMwMzMzYTVmN2U5YTU1OWFjNSxiZTRiMzRlY2U3MjA1MjFkMDYwNmEyYWUzYjJmMmMwZWYyMTRjMzVh&amp;ts=1672423789">Jithin Emmanuel</a>, Director Of Engineering, Yahoo</p> </article> </div> <div class="pure-u-1-1"> <div class="categories is-hidden-touch"> <span class="category"> <a href='screwdrivercd' target="_blank">screwdrivercd</a></span> <span class="category"> <a href='cicd' target="_blank">cicd</a></span> <span class="category"> <a href='Ember.js' target="_blank">Ember.js</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <script nonce="AmqservOgxJUKLbhF9TkBQ=="> var body = $(".blogBody"); var innerHTML = body.html() .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(/</g, "<") .replace(/>/g, ">") .replace(/"/g, "\"") .replace(/'/g, "\'"); body.html(innerHTML);; </script> </div> </div> </div> <!-- FOOTER --> <footer class="footer yahoo" style="background-color: #f0f3f5;background-image: none;"> <section class="section"> <div class="container"> <div class="columns is-variable is-multiline is-5"> <div class="column foot-link-block"> <span class="featured-header is-block is-bold"> Support <i class="toggle-icon fa fa-angle-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <div class="clickDisplay hideClick"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Terms</a> <a style="cursor: default; pointer-events: none"> and </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Privacy Policy</a> </div> <a class="is-block clickDisplay hideClick" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Privacy Dashboard</a> <a class="is-block clickDisplay hideClick" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">About Us</a> <a class="is-block clickDisplay hideClick" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Jobs</a> <a class="is-block clickDisplay hideClick" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Developer Privacy</a> <a class="is-block clickDisplay hideClick" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Developer Terms</a> <a class="is-block clickDisplay hideClick" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Developer Policies</a> <a class="is-block clickDisplay hideClick" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Site Feedback</a> </div> <div class="column foot-link-block"> <span class="featured-header is-block is-bold">Brands <i class="toggle-icon fa fa-angle-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <a class="is-block clickDisplay hideClick" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Yahoo Developer</a> <a class="is-block clickDisplay hideClick" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Yahoo Edgecast Developer</a> <a class="is-block clickDisplay hideClick" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ad Platform Help Center</a> </div> <div class="column logo foot-link-block"> <div> <a class="nav-brand is-block" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img class="nav-brand is-block" src="/static/images/yahoo-logo-purple.svg" alt="Yahoo Logo"/> </a> <span id="copyright" class="is-block is-size-7 copy-right"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </footer> <script nonce="AmqservOgxJUKLbhF9TkBQ=="> $('.featured-header').click(function(){ $(this).find("i").toggleClass('fa-angle-down fa-angle-up') $(this).nextAll('.clickDisplay').toggleClass('hideClick showClick') }); $('#copyright').html("© " + new Date().getFullYear() + " Yahoo. 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