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Review the information below for assistance if you do not believe that you have done anything wrong.<div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div> <p>The IP address or range has been <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Blocking_policy" title="Wikipedia:Blocking policy">blocked</a> by <a href="/wiki/User:L235" title="User:L235">‪L235‬</a> for the following reason(s): </p> <div style="padding:10px; background:var(--background-color-base, white); color:inherit; border:1px #666 solid;"> <div class="user-block colocation-webhost" style="margin-bottom: 0.5em; background-color: #ffefd5; border: 1px solid #AAA; padding: 0.7em;"> <figure class="mw-halign-left" typeof="mw:File"><span><img src="//" decoding="async" width="40" height="57" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="744" data-file-height="1052" /></span><figcaption></figcaption></figure><b>The <a href="/wiki/IP_address" title="IP address">IP address</a> that you are currently using has been blocked because it is believed to be a <a href="/wiki/Web_hosting_service" title="Web hosting service">web host provider</a> or <a href="/wiki/Colocation_centre" title="Colocation centre">colocation provider</a>.</b> To prevent abuse, <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Open_proxies" title="Wikipedia:Open proxies">web hosts and colocation providers may be blocked</a> from editing Wikipedia. <div style="border-top: 1px solid #AAA; clear: both">You will not be able to edit Wikipedia using a web host or colocation provider because it hides your IP address, much like a <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Open_proxies" title="Wikipedia:Open proxies">proxy</a> or <a href="/wiki/Virtual_private_network" title="Virtual private network">VPN</a>. <p><b>We recommend that you attempt to use another connection to edit.</b> For example, if you use a proxy or VPN to connect to the internet, turn it off when editing Wikipedia. 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My IP address is _______. <i>Place any further information here.</i> &#126;&#126;&#126;&#126;&#125;&#125;</code>. <b>You must fill in the blank with your IP address for this block to be investigated.</b> Your IP address can be determined <span class="plainlinks"><b><a class="external text" href="">here</a></b></span>. Alternatively, if you wish to keep your IP address private you can use the <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Unblock_Ticket_Request_System" title="Wikipedia:Unblock Ticket Request System">unblock ticket request system</a>. There are several reasons you might be editing using the IP address of a web host or colocation provider (such as if you are using VPN software or a business network); please use this method of appeal only if you think your IP address is in fact not a web host or colocation provider.</div></div> <p><span class="sysop-show" style="font-size: 85%;"><span style="border:#707070 solid 1px;background-color:#ffe0e0;padding:2px"><b>Administrators:</b></span> The <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:IP_block_exemption" title="Wikipedia:IP block exemption">IP block exemption</a> user right should only be applied to allow users to edit using web host in exceptional circumstances, and requests should usually be directed to the functionaries team via email. If you intend to give the IPBE user right, a <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:CheckUser" title="Wikipedia:CheckUser">CheckUser</a> needs to take a look at the account. This can be requested most easily at <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:SPI#Quick_CheckUser_requests" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:SPI">SPI Quick Checkuser Requests</a>. <b>Unblocking</b> an IP or IP range with this template <b>is highly discouraged</b> without at least contacting the blocking administrator.</span> </p> </div></div> </div> <p>This block will expire on 18:23, 24 August 2026. Your current IP address is </p> <div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div style="font-size: 16px;"> <p>Even when blocked, you will <i>usually</i> still be able to edit your <a href="/wiki/Special:MyTalk" title="Special:MyTalk">user talk page</a>, as well as <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Emailing_users" title="Wikipedia:Emailing users">email</a> administrators and other editors. </p> </div> <div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div style="font-size: 16px;"> <p>For information on how to proceed, please read the <b><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Appealing_a_block#Common_questions" title="Wikipedia:Appealing a block">FAQ for blocked users</a></b> and the <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Appealing_a_block" title="Wikipedia:Appealing a block">guideline on block appeals</a>. The <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Guide_to_appealing_blocks" title="Wikipedia:Guide to appealing blocks">guide to appealing blocks</a> may also be helpful. </p> </div> <p>Other useful links: <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Blocking_policy" title="Wikipedia:Blocking policy">Blocking policy</a> &#183; <a href="/wiki/Help:I_have_been_blocked" title="Help:I have been blocked">Help:I have been blocked</a> </p> </div></li><li class="mw-permissionerror-globalblocking-blockedtext-range"> <div id="mw-blocked-text" style="border: 1px solid #AAA; background-color: var(--background-color-warning-subtle, ivory); color: inherit; padding: 1.5em; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box;"> <div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 26px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Stop_hand_nuvola.svg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="50" height="50" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="240" data-file-height="240" /></a></span><b> This IP address range has been <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Global blocks">globally blocked</a>.</b></span><br /><span style="font-size: 18px;">This does not affect your ability to <i>read</i> Wikipedia pages.</span></div><div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><b>Most people who see this message have done nothing wrong.</b> Some kinds of blocks restrict editing from specific service providers or telecom companies in response to recent abuse or vandalism, and can sometimes affect other users who are unrelated to that abuse. Review the information below for assistance if you do not believe that you have done anything wrong.<div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div> <p>This block affects editing on all Wikimedia wikis. </p><p>The IP address or range has been globally <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Blocking_policy" title="Wikipedia:Blocking policy">blocked</a> by <a href="/wiki/User:Jon_Kolbert" title="User:Jon Kolbert">‪Jon Kolbert‬</a> for the following reason(s): </p> <div style="padding:10px; background:var(--background-color-base, white); color:inherit; border:1px #666 solid;"> <p><a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/NOP">Open proxy/Webhost</a>: See the <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:WM:OP/H">help page</a> if you are affected </p> </div> <p>This block will expire on 15:12, 27 August 2028. Your current IP address is </p> <div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div style="font-size: 16px;"> <p>Even while globally blocked, you will <i>usually</i> still be able to edit pages on <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:">Meta-Wiki</a>. </p> </div> <div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div style="font-size: 16px;"> <p>If you believe you were blocked by mistake, you can find additional information and instructions in the <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/No open proxies">No open proxies</a> global policy. Otherwise, to discuss the block please <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Steward requests/Global">post a request for review on Meta-Wiki</a>. 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(WD examples resolve to .com at present, but may change) -- ['catalog-number'] = {id = "P528", maxvals = 0}, -- to be added to {{citation}} / COinS &amp;rft.artnum= isbn = {id = "P212", maxvals = 1, populate_from_journal = true}, -- ISBN 13 issn = {id = "P236", maxvals = 1, populate_from_journal = true}, -- distinguish from |eissn= for electronic issues? -- jfm = {id = "P?", maxvals = 1}, -- Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik (not Zbl) -- sbn = {id = "P?", maxvals = 1}, -- Standard Book Number (predecessor of ISBN, not ICCU) -- message-id = {id = "P?", maxvals = 1}, -- Usenet message ID chapter = {id = "P792", maxvals = 1}, ['publication-date'] = {id = "P577", maxvals = 1, populate_from_journal = true}, -- publication date (don't use |date=; is treated specially in {{citation}} if both are given.) series = {id = "P179", maxvals = 1, populate_from_journal = true}, version = {id = "P348", maxvals = 0}, edition = {id = "P393", maxvals = 0}, volume = {id = "P478", maxvals = 0, populate_from_journal = true}, -- part = {id = "P1545"?, maxvals = 0}, -- to be added to {{citation}} / COinS &amp;rft.part= title = {id = "P1476", rank="p n"}, -- url = {id = "P953", maxvals = 1}, -- deal with this along with archive-url pages = {id = "P304", maxvals = 0, populate_from_journal = true}, at = {id = "P958", maxvals = 0, populate_from_journal = true}, -- also incorporate lines (P7421) and columns (P3903) into this (cite map also supports |section=) -- sheets = {id = "P7416", maxvals = 0, populate_from_journal = true}, -- interviewer = {id = "P?", maxvals = 0}, -- does **not** go to "others" section! Multiple interviewers should be n-enumerated illustrator = {id = "P110", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section -- foreword and afterword, when contributions to another author's work, are contributions so belong in |contribution=; -- the writer's name goes in |contributor=; requires |title= and |author= -- However, this might need to add support for multiple contributors and their roles to {{citation}}, see Help_talk:Citation_Style_1#Others -- foreword = {id = "P2679", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section -- afterword = {id = "P2680", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section composer = {id = "P86", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section animator = {id = "P6942", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section director = {id = "P57", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section screenwriter = {id = "P58", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section signatory = {id = "P1891", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section presenter = {id = "P371", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section performer = {id = "P175", maxvals = 10, others = true}, -- goes to "others" section } --[[--------------------------&lt; I S _ S E T >-------------------------------------------------------------- Returns true if argument is set; false otherwise. Argument is 'set' when it exists (not nil) or when it is not an empty string. ]] local function is_set( var ) return not (var == nil or var == '') end --[[--------------------------&lt; I N _ A R R A Y >-------------------------------------------------------------- Whether needle is in haystack (taken from Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities) ]] local function in_array( needle, haystack ) if needle == nil then return false end for n, v in ipairs( haystack ) do if v == needle then return n end end return false end --[[--------------------------&lt; A C C E P T _ V A L U E >------------------------------------------------------- Accept WD value by framing in ((...)) if param_val is equal to keyword; else pass-through WD value as is. ]] local function accept_value( param_val, wd_val ) local val = param_val if val then if in_array (val, {'accept', '))((', ':d:'}) then val = '((' .. wd_val .. '))' elseif '((accept))' == val then val = 'accept' elseif '(())(())' == val then val = '))((' elseif '((:d:))' == val then val = ':d:' else val = wd_val end end return val end -- function to fetch a value to display local function makelink(v, out, link, maxpos, wdl) local label if v.mainsnak.snaktype == "value" then if v.mainsnak.datatype == "wikibase-item" then local qnumber = local sitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qnumber) if qnumber == "Q2818964" then sitelink = nil end -- suppress link to "Various authors" if v.qualifiers and v.qualifiers.P1932 then label = v.qualifiers.P1932[1].datavalue.value else label = mw.wikibase.getLabel(qnumber) if label then label = mw.text.nowiki(label) else label = qnumber -- should add tracking category end end local position = maxpos + 1 -- Default to 'next' author. -- use P1545 (series ordinal) instead of default position. if v["qualifiers"] and v.qualifiers["P1545"] and v.qualifiers["P1545"][1] then position = tonumber(v.qualifiers["P1545"][1].datavalue.value) end maxpos = math.max(maxpos, position) if sitelink then -- just the plain name, -- but keep a record of the links, using the same index out[position] = label link[position] = sitelink else if wdl then -- show that there's a Wikidata entry available out[position] = "[[:d:Q" .. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] .. "|" .. label .. "]]&amp;nbsp;&lt;span title='" .. i18n["errors"]["local-article-not-found"] .. "'>[[File:Wikidata-logo.svg|16px|alt=|link=]]&lt;/span>" else -- no Wikidata links wanted, so just give the plain label out[position] = label end end elseif v.mainsnak.datatype == "string" then local position = maxpos + 1 -- Default to 'next' author. -- use P1545 (series ordinal) instead of default position. if v["qualifiers"] and v.qualifiers["P1545"] and v.qualifiers["P1545"][1] then position = tonumber(v.qualifiers["P1545"][1].datavalue.value) end maxpos = math.max(maxpos, position) out[position] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value else -- not a wikibase-item or a string! end else -- code here if we want to return something when author is "unknown" if v.qualifiers and v.qualifiers.P1932 then label = v.qualifiers.P1932[1].datavalue.value else label = i18n["unknown-author"] .. (i18n["unknown-author-trackingcat"] or "") end maxpos = maxpos + 1 out[maxpos] = label end return maxpos end --[=[-------------------------&lt; G E T _ N A M E _ L I S T >---------------------------------------------------- get_name_list -- adapted from getAuthors code taken from Module:RexxS arguments: nl_type - type of name list to fetch: nl_type = 'author' for authors; 'editor' for editors; 'translator' for translators args - pointer to the parameter arguments table from the template call qid - value from |qid= parameter; the Q-id of the source (book, etc.) in qid wdl - value from the |wdl= parameter; a Boolean passed to enable links to Wikidata when no article exists returns nothing; modifies the args table ]=] local function get_name_list (nl_type, args, qid, wdl) local propertyID = "P50" local fallbackID = "P2093" -- author name string if nl_type =="author" then propertyID = 'P50' -- for authors fallbackID = 'P2093' -- author-string elseif nl_type =="editor" then propertyID = 'P5769' -- "editor-in-chief" fallbackID = 'P98' -- for editors - So-called "fallbacks" are actually a second set of properties processed -- TBD. Take book series editors into account as well (if they have a separate P code as well)? elseif nl_type == "translator" then propertyID = 'P655' -- for translators fallbackID = nil -- elseif 'contributor' == nl_type then -- f.e. author of forewords (P2679) and afterwords (P2680); requires |contribution=, |title= and |author= -- propertyID = 'P' -- for contributors -- fallbackID = nil else return -- not specified so return end -- wdl is a Boolean passed to enable links to Wikidata when no article exists -- if "false" or "no" or "0" is passed set it false -- if nothing or an empty string is passed set it false if wdl and (#wdl > 0) then wdl = wdl:lower() wdl = in_array (wdl, {"false", "no", "0"}) else -- wdl is empty, so wdl = false end local props = nil local fallback = nil if mw.wikibase.entityExists(qid) then props = mw.wikibase.getAllStatements(qid, propertyID) if props and fallbackID then fallback = mw.wikibase.getAllStatements(qid, fallbackID) end end -- Make sure it actually has at least one of the properties requested if not (props and props[1]) and not (fallback and fallback[1]) then return nil end -- So now we have something to return: -- table 'out' is going to store the names(s): -- and table 'link' will store any links to the name's article local out = {} local link = {} local maxpos = 0 if props and props[1] then for k, v in pairs(props) do maxpos = makelink(v, out, link, maxpos, wdl) end end if fallback and fallback[1] then -- second properties for k, v in pairs(fallback) do maxpos = makelink(v, out, link, maxpos, wdl) end end -- if there's anything to return, then insert the additions in the template arguments table -- in the form |author1=firstname secondname |author2= ... -- Renumber, in case we have inconsistent numbering local keys = {} for k, v in pairs(out) do keys[#keys + 1] = k end table.sort(keys) -- as they might be out of order for i, k in ipairs(keys) do out[k] = out[k]:gsub ('&amp;#39;', '\''); -- prevent cs1|2 multiple names categorization; replace html entity with the actual character mw.log(i .. " " .. k .. " " .. (out[k])) if args[nl_type .. i] then -- name gets overwritten -- pull corresponding -link only if overwritten name is same as WD name if link[k] and (args[nl_type .. i] == out[k]) then args[nl_type .. '-link' .. i] = args[nl_type .. '-link' .. i] or link[k] -- author-linkn or editor-linkn end else -- name does not get overwritten, so pull name from WD args[nl_type .. i] = out[k] if link[k] then args[nl_type .. '-link' .. i] = args[nl_type .. '-link' .. i] or link[k] -- author-linkn or editor-linkn end end end end -- gets language codes used for a monolingual text property as a table function p._getLangOfProp(qid, pid) if not pid then return {} end local out = {} local props = mw.wikibase.getAllStatements(qid, pid) for i, v in ipairs(props) do if v.mainsnak.datatype == "monolingualtext" and v.mainsnak.datavalue then out[#out + 1] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language end end return out end function p.getLangOfProp(frame) local pid = or mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") if pid == "" then return end local qid = frame.args.qid if qid == "" then qid = nil end return table.concat(p._getLangOfProp(qid, pid), ", ") end -- gets the language codes of a Wikidata entry as a table local function _lang_code(qid) local lc = getPropOfProp( {qid = qid, prop1 = "P407", prop2 = "P424", ps = 1} ) if lc then return mw.text.split( lc, "[, ]+" ) end lc = getPropOfProp( {qid = qid, prop1 = "P407", prop2 = "P218", ps = 1} ) if lc then return mw.text.split( lc, "[, ]+" ) end return p._getLangOfProp(qid, "P1476") end function p.lang_code(frame) return table.concat(_lang_code(frame.args.qid or mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "")), ", ") end -- export for debug function p.getPropOfProp(frame) return getPropOfProp(frame.args) end -- wraps a string in nowiki unless disable flag is set local function wrap_nowiki(str, disable) if disable then return str or '' end return mw.text.nowiki(str or '') end -- sort sequence table whose values are key-value pairs by key local function comp_key(a, b) return a[1] &lt; b[1] end -- sort sequence table whose values are key-value pairs by value local function comp_val(a, b) return a[2] &lt; b[2] end --[[-------------------------&lt; C I T E _ Q >------------------------------------------------------------------ Takes standard CS1|2 template parameters and passes all to {{citation}}. If neither of |author= and |author1= are set, calls get_authors() to try to get an author name-list from Wikidata. The result is passed to {{citation}} for rendering. --]] function p._cite_q (citeq_args) local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() -- parameters that don't get passed to Citation local expand = citeq_args.expand -- when set to anything, causes {{cite q}} to render &lt;code>&lt;nowiki>{{citation|...}}&lt;/nowiki>&lt;/code> local qid = citeq_args.qid or citeq_args[1] local wdl = citeq_args.wdl local template = citeq_args.template citeq_args.expand = nil citeq_args[1] = nil citeq_args.qid = nil citeq_args.wdl = nil citeq_args.template = nil -- if title supplied, flag to not read html title local titleforced = (citeq_args.title ~= nil) local oth = {} -- put the language codes into a sequential table langcodes[] local langcodes = {} if citeq_args.language then -- check these are a supported language codes for lc in mw.text.gsplit( citeq_args.language, "[, ]+", false ) do langcodes[#langcodes+1] = mw.language.isSupportedLanguage(citeq_args.language) and citeq_args.language end end if not langcodes[1] then -- try to find language of work langcodes = _lang_code(qid) end if not langcodes[1] then -- try fallback to journal's language local journal_qid = followQid({qid = qid, props = "P1433"}) langcodes = journal_qid and _lang_code(journal_qid) end citeq_args.language = citeq_args.language or table.concat(langcodes, ", ") -- loop through list of simple properties and get their values in citeq_args for name, data in pairs(simple_properties) do citeq_args[name] = getValue( {, fwd = "ALL", osd = "no", noicon = "true", qid = qid, maxvals = data.maxvals, linked = data.linked, rank = data.rank or "best", citeq_args[name] } ) if data.populate_from_journal then local publishedin = getValue( {"P1433", ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = 0, citeq_args[name], qual =, qualsonly = 'yes'} ) citeq_args[name] = publishedin or getPropOfProp({qid = qid, prop1 = "P1433", prop2 =, maxvals = data.maxvals, ps = 1}) end if citeq_args[name] and citeq_args[name]:find('[[Category:Articles with missing Wikidata information]]', 1, true) then -- try fallback to work's native language citeq_args[name] = getValue( {, ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = data.maxvals, linked = "no", lang = langcodes[1] } ) if citeq_args[name]:find('^Q%d+$') then -- qid was returned -- try fallback to qid's native language local qid_languages = _lang_code(citeq_args[name]) citeq_args[name] = getValue( {, ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = data.maxvals, linked = "no", lang = qid_languages[1] } ) if citeq_args[name]:find('^Q%d+$') then -- qid was returned again citeq_args[name] = nil else -- record the language found if no lang specified citeq_args.language = citeq_args.language or qid_languages[1] end end end if data.others then oth[#oth + 1] = citeq_args[name] and (name:gsub("^%l", string.upper) .. ": " .. citeq_args[name]) citeq_args[name] = nil end end citeq_args.others = citeq_args.others or table.concat(oth, ". ") if citeq_args.others == "" then citeq_args.others = nil end citeq_args.journal = citeq_args.journal and citeq_args.journal:gsub("^''", ""):gsub("''$", ""):gsub("|''", "|"):gsub("'']]", "]]") citeq_args.ol = (getValue( {"P648", ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = 1, citeq_args.ol } ) or ''):gsub("^OL(.+)$", "%1") if citeq_args.ol == "" then citeq_args.ol = nil end -- TBD. Take care of |ol-access=? citeq_args.biorxiv = citeq_args.biorxiv and ("10.1101/" .. citeq_args.biorxiv) citeq_args.isbn = getValue( {"P957", ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = 1, rank="best", citeq_args.isbn } ) -- try ISBN 10 (only one value accepted) -- if url then see if there's an archive: citeq_args.url local url if not citeq_args.url then for i, pr in ipairs( {"P953", "P856", "P2699"} ) do url = getValue( {pr, ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = 1, qual="P1065" } ) if url then citeq_args.url = mw.text.split( url, " (", true )[1] local arcurl = mw.ustring.match( url, " %((.*)%)" ) -- when there is an archive url, &lt;url> holds: url&lt;space>(archive url); here extract the archive url if present if arcurl then local arcy, arcm, arcd = arcurl:match("(20%d%d)%p?(%d%d)%p?(%d%d)") if arcy and arcm and arcd then citeq_args["archive-url"] = arcurl citeq_args["archive-date"] = tonumber(arcd) .. " " .. i18n.months[tonumber(arcm)] .. " " .. arcy end end break end end end if citeq_args.publisher == "Unknown" then -- look for "stated as" (P1932) local stated_as = getValue( {"P123", ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = 1, qual="P1932", qo="y"} ) if stated_as then citeq_args.publisher = stated_as end end if not titleforced then -- Handle subtitle. if citeq_args.title then local subtitle = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements (qid, 'P1680'); if 0 ~= #subtitle then subtitle = subtitle[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.text; citeq_args.title = citeq_args.title .. ": " .. subtitle end end local htmltitle = getValue( {"P1476", qual = "P6833", ps = 1, qid = qid, maxvals = 1, qo = "y"} ) if htmltitle then citeq_args.title = htmltitle:gsub("&lt;/?i>", "''") else local title_display = citeq_args.title or mw.wikibase.getLabel(qid) or (langcodes[1] and mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(qid, langcodes[1])) or ("No label or title -- debug: " .. qid) if citeq_args.url then citeq_args.title = wrap_nowiki(title_display) else local slink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qid) local slink_flag = false local wrap_title = '' local wslink = false if not slink then -- See if we have wikisource if not citeq_args.url then local wikisource_sitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qid, "enwikisource") or nil if wikisource_sitelink then slink = ':s:'..wikisource_sitelink wslink = true end end end if citeq_args.title then if slink then wrap_title = wrap_nowiki(citeq_args.title) slink_flag = true else citeq_args.title = wrap_nowiki(citeq_args.title) end else if slink and not wslink then if slink:lower() == title_display:lower() then citeq_args.title = '[[' .. slink .. ']]' else wrap_title = wrap_nowiki(slink:gsub("%s%(.+%)$", ""):gsub(",.+$", "")) slink_flag = true end elseif wslink then wrap_title = wrap_nowiki(title_display) slink_flag = true else citeq_args.title = wrap_nowiki(title_display) end end if slink_flag then if slink == wrap_title and not wslink then -- direct link citeq_args.title = '[[' .. slink .. ']]' else -- piped link citeq_args.title = '[[' .. slink .. '|' .. wrap_title .. ']]' end end end end end -- TBD: incorporate |at, |sheets= and |sheet= here as well -- Sort out what should happen if several of them are given at the same time if or citeq_args.p then -- let single take precedence over multiple citeq_args.pages = nil citeq_args.pp = nil end if citeq_args.pages then local _, count = string.gsub(citeq_args.pages, "[,;%s]%d+", "") if count == 1 then = citeq_args.pages citeq_args.pages = nil end end if is_set (qid) then if not is_set ( and not is_set (citeq_args.author1) and not is_set (citeq_args.subject) and not is_set (citeq_args.subject1) and not is_set ( and not is_set (citeq_args.host1) and not is_set (citeq_args.last) and not is_set (citeq_args.last1) and not is_set (citeq_args.surname) and not is_set (citeq_args.surname1) and not is_set (citeq_args['author-last']) and not is_set (citeq_args['author-last1']) and not is_set (citeq_args['author1-last']) and not is_set (citeq_args['author-surname']) and not is_set (citeq_args['author-surname1']) and not is_set (citeq_args['author1-surname1']) then -- if neither are set, try to get authors from Wikidata get_name_list ('author', citeq_args, qid, wdl) -- modify citeq_args table with authors from Wikidata end if not is_set (citeq_args.editor) and not is_set (citeq_args.editor1) and not is_set (citeq_args['editor-last']) and not is_set (citeq_args['editor-last1']) and not is_set (citeq_args['editor1-last']) and not is_set (citeq_args['editor-surname']) and not is_set (citeq_args['editor-surname1']) and not is_set (citeq_args['editor1-surname']) then -- if neither are set, try to get editors from Wikidata get_name_list ('editor', citeq_args, qid, wdl) -- modify citeq_args table with editors from Wikidata end if not is_set (citeq_args.translator) and not is_set (citeq_args.translator1) and not is_set (citeq_args['translator-last']) and not is_set (citeq_args['translator-last1']) and not is_set (citeq_args['translator1-last']) and not is_set (citeq_args['translator-surname']) and not is_set (citeq_args['translator-surname1']) and not is_set (citeq_args['translator1-surname']) then -- if neither are set, try to get translators from Wikidata get_name_list ('translator', citeq_args, qid, wdl) -- modify citeq_args table with translators from Wikidata end end for k, v in pairs(citeq_args) do if in_array (v, {'(())', 'unset', 'ignore'}) or 'string' ~= type(k) then -- empty accept-as-is-written (()) markup to indicate an empty/unused parameter value, other ((...)) markups are deliberately passed down to {{citation}} citeq_args[k] = nil elseif in_array (v, {'((unset))', '((ignore))'}) then -- strip off markup for free-text values clashing with local keywords citeq_args[k] = 'unset' end end local author_count = 0 for k, v in pairs(citeq_args) do if k:find("^author%d+$") then author_count = author_count + 1 end end if author_count > 8 then -- convention in astronomy journals, optional mode for this? if 'all' == citeq_args['display-authors'] then citeq_args['display-authors'] = nil; -- unset because no longer needed else citeq_args['display-authors'] = citeq_args['display-authors'] or 3 -- limit to three displayed names end end local editor_count = 0 for k, v in pairs(citeq_args) do if k:find("^editor%d+$") then editor_count = editor_count + 1 end end if editor_count > 8 then -- convention in astronomy journals, optional mode for this? if 'all' == citeq_args['display-editors'] then citeq_args['display-editors'] = nil; -- unset because no longer needed else citeq_args['display-editors'] = citeq_args['display-editors'] or 3 -- limit to three displayed names end end -- change edition to ordinal if it's set and numeric citeq_args.edition = citeq_args.edition and p.makeOrdinal(citeq_args.edition) -- code to make a guess what template to use from the supplied parameters -- (first draft for proof-of-concept) if citeq_args.isbn then template = template or "book" citeq_args.asin = nil -- suppress ASIN if ISBN exists elseif citeq_args.journal then template = template or "journal" elseif then template = template or "web" end -- template is CS1 designator: journal, web, news, etc. if template then -- citeq_args.mode = citeq_args.mode or "cs1" -- a cs1 template already knows that it is cs1 so this line is superfluous template = "Cite " .. template else -- citeq_args.mode = citeq_args.mode or "cs2" -- a cs2 template already knows that it is cs2 so this line is superfluous template = "Citation" end -- |id= could hold more than one identifier pulled from Wikidata not supported by {{citation}}, right now only add our qid to the list local list_sep = '. ' if citeq_args.mode ~= 'cs1' then list_sep = ', ' end local id = '[[WDQ (identifier)|Wikidata]]&amp;nbsp;[[:d:' .. qid .. '|' .. qid .. ']]' -- go through "WDQ (identifier)" redirect to reduce clutter in "What links here" and improve reverse lookup. Keep in sync with {{QID}}. local old_id = if wdl then -- show WD logo id = id .. '[[File:Wikidata-logo.svg|16px|alt=|link=]]' -- possibly replace by WD edit icon? end if is_set (old_id) then = old_id .. list_sep .. id -- append to user-specified contents else = id end -- clean up any blank parameters for k, v in pairs(citeq_args) do if v == "" then citeq_args[k] = nil end end -- if |expand=&lt;anything>, write a nowiki'd version to see what the {{citation}} template call looks like if expand then local expand_args = { "{{" .. template } -- init with citation template if expand == "self" then = old_id -- restore original |id= parameter expand_args = { "{{cite Q|" .. qid } -- expand to itself end -- make a sortable table and sort it by param name local sorttable = {} for param, val in pairs (citeq_args) do table.insert(sorttable, {param, val}) end table.sort(sorttable, comp_key) -- add contents to expand_args for idx, val in ipairs(sorttable) do table.insert(expand_args, val[1] .. '=' .. val[2]) end -- make the nowiki'd string and done return frame:preprocess (table.concat ({'&lt;syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline="1">', table.concat (expand_args, ' |') .. '}}', '&lt;/syntaxhighlight>'})); end local erratumid = getPropertyIDs( { "P2507", qid = qid, fwd = "ALL", osd = "no", rank = "best", maxvals = 1 } ) if erratumid then erratumid = " [[d:" .. erratumid .. "|(erratum)]]" .. "[[Category:Cite Q - cites a work with an erratum]]" else erratumid = "" end local opt_cat = '' if getValue( {"P5824", ps = 1, qid = qid} ) then opt_cat = '[[Category:Cite Q - cites a retracted work]]&lt;!-- retracted -->' end if getValue( {"P1366", ps = 1, qid = qid} ) then opt_cat = opt_cat .. '[[Category:Cite Q - cites a replaced work]]&lt;!-- replaced -->' end return frame:expandTemplate{title = template, args = citeq_args} .. erratumid .. opt_cat -- render the template end function p.cite_q (frame) local args = {} for k, v in pairs(frame:getParent().args) do if v ~= "" then args[k] = v end end for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do if v ~= "" then args[k] = v end end args.qid = args.qid or args[1] or "" if args.qid == "" then return nil end args[1] = nil local citesep = (args.citesep or "") if citesep == "" then citesep = ", " end citesep = citesep:gsub('"', '') -- strip double quotes after setting default to allow |citesep="" as a blank separator args.citesep = nil local tag = args.tag or "" if tag == "" then tag = nil end args.tag = nil local list = args.list or "" if list == "" then list = nil end args.list = nil args.language = args.language or args.lang args.lang = nil local cites = {} for q in args.qid:gmatch("Q%d+") do -- make a new copy of the arguments local newargs = {} for k, v in pairs(args) do if k ~= "qid" then newargs[k] = v end end newargs.qid = q if tag == "ref" then cites[#cites + 1] = frame:callParserFunction{ name = "#tag:ref", args = { p._cite_q(newargs), name = q } } -- expand like this: args = { p._cite_q(newargs), name = 'foo', group = 'bar' } else cites[#cites + 1] = p._cite_q(newargs) end end if list then return frame:expandTemplate{ title = list, args = cites } else return table.concat(cites, citesep) end end return p </textarea><div id="mw-scribunto-console"></div><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p><span id="templatesused">Pages transcluded onto the current version of this page<span class="posteditwindowhelplinks"> (<a href="/wiki/Help:Transclusion" title="Help:Transclusion">help</a>)</span>:</span> </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/Template:High-use" title="Template:High-use">Template:High-use</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:High-use&amp;action=edit" title="Template:High-use">view 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