User Interface Options - OCLC Support

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The quality and accuracy of machine translation can vary significantly from one text to another. Read the page in original English <a onclick="goToLanguage('en')">here</a>.</div> <script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/ // Determine if machine translation message should be shown function displayMachineTranslationMessage() { // Show if Italian, excluding certain pages if (thisSiteLanguage == 'it' && !document.querySelector('.columbia-page-home')) { document.querySelector('#machine-translation-message').style.display = null; } } displayMachineTranslationMessage();/*]]>*/</script> </div> <div class="mt-content-side"></div> <div id="mt-toc-container" data-title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" data-collapsed="true"> <button class="mt-toggle mt-summary-toggle ui-button-icon mt-toggle-expand">Inhaltsverzeichnis</button> <div class="mt-toc-content mt-collapsible-section mt-toc-hide"> <ol><li><a href="#Your_WorldCat.org_URL" rel="internal">Your URL</a></li><li><a href="#Language_Options_(WorldCat_Local)" rel="internal">Language Options (WorldCat Local)</a></li><li><a href="#General_Display_Settings" rel="internal">General Display Settings</a><ol><li><a href="#Select_default_search_behavior" rel="internal">Select default search behavior</a></li><li><a href="#Display_buying_options" rel="internal">Display buying options</a></li><li><a href="#Display_Course_Reserves" rel="internal">Display Course Reserves</a></li><li><a href="#Display_shelf_browse_on_detailed_records" rel="internal">Display shelf browse on detailed records</a></li></ol></li><li><a href="#Branding_.26_Customization" rel="internal">Branding &amp; Customization</a><ol><li><a href="#Customize_WorldCat_Discovery" rel="internal">Customize WorldCat Discovery</a></li><li><a href="#Customize_My_Account" rel="internal">Customize My Account </a></li><li><a href="#Watch_a_video" rel="internal">Watch a video</a><ol><li><a href="#Customize_the_user_interface_options_for_WorldCat_Discovery" rel="internal">Customize the user interface options for WorldCat Discovery</a></li></ol></li></ol></li><li><a href="#Logo_Settings" rel="internal">Logo Settings</a></li><li><a href="#Custom_Links" rel="internal">Custom Links</a></li><li><a href="#Availability_Column_Labels_(WorldCat_Local)" rel="internal">Availability Column Labels (WorldCat Local)</a><ol><li><a href="#Library_availability" rel="internal">Library availability</a></li></ol></li><li><a href="#Authentication_Prompt_for_Restricted_Content" rel="internal">Authentication Prompt for Restricted Content</a></li><li><a href="#Customize_WMS_Sign_In_Labels" rel="internal">Customize WMS Sign In Labels</a></li></ol> </div> </div> <div id="page-top"> <div id="topic"> <div id="pageText"> <div class="mt-page-summary"><div class="mt-page-overview">Learn how to update your user interface display for WorldCat Discovery.</div></div> <p>To access this screen, sign in<a href="" rel="external nofollow" title=""> Service Configuration</a>, open the <strong>WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local</strong> left navigation, select <strong>User Interface Options</strong>.<a id="WC.orgURL" name="WC.orgURL"></a></p> <p>Use this screen to update your banner, custom links and display settings. Indicate if and where you would like to change the default settings. Guidelines for formatting are provided where necessary.</p> <p>After making changes to the sections described below, click <b>Cancel</b> to start over, or <b>Save Changes</b> to save and continue.</p> <div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_1"><span id="Your_WorldCat.org_URL"></span><h2 class="editable">Your URL</h2> <p>Review your URL(s). Your institution's URL qualifier can be used for multiple services. If it is acceptable as is, go on to <a title="User Interface Options" href="#BrandAndCustomize" rel="internal">Branding &amp; Customization</a>. If you would like to change the URL, send a request (include your institution's registry ID) to <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="external noopener nofollow" class="link-mailto"></a> or call OCLC at 1-800-848-5800.</p> <ul> <li><strong>Institution Name:</strong> This name will appear in the &quot;Libraries that own this item&quot; line on the search results, in scoping drop-downs, and in the detailed item view where availability is shown. This name is configured in the <a title="Relevancy and Scoping" href="" rel="internal">Relevancy and Scoping</a> module under <a title="Relevancy and Scoping" href="" rel="internal">Display name</a>.</li> <li><strong> Redirect:</strong> Check this box to automatically redirect users to your WorldCat Local or WorldCat Discovery URL when they go to a record on <ul> <li>To redirect your WorldCat Local URL to your WorldCat Discovery URL, select the option to <strong>Redirect WorldCat Local permanent/bookmarked links to WorldCat Discovery</strong>.  </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="mt-indent-1"><span class="mt-icon-info2"> Note:</span> Users must be IP authenticated to your institution.</p> </div><div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_2"><span id="Language_Options_(WorldCat_Local)"></span><h2 class="editable">Language Options (WorldCat Local)</h2> <p>Select the language that displays for the logo, buttons, and labels in WorldCat Local. The default language is English.</p> <p>Only certain options are available at this time. More options will be made available in future releases.</p> </div><div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_3"><span id="General_Display_Settings"></span><h2 class="editable">General Display Settings</h2> <div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_4"><span id="Select_default_search_behavior"></span><h3 class="editable">Select default search behavior</h3> <p valign="top">Choose whether or not to add full text to your default search behavior in WorldCat Local and WorldCat Discovery.</p> <ul> <li valign="top"><strong>Search keyword index</strong> (default) - By default, searching from the search box in WorldCat Discovery will automatically apply the <a title="Keyword" href="" rel="internal">keyword index</a> to any search terms entered.</li> <li valign="top"><strong>Search keyword + full text index</strong> - If selected, WorldCat Discovery will automatically apply the keyword+full text (kf:) index to any search terms entered. This index returns the same search results as the keyword index with a small number of databases for which full text is indexed and is therefore searchable.<br /> <span class="mt-icon-info2"> </span>Note: This setting should only be selected if you subscribe to one or more of the databases that appear in the 'Full text collections' tab of the <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="external noopener nofollow" class="link-https">central index content list</a>.</li> </ul> </div><div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_5"><span id="Display_buying_options"></span><h3 class="editable">Display buying options</h3> <p><span class="mt-icon-info2"> </span>Note: This functionality is for WorldCat Local only.</p> <p>Buy It is an optional feature that provides an additional delivery method for your users. Turning on <strong>Display buying options</strong> allows your patrons the option to purchase titles that are available via, Barnes &amp; Noble, Better World Books, Baker &amp; Taylor, and British Library. The <b>Buy it</b> link is determined by ISBN.</p> </div><div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_6"><span id="Display_Course_Reserves"></span><h3 class="editable">Display Course Reserves</h3> <p>If you are using <b>WorldCat Discovery</b> or <b>WorldShare Management Services</b> to manage Course Reserves, see <a title="Course Reserves" href="" rel="internal">Course Reserves in WorldCat Discovery Services</a>.</p> <p>If you are using <b>WorldCat Local</b> to manage Course Reserves, activating the Course Reserves link allows your patrons to search for courses and reserved materials in your collection. Course Reserves appears under the Search drop-down menu in WorldCat Local.</p> <p>There are two levels of permissions in Course Reserves:</p> <ul> <li value="1">Manager—create/edit/delete courses and titles in courses</li> <li value="2">Maintainer—add/remove titles to existing courses</li> </ul> <p>To create and maintain courses, you will need to sign into your account in WorldCat Local. Libraries with access to OCLC Service Configuration will have access to the Manager role in Course Reserves. If you experience any issues logging in, or with your ability to create and/or manage course reserves after logging in, contact <a href="" target="_blank" rel="external noopener nofollow" class="link-mailto"></a> for assistance. Include your institution’s OCLC symbol when submitting your request.Similarly, if you would like to request access for other users at your institution, you may also do so by contacting <a href="" target="_blank" rel="external noopener nofollow" class="link-mailto"></a>.<a id="BrandAndCustomize" name="BrandAndCustomize"></a></p> </div><div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_7"><span id="Display_shelf_browse_on_detailed_records"></span><h3 class="editable">Display shelf browse on detailed records</h3> <p><span class="mt-icon-info2"> </span>Note: This functionality is for WorldCat Discovery premium institutions only.</p> <p>Determine whether or not to allow Browse the Shelf results to appear in detailed records. For more information, see <a title="Browse the Shelf to view nearby items" href="" rel="internal">Browse the Shelf to view nearby items</a>.</p> </div></div><div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_8"><span id="Branding_.26_Customization"></span><h2 class="editable">Branding &amp; Customization</h2> <div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_9"><span id="Customize_WorldCat_Discovery"></span><h4 class="editable">Customize WorldCat Discovery</h4> <p>WorldCat Discovery colors and custom text are controlled by the below settings.</p> <p class="sl_swap" id="customize_worldcat_discovery"><img alt="branding_config.jpg" class="internal default" loading="lazy" src="" /></p> <table class="mt-responsive-table"> <thead> <tr> <th class="mt-column-width-10" scope="col">Example</th> <th class="mt-column-width-60" scope="col">Setting</th> <th class="mt-column-width-20" scope="col">HEX value</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-10" data-th="Example">1</td> <td class="mt-column-width-60" data-th="Setting"> <p><strong>Header and footer color</strong></p> <p><span class="mt-icon-info2"> </span>Note: This setting will alter the color customization in My Account as well. See <a title="User Interface Options" href="#MyAccountCustom" rel="internal">Customize My Account</a>.</p> </td> <td class="mt-column-width-20" data-th="HEX value"><em>(example: 1074C3)</em></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-10" data-th="Example">2</td> <td class="mt-column-width-60" data-th="Setting"> <p><strong>Navigational bar color</strong></p> <p>The WorldCat Discovery (and associated new A to Z list, My Account) header has two main areas, the navigational bar and the banner. The navigational bar holds your custom links, chat, sign in options, etc. We suggest you keep the navigational bar for a neutral background color and emphasize the banner with your institution's brand colors.</p> <table class="mt-responsive-table"> <thead> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> </thead> </table> <p><span class="mt-icon-info2"> Note: Match this to your logo background color to mimic a screen-width banner.</span></p> </td> <td class="mt-column-width-20" data-th="HEX value"> <p><em>(example: 034EA2)</em></p> <p> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-10" data-th="Example">3</td> <td class="mt-column-width-60" data-th="Setting"> <p><a id="buttons" name="buttons"></a><strong>Search and fulfillment buttons</strong></p> <p><span class="mt-icon-info2"> </span>Note: This setting will alter the color customization in My Account as well. See <a title="User Interface Options" href="#MyAccountCustom" rel="internal">Customize My Account</a>.</p> </td> <td class="mt-column-width-35" data-th="HEX value"><em>(example: 363CDA)</em></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-10" data-th="Example">4</td> <td class="mt-column-width-60" data-th="Setting"><strong>Unvisited Links</strong></td> <td class="mt-column-width-35" data-th="HEX value"><em>(example: 0B4D98)</em></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-10" data-th="Example">5</td> <td class="mt-column-width-60" data-th="Setting"><strong>Visited Links</strong></td> <td class="mt-column-width-35" data-th="HEX value"><em>(example: 1074C3)</em></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-10 mt-align-center" colspan="3" data-th="HEX value"><strong>Classic WorldCat Discovery options</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-10" data-th="Example"> </td> <td class="mt-column-width-60" data-th="Setting"><strong>Hover Links</strong></td> <td class="mt-column-width-35" data-th="HEX value"><em>(example: FF8003)</em></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-10" data-th="Example"> </td> <td class="mt-column-width-60" data-th="Setting"> <p><strong>Color of links and text in the header</strong></p> <p><span class="mt-icon-info2"> </span>Note: This text only appears if no logo is uploaded for the banner. A link to the library's homepage displays in place of the logo and the color of the link is configured here.</p> </td> <td class="mt-column-width-20" data-th="HEX value">Type the hex value in the field provided, or use the color picker to find a hex value.</td> </tr> </thead> </table> <p><span class="mt-icon-info2"> </span>Note: <strong>Classic WorldCat Discovery</strong> options are applicable to Advanced Search, Course Reserves, and Personal Lists pages. </p> </div><div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_10"><span id="Customize_My_Account"></span><h4 class="editable">Customize My Account </h4> <ul> </ul> <p>My Account custom colors are controlled by the below settings. Updating the below settings will also update them throughout the WorldCat Discovery interface.</p> <p class="sl_swap" id="customize_my_account"><img class="internal default" alt="my_account_branding.png" loading="lazy" src="" /></p> <p>My Account custom colors are controlled by the below settings:</p> <table class="mt-responsive-table"> <thead> <tr> <th class="mt-column-width-10" scope="col">Number</th> <th class="mt-column-width-40" scope="col">Setting</th> <th class="mt-column-width-40" scope="col">Option</th> <th class="mt-column-width-45" scope="col">Example</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-10" data-th="Number">1</td> <td class="mt-column-width-40" data-th="Setting"><b>Search and fulfillment buttons</b></td> <td class="mt-column-width-40" data-th="Option"> <ul> <li>Buttons</li> <li>Icons</li> <li>Active Tab</li> </ul> </td> <td class="mt-column-width-45" data-th="Example"> <p class="sl_swap" id="search_and_fulfillment_buttons"><img class="internal default" alt="my_account_search_fulfillment_color.png" loading="lazy" src="" /></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-10" data-th="Number">2</td> <td class="mt-column-width-40" data-th="Setting"><strong>Header and footer color</strong></td> <td class="mt-column-width-40" data-th="Option"> <ul> <li>Header and footer</li> </ul> </td> <td class="mt-column-width-45" data-th="Example"> <p class="sl_swap" id="header_and_footer_color"> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-10" data-th="Number">3</td> <td class="mt-column-width-40" data-th="Setting"><strong>Unvisited links    </strong></td> <td class="mt-column-width-40" data-th="Option"> <ul> <li>Unvisited links    </li> </ul> </td> <td class="mt-column-width-45" data-th="Example"> <p class="sl_swap" id="unvisited_links"><img class="internal default" alt="my_account_unvisited_links.png" loading="lazy" src="" /></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-10" data-th="Number"> </td> <td class="mt-column-width-40" data-th="Setting"><strong>Visited links</strong></td> <td class="mt-column-width-40" data-th="Option"> <ul> <li>Visited links</li> </ul> </td> <td class="mt-column-width-45" data-th="Example"> <p class="sl_swap" id="visted_links"><img class="internal default" alt="my_account_unvisted_links.png" loading="lazy" src="" /></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-10" data-th="Number">4</td> <td class="mt-column-width-40" data-th="Setting"><strong>Navigational bar color</strong></td> <td class="mt-column-width-40" data-th="Option"> <ul> <li>Navigational bar     <ul> <li>If a Navigational bar color has not been previously set, the default color 545454 (dark gray) is used.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </td> <td class="mt-column-width-45" data-th="Example"> <p class="sl_swap" id="navigational_bar_color"><img class="internal default" alt="my_account_navigational_bar.png" loading="lazy" src="" /></p> </td> </tr> </thead> </table> <p>Recommendations for color selections:</p> <ul> <li>For header and footer, select a light color that best reflects your institution's main brand color.</li> <li>For buttons and icons, select a dark color that coordinates or contrasts with the secondary color.</li> <li>Based on the color selections, the text on the navigation bar will be either white or black.  <ul> <li>To test the white or black text: <ul> <li>In Service Configuration, select the new color and Save. On the My Account page, refresh the browser to apply the new color. <ul> <li>Pick a slightly darker color to change the text from black to white.</li> <li>Pick a slightly lighter color to change the text from white to black.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li>Sort icons will appear as greyed out when there are no items to sort.</li> <li>List headers have a white background and black text.<a id="ChangeAddLogo" name="ChangeAddLogo"></a></li> </ul> </div><div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_11"><span id="Watch_a_video"></span> <div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_12"><span id="Customize_the_user_interface_options_for_WorldCat_Discovery"></span> <p><b>Run time:</b> 8:22</p> <p>This video describes the user interface options that may be configured to display in WorldCat Discovery.</p> <div class="mt-contentreuse-widget" data-page="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_training/Watch_self-paced_training/WorldCat_Discovery_videos" data-section="Customize the user interface options for WorldCat Discovery" data-show="false"> <div class="mt-include" id="s59621"> <div class="mt-video-widget-cont"> <div class="mt-video-widget"><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" src=";rel=0&amp;modestbranding=1" title="Customize the user interface options for WorldCat Discovery"></iframe></div> </div> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div></div></div><div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_13"><span id="Logo_Settings"></span><h2 class="editable">Logo Settings</h2> <table class="mt-responsive-table"> <thead> <tr> <th class="mt-column-width-20" scope="col">Field</th> <th class="mt-column-width-80" scope="col">Action</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-20" data-th="Field"><strong>Logo image URL</strong></td> <td class="mt-column-width-80" data-th="Action"> <p>If your currently does not have a logo image, or if you would like to replace the current logo image, provide a URL to an image of your institution’s logo. The logo image cannot exceed 80 pixels in height and 275 pixels in width. Match the background color of this image to your logo background color to mimic a screen-width banner.</p> <p><span class="mt-icon-info2"> </span>Note: <span style="background-color:initial;">Images larger than this will automatically be resized.</span></p> <p>For the best user experience, we recommend configuring a secure image (beginning with &quot;https://”). If the logo image uses “http://” but your user is accessing your customized URL via a secured URL, the logo image will not display in the header. In this case, users will see your text from the <b>Alt-text for the logo</b> field in place of the logo image.</p> <p>After adding your logo, click <b>test URL</b> to confirm your choice.<a id="CustomLink" name="CustomLink"></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-20" data-th="Field"><strong>Home page URL</strong></td> <td class="mt-column-width-80" data-th="Action">Type the URL for the page where the user is sent when they click the logo image.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-20" data-th="Field"><strong>Logo alternative text</strong></td> <td class="mt-column-width-80" data-th="Action"> <p valign="top">Type text that will appear when the cursor hovers over the logo.</p> <p valign="top"><span class="mt-icon-info2"> Note:</span> Make sure that the colors used for <b>Alt-text for the logo</b> and <b>Text to appear with logo</b> are descriptive, and the colors are a good combination with the banner color.</p> </td> </tr> </thead> </table> </div><div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_14"><span id="Custom_Links"></span><h2 class="editable">Custom Links</h2> <p>Choose up to 7 custom links to appear in the banner. Provide the URLs, link type and accompanying text for up to 7 custom web links (e.g., links leading to your library home page, Ask a Librarian, or the patron account)<br /> There is a 25-character limit on the text for each link.</p> <p><span class="mt-icon-info2"> Note:</span> If you wish to allow remote access outside your IP address, one of your custom links must be to your remote access page, and you must choose <strong>remote access login</strong> as the link type.</p> <table class="mt-responsive-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th class="mt-column-width-20" scope="col"><a id="custom_links" name="custom_links"></a>Custom link</th> <th class="mt-column-width-80" scope="col">How to configure</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-20" data-th="Custom link"><strong>Custom link: Display Chat Widget</strong></td> <td class="mt-column-width-80" data-th="How to configure"> <p valign="top">Create this link if you want to provide a link to a chat widget.</p> <p valign="top">You must use <b>Custom link 1</b>. The chat widget will open in a new window when the <b>Chat</b> link is clicked in WorldCat Local.</p> <ul> <li valign="top">Link type: Select <b>library contact info</b></li> <li valign="top">Display Chat Widget: To display the chat widget for patrons, select <b>Yes</b>.</li> </ul> <p>The recommended size for the widget is 185 pixels wide x 275 pixels high. URLs referenced within the chat widget code must utilize HTTPS to avoid mixed content warnings raised by most modern web browsers, which could render the chat widget inoperable.</p> <p><span class="mt-icon-info2"> </span>Note: When using Custom link 1 to provide a chat widget, you will not be able to use the <strong>test URL</strong> option. The <strong>test URL</strong> option will display an error for the <strong>Chat code</strong> as this is not a URL. If using Custom link 1 for a URL, the test URL option will work as expected.  </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-20" data-th="Custom link"><strong>Custom link: A to Z list</strong></td> <td class="mt-column-width-80" data-th="How to configure"> <p valign="top">Create this link to allow patrons to discover electronic journals held within the WorldCat knowledge base.</p> <ul> <li valign="top">Link type: Select <b>other</b></li> <li valign="top">URL: Use the URL as shown in <strong>WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local &gt; A - Z List and OCLC Link Resolver</strong>. Enter the following URL format:<b> http://[library]</b></li> <li valign="top">Display text: Create a custom text label of your choice <ul> <li valign="top">Optional. To include translated display text: <ol> <li valign="top">Click <strong>Add Translations</strong>. The text is expanded to display additional fields.</li> <li valign="top">Select a <strong>Language </strong>from the drop-down list and enter <strong>Custom Text</strong> in the text field.</li> <li valign="top">Optional. Click <strong>Add Translations </strong>to add additional translations. <ul> <li>Translated language options include Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Maori, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Traditional Chinese.</li> </ul> </li> </ol> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-20" data-th="Custom link"><strong>Custom link: Proxy</strong></td> <td class="mt-column-width-80" data-th="How to configure"> <p>Create this link if you have a proxy service that allows off-site staff users outside your IP address to access restricted library content and services.</p> <ul> <li>Link type:<strong> </strong>Select <strong>remote access login</strong></li> <li>URL:<strong> </strong>Enter your library's proxy URL. Use this format if your library uses EZproxy: <strong></strong><br /> You might need to check<strong> Append current URL to the end of this link</strong></li> <li>Display text: Create a custom text label of your choice <ul> <li valign="top">Optional. To include translated display text: <ol> <li valign="top">Click <strong>Add Translations</strong>. The text is expanded to display additional fields.</li> <li valign="top">Select a <strong>Language </strong>from the drop-down list and enter <strong>Custom Text</strong> in the text field.</li> <li valign="top">Optional. Click <strong>Add Translations </strong>to add additional translations. <ul> <li>Translated language options include Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Maori, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Traditional Chinese.</li> </ul> </li> </ol> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p>When a resource is selected from WorldCat Discovery that requires remote authentication, staff will see a box that says <strong>Authentication Required</strong> and includes a link to sign in. Patron accounts should sign in with their username and password and do not need to remotely authenticate to view restricted content. Refer to <a title="My Account in WorldCat Discovery" href="" rel="internal">Enable end-user sign in </a>for more information.</p> <p>For more information, see <a title="EZproxy" href="" rel="internal">EZproxy documentation</a>. If your library's authentication is managed through a service other than EZproxy, you will want to confirm the URL format with the proxy vendor.</p> <p>See <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="external noopener nofollow" class="link-https">Collections/databases in WorldCat Discovery that require authentication before searching</a> to view databases that require this configuration.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="mt-column-width-20" data-th="Custom link"><strong>Custom Link: Other</strong></td> <td class="mt-column-width-80" data-th="How to configure">Provide additional custom web links for your institution.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div><div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_15"><span id="Availability_Column_Labels_(WorldCat_Local)"></span><h2 class="editable">Availability Column Labels (WorldCat Local)</h2> <p>Column labels for availability information in WorldCat Local are customizable. The default column labels shown will display if these fields are not changed.<a id="AuthenticationForRestrictedContent" name="AuthenticationForRestrictedContent"></a></p> <p class="sl_swap" id="column_labels"><img alt="Column labels" class="internal default" loading="lazy" src="" /></p> <div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_16"><span id="Library_availability"></span><h3 class="editable">Library availability</h3> <p>To change the column labels for physical availability, type the desired label name in each field.</p> </div></div><div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_17"><span id="Authentication_Prompt_for_Restricted_Content"></span><h2 class="editable">Authentication Prompt for Restricted Content</h2> <p>A prompt will appear when a staff user attempts to view records in WorldCat Local and WorldCat Discovery that require authentication. You can customize the text that appears in the prompt. Select <strong>Use the default text</strong>, or customize your text by clicking <b>Use custom text</b>.</p> <p><span class="mt-icon-info2"> Note:</span> When default text is selected, the fields under <b>Use custom text</b> are not editable.</p> <ul> <li><strong>Message:</strong> Type a custom message about your authentication process. There is a 300-character limit in this field.  <span class="mt-icon-info2"> Note:</span> Do not use line breaks, carriage returns or special characters. <ul> <li valign="top">Optional. To include translated display text: <ol> <li valign="top">Click <strong>Add Translations</strong>. The text is expanded to display additional fields.</li> <li valign="top">Select a <strong>Language </strong>from the drop-down list and enter <strong>Custom Text</strong> in the text field.</li> <li valign="top">Optional. Click <strong>Add Translations </strong>to add additional translations. <ul> <li>Translated language options include Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Maori, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Traditional Chinese.</li> </ul> </li> </ol> </li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Remote login button text:</strong> This button will always take the user to the remote access link defined in the custom web links. There is a 70-character limit. <ul> <li valign="top">Optional. To include translated display text: <ol> <li valign="top">Click <strong>Add Translations</strong>. The text is expanded to display additional fields.</li> <li valign="top">Select a <strong>Language </strong>from the drop-down list and enter <strong>Custom Text</strong> in the text field.</li> <li valign="top">Optional. Click <strong>Add Translations </strong>to add additional translations. <ul> <li>Translated language options include Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Maori, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Traditional Chinese.</li> </ul> </li> </ol> </li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Link text to unauthenticated searching:</strong> This link will only display when the user is attempting to view search results that have a mixture of restricted and unrestricted searching. There is a 120-character limit. <ul> <li valign="top">Optional. To include translated display text: <ol> <li valign="top">Click <strong>Add Translations</strong>. The text is expanded to display additional fields.</li> <li valign="top">Select a <strong>Language </strong>from the drop-down list and enter <strong>Custom Text</strong> in the text field.</li> <li valign="top">Optional. Click <strong>Add Translations </strong>to add additional translations. <ul> <li>Translated language options include Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Maori, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Traditional Chinese.</li> </ul> </li> </ol> </li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Other links:</strong> Show other links, such as a link to the Advanced Search screen or previous screen.</li> </ul> <p>Example of the default prompt text:</p> <p class="sl_swap" id="authentication_required"><img alt="Default prompt text" class="internal default" loading="lazy" src="" /></p> </div><div mt-section-origin="Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_Service_Configuration/WorldCat_Discovery_and_WorldCat_Local/010User_Interface_Options" class="mt-section" id="section_18"><span id="Customize_WMS_Sign_In_Labels"></span><h2 class="editable">Customize WMS Sign In Labels</h2> <p>Refer to <a title="Sign-In Custom Labels" href="" rel="internal">Sign-In Custom Labels</a> to customize 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