Presentation templates, Highly Customizable and Shareable Online

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10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="42196613" data-pageWidth="794" data-pageHeight="1123" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Platinum.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="image" onclick="previewTemplate('42196613', `Professional Business Consulting Proposal Template`, '23', ``, ``, `aabh`, '3', '591', '42', '10', '794', '1123', `Isabell`, `professional business consulting proposal;consulting proposal template;strategic planning consulting;financial advisory services;operational enhancement consulting;business;company;blue;red;consulting proposal`)"> <img src="" width="100%" alt="Professional Business Consulting Proposal Template" /> </div> <div class="bookText" 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xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>42</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '42196613','Professional Business Consulting Proposal Template','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="38319786" data-pageWidth="794" data-pageHeight="1123" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Enterprise.png" alt=""> </div> <div 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7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>553</span> <span class="dataTips">Views</span> </div> <div class="uses"> <svg width="12" height="12" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>18</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '38319786','Consulting Services Proposal Template','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span 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8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>27</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '79352632','Corporate Employee Training Template','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="68230764" data-pageWidth="794" data-pageHeight="1123" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Enterprise.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="image" onclick="previewTemplate('68230764', `Professional Project Report Template`, '23', ``, ``, `biuh`, '5', '785', '30', '10', '794', '1123', `Alice`, `project report template;project presentation template;business reporting template;project report;presentation;blue;company;business`)"> <img src="" width="100%" alt="Professional Project Report Template" /> </div> <div class="bookText" style="max-height: 82px;"> <div class="title" title="Professional Project Report Template">Professional Project Report Template </div> <div class="dataBox"> <div class="dataItem"> <div class="views"> <svg width="14" height="10" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 14 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7 10C10.0971 10 12.7245 6.791 13.647 5.51461C13.8716 5.20394 13.8716 4.79606 13.647 4.48539C12.7245 3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" 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1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="18986009" 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10C10.0971 10 12.7245 6.791 13.647 5.51461C13.8716 5.20394 13.8716 4.79606 13.647 4.48539C12.7245 3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>710</span> <span class="dataTips">Views</span> </div> <div class="uses"> <svg width="12" height="12" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>27</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '18986009','Comprehensive Project Report Presentation Template','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="46810507" data-pageWidth="794" data-pageHeight="1123" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Enterprise.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="image" onclick="previewTemplate('46810507', `Business Proposal Presentation Template for Strategic Success`, '23', ``, ``, `kdpe`, '5', '373', '16', '10', '794', '1123', `Smith`, `business proposal presentation template;strategic business planning;business proposal template;multimedia business presentation;business growth strategy;business proposal;presentation;orange;commerce;trade;economics;business strategy`)"> <img src="" width="100%" alt="Business Proposal Presentation Template for Strategic Success" /> </div> <div class="bookText" style="max-height: 82px;"> <div class="title" title="Business Proposal Presentation Template for Strategic Success">Business Proposal Presentation Template for Strategic Success </div> <div class="dataBox"> <div class="dataItem"> <div class="views"> <svg width="14" height="10" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 14 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7 10C10.0971 10 12.7245 6.791 13.647 5.51461C13.8716 5.20394 13.8716 4.79606 13.647 4.48539C12.7245 3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>373</span> <span class="dataTips">Views</span> </div> <div class="uses"> <svg width="12" height="12" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>16</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '46810507','Business Proposal Presentation Template for Strategic Success','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span 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10C10.0971 10 12.7245 6.791 13.647 5.51461C13.8716 5.20394 13.8716 4.79606 13.647 4.48539C12.7245 3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>636</span> <span class="dataTips">Views</span> </div> <div class="uses"> <svg width="12" height="12" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>25</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '38344351','Commercial Company Sales Report Presentation Template','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="29551176" data-pageWidth="1024" data-pageHeight="1024" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Enterprise.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="image" onclick="previewTemplate('29551176', `Mastering Writing Skills: Comprehensive Presentation Template`, '23', ``, ``, `tzzj`, '5', '433', '22', '10', '1024', '1024', `Isabell`, `effective writing skills presentation;writing skills education template;writing training presentation;customizable writing skills slides;writing skills;education;writing training;green;presentation`)"> <img src="" width="100%" alt="Mastering Writing Skills: Comprehensive Presentation Template" /> </div> <div class="bookText" style="max-height: 82px;"> <div class="title" title="Mastering Writing Skills: Comprehensive Presentation Template">Mastering Writing Skills: Comprehensive Presentation Template </div> <div class="dataBox"> <div class="dataItem"> <div class="views"> <svg width="14" height="10" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 14 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7 10C10.0971 10 12.7245 6.791 13.647 5.51461C13.8716 5.20394 13.8716 4.79606 13.647 4.48539C12.7245 3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" 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1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> 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0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>28</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '92865427','Company Sales Report Presentation Template for Business Insights','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="99778920" data-pageWidth="794" data-pageHeight="1123" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Enterprise.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="image" onclick="previewTemplate('99778920', `Sleep Disorders Guide Template for Healthy Sleep Habits`, '23', ``, ``, `twdf`, '5', '535', '19', '10', '794', '1123', `Qili`, `sleep health;sleep disorders guide;sleep hygiene presentation;sleep disorders education;bedtime routine guide;healthy sleep habits;yellow;healthcare;health;sleeping habit;presentation`)"> <img src="" width="100%" alt="Sleep Disorders Guide Template for Healthy Sleep Habits" /> </div> <div class="bookText" style="max-height: 82px;"> <div class="title" title="Sleep Disorders Guide Template for Healthy Sleep Habits">Sleep Disorders Guide Template for Healthy Sleep Habits </div> <div class="dataBox"> <div class="dataItem"> <div class="views"> <svg width="14" height="10" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 14 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7 10C10.0971 10 12.7245 6.791 13.647 5.51461C13.8716 5.20394 13.8716 4.79606 13.647 4.48539C12.7245 3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>535</span> <span class="dataTips">Views</span> </div> <div class="uses"> <svg width="12" height="12" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>19</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '99778920','Sleep Disorders Guide Template for Healthy Sleep Habits','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 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3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>24</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '88079660','Professional Business Branding Presentation Template','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="27585053" data-pageWidth="794" data-pageHeight="1123" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Enterprise.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="image" onclick="previewTemplate('27585053', `Bedroom Furniture Catalog Template for Sleep Products`, '23', ``, ``, `qfsi`, '5', '378', '14', '10', '794', '1123', `Alice`, `Bedroom Furniture Catalog Template;sleep product catalog;sleep;health;presentation;yellow;Sleep;healthcare;lifestyle`)"> <img src="" width="100%" alt="Bedroom Furniture Catalog Template for Sleep Products" /> </div> <div class="bookText" style="max-height: 82px;"> <div class="title" title="Bedroom Furniture Catalog Template for Sleep Products">Bedroom Furniture Catalog Template for Sleep Products </div> <div class="dataBox"> <div class="dataItem"> <div class="views"> <svg width="14" height="10" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 14 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7 10C10.0971 10 12.7245 6.791 13.647 5.51461C13.8716 5.20394 13.8716 4.79606 13.647 4.48539C12.7245 3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>378</span> <span class="dataTips">Views</span> </div> <div class="uses"> <svg width="12" height="12" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>14</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '27585053','Bedroom Furniture Catalog Template for Sleep Products','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="48291854" data-pageWidth="794" data-pageHeight="1123" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Enterprise.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="image" onclick="previewTemplate('48291854', `Comprehensive Employee Training Presentation Template`, '23', ``, ``, `sbvx`, '5', '449', '18', '10', '794', '1123', `Qili`, `employee training presentation;interactive presentation template;corporate training solutions;hr training for employees;employee training resources;employee training;presentation;corporate training;onboarding;career training;blue;company`)"> <img src="" width="100%" alt="Comprehensive Employee Training Presentation Template" /> </div> <div class="bookText" style="max-height: 82px;"> <div class="title" title="Comprehensive Employee Training Presentation Template">Comprehensive Employee Training Presentation Template </div> <div class="dataBox"> <div class="dataItem"> <div class="views"> <svg width="14" height="10" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 14 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7 10C10.0971 10 12.7245 6.791 13.647 5.51461C13.8716 5.20394 13.8716 4.79606 13.647 4.48539C12.7245 3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>449</span> <span class="dataTips">Views</span> </div> <div class="uses"> <svg width="12" height="12" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>18</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '48291854','Comprehensive Employee Training Presentation Template','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="30029806" data-pageWidth="794" data-pageHeight="1123" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Enterprise.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="image" onclick="previewTemplate('30029806', `interactive Music Event Presentation Template`, '23', ``, ``, `wpgo`, '5', '420', '16', '10', '794', '1123', `Double-nana`, `interactive music event presentation;music event template;concert presentation design;festival showcase template;engaging music event visuals;presentation;art;concert;entertainment;black;music event`)"> <img src="" width="100%" alt="interactive Music Event Presentation Template" /> </div> <div class="bookText" style="max-height: 82px;"> <div class="title" title="interactive Music Event Presentation Template">interactive Music Event Presentation Template </div> <div class="dataBox"> <div class="dataItem"> <div class="views"> <svg width="14" height="10" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 14 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7 10C10.0971 10 12.7245 6.791 13.647 5.51461C13.8716 5.20394 13.8716 4.79606 13.647 4.48539C12.7245 3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>420</span> <span class="dataTips">Views</span> </div> <div class="uses"> <svg width="12" height="12" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>16</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '30029806','interactive Music Event Presentation Template','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="96953741" data-pageWidth="1024" data-pageHeight="1024" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Enterprise.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="image" onclick="previewTemplate('96953741', `Professional Business Presentation Template`, '23', ``, ``, `hyyn`, '5', '367', '11', '10', '1024', '1024', `Isabell`, `innovative technology presentation;tech company product showcase;customizable tech slides;professional business presentation template;technology;business;presentation;company;product`)"> <img src="" width="100%" alt="Professional Business Presentation Template" /> </div> <div class="bookText" style="max-height: 82px;"> <div class="title" title="Professional Business Presentation Template">Professional Business Presentation Template </div> <div class="dataBox"> <div class="dataItem"> <div class="views"> <svg width="14" height="10" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 14 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7 10C10.0971 10 12.7245 6.791 13.647 5.51461C13.8716 5.20394 13.8716 4.79606 13.647 4.48539C12.7245 3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>367</span> <span class="dataTips">Views</span> </div> <div class="uses"> <svg width="12" height="12" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>11</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '96953741','Professional Business Presentation Template','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="72950821" data-pageWidth="794" data-pageHeight="1123" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Enterprise.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="image" onclick="previewTemplate('72950821', `Modern Product Presentation Template for Businesses`, '23', ``, ``, `ahlh`, '5', '467', '14', '10', '794', '1123', `Isabell`, `product presentation template;business product presentation;blue;business;technology;company;presentation`)"> <img src="" width="100%" alt="Modern Product Presentation Template for Businesses" /> </div> <div class="bookText" style="max-height: 82px;"> <div class="title" title="Modern Product Presentation Template for Businesses">Modern Product Presentation Template for Businesses </div> <div class="dataBox"> <div class="dataItem"> <div class="views"> <svg width="14" height="10" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 14 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7 10C10.0971 10 12.7245 6.791 13.647 5.51461C13.8716 5.20394 13.8716 4.79606 13.647 4.48539C12.7245 3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>467</span> <span class="dataTips">Views</span> </div> <div class="uses"> <svg width="12" height="12" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>14</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '72950821','Modern Product Presentation Template for Businesses','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span 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class="dataBox"> <div class="dataItem"> <div class="views"> <svg width="14" height="10" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 14 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7 10C10.0971 10 12.7245 6.791 13.647 5.51461C13.8716 5.20394 13.8716 4.79606 13.647 4.48539C12.7245 3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>591</span> <span class="dataTips">Views</span> </div> <div class="uses"> <svg width="12" height="12" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>30</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '47341631','Interactive Company Employee Training Presentation Template','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="40828931" data-pageWidth="794" data-pageHeight="1123" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Enterprise.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="image" onclick="previewTemplate('40828931', `Interactive Healthy Lifestyle Presentation Template`, '23', ``, ``, `qktz`, '5', '643', '21', '10', '794', '1123', `Alice`, `healthy lifestyle;life;presentation;yellow;wellness;green;health`)"> <img src="" width="100%" alt="Interactive Healthy Lifestyle Presentation Template" /> </div> <div class="bookText" style="max-height: 82px;"> <div class="title" title="Interactive Healthy Lifestyle Presentation Template">Interactive Healthy Lifestyle Presentation Template </div> <div class="dataBox"> <div class="dataItem"> <div class="views"> <svg width="14" height="10" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 14 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7 10C10.0971 10 12.7245 6.791 13.647 5.51461C13.8716 5.20394 13.8716 4.79606 13.647 4.48539C12.7245 3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>643</span> <span class="dataTips">Views</span> </div> <div class="uses"> <svg width="12" height="12" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>21</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '40828931','Interactive Healthy Lifestyle Presentation Template','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a 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10 12.7245 6.791 13.647 5.51461C13.8716 5.20394 13.8716 4.79606 13.647 4.48539C12.7245 3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>489</span> <span class="dataTips">Views</span> </div> <div class="uses"> <svg width="12" height="12" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>24</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '99638456','Employee Year-End Review Presentation Template','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="51784494" data-pageWidth="1123" data-pageHeight="794" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Enterprise.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="image" onclick="previewTemplate('51784494', `Company Annual Report Template`, '23', ``, ``, `kjfv`, '5', '519', '22', '10', '1123', '794', `Double-nana`, `annual report template;annual summary report template;annual work summary report template;employee;year-end;work;review;presentation;template`)"> <img src="" width="100%" alt="Company Annual Report Template" /> </div> <div class="bookText" style="max-height: 82px;"> <div class="title" title="Company Annual Report Template">Company Annual Report Template </div> <div class="dataBox"> <div class="dataItem"> <div class="views"> <svg width="14" height="10" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 14 10" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7 10C10.0971 10 12.7245 6.791 13.647 5.51461C13.8716 5.20394 13.8716 4.79606 13.647 4.48539C12.7245 3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>519</span> <span class="dataTips">Views</span> </div> <div class="uses"> <svg width="12" height="12" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>22</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div class="dataItem favorite" onclick="favorites(event, '51784494','Company Annual Report Template','23','','')"> <div class="favorites"> <svg width="13" height="11" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 13 11" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.483 3.03504L12.463 2.87754C12.4394 2.72987 12.4068 2.58377 12.3655 2.44004C12.2417 1.97828 12.0142 1.5508 11.7005 1.19004C11.682 1.16545 11.662 1.14207 11.6405 1.12004C11.3278 0.76586 10.9429 0.482676 10.5117 0.289502C10.0805 0.0963272 9.613 -0.00236736 9.14052 4.31129e-05C7.95802 4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="48841807" data-pageWidth="1123" data-pageHeight="794" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Enterprise.png" 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3.209 10.0971 0 7 0C3.90286 0 1.2755 3.209 0.352969 4.48539C0.128421 4.79606 0.128421 5.20394 0.352969 5.51461C1.2755 6.791 3.90286 10 7 10Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path d="M7 7C8.10456 7 9 6.10456 9 5C9 3.89544 8.10456 3 7 3C5.89544 3 5 3.89544 5 5C5 6.10456 5.89544 7 7 7Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.66667" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <circle cx="7" cy="5" r="2" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>1276</span> <span class="dataTips">Views</span> </div> <div class="uses"> <svg width="12" height="12" color="#BBBBBB" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.22146 12C3.35407 12 3.48125 11.9473 3.57502 11.8536L11.6464 3.78212C11.8417 3.58686 11.8417 3.27028 11.6464 3.07502L8.92498 0.353553C8.72972 0.158291 8.41314 0.158291 8.21787 0.353553L0.146447 8.42498C0.0526784 8.51875 0 8.64593 0 8.77854V11.5C0 11.7761 0.223858 12 0.5 12H3.22146Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span>36</span> <span class="dataTips">Used times</span> </div> </div> <div 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3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="53048720" data-pageWidth="1800" data-pageHeight="900" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Platinum.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="image" onclick="previewTemplate('53048720', `Innovative Company PowerPoint Template`, '23', ``, ``, `edjs`, '3', '869', '52', '10', '1800', '900', `Taylor`, `company presentation template;best powerpoint templates for business;business slide templates;company powerpoint template;company;corporate;business;modern;design;product;marketing;fashion;purple`)"> <img src="" width="100%" 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4.31129e-05 6.84802 0.465043 6.24802 1.15754C5.64802 0.465043 4.53552 4.31129e-05 3.35552 4.31129e-05C2.88304 -0.00236736 2.41551 0.0963272 1.98432 0.289502C1.55312 0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="50968959" data-pageWidth="1920" data-pageHeight="1080" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img 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2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips">Add to favorites</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="" class="bookItem shadow" data-id="18957665" data-pageWidth="1920" data-pageHeight="1080" onclick="preventDefault(event)"> <div class="levelImage"> <img src="/templates/image/templates/Platinum.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="image" onclick="previewTemplate('18957665', `Innovative Entrepreneurship Report Presentation Template`, '23', ``, ``, `fhkh`, '3', '1073', '96', '10', '1920', '1080', `Taylor`, `innovative entrepreneurship presentation;business report 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0.482676 1.16824 0.76586 0.855518 1.12004C0.834043 1.14207 0.814002 1.16545 0.795518 1.19004C0.481795 1.5508 0.254374 1.97828 0.130518 2.44004C0.0892124 2.58377 0.0566528 2.72987 0.0330181 2.87754L0.0130182 3.03504C0.00261361 3.14472 -0.00155982 3.2549 0.000518118 3.36504C0.000591013 3.4761 0.00643226 3.58709 0.0180182 3.69754C0.268018 6.73004 5.76802 10.31 6.00052 10.4625L6.25052 10.625L6.50052 10.4625C6.73552 10.3125 12.2355 6.73254 12.483 3.69754C12.4946 3.58709 12.5004 3.4761 12.5005 3.36504C12.5009 3.2548 12.4951 3.14462 12.483 3.03504Z" fill="currentColor" /> </svg> <span class="dataTips" :class="{collected:template.isCollect}">{{ template.isCollect ? removeFavorites : addFavorites }}</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <!--下拉loading框--> <div class="scroll-loading" v-show="isScrollLoading"> <div class="loadingImgBox"> <img src="/templates/image/loading.png" /> </div> </div> </div> <!--关注更多模板--> <div class="followMore" v-if="type === 'Templates' && isBookAll"> 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Easy to edit, publish and print.`; } else { if (categoryId !== '0' && levelId !== '0') { text = `Choose from ${ > 0 ? : ''} ${ > 0 ? quantifier : ' '} ${activeLevel.toLowerCase()} ${category.toLowerCase()} templates and customize it online to make your own! `; } else if (levelId !== '0') { text = `Choose from ${ > 0 ? : ''} ${ > 0 ? quantifier : ' '} ${activeLevel.toLowerCase()} templates and customize it online to make your own! `; } else if (categoryId !== '0') { text = `Choose from ${ > 0 ? : ''} ${ > 0 ? quantifier : ' '} ${category.toLowerCase()} templates and customize it online to make your own! `; } } } else { text = 'Create eye-catching flipbooks in minutes! Pick a template and customize it to get started. 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false : true } } let fnPreviewTemplate = vm.$options.methods.previewTemplate.bind(vm); fnPreviewTemplate(template); } // phpDom收藏模板 function favorites(e, id, title, firstId, detailUrl, linkPath) { // 预览模板的信息 let template = { id, title, firstId, detailUrl, linkPath }; template.isCollect ='color') === '#BBBBBB' ? false : true; let fnCheckLogin = vm.$options.methods.checkLogin.bind(vm); fnCheckLogin('favorites', template) } // 阻止模板链接跳转 function preventDefault(e) { e.preventDefault(); } let vm = new Vue({ el: '#TemplateCenter', data: function() { return { showThumb: false, thumbnail: { t: '', i: -1, }, // 当前预览缩略图 thumbnailArr: [], // 模板缩略图 keywordSliceL: 999, isShowLevelMenu: false, isShowLangMenu: false, isLoading: false, // 加载状态 isScrollLoading: false, // 下拉加载 userId: '', //用户id uType: -1, // 用户类型 uLevel: 0, // 用户等级 userAccountType: 0, // 用户注册类型 uEmail: '', // 用户邮箱 isActivate: false, // 是否激活 todayUploadLimit: 0, // 今日上传限制 currentBooks: 0, // 当前书籍数量 // folderData: {}, // 文件夹信息 defaultFolder: -1, // 旧工作台默认文件 // domainUrl: '', perferNewVersion: 0, // 新旧工作台习惯 type: 'Templates', // tab选项 levelId: '0', // 等级id activeLevel: 'Levels', // 当前等级 levelList: [], // 等级列表 categoryId: 0, // 当前分类id category: 'Customizable', // 当前分类 categoryList: [], // 当前语言分类列表 categoryListAll: [], // 所有分类列表 templateList: [], // 模板列表 templateListCopy: [], // 模板数据 colHeightArr: [], // 用来计算书籍每一列数据高度 maxColLength: 7, // 模板自定义最大列数 bookItemWidth: 200, // 每本书籍dom宽度 bookLeftSpacing: 20, // 每本书籍dom左右间距 bookTopSpacing: 24, // 每本书籍dom上下间距 bookImageHeight: 290, // 每本书籍默认缩略图高度 page: 2, // 页码 pageSize: 20, // 每页数据量 isBookAll: false, // 是否已经请求完数据 keyword: '', // 搜索关键词 keywordHistory: '', // 备份上一次搜索关键词,用显示搜索内容和resultCount resultCount: 0, // 查询结果数量 isShowResultCount: false, emptyState: 'normal', // search login collect demoLoading: false, // 加载 isCreating: false, editorUrl: '', // 新建书地址 isPreview: false, previewHeight: 642, // 预览弹窗高度 relatedHeight: 0, deviceType: 'computer', // 预览设备 previewType: 'Flip', // 预览翻页方式 showCodeBox: false, //是否显示预览二维码 iframeOptions: { // 预览参数 url: '', width: '100%', height: '100%' }, template: {}, // 预览模板数据 relatedTemplateList: [], // 相关模板 relatedTemplateWidth: 100, // 相关模板宽度 relatedMaxColLength: 7, // 相关模板最大列数 colHeightArr2: [], // 存放推荐模板位置 relatedSpacing: 10, // 相关模板间距 // linkSpacing: 0, // 预览链接显示后半段 // cancelTokenArr: [], // 存储取消请求的回调 // cancelToken: {}, // 存储取消请求的回调 debounceTimer: null, // currentAjax: null, isSwitch: true, // 是否切换了tab tdk: {}, // 当前tdk total: -1, // 当前条件下的模板数量 urlCate: '', // 分类路由规则 isShowPhpDom: true, // 是否以php渲染模板 screenWidth: window.innerWidth, // 页面宽度 addFavorites: 'Add to favorites', removeFavorites: 'Remove from favorites', langList: [{ label: 'English Templates', value: 'en' }, { label: 'Non-English Templates', value: 'cn' } ], curTemplateLangType: "en", // 当前模板语言类型 thumbnailLoading: false, listCancelToken: null, isShowLangFilter: false, } }, watch: { // 动态更新tdk tdk: function(val) { document.title = $('meta[name="description"]').attr('content', $('meta[name="keywords"]').attr('content', }, // 预览弹窗打开 isPreview: function(val) { this.$nextTick(() => { if (val) { let bodyWidth = document.body.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth if (bodyWidth > 960) { this.previewHeight = this.$refs.preview.$refs.dialog.clientHeight - 84 - 30 this.relatedHeight = this.$refs.details.clientHeight - this.$refs.detailsTop.clientHeight - 52 } else { this.relatedHeight = 0 } } else { this.showThumb = false } }) }, maxColLength: function(val) { this.colHeightArr = new Array(val).fill(0) this.calcWorH(this.templateList) }, relatedMaxColLength: function(val) { this.colHeightArr2 = new Array(val).fill(0) this.calcRelatedWorH(this.relatedTemplateList) }, // 预览设备类型 deviceType() { this.updateIframeOptions() }, isShowPhpDom() { this.categoryList = this.categoryListAll.filter(item => { return item.langLabel === this.curTemplateLangType }) this.categoryList.unshift({ id: 0, name: "All", selected: "1", urlCate: "all" }) }, }, computed: { selectCateName: function() { return this.urlCate }, selectLevelName: function() { return this.activeLevel === 'Levels' ? 'All' : this.activeLevel }, // headDescType: function () { // let desc = '' // if (this.keyword !== '') { // desc = `Choose from ${ > 0 ? : ''} free templates about ${this.keyword.toLowerCase()} and customize it to make your own! Easy to edit, publish and print.` // } else { // if (this.categoryId !== 0 && this.levelId !== '0') { // desc = `Choose from ${ > 0 ? : ''} ${this.activeLevel.toLowerCase()} ${this.category.toLowerCase()} templates and customize it online to make your own! ` // } else if (this.levelId !== '0') { // desc = `Choose from ${ > 0 ? : ''} ${this.activeLevel.toLowerCase()} templates and customize it online to make your own! ` // } else if (this.categoryId !== 0) { // desc = `Choose from ${ > 0 ? : ''} free ${this.category.toLowerCase()} templates and customize it online to make your own! ` // } // } // return desc // }, // 应用模板提示语 默认文件夹或新工作台Publications文件夹 customizeTips: function() { let tips = this.perferNewVersion === 0 ? 'The book will be created in the [Default] folder.' : 'The book will be created in the [Publications].' return tips }, // 预览模板名称 previewTitle: function() { let title = this.template.title.toLowerCase() return title }, // 预览模板所属分类 previewCate: function() { let categoryItem = this.categoryList.filter( item => == this.template.firstId ) return categoryItem[0].name }, // 新旧工作台ticket跳转链接 ticketUrl: function() { let url = '' // 判断用户是否登录 if (this.uType === -1) { url = "/login.php" } else { url = this.perferNewVersion === 0 ? "/center/tickets/" : "/dashboard/tickets?lang=en" // 旧:新 } return url }, // 模板详情页链接 detailUrl: function() { return this.template.detailUrl } }, mounted: async function() { let that = this // 判断用户是否登录 if ('-1' !== '') { this.getUserInfo() } this.checkContainerWidth() window.addEventListener('resize', function() { that.checkContainerWidth() that.getMaxColLength() if (that.isPreview) { that.getRelatedMaxColLength() that.updateIframeOptions() that.debounce(that.initKeyword, 200) } }) window.addEventListener('scroll', async () => { let top = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop let offsetHeight = document.body.offsetHeight || document.documentElement.offsetHeight let clientHeight = document.body.clientHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight // 滚动获取模板 if (offsetHeight - clientHeight - top < 1000) { if (!this.demoLoading && !this.isBookAll && !this.isScrollLoading) { += 1 this.isScrollLoading = true if (this.type === 'Templates') { this.getTemplateList() } else { this.getCollectedTemplates() } this.isShowPhpDom = false; } } }) await this.getMaxColLength() this.colHeightArr = new Array(this.maxColLength).fill(0) this.initData() console.log(this.templateList); $(document).on('click', function(e) { let levelDropdown = document.querySelector('.tt-template-level') let langDropdown = document.querySelector('.tt-template-lang') if (that.isShowLevelMenu) { if ( !== levelDropdown && !levelDropdown.contains( && that.isShowLevelMenu) { that.isShowLevelMenu = false } } if (that.isShowLangMenu) { if ( !== langDropdown && !langDropdown.contains( && that.isShowLangMenu) { that.isShowLangMenu = false } } }) }, methods: { elMessage: function(msg) { this.$ }, toggleLevelMenu: function() { this.isShowLangMenu = false if (this.isShowLevelMenu) { $(".tt-template-level .tt-dropdown-menu").slideUp(300) } else { $(".tt-template-level .tt-dropdown-menu").slideDown(180) } this.isShowLevelMenu = !this.isShowLevelMenu }, toggleLang: function() { 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this.isShowPhpDom = false this.isLoading = true this.initDataState() this.debounce(this.getTypeData, 250, type) }, // 存储取消请求的回调 // setCancelToken: function () { // let CancelToken = axios.CancelToken // let self = this // new CancelToken(function executor(c) { // self.cancelToken.cancel = c // }) // }, // // 中断所有正在进行的请求 // stopAllRequest: function () { // if (this.cancelToken.cancel) { // this.cancelToken() // } // }, // 获取收藏的模板 getCollectedTemplates(isSwitch) { // 判断是否已登录 if (this.uType === -1) { this.isLoading = false this.emptyState = 'login' return; } let url = `/api/template/template-page` let params = { current:, size: this.pageSize, tabId: 2 } if (this.keyword !== '') { params.keyword = this.keyword } axios({ url: url, //请求地址 method: 'GET', //请求方法 responseType: 'json', //返回值类型 params: params, }).then(async res => { let data = if (data.code === 'OK') { let list = if (this.keyword !== '') { this.keywordHistory = this.keyword } if (list.length > 0) { let length = list.length 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// 弹窗登录 新窗口打开多媒体编辑器可能会被浏览器拦截 // 增加登录成功提示 this.$message.success({ message: `Log in successfully!`, duration: 2000 }) } await this.getUserInfo() cb(template) }, register_dataLayer: 'reg_from_templates', reg_entrance_dataLayer: 'templates', backUrl: 'templates', }) }, async getUserInfo() { const getListFolder ='/api/folder/list-folder-data', { oprateId: 1, size: 999 }) const getTodayUploadLimit ='/api/user/get-today-upload', { teamId: 0 }) const getUserBooksData = axios.get('/api/user/get-user-books-data') const promises = [getTodayUploadLimit, getUserBooksData] fetchUserInfo(async (userInfo) => { this.userId = userInfo[0] this.uType = userInfo[0] this.userAccountType = userInfo[0] this.uEmail = userInfo[0] window.fh5.uEmail = this.uEmail this.isActivate = userInfo[0] if (this.uType === 0 && this.userAccountType === 0 && this.isActivate === 0) { const uploadLimit = await Promise.all(promises) this.todayUploadLimit = uploadLimit[0] this.currentBooks = uploadLimit[1] } // 用户等级转换 let uLevel switch (this.uType) { case 0: uLevel = 1 break case 2: uLevel = 2 break case 3: uLevel = 3 break case 4: uLevel = 3 break case 5: uLevel = 5 break case 48: uLevel = 4 break default: uLevel = 0 } this.uLevel = uLevel this.perferNewVersion = Number(userInfo[1] const listFolerInfo = await getListFolder this.defaultFolder = => item.isdefault === 1) }) }, // 初始化数据 php需要获取的数据 async initData() { let keyword = ''; this.keyword = keyword.replace(/\+/g, ' ') // 分类数据初始化 let categoryList = [] category = {} category['id'] = '0' = Number( category['name'] = 'All' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'all' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '1' = Number( category['name'] = 'Catalog' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'catalog' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'catalog' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( 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= '4' = Number( category['name'] = 'Recipe & Cookbook' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'recipe-and-cookbook' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'recipe-and-cookbook' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '5' = Number( category['name'] = 'Guidebook' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'guidebook' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'guidebook' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '6' = Number( category['name'] = 'Lookbook' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'lookbook' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'lookbook' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '7' = Number( category['name'] = 'Photo Albums' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'photo-albums' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'photo-albums' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '8' = Number( category['name'] = 'Newsletter' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'newsletter' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'newsletter' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '9' = Number( category['name'] = 'Menus' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'menus' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'menus' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '10' = Number( category['name'] = 'Profile' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'profile' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'profile' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '11' = Number( category['name'] = 'Pamphlet' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'pamphlet' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'pamphlet' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '12' = Number( category['name'] = 'Handbook' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'handbook' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'handbook' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '13' = Number( category['name'] = 'Portfolio' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'portfolio' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'portfolio' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '16' = Number( category['name'] = 'Postcard' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'postcard' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'postcard' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '17' = Number( category['name'] = 'Rackcard' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'rackcard' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'rackcard' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '18' = Number( category['name'] = 'Booklet' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'booklet' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'booklet' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '19' = Number( category['name'] = 'Invitation' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'invitation' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'invitation' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '21' = Number( category['name'] = 'Business Card' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'business-card' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'business-card' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '22' = Number( category['name'] = 'Flipbook' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'flipbook' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'flipbook' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '23' = Number( category['name'] = 'Presentation' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'presentation' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'presentation' = Number( category['selected'] = '1' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '26' = Number( category['name'] = 'Flashcard' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'flashcard' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'flashcard' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '27' = Number( category['name'] = 'Flyer' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'flyer' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'flyer' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '28' = Number( category['name'] = 'Yearbook' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'yearbook' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'yearbook' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '100' = Number( category['name'] = 'Post' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'post' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'post' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '30' = Number( category['name'] = 'Corporate Promotion' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'cn' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'corporate-promotion' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'corporate-promotion' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '31' = Number( category['name'] = 'Journal Magazine' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'cn' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'journal-magazine' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'journal-magazine' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '32' = Number( category['name'] = 'Theme Promotion' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'cn' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'theme-promotion' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'theme-promotion' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '35' = Number( category['name'] = 'Administrative Office' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'cn' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'administrative-office' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'administrative-office' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '36' = Number( category['name'] = 'Promotional Brochure' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'cn' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'promotional-brochure' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'promotional-brochure' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '37' = Number( category['name'] = 'Enrollment Prospectus' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'cn' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'enrollment-prospectus' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'enrollment-prospectus' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '38' = Number( category['name'] = 'Franchise Opportunity' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'cn' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'franchise-opportunity' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'franchise-opportunity' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '39' = Number( category['name'] = 'Tourist Guide' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'cn' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'tourist-guide' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'tourist-guide' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '40' = Number( category['name'] = 'Photo Album' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'cn' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'photo-album' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'photo-album' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '41' = Number( category['name'] = 'Others' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'cn' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'others' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'others' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '101' = Number( category['name'] = 'Card' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'card' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'card' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '102' = Number( category['name'] = 'Newspaper' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'newspaper' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'newspaper' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) category = {} category['id'] = '103' = Number( category['name'] = 'Journal' = Number( category['langLabel'] = 'en' = Number( category['urlName'] = 'journal' = Number( category['urlCate'] = 'journal' = Number( category['selected'] = '0' = Number( category['url'] = '' = Number( categoryList.push(category) this.categoryListAll = categoryList this.categoryList = this.categoryListAll this.categoryList.forEach(item => { if (item.selected === "1") { this.categoryId = this.category = === 'All' ? 'Customizable ' : this.urlCate = item.urlCate } }) console.log(this.categoryList) // 等级数据初始化 let levelList = [] level = {} level['id'] = '0' level['name'] = 'All' level['selected'] = '1' level['url'] = '' levelList.push(level) level = {} level['id'] = '1' level['name'] = 'FREE' level['selected'] = '0' level['url'] = '' levelList.push(level) level = {} level['id'] = '2' level['name'] = 'PRO' level['selected'] = '0' level['url'] = '' levelList.push(level) level = {} level['id'] = '3' level['name'] = 'PLATINUM' level['selected'] = '0' level['url'] = '' levelList.push(level) level = {} level['id'] = '5' level['name'] = 'ENTERPRISE' level['selected'] = '0' level['url'] = '' levelList.push(level) this.levelList = levelList this.levelList.forEach((item, index) => { if (index !== 0) { if (item.selected === "1") { this.activeLevel = this.levelId = } } }) console.log(this.levelList) // 模板数据初始化 let templateList = [] template = {} template['ownerId'] = `38752437` template['bookId'] = `61086536` template['metaDescription'] = `Enhance your workforce development with our comprehensive employee training presentation template. Designed for clarity and engagement, it empowers your team to achieve professional growth and peak performance.` template['title'] = `Comprehensive Training Presentation Template for Enhanced Workforce Development` template['description'] = `Unlock the full potential of your team with our comprehensive employee training presentation template. Designed to facilitate professional growth, this template serves as a complete solution for your training needs, providing clarity and direction to your initiatives. By fostering an environment of continuous learning, you can encourage skill development and significantly boost employee engagement. This interactive template empowers each individual to achieve peak performance, setting the stage for a more proficient and motivated workforce. Transform your training sessions into impactful experiences that align with your team's aspirations and organizational goals. Embrace the power of structured training to unlock the true potential of your human capital. With features that are both adaptable and user-friendly, this template ensures that your training programs are not only effective but also engaging. Whether you're focusing on onboarding new employees or enhancing the skills of your existing team, our template offers the tools you need to succeed. Elevate your training sessions and drive meaningful change within your organization.` template['keyword'] = `comprehensive staff training;corporate training solutions;employee development presentation;professional growth template;workforce engagement tools;staff training;corporate training;company;presentation;brown` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `avjp` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `794` template['pageHeight'] = `1123` template['pages'] = `14` template['publishTime'] = `1737005987950` template['realViews'] = `383` template['realUses'] = `6` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Carol` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Comprehensive Training Presentation Template for Enhanced Workforce Development设计` template['wcScore'] = `1.652` template['keywords'] = `comprehensive staff training;corporate training solutions;employee development presentation;professional growth template;workforce engagement tools;staff training;corporate training;company;presentation;brown` template['id'] = `10341761` template['views'] = `755` template['uses'] = `25` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `77452157` template['bookId'] = `57567992` template['metaDescription'] = `Enhance your marketing presentations with our customizable digital marketing strategy template. Modern, sleek, and designed to make your ideas stand out.` template['title'] = `Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy Presentation Template` template['description'] = `Elevate your marketing presentations with our comprehensive digital marketing strategy presentation template. Tailored for marketers and business professionals, this template features sleek, modern slides that are fully customizable to align with your brand and message. Whether you're detailing a full-scale marketing plan, highlighting key performance metrics, or pitching innovative ideas to clients, our template ensures your presentation is clear, engaging, and professional. Save valuable time with pre-designed layouts, graphics, and icons, all crafted to help you deliver a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience. This template is designed to enhance your digital marketing presentations, making every pitch impactful and memorable. With its user-friendly design, you can focus on delivering your message while the template takes care of the aesthetics. Make your marketing ideas stand out and achieve success with a presentation template that combines functionality with style.` template['keyword'] = `digital marketing strategy presentation template;digital marketing plan template;online marketing plan template;digital marketing report template;digital marketing proposal template;company;corporation;marketing strategy;sales;business;presentation;purple` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `3` template['linkName'] = `vscg` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `794` template['pageHeight'] = `1123` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1732006073459` template['realViews'] = `369` template['realUses'] = `51` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Isabell` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy Presentation Template制作` template['wcScore'] = `2.496` template['keywords'] = `digital marketing strategy presentation template;digital marketing plan template;online marketing plan template;digital marketing report template;digital marketing proposal template;company;corporation;marketing strategy;sales;business;presentation;purple` template['id'] = `76207041` template['views'] = `739` template['uses'] = `63` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `PLATINUM` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `77452157` template['bookId'] = `41638122` template['metaDescription'] = `Enhance your consulting proposals with our Professional Business Consulting Proposal Template. Impress clients, streamline your process, and secure more contracts effortlessly!` template['title'] = `Professional Business Consulting Proposal Template` template['description'] = `Elevate your consulting business with our expertly crafted Professional Business Consulting Proposal Template. Designed specifically for consultants, this template enables you to showcase your expertise, clearly outline the scope of work, and detail deliverables in a compelling and professional manner. Whether your focus is on strategic planning, financial advisory, or operational enhancements, this user-friendly tool ensures your proposals are not only persuasive but also stand out in a competitive market. Save valuable time, enhance your professional credibility, and significantly increase your chances of securing new clients. Ideal for consultants aiming to streamline their proposal process and expand their client base, this template is your key to winning more contracts. Customize the Professional Business Consulting Proposal Template today and take a decisive step towards growing your consulting business!` template['keyword'] = `professional business consulting proposal;consulting proposal template;strategic planning consulting;financial advisory services;operational enhancement consulting;business;company;blue;red;consulting proposal` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `3` template['linkName'] = `aabh` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `794` template['pageHeight'] = `1123` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1732005751602` template['realViews'] = `235` template['realUses'] = `27` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Isabell` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Professional Business Consulting Proposal Template设计` template['wcScore'] = `1.48` template['keywords'] = `professional business consulting proposal;consulting proposal template;strategic planning consulting;financial advisory services;operational enhancement consulting;business;company;blue;red;consulting proposal` template['id'] = `42196613` template['views'] = `591` template['uses'] = `42` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `PLATINUM` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `62015165` template['bookId'] = `78760592` template['metaDescription'] = `Create winning proposals with our consulting services proposal template. Streamline your process and impress clients with a professional, polished format! ` template['title'] = `Consulting Services Proposal Template` template['description'] = `Unlock your business potential with our consulting services proposal template! Tailored for professionals, this template simplifies the proposal process, helping you present your expertise clearly and effectively. Showcase your unique services, outline project scopes, and detail pricing with ease. Whether you're targeting startups or established enterprises, our template ensures your proposals stand out, making a lasting impression on potential clients. Save time and enhance your credibility with a polished, professional format designed to highlight your strengths and secure contracts. Transform your proposals into powerful tools for success—download the consulting services proposal template today! ` template['keyword'] = `business;company;consulting services;proposal;blue;yellow` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `otlx` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `794` template['pageHeight'] = `1123` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1732005619904` template['realViews'] = `205` template['realUses'] = `2` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Isabell` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Consulting Services Proposal Template模板` template['wcScore'] = `0.86` template['keywords'] = `business;company;consulting services;proposal;blue;yellow` template['id'] = `38319786` template['views'] = `553` template['uses'] = `18` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `451276` template['bookId'] = `44744887` template['metaDescription'] = `Streamline your corporate training with customizable, interactive corporate employee training template, designed to boost engagement and productivity with multimedia elements and intuitive features.` template['title'] = `Corporate Employee Training Template` template['description'] = ` In the fast-paced corporate world, effective employee training is crucial for fostering growth and boosting productivity. A well-structured employee training template serves as a valuable tool to streamline the training process and engage participants. This corporate employee training template is designed to facilitate an all-encompassing training experience, enabling organizations to convey essential information efficiently and effectively. FlipHTML5 offers a wide array of templates specifically tailored for employee training. These templates are equipped with intuitive features that empower trainers to craft visually appealing and interactive presentations. By incorporating multimedia elements such as videos and animations, the employee training enhances the learning experience, making complex concepts easier to understand. Engaging visuals help trainers capture the audience's attention and improve information retention. Organizations can customize their training presentations to align with specific training objectives, ensuring content relevance for the target audience. Whether onboarding new hires or upskilling existing employees, these templates cater to various training scenarios. Additionally, the integration of quizzes and interactive elements fosters a more engaging and participatory environment, encouraging active learning. When selecting a corporate employee training template, clarity and usability should be prioritized. The template should guide trainers in presenting information in a structured manner, ensuring key points are effectively highlighted. By choosing a well-designed template, companies can improve the overall training experience, leading to more competent and confident employees. In conclusion, using a corporate employee training template from FlipHTML5 can significantly enhance your training programs. With customizable features, multimedia integration, these templates are a valuable resource for organizations aiming to improve their training efforts. Explore the collection of employee training templates and transform your training sessions into engaging, interactive experiences that empower employees and drive success.` template['keyword'] = `employee training template;onboarding training template;training template for new hires;corporate employee training template;interactive training presentation;multimedia training tools;customizable training solutions;company;business;employee training;cor` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `twij` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `794` template['pageHeight'] = `1124` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1729584860731` template['realViews'] = `563` template['realUses'] = `5` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Taylor` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Corporate Employee Training Template制作` template['wcScore'] = `2.352` template['keywords'] = `employee training template;onboarding training template;training template for new hires;corporate employee training template;interactive training presentation;multimedia training tools;customizable training solutions;company;business;employee training;cor` template['id'] = `79352632` template['views'] = `808` template['uses'] = `27` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `36764022` template['bookId'] = `75998159` template['metaDescription'] = `Enhance your project reporting with our professional project report template. Present your project's progress with clarity and professionalism.` template['title'] = `Professional Project Report Template` template['description'] = `Enhance your project reporting process with our comprehensive professional project report presentation template. Designed to streamline the presentation of your project's milestones, achievements, and insights, this template offers a polished and user-friendly experience. Its intuitive design allows for easy customization, enabling you to organize your data effectively and present a coherent narrative. Keep your stakeholders engaged and informed with a structured approach that not only highlights your project's strengths but also addresses any challenges encountered. This template is crafted to elevate your reporting standards, ensuring that every detail is presented in a professional manner that is adaptable to your specific project needs. Impress your audience with a standardized format that aligns seamlessly with your project's goals and objectives, making your reports not only informative but also visually appealing and impactful.` template['keyword'] = `project report template;project presentation template;business reporting template;project report;presentation;blue;company;business` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `biuh` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `794` template['pageHeight'] = `1123` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1726036231763` template['realViews'] = `498` template['realUses'] = `0` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Alice` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Professional Project Report Template模板` template['wcScore'] = `1.992` template['keywords'] = `project report template;project presentation template;business reporting template;project report;presentation;blue;company;business` template['id'] = `68230764` template['views'] = `785` template['uses'] = `30` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `38752437` template['bookId'] = `92264564` template['metaDescription'] = `Enhance your project reports with our comprehensive presentation template. Customizable and impactful, it allows you to showcase your project's progress and insights with clarity and professionalism.` template['title'] = `Comprehensive Project Report Presentation Template` template['description'] = `Enhance your project reporting with our all-inclusive, editable project report presentation template. Designed to empower you, This versatile tool templateallows you to effectively outline and present your project's milestones, achievements, and insights in an engaging and professional manner. Featuring user-friendly elements, it streamlines the process of organizing data, setting objectives, and highlighting successes. The customizable design enables you to tailor each slide to align seamlessly with your project's unique narrative, ensuring a polished and captivating presentation. Whether you're presenting to stakeholders, team members, or clients, this template provides the flexibility and clarity needed to communicate your project's progress and impact effectively. With its intuitive layout and adaptable features, you can focus on delivering a compelling story that resonates with your audience, making your project stand out.` template['keyword'] = `business presentation template;project report presentation;customizable project slides;professional project showcase;engaging project narrative;business;project report;presentation;commerce;purple` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `ggnr` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `794` template['pageHeight'] = `1123` template['pages'] = `12` template['publishTime'] = `1724658788316` template['realViews'] = `459` template['realUses'] = `2` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Carol` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Comprehensive Project Report Presentation Template设计` template['wcScore'] = `1.876` template['keywords'] = `business presentation template;project report presentation;customizable project slides;professional project showcase;engaging project narrative;business;project report;presentation;commerce;purple` template['id'] = `18986009` template['views'] = `710` template['uses'] = `27` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `67379757` template['bookId'] = `91594431` template['metaDescription'] = `Discover the Business Proposal Presentation Template, your guide to strategic success. Engage with interactive content and transform your business proposals into powerful narratives. Customize it now to start your journey.` template['title'] = `Business Proposal Presentation Template for Strategic Success` template['description'] = `Unlock the potential of your business opportunities with our Ultimate Business Proposal Presentation Template. Designed for business professionals, this template offers a seamless blend of engaging videos and interactive slides, providing an immersive experience for your proposals and success stories. Our template emphasizes the integration of business insights and strategic planning, featuring in-depth articles and rich multimedia content. This ensures that every proposal becomes a catalyst for growth and success. By customizing the template, you gain access to a comprehensive guide for crafting compelling business proposals, allowing you to pursue excellence and enjoy the process of business planning. Inspire your business insights and create more value with our expertly designed template. Whether you're presenting to stakeholders or crafting a strategic plan, our template equips you with the tools needed to make a lasting impact. Join us on this journey of innovation and strategy, and transform your business proposals into powerful narratives that drive success.` template['keyword'] = `business proposal presentation template;strategic business planning;business proposal template;multimedia business presentation;business growth strategy;business proposal;presentation;orange;commerce;trade;economics;business strategy` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `kdpe` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `794` template['pageHeight'] = `1123` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1724642798236` template['realViews'] = `162` template['realUses'] = `0` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Smith` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Business Proposal Presentation Template for Strategic Success模板` template['wcScore'] = `0.648` template['keywords'] = `business proposal presentation template;strategic business planning;business proposal template;multimedia business presentation;business growth strategy;business proposal;presentation;orange;commerce;trade;economics;business strategy` template['id'] = `46810507` template['views'] = `373` template['uses'] = `16` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `49006425` template['bookId'] = `76863172` template['metaDescription'] = `Illuminate your sales strategy with our commercial company sales report presentation template—dynamic, insightful, and ready to impress. ` template['title'] = `Commercial Company Sales Report Presentation Template` template['description'] = `Elevate your sales narrative with our commercial company sales report presentation template. This template is your strategic storytelling tool, designed to articulate your sales journey with clarity and impact. Highlight achievements, analyze trends, and forecast future growth with interactive charts and sleek visuals. Impress stakeholders with a presentation that not only reports but also resonates, showcasing your commercial prowess and strategic insights. ` template['keyword'] = `business;blue;commerce;presentation;company;sales report` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `gxbi` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `1123` template['pageHeight'] = `794` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1723458585794` template['realViews'] = `152` template['realUses'] = `0` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Claire` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Commercial Company Sales Report Presentation Template模板` template['wcScore'] = `0.608` template['keywords'] = `business;blue;commerce;presentation;company;sales report` template['id'] = `38344351` template['views'] = `636` template['uses'] = `25` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `62015165` template['bookId'] = `99398454` template['metaDescription'] = `Transform your presentations with our Mastering Writing Skills template. Customizable slides designed to teach and inspire excellence in writing skills!` template['title'] = `Mastering Writing Skills: Comprehensive Presentation Template` template['description'] = `Discover the transformative power of effective communication with our Mastering Writing Skills: Comprehensive Presentation Template. Designed specifically for educators, trainers, and professionals, this versatile template offers a thorough exploration of writing excellence. Dive into the intricacies of structuring compelling arguments, mastering grammar, and engaging your audience with clarity and creativity. Each slide is meticulously crafted to captivate and inspire, featuring a clean, modern design and fully customizable layouts to suit your unique needs. Whether you're empowering your team, educating students, or collaborating with colleagues, this template provides the tools necessary to communicate with precision and persuasiveness. Elevate your presentations and writing training sessions with a resource that embodies clarity, creativity, and impactful communication. Transform your approach to writing education today and ensure your message resonates with every audience.` template['keyword'] = `effective writing skills presentation;writing skills education template;writing training presentation;customizable writing skills slides;writing skills;education;writing training;green;presentation` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `tzzj` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `1024` template['pageHeight'] = `1024` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1723176226547` template['realViews'] = `183` template['realUses'] = `2` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Isabell` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Mastering Writing Skills: Comprehensive Presentation Template模板` template['wcScore'] = `0.772` template['keywords'] = `effective writing skills presentation;writing skills education template;writing training presentation;customizable writing skills slides;writing skills;education;writing training;green;presentation` template['id'] = `29551176` template['views'] = `433` template['uses'] = `22` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `76157064` template['bookId'] = `37984338` template['metaDescription'] = `Design this professional company sales report template with interactive features. Showcase business insights, sales analysis, and marketing strategy presentations in an engaging format, ideal for crafting impactful annual report designs.` template['title'] = `Company Sales Report Presentation Template for Business Insights` template['description'] = `Unlock the potential of your sales data with our Ultimate Company Sales Report Presentation Template. Designed for sales and marketing professionals, this template offers a seamless blend of engaging videos and intuitive slides, providing an immersive experience for your sales reports and market analysis. Dive deep into the world of sales strategy and corporate growth with our in-depth articles and rich multimedia content. Our template not only enhances your presentations but also serves as a powerful tool for decision-making and business inspiration. Whether you're preparing an annual report or conducting a detailed sales analysis, our template is your guide to excellence and success. With a focus on clarity and impact, it helps you communicate complex data effectively, ensuring your audience is both informed and inspired. Subscribe now to transform your sales reporting process, inspire your team, and drive successful business outcomes. Experience the synergy of data and strategy, and take your business presentations to the next level.` template['keyword'] = `company sales report template;business insights presentation;sales analysis tools;annual report design;marketing strategy presentation;company;sales report;presentation;blue;sales analysis;annual report;data analysis;marketing;business` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `gymk` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `1123` template['pageHeight'] = `794` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1722571078364` template['realViews'] = `181` template['realUses'] = `12` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `John` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Company Sales Report Presentation Template for Business Insights模板` template['wcScore'] = `0.964` template['keywords'] = `company sales report template;business insights presentation;sales analysis tools;annual report design;marketing strategy presentation;company;sales report;presentation;blue;sales analysis;annual report;data analysis;marketing;business` template['id'] = `92865427` template['views'] = `597` template['uses'] = `28` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `22873843` template['bookId'] = `54205822` template['metaDescription'] = `Create an interactive sleep disorders guide with our template by including sleep health insights and bedtime routine tips for better sleep.` template['title'] = `Sleep Disorders Guide Template for Healthy Sleep Habits` template['description'] = `Use this guidebook template to create an informative and interactive sleep disorders guide. This sleep disorders guide template is meticulously designed to facilitate the understanding of sleep health. You are able to craft a highly interactive and engaging guide by embedding detailed infographics that elucidate the stages of sleep and the impact of sleep disorders on health, incorporating videos featuring sleep experts discussing the latest research and treatment options, adding interactive quizzes to assess readers' knowledge of sleep hygiene and healthy sleep habits. By utilizing this sleep disorders guide template, you can effectively communicate the importance of sleep health and empower your audience to take control of their well-being. Whether you're presenting to a classroom of students, a group of patients, or a community of wellness enthusiasts, the Sleep Disorders Guide Template is your key to delivering impactful and memorable content. It's not just a guide; it's a catalyst for change, promoting healthier sleep habits and a deeper understanding of sleep health.` template['keyword'] = `sleep health;sleep disorders guide;sleep hygiene presentation;sleep disorders education;bedtime routine guide;healthy sleep habits;yellow;healthcare;health;sleeping habit;presentation` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `twdf` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `794` template['pageHeight'] = `1123` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1721183257683` template['realViews'] = `94` template['realUses'] = `0` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Qili` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Sleep Disorders Guide Template for Healthy Sleep Habits模板` template['wcScore'] = `0.376` template['keywords'] = `sleep health;sleep disorders guide;sleep hygiene presentation;sleep disorders education;bedtime routine guide;healthy sleep habits;yellow;healthcare;health;sleeping habit;presentation` template['id'] = `99778920` template['views'] = `535` template['uses'] = `19` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `35616723` template['bookId'] = `64771964` template['metaDescription'] = `Elevate your brand with our Professional Business Branding Presentation Template. Designed for entrepreneurs and corporate leaders, it showcases your story, values, and vision with stunning, professional slides.` template['title'] = `Professional Business Branding Presentation Template` template['description'] = `Enhance your brand's narrative with our Professional Business Branding Presentation Template, a meticulously crafted visual masterpiece designed to captivate your audience and strengthen your market presence. This template allows you to convey your brand's unique story, values, and vision through stunning slides that seamlessly blend aesthetics with functionality. Ideal for entrepreneurs, marketers, and corporate leaders, it ensures consistency and professionalism, leaving a lasting impression on clients and investors alike. Transform ordinary data into compelling narratives and make every presentation a powerful step towards brand excellence. With this template, you can effortlessly create presentations that not only inform but also inspire, helping you to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Whether you're launching a new product, rebranding, or simply looking to enhance your corporate communications, this template provides the tools you need to succeed. Its user-friendly design and customizable features make it easy to tailor each slide to your specific needs, ensuring that your message is delivered with clarity and impact. Elevate your presentations and take your brand to new heights with our Professional Business Branding Presentation Template.` template['keyword'] = `professional business branding;branding presentation template;corporate branding slides;brand storytelling presentation;business marketing presentation;business;branding;presentation;blue;business branding;company;brand;corporate;firm` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `mzjd` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `1123` template['pageHeight'] = `794` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1720663099393` template['realViews'] = `238` template['realUses'] = `2` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Taro` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Professional Business Branding Presentation Template模板` template['wcScore'] = `0.992` template['keywords'] = `professional business branding;branding presentation template;corporate branding slides;brand storytelling presentation;business marketing presentation;business;branding;presentation;blue;business branding;company;brand;corporate;firm` template['id'] = `88079660` template['views'] = `584` template['uses'] = `24` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `36764022` template['bookId'] = `45037708` template['metaDescription'] = `Create interactive sleep product catalogs with embedded videos, clickable product links, and customizable layouts. Perfect for furniture brands or wellness professionals seeking engaging ways to showcase bedroom and sleep solutions.` template['title'] = `Bedroom Furniture Catalog Template for Sleep Products` template['description'] = `Present your bedroom furniture or sleep product offerings with a professionally crafted Bedroom Furniture Catalog Template tailored for content creators in the furniture and wellness industries. This versatile template is designed for marketers, designers, and administrators who want to create visually compelling and interactive catalogs that captivate customers. Featuring FlipHTML5's dynamic editing tools, this template enables you to showcase your products in a way that engages and informs your audience. Add interactive features such as clickable product descriptions, embedded videos, and direct purchase links to provide a seamless browsing and shopping experience. You can also integrate animations and transitions to highlight key details about your sleep products, ensuring every page holds the viewer's attention. Whether you're selling bed frames, mattresses, or sleep-enhancing accessories, this template makes it easy to structure your catalog with organized categories and product showcases. Use the drag-and-drop editor to customize layouts and fonts, ensuring your brand identity shines through. Optimize content with embedded multimedia elements to tell a compelling story about your products' craftsmanship and benefits. Distribute your catalog online to maximize reach, or use it as a downloadable PDF for direct sharing with your target audience. Track user engagement through the FlipHTML5 platform's analytics tools, gaining insights into how customers interact with your catalog and which products generate the most interest. This catalog template is an essential tool for sleep product brands aiming to communicate quality, innovation, and comfort effectively. The flexible format lets you emphasize critical selling points, include customer testimonials, or provide detailed specifications, ensuring your catalog resonates with buyers and partners alike.` template['keyword'] = `Bedroom Furniture Catalog Template;sleep product catalog;sleep;health;presentation;yellow;Sleep;healthcare;lifestyle` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `qfsi` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `794` template['pageHeight'] = `1123` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1719987294183` template['realViews'] = `78` template['realUses'] = `0` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Alice` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Bedroom Furniture Catalog Template for Sleep Products设计` template['wcScore'] = `0.312` template['keywords'] = `Bedroom Furniture Catalog Template;sleep product catalog;sleep;health;presentation;yellow;Sleep;healthcare;lifestyle` template['id'] = `27585053` template['views'] = `378` template['uses'] = `14` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `22873843` template['bookId'] = `14874296` template['metaDescription'] = `Empower your team with our comprehensive employee training presentation template. Enhance your employee training resources with a structured, customizable design that simplifies creating impactful and engaging training sessions.` template['title'] = `Comprehensive Employee Training Presentation Template` template['description'] = `Elevate your workforce's capabilities with our comprehensive employee training presentation template, meticulously crafted to empower employees and enhance professional development. This template serves as a pivotal tool for knowledge transfer, providing a structured yet adaptable platform to deliver engaging and effective training sessions. Its user-friendly design allows you to seamlessly impart essential skills, company policies, and industry insights. Whether it's for onboarding new hires or conducting advanced training sessions, our employee training presentation template ensures that every presentation contributes to building a more competent and confident team. By integrating interactive elements, this template transforms your training strategy, making learning more engaging and impactful. Equip your team with the tools they need to succeed and watch as your organization thrives with a well-trained workforce. Start transforming your training sessions today with our innovative presentation template.` template['keyword'] = `employee training presentation;interactive presentation template;corporate training solutions;hr training for employees;employee training resources;employee training;presentation;corporate training;onboarding;career training;blue;company` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `sbvx` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `794` template['pageHeight'] = `1123` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1719977148579` template['realViews'] = `117` template['realUses'] = `0` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Qili` template['productConfig'] = `` template['catalogFlag'] = `0` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Comprehensive Employee Training Presentation Template模板` template['wcScore'] = `0.468` template['keywords'] = `employee training presentation;interactive presentation template;corporate training solutions;hr training for employees;employee training resources;employee training;presentation;corporate training;onboarding;career training;blue;company` template['id'] = `48291854` template['views'] = `449` template['uses'] = `18` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `81581014` template['bookId'] = `43015848` template['metaDescription'] = `Elevate your music events with our interactive presentation template. Perfect for concerts and festivals, it offers stunning visuals and engaging content to captivate your audience.` template['title'] = `interactive Music Event Presentation Template` template['description'] = `Transform your music events into unforgettable experiences with our interactive music event presentation template. Tailored for musicians, event planners, and promoters, this template seamlessly blends vibrant visuals with a sleek design to highlight your event's key features. With its easy customization options, you can effortlessly present artist lineups, detailed event schedules, venue information, and ticketing details, all with a touch of flair. Ideal for concerts, festivals, and music showcases, this template ensures your presentation is not only professional but also captivating. Engage your audience, attract potential sponsors, and build excitement with a presentation that mirrors the creativity and energy of your music event. Our cutting-edge template is designed to make your event stand out, leaving a lasting impression on attendees. Elevate your music event presentations and make them truly memorable with our innovative template.` template['keyword'] = `interactive music event presentation;music event template;concert presentation design;festival showcase template;engaging music event visuals;presentation;art;concert;entertainment;black;music event` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `wpgo` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `794` template['pageHeight'] = `1123` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1719976359769` template['realViews'] = `162` template['realUses'] = `0` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Double-nana` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `interactive Music Event Presentation Template制作` template['wcScore'] = `0.648` template['keywords'] = `interactive music event presentation;music event template;concert presentation design;festival showcase template;engaging music event visuals;presentation;art;concert;entertainment;black;music event` template['id'] = `30029806` template['views'] = `420` template['uses'] = `16` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `62015165` template['bookId'] = `85674422` template['metaDescription'] = `Showcase your professionalism with our professional business presentation template. Customizable, sleek slides ensure your presentation stands out in every pitch and meeting.` template['title'] = `Professional Business Presentation Template` template['description'] = `Enhance your technology brand's presence with our Professional Business Presentation Template for innovative tech product presentation, specifically designed for forward-thinking companies. This business presentation template offers sleek, modern designs that effectively highlight your cutting-edge products, ensuring they stand out in any setting. With fully customizable slides, you can emphasize key features, benefits, and technical specifications while maintaining a professional and engaging appearance. Ideal for pitches, conferences, and client meetings, this professional business presentation template guarantees that your products are presented with clarity and impact. Impress your audience and reinforce your message with a presentation that mirrors the high standards and innovative spirit of your technology company. Whether you're introducing a new product or showcasing your entire product line, this professional business presentation template provides the flexibility and style needed to captivate your audience and drive your business objectives forward. Make every presentation an opportunity to shine and leave a lasting impression with a business presentation template that embodies the essence of technological advancement and business excellence.` template['keyword'] = `innovative technology presentation;tech company product showcase;customizable tech slides;professional business presentation template;technology;business;presentation;company;product` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `hyyn` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `1024` template['pageHeight'] = `1024` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1719911279142` template['realViews'] = `164` template['realUses'] = `0` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Isabell` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Professional Business Presentation Template设计` template['wcScore'] = `0.656` template['keywords'] = `innovative technology presentation;tech company product showcase;customizable tech slides;professional business presentation template;technology;business;presentation;company;product` template['id'] = `96953741` template['views'] = `367` template['uses'] = `11` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `62015165` template['bookId'] = `64575838` template['metaDescription'] = `Enhance your business presentations with our professional product presentation template. Sleek, customizable, and perfect for showcasing your products with style and impact.` template['title'] = `Modern Product Presentation Template for Businesses` template['description'] = `Elevate your business communication with this modern product presentation template. This template offers a dynamic framework to effectively showcase your products, services, or ideas.Featuring a clean and contemporary layout, this template is fully customizable, allowing you to tailor each slide to match your brand identity. Highlight product features, benefits, and key differentiators with visually appealing infographics, charts, and multimedia elements that keep your audience engaged. The template supports seamless integration of high-resolution images, videos, and animations, giving your presentation a professional edge. Whether you're launching a new product, pitching to investors, or presenting to stakeholders, this template ensures your message is communicated clearly and persuasively. Designed for compatibility with FlipHTML5, it offers enhanced interactivity with clickable navigation, embedded media, and responsive design for optimal viewing across all devices.` template['keyword'] = `product presentation template;business product presentation;blue;business;technology;company;presentation` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `ahlh` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `794` template['pageHeight'] = `1123` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1719888049330` template['realViews'] = `243` template['realUses'] = `2` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Isabell` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Modern Product Presentation Template for Businesses模板` template['wcScore'] = `1.012` template['keywords'] = `product presentation template;business product presentation;blue;business;technology;company;presentation` template['id'] = `72950821` template['views'] = `467` template['uses'] = `14` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `36764022` template['bookId'] = `74458367` template['metaDescription'] = `Transform your company's training sessions with our Interactive Employee Training Presentation Template. Customizable and engaging, it ensures impactful and memorable presentations that enhance skills and knowledge.` template['title'] = `Interactive Company Employee Training Presentation Template` template['description'] = `Enhance your workforce's capabilities with our Interactive Company Employee Training Presentation Template. This template is designed to transform your training sessions into interactive and engaging experiences that captivate your employees. With a focus on clarity and engagement, it allows you to deliver content that not only informs but also inspires. The template is fully customizable, enabling you to tailor each presentation to meet the specific needs of your team. By streamlining your training process, you can ensure that your employees are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary for their roles. This template supports a variety of multimedia elements, making it easy to incorporate videos, images, and interactive components that enhance learning and retention. Whether you're introducing new company policies, conducting skill development workshops, or onboarding new hires, this template provides the tools you need to make your presentations impactful and memorable. Elevate your training strategy today and watch your team grow and succeed with every presentation.` template['keyword'] = `company employee training;employee training template;business training presentation;customizable training slides;company;presentation;employee training;blue;company introduction;business` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `jjjx` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `794` template['pageHeight'] = `1123` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1718618709343` template['realViews'] = `261` template['realUses'] = `11` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Alice` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Interactive Company Employee Training Presentation Template设计` template['wcScore'] = `1.264` template['keywords'] = `company employee training;employee training template;business training presentation;customizable training slides;company;presentation;employee training;blue;company introduction;business` template['id'] = `47341631` template['views'] = `591` template['uses'] = `30` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `36764022` template['bookId'] = `13029703` template['metaDescription'] = `Elevate your wellness goals with our editable healthy lifestyle presentation template. Sleek, customizable, and ready to impress present your journey to a healthier you with style and clarity.` template['title'] = `Interactive Healthy Lifestyle Presentation Template` template['description'] = `Empower your wellness journey with our editable healthy lifestyle presentation template. This sleek, customizable tool is designed to help you visualize and articulate your path to a healthier you. With userfriendly features, it's easy to track progress, set goals, and share your achievements. Make every step of your wellness story shine with a presentation that's as inspiring as your transformation. Get ready to impress and motivate with a template that fits your lifestyle – and your aspirations.` template['keyword'] = `healthy lifestyle;life;presentation;yellow;wellness;green;health` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `qktz` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `794` template['pageHeight'] = `1123` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1716457062237` template['realViews'] = `165` template['realUses'] = `0` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Alice` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Interactive Healthy Lifestyle Presentation Template设计` template['wcScore'] = `0.66` template['keywords'] = `healthy lifestyle;life;presentation;yellow;wellness;green;health` template['id'] = `40828931` template['views'] = `643` template['uses'] = `21` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `35616723` template['bookId'] = `36095216` template['metaDescription'] = `Explore our comprehensive employee year-end review presentation template, designed to highlight achievements, challenges, and future goals. Ideal for fostering reflective discussions and strategic planning.` template['title'] = `Employee Year-End Review Presentation Template` template['description'] = `Elevate your year-end review process with our comprehensive employee year-end review presentation template. This thoughtfully designed performance presentation template is tailored to help you reflect on your past year's performance, highlighting key achievements, challenges overcome, and valuable lessons learned. Each slide is meticulously crafted to facilitate meaningful evaluation and constructive feedback, setting the stage for both personal and professional development. The professional design and user-friendly layout make it effortless to outline goals for the upcoming year, ensuring a motivated and focused approach to future endeavors. This performance presentation template is perfect for organizations aiming to cultivate a culture of continuous improvement and appreciation, encouraging employees to engage in reflective discussions and strategic planning. By utilizing this employee year-end review presentation template, you can foster an environment that values growth, learning, and achievement, ultimately driving success and satisfaction within your team.` template['keyword'] = `employee year-end review;work performance evaluation;reflective presentation template;yellow design template;employee;year-end;work;review;presentation;yellow` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `hcxd` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `1123` template['pageHeight'] = `794` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1714460657438` template['realViews'] = `206` template['realUses'] = `6` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Taro` template['productConfig'] = `` template['catalogFlag'] = `0` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Employee Year-End Review Presentation Template模板` template['wcScore'] = `0.944` template['keywords'] = `employee year-end review;work performance evaluation;reflective presentation template;yellow design template;employee;year-end;work;review;presentation;yellow` template['id'] = `99638456` template['views'] = `489` template['uses'] = `24` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `81581014` template['bookId'] = `83476275` template['metaDescription'] = `Explore our company annual report template, perfect for showcasing achievements, overcoming challenges, and setting future goals. Ideal for reflective discussions and strategic planning.` template['title'] = `Company Annual Report Template` template['description'] = `Harness the potential of introspection and strategic planning with our annual report template. This meticulously designed annual summary report template is crafted to encapsulate the highlights of the past year, allowing employees to effectively present their accomplishments, the obstacles they have surmounted, and the invaluable lessons they have acquired. Each slide is thoughtfully structured to promote in-depth evaluation and constructive feedback, setting the stage for both personal and professional development. The annual work summary report template's sleek design facilitates the setting of clear and achievable goals for the forthcoming year, ensuring a journey marked by motivation and focus. An annual report is an ideal tool for cultivating a culture of continuous improvement and recognition, making it an essential asset for any organization committed to fostering growth and appreciation.` template['keyword'] = `annual report template;annual summary report template;annual work summary report template;employee;year-end;work;review;presentation;template` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `kjfv` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `1123` template['pageHeight'] = `794` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1714441798114` template['realViews'] = `285` template['realUses'] = `12` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Double-nana` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Company Annual Report Template模板` template['wcScore'] = `1.38` template['keywords'] = `annual report template;annual summary report template;annual work summary report template;employee;year-end;work;review;presentation;template` template['id'] = `51784494` template['views'] = `519` template['uses'] = `22` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `451276` template['bookId'] = `97236708` template['metaDescription'] = `Engage your audience with our interactive business brand presentation template. Impress and persuade your target audience with a professional showcase designed for success.` template['title'] = `Business Brand Presentation Template for Impactful Storytelling` template['description'] = `Engage and captivate your audience with our interactive business brand presentation template, designed to command attention and deliver a compelling narrative for your brand. This comprehensive solution seamlessly integrates slideshows, interactive videos, insightful charts, and sleek tables, transforming information into a visual masterpiece. Crafted for impact and success, this template allows you to engage stakeholders with stunning visuals, convey data with precision through detailed charts, and organize information seamlessly in well-structured tables. Elevate your brand story with an interactive presentation experience that leaves a lasting impression. Whether you're presenting to potential clients, partners, or internal teams, this template is designed to revolutionize your business narrative. Unlock the potential of your brand with our versatile and powerful presentation template, and ensure your message is communicated with clarity and professionalism. Ready to take your brand to the next level? Discover the difference with our expertly crafted presentation solution.` template['keyword'] = `brand presentation template;business storytelling template;corporate presentation design;professional brand showcase;impactful business narrative;brand;presentation;company;business;corporate;enterprise;green` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `yfqf` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `1123` template['pageHeight'] = `794` template['pages'] = `12` template['publishTime'] = `1701999198143` template['realViews'] = `966` template['realUses'] = `6` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Taylor` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Business Brand Presentation Template for Impactful Storytelling模板` template['wcScore'] = `3.984` template['keywords'] = `brand presentation template;business storytelling template;corporate presentation design;professional brand showcase;impactful business narrative;brand;presentation;company;business;corporate;enterprise;green` template['id'] = `48841807` template['views'] = `1276` template['uses'] = `36` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `451276` template['bookId'] = `27966259` template['metaDescription'] = `Transform your corporate image with our innovative company presentation template. Featuring a sleek design and cutting-edge graphics, it's the perfect tool for a compelling business pitch.` template['title'] = `Innovative Company PowerPoint Template` template['description'] = `Make a memorable impact with our innovative company presentation template, designed to captivate and engage your audience. Featuring a sleek design, cutting-edge graphics, and seamless animations, this company PowerPoint template is perfect for setting trends in your industry. Impress clients, investors, and stakeholders with a visually stunning showcase of your company's vision, values, and achievements. With total customization options, you can highlight your unique brand identity and convey complex ideas effortlessly. Stand out from the competition with a modern, professional, and persuasive presentation that elevates your business. Whether you're pitching new ideas or showcasing your brand's journey, our best PowerPoint templates for business provide the perfect platform to give your ideas the spotlight they deserve. Experience the power of a well-crafted presentation that not only communicates your message effectively but also leaves a lasting impression. Transform your corporate image and make your business presentations more impactful with our fashion-forward business slide templates today!` template['keyword'] = `company presentation template;best powerpoint templates for business;business slide templates;company powerpoint template;company;corporate;business;modern;design;product;marketing;fashion;purple` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `3` template['linkName'] = `edjs` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `1800` template['pageHeight'] = `900` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1701398902947` template['realViews'] = `638` template['realUses'] = `45` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Taylor` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Innovative Company PowerPoint Template模板` template['wcScore'] = `3.452` template['keywords'] = `company presentation template;best powerpoint templates for business;business slide templates;company powerpoint template;company;corporate;business;modern;design;product;marketing;fashion;purple` template['id'] = `53048720` template['views'] = `869` template['uses'] = `52` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `PLATINUM` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `451276` template['bookId'] = `52353055` template['metaDescription'] = `Elevate your technical talks with our innovative computer science presentation template. Perfect for delivering clear and stylish presentations on algorithms, AI, and more.` template['title'] = `Innovative Computer Science Presentation Template for Engaging Technical Talks` template['description'] = `Elevate your computer science presentations with our state-of-the-art template, meticulously crafted for clarity and impact. This innovative computer science presentation template is designed to help you communicate complex concepts with ease and confidence. Seamlessly integrate your content into a captivating slideshow, enriched with immersive videos that allow your audience to explore topics in depth with just a click. Our template combines the perfect blend of innovation and interaction, ensuring your message is delivered with precision and style. Impress your audience with sleek visuals and well-organized content that captures the essence of cutting-edge technology. Whether you're discussing algorithms, artificial intelligence, or data structures, our template empowers you to convey your ideas effectively. Transform your presentations into engaging experiences that captivate and inspire your audience. Get started today and take your technical talks to the next level with our interactive computer science presentation template.` template['keyword'] = `innovative computer science presentation;engaging technical talks;cutting-edge technology template;algorithms and AI presentation;data structures presentation;computer;science;presentation;technology;network security;cybersecurity;blue` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `3` template['linkName'] = `ahzn` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `1920` template['pageHeight'] = `1080` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1698372017091` template['realViews'] = `817` template['realUses'] = `77` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Taylor` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Innovative Computer Science Presentation Template for Engaging Technical Talks制作` template['wcScore'] = `4.808` template['keywords'] = `innovative computer science presentation;engaging technical talks;cutting-edge technology template;algorithms and AI presentation;data structures presentation;computer;science;presentation;technology;network security;cybersecurity;blue` template['id'] = `50968959` template['views'] = `1266` template['uses'] = `94` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `PLATINUM` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `451276` template['bookId'] = `46772811` template['metaDescription'] = `Elevate your entrepreneurship report presentation with our innovative template. Impress your audience with stunning visuals, comprehensive data analysis, and interactive features.` template['title'] = `Innovative Entrepreneurship Report Presentation Template` template['description'] = `Elevate your entrepreneurship report presentation to new heights with our innovative template, designed to captivate and inform. This meticulously crafted slideshow seamlessly integrates stunning visuals with comprehensive data analysis, ensuring your narrative is both engaging and informative. Our template goes beyond the ordinary by incorporating a interactive video feature, which brings your content to life and keeps your audience engaged. Additionally, the click-to-contact trigger action allows viewers to connect with you instantly, fostering valuable connections and opportunities. Whether you're presenting to potential investors, stakeholders, or team members, our template is designed to make a lasting impression. The sleek design, featuring a sophisticated dark grey and yellow color scheme, adds a professional touch to your presentation. Revolutionize your approach to presentations today and leave a lasting impact that drives results. With our template, you can confidently deliver a presentation that not only informs but also inspires action.` template['keyword'] = `innovative entrepreneurship presentation;business report template;engaging presentation design;interactive video feature;click-to-contact action;entrepreneurship;presentation;report;company;business;marketing;dark grey;yellow` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `3` template['linkName'] = `fhkh` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `1920` template['pageHeight'] = `1080` template['pages'] = `10` template['publishTime'] = `1698371883159` template['realViews'] = `585` template['realUses'] = `78` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Taylor` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `` template['seoTitle'] = `Innovative Entrepreneurship Report Presentation Template设计` template['wcScore'] = `3.9` template['keywords'] = `innovative entrepreneurship presentation;business report template;engaging presentation design;interactive video feature;click-to-contact action;entrepreneurship;presentation;report;company;business;marketing;dark grey;yellow` template['id'] = `18957665` template['views'] = `1073` template['uses'] = `96` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `PLATINUM` templateList.push(template) template = {} template['ownerId'] = `451276` template['bookId'] = `42308626` template['metaDescription'] = `Elevate your business presentations with our interactive template. Create engaging slideshows, embed videos, and visualize data to impress your audience.` template['title'] = `Interactive Company Business Presentation Template, Company Portfolio Template ` template['description'] = `Streamline your business presentations with our Interactive Company Business Presentation Template. Perfect for startups, marketers, administrators, and corporations, this versatile template is designed to create engaging, information-rich slideshows that communicate your message effectively. Leverage FlipHTML5's robust features to elevate your presentation experience. Easily embed videos, add interactive charts, and incorporate dynamic tables to present complex data in a visually compelling way. Whether you're pitching to investors, showcasing your company's portfolio, or delivering internal reports, this template ensures that your content is professional and easy to navigate. With an intuitive drag-and-drop editor, customization becomes effortless. Update branding elements like logos, fonts, and layouts to align with your organization's identity. Add multimedia elements such as product demos or customer testimonials to create an immersive experience for your audience. FlipHTML5 also supports clickable navigation, ensuring a seamless flow of information across different sections of your presentation. The template is mobile-responsive, meaning your presentation looks polished and professional on any device, from desktops to smartphones. Share your work digitally via email, social platforms, or directly on your company's website, making it accessible to stakeholders anytime, anywhere. FlipHTML5 goes beyond traditional presentation tools with built-in analytics that allow you to track viewer engagement and measure the effectiveness of your content. Use these insights to refine your message and improve audience impact. Whether for corporate meetings, product launches, client proposals, or marketing pitches, this template adapts to various business needs. Save time with ready-made layouts while ensuring your presentation delivers clear and impactful communication. The flexibility and interactivity of this template make it a must-have for modern businesses aiming to leave a strong impression.` template['keyword'] = `interactive company presentation;business presentation template;corporate presentation design;interactive presentation tools;Company Portfolio Template;company;business;presentation;corporate;enterprise;marketing;report;blue` template['lang'] = `en` template['firstId'] = `23` template['ragenCode'] = `5` template['linkName'] = `sqwk` template['linkPath'] = `` template['pageWidth'] = `1123` template['pageHeight'] = `794` template['pages'] = `12` template['publishTime'] = `1698371637793` template['realViews'] = `939` template['realUses'] = `26` template['adminScore'] = `0.000` template['uName'] = `Taylor` template['thumbnail'] = `` template['detailUrl'] = `,-company-portfolio-template-/` template['seoTitle'] = `Interactive Company Business Presentation Template, Company Portfolio Template 模板` template['wcScore'] = `4.276` template['keywords'] = `interactive company presentation;business presentation template;corporate presentation design;interactive presentation tools;Company Portfolio Template;company;business;presentation;corporate;enterprise;marketing;report;blue` template['id'] = `22136809` template['views'] = `1360` template['uses'] = `51` template['isImage'] = `1` template['textHeight'] = `82` template['isCollect'] = `` template['rangeName'] = `ENTERPRISE` templateList.push(template) var domParser = new DOMParser() if (templateList.length > 0) { templateList.forEach(item => { item.ragenCode = Number(item.ragenCode) item.detailUrl = item.detailUrl ?? '' /*处理html特殊符号*/ item.title = domParser.parseFromString(item.title, 'text/html').documentElement.textContent }) this.getLevel(templateList) this.getCheckCollection(templateList) await this.calcWorH(templateList) this.templateList = templateList console.log(this.templateList) this.templateListCopy = templateList if (this.keyword !== '') { this.resultCount = Number(27) this.isShowResultCount = true } if (this.templateList.length < this.pageSize) { this.isBookAll = true } } else { this.isShowResultCount = false if (this.categoryId !== 0) { this.emptyState = 'category' } if (this.keyword !== '') { this.emptyState = 'search' this.keywordHistory = this.keyword } this.isBookAll = true } if (this.keyword !== '') { this.keywordHistory = this.keyword } this.isLoading = false }, //获取是否收藏 getCheckCollection: function(list) { if (this.type === 'Templates') { let ids = '' list.forEach((item, index) => { this.$set(item, 'isCollect', false) if (index > 0) { ids += ',' } ids += }) axios({ url: `/api/template/check-collection`, //请求地址 method: 'GET', //请求方法 responseType: 'json', //返回值类型 params: { ids: ids, } }).then(res => { if ( === 'OK') { => { list.forEach(template => { if (Number(item) === Number( { template.isCollect = true } }) }) } }).catch(error => { console.log(error); //请求失败 }) } }, //搜索模板 searchTemplate: async function() { if (this.emptyState === 'collect') { return } if (this.keyword === '') { this.keywordHistory = '' } if (this.keyword !== '') { window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'search_from_templates', 'search': this.keyword }); } this.isLoading = true this.isShowPhpDom = false if (this.type === 'Templates') { let url = window.location.href; let searchIndex = window.location.href.indexOf('/?search') if (searchIndex === -1) { if (this.keyword !== '') { if (window.location.href.slice(-1) === '/') { url = window.location.href + `?search=${this.keyword.replace(/\s/g, "+")}` } else { url = window.location.href + `/?search=${this.keyword.replace(/\s/g, "+")}` } } } else { url = url.slice(0, searchIndex) if (this.keyword !== '') { url += `/?search=${this.keyword.replace(/\s/g, "+")}` } } history.replaceState(null, "", url) this.initDataState() await this.resetTemplateList() } else { this.initDataState() this.getCollectedTemplates() } }, // 清空搜索 clearSearch: function() { let url = window.location.href; let searchIndex = window.location.href.indexOf('?search') url = url.slice(0, searchIndex) history.replaceState(null, "", url) this.keyword = '' this.$refs.searchInput.focus() this.keywordHistory = '' this.emptyState = 'normal' this.templateList = [] this.colHeightArr = new Array(this.maxColLength).fill(0) this.isShowResultCount = false this.isShowPhpDom = false this.isLoading = true if (this.type === 'Templates') { = 1 this.isBookAll = false this.getTemplateList() } else { = 1 this.getCollectedTemplates() } }, //模板语言筛选 switchLang: function(lang) { this.isShowLangMenu = false if (this.curTemplateLangType === lang.value) return this.isLoading = true this.curTemplateLangType = lang.value this.setCookie("curTemplateLangType", this.curTemplateLangType, 8640000000) let url = window.location.origin + '/templates/' history.replaceState(null, "", url) this.categoryId = '0' this.categoryList = this.categoryListAll.filter(item => { return item.langLabel === this.curTemplateLangType }) this.categoryList.unshift({ id: 0, name: "All", selected: "1", urlCate: "all" }) this.initDataState() this.debounce(this.resetTemplateList, 500) this.isShowPhpDom = false }, setCookie: function(name, value, expiration) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + expiration); var expires = "expires=" + date.toUTCString(); document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";" + expires + ";path=/"; }, //模板等级筛选 switchLevel: function(level) { this.isShowLevelMenu = false if (this.levelId == { return } this.isShowPhpDom = false this.isLoading = true this.initDataState() this.levelId = this.activeLevel = this.replaceUrl() this.debounce(this.resetTemplateList, 500) }, //模板分类筛选 switchCategory: function(id, urlCate, name) { if (this.categoryId == id) { return } if (this.listCancelToken) { this.listCancelToken.cancel('Operation canceled by the user.') } this.isLoading = true this.initDataState() this.categoryId = id this.urlCate = urlCate this.category = name === 'All' ? 'Customizable ' : name this.replaceUrl() this.debounce(this.resetTemplateList, 500) }, replaceUrl: function() { let url = window.getLangType() url += this.categoryId !== 0 ? '/' + this.urlCate + '/' : '/' url += this.levelId !== '0' ? this.activeLevel.toLowerCase() + '/' : '' if (this.keyword) { url += `?search=${this.keyword.replace(/\s/g, "+")}` } history.replaceState(null, "", url) console.log(url) }, resetTemplateList: async function() { await this.getTemplateList(this.isSwitch) }, //获取模板数据 getTemplateList: function(isSwitch) { this.demoLoading = true this.listCancelToken = axios.CancelToken.source() let param = { current:, size: this.pageSize, lang: this.curTemplateLangType, //多语言标签 h5默认是“en”;云展网默认是“cn” } if (this.categoryId !== 0) param.firstId = this.categoryId if (this.levelId !== '0') param.ragenCode = this.levelId if (this.keyword !== '') { param.keyword = this.keyword } if (isSwitch) { param.tdkFlag = 1 param.selectCateName = this.selectCateName param.selectLevelName = this.selectLevelName } axios.get('/api/template/website-page', { params: param, cancelToken: this.listCancelToken.token }).then(async res => { let data = if (data.code === 'OK') { if ( { // 更新tdk = } = = window.setHeadInfo() let list = if (this.keyword !== '') { this.keywordHistory = this.keyword } if (list.length > 0) { let length = this.templateList.length this.getLevel(list) this.getCheckCollection(list) if (isSwitch) { await this.calcWorH(list, length, null, isSwitch) } else { await this.calcWorH(list, length) } list.forEach(item => { item.detailUrl = item.detailUrl = item.detailUrl ? utils.parseMultiLink(item.detailUrl) : '' item.thumbnail = item.thumbnail + `?${new Date().getTime()}` }) this.templateList.push(...list) if (this.keyword !== '') { this.isShowResultCount = true this.resultCount = } } else { // 请求完毕 this.isBookAll = true if (this.templateList.length === 0) { if (this.keyword === '' && this.categoryId !== 0) { this.emptyState = 'category' } if (this.keyword !== '') { this.emptyState = 'search' } } } if (this.templateList.length < this.pageSize) { this.isBookAll = true } } setTimeout(() => { this.demoLoading = false this.isLoading = false // document.querySelector('.pageLoading').classList.add('ss-hide') // document.querySelector('.notLoading').style.opacity = '1' this.isScrollLoading = false }, 20) }).catch(error => { console.log(error); //请求失败 }) }, //收藏和取消收藏 favorites: function(template) { template = template ? template : this.template let params; if ( || template.templateId) { params = { templateId: this.type === 'Favorites' ? template.templateId :, type: template.isCollect ? 2 : 1 } } else { params = { templateId: this.type === 'Favorites' ? this.template.templateId :, type: this.template.isCollect ? 2 : 1 } } axios({ url: `/api/template/favorites`, //请求地址 method: 'GET', //请求方法 responseType: 'json', //返回值类型 params: params }).then(res => { if ( === 'OK') { if ( || template.templateId) { template.isCollect = !template.isCollect this.$message.success(template.isCollect ? 'Add to My Favorites successfully!' : 'Remove from My Favorites successfully!') } else { this.template.isCollect = !this.template.isCollect this.$message.success(template.isCollect ? 'Add to My Favorites successfully!' : 'Remove from My Favorites successfully!') } } else { if ( || template.templateId) { this.$ ? 'Failed to remove from My Favorites!' : 'Failed to add to My Favorites!') } else { this.$ ? 'Failed to remove from My Favorites!' : 'Failed to add to My Favorites!') } } }).catch(error => { console.log(error); //请求失败 }) }, //获取使用等级 getLevel: function(list) { list.forEach(template => { this.$set(template, 'rangeName', '') switch (template.ragenCode) { case 1: template.rangeName = "FREE" break case 2: template.rangeName = "PRO" break case 3: template.rangeName = "PLATINUM" break case 4: template.rangeName = "DIAMOND" break case 5: template.rangeName = "ENTERPRISE" break default: template.rangeName = "FREE" } }) }, //计算模板列数 getMaxColLength: function() { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { // let content = document.getElementById('content') let templateContainer = document.getElementById('templateContainer') let width = templateContainer.clientWidth if (width) { let maxColLength = Math.floor((width + this.bookLeftSpacing) / (this.bookItemWidth + this .bookLeftSpacing), ) this.maxColLength = maxColLength >= 7 ? 7 : maxColLength } resolve() }, 10) }) }, // 计算模板展示的位置和部分属性初始化 calcWorH: function(bookList, length, isRelated, isSwitch) { // isSwitch=true 表示切换tab时调用此方法 if (isSwitch) { /* ----- start 通过切换tab获取模板时,每次计算前重置一次模板集合和存放计算数据的数组, 避免tab来回切换时,上一次计算未完成,进行第二次计算导致模板数据和位置出错 ----- */ this.templateList = [] this.colHeightArr = new Array(this.maxColLength).fill(0) /* ----- end ----- */ } return new Promise(resolve => { if (bookList.length === 0) { return [] } // 因为每次请求完数据都需要排序,所以每次计算位置都重新排序 let width = '' let bookItemArr = document.getElementsByClassName('bookText') if (!isRelated) { width = this.bookItemWidth + this.bookLeftSpacing } else { width = this.relatedTemplateWidth + this.relatedSpacing } bookList.forEach((template, index) => { if (template.pageHeight && template.pageWidth) { // 按比例缩放后的图片高度 let imageHeight = Math.round( (this.bookItemWidth * template.pageHeight) / template.pageWidth, ) this.$set(template, 'imageHeight', imageHeight) this.$set(template, 'imageWidth', this.bookItemWidth) this.$set(template, 'isImage', true) } else { this.$set(template, 'imageHeight', this.bookImageHeight) this.$set(template, 'imageWidth', this.bookItemWidth) this.$set(template, 'isImage', false) } this.$set(template, 'textHeight', 82) // *文字框高度算法需要换,暂设为固定高度,默认显示两行 // template.textHeight = // bookItemArr[length ? length + index : index].clientHeight + // this.bookTopSpacing let min = Math.min(...this.colHeightArr) let i = this.colHeightArr.indexOf(min) this.$set(template, 'top', min) this.$set(template, 'left', i * width) this.colHeightArr[i] += template.imageHeight + template.textHeight + this.bookTopSpacing }) resolve() }) }, //复制模板链接 copyLink: function(template) { if (template.linkPath) { // text是复制文本 // 创建input元素 const el = document.createElement('input') // 给input元素赋值需要复制的文本 el.setAttribute('value', template.linkPath) // 将input元素插入页面 document.body.appendChild(el) // 选中input元素的文本 // 复制内容到剪贴板 document.execCommand('copy') // 删除input元素 document.body.removeChild(el) this.$message.success('Copy successfully!') } else { this.$message.success('Failed to copy. Please retry.') } }, //修改模板收藏状态 updateCollect: function(collect) { this.template.isCollect = collect }, //增加使用次数 addUseCount: function(templateId) {`/api/template/add-use-count`, Qs.stringify({ templateId: templateId })).then((res) => {}) }, //增加浏览次数 addViewCount: function(templateId) {`/api/template/add-view-count`, Qs.stringify({ templateId: templateId })).then((res) => {}) }, //预览模板 previewTemplate: function(template) { this.isShowPhpDom = false /** 移动端预览模板->新窗口打开详情页*/ if (this.isMobile()) { this.addViewCount(, "_blank") return } if (!Array.isArray(template.keyword)) { template.keyword = template.keyword.replace(/,|,|;|;|\n|\r\n/g, ';').split(';') this.keywordSliceL = template.keyword.length } this.template = template console.log(this.template) this.thumbnailLoading = true this.isPreview = true this.getRelatedTemplateList() this.updateIframeOptions() this.$nextTick(() => { this.initKeyword() this.getThumbnail() let code = document.getElementById('code') code.innerHTML = "" this.qrcode = new QRCode(code, { text: this.template.linkPath, width: 104, height: 104, colorDark: '#000000', colorLight: '#ffffff', correctLevel: QRCode.CorrectLevel.H }) // let codeBox = document.getElementById('codeBox') // let previewLinkInput = document.getElementById('previewLinkInput') // let linkInputDiv = document.getElementById('linkInputDiv') // = 'block' // previewLinkInput.value = this.template.detailUrl // this.linkSpacing = -(linkInputDiv.offsetWidth - 235) // = 'none' }) this.addViewCount( }, //预览推荐模板 goPreview(template) { this.$refs.details.scrollTop = 0 axios({ url: `/api/template/template-detail`, method: 'GET', responseType: 'json', //返回值类型 params: { id:, } }).then((res) => { let data = if (data.code === 'OK') { let previewTemplate = this.template = this.$set(previewTemplate, 'isCollect', template.isCollect) this.previewTemplate(previewTemplate) } }) }, // 切换预览设备 setDevive(type) { this.deviceType = type }, //切换预览翻页方式 setPreviewMode(type) { this.previewType = type let params = { bookConfig: JSON.stringify({ FlipStyle: type }), bookId: } axios({ url: `/api/book/update-book`, method: 'POST', responseType: 'json', //返回值类型 params: params }).then(res => { if ( === 'OK') { console.log('切换成功') } }) }, // 显示预览二维码框 openCode() { clearTimeout(this.codeTime) this.showCodeBox = true }, // 隐藏预览二维码框 closeCode() { this.codeTime = setTimeout(() => { this.showCodeBox = false }, 100) }, //设置iframe参数 updateIframeOptions() { switch (this.deviceType) { case "computer": this.iframeOptions.url = this.template.linkPath this.iframeOptions.width = '100%' this.iframeOptions.height = '100%' break case "pad": this.iframeOptions.url = `${this.template.linkPath}` + `?phone=true&maxwidthtosmallmode=0&maxheighttosmallmode=0` this.$nextTick(() => { this.iframeOptions.width = Math.floor(this.$refs.pad.offsetWidth * 0.84) + 'px' this.iframeOptions.height = Math.floor(this.$refs.pad.offsetHeight * 0.88) + 'px' }) break case "phone": this.iframeOptions.url = `${this.template.linkPath}` + `?phone=true&maxwidthtosmallmode=0&maxheighttosmallmode=0` this.$nextTick(() => { this.iframeOptions.width = Math.floor(this.$ * 0.885) + 'px' this.iframeOptions.height = Math.floor(this.$ * 0.86) + 'px' }) } }, //获取相关模板数据 getRelatedTemplateList() { axios({ url: `/api/template/template-recommend`, //请求地址 method: 'GET', //请求方法 responseType: 'json', //返回值类型 params: { id:, } }).then(res => { let data = if (data.code === 'OK') { let list = if (list.length > 0) { = Number( list = list.filter(item => !== this.getRelatedMaxColLength() this.calcRelatedWorH(list) this.getCheckCollection(list) this.getLevel(list) this.relatedTemplateList = => { return { ...item, thumbnail: `${item.thumbnail}?${}` }; }); } } }).catch(error => { console.log(error); //请求失败 }) }, //推荐模板瀑布式布局计算定位位置 calcRelatedWorH(templateList) { this.colHeightArr2 = new Array(this.relatedMaxColLength).fill(0) console.log(this.colHeightArr2) let width = this.relatedTemplateWidth + this.relatedSpacing templateList.forEach((template, index) => { if (template.pageHeight && template.pageWidth) { let imageHeight = Math.round(this.relatedTemplateWidth * template.pageHeight / template.pageWidth) this.$set(template, 'imageHeight', imageHeight) this.$set(template, 'imageWidth', this.relatedTemplateWidth) this.$set(template, 'isImage', true) } else { this.$set(template, 'imageHeight', 130) this.$set(template, 'imageWidth', this.relatedTemplateWidth) this.$set(template, 'isImage', false) } // if (index < 3) { // this.$set(template, 'top', 0) // this.$set(template, 'left', (index) * width) // //96是模板底部文字区域高度 20是间距 // this.colHeightArr2[index] += template.imageHeight + this.relatedSpacing // } else { let min = Math.min(...this.colHeightArr2) let i = this.colHeightArr2.indexOf(min) this.$set(template, 'top', min) this.$set(template, 'left', (i) * width) this.colHeightArr2[i] += template.imageHeight + this.relatedSpacing // } }); return templateList }, //计算相关模板最大列数 getRelatedMaxColLength: function() { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { let relatedContainer = document.getElementById('relatedContainer') let width = relatedContainer.clientWidth if (width) { let maxColLength = Math.floor((width + this.bookLeftSpacing) / (this.relatedTemplateWidth + this.relatedSpacing), ) this.relatedMaxColLength = maxColLength >= 7 ? 7 : maxColLength } resolve() }, 10) }) }, // 打开模板详情页 openDetailsPage(url) {, "_blank") }, //复制预览模板链接 copyPreviewLink() { if (this.template.detailUrl) { // text是复制文本 // 创建input元素 const el = document.createElement('input') // 给input元素赋值需要复制的文本 el.setAttribute('value', this.template.detailUrl) // 将input元素插入页面 document.body.appendChild(el) // 选中input元素的文本 // 复制内容到剪贴板 document.execCommand('copy') // 删除input元素 document.body.removeChild(el) this.$message.success('Copy successfully!') } else { this.$message.success('Failed to copy. Please retry.') } }, // 关闭预览窗口 close: function() { this.isPreview = false }, // 应用模板 customizeTemplate: function(template) { if (this.isCreating) { return } let version = '' switch (Number(template.ragenCode)) { case 2: version = "Pro" break case 3: version = "Platinum" break case 5: version = "Enterprise" break } if (this.uLevel < Number(template.ragenCode)) { window.showUpgradeBox({ dom: document.getElementById('app'), isShow: true, LEVEL_NAME: version }).then(data => { console.log(data) }) if (typeof dataLayerFun != 'undefined' && dataLayerFun.useTemplate) { dataLayerFun.useTemplate(version.toLowerCase(), } return } if (this.uType === 0 && this.userAccountType === 0 && this.isActivate === 0) { const that = this if (this.currentBooks >= 1) { new NotePanelPop( 'Unable to create more books!</br>Please activate your account to enable more uploads.', function() { new ActivateAccountPop(that.uEmail) }); return } if (this.todayUploadLimit >= 5) { window.showUpgradeBox({ dom: document.getElementById('app'), isShow: true, LEVEL_NAME: "Pro" }).then(data => { console.log(data) }) return } } let params = { templateId: }`/api/template/check-use-temp`, Qs.stringify(params)).then(res => { let data = if (data.code === 'OK') { window.location.href = `/editortv2/${}?fromTemplateId=${}` // let newWin = this.addUseCount( // this.createBook(template) } else if (data.code === 'NOT_POWER') { if (typeof dataLayerFun != 'undefined' && dataLayerFun.useTemplate) { dataLayerFun.useTemplate(version.toLowerCase(), } } else { this.$message.error(data.msg) } }).catch(error => { console.log(error) this.isCreating = false this.$'Failed to request info!') }) }, // 创建书籍 createBook: function(template) { this.isCreating = true let params = { templateId:, folderId: this.perferNewVersion === 0 ? this.defaultFolder[0].id : 0 }`/api/book/editor/temp-create-book`, Qs.stringify(params)).then(res => { let data = if (data.code === 'BOOK_UPLOAD_OVER_LIMIT') { let version = '' switch (this.uLevel) { case 1: version = "Pro" break case 2: version = "Platinum" break case 3: version = "Enterprise" break } this.$message.warning({ showClose: true, message: `Upgrade to ${version} to create more book`, duration: 2000 }) this.isCreating = false } else { if ( { this.editorUrl = `/editorv2/${}?serialNum=${}` // setTimeout(() => { let newWin = if (!newWin || newWin.closed || typeof newWin.closed === 'undefined') { this.showIntercept = true } this.isCreating = false this.addUseCount( // }, 100) } else { this.isCreating = false this.$message.error(data.msg) } } }).catch(error => { console.log(error) this.isCreating = false this.$'Failed to request info!') }) }, capitalizeFirstLetter: function(str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1).toLowerCase(); }, /** * @description 关键词搜索 * @param {string} keyword - 关键词 * */ searchKeyword: function(keyword) { this.keyword = keyword this.isPreview = false document.body.scrollTop = 0 this.searchTemplate() }, /** * @description 关键词初始化 * */ initKeyword: function() { this.template.keywordExpand = false this.keywordSliceL = this.template.keyword.length this.$nextTick(() => { const keywordWrapper = document.getElementsByClassName('tt-keyword-wrapper')[0]; const keywordArr = document.querySelectorAll('.tt-keyword:not(.expand-btn)'); const keywordWrapperTop = keywordWrapper.getBoundingClientRect().top; let width = 0; //存放第二行元素累计宽度 let last = false; //记录第二行最后一个元素是否是数组最后一个元素 console.log(this.template) for (let i = 0; i < keywordArr.length; i++) { const keyword = keywordArr[i] if (keyword.getBoundingClientRect().top - keywordWrapperTop > 42) { //存在第三行,显示折叠按钮 this.template.keywordExpand = true; } else if (keyword.getBoundingClientRect().top - keywordWrapperTop === 42) { //记录第二行最后一个元素下标 this.template.keywordSliceL = i + 1 this.keywordSliceL = i + 1 width += keyword.clientWidth + 10; last = i === this.template.keyword.length - 1 console.log(keyword.innerHTML) } } if (!last && (width - 10 + 32 > keywordWrapper.clientWidth)) { //第二行加上折叠按钮超过容器宽度时,折叠下标前移一位 this.template.keywordSliceL -= 1 this.keywordSliceL -= 1 this.template.keywordExpand = true; } }) }, /** * @description 关键词折叠 * */ collapseKeyword: function() { this.keywordSliceL = this.keywordSliceL === this.template.keyword.length ? this.template.keywordSliceL : this.template.keyword.length }, /** * @description 阻止默认事件 * */ preventDefault: function() {}, /** * @description 解析模板缩略图 * */ getThumbnail: function() { const _this = this const host ='dev') ? 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