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jQuery.get("shovelerSearch?"+this.query+"&source=", function(ajax) { if(jQuery.trim(ajax) == "") { // hide widget if there are no items s.shoveler.hide(); } else { s.populateItems(ajax); FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); jQuery(window).resize(function() { FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); }); s.bindPaginationEvents(); FreshShovelerMeta.tagItems(s); FreshShovelerMeta.checkAsins(s); } }); } }, // LIST SHOVELER takes a list id via <input type='hidden' name='listId' value='[id]' /> list: { itemWidth: 137, getParams: function() { this.listId = getParam(this.shoveler, "listId"); }, getItems: function() { var s = this; // hooray js scoping! jQuery.get("shoveler?action=list&listId="+this.listId+"&source=", function(ajax) { if(jQuery.trim(ajax) == "") { // hide widget if there are no items s.shoveler.hide(); } else { s.populateItems(ajax); FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); jQuery(window).resize(function() { FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); }); s.bindPaginationEvents(); FreshShovelerMeta.tagItems(s); FreshShovelerMeta.checkAsins(s); } }); } }, // HERO WIDGET hero: { itemWidth: 110, heroTemplate: jQuery("<h1/><div class='heroSpotContainer' /><div class='heroShoveler'><table class='heroShoveler'><tr><td class='backButton'></td><td class='shovelerItems'></td><td class='nextButton'></td></tr></table></div>"), load: function() { this.listId = getParam(this.shoveler, "listId"); this.headline = getParam(this.shoveler, "headline"); this.paginatorGutter = 15; this.shoveler.append(FreshShovelerMeta.ShovelerTypes.hero.heroTemplate.clone()); this.shoveler.find(".shovelerItems").append(FreshShovelerMeta.loadingImage.clone()); this.shoveler.find("h1").text(this.headline); this.getItems(); }, getItems: function() { var s = this; jQuery.get("shoveler?action=hero&listId="+this.listId+"&source=", function(ajax) { if(jQuery.trim(ajax) == "") { // hide widget if there are no items s.shoveler.hide(); } else { var response = jQuery(ajax); var heroSpots = response.filter("table.heroSpot"); heroSpots.hide(); s.shoveler.find(".heroSpotContainer").append(heroSpots); s.populateItems(response.filter("div.shovelerItem")); s.items.find(".productImage").click(function(event) { var asin = jQuery("div.shovelerItem").find("input[name='expectedAsin']").val(); var targetHeroSpot = jQuery("#heroSpot_"+asin); targetHeroSpot.siblings().fadeOut(300); targetHeroSpot.fadeIn(300); }); jQuery(s.items[0]).find(".productImage").click(); FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); jQuery(window).resize(function() { FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); }); s.bindPaginationEvents(); FreshShovelerMeta.tagItems(s); FreshShovelerMeta.checkAsins(s); } }); } }, // DID YOU FORGET SHOVELER generates items from customer's past purchases, with some bestsellers & magazines mixed in didYouForget: { itemWidth: 137, getItems: function() { var s = this; jQuery.get("DidYouForgetWidget?source=shovelerjs", function(ajax) { if(jQuery.trim(ajax) == "") { // hide widget if there are no items s.shoveler.hide(); } else { s.populateItems(ajax); FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); jQuery(window).resize(function() { FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); }); s.bindPaginationEvents(); FreshShovelerMeta.tagItems(s); FreshShovelerMeta.checkAsins(s); } }); } }, // FREE GIFT SHOVELER takes items out of the page (loaded synchronously) freeGift: { itemWidth: 137, getItems: function() { var s = this; var items = this.shoveler.find(".itemsToDisplay").children(); if(items.length > 0) { s.populateItems(items); FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); jQuery(window).resize(function() { FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); }); s.bindPaginationEvents(); FreshShovelerMeta.tagItems(s); FreshShovelerMeta.checkAsins(s); } } }, zeitgeist: { itemWidth: 137, getParams: function() { this.rankType = getParam(this.shoveler, "rankType"); this.listId = getParam(this.shoveler, "listId"); }, getItems: function() { var s = this; // hooray js scoping! var args = { action: 'zeitgeist', listId: this.listId, rankType: this.rankType, source: }; var success = function(ajax) { if(jQuery.trim(ajax) == "") { // hide widget if there are no items s.shoveler.hide(); } else { s.populateItems(ajax); FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); jQuery(window).resize(function() { FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); }); s.bindPaginationEvents(); FreshShovelerMeta.tagItems(s); FreshShovelerMeta.checkAsins(s); } }; jQuery.get("shoveler", args, success); } }, // ASIN LIST SHOVELER takes an arbitrary list of asins, either from the url path or from an input asinList: { itemWidth: 137, getItems: function() { var s = this; if(this.isMinDisplay == null) { this.isMinDisplay = "false"; } if(this.isMinDisplay) { //isMinDisplay appears to never be used/ this.shoveler.find("img.loading").css("top", "60px"); this.shoveler.find("div.body").css("height", "150px"); this.shoveler.find("div.backButton, div.nextButton").css("top", "65px"); } var suppressProductLink = getParam(this.shoveler, "suppressProductLink"); if(suppressProductLink == null) { suppressProductLink = "false"; } var rawParams ="&"); var asins = getParam(this.shoveler, "asins"); if(asins == null || asins == "") { for(var i = 0; i < rawParams.length; i++) { var pair = rawParams[i].split("="); if(pair[0] == "asins") { asins = pair[1]; break; } } } var uid = null; for(var i = 0; i < rawParams.length; i++) { var pair = rawParams[i].split("="); if(pair[0] == "id") { uid = pair[1]; break; } } jQuery.get("shoveler", { action: "asinlist", isMinDisplay: this.isMinDisplay, suppressProductLink: suppressProductLink, asins: asins, uid: uid }, function(ajax) { if(jQuery.trim(ajax) == "") { // hide widget if there are no items s.shoveler.hide(); } else { s.populateItems(ajax); FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); jQuery(window).resize(function() { FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); }); s.bindPaginationEvents(); FreshShovelerMeta.tagItems(s); if(!s.isMinDisplay) { FreshShovelerMeta.checkAsins(s); } } } ); } }, // NOW WIDGET SHOVELER builds items from various sources nowWidget: { itemWidth: 137, getParams: function() { = getParam(this.shoveler, "bn");}, getItems: function() { var s = this, sources = ["rctItems", "recItems", "rndItems", "ftItems"], responses = {}, responseCount = 0; if ( { sources = ["recItems", "rndItems"]; responses["rctItems"] = ""; responses["ftItems"] = ""; } jQuery.each(sources, function(i, source) { var bnRefinement = ( ? "&bn="+ : ""; jQuery.get("NowWidget?action="+source+bnRefinement, function(ajax) { responseCount++; responses[source] = ajax; if(responseCount == sources.length) { var aggregateSources = responses["ftItems"] + responses["rctItems"] + responses["recItems"] + responses["rndItems"]; s.populateItems(aggregateSources); FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); jQuery(window).resize(function() { FreshShovelerMeta.arrangeItems(s); }); s.shoveler.find("div.backButton").click(function() { s.type.logEvent("prev"); FreshShovelerMeta.showPrev(s); }); s.shoveler.find("div.nextButton").click(function() { s.type.logEvent("next"); FreshShovelerMeta.showNext(s); }); visibilityStatus = s.type.isVisible(s.shoveler); visibilityStatus ? s.type.logEvent("visible") : s.type.logEvent("invisible"); s.shoveler.mouseenter(function() { if(visibilityStatus) { s.type.logEvent("enter"); } }); jQuery(window).scroll(function() { var currentVisibility = s.type.isVisible(s.shoveler); if(!visibilityStatus && currentVisibility) { s.type.logEvent("scrollvisible"); } visibilityStatus = currentVisibility; }); FreshShovelerMeta.tagItems(s); FreshShovelerMeta.checkAsins(s); } }); }); }, logEvent: function(event) {"NowWidget?event="+event); }, isVisible: function(s) { var sTop = s.offset().top - jQuery(document).scrollTop(); var sHeight = s.height(); var sBottom = sTop + sHeight; var visThresh = sHeight / 4; return (sTop > -visThresh) && (sBottom < (jQuery(window).height() + 2 * visThresh)); }, visibilityStatus: false } }, loadFreshShoveler: function() { if(null != this.getExtraParams) { this.getExtraParams(); } this.shoveler.wrap("<div class='"+ this.displayType+"'></div>"); // create shoveler framework this.shoveler.append(FreshShovelerMeta.shovelerTemplate.clone()); this.shoveler.find(".shovelerPagination").hide(); this.shoveler.find(".shovelerItems").append(FreshShovelerMeta.loadingImage.clone()); this.shoveler.find("h2").text(this.header); this.getItems(); }, populateItems: function(items) { var s = this; s.shoveler.find(".loading").remove(); s.shoveler.find(".shovelerItems").append(items); s.items = s.shoveler.find(".shovelerItem"); s.items.each(function(i) { jQuery(this).attr("id","Item_"+i); }); }, arrangeItems: function(s) { if(s.displayType != 'underCart') { var containerWidth = s.shoveler.find(".shovelerItems").width(); s.capacity = Math.floor(containerWidth / s.type.itemWidth) - 1; var totalMargin = containerWidth - (s.capacity * s.type.itemWidth); s.perItemMargin = totalMargin / (s.capacity + 1); s.currentItem = 0; s.currentPage = 0; s.pageCount = Math.ceil(s.items.length / s.capacity); FreshShovelerMeta.scrollItems(s); s.shoveler.find(".pageCount").empty().append(s.pageCount); s.shoveler.find(".shovelerPagination").show(); if (s.firstLoad) { var widget = jQuery(".shovelerWidget"); var bodyHeight = widget.find(".body").height(); if (widget.find(".pleaseSignIn").size() > 0) { bodyHeight += 10; } if (widget.find(".availabilityMessage").size() > 0) { bodyHeight += 20; } widget.find(".body").height(bodyHeight); s.firstLoad = false; } } else { s.items.each(function(i) { if (i > 5) { jQuery("#" +"Item_"+i).hide(); } }); } }, adjustShovelerHeight: function(s) { var maxShovelerItemHeight = 0; s.shoveler.find("div.shovelerItem").each(function() { var height = jQuery(this).height(); if(height > maxShovelerItemHeight) { maxShovelerItemHeight = height; } }); if(s.type == FreshShovelerMeta.ShovelerTypes.hero) { var heroSpotHeight = s.shoveler.find(".heroSpotContainer").height(); s.shoveler.css("height", heroSpotHeight + maxShovelerItemHeight + 55); } else if(s.displayType != 'underCart') { // this will support all standard shovelers s.shoveler.find("div.body").css("height", maxShovelerItemHeight); } }, showPrev: function(s) { s.currentPage = (s.currentPage + s.pageCount - 1) % s.pageCount; // pre-emptively handle negative mod FreshShovelerMeta.scrollItems(s); }, showNext: function(s) { s.currentPage = (s.currentPage + 1) % s.pageCount; FreshShovelerMeta.scrollItems(s); }, scrollItems: function(s) { var autoWidthAdjust = 0; if(s.type == FreshShovelerMeta.ShovelerTypes.hero) { autoWidthAdjust = s.shoveler.offset().left; } s.items.hide(); var startIndex = s.currentPage * s.capacity, endIndex = Math.min(s.items.length, startIndex + s.capacity), position = 0; for(var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { jQuery(s.items[i]).css({ left: (s.type.itemWidth + s.perItemMargin) * position + s.perItemMargin + s.paginatorGutter + autoWidthAdjust}).show(); position++; } s.shoveler.find(".currentPage").empty().append(s.currentPage+1); }, tagItems: function(s) { var tag = getParam(s.shoveler, "csTag"); if (tag) { s.shoveler.find("div.shovelerItem").each(function() { var item = jQuery(this); var pfref = item.attr("id"); item.find("a").each(function() { var linkTag = jQuery(this); var currentHref = linkTag.attr("href"); linkTag.attr("href",currentHref+tag+"&pf_ref="+pfref+"_link"+"&ref_=cs_"+pfref); }); s.shoveler.find("input.csTag").each(function() { var tagItem = jQuery(this); item.find("form.addToCartForm").append(jQuery("<input type='hidden' name='"+tagItem.attr("name")+"' value='" + tagItem.attr("value")+"'/>")); }); item.find("form.addToCartForm").append(jQuery("<input type='hidden' name='pf_ref' value='" + pfref+"_cart'/>")); item.find("form.addToCartForm").append(jQuery("<input type='hidden' name='ref_' value='cs_" + pfref+"'/>")); }); } }, checkAsins: function(s) { s.shoveler.find("div.shovelerItem").each(function() { var item = jQuery(this); var expectedAsin = item.find("input[name='expectedAsin']").attr("value"); var addToCartAsin = item.find("input[name='addToCartAsin']").attr("value"); if(expectedAsin != addToCartAsin) { jQuery.get("ping?badShovelerAsins&expected="+expectedAsin+"&actual="+addToCartAsin+"&shoveler="; item.find("form.addToCartForm input[name='asin']").attr("value", expectedAsin); } }); }, loadAllShovelers: function() { var widgets = jQuery("div.shovelerWidget, div.heroWidget"); if(widgets.length > 0) { widgets.each(function(i) { var targetId = jQuery(this).attr("id"); var widget = new FreshShoveler(targetId); widget.load(); }); } } } function getParam(parent, name) { return parent.find("input[name='"+name+"']").attr("value"); } function isEmpty(string) { string = jQuery.trim(string); return (string == null || string == ""); } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(".recipeWidget").each(function(index) { var widget = jQuery(this); var recipeIdsString = widget.html();"recipeWidget", { recipeIds: recipeIdsString }, function(data) { if (data.length > 0) { widget.html(data);; truncateRecipeTitles(widget); } } ); }); }); function truncateRecipeTitles(widget) { widget.find(".text").each(function(index) { var textDiv = jQuery(this); var n = parseInt(textDiv.css("line-height")); var text = textDiv.html(); if (textDiv.height() == n) { // center when one line textDiv.css("margin-top", n +"px"); } else if (textDiv.height() > 2*n) { // add ellipsis text = text + "..."; textDiv.html(text); } // reduce lenght until it fits while (textDiv.height() > 2*n) { text = text.substr(0, text.length - 4) + "..."; textDiv.html(text); } textDiv.css("max-height", (2*n) + "px"); textDiv.css("overflow", "hidden"); }); } </script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> Function.prototype.bind = Function.prototype.bind || function (thisp) { var fn = this; return function () { return fn.apply(thisp, arguments); }; }; function submitOnlyOnce(theForm){ jQuery(jQuery(theForm).find("input[type=image], input[type=submit], input[type=button]").attr("disabled", "disabled")); } function disableLink(theLink) { jQuery(theLink).click(function(e) { return false; }); } function refreshShoppingCart() { jQuery("#shopping-cart").attr("src", "ShoppingCartView"); } var cartEventListeners = []; function addCartEventListener(listener){ cartEventListeners.push(listener); } function cartReloadEvent(cartInfo){ for(index in cartEventListeners) { cartEventListeners[index](cartInfo); } } function truncateTitle(title) { var height = title.height(); title.css("height", "auto"); title.css("max-height", 200); title.css("overflow", "hidden"); var anchor = title.find("a"), text = anchor.text(); while (text.length > 0 && title.height() > height) { text = text.substr(0, text.length - 1); anchor.html(text + "…"); } title.css("max-height", "28px"); } var warnOfInvalidItems = true; function updateAddAllToCartButton(event) { var validList = ""; var invalidList = ""; jQuery(".listItem").each(function(index) { var item = jQuery(this); var conflictInput = item.find("input[name='conflictWithSlot']"); if (item.find(".itemUnavailableText").size() > 0 || item.find(".discontinued").size() > 0) { // Ignore unavailable and discontinued items } else if (conflictInput.size() == 0 || conflictInput.val() == "false") { // skip invalid items var quantity = item.find(".addToCart input[name='quantity']"); if (quantity.size() > 0 && quantity.val() > 0) { var asin = item.attr("id"); var merchantId = item.find(".addToCart input[name='merchantId']").val(); validList += asin + "|" + quantity.val() + "|" + merchantId + ","; } } else { invalidList +="<li>" + item.find(".itemTitle a").html() + "</li>"; } }); jQuery(this).find("input[name='itemDetails']").val(validList); // show message if invalid items cannot be added if (warnOfInvalidItems && invalidList != "") { event.preventDefault(); var message = "These items are not available for delivery <strong>" + jQuery("#headerNav #selectday a").html() + "</strong> and will NOT be added to your cart:<ul>"; message += invalidList; message +="</ul>"; message += "<button id='addAllAvailableItemsToCart'>Continue without These Items</button> "; message += "<button class='nevermind'>Nevermind</button/>"; showOnDemandLightboxWithContent(message, jQuery(this)); jQuery("#addAllAvailableItemsToCart").click(function() { warnOfInvalidItems = false; jQuery("#addAllToCart").submit(); hideLightbox(); }); } warnOfInvalidItems = true; } function showAddToCartLightbox(form, message) { showOnDemandLightboxWithContent(message, form, function() { var lightbox = jQuery("#lightbox"); var atcButtons = lightbox.find("#addToCartButtons"); var totalWidth; if (atcButtons.size() > 0) { totalWidth = atcButtons.find("form[name='UseSlotAndAddToCart']").width() + atcButtons.find("form[name='ClearSlot']").width() + atcButtons.find(".nevermind").width(); } else { totalWidth = 400; } lightbox.width(Math.max(300, totalWidth + 110)); lightbox.find(".itemTitle").width(lightbox.width() - 150); }); } function setPostAddCookie(e) { document.cookie="freshPostSlotAdd=true;" return true; } function removePostAddCookie() { var cookie_date = new Date (); cookie_date.setTime ( cookie_date.getTime() - 1 ); document.cookie = "freshPostSlotAdd=; expires=" + cookie_date.toGMTString(); } function showLoadingSpinner(event){ var spinnerTextList = new Array( "We're processing your order.", "More items can be added after your order is placed.", "Download our mobile apps to shop any time, anywhere.", "Discover local favorites on your city's Spotlight page.", "We offer a 100% grocery satisfaction guarantee.", "Get your shopping done fast with one-click recipes.", "Thank you for shopping on AmazonFresh.", "Easily find your favorites in Past Purchases.", "We look forward to serving you.", "Your order will arrive in temperature-controlled bags.", "Please leave your porch light on for our drivers.", "Save time by creating Your Lists."); /* Using a short timeout hack to ensure that we do not encounter freezing GIF problems in IE on form post -npprabhu */ setTimeout(function() { var isInIframe = window.location != window.parent.location; var spinnyBlock; if (isInIframe) { spinnyBlock = jQuery("#orderProcessing", window.parent.document); } else { spinnyBlock = jQuery("#orderProcessing"); }; var spinnyText = spinnyBlock.find("#spinnerText"); var txtCounter = 0; setInterval(function(){ txtCounter++; spinnyText.html(spinnerTextList[txtCounter]); if(txtCounter == (spinnerTextList.length - 1)){ txtCounter = -1; } }, 5000); var spinnyImage = spinnyBlock.find("#greenTruck"); var imgCounter = 0; var imgPos = parseInt(spinnyImage.css("left")); setInterval(function(){ imgCounter++; spinnyImage.css("left", imgPos + (200 * imgCounter)); if(imgCounter == 2) { imgCounter = -1; } }, 1000); }, 50); } //Limit customer delivery notes input to 255 characters, as we claim. jQuery(document).ready(function() { var clipCustomerDeliveryNotes = function(event) { var textArea = jQuery('.customerDeliveryNotesInput'); var textValue = textArea.val(); if (textValue.length > 255) { textValue = textValue.slice(0, 255); textArea.val(textValue); textArea.scrollTop(textArea[0].scrollHeight); } }; jQuery('.customerDeliveryNotesInput').keydown(clipCustomerDeliveryNotes); jQuery('.customerDeliveryNotesInput').keyup(clipCustomerDeliveryNotes); jQuery('.customerDeliveryNotesInput').change(clipCustomerDeliveryNotes); jQuery("#placeOrderForm, form[action='UpdateOrder']").submit(showLoadingSpinner); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function isGateway() { var path = window.location.pathname; return (path.substr(path.length-8, path.length) == "/Gateway") || (path == "/") || (path == "/str/"); } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Fix anything marked with id="dialogBox" or the centeredPopover class to the center of the window function centerPopover() { var $win = jQuery(window); var $popover = jQuery("#dialogBox,.centeredPopover"); $popover.css({ 'left': ($win.width() - $popover.width()) / 2 + $win.scrollLeft(), 'top': ($win.height() - $popover.height()) / 2 + $win.scrollTop() }); 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