Structural Classification of Surigaonon, Cebuano, and Tagalog Languages: A Comparative Morpho-Lexical Analysis | International Journal of Language and Literary Studies

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Using a descriptive-analytical methodology, the researcher combines morphemes and scrutinizes the lexical words employed in the context to compare and contrast the three languages. Based on the study's findings, it was found that, despite having similar spelling in all three languages, some words have different meanings or registers when identifying and analyzing them. Even if each of them can cover the majority of a language's words and the method or system of affixation is nearly the same, the language still has a relationship with Surigaonon, Cebuano, and Tagalog in exposing meanings in a context, despite variations caused by geography. Regarding identification, it has been shown that the Surigaonon, Cebuano, and Tagalog languages share similarities in employing a morpheme's suffix. However, they differ in terms of the suffix used for a word. We should continue to promote and uplift the Filipino people by implementing various initiatives to foster and stimulate both our national language and the indigenous languages of the Philippines."/> <meta name="DC.Format" scheme="IMT" content="application/pdf"/> <meta name="DC.Identifier" content="1884"/> <meta name="DC.Identifier.pageNumber" content="16-37"/> <meta name="DC.Identifier.DOI" content="10.36892/ijlls.v6i4.1884"/> <meta name="DC.Identifier.URI" content=""/> <meta name="DC.Language" scheme="ISO639-1" content="en"/> <meta name="DC.Rights" content="Copyright (c) 2024 DENZEL MARK CIRUELA"/> <meta name="DC.Rights" content=""/> <meta name="DC.Source" content="International Journal of Language and Literary Studies"/> <meta name="DC.Source.ISSN" content="2704-7156"/> <meta name="DC.Source.Issue" content="4"/> <meta name="DC.Source.Volume" content="6"/> <meta name="DC.Source.URI" content=""/> <meta name="DC.Subject" xml:lang="en" content="Structure, Surigaonon, Sebuano, Tagalog, 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Comparative Morpho-Lexical Analysis </h1> <section class="item doi"> <span class="value"> <em class="ai ai-doi ai-2x" style="color: orange;"><!-- icon --></em><a href=""> </a> </span> </section> <div class="row"> <div class="main_entry"> <section class="item authors"> <h2 class="pkp_screen_reader">Authors</h2> <ul class="authors"> <li> <span class="name"> DENZEL MARK CIRUELA </span> <div class="email"> <a href="" ></a> </div> <span class="affiliation"> Surigao del Norte State University </span> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="item keywords"> <h2 class="label"> Keywords: </h2> <span class="value"> Structure, Surigaonon, Sebuano, Tagalog, Morpho-lexical. </span> </section> <section class="item abstract"> <h2 class="label">Abstract</h2> <p>This study compares the morphological affixation and lexical analysis of the Tagalog, Cebuano, and Surigaonon languages. Using a descriptive-analytical methodology, the researcher combines morphemes and scrutinizes the lexical words employed in the context to compare and contrast the three languages. Based on the study's findings, it was found that, despite having similar spelling in all three languages, some words have different meanings or registers when identifying and analyzing them. Even if each of them can cover the majority of a language's words and the method or system of affixation is nearly the same, the language still has a relationship with Surigaonon, Cebuano, and Tagalog in exposing meanings in a context, despite variations caused by geography. Regarding identification, it has been shown that the Surigaonon, Cebuano, and Tagalog languages share similarities in employing a morpheme's suffix. However, they differ in terms of the suffix used for a word. We should continue to promote and uplift the Filipino people by implementing various initiatives to foster and stimulate both our national language and the indigenous languages of the Philippines.</p> </section> <div class="item downloads_chart"> <h3 class="label"> Downloads </h3> <div class="value"> <canvas class="usageStatsGraph" data-object-type="Submission" data-object-id="1884"></canvas> <div class="usageStatsUnavailable" data-object-type="Submission" data-object-id="1884"> Download data is not yet available. </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- .main_entry --> <div class="entry_details"> <div class="item galleys"> <ul class="value galleys_links"> <li> <a class="obj_galley_link pdf" href=""> PDF </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="item published"> <section class="sub_item"> <h2 class="label"> Published </h2> <div class="value"> <span>2024-11-02</span> </div> </section> </div> <div class="item citation"> <section class="sub_item citation_display"> <h2 class="label"> How to Cite </h2> <div class="value"> <div id="citationOutput" role="region" aria-live="polite"> <div class="csl-bib-body"> <div class="csl-entry">CIRUELA, D. M. (2024). Structural Classification of Surigaonon, Cebuano, and Tagalog Languages: A Comparative Morpho-Lexical Analysis. <i>International Journal of Language and Literary Studies</i>, <i>6</i>(4), 16–37.</div> </div> </div> <div class="citation_formats"> <button class="cmp_button citation_formats_button" aria-controls="cslCitationFormats" aria-expanded="false" data-csl-dropdown="true"> More Citation Formats </button> <div id="cslCitationFormats" class="citation_formats_list" aria-hidden="true"> <ul class="citation_formats_styles"> <li> <a aria-controls="citationOutput" href=";publicationId=1793" data-load-citation data-json-href=";publicationId=1793&amp;return=json" > ACM </a> </li> <li> <a aria-controls="citationOutput" href=";publicationId=1793" data-load-citation data-json-href=";publicationId=1793&amp;return=json" > ACS </a> </li> <li> <a aria-controls="citationOutput" href=";publicationId=1793" data-load-citation data-json-href=";publicationId=1793&amp;return=json" > APA </a> </li> <li> <a 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