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cellspacing="0"> <tr valign=top> <td class=title width=20% nowrap> Records 1 - 10 of 482 </td> <td class=text3 id=bold width=30%> </td> <td align=right nowrap> <form method=get name=form_jumpText style="margin-bottom:5pt" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="func" value="short-jump-text"> <input type=image name=action_short_jump_text src="" alt="Jump to entry beginning with entered text" border=0> <input type=text size=5 maxlength=20 name="jump_text" value=""> </form> </td> <td width="5%" align=left valign=bottom nowrap> <form method=get name=form_jumpRecord style="margin-bottom:5pt" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="func" value="short-jump"> <input type=image name=action_short_jump src="" alt="Jump to indicated document in list" border=0> <input type=text size=5 maxlength=5 name="jump" value=""> </form> </td> <td width="20%" align=right nowrap> <img src= border=0 alt='No Previous Page'> <a href= title=Next Page><img src= border=0 alt='Next Page'></a> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- filename: short-a-head --> <table id="short_table" cellspacing=2 border=0 width=100%> <tr class=tr1> <th class=text3>#</th> <th class=text3><br></th> <th class=text3>Title</th> <th class=text3><a href=>Author</a></th> <th class=text3>Publisher</th> <th class=text3 nowrap><a href=>Year</a></th> <th class=text3>Holdings</th> <!--th class=text3>---</th> <th class=text3></th> <th class=text3></th> <th class=text3></th --> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>1</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000001 method=GET><label for="select_row000001" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000001" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 width="38%">300 let L鈥榲ovskogo universiteta / Jevgenij Konstantinovi膷 Lazarenko </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">Lazarenko, Jevhen </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">L鈥榲ov : L鈥榲ovskij universitet, </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="10%">1961 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF= ><img src="" border="0" alt="Click"></A><br> </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:aba004-rgk15600734 </td> <!--td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>2</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000002 method=GET><label for="select_row000002" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000002" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 width="38%">A.K. Tarasova / V. Zalesskij </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">Zalesskij, Viktor Feofanovi膷 </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">L’vov : Vserossijskoje teatral’noje ob-vo, </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="10%">1949 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF= ><img src="" border="0" alt="Click"></A><br> </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:aba004-rgk38701284 </td> <!--td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>3</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000003 method=GET><label for="select_row000003" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000003" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 width="38%">A.M. Gor’kij o socialisti膷eskom realizme / A.F. Vorob’jev </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">Vorob’jev, Vasilij Fedotovi膷 </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">L’vov : L’vovskij gos. universitet im. Ivana Franko, </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="10%">1959 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF= ><img src="" border="0" alt="Click"></A><br> </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:aba004-rgk37400680 </td> <!--td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>4</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000004 method=GET><label for="select_row000004" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000004" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 width="38%">A.M. Gor’kij o specifike literatury i probleme tipi膷eskogo / Vasilij Fedotovi膷 Vorob’jev </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">Vorob’jev, Vasilij Fedotovi膷 </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">L’vov : L’vovskij universitet, </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="10%">1958 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF= ><img src="" border="0" alt="Click"></A><br> </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:aba004-rgk37400681 </td> <!--td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>5</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000005 method=GET><label for="select_row000005" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000005" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 width="38%">A.N. Tolstoj - master istori膷eskoj dramaturgii / Lidija Ivanovna Zvereva </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">Zvereva, Lidija Ivanovna </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">L’vov : Vi拧膷a 拧kola, </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="10%">1982 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF= ><img src="" border="0" alt="Click"></A><br> </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:aba004-rgk39500811 </td> <!--td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>6</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000006 method=GET><label for="select_row000006" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000006" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 width="38%">A.S. Pu拧kin v osv臎拧膷enii F.M. Dostojevskago / G. M. Medveckij </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">Medveck媒, Gregor, 1899-1976 </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">L’vov : Izdatel’ B.V. Tru拧 ; Praga, </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="10%">1924 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF= ><img src="" border="0" alt="Click"></A><br> </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:aba004-rgk18000442 </td> <!--td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>7</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000007 method=GET><label for="select_row000007" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000007" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 width="38%">A.S. Pu拧kin v osve拧膷eniji F.M. Dostojevskago / G.M. Medvedckij </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">Medveck媒, Gregor, 1899-1976 </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">L鈥榲ov : B.V. Tru拧, </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="10%">1924 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF= ><img src="" border="0" alt="Click"></A><br> </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:aba004-slk19990058965 </td> <!--td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>8</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000008 method=GET><label for="select_row000008" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000008" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 width="38%">Al’bom snimkov iz koncentracionnago lagerja dlja vojenno-arestovannych russkich gali膷an i bukovincev v Talergofe, v 艩tirii, 1914-1917 gg. </td> <td class=td1 width="20%"><BR> </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">L’vov : Talergofskij komitet, </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="10%">1923 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF= ><img src="" border="0" alt="Click"></A><br> </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:aba004-rgk00301289 </td> <!--td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>9</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000009 method=GET><label for="select_row000009" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000009" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 width="38%">Amerikancy : Razskaz / I.I. Jasinskij (Maksim B臎linskij) </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">Jasinskij, Ijeronim Ijeronimovi膷, 1850-1931 </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">L’vov : Izdanije I.N. Pelecha, </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="10%">1896 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF= ><img src="" border="0" alt="Click"></A><br> </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NKP:3186299726 </td> <!--td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>10</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000010 method=GET><label for="select_row000010" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000010" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 width="38%">Anton Semenovi膷 Makarenko / Red. koll.: otv. red. F.I. Naumenko [i dr.] </td> <td class=td1 width="20%"><BR> </td> <td class=td1 width="20%">L’vov : L’vovskij universitet, </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="10%">1954-1974 </td> <td class=td1 ><A HREF= ><img src="" border="0" alt="Click"></A><br> </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:aba004-rgk17100624 </td> <!--td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td> <td class=td1 > </td--> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-tail --> </table> <!-- filename: short-tail --> </form> <p align=right> <img src= border=0 alt='No Previous Page'> <a href= title=Next Page><img src= border=0 alt='Next Page'></a> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function get_counter() { var counter = document.createElement("img"); var doc_ref = document.referrer.replace(/\/F\/[0-9A-Z-]+/,"/F/"); counter.setAttribute("src","" + escape(doc_ref) + "&wi="+escape(window.screen.width) + "&he="+escape(window.screen.height) + "&t="+escape(document.title)); counter.setAttribute("width","1"); counter.setAttribute("height","1"); counter.setAttribute("border","0"); document.body.insertBefore(counter,document.getElementById("copyright")); } //--> </script> <noscript> <img src="" border="0" alt="TOPlist" width="1" height="1" /> </noscript> </a> <!-- filename: copyrights --> <br> <div id="copyright" class="copyright"> © 2015 Ex Libris<br> The National Library of the Czech Republic makes its databases available as <a href="" target="_blank">open data under the CC0 license</a></div> <br> </body> </html>