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When you view an item, you'll know instantly whether or not it's in stock. Sizes/Items that are currently not available are removed from the ordering options</p> <p>At times, preorder opportunities may be available. If you place an order for an item that is a preorder, you may receive a back order notification. If you do, please accept our back order notice as a confirmation of your preorder. No further action from you is required. and will not be orderable.</p> <p>聽</p> <p><u>Shipping Methods</u></p> <p>Your order can take 2-4 business days to be shipped after the order is placed. We do not ship on weekends or holidays. If an item is on backorder, we will contact you by e-mail to let you know the expected shipping date.</p> <p>The default delivery method is Ground. Delivery times will vary based on the method of shipment you choose and your location. Shipping costs vary depending on the location the package is being shipped to and the amount of items ordered and the shipping method.</p> <p>When you check out, you will be prompted to choose a shipping method.聽 Your shipping charges will be automatically calculated during checkout prior to the completion of your order.聽</p> <p>Shipping and handling charges for orders in excess of $400 may be adjusted to reflect actual shipping costs. This adjustment may increase or decrease the cost reflected on our shipping tables due to variances in weight, carrier, and destination. You will be contacted for approval if the shipping charges are to be adjusted.</p> <p>The following are Shipping Methods are available for shipments :</p> <ul> <li><strong>$15 - Canada</strong></li> <li><strong>$27 - United States</strong></li> <li><strong>$50 - International</strong></li> </ul> <p>聽</p> <p><u>Shipping for Customized Products</u></p> <p>Customized Products cannot be expedited. The shipping time will vary depending on the product selected and the customization time needed. The product detail page will better identify the expected delivery time for the customized product you have chosen.</p> <p>聽</p> <p><u>Oversized Items</u></p> <p>Some heavy or oddly shaped items may be shipped separately via a freight trucking company. Usually, Oversized Items arrive in 7-14 full business days after leaving the warehouse. Most Oversized Items leave the warehouse within seven full business days. (An estimate of when a product leaves the warehouse is indicated on the Product Detail page.)</p> <p>Because these items are shipped via freight service, we cannot offer expedited shipping. The freight trucking company is not responsible for unloading the item from the truck or carrying the item into the building. Your item is likely to be heavy and large, therefore, we recommend that you have someone with you to help you unload the item and carry it inside.</p> <p>聽</p> <p><u>Shipping Rules and Restrictions</u></p> <p>Orders are shipped on business days only. Business days are Monday-Friday, excluding federal holidays within Canada.</p> <p>An order containing multiple items typically receives a volume-shipping discount. Your actual shipping and handling cost will automatically compute on the Shipping Options page of checkout.</p> <p>You will not be charged for any item until it is shipped to you.</p> <p>聽</p> <p><u>Tracking Your Order</u></p> <p>At our warehouse, tracking numbers are assigned to packages at the end of the ship day and generally appear on your shipping confirmation email along with your order information. However, it may take up to 48 hours or longer before the package is checked into the carrier's tracking system. That means even though your package has already shipped from our warehouse and is on its way to you, the carrier may not be able to provide any information about your package for up to 48 hours or more.</p> <p>Orders placed on may be delivered by one of several different carriers and shipping methods. Therefore, tracking availability may vary depending on the type of item you purchased, the shipping method you selected during Checkout, and the carrier that is delivering your item(s).</p> <p>Occasionally, orders are delivered via a carrier that does not offer the ability to track a package. In these rare instances, Your Order History on will not offer tracking information, but will still offer order status and other details.</p> <p>In order to view your order status, locate your order confirmation email that was sent to you after your order was placed.</p> <p>聽</p> <p><u>Find Your Order Status</u></p> <p>Check your e-mail. You were required to enter an e-mail address during Checkout; you will receive e-mails at your address keeping you up-to-date about the status of your order.</p> <p>Email us at聽<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#f996979590979c8a919689b9968a9c9ed79a98"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="5f30313336313a2c37302f1f302c3a38713c3e">[email protected]</span></a>聽If you still have questions about your order, please call our Customer Service Center.</p> <p>聽</p> <p><u>How Is Order Status Different From Tracking?</u></p> <p>The status of your order is supplied by, and represents what is happening with your order between the time you place it and the time it ships from our warehouse. Once your order leaves our warehouse, it is handled by a carrier (such as Canada Post) that may provide tracking information until your order is delivered*. The tracking information is accessible from Your Order History on our website when it becomes available.</p> <p>*Tracking information may not be available for up to 48 hours after an item is shipped from our warehouse.</p> <p>聽</p> <p><u>Undeliverable Packages</u></p> <p>Our carriers may deem a package undeliverable for one of the following reasons:</p> <p>Incorrect Address: If the address is incorrect or outdated, the package is typically returned to us by the carrier or the unintended recipient.</p> <p>Address Format: If a post office box address was entered in a format our system does not recognize, the package may be shipped through a carrier that cannot deliver to a post office box. To ensure that such packages are routed through the proper carrier, please enter the box number as "PO BOX" followed by the number.</p> <p>Other Address Problems: In rare cases, it is also possible that the address label became illegible during the shipping and handling process.</p> <p>Failed Delivery Attempts: Most of our carriers make three attempts to deliver a package. Packages that contain more than $400 of merchandise will always require a signature; otherwise, it is generally up to the driver's discretion to determine whether a signature is required. If the driver feels it is best to obtain a signature and no one is present to accept the delivery after three attempts, the package will be returned to us.</p> <p>Refused by Recipient: If a gift recipient is not expecting a gift, they may refuse the package if they believe it was sent to them in error. If you still want to send these items, you may want to let the recipient know that a surprise is on the way.</p> <p>聽</p> <p><strong>Returns and Exchanges</strong></p> <p><strong>Lansdowne Sports will not accept any returns or exchanges without a proof of purchase</strong>. All Store products, with the exception of player jerseys, personalized products, special orders, undergarments, swimwear and memorabilia, can be returned or exchanged within 30 days of the original purchase date. The products must be returned with the original sales receipt, must have original tags still attached, and must be in new and re-sellable condition. Returned items cannot be laundered, worn, broken, damaged or used in any way. <strong>All discounted items are final sale and not eligible for refund or exchanges</strong>.</p> <p>Exchanges are permitted with original sales receipt for current stock items. Exchanges may require additional shipping charges. Original and return shipping charges will not be reimbursed. If you request an exchange for an item(s), standard shipping and handling rates will apply to the reshipment. The shipping and handling will be based on the value of the reshipment. We are not responsible for lost returns. Please make sure to keep a copy of your tracking information to ensure delivery of your return. Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable. Please send all returns/exchanges to the following address:</p> <p><strong>Lansdowne Sports<br /></strong>900 Exhibition way, Unit #103<br />Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 3W7<br />(613) 690-0511</p> <p>We accept only one coupon per order. The coupon with the highest value discount will always be applied to your order. Discounts will not be applied to any clearance item that has already been marked down from its original retail price. We do not accept coupons from other retailers, or coupons for products not carried on our Web site.</p> <p>For online purchases. Should the price of an item be lower after being purchased, there will not be a price adjustment made.</p> <p>*Some exceptions to discount codes, sales and promotions may apply and are at the discretion of the store.聽</p> <p>If you have any questions please contact us at:聽<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="412e2f2d282f2432292e31012e3224266f2220">[email protected]</a></p> </div> </section> <footer class="main-footer border-top"> <div class="container max-width-lg"> <div class="main-footer__content padding-y-xl grid gap-md"> <div class="col-8@lg"> <div class="grid gap-md"> <div class="col-6@xs col-3@md"> <img src="" class="footer-logo margin-bottom-md" alt="Lansdowne Sports"> <div class="main-footer__text text-component margin-bottom-md text-sm">Phone: 613-690-0511 <br><br> HOURS OF OPERATION<br>Mon: 11am-6pm <br> Tue: 11am-6pm <br> Wed: 11am-6pm <br>Thu: 11am-6pm <br>Fri: 11am-6pm <br>Sat: 10am-6pm <br>Sun: 10am-6pm <br><br> FOLLOW US</div> <div class="main-footer__social-list flex flex-wrap gap-sm text-sm@md"> <a class="main-footer__social-btn" href="" target="_blank"> <svg class="icon" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><title>Follow us on Instagram</title><g><circle fill="currentColor" cx="12.145" cy="3.892" r="0.96"></circle> <path d="M8,12c-2.206,0-4-1.794-4-4s1.794-4,4-4s4,1.794,4,4S10.206,12,8,12z M8,6C6.897,6,6,6.897,6,8 s0.897,2,2,2s2-0.897,2-2S9.103,6,8,6z"></path> <path fill="currentColor" d="M12,16H4c-2.056,0-4-1.944-4-4V4c0-2.056,1.944-4,4-4h8c2.056,0,4,1.944,4,4v8C16,14.056,14.056,16,12,16z M4,2C3.065,2,2,3.065,2,4v8c0,0.953,1.047,2,2,2h8c0.935,0,2-1.065,2-2V4c0-0.935-1.065-2-2-2H4z"></path></g></svg> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-6@xs col-3@md"> <h4 class="margin-bottom-xs text-md@md">Categories</h4> <ul class="grid gap-xs text-sm@md"> <li><a class="main-footer__link" href="">REDBLACKS 10th Anniversary</a></li> <li><a class="main-footer__link" href="">REDBLACKS</a></li> <li><a class="main-footer__link" href="">67's</a></li> <li><a class="main-footer__link" href="">CFL GEAR</a></li> <li><a class="main-footer__link" href="">TEAM CANADA</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-6@xs col-3@md"> <h4 class="margin-bottom-xs text-md@md">My Account</h4> <ul class="grid gap-xs text-sm@md"> <li><a class="main-footer__link" href="" title="Register">Register</a></li> <li><a class="main-footer__link" href="" title="My Orders">My Orders</a></li> <li><a class="main-footer__link" href="" title="My Wishlist">My Wishlist</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-6@xs col-3@md"> <h4 class="margin-bottom-xs text-md@md">Information</h4> <ul class="grid gap-xs text-sm@md"> <li> <a class="main-footer__link" href="" title="About Us" > About Us </a> </li> <li> <a class="main-footer__link" href="" title="Privacy Policy" > Privacy Policy </a> </li> <li> <a class="main-footer__link" href="" title="Contact" > Contact </a> </li> <li> <a class="main-footer__link" href="" title="General Terms & Conditions" > General Terms & Conditions </a> </li> <li> <a class="main-footer__link" href="" title="Payment Methods" > Payment Methods </a> </li> <li> <a class="main-footer__link" href="" title="Shipping & Returns" > Shipping & Returns </a> </li> <li> <a class="main-footer__link" href="" title="Customer support" > Customer support </a> </li> <li> <a class="main-footer__link" href="" title="Newsletter terms & conditions" > Newsletter terms & conditions </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <form id="formNewsletter" action="" method="post" class="newsletter col-4@lg"> <input type="hidden" name="key" value="57666eb8552282c9fac3c9d284758173" /> <div class="max-width-xxs"> <div class="text-component margin-bottom-sm"> <h4 class="text-md@md">Subscribe to our newsletter</h4> </div> <div class="grid gap-xxxs text-sm@md"> <input class="form-control col min-width-0" type="email" name="email" placeholder="Your email address" aria-label="E-mail"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn--primary col-content">Subscribe</button> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div> <div class="main-footer__colophon border-top padding-y-md"> <div class="container max-width-lg"> <div class="flex flex-column items-center gap-sm flex-row@md justify-between@md"> <div class="powered-by"> <p class="text-sm text-xs@md">漏 Copyright 2025 Lansdowne Sports - Powered by <a href="" title="Lightspeed" target="_blank" aria-label="Powered by Lightspeed">Lightspeed</a> </p> </div> <div class="flex items-center"> <div class="payment-methods"> <p class="text-sm flex flex-wrap gap-xs text-xs@md"> <a href="" title="Credit Card" class="payment-methods__item"> <img src="" alt="Credit Card" height="16" /> </a> </p> </div> <ul class="main-footer__list flex flex-grow flex-basis-0 justify-end@md"> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <!-- [START] 'blocks/body.rain' --> <script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script><script> (function () { var s = document.createElement('script'); 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