Sustainability Inventory - Global Change and Sustainability Office - The University of Utah
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Department">Art and Art History</option><option value="Asian Studies Program">Asian Studies Program</option><option value="Atmospheric Sciences">Atmospheric Sciences</option><option value="Biochemistry">Biochemistry</option><option value="Bioengineering">Bioengineering</option><option value="Biology">Biology</option><option value="Biomedical Informatics">Biomedical Informatics</option><option value="Biostatistics">Biostatistics</option><option value="Cardiothoracic Surgery">Cardiothoracic Surgery</option><option value="Cardiovascular Genetics">Cardiovascular Genetics</option><option value="Cardiovascular Medicine">Cardiovascular Medicine</option><option value="Chemical Engineering">Chemical Engineering</option><option value="Chemistry">Chemistry</option><option value="Child Psychiatry">Child Psychiatry</option><option value="City & Metropolitan Planning">City & Metropolitan Planning</option><option value="Civil And Environmental Engin">Civil and Environmental Engineering</option><option value="Clinical Pathology">Clinical Pathology</option><option value="Clinical Radiology">Clinical Radiology</option><option value="Cognitive Neurology">Cognitive Neurology</option><option value="Coll Of Social & Behav Science">Coll Of Social & Behav Science</option><option value="College of Architecture + Planning">College of Architecture + Planning</option><option value="College Of Education">College Of Education</option><option value="College Of Engineering">College Of Engineering</option><option value="College Of Fine Arts">College Of Fine Arts</option><option value="College Of Health">College Of Health</option><option value="College Of Humanities">College Of Humanities</option><option value="College Of Law">College Of Law</option><option value="Coll Of Mines & Earth Sciences">College of Mines and Earth Sciences</option><option value="College Of Nursing">College Of Nursing</option><option value="College Of Pharmacy">College Of Pharmacy</option><option value="College Of Science">College Of Science</option><option value="College Of Social Work">College Of Social Work</option><option value="Communication">Communication</option><option value="Communication Sciences and Disorders">Communication Sciences and Disorders</option><option value="School Of Business">David Eccles School of Business</option><option value="Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy">Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy</option><option value="Dermatology">Dermatology</option><option value="Diagnostic and Clinical Neurology">Diagnostic and Clinical Neurology</option><option value="Economics Department">Economics</option><option value="Education, Culture & Society">Education, Culture & Society</option><option value="Educational Leadership&Policy">Educational Leadership & Policy</option><option value="Educational Psychology">Educational Psychology</option><option value="Elect & Computer Engineering">Electrical and Computer Engineering</option><option value="Emergency Medicine">Emergency Medicine</option><option value="Endocrinology and Metabolism">Endocrinology and Metabolism</option><option value="Energy & Geoscience Institute">Energy & Geoscience Institute</option><option value="English">English</option><option value="Entertainment Arts Engineering">Entertainment Arts Engineering</option><option value="Epidemiology">Epidemiology</option><option value="Epilepsy">Epilepsy</option><option value="Ethnic Studies">Ethnic Studies</option><option value="Environmental and Sustainability Studies">Environmental and Sustainability Studies</option><option value="Executive Education">Executive Education</option><option value="Family And Consumer Studies">Family And Consumer Studies</option><option value="Family and Preventive Medicine">Family and Preventive Medicine</option><option value="Family Medicine">Family Medicine</option><option value="Film & Media Arts Department">Film & Media Arts</option><option value="Finance Department">Finance Department</option><option value="Gastroenterology">Gastroenterology</option><option value="Gender Studies">Gender Studies</option><option value="General Internal Medicine">General Internal Medicine</option><option value="General OB/GYN">General OB/GYN</option><option value="General Pediatrics">General Pediatrics</option><option value="General Surgery">General Surgery</option><option value="Genetic Epidemiology">Genetic Epidemiology</option><option value="Geography Department">Geography</option><option value="Geology & Geophysics">Geology & Geophysics</option><option value="Geriatrics">Geriatrics</option><option value="Graduate School">Graduate School</option><option value="Gynecologic Oncology">Gynecologic Oncology</option><option value="Headache and Neuro-Ophthalmology">Headache and Neuro-Ophthalmology</option><option value="Health, Kinesiology, and Recreation">Health, Kinesiology, and Recreation</option><option value="Health Promotion And Education">Health Promotion And Education</option><option value="Hematology/BMT">Hematology/BMT</option><option value="Hinckley Institute Of Politics">Hinckley Institute Of Politics</option><option value="History">History</option><option value="Honors College">Honors College</option><option value="Human Genetics">Human Genetics</option><option value="Infectious Diseases">Infectious Diseases</option><option value="Institute of Public and International Affairs">Institute of Public and International Affairs</option><option value="Internal Medicine">Internal Medicine</option><option value="Linguistics">Linguistics</option><option value="Management Department">Management</option><option value="Marketing Department">Marketing</option><option value="Marriott Library">Marriott Library</option><option value="Materials Science and Engineering">Materials Science and Engineering</option><option value="Maternal-Fetal Medicine">Maternal-Fetal Medicine</option><option value="Mathematics">Mathematics</option><option value="Mechanical Engineering">Mechanical Engineering</option><option value="Medical Ethics">Medical Ethics</option><option value="Medical Laboratory Science">Medical Laboratory Science</option><option value="Medicinal Chemistry">Medicinal Chemistry</option><option value="Metallurgical Engineering">Metallurgical Engineering</option><option value="Microbiology and Immunology">Microbiology and Immunology</option><option value="Middle East Studies Program">Middle East Studies Program</option><option value="Military Science Department">Military Science</option><option value="Mining Engineering">Mining Engineering</option><option value="Modern Dance Department">Modern Dance</option><option value="Naval Science Department">Naval Science</option><option value="Neonatal Services">Neonatal Services</option><option value="Neonatology">Neonatology</option><option value="Nephrology">Nephrology</option><option value="Neurobiology & Anatomy">Neurobiology & Anatomy</option><option value="Neuroimmunology">Neuroimmunology</option><option value="Neurology">Neurology</option><option value="Neuromuscular">Neuromuscular</option><option value="Neurosurgery">Neurosurgery</option><option value="Nutrition and Integrative Physiology">Nutrition and Integrative Physiology</option><option value="Obstetrics/Gynecology">Obstetrics/Gynecology</option><option value="Occupational and Environmental Health">Occupational and Environmental Health</option><option value="Occupational and Recreational Therapies">Occupational and Recreational Therapies</option><option value="Ois Operations & Info Systems">Ois Operations & Info Systems</option><option value="Oncological Sciences">Oncological Sciences</option><option value="Oncology">Oncology</option><option value="Operations & Information Systems">Operations & Information Systems</option><option value="Ophthalmology/Visual Sciences">Ophthalmology/Visual Sciences</option><option value="Orthopaedics">Orthopaedics</option><option value="Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery">Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery</option><option value="Parks, Recreation & Tourism">Parks, Recreation & Tourism</option><option value="Pathology">Pathology</option><option value="Pediatric Behavioral Medicine">Pediatric Behavioral Medicine</option><option value="Pediatric Cardiology">Pediatric Cardiology</option><option value="Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology">Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology</option><option value="Pediatric Critical Care">Pediatric Critical Care</option><option value="Pediatric Emergency Medicine">Pediatric Emergency Medicine</option><option value="Pediatric Endocrinology">Pediatric Endocrinology</option><option value="Pediatric Ethics">Pediatric Ethics</option><option value="Pediatric Gastroenterology">Pediatric Gastroenterology</option><option value="Pediatric Genetics">Pediatric Genetics</option><option value="Pediatric Hematology/Oncology">Pediatric Hematology/Oncology</option><option value="Pediatric Immunology and Rheumatology">Pediatric Immunology and Rheumatology</option><option value="Pediatric Infectious Diseases">Pediatric Infectious Diseases</option><option value="Pediatric Inpatient Medicine">Pediatric Inpatient Medicine</option><option value="Pediatric Nephrology">Pediatric Nephrology</option><option value="Pediatric Neurology">Pediatric Neurology</option><option value="Pediatric Neurosurgery">Pediatric Neurosurgery</option><option value="Pediatric Pathology">Pediatric Pathology</option><option value="Pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation">Pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation</option><option value="Pediatric Pulmonology">Pediatric Pulmonology</option><option value="Pediatric Sleep Medicine">Pediatric Sleep Medicine</option><option value="Pediatric Surgery">Pediatric Surgery</option><option value="Pediatric Urology">Pediatric Urology</option><option value="Pediatrics">Pediatrics</option><option value="Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry">Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry</option><option value="Pharmaceutical Chemistry">Pharmaceutical Chemistry</option><option value="Pharmacology And Toxicology">Pharmacology And Toxicology</option><option value="Pharmacotherapy">Pharmacotherapy</option><option value="Philosophy">Philosophy</option><option value="Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation">Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation</option><option value="Physical Therapy and Athletic Training">Physical Therapy and Athletic Training</option><option value="Physician Assistant Program">Physician Assistant Program</option><option value="Physics And Astronomy">Physics And Astronomy</option><option value="Physiology">Physiology</option><option value="Plastic Surgery">Plastic Surgery</option><option value="Political Science Department">Political Science</option><option value="Population Health Sciences">Population Health Sciences</option><option value="Psychiatry">Psychiatry</option><option value="Psychology Department">Psychology</option><option value="Public Health">Public Health</option><option value="Pulmonary">Pulmonary</option><option value="Radiation Oncology">Radiation Oncology</option><option value="Radiology">Radiology</option><option value="Radiology Research">Radiology Research</option><option value="Reproductive Endocrinology">Reproductive Endocrinology</option><option value="Rheumatology">Rheumatology</option><option value="School for Cultural and Social Transformation">School for Cultural and Social Transformation</option><option value="School Of Architecture">School Of Architecture</option><option value="School Of Computing">School Of Computing</option><option value="School Of Dance">School Of Dance</option><option value="Dentistry">School of Dentistry</option><option value="School Of Music">School Of Music</option><option value="Sleep and Movement Disorders">Sleep and Movement Disorders</option><option value="Sociology Department">Sociology</option><option value="Special Education">Special 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Verde</option><option value="CTRY000030">Cambodia</option><option value="CTRY000031">Cameroon</option><option value="CTRY000032">Canada</option><option value="CTRY000033">Cape Verde</option><option value="CTRY000238">Cayman Islands</option><option value="CTRY000034">Central African Republic</option><option value="CTRY000035">Chad</option><option value="CTRY000239">Channel Islands</option><option value="CTRY000036">Chile</option><option value="CTRY000037">China</option><option value="CTRY000240">China - Macao Special Administrative Region</option><option value="CTRY000038">Colombia</option><option value="CTRY000039">Comoros</option><option value="CTRY000241">Congo</option><option value="CTRY000242">Cook Islands</option><option value="CTRY000040">Costa Rica</option><option value="CTRY000041">Cote d'Ivoire</option><option value="CTRY000042">Croatia</option><option value="CTRY000043">Cuba</option><option value="CTRY000243">Curaçao</option><option value="CTRY000044">Cyprus</option><option value="CTRY000045">Czech Republic</option><option value="CTRY000206">Czechoslovakia</option><option value="CTRY000130">Democratic People’s Republic of Korea</option><option value="CTRY000205">Democratic Republic of Congo</option><option value="CTRY000046">Denmark</option><option value="CTRY000047">Djibouti</option><option value="CTRY000048">Dominica</option><option value="CTRY000049">Dominican Republic</option><option value="CTRY000050">East Timor</option><option value="CTRY000051">Ecuador</option><option value="CTRY000052">Egypt</option><option value="CTRY000053">El Salvador</option><option value="CTRY000054">Equatorial Guinea</option><option value="CTRY000055">Eritrea</option><option value="CTRY000056">Estonia</option><option value="CTRY000057">Ethiopia</option><option value="CTRY000244">Faeroe Islands</option><option value="CTRY000245">Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</option><option value="CTRY000058">Fiji</option><option value="CTRY000059">Finland</option><option value="CTRY000060">France</option><option value="CTRY000246">French Guiana</option><option value="CTRY000247">French Polynesia</option><option value="CTRY000061">Gabon</option><option value="CTRY000062">Gambia</option><option value="CTRY000063">Georgia</option><option value="CTRY000064">Germany</option><option value="CTRY000065">Ghana</option><option value="CTRY000248">Gibraltar</option><option value="CTRY000066">Greece</option><option value="CTRY000249">Greenland</option><option value="CTRY000067">Grenada</option><option value="CTRY000250">Guadeloupe</option><option value="CTRY000251">Guam</option><option value="CTRY000068">Guatemala</option><option value="CTRY000252">Guernsey</option><option value="CTRY000069">Guinea</option><option value="CTRY000070">Guinea-Bissau</option><option value="CTRY000071">Guyana</option><option value="CTRY000072">Haiti</option><option value="CTRY000073">Honduras</option><option value="CTRY000074">Hong Kong</option><option value="CTRY000075">Hungary</option><option value="CTRY000076">Iceland</option><option value="CTRY000077">India</option><option value="CTRY000078">Indonesia</option><option value="CTRY000079">Iran</option><option value="CTRY000080">Iraq</option><option value="CTRY000081">Ireland</option><option value="CTRY000253">Isle of Man</option><option value="CTRY000082">Israel</option><option value="CTRY000083">Italy</option><option value="CTRY000084">Jamaica</option><option value="CTRY000085">Japan</option><option value="CTRY000254">Jersey</option><option value="CTRY000086">Jordan</option><option value="CTRY000087">Kazakhstan</option><option value="CTRY000088">Kenya</option><option value="CTRY000089">Kiribati</option><option value="CTRY000091">Kuwait</option><option value="CTRY000092">Kyrgyzstan</option><option value="CTRY000093">Laos</option><option value="CTRY000094">Latvia</option><option value="CTRY000095">Lebanon</option><option value="CTRY000096">Lesotho</option><option value="CTRY000097">Liberia</option><option value="CTRY000098">Libya</option><option value="CTRY000099">Liechtenstein</option><option value="CTRY000100">Lithuania</option><option value="CTRY000101">Luxembourg</option><option value="CTRY000102">Macedonia</option><option value="CTRY000103">Madagascar</option><option value="CTRY000104">Malawi</option><option value="CTRY000105">Malaysia</option><option value="CTRY000106">Maldives</option><option value="CTRY000107">Mali</option><option value="CTRY000108">Malta</option><option value="CTRY000109">Marshall Islands</option><option value="CTRY000255">Martinique</option><option value="CTRY000110">Mauritania</option><option value="CTRY000111">Mauritius</option><option value="CTRY000256">Mayotte</option><option value="CTRY000112">Mexico</option><option value="CTRY000113">Micronesia</option><option value="CTRY000114">Moldova</option><option value="CTRY000115">Monaco</option><option value="CTRY000116">Mongolia</option><option value="CTRY000117">Montenegro</option><option value="CTRY000257">Montserrat</option><option value="CTRY000118">Morocco</option><option value="CTRY000119">Mozambique</option><option value="CTRY000120">Myanmar</option><option value="CTRY000121">Nagorno-Karabakh</option><option value="CTRY000122">Namibia</option><option value="CTRY000461">Native American Nations</option><option value="CTRY000123">Nauru</option><option value="CTRY000124">Nepal</option><option value="CTRY000125">Netherlands</option><option value="CTRY000258">New Caledonia</option><option value="CTRY000126">New Zealand</option><option value="CTRY000127">Nicaragua</option><option value="CTRY000128">Niger</option><option value="CTRY000129">Nigeria</option><option value="CTRY000259">Niue</option><option value="CTRY000260">Norfolk Island</option><option value="CTRY000261">Northern Mariana Islands</option><option value="CTRY000131">Norway</option><option value="CTRY000132">Oman</option><option value="CTRY000133">Pakistan</option><option value="CTRY000134">Palau</option><option value="CTRY000135">Panama</option><option value="CTRY000136">Papua New Guinea</option><option value="CTRY000137">Paraguay</option><option value="CTRY000138">Peru</option><option value="CTRY000139">Philippines</option><option value="CTRY000262">Pitcairn</option><option value="CTRY000140">Poland</option><option value="CTRY000141">Portugal</option><option value="CTRY000142">Puerto Rico</option><option value="CTRY000143">Qatar</option><option value="CTRY000165">Republic of Korea</option><option value="CTRY000144">Romania</option><option value="CTRY000145">Russia</option><option value="CTRY000146">Rwanda</option><option value="CTRY000263">Réunion</option><option value="CTRY000264">Saint Helena</option><option value="CTRY000147">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option><option value="CTRY000148">Saint Lucia</option><option value="CTRY000265">Saint Martin (French part)</option><option value="CTRY000266">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option><option value="CTRY000149">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option><option value="CTRY000267">Saint-Barthélemy</option><option value="CTRY000150">Samoa</option><option value="CTRY000151">San Marino</option><option value="CTRY000152">Sao Tome and Principe</option><option value="CTRY000268">Sark</option><option value="CTRY000153">Saudi Arabia</option><option value="CTRY000154">Senegal</option><option value="CTRY000155">Serbia</option><option value="CTRY000156">Seychelles</option><option value="CTRY000157">Sierra Leone</option><option value="CTRY000158">Singapore</option><option value="CTRY000269">Sint Maarten (Dutch part)</option><option value="CTRY000159">Slovakia</option><option value="CTRY000160">Slovenia</option><option value="CTRY000161">Solomon Islands</option><option value="CTRY000162">Somalia</option><option value="CTRY000163">Somaliland</option><option value="CTRY000164">South Africa</option><option value="CTRY000166">South Ossetia</option><option value="CTRY000270">South Sudan</option><option value="CTRY000167">Spain</option><option value="CTRY000168">Sri Lanka</option><option value="CTRY000223">St. Marteen</option><option value="CTRY000271">State of Palestine</option><option value="CTRY000169">Sudan</option><option value="CTRY000170">Suriname</option><option value="CTRY000272">Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands</option><option value="CTRY000171">Swaziland</option><option value="CTRY000172">Sweden</option><option value="CTRY000173">Switzerland</option><option value="CTRY000174">Syria</option><option value="CTRY000175">Taiwan</option><option value="CTRY000176">Tajikistan</option><option value="CTRY000177">Tanzania</option><option value="CTRY000178">Thailand</option><option value="CTRY000273">Tibet</option><option value="CTRY000274">Timor-Leste</option><option value="CTRY000179">Togo</option><option value="CTRY000275">Tokelau</option><option value="CTRY000180">Tonga</option><option value="CTRY000181">Transnistria</option><option value="CTRY000182">Trinidad and Tobago</option><option value="CTRY000183">Tunisia</option><option value="CTRY000184">Turkey</option><option value="CTRY000185">Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus</option><option value="CTRY000186">Turkmenistan</option><option value="CTRY000276">Turks and Caicos Islands</option><option value="CTRY000187">Tuvalu</option><option value="CTRY000188">Uganda</option><option value="CTRY000189">Ukraine</option><option value="CTRY000190">United Arab Emirates</option><option value="CTRY000191">United Kingdom</option><option value="CTRY000192">United States</option><option value="CTRY000277">United States Virgin Islands</option><option value="CTRY000193">Uruguay</option><option value="CTRY000194">Uzbekistan</option><option value="CTRY000195">Vanuatu</option><option value="CTRY000196">Vatican City</option><option value="CTRY000197">Venezuela</option><option value="CTRY000198">Vietnam</option><option value="CTRY000278">Wallis and Futuna Islands</option><option value="CTRY000200">Western Sahara</option><option value="CTRY000201">Yemen</option><option value="CTRY000207">Yugoslavia</option><option value="CTRY000202">Zambia</option><option value="CTRY000203">Zimbabwe</option><option value="CTRY000230">Åland Islands</option><option value="CTRY000199">West Indies</option><option value="REGN000001">Region: Global</option><option value="REGN000002">Region: Africa</option><option value="REGN000003">Region: Eastern Africa</option><option value="REGN000004">Region: Middle Africa</option><option value="REGN000005">Region: Northern Africa</option><option value="REGN000006">Region: Southern Africa</option><option value="REGN000007">Region: Western Africa</option><option value="REGN000008">Region: Americas</option><option value="REGN000009">Region: Latin America and the Caribbean</option><option value="REGN000010">Region: Caribbean</option><option value="REGN000011">Region: Central America</option><option value="REGN000012">Region: South America</option><option value="REGN000013">Region: North America</option><option value="REGN000014">Region: Asia</option><option value="REGN000015">Region: Central Asia</option><option value="REGN000016">Region: Eastern Asia</option><option value="REGN000017">Region: Southern Asia</option><option value="REGN000018">Region: South-Eastern Asia</option><option value="REGN000019">Region: Western Asia</option><option value="REGN000020">Region: Europe</option><option value="REGN000021">Region: Eastern Europe</option><option value="REGN000022">Region: Northern Europe</option><option value="REGN000023">Region: Southern Europe</option><option value="REGN000024">Region: Western Europe</option><option value="REGN000025">Region: Oceania</option><option value="REGN000026">Region: Australia and New Zealand</option><option value="REGN000027">Region: Melanesia</option><option value="REGN000028">Region: Micronesia</option><option value="REGN000029">Region: Polynesia</option> </select> </div> </div> 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PHILLIPS</a></strong></p><ul><li>Founding member, International Environmental Communication Association ; Jan 2023</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0272897" target="_blank"><strong>EDWARD JAMES BATEMAN</a></strong></p><ul><li>Fellow, Royal Geographical Society; Oct 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0280240" target="_blank"><strong>KODY MERLIN POWELL</a></strong></p><ul><li>Student Branch Co-Advisor, ASHRAE; Jul 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0320607" target="_blank"><strong>ZHIGANG ZAK FANG</a></strong></p><ul><li>Member, TMS; Dec 1990</li><li>Member / Fellow, APMI; Feb 1988</li><li>Fellow / Member, ASM; Feb 1987</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0326923" target="_blank"><strong>JEFFREY S BATES</a></strong></p><ul><li>Member, TMS; Jul 2020</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0456907" target="_blank"><strong>ANNE G MOONEY</a></strong></p><ul><li>Co-chair, American Institute of Architects - Committee on the Environment; Nov 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0698676" target="_blank"><strong>CAGAN H SEKERCIOGLU</a></strong></p><ul><li>Board of Governors, Society for Conservation Biology; Jul 2012 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6003430" target="_blank"><strong>ROSEANNE WARREN</a></strong></p><ul><li>Faculty Affiliate, Global Change & Sustainability Center - University of Utah; Mar 2016</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6008459" target="_blank"><strong>MOSTAFA ARDAKANI</a></strong></p><ul><li>Member, Energy Systems Integration Group; Sep 2018</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6009164" target="_blank"><strong>PANIA NEWELL</a></strong></p><ul><li>Technical Committee Members, American Rock Mechanics Association; Jul 2017</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6036839" target="_blank"><strong>SHAHRZAD ROSHANKHAH</a></strong></p><ul><li>Member, American Chemical Society; Feb 2023</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6038724" target="_blank"><strong>NO'AM ZACH DVORY</a></strong></p><ul><li>Member, SPE – Society of Petroleum Engineers; Jul 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><h4>Publications</h4><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0028363" target="_blank"><strong>JOSEPH N MOORE</a></strong></p><ul><li>Jones, C & G, England, K., Stuart Simmons, S., Peter Rose, P., Mella, M, Barker, B, John McLennan, J., and Joseph Moore, J. (2023). Stimulation, tracers, and Geochemistry at Utah FORGE. Proceedings, 47th Workshop Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford U. Vol. 48, 9.; Feb 2023</li><li>Xing, P., Winkler, D., Rickard, B., Barker, B., Finnila, A., Ghassemi, A., Pankow, K., Podgorney, R., Moore, J. and Mclennan, J., 2020a. Interpretation of in-situ injection measurements at the FORGE Site. In Proc. 45th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California.; Feb 2020</li><li>Nadimi, S. & Forbes, B., Moore Podgorney, R., J., McLennan, J. (2020). Utah FORGE: Hydrogeothermal Modeling of a Granitic Based Discrete Fracture Network. Geothermics. Vol. 87.; Feb 2020</li><li>Stimac, J. & Sihotang, A.M., Mussofan, W., Baroek, M., Jones, C., Moore, J.N., and Schmitt, A.K. (2019). Geologic controls on the Muara Laboh geothermal system, Sumatra, Indonesia. Geothermics. Vol. 82, 97-120.; Nov 2019</li><li>Jones, C. & Moore, J. N., and Simmons, S (2019). Petrography of the Utah FORGE site and Environs, Beaver County, Utah. Vol. Miscellaneous Publication 169, Utah Geological Survey.; Sep 2019</li><li>Allis, R. & Gwynn, M., Hardwick, C., Hurlbut, W., and Moore, J., 2019 (2019). Thermal Characteristics of the FORGE site, Milford, Utah. Vol. Miscellaneous Publication 169, Utah Geological Survey.; Sep 2019</li><li>Hardwick, C. & Hurlbut, W., Gwynn, M., Allis, R., Wannamaker, and Moore, J. (2019). Geophysical Surveys of the Milford, Utah, FORGE Site: Gravity and TEM. Vol. Miscellaneous Publication 169, Utah Geological Survey.; Sep 2019</li><li>Allis, R. and Moore, J. editors (2019). Geothermal Characteristics of the Roosevelt Hot Springs System and Adjacent FORGE EGS Site, Milford, Utah. Vol. Miscellaneous Publication 169, Utah Geological Survey.; Sep 2019</li><li>Simmons, S. & Kirby, S., Bartley, J., Jones, C., Kleber, E., Knudsen, T., Miller, J., Rahilly, K., McLennan, J., Fischer, T., Moore, J., and Allis, R (2019). Update on the geological and geochemical understanding of the Utah FORGE site. 43th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford.; Feb 2019</li><li>Kamali, S. (2019). Analysis of FORGE DFIT considering hydraulic and natural fracture interactions. Vol. Ghassemi, A., McLennan, J. D.,. 43th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford.; Feb 2019</li><li>Moore, J. & McLennan, J., Rick Allis, R., Pankow, K., Simmons, S., Podgorney, R., Wannamaker, P., Bartley, J., and Rickard, W. (2019). The Utah Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE): An International Laboratory for Enhanced Geothermal System Technology Development. Proceedings, 43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University.; Feb 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0029168" target="_blank"><strong>K. S. RAVI CHANDRAN</a></strong></p><ul><li>R. Srinivasan & K. S. Ravi Chandran (2023). Mechanistic insights into structural parameters maximizing energy storage density in Si mesoporous electrodes for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 556, 232481.; Feb 2023</li><li>C. Yang & K. S. Ravi Chandran (2023). A critical review of silicon nanowire electrodes and their energy storage capacities in Li-ion cells. RSC advances. Vol. 13, 3947-3957.; Jan 2023</li><li>K. S. Ravi Chandran (2022). Fatigue of Fiber-Reinforced Composites, Damage and Failure. Journal of the Indian Institute of. Vol. R, 1-22.; Feb 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">INDIA</span></li><li>R. Srinivasan & K. S. Ravi Chandran (2022). The Strong Effect of Microporous Column Depth on the Lithiation-Delithiation Behavior in Si Electrodes for Li-Ion Cells and the Resistance to Mechanical Damage. Journal of Electronic Materials. Vol. 51, 857–875.; Jan 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0029376" target="_blank"><strong>CYNTHIA M FURSE</a></strong></p><ul><li>Cody LaFlamme, Cynthia Furse & Joel B. Harley (2022). Ground Faults in Photovoltaics: Sstdr for Characterization, Detection, and Location. ASME 2022 49th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE2022), San Diego, CA.; Aug 2022</li><li>Cody LaFlamme & Evan Benoit, Ayobami Edun, Cynthia M. Furse, Michael A. Scarpulla, Joel B. Harley (2022). Quantifying the Environmental Sensitivity of SSTDR Signals for Monitoring PV Strings. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (JPV). Vol. 12(1).; Jan 2022</li><li>Evan Benoit & Cynthia Furse (2021). A Broadband S/SSTDR-VNA for Energized Circuits. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting.; Dec 2021</li><li>Cynthia Furse & Evan Benoit, Samuel Hansen (2021). Towards a Spread Spectrum VNA. IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications (2021 IEEE CAMA).; Nov 2021</li><li>Alexander Charters & Paul K. Kuhn, Hunter Ellis, Dawn Sweeny, Marc Fobair, Joel Harley, Cynthia Furse (2021). Feasibility of using SSTDR to Monitor Battery Cell Degradation. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE).; Jul 2021</li><li>Farhad Elyasi Chamazkoti & Evan Benoit, Dawn Sweeney, Cynthia Furse (2021). Machine Learning for Spread Spectrum Time-Domain Reflectometry Impedance Measurement. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE).; Jul 2021</li><li>Ayobami S. Edun & Cody LaFlamme, Michael A. Scarpulla, Cynthia M. Furse, Joel B. Harley (2021). Health Monitoring of Solar Arrays with Spread Spectrum Time Domain Reflectometry and Variational Autoencoders. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE).; Jul 2021</li><li>Cody LaFlamme & Ayobami Edun, Evan Benoit, Michael Scarpulla, Joel Harley, Cynthia Furse (2021). Baseline Signal Learning for SSTDR Fault Detection in Photovoltaic Strings. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE).; Jul 2021</li><li>Zachary K. Wilkerson & Ayobami S. Edun, Michael A. Scarpulla, Cynthia M. Furse, Joel B. Harley (2021). Scale Transform Signal Processing for Reducing the Effect of Rain on SSTDR Signals. ICEAA 2021 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications.; May 2021</li><li>Samuel Kingston & Evan Benoit, Ayobami S. Edun, Farhad Elyasi Chamazkoti, Dawn E. Sweeney, Joel B. Harley, Paul K. Kuhn, Cynthia M. Furse (2021). SSTDR Methodology, Implementations, and Challenges. Sensors -- Special Edition on RF Sensors.; May 2021</li><li>Ayobami S. Edun & Samuel Kingston, Cody LaFlamme, Evan Benoit, Michael R. Scarpulla, Cynthia M. Furse, Joel B. Harley (2021). Detection and Localization of Disconnections in a Large-Scale String of Photovoltaics using SSTDR. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (JPV). Vol. 11(4), 1097-1104.; Apr 2021</li><li>Ayobami S. Edun & Cody LaFlamme, Samuel Kingston, Cynthia M. Furse, Michael A. Scarpulla, Joel B. Harley (2021). Anomaly detection of SSTDR signals using Variational Autoencoders. IEEE Sensors Journal.; Jan 2021</li><li>Hunter Ellis & Cody Laflamme Cynthia Furse, James Nagel (2021). Describing Asymmetric Faults with Multiconductor Transmission Lines for SSTDR. National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM), Jan. 4-9, 2021.; Jan 2021</li><li>Hunter Ellis & Cody LaFlamme, James R. Nagel, Joel Harley, Cynthia M. Furse (2021). Multiconductor Transmission Lines and Asymmetric Fault in SSTDR Measurements. IEEE Sensors Journal.; Jan 2021</li><li>William Berger & Cynthia Furse (2021). Spread Spectrum Techniques for Measurement of Dielectric Aging on Low Voltage Cables for Nuclear Power Plants. IEEE Trans. Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. Vol. 28(3), 1028-1033.; Jan 2021</li><li>Cynthia Furse, Moussa Kafal, Reza Rezzaghi & Yong-June Shin (2021). Fault Diagnosis for Electrical Systems and Power Networks: A Review. IEEE Sensors Journal. Vol. 21(2), 888-906.; Jan 2021</li><li>Ayobami S. Edun, Naveen Kumar Tumkur Jayakumar, Samuel Kingston, Cynthia Furse, Michael Scarpulla & Joel Harley (2021). Spread Spectrum Time Domain Reflectometry with Lumped Elements on Asymmetric Transmission Lines. IEEE Sensors Journal. Vol. 21(2), 921-929.; Jan 2021</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0029880" target="_blank"><strong>LAJOS HORVATH</a></strong></p><ul><li>Lajos Horvath, Liu, Miller & Tang (2023). Breaks in term structures: evidence from the oil future markets. International Journal of Finance and Economics.; Nov 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">CHINA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">UNITED KINGDOM</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0030088" target="_blank"><strong>GABRIEL A LOZADA</a></strong></p><ul><li>Gabriel A. Lozada, Jesús Ramon Martin, Editor & Emilio Padilla, Editor (2023). The Laws of Thermodynamics. (pp. 349-356). Edward Elgar.; Sep 2023</li><li>Gabriel A. Lozada, Brent M. Haddad, editor & Barry D. Solomon, editor (2023). Hotelling Model. (pp. 270-271). Edward Elgar.; Feb 2023</li><li>Lozada, Gabriel A. (2023), "Hotelling Rule." In Brent M. Haddad and Barry D. Solomon, editors, <strong>Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium</strong>. Edward Elgar Publishing.; Jan 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0030173" target="_blank"><strong>MILIND DEO</a></strong></p><ul><li>Dipendu Saha & Dipendu Saha, Vidha Bhasin, Syed Khalid, Noah Smeriglio, Sebastian Cuka, Dibyendu Bhattacharyya, James Rodgers, Palash Panja, Milind Deo, Tyler Apple (2023). Adsorption of rare earth elements in carboxylated mesoporous carbon. Separation and Purification Technology. Vol. 314.; Jun 2023</li><li>Pranay Asai & Robert Podgorney, John McLennan, Milind Deo, Joseph Moore (2022). Analytical model for fluid flow distribution in enhanced geothermal systems. Renewable Energy, Pergamon. Vol. 193, 821-831.; Jun 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0031683" target="_blank"><strong>ERIK L BRUNVAND</a></strong></p><ul><li>E. Brunvand, D. Kline & A. Jones (2018). Dark Silicon Considered Harmful: A Case for Truly Green Computing. International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC).; Oct 2018</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0034952" target="_blank"><strong>JIM EHLERINGER</a></strong></p><ul><li>Mouteva, G.O., J.T. Randerson, S.M. Fahrni, S.E. Bush, J.R. Ehleringer, X. Xu, G.M. Santos, R. Kuprov, B.A. Schichtel, and C.I. Czimczik. Spatial and temporal variation of black and organic carbon aerosol sources in Salt Lake City. Environmental Science and Technology; Feb 2017</li><li>Hopkins, F.M., E.A. Kort, S. E. Bush, J.R. Ehleringer, C.T. Lai, D.R. Blake, and J.T. Randerson. 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Frandsen “Real-space visualization of short-range antiferromagnetic correlations in MnTe”<em> Matter, </em><strong>5 </strong>[6], 1853-1864 (2022). <a href="">[DOI]</a>; Apr 2022</li><li>Maria-Magdalena Titirici, Sterling G. Baird*, <strong>Taylor D. Sparks</strong>, Shirley M. 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Vol. 348, 121592.; Oct 2023</li><li>Elaheh Safaei Kouchaksaraei, Ali Khosravani Semnani, Kody M Powell & Kerry E Kelly (2023). Regional impacts on air quality and health of changing a manufacturing facility’s grid-boiler to a combined heat and power system. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. Vol. 73, 760-776.; Oct 2023</li><li>Keane Stewart, Connor Moran, Kody M Powell, Jacob F Tuttle & Andrew Fry (2023). Creating an Advanced Sensor Network to calculate real-time, mass-weighted flue gas composition and air heater leakage of a coal-fired utility boiler under dynamic operating conditions. Journal of Process Control. Vol. 129, 103051.; Sep 2023</li><li>Xingzhen Bai, Xinlei Zheng, Leijiao Ge, Wenlong Liao, Kody M Powell & Jiaan Zhang (2023). Dynamic event-based forecasting-aided state estimation for active distribution systems subject to limited communication resource. Electric Power Systems Research. Vol. 221, 109417.; Aug 2023</li><li>Mohamed Bahr, Jacob Immonen, Blake W Billings & Kody M Powell (2023). Intelligent Control of Thermal Energy Storage in the Manufacturing Sector for Plant-Level Grid Response. Processes. Vol. 11, 2202.; Jul 2023</li><li>Jiwei Yao, John D Hedengren, Tao Gao & Kody M Powell (2023). A two-level optimization framework for battery energy storage systems to enhance economics and minimize long-term capacity fading. Journal of Energy Storage. Vol. 63, 106943.; Jul 2023</li><li>Daniel Hill, Dawson McCrea, An Ho, Matthew Memmott, Kody M Powell & John D Hedengren (2023). A Multi-scale Method for Combined Design and Dispatch Optimization of Nuclear Hybrid Energy Systems Including Storage. e-Prime-Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy. Vol. 5, 100201.; Jun 2023</li><li>An Ho, Matthew Memmott, John Hedengren & Kody M Powell (2023). Exploring the benefits of molten salt reactors: An analysis of flexibility and safety features using dynamic simulation. Digital Chemical Engineering. Vol. 7, 100091.; Jun 2023</li><li>Yunzhi Chen, Blake Billings & Kody M Powell (2023). Industrial processes and the smart grid: overcoming the variability of renewables by using built-in process storage and intelligent control strategies. International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 62, 1686-1698.; Apr 2023</li><li>Yunzhi Chen, Lizzie Pinegar, Jake Immonen & Kody M Powell (2023). Conversion of food waste to renewable energy: A techno-economic and environmental assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 385, 135741.; Jan 2023</li><li>Ali Khosravani, Elaheh Safaei, Michael Reynolds, Kerry E Kelly & Kody Powell (2023). Challenges of reaching high renewable fractions in hybrid renewable energy systems. Energy Reports. Vol. 9, 1000-1017.; Jan 2023</li><li>Blake W Billings, An Ho, Mostafa Sahraei-Ardakani & Kody M Powell (2022). System benefits of industrial battery storage: A comparison of grid and facility control and dispatch. Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks. Vol. 32, 100958.; Dec 2022</li><li>Landen Blackburn, Jacob F Tuttle, Klass Andersson, John D Hedengren & Kody M Powell (2022). Dynamic machine learning-based optimization algorithm to improve boiler efficiency. Journal of Process Control. Vol. 120, 129-149.; Dec 2022</li><li>Blake Billings & Kody M Powell (2022). Grid‐responsive smart manufacturing: A perspective for an interconnected energy future in the industrial sector. AIChE Journal. Vol. 68, e17920.; Dec 2022</li><li>Daniel Hill, Adam Martin, Nathanael Martin-Nelson, Charles Granger, Matthew Memmott, Kody Powell & John Hedengren (2022). Techno-economic sensitivity analysis for combined design and operation of a small modular reactor hybrid energy system. International Journal of Thermofluids. Vol. 16, 100191.; Nov 2022</li><li>Jiwei Yao, Kody M Powell & Tao Gao (2022). A two-stage deep learning framework for early-stage lifetime prediction for lithium-ion batteries with consideration of features from multiple cycles. Frontiers in Energy Research. Vol. 10, 1752.; Nov 2022</li><li>Blake W Billings, Philip J Smith, Sean T Smith & Kody M Powell (2022). Industrial battery operation and utilization in the presence of electrical load uncertainty using Bayesian decision theory. Journal of Energy Storage. Vol. 53, 105054.; Sep 2022</li><li>Jacob Immonen & Kody M Powell (2022). Dynamic optimization with flexible heat integration of a solar parabolic trough collector plant with thermal energy storage used for industrial process heat. Energy Conversion and Management. Vol. 267, 115921.; Sep 2022</li><li>Aaron Bame, Joseph Furner, Ian Hoag, Kasra Mohammadi, Kody Powell & Brian Iverson (2022). Optimization of solar-coal hybridization for low solar augmentation. Applied Energy. Vol. 319, 119225.; Aug 2022</li><li>Derek Machalek, Jake Tuttle, Klas Andersson & Kody M Powell (2022). Dynamic energy system modeling using hybrid physics-based and machine learning encoder–decoder models. Energy and AI. Vol. 9, 100172.; Aug 2022</li><li>Kasra Mohammadi, Jacob Immonen, Landen D Blackburn, Jacob F Tuttle, Klas Andersson & Kody M Powell (2022). A review on the application of machine learning for combustion in power generation applications. Reviews in Chemical Engineering. Vol. 39, 1027-1059.; Aug 2022</li><li>An Ho, Daniel Hill, John Hedengren & Kody M Powell (2022). A nuclear‑hydrogen hybrid energy system with large-scale storage: A study in optimal dispatch and economic performance in a real-world market. Journal of Energy Storage. Vol. 51, 104510.; Jul 2022</li><li>Landen D Blackburn, Jacob F Tuttle, Klas Andersson, Andrew Fry & Kody M Powell (2022). Development of novel dynamic machine learning-based optimization of a coal-fired power plant. Computers & Chemical Engineering. Vol. 163, 107848.; Jul 2022</li><li>Jacob Immonen, Kasra Mohammadi & Kody M Powell (2022). Simulating a solar parabolic trough collector plant used for industrial process heat using an optimized operating scheme that utilizes flexible heat integration. Solar Energy. Vol. 236, 756-771.; Apr 2022</li><li>Zachariah Steven Baird, Dmitri Neshumayev, Oliver Järvik & Kody M. Powell (2021). Comparison of the most likely low-emission electricity production systems in Estonia. PLOS ONE. Vol. 16(12).; Dec 2021</li><li>NS Gates, Daniel C Hill, Blake W Billings, Kody M Powell & John D Hedengren (2021). Benchmarks for Grid Energy Management with Python Gekko. 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Vol. 60.; Dec 2021</li><li>Anne Dougherty, Blake Billings, Nestor Camacho & Kody Powell (2021). Improving the economics of battery storage for industrial customers: Are incentives enough to increase adoption?. The Electricity Journal. Vol. 34(9).; Nov 2021</li><li>Kasra Mohammadi & Kody M Powell (2021). Thermoeconomic Evaluation and Optimization of Using Different Environmentally Friendly Refrigerant Pairs for a Dual-Evaporator Cascade Refrigeration System. Processes. Vol. 9(10).; Oct 2021</li><li>Derek Machalek, Kasra Mohammadi & Kody M Powell (2021). State-by-State comparison of combined heat and power to photovoltaic installations at manufacturing facilities with heat and power loads. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. Vol. 47.; Oct 2021</li><li>Kasra Mohammadi, Saber Khanmohammadi, Jake Immonen & Kody Powell (2021). Techno-economic analysis and environmental benefits of solar industrial process heating based on parabolic trough collectors. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. Vol. 47.; Oct 2021</li><li>An Ho, Kasra Mohammadi, Matthew Memmott, John Hedengren & Kody M Powell (2021). 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Sahraei-Ardakani</b>, “Linear Modelling of Series FACTS Devices in Power System Operation Models,” <i>IET Generation, Transmission, & Distribution</i>, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 1047-1063, March 2022; Mar 2022</li><li>S. Sadat, X. Rui, <strong>M. Sahraei-Ardakani,</strong> “Computational Impacts of SVCs on Optimal Power Flow using Approximated Active-Set Interior Point Algorithm,” <em>in Proc. Of 2021 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), </em>College Station, TX, USA.; Nov 2021</li><li>S. Sadat, and <strong>M. Sahraei-Ardakani,</strong> “Customized Sequential Quadratic Programming for Solving Large-Scale AC Optimal Power Flow,” <em>in Proc. Of 2021 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), </em>College Station, TX, USA.; Nov 2021</li><li>Y. Al-Abdullah, M. Al-Saffar, A. Al-Azmi, and <strong>M. Sahraei-Ardakani</strong>, “Impacts of COVID-19 on Kuwait’s Electric Power Grid,” <em>Electricity Journal</em>, vol. 34, no. 9, Nov. 2021.; Nov 2021</li><li>F. Mohammadi, <strong>M. Sahraei-Ardakani, </strong>D. Trakas, and N. Hatziargyriou, “Machine Learning Assisted Stochastic Unit Commitment during Hurricanes with Predictable Line Outages,” <em>IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, </em>vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 5131 – 5142, Nov. 2021.; Mar 2021</li><li>F. Mohammadi, F. Jafarishiadeh, J. Xue,<strong> M. Sahraei-Ardakani</strong>, and G. Ou, “Deterministic Proxies for Stochastic Unit Commitment During Hurricanes,” IET Generation Transmission and Distribution, in press, 2020; Dec 2020</li><li>Y. Zheng and <strong>M. Sahraei-Ardakani</strong>, “Leveraging Existing Water and Wastewater Infrastructure to Develop Distributed Pumped Storage Hydropower in California,” Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 34, Feb. 2021.; Dec 2020</li><li>F. Mohammadi and <strong>M. Sahraei-Ardakani</strong>, “Multidimensional Scenario Selection for Power Systems with Stochastic Failures,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 5428-4538, Nov. 2020.; Nov 2020</li><li>J. Xue, X. Li, F. Mohammadi, <strong>M. Sahraei-Ardakani</strong>, Z. Pu, and G. Ou, “Impact of Transmission Tower-Line Interaction to the Bulk Power System during Hurricane,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 203, Nov. 2020.; Nov 2020</li><li>F. Mohammadi, <strong>M. Sahraei-Ardakani</strong>, Y. Al-Abdullah, and G. T. Heydt, “Cost-Benefit Analysis of Desalination: A Power Market Opportunity,” Electric Power Components and Systems, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 1091-1101, 2020.; Nov 2020</li><li>F. Jafarishiadeh,<strong> M. Sahraei-Ardakani</strong>, and M. Liu, “Preventive Unit Commitment for Transmission Line De-icing in Changing Weather Conditions,” in Proc. Of 2020 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Tempe, AZ, USA; Nov 2020</li><li>S. Sadat and <strong>M. Sahraei-Ardakani</strong>, “Initializing Successive Linear Programming Solver for ACOPF using Machine Learning,” in Proc. Of 2020 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Tempe, AZ, USA; Nov 2020</li><li>O. Mirzapour and <strong>M. Sahraei-Ardakani</strong>, “Environmental Impacts of Power Flow Control with Variable-Impedance FACTS,” in Proc. Of 2020 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Tempe, AZ, USA.; Nov 2020</li><li>F. Mohammadi, <strong>M. Sahraei-Ardakani</strong>, D. Trakas, and N. Hatziargyriou, “Machine Learning Assisted Stochastic Unit Commitment: A Feasibility Study,” in Proc. Of 2020 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Tempe, AZ, USA.; Nov 2020</li><li>F. Jafarishiadeh, F. Mohammadi, and <strong>M. Sahraei-Ardakani</strong>, “Preventive Dispatch for Transmission De-icing,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 4104-4107, Sept. 2020; Sep 2020</li><li>F. Mohammadi and <b>M. Sahraei-Ardakani, </b>“Tractable Stochastic Unit Commitment for Large Systems during Predictable Hazards,” <i>IEEE Access, </i>vol. 8, pp. 115078-115088, June 2020.; Jun 2020</li><li><strong>M. Sahraei-Ardakani</strong>, F. Mohammadi, G. Ou, Z. Pu, J. Xue, X. Lin, and Y. 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Geosciences.; Feb 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>Noam Z. Dvory, Jens-Erik Lund Snee, Rebecca Olivia Salvage & Sam S Hashemi (2022). Induced Seismicity and Caprock Failure in Carbon Sequestration and Geo-Energy Applications. AGU.; Dec 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">CANADA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">CHINA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GERMANY</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">SPAIN</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">SWITZERLAND</span></li><li>Noam Z. Dvory, Yuyun Yang & Eric M Dunham (2022). Rate-and-state modeling of injection-induced aseismic slip in the Delaware Basin constrains fault-zone pore pressure changes. Authorea Preprints.; Nov 2022</li><li>Noam Z. Dvory, Yuyun Yang & Eric M Dunham (2022). Models of Injection‐Induced Aseismic Slip on Height‐Bounded Faults in the Delaware Basin Constrain Fault‐Zone Pore Pressure Changes and Permeability. Geophysical Research Letters.; Jun 2022</li><li>Noam Z. Dvory & Mark D Zoback (2021). Prior oil and gas production can limit the occurrence of injection-induced seismicity: A case study in the Delaware Basin of western Texas and southeastern New Mexico, USA. GeoScienceWorld. Vol. 49, 1198–1203.; Oct 2021</li><li>Peter Hennings, Noam Dvory, Elizabeth Horne, Peng Li, Alexandros Savvaidis & Mark Zoback (2021). Stability of the fault systems that host‐induced earthquakes in the Delaware Basin of West Texas and Southeast New Mexico. Seismological Society of America. Vol. 1, 96-106.; Jul 2021</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6042594" target="_blank"><strong>AURORA EVELYN CLARK</a></strong></p><ul><li>Guo, Q.; Pouvreau, M.; Rosso, K. M.; Clark, A. E. (2023). Mechanisms of Dissolution from Gibbsite Step Edges Elucidated by Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics with Enhanced Sampling. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 366, 201-209.; Oct 2023</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6043205" target="_blank"><strong>MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER LOW</a></strong></p><ul><li><em>Saltwater Kingdoms: Fossil-Fueled Water and Climate Change in Arabia</em>, under contract to University of California Press, 2 January 2024. The final manuscript is due to the press no later than 31 December 2025.; Jan 2024 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">BAHRAIN</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">KUWAIT</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">OMAN</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">QATAR</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">SAUDI ARABIA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">UNITED ARAB EMIRATES</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">UNITED STATES</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">YEMEN</span></li><li>“Desert Dreams of Drinking the Sea, Consumed by the Cold War: Transnational Flows of Energy and Desalination from the Pacific to the Persian Gulf,” <em>Environment and History </em>26, no. 2 (2020): 145-174.; May 2020 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">ISRAEL</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">KUWAIT</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">SAUDI ARABIA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">UNITED ARAB EMIRATES</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">UNITED STATES</span></li></ul><h4>Presentations</h4><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0028245" target="_blank"><strong>GANESH L GOPALAKRISHNAN</a></strong></p><ul><li>Symbolic AD with conditionals for error and instability analysis, Workshop on Program Synthesis for Scientific Computing, Argonne (on Zoom); Aug 2020</li><li>The Grass is Really Green on the Other Side: Empirical vs. Rigorous in Floating-Point Precision Analysis, Reproducibility, Resilience ; May 2020</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0028363" target="_blank"><strong>JOSEPH N MOORE</a></strong></p><ul><li>The Utah Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy; presented at the American Rock Mechanics Association, Beijing China.; Sep 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0029376" target="_blank"><strong>CYNTHIA M FURSE</a></strong></p><ul><li>Cynthia Furse, “Arcs and Sparks: Finding Faults on Aging Electrical Wiring”, EmergingTrends in Industry 4.0 (ETI 4.0), May 19, 2021, OP Jindal University, India; May 2021 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">INDIA</span></li><li>Cynthia Furse, “Arcs and Sparks: Finding Faults on Aging Electrical Wiring “, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Bennett University, India online workshop on “Recent Advancement in RF and Microwave Circuits and Devices”, April 8, 2021; Apr 2021 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">INDIA</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0029880" target="_blank"><strong>LAJOS HORVATH</a></strong></p><ul><li>Meeting on Change point Problems and High Dimensional Statistics South Africa; Aug 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">UNITED KINGDOM</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0031683" target="_blank"><strong>ERIK L BRUNVAND</a></strong></p><ul><li>“Dark Silicon Considered Harmful: A Case for Truly Green Computing,” International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), Pittsburgh, PA, Oct 2018. Awarded Best Paper at IGSC’18; Oct 2018</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0035121" target="_blank"><strong>OREST GEORGE SYMKO</a></strong></p><ul><li>Seminar: "Beautiful and Practical Patterns", O.G. Symko at University at Buffalo; Jun 2020</li><li>"Development of Theromoacoustic Arrays for Power", O.G.Symko and Seo Ahn APS March Meeting, Boston, 2019; Mar 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0035131" target="_blank"><strong>P. K. ANDY HONG</a></strong></p><ul><li>P. K. ANDY HONG (2019) Harvest and Conversion of Algal Biomass for Energy.; Jun 2019</li><li>X. Zhao, A. Hong. Algal Lipid Harvesting by Rupturing with Pressure Cycles of Ozonation and Coalescing Filtration. Algae Biomass Summit, 10/29-11/1, 2017; Salt Lake City, UT.; Oct 2017</li><li>A. Hong. Expanding Microbubble Technologies in Environmental & Energy Fields: Applications. Presented at Pingtung Univesrity of Science and Technology, July 9, 2017; Jul 2017 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">TAIWAN</span></li><li>A. Hong. PRESSURE CYLCES-ASSISTED OZONATION TREATMENT OF PRODUCED WATER BEFORE AND AFTER ALGAE CULTIVATION, Presented at Chemical Engineering Graduate Seminar, U of U, April 5, 2017.; Apr 2017</li><li>X. Zhao, C.C. Lin, A. Hong, PRESSURE CYCLES-ASSISTED OZONATION TREATMENT OF PRODUCED WATER BEFORE AND AFTER ALGAE CULTIVATION. Presented at IBE 2017 Conference, 3/30-4/1, 2017, Salt Lake City, UT.; Mar 2017</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0035210" target="_blank"><strong>PETER E ROSE</a></strong></p><ul><li>Rose, P.E., Mella, and Williams, M. (2022) “The Use of Reversibly Adsorbing Tracers for Characterizing Unconventional-Petroleum Reservoirs at Geothermal-Reservoir Temperatures”, Proceedings, 47th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, February 7-9, 2022.; Feb 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">EASTERN ASIA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">EUROPE</span></li><li>Rose, P.E., Mella, M., and Walker, P. (2022) “The use of the halogenated benzene sulfonates as geothermal and unconventional-petroleum tracers”, Proceedings, 47th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, February 7-9, 2022.; Feb 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">EUROPE</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0035316" target="_blank"><strong>HONG YONG SOHN</a></strong></p><ul><li>DEVELOPMENT OF IRONMAKING TECHNOLOGY BY THE DIRECT GASEOUS REDUCTION OF IRON CONCENTRATE; Oct 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0050476" target="_blank"><strong>DMITRY BEDROV</a></strong></p><ul><li>Optimizing Li+ transport in polymer electrolytes: Insight from molecular simulations” Seminar series at MIT Materials Science & Engineering, January, 2022; Jan 2022</li><li>"Optimizing Li+ transport in polymer electrolytes: Insight from molecular simulations" Seminar series at University of California-Riverside; Apr 2021</li><li>“How efficient is Li+ ion transport in solvate ionic liquids: Insight from atomistic molecular dynamics simulations” International Dielectric Society Workshop (virtual); Oct 2020</li><li>"Multiscale modeling of solid-electrolyte interphases in Li-ion batteries" 260th Annual American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco (virtual); Aug 2020</li><li>Multiscale modeling of nanostructured electrodes and interfaces in Li-ion batteries, Seminar at Center for Computational Energy Research (CCER) and Department of Applied Physics at Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands; Oct 2019</li><li>Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Ion Transport, Structural and Mechanical Properties of Li2CO3 and Mn-Li-CO3” 236th ECS national meeting, Atlanta; Oct 2019</li><li>Design of polymer architecture to enhance Li+ transport in solid polymer electrolytes: insight from molecular dynamics simulations. ACS National Meeting, San Diego.; Aug 2019</li><li>Poly-rotaxanes as novel solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries: insight from molecular dynamics simulations. ACS National Meeting, San Diego.; Aug 2019</li><li>Influence of methanol on transport of OH- in anion-exchange membrane. ACS National Meeting, San Diego.; Aug 2019</li><li>Optimizing Ion Transport in Polymer Electrolytes” Seminar at Helmholtz Institute/ University of Muenster/ MEET Center, Muenster, Germany; Jul 2019</li><li>“Ionic liquids at charged surfaces and inside nanopores: Insight from molecular simulations” Chemical Engineering Seminar, BYU; Jan 2019</li><li>“Multiscale modeling of nanostructured electrodes and interfaces in Li-ion batteries” AiMES 2018 ECS meeting, Cancun, Mexico, October, 2018; Oct 2018</li><li>"Transport mechanisms of Li+ in electrolytes and solid electrolyte interphases" AiMES 2018 ECS meeting, Cancun, Mexico, October, 2018.; Oct 2018</li><li>“Multiscale modeling of nanostructured electrodes and interfaces in Li-ion batteries “ 256th Annual American Chemical Society Meeting, Boston, August, 2018; Aug 2018</li><li>“Multiscale modeling of nanostructured electrodes and interfaces in Li-ion batteries” Seminar at the School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China, June, 2018; Jun 2018</li><li>“Li-ion transport in bulk electrolytes and solid electrolyte interphases: Insight from atomistic molecular dynamics simulations” Chemistry Colloquium at the University of Marburg, Germany, June, 2018; Jun 2018</li><li>“Multiscale modeling of nanostructured electrodes and interfaces in Li-ion batteries” Seminar at the School of Chemistry and Environment, South Normal China University, Guangzhou, China, June, 2018; Jun 2018</li><li>“Multiscale modeling of nanostructured electrodes and interfaces in Li-ion batteries” Seminar at the Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department, Florida International University, March 2018.; Mar 2018</li><li>Ionic liquids at charged surfaces and inside nanopores: Insight from molecular simulations, Lorentz Ceneter Workshop on Understanding Ionic Liquids on Different Length and Time Scales, Leiden, Netherlands.; Feb 2017 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">NETHERLANDS</span></li><li>"Multiscale modeling of nanostructured electrodes and interfaces in Li-ion batteries" Electrochemistry Branch, Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD.; Oct 2016</li><li>"Multiscale modeling of nanostructured electrodes and interfaces in Li-ion batteries" Colloquium at Helmholtz Institute/University of Muenster MEET Center, Muenster, Germany; Jul 2016 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GERMANY</span></li><li>"Multiscale modeling of electrochemical devices" Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japan ; Mar 2016 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">JAPAN</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0154932" target="_blank"><strong>THOMAS MICHAEL SWENSEN</a></strong></p><ul><li>“La Tierra de Gracia: ‘I don't want a foreigner coming in here and bashing us.’” Native North Pacific working group. University of California Davis.; Apr 2021 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">AMERICAS</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">RUSSIA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">UNITED STATES</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">VENEZUELA</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0203991" target="_blank"><strong>TAYLOR D. SPARKS</a></strong></p><ul><li>Marcus Parry "In-situ experiments: microstructure, creep, and corrosion" INL Virtual Meeting on Accelerated Irradiation for Reactor Structural Materials, September 14-18, 2020.; Sep 2020</li><li>Steven Kaai Kauwe and Taylor D. Sparks "A Functional Introduction to Property Predictions: Python Based Machine Learning" Workshop on Machine Learning in Materials Science, April 6 2018, Salt Lake City, UT.; Apr 2018</li><li>Jake Graser, Zixiao Liu, and Taylor D. Sparks "Experimental Validation of New Classes of Thermoelectric Oxides Recommended by Machine Learning Algorithms" ICT 2017 July 31-Aug 3 2017, Pasadena, CA.; Jul 2017</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0264201" target="_blank"><strong>JOHN RUPLE</a></strong></p><ul><li>"Lands with Wilderness Characteristics: Impacts on Oil Shale and Oil Sands Development, at the University of Utah," at the University of Utah Unconventional Fuels Conference.; May 2012</li><li>"Water for Electric Power in a Carbon Constrained World," at the S.J. Quinney College of Law Symposium: Electric Power in a Carbon Constrained World.; Feb 2012</li><li>"‘Wild Lands’ and Wilderness - Implications for Utah’s Unconventional Fuels Industry," at the University of Utah, Unconventional Fuels Conference.; May 2011</li><li>"Challenges and Impacts to Commercial Oil Shale Development: Land Use & Water Resources," special presentation to the U.S. Government Accountability Office.; Jan 2010</li><li>"Water for Oil Shale in Utah and Colorado: Two Opportunities to Create Clarity," at the University of Calgary, Critical Intersections for Energy & Water Law: Exploring New Challenges & Opportunities Conference.; May 2009</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0280240" target="_blank"><strong>KODY MERLIN POWELL</a></strong></p><ul><li>“Effective Control of High Temperature Steam Electrolyzer Modules That Use Variable, Renewable Electricity” J. Immonen, K.M. Powell American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, Nov. 2023; Nov 2023</li><li>“Operational, Economic, and Environmental Comparisons of Solar Energy Integration Methods for a High Temperature Steam Electrolysis Plant” J. Immonen, K.M. Powell American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, Nov. 2023; Nov 2023</li><li>“Working Smarter, Not Just Harder: Improving Energy Performance Using Intelligent Operation” K.M.Powell Energy and Geoscience Institute Corporate Associates Annual Meeting, Sept. 2023; Sep 2023</li><li>“Industrial Assessment Centers: Working with States to Make an Impact on Decarbonization” K.M.Powell National Association of State Energy Offices Webinar Series, May 2023; May 2023</li><li>“Benchmarks for grid energy management with Python Gekko” | N.S. Gates, D.C. Hill, B.W. Billings, K.M. Powell, J.D. Hedengren | 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Austin, TX, Dec. 2021; Dec 2021</li><li>“Economic Analysis and Environmental Impact of a Novel Solar Parabolic Trough Plant Used for Industrial Process Heat That Utilizes Flexible Heat Integration” | J. Immonen, K. Mohammadi, K.M. Powell | American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Boston, MA, Nov. 2021; Nov 2021</li><li>“Improving the Economics of Industrial Battery Storage: A Proactive Policy and Management Approach” | B. Billings, A. Dougherty, N. Camacho, K.M. Powell | American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Boston, MA, Nov. 2021; Nov 2021</li><li>“Modeling and Optimization of a Novel Solar Parabolic Trough Plant Used for Industrial Process Heat That Utilizes Flexible Heat Integration” | J. Immonen, K. Mohammadi, K.M. Powell | American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Boston, MA, Nov. 2021; Nov 2021</li><li>“Industrial Battery Storage Dispatch and Optimization Using Gaussian Process Regression and Bayesian Decision Theory” | B. Billings, P. Smith, S. Smith, K.M. Powell | American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, Boston, MA, Nov. 2021; Nov 2021</li><li>“Optimizing the Use of Solar Industrial Process Heat through Flexible Heat Integration” | J. Immonen, K. Mohammadi, K.M. Powell | 3rd Solar Energy Systems Conference, Virtual Conference, Aug. 2021; Aug 2021</li><li>Automation Opportunities in the Manufacturing Sector to Improve Smart Grid Participation | Trends in Invigoration of Manufacturing and Engineering (TIME) by AIChE; Jul 2021</li><li>Maximizing Renewable Energy Resource Utilization through Hybridization and Systems Engineering | Joint Graduate Research Seminar | Brigham Young University and University of Utah Departments of Chemical Engineering; Apr 2021</li><li>“Leveraging the Manufacturing Sector As a Grid Asset through Demand Response – Four Real-World Case Studies” D. Machalek and K.M. Powell American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 2020; Nov 2020</li><li>“State-By-State Comparison of the Economic, Environmental, and Energy Impacts of Manufacturing Facilities Integrating Solar Photovoltaic or Combined Heat and Power Systems” D. Machalek and K.M. Powell American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 2020; Nov 2020</li><li>“Machine Learning Based Real-Time Optimization of Multi-Cell Industrial Evaporative Cooling Tower” L. Blackburn, J.F. Tuttle, K.M. Powell American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 2020; Nov 2020</li><li>“Comparison of Dynamic and Steady-State Machine Learning Based Optimization of a Coal-Fired Boiler” L. Blackburn, J.F. Tuttle, K.M. Powell American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 2020; Nov 2020</li><li>“Comparison of State-of-the-Art Dynamic Machine Learning Methods for MPC of Coal-Fired Utility Generator Performance” J.F. Tuttle, L. Blackburn, K.M. Powell American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 2020; Nov 2020</li><li>“Geographical Impact on Solar Utility and Levelized Cost in Flexible Hybrid CSP Plants” K. Ellingwood and K.M. Powell SolarPACES International, Albuquerque, NM, Sept. 2020; Sep 2020</li><li>“Proposal and Assessment of a Novel Multigeneration System Based On A Supercritical CO2 Brayton Cycle Driven By a Solar Power Tower Plant” K. Mohammadi and K.M. Powell SolarPACES International, Albuquerque, NM, Sept. 2020; Sep 2020</li><li>Dynamic Real-Time Optimization of a Coal-Fired Power Plant Using an Artificial Neural Network Model; Nov 2018</li><li>A Novel Dynamic Simulation Methodology for High Temperature Packed-Bed Thermal Energy Storage; Nov 2018</li><li>Synergistic Solar Hybrids Kody Powell Brigham Young University Chemical Engineering Graduate Seminar; Nov 2017</li><li>Synergistic Solar Hybrids Kody Powell University of Utah Chemical Engineering Graduate Seminar; Nov 2017</li><li>Overview of Industrial Energy Efficiency in Utah Energy Services Coalition Utah Chapter Meeting Salt Lake City, UT, USA ; Nov 2017</li><li>Maximizing the Output of a Solar and Natural Gas Hybrid Power Plant Using Real-Time Optimization Khalid Rashid and Kody M. Powell American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Conference 2017 Minneapolis, MN, USA; Nov 2017</li><li>Design and Dynamic Simulation of a Solar and Natural Gas Hybrid Power Plant to Investigate the Synergies of Hybridization American Institute of Chemical Engineers National Conference 2017 Minneapolis, MN; Nov 2017</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0362997" target="_blank"><strong>BRIAN JAMES MCPHERSON</a></strong></p><ul><li>Vega, C., Edelman, E., Handwerger, D., McCormack, K., McPherson, B. J., List, D., & Maxwell, G. (2023). Source rock analysis and Hydrocarbon migration using machine-learning derived parameters from petrophysical logs in the unconventional Cane Creek formation, Utah. AGU23.; Dec 2023</li><li>Huang, L., Sabin, A. E., McPherson, B. J., & Xiao, T. (2023, December). Achieving Net Zero Emissions with Geologic Carbon Storage and Geothermal Energy III Oral. In AGU23. AGU.; Dec 2023</li><li>Moodie, N., Szymanski, E., Dang, S. T., Rai, C. S., Parada, E. T., Berg, M. D. V., ... & McPherson, B. J. (2023). Geologic CO 2 Storage Site Characterization for Industrial Decarbonization in Iron County, Utah: CUSP Focused Project. AGU23.; Dec 2023</li><li>Xiao, T., Vega, C., Moodie, N., Berg, M. D. V., Blanchard, F., & McPherson, B. J. (2023). Uinta Basin CarbonSAFE Phase II: An Overview. AGU23.; Dec 2023</li><li>Supporting and Developing Commercial Carbon Storage Projects in the Western United States: The Carbon Utilization and Storage Partnership, Robert Balch, Brian McPherson, George El-Kaseeh, 2023/11/8, 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting; Nov 2023</li><li>Bakelli, Omar, Xiao, Ting, McPherson, Brian, and Mohamed Zinelabidine Doghmane. "Geomechanical Characterization of the Broom Creek Reservoir for Geologic Carbon Storage in the Williston Basin, North Dakota, U.S.." Paper presented at the International Geomechanics Symposium, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia, October 2023. doi:; Oct 2023</li><li>Dvory, N. Z., Smith, P. J., McCormack, K. L., Esser, R., and B. J. McPherson. "On the Path to Least Principal Stress Prediction: Quantifying the Impact of Borehole Logs on the Prediction Model." Paper presented at the 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 2023. doi:; Jun 2023</li><li>Vega-Ortiz, Carlos, Panja, Palash, Deo, Milind, and Brian McPherson. "Decline Curve Analysis Using Machine Learning Algorithms: RNN, LSTM, and GRU." Paper presented at the 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 2023. doi: ; Jun 2023</li><li>McCormack, K. L., Edelman, E., Moodie, N., McPherson, B. J., Paulsson, B., and R. He. "The Design of a Downhole Source Tomography Experiment for the Detection of CO2 Plumes in the Subsurface." Paper presented at the 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 2023. doi:; Jun 2023</li><li>Wu, Z., Edelman, E., Smith, P., Smith, S., Irons, T., & McPherson, B. (2023, June). Uncertainty Quantification of Young's Modulus on Core Scale: A Bayesian Analysis on a Comprehensive Geomechanical Model. In ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium (pp. ARMA-2023). ARMA.; Jun 2023</li><li>Moodie, N., Szymanski, E., Vanden Berg, M. D., & McPherson, B. J. (2022, December). Site Characterization for Geologic Carbon Storage of CO2 from a Direct Reduced Iron Plant. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. GC12E-0481).; Dec 2022</li><li> Balch, R., McPherson, B., Cather, M., & Esser, R. (2022, October). The Carbon Utilization and Storage Partnership of the Western United States. In Proceedings of the 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-16) (pp. 22-24).; Oct 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0541763" target="_blank"><strong>JöRG RüGEMER</a></strong></p><ul><li>The Kunga ADU Design Build. Salt Lake City, Utah. Invited 110th ACSA Annual Meeting conference award presentation for developing, directing and teaching the first realized Design+Build Salt Lake project for a 70 m2 high-performance Accessory Dwelling Unit for a client in wheelchair. Presented within the session: Health: Healing Environments across a Programmatic Spectrum.; May 2022</li><li>Site Net Zero Contemporegional Architecture – The Barn Haus in Utah. Conference poster presentation for the development, design and construction of a site-net-zero energy residential building in Holladay, Utah.; Apr 2021</li><li>ARCC 2021 International Conference: Performative Environments, virtual: Development and Construction of The Field of Dream EcoCommunity, Salt Lake City, Utah. Conference poster presentation for the masterplanning, development and design of a micro-neighborhood consisting of 20 innovative, highly energy-efficient and cost effective housing units for the affordable housing market.; Apr 2021</li><li>The Field of Dream EcoCommunity in Kearns. Salt Lake City, Utah. Invited 109th ACSA Annual Meeting conference award presentation for the masterplanning, development and design of a micro-neighborhood consisting of 20 innovative, highly energy-efficient and cost effective housing units for the affordable housing market.; Mar 2021</li><li>Sustainability, Resilience and Social Justice at the Intersection of Architectural Education, Research and Creative Practice. University of Arizona School of Architecture, Tucson, AZ. Invited lecturer.; Feb 2020</li><li>Sustainability, Resilience and Social Justice as a Driver towards better-built Environments. University of Maryland School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Maryland, MD. Invited lecturer.; Feb 2020</li><li>Architecture can save the World – AJR The Works 2020: Invited lecture on resilient design stratgies in professional practice, FFKR Architect, Salt Lake City, Utah. Invited lecturer.; Feb 2020</li><li>Resilience and Social Justice as a Framework for Architectural Education, Research and Practice. Penn State University, Stuckeman School For Architecture, State Park, PA. Invited lecturer.; Feb 2020</li><li>The Aster Eco Farm and Village Concept and Masterplan: Invited lecture at the 2019 Aster Impact / Aster Village Board Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, and the City of Križevci, Croatia.; Dec 2019 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">CROATIA</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0556171" target="_blank"><strong>JOSHUA LENART</a></strong></p><ul><li>J.Lenart, A Feasibility Assessment of Infrastructure Development on Rural Communities, Resources, and the Environment on Federal Public Lands outside Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments. International Association for Society and Natural Resources; Snowbird, UT: June 2018 ; Jun 2018 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">EUROPE</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">NORTH AMERICA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">SOUTH AMERICA</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0607793" target="_blank"><strong>JOHN DAVID MCLENNAN</a></strong></p><ul><li>McLennan, J. and England, K. 2023. Utah FORGE: Recent Drilling and Circulation Testing, FORGE Modeling and Simulation Forum, August 16.; Aug 2023</li><li>McLennan, J.D. 2019. FORGE in 2019. 2019 ARMA-CUPB Geothermal International Conference, August 5-8, Beijing, China.; Aug 2019 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">CHINA</span></li><li>McLennan, J. 2019. Basic Geomechanics Considerations in Drilling Geothermal Wells, 2019 ARMA-CUPB Geothermal International Conference, August 5-8, Beijing.; Aug 2019 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">CHINA</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0631295" target="_blank"><strong>MIKE SCARPULLA</a></strong></p><ul><li>M.A. Scarpulla, et al. Photoluminescence and disorder in CdTe thin films CSU / First Solar CdTe Workshop, virtual, Oct (2020) ; Oct 2020</li><li>M.A. Scarpulla, et al. As doping & lifetime in single crystal CdTe and effects of Grain Boundaries at Back Contacts CSU / First Solar CdTe Workshop, Golden, CO (2019) ; Oct 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0752257" target="_blank"><strong>SHELLEY D MINTEER</a></strong></p><ul><li>S.D. Minteer, “Electrocatalytic Cascades for Energy Conversion and Electrosynthesis Applications,” University of Rome Tor Vergata Chemistry Department Seminar, Rome, Italy, September 10, 2018. (invited); Sep 2018 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">ITALY</span></li><li>S.D. Minteer, “Electrocatalytic Cascades for Energy Conversion and Electrosynthesis Applications,” International Society of Electrochemistry Annual Meeting, Bologna, Italy, September 5, 2018. (invited plenary); Sep 2018 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">ITALY</span></li><li>S.D. Minteer, “Electrocatalytic cascades for energy conversion and electrosynthesis,” American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, MA, August 21, 2018. (invited); Aug 2018</li><li>S.D. Minteer, “Designing organic redox polymers for energy applications,” American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, MA, August 20, 2018. (invited); Aug 2018</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0791084" target="_blank"><strong>JOHN CHUN-HAN LIN</a></strong></p><ul><li>The CO2-Urban Synthesis and Analysis (CO2-USA) Project & Report from Initial Workshop, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, New Orleans. ; Dec 2017</li><li>Estimating urban carbon emissions in the “Smart City” age: new approaches, measurement systems, and data streams, 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Interlaken, Switzerland.; Aug 2017 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">CANADA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">SWITZERLAND</span></li><li>The Greenhouse Gas-Air Quality nexus: experiences from the western U.S., Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany.; Jun 2016 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GERMANY</span></li><li>Salt Lake City Urban Greenhouse Gas Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Apr 2016</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0906188" target="_blank"><strong>TABITHA M. BENNEY</a></strong></p><ul><li>“Low Carbon Energy Transitions in the Westphalian System,” International Studies Association, Las Vegas NV (April 2021).; Apr 2021</li><li>“Social and Behavioral Perspectives on Negative Emission Technologies,” Carbon Storage in the Built Environment, University of Utah ; Dec 2019</li><li>• “China: A Global Renewable Energy Fulcrum?” Energy Transitions: Governing Unconventional Gas, Renewables and the Energy-Environment Nexus, the PLuS Alliance Workshop, UNSW Law, Sydney, Australia; Feb 2019 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">CHINA</span></li><li>“Innovations in Comparative Capitalism" Working Group Co-Convener, International Studies Association Conference, San Francisco, CA ; Apr 2018 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">AFRICA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">EASTERN EUROPE</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">EGYPT</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">TUNISIA</span></li><li>“Renewable Energy in Emerging and Developing Economies” Innovations in Comparative Capitalism, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT ; Sep 2017</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0907633" target="_blank"><strong>AMANDA D. SMITH</a></strong></p><ul><li>Displacing Centralized Energy Systems: Connecting People with Buildings, Energy Conversion, and the Broader Environment. Entrepreneurial Faculty Scholars Retreat, University of Utah.; Oct 2017</li><li>Non-refereed conference paper presented by Kaden Plewe: Modeling Temporal Variation in Externalities Related to Electricity Purchases for Buildings. Energy Policy Research Conference, Park City, UT. ; Sep 2017</li><li>Non-refereed conference paper presented by Carlo Bianchi: Introduction of an innovative tool for manipulation, visualization, customization and conversion of building energy simulations weather data. Energy Policy Research Conference, Park City, UT.; Sep 2017</li><li>Non-refereed conference paper presented by Thomas Tran: Thermo-economic Analysis of Residential Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems with Integrated Energy Storage and Their Impacts toward Electrical Distribution Networks. Energy Policy Research Conference, Park City, UT.; Sep 2017</li><li>Non-refereed conference paper presented by Jaron Peck: Impacts of Increased Penetration of Renewable Power Generation on Water Use in the State of Utah. Energy Policy Research Conference, Park City, UT.; Sep 2017</li><li>Non-refereed conference paper presented by Zahra Fallahi: Economic and Emission Saving Benefits of Utilizing Demand Response and Distributed Renewables in Microgrids. Energy Policy Research Conference, Park City, UT.; Sep 2017</li><li>Student Poster Presentation: T.D. Tran and A.D. Smith, “Performance Analysis for Pressure Retarded Osmosis.” Intermountain Sustainability Summit (People’s Choice award winner), Weber State University, Ogden, UT.; Mar 2017</li><li>Data Science to Decode Building Behavior. School of Computing Data Group Seminar, University of Utah.; Feb 2017</li><li>Student Poster Presentation: Z. Fallahi and A.D. Smith, “Emissions Associated with Energy Efficiency Retrofits in Commercial Buildings.” Global Change and Sustainability Center Research Symposium, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.; Feb 2017</li><li>Student Poster Presentation: A. Rahman and A.D. Smith, “Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Building Energy Prediction.” Utah Data Science Day (Honorable Mention award winner), University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.; Jan 2017</li><li>"Urban Energy Demands, Air Quality, and Associated Health Impacts Under a Changing Climate,” with Daniel Mendoza. Salt Lake County Climate Variability and Health Symposium, West Jordan, UT.; Apr 2016</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0955236" target="_blank"><strong>SHANE JAMES MACFARLAN</a></strong></p><ul><li>Macfarlan, SJ. 2022. Human-Ecosystem Dynamics on the Forgotten Peninsula: A Historical, Demographic, and Ethnographic Exploration of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Evolution of Social Complexity Colloquium. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ.; Mar 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">MEXICO</span></li><li>Macfarlan, SJ & Davis C. 2022. Birth Seasonality, Neonate Health, and Climate Change. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT.; Mar 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">MEXICO</span></li><li>Macfarlan, SJ. 2022. Human-Ecosystem Dynamics on the Forgotten Peninsula: A Historical, Demographic, and Ethnographic Exploration of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Global Change & Sustainability Center Seminar. University of Utah. Salt Lake City, UT. ; Feb 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">MEXICO</span></li><li>Macfarlan, SJ & Davis C. 2021. The North American Monsoon, Seasonal Energy Flux, and Birth Seasonality in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Utah Demography Summit. University of Utah. Salt Lake City, UT.; Nov 2021 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">MEXICO</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0986341" target="_blank"><strong>SARA K. YEO</a></strong></p><ul><li>Yeo, S. K., Cacciatore, M. A., Freiling, I., McKasy, M., Su, L. Y.-F., Siskind, S. R., & Caven, J. (2023, December). That’s funny: The role of humor in risk and benefit perceptions and support for geothermal energy. Annual Conference of the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA), Washington, DC.; Dec 2023</li><li>Global Change and Sustainability Center (GCSC) Seminar Series; Apr 2018</li><li>Invited Keynote Panelist, Annual Conference of the Public Communication of Science and Technology Network (PCST); Apr 2018</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6001488" target="_blank"><strong>MASOOD PARVANIA</a></strong></p><ul><li>Masood Parvania, "Coordinated Operation of Power, Water and Electrified Transportation Infrastructures in Smart Cities," IEEE International Symposium on Advanced Electrical and Communication Technologies, Rabat, Morocco, November 2018.; Nov 2018 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">MOROCCO</span></li><li>Masood Parvania, "Optimizing Water Energy Flexibility in Water Distribution Systems," 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, October 22, 2017.; Oct 2017</li><li>Masood Parvania, "Continuous-time Scheduling and Pricing of Energy Storage in Electricity Markets Operations," Electrical Energy Storage Applications and Technologies (EESAT), San Diego, CA, October 11-13, 2017.; Oct 2017</li><li>Masood Parvania, "Challenges and Solutions for Demand Response and Energy Storage Integration into Power Market Operations," 20th Electric Market Forecasting Conference, Las Vegas, NV, September 7, 2017.; Sep 2017</li><li>Masood Parvania, Roohallah Khatami, "Continuous-time Marginal Price of Electricity," 2017 IEEE PES General Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 2017; Jul 2017</li><li>Masood Parvania, "Continuous-time Flexibility Scheduling in Power Systems," Panel Session on Power System Flexibility: Challenges and Enhancement Solutions, 2017 IEEE PES General Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 2017.; Jul 2017</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6002212" target="_blank"><strong>SUMMER BURTON RUPPER</a></strong></p><ul><li>High Mountain Asia Research and Practice Dialogue Workshop, Keynote Address, Kathmandu, Nepal; May 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">BHUTAN</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">CHINA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">INDIA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">NEPAL</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6003430" target="_blank"><strong>ROSEANNE WARREN</a></strong></p><ul><li>Adira Colton, Olivia Young, Talha Razaulla, Roseanne Warren, and Ryan D. Sochol, “Toward Deterministic Lateral Displacement-Based Continuous-Flow Microfluidic Particle Reactors via Direct Laser Writing,” Proceedings of the 20th Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2022), Hilton Head Island, SC, USA. (Accepted); Mar 2022</li><li>Virginia Diaz and Roseanne Warren, "Dissolvable Conducting Polymers for Electrochemical Energy Storage," Proceedings of the 231st ECS Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 2017.; Jun 2017</li><li>High Energy Density Metal Oxide and Conducting Polymer Supercapacitors, Invited seminar, Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD, May 11, 2016.; May 2016</li><li>Roseanne Warren and Liwei Lin, "Performance Limitations in Resistive-Capacitive Porous Supercapacitor Electrodes," Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference, pp. 1208-1211, Shanghai, China, Jan. 2016 (Poster presentation).; Jan 2016</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6008459" target="_blank"><strong>MOSTAFA ARDAKANI</a></strong></p><ul><li>M. Sahraei-Ardakani, J. Chen, M. Liu, and S. Yusaf, “Developing broadband infrastructure in the Navajo Nation: challenges and possible solutions,” Utah RF Day, University of Utah, September 2022. ; Sep 2022</li><li>M. Sahraei-Ardakani, J. Chen, M. Liu, and S. Yusaf, “Energy and broadband infrastructure in US Native communities: The case of Navajo Nation,” NSF SRS RN Network: Connecting Rural and Urban Environments for Equitable Access to Transportation, Telecommunications and Energy (CREEATTE), University of Tennessee—Knoxville, August 2022.; Aug 2022</li><li>M. Liu and M. Sahraei-Ardakani, “Connecting Diné Communities: Challenges, Opportunities, and Pathways,” IEEE PES General Meeting 2022, July 2022, Denver, CO, USA.; Jul 2022</li><li>M. Sahraei-Ardakani, M. Liu, and S. Yusaf, “Access to electricity in US native communities: The case of Navajo Nation,” Energy and Climate Transformations: 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science, Manchester, UK, June 2022.; Jun 2022</li><li>M. Sahraei-Ardakani and F. Mohammadi, “Enhancing Scalability of Stochastic Unit Commitment during Extreme Weather using Machine Learning,” INFORMS Annual Meeting 2020.; Nov 2020</li><li>M. Sahraei-Ardakani, F. Mohammadi, and G. Ou, “Integration of Severe Weather Forecast Data in Grid Operation,” IEEE PES General Meeting 2020, August 2020, Montreal, Canada.; Aug 2020</li><li>M. Sahraei-Ardakani, F. Mohammadi, and G. Ou, “Machine Learning Assisted Preventive Stochastic Unit Commitment,” Increasing Market and Planning Efficiency Through Software, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, June 2020, Washington, DC, USA.; Jun 2020</li><li>M. Sahraei-Ardakani, G. Ou, and Z. Pu, "An Integrated Platform for Preventive Power System Operation during Hurricanes," HurriCon, East Carolina University, February 2020.; Feb 2020</li><li>F. Mohammadi and M. Sahraei-Ardakani, “Scalable Stochastic Unit Commitment During Hurricanes,” INFORMS Annual Meeting 2019, Seattle, WA, USA.; Nov 2019</li><li>Y. Sang and M. Sahraei-Ardakani, “Effective Power Flow Control Via Distributed FACTS Considering Future Uncertainties,” INFORMS Annual Meeting 2019, Seattle, WA, USA.; Nov 2019</li><li>M. Sahraei-Ardakani, F. Mohammadi, G. Ou, and Z. Pu, “Scalable Preventive Unit Commitment for Operation during Extreme Weather,” Increasing Market and Planning Efficiency Through Software, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Jun. 2019, Washington, DC, USA.; Jun 2019</li><li>M. Sahraei-Ardakani and Y. Sang, “Optimal Portfolio of Power Flow Control Technologies: Topology and Impedance Control,” INFORMS Annual Meeting 2018, Phoenix, AZ, USA; Nov 2018</li><li>M. Sahraei-Ardakani and Y. Sang, “Coordinated Planning and Operation of M-FACTS and Transmission Switching,” 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Jul. 2018, Bordeaux, France; Jul 2018</li><li>M. Sahraei-Ardakani, “Enhanced Operation of Power Flow Controllers through Efficient Algorithms,” 2018 IEEE T&D Conference and Exposition, April 2018, Denver, CO; Apr 2018</li><li>M. Sahraei-Ardakani and Ge Ou “Preventive Power System Operation During Hurricanes,” Increasing Market and Planning Efficiency Through Software, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Jun. 2018, Washington, DC, USA.; Jun 2017</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6008542" target="_blank"><strong>MICHAEL NIGRA</a></strong></p><ul><li>Verma, C.; Brindle, J.; Nigra, M.M.; “Cooperative Catalysis for Selective Oxidation with Hybrid Gold Nanoparticle Enzyme Materials” AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL; Nov 2019</li><li>Kapil, N.; Nigra, M.M.; Coppens, M.-O.; “Atomically Precise Gold Clusters with Modulated Ligand and Support Environment for Oxidation Catalysis” AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL; Nov 2019</li><li>Brindle, J.; Nigra, M.M.; “Gold Bimetallic Nanoparticles for Applications in Selective Oxidation Catalysis” AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL; Nov 2019</li><li>Brindle, J.; Nelson, P.; Verma, C.; Nigra, M.M.; “Cooperative oxidation catalysis with hybrid gold nanoparticle-oxidase materials” 26th North American Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society, Chicago, IL; Jun 2019</li><li>Brindle, J.; Nigra, M.M.; “Gold-copper bimetallic clusters for application in selective oxidation” 26th North American Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society, Chicago, IL; Jun 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6017639" target="_blank"><strong>JULIET CARLISLE</a></strong></p><ul><li>"Representational Congruence, Constituency Groups, and Environmental Policy" (with Jim Curry and Jerry Stott). Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, San Francisco California; Apr 2023</li><li>"A Polarizing Climate? A Study of Environmental Attitudes Over Time" with April K. Clark. Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Montreal, QC, Canada; Oct 2022</li><li>"Representational Congruence, Constituency Groups, and Environmental Policy" (with Jim Curry and Jerry Stott). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association; Sep 2022</li><li>"Representational Congruence, Constituency Groups, and Environmental Policy" (with Jim Curry and Jerry Stott). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association.; Mar 2022</li><li>"Representational Congruence, Constituency Groups, and Environmental Policy" (with Jim Curry and Jerry Stott). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association; Oct 2021</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6025239" target="_blank"><strong>SU SHIN</a></strong></p><ul><li>Ji, H., & Shin, S. H. Health impacts of local governments’ sustainability programs: A multilevel analysis of individuals’ health conditions. The 2019 Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Fall Research Conference, Denver, CO, November 2019. (Peer-reviewed) ; Nov 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6025401" target="_blank"><strong>ROBERT G. PARKER</a></strong></p><ul><li>X. Li, C.-A. Chien, S. Chen, Q. Xiong, J. Huang, S. Lambert, J. Keller, R. G. Parker, and L. Zuo, Dynamic characterization and performance evaluation of a 10kW power take-off with mechanical motion rectifier for wave energy conversion, 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, paper 1534, Plymouth, United Kingdom, September 2021.; Sep 2021</li><li>X. Li, Q. Xiong, C.-A. Chien, B. Jiang, S. Chen, K. Ngo, R. G. Parker, and L. Zuo, Comparative Study and Test on a Wave Energy Point Absorber Under Various Constraints, 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, paper 1534, Napoli, Italy, September 2019.; Sep 2019</li><li>S. Chen, B. Jiang, X. Li, Q. Xiong, J. Huang, R. G. Parker, and L. Zuo, Design and Dynamics of Hybrid Wave and Current Energy Converter, ASME 31st Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, paper IDETC2019-98040, Anaheim, August 2019.; Aug 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6027239" target="_blank"><strong>ANGELA L ROBINSON</a></strong></p><ul><li>“Renewable Plantations: Blackbirding, Biofuel, and Black and Indigenous Environmental Justice," Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, May 12-14, Virtual.; Feb 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">OCEANIA</span></li><li>“Dispossession: Oceania,” Symposium Panelist for Plantation After/Lives: Roots, Routes, and Relations. University of Texas, Austin, April 29, Virtual.; Apr 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6036839" target="_blank"><strong>SHAHRZAD ROSHANKHAH</a></strong></p><ul><li>Pre-Failure to Post-Failure behavioral spectrum of jointed rock slopes GeoCongress 2023; Mar 2023</li><li>Tailoring Fracture Network Evolution and Response of Civil, Energy, and Environmental Geosystems, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign ; Mar 2023</li><li>Tailoring Fracture Network Evolution and Response of Civil, Energy, and Environmental Geosystems, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University; Mar 2023</li><li>Tailoring Fracture Network Evolution and Response of Civil, Energy, and Environmental Geosystems, ARMA Future Leader Lecture Series; Feb 2023</li><li>Fracture Network Evolution and Response of Civil, Energy, and Environmental Geosystems, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Utah ; Jan 2023</li><li>Seismic Behavior of Naturally Fractured Rocks involved in Deep Geo-energy Applications The 3rd International Conference on Coupled Processes in Fractured Geological Media; Nov 2022</li><li>Hydraulic Fractures in Homogeneous Reservoirs Bounded by Layers of Other Rocks The 56th US Rock Mechanics and Geomechanics Symposium; Jun 2022</li><li>Behavior of Pre-fractured Rocks subjected to Hydraulic Fracturing with Respect to the Permeability of the Rock Matrix using Finite-Discrete Element Modeling The 2nd International Conference on Energy Geotechnics; Apr 2022</li><li>Thermo-Mechanical Response of Layered Rocks upon Single-Mode Microwave Treatment The 2nd International Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA/DGS/SEG; Nov 2021</li><li>Geo-engineering for Modern Energy Geo-systems CEE, University of Utah; Mar 2021</li><li>Geo-engineering for Modern Energy Geo-systems CEE, Auburn University; Feb 2021</li><li>Geo-engineering for Modern Energy Geo-systems CEE, University of Houston; Jan 2021</li><li>Characteristics of Hydraulic Fractures in Terms of the Matrix Permeability and the Natural Fracture Density The 1st International Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA/DGS/SEG; Nov 2020</li><li>Geo-engineering for Modern Energy Geo-systems CEE, Stony Brook University; Mar 2020</li><li>Fabric-dependent Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Pre-fractured Rocks GeoCongress 2020; Feb 2020</li><li>Geo-engineering for Modern Energy Geo-systems CEE, Rutgers University; Feb 2020</li><li>Geo-engineering for Modern Energy Geo-systems CEE, North Carolina State University; Jan 2020</li><li>High-Resolution Monitoring and Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures in Rocks Shell Oil Company, Houston, TX; May 2019</li><li>Laboratory and Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures in Shale Geophysical Society of Houston; May 2019</li><li>Tailoring the Behavior of Geomaterials to Design Sustainable Geo-Energy Infrastructure CEE, University of Akron; Mar 2019</li><li>Designing Sustainable Geo-Energy Infrastructure CEE, Drexel University; Mar 2019</li><li>Tailoring the Behavior of geomaterials to Design Sustainable Geo-Energy Infrastructure CEE, University of California, Irvine; Nov 2018</li><li>Geo-Engineering for Sustainable Energy Infrastructure CEE, University of California Los Angeles; May 2018</li><li>Engineered Geosystems for Sustainable Energy and the Environment CEE, California State Polytechnic University Pomona; Mar 2016</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6037015" target="_blank"><strong>MING LEE TANG</a></strong></p><ul><li>3rd International Symposium on Singlet Fission and Photon Fusion, Università Milano Bicocca, Italy; Oct 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">ITALY</span></li><li>American Chemical Society (ACS) spring national meeting in San Diego (Mar. 2022) Florida State Univ. GSSPC, "Illuminating the Field of Photophysics: 101 Years of Michael Kasha"; Mar 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6037332" target="_blank"><strong>AJLA AKSAMIJA</a></strong></p><ul><li>“Regenerative Design: Achieving Net-Zero Energy in Existing Buildings through Energy-Efficient Retrofits”, Transforming the Built Environment: Accelerating Circular and Digital Transition Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey; Nov 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>“Decarbonizing the Built Environment: Improving Building Performance through Regenerative Design”, AIA Building Performance Knowledge Community; Nov 2023</li><li>“Facades Education: From High-Perfomance Building Envelope Design to Integrated Building Technology Courses”, Facades Tectonics Institute Education Forum; May 2023</li><li>“Thermal Behavior and Moisture Transport in High-Performance Facades: Design Considerations", Ceraclad Special Event; Dec 2022</li><li>“Innovations in High-Performance Facade Systems”, BIM4TURKEY; Nov 2022</li><li>“Sustainable Retrofit Strategies for an Existing Laboratory Building: Analysis of Building Performance”, Facade World Congress 2022, Los Angeles, CA, October 12-13.; Oct 2022</li><li>“Novel Active Facade Systems and Energy Performance of Commercial Buildings: Impact of Thermoelectric Materials on Heating and Cooling in Different Climates”, Facade World Congress 2022, Los Angeles, CA, October 12-13. ; Oct 2022</li><li>"Decarbonizing the Built Environment for Sustainable Future”, International Conference on Sustainable Development ICSD 2022, Symposia on Designing Smart, Inclusive and Resilient Cities, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, June 23-26; Jun 2022</li><li>“Sustainable and High-Performance Facades: A Decade of Educational Programs”, European Facade Network Conference: Teaching Facades for a Sustainable Future, Lisbon, Portugal.; Jun 2022</li><li>“Thermoelectric Facades: Modelling Procedure and Comparative Analysis of Energy Performance in Various Climate Conditions”, Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) 2022 Conference, May 23. ; May 2022</li><li>"Decarbonizing Built Environment through Regenerative Design: Achieving Net-Zero Energy in Existing Buildings", Designing Carbon Neutral Cities Symposium, Urban Design Utah/AIA Utah, April 12. ; Apr 2022</li><li>“Decarbonizing Built Environment: High-Performance Retrofits of Existing Buildings”, Symposium on Circular Economy in Architecture; Nov 2021</li><li>“Facades’ Impact on Buildings’ Energy Consumption and Occupants’ Comfort", High-Performance Facades Workshop; Jan 2021</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6038724" target="_blank"><strong>NO'AM ZACH DVORY</a></strong></p><ul><li>2023 ARMA Future Leader Webinar Series The Paradox Basin as a field lab for salt rock integrity studies The Paradox Basin in Utah and Colorado presents a promising energy landscape, offering opportunities for carbon dioxide storage, hydrocarbon discovery, and enhanced recovery. This dynamic region features exten-sive salt formations and complex subsurface structures. However, it also experiences induced seismicity linked to fluid injection. Our research delves into geomechanics, focusing on the Paradox Gr. and the Cane Creek Play, to optimize processes like hydraulic fracturing. Understanding stress states, natural fractures, and the basin's unique geology is key to sustainable energy development. Our findings point towards the critical role of stress states in hydraulic fracturing, emphasizing the significance of understanding stress layering and frac-ture toughness for fracture propagation. Crucially, in the Paradox Formation, preventing fractures from enter-ing thick salt formations, which result in costly well clogging due to brine backflow, is essential. Using ad-vanced "planar fracture modeling," we simulated fracture propagation and formulated strategies to manage fracture lengths, while also analyzing the importance of fluid viscosity in hydraulic fracturing. Utilizing a comprehensive dataset from the State 16-2 vertical test well and the State 16-2 LN horizontal well, we deter-mined the stress orientations and identified a strike-slip faulting regime. By evaluating the shear and normal effective stresses on various fracture planes and their distance to failure, we were able to predict the behavior of fractures under certain pressure conditions. Considering the potential influence of stress shadows, our anal-ysis underscores the importance of accurately defining the stress state. We identified that modest pore pressure increases primarily induce slip in strike-slip faults in the Cane Creek Play. Furthermore, the study highlights the variability of the minimum principal stress with depth and its relationship to specific stratigraphic units, emphasizing the significance of understanding stress layering to optimize stimulation strategies. This research offers an in-depth analysis of the geomechanics of the Paradox Group and the Cane Creek Play, shedding light on fracture propagation into salt units. Understanding the intricate interplay between stress states, hydraulic fracturing, and the formation's unique geological attributes is essential for efficient and sustainable extraction in the future.; Nov 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>GUSSOW 2023 - Geomechanics for Sustainable Energy Development, Banff, AB CEGA - Canadian Energy Geoscience association What Insights Can InSAR Provide on Fracture Dynamics? Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a cutting-edge technique enabling highly precise measurement of ground deformation within reservoir spaces. Notably, concentric land subsidence due to depletion processes and long-term injection-induced uplifts are key observations that offer potential links to poroelastic stress responses along stress paths (Dvory and Zoback, 2021). In addition, extensive lineaments extending over tens of kilometers have been identified as a distinct ground deformation feature. In regions such as the southern Delaware Basin, these lineaments correspond to normal faults in formations like the Delaware Mountain Group (Hennings et al., 2021). Employing inverse analysis, it becomes possible to assess the cumulative slip responsible for triggering such ground deformations (Pepin et al., 2021). Intriguingly, in certain cases, such as the seismically active area of the southern Delaware Basin (Sheng et al., 2020), the substantial slip (>15cm) observed cannot be solely explained by unstable frictional responses (Dvory et al., 2022). We adopt the rate state theory to simulate aseismic slip magnitude. Our findings indicate that slip initiation correlates with a pore pressure rise of 1–2 MPa, persisting for a duration of three to five years, during which pressure subsequently increases by an additional 5 MPa (see Figure 1). In our focus on aseismic slip and informed by experimental data, we set direct effect and state evolution parameters to a = 0.01 and b = 0.009, representing a velocity-strengthening behavior (a-b > 0). Another significant outcome of our analysis is the reduction of the frictional coefficient, particularly concerning normal stress over faults. This process enhances pre-slip dilatancy along fault surfaces, potentially diminishing the inclination for aseismic slip and facilitating the diffusion of pore pressure away from the injection site (Dvory et al., 2023) ; Oct 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>University of Calgary Exploring Energy Opportunities in the Paradox Basin: A Geomechanical Perspective ; Oct 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure - Israel Water Authority CO2 underground storage ; Aug 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">ISRAEL</span></li><li>Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure - Israel Water Authority CO2 underground storage ; Aug 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">ISRAEL</span></li><li>ARMA 23–0510 On the Path to Least Principal Stress Prediction: Quantifying the Impact of Borehole Logs on the Prediction Model Knowledge of the minimum horizontal principal stress (Shmin) is essential for geo-energy utilization. Shmin direct measurements are costly, involve high-risk operations, and provide only discrete values of the required quantity. Other methods were developed to interpret a continuous stress sequence from sonic logs. These methods usually require some ‘horizontal tectonic stress’ correction for calibration and rarely match sections characterized by stress profiling due to viscoelastic stress relaxation. Recently, several studies have tried to predict the stress profile by an empirical correlation corresponding to an average strain rate through geologic time or by using machine learning technologies. Here, we used the Bayesian Physics-Based Machine Learning framework to identify the relationships among the viscoelastic parameter distributions and to quantify statistical uncertainty. More specifically, we used well logs data and ISIP measurements to quantify the uncertainty of the viscoelastic-dependent stress profile model. Our results show that the linear regression approach suffers from higher uncertainty, and the Gaussian process regression Shmin prediction shows a relatively smaller uncertainty distribution. Extracting the lithology logs from the prediction model improves each method's uncertainty distribution. We show that the density and the porosity logs have a superior correlation to the viscoplastic stress relaxation behavior.; Jun 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>SSA San Juan Puerto Rico Adaptive model selection for the maximum magnitude event during injection Kevin L. McCormack and No’am Z. Dvory As injection of fluids into the subsurface becomes more common, the need for a technique to assess the maximum magnitude of induced events (Mmax) becomes more pressing. There are some models in the literature (e.g., uncalibrated moment cap, calibrated moment cap, statistical formulation, residual moment, and convolutional) that relate the cumulative injection to the Mmax. These models incorporate different site characteristics and physics such as seismogenic index, Gutenberg-Richter b-value, pore pressure diffusion, and moment release. We hypothesize that the model that best describes a certain injection operation may vary during the course of the injection. In fact, the seismic response ranges from mild due to aseismic slip and up to hazardous as dynamic runaway rupture behaviors is developed. Thus, we present a dynamic calculation of the Mmax predictive model. The injection might take the form of deep saline carbon dioxide sequestration, enhanced oil recovery, hydrogen storage, or stimulation of a reservoir. The processes associated with each of these scenarios are different, and we conduct a comparison between the enhanced oil recovery operations at the Farnsworth, TX site and the stimulation of the enhanced geothermal reservoir at the Utah FORGE site in Milford, UT. The results show that no one model describes the two injection projects the best. Rather, dynamically updating the model based on a misfit calculation between observed seismicity and the tested models allows the operator to incorporate the physics and site characteristics that are most applicable for the injection. The best fitting model is used for the prediction and down the road, for risk management and mitigation. ; Apr 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6042594" target="_blank"><strong>AURORA EVELYN CLARK</a></strong></p><ul><li>National Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, MA; Dec 2023</li><li>Department of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University; Nov 2023</li><li>National Meeting of the American Vacuum Society, Portland, OR; Nov 2023</li><li>Department of Chemistry, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo; Nov 2023</li><li>Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, Conference on Interfaces and Mixing in Fluids, Plasmas and Materials, UC Santa Barbara ; Oct 2023</li><li>Department of Chemistry, Boise State University; Oct 2023</li><li>Department of Computer Science, Boise State University; Oct 2023</li><li>Goldschmidt Conference, Lyon France (virtual); Jul 2023</li><li>Webinar, Center for Enhanced Nanofluidic Transport EFRC; Jun 2023</li><li>Webinar, Center for Enhanced Nanofluidic Transport EFRC; Jun 2023</li><li>Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, Complex Scientific Workflows at Extreme Conditions, UCLA ; May 2023</li><li>At the Tipping Point: A Future of Fused Chemical and Data Science, 8th Centenary Year Celebration Series Lecutre of Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi; Sep 2022</li><li>Solution Chemistry in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle – Challenges and Progress in Modeling, Simulation and Data Science, Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry, DAE Convention Center, Mumbai India; Sep 2022</li><li>Bayesian Markov State Model Reveals Conformational Dependent Solvation Alters Amphiphile Self-Assembly, National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, CATL, Open Source Software in Catalysis; Aug 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6043205" target="_blank"><strong>MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER LOW</a></strong></p><ul><li>“Copying California: The Water Prince and the Cold War Roots of Saudi Mega Projects,” Middle East Studies Association, Montreal, 3 November 2023.; Nov 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">SAUDI ARABIA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">UNITED STATES</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6044690" target="_blank"><strong>ISABELLE FREILING</a></strong></p><ul><li>Yeo, S. K., Cacciatore, M. A., Freiling, I., McKasy, M., Su, L. Y.-F., Siskind, S. R., & Caven, J. (2023, December 13). That’s Funny: The Role of Humor in Risk and Benefit Perceptions and Support for Geothermal Energy. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) conference, Washington, D.C.; Dec 2023</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6044904" target="_blank"><strong>DEISY CRISTINA CARVALHO FERNANDES</a></strong></p><ul><li>Carbon Conference; Jul 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><h4>Teaching</h4><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0029069" target="_blank"><strong>GREGORY E SMOAK</a></strong></p><ul><li>Dark Skies Studies Minor; Jan 2019 to Dec 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0030088" target="_blank"><strong>GABRIEL A LOZADA</a></strong></p><ul><li>Econ. 5250/6250 (Environmental and Natural Resource Economics): Videos and Old Exam Answers; Aug 2021 to Dec 2021</li><li>Online Econ. 3250: second half; Mar 2020 to Apr 2021</li><li>Index for Old Exam Questions and Answers, Econ. 5250; Sep 2016 to Nov 2016</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0505722" target="_blank"><strong>SUDEEP KANUNGO</a></strong></p><ul><li>Small group teaching to geologists, geophysicists, and geochemists in Repsol S.A., Madrid, Spain. Course Title: Applications of Bio-chronostratigraphy in South Atlantic exploration. No. of attendees: 7 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">SPAIN</span></li><li>One-day workshop on "South Atlantic Chronostratigraphy and Petroleum Systems" delivered to Statoil in Stavanger, Norway. No. of attendees: 10 (Statoil geologists) <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">NORWAY</span></li></ul><h4>Internal Service</h4><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0133977" target="_blank"><strong>GABRIEL J BOWEN</a></strong></p><ul><li>Steering Committee, SIRFER stable isotope facility; Jan 2013 to Dec 2018</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0243233" target="_blank"><strong>BRENDA BOWEN</a></strong></p><ul><li>Co-Chair of University of Presidential Utah Climate Commitment Task Force ; Aug 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0264201" target="_blank"><strong>JOHN RUPLE</a></strong></p><ul><li>Wallace Stegner Center Advisory Committee; Oct 2008</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0791084" target="_blank"><strong>JOHN CHUN-HAN LIN</a></strong></p><ul><li>Working Group on Undergraduate Research; Aug 2018 to Dec 2018</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0906188" target="_blank"><strong>TABITHA M. BENNEY</a></strong></p><ul><li>“Energy Equity and the Obstacles to Energy Resilience in Vulnerable Communities.” ; Jul 2022 to Jun 2023</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0975578" target="_blank"><strong>PETER C. LIPPERT</a></strong></p><ul><li>Global Change & Sustainability Center Student Travel and Research Grant Review Committee ; Nov 2016</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6001488" target="_blank"><strong>MASOOD PARVANIA</a></strong></p><ul><li>Center for Ecological Planning and Design; Aug 2019</li><li>Presidential Climate Commitment Task Force; Jul 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6008459" target="_blank"><strong>MOSTAFA ARDAKANI</a></strong></p><ul><li>Global Change and Sustainability Center (GCSC) Executive Committee; Sep 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6017639" target="_blank"><strong>JULIET CARLISLE</a></strong></p><ul><li>GCSC Post Doctoral Search Committee; Apr 2022 to May 2023</li><li>Global Change & Sustainability Center (GCSC) Student Research Grant Committee; Mar 2019 to Apr 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6044690" target="_blank"><strong>ISABELLE FREILING</a></strong></p><ul><li>Representative of the College of Humanities, Global Change and Sustainability Center; Aug 2023 to Jul 2024</li></ul><h4>External Service</h4><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0028363" target="_blank"><strong>JOSEPH N MOORE</a></strong></p><ul><li>Numerous interviews (approximately monthly) with trade journals, public radio stations, newspapers, community organizations, Milford City and Beaver County, Special Sessions of Utah Legislature, ; Jul 2022 to Jun 2023</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0294462" target="_blank"><strong>TIM GARRETT</a></strong></p><ul><li>The Geneva Global Initiative. Director of Scientific Partnerships for an international organization dedicated to educating about risks for civilization collapse and developing mechanisms for mitigating negative outcomes; Sep 2018 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>The FAN Initiative, an academic partnership based out of Crans, Switzerland with the goal to understand and address future civilization collapse: "Though supporting analysis, contingency planning and preparedness, we advance work that increases societal capacity to mitigate the worst consequences and enhances our ability to respond with sagacity."; Feb 2017</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0505722" target="_blank"><strong>SUDEEP KANUNGO</a></strong></p><ul><li>Delivered seminars on the “Geological evolution of the Central, North and South Atlantic Margin” covering inter-disciplinary topics such as stratigraphic correlations, global and local anoxia, paleo-geographic and paleo-climatic evolution, source rock systems generation. Seminars have been delivered to the following companies through physical presence and/or web-based communication led by me (Sudeep Kanungo): 1. INPEX Corporation (Japan): January 2018 2. ExxonMobil: London UK; Houston, TX; and Calgary (Canada) offices. October 2016, May 2017, October-November 2017. 3. Husky Energy (Calgary): October 2017 4. Nexen CNOOC (Calgary): October 2017 5. Suncor (Calgary): October 2017 6. Chevron (Calgary): October 2017 7. Geological Survey of Canada: October 2017 8. Tullow Oil: September 2017 9. Shell UK (London): July 2017 10. BP (London): June 2017 11. Total (Paris, France): March 2017 12. Cairn Energy: April 2017 13. YPF (Buenos Aires, Argentina): November 2016 14. Statoil (Stavanger, Norway): October 2016 15. Ophir Energy: July 2016 16. Eni (London and Italy): April-May 2016; Jan 2016 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>Guiding the international energy industry (Exploration & Production companies) on state-of-the-art technology on geological time scales, chrono-stratigraphic correlations, paleoenvironmental evaluation of depositional systems, and global anoxia to help them evaluate, de-risk and improve their drilling prospects. This also results in lowering the environmental impact of exploration drilling for conventional (deepwater) and unconventional prospects and fields.; Jan 2017 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0722430" target="_blank"><strong>CHRISTOPHER A SIMON</a></strong></p><ul><li>Collaborated with Hinckley Institute of Politics (University of Utah) to arrange a talk by Edward Weber, U.G. Dubach Professor of Political Science, Oregon State University. Talk title: "The Wicked Problem of Food, Water, and Energy: Local Solutions for Global Problems."; Jan 2019 to Feb 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0776280" target="_blank"><strong>KATE MAGARGAL</a></strong></p><ul><li>Utah Dine Bikeyah, "Dynamic Impacts of Environmental Change and Biomass Harvesting on Woodland Ecosystems and Traditional Livelihoods"; Sep 2016</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0907633" target="_blank"><strong>AMANDA D. SMITH</a></strong></p><ul><li>BYU Planet Earth Series: Energy and Environment, Invited Panelist; Mar 2017</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6008459" target="_blank"><strong>MOSTAFA ARDAKANI</a></strong></p><ul><li>Partnership with the Navajo nation (Kayenta, Dennehotso, and Chilchinbito chapters) to develop projects for delivering power, water, and communication to the community; Jan 2020</li></ul><h4>Professional Service</h4><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0028363" target="_blank"><strong>JOSEPH N MOORE</a></strong></p><ul><li>Reviewer for Geothermics, Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Managing Guest Editor Special Volume of Geothermics on EGS, Editorial Board of Geothermics, Professional Service ; Jul 2022 to Jun 2023</li><li>Geothermics (Editorial Board), Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Ministry of Education, Chile, American Rock Mechanics Association, Reviewer; Jul 2021 to Jun 2022</li><li>Member, Advisory Board, ENN Science and Technology Development Company LTD; Jul 2019 to Jun 2020</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0034952" target="_blank"><strong>JIM EHLERINGER</a></strong></p><ul><li>Development of an integrated online environmental dashboard for the central Wasatch Mountain watershed that includes air quality and climate, water, vegetation, wildlife, and geology. This dashboard is intended to serve multiple users: public, K-gray, resource managers, policy makers, and technical users,, Central Wasatch Commission; Jul 2019 to Jun 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0035131" target="_blank"><strong>P. K. ANDY HONG</a></strong></p><ul><li>Organizing committee , Algae Biomass Summit Organizing Committee, 2017; Mar 2017 to Mar 2018</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0035210" target="_blank"><strong>PETER E ROSE</a></strong></p><ul><li>reviewer, EGI; Jan 2022 to Jun 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">ASIA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">EUROPE</span></li><li>I reviewed 10 papers for the World Geothermal Congress that will be held in Iceland in April 2020., World Geothermal Congress; May 2019 to Dec 2019 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">AUSTRALIA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">CARIBBEAN</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">EUROPE</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">INDONESIA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">JAPAN</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">NEW ZEALAND</span></li><li>reviewed 4 papers for peer-reviewed journals in geothermal energy, EGI; Jan 2019 to Dec 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0050476" target="_blank"><strong>DMITRY BEDROV</a></strong></p><ul><li>Symposium Chair: Electrochemical Interfaces in Energy Storage Devices at ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, ACS; Jan 2019 to Aug 2020</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0133977" target="_blank"><strong>GABRIEL J BOWEN</a></strong></p><ul><li>Petroleum Research Fund Advisory Board, American Chemical Society; Jan 2016</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0264201" target="_blank"><strong>JOHN RUPLE</a></strong></p><ul><li>Trustee, Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law; Jul 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0280240" target="_blank"><strong>KODY MERLIN POWELL</a></strong></p><ul><li>Participated in Panel Review of the Solar Energy Technologies Office's Ongoing Funded Projects, U.S. Dept. of Energy | Solar Energy Technologies Office; Jan 2022 to Feb 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0402303" target="_blank"><strong>RASOUL B. SORKHABI</a></strong></p><ul><li>Reviewer of research papers for journals (Marine & Petroleum Geology, Geosciences Journal, Interpretation, Geological Society of London Special Publications, Tectonophysics, Journal of Geological Society of India, Journal of Asian Earth Science, Himalayan Geology, Oil-Industry History, etc.) as well as book proposals for publishing companies (Cambridge University Press, Springer, Routledge, etc.), Journals and Academic Publishers; Apr 2003</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0410090" target="_blank"><strong>STEVEN JOHN BURIAN</a></strong></p><ul><li>Workshop on Energy-Water Nexus Challenges and Opportunities related to Achieving the Water SDG, 68th UN Civil Society Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 2628 August 2019. , United Nations; Aug 2019 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">PAKISTAN</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0541763" target="_blank"><strong>JöRG RüGEMER</a></strong></p><ul><li>2023-2024 ARCC-EAAE Architectural Research Consortium, European Association for Architectural Educators. Paper Reviewer, ARCC 2024 International Conference: Architecture into the Unknown, Aarhus, Denmark, May 2024. Scholarly Service., ARCC-EAAE Architectural Research Consortium, European Association for Architectural Educators; Oct 2023 to Feb 2024 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">DENMARK</span></li><li>Paper Reviewer, ARCC 2023 International Conference: The Research Design Interface, Dallas, Texas, April 2023, ARCC-EAAE Architectural Research Consortium, European Association for Architectural Educators; Oct 2022 to Feb 2023</li><li>Consultant, Hack-A-House Housing Affordability Hackathon Competition, Ivory Innovations, Salt Lake City, Utah; Oct 2022</li><li>Paper Peer Review for the 110th ACSA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA., ACSA Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture; Sep 2021 to Dec 2021</li><li>Conference Paper Peer Review, ARCC-EAAE Architectural Research Consortium, European Association for Architectural Educators; Sep 2021 to Dec 2021</li><li>Biannual Production of podcasts on the topic of Building Energy Performance., American Institute of Architecture Committee on the Environment Podcast Subcommittee; Dec 2020</li><li>Community Service, Salt Lake Valley Habitat for Humanity. Rendering professional design services to underserved communities., Salt Lake Valley Habitat for Humanity; Aug 2014 to Dec 2018</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0631295" target="_blank"><strong>MIKE SCARPULLA</a></strong></p><ul><li>MRS 2021 Spring Meeting Symposium EN07, MRS; Jul 2020 to Apr 2021</li><li>PVSC 2020 Area 2 Tutorial on Thin Film Photovoltaics, IEEE; Jan 2020 to Jun 2020</li><li>Tutorial on Thin Film Photovoltaics, 2019 IEEE PVSC; Jan 2019 to Jun 2019</li><li>Young Scientist Tutorial on Characterization Techniques for Thin-Film Solar Cells, MRS 2019 Spring Meeting; Jan 2019 to Apr 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0698676" target="_blank"><strong>CAGAN H SEKERCIOGLU</a></strong></p><ul><li>Editorial Board, Conservation Biology; Jan 2012 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0722430" target="_blank"><strong>CHRISTOPHER A SIMON</a></strong></p><ul><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energy Research & Social Science; Jun 2024 to Jul 2024 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">EUROPE</span></li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energy Research & Social Science; Mar 2024</li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energies (journal); Feb 2024</li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Sustainability; Oct 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">POLAND</span></li><li>Editorial Board Member, Clean Energy and Sustainability; Jun 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>Grant Proposal Reviewer, National Science Foundation; Jun 2022 to Jul 2022</li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Sustainability (journal); Apr 2022 to May 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">PAKISTAN</span></li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Sustainability (journal); Mar 2022 to Apr 2022</li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Clean Technologies (journal); Mar 2022</li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energies (journal); Feb 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">BRAZIL</span></li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energies; Nov 2021 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energy Research and Social Science; Sep 2021</li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energies (journal); Aug 2021</li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energies (journal); Jul 2021</li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energy Research & Social Science; May 2021</li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energies (Scholarly Journal); Dec 2020 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">HUNGARY</span></li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energy Research and Social Science; Nov 2020</li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energies (Scholarly Journal); Sep 2020</li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energies (Scholarly Journal); Jul 2020 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">INDONESIA</span></li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energy Policy (journal); Jun 2020 to Jul 2020 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">INDONESIA</span></li><li>Guest Editor, Special Issue, Alternative Energy Policy, Energies (academic journal); Jun 2020</li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energy Research and Social Science; May 2020 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">UNITED KINGDOM</span></li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energies (Scholarly Journal); Apr 2020 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">REPUBLIC OF KOREA</span></li><li>Grant Proposal Reviewer, National Science Foundation; Apr 2020</li><li>Editorial Board Member, Energies (academic journal); Mar 2020 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>Special Issue: Public Health, Food, and Environmental Policy Nexus in the Context of Civil Society, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ; Feb 2020</li><li>Manuscript Reviewer, Energy Research & Social Science; Jan 2020 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">UNITED KINGDOM</span></li><li>Special Issue, Energies (Scholarly Journal); Aug 2019 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>Special Issue Editor, Energies (journal); Jun 2019 to Dec 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>Special Issue Editor, Energies (journal); Jun 2019 to Dec 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0776280" target="_blank"><strong>KATE MAGARGAL</a></strong></p><ul><li>Conference Session Co-chair, "Applying Human Behavioral Ecology in Times of Rapid Change", Society for Applied Anthropology; Aug 2021</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0906188" target="_blank"><strong>TABITHA M. BENNEY</a></strong></p><ul><li>"Energy Equity and the Obstacles to Energy Resilience in Vulnerable Communities.", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Power and Energy Society Grid Resilience Workshop; Jul 2022 to Jun 2023</li><li>Contesting Carbon and the Struggles for Clean Energy, International Studies Association, Las Vegas NV; Apr 2021</li><li>Secretariat of the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) , REN21; Jan 2021 to May 2021 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>Reviewer, International Journal of Comparative Sociology; Mar 2019 to Dec 2019</li><li>GSR 2019 Expert Contributor for the Secretariat of the Renewable energy Policy Network for the the 21st Century., REN21; Nov 2018 to Jun 2019 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>Reviewer, Energy Politics ; Jan 2016</li><li>ESG Researcher, Earth System Governance Network; Jan 2016 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6006672" target="_blank"><strong>DAVID P. CARTER</a></strong></p><ul><li>Abstract review, Energy & Environment Section, Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management; May 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6008459" target="_blank"><strong>MOSTAFA ARDAKANI</a></strong></p><ul><li>Proposed a successful bid to host 2022 North American Power Symposium (NAPS) at the University of Utah. In collaboration with: Prof. Mingxi Liu., IEEE Power and Energy Society; Sep 2019 to Oct 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6017639" target="_blank"><strong>JULIET CARLISLE</a></strong></p><ul><li>Member, Energy Policy Research Conference Advisory Board (Tech-Policy Committee). , Energy Policy Institute; Jan 2017</li><li>Section Chair, Western Political Science Association (WPSA); Jun 2023 to May 2024</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6033273" target="_blank"><strong>CARSTEN ROTT</a></strong></p><ul><li>Working Group: Sustainability & Environmental Impact, IceCube-Gen2 Collaboration; Jan 2024 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6036839" target="_blank"><strong>SHAHRZAD ROSHANKHAH</a></strong></p><ul><li>Development sessions and reviewed papers, American Rock Mechanics Association; Feb 2019</li><li>Rock mechanics Committee, Geo-Institute (GI of ASCE); Feb 2022</li><li>Reviewed abstracts and full papers , ARMA; Oct 2018</li><li>Student Research Competition for 2023 Symposium, American Rock Mechanics Association; Nov 2022 to Dec 2022</li><li>Underground Storage and Utilization Committee, American Rock Mechanics Association; Jun 2022</li><li>Development sessions and reviewed papers, American Rock Mechanics Association; Nov 2019 to Jun 2020</li><li>Developed a technical session and reviewed 15+ papers , International Conference on Energy Geotechnics (ICEGT); May 2019</li><li>Developed a technical session and reviewed abstracts, Engineering Mechanics Institiute (EMI of ASCE); Jun 2017</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6037332" target="_blank"><strong>AJLA AKSAMIJA</a></strong></p><ul><li>Technical Steering Committee Member, Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, 80X50 Study Steering Committee; Jul 2019 to Jan 2021</li></ul><h4>Media</h4><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0028363" target="_blank"><strong>JOSEPH N MOORE</a></strong></p><ul><li>There were 38 significant media exposures during the year. Utah FORGE was featured in 9 newspaper articles, 20 trade journals, 1 television show, 4 general interest magazines, and 4 radio interviews. I provided the information, generally through interviews, featured in these stories. ; Mar 2022</li><li>Video: FORGEing in the future presents the year in review – July 3, 2019. Video: Global Geothermal News, A New Future for Geothermal: The Utah FORGE Project, Nov. 18, 2019 Video: ThinkGeoEnergy, A New Future for Geothermal: The Utah FORGE Project, Nov. 18, 2019 Richter, Alexander, ThinkGeoEnergy, Utah FORGE solicitation for research proposals with funding of up to a total of $46 million, April 30, 2020 Geo-Institute of America, University of Utah and Utah FORGE Announce Solicitation, April 30, 2020 Renewable Energy World, Utah organizations seek geothermal research proposals for awards worth $46M, May 1, 2020 Richter, Alexander, ThinkGeoEnergy, Seasonal heat storage with geothermal battery concept – online workshop, May 19, 2020 Video: A New Future for Geothermal: The Utah FORGE Project – December 5, 2019 ; Jan 2020 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>Featured in five videos prepared by the Governor's Office of Energy Development on the FORGE site is south-central Utah. Videos available on U-tube. Most recent video 6/2019; Mar 2019 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0034962" target="_blank"><strong>WILLIAM P JOHNSON</a></strong></p><ul><li>ResponsibleInvestment-OpEd; May 2016</li><li>ResponsibleInvestment; May 2016</li><li>DeLambert's Protest USOS water right; Nov 2015</li><li>TarSandsHearingDOGM; Jul 2015</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0203991" target="_blank"><strong>TAYLOR D. SPARKS</a></strong></p><ul><li>YouTube materials science channel. 560 videos, >2.8M views, >20k subscribers; Jan 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>"Materialism" materials science podcast. 63 episodes, >280k downloads; Jan 2022 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0280240" target="_blank"><strong>KODY MERLIN POWELL</a></strong></p><ul><li>U. engineering school does more than talk about climate change; Jan 2023</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0294462" target="_blank"><strong>TIM GARRETT</a></strong></p><ul><li>The Physics of Clouds & Collapse: Radio Ecoshock; Oct 2018</li><li>In Simple Terms; Sep 2017</li><li>Weatherwise: On the Job: Tim Garrett Tim Garrett is a professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Utah. In addition to researching clouds, he applies physics principles to societal phenomena. Garrett's groundbreaking work revealed a fixed relationship between the wealth of civilization and energy consumption, which suggests that only a rapid decline in the global economy tantamount to the collapse of civilization will prevent catastrophic global warming. ; Jan 2017</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0492398" target="_blank"><strong>HASSE BORUP</a></strong></p><ul><li>At The U article on Artivism for Earth; Apr 2021 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>Finer Points Article, College of Fine Arts. Artivism for Earth description and preview.; Mar 2021 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>Finer Points Blog, University of Utah College of Fine Arts. Introducing Artivism for Earth as a major, interdisciplinary project on campus and beyond, as well as asking for involvement.; Jan 2021 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li><li>Finer Points, CFA Blog, Artivism4Earth; Jan 2021</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0541763" target="_blank"><strong>JöRG RüGEMER</a></strong></p><ul><li>Slim House at Design Arts Utah exhibition featured in the Salt Lake Tribune; Sep 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0556171" target="_blank"><strong>JOSHUA LENART</a></strong></p><ul><li>Men's Journal, "President Trump Shrinks Bears Ears, Sparking Protests and Lawsuits” (quoted) ; Dec 2017</li><li>Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, “Administration Chops National Monuments, Panders to Energy Industry, Ignores will of American People” (quoted); Dec 2017</li><li>Daily Yonder, “Reducing Protection on Public Land Will Hurt Utah Economy, Hunting Group Says” (quoted); Dec 2017</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0631295" target="_blank"><strong>MIKE SCARPULLA</a></strong></p><ul><li>Original reporting story on an article we published. Also generated buzz online - press release from the U. A companion one went out from U Luxembourg too. ; Jan 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">LUXEMBOURG</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0754953" target="_blank"><strong>YORK R. SMITH</a></strong></p><ul><li>Chemical & Engineering News interview; Dec 2017 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0776280" target="_blank"><strong>KATE MAGARGAL</a></strong></p><ul><li>Drought is diminishing firewood access for Navajo wood haulers; Sep 2022</li><li>Red Rock Radio; Dec 2021</li><li>"Utah Navajo Commission discusses federal funds, water settlements, and firewood issues"; Nov 2021</li><li>"Indigenous management of woodlands and wildfires"; Sep 2020</li><li>"Interacting with the land: historic and current land uses in the Southwest"; Oct 2017</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0791084" target="_blank"><strong>JOHN CHUN-HAN LIN</a></strong></p><ul><li>Utah Public Radio: "UnDisciplined: the methane matter"; Dec 2021</li><li>Salt Lake Tribune: "Uinta Basin is hemorrhaging methane as leaks go undetected"; Nov 2021</li><li>KUER News: "Oil and gas production in the Uinta Basin has fallen, but methane leaks remained steady and high"; Nov 2021</li><li>KSL News: "Utah's methane problem needs to be capped, researchers say"; Nov 2021</li><li>Salt Lake Tribune Op-ed: Human-caused climate change is real, and denying it hurts all of us; Mar 2017</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0906188" target="_blank"><strong>TABITHA M. BENNEY</a></strong></p><ul><li>New center brings U-EPIC research power to the energy transition, At the U by Paul Gabrielson and Staff; Oct 2022</li><li>“New center brings U-EPIC research power to the energy transition,” At the U, by Paul Gabrielson and Staff ; Jan 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0907633" target="_blank"><strong>AMANDA D. SMITH</a></strong></p><ul><li>Predicting Energy Use; Apr 2018</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0918933" target="_blank"><strong>XIAOYUE CATHY LIU</a></strong></p><ul><li>Electric Vehicle Adoption for Public Transit: Research from the University of Utah; Mar 2022</li><li>What’s the Fairest Way to Deploy Electric Buses? Ask This Open-Source Map; Aug 2021</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0957378" target="_blank"><strong>JENNIFER FOLLSTAD SHAH</a></strong></p><ul><li>Adams, B. “Shedding Light”, @theU newsletter.; Nov 2018</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6001488" target="_blank"><strong>MASOOD PARVANIA</a></strong></p><ul><li>Power To The People; May 2018</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6008459" target="_blank"><strong>MOSTAFA ARDAKANI</a></strong></p><ul><li>Energy Department funds $9M in clean energy projects on tribal lands Daily Times; Mar 2022</li><li>Kayenta Chapter secures grant to power 24 homes with solar energy; part of a five-year energy plan Navajo Hopi Observer; Mar 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6017639" target="_blank"><strong>JULIET CARLISLE</a></strong></p><ul><li>02 Utah Podcast: "SCOTUS ruling in West Virginia v. EPA and Climate Policy" ; Jul 2022</li><li>"Anaheim residents worry that a proposed solar array will be an eyesore that cuts property values." ; Nov 2021</li><li>Dems from oil-producing N.M. grapple with Biden moratorium; Feb 2021</li><li>When Residents Support Solar—Just ‘Not in My Backyard’; Nov 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6037332" target="_blank"><strong>AJLA AKSAMIJA</a></strong></p><ul><li>“Shaping the Next Generation of Architects”, Architecture2030; Mar 2018</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6038724" target="_blank"><strong>NO'AM ZACH DVORY</a></strong></p><ul><li>Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability. Earthquakes from oil field wastewater; May 2022</li><li>EurekAlert! Old oil fields may be less prone to induced earthquakes; Jun 2021</li><li>ScienceDaily. Storing carbon inn rocks underground: Old oil fields may be less prone to induced earthquakes; Jun 2021</li><li>TEMBLOR. Injecting CO2 into depleted oil fields may not cause quakes; Jun 2021</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6043205" target="_blank"><strong>MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER LOW</a></strong></p><ul><li>Quoted in Robbie Corey-Boulet, “Water-starved Saudi confronts desalination’s heavy toll,” France 24, 17 September 2023. Also syndicated to Al-‘Arab, Al-Monitor, Barron’s, Deutsche Welle (DW), The Times of India, Voice of America, and Yahoo News.; Sep 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">EGYPT</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">FRANCE</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GERMANY</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">INDIA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">SAUDI ARABIA</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6046494" target="_blank"><strong>JONATHAN A WANG</a></strong></p><ul><li>I was interviewed briefly as an unaffiliated expert to comment on a new article that was published that characterized the cross of planetary boundaries on Earth. This brief comment was featured in an article in the American Geophysical Union's magazine "Eos".; Oct 2023</li></ul><h4>Awards</h4><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0028363" target="_blank"><strong>JOSEPH N MOORE</a></strong></p><ul><li>Henry Ramey Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Award, Geothermal Rising (formally Geothermal Resources Council); Oct 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0031683" target="_blank"><strong>ERIK L BRUNVAND</a></strong></p><ul><li>Best Paper award at IGSC for my paper “Dark Silicon Considered Harmful: A Case for Truly Green Computing," by E. Brunvand, D. Kline, A. Jones. ; Oct 2018</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0264201" target="_blank"><strong>JOHN RUPLE</a></strong></p><ul><li>Top article of 2020 for A Road Map to Net-Zero Emissions for Fossil Fuel Development on Public Lands, 50 Envtl. L. Reporter News & Analysis 10734 (Sept. 2020)., Environmental Law Reporter; Jun 2021</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0280240" target="_blank"><strong>KODY MERLIN POWELL</a></strong></p><ul><li>Excellence in Applied Energy Engineering Research , U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy; Dec 2018</li><li>Excellence in Applied Energy Engineering Research, U.S. Dept. of Energy; Jun 2017</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0456907" target="_blank"><strong>ANNE G MOONEY</a></strong></p><ul><li>Design Honor Award - Emigration Creek, American Institute of Architects, Utah Chapter; Oct 2022</li><li>Design Merit Award - Oikos, American Institute of Architects, Utah Chapter; Oct 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0541763" target="_blank"><strong>JöRG RüGEMER</a></strong></p><ul><li>ACSA Design Build Award: “The Kunga ADU Design Build." Salt Lake City, Utah. First realized Design+Build Salt Lake project for a 70 m2 high-performance Accessory Dwelling Unit for a client in wheelchair. Program Founder, Program Director, Program Instructor, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture ACSA2022 ACSA Design Build Award; Mar 2022</li><li>Design Arts Utah Award Winner: „The Site Net Zero Energy Barn House in Holladay, Utah." Salt Lake City, Utah, 2021. Utah Arts Council, 06/2021., Utah Arts Council; Jun 2021</li><li>AIA Utah Honorable Mention Award: “The Kunga ADU Design Build." Salt Lake City, Utah. First realized Design+Build Salt Lake project for a 70 m2 high-performance Accessory Dwelling Unit for a client in wheelchair. Program Founder, Program Director, Program Instructor , American Institute of Architecture Utah Chapter; Oct 2020</li><li>AIA Utah Merit Design Award: "Field of Dreams Eco-Community", Kearns, Utah, American Institute of Architects Utah; Oct 2019</li><li>Salt Lake City Home Innovation Competition - the 2016:Slim House, Design Arts Utah; Sep 2019</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0722430" target="_blank"><strong>CHRISTOPHER A SIMON</a></strong></p><ul><li>Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2020: Alternative Energy: Political, Economic, and Social Feasibility (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020), Choice Reviews; Dec 2020 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">GLOBAL</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6008459" target="_blank"><strong>MOSTAFA ARDAKANI</a></strong></p><ul><li>National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award, National Science Foundation; Jan 2022</li><li>Best paper award for “Preventive Unit Commitment for Transmission Line De-icing in Changing Weather Conditions,” in North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Tempe, AZ, USA. The paper was led by U of U student Fatemeh Jafarishiadeh with Dr. Sahraei-Ardakani and Dr. Liu as co-authors.; Apr 2021</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6017639" target="_blank"><strong>JULIET CARLISLE</a></strong></p><ul><li>Affiliate of the Year 2016 , Energy Policy Institute ; Jan 2016</li><li>Charles Redd Center Award for Best Paper on the Politics of the American West, “Support for Solar Energy: Examining Sense of Place and Utility-Scale Development in California.” , Western Political Science Association; Jan 2015</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6025401" target="_blank"><strong>ROBERT G. PARKER</a></strong></p><ul><li>ASME Energy Harvesting Best Paper Award (among all academic journals), American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Feb 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6036839" target="_blank"><strong>SHAHRZAD ROSHANKHAH</a></strong></p><ul><li>Faculty Affiliate, The Office of Undergraduate Research, University of Utah; Jan 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6038724" target="_blank"><strong>NO'AM ZACH DVORY</a></strong></p><ul><li>Invited Speaker, The Paradox Basin, as a field lab for salt rock integrity studies. ARMA future leader webinar series , ARMA; Dec 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">CANADA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">UNITED STATES</span></li><li>Invited Speaker, Exploring Energy Opportunities in the Paradox Basin: A Geomechanical Perspective. , University of Calgary ; Nov 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">CANADA</span></li><li>Invited Speaker, What Insights Can InSAR Provide on Fracture Dynamics? GUSSOW 2023, Geomechanics for Sustainable Energy Development. Canadian Energy Geoscience Association , Canadian Energy Geoscience Association ; Nov 2023 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">CANADA</span> <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">UNITED STATES</span></li><li>Invited Speaker, Carbon Capture's Overlap with Water Midstream Spells Opportunity Panel, 3rd Annual Oilfield Water Industry Update (2021), Oilfield Water; Sep 2021</li><li>Stanford Center for Induced and Triggered Seismicity Fellowship , Stanford; Jan 2019</li></ul><h4>Grants</h4><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0034952" target="_blank"><strong>JIM EHLERINGER</a></strong></p><ul><li>Confronting Models with Regional CO2 Observations (DESC0010624). PI: Ehleringer, James; Aug 2013 to Aug 2016</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0122412" target="_blank"><strong>KEITH BARTHOLOMEW</a></strong></p><ul><li>National Institute for Transportation and Communities. PI: Jennifer Dill. Co-PI(s): Keith Bartholomew, Roger Lindgren, Marc Schlossberg, Arthur Nelson; Nov 2016 to Dec 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0916275" target="_blank"><strong>JOSE P ZAGAL</a></strong></p><ul><li>Representations of Sustainability in City-Building Videogames. PI: Jose P Zagal; Aug 2019 to Apr 2020</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u0955236" target="_blank"><strong>SHANE JAMES MACFARLAN</a></strong></p><ul><li>CNH-L: Dynamic Impacts of Environmental Change and Biomass Harvesting on Woodland Ecosystems and Traditional Livelihoods. PI: Brian Codding. Co-PI(s): Ramesh Shrestha (Co-Principal Investigator) Philip Dennison (Co-Principal Investigator) William Anderegg (Co-Principal Investigator) Courtenay Strong (Co-Principal Investigator); Sep 2017 to Feb 2022</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6001523" target="_blank"><strong>DIVYA CHANDRASEKHAR</a></strong></p><ul><li>U.S.-Canada Centre on Climate-Resilient Western Interconnected Grid. PI: Masood Parvania. Co-PI(s): Divya Chandrasekhar, Valerio Pasucci, William Andregg, Ilkay Altintas; Oct 2023 to Sep 2028 <span class="badge badge-secondary badge-u">CANADA</span></li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6008459" target="_blank"><strong>MOSTAFA ARDAKANI</a></strong></p><ul><li>INTERN: EAGER: Real-Time: Effective Power System Operation during Hurricanes using Historical and Real-Time Data. PI: Mostafa Sahraei-Ardakani; Sep 2020 to Mar 2021</li><li>Elements: Open Access Data Generation Engine for Bulk Power System under Extreme Windstorms. PI: Ge Ou. Co-PI(s): Mostafa Sahraei-Ardakani, Zhaoxia Pu; Jul 2020 to Jul 2023</li></ul><p><a href="/profile.php?id=u6037332" target="_blank"><strong>AJLA AKSAMIJA</a></strong></p><ul><li>Building Performance Evaluation and Energy-Efficient Retrofitting Strategies for Institutional Buildings: A Case Study of Research Laboratories at the University of Utah. PI: Timothy Adekunle . Co-PI(s): Ajla Aksamija; Apr 2023 to Mar 2024</li></ul> <hr /> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="uu-footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-3"> <h2>Other Links</h2> <p><a href="">Disclaimer</a></p> <p><a href="">Privacy</a></p> <p><a href="">NONDISCRIMINATION & ACCESSIBILITY</a></p> <p><a href="">Webmaster</a></p> </div> <div class="col-sm-2"> <h2>Search Data</h2> <p>Search data refreshed:<br> Jan 29, 2025 @ 11:00am</p> <p>Search collection: <br>d1728255601a</p> <p>Profile collection: <br>d1728255601f</p> </div> <div class="col-sm-3"> <h2>Where we are</h2> <p>234 F.A. 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