Failure Detection in an Annular Combustion Chamber with Expe | 16071
<!doctype html> <html lang="fr"> <head> <title>Failure Detection in an Annular Combustion Chamber with Expe | 16071</title> <meta name="keywords" content="Hennecke C,Von der Haar H*,Dinkelacker F , "/> <meta name="description" content="The inspection of aircraft engines is a complex and time-consuming process, usually requiring the disassembly of the engine or extensive baroscopic examina..16071"/> <meta name="citation_publisher" content="Longdom Publishing SL" /> <meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Journal d'ing茅nierie a茅ronautique et a茅rospatiale"> <meta name="citation_title" content="Failure Detection in an Annular Combustion Chamber with Experimental and Numerical Methods"> <meta name="citation_author" content="Hennecke C" /> <meta name="citation_author" content="Von der Haar H" /> <meta name="citation_author" content="Dinkelacker F" /> <meta name="citation_year" content=""> <meta name="citation_volume" content="6"> <meta name="citation_issue" content="2"> <meta name="citation_abstract" content="The inspection of aircraft engines is a complex and time-consuming process, usually requiring the disassembly of the engine or extensive baroscopic examinations. Thus, a method is to be developed in order to evaluate the state of the jet engine prior disassembling by analysing the state and structure of the exhaust jet. This could be done for instance with an analysis of the density, temperature, velocity or concentration distribution in a cross section through the exhaust jet. Assumptions are that failures inside the engine influence the exhaust jet in a measurable way and by means of numerical simulations it is possible to evaluate the flow and combustion process beginning in the engines’ interior through the exhaust gas jet. A generic study on a pilot scale annular combustion chamber is the basis to show the feasibility of this approach. The combustion chamber consists of eight premixed swirl burners. One of the burners has the option to be operated independently from the others on defined varied operation points. This simulates a failure state of a burner which allows an investigation of the correlation between defined failure states and resulting pattern in the exhaust jet. Detailed techniques are applied to evaluate the approach and the detection limits. Firstly, extensive numerical simulations of possible failure states were conducted to compare with measurements. Secondly, the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique was used to measure the velocity field in the measurement plane downstream of the combustion chamber. Local reductions of the thermal power lower the acceleration of the exhaust gas and influence the velocity field. Thirdly, species concentrations were measured with a movable probe, evaluated by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Species concentration information can indicate combustor failures like locally mistuned air-fuel-ratio, serious defects on the swirl vanes, or oil leakages. 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Thus, a method is to be developed in order to evaluate the state of the jet engine prior disassembling by analysing the state and structure of the exhaust jet. This could be done for instance with an analysis of the density, temperature, velocity or concentration distribution in a cross section through the exhaust jet. Assumptions are that failures inside the engine influence the exhaust jet in a measurable way and by means of numerical simulations it is possible to evaluate the flow and combustion process beginning in the engines’ interior through the exhaust gas jet. A generic study on a pilot scale annular combustion chamber is the basis to show the feasibility of this approach. The combustion chamber consists of eight premixed swirl burners. One of the burners has the option to be operated independently from the others on defined varied operation points. This simulates a failure state of a burner which allows an investigation of the correlation between defined failure states and resulting pattern in the exhaust jet. Detailed techniques are applied to evaluate the approach and the detection limits. Firstly, extensive numerical simulations of possible failure states were conducted to compare with measurements. Secondly, the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique was used to measure the velocity field in the measurement plane downstream of the combustion chamber. Local reductions of the thermal power lower the acceleration of the exhaust gas and influence the velocity field. Thirdly, species concentrations were measured with a movable probe, evaluated by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Species concentration information can indicate combustor failures like locally mistuned air-fuel-ratio, serious defects on the swirl vanes, or oil leakages.</p> <div class="alert alert-info text-left"><b>Clause de non-responsabilit茅:</b> Ce r茅sum茅 a 茅t茅 traduit 脿 l'aide d'outils d'intelligence artificielle et n'a pas encore 茅t茅 r茅vis茅 ou v茅rifi茅.</div> <div class="nav social-icons"> <a class="nav-link w-auto">Partagez cet article</a> <a title="Cliquez ici" target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a class="nav-link" title="Cliquez ici" target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></a> <a class="nav-link" title="Cliquez ici" target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin-in"></i></a> <a class="nav-link" title="Cliquez ici" target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-google-plus-g"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <footer class="bg-blue-grey-900 py-3"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-sm-4"> <h4 class="white font-size-4 fweight-400 border-bottom-1 pb-2">Liens de contenu</h4> <ul class="list-unstyled footer-links font-size-3"> <li><a class="" href="" title="Cliquez ici">politique de confidentialit茅</a></li> <li><a class="" href="" title="Cliquez ici">termes et conditions</a></li> <li><a class="" href="" title="Cliquez ici">Auteurs, critiques et 茅diteur</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-12 col-sm-4"> <h4 class="white font-size-4 fweight-400 border-bottom-1 pb-2">Contacter Longdom</h4> <p><strong>Groupe Longdom SA</strong><br /> Avenue Roger Vandendriessche,<br /> 18, 1150 Bruxelles, Belgique<br /> T茅l茅phone : +442038085340<br /> <strong>Courriel :</strong> <a class="white" href="" title="Cliquez ici"></a></p> </div> <div class="col-12 col-sm-4"> <h4 class="white font-size-4 fweight-400 border-bottom-1 pb-2">Connecter</h4> <nav class="nav nav-pills social-icons-footer flex-column a-pl-0"> <a href="" title="Cliquez ici" target="_blank" class="nav-link bg-facebook-hover"><i class="fab fa-facebook-f bg-facebook"></i></a> <a href="" title="Cliquez ici" target="_blank" class="nav-link bg-linkedin-hover"><i class="fab fa-linkedin-in bg-linkedin"></i></a> <a href="" title="Cliquez ici" target="_blank" class="nav-link bg-twitter-hover"><i class="fab fa-twitter bg-twitter"></i></a> <a href="" title="Cliquez ici" target="_blank" class="nav-link bg-instagram-hover"><i class="fab fa-instagram bg-instagram"></i></a> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="row text-center"> <div class="col"> <p>droits d auteur © 2024 <a href="" title="Cliquez ici" class="white">Longdom 脡ditions SL</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <!--========================== Scroll To Top ============================--> <a href="#0" class="cd-top js-cd-top">Top</a> <!-- Optional JavaScript --> <!-- jQuery first, then Popper.js, then Bootstrap JS --> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <!--Get the app icon js--> <script> jQuery(function($) { $(window).scroll(function fix_element() { $('#target').css( $(window).scrollTop() > 100 ? 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