Standard Forward Mail | USPS

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} } </style> <!-- <section class="jumbotron alert-topper red"> <div class=""> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="alert-p"> <p><strong>Change of Address Security Enhancements:</strong> As of May 1, 2023, when you submit a change of address request online, you need to take additional steps to verify your identity. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn More</a></p></div> </div> </div> </section> --> <section> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 col-1-txt nofloor"> <div class="col-1-short nofloor"> <h2 class="header-2">Getting Started</h2> <p>Plan ahead. Although mail forwarding may begin within 3 business days of your submitted request, it's best to allow up to 2 weeks. Mail will be forwarded to your new address as it comes, piece by piece.</p> <h3 class="header-3">What Mail Is Forwarded</h3> <ul> <li>First-Class<sup>&trade;</sup> mail and periodicals (newsletters and magazines) are forwarded for free.</li> <li>Priority Mail Express<sup>&reg;</sup>, Priority Mail<sup>&reg;</sup>, and USPS Ground Advantage<sup>&reg;</sup> items are forwarded for free.</li> <li>Media Mail<sup>&reg;</sup> items are forwarded, but you must pay the cost for shipping from your local Post Office<sup>&trade;</sup> location to your new address.</li> <li>USPS Marketing Mail<sup>&reg;</sup> is not forwarded.</li> </ul> <p>Your change of address order <strong><em>only</em></strong> changes your mailing address with the Post Office. You must still update government agencies (like for your benefits, driver's license, and voter registration) and companies (like banks, insurance, online stores, etc.).</p> <p class="button--holder"><a target="_blank" href=""><strong>Forwarding Mail Exceptions & Details (DMM 507.2.0)</strong> </a></p> <h3 class="header-3">Where to Go to Change Your Address</h3> <p>Choose to change your address in a few simple steps online or visit your local Post Office location.</p> <p>You must submit your change of address request in person at a Post Office location if:</p> <ul> <li>You're moving outside the United States</li> <li>You're <a href="#authorizedagent">submitting a change of request for someone else</a></li> <li>You're unable to verify your identity online</li> </ul> <h3 class="header-3">How to Change Your Address Online</h3> <ol> <li>Go to the <a href="">Official USPS Change of Address&reg;</a> website.</li> <li>Choose an option for either an "Individual," "Family" (where everyone has the same last name), or "Business" move, and complete the form.</li> <li>Verify your identity: Opt in online to receive a verification code or link on your mobile phone.</li> <li>Pay the $1.10 identity verification fee. The billing address on your credit card must match either your old or new address.</li> <li><strong>If your online identity verification succeeds:</strong> USPS will email you a confirmation code. Use this code if you need to modify or cancel your request. <ol style="list-style-type: lower-latin;"> <li>You'll get a Move Validation letter to the address you’re moving from (your "old" address)</li> <li>About 5 business days before your change of address start date, you'll get a Customer Notification Letter (with your confirmation code) to your "new" address. You'll also get a welcome kit with coupons from USPS partners.</li> <li>Mail will be rerouted to your new address piece by piece.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>If you can’t verify your identity online:</strong> USPS will send you an email with instructions and a barcode. Bring the email along with <a href="" target="_blank">acceptable photo ID</a> to a local Post Office location.</li> </ol> <p class="button--holder"><a class="button--primary button--white" href="">Change Your Address</a></p> <h3 class="header-3">How to Change Your Address at the Post Office </h3> <ol> <li>Visit your <a href="">local Post Office location</a> with <a href="" target="_blank">acceptable photo ID</a> and any other required documents.</li> <li>Request a free Mover's Guide packet.</li> <li>Fill out the PS Form 3575 found inside the packet, and give it to the retail associate. They will use your photo ID to verify your identity, then process your change of address request.</li> </ol> <p style=" display: block; text-align: left; " class="button--holder"> <a href=""><strong>Visit Change of Address FAQs</strong></a> </p> <p class="button--holder"> <a target="_blank" href=""><strong>Change of Address Exceptions & Details (DMM 507.2.0)</strong></a> </p> <h3 class="header-3">If You're Unable to Verify Your Identity</h3> <ul> <li>To submit a change of address, you must verify your identity.</li> <li>If you can't verify your identity online, go to a Post Office location with acceptable ID.</li> <li>If you can't verify your identity at a Post Office location, you will not be able to complete a change of address with USPS.</li> <li>If you can't submit a change of address with USPS, your only option is to <a href="">directly contact everyone who might send you mail</a>&mdash;people, companies, and government agencies&mdash;and give them your new address.</li> </ul> <h3 class='header-3'>Change of Address Requests for Special Situations</h3> <a style="height:0;" id="authorizedagent">&nbsp;</a> <p><strong>Submitting a Change of Address Request for Someone Else</strong></p> <p>If you're changing an address for someone else (as their "Authorized Agent"), you'll need to go in-person to a Post Office location and bring acceptable ID and additional documents (depending on who you’re changing the address for):</p> <ul> <li>A child under the age of 18: Their birth certificate</li> <li>A person who is unable to act for themselves: Power of Attorney</li> </ul> <p><strong>Stop or Forward Mail for the Deceased</strong></p> <p>To submit a change of address request for someone who is deceased, you must go in-person to a Post Office location with documents showing you're the executor or administrator authorized to manage their mail. (Having their death certificate is not enough.)</p> <p class="button--holder"><a href="/manage/mail-for-deceased.htm" class="button--primary button--white">Managing Mail for the Deceased</a></p> <p><strong>International Moves:</strong> If you're going to move outside the United States, <strong>before you leave the U.S.</strong>, you must go to a Post Office location to verify your identity and submit your change of address request in person. </p> <p><strong>Businesses:</strong> If you are submitting a business change of address request in-person at a Post Office location, you must have documentation, like a notarized letter, power of attorney, or letter on company letterhead (signed by someone in a leadership role) that shows you’re an "Authorized Agent" who can submit a change of address request for the business. </p> <p><strong>U.S. Military Moves:</strong> For U.S. military moves, <a href="">first work with your command</a>; your AMPS relocation info will automatically be shared with USPS. If you still need to submit a change of request with USPS, you can do so either in person or online. For online requests, if you are moving from a military address, your email address must end in .gov, .mil, or .edu. <strong>Important note:</strong> If you need to verify your identity in person, you can only do so at Post Office locations in the 50 states and Puerto Rico. If you are outside of the U.S., you cannot verify your identity in-person and won’t be able to submit a change of address with USPS. </p> <h2 class="header-2">Related Mail Services</h2> <h3 class="header-3">USPS Hold Mail Service</h3> <p>If you'll be away for 3–30 days, you can "pause" <strong>all</strong> mail delivery to your address with USPS Hold Mail<sup>&reg;</sup> service. Your local Post Office will hold all mail to your address until you return. Your mail carrier will deliver all your held mail on the last day of your hold, or you can pick up your mail at the Post Office. </p> <p><a href=""><strong>Schedule USPS Hold Mail Service</strong></a></p> <h3 class="header-3">Extended Mail Forwarding</h3> <p>Standard mail forwarding lasts 12 months. You can pay to extend mail forwarding for 6, 12, or 18 more months (18 months is the maximum).</p> <p>To purchase Extended Mail Forwarding, you can add it when you first submit your <a href="">change of address request</a> or if you later <a href="">edit your request</a>. (USPS will also send you a reminder email when you have 1 month left in your mail forwarding.)</p> <p><strong>Important:</strong> You can’t cancel or request a refund for Extended Mail Forwarding. For more information and pricing, read the <a href="">Extended Mail Forwarding FAQs</a>.</p> <p>Note: When your mail forwarding period ends, USPS will return your mail to the sender for 6 months with a label that has your new address.</p> <h3 class="header-3">Premium Forwarding Services</h3> <p>In addition to regular mail forwarding, USPS offers paid Premium Forwarding Service<sup>&reg;</sup> options. For a fee, customers can have their mail packed up and sent to them: For residential customers, in a weekly Priority Mail shipment; for businesses, in daily, weekly, or monthly Priority Mail or Priority Mail Express shipments.</p> <p class="button--holder"><a href="/manage/forward-premium.htm"><strong>Premium Forwarding Mail Services</strong></a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- <section> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8 col-sm-8 col-xs-12 col-1-txt "> <div class="col-1-short"> <h2 class="header-2">Related Mail Services</h2> <p>See other ways to manage USPS mail and have peace of mind when no one is home to receive important documents or packages.</p> <h3 class="header-3">Stop or Forward Mail for the Deceased</h3> <p>Learn how to manage mail for loved ones who have passed. You can redirect their mail to another address and you can remove them from advertising lists.</p> <p><a href="/manage/mail-for-deceased.htm"><strong>Managing Mail for the Deceased</strong></a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> --> <script src="/assets/script/globals/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/assets/script/globals/popper.min.js"></script> <script src="/assets/script/globals/bootstrap.js"></script> <script src="/assets/script/bootstrap-custom.js"></script> <script> /* STACKED RESPONSIVE TABLE EXPANSION ON TABLET/MOBILE */ $('.rtable tr th').on('click touch', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); console.log('width check'); if ($(window).width()<=991){ $(this).parent().toggleClass('active'); console.log('clicked new item'); } }); $('.stacked-table .stack-expand').on('click touch', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if ($(this).hasClass('active')){ $(this).parents('.stacked-table').find('.rtable tr').removeClass('active'); $(this).removeClass('active'); $(this).text('Expand All'); 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