{"title":"Influence of Social Factors and Motives on Commitment of Sport Events Volunteers","authors":"Farideh Sharififar, Zahra Jamalian, Reza Nikbakhsh, Zahra Nobakht Ramezani","volume":53,"journal":"International Journal of Sport and Health Sciences","pagesStart":767,"pagesEnd":772,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/14391","abstract":"In sport, human resources management gives special\nattention to method of applying volunteers, their maintenance, and\nparticipation of volunteers with each other and management\napproaches for better operation of events celebrants. The recognition\nof volunteers- characteristics and motives is important to notice,\nbecause it makes the basis of their participation and commitment at\nsport environment. The motivation and commitment of 281\nvolunteers were assessed using the organizational commitment scale,\nmotivation scale and personal characteristics questionnaire.The\ndescriptive results showed that; 64% of volunteers were women with\nage average 21\/24 years old. They were physical education student,\nsingle (71\/9%), without occupation (53%) and with average of 5\nyears sport experience. Their most important motivation was career\nfactor and the most important commitment factor was normative\nfactor. The results of examining the hypothesized showed that; age,\nsport experience and education are effective in the amount of\nvolunteers- commitment. And the motive factors such as career,\nmaterial, purposive and protective factors also have the power to\npredict the amount of sports volunteers- commitment value.\nTherefore it is recommended to provide possible opportunities for\nvolunteers and carrying out appropriate instructional courses by\nevents executive managers.","references":"[1] ABS, (2002a). Year Book Australia: Income and Welfare Voluntary\nWork in 2000, Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.\n[2] Allen, J., B., Shaw, S., (2009). Every one rolls up their sleeves and\nmucks in: Exploring volunteer-s motivation and experiences of the\nmotivational climate of a sporting event, sport management review, 12,\npp: 79-90.\n[3] Andam, R., (2008). The study of motivations to volunteer in sport, A\nDissertation submitted to the Department of Sport Management,\nRecreation Management, and Physical Education for the degree of\nDoctor of Philosophy, Gilan University, Iran.\n[4] Casper, J., M., Gray, D., P., & Stellino, M., B., (2007). 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