document meaning: Record containing information for reference - OneLook
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It's a 5-word (or occasionally 6-word) computer-generated summary of how the word is used most often. Be aware that words can have multiple meanings! If there are other senses of the word, they are shown below." class="ol_inbrief"><span class="ol_inbrief_title">Usually means:</span> Record containing information for reference. </div> <div class="ol_tabs"> <b class="ol_selected_tab">Definitions</b> [<b class="ol_nonselected_tab"><a href="/?w=document&related=1">Related words</a></b>] [<b class="ol_nonselected_tab"><a href="/?w=document&mentions=1">Mentions</a></b>] [<b class="ol_nonselected_tab"><a href="/?w=document&verses=1">Lyrics</a></b>] [<b class="ol_nonselected_tab"><a href="/?w=document&history=1">History</a></b>] </div> <div id='main'> <div id='section-dicts'> We found 54 dictionaries that define the word <b>document</b>: <br><br> <IMG src=/img/a.gif alt="General dictionaries"> <a name=all_gen></a><u><b>General</b></u> (32 matching dictionaries)<br> <OL START=1> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Collins English Dictionary <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">Document</a>, <a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Wordnik <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Wiktionary <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed. <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Online Etymology Dictionary <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Cambridge Essential American English Dictionary <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">Document (album)</a>, <a rel="nofollow" href="">Document (disambiguation)</a>, <a rel="nofollow" href="">Document</a>, <a rel="nofollow" href="">The Document</a>: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">Document</a>: Online Plain Text English Dictionary <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Rhymezone <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>, <a rel="nofollow" href="">document (het)</a>, <a rel="nofollow" href="">document (m)</a>: Multi-Lingual Dictionary <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Webster's 1828 Dictionary <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Free Dictionary <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Mnemonic Dictionary <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: LookWAYup Translating Dictionary/Thesaurus <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Dictionary/thesaurus <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Wikimedia Commons US English Pronunciations <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Infoplease Dictionary <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: </ol><br> <IMG src=/img/a.gif alt="Art dictionaries"> <a name=all_art></a><u><b>Art</b></u> (2 matching dictionaries)<br> <OL START=26> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">Document</a>: Glossary of Binary Graphics <font color=grey><li> ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science <i>(No longer online)</i></font> </ol><br> <IMG src=/img/a.gif alt="Business dictionaries"> <a name=all_bus></a><u><b>Business</b></u> (7 matching dictionaries)<br> <OL START=28> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Webster's New World Law Dictionary <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Dictionary <font color=grey><li> Everybody's Legal Dictionary <i>(No longer online)</i></font> <font color=grey><li> Glossary of Legal Terms <i>(No longer online)</i></font> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">Document</a>: eyefortransport e-commerce transportation glossary <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Legal dictionary <font color=grey><li> <i>(No longer online)</i></font> </ol><br> <IMG src=/img/a.gif alt="Computing dictionaries"> <a name=all_com></a><u><b>Computing</b></u> (4 matching dictionaries)<br> <OL START=35> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Free On-line Dictionary of Computing <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Netlingo <font color=grey><li> Webopedia <i>(No longer online)</i></font> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Encyclopedia </ol><br> <IMG src=/img/a.gif alt="Medicine dictionaries"> <a name=all_med></a><u><b>Medicine</b></u> (2 matching dictionaries)<br> <OL START=39> <font color=grey><li> online medical dictionary <i>(No longer online)</i></font> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Medical dictionary </ol><br> <IMG src=/img/a.gif alt="Miscellaneous dictionaries"> <a name=all_misc></a><u><b>Miscellaneous</b></u> (1 matching dictionary)<br> <OL START=41> <font color=grey><li> Navajo Code Talkers' Dictionary <i>(No longer online)</i></font> </ol><br> <IMG src=/img/a.gif alt="Science dictionaries"> <a name=all_sci></a><u><b>Science</b></u> (3 matching dictionaries)<br> <OL START=42> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Archaeology Wordsmith <font color=grey><li> Botanical Terms <i>(No longer online)</i></font> <font color=grey><li> FOLDOP - Free On Line Dictionary Of Philosophy <i>(No longer online)</i></font> </ol><br> <IMG src=/img/a.gif alt="Slang dictionaries"> <a name=all_slang></a><u><b>Slang</b></u> (1 matching dictionary)<br> <OL START=45> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">document</a>: Urban Dictionary </ol><br> <IMG src=/img/a.gif alt="Tech dictionaries"> <a name=all_tech></a><u><b>Tech</b></u> (2 matching dictionaries)<br> <OL START=46> <font color=grey><li> AUTOMOTIVE TERMS <i>(No longer online)</i></font> <font color=grey><li> SeaTalk Dictionary of English Nautical Language <i>(No longer online)</i></font> </ol><br> (Note: See <a href="/?loc=lemma3&w=documentable">documentable</a> as well.)<br><br> </div> <div id='section-defn'> <table class="info-box" cellpadding=0 width=><tr><td> <div class="entry" type="normal"> <script> var mm_US_title = 'document: Quick Definition from the Macmillan English Dictionary'; var mm_US_orth = 'document'; var mm_US_audio = 'pronounce/macmillan/US/document-American-English-pronunciation.mp3'; var mm_US_audio_title = 'document: click here to listen to the American English pronunciation'; var mm_US_def = '%3C/div%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22hom%22%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22gramGrp%22%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22gram%22%20type%3D%22pos%22%3Enoun%3C/div%3E%3C/div%3E%3C/div%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22sense%22%20level%3D%221%22%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22sense-before%22%3E%26%239656%3B%3C/div%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22def%22%3Ea%20piece%20of%20paper%20or%20a%20set%20of%20papers%20containing%20official%20information%3C/div%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22xr%22%20type%3D%22entry%22%3E%20%20%3Ca%20class%3D%22ptr%22%20title%3D%22%22%20href%3D%22http%3A//'; var mm_UK_title = 'document: Quick Definition from the Macmillan English Dictionary'; var mm_UK_orth = 'document'; var mm_UK_audio = 'pronounce/macmillan/UK/document-British-English-pronunciation.mp3'; var mm_UK_audio_title = 'document: click here to listen to the British English pronunciation'; var mm_UK_def = '%3C/div%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22hom%22%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22gramGrp%22%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22gram%22%20type%3D%22pos%22%3Enoun%3C/div%3E%3C/div%3E%3C/div%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22sense%22%20level%3D%221%22%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22sense-before%22%3E%26%239656%3B%3C/div%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22def%22%3Ea%20piece%20of%20paper%20or%20a%20set%20of%20papers%20containing%20official%20information%3C/div%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22xr%22%20type%3D%22entry%22%3E%20%20%3Ca%20class%3D%22ptr%22%20title%3D%22%22%20href%3D%22http%3A//'; </script> <div class="form" id="mm_title" title=""></div> <table width=100%><td align=left> <div class="xr" type="pron"><a class="ptr" id="mm_audio" title="" href="___" target="_">🔈</a> </td> <td align=center> <div class="medo-hw"><font size=-1>Definitions from <a href="">Wiktionary</a> (<div class="orth" id="orth"></div>)</font></div> </td> <td align=right width=40> <table cellpadding=5> <td id="flag_us"> <a class="ptr" title="American English definition" href="#" onclick="activate_us();"><img src="img/us.png" alt="American English Definition"/></a></div> </td> <td id="flag_uk"> <a class="ptr" title="British English definition" href="#" onclick="activate_uk();"><img src="img/gb.png" alt="British English Definition"/></a></div> </td> </table> </td> </table> <div class="hom" id="def_text"> </div> <script> function activate_us() { document.getElementById('flag_us').setAttribute('bgcolor', 'yellow'); document.getElementById('flag_uk').setAttribute('bgcolor', 'white'); document.getElementById('orth').innerHTML = unescape(mm_US_orth); document.getElementById('mm_audio').setAttribute('href', mm_US_audio); document.getElementById('mm_audio').setAttribute('title', mm_US_audio_title); } function activate_uk() { document.getElementById('flag_uk').setAttribute('bgcolor', 'yellow'); document.getElementById('flag_us').setAttribute('bgcolor', 'white'); document.getElementById('orth').innerHTML = unescape(mm_UK_orth); document.getElementById('mm_audio').setAttribute('href', mm_UK_audio); document.getElementById('mm_audio').setAttribute('title', mm_UK_audio_title); } if (typeof mm_US_def === 'undefined') activate_uk(); else activate_us(); </script> <b>▸ <i>noun</i>:</b> An original or official paper used as the basis, proof, or support of anything else, including any writing, book, or other instrument conveying information pertinent to such proof or support.<br> <b>▸ <i>noun</i>:</b> Any material substance on which the information is represented by writing.<br> <b>▸ <i>noun</i>:</b> (computing) A file that contains text.<br> <b>▸ <i>noun</i>:</b> (information science) An object conveying information by whatever means, capable of being indexed alongside other similar objects.<br> <b>▸ <i>noun</i>:</b> (obsolete) That which is taught or authoritatively set forth; precept; instruction; dogma.<br> <b>▸ <i>noun</i>:</b> (obsolete) An example for instruction or warning.<br> <b>▸ <i>verb</i>:</b> To record in documents.<br> <b>▸ <i>verb</i>:</b> To furnish with documents or papers necessary to establish facts or give information.<br> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Similar:</b></div><div class=rellist> <a href=/?w=text+file&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>text file</a>, <a href=/?w=papers&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>papers</a>, <a href=/?w=written+document&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>written document</a>, <a href=/?w=documentation&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>documentation</a>, <a href=/?w=documentor&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>documentor</a>, <a href=/?w=report&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>report</a>, <a href=/?w=subdocument&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>subdocument</a>, <a href=/?w=text&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>text</a>, <a href=/?w=summary&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>summary</a>, <a href=/?w=declaration&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>declaration</a>, <a href=/thesaurus/?s=document&loc=cb><i>more...</i></a> </div> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Opposite:</b></div><div class=rellist> <a href=/?w=erase&ls=a&loc=rel_opp>erase</a>, <a href=/?w=delete&ls=a&loc=rel_opp>delete</a>, <a href=/?w=forget&ls=a&loc=rel_opp>forget</a>, <a href=/?w=discard&ls=a&loc=rel_opp>discard</a>, <a href=/?w=obliterate&ls=a&loc=rel_opp>obliterate</a> </div> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Types:</b></div><div class=rellist> <a href=/?w=resume&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>resume</a>, <a href=/?w=invoice&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>invoice</a>, <a href=/?w=contract&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>contract</a>, <a href=/?w=letter&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>letter</a>, <a href=/?w=report&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>report</a>, <a href=/?w=proposal&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>proposal</a>, <a href=/?w=agenda&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>agenda</a>, <a href=/?w=minutes&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>minutes</a>, <a href=/?w=white+paper&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>white paper</a>, <a href="/thesaurus/?s=types%20of%20document"><i>more...</i></a> </div> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Phrases:</b></div><div class=rellist> <nobr><a href=/?w=source+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>source document</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=legal+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>legal document</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=original+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>original document</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=written+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>written document</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=official+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>official document</a>, </nobr> <a href="/?w=**document**&ssbp=1"><i>more...</i></a> </div> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Adjectives:</b></div><div class=rellist> <a href=/?w=new&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>new</a>, <a href=/?w=original&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>original</a>, <a href=/?w=important&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>important</a>, <a href=/?w=legal&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>legal</a>, <a href=/?w=official&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>official</a>, <a href=/?w=single&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>single</a>, <a href=/?w=historical&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>historical</a>, <a href=/?w=entire&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>entire</a>, <a href=/?w=final&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>final</a>, <a href=/?w=current&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>current</a>, <a href=/?w=remarkable&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>remarkable</a> </div> <div id="dmapi_cls"></div> <script language=javascript type='text/javascript'> var query = 'document'; var baseurl = '/?loc=dmapirel&w=' function clusterlink(clusterTitles, clusterId, query) { var clusterTitle = clusterTitles[clusterId][0]; var url = "" + clusterTitle + "&s=cluster:" + clusterId + "&loc=ol_cls"; url = url + "&f_rt=" + encodeURIComponent(query); url = url + "&concept=" + encodeURIComponent(clusterTitle); clslink = "<a href=\"" + url + "\"><button class=\"top-cluster\">" + clusterTitle + "</button></a> "; return clslink; } function toggle_dmapi_res(apifn) { var q = apifn; var max = "100"; if (apifn === "rhy") { q = "arhy=1&sl"; } if (apifn === "idioms") { q = "v=idioms&md=d&ml"; } if (apifn === "cls") { q = "qe=sp&md=c&sp"; max = "1"; } if (apifn === "ml") { q = "md=d&ml"; } $.ajax({ url: "//" + max + "&k=ol_related&" + q + "=" + query, context: document.body }).done(function(data) { str = ""; if (apifn == "cls" 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He holds onto her a <b>moment</b>)", "m": "moment", "t": "document", "title": "\"Seduction\" from \"Woman In White\""}, {"url": "", "snippet": "This tattered <b>document</b><br>A mystery you can solve<br>Some burnt out <b>filament</b><br>Flies still buzzing around the bulb", "m": "filament", "t": "document", "title": "\"Country Darkness\" by Elvis Costello"}, {"url": "", "snippet": "Bring in the head of the <b>government</b><br>The dog ate the <b>document</b>", "m": "document", "t": "government", "title": "\"Maria\" by Green Day"}, {"url": "", "snippet": "For if there is no <b>document</b><br>We cannot build our <b>monument</b>", "m": "monument", "t": "document", "title": "\"Binary Sea\" by Death Cab for Cutie"}, {"url": "", "snippet": "A manuscript, a <b>document</b><br>A failure & an <b>argument</b>", "m": "argument", "t": "document", "title": "\"Epoxi-Lips\" by Rx Bandits"}, {"url": "", "snippet": "We do things that people pay to <b>document</b><br>You got the sweetest heart<br>But I'm not here to give out <b>compliments</b><br>Or boost nobodys confidence, momma", "m": "compliments", "t": "document", "title": "\"You & The 6\" by Drake"}, {"url": "", "snippet": "When I was ten they should have signed a <b>document</b><br>Making me a permanent boys home <b>occupant</b>", "m": "occupant", "t": "document", "title": "\"S.L.I.P.\" by K-Rino"}, {"url": "", "snippet": "Listen, I saw son name scribbled on the <b>document</b><br>Disembodied Nephilim aboriginal <b>occupant</b>", "m": "occupant", "t": "document", "title": "\"Hell's Henchman\" by Jedi Mind Tricks"}, {"url": "", "snippet": "The maintenance of icicle spirit by the warmth of true <b>endearment</b><br>Was, is, and forever will be a luxury<br>I'm a sovereignty columnist fathering doom <b>document</b><br>Curs\u00e9d version of a certain Virgin Mary womb occupant", "m": "document", "t": "endearment", "title": "\"Oxygen\" by Aesop Rock"}, {"url": "", "snippet": "I'm a sovereignty columnist fathering doom <b>document</b><br>Curs\u00e9d version of a certain Virgin Mary womb <b>occupant</b>", "m": "occupant", "t": "document", "title": "\"Oxygen\" by Aesop Rock"}, {"url": "", "snippet": "I play with the heavy metal like a <b>rock event</b><br>Its common sense I live a life you should <b>document</b>", "m": "document", "t": "rock_event", "title": "\"Mass Appeal\" by Cassidy"}, {"url": "", "snippet": "Invisible <b>document</b> of <b>entitlement</b>", "m": "entitlement", "t": "document", "title": "\"Windchaser\" by Christon Gray"}] var show_all_snippets = false var matchCounts = []; var move_snippet_to_top = false; var referrer_target = false; var found_featured = false; var referrer_target_match_count = 0; var updateSel = false; function norm(s) { return s.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "_"); } function organizeSnippets() { var matchCountsDict = {} for (var i=0; i<rz_snippets.length; i++) { x = rz_snippets[i]; if (!matchCountsDict[x["t"]]) { matchCountsDict[x["t"]] = 1; } else { matchCountsDict[x["t"]] += 1; } if (!matchCountsDict[x["m"]]) { matchCountsDict[x["m"]] = 1; } else if (x["m"] !== x["t"]) { matchCountsDict[x["m"]] += 1; } var genre = urlToGenre(x["url"]); if (!matchCountsDict["genre:" + genre]) { matchCountsDict["genre:" + genre] = 1; } else { matchCountsDict["genre:" + genre] += 1; } } matchCounts = []; for (var k in matchCountsDict) matchCounts.push([k, matchCountsDict[k]]); matchCounts.sort(function(a, b) { a = a[1]; b = b[1]; return a < b ? 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var baseurl = '/?loc=dmapirel&w=' </script> <br>▸ <a class="dmapi_link" onclick="toggle_dmapi_res('rel_trg')">Words that often appear near <i>document</i></a> <div id="dmapi_rel_trg"></div> <script language=javascript type='text/javascript'> var query = 'document'; var baseurl = '/?loc=dmapirel&w=' </script> <br>▸ <a target="_" href="">Rhymes of <i>document</i></a><br> <br>▸ <a href="pm/#?w1=document">Invented words related to <i>document</i></a><br> </td></tr></table></td></tr> </table></div> </div></div> <br> <center><table class="info-box" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" width=80%><tr><td><a name=phrases></a> <div class=relheader><b>Similar:</b></div><div class=rellist> <a href=/?w=text+file&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>text file</a>, <a href=/?w=papers&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>papers</a>, <a href=/?w=written+document&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>written document</a>, <a href=/?w=documentation&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>documentation</a>, <a href=/?w=documentor&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>documentor</a>, <a href=/?w=report&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>report</a>, <a href=/?w=subdocument&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>subdocument</a>, <a href=/?w=text&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>text</a>, <a href=/?w=summary&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>summary</a>, <a href=/?w=declaration&ls=a&loc=rel_sim>declaration</a>, <a href=/thesaurus/?s=document&loc=cb><i>more...</i></a> </div> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Opposite:</b></div><div class=rellist> <a href=/?w=erase&ls=a&loc=rel_opp>erase</a>, <a href=/?w=delete&ls=a&loc=rel_opp>delete</a>, <a href=/?w=forget&ls=a&loc=rel_opp>forget</a>, <a href=/?w=discard&ls=a&loc=rel_opp>discard</a>, <a href=/?w=obliterate&ls=a&loc=rel_opp>obliterate</a> </div> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Types:</b></div><div class=rellist> <a href=/?w=resume&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>resume</a>, <a href=/?w=invoice&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>invoice</a>, <a href=/?w=contract&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>contract</a>, <a href=/?w=letter&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>letter</a>, <a href=/?w=report&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>report</a>, <a href=/?w=proposal&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>proposal</a>, <a href=/?w=agenda&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>agenda</a>, <a href=/?w=minutes&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>minutes</a>, <a href=/?w=white+paper&ls=a&loc=rel_typeof>white paper</a>, <a href="/thesaurus/?s=types%20of%20document"><i>more...</i></a> </div> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Phrases:</b></div><div class=rellist> <nobr><a href=/?w=source+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>source document</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=legal+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>legal document</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=original+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>original document</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=written+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>written document</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=official+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>official document</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=document+type&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>document type</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=document+management&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>document management</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=policy+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>policy document</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=Historical+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>Historical document</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=Electronic+document&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>Electronic document</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=document+retrieval&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>document retrieval</a>, </nobr> <a href="/?w=**document**&ssbp=1"><i>more...</i></a> </div> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Adjectives:</b></div><div class=rellist> <a href=/?w=new&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>new</a>, <a href=/?w=original&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>original</a>, <a href=/?w=important&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>important</a>, <a href=/?w=legal&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>legal</a>, <a href=/?w=official&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>official</a>, <a href=/?w=single&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>single</a>, <a href=/?w=historical&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>historical</a>, <a href=/?w=entire&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>entire</a>, <a href=/?w=final&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>final</a>, <a href=/?w=current&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>current</a>, <a href=/?w=remarkable&ls=a&loc=rel_adj>remarkable</a> </div> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Crossword clues:</b></div><div class=rellist> <nobr><i>durable record), </i></nobr> <nobr><i>d.c. paper, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>to record, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>legal paper, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>shareable pc file, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>keep record, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>pieces of paper, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>a form, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>a written statement, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>written statement</i></nobr> </div> </td></tr></table></center> <br><br> Search for <i>document</i> on <a href="">Google</a> or <a href="">Wikipedia</a><br><br> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/threepeat/tp.css?4"><center>Tap below and start typing to play <a href="/threepeat">Threepeat</a>!</center><center><br> <div id="threepeat"></div> <div id="beacon"></div> <script src="/threepeat/libs/confettisplosion.js?4"></script> <script src="/threepeat/tp.js?4"></script> <script> const threepeat = new Threepeat("#threepeat"); 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profound sadness.", "desire": "Intense longing or wish for.", "descent": "Movement from higher to lower."}}, {"suffixes": ["eld", "ner", "ghter"], "prefix": "fi", "valid_words": ["fighter", "righter", "liner", "diner", "finer", "loner", "niner", "wield", "tighter", "caner", "boner", "honer", "tuner", "zoner", "lighter", "yield", "goner", "bield", "toner", "biner", "sighter", "saner", "inner", "field", "owner", "miner", "fjeld"], "definitions": {"field": "Area of study or expertise.", "finer": "More delicate or precise quality.", "fighter": "Combatant skilled in physical conflict."}}], "game_id": "2024-11-27"} ]); </script> </center> <br> <table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td align=right> <center> <a href="">Home</a> <a href="/thesaurus/">Reverse Dictionary / Thesaurus</a> <a href="">Datamuse</a> <a href="">Compound Your Joy</a> <a href="">Spruce</a> <a href="">Feedback</a> <a href="">Privacy</a> <a href="#" class="darkModeToggle">Dark mode</a> <a href="/about.shtml">Help</a></center> </td></tr></table> <br> <!-- <br><center><a href="">Harvey Beeferman, 1942–2024</a></center><br> --> <center>Today's secret word is 11 letters and means <i>"Excessive, beyond reasonable or appropriate."</i> Can you find it?<br><br></center><script src=""></script> <script> function ol(isForward, mode) { var x = $( "#olinput" ).val(); 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