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alt="An Evolving AllMovie"> </a> <div class="article-info"> <div class="hgroup"> <h3 class="pubdate"> Mar. 24, 2024 &middot; <span class="categories"> <a href="/blog/features" title="Features">Features</a> </span> </h3> <h2 class="title"> <a href="/blog/post/an-evolving-allmovie" title="An Evolving AllMovie">An Evolving AllMovie</a> </h2> </div> <div class="teaser"> If you are an avid user of AllMovie, you may have noticed some recent changes to the site (or as Bill and Ted would say, "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K"). We've moved to a different data provider and some of the features and functions on the site are evolving. </div> <a href="/blog/post/an-evolving-allmovie" class="read-more" title="Read More">Read More</a> </div> </section> <div class="in-content-placement"> <div id="AllMovie_In_Page"></div> </div> <section class="recent-entries module"> <h3 class="headline">Recent Entries</h3> <div class="recent-article-container"> <div class="recent-article"> <a href="/blog/post/on-a-mission-from-god-the-definitive-story-of-the-blues-brothers" title="On a Mission from God: The Definitive Story of The Blues Brothers" class="cover-image medium features"> <img src="" alt="On a Mission from God: The Definitive Story of The Blues Brothers"> </a> <div class="article-info"> <div class="hgroup"> <h4 class="pubdate"> Mar. 19, 2024 &middot; <span class="categories"> <a href="/blog/features" title="Features">Features</a> &ndash; <a href="/blog/reviews-5" title="Reviews">Reviews</a> </span> </h4> <h3 class="title"> <a href="/blog/post/on-a-mission-from-god-the-definitive-story-of-the-blues-brothers" title="On a Mission from God: The Definitive Story of The Blues Brothers">On a Mission from God: The Definitive Story of The Blues Brothers</a> </h3> </div> <div class="teaser"> In Daniel De Vis茅's in-depth new book The Blues Brothers - An Epic Friendship, the Rise of Improv, and the Making of an American Film Classic, the author goes to phenomenal lengths to detail not just&#8230; 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<span class="categories"> <a href="/blog/features" title="Features">Features</a> </span> </h4> <h3 class="title"> <a href="/blog/post/write-your-own-movie-reviews-on-allmovie" title="Write Your Own Movie Reviews on AllMovie">Write Your Own Movie Reviews on AllMovie</a> </h3> </div> <div class="teaser"> Now on AllMovie you can submit your own reviews on the movies that have changed your life or critically tear down one of those film school staples that you鈥檝e always thought was overrated. <a href="/blog/post/write-your-own-movie-reviews-on-allmovie" class="read-more" title="Read More">Read More</a> </div> <a href="/blog/post/write-your-own-movie-reviews-on-allmovie" class="read-more read-more-mobile" title="Read More">Read More</a> </div> </div> <div class="recent-article"> <a href="/blog/post/support-allmovie-and-go-ad-free-with-a-paid-subscription" title="Support AllMovie and Go Ad-Free with a Paid Subscription" class="cover-image medium features"> <img src="" alt="Support AllMovie and Go Ad-Free with a Paid Subscription"> </a> <div class="article-info"> <div class="hgroup"> <h4 class="pubdate"> Feb. 17, 2021 &middot; 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<span class="categories"> <a href="/blog/features" title="Features">Features</a> </span> </h4> <h3 class="title"> <a href="/blog/post/exploring-the-wild-worlds-of-stuart-gordon" title="Exploring the Wild Worlds of Stuart Gordon">Exploring the Wild Worlds of Stuart Gordon</a> </h3> </div> <div class="teaser"> The beloved cult director died this week, leaving behind a legacy of some of the most endearingly bizarre and terrifying films of the past 35 years. 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