IEEE 802.16 AOE Deadline Documentation
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="IEEE Working Group 802.16 on Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) Standards, Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN), WirelessMAN(TM), WirelessHUMAN(TM), IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee, LMDS, MMDS, Fixed Wireless Access (FWA), Telecommunications, Data Communications, Radio Frequency (RF), Microwave"> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="IEEE Working Group 802.16 on Broadband Wireless Access Standards"> <TITLE>IEEE 802.16 AOE Deadline Documentation</TITLE> <LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="dot16.ico"> <LINK REL="ICON" HREF="dot16.ico"> </HEAD> <BODY TEXT="#000099" LINK="#990000" VLINK="#0066CC" ALINK="#CC44BB" BGCOLOR="#CCFFFF"> <BASEFONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica" SIZE="-0"> <H2>IEEE 802.16 AOE Deadline Documentation</H2> IEEE 802.16 Working Group ballot deadlines are established as the end of day "AOE", for "Anywhere on Earth." This means that the deadline has not passed if, anywhere on earth, the deadline date has not yet passed. <P> Howland Island, in the <a href="">International Date Line West (IDLW) time zone</a>, lies in the time zone just East of the International Date Line. Therefore, the day ends AOE when it ends on Howland Island. You can check the time on Howland Island (and Baker Island, in the same time zone) using this <A HREF="">AOE Time Reference</A>. <P> You can also use a link to find your local time at day's end AOE. This may vary, depending on your local use of Summer Time (Daylight Savings Time). Sample charts are provided here for each: <ul> <li><a href=>Winter Time: Local time, January 1 AOE</a></li> <li><a href=>Summer Time: Local time, July 1 AOE</a></li> </ul> Note that the day's end AOE occurs at noon UTC of the following day. <HR>Return to <A HREF="index.html">IEEE 802.16 Page</A> </BODY> </HTML>