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These guides describe the types of data that may be associated with your account.","web.loading":"Loading content, please wait","web.request.category.summary.text":"Download data category guides<span aria-hidden=\"true\"> ›</span>","web.sections.beneficiary.archive.title":"Get a copy of {0:firstName}’s data","web.sections.beneficiary.archive.description.gcbd":"Download a copy of {0:firstName}’s data from Apple apps and services, which may include {0:firstName}’s purchase or app usage history, and the data stored with Apple and iCloud operated by GCBD.","web.sections.beneficiary.archive.description":"Download a copy of {0:firstName}’s data from Apple apps and services, which may include purchase or app usage history, and data {0:firstName} stored with Apple.","web.sections.archive.title":"Get a copy of your data","web.sections.archive.description.gcbd":"Download a copy of your data from Apple apps and services, which may include purchase or app usage history, and data you store with Apple and iCloud operated by GCBD.","web.sections.archive.description.dma":"Download a copy of your data, which may include purchase or app usage history, and data you store with Apple. You can also request copies of App Store data on a recurring schedule.","web.sections.archive.description":"Download a copy of your data from Apple apps and services, which may include purchase or app usage history, and data you store with Apple.","":"Request a copy of {0:firstName}’s data<span aria-hidden=\"true\"> ›</span>","":"Request a copy of your data<span aria-hidden=\"true\"> ›</span>","web.sections.correction.title":"Correct your data","web.sections.correction.description":"If you believe that any of your personal information stored by Apple is incorrect, we can help you update it.","":"Learn how to correct your data<span aria-hidden=\"true\"> ›</span>","web.sections.deactivate.title":"Temporarily deactivate your account","web.sections.deactivate.description.gcbd":"Pause activity on your account and restrict access to your data stored by Apple and iCloud operated by GCBD.","web.sections.deactivate.description":"Pause activity on your account and restrict access to your data. You won’t be able to access your account or any Apple apps and services while your account is inactive.","web.request.deactivate.account.text":"Request to deactivate your account<span aria-hidden=\"true\"> ›</span>","web.sections.beneficiary.delete.title":"Delete {0:firstName}’s account","web.sections.beneficiary.delete.description.gcbd":"Permanently delete {0:firstName}’s account and associated data from all Apple apps and services and iCloud operated by GCBD.","web.sections.beneficiary.delete.description":"Permanently delete {0:firstName}’s account and associated data from all Apple apps and services.","web.sections.delete.title":"Delete your account","web.sections.delete.description.gcbd":"Permanently delete your account and associated data from all Apple apps and services and iCloud operated by GCBD.","web.sections.delete.description":"Permanently delete your account and associated data from all Apple apps and services.","web.request.beneficiary.delete.account.text":"Request to delete {0:firstName}’s account<span aria-hidden=\"true\"> ›</span>","web.request.delete.account.text":"Request to delete your account<span aria-hidden=\"true\"> ›</span>","":"We’re committed to keeping your personal information secure and private whether it’s stored on your device or on Apple’s servers.","":"Learn how Apple protects your privacy.","":" Opens in a new window.","":"You requested parental consent to deactivate your account.","":"A message has been sent to {0} {1} to provide parental consent.","web.cancel.request":"Cancel request ›","":"Your account is currently being deactivated.","":"Your request was received on {0} and is in progress. When your account is deactivated, you won’t be able to sign in or use Apple services.","":"You requested parental consent to delete your account.","":"A message has been sent to {0} {1} to provide parental consent.","":"Your account is currently being deleted.","":"Your request to delete your account was received on {0} and is in progress. When your account is deleted, you won’t be able to sign in or use it to access Apple services.","":"Your request to delete your account was declined.","":"You requested parental consent to delete your account on {0}. This request was declined by your family organizer.","":"Your request to delete your account could not be completed.","":"This request was made on {0}. For more information, check your messages at {1}.","":"This request was made on {0}. For more information, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{1}\">contact Apple Support.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"Your request to deactivate your account was declined.","":"You requested parental consent to deactivate your account on {0}. This request was declined by your family organizer.","":"Your request to deactivate your account could not be completed.","":"Your account will be deleted soon.","":"Your family organizer has requested to delete their account. All child accounts in a family are deleted along with the family organizer’s account.","":"When your account is deleted, you won’t be able to sign in or use it to access Apple services.","":"Your account will be deactivated soon.","":"Your family organizer has requested to deactivate their account. All child accounts in a family are deactivated along with the family organizer’s account.","":"When your account is deactivated, you won’t be able to sign in or use it to access Apple services.","":"Your download is ready.","":"{0} of {1} apps and services","web.archive.filesize.selected.apps.plural":"{0} apps and services","":"Get your data<span aria-hidden=\"true\"> ›</span>","web.archive.filesize.selected.apps.singular":"{0} app or service","web.archive.available.until.text":"Available until {0}","":"Data request in progress","":"Data requests in progress","":"View details<span aria-hidden=\"true\"> ›</span>","":"A message has been sent to {0:firstName} {1} to provide parental consent.","":"{0} of your data requests could not be completed.","":"{0} apps and services total","web.archive.request.parent.declined.title":"Your request to get a copy of your data was declined.","web.archive.request.parent.declined.description":"You requested parental consent to get a copy of your data on {0}. This request was declined by your family organizer.","web.archive.request.not.completed":"Your data request could not be completed.","web.archive.requests.not.completed":"Your data requests could not be completed.","web.deactivate.intro.title":"Deactivate your account","web.back":"Back","web.continue":"Continue","web.deactivate.intro.paragraph1":"At any time or for any reason, you can request to temporarily deactivate your account.<br>For your security, we verify all deactivation requests. This process takes up to seven days. Your account will remain active while verification is in progress.","web.gcbd.china.user.note":"In China, iCloud is operated by GCBD. iCloud data requests can be made on this page.","web.deactivate.intro.section1.label":"What happens when my account is deactivated?","web.deactivate.intro.section1.item1":"Apple will not access or process your data. <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Some exceptions<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> may apply.","web.deactivate.intro.section1.item2":"You will not be able to access Apple services or your App Store media purchases.","web.deactivate.intro.section1.item3":"You will not be able to access any data stored in iCloud, such as photos, videos, or documents.","web.deactivate.intro.section1.item4":"You will not be able to sign in or use services such as iCloud, Apple Books, the App Store, Apple Pay, iMessage, FaceTime, and Find My, or <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">any other apps or services you use with your Apple Account</a>.","web.deactivate.intro.section1.item4.old":"You will not be able to sign in or use services such as iCloud, Apple Books, the App Store, Apple Pay, Messages, FaceTime, and Find My iPhone.","web.deactivate.intro.section1.item5":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">You will not receive messages<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> sent to your account via iMessage, FaceTime, or iCloud Mail.","web.deactivate.intro.section1.item6":"Deactivation does not cancel any repairs or Apple Store orders. Any Apple Care cases in progress will be preserved while the account is deactivated but you will not be able to access them. Any appointments you have scheduled at the Apple Store will be canceled.","web.restriction.intro.section1.item7":"If you are enrolled in the <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">iPhone upgrade program<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>, you must continue making payments for your device.","web.deactivate.intro.section1.item8":"You can resume using your account at any time by choosing to reactivate it.","web.restriction.intro.section1.other":"Other questions? <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Read our FAQ.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","web.deactivate.intro.section2.label":"Before deactivating your account:","":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Make a local copy or backup of your data<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>. You can also <a href=\"#\">get a copy of your data</a> from this site.","web.restriction.intro.section2.item1":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Make a local copy or backup of your data<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>. You can also <a href=\"{1}\" target=\"_blank\">get a copy of your data<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> from this site.","web.restriction.intro.section2.item2":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Sign out of your devices<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> and web browsers.","web.deactivate.intro.section2.item3":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Review your active subscriptions<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>. They will not be renewed while your account is inactive.","web.restriction.intro.paragraph4":"To help us improve our services, select a reason for your request:","":"Select reason","web.restriction.intro.textarea.reasons.placeholder":"Please provide your comments so we can understand your concerns. We may contact you regarding this.","web.delete.intro.title":"Delete your account","web.delete.intro.paragraph1":"At any time or for any reason you can request to permanently delete your account.<br>","web.delete.intro.paragraph2":"For your security, we verify all deletion requests. This process takes up to seven days.<br>","web.delete.intro.paragraph3":"Your account will remain active while verification is in progress.","web.delete.intro.section1.label":"What happens when my account is deleted?","web.delete.intro.section1.item1":"You will not be able to access your Apple services or your App Store media purchases.","web.delete.intro.section1.item2":"Your photos, videos and documents stored in iCloud will be permanently deleted.","web.delete.intro.section1.item3":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">You will not receive messages<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> sent to your account via iMessage, FaceTime, or iCloud Mail.","web.delete.intro.section1.item4":"You will not be able to sign in or use services such as iCloud, Apple Books, the App Store, Apple Pay, Messages, FaceTime, and Find My, or <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">any other apps or services you use with your Apple Account</a>.","web.delete.intro.section1.item4.old":"You will not be able to sign in or use services such as iCloud, iTunes, Apple Books, the App Store, Apple Pay, Messages, FaceTime, and Find My iPhone.","web.delete.intro.section1.item5":"Your data associated with Apple services will be permanently deleted. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\" >Some exceptions<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> may apply.","":"The phone number that you use with your Apple Account, <b>{0:primaryPhoneNumber}</b>, will no longer be available for use with any new or existing Apple Account. To ensure that it can’t be used again, a record of this phone number will remain on file with Apple.","":"The email address that you use with your Apple Account, <b>{0:primaryEmail}</b>, won't be available for use with any new or existing Apple Account. A one-way hash of this email address will remain on file with Apple. For third-party (non-Apple) domain accounts, this one-way hash is deleted after six years, at which time it can be reused.","":"The email address that you use with your Apple Account, <b>{0:primaryEmail}</b>, will no longer be available for use with any new or existing Apple Account. To ensure that it can’t be used again, a record of this email address will remain on file with Apple.","web.delete.intro.section1.item6":"Deletion does not cancel any repairs or Apple Store orders. However, any appointments you have scheduled at the Apple Store will be canceled and any open Apple Care cases will be permanently closed and unavailable once your account is deleted.","web.delete.intro.section2.label":"Before deleting your account:","":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Make a local copy or backup of your data<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>, or <a href=\"#\">get a copy of your data</a> from this site. <br/> <strong>Note:</strong> This data does not include your iTunes Store, Apple Books, and App Store purchases.","web.deletion.intro.section2.item1":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Make a local copy or backup of your data<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>, or <a href=\"{1}\" target=\"_blank\">get a copy of your data<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> from this site. <br/> <strong>Note:</strong> This data does not include your iTunes Store, Apple Books, and App Store purchases.","web.delete.intro.section2.item3":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Review your active subscriptions.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> They will be canceled when your account is deleted.","web.delete.intro.note.paragraph1":"<strong>Account deletion is permanent.</strong> If you aren’t planning to use your account for now but may consider returning to it in the future, we recommend <a href=\"#\">temporary deactivation</a> instead of deletion.","":"<strong>Account deletion is permanent.</strong> If you aren’t planning to use your account for now but may consider returning to it in the future, we recommend temporary deactivation instead of deletion.","":"Select a reason","web.delete.intro.textarea.reasons.placeholder":"Please provide your comments so we can understand your concerns.","web.deactivate.terms.title":"Apple Account Deactivation Terms and Conditions","web.deactivate.terms.child.paragraph1":"By approving deactivation of {0}’s account you agree to the following conditions.","web.deactivate.terms.paragraph1":"By deactivating your account you agree to the following conditions.","web.deactivate.terms.agreement.part1":"<p>Apple provides you with the possibility to temporarily deactivate your Apple Account (“Account”) or that of a child in your Family.</p><p>While your Account is deactivated, you will not be able to access your Account, the data you store with Apple, or DRM-protected Content. You will not be able to use Services, such as iCloud, the iTunes Store, the App Store, Apple Books, Apple News, Apple Cash, iMessage and FaceTime. If you signed up for iCloud with this Account, you won’t be able to access any of your data stored in iCloud. You won’t be able to access iCloud Services such as email, photos, calendars, contacts, backups and Find My. You won’t receive messages sent to your Account via iMessage, FaceTime, or iCloud Mail. You won’t be entitled to any refunds related to your inability to access Content or Services. You will still be able to access purchased DRM-free Content that is stored locally on your device.</p><p>Consider keeping copies of any Apple related data you currently need or expect to need while your Account is deactivated. Apple won’t have any means to provide such data to you while your Account is deactivated. You should also consider making copies of any owned Content stored in iTunes Match or Apple Music’s Library feature.</p><p>Deactivating your Account will limit Apple’s ability to contact you regarding products, warranties, claims, disputes, or other potential legal actions under which you may be entitled to relief from Apple.</p><p>Temporary deactivation gives effect to legal rights, in certain jurisdictions, that provide you with a right to restrict the use of your personal data in certain specified circumstances. Where an Account is placed in this deactivated state, Apple makes its best efforts to not process or use personal data associated with your Account. Apple may process or use your data to comply with other legal obligations, such as the use of your data for financial reporting purposes.</p><p>If your Account remains deactivated for longer than two years, some data in your account, such as iCloud data, may be deleted.</p><p><strong>Purchases</strong></p><p>If you purchased Content or Apps from the iTunes Store, the App Store, Apple Books, or the Volume Purchase Program using your Account, you won’t be able to use any of the iTunes Store Services while your Account is deactivated. Such services include, but are not limited to, all of the following items:</p><ul class=\"list\"><li>Updating purchased Apps</li><li>Downloading previously purchased Content or Apps</li><li>Syncing DRM-Protected purchased Content or Apps to iOS devices</li><li>Copying DRM-Protected purchased Content from one computer to another</li><li>Playing rented Content</li><li>Authorizing devices to play DRM-Protected Content</li><li>Accessing iTunes Match if you were subscribed</li><li>iTunes Season Passes</li></ul><p><strong>Open Appointments, Orders</strong></p><p>Deactivation does not cancel any repairs or Apple Store or <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> orders in progress. Any appointments you have scheduled at the Apple Store will be canceled. If you’re enrolled in the iPhone Upgrade Program, you must continue making payments for your device. If you’re enrolled in AppleCare+ and your plan is paid in full, you can still use the plan to get service after your Account is deleted, unless you request a refund or transfer the plan to someone else.</p>","web.deactivate.terms.agreement.part2":"<p><strong>Family Sharing</strong></p><p>If your Account is currently set up as a Family Organizer, when you deactivate your Account, your Family will stop sharing Services such as Apple Music and iCloud Storage, and will stop sharing Content. Any DRM-protected music, movies, TV shows, books, or Apps you previously downloaded from other family members’ collections will no longer be usable, and other family members will no longer be able to use Content downloaded from your collection.</p><p>If there are child Accounts—as defined in applicable local law—in your Family, such Accounts will also be deactivated. Alternatively, you can transfer a child’s Account to another eligible adult and stop Family Sharing. If you deactivate your child’s Account, they will not be able to use any of Apple’s Services that require an Apple Account.</p><p><strong>Subscriptions</strong></p><p>Any current subscriptions that you may have to Services such as Apple Music or third–party services that you have subscribed to via Apple will stop renewing at the end of the current applicable billing cycle.</p><p>If you subscribed to Apple Music with your Account, you won’t be able to access the service after a short period. If you subscribed to Apple Music through a mobile network provider but linked your Apple Music account to your Account, you will lose access to most Apple Music features except streaming music.</p><p>If your device is covered by an AppleCare+ subscription, that subscription will be canceled at the end of the billing cycle when you deactivate your Account. You can get service for your device until the subscription is canceled.</p><p><strong>iTunes Store Credit</strong></p><p>If you have store credit, you will not be able to use it while your Account is deactivated. Store credit will be preserved while your Account is deactivated. You can choose to spend the credit before proceeding with deactivation or contact Apple Support as explained in the deactivation flow on <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> to request a refund.</p><p><strong>Apple Cash</strong></p><p>If you have an Apple Cash account associated with your Account, you will not be able to access this Service while your Account is deactivated. Any balance will be preserved while your Account is deactivated. You can choose to spend the balance before deactivating, transfer the balance to your bank or contact Apple Support as explained in the deactivation flow on <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> to request a check for the remaining funds. Note that if you have not already verified your identity with Green Dot Bank, the bank that issues the Apple Cash account, it will not have sufficient information to issue a statement after your Account is deactivated, open a dispute on your behalf, or provide access to merchant credits received while the Account is deactivated.</p><p><strong>Activation Lock and iCloud</strong></p><p>If you have an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple Watch, Apple Vision Pro, or Mac, you should turn off Find My before proceeding. If you use your Account on multiple devices, you should first turn off Find My and then sign out of your Account on each device before initiating deactivation. Otherwise, you may be required to wipe your devices in order to use them after your Account has been deactivated. For more information, visit <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Activation Lock for iPhone and iPad<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">About Activation Lock on your Apple Watch<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">About Activation Lock on Apple Vision Pro<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>, or <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Activation Lock for Mac<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>.</p><p><strong>Backup</strong></p><p>If you have not yet backed up your iCloud data to alternate media, you may want to back up your data before deactivating your Account. Consider keeping copies of any Apple-related data that you currently need or expect to need while your Account is deactivated. Apple won’t have any means to provide such data to you while your Account is deactivated. For more information, visit <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Archive or make copies of the information you store in iCloud<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>.</p><p><strong>Reactivation</strong></p><p>If at any time you want to reactivate your Account, you can do so by <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">contacting Apple Support<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>.</p>","":"Print or download a copy","web.restriction.terms.checkbox1":"I have read and agree with these conditions.","web.restriction.terms.side.note.paragraph1":"Please read these terms carefully.","web.deactivate.terms.child.side.note.paragraph2":"They contain important information on the conditions related to deactivating {0}’s account.","web.deactivate.terms.side.note.paragraph2":"They contain important information on the conditions related to deactivating your account.","web.delete.terms.title":"Apple Account Deletion Terms and Conditions","web.delete.terms.child.paragraph1":"By approving deletion of {0}’s account you agree to the following conditions.","web.delete.terms.paragraph1":"By deleting your account you agree to the following conditions.","web.delete.terms.agreement.part1":"<p>Apple provides you with the possibility to delete your Apple Account (“Account”) or that of a child in your Family.</p><p>Deleting your Account or that of a child in your Family is permanent. If you delete your Account, you will no longer be able to restore your Account, the data you store with Apple, or DRM-protected Content. You won’t be able to use Services, such as iCloud, the iTunes Store, the App Store, Apple Books, Apple News, Apple Cash, iMessage, and FaceTime. If you signed up for iCloud with this Account, all of your data will be deleted from iCloud. You won’t be able to access iCloud Services such as email, photos, calendars, contacts, backups, and Find My. You won’t receive messages sent to your Account via iMessage, FaceTime, or iCloud Mail. You won’t be entitled to any refunds related to your inability to access Content or Services. You will still be able to access purchased DRM-free Content stored locally on your device.</p><p>If you choose to create a new Account later, you’ll need to use an email address that is not associated with the Account you’ve requested that Apple delete, because Apple is required to retain a record of the deleted Account to comply with legal obligations and for the legitimate interest of account security, as described below. If you used a phone number to create your Account, it cannot be used to create another Account for the same reasons. To modify your Account before proceeding with the deletion process, sign in to <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>. Note that you will not be able to remove the primary email address for the Account or the phone number if you used it to create the Account.</p><p>Consider keeping copies of any Apple–related data you currently need or expect to need in the future. After Account deletion, Apple won’t have any means to provide such data to you. You should also consider making copies of any personally owned Content stored in iTunes Match or your Library in Apple Music.</p><p>Deleting your Account will limit Apple’s ability to contact you about products, warranties, claims, disputes, or other potential legal actions under which you may be entitled to relief from Apple.</p><p>Where an Account is deleted, Apple makes its best efforts to delete all personal data associated with your Account. If Apple deletes your personal data, certain personal data about you will be rendered permanently unrecoverable and other personal data will be deidentified. Apple retains minimal personal data to comply with legal obligations such as where retention of transaction information is required, which may include your data for financial reporting purposes. Apple may also be required to retain information to comply with a court settlement or other equivalent mandated processes. Apple also retains a one–way hash of the email address of the deleted Account for the legitimate interests of demonstrating our compliance with data protection laws and for account security. This hash of your email address will be retained as evidence that Apple complied with your deletion request. For third–party (non–Apple) domain accounts, the one-way hash is deleted after six years. For other Accounts this is retained in line with our retention policy, which is reviewed regularly. Apple does not use the hash of the email address for any other purpose. Apple retains personal data only for so long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected.</p><h3>Purchases</h3><p>If you purchased Content or Apps from the iTunes Store, the App Store, Apple Books, or the Volume Purchase Program using your Account, you won’t be able to use any iTunes Store services. Such services include, but are not limited to, all of the following items:</p><ul class=\"list\"><li>Updating purchased Apps</li><li>Downloading previously purchased Content or Apps</li><li>Syncing DRM-protected purchased Content or Apps to iOS devices</li><li>Copying DRM-protected purchased Content from one computer to another</li><li>Playing rented Content</li><li>Authorizing devices to play DRM-protected Content</li><li>Accessing iTunes Match if you were subscribed</li><li>iTunes Season Passes</li></ul><p>If you have a balance due, you must first clear this balance before you can delete your Account.</p><h3>Open Appointments, Orders</h3><p>Deletion does not cancel any repairs or Apple Store or <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> orders in progress. Any appointments you’ve scheduled at the Apple Store will be canceled. If you’re enrolled in the iPhone Upgrade Program, you must continue making payments for your device. If you’re enrolled in AppleCare+ and your plan is paid in full, you can still use the plan to get service after your account is deleted, unless you request a refund or transfer the plan to someone else.</p>","web.delete.terms.agreement.part2":"<h3>Family Sharing</h3><p>If your Account is currently set up as a Family Organizer, when you delete your Account, your Family will stop sharing Services such as Apple Music and iCloud Storage, and will stop sharing Content. Any DRM-protected music, movies, TV shows, books, or Apps you previously downloaded from other family members’ collections will no longer be usable, and other family members will no longer be able to use Content downloaded from your collection.</p><p>If there are child Accounts—as defined in applicable local law—in your Family, such Accounts will also be deleted. Alternatively, you can transfer a child’s Account to another eligible adult and stop Family Sharing. If you delete your child’s Account, they will no longer be able to use any of Apple’s Services that require an Apple Account.</p><h3>Subscriptions</h3><p>Any current subscriptions that you have to Services such as Apple Music or third-party services that you have subscribed to via Apple will stop renewing at the end of the current applicable billing cycle.</p><p>If you subscribed to Apple Music with your Account, you won’t be able to access the service after a short period. If you subscribed to Apple Music through a mobile network provider but linked your Apple Music account to your Account, you will lose access to most Apple Music features except streaming music.</p><p>If your device is covered by an AppleCare+ subscription, that subscription will be canceled at the end of the billing cycle when you delete your Account. You can get service for your device until the subscription is canceled.</p><h3>iTunes Store Credit</h3><p>If you have store credit, you will permanently lose access to the remaining amount when your Account is deleted. You can spend the credit before proceeding with deletion, or contact Apple Support as explained in the deletion flow on <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> to request a refund.</p><h3>Apple Cash</h3><p>If you have an Apple Cash account associated with your Account, you will no longer be able to access this Service and your Apple Cash account will be permanently closed. You cannot delete your Account while you have a balance on your Apple Cash account. As explained in the deletion flow on <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>, you can choose to spend the balance before deleting, transfer the balance to your bank, or contact Apple Support to request a check for the remaining funds. If you haven’t already verified your identity with Green Dot Bank (the bank that issues the Apple Cash account), it will not have sufficient information to issue a statement after your Account is deleted, open a dispute on your behalf, or provide access to merchant credits received after the Account is deleted.</p><h3>Activation Lock and iCloud</h3><p>If you have an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple Watch, Apple Vision Pro, or Mac, you should turn off Find My before proceeding. If you use your Account on multiple devices, you should first turn off Find My and then sign out of your Account on each device before initiating deletion. Otherwise, you may be required to wipe your devices in order to use them after your Account has been deleted. For more information, visit <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Activation Lock for iPhone and iPad<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">About Activation Lock on your Apple Watch<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">About Activation Lock on Apple Vision Pro<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>, or <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Activation Lock for Mac<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>.</p><h3>Backups</h3><p>If you haven’t yet backed up your iCloud data to alternate media, you may want to back up your data before deleting your Account. Consider keeping copies of any Apple–related data that you currently need or expect to need. Apple won’t have any means to provide such data to you once your Account has been deleted. For more information, visit <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Archive or make copies of the information you store in iCloud<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>.</p><h3>Reports and Complaints</h3><p>If you have reported alleged illegal content, Apple will retain information on your Account only as necessary to process your report and notify you of the decision taken in this respect.</p><p>Information related to your Account may also be retained only as necessary if you have received an illegal content notice investigation outcome.</p><p>This information will be retained for a period of at least six months following the outcome of any such reports, and only as long as necessary to allow for the submission or processing of any complaint in relation to this outcome.</p><p>After you delete your Account, you will no longer be able to sign in with the deleted Account to submit further reports.</p>","web.delete.terms.child.side.note.paragraph2":"They contain important information on the conditions related to deleting {0}’s account.","web.delete.terms.side.note.paragraph2":"They contain important information on the conditions related to deleting your account.","":"Keep this access code for your records. It is the only way to reactivate {0}’s account and regain access to the account data.","":"Keep this access code for your records. It is the only way to reactivate your account and regain access to your data.","web.restriction.print.access.code.button":"Print code","":"The access code for {0}’s account is:","":"Your access code is:","":"Print it, download it, or write it down.","":"To reactivate the account, provide this code to Apple Support.","":"To reactivate your account, provide this code to Apple Support.","":"Enter the access code for {0}’s account here to confirm you have it.","":"Enter your access code here to confirm you have it.","web.restriction.parent.confirm.code.verify.paragraph1":"Enter the access code for {0}’s account here to confirm you have it.","web.restriction.confirm.code.verify.paragraph1":"Enter your access code here to confirm you have it.","web.restriction.confirm.code.verify.title":"Enter your access code to continue.","web.restriction.confirm.code.verify.label1":"Access code","":"<strong>{0}’s account cannot be reactivated without this access code.</strong> Be sure to keep it in a safe place.","":"<strong>Your account cannot be reactivated without this access code.</strong> Be sure to keep it in a safe place.","":"Keep this access code for your records. It will be the only way to verify your identity with Apple Support.","":"Provide this code to Apple Support if you need to contact us regarding your request, including if you wish to change your mind.","":"It is important that you keep this access code.","":"It is required to verify your identity if you wish to contact Apple Support regarding {0}’s account. For a short time you can use this code if you wish to change your mind. We will notify you when {0}’s account has been irreversibly deleted.","":"It is required to verify your identity if you wish to contact Apple Support regarding your account. For a short time you can use this code if you wish to change your mind. We will notify you when your account has been irreversibly deleted.","web.delete.account":"Delete account","web.cancel.button":"Cancel","web.delete.childAccount.confirmation.reminder.header":"Delete {0}’s account?","web.delete.childAccount.confirmation.reminder":"As a reminder, when {0}’s account is deleted:","web.delete.childAccount.confirmation.reminder.item1":"{0} will not be able to access Apple services or your App Store media purchases.","web.delete.childAccount.confirmation.reminder.item2":"{0} will not be able to sign in or use Apple services.","web.delete.childAccount.confirmation.reminder.item3":"{0}’s photos, files and documents stored in iCloud will be removed from Apple’s servers.","web.delete.childAccount.confirmation.reminder.item4":"{0} will not receive messages sent to your account via iMessage, FaceTime, or iCloud Mail.","web.delete.childAccount.confirmation.reminder.item5":"If {0} has subscriptions, they will be canceled.","web.delete.confirmation.reminder.header":"Delete your account?","web.delete.confirmation.reminder":"As a reminder, when your account is deleted:","web.delete.confirmation.reminder.item1":"You will not be able to access Apple services or your App Store and media purchases.","web.delete.confirmation.reminder.item2":"You will not be able to sign in or use Apple services.","web.delete.confirmation.reminder.item3":"Your photos, files and documents stored in iCloud will be removed from Apple’s servers.","web.delete.confirmation.reminder.item4":"You will not receive messages sent to your account via iMessage, FaceTime, or iCloud Mail.","web.delete.confirmation.reminder.item5":"These child accounts will also be deleted:","web.delete.confirmation.reminder.item6":"If you have any subscriptions, they will be canceled.","web.deactivate.account":"Deactivate account","web.deactivate.childAccount.confirmation.header":"Deactivate {0}’s account?","web.deactivate.childAccount.confirmation.message":"{0} can resume using the account at any time after it is reactivated. To reactivate {0}’s account, contact Apple Support with the access code.","web.deactivate.confirmation.header":"Deactivate your account?","web.deactivate.confirmation.message":"You can resume using your account at any time by reactivating it. To reactivate your account, contact Apple Support with your access code.","web.deactivate.confirmation.title":"We’re working on deactivating your account.","web.signout.button":"Sign out","web.deactivate.confirmation.paragraph1":"For your security, we verify all requests before deactivating an account. This process may take up to seven days. Your account will remain active while verification is in progress.","web.restriction.confirmation.sign.out":"Sign out of your devices and web browsers.","":"If you don’t sign out before your account is deactivated:","":"Other people might not be able to use your devices if you decide to sell them or give them away. <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\" aria-label=\"Learn more about how to remove Activation Lock. Opens in a new window.\">Learn more.</a>","":"The apps using your data stored in iCloud may not work properly.","":"The apps using your Apple Account may display persistent sign in errors.","":"The browsers you are signed in to may not clear some of your Apple Account information. We also recommend clearing cookies from these browsers.","web.delete.confirmation.title":"We are working on deleting your account.","web.delete.confirmation.paragraph1":"For your security, we verify all requests before deleting an account. This process may take up to seven days. Your account will remain active while verification is in progress.","":"If you don’t sign out before your account is deleted:","web.deactivate.parental.approval.confirmation.title":"We’re working on deactivating {0}’s account.","web.deactivate.parent.intro.paragraph2":"For your security, we verify all deactivation requests. This process may take up to seven days. {0}’s account will remain active while verification is in progress.","web.deactivate.parental.approval.confirmation.paragraph2":"Once deactivation is complete, {0} won’t be able to access the account <strong>{2}</strong>. You can reactivate it at any time by contacting Apple Support with the account access code.","web.restriction.parental.approval.confirmation.label":"{0} must sign out of all devices and web browsers.","":"If {0} doesn’t sign out before the account is deactivated:","":"Other people might not be able to use {0}’s devices if these devices are sold or given away. <a href=\"{2}\" target=\"_blank\" aria-label=\"Learn more about how to remove Activation Lock. Opens in a new window.\">Learn more.</a>","":"The apps using {0}’s data stored in iCloud may not work properly.","":"The apps using {0}’s Apple Account may display persistent sign in errors.","":"The browsers {0} is signed in to may not clear some of {0}’s Apple Account information. <strong>We also recommend clearing cookies from these browsers.</strong>","web.delete.parental.approval.confirmation.title":"We’re working on deleting {0}’s account.","web.delete.parental.approval.confirmation.paragraph1":"For your security, we verify all deletion requests. This process may take up to seven days. {0}’s account will remain active while verification is in progress.","web.delete.parental.approval.confirmation.paragraph2":"Once deletion is complete, {0} won’t be able to access the account <strong>{1}</strong> or Apple services.","":"If {0} doesn’t sign out before the account is deleted:","":"The browsers {0} is signed in to may not clear some of {0}’s Apple Account information. We also recommend clearing cookies from these browsers.","web.service.not.available.text":"This service is temporarily unavailable.","web.delete.service.not.available.paragraph":"We cannot continue with deleting your account at this time because of an error retrieving the necessary information. Try making your request again later.","web.delete.removable.blocker.title":"Before we can delete your account, you must take action:","web.delete.lock.title":"Your account cannot be deleted at this time.","":"For more details, <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">contact Apple Support<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>.","":"For more details, contact <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_top\">{1}</a>.","":"All child accounts in your family must be deleted along with your account.","":"The following child accounts cannot be deleted at this time:","":"Don’t want child accounts to be deleted?","":"Learn about other options.","web.deactivate.lock.title":"Your account cannot be deactivated at this time.","":"All child accounts in your family must be deactivated along with your account.","":"The following child accounts cannot be deactivated at this time:","":"Your request cannot be completed at this time.","web.archive.request.blocked.title":"Your data request cannot be completed at this time.","web.request.not.completed.title":"Your request could not be completed at this time.","web.request.not.completed.text":"Try again later.","web.delete.blocker.content.provider.title":"Contact Apple Support for help with deleting your account.","web.delete.blocker.content.provider.paragraph1":"Your account contains published content on iTunes or App Store. Accounts with published content such as apps, music, videos, books, or podcasts cannot be deleted online.","":"Contact Apple Support","":"Contact Apple Support for help with deleting child accounts.","":"These accounts contain published content on iTunes or App Store:","":"Accounts with published content such as apps, music, videos, books, or podcasts cannot be deleted online.","":"You will no longer be able to sign in or use App Store Connect.","":"Your account contains published content on iTunes or App Store, such as apps, music, videos, books, or podcasts. You will not be able to use App Store Connect to manage your published content.","":"{0:firstName} will no longer be able to sign in or use App Store Connect.","":"{0:firstName} account contains published content on iTunes or App Store, such as apps, music, videos, books, or podcasts. {0:firstName} will not be able to use App Store Connect to manage the account’s published content.","":"Use your Apple Cash card to make purchases or transfer your balance to a bank account.","":"You have an Apple Cash balance of {0} {1}.","":"Deleting your Apple Account will permanently close your Apple Cash account. Your balance must be zero dollars before your Apple Cash account can be closed. To use your balance you can:","":"Spend it now <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">in stores, within apps or on the web.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Transfer the money to your bank.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Contact Apple Support<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> to request a check for the remaining funds.","":"In order to request a check you must have verified your identity. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\" aria-label=\"Learn how to verify identity for Apple Card or Apple Cash. Opens in a new window.\">Learn how.</a>","web.ccs.account.delete.pending.installments.title":"Your pending iPhone purchase must be completed or canceled.","web.ccs.account.delete.pending.installments.paragraph1":"You have placed an order for an iPhone with Apple Card Installments. The order is still being processed and must be completed before your account can be closed.","web.ccs.account.delete.pending.installments.paragraph2":"If you don’t want to wait for this order to be completed in order to delete your account, you can cancel it.","":"Your family members have an outstanding Apple Cash balance.","":"You have enabled Apple Cash for {0: MergedfamilyMemberString}.","":"<strong>{0: firstName} {1: lastName}</strong> has an Apple Cash balance of {2:formattedBalance}","":"This balance must be zero dollars before your account can be deleted. To use this balance, {0: MergedfamilyMemberString} can:","":"Spend it now <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">in stores, within apps or on the web<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> before deleting your account.","":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Transfer it to their bank account</a>, if they have one.","":"Send the money to you so you can <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">transfer it to your bank.</a>","":"You can also <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">contact Apple Support</a> to request a transfer of the remaining funds into your account.","":"Access to Apple Cash for your family members will be turned off.","":"You have enabled Apple Cash for {0:familyString}. When your account is deleted, {0:familyString}’s Apple Cash accounts will also be deleted. They will no longer be able to access Apple Cash.","":"{0:childFirstName}’s Apple Cash balance will be transferred to your Apple Cash account.","":"You have enabled Apple Cash for {0:childFirstName}. <strong>{0:childFirstName} has an Apple Cash balance of {2:formattedBalance}</strong>. When you approve deletion of {0:childFirstName}’s account, this balance will be transferred to your Apple Cash account.","":"Deleting your Apple Account will permanently close your Apple Cash account.","":"{0:organizerFirstName} {1:organizerLastName} has enabled Apple Cash for you. When your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to access Apple Cash.","":"<strong>You currently have {0:formattedBalance} Apple Cash balance</strong>. To use this balance, you can:","":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Transfer it to your bank account</a>.","":"If you don’t use this balance before requesting to delete your account, it will be transferred to {0:organizerFirstName} {1:organizerLastName}’s Apple Cash account.","":"Deleting your Apple Account will permanently close your Apple Cash account.","":"{0:organizerFirstName} {1:organizerLastName} has enabled Apple Cash for you. When your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to access Apple Cash.","":"You will not be able to dispute Apple Cash transactions or receive statements and credits.","":"You haven’t verified your identity with Apple Cash. <b>If you do not verify your identity, {0}, the bank that issues the Apple Cash account</b>, will not have sufficient information to issue a statement after your account is deleted, open a dispute on your behalf, or provide access to merchant credits received after account closure.","":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Learn how to verify your identity.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"Don’t want to verify your identity? <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">Learn how to get a statement now.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"Deleting your Apple Account will permanently close your Apple Card account.","":"Apple Card’s account terms require you (as an account owner) to maintain an Apple Account in good standing. Your Apple Card account will be closed by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Salt Lake City Branch if you delete your Apple Account. You will no longer be able to access or manage your account on your devices or make purchases with Apple Card. This includes Apple Card installments.","":"You may have pending transactions that post to your account after it is closed, which can change your account balance and Daily Cash balance.","":"If you have a co-owned Apple Card, closing your Apple Card will close the Apple Card for your Co-Owner and all Participant(s) immediately. Any transactions they attempt with Apple Card will be automatically declined.","":"If you have an outstanding balance or Apple Card installments, you must continue to pay at least your minimum due each month until your account balance is settled.","":"To manage your closed account and make payments, you will need to contact Goldman Sachs, the issuing bank for Apple Card.","":"Any future statements and communication will be sent to the mailing address you have on file with Goldman Sachs.","":"Deleting your Apple Account will remove you from the shared Apple Card account.","":"You will no longer be able to access or manage the shared Apple Card on your devices or make purchases with Apple Card. This includes Apple Card installments. The account owner(s) will be advised that you have been removed from the shared Apple Card account.","":"If you have any questions about former transactions or pending disputes, you should contact the Apple Card account owner(s) directly.","web.ccs.account.delete.title":"Deleting your Apple Account will permanently close your Apple Card account.","web.ccs.account.delete.paragraph1":"You will no longer be able to access or manage your account on your devices or make purchases with Apple Card.","web.ccs.account.delete.listitem1":"You may have pending transactions that will post to your closed account that can change your account and Daily Cash balance.","web.ccs.account.delete.listitem2":"If you have an outstanding balance, you must continue to pay at least your minimum due each month until your account balance is settled.","web.ccs.account.delete.listitem3":"To manage your closed account and make payments, you will need to contact Goldman Sachs, the issuing bank for Apple Card.","web.ccs.account.delete.listitem4":"Any future statements and communication will be sent to the mailing address you have on file with Goldman Sachs.","":"You have an Apple Card credit balance of {0} {1}.","":"This amount will be transferred to your bank account on file with Goldman Sachs. If you don’t have a bank account on file with Goldman Sachs, a check will be mailed to your address on file.","web.ccs.negative.balance.title":"You have a Apple Card credit balance of {0} {1}.","web.ccs.negative.balance.description":"This amount will be transferred to your bank account on file with Goldman Sachs. If you don’t have a bank account on file with Goldman Sachs, a check will be mailed to your address on file.","web.ccs.positive.balance.title":"You have an outstanding Apple Card account balance of {0:balance} {1:currencyCode}.","":"This balance must be paid, and interest may still apply if the balance is not paid in full. If you have a co-owner on your account, you are both equally responsible for paying this balance.","":"The minimum due each month will need to be paid to keep your account current, until the balance is settled. If you have a co-owner on your account, you are both equally responsible for paying the minimum due.","":"Payments on the balance will need to be made directly to Goldman Sachs, the issuing bank for Apple Card. If your co-owner has access to their Apple Card on a supported device, they can continue to make payments there.","":"If you have set up automatic or scheduled payments, they will continue to be withdrawn from the bank account on file with Goldman Sachs. If you need to change your payment information, contact Goldman Sachs.","":"Contact Goldman Sachs to make payments on your closed Apple Card account in the future.","web.ccs.positive.balance.description.paragraph1":"You must pay this balance, and interest will still apply. You will need to continue to pay at least your minimum due each month until your balance is settled.","web.ccs.positive.balance.description.paragraph2":"You will need to make payments on the balance directly to Goldman Sachs, the issuing bank for Apple Card.","web.ccs.positive.balance.description.paragraph3":"If you have set up automatic or scheduled payments, they will continue to be withdrawn from your bank account on file with Goldman Sachs. If you need to change your payment information, contact Goldman Sachs.","web.ccs.positive.balance.description.paragraph4":"Contact Goldman Sachs to make payments on your closed Apple Card account in the future.","web.ccs.rewards.balance.title":"You have a Daily Cash balance of {0:balance} {1:currencyCode} that has not been transferred to Apple Cash.","web.ccs.rewards.balance.description":"This amount will be first applied to your outstanding Apple Card account balance. If you don’t have an outstanding account balance, this will be applied to your bank account on file with Goldman Sachs. If you don’t have a bank account on file, a check will be mailed to your address on file with Goldman Sachs.","":"This amount will be applied to the Account Owner(s) Apple Card account balance. You will need Apple Cash set up in order to have the Daily Cash transferred to your Apple Cash account before you delete your Apple Account.","web.ccs.account.delete.installment.user.paragraph1":"You will no longer be able to access or manage your account on your devices or make purchases with Apple Card. This includes Apple Card installments.","web.ccs.account.delete.installment.user.listitem2":"If you have an outstanding balance or Apple Card installments, you must continue to pay at least your minimum due each month until your account balance is settled.","":"You may have transit cards with a balance:","":"<b>You will not be able to use this balance once your account is deleted.</b> If you want to use your balance, you can:","":"Spend it at participating merchants and transit agencies before deleting the account.","":"Contact your card’s customer service to check if the card is eligible for a refund of remaining funds.","":"<a class=\"{0}\" href=\"{1}\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more about transit cards<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"You have transit cards with a balance:","":"{0} (• • • • {1})","":"Cards issued by transit agencies in China","":"Your family members have transit cards with a balance:","":"These accounts have transit cards with a balance:","":"<b>This balance will be lost once the account is deleted.</b> To use this balance, {0} {1} can:","":"<b>This balance will be lost once the accounts are deleted.</b> To use this balance, they can:","":"If you have Apple Cash balance, you will not be able to use it.","":"Your balance will be preserved while your account is deactivated, but you will not be able to use it. If you want to use your balance, you can:","":"Spend it now <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">in stores, within apps or on the web<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> before deactivating your account.","":"Make sure you have verified your identity with Apple Cash.","":"<b>If you do not verify your identity before deactivating your account</b>, {0}, the bank that issues the Apple Cash account, will not have sufficient information to issue a statement after your account is deactivated, open a dispute on your behalf, or provide access to merchant credits received while the account is inactive.","":"You haven’t verified your identity with Apple Cash. <b>If you do not verify your identity before deactivating your account,</b> {0}, the bank that issues the Apple Cash account, will not have sufficient information to issue a statement after your account is deactivated, open a dispute on your behalf, or provide access to merchant credits received while the account is inactive.","":"Deactivating your Apple Account will affect your Apple Card account.","":"Apple Card’s account terms require you (as an account owner) to maintain an Apple Account in good standing.","":"Your Apple Card account will be restricted (and may be closed) by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Salt Lake City Branch if you deactivate your Apple Account.","":"If your Apple Card is restricted: (1) you won’t be able to access your Apple Card on your devices or make purchases with your Apple Card through Apple Pay; and (2) your titanium Apple Card and any recurring purchases using your Apple Card number will be declined.","":"If your Apple Card account is shared, the other Co-Owner and/or any Participant(s) may continue to spend on the account, unless and until the account is closed.","":"If both Co-Owners deactivate their Apple Accounts, the shared Apple Card account will be restricted (and may be closed).","":"Your account may have pending transactions that will post to your Apple Card account that can change your total account and Daily Cash balance.","":"If you have an outstanding balance, you must continue to pay at least your minimum due each month to keep your account in good standing.","":"To manage your Apple Card account, access monthly statements, and make payments, you’ll need to contact Goldman Sachs Bank USA at <a href=\"tel:8772555923\">+1 (877)-255-5923</a>.","":"Deactivating your Apple Account will affect your Apple Card access.","":"Apple Card’s account terms require you (as a Participant) to maintain an Apple Account in good standing.","":"Your Apple Card will be restricted by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Salt Lake City Branch if you deactivate your Apple Account. You may be removed as a Participant by Goldman Sachs.","":"You won’t be able to access your Apple Card on your devices or make purchases with your Apple Card through Apple Pay.","":"Purchases made with your titanium Apple Card and any recurring purchases using your Apple Card Number will be declined.","":"You may have pending transactions that will post to your Apple Card account. This may change your Daily Cash balance.","":"To manage your account, you’ll need to have an account owner(s) contact Goldman Sachs Bank USA at <a href=\"tel:8772555923\">+1 (877)-255-5923</a>.","web.deactivate.ccs.account.title":"Deactivating your Apple Account will affect your Apple Card account.","web.deactivate.ccs.account.listitem1":"Your Apple Card account may be closed by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Salt Lake City Branch as a result of deactivating your Apple Account.","web.deactivate.ccs.account.listitem2":"You won’t be able to access your Apple Card on your devices or make purchases with your Apple Card through Apple Pay.","web.deactivate.ccs.account.listitem3":"In the event your account is not closed, your titanium Apple Card and any recurring purchases using your Apple Card Number will continue to be processed. To prevent any further transactions on your Apple Card account, contact Goldman Sachs directly.","web.deactivate.ccs.account.listitem4":"You may have pending transactions that will post to your Apple Card account that can change your total account and Daily Cash balance.","web.deactivate.ccs.account.listitem5":"If you have an outstanding balance, you must continue to pay at least your minimum due each month to keep your account in good standing.","web.deactivate.ccs.account.listitem6":"To manage your Apple Card account, access monthly statements, and make payments, you’ll need to contact Goldman Sachs Bank USA at <a href=\"tel:8772555923\">+1 (877)-255-5923</a>.","web.deactivate.ccs.account.negative.balance.title":"You have an Apple Card credit balance of {0:balance} {1:currencyCode}.","web.deactivate.ccs.account.negative.balance.description":"You won’t be able to view your credit balance information from Wallet on your device or at <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> while your Apple Account is inactive. To request a return of this credit balance, you’ll need to contact Goldman Sachs directly.","web.deactivate.ccs.card.rewards.balance.title":"You have a Daily Cash balance amount of {0:balance} {1:currencyCode} that has not been transferred to Apple Cash.","web.deactivate.ccs.card.rewards.balance.description":"You won’t have access to your Daily Cash balance through an Apple Cash account while your Apple Account is inactive. To apply your Daily Cash towards your outstanding Apple Card account balance, you’ll need to contact Goldman Sachs directly.","":"You won’t have access to your Daily Cash through an Apple Cash account while your Apple Account is inactive. You or the account owner(s) can still contact Goldman Sachs to request that any unused Daily Cash be applied as a statement credit.","web.deactivate.ccs.positive.balance.title":"You have an outstanding Apple Card account balance of {0:balance} {1:currency}.","":"You remain responsible for all outstanding balances on your Apple Card account while your Apple Account is inactive, even if your Apple Card is closed. If you share your Apple Card account with a Co-Owner, you and the other Co-Owner are both equally responsible for paying all outstanding balances. ","web.deactivate.ccs.positive.balance.description.paragraph2":"If you have set up automatic or scheduled payments, they will continue to be withdrawn from your bank account on file. To change your payment information or make payments towards your Apple Card account balance, contact Goldman Sachs.","web.deactivate.ccs.positive.balance.description.paragraph1":"You remain responsible for all outstanding balances on your Apple Card account while your Apple Account is inactive, even if your Apple Card is closed.","":"Your balance will be preserved while your account is deactivated, but you will not be able to use it.<br> If you want to use your balance, you can:","":"Spend it at participating merchants and transit agencies before deactivating the account.","":"This balance will be preserved while the account is deactivated, but it will not be accessible. To use this balance, {0} {1} can:","":"This balance will be preserved while the accounts are deactivated, but it will not be accessible. To use this balance, they can:","web.delete.icloud.shared.library":"Delete your Shared Library.","web.delete.icloud.shared.library.before.text":"You are the owner of a Shared Library. To delete it:","web.delete.icloud.shared.library.delete.ios":"On an iOS device, go to Settings > Photos > Shared Library","web.delete.icloud.shared.library.delete.mac":"On a Mac, go to Photos > Settings > Shared Library","web.delete.icloud.shared.library.after.text":"This process might take some time. Once it’s finished, come back and request to delete your account.","web.delete.icloud.shared.library.child":"The children in your Family Sharing group must delete their Shared Libraries.","web.delete.icloud.shared.library.child.each.text":"{0:firstName} {1:lastName} is the owner of a Shared Library.","web.delete.icloud.shared.library.child.before.text":"To delete a Shared Library, they should:","web.delete.blocker.fb.positive.title":"Transfer your savings balance.","web.delete.blocker.fb.positive.description":"You have a savings balance of {0:balance} {1:currencyCode}. You can:","":"Transfer the balance to another bank before deleting your account. <a href={0:link} target=\"_blank\">Learn how to transfer your balance.</a>","web.delete.blocker.fb.positive.instruction.two":"Contact the issuing bank, Goldman Sachs Bank USA, at <a href=\"tel:8772555923\">+1 (877)-255-5923</a> to request a funds transfer or close your savings account and request a check for the remaining funds.","web.delete.blocker.fb.negative.title":"Add funds or close your savings account.","web.delete.blocker.fb.negative.description":"Your savings account has a negative balance of {0:balance} {1:currencyCode}. To delete your Apple account, you can:","":"Use your Apple device to add funds to your savings account. <a href={0:link} target=\"_blank\">Learn how to add funds.</a>","web.delete.blocker.fb.negative.instruction.two":"Contact the issuing bank, Goldman Sachs Bank USA at <a href=\"tel:8772555923\">+1 (877)-255-5923</a>, for assistance closing your account.","web.delete.warning.fb.title":"Deleting your Apple Account will close your savings account.","web.delete.warning.fb.description":"The issuing bank, Goldman Sachs Bank USA, will close your account and you’ll no longer be able to access it on your Apple devices. After deleting your Apple Account:","":"To open another savings account, you’ll need to apply again.","web.delete.warning.fb.instruction.two":"Pending transactions or interest accrued could post to your savings account, which may change your total account balance.","web.delete.warning.fb.instruction.three":"To manage your savings account, access monthly statements, or request any remaining funds, contact Goldman Sachs Bank USA, at <a href=\"tel:8772555923\">+1 (877)-255-5923</a>.","web.deactivate.warning.fb.positive.description":"Your balance will be preserved while your Apple Account is deactivated, but you will not be able to access your savings account on your Apple devices. If you want to use your balance, you can:","":"Transfer money to another bank before deactivating your account. <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Learn how to transfer your balance.</a>","web.deactivate.warning.fb.positive.instruction.two":"Contact Goldman Sachs Bank USA, the issuing bank, to request a funds transfer or a check for the remaining funds.","web.deactivate.warning.fb.positive.conclusion":"After deactivating your Apple Account, pending transactions or interest accrued could post to your savings account and change your total account balance. To manage your savings account, access monthly statements, or request funds transfers, contact Goldman Sachs Bank USA at <a href=\"tel:8772555923\">+1 (877)-255-5923</a>.","web.deactivate.warning.fb.negative.title":"Add funds or close your savings account.","web.deactivate.warning.fb.negative.description":"Your savings account has a negative balance of {0:balance} {1:currencyCode}. To deactivate your Apple account, you can:","":"Use your Apple device to add funds to your account. <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Learn how to add funds.</a>","web.deactivate.warning.fb.negative.instruction.two":"Contact Goldman Sachs Bank USA, the issuing bank, for assistance closing your account.","web.deactivate.warning.fb.title":"You have an active savings account.","web.deactivate.warning.fb.description":"Your savings account will be preserved by Goldman Sachs Bank USA while your Apple Account is deactivated, but you will not be able to access it on your Apple devices. After deactivating your Apple Account:","":"Pending transactions or interest accrued could post to your savings account, which may change your total account balance.","web.deactivate.warning.fb.instruction.two":"To manage your savings account, access monthly statements, or request funds transfers, contact Goldman Sachs Bank USA at <a href=\"tel:8772555923\">+1 (877)-255-5923</a>.","web.deactivate.warning.fb.locked.title":"Your savings account is locked or restricted.","web.deactivate.warning.fb.locked.description":"After your Apple Account is deactivated, your savings account will remain locked or restricted with Goldman Sachs Bank USA, the issuing bank. For more information, contact a support specialist at Goldman Sachs Bank USA at <a href=\"tel:8772555923\">+1 (877)-255-5923</a>.","web.delete.warning.title":"Important things to know before deleting your account:","":"Third Party App Features and Services will be impacted.","":"<strong>Some features of third-party apps may stop working with your iPhone.</strong> Secure Element cards and passes you’ve added to iPhone from third-party apps will be permanently deleted.","web.restrict.preferred.account.title":"Your account will no longer be used for shared purchases in {0} {1}’s Family Sharing.","":"When your account is deleted, the {0:lastName} family will have to choose a different payment method for family purchases.","web.restrict.child.preferred.account.title":"{0:firstName} {1:lastName} will no longer be used for shared purchases in {2:organizerFirstName} {3:organizerLastName}’s Family sharing.","web.restrict.child.preferred.account.paragraph1":"{0:firstName} {1:lastName}’s account is currently being used by the {2:organizerLastName} family for App Store and media purchases.","web.delete.child.preferred.account.paragraph2":"When {0:firstName} {1:lastName}’s account is deleted, the {2:organizerLastName} family will have to choose a different payment method for family purchased.","":"Choose how to get account status updates.","":"This contact information will only be used if we need to send you important messages about your account.","":"Enter an email address for account status updates.","":"This email address will only be used if we need to send you important messages about your account.","":"","":"Verify your email address.","":"An email with a verification code has been sent to <strong class=\"{0}\">{1}</strong>","":"Enter the code here:","":"Didn’t get a verification code?","":"Enter a phone number for account status updates.","":"This phone number must be able to receive text messages and will only be used if we need to send you important messages about your account.","":"Country/Region","":"Phone number","":"Verify this number using:","":"Verify your Phone number.","":"A message with a verification code has been sent to <strong class=\"{0}\">{1}</strong>","web.digit":"Digit","":"Cancel deactivation request.","":"Your account is currently scheduled to be deactivated. To delete your account, you must first cancel the deactivation request.","":"To stop your account from being deactivated, ask your family organizer to contact Apple Support with the 12-digit access code for your account.","web.delete.deactivation.pending.approval.paragraph1":"You requested parental consent to deactivate your account on {0}. To delete your account, you must first <a href=\"{1}\">cancel the deactivation request</a>.","":"If your have iTunes store credit, use it before your account is deleted.","":"Use your iTunes Store credit.","":"You have a Store credit of {0} {1}.","":"To use this credit, you can:","":"Spend it before deleting your account. <a target=\"_blank\"href=\"{0}\">Learn how to manage your store credit.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">Contact Apple Support<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> to request a refund.","":"The children in your Family Sharing group must use their iTunes Store credit.","":"{0} {1} has an iTunes Store credit of {2} {3}.","":"To use this credit, {0} {1} can:","":"To use this credit, they can:","":"Spend it before deleting the account. <a target=\"_blank\"href=\"{0}\">Learn how to manage store credit.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"Spend it before deleting the accounts. <a target=\"_blank\"href=\"{0}\">Learn how to manage store credit.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"If you have Store credit, you will not be able to use it.","":"Your store credit will be preserved while your account is deactivated, but you will not be able to use it.<br>If you want to use your store credit you can:","":"Spend it before deactivating your account. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">Learn how to manage your store credit.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","web.deactivate.parental.consent.title":"Parental consent is required to deactivate your account.","web.restriction.parental.consent.button":"Request consent","web.restriction.parental.consent.paragraph1":"A request will be sent to your family organizer, {0} {1}, who can provide parental consent and make this change.","web.delete.parental.consent.title":"Parental consent is required to delete your account.","web.archive.parental.consent.title":"Parental consent is required to get a copy of your data.","web.archive.parental.consent.paragraph1":"A request will be sent to your family organizer, {0} {1}, who can provide parental consent.","web.restriction.parental.consent.requested.title":"Parental consent requested.","web.restriction.parental.consent.requested.paragraph1":"A message has been sent to your family organizer, {0} {1}. You can view and check the status of your request on this site at any time by visiting <a class=\"{2}\" href=\"{3}\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>.","web.archive.parental.consent.requested.paragraph1":"A message has been sent to your family organizer, {0} {1}. Once {0} approves your request, we will start preparing your data for download. When your data is ready, we will notify you at <strong>{2}</strong>.","web.archive.confirmation.paragraph3":"You can view and check the status of your request on this site at any time by visiting <a href=\"{0}\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>.","web.deactivate.service.not.available.paragraph":"We cannot continue with deactivating your account at this time because of an error retrieving the necessary information. Try making your request again later.","web.deactivate.removable.blocker.title":"Before we can deactivate your account, you must take action:","":"Cancel deletion request.","":"Your account is currently scheduled to be deleted. To deactivate your account, you must first cancel the deletion request.","":"To stop your account from being deleted, ask your family organizer to contact Apple Support with the 12-digit access code for your account.","web.deactivate.delete.pending.approval.paragraph1":"You requested parental consent to delete your account on {0}. To deactivate your account, you must first <a href=\"{1}\">cancel the deletion request</a>.","":"When your account is deactivated, the {0:lastName} family will have to choose a different payment method for family purchases.","web.deactivate.warning.title":"Important things to know before deactivating your account:","web.warning.crt.privacy.portal.title":"Account deactivation will remove access to the Conditional Rebate Tool, any existing rebate claim(s) will still be processed.","web.restrict.child.preferred.account.paragraph2":"When {0:firstName} {1:lastName}’s account is deactivated, the {2:organizerLastName} family will have to choose a different payment method for family purchased.","":"How to get a copy of {0:firstName}’s data","":"Choose the data you want to download","":"Select the data you’d like to download, and we’ll prepare a copy for you. This process may take up to seven days.","":"To ensure the security of your data, we use this time to verify that the request was made by you.","":"You can download a copy of your app activity as spreadsheets, or as a .json, .csv, or .pdf file. Your download will not include information about app, book, movie, TV show or music purchases.","":"Because {0:firstName} turned on Advanced Data Protection and Access iCloud Data on the Web is turned off, you can’t download iCloud data such as bookmarks and reading lists, calendars, reminders, contacts, notes, files and documents in iCloud Drive, mail and photos. <a class=\"sk-icon sk-icon-after sk-icon-external\" href=\"{2}\" target=\"_blank\" aria-label=\"Learn more about iCloud data security. Opens in a new window.\">Learn more.</a>","":"Because you turned on Advanced Data Protection and Access iCloud Data on the Web is turned off, you can’t download iCloud data such as bookmarks and reading lists, calendars, reminders, contacts, notes, files and documents in iCloud Drive, mail and photos. <a class=\"sk-icon sk-icon-after sk-icon-external\" href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\" aria-label=\"Learn more about iCloud data security. Opens in a new window.\">Learn more.</a>","":"Because {0:firstName} turned on Advanced Data Protection in iCloud settings, Apple will not be able to access or provide copies of {0:firstName}’s data protected with end-to-end encryption. <a class=\"sk-icon sk-icon-after sk-icon-external\" href=\"{2}\" target=\"_blank\">Learn how encryption is used.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"Because you turned on Advanced Data Protection in iCloud settings, Apple will not be able to access or provide copies of data protected with end-to-end encryption. <a class=\"sk-icon sk-icon-after sk-icon-external\" href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Learn how encryption is used.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"You can download a copy of your app activity as spreadsheets, or as a .json, .csv, or .pdf file. Your download will not include information about app, book, movie, TV show or music purchases.","":"Because {0:firstName} turned off Access iCloud Data on the Web, you can’t download {0:firstName}’s iCloud data including bookmarks and reading lists, calendars, reminders, contacts, notes, files and documents in iCloud Drive, mail and photos. <a class=\"sk-icon sk-icon-after sk-icon-external\" href=\"{2}\" target=\"_blank\" aria-label=\"Learn more about managing web access to your iCloud data. Opens in a new window.\">Learn more.</a>","":"Because you turned off Access iCloud Data on the Web, you can’t download your iCloud data such as bookmarks and reading lists, calendars, reminders, contacts, notes, files and documents in iCloud Drive, mail and photos. <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\" aria-label=\"Learn more about managing web access to your iCloud data. Opens in a new window.\">Learn more.</a>","":"Deselect all","":"Select all","web.archive.category.list.description":"{0:categoryLength} Apps and Services.","web.archive.items.are.large.take.long.time.warning.text":"The following items may be large and take a long time to download.","":"The following item is provided by Apple Financing and must be requested separately.","":"The following items are provided by Apple Financing and must be requested separately.","":"Not finding the data you were looking for? ","":"Read our FAQ for more information<span aria-hidden=\"true\"> ›</span>","":"{0} app or service with request in progress","":"{0} more apps and services with requests in progress","":"You have already requested a copy of the data for these apps and services. This data is being prepared for download. You will be able to select these apps and services again when your request is complete. You can <a href=\"{0}\">check the status of all your requests</a> at any time.","":"Your download may include:","":"Your download will include:","":"App usage and activity information as spreadsheets or files in .json, .csv, or .pdf format.","":"Documents, photos and videos in their original format.","":"Contacts, calendars, and bookmarks in .vcf, .ics and .html format.","":"Contacts, calendars, bookmarks and mail in .vcf, .ics, .html, and .eml format.","":"Your download will not include App, book, movie, TV show, or music purchases.","web.archive.subcategory.list.description":"{0:subcategoryLength} subcategories.","":"Show less","":"Show more","":"Review your selection","":"Review your selections","web.archive.filesize.button.complete.request":"Complete request","":"This data is provided by Apple Financing.","web.archive.filesize.title":"Choose a maximum file size.","web.archive.filesize.paragraph1":"Choose a maximum file size that is most convenient for you to download.","web.beneficiary.archive.filesize.paragraph2":"We’ll divide your data into files of this size or smaller.","web.archive.filesize.paragraph2":"We’ll divide your data into files of this size or smaller.","web.size.placeholder.text":"File Size","web.archive.filesize.paragraph3":"Review your selections:","web.archive.confirmation.title":"Thank you. We are preparing your data.","web.archive.confirmation.paragraph1":"When your data is ready we will notify you at <strong>{0}</strong>.","web.archive.confirmation.paragraph2":"As a reminder, this process can take up to seven days. To ensure the security of your data, we use this time to verify that the request was made by you.","web.system.requirements.text":"System requirements for getting your data:","web.downloads.not.supported.text":"To download your data, you will need to visit this website using a Mac or desktop PC.","web.archive.confirmation.paragraph4":"For additional protection of your data, turn on two-factor authentication. Apple uses two-factor authentication to help ensure you’re the only person who can access your account. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">Learn more about two-factor authentication.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","web.archive.parent.confirmation.title":"Thank you. {0}’s request has been approved.","web.archive.parent.confirmation.paragraph1":"{0}’s data is now being prepared for download. As a reminder, this process can take up to seven days. {0} will be notified when the data is ready.","":"Thank you. {0:firstName}’s request has been approved.","":"{0:firstName}’s data category guides are now being prepared for download. This process can take up to three days. {0:firstName} will be notified when the guides are ready.","":"Your account is currently scheduled to be deleted.","web.archive.cancel.delete.request.text":"To get a copy of your data, you must cancel the deletion request first.","":"To stop your account from being deleted, <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">contact Apple Support<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> with 12-digit access code you received when you made the request.","":"Your account is currently scheduled to be deactivated.","web.archive.cancel.deactivate.request.text":"To get a copy of your data, you must cancel the deactivation request first.","":"To stop your account from being deactivated, <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">contact Apple Support<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> with the 12-digit access code you received when you made your request.","":"Additional action is required to get a copy of your data.","":"You requested parental consent to delete your account on {0}. To get a copy of your data, you must first <a href=\"{1}\">cancel the deletion request</a>.","":"You requested parental consent to deactivate your account on {0}. To get a copy of your data, you must first <a href=\"{1}\">cancel the deactivation request</a>.","":"You already have a data request in progress.","":"You have already requested a copy of the data for all available apps and services. This data is being prepared for download. You will be able to make another request once your original request is complete.","":"You can view and check the status of all your requests on this site at any time by visiting <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"You have no data requests in progress.","":"Your data request has been canceled.","":"Your data request is in progress.","":"You have {0} data requests in progress.","":"This data is being prepared for download.","":"This data is being prepared for download. When it is ready we will notify you at <b>{0}</b>.","":"This data request could not be completed.","":"These data requests could not be completed.","":"You have no data to download.","":"The copy of your data has been deleted.","":"Download your data","":"No data available","":"{0} downloadable in a file","":"{0} downloadable in {1} files","":"{0} app or service is currently unavailable.","web.archive.apps.currently.unavailable.text":"{0} apps or services are currently unavailable.","web.archive.could.not.get.these.itmes.description":"We could not get these items and will notify you when they become available. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\" aria-label=\"Learn more about getting a copy of the data associated with your Apple Account. Opens in a new window.\">Learn More.</a>","":"Need help understanding your files?","":"View our file guides for more details on terminology and data used in the files.","":"View and download guides","":"For more details on how and why Apple uses your data, including how to raise a concern or question, read the article below.","":"Learn how Apple uses your personal data<span aria-hidden=\"true\"> ›</span>","":"<strong>Note:</strong> Some items such as documents, photos, and videos may be large and require significant time and bandwidth to download.","":"<strong>Keep the copy of your data secure.</strong> After you download your data, be sure to keep it secure on your devices and consider deleting it when you no longer need it.","web.downloads.not.supported.title":"Data downloads are not supported on this device.","":"<b>Date requested:</b> {0}, {1}","web.status.parental.approval.required.text":"<strong>Status</strong>: Parental approval required","":"<strong>Details:</strong> Declined by {0} {1}","web.details.label":"Details:","":"<strong>Details:</strong> <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Contact Apple Support<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> for more information.","web.currently.unavailable.text":"Currently unavailable","":"Cancel this request","":"The following item is provided by Apple Financing.","":"The following items are provided by Apple Financing.","":"<b>Available until:</b> {0}, {1}","":"Delete this copy","":"Some data from this request is currently unavailable. You will be able to delete this copy when the request is complete.","":"No data","":"If there is no data it may be because you have not used the app or service.","":"Some data from this app or service are currently unavailable.","web.delete.button":"Delete","":"Delete this copy of your data?","":"If you delete these files, they will no longer be available for download.","web.parental.approval.delete.error.invalid.title":"This request is no longer active","web.parental.approval.delete.error.invalid.message":"The request made by a child account in your family has been canceled or expired.","web.parental.approval.delete.error.organizer.only.title":"This action cannot be completed","web.parental.approval.delete.error.organizer.only.message":"Only the family organizer can perform this action.","web.deactivate.parent.intro.title":"Approve deactivation of {0} {1}’s account","web.decline":"Decline","web.deactivate.parent.intro.paragraph1":"As a family organizer, you can approve temporary deactivation of {0} {1}’s account, <strong>{2}</strong>.","web.deactivate.parent.intro.section1.label":"What happens when {0}’s account is deactivated?","web.deactivate.parent.intro.section1.item1":"Apple will not access or process {0}’s data. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{2}\" >Some exceptions<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> may apply.","web.deactivate.parent.intro.section1.item2":"{0} will not be able to access Apple services or your App Store media purchases.","web.deactivate.parent.intro.section1.item3":"{0} will not be able to access any data stored in iCloud, such as photos, videos, or documents.","web.deactivate.parent.intro.section1.item4":"{0} will not be able to sign in or use services such as iCloud, Apple Books, the App Store, Apple Pay, Messages, FaceTime, and Find My iPhone, or <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{2}\">any other apps or services that use {0}’s Apple Account</a>.","web.deactivate.parent.intro.section1.item4.old":"{0} will not be able to sign in or use services such as iCloud, Apple Books, the App Store, Apple Pay, Messages, FaceTime, and Find My iPhone.","web.deactivate.parent.intro.section1.item5":"{0} <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{2}\" >will not receive messages<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> sent to your account via iMessage, FaceTime, or iCloud Mail.","web.deactivate.parent.intro.section1.item6":"{0} can resume using the account at any time after it is reactivated.","web.deactivate.parent.intro.section2.label":"Before deactivating the account, {0} should:","web.deactivate.intro.section2.parental.approval.item1":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Make a local copy or backup<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> of the account data, or <a href=\"{1}\" target=\"_blank\">get a copy of the data<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> from this site.","web.deactivate.intro.section2.parental.approval.item2":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Sign out of all devices<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> and web browsers.","web.deactivate.intro.section2.parental.approval.item3":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Review all active subscriptions<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>. They will not be renewed while the account is inactive.","web.delete.parent.intro.title":"Approve deletion of {0} {1}’s account","web.delete.parent.intro.paragraph1":"As a family organizer, you can approve deletion of {0} {1}’s account, <strong>{2}</strong>.","web.delete.parent.intro.paragraph2":"For your security, we verify all deletion requests. This process takes up to seven days. {0}’s account will remain active while verification is in progress.","web.delete.parent.intro.section1.label":"What happens when {0}’s account is deleted?","web.delete.parent.intro.section1.item1":"{0} will not be able to access Apple services or your App Store media purchases.","web.delete.parent.intro.section1.item2":"{0}’s photos, videos and documents stored in iCloud will be permanently deleted.","web.delete.parent.intro.section1.item3":"{0} <a href=\"{2}\" target=\"_blank\">will not receive messages<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> sent to the account via iMessage, FaceTime, or iCloud Mail.","web.delete.parent.intro.section1.item4":"{0} will not be able to sign in or use services such as iCloud, Apple Books, the App Store, Apple Pay, Messages, FaceTime, and Find My iPhone, or <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{2}\">any other apps or services that use {0}’s Apple Account</a>.","web.delete.parent.intro.section1.item5":"{0}’s data associated with Apple services will be permanently deleted. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{2}\" >Some exceptions<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> may apply.","web.delete.parent.intro.section2.label":"Before deleting the account, {0} should:","web.delete.intro.section2.parental.approval.item1":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Make a local copy or backup<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> of the account data, or <a href=\"{1}\" target=\"_blank\">get a copy of the data<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> from this site.","web.delete.intro.section2.parental.approval.item2":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Sign out of all devices<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> and web browsers.","web.delete.intro.section2.parental.approval.item3":"<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Review all active subscriptions.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> They will be canceled when the account is deleted.","web.delete.parent.intro.paragraph3":"<strong>Account deletion is permanent.</strong> If {0} isn’t planning to use the account for now but may consider returning to it in the future, we recommend temporary deactivation instead of deletion.","web.archive.parent.approve.title":"Approve request to copy data from “{0}”","web.approve":"Approve","web.archive.parent.approve.paragraph1":"As a family organizer, you can approve {0}’s request to download a copy of the data from the account <strong>{2}</strong>. The following data from {0}’s account will be included:","web.archive.parent.approve.paragraph2":"For your security, we verify all requests before making data available for download. This process may take up to seven days.","":"Approve request to download data category guides for {0:firstName} {1:lastName}","":"As a family organizer, you can approve {0:firstName}’s request to download data category guides for the account <strong>{2:accountName}.</strong>","":"{0} will receive PDF guides of the categories of data and personal information that Apple apps and services collect. The guides will be relevant to the apps and services {0} uses.","":"These guides do not include {0:firstName}’s actual data","web.restriction.intro.securyty.code.sms.label":"To continue, enter the security code sent to {0}:","":"Security Code","web.parental.approval.paypal.sms.paragraph1":"Enter the verification code sent to the phone number associated with your PayPal account:","web.parental.approval.paypal.web.paragraph1":"Enter the verification code for your PayPal account:","":"To generate the code, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">go to PayPal</a>, then enter it here.","web.parental.approval.wechat.sms.paragraph1":"Enter the verification code sent to the phone number associated with your WeChat Pay account:","":"Enter the security code of the credit card (<strong>{0}</strong>) that you use with iTunes Store, App Store, Apple Books, or iCloud.","":"Enter the verification code sent to the phone number associated with your UnionPay card. Your card will not be charged.","web.verification.code.text":"Verification Code","":"To continue, enter the security code sent to your devices:","web.restriction.intro.securyty.code.label":"To continue, enter the security code for {0} ({1}):","web.archive.parent.decline.title":"{0} {1}’s request has been declined","web.archive.parent.decline.paragraph1":"{0}’s request to get a copy of the data from <strong>{2}</strong> has been declined. {0} can view the updated status of the request on this site.","":"{0:firstName}’s request has been declined.","":"{0:firstName}’s request to download data category guides for <strong>{2:accountName}</strong> has been declined. {0:firstName} can view the updated status of the request on this site.","web.deactivate.parent.decline.title":"{0} {1}’s account deactivation request has been declined.","web.deactivate.parent.decline.paragraph1":"{0}’s request to deactivate the Apple Account <strong>{2}</strong> has been declined. {0} can view the updated status of the request on this site.","web.delete.parent.decline.title":"{0} {1}’s account deletion request has been declined.","web.delete.parent.decline.paragraph1":"{0}’s request to delete the Apple Account <strong>{2}</strong> has been declined. {0} can view the updated status of the request on this site.","web.archive.request.expired.title":"This request is no longer active.","web.archive.request.expired.message":"If you would like a copy of this data, you can <a href=\"{0}\">request it again.</a>","web.try.again":"Try again","":"Photos","":"Photos and Videos","":"Videos","":"Playlists","":"{0:firstName} {1:lastName}","web.delimiter.and":"and","web.delimiter.comma":",","":"YouTube Music","":"Google Photos and Videos","":"Google Photos","":"Google Photos","":"Google Photos library","":"Google","":"{0} bytes","":"{0}KB","":"{0}MB","":"{0}GB","":"{0}TB","":"{0}EB","":"{0}ZB","":"{0}YB","web.generic.error.message":"This action could not be completed because of an error. Try again later.","web.additional.features.coming.soon":"Additional features coming soon","web.additional.features.coming.soon.note":"Check back later for more Data & Privacy features. You can also archive or make copies of the information you store in iCloud.","web.generic.error.title":"Your request could not be completed.","web.dma.delegated.completed.authorization":"<strong>Important: </strong>The authorization for {0:destinationProvider} to access the information above will remain active for {2:remainingDays} days. You can remove this authorization by going to Account Data Sharing at <a href={1:link} target='_blank'> <span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","web.view.details.button.text":"View details.","web.archive.filesize.description":"Downloadable in files of {0} or less.","":"{0}GB","web.dma.parent.approve.paragraph2":"For your security, we verify all requests before making data available for download. This process may take a few days.","web.request.parental.consent.confirm.title":"Parental consent requested.","":"A request will be sent to your family organizer, {0:firstName} {1:lastName}, who can provide parental consent.","web.request.parental.consent.button":"Request consent","web.dbr.dialog.title":"Allow iCloud Data Access","web.dbr.dialog.paragraph1":"Certain types of iCloud Data, such as the ones shown here, require additional authorization before they can be downloaded.","web.dbr.dialog.paragraph2":"<ul><li>iCloud Calendars and Reminders</li><li>iCloud Photos</li><li>iCloud Mail</li><li>iCloud Contacts</li><li>iCloud Drive files and documents</li><li>iCloud Bookmarks and Reading List</li><li>iCloud Notes</li><li>Other data</li></ul>","web.dbr.dialog.paragraph3":"To allow access, you’ll be directed to <a href={0:dbrLink} target=\"_self\"><span class=\"sr-only\"></span></a>. Authorization lasts for {1: dbrDuration} days.","web.dbr.allow.access":"Allow Access","web.dbr.beneficiary.tooltip":"Certain types of data are not available for Legacy Contacts.","web.delete.warning.aec.title":"Your Apple Education Community account will be deleted.","web.delete.warning.aec.description":"You will no longer be registered with the Community and won’t be able to register again using the same Apple Account. All personal data associated with your Community profile will be deleted including:","web.delete.warning.aec.item1":"Information related to your Learning Center recognitions","web.delete.warning.aec.item2":"Your Forum user name","web.delete.warning.aec.item3":"Any content you shared in the Forum","":"Your Apple Pay Later account information will be processed for compliance.","":"Close your Apple Pay Later loan(s).","":"Close your Apple Pay Later loan(s).","":"TBD","":"TBD","":"TBD","":"Your Apple Financing account information will be processed for compliance.","":"Close your Apple Financing product(s).","":"Close your Apple Financing product(s).","":"Your account is linked to Apple Pay Later loan(s). Limited Apple Pay Later loan information will be processed only as necessary for legal compliance purposes.","":"Your account is linked to an active Apple Pay Later loan. You must close your Apple Pay Later loan(s) before you can deactivate your account. You can contact Apple Pay Later Support for more information.","":"Your account is linked to an active Apple Pay Later loan. You must close your Apple Pay Later loan(s) before you can deactivate your account. You can contact Apple Pay Later Support for more information.","":"TBD","":"Your account is linked to an Apple Financing product(s). Limited information about your Apple Financing product(s) will be processed only as necessary for legal compliance purposes.","":"Your account is linked to an active Apple Financing product(s). You must close your Apple Financing product(s) before you can deactivate your account. You can contact Apple Support and reference your Apple Financing product for more information.","":"Your account is linked to an active Apple Financing product(s). You must close your Apple Financing product(s) before you can deactivate your account. You can contact Apple Support and reference your Apple Financing product for more information","":"Close your Apple Pay Later loan(s).","":"Your Apple Pay Later account information will be processed for compliance.","":"Your account is linked to Apple Pay Later loan(s). You must close your Apple Pay Later loan(s) before you can deactivate your account. You can contact Apple Pay Later Support for more information.","":"Your account is linked to Apple Pay Later loan(s). Limited Apple Pay Later loan information will be processed only as necessary for legal compliance purposes.","":"TBD","":"TBD","":"Your Apple Pay Later account information will be retained for compliance.","":"Close your Apple Pay Later loan(s).","":"Close your Apple Pay Later loan(s).","":"TBD","":"TBD","":"TBD","":"Your Apple Financing account information will be retained for compliance.","":"Close your Apple Financing product(s).","":"Close your Apple Financing product(s).","":"Your account is linked to Apple Pay Later loan(s). Limited Apple Pay Later loan information will be retained for as long as required for legal compliance, after which it will be deleted.","":"Your account is linked to an active Apple Pay Later loan. You must close your Apple Pay Later loan(s) before you can delete your account. You can contact Apple Pay Later Support for more information.","":"Your account is linked to an active Apple Pay Later loan. You must close your Apple Pay Later loan(s) before you can delete your account. You can contact Apple Pay Later Support for more information.","":"TBD","":"TBD","":"TBD","":"Your account is linked to an Apple Financing product(s). Limited information about your Apple Financing product(s) will be retained for as long as required for legal compliance, after which it will be deleted.","":"Your account is linked to an active Apple Financing product(s). You must close your Apple Financing product(s) before you can delete your account. You can contact Apple Support and reference your Apple Financing product for more information.","":"Your account is linked to an active Apple Financing product(s). You must close your Apple Financing product(s) before you can delete your account. You can contact Apple Support and reference your Apple Financing product for more information.","":"Close your Apple Pay Later loan(s).","":"Your Apple Pay Later account information will be retained for compliance.","":"Your account is linked to Apple Pay Later loan(s). You must close your Apple Pay Later loan(s) before you can delete your account. You can contact Apple Pay Later Support for more information.","":"Your account is linked to Apple Pay Later loan(s). Limited Apple Pay Later loan information will be retained for as long as required for legal compliance, after which it will be deleted.","web.delete.blocker.beneficiary.applePayLater.title":"Close {0:firstName}’s Apple Pay Later loan(s).","web.delete.warning.beneficiary.applePayLater.title":"{0:firstName}’s Apple Pay Later account information will be retained for compliance.","web.delete.blocker.beneficiary.applePayLater.description":"{0:firstName}’s account is linked to Apple Pay Later loan(s). You must close {0:firstName}’s Apple Pay Later loan(s) before you can delete {0:firstName}’s account. You can contact Apple Pay Later Support for more information.","web.delete.warning.beneficiary.applePayLater.description":"{0:firstName}’s account is linked to Apple Pay Later loan(s). Limited Apple Pay Later loan information will be retained for as long as required for legal compliance, after which it will be deleted.","web.deactivate.warning.zn.title":"Payments you’ve preauthorized through Apple Pay will be stopped.","web.deactivate.warning.zn.description":"Review your current services before you deactivate your account. When you deactivate your account, your payment methods will no longer be charged for your subscriptions, installment plans, auto reloads, delayed charges, and monthly billing charges. If you’ve authorized merchants to charge you automatically, change your payment method on the merchant’s website or app. <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\" aria-label=\"Learn more about changing your payment method\">Learn More.</a>","web.delete.warning.zn.title":"Payments you’ve preauthorized through Apple Pay will be stopped.","web.delete.warning.zn.description":"Review your current services before you delete your account. When you delete your account, your payment methods will no longer be charged for your subscriptions, installment plans, auto reloads, delayed charges, and monthly billing charges. If you’ve authorized merchants to charge you automatically, change your payment method on the merchant’s website or app. <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\" aria-label=\"Learn more about changing your payment method\">Learn More.</a>","web.beneficiary.delete.warning.zn.title":"Payments that {0:firstName} has preauthorized through Apple Pay will be stopped.","web.beneficiary.delete.warning.zn.description":"Review {0:firstName}’s current services before you can delete the account. When you delete {0:firstName}’s account, existing payment methods will no longer be charged for subscriptions, installment plans, auto reloads, delayed charges, and monthly billing charges. If {0:firstName} authorized merchants to charge them automatically, change their payment method on the merchant’s website or app. <a href=\"{2}\" target=\"_blank\" aria-label=\"Learn more about changing your payment method\">Learn More.</a>","web.beneficiary.delete.warning.fb.title":"Deleting {0:firstName}’s Apple Account will close this savings account.","web.beneficiary.delete.warning.fb.description":"The issuing bank, Goldman Sachs Bank USA, will close the account and you’ll no longer be able to access it on your Apple devices. After deleting the Apple Account:","":"Pending transactions or interest accrued could post to the savings account, which may change the total account balance.","web.beneficiary.delete.warning.fb.instruction.two":"To manage this savings account, access monthly statements, or request any remaining funds, contact Goldman Sachs Bank USA, at <a href=\"tel:8772555923\">+1 (877)-255-5923</a>.","web.beneficiary.delete.blocker.fb.negative.title":"Add funds or close {0:firstName}’s savings account.","web.beneficiary.delete.blocker.fb.negative.description":"{0:firstName}’s savings account has a negative balance of {2:balance} {3:currencyCode}. To delete the Apple account, you can:","":"Use your Apple device to add funds to {0:firstName}’s savings account. <a href={2:link} target=\"_blank\">Learn how to add funds.</a>","web.beneficiary.delete.blocker.fb.negative.instruction.two":"Contact Goldman Sachs Bank USA, the issuing bank, for assistance closing the account.","web.beneficiary.delete.blocker.fb.positive.title":"Transfer {0:firstName}’s savings balance.","web.beneficiary.delete.blocker.fb.positive.description":"{0:firstName} has a savings balance of {2:balance} {3:currencyCode}. You can:","":"Transfer the balance to another bank before deleting the account. <a href={0:link} target=\"_blank\">Learn how to transfer the balance.</a>","web.beneficiary.delete.blocker.fb.positive.instruction.two":"Contact the issuing bank, Goldman Sachs Bank USA, at <a href=\"tel:8772555923\">+1 (877)-255-5923</a> to request a funds transfer or close the savings account and request a check for the remaining funds.","web.deactivate.warning.fb.positive.title":"You have an available savings balance of {0:balance} {1:currencyCode}.","web.restriction.warning.archive.title":"You have a data request in progress.","web.deactivate.warning.archive.note1":"Your download is still being prepared. <strong>You won’t be able to receive it if your account is deactivated before the download is ready.</strong>","web.restriction.warning.archive.multiple.title":"You have data requests in progress.","web.deactivate.warning.archive.note1.plural":"Your downloads are still being prepared. <strong>You won’t be able to receive them if your account is deactivated before the downloads are ready.</strong>","web.delete.warning.archive.note1":"Your download is still being prepared. <strong>You won’t be able to receive it if your account is deleted before the download is ready.</strong>","web.delete.warning.archive.note1.plural":"Your downloads are still being prepared. <b>You won’t be able to receive them if your account is deleted before the downloads are ready.</b>","web.restriction.warning.archive.paragraph1":"You requested to get a copy of your data:","web.restriction.warning.archive.item":"On {0} at {1}.","web.restriction.warning.archive.requests.text":"Review your requests","web.restriction.warning.archive.paragraph1.singular":"You requested to get a copy of your data on {0} at {1}.","web.view.details.text":"View details","":"Cancel {0:firstName}’s Advantage order or subscription.","":"You must cancel {0:firstName}’s active Advantage subscriptions, buy {0:firstName}’s device or return it to Apple, and pay any applicable exit or damage fees. It may take several days to verify the return. Once it’s finished, come back and request to delete {0:firstName}’s account.","":"Cancel account deactivation request for child accounts.","":"To delete your account, you must first cancel this deactivation request.","":"To delete your account, you must first cancel these deactivation requests.","":"To stop this account from being deactivated, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">contact Apple Support<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> with the 12-digit access code you received when you made your request.","":"To stop these accounts from being deactivated, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">contact Apple Support<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> with the 12-digit access code you received when you made your request.","":"Cancel account deletion request for child accounts.","":"This account is currently scheduled to be deleted:","":"These accounts are currently scheduled to be deleted:","":"To deactivate your account, you must first cancel this deletion request.","":"To deactivate your account, you must first cancel these deletion requests.","":"To stop this account from being deleted, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">contact Apple Support<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> with the 12-digit access code you received when you made your request.","":"To stop these accounts from being deleted, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">contact Apple Support<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> with the 12-digit access code you received when you made your request.","":"Your account is currently scheduled to be deleted. To deactivate your account, you must first cancel the deletion request.","":"Your Family sharing will be turned off.","":"You will stop sharing Apple Music, iCloud Storage, and purchases with your family.","":"You will be removed from the family group.","":"Your Family sharing will stop.","":"Your family will stop sharing Apple Music, iCloud Storage, and purchases.","":"<strong>{0}</strong> will be removed from your family.","":"These child accounts will also be deactivated:","":"These child accounts will also be deactivated:","":"<strong>{0} {1}</strong>: {2}","":"Don’t want these accounts to be deactivated?","":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">Learn about other options<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> before you continue.","":"Your Family Sharing will stop.","":"These child accounts will also be deleted:","":"These child accounts will also be deleted:","":"Don’t want these accounts to be deleted?","":"If you are participating in Family Sharing, it will be turned off.","":"If you are a family member:","":"If you are a family organizer:","":"All child accounts in the family will be deleted along with your account.","":"Adult family members will be removed from your family.","":"Unlink your account from iCloud@Apple.","":"Your account is currently linked to iCloud@Apple. To delete your account, you must first unlink it.","":"Learn how to leave iCloud@Apple.","web.restriction.icloud.plan.item1":"Your <strong>{0} iCloud Storage plan</strong> will be canceled at the end of the current billing cycle.","web.deactivate.icloud.plan.item2":"You will be downgraded to the free 5GB plan.","":"<strong>{0}</strong> of your documents and data stored in iCloud may be removed from Apple’s servers. This includes <strong>{1} photos</strong> and <strong>{2} videos</strong>.","web.deactivate.icloud.plan.title":"Your iCloud Storage plan will be downgraded.","web.restriction.icloud.plan.backup.item":"To avoid losing your data <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">make a local copy or backup.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> You can also <a href=\"{1}\" target=\"_blank\">get a copy of your data from this site.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"If you have purchased an iCloud Storage plan, it will be downgraded.","":"If you have purchased additional storage, your plan will stop renewing at the end of the current billing cycle.","web.deactivate.icloud.plan.item4":"If your current storage exceeds 5GB, your data may be removed from Apple’s servers.","":"To avoid losing your data, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">review your iCloud Storage<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> and <a href=\"{1}\" target=\"_blank\">make a local copy or backup.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> You can also <a href=\"{2}\" target=\"_blank\">get a copy of your data from this site.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"Your 5GB iCloud Storage plan will be canceled.","web.delete.icloud.plan.title":"Your iCloud Storage plan will be canceled.","":"Your <strong>{0}</strong> of documents and data stored in iCloud will be removed from Apple’s servers. This includes <strong>{1} photo</strong> and <strong>{2} videos</strong>.","":"Your <strong>{0}</strong> of documents and data stored in iCloud will be removed from Apple’s servers. This includes <strong>{1} photos</strong> and <strong>{2} video</strong>.","":"Your <strong>{0}</strong> of documents and data stored in iCloud will be removed from Apple’s servers. This includes <strong>{1} photo</strong> and <strong>{2} video</strong>.","":"Your <strong>{0}</strong> of documents and data stored in iCloud will be removed from Apple’s servers. This includes <strong>{1} photos</strong> and <strong>{2} videos</strong>.","":"If you have purchased additional storage, the plan will be canceled at the end of the current billing cycle.","":"If you have documents or data stored in iCloud, such as files, photos or videos, they will be removed from Apple’s servers.","web.deactivate.warning.itunes.subscription.title":"If you have subscriptions, they will not be renewed.","web.deactivate.warning.itunes.subscription.paragraph1":"Subscriptions such as Apple Music, HBO GO, Netflix, Washington Post, etc. will stop renewing at the end of the current billing cycle.","web.deactivate.warning.itunes.subscription.paragraph1.part2":"If you’re currently subscribed at a discounted rate, you will no longer be eligible for these discounts once you deactivate your account.","web.restriction.warning.itunes.subscription.paragraph2":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">Learn how to view or manage your subscriptions.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","web.deactivate.warning.itunes.subscription.paragraph3":"If you have questions about our refund policy, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">contact Apple Support<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> before deactivating your account. You will not be able to receive refunds once your account is deactivated.","web.delete.warning.itunes.subscription.title":"If you have subscriptions, they will be canceled.","web.delete.warning.itunes.subscription.paragraph1":"Subscriptions such as Apple Music, HBO GO, Netflix, Washington Post, etc. will be canceled at the end of the current billing cycle.","web.delete.warning.itunes.subscription.paragraph3":"If you have questions about our refund policy, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">contact Apple Support<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> before deleting your account. You will not be able to receive refunds once your account is deleted.","web.deactivate.warning.medialink.primary.title":"Purchases have been migrated to this account from another account.","web.deactivate.warning.medialink.primary.list1":"Deactivating this account will undo migration of purchases made with the other account.","web.deactivate.warning.medialink.primary.list2":"Only the account \"{0:accountName}\" will be deactivated.","web.deactivate.warning.medialink.primary.list3":"To deactivate the other account, the owner can sign in to that account and make a separate request.","web.deactivate.warning.medialink.secondary.title":"Purchases have been migrated from this account to another account.","web.deactivate.warning.medialink.secondary.list1":"Deactivating this account will undo migration of purchases made with the other account.","web.deactivate.warning.medialink.secondary.list2":"Only the account \"{0:accountName}\" will be deactivated.","web.deactivate.warning.medialink.secondary.list3":"To deactivate the other account, the owner can sign in to that account and make a separate request.","web.delete.warning.medialink.primary.title":"Purchases have been migrated to this account from another account.","web.delete.warning.medialink.primary.list1":"Deleting this account will undo migration of purchases made with another account.","web.delete.warning.medialink.primary.list2":"The data associated with \"{0:accountName}\" will be deleted.","web.delete.warning.medialink.primary.list3":"To delete the other account, the owner can sign in to that account and make a separate request.","web.delete.warning.medialink.secondary.title":"Purchases have been migrated from this account to another account.","web.delete.warning.medialink.secondary.list1":"Deleting this account will undo migration of purchases made with this account.","web.delete.warning.medialink.secondary.list2":"The data associated with \"{0:accountName}\" will be deleted.","web.delete.warning.medialink.secondary.list3":"To delete the other account, the owner can sign in to that account and make a separate request.","web.deactivate.purchased.content.title":"You will not be able to access your Apple services, or your App Store media purchases.","web.deactivate.purchased.content.paragraph1":"These items will not be available while your account is inactive, and will not be included in the copy of the data you can receive from Apple.","web.purchased.content.paragraph":"Books, movies and TV Shows, apps, songs.","":"If you have purchased content from iTunes Store, Apple Books, or the App Store, it will not be available for use or download while your account is inactive. These purchases are not included in the copy of the data you can receive from Apple.","":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">Review your purchases<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> before deactivating your account.","web.delete.purchased.content.title":"You will lose access to your App Store and media purchases.","web.delete.purchased.content.paragraph1":"These items will not be available after your account is deleted, and are not included in the copy of the data you can receive from Apple.","":"If you have purchased content from the App Store or Apple Books, it will not be available for use or download after your account is deleted. These purchases are not included in the copy of the data you can receive from Apple.","":"<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">Review your purchases<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> before deleting your account.","web.connected.applications.warning.learn.more":"<a target=\"_blank\" href={0}>Review the apps you’re signed in to</a> or <a target=\"_blank\" href={1}>learn more about Sign in With Apple.</a>","web.connected.applications.warning.title":"You will not be able to use Sign in with Apple.","web.connected.applications.deactivate.warning.paragraph1.singular":"You’re using Sign in with Apple to access {0:count} app. You will not be able to use it to access this app while your account is inactive.","web.connected.applications.deactivate.warning.paragraph1.plural":"You’re using Sign in with Apple to access {0:count} apps. You will not be able to use it to access these apps while your account is inactive.","web.connected.applications.delete.warning.paragraph1.singular":"You’re using Sign in with Apple to access {0:count} app. When your Apple Account is deleted you will not be able to use it to access this app.","web.connected.applications.delete.warning.paragraph1.plural":"You’re using Sign in with Apple to access {0:count} apps. When your Apple Account is deleted you will not be able to use it to access these apps.","":"If you are using Sign in with Apple, it will stop working.","":"If you’re using Sign in with Apple to access any apps, you will not be able to access these apps when your account is inactive.","":"If you’re using Sign in with Apple to access any apps, you will not be able to access these apps when your Apple Account is deleted.","":"Correct your data","":"Apple provides you with easy and convenient ways to access and manage your information. You can view, edit, and correct your data at any time by using these tools:","":"Your Apple Account information","":"To manage your Apple Account, contact, security, device, or payment information, go to:","":"Settings on your iOS device.","":"System Preferences or System Settings on your Mac.","":"Account management on <a class=\"{1}\" href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"Your account information","":"View and manage your account information, subscriptions and purchases from the App Store and other Apple services. You can do this on your Mac, iOS device, or the web.","":"Learn how to manage your account information","":"Your Apple Store transactions and information","":"To view and manage information such as your orders, billing and shipping preferences, iPhone Upgrade Program eligibility and more, visit <a class=\"{1}\" href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Apple Online Store account settings<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"Can’t find what you’re looking for or need more help? <a class=\"{1}\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">Contact the Privacy team<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"Because you turned on Advanced Data Protection and Access iCloud Data on the Web is turned off, Apple can’t access or provide data download for some of the categories described in the guides. <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\" aria-label=\"Learn more about iCloud data security. Opens in a new window.\">Learn more.</a>","":"Because you turned on Advanced Data Protection in iCloud settings, Apple will not be able to access or provide copies of data protected with end-to-end encryption. <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Learn how encryption is used.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"Because you turned off Access iCloud Data on the Web, data download isn’t provided for some categories. <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\" aria-label=\"Learn more about managing web access to your iCloud data. Opens in a new window.\">Learn more.</a>","":"{0} app or service","":"{0} apps and services","":"The information from {0} app or service is unavailable.","":"The information from {0} apps and services is currently unavailable.","":"Download your guides","":"Download PDF guides of the categories of data and personal information that Apple apps and services collect.","web.delete.all.pdfs.label.text":"Delete all PDF Guides","web.delete.all.button":"Delete All ...","":"These guides are available until {0}.","web.category.summary.aside.note.title":"Looking to download your data?","":"Request a copy of your data here<span aria-hidden=\"true\"> ›</span>","web.category.summary.aside.note.subtext":"<b>Note</b>: If you do not use a particular feature of an app or service, the categories described in the guides may not apply to your data stored with Apple.","web.category.summary.title":"Learn more about what Apple collects","web.category.summary.paragraph1":"Download PDF guides of the categories of data and personal information that Apple apps and services collect. You will receive the guides relevant to the apps and services that you use.","":"Your data category guides are ready.","":"Get your guides<span aria-hidden=\"true\"> ›</span>","":"Request for data category guides in progress","":"Received {0}","":"Your request to get data category guides was declined.","":"You requested parental consent to get data category guides on {0}. This request was declined by your family organizer.","":"Data category guides are available for download.","":"Your request for data category guides could not be completed.","":"A message has been sent to {0:firstName} to provide parental consent.","":"How Apple uses your personal data","":"In our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Privacy Policy<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> we outline how and why we collect, use, disclose, transfer and store your personal information.","":"We also outline on a service by service basis the purposes of data collection and use. These summary privacy documents are available upon activation or sign-up for the service and subsequently within the service and/or on your device.","":"What are the purposes of processing your data?","":"To keep you posted on Apple’s latest product announcements, software updates, and upcoming events.","":"To help us create, develop, operate, deliver, and improve our products, services, content and advertising, and for loss prevention and anti-fraud purposes.","":"To verify identity, assist with identification of users, and to determine appropriate services. For example, we may use date of birth to determine the age of Apple Account holders.","":"To send important notices, such as communications about purchases and changes to our terms, conditions, and policies.","":"For internal purposes such as auditing, data analysis, and research to improve Apple’s products, services, and customer communications.","":"To administer sweepstakes, contests or similar promotions if you enter into them.","":"What types of personal information do we collect?","":"Name, address, phone number, email address, device identifiers, IP address, location information and credit/debit card information may be collected when you interact with us in one of many ways such as create an Apple Account, apply for commercial credit, purchase a product, connect to our services, download a software update, contact us or participate in an online survey.","":"In certain jurisdictions, we may ask for a government issued ID in limited circumstances including for the purpose of extending commercial credit, managing reservations, or as required by law.","":"Do we share your data with third parties?","":"Apple may share personal information with companies who provide services such as information processing, extending credit, fulfilling customer orders, delivering products to you, managing and enhancing customer data, providing customer service, assessing your interest in our products and services, and conducting customer research or satisfaction surveys.","":"It may be necessary − by law, legal process, litigation, and/or requests from public and governmental authorities within or outside your country of residence − for Apple to disclose your personal information. We may also disclose information about you if we determine that for purposes of national security, law enforcement, or other issues of public importance, disclosure is necessary or appropriate.","":"We may also disclose information about you if we determine that disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce our terms and conditions or protect our operations or users. Additionally, in the event of a reorganization, merger, or sale we may transfer any and all personal information we collect to the relevant third party.","":"These recipients, which include other Apple companies and its affiliates who are in all cases obligated to protect your personal data. They may be located outside the region in which you are a resident.","":"How long do we retain your personal information?","":"We only retain personal data for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined above and detailed in our service specific privacy summaries. When assessing this period we carefully examine our need to collect personal data in the first instance and if we establish such a need we then ensure that we only retain it for the shortest possible permit unless a longer retention period is required by law, such as for example retaining records of financial transactions.","":"How do I correct or delete my personal information?","":"You can help ensure that your contact information and preferences are accurate, complete, and up to date by logging in to your account at <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>. For other personal information we hold, we will correct the data if it is inaccurate. Requests can be made through the regional <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Contact Form<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>.","":"How do I provide feedback or register a complaint?","":"If you are not satisfied with any aspect of our handling of personal information or how we have endeavored to provide you with your privacy rights as determined by applicable law, you may have depending on your jurisdiction of residence the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority. We are happy to further advise through our regional <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Privacy Contact Form<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>.","":"Is any of my personal data stored by Apple not collected directly from me?","":"We may have received your personal data from other persons if someone has shared their content with you using Apple products, sent gift certificates and products, or invited you to participate in Apple services or forums.","web.user.automated.decision.and.profiling.title":"The existence of automated decision-making, including profiling:","web.user.automated.decision.and.profiling.description":"Apple does not believe that it takes any decisions involving the use of algorithms or profiling that produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you.","":"iCloud photos and videos","web.dtp.export.dataType.playlists":"Apple Music playlists","":"To Google Photos","web.dtp.export.playlists.destination.Google":"To YouTube Music","":"Copy your photo library from iCloud Photos to Google Photos.","web.dtp.export.selection.title":"Export your photos and videos or playlists","":"Export your photos and videos","web.dbr.dtp.dialog.title":"Request to Transfer Data","web.dbr.dtp.dialog.paragraph1":"iCloud photos and videos require an additional authorization step to export.","web.dbr.dtp.dialog.paragraph2":"To allow access, you’ll be redirected to <a href={0:dbrLink} target=\"_self\"><span class=\"sr-only\"></span></a>. Authorization lasts for {1: dbrDuration} days.","web.dtp.export.selection.description.Google":"Copy your photo library from iCloud Photos to Google Photos, or your playlists from Apple Music to YouTube Music.","web.dtp.export.selection.learnMore":"Learn more about exporting and supported file formats and features.","web.dbr.enabled.message":"You have allowed access to your iCloud data until {0:dbrIntermissionEndDate}. <a href=\"{1:learnMoreLink}\" aria-label=\"Learn more.\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"sk-icon sk-icon-after sk-icon-external\">Learn more</a>","web.dtp.export.selection.choose":"Choose what you’d like to export","":"Next","web.from":"From: {0:value}","":"Apple Music","":"To: YouTube Music","":"It can take around 24 hours to verify the request and copy your playlists to YouTube Music. When the export is done, you’ll get an email at <strong>{0:thirdPartyAccountName}</strong>.","":"1 playlist","":"{0:numberOfPlaylists} playlists","":"Confirm your export to YouTube Music","":"Once you choose to transfer your data outside of Apple, Apple maintains no control of the use, storage, or processing of that data. The data you choose to send to a participating service will be governed by the terms of your relationship with that service. Apple does not maintain control of that service’s accounts.","":"Confirm Export","":"Your playlists will be exported","":"Disconnect account","":"It can take around 24 hours to verify the request and copy your playlists. When the export is done, you’ll get an email at {0:accountName}.","":"To: {0:destinationProvider}","web.export.common.destination.account":"Account: {0:destinationAccount}","web.dma.confirmation.cancel.request":"If you change your mind, you can cancel this request.","web.status.inProgress":"In progress","web.dtp.status.inprogress":"In progress","web.status.completed":"Complete","web.dtp.status.complete":"Complete","web.status.completedWithError":"Complete with Errors","web.dtp.status.completeWithErrors":"Complete with errors","web.status.failed":"Failed","web.dtp.status.failed":"Failed","web.status.cancelled":"Canceled","web.dtp.status.canceled":"Canceled","web.dtp.error.single":"1 error","web.dtp.error.multiple":"{0:errorCount} errors","web.dtp.interpunct":"·","":"Requested: {0:requestDate}","":"Cancel request","":"Your playlists won’t be copied to YouTube Music.","":"<strong>Some of your playlists may have already been copied.</strong> To remove exported items sign in to YouTube Music with the account you provided.","":"Your export request has been canceled","":"Your playlists have been exported to YouTube Music","":"To access your exported playlists, sign in to YouTube Music with the account you provided.","":"<strong>Not all of your playlists could be copied because your YouTube Music account doesn’t have enough storage available.</strong>","":"To access your transferred playlists, sign in to YouTube Music with the account you provided.","":"<strong>Some playlists might have been copied.</strong> To remove transferred items from YouTube Music, sign in to YouTube Music with the account you provided. Apple cannot remove your transferred playlists.","":"This request could not be completed because of an error.","":"This request could not be completed because an error occurred during transfer.","":"<strong>Some of your playlists could not be copied.</strong> This problem might have occurred because of an unsupported music format, or a timeout during the transfer. <a class=\"sk-icon sk-icon-after sk-icon-external\" href=\"{0:learnMoreLink}\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" aria-label=\"Learn more about transferring a copy of your Apple Music collection to another service. Opens in a new window.\">Learn more</a>","":"Your playlists couldn’t be exported to YouTube Music","":"<strong>Some playlists may have been copied.</strong> To remove exported items sign in to YouTube Music with the account you provided.","":"There was a problem exporting your playlists. You can try again.","":"You can also disconnect your Google account.","":"Your playlists are being exported to YouTube Music","web.dtp.export.playlists.failed.authorization.title.Google":"You cannot continue with the transfer as the authorization failed.","web.dtp.export.playlists.failed.authorization.description.Google":"Go back to the authorization page and verify that you have granted <a target='_blank' href=''><span class='sr-only'> Opens in a new window.</span></a> permissions to add to your YouTube music.","":"Export your playlists to YouTube Music","":"Copy your playlists from Apple Music to YouTube Music. Smart playlists and playlist folders won’t be copied.","":"Learn more about this process and supported features.","":"You don’t have any Apple Music playlists that can be exported. If you’ve recently added some, try again later.","":"Playlist (1 Playlist)","":"Playlists ({0:playlistCount} Playlists)","":"Playlist export to YouTube Music was canceled","":"Playlist export to YouTube Music is complete","":"Playlist export to YouTube Music is complete with errors","":"1 playlist copied","":"{0:numberOfPlaylists} playlists copied","":"Playlist export to YouTube Music failed","":"Playlist export to YouTube Music is in progress","":"iCloud Photos","":"Total size and item count information temporarily unavailable.","":"{0:photos} photos","":"{0:videos} videos","":"{0:photos} photos and {1:videos} videos","":"About {0}","":"{0:photos} photo and {1:videos} video","":"{0:photos} photo and {1:videos} videos","":"{0:photos} photos and {1:videos} video","":"{0:photos} photo","":"The request to copy your photos could not be completed because of an error.","":"{0:videos} video","":"The request to copy your videos could not be completed because of an error.","":"Destination:","":"Transfer to account:","":"Your photo transfer request has been canceled.","":"Your photos will not be copied to {0:destinationProvider}.","":"Your photo transfer has been canceled.","":"We will stop copying your photos to {0:destinationProvider}.","":"Some photos may have already been copied.","":"To remove transferred items from {0:destinationProvider}, sign in to {0:destinationProvider} with the account you provided. Apple cannot remove your transferred photos.","":"<b>Transfer completed:</b> {0:date}, {1:time}","":"<b>Transfer requested:</b> {0:date}, {1:time}","":"Your photos have been copied to {0:destinationProvider}.","":"To access your transferred photos, sign in to {0:destinationProvider} with the account you provided.","":"1 photo copied.","":"1 video copied.","":"{0:processedFiles} photo copied, {1:failedFiles} errors.","":"{0:processedFiles} video copied, {1:failedFiles} errors.","":"{0:processedFiles} photo copied, {1:failedFiles} error.","":"{0:processedFiles} video copied, {1:failedFiles} error.","":"{0:totalCount} photos copied.","":"{0:totalCount} videos copied.","":"{0:processedFiles} photos copied, {1:failedFiles} errors.","":"{0:processedFiles} videos copied, {1:failedFiles} errors.","":"{0:processedFiles} photos copied, {1:failedFiles} error.","":"{0:processedFiles} videos copied, {1:failedFiles} error.","":"Not all of your photos could be copied because your {0:destinationProvider} account doesn’t have enough storage available.","":"Your photos could not be copied to {0:destinationProvider}.","":"Some photos might have already been copied.","":"To remove transferred items from {0:destinationProvider}, sign in to {0:destinationProvider} with the account you provided. Apple cannot remove your transferred photos.","":"<strong>Some of your photos could not be copied.</strong> This problem might have occurred because of an unsupported photo format, or a timeout during the transfer. <a href=\"{0:kbArticleUrl}\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" aria-label=\"Learn more about transferring a copy of your iCloud Photos collection to another service. Opens in a new window\">Learn more.</a>","":"We’re copying your photos to {0:destinationProvider}.","":"This process will take between three and seven days. Some requests may take longer to process. When your transfer is complete, we will notify you at <strong>{0:requestEmail}.</strong>","":"If you change your mind, you can","":"cancel this request.","":"Your photos will be copied to {0:destinationProvider}.","":"Because you turned on Advanced Data Protection in iCloud settings, Apple will not be able to access or provide copies of data protected with end-to-end encryption. {0:learnMore}","":"Because you turned on Advanced Data Protection and Access iCloud Data on the Web is turned off, Apple can’t access or export your iCloud photos and videos. {0:learnMore}","":"Because you turned off Access iCloud Data on the Web, you can’t transfer your iCloud photos and videos. To transfer your data, turn Access iCloud Data on the Web back on. {0:learnMore}","web.FY22Feature1.learn.more":"Learn more about Advanced Data Protection","web.FY22Feature2.learn.more":"Learn more about Access iCloud Data on the Web","":"This request could not be completed. For more information, contact <a href=\"{0:kbArticleLink}\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Apple Support.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"Copy your photos to {0: third party service name}","":"You will need to have an account with {0: third party service name} and sign in to that account to start the transfer.","":"<strong>Your {0:third party service} account must have at least {1:storage} storage available.</strong> You are using about {1:storage} total storage for iCloud Photos. If you run out of space, not all of your items will be copied.","":"If you add more photos to your iCloud Photos before the transfer starts, you will need additional space in your {0:third party service} account to copy them. <a href=\"{1}\" target=\"_blank\">Learn More<span class=\"sr-only\">about additional space in your {0:third party service} account, Opens in a new window.</span></a>.","":"Thank you. We’ll start copying your photos to {0:third party service}.","":"This will take between three and seven days. Some requests may take longer to process. When your transfer is complete, we will notify you at <strong>{0:accountName}.</strong>","":"You can check the status of your transfers at any time at <a href=\"{0}\"></a>","":"Photo transfer complete","":"Your photo transfer is complete.","":"Photo transfer in progress","":"Your photo transfer request has been canceled.","":"Your photo transfer request could not be completed.","web.dtp.export.photosVideos.failed.authorization.title.Google":"You must grant permissions required by Google to complete your transfer request.","web.dtp.export.photosVideos.failed.authorization.description.Google":"Go back to the authorization page and verify that you have granted <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> permissions to add to your Google photos library.","":"Copy your photos and videos to {0: third party service name}","":"<strong>Your {0:third party service} account must have at least {1:storage} storage available.</strong> If you run out of space, not all of your items will be copied.","":"If you add more photos or videos to your iCloud Photos before the transfer starts, you will need additional space in your {0:third party service} account to copy them. <a href=\"{1}\" target=\"_blank\">Learn More<span class=\"sr-only\">about additional space in your {0:third party service} account, Opens in a new window.</span></a>.","":"Thank you. We’ll start copying your photos and videos to {0:third party service}.","":"This will take between three and seven days. Some requests may take longer to process. When your transfers are complete, we will notify you at <strong>{0:accountName}</strong>. You will receive a confirmation of each transfer.","":"Your video transfer request has been canceled.","":"Your videos will not be copied to {0:destinationProvider}.","":"Your video transfer has been canceled.","":"We will stop copying your videos to {0:destinationProvider}.","":"Some videos may have already been copied.","":"To remove transferred items from {0:destinationProvider}, sign in to {0:destinationProvider} with the account you provided. Apple cannot remove your transferred videos.","":"Your videos have been copied to {0:destinationProvider}.","":"To access your transferred videos, sign in to {0:destinationProvider} with the account you provided.","":"Not all of your videos could be copied because your {0:destinationProvider} account doesn’t have enough storage available.","":"Your videos could not be copied to {0:destinationProvider}.","":"Some videos might have already been copied.","":"To remove transferred items from {0:destinationProvider}, sign in to {0:destinationProvider} with the account you provided. Apple cannot remove your transferred videos.","":"<strong>Some of your videos could not be copied.</strong> This problem might have occurred because of an unsupported video format, or a timeout during the transfer. <a href=\"{0:kbArticleUrl}\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" aria-label=\"Learn more about transferring a copy of your iCloud Photos collection to another service. Opens in a new window\">Learn more.</a>","":"We’re copying your videos to {0:destinationProvider}.","":"Your videos will be copied to {0:destinationProvider}.","":"Video transfer complete","":"Your video transfer is complete.","":"Video transfer in progress","":"Your video transfer request could not be completed.","":"Your video transfer request has been canceled.","":"Copy your videos to {0: third party service name}","":"If you add more videos to your iCloud Photos before the transfer starts, you will need additional space in your {0:third party service} account to copy them. <a href=\"{1}\" target=\"_blank\" aria-label=\"Learn more about transferring a copy of your iCloud Photos collection to another service. Opens in a new window.\">Learn More.</a>","":"Thank you. We’ll start copying your videos to {0:third party service}.","":"YouTube Music playlists","":"{0:serviceName} library","":"To: iCloud Drive","":"To: iCloud Photos","":"Apple Music","web.generic.from":"From","web.import.request.received.text":"Request received by Apple: {0:requestDate} at {1:requestTime}","":"Your playlists won’t be copied from YouTube Music.","web.import.common.details.canceled.title":"Your import request has been canceled","":"<strong>Some playlists may already have been copied.</strong> You can see any imported items by going to your Apple Music library.","":"A copy of your playlists has been imported from YouTube Music","":"You can find your playlists in:","":"Your playlists on {0:appleMusicLink}","":"","web.links.external.a11y.text":"Opens in a new window","":"Your Apple Music app on your Mac, Windows, or iOS device","":"<strong>Some of your playlists couldn’t be imported.</strong> You can only have {0:playlistsCount} playlists in Apple Music.","":"<strong>Some of your playlists couldn’t be imported.</strong> Playlists with more than {0:playlistsCount} songs couldn’t be copied.","":"<strong>You already have the maximum number of playlists.</strong> You can’t import any playlists because you already have {0:playlistsCount} playlists in Apple Music.","":"Your playlists couldn’t be imported from YouTube Music","":"<strong>Some playlists may have been copied.</strong> You can see any imported playlists by going to Apple Music.","":"There was an error importing your playlists. You can try again.","":"Your playlists are being imported from YouTube Music","":"It can take around 24 hours to verify the request and copy your playlists. When the import is done, you’ll get an email at {0:userEmail}","":"Playlist import from YouTube Music was canceled","":"Playlist import from YouTube Music is complete","":"Playlist import from YouTube Music is complete with errors","":"{0:numberOfPlaylists} playlists copied","":"Playlist import from YouTube Music failed","":"Playlist import from YouTube Music is in progress","":"Your photo library won’t be copied from {0:sourceProviderName}.","":"<strong>Some photos or videos may already have been copied.</strong> You can see any imported items by going to your iCloud Photos.","":"1 item was imported.","web.dtp.import.photosVideos.supported.many":"{0:supportedFilesCount} items were imported.","":"Because your file was unsupported, it was added to iCloud Drive instead of iCloud Photos. 1 unsupported file was added to your iCloud Drive.","web.dtp.import.photosVideos.unSupported.many":"Because your files were unsupported, they were added to iCloud Drive instead of iCloud Photos. {0:unSupportedFilesCount} unsupported files were added to your iCloud Drive.","web.dtp.import.photosVideos.supportedAndUnsupported.oneSupportedAndOneUnSupported":"1 item was imported to iCloud Photos. 1 unsupported file was added to your iCloud Drive.","web.dtp.import.photosVideos.supportedAndUnsupported.oneSupported":"1 item was imported to iCloud Photos. {0:unSupportedFilesCount} unsupported files were added to your iCloud Drive.","web.dtp.import.photosVideos.supportedAndUnsupported.oneUnSupported":"{0:supportedFilesCount} items were imported to iCloud Photos. 1 unsupported file was added to your iCloud Drive.","web.dtp.import.photosVideos.supportedAndUnsupported":"{0:supportedFilesCount} items were imported to iCloud Photos. {1:unSupportedFilesCount} unsupported files were added to your iCloud Drive.","":"You can find your photos in:","web.dtp.import.photosVideos.details.complete.unSupported.title":"You can find your files in:","":"Your iCloud Photos library on <a class=\"{1:className}\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0:href}\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"Your Photos app on your Mac, Windows, or iOS device","":"iCloud Drive for unsupported items","web.dtp.import.photosVideos.details.complete.unsupported.item1":"Files app on your iOS device","web.dtp.import.photosVideos.details.complete.unsupported.item2":"iCloud Drive on your Mac, Windows, or <a class=\"{1:className}\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0:href}\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"A copy of your photo library has been imported from {0:serviceName}","":"<a href=\"{0:learnMoreLink}\" aria-label=\"Learn more about how to access your photos. Opens in a new window.\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"sk-icon sk-icon-after sk-icon-external\">Learn more about how to access your photos</a>","":"<strong>Some of your photos couldn’t be imported because you ran out of iCloud storage.</strong> It may take a few days for imported photos to appear in iCloud Photos and the Photos app on your Apple device. To import all of your photos, free up or buy additional storage, then request your photos again. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0:getMoreStorageLink}\" rel=\"noopener\">Get more storage.</a>","":"<strong>Some of your photos or videos couldn’t be imported.</strong>","":"<strong>Some of your photos or videos couldn’t be imported because you ran out of iCloud storage.</strong> To import all of your items, free up or buy additional storage, then request your photos again. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0:getMoreStorageLink}\" rel=\"noopener\">Get more storage.</a>","":"Because you turned off iCloud Photos, Apple can’t import your photos and videos to iCloud. To import your photos, turn iCloud Photos on again and place another request.","":"<strong>Some photos or videos may already have been copied.</strong> You can see any imported items by going to your iCloud Photos. Some unsupported files may have been added to iCloud Drive.","":"<strong>Some photos or videos may already have been copied.</strong> Some unsupported files may have been added to iCloud Drive.","":"Your photo library couldn’t be imported from {0:serviceName}","":"You can try again, or contact <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Apple Support</a> for more information.","":"Because you turned on Advanced Data Protection in iCloud settings, Apple can’t import your photos and videos to iCloud.","":"Because you turned off Access iCloud Data on the Web, you can’t import your photos and videos to iCloud. To import your data, turn Access iCloud Data on the Web back on.","":"<a href=\"{0:icloudEnableLink}\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"sk-icon sk-icon-after sk-icon-external\">Learn how to turn on iCloud Photos<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","web.dtp.import.photosVideos.details.failed.destinationFull":"<strong>Your photo library couldn’t be imported because you ran out of iCloud storage.</strong> To import your photo library, free up or buy additional storage, then request your photos again. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0:getMoreStorageLink}\" rel=\"noopener\">Get more storage.</a>","":"Your photos and videos are being imported from {0:serviceName}","":"You’ll receive a confirmation at \"<strong>{0:email}</strong>\" when the request is complete.","":"Photo library import from {0:serviceName} was canceled","":"Photo library import from {0:serviceName} is complete","":"1 item copied","":"{0:numberOfItems} items copied","":"Photo library import from {0:serviceName} is complete with errors","":"Photo library import from {0:serviceName} failed","":"Photo library import from {0:serviceName} is in progress","web.incorrect.access.code":"Incorrect access code","":"Apple Account Deactivation Terms and Conditions","":"Apple Account Deletion Terms and Conditions","web.dma.cancel.title":"Cancel this request?","web.dma.cancel.description.hasDownloads":"All recurring downloads will stop. All downloads associated with this request will be removed.","web.dma.cancel.description.noDownload":"Apple will not prepare any downloads for this request.","web.cancelRequest":"Cancel Request","web.keepRequest":"Keep Request","web.dma.confirmation.title":"Thank you. We are preparing your data.","":"When your data is ready we will notify you at <strong>{0}</strong>.","web.dma.confirmation.paragraph":"As a reminder, this process can take some time. To ensure the security of your data, we use this time to verify that the request was made by you.","web.dma.confirmation.request.status":"You can view and check the status of your request on this site at any time by visiting <a href='{0:homePageLink}'></a>","web.dma.frequency.daily30":"Daily for 30 days","web.dma.frequency.weekly180":"Weekly for 180 days","web.dma.mode.oneTime":"One Time","web.dma.category.developer.files":"{0:fileCount} files · {2:frequency}","web.dma.category.developer.file":"1 file · {2:frequency}","web.dma.status.description.many":"{0: noOfServices} apps or services","":"1 app or service","web.dma.request.paragraph.daily30":"A download request will be placed for you daily for 30 days. You can check the status of each daily download on the request details page.","web.dma.request.paragraph.weekly180":"A download request will be placed for you weekly for 180 days. You can check the status of each download on the request details page.","web.dma.request.paragraph.onetime":"A download request will be placed for you. You can check the status of the download on the request details page.","web.dma.request.title":"Get a copy of App Store data","web.dma.request.subtitle":"Review your choice and select download preferences","":"Choose a one-time or recurring download:","web.dma.request.dropdown.default.placeholder":"Select an option","web.dma.request.frequency.label":"Frequency","web.dma.request.filesize.title":"Choose file size:","web.dma.request.filesize.paragraph2":"We’ll divide your data into files of this size or smaller.","web.dma.inProgress.request.alert.title":"Download request is in progress","web.dma.inProgress.request.alert.description":"This data is being prepared for download. You will be able to make another when this one is complete.","web.dma.inProgress.request.alert.caption":"You can <a href={0}>check the status of this request or cancel it</a> at any time.","web.status.waitingParentApproval":"Parental approval required","web.dma.requestSource":"<b>From:</b> {0:providerName}","web.dma.requestSourceWithDeveloper":"<b>From:</b> {0:developerName}/{1:providerName}","web.dma.details.inProgress.frequency":"<b>Frequency:</b> {0: frequency}","":"Status: ","web.dma.details.cancelled.title":"Your data request has been canceled.","web.dma.details.cancelled.description.authorization":"Some data may have already been downloaded by the developer before your request was canceled.","web.dma.details.cancelled.description":"If you had copies of your data already available for download on the Data and Privacy website, they have been removed to protect your privacy.","":"Download for {0:requestedDate}, {1:noOfDownloads} of {2:totalDownloads} downloads","":"Part {0} of {1}","web.dma.details.completedWithErrors.title":"Data request complete","web.dma.details.completedWithErrors.body":"Some of your data wasn't available to transfer.","web.dma.status.failed.oneTime.title":"Data request couldn't be completed","web.dma.details.inProgress.title":"Your data request is in progress.","web.dma.details.inProgress.caption":"When your data is ready, we will notify you at <strong>{0:accountName}</strong>.","":"As a family organizer, you can approve {0: firstName}’s request to download a copy of the data from the account <strong>{2: accountName}</strong>. This request was made from Google. The following data from {0: firstName}’s account will be included:","web.dma.parent.approve.paragraph1":"As a family organizer, you can approve {0: firstName}’s request to download a copy of the data from the account <strong>{2: accountName}</strong>. The following data from {0: firstName}’s account will be included:","web.dma.status.frequency.daily.description":"Download daily for 30 days","web.dma.status.frequency.weekly.description":"Download weekly for 180 days","web.dma.status.frequency.oneTime.description":"One-time download","":"App: {0:providerName}","web.dma.status.delegated.cancelled.oneTime.title":"Data request from {0:providerName} was canceled","web.dma.status.delegated.completed.oneTime.title":"Data request from {0:providerName} complete","web.dma.status.delegated.completed.with.error.oneTime.title":"Data request from {0:providerName} complete with error","web.dma.status.delegated.failed.oneTime.title":"Data request from {0:providerName} couldn't be completed","web.dma.status.delegated.inProgress.oneTime.title":"Data request from {0:providerName} in progress","web.dma.status.delegated.cancelled.recurring.title":"Recurring data request from {0:providerName} was canceled","web.dma.status.delegated.completed.recurring.title":"Recurring data request from {0:providerName} complete","web.dma.status.delegated.completed.with.error.recurring.title":"Recurring data request from {0:providerName} complete with errors","web.dma.status.delegated.failed.recurring.title":"Recurring data request from {0:providerName} couldn't be completed","web.dma.status.delegated.inProgress.recurring.title":"Recurring data request from {0:providerName} in progress","web.dma.status.cancelled.oneTime.title":"Data request was canceled","web.dma.status.completed.oneTime.title":"Data request complete","web.dma.status.completed.with.error.oneTime.title":"Data request complete with errors","web.dma.status.inProgress.oneTime.title":"Data request in progress","web.dma.status.parentRejected.oneTime.title":"Your data request was declined","web.dma.status.cancelled.recurring.title":"Recurring data request was canceled","web.dma.status.completed.recurring.title":"Recurring data request complete","web.dma.status.completed.with.error.recurring.title":"Recurring data request complete with errors","web.dma.status.failed.recurring.title":"Recurring data request couldn't be completed","web.dma.status.inProgress.recurring.title":"Recurring data request in progress","web.dma.status.parentRejected.recurring.title":"Your recurring data request was declined","":"Signed in as {0} {1}","web.privacy.service.unavailable.title":"This service is temporarily unavailable.","":"Use a different email address","":"Use an email address","":"Use a different phone number","":"Use a phone number","":"Use <b>{0}</b>","":"You requested to copy your YouTube Music playlists to Apple Music on {0:requestedDate} at {1:requestedTime}. {2:link}","":"You requested to copy your Apple Music playlists to YouTube Music on {0:requestedDate} at {1:requestedTime}. {2:link}","":"You have a playlist export request in progress.","":"This request is still in progress. <strong>You won’t be able to export your playlists if your account is deactivated before the export is complete.</strong>","":"This request is still in progress. <strong>You won’t be able to export your playlists if your account is deleted before the export is complete.</strong>","":"You have a playlist import request in progress.","":"This request is still in progress. <strong>You won’t be able to import your playlists if your account is deactivated before the import is complete.</strong>","":"This request is still in progress. <strong>You won’t be able to import your playlists if your account is deleted before the import is complete.</strong>","":"You requested to copy your Google Photos and Videos to iCloud Photos on {0:requestedDate} at {1:requestedTime}. {2:link}","":"You have photos and videos import request in progress.","":"This request is still in progress. <strong>You won’t be able to import your photos and videos if your account is deactivated before the import is complete.</strong>","":"You requested to copy your Google Photos and Videos to iCloud Photos on {0:requestedDate} at {1:requestedTime}. {2:link}","":"You have photos and videos import request in progress.","":"This request is still in progress. <strong>You won’t be able to import your photos and videos if your account is deleted before the import is complete.</strong>","":"You have a photo transfer request in progress.","":"You requested to copy your iCloud photos to {0:third party service name} on {1:date} at {2:time}.","":"This request is still in progress. <strong>You won’t be able to copy your photos to {0:third party service name} if your account is deactivated before the transfer is complete.</strong>","":"You have a photo transfer request in progress.","":"You requested to copy your iCloud photos to {0:third party service name} on {1:date} at {2:time}.","":"This request is still in progress. <strong>You won’t be able to copy your photos to {0:third party service name} if your account is deleted before the transfer is complete.</strong>","":"You have a video transfer request in progress.","":"You requested to copy your iCloud videos to {0:third party service name} on {1:date} at {2:time}.","":"This request is still in progress. <strong>You won’t be able to copy your videos to {0:third party service name} if your account is deactivated before the transfer is complete.</strong>","":"You have a video transfer request in progress.","":"You requested to copy your iCloud videos to {0:third party service name} on {1:date} at {2:time}.","":"This request is still in progress. <strong>You won’t be able to copy your videos to {0:third party service name} if your account is deleted before the transfer is complete.</strong>","":"You already have a data transfer request in progress.","":"You have already requested to copy your photos and videos to {0:third party service}. You will be able to make another request once your current request is complete.","":"You can view and check the status of your requests at <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"Your account is currently scheduled to be deleted.","":"To transfer a copy of your data, you must cancel the deletion request first.","":"To stop your account from being deleted, <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">contact Apple Support<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> with 12-digit access code you received when you made the request.","":"Your account is currently scheduled to be deactivated.","":"To transfer a copy of your data, you must cancel the deactivation request first.","":"To stop your account from being deactivated, <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">contact Apple Support<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> with 12-digit access code you received when you made the request.","":"Your photos will not be transferred from iCloud to {0:destinationProvider}.","":"Your videos will not be transferred from iCloud to {0:destinationProvider}.","":"Your playlists will not be transferred from Apple Music to {0:destinationProvider}.","":"Cancel transfer request?","":"Don’t transfer","":"Transfer","":"Stop transferring your photos?","":"Stop transferring your videos?","":"Stop transferring your playlists?","":"This transfer is currently in progress. Some photos may have already been copied.","":"This transfer is currently in progress. Some videos may have already been copied.","":"This transfer is currently in progress. Some playlists may have already been copied.","":"To remove transferred items from {0:destinationProvider}, sign in to {0:destinationProvider} with the account you provided. Apple cannot remove your transferred playlists.","":"Stop transferring","":"Don’t stop transferring","":"Disconnect “{0:destination Email}”?","":"This will cancel all photo and video transfer requests associated with this account. You will have to connect to {0: third party service name} again to make a new request.","":"This will cancel all music transfer requests associated with this account. You will have to connect to {0:thirdPartyService} again to make a new request.","":"Disconnect","":"Don’t Disconnect","":"Your photo and video transfer requests have been canceled.","":"Your photos and videos will not be copied to {0: third party service}.","":"You have an export request in progress.","":"You have already requested to copy your photos to {0:thirdPartyService }. You will be able to make another request once your current request is complete.","":"You have already requested to copy your photos and videos to {0:thirdPartyService }. You will be able to make another request once your current request is complete.","":"You have an import request in progress.","":"You have already requested to copy your photos and videos from {1:service}. You can make another request once the current one is complete.","":"You have already requested to copy your videos to {0:thirdPartyService }. You will be able to make another request once your current request is complete.","":"How to export your photos and videos","":"Select destination","":"I have read and agree with the Beta Software <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">Terms and Conditions.</a>","":"Photos","":"Photos ({0:photos} photos, approximately {1})","":"Photos ({0:photos} photo)","":"Photos ({0:photos} photos)","":"Videos","":"Videos ({0:videos} video, approximately {1})","":"Videos ({0:videos} video)","":"Videos ({0:videos} videos)","":"Choose what you’d like to transfer:","":"You currently have no photos in your iCloud Photos. If you added some photos recently, and that information hasn’t been updated yet, try transferring your photos later.","":"You currently have no videos in your iCloud Photos. If you added some videos recently, and that information hasn’t been updated yet, try transferring your videos later.","":"Transfer a copy of your photos and videos","":"Copy your photos and videos from iCloud Photos to another participating service. This will take between three and seven days. Some requests may take longer to process. We use this time to verify that the request was made by you, and to finish the transfer.","":"To learn more about the transfer process and supported file formats and features, <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">read our FAQ<span aria-hidden=\"true\"> ›</span><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","":"Once you choose to transfer your data outside of Apple, Apple maintains no control of the use, storage, or processing of that data. The data you choose to send to a participating service will be governed by the terms of your relationship with that service. Apple does not maintain control of that service’s accounts.","":"Choose where you’d like to transfer your photos and videos:","web.dtp.export.videos.choose.title":"Choose where you’d like to transfer your videos:","":"Choose where you’d like to transfer your photos:","":"If you run out of space, not all of your items will be copied.","":"You are using about {0:storage} total storage for iCloud Photos. If you run out of space, not all of your items will be copied.","":"Confirm your transfers:","":"Confirm your transfer:","":"Your {0:third party service} account must have at least {1:storage} storage available. ","web.confirm.transfer.text.plural":"Confirm Transfers","web.confirm.transfer.text":"Confirm Transfer","":"Your photos and videos cannot be copied at this time.","":"The size and number of items in your iCloud Photos help estimate the storage space needed for your copy. You will be able to make a transfer request when this information is available. Check back later to try again.","":"You currently have no photos or videos in your iCloud Photos. If you added some photos or videos recently, and that information hasn’t been updated yet, try transferring them later.","":"You have already requested to copy your playlists to {0:thirdPartyService }. You will be able to make another request once your current request is complete.","":"You have already requested to copy your {0:dataType} from {1:service}. You can make another request once the current one is complete.","":"Transfer a copy of your data","":"You can transfer a copy of your data to another participating service. This option is currently available for your iCloud photos and videos and Apple Music.","":"You can transfer a copy of your data to another participating service. This option is currently available for your iCloud photos and videos.","":"Request to transfer a copy of your data<span aria-hidden=\"true\"> ›</span>","":"Your playlists won’t be imported from {0:serviceName}. Your {1:thirdPartyAccountProvider} account will be disconnected from Apple, and you’ll have to sign in again to make a new request.","":"Your photos and videos won’t be imported from {0:serviceName}. Your {1:thirdPartyAccountProvider} account will be disconnected from Apple, and you’ll have to sign in again to make a new request.","web.import.request.cancel.dialog.inprogress.common.title":"Cancel import request?","web.import.request.cancel.dialog.inprogress.common.cancel.button":"Cancel request","web.import.request.cancel.dialog.inprogress.common.keep.button":"Keep request","":"Your photo library will be imported","":"It will take between 3 and 7 days to verify the request and get a copy of your photo library from {1:serviceName}. When the import is done, you’ll get an email at {0}.","":"If you run out of space in iCloud Photos, some of your items won’t be copied.","":"Confirm your import from {0: third party service name}","":"It will take between 3 and 7 days to verify the request and get a copy of your photo library. When the import is done, you’ll get an email at {0}.","":"From {0:providerName}","":"To iCloud Photos","":"About {0:numberOfGigabytes} GB for storage available","web.confirm.import.button":"Confirm Import","web.restriction.print.access.code.title":"Apple Account Account Access Code:","web.restriction.print.access.code.paragraph1":"Keep this code in a safe place","":"The account “{0}” is currently deactivated.","web.account.reactivate.details.text":"To reactivate it, contact Apple Support with your 12-digit access code that you received when you made the deactivation request.","web.dma.details.completed.title":"Your data request is complete.","":"The following item is available as a one-time or recurring download.","":"The following items are available as a one-time or recurring download.","":"View and download file guides for more information on:","":"Terminology used in your file","":"Data represented in your file","":"How and why Apple uses that data","":"To find a guide for your file, select the app or service that prepared that file.","":"<b>Note:</b> Guides are available only for files created by apps and services and not for content created by you or shared with you by other people.","":"Examples of such content include your emails, notes, calendar events, reminders, photos, videos, or documents that are stored in iCloud.","":"Some of the guides below may not be applicable because you haven’t used the corresponding apps or services and did not receive files from them.","":"File guides","web.downloads.glossary.items.paragraph1":"When you request a copy of your data from {0:categoryName}, your download will include:","":"<b>Note:</b> This is a full list of guides for this app or service.","web.downloads.glossary.icloud.mail.listitem1":"All email messages you sent or received that are stored in iCloud.","web.downloads.glossary.items.icloud.mail.listitem2":"Files created by Apple apps and services that help store your email securely and make it accessible on your devices.","web.downloads.glossary.icloud.calendar.reminders.listitem1":"All calendar and reminders created by you or shared with you by other people that are stored in iCloud.","web.downloads.glossary.items.icloud.calendars.reminders.listitem2":"Files created by Apple apps and services that help store your calendars and reminders securely and make them accessible on your devices.","":"All photos and videos created by you or other people, saved to your albums and stored in iCloud. Content of the albums shared with you by other people is not included.","":"Files created by Apple apps and services that help store your photos and videos securely and make them accessible on your devices.","web.downloads.glossary.icloud.notes.listitem1":"All notes created by you that are stored in iCloud. Notes shared with you by other people are not included.","web.downloads.glossary.items.icloud.notes.listitem2":"Files created by Apple apps and services that help store your notes securely and make them accessible on your devices.","":"All files or documents created or saved by you that are stored in iCloud Drive. Files and documents shared with you by other people are not included.","":"Files created by Apple apps and services that help store your documents securely and make them accessible on your devices.","":"File Guides for “{0}”","web.downloads.glossary.items.reminder.paragraph3":"As a reminder, file guides are available only for files created by Apple apps and services. They don’t cover content created by you or shared with you by other people.","":"Sign in with your Apple Account","":"Although this account has access to purchases originally made with another account, you will only receive data about purchases made using the signed-in Apple Account \"{0:accountName}\".","":"This account was used to make purchases that were migrated to another account. You will receive data about any purchases originally made using the signed-in Apple Account \"{0:accountName}\".","web.dbr.message":"Certain types of data require an additional authorization step to allow access. <a href=\"{0:learnMoreLink}\" aria-label=\"Learn more.\" rel=\"noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"sk-icon sk-icon-after sk-icon-external\">Learn more</a>","web.dma.selectCategories.note.singleCategory":"The following item is available as a one-time or recurring download and must be requested separately.","web.dma.selectCategories.note":"The following items are available as a one-time or recurring download and must be requested separately.","":"This contact information will only be used if we need to send you important messages about {0:firstName}’s account.","web.resend.code":"Resend Code","web.beneficiary.delete.confirmation.dialog.title":"Delete {0:firstName}’s account?","web.beneficiary.delete.confirmation.dialog.paragraph1":"As a reminder, when {0:firstName}’s account is deleted:","web.beneficiary.delete.confirmation.dialog.list.item1":"You will not be able to sign in or access {0:firstName}’s account data.","web.beneficiary.delete.confirmation.dialog.list.item2":"{0:firstName}’s photos, files and documents stored in iCloud will be removed from Apple’s servers.","web.beneficiary.delete.confirmation.dialog.list.item3":"You will not receive messages sent to {0:firstName}’s account via iCloud Mail.","web.beneficiary.blocker.title":"{0:firstName}’s account cannot be deleted at this time.","":"This account has a data request in progress.","":"One of {0:firstName}’s legacy contacts has requested to get a copy of {0:firstName}’s data. {0:firstName}’s account cannot be deleted while the download is being prepared.","":"You can try again after {0:deleteCoolOffPeriod}","web.beneficiary.delete.confirmation.title":"We are working on deleting {0:firstName}’s account.","web.beneficiary.delete.confirmation.paragraph1":"For your security, we verify all requests before deleting an account. This process may take up to 28 days. {0:firstName}’s account will remain active while verification is in progress.","web.beneficiary.delete.intro.paragraph1.multiple.beneficiaries":"When you’re ready, you can request to permanently delete {0:firstName}’s account. For security, we verify all deletion requests and notify all the beneficiaries on the account. This process takes up to 28 days. {0:firstName}’s account will remain active while verification is in progress.","web.beneficiary.delete.intro.paragraph1":"When you’re ready, you can request to permanently delete {0:firstName}’s account. For security, we verify all deletion requests. This process takes up to 28 days. {0:firstName}’s account will remain active while verification is in progress.","web.beneficiary.delete.intro.title":"Delete {0:firstName}’s account","web.beneficiary.delete.intro.list1.title":"What happens when {0:firstName}’s account is deleted?","web.beneficiary.delete.intro.list1.item1":"No one will be able to sign in or access {0:firstName}’s account data.","web.beneficiary.delete.intro.list1.item2":"{0:firstName}’s photos, videos and documents stored in iCloud will be permanently deleted.","web.beneficiary.delete.intro.list1.item3":"<a rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"{2}\" target=\"_blank\">You will not receive messages<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> sent to {0:firstName}’s account via iMessage, FaceTime, or iCloud Mail.","web.beneficiary.delete.intro.list1.item4":"{0:firstName}’s data associated with Apple services will be permanently deleted. <a href=\"{2}\" target=\"_blank\">Some exceptions</a> may apply.","":"The email address used with {0:ownerFirstName}’s Apple Account, <b>{2:OwnerEmailAddress}</b>, will no longer be available for use with any new or existing Apple Account. To ensure that it can’t be used again, a record of this email address will remain on file with Apple.","web.beneficiary.delete.intro.list1.item5":"Other questions?","":"Read our FAQ.","web.beneficiary.delete.intro.list2.title":"Before deleting {0:firstName}’s account:","web.beneficiary.delete.intro.list2.item1":"<a href=\"{2}\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">Make a local copy or backup of {0:firstName}’s data<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>, or <a href=\"{3}\" target=\"_blank\">get a copy of {0:firstName}’s data<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> from this site. <br/> <strong>Note:</strong> This data does not include {0:firstName}’s iTunes Store, Apple Books, and App Store purchases.","":"Contact Apple Support for help with {0:firstName}’s Apple Cash balance.","":"Members of {0:firstName}’s Family Sharing group have an Apple’Cash balance:","":"{0:firstName} has an Apple Cash balance of {2:balance}","":"{2:familyMemberfirstName} ({0:firstName}’s family member) has an Apple Cash balance of {4:balance}","":"The balance must be zero dollars before {0:firstName}’s account can be deleted.","web.beneficiary.content.provider.title":"Contact Apple Support for help with deleting {0:firstName}’s account.","web.beneficiary.content.provider.organizer.note":"{0:firstName}’s account contains published content on iTunes or App Store.","web.beneficiary.content.provider.member.note":"{2:familyMemberfirstName} ({0:firstName}’s family member) account contains published content on iTunes or App Store.","web.beneficiary.content.provider.member.paragraph2":"Accounts with published content such as apps, music, videos, books, or podcasts cannot be deleted online.","web.beneficiary.funds.blocker.title":"There are funds in {0:firstName}’s account","web.beneficiary.funds.blocker.paragraph1":"The account must be empty before it can be deleted. You must have proof of authorization and other required documentation to request these funds and delete the account.","web.beneficiary.funds.blocker.paragraph2":"To submit your request and required documents, go to {0:digitalLegacyLink}","":"Contact Apple Support for help with {0:firstName}’s iTunes Store credit.","":"{0:firstName} has an iTunes Store credit of {2:balance} {3:currency}","":"{2:familyMemberfirstName} ({0:firstName}’s family member) has an iTunes Store credit of {4:balance} {5:currency}","":"This amount must be zero dollars before {0:firstName}’s account can be deleted.","web.beneficiary.removable.blocker.title":"Before we can delete {0:firstName}’s account, you must take action.","web.beneficiary.delete.terms.agreement.part1":"<p>Apple provides you with the possibility to delete your Apple Account (“Account”) or that of a child in your Family.</p><p>Deleting your Account or that of a child in your Family is permanent. If you delete your Account, you will no longer be able to restore your Account, the data you store with Apple, or DRM-protected Content. You won’t be able to use Services, such as iCloud, the iTunes Store, the App Store, Apple Books, Apple News, Apple Cash, iMessage, and FaceTime. If you signed up for iCloud with this Account, all of your data will be deleted from iCloud. You won’t be able to access iCloud Services such as email, photos, calendars, contacts, backups, and Find My. You won’t receive messages sent to your Account via iMessage, FaceTime, or iCloud Mail. You won’t be entitled to any refunds related to your inability to access Content or Services. You will still be able to access purchased DRM-free Content stored locally on your device.</p><p>If you choose to create a new Account later, you’ll need to use an email address that is not associated with the Account you’ve requested that Apple delete, because Apple is required to retain a record of the deleted Account to comply with legal obligations and for the legitimate interest of account security, as described below. If you used a phone number to create your Account, it cannot be used to create another Account for the same reasons. To modify your Account before proceeding with the deletion process, sign in to <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>. Note that you will not be able to remove the primary email address for the Account or the phone number if you used it to create the account.</p><p>Consider keeping copies of any Apple–related data you currently need or expect to need in the future. After Account deletion, Apple won’t have any means to provide such data to you. You should also consider making copies of any personally owned Content stored in iTunes Match or your Library in Apple Music.</p><p>Deleting your Account will limit Apple’s ability to contact you about products, warranties, claims, disputes, or other potential legal actions under which you may be entitled to relief from Apple.</p><p>Where an Account is deleted, Apple makes its best efforts to delete all personal data associated with your Account. If Apple deletes your personal data, certain personal data about you will be rendered permanently unrecoverable and other personal data will be deidentified. Apple retains minimal personal data to comply with legal obligations such as where retention of transaction information is required, which may include your data for financial reporting purposes and for account security purposes. Apple may also be required to retain information to comply with a court settlement or other equivalent mandated processes. Apple also retains a one-way hash of the email address of the deleted account for the legitimate interests of demonstrating our compliance with data protection laws and for account security. This hash of your email address will be retained as evidence that Apple complied with your deletion request. For third-party (non-Apple) domain accounts, the one-way hash is deleted after six years. For other accounts this is retained in line with our retention policy, which is reviewed regularly. Apple does not use the hash of the email address for any other purpose. Apple retains personal data only for so long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected.</p><h3>Purchases</h3><p>If you purchased Content or Apps from the iTunes Store, the App Store, Apple Books, or the Volume Purchase Program using your Account, you won’t be able to use any iTunes Store services. Such services include, but are not limited to, all of the following items:</p><ul class=\"list\"><li>Updating purchased Apps</li><li>Downloading previously purchased Content or Apps</li><li>Syncing DRM-protected purchased Content or Apps to iOS devices</li><li>Copying DRM-protected purchased Content from one computer to another</li><li>Playing rented Content</li><li>Authorizing devices to play DRM-protected Content</li><li>Accessing iTunes Match if you were subscribed</li><li>iTunes Season Passes</li></ul><p>If you have a balance due, you must first clear this balance before you can delete your Account.</p><h3>Open Appointments, Orders</h3><p>Deletion does not cancel any repairs or Apple Store or <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> orders in progress. Any appointments you’ve scheduled at the Apple Store will be canceled. If you’re enrolled in the iPhone upgrade program, you must continue making payments for your device. If you’re enrolled in AppleCare+, you won’t lose your ability to receive service on your device as provided for under that program.</p>","web.beneficiary.delete.terms.agreement.part2":"<h3>Family Sharing</h3><p>If your Account is currently set up as a Family Organizer, when you delete your Account, your Family will stop sharing Services such as Apple Music and iCloud Storage, and will stop sharing Content. Any DRM-protected music, movies, TV shows, books, or Apps you previously downloaded from other family members’ collections will no longer be usable, and other family members will no longer be able to use Content downloaded from your collection.</p><p>If there are child Accounts – as defined in applicable local law – in your Family, such Accounts will also be deleted. Alternatively, you can transfer a child’s Account to another eligible adult and stop Family Sharing. If you delete your child’s Account, they will no longer be able to use any of Apple’s Services that require an Apple Account.</p><h3>Subscriptions</h3><p>Any current subscriptions that you have to Services such as Apple Music or third-party services that you have subscribed to via Apple will stop renewing at the end of the current applicable billing cycle.</p><p>If you subscribed to Apple Music with your Account, you won’t be able to access the service after a short period. If you subscribed to Apple Music through a mobile network provider but linked your Apple Music account to your Apple Account, you will lose access to most Apple Music features except streaming music.</p><h3>iTunes Store Credit</h3><p>If you have store credit, you will permanently lose access to the remaining amount when your Account is deleted. You can spend the credit before proceeding with deletion, or contact Apple Support as explained in the deletion flow on <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> to request a refund.</p><h3>Apple Cash</h3><p>If you have an Apple Cash account associated with your Apple Account, you will no longer be able to access this Service and your Apple Cash account will be permanently closed. You cannot delete your Apple Account while you have a balance on your Apple Cash account. As explained in the deletion flow on <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>, you can choose to spend the balance before deleting, transfer the balance to your bank, or contact Apple Support to request a check for the remaining funds. If you haven’t already verified your identity with Green Dot Bank (the bank that issues the Apple Cash account), it will not have sufficient information to issue a statement after your Apple Account is deleted, open a dispute on your behalf, or provide access to merchant credits received after the Account is deleted.</p><h3>Activation Lock and iCloud</h3><p>If you have an iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple Vision Pro, or Mac, you should turn off Find My before proceeding. If you use your Account on multiple devices, you should first turn off Find My and then sign out of your Account on each device before initiating deletion. Otherwise, you may be required to wipe your devices in order to use them after your Account has been deleted. For more information, visit <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Activation Lock for iPhone and iPad<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">About Activation Lock on your Apple Watch<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">About Activation Lock on Apple Vision Pro<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>, or <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Activation Lock for Mac<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a></p><h3>Backups</h3><p>If you haven’t yet backed up your iCloud data to alternate media, you may want to back up your data before deleting your Account. Consider keeping copies of any Apple–related data that you currently need or expect to need. Apple won’t have any means to provide such data to you once your Account has been deleted. For more information, visit <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Archive or make copies of the information you store in iCloud.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a></p><h3>Reports and Complaints</h3><p>If you have reported alleged illegal content, Apple will retain information on your account only as necessary to process your report and notify you of the decision taken in this respect.</p><p>Information related to your account may also be retained only as necessary if you have received an illegal content notice investigation outcome.</p><p>This information will be retained for a period of at least six months following the outcome of any such reports, and only as long as necessary to allow for the submission or processing of any complaint in relation to this outcome.</p><p>After you delete your account, you will no longer be able to sign in with the deleted account to submit further reports.</p>","":"Apple Account Legacy Contact Deletion Terms and Conditions","web.beneficiary.delete.terms.paragraph1":"By deleting {0:firstName}’s account you agree to the following conditions.","web.beneficiary.delete.terms.side.note.paragraph2":"They contain important information on the conditions related to deleting {0:firstName}’s account.","":"Deleting {0:firstName}’s account will permanently close their Apple Card account.","":"If {0:firstName} has an outstanding balance, payments will need to be made until the account balance is settled.","":"If {0:firstName} has a co-owned Apple Card, closing their Apple Card will close the Apple Card for {0:firstName}’ Co-Owner and all Participant(s) immediately. Any transactions they attempt with Apple Card will be automatically declined.","":"To manage {0:firstName}’s closed account and make payments, contact Goldman Sachs, the issuing bank for Apple Card.","":"Any future statements and communications will be sent to the mailing address {0:firstName} had on file with Goldman Sachs.","web.beneficiary.create.archive.request.paragraph1":"You requested to get a copy of {0:firstName}’s data:","web.warning.archive.item":"On {0:dateTime}","web.beneficiary.create.archive.request.paragraph2.part1":"Your downloads are still being prepared.","web.beneficiary.create.archive.request.paragraph2.part2":"You won’t be able to receive them if {0:firstName}’s account is deleted before the downloads are ready.","":"{0:firstName}’s account will be removed from Family Sharing.","":"{0:firstName} will stop sharing Apple Music, iCloud Storage, and purchases with their family.","":"{0:firstName} will be removed from the family group.","":"<b>{0:familyMemberFirstName}</b> will be removed from {2:firstName}’s family.","":"{0:firstName}’s family sharing will stop.","":"{0:firstName}’s family will stop sharing Apple Music, iCloud Storage, and purchases.","":"{0:firstName}’s {2:StorageSize} iCloud Storage plan will be canceled.","":"{0:usedBytes} of documents and data stored in iCloud will be removed from Apple’s servers. This includes {1:photoCount} photos and {2:videoCount} videos.","":"To avoid losing {0:firstName}’s data <a href=\"{2}\" target=\"_blank\">make a local copy or backup.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a> You can also <a href=\"{3}\" target=\"_blank\">get a copy of {0:firstName}’s data from this site.<span class=\"sr-only\"> Opens in a new window.</span></a>","web.beneficiary.delete.warning.title":"Important things to know before deleting {0:firstName}’s account:","web.beneficiary.delete.request.cancel.dialog.archive.paragraph1":"To get a copy of {0:firstName}’s data, cancel the request to delete this account.","web.beneficiary.delete.request.cancel.dialog.paragraph1.with.more.beneficiaries":"This will cancel the request to delete {0:firstName}’s account. You and other legacy contacts can continue to access {0:firstName}’s data.","web.beneficiary.delete.request.cancel.dialog.paragraph1":"This will cancel the request to delete {0:firstName}’s account. You can continue to access {0:firstName}’s data.","web.beneficiary.delete.request.cancel.dialog.title":"Don’t delete {0:firstName}’s account?","web.dont.delete.button":"Don’t delete","web.beneficiary.delete.request.cancel.dialog.success.title":"The request to delete {0:firstName}’s account has been canceled.","web.done.button":"Done","web.beneficiary.delete.request.failed.rejected.status":"The request to delete {0:firstName}’s account could not be completed.","":"Your request to delete {0:firstName}’s account was received on {2:requestDate} and is in progress. When {0:firstName}’s account is deleted, you won’t be able to sign in or use it to access {0:firstName}’s data. If you don’t want to delete {0:firstName}’s account, you can cancel this request before {3:requestEndDateTime}","":"One of {0:firstName}’s legacy contacts requested to delete {0:firstName}’s account. The request was received on {2:requestDate} and is in progress. When {0:firstName}’s account is deleted, you won’t be able to sign in or use it to access {0:firstName}’s data. If you don’t want to delete {0:firstName}’s account, you can cancel this request before {3:requestCancelEndDate}","":"{0:firstName}’s account is currently being deleted.","web.beneficiary.delete.request.cancel.button":"Don’t delete {0:firstName}’s account","":"To download data category guides, you must cancel the deletion request first.","":"To download data category guides, you must cancel the deactivation request first.","":"Your request for data category guides is in progress.","":"Estimated completion date: ","web.request.currently.unavailable.text":"Currently unavailable","":"The guides are being prepared for download. When they are ready we will notify you at <b>{0}</b>. This process can take up to three days.","":"We are working on getting your guides and will notify you when they become available.","":"A message has been sent to your family organizer, {0:firstName} {1:lastName} to provide parental consent. Once {0:firstName} approves your category guide request, we will start preparing your guides for download.","":"When your guides are ready, we will notify you at","":"This process can take up to three days. You can view and check the status of your request on this site at any time by visiting","":"Thank you. We are preparing your guides.","":"When your data category guides are ready we will notify you at <b>{0:primaryContact}.</b>","web.category.summary.paragraph2":"If you do not use a particular feature of an app or service, the categories described in the guides may not apply to your data stored with Apple.","web.category.summary.paragraph3":"These guides do not include your actual data. To get a copy of your data,","web.category.summary.request.copy.button":"request it here.","web.request.guides.button":"Request Guides","":"Parental consent is required to download your data category guides.","web.session.timeout.title":"Are you still there?","web.session.timeout.text":"To protect your privacy, this session will time out in {0} seconds. If the session expires, you will need to start over.","countrycode.ABW":"Aruba","countrycode.AFG":"Afghanistan","countrycode.AGO":"Angola","countrycode.AIA":"Anguilla","countrycode.ALA":"Åland Islands","countrycode.ALB":"Albania","countrycode.AND":"Andorra","countrycode.ANT":"Netherlands Antilles","countrycode.ARE":"United Arab Emirates","countrycode.ARG":"Argentina","countrycode.ARM":"Armenia","countrycode.ASM":"American Samoa","countrycode.ATA":"Antarctica","countrycode.ATF":"French Southern Territories","countrycode.ATG":"Antigua And Barbuda","countrycode.AUS":"Australia","countrycode.AUT":"Austria","countrycode.AZE":"Azerbaijan","countrycode.BDI":"Burundi","countrycode.BEL":"Belgium","countrycode.BEN":"Benin","countrycode.BES":"Caribbean Netherlands","countrycode.BFA":"Burkina Faso","countrycode.BGD":"Bangladesh","countrycode.BGR":"Bulgaria","countrycode.BHR":"Bahrain","countrycode.BHS":"Bahamas","countrycode.BIH":"Bosnia and Herzegovina","countrycode.BLM":"Saint Barthélemy","countrycode.BLR":"Belarus","countrycode.BLZ":"Belize","countrycode.BMU":"Bermuda","countrycode.BOL":"Bolivia","countrycode.BRA":"Brazil","countrycode.BRB":"Barbados","countrycode.BRN":"Brunei Darussalam","countrycode.BTN":"Bhutan","countrycode.BVT":"Bouvet Island","countrycode.BWA":"Botswana","countrycode.CAF":"Central African Republic","countrycode.CAN":"Canada","countrycode.CCK":"Cocos (Keeling) Islands","countrycode.CHE":"Switzerland","countrycode.CHL":"Chile","countrycode.CHN":"China mainland","countrycode.CH":"Switzerland","countrycode.CIV":"Côte d’Ivoire","countrycode.CMR":"Cameroon","countrycode.COD":"Democratic Republic of the Congo","countrycode.COG":"Republic of the Congo","countrycode.COK":"Cook Islands","countrycode.COL":"Colombia","countrycode.COM":"Comoros","countrycode.CPV":"Cape Verde","countrycode.CRI":"Costa Rica","countryCode.CUB":"Cuba","countrycode.CUW":"Curaçao","countrycode.CXR":"Christmas Island","countrycode.CYM":"Cayman Islands","countrycode.CYP":"Cyprus","countrycode.CZE":"Czechia","countrycode.DEU":"Germany","countrycode.DJI":"Djibouti","countrycode.DMA":"Dominica","countrycode.DNK":"Denmark","countrycode.DOM":"Dominican Republic","countrycode.DZA":"Algeria","countrycode.ECU":"Ecuador","countrycode.EGY":"Egypt","countrycode.ERI":"Eritrea","countrycode.ESH":"Western Sahara","countrycode.ESP":"Spain","countrycode.EST":"Estonia","countrycode.ETH":"Ethiopia","countrycode.FIN":"Finland","countrycode.FJI":"Fiji","countrycode.FLK":"Falkland Islands","countrycode.FRA":"France","countrycode.FRO":"Faroe Islands","countrycode.FSM":"Micronesia","countrycode.GAB":"Gabon","countrycode.GBR":"United Kingdom","countrycode.GEO":"Georgia","countrycode.GGY":"Guernsey","countrycode.GHA":"Ghana","countrycode.GIB":"Gibraltar","countrycode.GIN":"Guinea","countrycode.GLP":"Guadeloupe","countrycode.GMB":"Gambia","countrycode.GNB":"Guinea-Bissau","countrycode.GNQ":"Equatorial Guinea","countrycode.GRC":"Greece","countrycode.GRD":"Grenada","countrycode.GRL":"Greenland","countrycode.GTM":"Guatemala","countrycode.GUF":"French Guiana","countrycode.GUM":"Guam","countrycode.GUY":"Guyana","countrycode.HKG":"Hong Kong","countrycode.HMD":"Heard And Mc Donald Islands","countrycode.HND":"Honduras","countrycode.HRV":"Croatia","countrycode.HTI":"Haiti","countrycode.HUN":"Hungary","countrycode.IDN":"Indonesia","countrycode.IMN":"Isle of Man","countrycode.IND":"India","countrycode.IOT":"Chagos Archipelago","countrycode.IRL":"Ireland","countrycode.IRN":"Iran","countrycode.IRQ":"Iraq","countrycode.ISL":"Iceland","countrycode.ISR":"Israel","countrycode.ITA":"Italy","countrycode.JAM":"Jamaica","countrycode.JOR":"Jordan","countrycode.JEY":"Jersey","countrycode.JPN":"Japan","countrycode.KAZ":"Kazakhstan","countrycode.KEN":"Kenya","countrycode.KGZ":"Kyrgyzstan","countrycode.KHM":"Cambodia","countrycode.KIR":"Kiribati","countrycode.KNA":"Saint Kitts And Nevis","countrycode.KOR":"South Korea","countrycode.KWT":"Kuwait","countrycode.LAO":"Laos","countrycode.LBN":"Lebanon","countrycode.LBR":"Liberia","countrycode.LBY":"Libya","countrycode.LCA":"Saint Lucia","countrycode.LIE":"Liechtenstein","countrycode.LKA":"Sri Lanka","countrycode.LSO":"Lesotho","countrycode.LTU":"Lithuania","countrycode.LUX":"Luxembourg","countrycode.LVA":"Latvia","countrycode.MAC":"Macao","countrycode.MAF":"Saint Martin","countrycode.MAR":"Morocco","countrycode.MCO":"Monaco","countrycode.MDA":"Moldova","countrycode.MDG":"Madagascar","countrycode.MDV":"Maldives","countrycode.MEX":"Mexico","countrycode.MHL":"Marshall Islands","countrycode.MKD":"North Macedonia","countrycode.MLI":"Mali","countrycode.MLT":"Malta","countrycode.MMR":"Myanmar","countrycode.MNE":"Montenegro","countrycode.MNG":"Mongolia","countrycode.MNP":"Northern Mariana Islands","countrycode.MOZ":"Mozambique","countrycode.MRT":"Mauritania","countrycode.MSR":"Montserrat","countrycode.MTQ":"Martinique","countrycode.MUS":"Mauritius","countrycode.MWI":"Malawi","countrycode.MYS":"Malaysia","countrycode.MYT":"Mayotte","countrycode.NAM":"Namibia","countrycode.NCL":"New Caledonia","countrycode.NER":"Niger","countrycode.NFK":"Norfolk Island","countrycode.NGA":"Nigeria","countrycode.NIC":"Nicaragua","countrycode.NIU":"Niue","countrycode.NLD":"Netherlands","countrycode.NOR":"Norway","countrycode.NPL":"Nepal","countrycode.NRU":"Nauru","countrycode.NZL":"New Zealand","countrycode.OMN":"Oman","countrycode.PAK":"Pakistan","countrycode.PAN":"Panama","countrycode.PCN":"Pitcairn","countrycode.PER":"Peru","countrycode.PHL":"Philippines","countrycode.PLW":"Palau","countrycode.PNG":"Papua New Guinea","countrycode.POL":"Poland","countrycode.PRI":"Puerto Rico","countrycode.PRK":"North Korea","countrycode.PRT":"Portugal","countrycode.PRY":"Paraguay","countrycode.PSE":"Palestinian Territories","countrycode.PYF":"French Polynesia","countrycode.QAT":"Qatar","countrycode.REU":"Réunion","countrycode.ROU":"Romania","countrycode.RUS":"Russia","countrycode.RWA":"Rwanda","countrycode.SAU":"Saudi Arabia","countrycode.SCO":"Scotland","countrycode.SDN":"Sudan","countrycode.SEN":"Senegal","countrycode.SGP":"Singapore","countrycode.SGS":"South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands","countrycode.SHN":"Saint Helena","countrycode.SJM":"Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands","countrycode.SLB":"Solomon Islands","countrycode.SLE":"Sierra Leone","countrycode.SLV":"El Salvador","countrycode.SMR":"San Marino","countrycode.SOM":"Somalia","countrycode.SPM":"St. Pierre And Miquelon","countrycode.SRB":"Serbia","countrycode.SSD":"South Sudan","countrycode.STP":"Sao Tome And Principe","countrycode.SUR":"Suriname","countrycode.SVK":"Slovakia","countrycode.SVN":"Slovenia","countrycode.SWE":"Sweden","countrycode.SWZ":"Eswatini","countrycode.SXM":"Sint Maarten","countrycode.SYC":"Seychelles","countrycode.SYR":"Syria","countrycode.TCA":"Turks and Caicos Islands","countrycode.TCD":"Chad","countrycode.TGO":"Togo","countrycode.THA":"Thailand","countrycode.TJK":"Tajikistan","countrycode.TKL":"Tokelau","countrycode.TKM":"Turkmenistan","countrycode.TON":"Tonga","countrycode.TTO":"Trinidad and Tobago","countrycode.TUN":"Tunisia","countrycode.TUR":"Türkiye","countrycode.TUV":"Tuvalu","countrycode.TWN":"Taiwan","countrycode.TZA":"Tanzania","countrycode.UGA":"Uganda","countrycode.UKR":"Ukraine","countrycode.UMI":"United States Minor Outlying","countrycode.URY":"Uruguay","countrycode.USA":"United States","countrycode.UZB":"Uzbekistan","countrycode.VAT":"Vatican","countrycode.VCT":"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines","countrycode.VEN":"Venezuela","countrycode.VGB":"British Virgin Islands","countrycode.VIR":"Virgin Islands (U.S.)","countrycode.VNM":"Vietnam","countrycode.VUT":"Vanuatu","countrycode.WLF":"Wallis And Futuna Islands","countrycode.WSM":"Samoa","countrycode.YEM":"Yemen","countrycode.YUG":"Yugoslavia","countrycode.ZAF":"South Africa","countrycode.ZMB":"Zambia","countrycode.ZWE":"Zimbabwe","countrycode.XKS":"Kosovo","web.request.too.many.for.this.account.text":"You have made too many requests for this account. Try again later.","":"This action could not be completed because of an error. Try again later or contact Apple Support if the error persists.","":"You have no payment method on file.","web.parent.approval.sms.code.not.sent":"A verification code could not be sent. Try sending one again.","web.parent.approval.generic.error":"This action could not be completed because of an error. Try again later.","":"Incorrect Security Code","web.parent.approval.sms.code.verification.failed":"Verification code could not be validated. Please try again.","":"Too many failed attempts to verify this number have occurred. Try again later.","":"You have sent too many codes to this phone number. Try again later.","web.error.required":"This action could not be completed because of an error. Try again later.","":"Enter a valid email address.","web.error.invalid":"This action could not be completed because of an error. Try again later.","":"{0} Bytes","":"{0}KB","":"{0}MB","":"{0}TB","":"{0}EB","":"{0}ZB","":"{0}YB","web.delimiter.colon":":","web.delete.print.access.code.paragraph2":"It will be the only way to verify your identity and get help from Apple Support while we are processing your request.","web.deactivate.print.access.code.paragraph2":"It is the only way to reactivate your account and regain access to your data.","web.delete.print.access.code.paragraph3":"We will notify you when your account has been permanently deleted and this code is no longer valid.","web.deactivate.print.access.code.paragraph3":"To reactivate your account, provide this code to Apple Support.","":"Your account is used by <b>{0:firstName} {1:lastName} {2:accountName}</b> for iTunes Store, Apple Books, and Apple Store purchases in {3:firstName} {4:lastName}’s family.","":"Your account is used by <b>{0:firstName} {1:lastName} {2:accountName} and {3:firstName} {4:lastName} {5:accountName}</b> for media purchases in {6:firstName} {7:lastName}’s family.","":"Your account is used by <b>{0:firstName} {1:lastName} {2:accountName}, {3:firstName} {4:lastName} {5:accountName} and {6:firstName} {7:lastName} {8:accountName}</b> for iTunes Store, Apple Books, and Apple Store purchases in {9:firstName} {10:lastName}’s family.","":"Your account is used by <b>{0:firstName} {1:lastName} {2:accountName}, {3:firstName} {4:lastName} {5:accountName}, {6:firstName} {7:lastName} {8:accountName} and {9:firstName} {10:lastName} {11:accountName}</b> for media purchases in {12:firstName} {13:lastName}’s family.","":"Your account is used by <b>{0:firstName} {1:lastName} {2:accountName}, {3:firstName} {4:lastName} {5:accountName}, {6:firstName} {7:lastName} {8:accountName}, {9:firstName} {10:lastName} {11:accountName} and {12:firstName} {13:lastName} {14:accountName}</b> for media purchases in {15:firstName} {16:lastName}’s family.","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:firstName}","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:childFirstName} (age {2:childAge}).","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:firstName} and {2:firstName}","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:firstName} and {2:childFirstName} (age {4:childAge}).","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:childFirstName} (age {2:childAge}) and {3:childFirstName} (age {5:childAge}).","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:firstName}, {2:firstName} and {4:firstName}.","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:firstName}, {2:firstName} and {4:childFirstName} (age {6:childAge}).","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:firstName}, {2:childFirstName} (age {4:childAge}) and {5:childFirstName} (age {7:childAge}).","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:childFirstName} (age {2:childAge}), {3:childFirstName} (age {5:childAge}) and {6:childFirstName} (age {8:childAge}).","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:firstName}, {2:firstName}, {4:firstName} and {6:firstName}.","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:firstName}, {2:firstName}, {4:firstName} and {6:childFirstName} (age {8:childAge}).","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:firstName}, {2:firstName}, {4:childFirstName} (age {6:childAge}) and {7:childFirstName} (age {9:childAge}).","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:firstName}, {2:childFirstName} (age {4:childAge}), {5:childFirstName} (age {7:childAge}) and {8:childFirstName} (age {10:childAge}).","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:childFirstName} (age {2:childAge}), {3:childFirstName} (age {5:childAge}), {6:childFirstName} (age {8:childAge}) and {9:childFirstName} (age {11:childAge}).","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:firstName}, {2:firstName}, {4:firstName}, {6:firstName} and {8:firstName}.","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:firstName}, {2:firstName}, {4:firstName}, {6:firstName} and {8:childFirstName} (age {10:childAge}).","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:firstName}, {2:firstName}, {4:firstName}, {6:childFirstName} (age {8:childAge}) and {9:childFirstName} (age {11:childAge}).","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:firstName}, {2:firstName}, {4:childFirstName} (age {6:childAge}), {7:childFirstName} (age {9:childAge}) and {10:childFirstName} (age {12:childAge}).","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:firstName}, {2:childFirstName} (age {4:childAge}), {5:childFirstName} (age {7:childAge}), {8:childFirstName} (age {10:childAge}) and {11:childFirstName} (age {13:childAge}).","":"You are the organizer of Family Sharing with {0:childFirstName} (age {2:childAge}), {3:childFirstName} (age {5:childAge}), {6:childFirstName} (age {8:childAge}), {9:childFirstName} (age {11:childAge}) and {12:childFirstName} (age {14:childAge}).","":"age {0}","":"Cancel your Advantage order or subscription.","":"Cancel your Advantage order or subscription.","":"Cancel any active Advantage subscriptions, buy your device or return it to Apple, and pay any applicable exit or damage fees. It may take several days to verify your return. <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Manage your subscription</a>.","":"Cancel any active Advantage subscriptions, buy your device or return it to Apple, and pay any applicable exit or damage fees. It may take several days to verify your return. <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">Manage your subscription</a>.","":"Send a New Code","":"Check your Junk mail folder or wait a few minutes, or you can get a new code.","web.resend.code.description":"Get a new verification code","":"Text message","web.archive.file.size.exceeds.text":"This file exceeds {0}. Some file like videos or large documents cannot be divided into smaller parts.","":"MM/DD/YYYY","":"D MMMM YYYY","":"D MMMM YYYY HH:mm","":"dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm","":"hh:mm A","":"HH:mm:ss"}, "idmswcConfig": {"errorType":"standards","formStyle":"sasskit7"} } </script> <script src=""></script> <script>function gtElInit() {var lib = new google.translate.TranslateService();lib.translatePage('pl', 'no', function () {});}</script> <script src=";hl=en-GB&amp;client=wt" type="text/javascript"></script> </body> </html>

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