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Whether you’re new to our community or visiting us again, we’re glad you’re here. Cozy up, tune in, and start streaming today.","duration":40,"id":"6347948880112","link":null}],"top 5":[{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"In this live demo featuring OpenShift Virtualization and migrations, we explain the installation and configuration of the OpenShift Virtualization operator, as well as the creation and management of virtual machines.","tags":["virtualization","red_hat_openshift_virtualization","red_hat_openshift_virtualization_engine","it_automation","it_services","services","linux_standardization","application_platform","could_services"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001f0lFAAQ","pretitle":"Cloud services","production_year":"2025","speaker_1_bio":"Matthew is a Technical Account Manager based in Toronto, specializing in OpenShift. He has over 25 years of IT experience and has written extensively on OpenShift Virtualization and ways the product can be used and customized to help Red Hat’s customers meet their virtualization goals.","speaker_1_name":"Matthew Secaur","speaker_1_title":"Principal Technical Account Manager, Red Hat Canada"},"name":"Introduction to OpenShift Virtualization - Part 1","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization is an add-on component to Red Hat OpenShift that allows you to run virtualized workloads in the same infrastructure as your existing containerized workloads. For those who are already familiar with OpenShift, the concepts and tools you already know can be applied directly to running virtual machines on your existing infrastructure, affording you the opportunity to lift-and-shift virtual machines into OpenShift and then containerize those applications without huge changes to your infrastructure.\n\nIn a live demo, which is the first in a two-part series on OpenShift Virtualization and migrations, we will explain the installation and configuration of the OpenShift Virtualization operator, as well as the creation and management of virtual machines. In part two, we will discuss the Migration Toolkit for Virtualization that will allow you to migrate virtual machines at scale into your new OpenShift Virtualization environment.\n\n- OpenShift Virtualization Operator\n- Creating Virtual Machines\n- Interacting with running Virtual Machines\n- Importing custom OS images","duration":3511298,"id":"6370254516112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Join us for Red Hat® Summit, May 19-22 in Boston, to build new skills, challenge tech complexity, and unlock what’s next in enterprise technology.","tags":["events","red_hat_summit"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001eywuAAA","pretitle":"Red Hat Summit channel","production_year":"2025"},"name":"Join us at Red Hat Summit & AnsibleFest 2025","reference_id":null,"long_description":"With enterprise technology changing at a rapid pace, the ability to navigate what’s next has never been more important. Red Hat® Summit brings us together to do just that. Join us May 19-22 in Boston to break cloud barriers and build new expertise—for our industries, our organizations, and ourselves.","duration":60075,"id":"6366240586112","link":{"text":"Register today","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Operationalizing a model is complex, even moreso when the environment is outside our core data center. In this episode, we will discuss and showcase how to deploy AI-powered applications to Edge environments using Red Hat OpenShift AI. ","tags":["ai","edge_computing","emerging_technology","red_hat_device_edge","red_hat_openshift","efficiency","portability","scalability","cost_savings"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048VaKQAU","pretitle":"AI","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Valentina Rodriguez is a Principal Technical Marketing Manager at Red Hat, focusing on the developer journeys in OpenShift and emerging technologies. Before this role, she worked with high-profile customers, helping them adopt new technologies, and worked closely with developers and platform engineers. Her background is in software engineering. She built software for 15 years, working in diverse roles from Developer to Tech Lead and Architect, from retail, healthcare, financial, e-commerce, telco, and many other industries.","speaker_1_name":"Valentina Rodriguez Sosa","speaker_1_title":"Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat","speaker_2_bio":"Myriam is Product Manager at Red Hat focusing on features for automation and distributed AI workloads. She has been with Red Hat for 10+ years working with customers to understand the challenges and user experience.","speaker_2_name":"Myriam Fentanes","speaker_2_title":"Principal Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"AI at the Edge","reference_id":null,"long_description":"AI is the new competitive advantage, but due to concerns about data security, data privacy or simply to put the AI capabilities closer to the sources of data, MLOps and Data Scientists need to collaborate to rapidly productize models with better performance. It is important to have an MLOps platform that can be deployed on hybrid topologies and that provides all the different personas tools to collaborate and automate processes to reduce the time to value.","duration":452907,"id":"6363132309112","link":{"text":"Get started today!","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Red Hat's AI platform enables the development and deployment of models across the public cloud data center and edge.","tags":["ai","ml","ai/ml","artificial_intelligence","machine_learning","red_hat_openshift_data_science","red_hat_openshift","kubernetes","devops"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048PNzQAM","pretitle":"AI","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Chris Chase is a principal technical marketing manager in the Red Hat Artificial Intelligence Business Unit where he is in charge of emerging release readiness and critical customer engagements. He has worked on operationalizing AI Models on OpenShift for the past 7 years and has a diverse background working for Red Hat, Protolabs, LexisNexis, and the U.S. Army.","speaker_1_name":"Chris Chase","speaker_1_title":"Principal Marketing Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat OpenShift AI demo ","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat's AI platform enables the development and deployment of models across the public cloud data center and edge. It manages cluster resource requests such as scaling up and down GPUs and fosters collaboration between developers and data scientists. All by expanding the DevOps tooling provided within OpenShift providing additional capabilities such as model serving and monitoring from a central location.","duration":426773,"id":"6358994368112","link":{"text":"Try Red Hat OpenShift AI today!","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI is a powerful platform that enables enterprises to develop, test, and run generative AI foundation models. When deployed on Lenovo ThinkSystem servers, organizations can unlock the full potential of AI. 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","duration":51072,"id":"6367696039112","link":{"text":"Learn more here","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Learn how to use Red Hat Insights' image builder to build ready-to-deploy RHEL images","tags":["red_hat_enterprise_linux","red_hat_insights","infrastructure"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048VaFQAU","pretitle":"Infrastructure","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Eric \"The IT Guy\" Hendricks is a Technical Marketing Manager for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, as well as the host of \"Red Hat Enterprise Linux Presents,\" a podcaster, and open source advocate. Hendricks started out in 2007 as a Systems Administrator specializing in Linux before moving into technical marketing.","speaker_1_name":"Eric \"The IT Guy\" Hendricks","speaker_1_title":"Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Building Red Hat Enterprise Linux images the new way","reference_id":null,"long_description":"It is more important than ever to have standardized images pre-built with the tools, accounts, and compliance requirements when deploying across a hybrid cloud. Red Hat Insights, our SaaS platform, has the capability to build these standardized images and store them in a blueprint file. Join Eric \"the IT Guy\" as he walks through creating an image and a blueprint for deployment anywhere your RHEL infrastructure maybe.","duration":607893,"id":"6363132975112","link":{"text":"Get started","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"The InstructLab project is an innovative approach to alignment for Large Language Models (LLM) using synthetic data generation.","tags":["red_hat_enterprise_linux","machine_learning (ml)","edge_computing","ai"],"custom_fields":{"attachment_1_title":"Learn more about InstructLab","attachment_1_url":"","offer_id":"7015Y0000048VYOQA2","pretitle":"AI","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"A 20+ year tech industry veteran, Jeremy is a Distinguished Engineer within the Red Hat AI product group, building Red Hat's AI/ML and Open Source strategy. His role involves working with engineering and product leaders across the company to devise a strategy that will deliver a sustainable open source, enterprise software business around artificial intelligence and machine learning.\n\nHe is a proven technical leader and intrapreneur, having seeded several significant initiatives that have made their way into Red Hat’s products, services and process. Jeremy was the recipient of Red Hat’s Chairman's Award and remains a frequent author and presenter. He previously specialized in software performance analysis (including significant work in CPU and hardware accelerators), managed cloud services, and currently works in the AI/ML space as a corporate strategist, ensuring that Red Hat is positioned appropriately as the AI/ML space consolidates.","speaker_1_name":"Jeremy Eder","speaker_1_title":"Distinguished Engineer","speaker_2_bio":"Grant Shipley is a Sr. Director at Red Hat focused on Gen AI Platforms. 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This capability drives the flexibility of the Ansible Automation Platform to ensure that no task is left to manual execution, and that no alert is ignored. ","duration":708544,"id":"6360709107112","link":null}],"trending":[{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Building on the Day 1 keynote session, this keynote will focus on how AI will impact the IT systems you support and how Red Hat's solutions can help you navigate this transformative era.","tags":["red_hat_summit","summit","events","ai","open_hybrid_cloud","infrastructure"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000045ADoQAM","pretitle":"Red Hat Summit","production_year":"2024"},"name":"Red Hat Summit 2024: Optimizing IT Infrastructure for the AI Era","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Customers and partners will join Red Hat executives on stage to share insights on how automation, infrastructure modernization, security, and edge computing work together to support AI workloads. Discover how intelligent infrastructure management can unlock AI's full potential in your organization.\n\nYou'll also get a sneak peek into the future of Red Hat technology and AI, from the communities building the next wave of innovation to what you might see in Red Hat products in the coming years. Learn how Red Hat's security solutions can help protect your AI infrastructure and ensure the integrity of your AI-driven systems.\n\nLearn why a robust hybrid cloud infrastructure is critical for successful AI implementations and how it can give your organization a competitive edge. Gain insights into real-world use cases where combining AI and the cloud has driven significant business value and transformed industries.\n\nWhether you're a system admin looking to optimize your infrastructure, an executive aiming to drive digital transformation, or a decision-maker evaluating the latest in artificial intelligence and cloud computing technologies, Red Hat Summit has you covered. ","duration":3410922,"id":"6352958944112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"The flexibility of the Ansible Automation Platform can be leveraged to integrate with existing systems to automate actions on far-flung devices. ","tags":["automation","edge_computing","red_hat_ansible_automation_platform","efficiency","interoperability","flexibillity"],"custom_fields":{"attachment_1_title":"Get started with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform","attachment_1_url":"","offer_id":"7015Y0000048VYTQA2","pretitle":"Automation","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Emily Bock is a Senior Product Manager for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, focusing on certified and validated content, partner independent software provider (ISV) onboarding, and automation hub.","speaker_1_name":"Emily Bock","speaker_1_title":"Senior Product Manager, Red Hat","speaker_2_bio":"Colin McNaughton is a Technical Marketing Manager for the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform business unit, where he focuses on infrastructure automation, the automation creator experience, and Event-Driven Ansible.","speaker_2_name":"Colin McNaughton","speaker_2_title":"Principal Technical Marketing Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Automation and Observability: Putting your data to work for you","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Ansible Automation Platform is now event-driven which means the mission critical platform can leverage bi-directional integrations to not only execute actions but listen for events to trigger automation without manual touch. This capability drives the flexibility of the Ansible Automation Platform to ensure that no task is left to manual execution, and that no alert is ignored. ","duration":708544,"id":"6360709107112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"We’ve heard of Red Hat OpenShift® on Red Hat OpenStack® Platform, but now we will have Red Hat OpenStack Platform on Red Hat OpenShift. This new deployment will support Red Hat OpenShift and help to modernize Red Hat OpenStack Platform.\n","tags":["infrastructure","red_hat_openstack_platform","red_hat_openshift","openstack","edge_computing","application_modernization"],"custom_fields":{"ingestion_guid":"30c1c16f6a9a2fef78bfc5c321b6f07c5824490e5f5a9c32bf0517c10633a56a","offer_id":"7013a000003Shi2AAC","pretitle":"Infrastructure","production_year":"2023","speaker_1_bio":"Jeremy Melvin is a Senior Technical Account Manager focused on acting as a technical advocate for customers. He helps customers plan and connect with engineering practices, as well as solve unexpected technical problems. Prior to working at Red Hat Jeremy’s work involved operating system (OS) testing and certification. He is driven to always learn and grow to better serve customers. \n\n","speaker_1_name":"Jeremy Melvin\n","speaker_1_title":"Senior Technical Account Manager, Red Hat OpenStack Platform, Red Hat\n\n"},"name":"Next-generation OpenStack platform","reference_id":"","long_description":"We’ve heard of Red Hat OpenShift® on Red Hat OpenStack® Platform, but now we will have Red Hat OpenStack Platform on Red Hat OpenShift. To make things more interesting, with the next-generation Red Hat OpenStack Platform architecture, we could have Red Hat OpenShift on Red Hat OpenStack Platform on Red Hat OpenShift. Currently Red Hat OpenStack Platform controllers run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers using containers to provide control plane services. Since many core Red Hat OpenStack Platform services already use containers, the newer features allow them to run directly on Red Hat OpenShift using OpenShift operators. This new deployment method will expose more customers to Red Hat OpenShift and help to modernize Red Hat OpenStack Platform. In this episode, we’ll discuss:\n\n- An overview of next-generation Red Hat OpenStack Platform\n- Red Hat OpenStack Platform director Operator\n- How to shift from Red Hat OpenStack Platform controllers to Red Hat OpenShift operators","duration":2446600,"id":"6347397380112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"In this episode, IDC and Red Hat experts provide some best practices and recommendations on open source AI platforms and real-world customer scenarios.","tags":["cloud_services","application_development","ai","machine_learning"],"custom_fields":{"attachment_1_title":"Unlock what's next: ","attachment_1_url":"","ingestion_guid":"5c1ed3e1a980897c9e1fe7311d953fa558b85237f5bc7d5ad5581ee15036f6a1","offer_id":"7015Y000003sc3vQAA","pretitle":"Cloud services ","production_year":"2023","speaker_1_bio":"Ritu Jyoti is Group Vice President, Worldwide Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation Research with IDC's software market research and advisory practice. Ms. Jyoti is responsible for leading the development of IDC's thought leadership for AI research and management of the Worldwide AI and Automation Software research team. Her research focuses on the state of enterprise AI efforts and global market trends for the rapidly evolving AI and ML including Generative AI (Gen AI) innovations and ecosystem. Ms. Jyoti also leads insightful research that addresses the needs of the AI technology vendors and provides actionable guidance to them on how to articulate their value proposition, differentiate and thrive in the digital era.","speaker_1_name":"Ritu Jyoti","speaker_1_title":"Group Vice President, Worldwide Artificial Intelligence and Automation Research Practice, Global AI Research Lead, IDC\n\n","speaker_2_bio":"Will McGrath is a product marketing manager for Red Hat’s AI business group where he directs marketing initiatives for Red Hat AI/ML product and services offerings, including Red Hat OpenShift AI. Prior to Red Hat, Will worked at Quantum and HP for 12 years as Strategic Alliances Manager for media and entertainment technology partners. Will has more than 30 years of experience in the IT industry.","speaker_2_name":"Will McGrath\n","speaker_2_title":"Senior Principal Marketing Manager, AI Business Unit, Red Hat\n\n"},"name":"Why open source artificial intelligence platforms help enterprise business transformation","reference_id":"","long_description":"As advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) rise, business leaders are now embracing open source culture and technologies. There are several reasons for this, including collaboration across organizations, accelerated innovation, and social responsibility. A software-maker culture inspires established companies to experiment with AI and create platforms that align with their business needs.\n\nWhile AI/ML initiatives can deliver significant benefits, they are not without challenges and risks. Among the challenges are cost, lack of tools for machine learning operations, and lack of responsible AI tools. Downloading open source software may introduce the risk of lack of governance and security or lead to shadow IT and drive associated risks. When embraced appropriately with the right security and management layers, AI/ML can deliver effective business capabilities, including flexibility, agility, portability, and overall time to value.\n\nIn this episode, Ritu Jyoti, Group Vice President, Worldwide Artificial Intelligence Research Practice, describes AI/ML adoption trends and challenges, how open source MLOps platforms may help, synergies with a hybrid cloud approach, and best practices and recommendations. Ritu will also briefly describe a couple of customer scenarios resulting from interviews that IDC conducted with multiple Red Hat® customers who have been successfully using Red Hat OpenShift® AI for accelerating the AI/ML life cycle.","duration":2395450,"id":"6347397471112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"With the recent end of life of CentOS Linux, now is the time to evaluate your Linux distribution choices before facing the inevitable security risks.","tags":["red_hat_enterprise_linux","system_administrator","developer","enterprise_architect","migration","linux","security","infrastructure"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y0000048Qf3QAE","pretitle":"Infrastructure channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Eric \"The IT Guy\" Hendricks is a Technical Marketing Manager for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, as well as the host of \"Red Hat Enterprise Linux Presents,\" a podcaster, and open source advocate. Hendricks started out in 2007 as a Systems Administrator specializing in Linux before moving into technical marketing.","speaker_1_name":"Eric \"The IT Guy\" Hendricks","speaker_1_title":"Technical Marketing Manager"},"name":"Enhancing your operational security with Red Hat Enterprise Linux","reference_id":null,"long_description":"One of the most concerning aspects of community Linux distributions is the lack of enterprise support for vulnerabilities. With the recent end of life of CentOS Linux, now is the time to evaluate your Linux distribution choices before facing the inevitable security risks. During this session you will learn about the various tools and processes you can follow with Red Hat Enterprise Linux to better secure and monitor your environments.\n\nIn this episode we’ll cover:\n\n- What are CVEs and how do you evaluate their risk?\n- The importance of live kernel patching (kpatch).\n- Simplified and proactive remediation with Red Hat Insights.","duration":3025000,"id":"6364714706112","link":null}],"events":[{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Join for part-one of this series to learn how Red Hat’s approach to AI helps organizations overcome the challenges of getting started quickly and scaling AI deployments consistently with enterprise-ready, curated open source AI innovation. ","tags":["ai","ml","machine_learning","scale","efficiency","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-12-18T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-12-18T12:00:00-04:00","offer_id":"7015Y0000048ZXKQA2","pretitle":"AI channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Jennifer is a product marketer helping organizations navigate their transition to the cloud and adoption of AI initiatives. During the last 5 years, she has been working on a variety of emerging technologies by developing product strategies, launching new products, andtesting new initiatives in nascent market segments. She enjoys solving business and technicalchallenges that appear disconnected. Her passion towards software led her to change industries from oil and gas to information technology. Prior to joining Red Hat, Jennifer worked as a strategist consultant and technical sales lead providing customers with proven solutions for complex scenarios in the utility, telco and insurance industries.","speaker_1_name":"Jennifer Vargas","speaker_1_title":"Senior Principal Product Marketing Manager, AI Business Unit, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat AI to fuel innovation","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Generative AI (GenAI) has changed the game in terms of new products and service offerings, improved customer experiences, and accelerating efficiency and productivity, but the technology is changing rapidly. Enterprise organizations of every size are under pressure to identify, choose, build, and deliver these AI solutions. They need ready-to-use solutions that provide a quick ramp up and allow scaling at their own pace without making large investments or having a strong AI knowledge base.\n\nThe key challenges that they face include: \n\n- Option fatigue. They are met with too many options and approaches for getting started with their AI projects.\n- Budget, hardware, and data requirements. There is no one-answer-fits-all solution. Both predictive and generative AI models require large data sets, skilled personnel, and specialty hardware and deciding where to train or deploy models can affect budget, hardware accessibility, and data concerns.\n- Scale across the model and application lifecycle.. Once models are ready to be incorporated into existing and new applications, then a new set of challenges arises such as: scalability, resource management (storage and hardware), lifecycle management, and monitoring. As more and more applications are modernized with AI, enterprise organizations will need to consider the impact on IT operations and the effort it takes to manage and automate the lifecycle of both models and applications.","duration":1954950,"id":"6365638817112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Join for part-two of this series to learn how Red Hat helps organizations to enable the right technology and involve the right people to realize value faster from AI with a common modular, composable platform.","tags":["ai","ml","machine_learning","scale","efficiency","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2025-01-22T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2025-01-22T12:00:00-04:00","offer_id":"7015Y0000048ZYIQA2","pretitle":"AI channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Over the last decade, Martin has been focused on exploring the opportunities that AI and deep learning offers to business leaders. With experience ranging from conducting AI research with Stanford University to leading a Silicon Valley AI startup, Martin now uses his skills to lead Red Hat’s AI go-to-market strategies and business development in EMEA.","speaker_1_name":"Martin Isaksson","speaker_1_title":"Lead GTM & Business development EMEA, AI BU, Red Hat"},"name":"Simplify AI Adoption for faster time to value","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Technology breakthroughs are democratizing AI and making it more accessible to build gen AI applications and organizations are now more prepared than ever to take advantage of this innovation, but they still struggle to realize value quickly. \n\nLack of collaboration between AI developers/data sciences, app developers and IT cause friction that creates bottlenecks. AI development is a process, not a singular step and it requires organizations to operationalize AI development through a MLOps process in collaboration with their DevOps workflows.\n\nWatch this episode to learn how Red Hat helps organizations to enable the right technology and involve the right people to realize value faster from AI with a common modular, composable platform to build, train, tune, serve, deploy, monitor and manage AI workloads in any environment. You will learn how Red Hat’s approach: \n\n- Simplifies adoption and reduces cost\n- Supports existing use cases as well as future innovation\n- Accelerates AI across the hybrid cloud","duration":1172450,"id":"6365640858112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Join the final episode in this series to learn how Red Hat helps to automate the entire AI lifecycle from model development to deployment and monitoring, leading to more reliable AI applications and quicker iteration cycles. ","tags":["ai","ml","machine_learning","scale","efficiency","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2025-02-26T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2025-02-26T12:00:00-04:00","offer_id":"7015Y0000048ZZLQA2","pretitle":"AI channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Diego Torres is a software architect with more than 10 years of experience leading customers to implement intelligent applications through the use of process automation, decision management, and artificial intelligence. As the managing architect at AI Practice pre-sales, he leads a talented team of consulting architects that provide AI Consulting services and drive adoption of the Red Hat Openshift AI product. Diego’s background on software development, and technical enablement provides insightful advice to a growing interest in emerging technologies such as predictive and generative AI.","speaker_1_name":"Diego Torres Fuerte","speaker_1_title":"Managing Architect, AI Practice Pre-sales, Red Hat"},"name":"Deploying containerized AI-enabled applications","reference_id":null,"long_description":"AI has become an integral part of modern applications, enabling personalized experiences, predictive analytics, automation, and more. Deploying AI-enabled models requires addressing several key issues and a strategy for deployment on a purpose-built platform. Assessing your data’s quality, volume, and relevance and choosing the right model to balance accuracy with performance is critical. But deployment isn't just about the model—it's also about the infrastructure. Organizations must consider the compute resources, storage, and networking requirements as well as legal and ethical standards, to ensure scalability, security, flexibility and ease of use.\n\nRed Hat helps to automate the entire AI lifecycle from model development to deployment and monitoring, leading to more reliable AI applications and quicker iteration cycles. This enables organizations to build, deliver, and manage their own AI-enabled applications and services across any cloud, on-premise, or edge environment\n\nJoin this episode to learn about:\n\n- Key considerations before deployment\n- Choosing a platform for AI deployment\n- Deployment strategies and best practices","duration":3877250,"id":"6365638818112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"This episode (1 of 5) covers introduction to edge, key use cases and workloads and provides an overview of Red Hat Edge portfolio.","tags":["edge_computing","red_hat_device_edge","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-09-10T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-09-10T12:00:00-04:00","offer_id":"7015Y0000048YXIQA2","pretitle":"Edge computing","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Daniel works as a Principal Product Manager at Red Hat. He is responsible for defining and managing the Red Hat OpenShift edge related aspects. That includes MicroShift, Red Hat Device Edge and Single Node OpenShift products. He considers himself a catalyst to bring together the necessary resources (people, technology, methods) to make projects and products a success. Daniel has more than 25 years of experience in IT. In the past years, Daniel has been focusing on Hybrid Cloud and Container Technologies in the Industrial space. ","speaker_1_name":"Daniel Froehlich","speaker_1_title":"Principal Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat Device Edge Technical Overview, Part 1 - Introduction","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat Device Edge provides a modular edge solution with a minimal footprint. Using Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud architecture, Red Hat Device Edge brings operational consistency and flexibility to customers deploying virtual or containerized workloads to resource-constrained edge devices in challenging field locations (e.g., drones, industrial controllers, point of sales terminals). Red Hat Device Edge aggregates an enterprise-ready, supported distribution of the Red Hat-led open source community project MicroShift (a lightweight Kubernetes project built from the edge capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift) along with an edge-optimized OS built from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With tools for both Day 1 device deployments and ongoing platform and workload operations, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform helps organizations quickly scale device and application life cycle management. \n\nIn this technical overview series, you will learn more about the components of Red Hat Device Edge and how it is solving customer challenges across multiple industries. You will also see the platform in action through a series of live demonstrations. ","duration":635925,"id":"6361507500112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"This episode (2 of 5) covers components of Red Hat Device Edge, customer challenges, and Edge computing with Red Hat Enterprise Linux and a walkthrough demo.","tags":["edge_computing","red_hat_device_edge","red_hat_enterprise_linux","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-09-24T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-09-24T12:00:00-04:00","offer_id":"7015Y0000048YXNQA2","pretitle":"Edge computing","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Daniel works as a Principal Product Manager at Red Hat. He is responsible for defining and managing the Red Hat OpenShift edge related aspects. That includes MicroShift, Red Hat Device Edge and Single Node OpenShift products. He considers himself a catalyst to bring together the necessary resources (people, technology, methods) to make projects and products a success. Daniel has more than 25 years of experience in IT. In the past years, Daniel has been focusing on Hybrid Cloud and Container Technologies in the Industrial space. ","speaker_1_name":"Daniel Froehlich","speaker_1_title":"Principal Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat Device Edge Technical Overview, Part 2 - RHEL","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat Device Edge provides a modular edge solution with a minimal footprint. Using Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud architecture, Red Hat Device Edge brings operational consistency and flexibility to customers deploying virtual or containerized workloads to resource-constrained edge devices in challenging field locations (e.g., drones, industrial controllers, point of sales terminals). Red Hat Device Edge aggregates an enterprise-ready, supported distribution of the Red Hat-led open source community project MicroShift (a lightweight Kubernetes project built from the edge capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift) along with an edge-optimized OS built from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With tools for both Day 1 device deployments and ongoing platform and workload operations, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform helps organizations quickly scale device and application life cycle management. \n\nIn this technical overview series, you will learn more about the components of Red Hat Device Edge and how it is solving customer challenges across multiple industries. You will also see the platform in action through a series of live demonstrations. ","duration":1328341,"id":"6361552354112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"This episode (3 of 5) introduces the MicroShift component of Red Hat Device Edge, a lightweight kubernetes engine, technical specification and a live demo.","tags":["edge_computing","red_hat_device_edge","red_hat_openshift_kubernetes_engine","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-10-08T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-10-08T12:00:00-04:00","offer_id":"7015Y0000048YXSQA2","pretitle":"Edge computing","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Daniel works as a Principal Product Manager at Red Hat. He is responsible for defining and managing the Red Hat OpenShift edge related aspects. That includes MicroShift, Red Hat Device Edge and Single Node OpenShift products. He considers himself a catalyst to bring together the necessary resources (people, technology, methods) to make projects and products a success. Daniel has more than 25 years of experience in IT. In the past years, Daniel has been focusing on Hybrid Cloud and Container Technologies in the Industrial space. ","speaker_1_name":"Daniel Froehlich","speaker_1_title":"Principal Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat Device Edge Technical Overview, Part 3 - MicroShift","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat Device Edge provides a modular edge solution with a minimal footprint. Using Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud architecture, Red Hat Device Edge brings operational consistency and flexibility to customers deploying virtual or containerized workloads to resource-constrained edge devices in challenging field locations (e.g., drones, industrial controllers, point of sales terminals). Red Hat Device Edge aggregates an enterprise-ready, supported distribution of the Red Hat-led open source community project MicroShift (a lightweight Kubernetes project built from the edge capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift) along with an edge-optimized OS built from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With tools for both Day 1 device deployments and ongoing platform and workload operations, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform helps organizations quickly scale device and application life cycle management. \n\nIn this technical overview series, you will learn more about the components of Red Hat Device Edge and how it is solving customer challenges across multiple industries. You will also see the platform in action through a series of live demonstrations. ","duration":1204096,"id":"6361554249112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"This episode (4 of 5) showcases how Ansible Automation Platform helps you manage and automate Red Hat Device Edge across multiple industries and see a live demo.","tags":["edge_computing","red_hat_ansible_automation_platform","red_hat_device_edge","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-10-22T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-10-22T12:00:00-04:00","offer_id":"7015Y0000048YXXQA2","pretitle":"Edge computing","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Dafné Mendoza is the Principal Product Manager for Network automation in the Ansible Business Unit at Red Hat, and former Technical Marketing Manager for network and edge automation. Prior to Red Hat, Dafné worked at Cisco Systems, supporting Service Providers customers across US, Canada and Latin America to design, implement and adopt automation, orchestration and network management solutions. She brings over 15 years of experience in the IT field with specializations in DevNet, ITIL, SCRUM, consulting, networking and automation.","speaker_1_name":"Dafné Mendoza","speaker_1_title":"Principal Product Manager, Ansible Automation Platform, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat Device Edge Technical Overview, Part 4 - Ansible Automation Platform","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat Device Edge provides a modular edge solution with a minimal footprint. Using Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud architecture, Red Hat Device Edge brings operational consistency and flexibility to customers deploying virtual or containerized workloads to resource-constrained edge devices in challenging field locations (e.g., drones, industrial controllers, point of sales terminals). Red Hat Device Edge aggregates an enterprise-ready, supported distribution of the Red Hat-led open source community project MicroShift (a lightweight Kubernetes project built from the edge capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift) along with an edge-optimized OS built from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With tools for both Day 1 device deployments and ongoing platform and workload operations, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform helps organizations quickly scale device and application life cycle management. \n\nIn this technical overview series, you will learn more about the components of Red Hat Device Edge and how it is solving customer challenges across multiple industries. You will also see the platform in action through a series of live demonstrations. ","duration":455715,"id":"6361554635112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"This episode (5 of 5) highlights an end-to-end demo, provisioning and managing a fleet of edge devices using Red Hat Device Edge and Ansible Automation Platform.","tags":["edge_computing","red_hat_ansible_automation_platform","red_hat_device_edge","event"],"custom_fields":{"event_end_time":"2024-11-05T13:00:00-04:00","event_start_time":"2024-11-05T12:00:00-04:00","offer_id":"7015Y0000048YXcQAM","pretitle":"Edge computing","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Daniel works as a Principal Product Manager at Red Hat. He is responsible for defining and managing the Red Hat OpenShift edge related aspects. That includes MicroShift, Red Hat Device Edge and Single Node OpenShift products. He considers himself a catalyst to bring together the necessary resources (people, technology, methods) to make projects and products a success. Daniel has more than 25 years of experience in IT. In the past years, Daniel has been focusing on Hybrid Cloud and Container Technologies in the Industrial space.","speaker_1_name":"Daniel Froehlich","speaker_1_title":"Principal Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat Device Edge Technical Overview, Part 5 - Bringing it all together","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat Device Edge provides a modular edge solution with a minimal footprint. Using Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud architecture, Red Hat Device Edge brings operational consistency and flexibility to customers deploying virtual or containerized workloads to resource-constrained edge devices in challenging field locations (e.g., drones, industrial controllers, point of sales terminals). Red Hat Device Edge aggregates an enterprise-ready, supported distribution of the Red Hat-led open source community project MicroShift (a lightweight Kubernetes project built from the edge capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift) along with an edge-optimized OS built from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With tools for both Day 1 device deployments and ongoing platform and workload operations, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform helps organizations quickly scale device and application life cycle management. \n\nIn this technical overview series, you will learn more about the components of Red Hat Device Edge and how it is solving customer challenges across multiple industries. You will also see the platform in action through a series of live demonstrations. ","duration":1251499,"id":"6361555426112","link":null}],"recently released":[{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"In this live demo featuring OpenShift Virtualization and migrations, we explain the installation and configuration of the OpenShift Virtualization operator, as well as the creation and management of virtual machines.","tags":["virtualization","red_hat_openshift_virtualization","red_hat_openshift_virtualization_engine","it_automation","it_services","services","linux_standardization","application_platform","could_services"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001f0lFAAQ","pretitle":"Cloud services","production_year":"2025","speaker_1_bio":"Matthew is a Technical Account Manager based in Toronto, specializing in OpenShift. He has over 25 years of IT experience and has written extensively on OpenShift Virtualization and ways the product can be used and customized to help Red Hat’s customers meet their virtualization goals.","speaker_1_name":"Matthew Secaur","speaker_1_title":"Principal Technical Account Manager, Red Hat Canada"},"name":"Introduction to OpenShift Virtualization - Part 1","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization is an add-on component to Red Hat OpenShift that allows you to run virtualized workloads in the same infrastructure as your existing containerized workloads. For those who are already familiar with OpenShift, the concepts and tools you already know can be applied directly to running virtual machines on your existing infrastructure, affording you the opportunity to lift-and-shift virtual machines into OpenShift and then containerize those applications without huge changes to your infrastructure.\n\nIn a live demo, which is the first in a two-part series on OpenShift Virtualization and migrations, we will explain the installation and configuration of the OpenShift Virtualization operator, as well as the creation and management of virtual machines. In part two, we will discuss the Migration Toolkit for Virtualization that will allow you to migrate virtual machines at scale into your new OpenShift Virtualization environment.\n\n- OpenShift Virtualization Operator\n- Creating Virtual Machines\n- Interacting with running Virtual Machines\n- Importing custom OS images","duration":3511298,"id":"6370254516112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Red Hat’s Ansible Automation Platform is designed to improve processes, save time, increase quality, empower employees and teams, and manage costs.","tags":["ansible_features","automation_&_management","event_drivenansible","events","red_hat_ansible_automation","linux_platforms","automation","ansible"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001eyNVAAY","pretitle":"Automation channel","production_year":"2025","speaker_1_name":"Charles Pelton","speaker_1_title":"Contributing EditorCIO, CSO, and Network World, Foundry, IDG Inc","speaker_2_name":"Richard Henshall","speaker_2_title":"Director of Product Management, Red Hat Ansible","speaker_3_name":"Massimo Ferrari","speaker_3_title":"Senior Manager of Product Management, Red Hat","speaker_4_name":"Kaete Piccirilli","speaker_4_title":"Director of Product Marketing, Red Hat Ansible Business UnitABU","speaker_5_name":"Sathish Balakrishnan","speaker_5_title":"VP and General Manager, Red Hat Ansible Business Unit"},"name":"Turning Automation into a Strategic Advantage: Orchestration and Making AI Intelligence Actionable","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Join Red Hat, CIO + IDC Events, business leaders, and technology executives from around the country for an insightful discussion that will explore how automation – for infrastructure, the network, security, DevOps, hybrid / multi-cloud, and the edge – helps companies to fortify their AI, ITOps and modernization efforts – all with an eye to facing and managing the torrid pace of business.\n\nAs organizations look to modernize and position themselves for AI-fueled opportunities and transformation, they face the daunting complexity of today’s IT systems. For many, that complexity can lead to chaos. But the goal of the modern enterprise is to tame the noise to establish strategic advantage in the marketplace.\n\nRed Hat’s Ansible Automation Platform offers one such approach – one that’s designed to improve processes, save time, increase quality, empower employees and teams, and manage costs.","duration":3880067,"id":"6370254515112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Learn how the rise of artificial intelligence is transforming the way organizations build, deploy, and scale their platforms.","tags":["application_development","delivery","red_hat_application_foundations","red_hat_trusted_software_supply_chain","red_hat_openshift_dev_spaces","red_hat_developer_hub","red_hat_openshift","applicatioin_services"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001f04GAAQ","pretitle":"Application development channel","production_year":"2025"},"name":"Platform Engineering in the Age of AI","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Learn how the rise of artificial intelligence is transforming the way organizations build, deploy, and scale their platforms. In this episode, we’ll discuss the findings from the most recent Platform Engineering Survey by Red Hat and Illuminas, spotlighting the trends and best practices that can help you stay competitive with your engineering teams. Our experts will share insights from the survey showing how forward-thinking IT leaders are accelerating innovation, reducing complexity, and driving business value through their platform engineering initiatives.","duration":2288303,"id":"6370254012112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"In this episode, we will explore Image Mode for RHEL, a modern approach to building, deploying, and managing RHEL systems.","tags":["ai","red_hat_enterprise_linux","infrastructure","containers","management"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001eyQoAAI","pretitle":"Infrastructure channel","production_year":"2025","speaker_1_bio":"Noel Miller is a Technical Account Manager at Red Hat, and the Project Manager and Core Contributor at the open source project Universal Blue ( He has been working in IT for a little over 10 years, with most of his career being focused on Small and Medium Size businesses. He joined Red Hat in August 2023 as a Technical Account Manager with a focus on Ansible. Furthermore, he is the Project Manager and a Core Contributor at Universal Blue ( Universal Blue builds a diverse set of continuously delivered operating system images using Fedora Atomic Desktop and Fedora CoreOS’ support for OCI/Docker containers. Universal Blue’s images are a real world use-case of bootc and ostree which are the underlying technology of Image Mode for RHEL.","speaker_1_name":"Noel Miller","speaker_1_title":"CME TAM, NAPS, Red Hat"},"name":"Building the Future Using Bootable Containers","reference_id":null,"long_description":"In this episode, we will explore Image Mode for RHEL, a modern approach to building, deploying, and managing RHEL systems. Unlike traditional RHEL installations, Image Mode leverages bootc and ostree technologies to create immutable, version-controlled operating system images based on OCI containers. This approach offers significant advantages in consistency, security, and scalability for creating custom images based on RHEL.\n\nJoin us and learn about:\n- What is Image Mode for RHEL?\n- How to build a custom image\n- Utilize GitOps to build, deploy, and manage your custom image\n- Enterprise Use Cases for Image Mode for RHEL\n- AI/ML Stacks\n- Containerization of the VM\n- Edge Appliances\n- Standalone Container Hosts\n\nReal World Use Cases of bootc and ostree:\n- Bazzite (\n- Bluefin (","duration":3522333,"id":"6368964763112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"With a consistent, reliable, and flexible infrastructure and tooling, Red Hat helps customers adopt AI at the edge to deliver faster decision-making and operational efficiency.","tags":["ai","edge_computing","machine_learning","open_source","cloud","retail","manufacturing","hybrid_cloud","openshift_ai","red_hat_device_edge","predictive_ai","generative_ai","security","automation"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001f0fvAAA","pretitle":"AI channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Daniel works as a Principal Product Manager at Red Hat. He is responsible for defining and managing the Red Hat OpenShift edge related aspects. That includes MicroShift, Red Hat Device Edge and Single Node OpenShift products. He considers himself a catalyst to bring together the necessary resources (people, technology, methods) to make projects and products a success. Daniel has more than 25 years of experience in IT. In the past years, Daniel has been focusing on Hybrid Cloud and Container Technologies in the Industrial space. ","speaker_1_name":"Daniel Froehlich","speaker_1_title":"Principal Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"AI at the Edge: Segment 2","reference_id":null,"long_description":"AI at the Edge Segment 2 in Video Series\n\nWith consistent, reliable, and flexible infrastructure and tooling, Red Hat helps customers adopt AI at the edge. Red Hat’s collaborative, open source platforms allow customers to use their existing hybrid IT technology stack to implement AI at the edge to solve business challenges. From in-vehicles, devices, endpoints, and gateways to edge services, on-premise datacenters, and to the cloud—Red Hat’s ready-to-use AI/ML solutions provides customers the end-to-end support for managing industry-specific use cases at the edge, accelerating decision-making and improving operational efficiency. When customers are ready to implement an AI-centric approach across their organization, Red Hat has the expertise and robust hybrid platforms to support their modernization at the edge.","duration":1340565,"id":"6368315813112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"With a consistent, reliable, and flexible infrastructure and tooling, Red Hat helps customers adopt AI at the edge to deliver faster decision-making and operational efficiency.","tags":["ai","edge_computing","machine_learning","open_source","cloud","retail","manufacturing","hybrid_cloud","openshift_ai","red_hat_device_edge","predictive_ai","generative_ai","security","automation"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001f0fvAAA","pretitle":"AI channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Daniel works as a Principal Product Manager at Red Hat. He is responsible for defining and managing the Red Hat OpenShift edge related aspects. That includes MicroShift, Red Hat Device Edge and Single Node OpenShift products. He considers himself a catalyst to bring together the necessary resources (people, technology, methods) to make projects and products a success. Daniel has more than 25 years of experience in IT. In the past years, Daniel has been focusing on Hybrid Cloud and Container Technologies in the Industrial space. ","speaker_1_name":"Daniel Froehlich","speaker_1_title":"Principal Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"AI at the Edge: Segment 1","reference_id":null,"long_description":"AI at the Edge: Segment 1 Video Series\n\nWith consistent, reliable, and flexible infrastructure and tooling, Red Hat helps customers adopt AI at the edge. Red Hat’s collaborative, open source platforms allow customers to use their existing hybrid IT technology stack to implement AI at the edge to solve business challenges. From in-vehicles, devices, endpoints, and gateways to edge services, on-premise datacenters, and to the cloud—Red Hat’s ready-to-use AI/ML solutions provides customers the end-to-end support for managing industry-specific use cases at the edge, accelerating decision-making and improving operational efficiency. When customers are ready to implement an AI-centric approach across their organization, Red Hat has the expertise and robust hybrid platforms to support their modernization at the edge.","duration":693013,"id":"6368315020112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Take Control of Your Data with RHEL AI.","tags":["ai","red_hat_enterprise_linux","red_hat_openshift","financial_services","healthcare","education"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001ezjrAAA","pretitle":"AI channel","production_year":"2024"},"name":"Lenovo RHEL AI Data Sovereignty","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Want to build and deploy AI models while safeguarding your data? RHEL AI empowers you with:\n\n- On-Premise Deployment: Maintain full control over your data and infrastructure.\n- Open-Source Transparency: Benefit from open-source technologies for greater customization and security\n- Robust Security: Protect sensitive data with advanced security features like SELinux and AppArmor.\n- Flexible Deployment: Choose the deployment model that best suits your needs.\n- Data Privacy and Compliance: Ensure compliance with strict regulations like GDPR and HIPAA.","duration":29077,"id":"6367695666112","link":{"text":"Learn more here","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI is a powerful platform that enables enterprises to develop, test, and run generative AI foundation models. When deployed on Lenovo ThinkSystem servers, organizations can unlock the full potential of AI. ","tags":["ai","red_hat_enterprise_linux","red_hat_openshift","financial_services","healthcare","education"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001ezjhAAA","pretitle":"AI channel","production_year":"2024"},"name":"Lenovo RHEL AI Overview","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Key benefits of deploying Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI on Lenovo ThinkSystem servers:\n\n- Enhanced performance: Lenovo ThinkSystem servers are designed to deliver high performance and scalability, making them ideal for demanding AI workloads.\n- Increased reliability: Lenovo ThinkSystem servers are built with enterprise-grade reliability and availability features, ensuring that your AI applications are always up and running.\n- Simplified management: Lenovo XClarity Integrator provides a single pane of glass for managing your entire server infrastructure, making it easy to deploy, monitor, and maintain your AI applications.\n- Reduced costs: Lenovo ThinkSystem servers offer a cost-effective solution for deploying and scaling AI workloads. ","duration":51072,"id":"6367696039112","link":{"text":"Learn more here","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"RHEL AI is built on open-source technologies.","tags":["ai","red_hat_enterprise_linux","red_hat_openshift","financial_services","healthcare","education"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001ezjmAAA","pretitle":"AI channel","production_year":"2024"},"name":"Lenovo RHEL AI OpenSource","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Open source software is developed collaboratively by a global community of programmers. It's like building a house together, with everyone contributing their skills and ideas. Why is it so powerful?\n\n- Transparency: Code is open for anyone to inspect, improve, and learn from.\n- Innovation: A diverse community drives rapid innovation and problem-solving.\n- Security: Many eyes on the code mean vulnerabilities are quickly identified and fixed.\n- Cost-Effective: Open source often comes at a lower cost or even for free.","duration":27200,"id":"6367694665112","link":{"text":"Learn more here","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Join us for Red Hat® Summit, May 19-22 in Boston, to build new skills, challenge tech complexity, and unlock what’s next in enterprise technology.","tags":["events","red_hat_summit"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001eywuAAA","pretitle":"Red Hat Summit channel","production_year":"2025"},"name":"Join us at Red Hat Summit & AnsibleFest 2025","reference_id":null,"long_description":"With enterprise technology changing at a rapid pace, the ability to navigate what’s next has never been more important. Red Hat® Summit brings us together to do just that. Join us May 19-22 in Boston to break cloud barriers and build new expertise—for our industries, our organizations, and ourselves.","duration":60075,"id":"6366240586112","link":{"text":"Register today","url":""}},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"AI and its maximum potential with the open hybrid cloud: the future of AI is open.","tags":["ai","open_source","red_hat_summit","events","open_hybrid_cloud","automation","cloud_services","app_dev_(application_development)","infrastructure","edge","machine_learning_(ml)"],"custom_fields":{"live_interactivity_event_id":"6760688312aff66006703f97","offer_id":"7016e000001exoGAAQ","pretitle":"Red Hat Summit channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_name":"Gilson Magalhães","speaker_1_title":"President, Red Hat Brazil","speaker_2_name":"Thiago Araki","speaker_2_title":"Senior Director, Tech Sales, Red Hat Latin America","speaker_3_name":"Larisse Gois","speaker_3_title":"Senior Manager, Solution Architecture, Public Sector","speaker_4_name":"Weslley Rosalem","speaker_4_title":"Principal AI Specialist Solution Architect, Red Hat Latin America","speaker_5_name":"Andrea Cavallari","speaker_5_title":"Director, Services Practices, Red Hat Latin America","speaker_6_name":"Rodrigo Canhissare","speaker_6_title":"Head Commercial Solution Architects, Red Hat"},"name":"Red Hat Summit: Connect São Paulo 2024 | Opening and Tech Keynote","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence; the Future and the Present. These concepts merged on stage at Red Hat Summit: Connect São Paulo. Watch the keynote exclusively on Red Hat TV.\n\nThe history of the IT industry has always been fueled by the endless possibilities of innovation, and now it is AI’s turn to set the pace. Who will be its greatest ally? There is only one answer: open source.\n\nOur speakers took us through how open source has facilitated the adoption of emerging technologies and helped change the pace, not only of the industry but also of society. It is in collaboration with artificial intelligence that companies have the opportunity to make a major technological leap toward a more agile and secure future.","duration":4354346,"id":"6366073098112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Using cloud technology to drive financial inclusion.","tags":["ai","red_hat_summit","events","customer_success","cloud","financial_services"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001exozAAA","pretitle":"Red Hat Summit channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_name":"Gilson Magalhães","speaker_1_title":"General Manager & VP Latin America, Red Hat","speaker_2_name":"José Quinto","speaker_2_title":"CIO, Banco da Amazônia"},"name":"Red Hat Summit: Connect São Paulo 2024 | Innovators on the line | Banco da Amazônia","reference_id":null,"long_description":"With Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, Banco da Amazônia developed BASA Digital, a digital platform that drastically optimized the credit approval process, making it automated, agile, and accessible to rural producers in remote areas.\n\nThe bank was able to reduce the response time for operations, cutting it down from 120 days to just 2 days. Gilson Magalhães, General Manager & VP Latin America at Red Hat, spoke at the Red Hat Summit: Connect São Paulo with José Quinto, CIO of Banco da Amazônia.\n\nDiscover the story of a bank that embraced automation to meet the needs of millions of people.","duration":2021013,"id":"6365869778112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"SulAmérica in transformation with Red Hat OpenShift on Google Cloud Platform.","tags":["ai","red_hat_summit","events","red_hat_openshift","customer_success","cloud"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001exopAAA","pretitle":"Red Hat Summit channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_name":"Rebeca Cicarelli","speaker_1_title":"Sales Director, Enterprise, Red Hat Brazil","speaker_2_name":"Milena Leal","speaker_2_title":"Director of Strategic Accounts, Google","speaker_3_name":"Agner Munhoz","speaker_3_title":"Systems Support Consultant, SulAmérica","speaker_4_name":"Marcos Paulo","speaker_4_title":"IT Infrastructure Manager, SulAmérica"},"name":"Red Hat Summit: Connect São Paulo 2024 | Innovators on the line | SulAmérica","reference_id":null,"long_description":"In its constant pursuit of evolution and within a competitive market, SulAmérica identified the need to provide more resilient systems to deliver better service to its customers in the cloud. After 128 years in the market and with more than 7 million users, the company knew they needed systems that could respond effectively.\n\nRed Hat OpenShift became the gateway to optimal service for modernizing applications. Following its success, the next logical step for SulAmérica was to invest in OpenShift Dedicated alongside Google Cloud.\n\nListen to Rebeca Cicarelli, Sales Director, Enterprise at Red Hat Brazil, Milena Leal, Director of Strategic Accounts at Google, Agener Munhoz, SulAmérica System Support Consultant, and Marcos Paulo, SulAmérica IT Infrastructure Manager, and discover how the company managed to provide a superior user experience.\n\nWatch the presentation from Red Hat Summit: Connect São Paulo exclusively on Red Hat TV.","duration":632000,"id":"6365870847112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Insightful customers: Unlocking the potential of AI","tags":["ai","cloud","red_hat_summit","events","insurance","customer_success","machine_learning_(ml)"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001exRlAAI","pretitle":"Red Hat Summit channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_name":"Andrés Valle","speaker_1_title":"Head of Software Engineering and Innovation, La Segunda"},"name":"Red Hat Summit: Connect Buenos Aires 2024 | Innovators on the line | La Segunda","reference_id":null,"long_description":"From time to time, a business need can turn into an innovation opportunity. This was the case for La Segunda, an insurance company from Argentina, which presented at Red Hat Summit: Connect Buenos Aires. Watch the video exclusively on Red Hat TV.\n\nThrough open source, they found the path to achieve their goal of becoming one of the leading insurance companies in the country. Faced with the need to handle a large workload, Red Hat OpenShift AI proved to be the platform that met their expectations and solidified what had previously been a theoretical concept.\n\nThe automation of the claims registration process for traffic accidents served as confirmation of the potential that artificial intelligence technologies can bring to everyday work. What they achieved was the ability to respond with a larger volume of data, more precise, and more efficiently. Discover La Segunda's story from the perspective of its protagonists.","duration":980715,"id":"6365865041112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"OpenShift Virtualization: Flexibility and efficiency for modern environments","tags":["ai","cloud","red_hat_summit","events","red_hat_openshift","red_hat_virtualization","customer_success"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001exoQAAQ","pretitle":"Red Hat Summit channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_name":"Rodrigo Canhissare","speaker_1_title":"Head Commercial Solution Architects, Red Hat","speaker_2_name":"Leonardo Piva","speaker_2_title":"Cloud Director, TIVIT"},"name":"Red Hat Summit: Connect São Paulo 2024 | Innovators on the line | TIVIT","reference_id":null,"long_description":"TIVIT, a digital solutions company in Brazil, embarked on a technological and cultural transformation journey to adopt Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization. Rodrigo Canhissare, Head of Commercial Solution Architecture at Red Hat, and Leonardo Piva, Cloud Director at TIVIT, took the stage at the Red Hat Summit: Connect São Paulo to discuss their experience.\n\nWhat started as a technology migration process, quickly evolved into a cultural learning journey. Training sessions and direct engagement with Red Hat experts played a key role in making the process more accessible, allowing for a more organic adoption.","duration":1782080,"id":"6365870258112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Vibra & ROSA: A journey of modernizing applications for the Cloud","tags":["ai","red_hat_summit","events","customer_success","cloud_services","red_hat_application_services","red_hat_openshift_service_on_aws"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001exofAAA","pretitle":"Red Hat Summit channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_name":"Eduardo Shimizu","speaker_1_title":"Director of partner ecosystems, Red Hat Brazil","speaker_2_name":"Carlos Levy","speaker_2_title":"AWS Sales Director","speaker_3_name":"Fábio Silva","speaker_3_title":"IT, Logistics and Automation Manager, Vibra"},"name":"Red Hat Summit: Connect São Paulo 2024 | Innovators on the line | VIBRA","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Vibra's priority has always been the user experience. To achieve this, the company needed a platform that could ensure an agile response. That's when the Brazilian energy company saw Red Hat OpenShift on AWS as the ideal solution for its needs.\n\nAt the Red Hat Summit: Connect São Paulo, Eduardo Shimizu, Director of Partner Ecosystems at Red Hat Brazil, took the stage with Carlos Levy, AWS Sales Director, and Fábio Silva, IT, Logistics & Automation Manager at Vibra. During the session, the synergy between the partners and the client was reflected in a story of collaborative work and technological challenges aimed at modernizing applications.\n\nThe most important takeaway? Understanding the offering of Red Hat OpenShift on AWS and fully leveraging its potential.","duration":692075,"id":"6365870074112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Discover AGESIC's story and how artificial intelligence enabled them to evolve their AI and data strategy.","tags":["ai","red_hat_summit","events","red_hat_openshift","machine_learning_(ml)","government","customer_success"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001exRvAAI","pretitle":"Red Hat Summit channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_name":"Maximiliano Maneiro","speaker_1_title":"Deputy Director of the Information Technology Department, AGESIC","speaker_2_name":"Victoria Martinez","speaker_2_title":"Head of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Development, Red Hat Latin America"},"name":"Red Hat Summit: Connect Buenos Aires 2024 | Innovators on the line | AGESIC","reference_id":null,"long_description":"AGESIC, the Agency for Electronic Government and the Information Society of Uruguay, has become a leader in digital transformation with a focus on artificial intelligence strategy. The agency responded to the Country's need for simpler and more effective processes through the adoption of Red Hat OpenShift AI.\n\nDuring Red Hat Summit: Connect Buenos Aires, Victoria Martinez, Head of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Development at Red Hat Latin America, and Maximiliano Maneiro, Deputy Director of the Information Technology Department at AGESIC, discussed the impact of artificial intelligence on the digitalization of public documents as well as the digital transformation of the Uruguayan government. Discover AGESIC's story and how artificial intelligence enabled them to evolve their AI and data strategy.","duration":1470272,"id":"6365865235112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"AI and its maximum potential with the open hybrid cloud: The future of AI is open","tags":["ai","open_source","red_hat_summit","events","open_hybrid_cloud","automation","cloud_services","app_dev_(application_development)","infrastructure","edge","machine_learning_(ml)"],"custom_fields":{"live_interactivity_event_id":"6759c779b2cbcbace8594409","offer_id":"7016e000001exRgAAI","pretitle":"Red Hat Summit channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_name":"Jorge Payró","speaker_1_title":"Country Manager, Red Hat Argentina","speaker_2_name":"Thiago Araki","speaker_2_title":"Senior Director, Tech Sales, Red Hat Latin America","speaker_3_name":"Victoria Martinez","speaker_3_title":"Head of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Development, Red Hat Latin America","speaker_4_name":"Carlos Estay","speaker_4_title":"Associate Principal AI Specialist Solution Architect, Red Hat Latin America","speaker_5_name":"Andrea Castellanos","speaker_5_title":"Manager, Account Solution Architect, Red Hat Latin America","speaker_6_name":"Andrea Cavallari","speaker_6_title":"Director, Services Practices, Red Hat Latin America"},"name":"Red Hat Summit: Connect Buenos Aires 2024 | Opening and Tech Keynote","reference_id":null,"long_description":"Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence: the Future and the Present. These concepts merged on stage at Red Hat Summit: Connect Buenos Aires. Enjoy the full session exclusively available on Red Hat TV.\n\nThe history of the IT industry has always been fueled by the endless possibilities of innovation, and now it is AI’s turn to set the pace. Who will be its greatest ally? There is only one answer: open source.\nOur speakers took us through how open source has facilitated the adoption of emerging technologies and helped change the pace, not only of the industry but also of society. It is in collaboration with artificial intelligence that companies have the opportunity to make a major technological leap toward a more agile and secure future. ","duration":5249600,"id":"6365864848112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Accelerating the growth of Solar - Coca Cola, with Azure Red Hat OpenShift","tags":["ai","red_hat_summit","events","customer_success","red_hat_openshift","microsoft_azure_red_hat_openshift"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7016e000001exoVAAQ","pretitle":"Red Hat Summit channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_name":"Paulo Ceschin","speaker_1_title":"Sales Director, Commercial, Red Hat Brazil","speaker_2_name":"Stéfany Mazon","speaker_2_title":"Azure Solution Sales Director, Microsoft","speaker_3_name":"Marcio Maia","speaker_3_title":"Head of Software Engineering, Solar"},"name":"Red Hat Summit: Connect São Paulo 2024 | Innovators on the line | SOLAR","reference_id":null,"long_description":"No one innovates alone. \n\nSolar is the largest manufacturer and distributor of Coca-Cola in Brazil. They knew that data alone was not enough to execute ideas and strategies. That's when the partnership between Red Hat and Microsoft came into play. With the support of Red Hat OpenShift On Premise and Microsoft Azure's Cloud, Solar was able to think beyond the application and meet the high demands required by the business.\n\nPaulo Ceschin, Sales Director at Red Hat, welcomed Stéfany Mazon, Azure Solution Sales Director at Microsoft, and Marcio Maia, Head of Software Engineering at Solar, to the stage at Red Hat Summit: Connect São Paulo. Together, they revisited the beginnings of a relationship built on a passion for transformation and the potential to innovate as a team.","duration":814208,"id":"6365870160112","link":null},{"poster":"","thumbnail":"","description":"Thanks to a new native integration between Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform and BigPanda, IT operations (ITOps) teams have the tools they need to streamline their automation journey.","tags":["red_hat_ansible_automation_platform","automation_&_management","management","automation"],"custom_fields":{"offer_id":"7015Y000003seYIQAY","pretitle":"Automation channel","production_year":"2024","speaker_1_bio":"Blair Sibille has more than 20 years of IT experience along with more than 10 years background in managing pre-and post-sales support while leading artificial intelligence operations ( AIOps), observability, event-driven IT process automation, robotic process automation, Large Language Model Initiatives and cognitive automation solutioning initiatives in diverse hybrid architectures. Today Blair builds and empowers clients through BigPanda’s AIOps capabilities as Field CTO. His focus is to advance IT insights through automation and flawless integrations with IT service management software ( ITSM), configuration management database (CMDB) topology, and event management systems. He also works closely with analyst relations, product marketing, and product departments to shape our message and evaluate new technologies to redefine what AIOps is capable of achieving by using BigPanda.","speaker_1_name":"Blair Sibile","speaker_1_title":"Field CTO, BigPanda","speaker_2_bio":"Joe Pisciotta is the Product Manager for event-driven automation solutions from Red Hat. He has a comprehensive background in architecting and delivering IT solutions for his customers. Joe previously worked in Red Hat® consulting services where he worked with clients (primarily large financial customers) to build advanced automation and container platform solutions, including event-driven approaches to IT automation.","speaker_2_name":"Joseph Pisciotta","speaker_2_title":"Product Manager, Red Hat"},"name":"From observability to action with Event-Driven Ansible and BigPanda","reference_id":null,"long_description":"It has been suggested by BigPanda that automating incident response is a formidable hurdle for IT Operations. Resource limitations, lack of an understanding of the root cause of the issue, and not having a flexible automation solution are among the inhibitors. Thanks to a new native integration between Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform and BigPanda, along with Red Hat Certified Content Collections in the Ansible automation hub, IT operations (ITOps) teams have the tools they need to streamline their automation journey. This security-focused and user-friendly framework accelerates and automates incident response activities, improving mean-time-to-resolution (MTTR). \n\nIn this episode, we’ll cover:\n- How ITOps can use BigPanda and Event-Driven Ansible to create a full response to:\n- BigPanda analytics and insights to identify prime automation opportunities.\n- Ways to resolve alerts and incidents, update incident tags, and add comments to remediated incidents using BigPanda and Ansible Automation Platform with Event-Driven Ansible.\n- Big Panda’s unified analytics to showcase the effectiveness of automation initiatives so you can further expand automated responses.","duration":2761350,"id":"6365958942112","link":null}],"ad 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