Browse subject: Kabardian language -- Grammar | The Online Books Page

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vertical-align:top"> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Kabardian%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Kabardian language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>A Grammar of the Kabardian Language</cite> (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, c1992)</a>, by John Colarusso (PDF files at University of Calgary)</li></ul> <!-- we ended with max 49 --> <p><b>Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.</b></p> <!-- calling substitute with 0 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 0 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 0 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 0 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 2 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 2 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 2 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 2 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 2 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 2 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 3 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 3 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 2 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 2 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 2 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 2 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 0 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 0 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 0 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 0 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 0 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 0 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 2 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 2 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 2 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 2 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 2 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 2 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 2 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 2 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 3 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 3 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 3 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 3 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Grammar%20%2d%2d%20Early%20works%20to%201800">Grammar -- Early works to 1800</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica ex Hickesiano Linguarum Septentrionalium Thesauro Excerpta</cite> (in Latin; Oxford, UK: E theatro Sheldoniano, 1711), by George Hickes, ed. by Edward Thwaites<ul><li> <a href="">multiple formats at</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust</a></li></ul></li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 0 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 0 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 0 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 0 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 4 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 4 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Grammar%2c%20Comparative%20and%20general">Grammar, Comparative and general</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Outline of Linguistic Analysis</cite> (Baltimore: Linguistic Society of America, 1942)</a>, by Bernard Bloch and George L. Trager (page images at HathiTrust)</li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Die Haupttypen des Sprachbaus</cite> (in German; Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1910)</a>, by Franz Nikolaus Finck (page images at HathiTrust)</li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>An Introduction to the Study of Language</cite> (London: G. Bell and Sons; New York: H. Holt and Co., 1914)</a>, by Leonard Bloomfield (page images at Google; US access only)</li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=";mediaType=application/pdf&amp;usg=AFQjCNFwruiseuxeNqOj7oCd-IcixnfoIA"><cite>Linguistic Individuals</cite></a>, by Almerindo E. Ojeda (PDF at Stanford)</li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Ainu%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Ainu language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary (Including a Grammar of the Ainu Language)</cite> (second edition; Tokyo: Methodist Pub. House; London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, Co., 1905), by John Batchelor<ul><li> <a href="">multiple formats at</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust; US access only</a></li></ul></li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Albanian%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Albanian language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Albanische Grammatik (Nordalbanische Mundart)</cite> (in German; Sarajevo: J. Studni&ccaron;ka, 1913)</a>, by Karl Steinmetz (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)</li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Algonquin%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Algonquin language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Notes on Forty Algonkin Versions of the Lord's Prayer</cite> (1873)</a>, by J. Hammond Trumbull (multiple formats at</li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 4 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 4 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Arabic%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Arabic language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>Arabic Grammar of the Written Language</cite> (second edition; Heidelberg: J. Groos; et al., 1922), by Ernst Harder, trans. by G. W. Thatcher<ul><li> <a href="">multiple formats at</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust; US access only</a></li></ul></li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>Grammatik des Tunisischen Arabisch, Nebst Glossar</cite> (in German; Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1896), by Hans Stumme<ul><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust</a></li><li> <a href="">page images in Germany</a></li></ul></li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>Handbuch des Schilhischen von Tazerwalt: Grammatik; Lesest&uuml;cke; Gespr&auml;che; Glossar</cite> (in German; Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1899), by Hans Stumme<ul><li> <a href="">page images at Gallica</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust</a></li></ul></li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>Saudi Arabic, Urban Hijazi Dialect: Basic Course</cite> (1975; with other materials), by Margaret K. Nydell<ul><li> <a href="">PDF (with new cover) and MP3 files at</a></li><li> <a href="">original printed portion only: page images at HathiTrust</a></li></ul></li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 0 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 0 works --> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Armenian%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Armenian language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Talim-i Lisan-i Ermeni</cite> (in Armenian and Turkish, with Arabic script; Istanbul: K. Bagdadliyan Matbaasi, 1891)</a>, by T'ovmas T'erzyan (page images at HathiTrust)</li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Avestan%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Avestan language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>An Avesta Grammar in Comparison with Sanskrit; and The Avestan Alphabet and its Transcription</cite> (worked originally published in 1892 and 1890; reprinted New York: AMS Press, 1975)</a>, by A. V. Williams Jackson (page images at HathiTrust)</li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Aymara%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Aymara language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>The Aymara Language in its Social and Cultural Context</cite> (Gainesville: University Presses of Florida, c1981)</a>, ed. by Martha James Hardman (page images at Florida)</li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 2 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 2 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Bantu%20languages%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Bantu languages -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>A Comparative Grammar of the South African Bantu Languages: Comprising Those of Zanzibar, Mozambique, the Zambesi, Kafirland, Benguela, Angola, the Congo, the Ogowe, the Cameroons, the Lake Region, Etc.</cite> (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Tr&uuml;bner and Co., 1891)</a>, by J. Torrend (multiple formats at</li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>Comparative Handbook of Congo Languages</cite> (1903), by Walter Henry Stapleton<ul><li> <a href="">page images at Google; US access only</a></li><li> <a href="">multiple formats at</a></li></ul></li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Bare%26euml%3b%20dialect%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Bare&euml; dialect -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Se'imo Soera Ndapangedja Pai Ndapebasa</cite> (fourth edition, in Bare&euml;, with an added Dutch title page; Leiden: P. J. Mulder and Co., 1918)</a>, by N. Adriani (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)</li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 2 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 2 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Barngarla%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Barngarla language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Clamor Sch&uuml;rmann's Barngarla Grammar: A Commentary on the First Section of A Vocabulary of the Parnkalla Language</cite> (revised edition; Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press, c2018)</a>, by Mark Clendon (PDF with commentary at Adelaide)</li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>A Vocabulary of the Parnkalla Language, Spoken by the Natives Inhabiting the Western Shores of Spencer's Gulf; To Which is Prefixed a Collection of Grammatical Rules, Hitherto Ascertained</cite> (Adelaide: G. Dehane, 1844)</a>, by C. W. Sch&uuml;rmann (PDF at Adelaide)</li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Berber%20languages%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Berber languages -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>&Eacute;tude sur le Dialecte Berb&egrave;re du Chenoua Compar&eacute; avec Ceux des Beni-Menacer et des Beni-Salah</cite> (in French; Paris: E. Leroux, 1912), by E. Laoust<ul><li> <a href="">multiple formats at Google; US access only</a></li><li> <a href="">multiple formats at</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust; US access only</a></li></ul></li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 2 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 2 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Bikol%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Bikol language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>Bikol Grammar Notes</cite> (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, c1971), by Malcolm Warren Mintz<ul><li> <a href="">PDF and EPub at Hawaii</a></li><li> <a href="">HTML at Project MUSE</a></li></ul></li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>Bikol Text</cite> (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, c1971), by Malcolm Warren Mintz<ul><li> <a href="">PDF and Epub at Hawaii</a></li><li> <a href="">HTML at Project MUSE</a></li></ul></li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Burmese%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Burmese language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>Burmese Self-Taught (in Burmese and Roman Characters), With Phonetic Pronunciation (Trimm's System)</cite> (London: E. Marlborough and Co., 1911), by R. F. St. Andrew St. John<ul><li> <a href="">multiple formats at</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust</a></li></ul></li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Cebuano%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Cebuano language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Cebuano Grammar Notes</cite> (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1971)</a>, by Maria Victoria R. Bunye and Elsa Paula Yap (PDF and Epub at Hawaii)</li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 2 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 2 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Chamorro%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Chamorro language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>The Chamorro Language of Guam: A Grammar of the Idiom Spoken by the Inhabitants of the Marianne or Ladrones, Islands</cite> (ca.1909)</a>, by William Edwin Safford (page images at</li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>Dictionary and Grammar of the Chamorro Language of the Island of Guam</cite> (Washington: GPO, 1918), by Edward Ritter von Preissig<ul><li> <a href="">multiple formats at</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at</a></li></ul></li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Chimariko%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Chimariko language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Chimariko Grammar: Areal and Typological Perspective</cite> (Berkeley: University of California Press, c2009)</a>, by Carmen Jany (Javascript-dependent page images at UC Press)</li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Chinese%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Chinese language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Kuoy&uuml; Primer: Progressive Studies in the Chinese National Language</cite> (Shanghai: China Inland Mission, 1938)</a>, by R. H. Mathews, contrib. by F. W. Baller (page images at HathiTrust)</li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Chinook%20Wawa%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Chinook Wawa language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Chinook Jargon: The Hidden Language of the Pacific Northwest</cite> (2004)</a>, by Jim Holton (PDF files at</li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Cornish%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Cornish language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>Sketch of Cornish Grammar</cite> (Oxford: At the University Press, 1859), by Edwin Norris<ul><li> <a href="">multiple formats at</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust</a></li></ul></li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Cree%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Cree language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>A Lecture on the Grammatical Construction of the Cree Language</cite> (London: Printed for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1875)</a>, by James Hunter (multiple formats at</li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 1 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 1 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Egyptian%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Egyptian language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>First Steps in Egyptian: A Book for Beginners</cite> (London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1895)</a>, by E. A. Wallis Budge (page images at HathiTrust)</li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 13 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 13 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=English%20language%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">English language -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>English Pattern Practices: Establishing the Patterns as Habits</cite> (revised edition of part of "An Intensive Course in English"; Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1958)</a>, by University of Michigan English Language Institute, contrib. by Robert Lado and Charles C. Fries (page images at HathiTrust)</li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>An Analytic and Practical Grammar of the English Language</cite> (Raleigh, NC: N. C. Christian Advocate Pub. Co., 1864), by Peter Bullions and B. Craven<ul><li> <a href="">multiple formats at</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust</a></li></ul></li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>An Analytical, Illustrative, And Constructive Grammar of the English Language</cite> (third edition; Raleigh, NC: W. L. Pomeroy, 1862), by Brantley York<ul><li> <a href="">multiple formats at</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust</a></li></ul></li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>First Lessons in Composition</cite> (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1870), by G. P. Quackenbos<ul><li> <a href="">multiple formats at</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust</a></li></ul></li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>A Grammar of the English Language</cite> (Philadelphia: Sower, Barnes and Potts, 1866), by William Fewsmith and Edgar A. Singer<ul><li> <a href="">multiple formats at</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust</a></li></ul></li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Higher Lessons in English: A Work on English Grammar and Composition</cite> (revised edition, 1896)</a>, by Alonzo Reed and Brainerd Kellogg (Gutenberg text)</li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>Mary's Grammar: Interspersed With Stories, and Intended for the Use of Children</cite> (London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1835), by Mrs. Marcet<ul><li> <a href="">multiple formats at Google</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust</a></li></ul></li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>An Outline of English Speech-Craft</cite> (London: C. Kegan Paul and Co., 1878)</a>, by William Barnes (Gutenberg text)</li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>Pinneo's Analytical Grammar of the English Language, Designed for Schools</cite> (revised and enlarged; New York: Clark, Austin, and Smith; Cincinnati: W. B. Smith and Co., c1850), by T. S. Pinneo<ul><li> <a href="">multiple formats at Google</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust</a></li></ul></li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>A Practical Grammar: In Which Words, Phrases, and Sentences Are Classified According to Their Offices, and Their Various Relations to One Another Illustrated by a Complete System of Diagrams</cite> (revised edition; New York: A. S. Barnes and Co.; et al., 1863)</a>, by S. W. Clark (multiple formats at Google)</li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>A Practical Grammar: In Which Words, Phrases, and Sentences Are Classified According to Their Offices, and Their Various Relations to One Another Illustrated by a Complete System of Diagrams</cite> (40th edition, revised; New York: A. S. Barnes and Co., 1868)</a>, by S. W. Clark (page images at HathiTrust)</li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Self-Aids in the Essentials of Grammatical Usage</cite> (revised edition; Washington: Educational and Personnel Pub. Co., c1927)</a>, by L. J. O'Rourke (page images at HathiTrust)</li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>First Book in Composition, Applying the Principles of Grammar to the Art of Composing: Also, Giving Full Directions for Punctuation; Especially Designed for the Use of Southern Schools</cite> (Raleigh: Branson, Farrar and Co., 1863), by L. Branson<ul><li> <a href="">HTML and TEI at UNC</a></li><li> <a href="">multiple formats at</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust</a></li></ul></li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 3 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 3 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Eskimo%20languages%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Eskimo languages -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>Eskimo Grammar</cite> (typescript, ca. 1919), by E. J. Peck<ul><li> <a href="">HTML with commentary at</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust</a></li></ul></li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Grammatica Gr&ouml;nlandica</cite> (in Latin, with a new English translation by the editor)</a>, by Poul Hansen Egede, ed. by Louise Hope (HTML at</li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Grammatica Gr&ouml;nlandica Danico-Latina</cite> (in Danish and Latin; 1760)</a>, by Poul Hansen Egede (multiple formats at</li></ul> <!-- calling substitute with 4 works --> <!-- substitute returned with 4 works --> <b>Filed under: <a href=";key=Esperanto%20%2d%2d%20Grammar">Esperanto -- Grammar</a></b><ul class="nodot"><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>A Complete Grammar of Esperanto, the International Language</cite> (New York and Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, c1910)</a>, by Ivy Kellerman Reed (Gutenberg text)</li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>Esperanto (The Universal Language): The Student's Complete Text Book</cite> (New York et al.: F. H. Revell Co., c1903)</a>, ed. by J. C. O'Connor, contrib. by L. L. Zamenhof (multiple formats at</li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <cite>The Standard Course of Esperanto: Being the "Popular Educator" Lessons, Based on Dr. Zamenhof's "Ekzercaro", With Notes and Additions</cite> (London et al.: Cassell and Co., 1907), by George W. Bullen, contrib. by L. L. Zamenhof<ul><li> <a href="">multiple formats at</a></li><li> <a href="">page images at HathiTrust; US access only</a></li></ul></li><li><a href=""><img class="info" src="" alt="[Info]" /></a> <a href=""><cite>International Language, Past Present and Future; With Specimens of Esperanto and Grammar</cite> (London: J. M. Dent and Co., 1907)</a>, by Walter John Clark (multiple formats at</li></ul><p><b>More items available under broader and related terms at left.</b></p></td></tr></table> <p style="text-align:center"><a href="">Help with reading books</a> -- <a href="">Report a bad link</a> -- <a href="">Suggest a new listing</a></p> <p style="text-align:center"><a href="">Home</a> -- <a href="">Search</a> -- <a href="">New Listings</a> -- <a href="">Authors</a> -- <a href="">Titles</a> -- <a href="">Subjects</a> -- <a href="">Serials</a></p> <p style="text-align:center"> <a href="">Books</a> -- <a href="">News</a> -- <a href="">Features</a> -- <a href="">Archives</a> -- <a href="">The Inside Story</a></p> <p style="text-align:center"><i>Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (onlinebook&#115;@&#112;<br><a href="">OBP copyrights and licenses</a>.</i></p></body></html>

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