The Best New True Crime Podcast Right Now - June 2024 -

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June 2024</h1><div class="entry-meta"> <span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2024-07-16T11:00:05+00:00">July 16, 2024</time><time class="updated" datetime="2024-07-22T07:27:43+00:00">July 22, 2024</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">Castbox</a></span></span></div> </header> --><div class="entry-content"><style>.blog_header { display: none; } .blog-container { display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 36px; align-items: center; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-style: normal; font-variation-settings: "slnt" 0; } .blog-container * { box-sizing: border-box; } .blog-container body, .blog-container html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } .blog-container .content { width: 1200px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } .blog-container .left { width: 800px; } .blog-container .head { width: 100vw; display: flex; color: #fff; background-color: #1d1d1d; padding: 50px 30px 64px; 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} });</script></p><div class="head"><h1 class="blog-title">The Best New True Crime Podcast Right Now &#8211; June 2024</h1><p><img class="cover" src="" /></p></div><div class="content"><div class="left"><p class="introduction">Dive into the dark side of human nature with this blog exploring the captivating world of true crime podcasts. From the chilling murders of Dartmouth professors to the shocking deception of a 9/11 survivor, each episode unravels a gripping story, revealing the complexities of crime, justice, and the human psyche. Join us as we delve into the details of these captivating cases, exploring the motivations behind the crimes, the investigative journeys, and the lasting impact on those involved. Get ready to be captivated by these true crime tales and gain a deeper understanding of the dark side of humanity. Listen now and discover the stories that will keep you hooked!</p><h2 class="sub-title">The 10 Best True Crime episodes</h2> <section class="ep-list"><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-1 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1139548-id708607747'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-1 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1139548-id708607747'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-1" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Case 287: Half &amp; Susanne Zantop</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src="" /></p><p class="summmary">On January 27, 2001, Hoff and Susanna Zantop, Dartmouth professors, were brutally murdered in their home by two teenage boys, Robert Tullik and James Parker, who had planned the crime to get money for a trip to Australia.</p><p class="summary">This episode of Casefile tells the story of the brutal murders of Hoff and Susanna Zantop, Dartmouth professors, in their home on January 27, 2001. The couple was found by their friend Roxana Verona, who had arrived for dinner. The scene was gruesome, with both victims covered in blood and multiple stab wounds. The investigation led to two teenage boys, Robert Tullik and James Parker, who had purchased knives matching the sheaths found at the crime scene. The teenagers initially denied involvement, but their fingerprints were found on the sheaths. They fled their homes, but were eventually apprehended after a cross-country chase. During their interrogation, Robert admitted to the murders, stating that he had wanted to &#8220;get a few under his belt&#8221; and that the Xantops were chosen randomly. Jim Parker pleaded guilty to being an accomplice to second-degree murder and was sentenced to 25 years to life. Robert Tullik pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree murder and was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. The case highlights the shocking and senseless nature of the crime, as well as the complex motivations of the perpetrators.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-2 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1139548-id706639607'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-2 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1139548-id706639607'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-2" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Case 286: The Survivors&#8217; Network</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src="" /></p><p class="summmary">This episode tells the story of Tanya Head, a woman who claimed to be a survivor of the 9/11 attacks, but was later exposed as a fraud who fabricated her story for attention and sympathy, and the impact her deception had on the survivor community.</p><p class="summary">This episode recounts the story of Tanya Head, a woman who falsely claimed to be a survivor of the 9/11 attacks. Initially, her tale garnered empathy and support from other survivors, who admired her resilience and dedication to helping others. Tanya became a leading figure in the World Trade Center Survivors Network, organizing events, leading tours, and advocating for survivors&#8217; needs. However, inconsistencies in her story eventually surfaced, prompting journalist David Dunlap to investigate. His findings revealed that Tanya&#8217;s entire narrative was a fabrication, including her claim of being engaged to a man who perished in the North Tower. This revelation shocked and angered many survivors who had been profoundly impacted by her deceit.The episode delves into the repercussions of Tanya&#8217;s fraud on the survivor community, the media&#8217;s role in spreading her story, and the enduring strength of human resilience in the face of tragedy. It highlights the aftermath of her deception being exposed, with filmmaker Angelo Guglielmo sharing his experience of confronting Tanya. He describes her reaction and his own feelings of sadness and sorrow. The discussion also touches on potential reasons behind Tanya&#8217;s actions, such as pseudologia fantastica, a rare condition where individuals create elaborate lies for attention and sympathy. The episode concludes by examining the lasting impact of Tanya&#8217;s deceit on the survivor community, noting how her actions fueled distrust and ultimately led to the dissolution of the World Trade Center Survivors Network.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-3 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1139548-id712568686'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-3 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1139548-id712568686'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-3" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Case 289: Stephen &amp; Carol Baxter</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src="" /></p><p class="summmary">The podcast &#8220;Troubled Waters&#8221; investigates the mysterious deaths of Carol and Stephen Baxter, a wealthy couple found dead in their home, revealing a shocking truth about their relationship with a seemingly harmless IT consultant, Luke DeWitt, who manipulated and poisoned Carol for years.</p><p class="summary">The podcast &#8220;Troubled Waters&#8221; delves into the perplexing deaths of Carol and Stephen Baxter, a seemingly happy couple found unresponsive in their reclining chairs. Initially, the cause of death was unclear, with no signs of injury or foul play. However, post-mortem blood tests revealed a shocking truth: both Stephen and Carol had died of a fentanyl overdose. The investigation then shifted towards a more sinister scenario, focusing on the couple&#8217;s relationship with Luke DeWitt, a seemingly harmless IT consultant who had become deeply involved in their lives. Luke had been manipulating Carol for years, creating multiple online personas, including a renowned endocrinologist named Dr. Andrea Bowden, to exert control over her health and isolate her from her family and support network. Luke&#8217;s elaborate web of lies extended beyond online personas, as he had also stolen items from Carol and fabricated a bone marrow cancer diagnosis to gain sympathy and trust. Through a meticulous analysis of Luke&#8217;s electronic devices, investigators uncovered a chilling pattern of manipulation and abuse. Luke had been spiking Carol&#8217;s health tonics with Promethazine, causing her to suffer a slow and agonizing decline. He had also fed her a capsule containing a metal nail, which was later found in her colon. The investigation revealed that Luke had poisoned both Stephen and Carol with fentanyl, likely by slipping the drug into their health tonics. He had also set up a camera in their conservatory and watched them die in real time on his phone. Luke&#8217;s motive was financial gain, as he stood to inherit Kaz Splash, the couple&#8217;s struggling business. He was ultimately found guilty of their murders and sentenced to life imprisonment. The podcast highlights the dangers of manipulation and the importance of being aware of the signs of abuse, even from those who appear to be trustworthy.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-4 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1139548-id710624791'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-4 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1139548-id710624791'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-4" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Case 288: Mark Van Dongen</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src="" /></p><p class="summmary">Mark Van Dongen, a civil engineer, was horrifically disfigured and paralyzed after his ex-girlfriend, Bellina Wallace, threw sulfuric acid on him, leading to his eventual death by euthanasia, while Wallace was convicted of throwing a corrosive substance with intent but acquitted of murder.</p><p class="summary">This episode of Casefile tells the story of Mark Van Dongen, a civil engineer who was attacked with sulfuric acid by his ex-girlfriend, Bellina Wallace. The attack left Mark with severe burns, blindness, and paralysis, leading him to seek euthanasia. The episode details the events leading up to the attack, including Mark&#8217;s relationship with Bellina, her controlling and violent behavior, and her attempts to blackmail him. It also describes the aftermath of the attack, including Mark&#8217;s struggle with pain and his decision to end his life. The episode concludes with the trial of Bellina Wallace, who was found guilty of throwing a corrosive substance with intent but acquitted of murder. The episode highlights the devastating consequences of acid attacks and the need for stricter regulations on the sale of corrosive substances.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-5 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id4725120-id707112060'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-5 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id4725120-id707112060'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-5" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">MISSING: From a Bus Stop</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src="" /></p><p class="summmary">This episode of Crime Junkies explores the unsolved disappearances of Annette Malinowski, Corey Malinowski, Medellina Kojakari, Tabitha Tudors, and Zeta Cecilia Gutierrez, all of whom vanished near bus stops, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and suspicious circumstances, and encourages listeners to contact the authorities with any information regarding these cases.</p><p class="summary">This episode of Crime Junkies delves into the chilling disappearances of Annette Malinowski and her mother, Corey Malinowski, from a sprawling plantation in South Carolina. Annette, an 11-year-old girl, vanished near the bus stop at the end of their long driveway, leaving behind a note seemingly written in her handwriting. Corey, Annette&#8217;s mother, had disappeared nearly a year prior in a similar location, leaving behind a car and a story of a heated argument with Steve Malinowski, Annette&#8217;s stepfather and Corey&#8217;s partner. The episode explores the suspicious circumstances surrounding both disappearances, highlighting the family&#8217;s belief that Steve may be responsible for both Corey and Annette&#8217;s vanishing. The episode then shifts to the case of Medellina Kojakari, an 11-year-old girl from North Carolina, who disappeared in 2022. Medellina&#8217;s mother, Diana Kojakari, waited over three weeks before reporting her daughter missing, and both Diana and Medellina&#8217;s stepfather, Christopher Palmer, were arrested for failing to report the disappearance. The episode explores the conflicting timelines and suspicious behavior of Diana and Christopher, as well as the potential involvement of drug trafficking in Medellina&#8217;s disappearance. The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to contact the authorities with any information regarding these unsolved cases.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-6 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id4725120-id709050893'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-6 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id4725120-id709050893'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-6" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">MURDERED: Devan Duniver</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src="" /></p><p class="summmary">The tragic death of 5-year-old Devon Dunnever in New Philadelphia, Ohio, in 1998, initially led to the wrongful conviction of 12-year-old Anthony Harris, but his conviction was later overturned due to a coerced confession and lack of evidence, leaving the case unsolved.</p><p class="summary">This episode of Crime Junkie delves into the tragic case of 5-year-old Devon Dunnever, who went missing in New Philadelphia, Ohio, in 1998. After an extensive search, her body was found in a wooded area, and the investigation quickly focused on 12-year-old Anthony Harris, who had a minor altercation with Devon weeks prior. Despite his lack of criminal history and his mother&#8217;s presence during questioning, Anthony was pressured into confessing to the murder during an interrogation by Chief Vaughn, who used racial bias and intimidation tactics. Anthony&#8217;s confession was later deemed coerced and inadmissible, leading to his conviction being overturned in 2000. However, the case remains unsolved, with numerous potential suspects and unanswered questions surrounding the circumstances of Devon&#8217;s death. The episode highlights the dangers of coerced confessions, particularly in cases involving vulnerable individuals, and the importance of thorough investigations that consider all potential leads.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-7 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id4725120-id711066396'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-7 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id4725120-id711066396'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-7" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">INFAMOUS: The Bowraville Murders</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src="" /></p><p class="summmary">This episode of Crime Junkie explores the unsolved murders of Colleen, Evelyn, and Clinton in Bauerville, Australia, where police initially dismissed the cases as runaways but eventually focused on James, a man with a history of violence and connections to all three victims.</p><p class="summary">This episode of Crime Junkie delves into the chilling unsolved murders of Colleen, Evelyn, and Clinton in Bauerville, Australia. The story begins with Colleen&#8217;s disappearance in September 1990, where her mother, Muriel, faces skepticism and inaction from the local police. Muriel&#8217;s persistence leads her to uncover details about a party Colleen attended, but the witnesses&#8217; memories are hazy due to alcohol consumption. Just weeks later, Evelyn, Colleen&#8217;s cousin, goes missing under similar circumstances. Despite the proximity of the disappearances and the shared party, police initially fail to connect the cases. The investigation takes a turn when Clinton, a teenager with a close connection to Colleen and Evelyn, disappears. Police focus on James, a man with a history of violence and connections to all three victims. James&#8217;s caravan is searched multiple times, revealing a pillowcase matching one found with Clinton&#8217;s body. James is eventually charged with Clinton&#8217;s murder, but the prosecution faces challenges due to unreliable witnesses and a lack of conclusive evidence. The case is further complicated by the discovery of Evelyn&#8217;s body, leading to James&#8217;s arrest for her murder as well. However, due to legal limitations, the cases are separated, and James is acquitted in Clinton&#8217;s trial. The prosecution declines to pursue charges in Evelyn&#8217;s case, leaving the families of all three victims seeking justice. The episode highlights the systemic racism and police negligence that plagued the investigation, leaving the families with a sense of betrayal and a long road to finding closure.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-8 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id4725120-id713121628'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-8 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id4725120-id713121628'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-8" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">MISSING: Kristen Modafferi</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src="" /></p><p class="summmary">Kristen Modiferry, a bright and adventurous college student, vanished from her Oakland, California, home in 1997, leading to a complex investigation with multiple suspects and theories, but no definitive answers.</p><p class="summary">Kristen Modiferry, a bright and adventurous college student, vanished from her Oakland, California, home in 1997, sparking a complex investigation that spanned years and involved multiple suspects and theories, but ultimately yielded no definitive answers. The case began with Kristen&#8217;s disappearance, leaving her parents, Bob and Debbie, to navigate a frustratingly uncooperative Oakland Police Department. Despite their tireless efforts, including hiring a private investigator, the initial leads were inconclusive. A tip from an anonymous caller led investigators to John Onuma, a man with a history of violence against women, but the evidence against him remained circumstantial. The case took a dramatic turn when a personal ad found in Kristen&#8217;s room, strikingly similar to her interests, raised suspicions about John&#8217;s involvement. A search of John&#8217;s apartment revealed traces of blood, though not human, and a missing diary belonging to his girlfriend, Jill Lampo, further fueled the investigation. Despite the mounting evidence, John was never formally charged with Kristen&#8217;s disappearance. The case continued to unfold with the emergence of other potential suspects, including Robert Durst and Israel Keys, but none were definitively linked to Kristen&#8217;s disappearance. In 2012, a new lead emerged from Jill&#8217;s uncle&#8217;s wife, who received a disturbing phone call from Jill, suggesting she had been involved in a kidnapping and murder with a controlling boyfriend. The wife, unaware of Jill&#8217;s past, connected the dots to Kristen&#8217;s case and shared the information with Dennis Mann, a dedicated volunteer who had been searching for Kristen for years. While the notes were passed along to investigators, there was no official statement or reporting outside of Dennis&#8217;s own publications. The case remains unresolved, with no definitive answers about Kristen&#8217;s fate or the identity of her potential abductor. The investigation has been marked by dead ends, conflicting theories, and a lack of conclusive evidence, leaving Kristen&#8217;s family and the public with more questions than answers.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-9 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1139548-id714917791'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-9 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1139548-id714917791'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-9" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Case 290: The Crawford Family</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src="" /></p><p class="summmary">This episode of Casefile Presents tells the story of the Crawford family murders, where Elma Crawford killed his wife and three children in 1970 and then vanished, leaving behind a meticulously staged crime scene.</p><p class="summary">This episode of Casefile Presents delves into the chilling mystery of the Crawford family murders, a case that has haunted Victoria, Australia, for decades. In July 1970, the bodies of Theresa Crawford and her three children, Catherine, James, and Karen, were found in their car, which had been deliberately pushed off a cliff at Lockhart Gorge. The only missing member of the family was Elma Crawford, Theresa&#8217;s husband. The episode meticulously reconstructs the events leading up to the murders, highlighting the meticulous planning and staging of the crime scene. Elma&#8217;s disappearance sparked a massive manhunt, but despite numerous leads and sightings, he remains elusive. The episode explores the possible motives behind the murders, including Elma&#8217;s potential dissatisfaction with Theresa&#8217;s pregnancy and his history of stealing and selling stolen goods. The episode also delves into the lives of the victims, particularly Theresa, who was found to be three months pregnant at the time of her death. The episode concludes with a reflection on the enduring mystery of Elma Crawford&#8217;s whereabouts and the impact of the tragedy on those who knew the family.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-10 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id3875371-id711382189'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-10 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id3875371-id711382189'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-10" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">The Breakup</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">A seemingly straightforward murder investigation in Palmdale, California, takes a shocking turn when the initial suspect, Lanelle Barsock&#8217;s jealous boyfriend, is cleared, leading detectives to uncover a shocking truth about her friend, Lorraine Austin, who had been impersonating Lanelle and ultimately killed her.</p><p class="summary">The episode of Dateline focuses on the murder of Lanelle Barsock in Palmdale, California. The initial investigation centered around her boyfriend, Louis Bonner, due to his controlling and jealous behavior. However, as detectives delved deeper, they discovered that Louis had an alibi and was not involved in the murder. The investigation then shifted to Lanelle&#8217;s friend, Lorraine Austin, who had been initially helpful but later became a suspect. It was revealed that Lorraine had been impersonating Lanelle while dating other women, and had a secret romantic relationship with Lanelle that ended just days before her murder. Lorraine&#8217;s motive was believed to be revenge for Lanelle ending their relationship. Lorraine was eventually arrested and convicted of Lanelle&#8217;s murder, serving two terms of 25 years to life. The episode highlights the complexities of murder investigations and the importance of thorough investigation, even when initial suspects appear to be the most likely culprits.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div> </section> <section class="qa-list"><div class="title">Q&amp;A</div><div id="nav-11" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What is the main focus of the &#8220;True Crime&#8221; podcast category?</h5><p class="answer">&#8220;True Crime&#8221; podcasts delve into real-life criminal cases, exploring the details of the crimes, investigations, and the impact on victims and their families.</p></div><div id="nav-12" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">In the case of the Zantop murders, what were the motivations of the perpetrators?</h5><p class="answer">Robert Tullik, one of the perpetrators, admitted to wanting to &#8220;get a few under his belt&#8221; and that the Xantops were chosen randomly, suggesting a lack of motive beyond a desire for violence.</p></div><div id="nav-13" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What was the impact of Tanya Head&#8217;s deception on the 9/11 survivor community?</h5><p class="answer">Tanya&#8217;s fraud fueled distrust and ultimately led to the dissolution of the World Trade Center Survivors Network, as her actions undermined the shared experience of the survivors.</p></div><div id="nav-14" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">How did Luke DeWitt manipulate Carol Baxter?</h5><p class="answer">Luke created multiple online personas, including a fake endocrinologist, to exert control over Carol&#8217;s health and isolate her from her family. He also stole items from her and fabricated a bone marrow cancer diagnosis.</p></div><div id="nav-15" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What were the challenges faced by the prosecution in the case of the Bauerville murders?</h5><p class="answer">The prosecution faced challenges due to unreliable witnesses, a lack of conclusive evidence, and the separation of the cases against James, leading to his acquittal in Clinton&#8217;s trial.</p></div> </section> <section class="related-list"><div class="title">Related Blogs</div><div class="related-wrapper"><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#related-blog-1").addEventListener('click', () =>'https:\/\/\/blog\/top-10-true-crime-podcasts')); })</script></p><div id="related-blog-1" class="blog-item"><div class="cover-wrapper"><img src="" /></div><h5 class="title">Top 10 True Crime Podcasts</h5></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#related-blog-2").addEventListener('click', () =>'https:\/\/\/blog\/the-9-best-pokemon-podcasts-to-help-you-catch-em-all')); 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