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<script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var HOMEPAGE_DATA = { "observations": [ { "id": 1942591, "image_url": "", "place_guess": "Thane, India", "user": { "login": "ashutoshshinde", "name": "Ashutosh Shinde", "user_icon_url": "" }, "taxon": { "default_name": { "name": "Mantid" } } }, { "id": 1972181, "image_url": "", "place_guess": "Essex County, Massachusetts, USA", "background_color": "#5D5ACC", "user": { "login": "finatic", "name": "BJ Stacey", "user_icon_url": "" }, "taxon": { "default_name": { "name": "Shark Eye Snail" } } }, { "id": 1853351, "image_url": "", "place_guess": "Sagehen Creek, California, USA", "background_color": "#B72EA7", "user": { "login": "faerthen", "name": "Faerthen Felix", "user_icon_url": "" }, "taxon": { "default_name": { "name": "Western Snakeroot" } } }, { "id": 1970914, "image_url": "", "place_guess": "Anahuac N.W.R., Texas, USA", "background_color": "#E2A203", "user": { "login": "greglasley", "name": "Greg Lasley", "user_icon_url": "" }, "taxon": { "default_name": { "name": "Snowy Egret" } } } ], "testimonials": [ { "body": "I use iNaturalist to share information with other people who are interested in Madagascan plants. It is also an opportunity for me to validate the photos and information recorded during field trips, and to provide information on species distribution for the IUCN Red List assessments.", "name": "Hélène Ralimanana", "role": "Team Manager, Kew Madagascar Conservation Centre", "location": "Madagascar", "image_url": "", "url": "" }, { "body": "No matter where in the world you are, iNaturalist brings people together. Whether you have a PhD or just love the outdoors, iNaturalist will bring you closer to nature and many fellow naturalists. Viva Naturalista!!", "name": "Carlos G. Velazco Macias ", "role": "Biologist", "location": "Mexico", "image_url": "", "url": "" }, { "body": "As a child I was constantly outside searching for bugs and other creatures. Unfortunately that need to explore faded away as I became older. Now that I’ve been hiking more often, iNat has helped bring back that side of myself. I don’t just look at a plant and see a plant. I get close enough to see what could be crawling on that plant, and I want to know everything about it.", "name": "Danielle Doyle", "role": "Actress, Amateur Naturalist", "location": "Oakland, California, USA", "image_url": "", "url": "" } ] } ; //]]> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var STATS_SUMMARY_URL = "" //]]> </script> <script src=""></script> </body> </html>