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Field of view about 4 mm. The Russian mineralogist, Pavel M. Kartashov, that gave me the specimen told me that during the volcanic \" rheniite-eruption\" flakes of rheniite fell like snow and covered the ground. the specimen is in the micromount collection of ot. ljostad. copyright &copy; ot. ljostad"/> <meta property="og:image" content=""/> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="247723315258445"/> </head> <body id="photobody" class="notranslate"> <div id="counter">1/1</div> <div id="photomain"> <a id="photomindatlogo" href="/web/20161026033130/"><img src="/web/20161026033130im_/"></a> <div id="titlebar"><div id="helpbutton">?</div><h2><a href="min-7269.html">Rheniite</a> : <span style="font-size:smaller">ReS<sub>2</sub></span><div class="titleloc"><a href="loc-10264.html">Kudriavy volcano, Iturup Island, Kuril Islands, Sakhalinskaya Oblast', Far-Eastern Region, Russia</a></div></h2> </div> <div id="helpbox"> <h1>How to use the media viewer</h1> <p>Click/touch this help panel to close it.</p> <p>Welcome to the media viewer. 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Keyboard shortcuts: use the <span class="keyme">H</span> key or the <span class="keyme">?</span> key.</p> <p>Other keyboard shortcuts:</p> <table><tr><td><span class="keyme">1</span></td><td>Fit image to screen</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">2</span></td><td>Fill screen with image</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">5</span></td><td>Display at full resolution</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">&lt;</span></td><td>Make background darker</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">&gt;</span></td><td>Make background lighter</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">space</span></td><td>Hide/dim titles and buttons</td></tr> </table> <p><b>Controls - Video</b></p> <p>Video files have a standard set of video controls: <span class="boxme"><img src="/web/20161026033130im_/"/></span> - Reset to start, <span class="boxme"><img src="/web/20161026033130im_/"/></span> - Skip back, <span class="boxme"><img src="/web/20161026033130im_/"/></span> - Play, <span class="boxme"><img src="/web/20161026033130im_/"/></span> - Pause, <span class="boxme"><img src="/web/20161026033130im_/"/></span> - Skip forwards. Keyboard shortcuts: You can stop/start video play with the <span class="keyme">P</span> key.</p> <p><b>Controls - Animation (Spin Rotation)</b></p> <p>Animation (usually 360 degree spin rotations) have their own controls: <span class="boxme"><img src="/web/20161026033130im_/"/></span> - enable spin mode. Note that while images are loading this option will not be available but will be automatically activated when the animation has loaded. Once active you can spin the image/change the animation by moving your mouse or finger on the image left/right or by pressing the <span class="keyme">[</span> or <span class="keyme">]</span> keys.</p> <p>The <span class="boxme"><img src="/web/20161026033130im_/"/></span> button switches to move mode so that you can use your mouse/fingers to move the image around the screen as with other media types.</p> <p>The <span class="boxme"><img src="/web/20161026033130im_/"/></span> button, or the <span class="keyme">P</span> key will start playing the animation directly, you can interrupt this by using the mouse or finger on the image to regain manual movement control.</p> <p><b>Controls - 3D Stereoscopic images</b></p> <p>Stereoscopic 3D image viewing requires a suitable 3D television or monitor correctly configured for your computer. Passive 3D systems such as LG 3DTVs are the easiest to configure for this.</p> <p>To enable/disable 3D stereo display of a compatible stereo pair image press the <span class="keyme">3</span> key. If the left/right images are reversed on your display (this often happens in full-screen mode) press the <span class="keyme">4</span> key to reverse them.</p> <p><b>Summary of all keyboard shortcuts</b></p> <table><tr><td><span class="keyme">1</span></td><td>Fit image to screen</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">2</span></td><td>Fill screen with image</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">3</span></td><td>Switch to 3D display of stereo pair</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">4</span></td><td>Switch left/right images in 3D mode</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">5</span></td><td>Display at full resolution</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">&lt;</span>, <span class="keyme">&gt;</span></td><td>Make background darker/lighter</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">H</span> or <span class="keyme">?</span></td><td>Show/hide this help page</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">P</span></td><td>Play/Pause Video or Animation</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">[</span>, <span class="keyme">]</span></td><td>Backwards/forwards one frame (Animation only)</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">up arrow</span></td><td>Show information box</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">down arrow</span></td><td>Hide information box</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">left arrow</span></td><td>Previous image/media page</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">right arrow</span></td><td>Next image/media page</td></tr> <tr><td><span class="keyme">space</span></td><td>Hide/dim titles and buttons</td></tr> </table> <br><br> </div> <div id="copyrightfloat">Copyright &copy; OT. Ljostad</div><div id="buttondock"></div> <div id="clickleft" class="moreless left" style="display: none">&nbsp;</div> <div id="clickright" class="moreless right" style="display: none">&nbsp;</div> <div id="showinfo" class="moreless">&nbsp;</div> <img id="mainphoto" src="/web/20161026033130im_/"> <img id="ctrlimg" src="/web/20161026033130im_/"/> <canvas id="threedee"></canvas> <div id="photoinfobox"> <div id="hideinfo" class="moreless down">&nbsp;</div> <div class="minid_photo_page">minID: <a href="/web/20161026033130/">DTH-3CC</a></div><h2><a href="min-7269.html">Rheniite</a> : <span style="font-size:smaller">ReS<sub>2</sub></span></h2><div class="photocopyright">Copyright &copy; OT. Ljostad&nbsp; - This image is copyrighted. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.</div><div class="photolocality"><b>Locality:</b> <a class="lli" href="/web/20161026033130/">ⓘ</a> <a href="loc-10264.html">Kudriavy volcano (Kudryavyi), Iturup Island, Kuril Islands (Kurile Islands), Sakhalinskaya Oblast', Far-Eastern Region, Russia</a></div><br><div class="photocomments">Tiny, metallic flakes of rheniite on matrix. Field of view about 4 mm. The Russian mineralogist, Pavel M. Kartashov, that gave me the specimen told me that during the volcanic "rheniite-eruption" flakes of rheniite fell like snow and covered the ground. The specimen is in the micromount collection of OT. Ljostad.<br><br>This photo has been shown 724 times<table class="picshowextradata"><tr><th>Photo added:</th><td>14th Jan 2006</td></tr><tr><th>Dimensions:</th><td>709x531px (0.38 megapixels)</td></tr></table></div> <div class="clearer"></div><div id="buttonblock"><a href="/web/20161026033130/">View OT. Ljøstad's Photos</a> <a href="gallery.php?min=7269">View Rheniite Gallery</a> <a href="forum.php?posting,106,post,,47012,Rheniite+-+Kudriavy+volcano%2C+Iturup+Island%2C+Kuril+Islands%2C+Sakhalinskaya+Oblast%27%2C+Far-Eastern+Region%2C+Russia">Add Comment <span class="combadge">0</span></a> <div class="share-container clearer"> <div class="shareon">Share this photo on:</div> <ul class="rrssb-buttons clearer"> <li class="facebook"> <a href="" class="popup" target="_blank"> <span class="icon"> <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="28px" height="28px" viewbox="0 0 28 28" enable-background="new 0 0 28 28" xml:space="preserve"> <path d="M27.825,4.783c0-2.427-2.182-4.608-4.608-4.608H4.783c-2.422,0-4.608,2.182-4.608,4.608v18.434 c0,2.427,2.181,4.608,4.608,4.608H14V17.379h-3.379v-4.608H14v-1.795c0-3.089,2.335-5.885,5.192-5.885h3.718v4.608h-3.726 c-0.408,0-0.884,0.492-0.884,1.236v1.836h4.609v4.608h-4.609v10.446h4.916c2.422,0,4.608-2.188,4.608-4.608V4.783z"/> </svg> </span> <span class="text">facebook</span> </a> </li> <li class="twitter"> <a href="" class="popup"> <span class="icon"> <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="28px" height="28px" viewbox="0 0 28 28" enable-background="new 0 0 28 28" xml:space="preserve"> <path d="M24.253,8.756C24.689,17.08,18.297,24.182,9.97,24.62c-3.122,0.162-6.219-0.646-8.861-2.32 c2.703,0.179,5.376-0.648,7.508-2.321c-2.072-0.247-3.818-1.661-4.489-3.638c0.801,0.128,1.62,0.076,2.399-0.155 C4.045,15.72,2.215,13.6,2.115,11.077c0.688,0.275,1.426,0.407,2.168,0.386c-2.135-1.65-2.729-4.621-1.394-6.965 C5.575,7.816,9.54,9.84,13.803,10.071c-0.842-2.739,0.694-5.64,3.434-6.482c2.018-0.623,4.212,0.044,5.546,1.683 c1.186-0.213,2.318-0.662,3.329-1.317c-0.385,1.256-1.247,2.312-2.399,2.942c1.048-0.106,2.069-0.394,3.019-0.851 C26.275,7.229,25.39,8.196,24.253,8.756z"/> </svg> </span> <span class="text">twitter</span> </a> </li> <li class="tumblr"> <a href=";v=3&amp;t=Rheniite&amp;"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px" width="28px" height="28px" viewbox="0 0 28 28" enable-background="new 0 0 28 28" xml:space="preserve"><path d="M18.02 21.842c-2.029 0.052-2.422-1.396-2.439-2.446v-7.294h4.729V7.874h-4.71V1.592c0 0-3.653 0-3.714 0 s-0.167 0.053-0.182 0.186c-0.218 1.935-1.144 5.33-4.988 6.688v3.637h2.927v7.677c0 2.8 1.7 6.7 7.3 6.6 c1.863-0.03 3.934-0.795 4.392-1.453l-1.22-3.539C19.595 21.6 18.7 21.8 18 21.842z"/></svg> </span> <span class="text">tumblr</span> </a> </li> <li class="pinterest"> <a href=";media=;description=Rheniite%0D%0ATiny%2C+metallic+flakes+of+rheniite+on+matrix.+Field+of+view+about+4+mm.+The+Russian+mineralogist%2C+Pavel+M.+Kartashov%2C+that+gave+me+the+specimen+told+me+that+during+the+volcanic+%22rheniite-eruption%22+flakes+of+rheniite+fell+like+snow+and+covered+the+ground.+The+specimen+is+in+the+micromount+collection+of+OT.+Ljostad.%0D%0A%0D%0ACopyright+OT.+Ljostad"> <span class="icon"> <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="28px" height="28px" viewbox="0 0 28 28" enable-background="new 0 0 28 28" xml:space="preserve"> <path d="M14.021,1.57C6.96,1.57,1.236,7.293,1.236,14.355c0,7.062,5.724,12.785,12.785,12.785c7.061,0,12.785-5.725,12.785-12.785 C26.807,7.294,21.082,1.57,14.021,1.57z M15.261,18.655c-1.161-0.09-1.649-0.666-2.559-1.219c-0.501,2.626-1.113,5.145-2.925,6.458 c-0.559-3.971,0.822-6.951,1.462-10.116c-1.093-1.84,0.132-5.545,2.438-4.632c2.837,1.123-2.458,6.842,1.099,7.557 c3.711,0.744,5.227-6.439,2.925-8.775c-3.325-3.374-9.678-0.077-8.897,4.754c0.19,1.178,1.408,1.538,0.489,3.168 C7.165,15.378,6.53,13.7,6.611,11.462c0.131-3.662,3.291-6.227,6.46-6.582c4.007-0.448,7.771,1.474,8.29,5.239 c0.579,4.255-1.816,8.865-6.102,8.533L15.261,18.655z"/> </svg> </span> <span class="text">pinterest</span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="backdropad" class="hidetablet hidephone"></div> <div id="backdroptext" class="hidetablet hidephone"></div> <div id="backdropadt" class="hidephone hidepc"></div> <div id="backdroptextt" class="hidephone hidepc"></div> <div id="backdropadm" class="hidetablet hidepc"></div> <div id="backdroptextm" class="hidetablet hidepc"></div> <video id="backdropvid"></video> <div id="backdropfade"></div> <div id="bformblock"> <form class="flatform" method="get" action="/web/20161026033130/"> Mineral <input name="name" style="width: 137px;"/> and/or Locality <input name="loc" style="width: 137px;">&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="Search"/> </form> </div> <div id="footertext"> is an outreach project of the Hudson Institute of Mineralogy, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.<br>Copyright &copy; 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if(seadragon) $("#seadragon").show(); else $("#mainphoto").css("opacity",1); $("#threedee").css("opacity",0); } function toggle3d() { mode3d = 1 - mode3d; if(mode3d) { if(seadragon) { $("#ctrlimg").show(); $("#seadragon").hide(); } else { $("#mainphoto").css("opacity",0); } $("#threedee").css("opacity",1); loadimage(); requestUpdate(); fill(0); } else { if(seadragon) $("#ctrlimg").hide(); clear3d(); requestUpdate(); } } function start3d() { var interval = setInterval(function() { var bcr = document.getElementById("threedee").getBoundingClientRect(); var newY = + get_window_y_pos()+fliplr; //chkfullscreen(); var canvas = document.getElementById("threedee"); newY%=2; if ((canvas.width != window.innerWidth) || (canvas.height != window.innerHeight) || (newY != oldY)) { oldY = newY; redraw3d(); } },1000/25); } function redraw3d() { if((!img3d) && (lastimagename)) { load3dimg(lastimagename); } if(!img3d) return; var canvas = document.getElementById("threedee"); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); var cw = canvas.width ; var ch = canvas.height ; var h = img3d.height; var w = img3d.width; w=Math.floor(w/2); context.fillStyle="#000000"; context.fillRect(0,0,cw,ch); var o = 0; for (var i=0;i<ch;i++) { src = (i+oldY) % 2; o = w*src; context.drawImage(img3d,o,i/ch*h,w,1,0,i,cw,1); } } function requestUpdate() { if(!ticking) { window.requestAnimationFrame(updateTransform); ticking=true; } } var START_X = 0; var START_Y = 0; var START_Z = 1; var LAST_X = 0; var LAST_Y = 0; var LAST_D = 0; var LAST_Z = 1; var ticking = false; var target=document.getElementById("mainphoto"); function attachlisteners() { // allow more than one interaction at a time $("#mainphoto").bind("load", function () { $(this).fadeIn(200); }); $("#showinfo").click(function(ev) { showinfo(); }); $("#hideinfo").click(function(ev) { hideinfo(); }); $("#clickleft").click(function(ev) { previmg(); }); $("#clickright").click(function(ev) { nextimg(); }); /* var mc2 = new Hammer.Manager(document.getElementById('showinfo')); 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var START_Y2; var LAST_Y2; mc3.add(new Hammer.Pan({threshold: 10})); mc3.on("panstart",function(ev) { START_Y2 = $("#photoinfobox").scrollTop(); }).on("panmove",function(ev) { LAST_Y2 = START_Y2-ev.deltaY; $("#photoinfobox").scrollTop(LAST_Y2); }); var mc4 = new Hammer.Manager(document.getElementById('helpbox')); var START_HY2; var LAST_HY2; mc4.add(new Hammer.Pan({threshold: 10})); mc4.on("panstart",function(ev) { START_HY2 = $("#helpbox").scrollTop(); }).on("panmove",function(ev) { LAST_HY2 = START_HY2-ev.deltaY; $("#helpbox").scrollTop(LAST_HY2); }); var myElement = document.getElementById('ctrlimg'); var mc = new Hammer(myElement); var pan = new Hammer.Pan({threshold: 10}); mc.add(pan); mc.on("panstart",function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); // var pos = $("#mainphoto").position(); // START_X = pos.left; // START_Y =; START_X = LAST_X; START_Y = LAST_Y; }).on("panmove", function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); LAST_X = xxx = START_X+(ev.deltaX/scale); LAST_Y = yyy = START_Y+(ev.deltaY/scale); // psdebug("Startx " + START_X + " y "+ START_Y+ "xxx: "+xxx+" yyy: "+yyy); requestUpdate(); }); var pinch = new Hammer.Pinch(); //{threshold: 0, pointers: 0 }); mc.add(pinch); mc.on("pinchstart", function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); START_Z = LAST_Z; }).on("pinchmove", function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); if(zoomenable) { var maxzoom =Math.floor(709 / iwidth); if(maxzoom<6) maxzoom=6; if(maxzoom>15) maxzoom=15; zoom = START_Z * ev.scale; if(zoom>maxzoom) zoom=maxzoom; LAST_Z = zoom; scale = zoom; requestUpdate(); loadimage(); } }); mc.on('swipe', function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); if(zoomenable) { if(ev.direction == Hammer.DIRECTION_RIGHT) previmg(); if(ev.direction == Hammer.DIRECTION_LEFT) nextimg(); } }); if(myElement.addEventListener) { // IE9, Chrome, Safari, Opera myElement.addEventListener("mousewheel", MouseWheelHandler, false); // Firefox myElement.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", MouseWheelHandler, false); } } function darker() { glev--; if(glev<0) glev=0; setbg(); $.cookie("picgs",glev,{expires: 365}); 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break; case 52: fliplr = 1 - fliplr; break; case 53: if(seadragon) { var actualViewportZoom = seadragon.viewport.imageToViewportZoom(1); seadragon.viewport.zoomTo(actualViewportZoom); //33psdebug(seadragon.viewport.getZoom()); } break; case 72: case 191: togglehelp(); break; default: // psdebug(event.which); break; } //psdebug(event.which); }); attachlisteners(); }); var zoom = 1; var zoomenable=1; var myinterval=0; function psdebug(txt) { $("#titlebar h2").html(txt); } </script> </div> </body> </html> <!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 03:31:30 Oct 26, 2016 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 00:11:09 Mar 02, 2025. 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