JacketFlap: Frequently asked questions

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If you are in the business or are a Children's book lover, you can find loads of information here on pretty much <a href="/books?all=yes">any Children's book</a> that has ever been published. If you are looking to get published, you can research publishers in our <a href="/publishers">database of children's book publishers</a>. If you want to keep up-to-date on the lastest news, reviews, and people in the Children's book business, then you'll love our <a href="/megablog/">Children's Publishing blog reader</a>, which includes up-to-date postings from 500+ industry blogs. If you're looking to connect with other people in the Children's publishing world, then try browsing through our <a href="/people.asp">People section</a>. If you're looking to see other books that people are reading and discuss books, please try our <a href="/bookshelf.asp">Books section</a>. <br/><br/> <a name="q2"></a> <strong>Can you publish my book?</strong> <br/><br/> JacketFlap is not a book publisher. We are an information resource for the Children's book community. If you are interested in having a book published, then please try searching for publishers using our <a href="/publishers">database of children's book publishers</a>. <br/><br/> <a name="q3"></a> <strong>How do I create my own Profile page?</strong> <br/><br/> Anyone can have their own Profile page on JacketFlap. It's a great way to promote yourself, promote your books or your illustrations, or simply to tell other people interested in Children's books about yourself and the books you love. First, you'll need to <a href="register.asp">Register</a>. Next, add a short "about me" description and a picture of yourself. Then, you can use your Bookshelf tab to start cataloging the books you're reading, that you've read, or that inspired you. <br/><br/> <a name="q4"></a> <strong>How do I edit my biography on my profile page?</strong> <br/><br/> First, you'll need to be registered and logged in. Then, go to your profile page. Next, click the "Edit your about me" link and enter your profile in the box that appears. Click the Submit button when you are finished. <br/><br/> <a name="q11"></a> <strong>How do I remove my age from my profile?</strong> <br/><br/> First, you'll need to be registered and logged in. Then, click the Account settings link in the upper-left of JacketFlap. That will take you to your account and profile settings page. Scroll down to the Email / Privacy Settings section. Choose the No option where it says "Would you like your age displayed on your profile?" Then, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the button that says Save Profile Settings. <br/><br/> <a name="q5"></a> <strong>How do I get my blog listed in your Blog Reader?</strong> <br/><br/> Please enter your blog's URL in the Suggest a Blog box in the upper-right hand corner of our <a href="/megablog/">Blog Reader</a>. Follow the instructions on the next few pages, and your blog will then be added to our suggestion queue. If approved, your blog will be added to the public list after that. Please note that we only include blogs in our master blog list that are related to the business of Children's book publishing. However, you can add <em>any</em> blog to your customized view of our Blog Reader by <a href="register.asp">registering</a> for a free JacketFlap account. <br/><br/> <a name="q6"></a> <strong>How do I log in?</strong> <br/><br/> There is a "Login" link in the upper-right corner of every page on JacketFlap. Click that link, then enter your JacketFlap username and password in the boxes and click the Login button. If you are having trouble remembering your password, you can click the "Forgot Password?" link, which is also at the top of each page. If you are unable to use the login link, you can also <a href ="">try logging in here</a>. If you are unable to use the forgot your password system to recover your password or if you are still having problems logging in, please email <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#f88c9f8a99969cb8b2999b939d8cbe949988d69b9795"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="fd899a8f9c9399bdb79c9e969889bb919c8dd39e9290">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> Of course, to log in, you first have to be a <a href="register.asp">registered</a> member. <br/><br/> <a name="q7"></a> <strong>How can I be profiled in Meet Our Members?</strong> <br/><br/> Every time our home page is loaded, the "Meet our Members" section randomnly displays a picture and short biography of one of one of our members. If you reload the page or if you click the "Next Member" link, you will see another member's picture and biography. It's a great way to promote yourself to our 10,000+ daily visitors. All you have to do is <a href="register.asp">register</a> for a JacketFlap account, and add a picture and a biography to your profile page. <br/><br/> <a name="q8"></a> <strong>How can I promote my books on JacketFlap?</strong> <br/><br/> As the world's largest and most comprehensive children's book website, JacketFlap has also become a great place to promote books. In just a few minutes time, your book can be featured throughout Please go to our <a href="megablog/advertise.asp">Advertising</a> page to get started. <br/><br/> <a name="q9"></a> <strong>How can I add a book to JacketFlap's database?</strong> <br/><br/> If you have searched for a book, and it is not in our database, you have 2 options. First, please try our automatic look-up to search for the book on Amazon or Google Books. To do this, go to the <a href="addbook.asp">Add / Edit books page</a>. In the center column of the page, you'll see a box that says ISBN. Enter either the 10 or 13 digit ISBN in the box, and click the "Lookup" button. It will take 20 or 30 seconds, and then the page should reload with your book's information.<br/><br/> If the lookup does not find your book, you can submit a book for inclusion in JacketFlap's database, by sending an email to <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#eb9f8c998a858fab818a88808e9f8d878a9bc5888486"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="e2968590838c86a2888381898796848e8392cc818d8f">[email&#160;protected]</span></a>. Please include the book's: <div class="padded"><ul><li>Title</li><li>ISBN # (either 10 or 13 digit is fine)</li><li>Date of publication (minimally the month and year)</li><li>Publisher name</li><li>Reading level (0-3,4-8,9-12,13+,All ages or Adult)</li><li># of pages</li><li>Binding</li><li>Description (1 - 2 paragraphs)</li></ul></div>. <br/> <a name="q10"></a> <strong>How do I use JacketFlap Chat?</strong> <br/><br/> The new JacketFlap Chat bar lets you:<div class="padded"><ul> <li>See which of your JacketFlap friends are online now</li> <li>Chat live with your online JacketFlap friends</li> <li>Leave messages for your offline friends</li> <li>Visit friends' profiles or send offline messages</li> <li>Get friends' activity updates as they happen</li> </ul></div> <br/> You can also start a chat with online members from their profiles using the "Chat Now" link. Please be sure to update your account preferences to specify which types of JacketFlap members can see the Chat Now link on your profile by clicking the Account Settings link in the upper-left of JacketFlap. Then, scroll down to the JacketFlap Chat section to change your Chat preferences. <br/><br/> For more information about JacketFlap Chat, see our <a href="">JacketFlap Chat FAQ</a>.<br/>Please send us any feedback to <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#31585f575e715b50525a5445575d50411f525e5c"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="f39a9d959cb3999290989687959f9283dd909c9e">[email&#160;protected]</span></a>. </div><!-- end main_content --> </div><!-- end content --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div><!-- end main --> <div id="footer">&copy; 2017;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/about.asp" class="hilite">About Us</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/faq.asp" class="hilite">FAQ</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/megablog/advertise.asp" class="hilite">Advertise on JacketFlap</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/widgetsprogram.asp" class="hilite">About our Widgets program for Publishers</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/privacy.asp" class="hilite">Privacy</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/terms.asp" class="hilite">Terms</a><br/></div> <!-- end footer --></div><!-- end container --> <script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> var _sf_async_config={uid:3246,domain:""}; (function(){ function loadChartbeat() { window._sf_endpt=(new Date()).getTime(); var e = document.createElement('script'); e.setAttribute('language', 'javascript'); e.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); e.setAttribute('src', (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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