Stephen Trueblood (b. 1950s) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree

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Click here for details on it."><span class="TAG TAG-DNA" style="">AncestryDNA</span></a> </div> <div class="row"> Following <a href="/genealogists/ACADIA" title="Stephen is following ACADIA. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: Part of my family comes from Louisiana and before that from French Canada."><span class="TAG">ACADIA</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/BIOBUILDERS" title="Stephen is following BIOBUILDERS. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: I like the challenge of writing an interesting biography..."><span class="TAG">BIOBUILDERS</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/BRICKELL" title="Stephen is following BRICKELL. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: My grandmother&#039;s maiden name and a fascinating family"><span class="TAG">BRICKELL</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/CALIFORNIA" title="Stephen is following CALIFORNIA. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: My home state. One of my great great grandfathers was a 49er."><span class="TAG">CALIFORNIA</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/CROMWELL" title="Stephen is following CROMWELL. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: I am working on the Cromwell family for the England Managed Profiles Team"><span class="TAG">CROMWELL</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/DEBAUTE" title="Stephen is following DEBAUTE. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: My grandmother&#039;s family"><span class="TAG">DEBAUTE</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/ENGLAND" title="Stephen is following ENGLAND. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: Nearly half my family&#039;s ancestor&#039;s came from England to the United States. The rest from France, Scotland and Ireland. So once you have chased back the Americans you end up recrossing the pond..."><span class="TAG">ENGLAND</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/EPOW" title="Stephen is following EPOW. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: Would like to help with this a bit more"><span class="TAG">EPOW</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/LINCOLNSHIRE" title="Stephen is following LINCOLNSHIRE. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: The origin place of the Trueblood family and where their Quaker journey began."><span class="TAG">LINCOLNSHIRE</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/LONDON" title="Stephen is following LONDON. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: Where I have spent most of my life. A city with more layers than an onion..."><span class="TAG">LONDON</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/LOUISIANA" title="Stephen is following LOUISIANA. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: see below"><span class="TAG">LOUISIANA</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/LOUISIANA_FAMILIES" title="Stephen is following LOUISIANA_FAMILIES. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: My Grandmother, Haydee de Bautte Brickell, was born in New Orleans in 1904. Her grandfather on one side was a doctor in the city, a member of the Committee of Public Safety prior to the Union assault and well-known enough to have a book written about him by George Washington Cable. Her grandfather on the other side fought at Shiloh. It&#039;s an eclectic bunch, lawyers, doctors, newspaper editors and plantation builders."><span class="TAG">LOUISIANA_FAMILIES</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/MENTORS" title="Stephen is following MENTORS. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: Helping out other WikiTreers"><span class="TAG">MENTORS</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/NEW_SWEDEN" title="Stephen is following NEW_SWEDEN. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: I have a number of ancestors who were in the Colony"><span class="TAG">NEW_SWEDEN</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/ONE_NAME_STUDIES" title="Stephen is following ONE_NAME_STUDIES. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: I coordinate the [ Trueblood Name Study] and the [ Debaute Name Study]"><span class="TAG">ONE_NAME_STUDIES</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/PGM" title="Stephen is following PGM. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: I have a lot of Puritan Great Migration ancestors and want to work on their biographies"><span class="TAG">PGM</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/PRE-1500" title="Stephen is following PRE-1500. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: So that I can tackle the medieval Treweblod family in Warwickshire"><span class="TAG">PRE-1500</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/QUAKERS" title="Stephen is following QUAKERS. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: About a quarter of my family tree come from Quaker stock. I&#039;m currently working on early Quakers in Lincolnshire: [[Space:Beckingham_Quakers|Beckingham Quakers]]"><span class="TAG">QUAKERS</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/SOURCERERS" title="Stephen is following SOURCERERS. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: One of life&#039;s little pleasures"><span class="TAG">SOURCERERS</span></a> <a href="/genealogists/TRUEBLOOD" title="Stephen is following TRUEBLOOD. Click here to see all the genealogists following this tag. Stephen writes: I am working on the early Truebloods in Lincolnshire back to Tudor times. Parish records being what they are it can be a bit of a &#039;mare. I am also working on the early Americans, improving their biographies"><span class="TAG">TRUEBLOOD</span></a> </div> <div class="row"> <a href="/index.php?title=Special:SurnameContributions&u=21082885">Most active</a> in <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Contributions&who=Trueblood-273&s=WOLSTON&y=2024" title="Stephen was the #2 contributor to WOLSTON in 2024. Click here to see Stephen's WOLSTON contributions."><span class="TAG TAG-SURNAME">WOLSTON</span></a> <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Contributions&who=Trueblood-273&s=BLANTON&y=2024" title="Stephen was the #19 contributor to BLANTON in 2024. Click here to see Stephen's BLANTON contributions."><span class="TAG TAG-SURNAME">BLANTON</span></a> <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Contributions&who=Trueblood-273&s=BLANTHORN&y=2024" title="Stephen was the #1 contributor to BLANTHORN in 2024. Click here to see Stephen's BLANTHORN contributions."><span class="TAG TAG-SURNAME">BLANTHORN</span></a> in 2024. <span class="SMALL">&nbsp;[<a href="/index.php?title=Special:SurnameContributions&u=21082885">more</a>]</span> </div> </div> <!-- end if left column would not be empty --> </div><!-- end left column --> <div class="nine columns omega"><!-- start right column --> <div class="row" style="width:600px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"> <a href="/wiki/Member_Types" title="Member type badge"><img src="/images/badge/wiki-genealogist.gif.pagespeed.ce.BMEB26i0Ht.gif" width="125" height="70" border="0" hspace="2" vspace="2" alt="Wiki Genealogist"></a> <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Badges&b=2312_club100" title="View members with December 2023 Club 100 badge"><img src="/images/badge/2312_club100.gif.pagespeed.ce.JGOV11iKKB.gif" width="125" height="70" border="0" hspace="2" vspace="2" alt="December 2023 Club 100"/></a> <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Badges&b=big_heart" title="View members with Big Heart badge"><img src="/images/badge/big_heart.gif.pagespeed.ce.8cqhMxjQzk.gif" width="125" height="70" border="0" hspace="2" vspace="2" alt="Big Heart"/></a> <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Badges&b=2310_club100" title="View members with October 2023 Club 100 badge"><img src="/images/badge/2310_club100.gif.pagespeed.ce.7f_gru-sgT.gif" width="125" height="70" border="0" hspace="2" vspace="2" alt="October 2023 Club 100"/></a> <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Badges&b=2309_club100" title="View members with September 2023 Club 100 badge"><img src="/images/badge/2309_club100.gif.pagespeed.ce.bD1P2k2a-r.gif" width="125" height="70" border="0" hspace="2" vspace="2" alt="September 2023 Club 100"/></a> <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Badges&b=source_a_thon_2023" title="View members with Source-a-Thon 2023 Participant badge"><img src="/images/badge/source_a_thon_2023.gif.pagespeed.ce.Dv8Wqd9u5B.gif" width="125" height="70" border="0" hspace="2" vspace="2" alt="Source-a-Thon 2023 Participant"/></a> <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Badges&b=2308_club100" title="View members with August 2023 Club 100 badge"><img src="/images/badge/2308_club100.gif.pagespeed.ce.gxCezwtLQX.gif" width="125" height="70" border="0" hspace="2" vspace="2" alt="August 2023 Club 100"/></a> <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Badges&b=connections1000" title="View members with 1,000 Connections badge"><img src="/images/badge/connections1000.gif.pagespeed.ce.p14QR2VCuC.gif" width="125" height="70" border="0" hspace="2" vspace="2" alt="1,000 Connections"/></a> <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Badges&b=mentor" title="View members with Mentor badge"><img src="/images/badge/mentor.gif.pagespeed.ce.aMXcip9dqf.gif" width="125" height="70" border="0" hspace="2" vspace="2" alt="Mentor"/></a> <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Badges&b=trail_guide" title="View members with Trail Guide badge"><img src="/images/badge/trail_guide.gif.pagespeed.ce.FXtt0m4Om-.gif" width="125" height="70" border="0" hspace="2" vspace="2" alt="Trail Guide"/></a> <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Badges&b=generous_green" title="View members with Generous Genealogist - Green Star badge"><img src="/images/badge/generous_green.gif.pagespeed.ce._3Zh4aEdP0.gif" width="125" height="70" border="0" hspace="2" vspace="2" alt="Generous Genealogist - Green Star"/></a> <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Badges&b=pre_1500" title="View members with Pre-1500 badge"><img src="/images/badge/pre_1500.gif.pagespeed.ce.SrHy75MDSa.gif" width="125" height="70" border="0" hspace="2" vspace="2" alt="Pre-1500"/></a> <br/> <span class="SMALL">[<a href="/index.php?title=Special:Badges&u=21082885">view all 83 badges</a>] <!-- end if viewing user is not the person --></span> <!-- end if more than 1 badge --> </div> </div><!-- end right column --> <!-- end if member has setting #1 --> </div><!-- close 16 --> </div><!-- close content container --> </div><!-- end full-width memberSection --> <div id="content" class="container"> <!-- end if section should be displayed --> <!-- end Level 50-60 public block, start 10-40 private version --> </div><!-- close container --> <div class="container full-width"> <div id="ancestorTreeContainer" style="display:none;"></div> </div><!-- close full width --> <div id="content" class="container"> <div class="sixteen columns"> <div id="descendantsContainer" style="display:none;"></div> </div><!-- close 16 --> <div class="ten columns"> <div class="VITALS"><span class="large"> <strong><span itemprop="honorificPrefix">Mr</span></strong> <strong><span itemprop="givenName">Stephen</span></strong> <strong>P.</strong> <strong><a href="/genealogy/TRUEBLOOD" title="Click here for the surname index page">Trueblood</a></strong> <meta itemprop="familyName" content="Trueblood"/> </span></div> <div class="VITALS">Born 1950s.</div> <span data-mid="21082885" class="showHideTree button small" style="float:right; clear:right; margin-left:5px; padding:3px;" title="Ancestors in a pedigree-style family tree chart">Ancestors <img src="/images/icons/pedigree.gif.pagespeed.ce.4kSwuvQoBH.gif" border="0" width="8" height="11" alt="ancestors"></span> <div class="VITALS">Son<meta itemprop="gender" content="male"/> of <span itemprop="parent" itemscope itemtype=""><a href="/wiki/Trueblood-274" itemprop="url" title="Father: b. 9 Apr 1933 San Gabriel, Los Angeles, California, United States son of &nearr; Mark Sherwin Trueblood &searr; Haydée deBautte Brickell"><span itemprop="name">Peter Welham Brickell Trueblood</span></a></span> and <span itemprop="parent" itemscope itemtype=""><a href="/wiki/Nicholson-6197" itemprop="url" title="Mother: b. 9 Jul 1932 Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States daughter of &nearr; Gordon Murray Nicholson &searr; Jeanne Richardson Healey"><span itemprop="name">Nancy Jeanne (Nicholson) Trueblood</span></a></span> </div> <!-- Docs:PP#Parents --> <div class="VITALS">Brother of [private brother <span class="SMALL">(1960s - unknown)</span>] and [private sister <span class="SMALL">(1960s - unknown)</span>] </div> <!-- Docs:PP#Child --> <div class="VITALS">Father of <span title="Son: [private] ">[private son <span class="SMALL">(1990s - unknown)</span>]</span>, <span title="Daughter: [private] ">[private daughter <span class="SMALL">(1990s - unknown)</span>]</span> and <span title="Daughter: [private] ">[private daughter <span class="SMALL">(2000s - unknown)</span>]</span> </div> <div class="SMALL" style="background-color:#ffe183;"> <span class="problemQuestionLink button small" data-mnamedb="Trueblood-273" style="float:right; clear:right; margin:2px; padding:3px;" title="Open Problems and Questions Guide">Problems/Questions</span> <span title="The manager cares for the profile and leads the collaboration">Profile manager</span>: Stephen Trueblood <a href="#" class="privateMessageLink" data-who="21082885" data-ref="22922074" rel="nofollow" title="Send a private message to Stephen about this profile"><img src="/images/icons/mail.gif.pagespeed.ce.Q4d4kzofWu.gif" border="0" width="15" height="11" alt="private message"/></a> [<a href="#" class="privateMessageLink" data-who="21082885" data-ref="22922074" rel="nofollow" title="Send a private message to Stephen about this profile">send private message</a>] </div> <div class="SMALL" style="background-color:#e1efbb;">Profile last modified <time itemprop="modifiedDate" datetime="2024-12-10">10 Dec 2024</time> | Created 1 Oct 2018</div><div class="SMALL" style="background-color:#eee;">This page has been accessed 7,883 times.</div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <!-- bio exists and is public --> <table id="toc" class="toc" summary="Contents"><tr><td><div id="toctitle"><h2>Contents</h2></div> <ul> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Biography"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Biography</span></a> <ul> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href="#Background"><span class="tocnumber">1.1</span> <span class="toctext">Background</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href="#Timeline"><span class="tocnumber">1.2</span> <span class="toctext">Timeline</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Sources"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Sources</span></a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </td></tr></table><script type="text/javascript">if(window.showTocToggle){var tocShowText="show";var tocHideText="hide";showTocToggle();}</script> <a name="Biography"></a><h2> <span class="mw-headline"> Biography </span></h2> <div style="width:250px; min-height:50px; float:right; clear:right; display: flex; align-items: center; margin:2px 2px 2px 20px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #ccc; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #888888;"><div style="display: flex; align-items=stretch;"><div style="min-width:50px; margin:0px 5px 0px 2px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-around;"><a href="/wiki/Image:RNH_Images-39.jpg" class="image" title="England Orphan Team"><img alt="England Orphan Team" src="/photo.php/thumb/8/8a/RNH_Images-39.jpg/50px-RNH_Images-39.jpg" width="50" height="50" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a></div></div><div class="SMALL">Stephen Trueblood has completed the <a href="/wiki/Project:England" title="Project:England">England</a> Project's <a href="/wiki/Space:England_Orphaned_Profiles_Team" title="Space:England Orphaned Profiles Team">Orphan Trail</a>.</div></div> <div style="width:250px; min-height:50px; float:right; clear:right; display: flex; align-items: center; margin:2px 2px 2px 20px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #ccc; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #888888;"><div style="display: flex; align-items=stretch;"><div style="min-width:50px; margin:0px 5px 0px 2px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-around;"><a href="/wiki/Image:New_Team_Logos-19.png" class="image" title="England Orphan Trailblazer"><img alt="England Orphan Trailblazer" src="/photo.php/thumb/f/f0/New_Team_Logos-19.png/50px-New_Team_Logos-19.png" width="50" height="50" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a></div></div><div class="SMALL">Stephen Trueblood is an England Orphan Trailblazer</div></div> <div style="width:250px; min-height:50px; float:right; clear:right; display: flex; align-items: center; margin:2px 2px 2px 20px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #ccc; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #888888;"><div style="display: flex; align-items=stretch;"><div style="min-width:50px; margin:0px 5px 0px 2px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-around;"><a href="/wiki/Image:Biography_Builders-2.jpg" class="image" title="Fountain Pen"><img alt="Fountain Pen" src="/photo.php/thumb/f/fd/Biography_Builders-2.jpg/25px-Biography_Builders-2.jpg" width="25" height="50" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a></div></div><div class="SMALL">Stephen has written and improved <span style="color:blue">fifty profiles</span> for the <a href="/wiki/Space:Biography_Builders" title="Space:Biography Builders">Biography Builders</a> Challenge.</div></div><div style="width:250px; min-height:50px; float:right; clear:right; display: flex; align-items: center; margin:2px 2px 2px 20px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #ccc; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #888888;"><div style="display: flex; align-items=stretch;"><div style="min-width:50px; margin:0px 5px 0px 2px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-around;"><a href="/wiki/Image:ABGE-131.jpg" class="image" title="ABGE-131.jpg"><img alt="" src="/photo.php/6/63/ABGE-131.jpg" width="50" height="50" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a></div></div><div class="SMALL">Stephen Trueblood is a descendant of Mayflower Passenger <a href="/wiki/Fuller-13" title="Fuller-13">Edward Fuller and several others</a>.</div></div> <div style="width:250px; min-height:50px; float:right; clear:right; display: flex; align-items: center; margin:2px 2px 2px 20px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #ccc; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #888888;"><div style="display: flex; align-items=stretch;"><div style="min-width:50px; margin:0px 5px 0px 2px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-around;"><a href="/wiki/Image:Abby_s_Tools-3.jpg" class="image" title="Descendant"><img alt="Descendant" src="/photo.php/thumb/e/e1/Abby_s_Tools-3.jpg/50px-Abby_s_Tools-3.jpg" width="50" height="32" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a></div></div><div class="SMALL">Descendant of PGM migrant<b> <a href="/wiki/Cornell-30" title="Cornell-30">Thomas Cornell and many others</a></b>.</div></div> <p>I was born in 1959 in Pasadena, California<sup id="_ref-0" class="reference"><a href="#_note-0" title="">[1]</a></sup>. My childhood was peripatetic and now I live in London. I am married to a lady from Hong Kong<sup id="_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#_note-1" title="">[2]</a></sup> and we have three children. By profession I am a geologist. </p> <a name="Background"></a><h3> <span class="mw-headline"> Background </span></h3> <p>I am a proud American whose ancestors can be divided into fourths: </p><p>1. The Quakers. Pre-1700 arrivals in North Carolina and Pennsylvania, later moving to Indiana. My paternal grandfather </p><p>2. The Louisianians. Acadians and others descended from the earliest ships arriving in Nova Scotia in 1610. Plantation builders, lawyers, doctors. My paternal grandmother </p><p>3. The late-comers. Poor farmers arriving in the 1860s from Scotland and Germany. My maternal grandfather </p><p>4. The Great Migration ancestors. Puritan arrivals on the Mayflower and Governor Winthrop's fleet. My maternal grandmother </p><p>My interests in genealogy cover all of the above and more. </p> <a name="Timeline"></a><h3> <span class="mw-headline"> Timeline </span></h3> <ul><li> 1959: Born in Pasadena </li><li> 1960-62: Living in San Francisco </li><li> 1962-66: Living in Amsterdam </li><li> 1966-69: Living in Antwerp </li><li> 1969-72: Living in Cheshire </li><li> 1972-76: Living in London, boarding at <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Uppingham School</a> </li><li> 1977-80: At <a href=",_Oxford" class="external text" title=",_Oxford" rel="nofollow">St Catherine's College, Oxford</a> </li><li> 1980-83: At sea on seismic research vessel </li><li> 1983-2010: Living and working in London </li><li> 1991: Married in London </li><li> 1993, 1995, 2000: Birth of children </li><li> 2010-14: Living in Johannesburg </li><li> 2014-present: Living in London </li></ul> <div style="width:250px; min-height:50px; float:right; clear:right; display: flex; align-items: center; margin:2px 2px 2px 20px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #ccc; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #888888;"><div style="display: flex; align-items=stretch;"><div style="min-width:50px; margin:0px 5px 0px 2px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-around;"><a href="/wiki/Image:UK_Flags-48.png" class="image" title="Relationship"><img alt="Relationship" src="/photo.php/d/dc/UK_Flags-48.png" width="50" height="50" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a></div></div><div class="SMALL">Stephen is <a href=";action=calculate&amp;person1_name=Trueblood-273&amp;person2_name=Normandie-40" class="external text" title=";action=calculate&amp;person1_name=Trueblood-273&amp;person2_name=Normandie-40" rel="nofollow">the 25th Great Grandson of</a> <a href="/wiki/Normandie-40" title="Normandie-40">Empress Maud, Lady of the English</a>.</div></div> <div style="width:250px; min-height:50px; float:right; clear:right; display: flex; align-items: center; margin:2px 2px 2px 20px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #ccc; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #888888;"><div style="display: flex; align-items=stretch;"><div style="min-width:50px; margin:0px 5px 0px 2px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-around;"><a href="/wiki/Image:UK_Flags-47.png" class="image" title="Crown of St Edward"><img alt="Crown of St Edward" src="/photo.php/2/21/UK_Flags-47.png" width="50" height="50" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a></div></div><div class="SMALL">Stephen is <a href=";action=calculate&amp;person1_name=Trueblood-273&amp;person2_name=Plantagenet-70" class="external text" title=";action=calculate&amp;person1_name=Trueblood-273&amp;person2_name=Plantagenet-70" rel="nofollow">the 20th Great Grandson of</a> <a href="/wiki/Plantagenet-70" title="Plantagenet-70">King Edward III</a>.</div></div> <div style="width:250px; min-height:50px; float:right; clear:right; display: flex; align-items: center; margin:2px 2px 2px 20px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #ccc; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #888888;"><div style="display: flex; align-items=stretch;"><div style="min-width:50px; margin:0px 5px 0px 2px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-around;"><a href="/wiki/Image:England_Project_Challenges_-_images-1.png" class="image" title="England Project Challenges - images-1.png"><img alt="" src="/photo.php/thumb/4/4e/England_Project_Challenges_-_images-1.png/50px-England_Project_Challenges_-_images-1.png" width="50" height="50" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a></div></div><div class="SMALL">Stephen Trueblood participated in the 2022 <a href="/wiki/Project:England" title="Project:England">England Project</a> Boat Race Challenge.</div></div> <a name="Sources"></a><h2> <span class="mw-headline"> Sources </span></h2> <ol class="references"><li id="_note-0"><a href="#_ref-0" title="">↑</a> "California Birth Index, 1905-1995," database, FamilySearch (<a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>&nbsp;: 27 November 2014), Stephen P Trueblood, 28 Feb 1959; citing Los Angeles, California, United States, Department of Health Services, Vital Statistics Department, Sacramento.</li> <li id="_note-1"><a href="#_ref-1" title="">↑</a> "England and Wales Marriage Registration Index, 1837-2005," database, FamilySearch (<a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>&nbsp;: 8 October 2014), Stephen P Trueblood and null, Sep 1991; from "England &amp; Wales Marriages, 1837-2005," database, findmypast (<a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>&nbsp;: 2012); citing 1991, quarter 3, vol. 13, p. 425, Hendon, London, England, General Register Office, Southport, England.</li></ol> <ul><li> First-hand information. Entered by Stephen Trueblood at registration. </li></ul> <!-- Pre-expand include size: 15159 bytes Post-expand include size: 12843 bytes Template argument size: 2750 bytes Maximum: 2097152 bytes --> <br> <div class="box orange rounded row"> Only the Trusted List can access the following: <ul class="STYLED"> <li class="BULLET30">Stephen's formal name</li> <li class="BULLET30">full middle name (P.)</li><li class="BULLET30">e-mail address</li><li class="BULLET30">exact birthdate</li><li class="BULLET30">birth location</li><li class="BULLET10">images (5)</li><li class="BULLET50">private siblings' names</li><li class="BULLET50">private children's names (3)</li><li class="BULLET50">spouse's name and marriage information</li></ul> For access to Stephen Trueblood's full information you must be on Stephen's Trusted List. Please login. </div> <div class="wtad wtad-border wtad-mhapi " id="profileAdLeft" data-content="mhapi" data-mobile="0" data-lastname="Trueblood" data-firstname="Stephen" data-gender="Male" data-utm_campaign="Wikitree_api_records_persons_profiles" data-classes="p-profile l-left" data-inline="0" data-footer="newsearch"></div> <br/><br/> </div><!-- end 9 --> <div class="six columns"> <div id="geneticfamily"></div> <div class="row"> <span class="large"><strong>DNA Connections</strong></span><br> It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share <a href="/wiki/Help:DNA_Test_Connections#Percentages_of_Shared_DNA" title="Click here for more about our DNA percentages">some percentage</a> of DNA with Stephen: <ul class="au"> <li> <span title="Stephen is 0 generational degrees from Stephen; on average they would be expected to share about 100.00% of their DNA">100.00%</span> <span title="Stephen and Stephen would be expected to share about 100.00% of their X-chromosome DNA"><img src="/images/icons/dna/X.gif.pagespeed.ce.ICPqf6JfCD.gif" width="11" height="12" alt="X DNA" border="0"> 100.00%</span> Stephen Trueblood: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Learn more about AncestryDNA tests">AncestryDNA</a>, Ancestry member stephen_trueblood </li> </ul> Have you taken a test? If so, <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Userlogin" title="Login or register for free">login</a> to add it. If not, <a href="" title="Discover the family story your DNA can tell with Ancestry DNA" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">see our friends at Ancestry DNA</a>. </div> <div class="row"> <a href="/g2g/" title="Click here for our genealogy community forum">Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum</a> posts about Stephen: <ul class="star"> <li><a href="/g2g/1650997/stephen-trueblood-is-a-wonderful-wikitreer">Stephen Trueblood is a Wonderful WikiTreer</a> <span class="SMALL">Oct 17, 2023.</span></li> <li><a href="/g2g/1434300/stephen-trueblood-is-a-wonderful-wikitreer">Stephen Trueblood is a Wonderful WikiTreer</a> <span class="SMALL">Jun 22, 2022.</span></li> <li><a href="/g2g/995367/stephen-trueblood-is-an-amazing-wikitreer">Stephen Trueblood is an amazing WikiTreer</a> <span class="SMALL">Mar 4, 2020.</span></li> <li><a href="/g2g/985396/stephen-trueblood-is-a-wonderful-wikitreer">Stephen Trueblood is a Wonderful WikiTreer</a> <span class="SMALL">Feb 14, 2020.</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- end 7 --> <!-- end if not PL 10 --> <!-- end main PL conditional --> <div id="comments" class="sixteen columns row" data-title="Trueblood-273" data-person-mnamedb="Trueblood-273" data-show-archived="0"> <a name="WT-comments"></a> <span class="large"><strong>Comments: 81</strong></span> <div class="comment-present"> <span class="commentContainerToggle comment"> <button class="button small comment-action" data-action="hideComments" data-page-id="22922074" title="Hide comments">[hide]</button> <button class="button small comment-action" data-action="showComments" data-page-id="22922074" title="Show comments">[show]</button> </span><br/> </div> <div> Leave a message for others who see this profile. If you prefer to keep it private, <a href="#" class="privateMessageLink" data-who="21082885" data-ref="22922074" rel="nofollow" title="Send a private message to the profile manager">send a private message</a> to the profile manager. <a href="#" class="privateMessageLink" data-who="21082885" data-ref="22922074" rel="nofollow" title="Send a private message to the profile manager"><img src="/images/icons/mail.gif.pagespeed.ce.Q4d4kzofWu.gif" border="0" width="15" height="11" alt="private message"/></a> </div> <div class="comment-absent comment-hide"> There are no comments yet. </div> <div id="commentContainer"> <div class="box gray rounded row"> <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Userlogin" title="Login or register">Login</a> to post a comment. <div id="comment_8263157" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="8263157" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/3/3c/Whitfield-2424.png/75px-Whitfield-2424.png" class="commenter-image" ALT="Whitfield-2424"> <a href="" title="Whitfield-2424">Steven Whitfield</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen<p>I sent you a message a while ago as part of the England Project's annual check-in with project members. I haven't heard back from you. I hope you are well. </p><p>If you could send me a quick message to confirm whether you are still interested in the project and wish to remain a member, that would be great. We ask all project members to reply to our annual check-in as a requirement of membership. </p><p>Thank you again for your contributions. </p><p>Steve, on behalf of the England Project leadership </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_8263157">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2024-06-19T09:42:44Z">Jun 19, 2024</time> by <a href="" title="Whitfield-2424">Steven Whitfield</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_8228980" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="8228980" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/3/3c/Whitfield-2424.png/75px-Whitfield-2424.png" class="commenter-image" ALT="Whitfield-2424"> <a href="" title="Whitfield-2424">Steven Whitfield</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen<p>Thank you for contributing towards the goals of the England Project! Over the past year, a staggering amount has been done to improve English profiles on WikiTree and we couldn't have done it without you and our other project members. </p><p>The England Project leadership like to check in with all our project members at least once a year. </p><p>Are you happy to stay in your current project team/s? Or is there another team you would like to join or become more active in? </p><p>Please reply to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message. I look forward to hearing from you. Please also let us know if you have other feedback about the direction of the project. </p><p>Many thanks! Steve, on behalf of the England Project leadership </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_8228980">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2024-06-02T21:06:18Z">Jun 02, 2024</time> by <a href="" title="Whitfield-2424">Steven Whitfield</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_7979065" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="7979065" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/b/bc/Hill-11959-2.jpg/75px-Hill-11959-2.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Hill-11959"> <a href="" title="Hill-11959">S (Hill) Willson</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen, it's been 17 days since I asked if you're still interested in the PGM Project. I apologize if I've missed a response from you, but I'll assume if I haven't heard from you in the next seven days that your interest in the project has changed, and I'll remove your badge. I'd appreciate hearing from you. Thank you.<p>Sharon </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_7979065">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2024-02-15T01:25:05Z">Feb 15, 2024</time> by <a href="" title="Hill-11959">S (Hill) Willson</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_8005350" class="comment comment-depth-1 comment-reply " data-comment-id="8005350" data-reply-to="7979065" data-depth="1"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/b/bc/Hill-11959-2.jpg/75px-Hill-11959-2.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Hill-11959"> <a href="" title="Hill-11959">S (Hill) Willson</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen,<p>We haven't heard back from you regarding the PGM Project check-in so we've gone ahead and removed you from the project for now. If you’d like to rejoin at any stage you would be most welcome to do so by answering the G2G sign-up post <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">here</a>. </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_8005350">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2024-02-25T18:03:56Z">Feb 25, 2024</time> by <a href="" title="Hill-11959">S (Hill) Willson</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_7935180" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="7935180" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/b/bc/Hill-11959-2.jpg/75px-Hill-11959-2.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Hill-11959"> <a href="" title="Hill-11959">S (Hill) Willson</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen,<p>Thanks for your contributions to Puritan Great Migration (PGM) project profiles. </p><p>Like all WikiTree projects we check in with team members periodically to find out about their continued interest in the project. Would you please respond by February 12, 2024, to let us know about your interest: </p><p>1. Would you like to continue as a PGM project team member?; </p><p>2. Do you have any suggestions for PGM Project priorities in the next year (optional)?; </p><p>3. Do you have interest in taking a more active role within the PGM project, and if so, what you might be interested in doing (optional)? </p><p>Please respond to this comment on your profile, or if you'd like, send a private message to either <a href="/wiki/Madison-125" title="Madison-125">Bobbie (Madison) Hall</a> or <a href="/wiki/Hill-11959" title="Hill-11959">S (Hill) Willson</a>. </p><p>Thanks for all you do for PGM and WikiTree! </p><p>Regards, </p><p>Bobbie and Sharon, Co-Leaders, Puritan Great Migration Project </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_7935180">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2024-01-28T21:43:46Z">Jan 28, 2024</time> by <a href="" title="Hill-11959">S (Hill) Willson</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_7812200" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="7812200" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/3/3c/Whitfield-2424.png/75px-Whitfield-2424.png" class="commenter-image" ALT="Whitfield-2424"> <a href="" title="Whitfield-2424">Steven Whitfield</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen,<table style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:1em;float:right;margin-left:1em;"> <tr> <td style="text-align:center;"><a href="/wiki/Image:England_Project_Images-2.png" class="image" title="England Project Images-2.png"><img alt="" src="/photo.php/thumb/c/c1/England_Project_Images-2.png/300px-England_Project_Images-2.png" width="300" height="82" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a> </td></tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:center;font-size:90%;"> </td></tr></table> <p>Thank you for your commitment to the England Project and its goals in 2023. Together we are making English WikiTree profiles the best they can be! </p><p>I'd like to share our end-of-year 2023 Newsletter. You can read it here: <a href="/wiki/Space:England_Project_Newsletters" title="Space:England Project Newsletters">England Project Newsletters</a>. We hope you enjoy reading about what we have achieved in 2023. </p><p>On behalf of all the England Project Leaders, we wish you a peaceful, productive and enjoyable 2024! </p><p>Best wishes, </p><p>Steve, England Project Leader </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_7812200">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2023-12-08T12:02:54Z">Dec 08, 2023</time> by <a href="" title="Whitfield-2424">Steven Whitfield</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_7631692" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="7631692" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <a href="" title="Christy-847">Bernice (Christy) Cresson</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Stephen, thanks for the great work on my brick wall (Christy-311)! I really like the map. And I agree with the earlier birth date. Thank you again.<p> Bernice Christy Cresson </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_7631692">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2023-09-18T17:31:22Z">Sep 18, 2023</time> by <a href="" title="Christy-847">Bernice (Christy) Cresson</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_7633244" class="comment comment-depth-1 comment-reply " data-comment-id="7633244" data-reply-to="7631692" data-depth="1"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/7/71/Trueblood-273.jpg/75px-Trueblood-273.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Trueblood-273"> <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> You're welcome. It's just a pity he came from Ireland and not Scotland. Every time one of my ancestors ends up coming from there, it seems to be a dead end. Lesson to us all: don't blow up your records office in a civil war... </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_7633244">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2023-09-19T08:12:41Z">Sep 19, 2023</time> by <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_7562187" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="7562187" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <a href="" title="Parr-3968">L Parr</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Stephen, I’m not signed up to take part in the Wikitree challenge, but I’d like to feed in an idea on the birth reg of <a href="/wiki/Chambers-13077" title="Chambers-13077">Thomas Chambers (abt.1868-abt.1928)</a>, if I may. <p>My thinking is that he and Annie may have had the same mother and different fathers, and that his mother may not have been married to his father (ie the name on the marriage cert was a face-saver). </p><p>I thought this set of index entries might be promising? I didn’t find a second entry in the GRO index, but entries involving a widow or deserted woman who is not married to the father can be a bit confused. </p><p>FreeBMD Births Jun 1868 </p><p>CHAMBERS Thomas Phillips Kensington 1a 60 (or 66) </p><p>PHILLIPS Thomas Phillips Kensington 1a 60 </p><p>GRO Index: </p><p>PHILLIPS, THOMAS PHILLIPS (mmn - ) GRO Reference: 1868 J Quarter in KENSINGTON Volume 01A Page 60 </p><p>I'm enjoying following the work you’re doing on this profile. </p><p>LP </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_7562187">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2023-08-18T13:00:09Z">Aug 18, 2023</time> by <a href="" title="Parr-3968">L Parr</a> <br> edited <time class="timeago" datetime="2023-08-18T13:00:57Z">Aug 18, 2023</time> by <a href="" title="Parr-3968">L Parr</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_7563429" class="comment comment-depth-1 comment-reply " data-comment-id="7563429" data-reply-to="7562187" data-depth="1"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/7/71/Trueblood-273.jpg/75px-Trueblood-273.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Trueblood-273"> <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Thanks - I will investigate tomorrow! </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_7563429">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2023-08-18T21:57:16Z">Aug 18, 2023</time> by <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_7329547" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="7329547" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <a href="" title="Gilbert-17569">Wayne Gilbert</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> stephen;hello from indiana but born in oakland california, am seeing yourbio as wiki manager mentor an can't tell you how impresed i am with your life should join quebecese project and you can and should do your lifes doings. looks like you've lots to write about and relate.side note; when i graduated medora (in) h school in 1956 one of my fellow classmates was arobert trueblood can't recall his dads name just a sidr point. be glad hear from you as i am researching great great grand frow quebec ca squire whitney gilbert 1790-1865. he 's my brick wall.. i am 85 years young, still enjoying life,family church and genealogy. </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_7329547">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2023-05-10T23:58:09Z">May 10, 2023</time> by <a href="" title="Gilbert-17569">Wayne Gilbert</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_6618931" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="6618931" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <a href="" title="Shepherd-8084">Bob Shepherd</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen. While updating ancestors to my mom's tree by adding citations to a profile I had setup previously [Black-20958], I must have missed a possible match. When I now realized I had a match with [Black-11043], I attempted to perform a match. I was notified the match would be completed when agreed to by Ron N. Christie [Christie-2805]. [Black-11043] was setup in 2018 with comment "Source will be added by Ron Christie by 21 Jan 2018." What happens if Ron Christie doesn't respond?<p>[edit] </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_6618931">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2022-07-16T13:44:12Z">Jul 16, 2022</time> by <a href="" title="Shepherd-8084">Bob Shepherd</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_6565466" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="6565466" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/f/f3/Simmons-11603-2.jpg/75px-Simmons-11603-2.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Simmons-11603"> <a href="" title="Simmons-11603">Becky Simmons</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen-<p> I adopted the Anne Maris profile after being asked if I would by a project coordinator but ai just saw you deleted all of my information and disconnected all relatives without so much as a note, reference or comment other than to change it to "Unsourced". If I took on something that was incorrect I would appreciate working with someone firstly but if that isn't feasible I'd at least like to know something to explain seeing an empty page that was recently in progress. Thanks for your help and as I didn't create the profile I don't know where to begin nor where my direct ancestors have been moved.&nbsp;:/ Cheers! Becky Elizabeth </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_6565466">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2022-06-22T20:35:22Z">Jun 22, 2022</time> by <a href="" title="Simmons-11603">Becky Simmons</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_6566804" class="comment comment-depth-1 comment-reply " data-comment-id="6566804" data-reply-to="6565466" data-depth="1"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/7/71/Trueblood-273.jpg/75px-Trueblood-273.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Trueblood-273"> <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Becky. <p>I am sorry if you found that disconcerting. The main problem is that Anne Maris is not your direct ancestor. If you look at the changes page for Anne you will see I deleted no information at all and only a husband and children that weren't hers. I simply gave George Maris (<a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>) his correct wife, Alice Collier, and his children. Alice is your ancestor as is their son, George (the emigrant). Besides the lack of sources, there are some problems with your Anne: 1) the precise birthdate in 1572 is impossible as the parish register is absent prior to 1679 and there are no bishop's transcripts prior to 1612. 2) Her death date has the same problem. If you look at the transcript of George Maris' will and of Alice Maris' will a few years later you will see the same children proving they were man and wife and the parents of those children, including our ancestor. </p><p>Generally, I check with folks before making drastic revisions. However, the Maris family in Worcester is a complete dog's dinner caused by too many GEDCOM imports and not enough sources. I confess I do not have the time to be careful with unsourced pre-1700 profiles. You will see that the current work I am doing on the Marises is sourced and thorough. I still have a ways to go. </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_6566804">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2022-06-23T12:00:08Z">Jun 23, 2022</time> by <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_6844747" class="comment comment-depth-2 comment-reply " data-comment-id="6844747" data-reply-to="6566804" data-depth="2"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/f/f3/Simmons-11603-2.jpg/75px-Simmons-11603-2.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Simmons-11603"> <a href="" title="Simmons-11603">Becky Simmons</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Perhaps my main point wasn't articulated precisely- I didn't create the profile but was asked by a project manager to look at it and in doing so I had a reasonable amount of time, during which, someone (you) deleted "drastic" data without so much as a note. The above listed on the profile or comments or emails would've been helpful. As for the relatives you mention they aren't connected to George so perhaps I am not alone in wondering about the changes. </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_6844747">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2022-10-20T21:51:36Z">Oct 20, 2022</time> by <a href="" title="Simmons-11603">Becky Simmons</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_6527794" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="6527794" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/1/11/Speedie_s_Sandbox-1.png/75px-Speedie_s_Sandbox-1.png" class="commenter-image" ALT="Speed-878"> <a href="" title="Speed-878">I. Speed</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen,<p>On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for all your contributions towards the project's goals over the past year. Every English profile we improve helps! </p><p>The England Project Leaders are currently doing our six-monthly check-in with all project members. </p><p>Are you happy to with your current project team choices? Are there other teams you would like to join or become more active in? </p><p>We also welcome any feedback on things you would like to see the project do more of in the future. </p><p>I look forward to hearing from you. Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message. </p><p>Many thanks! </p><p>Ian, England Project Leader </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_6527794">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2022-06-06T02:51:02Z">Jun 06, 2022</time> by <a href="" title="Speed-878">I. Speed</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_6528131" class="comment comment-depth-1 comment-reply " data-comment-id="6528131" data-reply-to="6527794" data-depth="1"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/7/71/Trueblood-273.jpg/75px-Trueblood-273.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Trueblood-273"> <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hello Ian,<p>Perfectly happy, thank you. Managed Profiles are going well and I'm enjoying the Trailblazing again. And as I work backwards through my own ancestors more of them are at that most challenging stage: tracing them back to the mother country. Currently working on the Maris family in Worcestershire, who were early founders of Pennsylvania. The parish register is AWOL and so I am reconstructing the family from wills and court cases. </p><p>The England Project is in an excellent state now and simply needs to keep riding high. </p><p>Stephen </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_6528131">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2022-06-06T08:08:23Z">Jun 06, 2022</time> by <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_6528375" class="comment comment-depth-2 comment-reply " data-comment-id="6528375" data-reply-to="6528131" data-depth="2"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/1/11/Speedie_s_Sandbox-1.png/75px-Speedie_s_Sandbox-1.png" class="commenter-image" ALT="Speed-878"> <a href="" title="Speed-878">I. Speed</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Thanks Stephen. It sounds like you've got plenty to keep you busy. Thanks again for being part of the England Project!<p>Ian </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_6528375">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2022-06-06T12:17:16Z">Jun 06, 2022</time> by <a href="" title="Speed-878">I. Speed</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_6477170" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="6477170" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <a href="" title="Beck-2468">Benjamin Beck</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> I would like to join the Quakers in England project. Nearly all my maternal ancestors were Quakers, back to the 17th century. I am currently secretary of the Quaker Family History Society, which is specifically for people with Quaker ancestry in the British and Irish Isles.<p>I confess I'm a little surprised to find no information here about QFHS. You can find our website at <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>. We also run a mailing list, at <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>, and have a Facebook page at <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>. </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_6477170">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2022-05-14T12:09:33Z">May 14, 2022</time> by <a href="" title="Beck-2468">Benjamin Beck</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5797855" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="5797855" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/d/df/Jacques-1581.jpg/75px-Jacques-1581.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Jacques-1581"> <a href="" title="Jacques-1581">Susan Jacques</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen, I would like to join the English Quakers project. I have many seafaring Quaker ancestors from Whitby and surrounds in North Yorkshire. </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5797855">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-08-12T20:40:31Z">Aug 12, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Jacques-1581">Susan Jacques</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5771822" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="5771822" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/0/08/Lancaster-1279-1.jpg/75px-Lancaster-1279-1.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Lancaster-1279"> <a href="" title="Lancaster-1279">Andrew Lancaster</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Great work on the Walter Cromwell article. </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5771822">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-08-02T15:54:32Z">Aug 02, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Lancaster-1279">Andrew Lancaster</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5733782" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="5733782" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/b/b8/Langridge-71.png/75px-Langridge-71.png" class="commenter-image" ALT="Langridge-71"> <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> <a href="/wiki/Image:Mighty_Oaks.jpg" class="image" title="Mighty Oaks.jpg"><img alt="" src="/photo.php/thumb/d/d4/Mighty_Oaks.jpg/75px-Mighty_Oaks.jpg" width="75" height="57" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a> <p>Hi Stephen </p><p>We would love to have you join the <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Mighty Oaks</a> for the Connect-A-Thon . Need a refresher or want to know more check out the please look through <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Connect-a-Thon_Tutorial</a> </p><p>See our team page here <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Mighty Oaks Team Page</a> </p><p>If you are interested in joining us then please answer the G2G post here <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Connect-A-Thon Registration</a> Registration closes soon, remember to mention you would like to join the Mighty Oaks </p><p>Look forward to working with you again </p><p> Janet &amp; Joan Co-Leaders for the Mighty Oaks </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5733782">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-07-17T22:10:59Z">Jul 17, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5671511" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="5671511" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <a href="" title="Nichols-12873">Robert Nichols</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen<p>Just another quick note since I l neglected to include a thank you for whatever help/direction that you can provide!! </p><p>also after looking your ancestral background, there are some of that we have in Common. </p><p>Some Quakers, but mainly Mennonites in pre-1700 Pennsylvania. Paternal Grandmother </p><p>and The Great Migration. Maternal Grandfather </p><p>Happy searching and Thanks again </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5671511">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-06-23T00:56:22Z">Jun 23, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Nichols-12873">Robert Nichols</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5670670" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="5670670" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <a href="" title="Nichols-12873">Robert Nichols</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen<p>I ran across your contact in The England Project material and maybe you could help point me in the right direction. I was working on Thomas de Gardinis within my family tree and wanted to proposed Pre-1500 additions/changes for Gardinis-3 (Thomas Gardinis), </p><p>IPM.......... William de Gardinis alias db Gaedino - Writ, 12 Nov. 16 Edw. I, Calendar of inquisitions post mortem Vol 2 (Edward I) Pg 411, No. 674 </p><p>….. Thomas de Gardinis, son of the said William and Alexandra, aged 28 at the feast of the Annunciation, 16 Edw. I. is his next heir. </p><p>….. the said Thomas held the aforesaid lands by the demise of his father until the end of his father's life…… Somerton </p><p>____________________________________________________________________________ IPM...... Alexandra de la Haye - Writ, 14 Aug. 51 Hen. III, Calendar of inquisitions post mortem Vol 1 (Henry III) Pg 205, No. 655 (9 C. Hen. III. File 84. (9.) ) </p><p>…. Alexandra, daughter of the said Alexandra and Thomas de la Haye, and wife of William de Gardino, age variously stated as 22 at least and 24 and more, is her heir…… Somerton </p><p>____________________________________________________________________________ </p><p>1) Thomas’ birth year would appear to be about 1260 (28 years old on 16 Edward I) </p><p>2) Alexandra, daughter of the said Alexandra and Thomas de la Haye, and wife of William de Gardino </p><p>3)Thomas de Gardinis, son of the said William (de Gardinis) and Alexandra (de la Haye) </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5670670">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-06-22T18:14:30Z">Jun 22, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Nichols-12873">Robert Nichols</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5616098" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="5616098" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/c/c0/Utting-102-1.jpg/75px-Utting-102-1.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Utting-102"> <a href="" title="Utting-102">Amelia Utting</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen&nbsp;:)<p>I would like to thank you for all your contributions towards the goals of the England Project during the past six months. We've achieved a huge amount during this period and we couldn't have done it without you and our other project members. </p><p>As the England Project Leaders, we are completing our six monthly check-in with all project members. </p><p>Are you happy to stay in your current project teams? Which teams are you most active in? Are there other teams you would like to join or become more active in? </p><p>Also, do you have any feedback on what the project is doing well and anything we could do better in the future? </p><p>Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message. I look forward to hearing from you. </p><p>Many thanks! </p><p>Amelia, England Project Leader </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5616098">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-06-01T13:40:25Z">Jun 01, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Utting-102">Amelia Utting</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5416180" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="5416180" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <a href="" title="Ogle-127">[Living Ogle]</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Lucas is wayyyyy better! Stephen ... you're a good editor. Don't email ... just write!:) </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5416180">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-03-19T16:06:56Z">Mar 19, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Ogle-127">[Living Ogle]</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5421996" class="comment comment-depth-1 comment-reply " data-comment-id="5421996" data-reply-to="5416180" data-depth="1"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/7/71/Trueblood-273.jpg/75px-Trueblood-273.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Trueblood-273"> <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> All done now, Bree. Thanks for all the great sources you collated on her profile. </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5421996">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-03-21T18:54:56Z">Mar 21, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5413886" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="5413886" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <a href="" title="Ogle-127">[Living Ogle]</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Stephen, if you want to edit Margaret Lucas ... just go for it. </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5413886">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-03-18T19:52:36Z">Mar 18, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Ogle-127">[Living Ogle]</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5415449" class="comment comment-depth-1 comment-reply " data-comment-id="5415449" data-reply-to="5413886" data-depth="1"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/7/71/Trueblood-273.jpg/75px-Trueblood-273.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Trueblood-273"> <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Thanks Bree! I'm working on another English author at the moment but will get to her soon. Thanks for adding me to the TL. </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5415449">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-03-19T08:46:46Z">Mar 19, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5407680" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="5407680" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/b/b8/Langridge-71.png/75px-Langridge-71.png" class="commenter-image" ALT="Langridge-71"> <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> <a href="/wiki/Image:Mighty_Oaks.jpg" class="image" title="Mighty Oaks.jpg"><img alt="" src="/photo.php/thumb/d/d4/Mighty_Oaks.jpg/75px-Mighty_Oaks.jpg" width="75" height="57" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a>  <p>Hi Stephen, </p><p>We would love to have you join the <a href=" " class="external text" title=" " rel="nofollow">Mighty Oaks</a>  for the Spring Clean-A-Thon </p><p>If you are interested in joining us then sign up here <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Clean-A-Thon Registration</a> please mention you would like to join the Mighty Oaks </p><p>Look forward to working with you again </p><p> Janet &amp; Joan  Co-Leaders for the Mighty Oaks  </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5407680">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-03-16T21:26:49Z">Mar 16, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5415450" class="comment comment-depth-1 comment-reply " data-comment-id="5415450" data-reply-to="5407680" data-depth="1"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/7/71/Trueblood-273.jpg/75px-Trueblood-273.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Trueblood-273"> <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Janet, I have signed up! Ready to go! </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5415450">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-03-19T08:47:36Z">Mar 19, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5326714" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="5326714" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/8/81/Aldrich-908.jpg/75px-Aldrich-908.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Aldrich-908"> <a href="" title="Aldrich-908">Cheryl (Aldrich) Skordahl</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Many thanks for working on the profiles of the PGM Bement family. Very nicely done, well sourced and analyzed. <p>Cheryl, PGM Co-Leader </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5326714">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-02-18T16:19:14Z">Feb 18, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Aldrich-908">Cheryl (Aldrich) Skordahl</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5326912" class="comment comment-depth-1 comment-reply " data-comment-id="5326912" data-reply-to="5326714" data-depth="1"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/7/71/Trueblood-273.jpg/75px-Trueblood-273.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Trueblood-273"> <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Thank you! If it turns out that I have contributed something genuinely new to a PGM ancestor I will be well chuffed (as they say in England). </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5326912">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-02-18T17:23:13Z">Feb 18, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Trueblood-273">Stephen Trueblood</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5328204" class="comment comment-depth-2 comment-reply " data-comment-id="5328204" data-reply-to="5326912" data-depth="2"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/8/81/Aldrich-908.jpg/75px-Aldrich-908.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Aldrich-908"> <a href="" title="Aldrich-908">Cheryl (Aldrich) Skordahl</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> and maybe consider,,, published? </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5328204">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-02-19T00:46:41Z">Feb 19, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Aldrich-908">Cheryl (Aldrich) Skordahl</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5054602" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="5054602" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/9/96/Batman-73-1.jpg/75px-Batman-73-1.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Batman-73"> <a href="" title="Batman-73">Lizzie (Batman) Griffiths</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen,<p>It's that time of the year again: check-in time! As England Project Leaders, we like to check in with you every six months or so to see how things are progressing. Back in May, we didn't ask for a response due to the rapid emergence of Covid-19 because we understood that people's lives were changing rapidly. While we are still living in a Covid world, we do need to hear back from you this time around </p><p>First of all, how are you doing? What are you currently working on? Are you happy with the team(s) you're in, or would you like to change things up? </p><p>Secondly, we're looking for some feedback on the Google Group and our Discord server. Do you use either or both of these? If you don't use either, why not? Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve participation and collaboration, either generally or for you personally? </p><p>Looking forward to hearing from you, </p><p>Lizzie, Amy, Joan </p><p>England Project Leaders </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5054602">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-11-15T22:12:53Z">Nov 15, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Batman-73">Lizzie (Batman) Griffiths</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4985838" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4985838" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/a/ad/Hall-49782.jpg/75px-Hall-49782.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Hall-49782"> <a href="" title="Hall-49782">Zuladawn Hall</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi, Stephen,<p>Just learning the ropes here, but the more I've read the more fascinated I have become. I'm especially impressed with the quality of your work striving (and succeeding I do believe) toward telling an accurate, well-researched and evaluated piece. Your love for this process shows brilliantly. Thank you. </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4985838">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-10-19T15:47:45Z">Oct 19, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Hall-49782">Zuladawn Hall</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_5195257" class="comment comment-depth-1 comment-reply " data-comment-id="5195257" data-reply-to="4985838" data-depth="1"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/c/c9/Black-15566.jpg/75px-Black-15566.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Black-15566"> <a href="" title="Black-15566">Darlisa Black</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> I agree with Zuladawn! amazing to see these glimpses into Spencer background. My maternal Grandmother was a Spencer, descended from Orson Spencer. </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_5195257">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2021-01-06T20:14:46Z">Jan 06, 2021</time> by <a href="" title="Black-15566">Darlisa Black</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4960429" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4960429" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/8/84/Sheppard-2686-3.jpg/75px-Sheppard-2686-3.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Sheppard-2686"> <a href="" title="Sheppard-2686">Pip Sheppard</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi, Stephen!<p>Thank you for your participation in October’s 2020 Source-a-thon. Your contributions helped us to clear over 57,000 profiles that needed sourcing. This makes our Shared Tree all that much better. </p><p>Keep up the great work! </p><p>Pippin Sheppard WikiTree’s Appreciation Team </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4960429">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-10-09T14:00:30Z">Oct 09, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Sheppard-2686">Pip Sheppard</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4953427" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4953427" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/b/b8/Langridge-71.png/75px-Langridge-71.png" class="commenter-image" ALT="Langridge-71"> <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> <a href="/wiki/Image:Mighty_Oaks.jpg" class="image" title="Mighty Oaks.jpg"><img alt="" src="/photo.php/thumb/d/d4/Mighty_Oaks.jpg/75px-Mighty_Oaks.jpg" width="75" height="57" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a>  <p>Hi Sephen </p><p>We all did a great job this weekend, thank you for participating. A job well done the grand total for the event was 57,577 profiles sourced. The Mighty Oaks contributed 8,877 of those. Maddy lead all the way and ended with a fab score of 1,130. Making her no 6 on the individual scoreboard </p><p>See: <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a> on tracking to open up your contribution list so you can review your work and possibly some tidying up. </p><p>Thanks again for this weekend, you rock </p><p>Joan &amp; Janet </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4953427">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-10-06T12:08:15Z">Oct 06, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4894517" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4894517" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/8/8b/Denney-984.jpg/75px-Denney-984.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Denney-984"> <a href="" title="Denney-984">Jessika (Denney) Feltz</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Just stopping by to say hello to my 10th cousin! </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4894517">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-09-12T20:08:45Z">Sep 12, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Denney-984">Jessika (Denney) Feltz</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4878952" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4878952" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/b/b8/Langridge-71.png/75px-Langridge-71.png" class="commenter-image" ALT="Langridge-71"> <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> <a href="/wiki/Image:Mighty_Oaks.jpg" class="image" title="Mighty Oaks.jpg"><img alt="" src="/photo.php/thumb/d/d4/Mighty_Oaks.jpg/75px-Mighty_Oaks.jpg" width="75" height="57" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a>  <p>Hi Stephen </p><p>We would love to have you join us in the <a href=" " class="external text" title=" " rel="nofollow">Mighty Oaks</a>  for the fifth Source-A-Thon </p><p>If you are interested in joining us then sign up here <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>? </p><p>Here is our chat page is open - <a href=" Mighty" class="external text" title=" Mighty" rel="nofollow">Oaks Chat</a> We will also be on Discord for live chatting. </p><p>This link is for the help page for the event <a href=" " class="external text" title=" " rel="nofollow"> Help page</a> </p><p>Look forward to working with you again </p><p> Janet &amp; Joan </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4878952">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-09-06T21:04:51Z">Sep 06, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4768370" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4768370" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/8/84/Sheppard-2686-3.jpg/75px-Sheppard-2686-3.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Sheppard-2686"> <a href="" title="Sheppard-2686">Pip Sheppard</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hello, Stephen!<p>Thanks for your participation during our Connect-A-Thon 2020. It is amazing how many more profiles were created and added to our Shared Tree over the weekend. I hope you’ll join us for the Source-a-thon this fall. </p><p>Kind regards, </p><p>Pippin Sheppard ~ WikiTree’s Appreciation Team </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4768370">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-07-26T04:59:21Z">Jul 26, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Sheppard-2686">Pip Sheppard</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4751952" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4751952" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/b/b8/Langridge-71.png/75px-Langridge-71.png" class="commenter-image" ALT="Langridge-71"> <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> <a href="/wiki/Image:Mighty_Oaks.jpg" class="image" title="Mighty Oaks.jpg"><img alt="" src="/photo.php/thumb/d/d4/Mighty_Oaks.jpg/75px-Mighty_Oaks.jpg" width="75" height="57" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a> <p>    Hi Stephen </p><p>Thank you for joining the Mighty Oaks for the Connect-A-Thon (CAT). Congratulations on your work during the Connect A Thon what an amazing result for the Mighty Oaks we added 12,615. Altogether the teams add a  grand total of  60,128 new profiles added to wikitreeWe hope you had fun while building the tree.  </p><p>See you next year or before for the Source-A-Thon  </p><p>Janet &amp; Joan   </p><p>Co-Leaders for the Mighty Oaks </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4751952">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-07-20T12:57:55Z">Jul 20, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4659344" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4659344" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/b/b8/Langridge-71.png/75px-Langridge-71.png" class="commenter-image" ALT="Langridge-71"> <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> <a href="/wiki/Image:Mighty_Oaks.jpg" class="image" title="Mighty Oaks.jpg"><img alt="" src="/photo.php/thumb/d/d4/Mighty_Oaks.jpg/100px-Mighty_Oaks.jpg" width="100" height="76" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a>  <p>Hi Stephen </p><p>We would love to have you join us in the newly formed England Team (Sandringham Strollers &amp; Windsor Warriors) = <a href=" " class="external text" title=" " rel="nofollow">Mighty Oaks</a>  for the Connect-A-Thon </p><p>If you are interested in joining the new English team then sign up here <a href=" " class="external text" title=" " rel="nofollow">Connect-A-Thon </a> </p><p>Here is our chat page which just opened - <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Mighty Oaks Chat</a> We will also be on Discord for live chatting. </p><p>This link is for the help page for the event <a href=" " class="external text" title=" " rel="nofollow"> Help page</a> </p><p>Look forward to working with you again </p><p> Joan &amp; Janet </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4659344">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-06-16T22:52:51Z">Jun 16, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4558047" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4558047" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/f/fa/Williams-47589.jpg/75px-Williams-47589.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Williams-47589"> <a href="" title="Williams-47589">Joan (Williams) Whitaker</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen, <p>Your England Leaders are completing the six monthly check in with all team members. I wanted to thank you for your work on English Profiles and in your various teams. We are missing you, and hope you will be back soon. </p><p>These are unprecedented and difficult times, and we understand as Project Leaders that your situation may have changed somewhat in the last few months. What we are all able to/ wish to contribute on Wikitree has changed. Please let me know if you are happy with your current role and team choice or if you wish to do something additional or different. Thank you again on behalf of all the project leaders for everything you do' </p><p>Joan </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4558047">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-05-10T14:09:36Z">May 10, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Williams-47589">Joan (Williams) Whitaker</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4501514" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4501514" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <a href="" title="Williams-81019">[Living Williams]</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> As a "Tree Hugger", I want to congratulate you on receiving your trophy <a href=";b=scan_a_thon_winner_2020" class="external text" title=";b=scan_a_thon_winner_2020" rel="nofollow">badge</a> for being a <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">winner</a> of the 2020 <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Scan-a-Thon</a> challenge.<p><a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">John Williams</a> ~ WikiTree Tree Hugger </p><p><img src="" alt="tree_hugger.gif" class="scale-with-grid"/> </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4501514">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-04-21T16:57:42Z">Apr 21, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Williams-81019">[Living Williams]</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4454296" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4454296" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/b/b8/Langridge-71.png/75px-Langridge-71.png" class="commenter-image" ALT="Langridge-71"> <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> <a href="/wiki/Image:Sandringham_Strollers.jpg" class="image" title="Sandringham Strollers.jpg"><img alt="" src="/photo.php/thumb/2/2d/Sandringham_Strollers.jpg/150px-Sandringham_Strollers.jpg" width="150" height="84" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a><p>Hi Stephen </p><p>Wondered if you would be interested in the next challenge the 4th Clean-A-Thon Friday, April 24, at 8 AM (EDT) and run until Monday, April 27, at 8 AM (EDT).   </p><p>if you are interested register here  <a href=" " class="external free" title=" " rel="nofollow"> </a> and mention Sandringham Strollers in you answer. </p><p>Add your name in the table once you have registered or let me know The chat is up and running  link will be on our page <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a> </p><p>Many Thanks Janet and Gillian  </p><p>Sandringham Strollers </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4454296">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-04-04T11:51:51Z">Apr 04, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4437765" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4437765" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/b/bd/Lee-5956.jpg/75px-Lee-5956.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Lee-5956"> <a href="" title="Lee-5956">Robin Lee</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Marty Acks will be leading the Musty Dusty 2020 Clean-A-Thon Team again this year. I hope you will consider joining us again or for the first time. It is coming up again in 4 short weeks from April 24-26.<p>If interested, leave a post on this G2G thread <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>. </p><p>For more information on the team. see the page: <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a> </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4437765">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-03-28T18:21:41Z">Mar 28, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Lee-5956">Robin Lee</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4419641" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4419641" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <a href="" title="Williams-81019">[Living Williams]</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> <table style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"> <tr> <td style="text-align:center;"><a href="/wiki/Image:All_About_the_Weekend_Chat.png" class="image" title="All About the Weekend Chat.png"><img alt="" src="/photo.php/thumb/6/61/All_About_the_Weekend_Chat.png/300px-All_About_the_Weekend_Chat.png" width="300" height="130" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a> </td></tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:center;font-size:90%;"> </td></tr></table> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4419641">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-03-20T07:25:51Z">Mar 20, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Williams-81019">[Living Williams]</a> <br> edited <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-03-20T07:28:50Z">Mar 20, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Williams-81019">[Living Williams]</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4282614" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4282614" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/2/2d/Paugh-182-2.jpg/75px-Paugh-182-2.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Paugh-182"> <a href="" title="Paugh-182">Kenneth Paugh</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hello Steven, <p>We are 6th cousins. Please to meet you sir . Ken Paugh. </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4282614">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-01-21T17:49:23Z">Jan 21, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Paugh-182">Kenneth Paugh</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4263662" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4263662" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/8/84/Sheppard-2686-3.jpg/75px-Sheppard-2686-3.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Sheppard-2686"> <a href="" title="Sheppard-2686">Pip Sheppard</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Incredibly great work during the 2020 Scan-a-thon! Our Tree has been enhanced by your efforts to preserve photos and documents, Stephen!<p>The Appreciate Team THANKS YOU! </p><p>Pippin Sheppard Appreciation Team Member </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4263662">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2020-01-13T14:30:13Z">Jan 13, 2020</time> by <a href="" title="Sheppard-2686">Pip Sheppard</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4152187" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4152187" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/b/b8/Langridge-71.png/75px-Langridge-71.png" class="commenter-image" ALT="Langridge-71"> <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> <a href="/wiki/Image:Sandringham_Strollers.jpg" class="image" title="Sandringham Strollers.jpg"><img alt="" src="/photo.php/thumb/2/2d/Sandringham_Strollers.jpg/100px-Sandringham_Strollers.jpg" width="100" height="56" border="0" class="scale-with-grid"/></a> <p>Hi Stephen </p><p>The Scan-A-Thon Registration is open, please register </p><p><a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a> </p><p>Thanks look forward to working with you again </p><p>Janet </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4152187">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2019-12-01T02:29:52Z">Dec 01, 2019</time> by <a href="" title="Langridge-71">Janet (Langridge) Wild MSc RN</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4102469" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4102469" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <a href="" title="Haskell-1588">Peggy (Haskell) Moss</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> The image you posted to Tertius Taylor, Taylor-11008, doesn't show up. </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4102469">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2019-11-07T04:10:32Z">Nov 07, 2019</time> by <a href="" title="Haskell-1588">Peggy (Haskell) Moss</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_4098010" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="4098010" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/6/63/Comeaux-187.jpg/75px-Comeaux-187.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Comeaux-187"> <a href="" title="Comeaux-187">Janice (Comeaux) LeBlanc</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> I note that Geo Washington Cable wrote a book about your gg grandfather. I live across the street from the Geo Washington Cable residence in New Orleans.&nbsp;:) </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_4098010">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2019-11-05T02:31:40Z">Nov 05, 2019</time> by <a href="" title="Comeaux-187">Janice (Comeaux) LeBlanc</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_3958781" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="3958781" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/8/86/Humphrey-6461.jpg/75px-Humphrey-6461.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Humphrey-6461"> <a href="" title="Humphrey-6461">Marjorie (Humphrey) Gibbon</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen, <p>I was in touch with you some time ago - I've been working on a page for the 'A House Through Time' series set in Newcastle (<a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>.), and am wondering what to do next. It's not quite finished, needs a few edits and a few more profiles to make, but getting there. I see that the other two local topics in the England Project work in different ways - the Westbridge Cottages work as a category and the Beckingham Quakers have a link to the page in the text of their profile, not a category. Grateful for advice on how to proceed from here - I know that I will have to go back and edit each of the profiles to link them to the page, but should that be as a category or as a link in the text? Thanks, Marjorie </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_3958781">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2019-09-01T21:00:20Z">Sep 01, 2019</time> by <a href="" title="Humphrey-6461">Marjorie (Humphrey) Gibbon</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_3930681" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="3930681" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <a href="" title="Finnerty-95">Karen (Finnerty) Butler</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen <p>Thank you so much for responding to our check-in. We are delighted that you wish to continue contributing to the Louisiana Families Project. </p><p>To get the most out of collaborating with other project members, if you haven't already done so, please check the project page for the tag and communication methods used and join the conversation. If you would like some guidance about ways in which you can contribute, please ask in <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">G2G</a> using the project tag on your question. </p><p>Thank you! </p><p>Karen ~ Volunteer Coordinator </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_3930681">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2019-08-18T18:34:17Z">Aug 18, 2019</time> by <a href="" title="Finnerty-95">Karen (Finnerty) Butler</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_3926808" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="3926808" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <a href="" title="Finnerty-95">Karen (Finnerty) Butler</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Hi Stephen <p>On behalf of the Louisiana Families Project, we are doing a periodic check-in with members. Please review the project page <a href="" class="external autonumber" title="" rel="nofollow">[1]</a>, and if you feel you are able and would like to contribute to the project in the upcoming months, please let me know by commenting on my profile or sending a private message. If you have other obligations or interests at the moment and would like to be removed from the project at this time, you will always be welcome to rejoin if you find yourself with more time and interest later. </p><p>All of us at WikiTree would like to thank you for your contributions and hope that you are enjoying exploring your roots. </p><p>I look forward to hearing from you soon. </p><p>Karen ~ Volunteer Coordinator </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_3926808">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2019-08-16T21:39:26Z">Aug 16, 2019</time> by <a href="" title="Finnerty-95">Karen (Finnerty) Butler</a> </div> </div> <div id="comment_3730928" class="comment comment-depth-0 " data-comment-id="3730928" data-reply-to="0" data-depth="0"> <!-- profile image and name --> <div class="comment-header"> <img src="/photo.php/thumb/3/38/Baty-260.jpg/75px-Baty-260.jpg" class="commenter-image" ALT="Baty-260"> <a href="" title="Baty-260">SJ Baty</a> </div> <div class="comment-body"> Stephen and SJ are 9th cousins twice removed. <p><a href=";action=calculate&amp;person1_name=Trueblood-273&amp;person2_name=Baty-260" class="external free" title=";action=calculate&amp;person1_name=Trueblood-273&amp;person2_name=Baty-260" rel="nofollow">;action=calculate&amp;person1_name=Trueblood-273&amp;person2_name=Baty-260</a> </p> </div> <!-- for G2G-style comment layout --> <div class="comment-info small"> <a href="#comment_3730928">posted</a> <time class="timeago" datetime="2019-05-14T14:08:29Z">May 14, 2019</time> by <a href="" title="Baty-260">SJ Baty</a> </div> </div> <button id="showArchivedButton" class="small comment-action" data-action="showArchived" data-page-id="22922074">View Archived Comments</button> </div> </div> </div> <script src="/skins/wikitree/"></script> <!-- don't list Unlisted or have any links. Test Derived names --> <div class="sixteen columns"> </div> <div class="sixteen columns"> <p> This week's connection theme is <a href="" title="Here is this week's Christmas Albums Connection Checkers game">Christmas Albums</a>. Stephen is 18 degrees from Donald Osmond, 25 degrees from Paul Anka, 19 degrees from Irving Berlin, 20 degrees from Karen Carpenter, 20 degrees from Nat King Cole, 21 degrees from Perry Como, 14 degrees from Burl Ives, 19 degrees from Eartha Kitt, 23 degrees from Kylie Minogue, 20 degrees from Willie Nelson, 23 degrees from Olivia Newton-John and 18 degrees from Dolly Parton on our <a href="/wiki/Help:Collaborative_Family_Tree" title="Here is more about the single family tree concept and how it works">single family tree</a>. <a href="/index.php?title=Special:Userlogin" title="Login or register for free">Login</a> to see how you relate to 33 million family members. </p></div> <!-- end if no person --> </div><!-- end content --> <div class="container"> <div class="sixteen columns"> <p align="center"><a href="/indexes/person/T/">T</a> &nbsp;&gt;&nbsp; <a href="/genealogy/TRUEBLOOD">Trueblood</a> &nbsp;&gt;&nbsp; Stephen Trueblood</p> <p>Categories: <span dir='ltr'><a href="/wiki/Category:Mayflower_Descendants_on_WikiTree" title="Category:Mayflower Descendants on WikiTree">Mayflower Descendants on WikiTree</a></span></p> </div> </div><!-- end container --> <div id="footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="sixteen columns"> <p><a href="/" title="Go to the WikiTree Home Page">WIKITREE HOME</a> &nbsp; | &nbsp; <a href="/wiki/Help:About_WikiTree" title="About WikiTree, the Community, and our Mission">ABOUT</a> &nbsp; | &nbsp; <a href="/g2g/" title="Genealogist-to-Genealogist Community Forum">G2G FORUM</a> &nbsp; | &nbsp; <a href="/wiki/Help:How_to_Use_WikiTree" title="Help: How to use WikiTree">HELP</a> &nbsp; | &nbsp; <a href="/wiki/Special:SearchPerson" title="Search for a Person">SEARCH</a></p> <p>IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. 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