Will wet weather help North Texas ranchers beef up herds? | The Star Telegram The Star Telegram
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He stands near a stock tank on his Saginaw ranch that is still very low.</span> <span class="attribution"> <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span></span>', 'the img for lazy loading' ) ); galleryPictures.push( getPictureObjectInstance( 1, '<span class="caption">Jim Link is a 72-year-old Tarrant County cattleman shown in this 2013 file photo, said drought conditions vary greatly across North Texas. The wet start to this year has him hopeful this will be a better year for ranchers.</span> <span class="attribution"> <span class="photographer">File photo</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span></span>', 'the img for lazy loading' ) ); galleryPictures.push( getPictureObjectInstance( 2, '<span class="caption">Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, stands next stock tank that could still use a lot of water. Bonds is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle.</span> <span class="attribution"> <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span></span>', 'the img for lazy loading' ) ); galleryPictures.push( getPictureObjectInstance( 3, '<span class="caption">Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but astock tank on his Saginaw ranch is still very low.</span> <span class="attribution"> <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span></span>', 'the img for lazy loading' ) ); galleryPictures.push( getPictureObjectInstance( 4, '<span class="caption">A stock tank at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw has water but is still very low. The wet start to the year has certainly helped ranchers but many remain wary about buying more head of cattle.</span> <span class="attribution"> <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span></span>', 'the img for lazy loading' ) ); galleryPages.push(getPageObjectInstance(0, galleryPictures)); var galleryPictures = []; galleryPictures.push( getPictureObjectInstance( 5, '<span class="caption">Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle. He stands near a stock tank on his Saginaw ranch that is still very low.</span> <span class="attribution"> <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span></span>', 'the img for lazy loading' ) ); galleryPictures.push( getPictureObjectInstance( 6, '<span class="caption">At the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw, drought conditions are improving. Here are calves that have just been weaned two weeks ago.</span> <span class="attribution"> <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span></span>', 'the img for lazy loading' ) ); galleryPictures.push( getPictureObjectInstance( 7, '<span class="caption">At the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw, calves have weaned from their mothers are being held in a separate pen. Drought conditions are improving but ranchers remain wary that dry weather could return.</span> <span class="attribution"> <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span></span>', 'the img for lazy loading' ) ); galleryPages.push(getPageObjectInstance(1, galleryPictures)); var gallery16194671; gallery16194671 = getGalleryObjectInstance(groupId, galleryPages); } </script> <nowrap> <div class="galleryWidget"> <div id="galleryWidget-16194713" class="gallery carousel slide touchwipe overlay"> <!-- GALLERY SLIDES --> <div class="carousel-inner"> <div class="active item" data-slide-number="0"> <span data-picture> <span data-src=""></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 320px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 640px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 767px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 480px)"></span> <img src="" alt="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle. He stands near a stock tank on his Saginaw ranch that is still very low." title="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle. He stands near a stock tank on his Saginaw ranch that is still very low." class="gallery-image placeholder" style="width: 100%"> <noscript> <img src="" alt="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle. He stands near a stock tank on his Saginaw ranch that is still very low." width="800" height="" title="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle. He stands near a stock tank on his Saginaw ranch that is still very low." class="gallery-image"> </noscript> </span> <div class="gallery-caption"> <p class="gallery-caption-caption"> Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle. He stands near a stock tank on his Saginaw ranch that is still very low. <span class="gallery-caption-attribution"> | <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="item" data-slide-number="1"> <span data-picture> <span data-src=""></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 320px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 640px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 767px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 480px)"></span> <img src="" alt="Jim Link is a 72-year-old Tarrant County cattleman shown in this 2013 file photo, said drought conditions vary greatly across North Texas. The wet start to this year has him hopeful this will be a better year for ranchers." title="Jim Link is a 72-year-old Tarrant County cattleman shown in this 2013 file photo, said drought conditions vary greatly across North Texas. The wet start to this year has him hopeful this will be a better year for ranchers." class="gallery-image placeholder" style="width: 100%"> <noscript> <img src="" alt="Jim Link is a 72-year-old Tarrant County cattleman shown in this 2013 file photo, said drought conditions vary greatly across North Texas. The wet start to this year has him hopeful this will be a better year for ranchers." width="800" height="" title="Jim Link is a 72-year-old Tarrant County cattleman shown in this 2013 file photo, said drought conditions vary greatly across North Texas. The wet start to this year has him hopeful this will be a better year for ranchers." class="gallery-image"> </noscript> </span> <div class="gallery-caption"> <p class="gallery-caption-caption"> Jim Link is a 72-year-old Tarrant County cattleman shown in this 2013 file photo, said drought conditions vary greatly across North Texas. The wet start to this year has him hopeful this will be a better year for ranchers. <span class="gallery-caption-attribution"> | <span class="photographer">File photo</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="item" data-slide-number="2"> <span data-picture> <span data-src=""></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 320px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 640px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 767px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 480px)"></span> <img src="" alt="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, stands next stock tank that could still use a lot of water. Bonds is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle." title="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, stands next stock tank that could still use a lot of water. Bonds is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle." class="gallery-image placeholder" style="width: 100%"> <noscript> <img src="" alt="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, stands next stock tank that could still use a lot of water. Bonds is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle." width="800" height="" title="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, stands next stock tank that could still use a lot of water. Bonds is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle." class="gallery-image"> </noscript> </span> <div class="gallery-caption"> <p class="gallery-caption-caption"> Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, stands next stock tank that could still use a lot of water. Bonds is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle. <span class="gallery-caption-attribution"> | <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="item" data-slide-number="3"> <span data-picture> <span data-src=""></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 320px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 640px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 767px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 480px)"></span> <img src="" alt="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but astock tank on his Saginaw ranch is still very low." title="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but astock tank on his Saginaw ranch is still very low." class="gallery-image placeholder" style="width: 100%"> <noscript> <img src="" alt="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but astock tank on his Saginaw ranch is still very low." width="800" height="" title="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but astock tank on his Saginaw ranch is still very low." class="gallery-image"> </noscript> </span> <div class="gallery-caption"> <p class="gallery-caption-caption"> Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but astock tank on his Saginaw ranch is still very low. <span class="gallery-caption-attribution"> | <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="item" data-slide-number="4"> <span data-picture> <span data-src=""></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 320px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 640px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 767px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 480px)"></span> <img src="" alt="A stock tank at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw has water but is still very low. The wet start to the year has certainly helped ranchers but many remain wary about buying more head of cattle." title="A stock tank at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw has water but is still very low. The wet start to the year has certainly helped ranchers but many remain wary about buying more head of cattle." class="gallery-image placeholder" style="width: 100%"> <noscript> <img src="" alt="A stock tank at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw has water but is still very low. The wet start to the year has certainly helped ranchers but many remain wary about buying more head of cattle." width="800" height="" title="A stock tank at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw has water but is still very low. The wet start to the year has certainly helped ranchers but many remain wary about buying more head of cattle." class="gallery-image"> </noscript> </span> <div class="gallery-caption"> <p class="gallery-caption-caption"> A stock tank at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw has water but is still very low. The wet start to the year has certainly helped ranchers but many remain wary about buying more head of cattle. <span class="gallery-caption-attribution"> | <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="item" data-slide-number="5"> <span data-picture> <span data-src=""></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 320px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 640px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 767px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 480px)"></span> <img src="" alt="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle. He stands near a stock tank on his Saginaw ranch that is still very low." title="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle. He stands near a stock tank on his Saginaw ranch that is still very low." class="gallery-image placeholder" style="width: 100%"> <noscript> <img src="" alt="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle. He stands near a stock tank on his Saginaw ranch that is still very low." width="800" height="" title="Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle. He stands near a stock tank on his Saginaw ranch that is still very low." class="gallery-image"> </noscript> </span> <div class="gallery-caption"> <p class="gallery-caption-caption"> Pete Bonds, president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is cautiously optimistic that drought conditions are improving but is not ready to start "doubling down" and buying a lot of cattle. He stands near a stock tank on his Saginaw ranch that is still very low. <span class="gallery-caption-attribution"> | <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="item" data-slide-number="6"> <span data-picture> <span data-src=""></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 320px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 640px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 767px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 480px)"></span> <img src="" alt="At the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw, drought conditions are improving. Here are calves that have just been weaned two weeks ago." title="At the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw, drought conditions are improving. Here are calves that have just been weaned two weeks ago." class="gallery-image placeholder" style="width: 100%"> <noscript> <img src="" alt="At the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw, drought conditions are improving. Here are calves that have just been weaned two weeks ago." width="800" height="" title="At the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw, drought conditions are improving. Here are calves that have just been weaned two weeks ago." class="gallery-image"> </noscript> </span> <div class="gallery-caption"> <p class="gallery-caption-caption"> At the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw, drought conditions are improving. Here are calves that have just been weaned two weeks ago. <span class="gallery-caption-attribution"> | <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="item" data-slide-number="7"> <span data-picture> <span data-src=""></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 320px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 640px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 767px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 480px)"></span> <img src="" alt="At the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw, calves have weaned from their mothers are being held in a separate pen. Drought conditions are improving but ranchers remain wary that dry weather could return." title="At the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw, calves have weaned from their mothers are being held in a separate pen. Drought conditions are improving but ranchers remain wary that dry weather could return." class="gallery-image placeholder" style="width: 100%"> <noscript> <img src="" alt="At the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw, calves have weaned from their mothers are being held in a separate pen. Drought conditions are improving but ranchers remain wary that dry weather could return." width="800" height="" title="At the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw, calves have weaned from their mothers are being held in a separate pen. Drought conditions are improving but ranchers remain wary that dry weather could return." class="gallery-image"> </noscript> </span> <div class="gallery-caption"> <p class="gallery-caption-caption"> At the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw, calves have weaned from their mothers are being held in a separate pen. Drought conditions are improving but ranchers remain wary that dry weather could return. <span class="gallery-caption-attribution"> | <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span> </span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /.carousel-inner --> <!-- GALLERY LEFT ARROW --> <a class="left carousel-control" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="gallery16194671.updatePictureIndex(16194713, gallery16194671.getCurrPictureIndex()-1);"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a> <!-- GALLERY RIGHT ARROW --> <a class="right carousel-control" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="gallery16194671.updatePictureIndex(16194713, gallery16194671.getCurrPictureIndex()+1);"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> </a> </div> <!-- galleryWidget-16194713 --> <!--"Gallery pre-roll turned off as page level is: story . 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A year ago, only 2.13 inches had fallen.</p><p>“What will get me excited is when we see two years of normal rainfall,” Bonds said. “One wet spell isn’t going to do it. I don’t know what’s going to happen. Only God knows that.”</p><h3>Cattle inventory up</h3><p>As of Jan. 1, the inventory of cattle and calves totaled 11.8 million in Texas, up 6 percent from Jan. 1, 2014. Texas ranks first in the U.S. in total cattle and calves, making up 13 percent of the nation’s inventory, said Bryan Black, a spokesman for the state Agriculture Department.</p><p>Some big producers started moving their herds out of Texas in 2011, taking them to rain-fed pastures in such states as Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming.</p><p>If ranchers become more optimistic and start buying cattle, it would take about three years to rebuild their herds and drive down beef prices, Bonds said. Live cattle were trading at $1.62 a pound Tuesday, compared with 95 cents in 2010 — before the drought took hold.</p><div class="ng_mm_link2"><div class="videowrapper"><iframe allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0" height="315" src="" width="560"> </iframe> </div></div><p>The Climate Prediction Center’s <a href="" target="_blank" title="">seasonal drought outlook</a> shows some improvement in Dallas-Fort Worth through June, but the dry conditions are hanging on west of Fort Worth. Areas to the south and east of DFW are in far better shape, and some have seen the drought disappear.</p><p>To combat the drought’s toll, the U.S. Agriculture Department announced last week that the<a href="" target="_blank" title=""> Livestock Forage Disaster Program </a>is available to help offset grazing losses in 2015. Similar benefits were available from 2011 to 2014, and more than 300 operators in Tarrant and Johnson counties signed up, said Kirk Goodman, the USDA Farm Service Agency executive director for Johnson and Tarrant counties.</p><p>“This drought has been compared to the drought of the ’50s,” Goodman said. “There have been periods of abundant rains, and then it goes back to dry. We have been in this drought since before 2011.”</p><p>Not all ranchers will qualify for the federal program if they’ve been cutting back their herds, said Kerry Cornelius, director of <a href="" target="_blank" title="">TCU’s Ranch Management Program</a>.</p><p>“To benefit, you’ve got to have cattle,” Cornelius said. “The first thing we teach in the time of drought is the need to liquidate if you don’t have enough forage and feed available. In this drought, you’ve had to buy feed one, two, maybe three years in a row.”</p><h3>Praying for (more) rain</h3><p>As far as buying more cattle, many remain hesitant, Cornelius said. That’s not only because of concerns that the drought will return but also because of the high cost of cattle.</p><p>“Mainly, it’s the amount of money it takes to get into the market today,” Cornelius said. “Everything is a multiple of three times. It takes three times the amount of money to run the same amount of cattle it did five or six years ago. There are few ranches back to full capacity.”</p><p>Jim Link, who runs a stocker operation and lives on the Tarrant-Johnson county line, said conditions vary across North Texas. Some places have water while others do not. </p><p>Link doesn’t own cattle long-term. He buys them when they weigh 300 to 400 pounds and sells them when they’re about 800 pounds.</p><p>“I’m cautiously optimistic the market is starting to come back,” Link said. “I think we’re going to have a good year for grazing anyway.”</p><p>But like Bonds, Link isn’t ready to open his wallet.</p><p>“Until I see Benbrook Lake full and all of these ponds full, I’m not going to say it’s over,” Link said. “What would be great right now would be a 2- or 3-inch downpour. But it took me two days this weekend to get half an inch.”</p><div class="ng_endnote_contact"><p>Bill Hanna, 817-390-7698</p><p>Twitter: @fwhanna</p></div><div class="ng_factbox"><div class="ng_factbox_head"><p>Thinning the herds</p></div><p>Number of cattle in Texas on Jan. 1 </p><p><strong>2010:</strong> 13.3 million</p><p><strong>2011:</strong> 13.3 million</p><p><strong>2012:</strong> 11.9 million</p><p><strong>2013:</strong> 11.3 million</p><p><strong>2014:</strong> 11.1 million</p><p><strong>2015:</strong> 11.8 million</p><div class="ng_factbox_endnote"><p>Source: U.S. Agriculture Department</p></div></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { // Removing empty paragraphs first $("#content-body-16194677-16296722 p").filter(function () { var html = $.trim($(this).html()); if (html == '' || html == ' ') return true; }).remove(); // Taking a subset of paragraphs using offset and maximum var offset = 1; var max = -1; if (offset > 1) { $("#content-body-16194677-16296722").children().slice(0, offset - 1).remove(); } if (max > -1) { $("#content-body-16194677-16296722").children().slice(max).remove(); } // Show dateline field at the beginning of the first paragraph var showDateline = false; var datelineStr = "SAGINAW"; if (offset <= 1 && showDateline == true && datelineStr != "") { var firstChild = $("#content-body-16194677-16296722").children().get(0); if ("P" == firstChild.nodeName.toUpperCase()) { $(firstChild).prepend("<span>" + datelineStr + " - </span>"); } else { $(firstChild).before("<span>" + datelineStr + "</span>"); } } }); </script> </div> </div> <div class="ndn_embed" id="ndn-video-player-2" data-config-distributor-id="91243" data-config-width="100%" data-config-height="9/16w"></div> <div id="related-gallery" class="reorder_story-target_2"> <script type="text/javascript"> groupId = "2"; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var eventHandlers = []; if(gallery2 == null || gallery2 == undefined) { var galleryPages = []; var galleryPictures = []; galleryPictures.push( getPictureObjectInstance( 0, '<span class="caption">A calf that has just been weaned two weeks ago at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw. The wet start to the year has brought hope to ranchers but many remain wary that the drought could return.</span> <span class="attribution"> <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span></span>', 'the img for lazy loading' ) ); galleryPictures.push( getPictureObjectInstance( 1, '<span class="caption">Calves that have just been weaned two weeks ago are being held in a pen at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw.</span> <span class="attribution"> <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span></span>', 'the img for lazy loading' ) ); galleryPages.push(getPageObjectInstance(0, galleryPictures)); var gallery2; gallery2 = getGalleryObjectInstance(groupId, galleryPages); } </script> <nowrap> <div class="galleryWidget"> <div id="galleryWidget-19911834" class="gallery carousel slide touchwipe overlay"> <!-- GALLERY SLIDES --> <div class="carousel-inner"> <div class="active item" data-slide-number="0"> <span data-picture> <span data-src=""></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 320px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 640px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 767px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 480px)"></span> <img src="" alt="A calf that has just been weaned two weeks ago at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw. The wet start to the year has brought hope to ranchers but many remain wary that the drought could return." title="A calf that has just been weaned two weeks ago at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw. The wet start to the year has brought hope to ranchers but many remain wary that the drought could return." class="gallery-image placeholder" style="width: 100%"> <noscript> <img src="" alt="A calf that has just been weaned two weeks ago at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw. The wet start to the year has brought hope to ranchers but many remain wary that the drought could return." width="800" height="" title="A calf that has just been weaned two weeks ago at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw. The wet start to the year has brought hope to ranchers but many remain wary that the drought could return." class="gallery-image"> </noscript> </span> <div class="gallery-caption"> <p class="gallery-caption-caption"> A calf that has just been weaned two weeks ago at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw. The wet start to the year has brought hope to ranchers but many remain wary that the drought could return. <span class="gallery-caption-attribution"> | <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="item" data-slide-number="1"> <span data-picture> <span data-src=""></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 320px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 640px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 767px)"></span> <span data-src="" data-media="(max-width: 480px)"></span> <img src="" alt="Calves that have just been weaned two weeks ago are being held in a pen at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw." title="Calves that have just been weaned two weeks ago are being held in a pen at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw." class="gallery-image placeholder" style="width: 100%"> <noscript> <img src="" alt="Calves that have just been weaned two weeks ago are being held in a pen at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw." width="800" height="" title="Calves that have just been weaned two weeks ago are being held in a pen at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw." class="gallery-image"> </noscript> </span> <div class="gallery-caption"> <p class="gallery-caption-caption"> Calves that have just been weaned two weeks ago are being held in a pen at the Bonds Ranch near Saginaw. <span class="gallery-caption-attribution"> | <span class="photographer">Joyce Marshall</span> <span class="credits">Star-Telegram</span> </span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /.carousel-inner --> <!-- GALLERY LEFT ARROW --> <a class="left carousel-control" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="gallery2.updatePictureIndex(19911834, gallery2.getCurrPictureIndex()-1);"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> </a> <!-- GALLERY RIGHT ARROW --> <a class="right carousel-control" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="gallery2.updatePictureIndex(19911834, gallery2.getCurrPictureIndex()+1);"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> </a> </div> <!-- galleryWidget-19911834 --> <!--"Gallery pre-roll turned off as page level is: story . 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