McCain Regen Fries

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you ask.</p></div></div></div></div><div class="intro__text_block"><div class="text_box__styled"><div class="content"><div class="background_mask"> <svg width="679" height="463" viewBox="0 0 679 463" fill="none" xmlns="" preserveAspectRatio="none"> <path d="M321.016 463C306.486 463 291.956 462.984 277.426 462.968C262.919 462.952 248.389 462.935 233.882 462.935C226.967 462.935 220.075 462.935 213.16 462.952L212.641 462.935C128.919 460.722 24.7237 457.975 6.60086 349.867C-1.51148 307.568 -0.675389 264.137 1.42613 223.518C3.16611 182.625 6.57826 146.562 11.866 113.278C12.3857 109.966 12.8828 106.573 13.3574 103.147C17.0181 77.6029 20.837 51.1859 39.7959 33.2192C55.8624 17.8537 79.657 12.6672 96.1303 10.0982C113.507 7.48077 130.952 6.54367 147.358 5.81659C177.886 4.70175 208.325 4.55632 231.419 4.55632C243.169 4.55632 254.897 4.6048 266.647 4.63711C278.375 4.68559 290.103 4.7179 301.831 4.7179C306.215 4.7179 310.621 4.7179 315.005 4.70174C317.31 4.7179 319.547 4.7179 321.784 4.7179C350.302 4.7179 379.407 3.52226 407.563 2.35895C435.854 1.19563 465.117 0 493.906 0C529.767 0 559.618 1.82576 587.864 5.71964C670.547 17.9668 676.603 68.054 675.902 132.263C675.36 161.685 676.377 191.705 677.371 220.723C678.275 247.383 679.224 274.963 678.953 301.978V302.317C676.851 359.836 667.835 394.494 648.808 418.164C627.612 444.549 592.587 457.733 538.603 459.655C469.885 462.434 401.913 463 321.016 463Z" fill="#FFFADC"/> </svg></div><div class="potato_prints print_num_6"></div><div class="text_holder"><p class="p1">Well, it&rsquo;s an ecosystem-based approach to farming that aims to <strong>help improve soil health, boost biodiversity</strong> (introduce more helpful animals and plants) and make farms <strong>more resilient</strong>.</p></div></div></div></div><div class="intro__text_block"><div class="text_box__styled"><div class="content"><div class="background_mask"> <svg width="679" height="463" viewBox="0 0 679 463" fill="none" xmlns="" preserveAspectRatio="none"> <path d="M321.016 463C306.486 463 291.956 462.984 277.426 462.968C262.919 462.952 248.389 462.935 233.882 462.935C226.967 462.935 220.075 462.935 213.16 462.952L212.641 462.935C128.919 460.722 24.7237 457.975 6.60086 349.867C-1.51148 307.568 -0.675389 264.137 1.42613 223.518C3.16611 182.625 6.57826 146.562 11.866 113.278C12.3857 109.966 12.8828 106.573 13.3574 103.147C17.0181 77.6029 20.837 51.1859 39.7959 33.2192C55.8624 17.8537 79.657 12.6672 96.1303 10.0982C113.507 7.48077 130.952 6.54367 147.358 5.81659C177.886 4.70175 208.325 4.55632 231.419 4.55632C243.169 4.55632 254.897 4.6048 266.647 4.63711C278.375 4.68559 290.103 4.7179 301.831 4.7179C306.215 4.7179 310.621 4.7179 315.005 4.70174C317.31 4.7179 319.547 4.7179 321.784 4.7179C350.302 4.7179 379.407 3.52226 407.563 2.35895C435.854 1.19563 465.117 0 493.906 0C529.767 0 559.618 1.82576 587.864 5.71964C670.547 17.9668 676.603 68.054 675.902 132.263C675.36 161.685 676.377 191.705 677.371 220.723C678.275 247.383 679.224 274.963 678.953 301.978V302.317C676.851 359.836 667.835 394.494 648.808 418.164C627.612 444.549 592.587 457.733 538.603 459.655C469.885 462.434 401.913 463 321.016 463Z" fill="#FFFADC"/> </svg></div><div class="potato_prints print_num_1"></div><div class="text_holder"><p><strong>McCain is committed to partnering with growers to introduce its approach to regenerative agriculture across 100% of our potato acreage worldwide by 2030.</strong></p></div></div></div></div></div><div id="info_graphic_title"> <img src="" /><p>Regenerative agriculture is an ecosystem approach to farming aims to improve soil health and boost biodiversity. It also aims to improve crop yields and optimise water use!</p><p>Click to explore the 6 key goals of our approach to regenerative agriculture.</p></div><div id="infographic_diagram"><div id="infographic_holder"><div class="infographic_item" id="item__improve_farm_resilience"><div class="infographic_item__icon_holder"> <svg width="435" height="435" viewBox="0 0 435 435" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_247_49)"> <path d="M217.38 432.76C336.331 432.76 432.76 336.331 432.76 217.38C432.76 98.4289 336.331 2 217.38 2C98.4289 2 2 98.4289 2 217.38C2 336.331 98.4289 432.76 217.38 432.76Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> <path d="M84.88 299.17C138.09 299.17 187.28 316.36 227.21 345.48" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> <path d="M84.88 255.43C166.95 255.43 240.92 290.06 293 345.48" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> <path d="M84.88 211.69C193.53 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214.27C306.1 214.27 303.48 214.33 300.88 214.45C291.44 214.87 282.07 216.05 272.88 217.98C266.8 219.25 260.79 220.85 254.88 222.76V168.02L286.38 144.86L317.88 168.02Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M300.88 188.63V214.45C291.44 214.87 282.07 216.05 272.88 217.98V188.63H300.88Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M311.2 301.79C320.19 302.04 328.86 303.68 337.02 306.51" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> <path d="M265.23 265.42C279.19 260.52 293.89 258.01 308.71 258.01C318.41 258.01 327.88 259.09 337.02 261.15" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> <path d="M217.93 239.68C245.27 223.06 276.68 214.27 308.71 214.27C318.34 214.27 327.81 215.07 337.02 216.61" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_247_49"> <rect width="434.76" height="434.76" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div><h3>Improve Farm Resilience</h3></div><div class="infographic_item" id="item__armour_soils"><div class="infographic_item__icon_holder"> <svg width="435" height="435" viewBox="0 0 435 435" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_247_39)"> <path d="M109.81 221.93H327.43" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M218.62 138.58C218.62 112.45 248.39 95.58 285.43 95.58C285.43 101.7 272.13 109.58 269.89 123.18C266.75 142.21 253.35 149.49 243.43 149.49C228.88 149.49 218.63 138.58 218.63 138.58H218.62Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M164.38 128.17C176.45 128.17 218.62 147.19 218.62 160.58C218.62 160.58 193.48 169.84 179.92 162.07C172.41 157.77 164.38 150.9 164.38 128.17Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M327.43 252.02C327.43 252.02 316.68 257.48 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stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M217.38 432.76C336.331 432.76 432.76 336.331 432.76 217.38C432.76 98.4289 336.331 2 217.38 2C98.4289 2 2 98.4289 2 217.38C2 336.331 98.4289 432.76 217.38 432.76Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_247_39"> <rect width="434.76" height="434.76" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div><h3>Armour soils</h3></div><div class="infographic_item" id="item__enhance_crop_amp_ecosystem_diversity"><div class="infographic_item__icon_holder"> <svg width="435" height="435" viewBox="0 0 435 435" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_247_8)"> <path d="M177.54 200.79C177.29 200.85 177.04 200.91 176.78 200.97C177.16 200.81 177.5 200.72 177.54 200.79Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M248.12 188.23C248.02 187.42 247.89 186.67 247.7 185.94C248.82 184.69 249.59 184.02 249.93 184.07C249.99 184.07 250.05 184.11 250.11 184.17C249.46 185.49 248.79 186.84 248.12 188.24V188.23Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M239.67 177.91C238.94 177.72 238.18 177.58 237.37 177.48C238.76 176.81 240.12 176.14 241.44 175.49C241.5 175.55 241.54 175.62 241.54 175.67C241.59 176.02 240.92 176.79 239.67 177.9V177.91Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M262.3 163.56C262.13 163.56 261.89 163.72 261.59 164.01C261.89 163.71 262.04 163.47 262.04 163.3C262.04 161.97 252.62 156.57 239.55 150.19C240.45 148.66 241.54 147.22 242.85 145.92C251.99 136.78 267.66 137.6 277.82 147.77C287.98 157.94 288.82 173.6 279.67 182.74C278.37 184.04 276.93 185.14 275.4 186.04C269.02 172.97 263.62 163.55 262.29 163.55L262.3 163.56Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M255.69 117.88C265.6 119.61 273.9 129.33 269.06 141.79" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M308.25 170.44C306.52 160.53 296.8 152.23 284.34 157.07" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M247.69 185.93C243.72 190.39 235.48 202.26 227.43 215.43C222.07 224.18 216.8 233.51 212.91 241.59C209.67 248.34 207.39 254.23 206.86 258.2C206.27 262.63 206.58 266.95 207.66 271.02C196.01 266.38 185.1 259.34 175.68 249.91C166.25 240.48 159.21 229.58 154.57 217.93C158.64 219.01 162.96 219.32 167.39 218.73C171.36 218.19 177.25 215.92 184 212.68C192.08 208.79 201.4 203.52 210.16 198.16C223.33 190.11 235.2 181.88 239.66 177.91" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M247.69 185.93C243.72 190.39 235.48 202.26 227.43 215.43C222.07 224.18 216.8 233.51 212.91 241.59C209.67 248.34 207.39 254.23 206.86 258.2C206.27 262.63 206.58 266.95 207.66 271.02C207.78 271.48 207.91 271.93 208.06 272.38C207.22 273.36 206.41 274.22 205.67 274.96C190.47 290.16 165.84 290.16 150.64 274.96C135.44 259.76 135.44 235.13 150.64 219.93C151.38 219.19 152.25 218.38 153.21 217.54C153.66 217.68 154.12 217.81 154.57 217.93C158.64 219.01 162.96 219.32 167.39 218.73C171.36 218.19 177.25 215.92 184 212.68C192.08 208.79 201.4 203.52 210.16 198.16C223.33 190.11 235.2 181.88 239.66 177.91" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M247.69 185.93C243.72 190.39 235.48 202.26 227.43 215.43C222.07 224.18 216.8 233.51 212.91 241.59C207.23 237.95 201.86 233.65 196.9 228.69C191.94 223.73 187.64 218.36 184 212.68C192.08 208.79 201.4 203.52 210.16 198.16C223.33 190.11 235.2 181.88 239.66 177.91" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M247.69 185.93C243.72 190.39 235.48 202.26 227.43 215.43C224.24 212.96 221.17 210.28 218.24 207.35C215.31 204.42 212.63 201.35 210.16 198.16C223.33 190.11 235.2 181.88 239.66 177.91" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M248.02 294.1C243.87 295.25 239.41 295.61 234.87 294.99C221.91 293.23 211.75 284.09 208.06 272.38C207.91 271.93 207.78 271.47 207.66 271.02C206.58 266.95 206.27 262.63 206.86 258.2C207.4 254.23 209.67 248.34 212.91 241.6C216.8 233.52 222.07 224.19 227.43 215.44C235.48 202.27 243.71 190.4 247.69 185.95C247.88 186.68 248.02 187.43 248.11 188.24C243.46 197.88 238.41 209.22 234.09 220.16C230.03 230.41 226.62 240.31 224.8 248.08C224.68 248.58 224.57 249.08 224.47 249.57C223.77 252.82 223.38 255.64 223.38 257.91C223.38 274.36 233.58 288.42 248.02 294.11V294.1Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M262.3 296.81C257.27 296.81 252.45 295.86 248.03 294.11C233.6 288.41 223.39 274.35 223.39 257.9C223.39 255.64 223.78 252.82 224.48 249.57C224.75 249.14 224.97 248.14 224.81 248.07C226.63 240.31 230.04 230.41 234.1 220.15C238.42 209.21 243.47 197.87 248.12 188.24C248.66 187.11 249.2 186.01 249.73 184.92C249.86 184.67 249.98 184.42 250.1 184.16C255.26 173.71 259.67 165.92 261.58 164.01C261.88 163.71 262.12 163.56 262.29 163.56C263.62 163.56 269.02 172.98 275.4 186.05C286.76 209.31 301.2 244.14 301.2 257.9C301.2 279.4 283.78 296.82 262.29 296.81H262.3Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M239.67 177.91C235.21 181.88 223.34 190.11 210.17 198.16C201.42 203.52 192.09 208.79 184.01 212.68C177.26 215.91 171.37 218.19 167.4 218.73C162.97 219.32 158.65 219.01 154.58 217.93C154.12 217.81 153.67 217.68 153.22 217.54C141.51 213.85 132.37 203.69 130.61 190.73C129.99 186.18 130.35 181.73 131.5 177.58C137.19 192.01 151.26 202.22 167.7 202.22C169.96 202.22 172.78 201.83 176.03 201.13C176.25 201.08 176.48 201.03 176.72 200.98C176.73 200.98 176.76 200.98 176.78 200.97C177.03 200.91 177.29 200.86 177.54 200.79C185.3 198.97 195.2 195.56 205.46 191.5C216.4 187.18 227.74 182.13 237.38 177.49C238.19 177.59 238.95 177.73 239.68 177.92L239.67 177.91Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M261.59 164.01C259.67 165.93 251.89 170.33 241.44 175.49C241.19 175.62 240.94 175.74 240.68 175.86C239.6 176.39 238.5 176.93 237.37 177.47C227.73 182.12 216.39 187.16 205.45 191.48C195.2 195.54 185.3 198.95 177.53 200.77C176.76 200.98 176.74 201.11 176.03 201.11C172.78 201.81 169.96 202.2 167.7 202.2C151.25 202.2 137.19 192 131.5 177.56C129.75 173.13 128.8 168.32 128.8 163.28C128.8 141.79 146.22 124.37 167.71 124.37C181.47 124.37 216.3 138.82 239.56 150.17C252.63 156.55 262.05 161.95 262.05 163.28C262.05 163.45 261.89 163.69 261.6 163.99L261.59 164.01Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M217.38 432.76C336.331 432.76 432.76 336.331 432.76 217.38C432.76 98.4289 336.331 2 217.38 2C98.4289 2 2 98.4289 2 217.38C2 336.331 98.4289 432.76 217.38 432.76Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_247_8"> <rect width="434.76" height="434.76" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div><h3>Enhance crop &amp; ecosystem diversity</h3></div><div class="infographic_item" id="item__minimize_soil_disturbance"><div class="infographic_item__icon_holder"> <svg width="435" height="435" viewBox="0 0 435 435" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M103.04 286.11C113.086 286.11 121.23 277.966 121.23 267.92C121.23 257.874 113.086 249.73 103.04 249.73C92.9939 249.73 84.85 257.874 84.85 267.92C84.85 277.966 92.9939 286.11 103.04 286.11Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M103.04 307.74C125.032 307.74 142.86 289.912 142.86 267.92C142.86 245.928 125.032 228.1 103.04 228.1C81.048 228.1 63.22 245.928 63.22 267.92C63.22 289.912 81.048 307.74 103.04 307.74Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M235.61 290C243.845 290 250.52 283.325 250.52 275.09C250.52 266.855 243.845 260.18 235.61 260.18C227.375 260.18 220.7 266.855 220.7 275.09C220.7 283.325 227.375 290 235.61 290Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M235.61 307.73C253.637 307.73 268.25 293.117 268.25 275.09C268.25 257.063 253.637 242.45 235.61 242.45C217.583 242.45 202.97 257.063 202.97 275.09C202.97 293.117 217.583 307.73 235.61 307.73Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M62.07 233.04C68.22 225.81 76.11 220.42 84.86 217.29C90.63 215.2 96.78 214.11 103.05 214.11C105.63 214.11 108.17 214.3 110.66 214.66C121.49 216.21 131.31 221.05 139.09 228.1C145.56 233.97 150.62 241.38 153.65 249.73C155.73 255.42 156.86 261.55 156.86 267.92" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M267.91 240.96C259.19 232.71 247.62 228.1 235.61 228.1C215.56 228.1 197.63 240.93 191.14 259.9" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> <path d="M185.07 195.98V249.73H153.65C150.62 241.38 145.56 233.97 139.09 228.1C131.31 221.05 121.49 216.21 110.66 214.66C108.17 214.3 105.63 214.11 103.05 214.11C96.78 214.11 90.63 215.2 84.86 217.29V142.24H156.86L185.07 195.98Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M172.5 142.24H78.24V127.03H158.43C163.33 127.03 167.72 130.03 169.5 134.59L172.5 142.25V142.24Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M166.42 191.35V228.1H139.09C131.31 221.05 121.49 216.21 110.66 214.66V157.62H148.71L166.42 191.35Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M148.7 157.62H84.85" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M196.06 249.73H156.86" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M181.29 188.78H196.74C219.72 188.78 243.75 198.34 253.17 211.41C262.59 224.48 264.46 238.01 264.46 238.01" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M295.38 303.01C311.11 297.45 327.67 294.6 344.35 294.6C352.25 294.6 360.13 295.24 367.92 296.5" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M270.2 272.59C293.57 262.33 318.82 257.03 344.35 257.03C353.84 257.03 363.32 257.76 372.7 259.22" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M217.38 432.76C336.331 432.76 432.76 336.331 432.76 217.38C432.76 98.4289 336.331 2 217.38 2C98.4289 2 2 98.4289 2 217.38C2 336.331 98.4289 432.76 217.38 432.76Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> </svg></div><h3>Minimize soil disturbance</h3></div><div class="infographic_item" id="item__reduce_agrochemical_impact_and_optimise_water_use"><div class="infographic_item__icon_holder"> <svg width="435" height="435" viewBox="0 0 435 435" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_247_90)"> <path d="M260.81 236.68C260.81 212.11 216.32 156.42 216.32 156.42C216.32 156.42 171.83 212.11 171.83 236.68C171.83 261.25 191.75 281.17 216.32 281.17C240.89 281.17 260.81 261.25 260.81 236.68Z" /> <path d="M247.27 241.57C247.27 241.69 247.27 241.82 247.27 241.94C247.27 253.46 240.84 264.07 230.62 269.39" stroke="#F1F1F1" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> <path d="M217.38 92.94C217.03 92.94 216.68 92.94 216.32 92.94C157.82 92.94 106.66 133.72 93.62 190.75" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M80.95 160.06C81.99 159.69 83.13 160.23 83.5 161.28L93.77 190.1L115.55 168.6C116.34 167.82 117.61 167.83 118.38 168.61C119.15 169.4 119.14 170.67 118.36 171.44L94.35 195.14C93.86 195.62 93.17 195.82 92.5 195.67C91.83 195.52 91.29 195.03 91.06 194.39L79.73 162.61C79.6 162.24 79.58 161.85 79.66 161.49C79.81 160.85 80.27 160.29 80.94 160.05L80.95 160.06Z" /> <path d="M217.38 341.82C217.73 341.82 218.08 341.82 218.44 341.82C276.94 341.82 328.1 301.04 341.14 244.01" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M353.81 274.7C352.77 275.07 351.63 274.53 351.26 273.48L340.99 244.66L319.21 266.16C318.42 266.94 317.15 266.93 316.38 266.15C315.61 265.36 315.62 264.09 316.4 263.32L340.41 239.62C340.9 239.14 341.59 238.94 342.26 239.09C342.93 239.24 343.47 239.73 343.7 240.37L355.03 272.15C355.16 272.52 355.18 272.91 355.1 273.27C354.95 273.91 354.49 274.47 353.82 274.71L353.81 274.7Z" /> <path d="M217.38 432.76C336.331 432.76 432.76 336.331 432.76 217.38C432.76 98.4289 336.331 2 217.38 2C98.4289 2 2 98.4289 2 217.38C2 336.331 98.4289 432.76 217.38 432.76Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_247_90"> <rect width="434.76" height="434.76" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div><h3>Reduce Agro-chemical impact And optimise water use</h3></div><div class="infographic_item" id="item__integrate_organic_and_livestock_elements"><div class="infographic_item__icon_holder"> <svg width="435" height="435" viewBox="0 0 435 435" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_247_31)"> <path d="M110.43 299.71V190.78" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M222.44 299.71V241.94" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M138.22 299.71V241.23C138.22 241.23 151.95 248.84 161.04 243.88C170.13 238.92 169.09 224.62 169.09 224.62L222.45 241.96" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M306.72 145.64L345.49 184.41C347.52 186.44 347.71 189.68 345.92 191.93L335.82 204.68L298.94 197.4C298.94 197.4 286.87 211.29 275.95 221.71C265.04 232.13 250.21 240.07 250.21 240.07V299.71" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M322.93 135.06C322.93 135.06 291.12 156.89 265.16 163.17C239.2 169.45 147.44 150.77 134.25 158.54C119.37 167.3 116.13 178.26 116.13 178.26L87.62 237.09" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M217.38 432.76C336.331 432.76 432.76 336.331 432.76 217.38C432.76 98.4289 336.331 2 217.38 2C98.4289 2 2 98.4289 2 217.38C2 336.331 98.4289 432.76 217.38 432.76Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_247_31"> <rect width="434.76" height="434.76" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div><h3>Integrate organic And livestock elements</h3></div></div><div id="infographic_copy_holder"><div class="text_box__styled infographic_explanation_copy" id="item_copy_improve_farm_resilience"><div class="content"><div class="background_mask"> <svg width="679" height="463" viewBox="0 0 679 463" fill="none" xmlns="" preserveAspectRatio="none"> <path d="M321.016 463C306.486 463 291.956 462.984 277.426 462.968C262.919 462.952 248.389 462.935 233.882 462.935C226.967 462.935 220.075 462.935 213.16 462.952L212.641 462.935C128.919 460.722 24.7237 457.975 6.60086 349.867C-1.51148 307.568 -0.675389 264.137 1.42613 223.518C3.16611 182.625 6.57826 146.562 11.866 113.278C12.3857 109.966 12.8828 106.573 13.3574 103.147C17.0181 77.6029 20.837 51.1859 39.7959 33.2192C55.8624 17.8537 79.657 12.6672 96.1303 10.0982C113.507 7.48077 130.952 6.54367 147.358 5.81659C177.886 4.70175 208.325 4.55632 231.419 4.55632C243.169 4.55632 254.897 4.6048 266.647 4.63711C278.375 4.68559 290.103 4.7179 301.831 4.7179C306.215 4.7179 310.621 4.7179 315.005 4.70174C317.31 4.7179 319.547 4.7179 321.784 4.7179C350.302 4.7179 379.407 3.52226 407.563 2.35895C435.854 1.19563 465.117 0 493.906 0C529.767 0 559.618 1.82576 587.864 5.71964C670.547 17.9668 676.603 68.054 675.902 132.263C675.36 161.685 676.377 191.705 677.371 220.723C678.275 247.383 679.224 274.963 678.953 301.978V302.317C676.851 359.836 667.835 394.494 648.808 418.164C627.612 444.549 592.587 457.733 538.603 459.655C469.885 462.434 401.913 463 321.016 463Z" fill="#FFFADC"/> </svg></div><div class="potato_prints print_num_4"></div><div class="text_holder"><h4>Improve Farm Resilience</h4><p>This is our overarching aim with regenerative agriculture. A resilient farm is better equipped to face challenges from climate change and variable weather. Farm resilience not only makes the farm better equipped to face future harvests but may also maintain or increase yield. Most importantly it provides security for our farmers.</p></div></div></div><div class="text_box__styled infographic_explanation_copy" id="item_copy_armour_soils"><div class="content"><div class="background_mask"> <svg width="679" height="463" viewBox="0 0 679 463" fill="none" xmlns="" preserveAspectRatio="none"> <path d="M321.016 463C306.486 463 291.956 462.984 277.426 462.968C262.919 462.952 248.389 462.935 233.882 462.935C226.967 462.935 220.075 462.935 213.16 462.952L212.641 462.935C128.919 460.722 24.7237 457.975 6.60086 349.867C-1.51148 307.568 -0.675389 264.137 1.42613 223.518C3.16611 182.625 6.57826 146.562 11.866 113.278C12.3857 109.966 12.8828 106.573 13.3574 103.147C17.0181 77.6029 20.837 51.1859 39.7959 33.2192C55.8624 17.8537 79.657 12.6672 96.1303 10.0982C113.507 7.48077 130.952 6.54367 147.358 5.81659C177.886 4.70175 208.325 4.55632 231.419 4.55632C243.169 4.55632 254.897 4.6048 266.647 4.63711C278.375 4.68559 290.103 4.7179 301.831 4.7179C306.215 4.7179 310.621 4.7179 315.005 4.70174C317.31 4.7179 319.547 4.7179 321.784 4.7179C350.302 4.7179 379.407 3.52226 407.563 2.35895C435.854 1.19563 465.117 0 493.906 0C529.767 0 559.618 1.82576 587.864 5.71964C670.547 17.9668 676.603 68.054 675.902 132.263C675.36 161.685 676.377 191.705 677.371 220.723C678.275 247.383 679.224 274.963 678.953 301.978V302.317C676.851 359.836 667.835 394.494 648.808 418.164C627.612 444.549 592.587 457.733 538.603 459.655C469.885 462.434 401.913 463 321.016 463Z" fill="#FFFADC"/> </svg></div><div class="potato_prints print_num_2"></div><div class="text_holder"><h4>Armour soils</h4><p>We &lsquo;armour&rsquo; our soil with living plants that we call &lsquo;cover crops&rsquo;. Armouring the soil aims to give it more strength and resistance to erosion from wind and rain, and to stop it from drying out. The cover crops also recycle nutrients back into the soil. Soil health is a very important focus and goal of our practices.</p></div></div></div><div class="text_box__styled infographic_explanation_copy" id="item_copy_enhance_crop_amp_ecosystem_diversity"><div class="content"><div class="background_mask"> <svg width="679" height="463" viewBox="0 0 679 463" fill="none" xmlns="" preserveAspectRatio="none"> <path d="M321.016 463C306.486 463 291.956 462.984 277.426 462.968C262.919 462.952 248.389 462.935 233.882 462.935C226.967 462.935 220.075 462.935 213.16 462.952L212.641 462.935C128.919 460.722 24.7237 457.975 6.60086 349.867C-1.51148 307.568 -0.675389 264.137 1.42613 223.518C3.16611 182.625 6.57826 146.562 11.866 113.278C12.3857 109.966 12.8828 106.573 13.3574 103.147C17.0181 77.6029 20.837 51.1859 39.7959 33.2192C55.8624 17.8537 79.657 12.6672 96.1303 10.0982C113.507 7.48077 130.952 6.54367 147.358 5.81659C177.886 4.70175 208.325 4.55632 231.419 4.55632C243.169 4.55632 254.897 4.6048 266.647 4.63711C278.375 4.68559 290.103 4.7179 301.831 4.7179C306.215 4.7179 310.621 4.7179 315.005 4.70174C317.31 4.7179 319.547 4.7179 321.784 4.7179C350.302 4.7179 379.407 3.52226 407.563 2.35895C435.854 1.19563 465.117 0 493.906 0C529.767 0 559.618 1.82576 587.864 5.71964C670.547 17.9668 676.603 68.054 675.902 132.263C675.36 161.685 676.377 191.705 677.371 220.723C678.275 247.383 679.224 274.963 678.953 301.978V302.317C676.851 359.836 667.835 394.494 648.808 418.164C627.612 444.549 592.587 457.733 538.603 459.655C469.885 462.434 401.913 463 321.016 463Z" fill="#FFFADC"/> </svg></div><div class="potato_prints print_num_2"></div><div class="text_holder"><h4>Enhance crop &amp; ecosystem diversity</h4><p>We plant different species of crops and promote natural habitats for insects. By bringing more life to the soil in the form of worms and insects we can help the spread of nutrients around the farm.</p></div></div></div><div class="text_box__styled infographic_explanation_copy" id="item_copy_minimize_soil_disturbance"><div class="content"><div class="background_mask"> <svg width="679" height="463" viewBox="0 0 679 463" fill="none" xmlns="" preserveAspectRatio="none"> <path d="M321.016 463C306.486 463 291.956 462.984 277.426 462.968C262.919 462.952 248.389 462.935 233.882 462.935C226.967 462.935 220.075 462.935 213.16 462.952L212.641 462.935C128.919 460.722 24.7237 457.975 6.60086 349.867C-1.51148 307.568 -0.675389 264.137 1.42613 223.518C3.16611 182.625 6.57826 146.562 11.866 113.278C12.3857 109.966 12.8828 106.573 13.3574 103.147C17.0181 77.6029 20.837 51.1859 39.7959 33.2192C55.8624 17.8537 79.657 12.6672 96.1303 10.0982C113.507 7.48077 130.952 6.54367 147.358 5.81659C177.886 4.70175 208.325 4.55632 231.419 4.55632C243.169 4.55632 254.897 4.6048 266.647 4.63711C278.375 4.68559 290.103 4.7179 301.831 4.7179C306.215 4.7179 310.621 4.7179 315.005 4.70174C317.31 4.7179 319.547 4.7179 321.784 4.7179C350.302 4.7179 379.407 3.52226 407.563 2.35895C435.854 1.19563 465.117 0 493.906 0C529.767 0 559.618 1.82576 587.864 5.71964C670.547 17.9668 676.603 68.054 675.902 132.263C675.36 161.685 676.377 191.705 677.371 220.723C678.275 247.383 679.224 274.963 678.953 301.978V302.317C676.851 359.836 667.835 394.494 648.808 418.164C627.612 444.549 592.587 457.733 538.603 459.655C469.885 462.434 401.913 463 321.016 463Z" fill="#FFFADC"/> </svg></div><div class="potato_prints print_num_5"></div><div class="text_holder"><h4>Minimize soil disturbance</h4><p>Intensive tillage is kept to a minimum across the rotation cycle. The more we disturb the soil, the more we&rsquo;re disturbing the ecosystems and underground microorganism communities that help us keep it healthy.</p></div></div></div><div class="text_box__styled infographic_explanation_copy" id="item_copy_reduce_agrochemical_impact_and_optimise_water_use"><div class="content"><div class="background_mask"> <svg width="679" height="463" viewBox="0 0 679 463" fill="none" xmlns="" preserveAspectRatio="none"> <path d="M321.016 463C306.486 463 291.956 462.984 277.426 462.968C262.919 462.952 248.389 462.935 233.882 462.935C226.967 462.935 220.075 462.935 213.16 462.952L212.641 462.935C128.919 460.722 24.7237 457.975 6.60086 349.867C-1.51148 307.568 -0.675389 264.137 1.42613 223.518C3.16611 182.625 6.57826 146.562 11.866 113.278C12.3857 109.966 12.8828 106.573 13.3574 103.147C17.0181 77.6029 20.837 51.1859 39.7959 33.2192C55.8624 17.8537 79.657 12.6672 96.1303 10.0982C113.507 7.48077 130.952 6.54367 147.358 5.81659C177.886 4.70175 208.325 4.55632 231.419 4.55632C243.169 4.55632 254.897 4.6048 266.647 4.63711C278.375 4.68559 290.103 4.7179 301.831 4.7179C306.215 4.7179 310.621 4.7179 315.005 4.70174C317.31 4.7179 319.547 4.7179 321.784 4.7179C350.302 4.7179 379.407 3.52226 407.563 2.35895C435.854 1.19563 465.117 0 493.906 0C529.767 0 559.618 1.82576 587.864 5.71964C670.547 17.9668 676.603 68.054 675.902 132.263C675.36 161.685 676.377 191.705 677.371 220.723C678.275 247.383 679.224 274.963 678.953 301.978V302.317C676.851 359.836 667.835 394.494 648.808 418.164C627.612 444.549 592.587 457.733 538.603 459.655C469.885 462.434 401.913 463 321.016 463Z" fill="#FFFADC"/> </svg></div><div class="potato_prints print_num_5"></div><div class="text_holder"><h4>Reduce Agro-chemical impact And optimise water use</h4><p>Agro-chemicals like pesticides can have a detrimental effect on biodiversity. By promoting biodiversity in the soil we help enable it&rsquo;s natural functions such as the ability to fight pests and diseases.</p></div></div></div><div class="text_box__styled infographic_explanation_copy" id="item_copy_integrate_organic_and_livestock_elements"><div class="content"><div class="background_mask"> <svg width="679" height="463" viewBox="0 0 679 463" fill="none" xmlns="" preserveAspectRatio="none"> <path d="M321.016 463C306.486 463 291.956 462.984 277.426 462.968C262.919 462.952 248.389 462.935 233.882 462.935C226.967 462.935 220.075 462.935 213.16 462.952L212.641 462.935C128.919 460.722 24.7237 457.975 6.60086 349.867C-1.51148 307.568 -0.675389 264.137 1.42613 223.518C3.16611 182.625 6.57826 146.562 11.866 113.278C12.3857 109.966 12.8828 106.573 13.3574 103.147C17.0181 77.6029 20.837 51.1859 39.7959 33.2192C55.8624 17.8537 79.657 12.6672 96.1303 10.0982C113.507 7.48077 130.952 6.54367 147.358 5.81659C177.886 4.70175 208.325 4.55632 231.419 4.55632C243.169 4.55632 254.897 4.6048 266.647 4.63711C278.375 4.68559 290.103 4.7179 301.831 4.7179C306.215 4.7179 310.621 4.7179 315.005 4.70174C317.31 4.7179 319.547 4.7179 321.784 4.7179C350.302 4.7179 379.407 3.52226 407.563 2.35895C435.854 1.19563 465.117 0 493.906 0C529.767 0 559.618 1.82576 587.864 5.71964C670.547 17.9668 676.603 68.054 675.902 132.263C675.36 161.685 676.377 191.705 677.371 220.723C678.275 247.383 679.224 274.963 678.953 301.978V302.317C676.851 359.836 667.835 394.494 648.808 418.164C627.612 444.549 592.587 457.733 538.603 459.655C469.885 462.434 401.913 463 321.016 463Z" fill="#FFFADC"/> </svg></div><div class="potato_prints print_num_4"></div><div class="text_holder"><h4>Integrate organic And livestock elements</h4><p>We integrate livestock such as grazing cows into crop rotation. Animals such as cows can help with weed control and give us a supply of fertiliser in the form of manure.</p></div></div></div></div></div><div id="infographic_foot_note"><p>Read our regenerative <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">agriculture framework</a>.</p></div></div></section><section id="product" class="content_block"><div id="soil_bottom"></div><div class="content_block__inner"><div class="product_column" id="second_pack"> <img src="" /></div><div class="product_column" id="cta_holder"><div class="text_box__styled cta_text_box"><div class="content"><div class="background_mask"> <svg width="679" height="463" viewBox="0 0 679 463" fill="none" xmlns="" preserveAspectRatio="none"> <path d="M321.016 463C306.486 463 291.956 462.984 277.426 462.968C262.919 462.952 248.389 462.935 233.882 462.935C226.967 462.935 220.075 462.935 213.16 462.952L212.641 462.935C128.919 460.722 24.7237 457.975 6.60086 349.867C-1.51148 307.568 -0.675389 264.137 1.42613 223.518C3.16611 182.625 6.57826 146.562 11.866 113.278C12.3857 109.966 12.8828 106.573 13.3574 103.147C17.0181 77.6029 20.837 51.1859 39.7959 33.2192C55.8624 17.8537 79.657 12.6672 96.1303 10.0982C113.507 7.48077 130.952 6.54367 147.358 5.81659C177.886 4.70175 208.325 4.55632 231.419 4.55632C243.169 4.55632 254.897 4.6048 266.647 4.63711C278.375 4.68559 290.103 4.7179 301.831 4.7179C306.215 4.7179 310.621 4.7179 315.005 4.70174C317.31 4.7179 319.547 4.7179 321.784 4.7179C350.302 4.7179 379.407 3.52226 407.563 2.35895C435.854 1.19563 465.117 0 493.906 0C529.767 0 559.618 1.82576 587.864 5.71964C670.547 17.9668 676.603 68.054 675.902 132.263C675.36 161.685 676.377 191.705 677.371 220.723C678.275 247.383 679.224 274.963 678.953 301.978V302.317C676.851 359.836 667.835 394.494 648.808 418.164C627.612 444.549 592.587 457.733 538.603 459.655C469.885 462.434 401.913 463 321.016 463Z" fill="#FFFADC"/> </svg></div><div class="potato_prints print_num_2"></div><div class="text_holder"><h4>Give Them A Try...</h4><p>Click to find out more information on our new Regen Fries and what is going on in your region.</p></div></div><div class="text_box_buttons"> <a href="" class="text_box_button" target="_blank"> Learn More </a></div></div></div></div></section></section></section></main><footer><section class="outter" data-anchor="footer"><div class="inner"><div class="footer_column"><p>McCain, McCain Regen Fries and the McCain logo are trademarks of McCain Foods Limited. 漏 2024 McCain Foods Limited</p></div><div class="footer_column"><div class="footer-links"> <a href="" target="_blank">Global Privacy Policy Link</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Legal Information</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Cookies</a></div></div></div></section> <script defer type="text/javascript" src="" id="jquery-ui-js"></script> <script defer type="text/javascript" src=";ver=6.7.1" id="polyfill-js"></script> <script defer type="text/javascript" src="" id="es-module-shims-js"></script> <script defer type="text/javascript" src="" id="ScrollMagic-js"></script> <script defer type="text/javascript" src="" id="gsap-js"></script> <script defer type="text/javascript" src="" id="ScrollMagic-GSAP-js"></script> <script defer type="text/javascript" src="" id="ScrollMagic-jquery-js"></script> <script defer type="text/javascript" src="" id="ScrollMagic-Indicators-js"></script> <script defer type="text/javascript" src="" id="lottie-js"></script> <script defer id="main-script-js-extra" src="data:text/javascript;base64,Ci8qIDwhW0NEQVRBWyAqLwp2YXIgdGhlbWVWYXJzID0geyJ0aGVtZV91cmwiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvcmVnZW5mcmllcy5jb21cL3dwLWNvbnRlbnRcL3RoZW1lc1wvcmVnZW4ifTsKLyogXV0+ICovCg=="></script> <script defer type="text/javascript" src="" id="main-script-js"></script> </footer></body></html>

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