Rep. Tom Cole [R-OK4, 2003-2026], Representative for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District -

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Tom Cole [R-OK4, 2003-2026]</li> </ol> </nav> </nav> </div> </div> <div id="maincontent" class="container"> <div id="content"> <div class="ads" style="margin: 15px auto; text-align: center;" data-zone="header"> <div class="explainer">(<a href="/advertising">About Ads</a> | <a href="/accounts/membership">Hide These Ads</a>)</div> </div> <!-- /ads square --> <div class="h1-multiline"> <h1> <div style="position: relative;"> <div class="party_R" title="Republican" style="position: absolute; top: 8px; left: -21px; width: 14px; height: 25px; border-radius: 3px;">&nbsp;</div> </div> Rep. Tom Cole </h1> <p> Representative for Oklahoma&rsquo;s 4<sup>th</sup> District </p> <p style="font-size: 12px; color: #555; margin-top: 2px; cursor: pointer" onclick="show_pronunciation_guide()"> pronounced tom // kohl <span class="fas fa-circle-info"></span> </p> </div> <div class="action-row clearfix"> <script>function show_track_panel() { return false; } /* default impl before script loaded */</script> <button class="btn btn-sm btn-success" onclick="return show_track_panel();"> <i class="fas fa-envelope"> </i> <span style="margin-left: 3px;"> Track Him </span> </button> <button class="btn btn-sm btn-light" onclick="new bootstrap.Modal('#contact_modal').show();"> <i class="fas fa-comment"> </i> <span style="margin-left: 3px;"> Contact Him </span> </button> </div> <div class="row group"> <div id="track_panel_base" class="col-sm-8 col-md-6"> <div style="margin: .5em 0 1em 0"> <p> Cole is the representative for <a href="/congress/members/OK">Oklahoma</a>’s 4<sup>th</sup> congressional district (<a href="/congress/members/OK/4">view map</a>) and is a Republican. He has served since Jan 7, 2003. Cole is next up for reelection in 2026 and serves until Jan 3, 2027. He is 75 years old. </p> </div> <div id="seealso-links" style="margin-bottom: 30px;"> <span> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa-solid fa-up-right-from-square" style="margin-right: 7px"></i>Cole&#39;s Official Website</a> </span> <span> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa-solid fa-money-check-dollar" style="margin-right: 7px"></i>OpenSecrets</a> </span> <span> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa-solid fa-user" style="margin-right: 7px"></i>Bioguide</a> </span> <span> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa-solid fa-video" style="margin-right: 7px"></i>C-SPAN</a> </span> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="aside col-sm-4 col-md-3"> <div id="event_subscribe_inline_container"> </div> <div class="photo" style="margin-bottom: 10px"> <img src="/static/legislator-photos/400077-200px.jpeg" alt="Photo of Rep. Tom Cole [R-OK4]" class="img-fluid"/> </div> </div><!-- /photo container --> <div class="col-md-3 hidden-xs hidden-sm"> <div class="ads" data-zone="sidebar"> <div class="explainer">(<a href="/advertising">About Ads</a> | <a href="/accounts/membership">Hide These Ads</a>)</div> </div> <!-- /ads --> </div><!-- /col --> </div> <!-- /row --> <!-- Sen. Kamala Harris, presidential candidate --> <!-- Sen. JD Vance, vice-presidential candidate --> <!-- Rep. Walz, vice-presidential candidate --> <!-- Kraken Caucus --> <div class="card bg-info" style="margin: 30px auto 10px auto; max-width: 40em;"> <div class="card-heading" style="background: white; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px 15px;"> Elections must be decided by counting votes </div> <div class="card-body"> <p style="color: black">Our work to hold Congress accountable only matters if elections are decided by counting votes. After the 2020 Presidential Election, President Trump, his advisors and associates, and Republican legislators collaborated in a failed coup to have the election decided by themselves rather than by voters. <hr> Cole was among the Republican legislators who participated in this. On January 6, 2021 in the hours after the violent insurrection at the Capitol, Cole <a href="">voted to omit Arizona and/or Pennsylvania from the counting of presidential electors</a>, which <a href="">could have altered the outcome of the election in Trump&rsquo;s favor</a>. <hr> In 2023, Trump associates and top advisors pleaded guilty to <a href="">submitting a fraudulent slate of electors to Congress from Georgia</a>, <a href="">making false statements</a> about purported widespread fraud in the election, and <a href="">tampering with voting machines after the election</a>, admitted in civil court to <a href="">posing as fake electors in Wisconsin</a>, and were convicted of <a href="">contempt of Congress for withholding documents during its investigation</a> and <a href="">assaulting police officers at the Capitol</a>. Trump associates and top advisors are also currently facing charges for submitting fraudulent slates of electors to Congress in <a href="">Michigan</a>, <a href="">Nevada</a>, <a href="">Arizona</a>, and <a href="">Wisconsin</a>. Trump himself faces <a href="">related criminal charges in state court</a>, and a federal investigation which terminated because he won re-election alleged that <a href="">Trump sought to ignore true vote counts, manufactured fraudulent slates of presidential electors, and used the January 6 riot to obstruct the congressional certification of the presidential election</a>. Trump was <a href="">impeached but not convicted</a> in 2021 for incitement of insurrection related to the same events. (He was also impeached but not convicted of using the presidency to solicit the help of a foreign government to benefit his reelection in 2019, and he was <a href="">convicted in state court in 2024 for falsifying business records to cover up acts</a> that he believed might have hurt him in the 2016 election</a>.) The <a href="">January 6, 2021 violent insurrection at the Capitol</a>, <a href="">led on the front lines by militant white supremacy groups</a> one member of which was <a href="">convicted of sedition</a>, attempted to prevent President-elect Joe Biden from taking office by disrupting Congress&rsquo;s count of electors. </div> </div> <!-- President Trump --> <!-- President Andrew Johnson --> <!-- President Clinton --> <!-- contact panel --> <style> #contact_modal .list-group-item input[type=radio] { float: left; text-align: right; width: 7%; } #contact_modal h4 { margin-top: -3px; } #contact_modal .list-group-item > div { float: left; width: 93%; } #contact_modal .list-group-item label { font-weight: normal; } #contact_modal .list-group-item .contact_expando { display: none; padding-top: .75em; } .list-group-item, .list-group-item .list-group-item-text { text-shadow: none; color: #444; /* inverts color */ }, .list-group-item-text { color: #FFE; /* now override our override to kind of put it back */ } #contact_modal .contact_expando a { color: #FFE; } #contact_modal { background-color: #9D2146; } </style> <div id="contact_modal" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="contact_modalTitle" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <h2 class="modal-title" id="contact_modalTitle">Contact Rep. Tom Cole</h2> <button type="button" class="btn-close btn-close-white" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></button> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="list-group"> <div class="list-group-item clearfix"> <input type="radio" name="contact_constituent" id="contact_constituent_yes"> <div> <h4 class="list-group-item-heading"><label for="contact_constituent_yes"><b>I am a constituent.</b></label></h4> <p class="list-group-item-text"><label for="contact_constituent_yes">I live in Oklahoma&rsquo;s 4<sup>th</sup> congressional district.</label></p> <div class="contact_expando"> <div class="list-group"> <div class="list-group-item clearfix"> <input type="radio" name="contact_constituent_why" id="contact_constituent_opinion"> <div> <h4 class="list-group-item-heading"><label for="contact_constituent_opinion"><b>I have an opinion I want to share.</b></label></h4> <p class="list-group-item-text"><label for="contact_constituent_opinion">I want to urge Cole to take an action on a bill.</label></p> <div class="contact_expando"> <p><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="$('#contact_modal').modal('hide')" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">Visit Rep. Tom Cole&rsquo;s website &raquo;</a></p> <p>Look for a contact form on <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="$('#contact_modal').modal('hide')">Rep. Tom Cole&rsquo;s website</a> to express your opinion.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="list-group-item clearfix"> <input type="radio" name="contact_constituent_why" id="contact_constituent_casework"> <div> <h4 class="list-group-item-heading"><label for="contact_constituent_casework"><b>I need help, have a question, or want to schedule a tour.</b></label></h4> <p class="list-group-item-text"><label for="contact_constituent_casework">I&rsquo;m having a problem with a government agency, need legal help, want to schedule a meeting or White House tour, or have another question.</label></p> <div class="contact_expando"> <p><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="$('#contact_modal').modal('hide')" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">Visit Cole&rsquo;s Website &raquo;</a></p> <p>Head over to Rep. Tom Cole&rsquo;s <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="$('#contact_modal').modal('hide')">website</a>. If you are having a problem with a government agency, look for a contact link for <b>casework</b> to submit a request for help. Otherwise, look for a phone number on that website to call his office if you have a question.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="list-group-item clearfix"> <input type="radio" name="contact_constituent" id="contact_constituent_no"> <div> <h4 class="list-group-item-heading"><label for="contact_constituent_no"><b>I am not a constituent.</b></label></h4> <p class="list-group-item-text"><label for="contact_constituent_no">I live elsewhere.</label></p> <div class="contact_expando"> <p>Not all Members of Congress will accept messages from non-constituents. You can try your luck by visiting <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="$('#contact_modal').modal('hide')">Cole&rsquo;s website</a>. Otherwise, try contacting your own representative:</p> <p><a href="/congress/members" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">Find Your Representative &raquo;</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="list-group-item clearfix"> <input type="radio" name="contact_constituent" id="contact_constituent_notsure"> <div> <h4 class="list-group-item-heading"><label for="contact_constituent_notsure"><b>I am not sure.</b></label></h4> <p class="list-group-item-text"><label for="contact_constituent_notsure">I&rsquo;m not sure if I live in his district.</label></p> <div class="contact_expando"> <p><a href="/congress/members" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">Find Your Representative &raquo;</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p style="margin: 1em 0; font-size: 90%; line-height: 120%;">You are currently on the website, which has no affiliation with Cole and is <b>not</b> a government website. Choose from the options above to find the right way to contact Cole.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /contact panel --> <div id="member-details"> <section id="sponsorship_analysis"> <h2><span>Analysis</span></h2> <h3>Legislative Metrics</h3> <p>Read our <a href="/congress/members/tom_cole/400077/report-card/2024">2024 Report Card for Cole</a>.</p> <h3>Ideology&ndash;Leadership Chart</h3> <p> Cole is shown as a purple triangle <span style="color: #df53df">▲</span> in our ideology-leadership chart below. Each dot is a member of the House of Representatives positioned according to our ideology score (left to right) and our leadership score (leaders are toward the top).</p> <div id="sponsorship_analysis_chart"> </div> <p style="margin-top: -7px; color: #555; font-size: 90%; line-height: 120%;">The chart is based on the bills legislators have sponsored and cosponsored from Jan 4, 2021 to Feb 14, 2025. See full <a href="/about/analysis">analysis methodology</a>.</p> </section><!-- /analysis --> <section id="membership"> <h2><span>Committee Membership</span></h2> <p>Rep. Tom Cole [R-OK4, 2003-2026] sits on the following committees:</p> <ul style="list-style: none; padding: 0;"> <li style="margin: 0 0 .25em 0"> <a href="/congress/committees/HSAP">House Committee on Appropriations</a> <span class="badge bg-warning">Chair</span> </li> </ul> </section><!-- /membership --> <section> <h2><span>Enacted Legislation</span></h2> <p>Cole was the primary sponsor of 14 bills that were enacted. The most recent include:</p> <ul style="list-style: none; padding: 0;"> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/hr10545" title="H.R. 10545 (118th): American Relief Act, 2025">H.R. 10545 (118th): American Relief Act, 2025</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/hr9747" title="H.R. 9747 (118th): Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025">H.R. 9747 (118th): Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/hr8035" title="H.R. 8035 (118th): Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024">H.R. 8035 (118th): Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/hr8034" title="H.R. 8034 (118th): Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024">H.R. 8034 (118th): Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/hr8036" title="H.R. 8036 (118th): Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024">H.R. 8036 (118th): Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/hr4820" title="H.R. 4820 (118th): Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024">H.R. 4820 (118th): Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/115/hr2606" title="H.R. 2606 (115th): Stigler Act Amendments of 2018">H.R. 2606 (115th): Stigler Act Amendments of 2018</a></li> </ul> <p><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400077#enacted_ex=on">View All &raquo;</a></p> <p><i>Does 14 not sound like a lot? Very few bills are ever enacted &mdash; most legislators sponsor only a handful that are signed into law. But there are other legislative activities that we don&rsquo;t track that are also important, including offering amendments, committee work and oversight of the other branches, and constituent services.</i></p> <p style="font-size: 90%; line-height: 120%;">We consider a bill enacted if one of the following is true: a) it is enacted itself, b) it has a companion bill in the other chamber (as identified by Congress) which was enacted, or c) if at least about half of its provisions were incorporated into bills that were enacted (as determined by an automated text analysis, applicable beginning with bills in the 110<sup>th</sup> Congress).</p> </section> <section id="sponsorship"> <h2><span>Bills Sponsored</span></h2> <h3>Issue Areas</h3> <p>Cole sponsors bills primarily in these issue areas:</p> <p style="margin-left: 1em; line-height: 155%"> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400077&subject=6271">Native Americans</a> (31%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400077&subject=5978">Economics and Public Finance</a> (27%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400077&subject=6130">Health</a> (19%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400077&subject=6328">Social Welfare</a> (8%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400077&subject=6096">Government Operations and Politics</a> (8%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400077&subject=5952">Crime and Law Enforcement</a> (8%)</span> </p> <h3>Recently Introduced Bills</h3> <p>Cole recently introduced the following legislation:</p> <ul style="list-style: none; padding: 0;"> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/119/hr723" title="H.R. 723: To amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to prohibit a State from receiving or using funds or certain donations from private entities for the administration of an election for Federal office, and for other purposes.">H.R. 723: To amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to prohibit a State …</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/hr10545" title="H.R. 10545 (118th): American Relief Act, 2025">H.R. 10545 (118th): American Relief Act, 2025</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/hr10515" title="H.R. 10515 (118th): American Relief Act, 2025">H.R. 10515 (118th): American Relief Act, 2025</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/hr10445" title="H.R. 10445 (118th): Further Continuing Appropriations and Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2025">H.R. 10445 (118th): Further Continuing Appropriations and Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2025</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/hr9747" title="H.R. 9747 (118th): Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025">H.R. 9747 (118th): Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/hr8035" title="H.R. 8035 (118th): Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024">H.R. 8035 (118th): Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/hr8034" title="H.R. 8034 (118th): Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024">H.R. 8034 (118th): Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024</a></li> </ul> <p> <a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400077">View All &raquo;</a> | <a href="/congress/members/tom_cole/400077/cosponsors">View Cosponsors &raquo;</a> <p style="font-size: 90%; line-height: 120%;">Most legislation has no activity after being introduced.</p> </p> </section><!-- /sponsorship --> <div class="ads footer leaderboard" data-zone="footer"> <div class="explainer">(<a href="/advertising">About Ads</a> | <a href="/accounts/membership">Hide These Ads</a>)</div> </div> <section id="voting-record"> <h2><span>Voting Record</span></h2> <h3>Key Votes</h3> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_positive"> Cole voted <b>Yea</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/118-2024/h142" title="H.Res. 1160: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 8034) making emergency supplemental appropriations to respond to the situation in Israel and for related expenses for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes; providing " style="text-decoration: none">H.Res. 1160: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 8034) making emergency supplemental appropriations to respond to the situation in …</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Passed 316/94 on Apr 19, 2024.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_negative"> Cole voted <b>No</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/118-2023/h403" title="H.Res. 712: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4365) making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1130) to repeal restr" style="text-decoration: none">H.Res. 712: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4365) making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal …</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Failed 212/216 on Sep 21, 2023.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_positive"> Cole voted <b>Yea</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/117-2022/h460" title="H.R. 3843 (117th): Merger Filing Fee Modernization Act of 2022" style="text-decoration: none">H.R. 3843 (117th): Merger Filing Fee Modernization Act of 2022</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Passed 242/184 on Sep 29, 2022.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_positive"> Cole voted <b>Yea</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/117-2022/h350" title="H.R. 7900: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023" style="text-decoration: none">H.R. 7900: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Passed 329/101 on Jul 14, 2022.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_positive"> Cole voted <b>Yea</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/117-2022/h212" title="S. 2938: Bipartisan Safer Communities Act" style="text-decoration: none">S. 2938: Bipartisan Safer Communities Act</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Passed 230/190 on May 18, 2022.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_positive"> Cole voted <b>Yea</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/117-2021/h336" title="H.R. 2119 (117th): Family Violence Prevention and Services Improvement Act of 2021" style="text-decoration: none">H.R. 2119 (117th): Family Violence Prevention and Services Improvement Act of 2021</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Passed 228/200 on Oct 26, 2021.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_positive"> Cole voted <b>Yea</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/117-2021/h172" title="H.R. 256 (117th): To repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002." style="text-decoration: none">H.R. 256 (117th): To repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002.</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Passed 268/161 on Jun 17, 2021.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_negative"> Cole voted <b>Nay</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/115-2017/h639" title="H.R. 3115: Superior National Forest Land Exchange Act of 2017" style="text-decoration: none">H.R. 3115: Superior National Forest Land Exchange Act of 2017</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Passed 309/99 on Nov 28, 2017.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_positive"> Cole voted <b>Aye</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/113-2014/h509" title="H.J.Res. 124 (113th): Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2015" style="text-decoration: none">H.J.Res. 124 (113th): Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2015</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Passed 319/108 on Sep 17, 2014.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_negative"> Cole voted <b>No</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/112-2012/h46" title="H.R. 3521 (112th): Expedited Legislative Line-Item Veto and Rescissions Act of 2012" style="text-decoration: none">H.R. 3521 (112th): Expedited Legislative Line-Item Veto and Rescissions Act of 2012</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Passed 254/173 on Feb 8, 2012.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_positive"> Cole voted <b>Aye</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/112-2011/h491" title="H.R. 1249 (112th): Leahy-Smith America Invents Act" style="text-decoration: none">H.R. 1249 (112th): Leahy-Smith America Invents Act</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Passed 304/117 on Jun 23, 2011.</div> <hr style="margin: 5px 0; border: 1px solid #CCC;"> <div>The Leahy–Smith America Invents Act (AIA) is a United States federal statute that was passed by Congress and was signed into law by President Barack …</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_negative"> Cole voted <b>Nay</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/111-2009/h937" title="H.Res. 915 (111th): Encouraging the Republic of Hungary to respect the rule of law, treat foreign investors fairly, and promote ..." style="text-decoration: none">H.Res. 915 (111th): Encouraging the Republic of Hungary to respect the rule of law, treat foreign investors fairly, and promote …</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Passed 333/74 on Dec 8, 2009.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <h3>Missed Votes</h3> <p>From Jan 2003 to Feb 2025, Cole missed 318 of 14,546 roll call votes, which is 2.2%. This is on par with the median of 2.0% among the lifetime records of representatives currently serving. The chart below reports missed votes over time.</p> <p><i> We don&rsquo;t track why legislators miss votes, but it&rsquo;s often due to medical absences, major life events, and running for higher office. </i></p> <style> .missedvotestable th { padding: 0 .5em; } </style> <div id="voting_record_chart_400077"> </div> <p style="text-align: center; margin-top: .5em; font-size: 90%;"><a href="#" onclick="$('#missedvotestable_400077').slideDown(); $(this).hide(); return false;">Show the numbers...</a></p> <table id="missedvotestable_400077" style="display: none" class="missedvotestable"> <tr> <th>Time Period</th> <th>Votes Eligible</th> <th>Missed Votes</th> <th>Percent</th> <th>Percentile</th> </tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2003, House, Q1"> 2003 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">94</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2003, House, Q2"> 2003 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">239</td> <td style="text-align: center">9</td> <td style="text-align: center">3.8%</td> <td style="text-align: center">64<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2003, House, Q3"> 2003 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">193</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.6%</td> <td style="text-align: center">45<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2003, House, Q4"> 2003 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">151</td> <td style="text-align: center">8</td> <td style="text-align: center">5.3%</td> <td style="text-align: center">68<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2004, House, Q1"> 2004 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">104</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">20<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2004, House, Q2"> 2004 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">221</td> <td style="text-align: center">4</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.8%</td> <td style="text-align: center">45<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2004, House, Q3"> 2004 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">161</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.2%</td> <td style="text-align: center">21<sup>st</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2004, House, Q4"> 2004 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">58</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="109th Congress, 2005, House, Q1"> 2005 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">90</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">3.3%</td> <td style="text-align: center">49<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="109th Congress, 2005, House, Q2"> 2005 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">272</td> <td style="text-align: center">6</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.2%</td> <td style="text-align: center">49<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="109th Congress, 2005, House, Q3"> 2005 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">146</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.1%</td> <td style="text-align: center">63<sup>rd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="109th Congress, 2005, House, Q4"> 2005 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">163</td> <td style="text-align: center">5</td> <td style="text-align: center">3.1%</td> <td style="text-align: center">63<sup>rd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="109th Congress, 2006, House, Q1"> 2006 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">81</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.2%</td> <td style="text-align: center">37<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="109th Congress, 2006, House, Q2"> 2006 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">276</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.7%</td> <td style="text-align: center">17<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="109th Congress, 2006, House, Q3"> 2006 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">159</td> <td style="text-align: center">4</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.5%</td> <td style="text-align: center">60<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="109th Congress, 2006, House, Q4"> 2006 Nov-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">27</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">3.7%</td> <td style="text-align: center">60<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="110th Congress, 2007, House, Q1"> 2007 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">213</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.4%</td> <td style="text-align: center">47<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="110th Congress, 2007, House, Q2"> 2007 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">393</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.8%</td> <td style="text-align: center">26<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="110th Congress, 2007, House, Q3"> 2007 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">317</td> <td style="text-align: center">8</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.5%</td> <td style="text-align: center">71<sup>st</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="110th Congress, 2007, House, Q4"> 2007 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">263</td> <td style="text-align: center">16</td> <td style="text-align: center">6.1%</td> <td style="text-align: center">82<sup>nd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="110th Congress, 2008, House, Q1"> 2008 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">149</td> <td style="text-align: center">9</td> <td style="text-align: center">6.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">74<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="110th Congress, 2008, House, Q2"> 2008 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">321</td> <td style="text-align: center">13</td> <td style="text-align: center">4.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">72<sup>nd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="110th Congress, 2008, House, Q3"> 2008 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">205</td> <td style="text-align: center">8</td> <td style="text-align: center">3.9%</td> <td style="text-align: center">74<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="110th Congress, 2008, House, Q4"> 2008 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">15</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="111th Congress, 2009, House, Q1"> 2009 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">174</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.6%</td> <td style="text-align: center">27<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="111th Congress, 2009, House, Q2"> 2009 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">303</td> <td style="text-align: center">4</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.3%</td> <td style="text-align: center">38<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="111th Congress, 2009, House, Q3"> 2009 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">268</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.1%</td> <td style="text-align: center">34<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="111th Congress, 2009, House, Q4"> 2009 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">246</td> <td style="text-align: center">10</td> <td style="text-align: center">4.1%</td> <td style="text-align: center">71<sup>st</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="111th Congress, 2010, House, Q1"> 2010 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">195</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">24<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="111th Congress, 2010, House, Q2"> 2010 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">219</td> <td style="text-align: center">18</td> <td style="text-align: center">8.2%</td> <td style="text-align: center">85<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="111th Congress, 2010, House, Q3"> 2010 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">151</td> <td style="text-align: center">4</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.6%</td> <td style="text-align: center">66<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="111th Congress, 2010, House, Q4"> 2010 Nov-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">99</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">36<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="112th Congress, 2011, House, Q1"> 2011 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">212</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.9%</td> <td style="text-align: center">41<sup>st</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="112th Congress, 2011, House, Q2"> 2011 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">281</td> <td style="text-align: center">7</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.5%</td> <td style="text-align: center">72<sup>nd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="112th Congress, 2011, House, Q3"> 2011 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">247</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.2%</td> <td style="text-align: center">40<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="112th Congress, 2011, House, Q4"> 2011 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">208</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.5%</td> <td style="text-align: center">13<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="112th Congress, 2012, House, Q1"> 2012 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">151</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.3%</td> <td style="text-align: center">46<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="112th Congress, 2012, House, Q2"> 2012 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">299</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.3%</td> <td style="text-align: center">15<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="112th Congress, 2012, House, Q3"> 2012 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">152</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.7%</td> <td style="text-align: center">29<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="112th Congress, 2012, House, Q4"> 2012 Nov-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">51</td> <td style="text-align: center">4</td> <td style="text-align: center">7.8%</td> <td style="text-align: center">77<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="112th Congress, 2012, House, Q5"> 2013 Jan-Jan 112th Congress </td> <td style="text-align: center">5</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="113th Congress, 2013, House, Q1"> 2013 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">89</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="113th Congress, 2013, House, Q2"> 2013 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">215</td> <td style="text-align: center">27</td> <td style="text-align: center">12.6%</td> <td style="text-align: center">94<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="113th Congress, 2013, House, Q3"> 2013 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">200</td> <td style="text-align: center">7</td> <td style="text-align: center">3.5%</td> <td style="text-align: center">75<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="113th Congress, 2013, House, Q4"> 2013 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">137</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.5%</td> <td style="text-align: center">42<sup>nd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="113th Congress, 2014, House, Q1"> 2014 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">148</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.4%</td> <td style="text-align: center">37<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="113th Congress, 2014, House, Q2"> 2014 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">219</td> <td style="text-align: center">10</td> <td style="text-align: center">4.6%</td> <td style="text-align: center">74<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="113th Congress, 2014, House, Q3"> 2014 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">147</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.7%</td> <td style="text-align: center">29<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="113th Congress, 2014, House, Q4"> 2014 Nov-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">49</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">54<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="114th Congress, 2015, House, Q1"> 2015 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">144</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.4%</td> <td style="text-align: center">40<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="114th Congress, 2015, House, Q2"> 2015 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">244</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="114th Congress, 2015, House, Q3"> 2015 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">139</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.2%</td> <td style="text-align: center">64<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="114th Congress, 2015, House, Q4"> 2015 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">177</td> <td style="text-align: center">6</td> <td style="text-align: center">3.4%</td> <td style="text-align: center">80<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="114th Congress, 2016, House, Q1"> 2016 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">137</td> <td style="text-align: center">5</td> <td style="text-align: center">3.6%</td> <td style="text-align: center">55<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="114th Congress, 2016, House, Q2"> 2016 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">204</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">30<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="114th Congress, 2016, House, Q3"> 2016 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">232</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.9%</td> <td style="text-align: center">41<sup>st</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="114th Congress, 2016, House, Q4"> 2016 Nov-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">48</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="115th Congress, 2017, House, Q1"> 2017 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">208</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">39<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="115th Congress, 2017, House, Q2"> 2017 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">136</td> <td style="text-align: center">13</td> <td style="text-align: center">9.6%</td> <td style="text-align: center">93<sup>rd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="115th Congress, 2017, House, Q3"> 2017 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">199</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.5%</td> <td style="text-align: center">39<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="115th Congress, 2017, House, Q4"> 2017 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">167</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.6%</td> <td style="text-align: center">27<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="115th Congress, 2018, House, Q1"> 2018 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">129</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.6%</td> <td style="text-align: center">38<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="115th Congress, 2018, House, Q2"> 2018 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">184</td> <td style="text-align: center">6</td> <td style="text-align: center">3.3%</td> <td style="text-align: center">62<sup>nd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="115th Congress, 2018, House, Q3"> 2018 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">102</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="115th Congress, 2018, House, Q4"> 2018 Nov-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">85</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="116th Congress, 2019, House, Q1"> 2019 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">136</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.7%</td> <td style="text-align: center">33<sup>rd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="116th Congress, 2019, House, Q2"> 2019 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">294</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="116th Congress, 2019, House, Q3"> 2019 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">125</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="116th Congress, 2019, House, Q4"> 2019 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">146</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.4%</td> <td style="text-align: center">53<sup>rd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="116th Congress, 2020, House, Q1"> 2020 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">102</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="116th Congress, 2020, House, Q2"> 2020 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">31</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="116th Congress, 2020, House, Q3"> 2020 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">80</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="116th Congress, 2020, House, Q4"> 2020 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">40</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.5%</td> <td style="text-align: center">44<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2021, House, Q1"> 2021 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">97</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">43<sup>rd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2021, House, Q2"> 2021 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">107</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.9%</td> <td style="text-align: center">42<sup>nd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2021, House, Q3"> 2021 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">108</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.9%</td> <td style="text-align: center">65<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2021, House, Q4"> 2021 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">137</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.7%</td> <td style="text-align: center">36<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2022, House, Q1"> 2022 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">102</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2022, House, Q2"> 2022 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">197</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">62<sup>nd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2022, House, Q3"> 2022 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">178</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2022, House, Q4"> 2022 Nov-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">72</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2023, House, Q1"> 2023 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">182</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.5%</td> <td style="text-align: center">40<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2023, House, Q2"> 2023 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">107</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.9%</td> <td style="text-align: center">38<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2023, House, Q3"> 2023 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">224</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.9%</td> <td style="text-align: center">50<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2023, House, Q4"> 2023 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">211</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2024, House, Q1"> 2024 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">104</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.9%</td> <td style="text-align: center">50<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2024, House, Q2"> 2024 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">231</td> <td style="text-align: center">25</td> <td style="text-align: center">10.8%</td> <td style="text-align: center">91<sup>st</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2024, House, Q3"> 2024 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">120</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.5%</td> <td style="text-align: center">52<sup>nd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2024, House, Q4"> 2024 Nov-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">62</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.6%</td> <td style="text-align: center">41<sup>st</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="119th Congress, 2025, House, Q1"> 2025 Jan-Feb </td> <td style="text-align: center">42</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> </table> <!-- <div class="alert alert-info"> See how <a href="/congress/votes/presidential-candidates">presidential campaigns affect voting records</a>. </div> --> </section><!-- /voting-record --> <section> <h2><span>Primary Sources</span></h2> <p>The information on this page is originally sourced from a variety of materials, including:</p> <ul style="list-style: none; padding: 0;"> <li><a href="">unitedstates/congress-legislators</a>, a community project gathering congressional information</li> <li>The <a href="">House</a> and <a href="">Senate</a> websites, for committee membership and voting records</li> <li><a href="">GPO Member Guide</a> for the photo</li> <li><a href=""></a>, for sponsored bills</li> </ul> </section> </div><!-- /member-details --> <div id="pronunciation_modal" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="pronunciationModalTitle" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div 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Tom Cole [R-OK4, 2003-2026] is pronounced:</p> <p style="font-size: 130%; font-weight: bold; font-family: monospace;">tom // kohl</p> <p>The letters stand for sounds according to the following table:</p> <table style="margin: 1.75em 0;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="padding-right: 1em; color: #777; font-style: italic; text-align: right;"><div>letters</div><div>as in</div></td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> t </div> <div> <u>t</u>op </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> o </div> <div> t<u>o</u>p </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> m </div> <div> <u>m</u>an </div> </td> <td style="padding-left: 1em; width: 65px;"></td> </tr> </tobdy> </table> <table style="margin: 1.75em 0;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="padding-right: 1em; color: #777; font-style: italic; text-align: right;"><div>letters</div><div>as in</div></td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> k </div> <div> <u>k</u>ing </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> oh </div> <div> m<u>o</u>st </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> l </div> <div> <u>l</u>eg </div> </td> <td style="padding-left: 1em; width: 65px;"></td> </tr> </tobdy> </table> <p>Capital letters indicate a stressed syllable.</p> </center> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- /content --> </div> <!-- /container --> </div> <!-- /#bodybody --> <footer id="footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <nav class="col-6 col-md-2"> <ul> <li><a href="/">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/about">About GovTrack</a></li> <li><a href="/about-our-data">About the Data</a></li> <li><a href="/contact">Contact Us</a></li> <li><a href="/legal">Privacy &amp; Legal</a></li> </ul> </nav> <nav class="col-6 col-md-2"> <ul> <li><a href="/posts/news"><i class="fas fa-list fa-fw"></i>Site News</a></li> <li><a rel="me" href=""><i class="fab fa-mastodon fa-fw"></i>Mastodon</a></li> <li><a href=""><i class="fab fa-bluesky fa-fw"></i>Bluesky</a></li> <li><a href=""><i class="fas fa-dollar-sign fa-fw"></i><span>Patreon</span></a></li> <li><a href=""><i class="fab fa-github fa-fw"></i><span>GitHub</span></a></li> </ul> </nav> <section class="col-12 col-md-8"> <p>GovTrack helps everyone learn about and track the activities of the United States Congress. 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0.2804273389419699, y: 0.4224182432114804, name: "Jeffries\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/hakeem_jeffries/412561" } , { x: 0.09701292124000178, y: 0.6941338258703501, name: "Hayes\n<br>146 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jahana_hayes/412763" } , { x: 0.2954639897735791, y: 0.6396804336671821, name: "Courtney\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joe_courtney/412193" } , { x: 0.2929532065502636, y: 0.1924611158503105, name: "Himes\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_himes/412282" } , { x: 0.4367710606247682, y: 0.5853182953124315, name: "Lee [NV3]\n<br>2 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/susie_lee/412802" } , { x: 0.06849506843343064, y: 0.42585424099544833, name: "Tlaib\n<br>13 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/rashida_tlaib/412787" } , { x: 0.10019230558365212, y: 0.6458119730884202, name: "Carson\n<br>148 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/andre_carson/412258" } , { x: 0.22955051730347711, y: 0.7120090456496175, name: "Castor\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/kathy_castor/412195" } , { x: 0.2821218268159415, y: 0.4934913665956645, name: "Peters\n<br>20 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/scott_peters/412523" } , { x: 0.11830631792117395, y: 0.4567422170154555, name: "DeSaulnier\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mark_desaulnier/412613" } , { x: 0.08570857051615105, y: 0.599487927762171, name: "Velázquez\n<br>12 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/nydia_velazquez/400416" } , { x: 0.13719434939023545, y: 0.7742332463546955, name: "Bonamici\n<br>198 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/suzanne_bonamici/412501" } , { x: 0.3368953754503895, y: 0.4596998495480557, name: "Bishop\n<br>13 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sanford_bishop/400030" } , { x: 0.2717189700231328, y: 0.6614053030152778, name: "Carbajal\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/salud_carbajal/412686" } , { x: 0.2973392309461157, y: 0.5970412216033952, name: "Correa\n<br>2 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/luis_correa/412688" } , { x: 0.3605991215735206, y: 0.4788543417365274, name: "Costa\n<br>23 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jim_costa/400618" } , { x: 0.45102374620387475, y: 0.8360160924696255, name: "Gottheimer\n<br>101 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/josh_gottheimer/412714" } , { x: 0.05539395081370078, y: 0.7501621079419754, name: "Grijalva\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/raul_grijalva/400162" } , { x: 0.09862615163272417, y: 0.6346318180149414, name: "McGovern\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_mcgovern/400263" } , { x: 0.12350525037192607, y: 0.8399213438056908, name: "Meng\n<br>129 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/grace_meng/412560" } , { x: 0.4478581483966874, y: 0.7609149210267266, name: "Pappas\n<br>18 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/chris_pappas/412795" } , { x: 0.2762566881497017, y: 0.417980737067258, name: "Soto\n<br>8 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/darren_soto/412695" } , { x: 0.06709583023463823, y: 0.8124483623138576, name: "Watson Coleman\n<br>229 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bonnie_watson_coleman/412644" } , { x: 0.04944073390483493, y: 0.9187748718541473, name: "Schakowsky\n<br>8 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/janice_schakowsky/400360" } , { x: 0.23251137368367836, y: 0.5767212759240187, name: "Castro\n<br>18 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joaquin_castro/412576" } , { x: 0.16964653735324003, y: 0.7888679711800514, name: "Cohen\n<br>74 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/steve_cohen/412236" } , { x: 0.14270936408102616, y: 0.6897288267731317, name: "Davis [IL7]\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/danny_davis/400093" } , { x: 0.23103825254877114, y: 0.8777913975894097, name: "DeLauro\n<br>13 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/rosa_delauro/400103" } , { x: 0.23209450772691756, y: 0.8462945985725466, name: "Doggett\n<br>333 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lloyd_doggett/400111" } , { x: 0.19496994534914205, y: 0.5883520808770559, name: "Escobar\n<br>72 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/veronica_escobar/412825" } , { x: 0.09348277718223642, y: 0.7436538236703086, name: "Espaillat\n<br>48 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/adriano_espaillat/412718" } , { x: 0.06913916522492641, y: 0.5000853682956727, name: "García\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jesus_garcia/412774" } , { x: 0.15372702411129174, y: 0.6154432114328866, name: "Garcia [TX29]\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sylvia_garcia/412827" } , { x: 0.1533982937525144, y: 0.6622199181879358, name: "Jacobs\n<br>55 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sara_jacobs/456804" } , { x: 0.0992163632430655, y: 0.834197520451249, name: "Jayapal\n<br>83 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/pramila_jayapal/412730" } , { x: 0.2846980827612106, y: 0.6488839435109809, name: "Kaptur\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/marcy_kaptur/400211" } , { x: 0.16840805178472176, y: 0.6024777207359008, name: "Khanna\n<br>10 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ro_khanna/412684" } , { x: 0.25175356142684746, y: 0.6488037094924347, name: "Krishnamoorthi\n<br>23 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/raja_krishnamoorthi/412701" } , { x: 0.2802173107598621, y: 0.6377844006270511, name: "Morelle\n<br>23 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joseph_morelle/412749" } , { x: 0.12737531582398792, y: 0.5011189663549079, name: "Ocasio\u002DCortez\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/alexandria_ocasio_cortez/412804" } , { x: 0.10948258165495586, y: 0.6419369651681479, name: "Omar\n<br>83 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ilhan_omar/412791" } , { x: 0.20927199593727103, y: 0.4553640762795058, name: "Pingree\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/chellie_pingree/412307" } , { x: 0.13684067363351649, y: 0.7218125075443266, name: "Pocan\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mark_pocan/412585" } , { x: 0.10140015070431846, y: 0.7529646854247931, name: "Pressley\n<br>72 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ayanna_pressley/412782" } , { x: 0.11882959845277359, y: 0.6107975642929705, name: "Raskin\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jamie_raskin/412708" } , { x: 0.2975117303979615, y: 0.7289898894381158, name: "Suozzi\n<br>12 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thomas_suozzi/412717" } , { x: 0.18364693014796543, y: 0.7684134363887665, name: "Tonko\n<br>112 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/paul_tonko/412319" } , { x: 0.19603292354808713, y: 0.5781559915870562, name: "Torres [NY15]\n<br>20 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ritchie_torres/456838" } , { x: 0.18810470007797686, y: 0.6427248755242191, name: "Waters\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/maxine_waters/400422" } , { x: 0.18640004021523923, y: 0.8869571192606255, name: "Connolly\n<br>163 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gerald_connolly/412272" } , { x: 0.17221619635126342, y: 0.7657520999216209, name: "Adams\n<br>54 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/alma_adams/412607" } , { x: 0.11914737267864528, y: 0.351652769506877, name: "Evans [PA3]\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dwight_evans/412677" } , { x: 0.10326827500177739, y: 0.8391088159401535, name: "Johnson [GA4]\n<br>74 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/henry_johnson/412199" } , { x: 0.17083301836803347, y: 0.46177923465447673, name: "McCollum\n<br>22 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/betty_mccollum/400259" } , { x: 0.253754457551935, y: 0.6113366969761178, name: "Scott [GA13]\n<br>23 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/david_scott/400363" } , { x: 0.20259204459265034, y: 0.6773595045969684, name: "Titus\n<br>2 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dina_titus/412318" } , { x: 0.23779088010241942, y: 0.6530356367116934, name: "Torres [CA35]\n<br>12 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/norma_torres/412617" } , { x: 0.170630048684933, y: 0.41511407490654556, name: "Vargas\n<br>22 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/juan_vargas/412522" } , { x: 0.22075646787860928, y: 0.6813141556424424, name: "Matsui\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/doris_matsui/400663" } , { x: 0.29242314014296056, y: 0.3777880622480048, name: "Case\n<br>42 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ed_case/400069" } , { x: 0.22652560324008764, y: 0.7252823275622808, name: "DelBene\n<br>36 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/suzan_delbene/412505" } , { x: 0.25118604281219276, y: 0.7861017907682899, name: "Dingell\n<br>30 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/debbie_dingell/412637" } , { x: 0.39065634957135487, y: 0.6461336265805617, name: "Houlahan\n<br>58 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/chrissy_houlahan/412810" } , { x: 0.26367716366243293, y: 0.7828295728570147, name: "Wasserman Schultz\n<br>4 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/debbie_wasserman_schultz/400623" } , { x: 0.18736612887540122, y: 0.43926228289626135, name: "Mfume\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/kweisi_mfume/407672" } , { x: 0.37367683018008396, y: 0.4891427098628445, name: "Craig\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/angie_craig/412789" } , { x: 0.1759192933965759, y: 0.696598777895968, name: "Lieu\n<br>17 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ted_lieu/412616" } , { x: 0.2314475245980495, y: 0.38382522300649946, name: "Swalwell\n<br>19 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/eric_swalwell/412514" } , { x: 0.24945708335910943, y: 0.9043775551018921, name: "Sewell\n<br>73 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/terri_sewell/412396" } , { x: 0.19468144294644193, y: 0.7932452736701197, name: "Beyer\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/donald_beyer/412657" } , { x: 0.1852530971832223, y: 0.5984532283693524, name: "Beatty\n<br>122 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joyce_beatty/412565" } , { x: 0.2621041492024063, y: 0.6203449845391725, name: "Boyle\n<br>6 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/brendan_boyle/412652" } , { x: 0.19085343927252935, y: 0.5093144085136753, name: "Brown\n<br>115 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/shontel_brown/456863" } , { x: 0.21379065723839588, y: 0.32507250538381705, name: "Carter [LA2]\n<br>2 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/troy_carter/456860" } , { x: 0.47525116790031374, y: 0.45146286884520404, name: "Cuellar\n<br>4 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/henry_cuellar/400657" } , { x: 0.34085422768120544, y: 0.6286203468453907, name: "Davids\n<br>2 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sharice_davids/412780" } , { x: 0.48576214111835275, y: 0.2727913616605614, name: "Golden\n<br>4 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jared_golden/412842" } , { x: 0.3905560811324208, y: 0.32381888751378596, name: "Gonzalez\n<br>25 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/vicente_gonzalez/412725" } , { x: 0.2399338371060375, y: 0.5850219844371802, name: "Keating\n<br>17 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/william_keating/412435" } , { x: 0.17878873996959743, y: 0.7389042521124612, name: "Lynch\n<br>109 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/stephen_lynch/400249" } , { x: 0.21212885307023502, y: 0.6684464860178891, name: "Meeks\n<br>26 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gregory_meeks/400271" } , { x: 0.24917038595971194, y: 0.7182520872007326, name: "Moulton\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/seth_moulton/412632" } , { x: 0.3006475413537524, y: 0.1760727773084629, name: "Mrvan\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/frank_mrvan/456821" } , { x: 0.28642377968921995, y: 0.23259175836571888, name: "Plaskett\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/stacey_plaskett/412659" } , { x: 0.33848427910783047, y: 0.8944768922443649, name: "Schneider\n<br>167 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bradley_schneider/412534" } , { x: 0.30101425727018144, y: 0.6498161516752367, name: "Sherrill\n<br>15 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mikie_sherrill/412799" } , { x: 0.1922581458811979, y: 0.4175765502190985, name: "Stansbury\n<br>21 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/melanie_stansbury/456861" } , { x: 0.2840813119257761, y: 0.44872185832585143, name: "Veasey\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/marc_veasey/412579" } , { x: 0.17043410320060035, y: 0.45169544770745557, name: "Wilson [FL24]\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/frederica_wilson/412412" } , { x: 0.2569587091674837, y: 0.8502115460904011, name: "Frankel\n<br>129 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lois_frankel/412529" } , { x: 0.23697580301173782, y: 0.2561354883793416, name: "Auchincloss\n<br>5 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jake_auchincloss/456825" } , { x: 0.09198448429318576, y: 0.5986969089167435, name: "Barragán\n<br>25 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/nanette_barragan/412687" } , { x: 0.22643331482427276, y: 0.7481325176823825, name: "Brownley\n<br>212 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/julia_brownley/412516" } , { x: 0.12203468351884728, y: 0.8531277647204674, name: "Chu\n<br>94 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/judy_chu/412379" } , { x: 0.24348512229571004, y: 0.5841561245961704, name: "Clark\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/katherine_clark/412600" } , { x: 0.12478257505672785, y: 0.7914471053467584, name: "Clarke\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/yvette_clarke/412221" } , { x: 0.17502592853723067, y: 0.7047762397321445, name: "Cleaver\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/emanuel_cleaver/400639" } , { x: 0.19869473097158202, y: 0.455513651487523, name: "Dean\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/madeleine_dean/412809" } , { x: 0.20478641660776567, y: 0.6871102579989408, name: "DeGette\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/diana_degette/400101" } , { x: 0.25606384869568055, y: 0.7028156650278119, name: "Fletcher\n<br>203 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lizzie_fletcher/412824" } , { x: 0.1643534845989445, y: 0.7156702181564962, name: "Gomez\n<br>72 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jimmy_gomez/412739" } , { x: 0.215643100968628, y: 0.6063437207603978, name: "Horsford\n<br>12 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/steven_horsford/412559" } , { x: 0.2039654644632326, y: 0.659736343749787, name: "Kelly [IL2]\n<br>8 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robin_kelly/412595" } , { x: 0.22980763666402612, y: 0.5160355911945919, name: "Leger Fernandez\n<br>8 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/teresa_leger_fernandez/456835" } , { x: 0.24105532487307266, y: 0.6019587981778758, name: "Levin\n<br>9 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_levin/412760" } , { x: 0.2344371291170244, y: 0.660742035381214, name: "McBath\n<br>4 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lucy_mcbath/412769" } , { x: 0.13682581030006202, y: 0.6489521067324091, name: "Moore [WI4]\n<br>2 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gwen_moore/400661" } , { x: 0.33735722474310015, y: 0.6989297695768587, name: "Neguse\n<br>23 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joe_neguse/412761" } , { x: 0.31108160380181643, y: 0.635352120255793, name: "Norcross\n<br>6 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/donald_norcross/412606" } , { x: 0.23775672100125686, y: 0.5448343665138955, name: "Pallone\n<br>11 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/frank_pallone/400308" } , { x: 0.21292849923698204, y: 0.7974873225572032, name: "Quigley\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_quigley/412331" } , { x: 0.26525673271506034, y: 0.4129624908887751, name: "Ross\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/deborah_ross/456831" } , { x: 0.12169288333549054, y: 0.4347835859291422, name: "Scanlon\n<br>16 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mary_scanlon/412750" } , { x: 0.34321013736574135, y: 0.41046225923516316, name: "Schrier\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/kim_schrier/412835" } , { x: 0.16246157675224548, y: 0.45666741963854884, name: "Smith [WA9]\n<br>26 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/adam_smith/400379" } , { x: 0.2514450736134768, y: 0.7678705320705378, name: "Stevens\n<br>201 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/haley_stevens/412786" } , { x: 0.1799845035310095, y: 0.8041452233359808, name: "Sánchez\n<br>11 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/linda_sanchez/400355" } , { x: 0.20846725258784404, y: 0.4497251818278749, name: "Trahan\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lori_trahan/412781" } , { x: 0.14994741620195007, y: 0.7887474747577232, name: "Nadler\n<br>19 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jerrold_nadler/400289" } , { x: 0.38413030051477215, y: 0.8437125365494658, name: "Panetta\n<br>85 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jimmy_panetta/412685" } , { x: 0.30423219890328534, y: 0.588043989484833, name: "Bera\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ami_bera/412512" } , { x: 0.20512412098889307, y: 0.37553798900245794, name: "Aguilar\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/pete_aguilar/412615" } , { x: 0.26834428353186923, y: 0.4752664553615052, name: "Foster\n<br>17 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bill_foster/412257" } , { x: 0.2752981344362669, y: 0.6280457996575575, name: "Sherman\n<br>46 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/brad_sherman/400371" } , { x: 0.18166337021810985, y: 0.8120316710637822, name: "Green [TX9]\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/al_green/400653" } , { x: 0.22695649516591515, y: 0.6813022131658459, name: "Larson\n<br>49 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_larson/400233" } , { x: 0.27807777120613997, y: 0.6671555682429047, name: "Ruiz\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/raul_ruiz/412519" } , { x: 0.20562733656986354, y: 0.4960102434369507, name: "Strickland\n<br>7 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/marilyn_strickland/456854" } , { x: 0.37456509829341605, y: 0.8247067566654382, name: "Crow\n<br>42 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jason_crow/412762" } , { x: 0.2110901020288072, y: 0.4797091485567122, name: "Cherfilus\u002DMcCormick\n<br>2 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sheila_cherfilus_mccormick/456865" } , { x: 0.16848837508267622, y: 0.6810592592275337, name: "Huffman\n<br>3 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jared_huffman/412511" } , { x: 0.30005232059749815, y: 0.7952048002280451, name: "Thompson [CA4]\n<br>57 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_thompson/400403" } , { x: 0.2999890721763084, y: 0.5371449705314832, name: "Clyburn\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_clyburn/400075" } , { x: 0.23538783687640658, y: 0.7506803988470483, name: "Garamendi\n<br>132 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_garamendi/412382" } , { x: 0.3320204226859151, y: 0.5291843175178328, name: "Pelosi\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/nancy_pelosi/400314" } , { x: 0.24612682182113813, y: 0.8363384094279588, name: "Scott [VA3]\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_scott/400364" } , { x: 0.1986822164349096, y: 0.5545925098551183, name: "Thompson [MS2]\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bennie_thompson/400402" } , { x: 0.1576921947295032, y: 0.5229102461302862, name: "Casten\n<br>61 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sean_casten/412775" } , { x: 0.23805051601436983, y: 0.7057823114798356, name: "Underwood\n<br>93 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lauren_underwood/412776" } , { x: 0.2612898070738482, y: 0.4655226462704318, name: "Larsen\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/rick_larsen/400232" } , { x: 0.3350502964767173, y: 0.5107773466845081, name: "Stanton\n<br>3 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/greg_stanton/412753" } , { x: 0.3147223660899314, y: 0.58424043993726, name: "Neal\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/richard_neal/400291" } , { x: 0.383691227616679, y: 0.3955531514407487, name: "Harder\n<br>16 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/josh_harder/412754" } , { x: 0.38826215519374635, y: 0.383937159336057, name: "Ryan\n<br>6 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/patrick_ryan/456871" } , { x: 0.24017431152385263, y: 0.4737423806785882, name: "Balint\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/becca_balint/456948" } , { x: 0.3468277789682209, y: 0.2955856481771314, name: "Budzinski\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/nicole_nikki_budzinski/456901" } , { x: 0.20854938730657205, y: 0.28147706303506076, name: "Casar\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gregorio_casar/456945" } , { x: 0.23411868798261712, y: 0.4179309376708801, name: "Crockett\n<br>10 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jasmine_crockett/456944" } , { x: 0.3011984799532392, y: 0.33710719868793065, name: "Deluzio\n<br>19 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/chris_deluzio/456936" } , { x: 0.2658464033049247, y: 0.2185544090809959, name: "Foushee\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/valerie_foushee/456913" } , { x: 0.22983855933079203, y: 0.5552642440653444, name: "Garcia [CA42]\n<br>4 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_garcia/456885" } , { x: 0.2275291462616181, y: 0.34751713668608886, name: "Goldman [NY10]\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dan_goldman/456923" } , { x: 0.22323835069451797, y: 0.49194099200899566, name: "Kamlager\u002DDove\n<br>19 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sydney_kamlager_dove/456884" } , { x: 0.20071813656587256, y: 0.37770544631218245, name: "Lee [PA12]\n<br>9 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/summer_lee/456935" } , { x: 0.26958162208569325, y: 0.43775751218188513, name: "Magaziner\n<br>60 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/seth_magaziner/456937" } , { x: 0.2394622656377834, y: 0.3829708415571239, name: "McClellan\n<br>6 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jennifer_mcclellan/456953" } , { x: 0.3735131687229808, y: 0.42510227338132167, name: "Pettersen\n<br>136 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/brittany_pettersen/456886" } , { x: 0.14982391717076995, y: 0.3151943528556971, name: "Ramirez\n<br>7 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/delia_ramirez/456900" } , { x: 0.2689199751898656, y: 0.29947774399044963, name: "Salinas\n<br>16 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/andrea_salinas/456934" } , { x: 0.4120148531280026, y: 0.15015645607486186, name: "Sorensen\n<br>4 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/eric_sorensen/456902" } , { x: 0.23433792642211482, y: 0.30228032910376795, name: "Tokuda\n<br>13 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jill_tokuda/456897" } , { x: 0.39155588046634565, y: 0.231085573990335, name: "Moskowitz\n<br>6 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jared_moskowitz/456893" } , { x: 0.19592268195586873, y: 0.562827656690906, name: "Frost\n<br>110 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/maxwell_frost/456890" } , { x: 0.2544675411264355, y: 0.2678392255675481, name: "Jackson [IL1]\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jonathan_jackson/456899" } , { x: 0.27415934996182034, y: 0.4169616699319764, name: "McGarvey\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/morgan_mcgarvey/456904" } , { x: 0.2639812176179018, y: 0.4402586818867756, name: "Ivey\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/glenn_ivey/456905" } , { x: 0.31059428809065925, y: 0.42234774882711085, name: "Sykes\n<br>9 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/emilia_sykes/456930" } , { x: 0.31015405470165236, y: 0.2393944155961144, name: "Hoyle\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/valerie_hoyle/456932" } , { x: 0.24538618215457633, y: 0.1903186773574857, name: "Mullin\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/kevin_mullin/456883" } , { x: 0.48265742859267363, y: 0.30232510454121503, name: "Gluesenkamp Perez\n<br>12 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/marie_gluesenkamp_perez/456949" } , { x: 0.35928201368536894, y: 0.32498558698958935, name: "Scholten\n<br>41 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/hillary_scholten/456906" } , { x: 0.5650560801310905, y: 0.23684132911821013, name: "Davis [NC1]\n<br>10 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/donald_davis/456912" } , { x: 0.28761045605429075, y: 0.1900360610739068, name: "Amo\n<br>30 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gabe_amo/456955" } , { x: 0.33915246748669203, y: 0.3161750019311861, name: "Landsman\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/greg_landsman/456928" } , { x: 0.2394873109615811, y: 0.35194027616978174, name: "Thanedar\n<br>18 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/shri_thanedar/456908" } , { x: 0.4070583169134715, y: 0.211684035341473, name: "Vasquez\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gabriel_gabe_vasquez/456919" } , { x: 0.27652643943523086, y: 0.1236176861318073, name: "Menendez\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_menendez/456918" } , { x: 0.2936401385189302, y: 0.10115619419706177, name: "McIver\n<br>28 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lamonica_mciver/456962" } , { x: 0.37046252506926025, y: 0.12180012197132696, name: "Conaway\n<br>30 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/herbert_conaway/457008" } ] } , { marker: { symbol: "circle", radius: 3 }, name: 'Republicans', color: party_colors['Republican'], cursor: "pointer", point: { events: { click: function () { location.href =; } } }, data: [ { x: 0.6656393580777346, y: 0.7787953753694402, name: "Barr\n<br>66 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/garland_barr/412541" } , { x: 0.899688124719807, y: 0.598021834290605, name: "Babin\n<br>52 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/brian_babin/412655" } , { x: 0.7015987725457252, y: 0.595230206067435, name: "Bice\n<br>63 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/stephanie_bice/456841" } , { x: 0.8153136537464887, y: 0.7077413362366304, name: "Biggs [AZ5]\n<br>117 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/andy_biggs/412683" } , { x: 0.627460302593782, y: 0.8453218830238445, name: "Buchanan\n<br>132 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/vern_buchanan/412196" } , { x: 0.5669687549849375, y: 0.43541497427306536, name: "Diaz\u002DBalart\n<br>17 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mario_diaz_balart/400108" } , { x: 0.7355118585244569, y: 0.3010232157202919, name: "Harris [MD1]\n<br>10 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/andy_harris/412434" } , { x: 0.7857459484926624, y: 0.5895214959617, name: "Harshbarger\n<br>46 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/diana_harshbarger/456844" } , { x: 0.734900521801594, y: 0.7594080726989363, name: "Hinson\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ashley_hinson/456816" } , { x: 0.5473418989766543, y: 0.6517290767675029, name: "Joyce [OH14]\n<br>55 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/david_joyce/412566" } , { x: 0.6454074980353424, y: 0.36883142011421177, name: "Loudermilk\n<br>38 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/barry_loudermilk/412624" } , { x: 0.8023795748098519, y: 0.7633260142431625, name: "Mann\n<br>201 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tracey_mann/456823" } , { x: 0.7470382405143349, y: 0.4738141134815505, name: "Meuser\n<br>29 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/daniel_meuser/412811" } , { x: 0.9210913874065754, y: 0.6902975565674884, name: "Norman\n<br>71 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ralph_norman/412738" } , { x: 0.4802190629681989, y: 0.39649174468211634, name: "Scalise\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/steve_scalise/412261" } , { x: 0.7141351604911452, y: 0.7967194112069795, name: "Stefanik\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/elise_stefanik/412648" } , { x: 0.85200976758919, y: 0.8210358569306055, name: "Steube\n<br>208 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gregory_steube/412766" } , { x: 0.8428933410533267, y: 0.8152233608561325, name: "Tenney\n<br>86 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/claudia_tenney/412720" } , { x: 0.7333775007439426, y: 0.5365049992828568, name: "Williams [TX25]\n<br>96 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/roger_williams/412578" } , { x: 0.7553800062219802, y: 0.723022737831361, name: "Cammack\n<br>92 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/katherine_cammack/456806" } , { x: 0.6791970626716954, y: 0.6075693753741308, name: "Fischbach\n<br>112 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michelle_fischbach/456828" } , { x: 0.7778064523765287, y: 0.6366707851829089, name: "Higgins\n<br>76 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/clay_higgins/412705" } , { x: 0.6222834847207502, y: 0.5118986873751721, name: "Letlow\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/julia_letlow/456859" } , { x: 0.659392969680992, y: 0.2956917412193896, name: "Scott [GA8]\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/austin_scott/412417" } , { x: 0.7279160801434358, y: 0.7901759260163284, name: "Hudson\n<br>199 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/richard_hudson/412550" } , { x: 0.5980450080771088, y: 0.16096470061694534, name: "Carter [TX31]\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_carter/400068" } , { x: 0.8352671803714714, y: 0.6687550259401257, name: "Jackson [TX13]\n<br>121 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ronny_jackson/456847" } , { x: 0.659134242657187, y: 0.4507863553440897, name: "Kelly [MS1]\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/trent_kelly/412673" } , { x: 0.6583843779596565, y: 0.6846943272112328, name: "Waltz\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_waltz/412764" } , { x: 0.647937005957402, y: 0.7093774131876649, name: "Bacon\n<br>21 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/don_bacon/412713" } , { x: 0.46219425199063113, y: 0.8811665111230976, name: "Fitzpatrick\n<br>45 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/brian_fitzpatrick/412721" } , { x: 0.6200136784208146, y: 0.4218579121980538, name: "Aderholt\n<br>21 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_aderholt/400004" } , { x: 0.721042312623607, y: 0.5174932675628352, name: "Allen\n<br>3 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/rick_allen/412625" } , { x: 0.6451386630444094, y: 0.8699561278523233, name: "Arrington\n<br>130 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jodey_arrington/412726" } , { x: 0.67405973937957, y: 0.5259610236661695, name: "Balderson\n<br>12 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/troy_balderson/412747" } , { x: 0.5660993564203485, y: 0.11645155839768591, name: "Bentz\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/cliff_bentz/456842" } , { x: 0.6997216366277063, y: 0.8539503474253245, name: "Bilirakis\n<br>33 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gus_bilirakis/412250" } , { x: 0.7444856139619067, y: 0.7146326588749151, name: "Bost\n<br>101 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_bost/412629" } , { x: 0.7302852097565952, y: 0.8079966484059593, name: "Carter [GA1]\n<br>39 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/earl_carter/412622" } , { x: 0.6776681736113136, y: 0.7554470559449962, name: "Clyde\n<br>39 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/andrew_clyde/456813" } , { x: 0.8949838266493565, y: 0.560961291423782, name: "Donalds\n<br>6 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/byron_donalds/456808" } , { x: 0.626782894425047, y: 0.630455004290881, name: "Emmer\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tom_emmer/412639" } , { x: 0.644292987722679, y: 0.5797186069016377, name: "Estes\n<br>8 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ron_estes/412735" } , { x: 0.6556936018031139, y: 0.28639889264755486, name: "Fulcher\n<br>4 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/russ_fulcher/412773" } , { x: 0.6643638553515963, y: 0.4209283467838849, name: "Gimenez\n<br>14 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/carlos_gimenez/456809" } , { x: 0.6276014030321937, y: 0.48992459968812824, name: "Guthrie\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/brett_guthrie/412278" } , { x: 0.6508413661415966, y: 0.5895369147214626, name: "Johnson [LA4]\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_johnson/412706" } , { x: 0.6285963855863321, y: 0.7529946342691551, name: "McClintock\n<br>84 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tom_mcclintock/412295" } , { x: 0.6723949541111289, y: 0.6373795619827657, name: "Miller [WV1]\n<br>11 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/carol_miller/412837" } , { x: 0.6986002573939415, y: 0.7303077802951115, name: "Newhouse\n<br>46 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dan_newhouse/412660" } , { x: 0.6421228253112614, y: 0.43870310304931115, name: "Palmer\n<br>23 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gary_palmer/412608" } , { x: 0.7486451211069848, y: 0.5047753952953117, name: "Perry\n<br>32 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/scott_perry/412569" } , { x: 0.742128458063611, y: 0.8297360391818045, name: "Pfluger\n<br>104 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/august_pfluger/456846" } , { x: 0.7112120770570199, y: 0.7433232702722684, name: "Stauber\n<br>197 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/pete_stauber/412792" } , { x: 0.617400191073486, y: 0.8458144599997823, name: "Wagner\n<br>206 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ann_wagner/412548" } , { x: 0.646760395934944, y: 0.6554772182410957, name: "Walberg\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tim_walberg/412213" } , { x: 1.0, y: 0.6764497569908154, name: "Weber\n<br>4 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/randy_weber/412574" } , { x: 0.6462983809872732, y: 0.7408123308128758, name: "Thompson [PA15]\n<br>154 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/glenn_thompson/412317" } , { x: 0.7033495118400592, y: 0.2534417274575525, name: "Timmons\n<br>28 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/william_timmons/412815" } , { x: 0.6758238929253596, y: 0.6233545607082357, name: "Green [TN7]\n<br>50 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mark_green/412819" } , { x: 0.6461034261344608, y: 0.6069452067738255, name: "Wittman\n<br>113 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_wittman/412255" } , { x: 0.4851823235479297, y: 0.28813722217919085, name: "Turner [OH10]\n<br>16 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_turner/400411" } , { x: 0.5530150577126857, y: 0.21421518764769418, name: "Amodei\n<br>3 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mark_amodei/412500" } , { x: 0.7470396744534441, y: 0.5059918138967617, name: "Baird\n<br>21 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_baird/412777" } , { x: 0.6638535090154595, y: 0.6705390253271005, name: "Bergman\n<br>90 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jack_bergman/412709" } , { x: 0.6060891729374638, y: 0.5475177508735418, name: "Calvert\n<br>19 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ken_calvert/400057" } , { x: 0.617668458323457, y: 0.5286258530400306, name: "Carey\n<br>45 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_carey/456864" } , { x: 0.5478954995695953, y: 0.5978068963357464, name: "Comer\n<br>38 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_comer/412676" } , { x: 0.6818982133422044, y: 0.57767762311318, name: "Crawford\n<br>2 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/eric_crawford/412400" } , { x: 0.7941645752335894, y: 0.49833736759237723, name: "Crenshaw\n<br>36 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dan_crenshaw/412820" } , { x: 0.6700724354204889, y: 0.6635194402724486, name: "Davidson\n<br>152 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/warren_davidson/412675" } , { x: 0.648185741676468, y: 0.26572408636047384, name: "DesJarlais\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/scott_desjarlais/412477" } , { x: 0.7090889572333159, y: 0.4674123597541121, name: "Dunn\n<br>24 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/neal_dunn/412691" } , { x: 0.7389047580215905, y: 0.39929688136981245, name: "Fallon\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/patrick_fallon/456845" } , { x: 0.7428161293952822, y: 0.7909612901187911, name: "Feenstra\n<br>235 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/randy_feenstra/456818" } , { x: 0.7321004785662188, y: 0.4482281934633496, name: "Finstad\n<br>25 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/brad_finstad/456869" } , { x: 0.5778185083210969, y: 0.2030676182310927, name: "Flood\n<br>9 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_flood/456868" } , { x: 0.614117553027369, y: 0.6551666666491859, name: "Foxx\n<br>61 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/virginia_foxx/400643" } , { x: 0.7731412473200563, y: 0.5427045789835102, name: "Franklin\n<br>59 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/scott_franklin/456807" } , { x: 0.6096787801788512, y: 0.7247900453531313, name: "Garbarino\n<br>39 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/andrew_garbarino/456836" } , { x: 0.616730136480276, y: 0.5889592046118517, name: "Gonzales\n<br>15 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ernest_gonzales/456849" } , { x: 0.7406633755199272, y: 0.5735153739290597, name: "Gooden\n<br>10 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lance_gooden/412822" } , { x: 0.7814527578835415, y: 0.5284760972123425, name: "Gosar\n<br>26 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/paul_gosar/412397" } , { x: 0.5607836723681792, y: 0.6298499923352078, name: "Graves\n<br>11 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sam_graves/400158" } , { x: 0.7992824350214391, y: 0.7206990186866603, name: "Grothman\n<br>2 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/glenn_grothman/412661" } , { x: 0.7981532393697839, y: 0.7193851099826596, name: "Guest\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_guest/412793" } , { x: 0.6567808894795527, y: 0.4963954692875895, name: "Hern\n<br>6 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/kevin_hern/412748" } , { x: 0.6035857384940071, y: 0.5667291935513875, name: "Hill\n<br>29 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/french_hill/412609" } , { x: 0.6414396975190286, y: 0.5224334358316072, name: "Huizenga\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bill_huizenga/412437" } , { x: 0.6680348503853996, y: 0.7811210570691118, name: "Johnson [SD0]\n<br>116 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dusty_johnson/412816" } , { x: 0.5290487657037182, y: 0.11854147531666023, name: "Jordan\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jim_jordan/412226" } , { x: 0.6229105358521337, y: 0.4772783181146849, name: "Joyce [PA13]\n<br>26 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_joyce/412812" } , { x: 0.663597069588528, y: 0.840707161478094, name: "Kelly [PA16]\n<br>62 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_kelly/412465" } , { x: 0.6571067363469149, y: 0.6229441244039686, name: "Kustoff\n<br>16 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/david_kustoff/412724" } , { x: 0.6044014877054519, y: 0.8596944886927009, name: "LaHood\n<br>129 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/darin_lahood/412674" } , { x: 0.7864251305884081, y: 0.49991461544491655, name: "LaMalfa\n<br>10 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/doug_lamalfa/412510" } , { x: 0.6171025460083547, y: 0.5797010105408757, name: "Latta\n<br>33 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_latta/412256" } , { x: 0.5274767677912242, y: 0.5065404870494192, name: "Lucas\n<br>5 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/frank_lucas/400247" } , { x: 0.6892332520189587, y: 0.6158097282014402, name: "Mace\n<br>83 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/nancy_mace/456843" } , { x: 0.6367176801715861, y: 0.776292817331479, name: "Malliotakis\n<br>172 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/nicole_malliotakis/456837" } , { x: 0.5225942474420252, y: 0.6440928108039938, name: "Massie\n<br>154 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thomas_massie/412503" } , { x: 0.5987813823646913, y: 1.0, name: "McCaul\n<br>11 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_mccaul/400654" } , { x: 0.644888677662829, y: 0.7952508215242045, name: "McClain\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lisa_mcclain/456827" } , { x: 0.8994026036794706, y: 0.4550277329563716, name: "Miller [IL15]\n<br>49 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mary_miller/456820" } , { x: 0.8047827034065171, y: 0.5637165910797293, name: "Moolenaar\n<br>82 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_moolenaar/412634" } , { x: 0.599212994717656, y: 0.5518585985790745, name: "Moore [UT1]\n<br>59 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/blake_moore/456851" } , { x: 0.6892883537796749, y: 0.7010139327744338, name: "Murphy\n<br>81 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gregory_murphy/412845" } , { x: 0.7348073326162766, y: 0.6671632948601369, name: "Nehls\n<br>76 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/troy_nehls/456848" } , { x: 0.5977516428478196, y: 0.2884954920549545, name: "Obernolte\n<br>11 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jay_obernolte/456801" } , { x: 0.7283610834144613, y: 0.5392559427741347, name: "Owens\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/clarence_owens/456852" } , { x: 0.7558217790616698, y: 0.4168654626336489, name: "Rouzer\n<br>51 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/david_rouzer/412641" } , { x: 0.7478346524729482, y: 0.6666685601536805, name: "Rutherford\n<br>22 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_rutherford/412692" } , { x: 0.7541935784061129, y: 0.1769513079313376, name: "Sessions\n<br>4 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/pete_sessions/400367" } , { x: 0.7017670803512758, y: 0.7845334084948099, name: "Smith [NE3]\n<br>171 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/adrian_smith/412217" } , { x: 0.5986856381606606, y: 0.8971858815890914, name: "Smith [NJ4]\n<br>74 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/christopher_smith/400380" } , { x: 0.5953275955786553, y: 0.545776528066944, name: "Steil\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bryan_steil/412836" } , { x: 0.7933664271745323, y: 0.428961216189771, name: "Tiffany\n<br>32 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thomas_tiffany/456791" } , { x: 0.622919709050116, y: 0.35057434190032183, name: "Valadao\n<br>10 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/david_valadao/412515" } , { x: 0.7313109431958149, y: 0.5969076867831768, name: "Van Drew\n<br>43 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jefferson_van_drew/412796" } , { x: 0.7220544034111844, y: 0.7091096713746896, name: "Van Duyne\n<br>61 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/beth_van_duyne/456850" } , { x: 0.7007713117047412, y: 0.24075368089417654, name: "Webster\n<br>13 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/daniel_webster/412410" } , { x: 0.6361083268790002, y: 0.6664698930047614, name: "Westerman\n<br>60 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bruce_westerman/412610" } , { x: 0.6600194600497844, y: 0.7763329695186632, name: "Wilson [SC2]\n<br>103 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joe_wilson/400433" } , { x: 0.6049714580804012, y: 0.6682630418024832, name: "Womack\n<br>132 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/steve_womack/412402" } , { x: 0.7313894858134056, y: 0.5770753452959814, name: "Reschenthaler\n<br>5 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/guy_reschenthaler/412813" } , { x: 0.5932898802283597, y: 0.7032899998111117, name: "Smucker\n<br>188 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lloyd_smucker/412722" } , { x: 0.7886232850027671, y: 0.4464317162812752, name: "Cline\n<br>88 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ben_cline/412832" } , { x: 0.7488967990252662, y: 0.7667553566957757, name: "Miller\u002DMeeks\n<br>7 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mariannette_miller_meeks/456817" } , { x: 0.6178102162726898, y: 0.8804721743737667, name: "Salazar\n<br>63 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/maria_salazar/456810" } , { x: 0.6208956304302756, y: 0.7027476285876829, name: "Issa\n<br>19 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/darrell_issa/400196" } , { x: 0.6892163012602528, y: 0.5719896488779647, name: "Mast\n<br>9 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/brian_mast/412698" } , { x: 0.658891284737757, y: 0.49474905798856067, name: "Fitzgerald\n<br>5 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/scott_fitzgerald/456855" } , { x: 0.7967384141966779, y: 0.5898885180543344, name: "Boebert\n<br>41 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lauren_boebert/456805" } , { x: 0.801420630696794, y: 0.3588601954113933, name: "Moore [AL1]\n<br>20 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/barry_moore/456800" } , { x: 0.6566140673439256, y: 0.4465177139348898, name: "Burchett\n<br>53 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tim_burchett/412817" } , { x: 0.7168836050515781, y: 0.7427639163342504, name: "Cloud\n<br>181 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_cloud/412746" } , { x: 0.7113487055777379, y: 0.8161025616883237, name: "Roy\n<br>317 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/chip_roy/412826" } , { x: 0.5408347504769099, y: 0.3405794048414098, name: "Schweikert\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/david_schweikert/412399" } , { x: 0.635361651958414, y: 0.44700527267111334, name: "Greene\n<br>63 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/marjorie_greene/456814" } , { x: 0.5673199768215237, y: 0.6913461447184835, name: "Smith [MO8]\n<br>97 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jason_smith/412596" } , { x: 0.5199867797582982, y: 0.7261977548128267, name: "Kim\n<br>10 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/young_kim/456802" } , { x: 0.5464808289309937, y: 0.39612852044679164, name: "Spartz\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/victoria_spartz/456822" } , { x: 0.6979287739403033, y: 0.49054166299845386, name: "Rose\n<br>9 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_rose/412818" } , { x: 0.5686548354664311, y: 0.5340153403316195, name: "Griffith\n<br>61 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/morgan_griffith/412485" } , { x: 0.550933868209931, y: 0.36138498821915943, name: "Kean\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thomas_kean/456917" } , { x: 0.6650103248287289, y: 0.8178114695807889, name: "Lawler\n<br>144 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_lawler/456924" } , { x: 0.6319707284525586, y: 0.4718871276335316, name: "Burlison\n<br>152 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/eric_burlison/456910" } , { x: 0.5718879428778172, y: 0.44597004022648373, name: "Ciscomani\n<br>56 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/juan_ciscomani/456880" } , { x: 0.6415540494519892, y: 0.5222373811203521, name: "De La Cruz\n<br>50 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/monica_de_la_cruz/456943" } , { x: 0.6362327884276813, y: 0.49679367292851, name: "Edwards\n<br>68 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/charles_chuck_edwards/456914" } , { x: 0.6331346839417196, y: 0.30707787848465856, name: "Fry\n<br>12 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/russell_fry/456938" } , { x: 0.6812083315858511, y: 0.3584364845267587, name: "Hageman\n<br>24 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/harriet_hageman/456951" } , { x: 0.6402517653134807, y: 0.1591913142587606, name: "Houchin\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/erin_houchin/456903" } , { x: 0.5667333091790515, y: 0.12194198406815339, name: "Hunt\n<br>0 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/wesley_hunt/456946" } , { x: 0.6713629065891206, y: 0.5417060954751531, name: "Langworthy\n<br>56 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/nicholas_langworthy/456927" } , { x: 0.6377381638515223, y: 0.3490537449338422, name: "Luna\n<br>12 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/anna_luna/456891" } , { x: 0.5287549272339026, y: 0.381244004359683, name: "Luttrell\n<br>40 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/morgan_luttrell/456942" } , { x: 0.6314432629123689, y: 0.5167677481355951, name: "McCormick\n<br>37 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/rich_mccormick/456894" } , { x: 0.6188731691371435, y: 0.27396840972883807, name: "Moran\n<br>7 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/nathaniel_moran/456940" } , { x: 0.5163778184583594, y: 0.3790156911833054, name: "Moylan\n<br>7 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_jim_moylan/456896" } , { x: 0.7266564590682406, y: 0.5014339868976875, name: "Ogles\n<br>99 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/andrew_ogles/456939" } , { x: 0.6933753309343469, y: 0.37237835837538086, name: "Self\n<br>25 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/keith_self/456941" } , { x: 0.6165624159873816, y: 0.4057084548070756, name: "Van Orden\n<br>32 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/derrick_van_orden/456950" } , { x: 0.6575873824759235, y: 0.25477188064235357, name: "Yakym\n<br>17 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/rudy_yakym/456873" } , { x: 0.6056323951534907, y: 0.17536220335287117, name: "Ezell\n<br>4 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_ezell/456911" } , { x: 0.6121388176423048, y: 0.3254907170793567, name: "Zinke\n<br>4 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ryan_zinke/412640" } , { x: 0.5836957576966539, y: 0.4209003001113818, name: "Nunn\n<br>31 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/zachary_zach_nunn/456898" } , { x: 0.581820009811265, y: 0.4351508716381719, name: "Alford\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mark_alford/456909" } , { x: 0.5722952938099274, y: 0.43308952245217813, name: "LaLota\n<br>71 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/nicolas_lalota/456920" } , { x: 0.4708211269731445, y: 0.2676306252238324, name: "Maloy\n<br>51 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/celeste_maloy/456956" } , { x: 0.5705324276277712, y: 0.18947056341079924, name: "Lee [FL15]\n<br>5 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/laurel_lee/456892" } , { x: 0.6042276163921606, y: 0.5842208963373907, name: "Collins\n<br>73 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_collins/456895" } , { x: 0.554371320144967, y: 0.2754748625370724, name: "Miller [OH7]\n<br>13 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/max_miller/456929" } , { x: 0.6586499383960095, y: 0.20866612264791753, name: "Crane\n<br>11 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/eli_crane/456879" } , { x: 0.4969410714425762, y: 0.5129169964903958, name: "James\n<br>1 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_james/456907" } , { x: 0.6252567929595322, y: 0.4177839491447072, name: "Bean\n<br>6 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/aaron_bean/456888" } , { x: 0.6329462613394753, y: 0.37690824052108035, name: "Brecheen\n<br>63 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/josh_brecheen/456931" } , { x: 0.6210880541152759, y: 0.2814892318412251, name: "Mills\n<br>8 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/cory_mills/456889" } , { x: 0.5472453334135722, y: 0.3177437719494814, name: "Strong\n<br>26 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dale_strong/456878" } , { x: 0.48856655284052125, y: 0.3401582484567172, name: "Kiley\n<br>10 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/kevin_kiley/456881" } , { x: 0.5297104331159891, y: 0.42596578766744886, name: "Kiggans\n<br>6 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jennifer_kiggans/456947" } , { x: 0.42998634497083443, y: 0.10767550321110454, name: "Fong\n<br>12 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/vince_fong/456958" } , { x: 0.4271593127239767, y: 0.1682439636439951, name: "Moore [WV2]\n<br>37 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/riley_moore/457031" } , { x: 0.47140370095786177, y: 0.3775844459444043, name: "Gill\n<br>112 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/brandon_gill/457023" } , { x: 0.4338155067131447, y: 0.1320461699395797, name: "Harris [NC8]\n<br>25 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mark_harris/457002" } , { x: 0.3966459658821935, y: 0.1780773832740999, name: "Harrigan\n<br>27 cosponsors (119th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/pat_harrigan/457003" } ] } ] }); var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'voting_record_chart_400077', type: 'spline', height: 225, marginTop: 5, }, title: { text: 'Missed Votes, Jan 7, 2003 - Feb 13, 2025' }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: false }, xAxis: { labels: { rotation: -90, align: "right" , step: 4 }, categories: ["2003 Jan\u002DMar", "2003 Apr\u002DJun", "2003 Jul\u002DSep", "2003 Oct\u002DDec", "2004 Jan\u002DMar", "2004 Apr\u002DJun", "2004 Jul\u002DSep", "2004 Oct\u002DDec", "2005 Jan\u002DMar", "2005 Apr\u002DJun", "2005 Jul\u002DSep", "2005 Oct\u002DDec", "2006 Jan\u002DMar", "2006 Apr\u002DJun", "2006 Jul\u002DSep", "2006 Nov\u002DDec", "2007 Jan\u002DMar", "2007 Apr\u002DJun", "2007 Jul\u002DSep", "2007 Oct\u002DDec", "2008 Jan\u002DMar", "2008 Apr\u002DJun", "2008 Jul\u002DSep", "2008 Oct\u002DDec", "2009 Jan\u002DMar", "2009 Apr\u002DJun", "2009 Jul\u002DSep", "2009 Oct\u002DDec", "2010 Jan\u002DMar", "2010 Apr\u002DJun", "2010 Jul\u002DSep", "2010 Nov\u002DDec", "2011 Jan\u002DMar", "2011 Apr\u002DJun", "2011 Jul\u002DSep", "2011 Oct\u002DDec", "2012 Jan\u002DMar", "2012 Apr\u002DJun", "2012 Jul\u002DSep", "2012 Nov\u002DDec", "2013 Jan\u002DJan", "2013 Jan\u002DMar", "2013 Apr\u002DJun", "2013 Jul\u002DSep", "2013 Oct\u002DDec", "2014 Jan\u002DMar", "2014 Apr\u002DJun", "2014 Jul\u002DSep", "2014 Nov\u002DDec", "2015 Jan\u002DMar", "2015 Apr\u002DJun", "2015 Jul\u002DSep", "2015 Oct\u002DDec", "2016 Jan\u002DMar", "2016 Apr\u002DJun", "2016 Jul\u002DSep", "2016 Nov\u002DDec", "2017 Jan\u002DMar", "2017 Apr\u002DJun", "2017 Jul\u002DSep", "2017 Oct\u002DDec", "2018 Jan\u002DMar", "2018 Apr\u002DJun", "2018 Jul\u002DSep", "2018 Nov\u002DDec", "2019 Jan\u002DMar", "2019 Apr\u002DJun", "2019 Jul\u002DSep", "2019 Oct\u002DDec", "2020 Jan\u002DMar", "2020 Apr\u002DJun", "2020 Jul\u002DSep", "2020 Oct\u002DDec", "2021 Jan\u002DMar", "2021 Apr\u002DJun", "2021 Jul\u002DSep", "2021 Oct\u002DDec", "2022 Jan\u002DMar", "2022 Apr\u002DJun", "2022 Jul\u002DSep", "2022 Nov\u002DDec", "2023 Jan\u002DMar", "2023 Apr\u002DJun", "2023 Jul\u002DSep", "2023 Oct\u002DDec", "2024 Jan\u002DMar", "2024 Apr\u002DJun", "2024 Jul\u002DSep", "2024 Nov\u002DDec", "2025 Jan\u002DFeb" ] }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Missed Votes (%)' }, minorGridLineWidth: 0, gridLineWidth: 0, alternateGridColor: null, min: 0, max: null, plotBands: [{ from: 0, to: 0.8527110432979241, color: 'rgba(68, 170, 213, 0.1)', label: { text: '25th Percentile', verticalAlign: 'top', style: { color: '#606060' } } }, { from: 0.8527110432979241, to: 1.9644393461428162, color: 'rgba(68, 170, 213, 0.3)', label: { text: 'Median', verticalAlign: 'top', style: { color: '#606060' } } }, { from: 1.9644393461428162, to: 3.3515198752922837, color: 'rgba(68, 170, 213, 0.1)', label: { text: '75th Percentile', verticalAlign: 'top', style: { color: '#606060' } } }, { from: 3.3515198752922837, to: 4.8492933485719, color: 'rgba(68, 170, 213, 0.3)', label: { text: '90th Percentile', verticalAlign: 'top', style: { color: '#606060' } } }] }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return this.x +': '+ this.y +'% votes missed'; } }, plotOptions: { spline: { lineWidth: 2, marker: { radius: 3 }, states: { hover: { lineWidth: 2 } } } }, series: [{ name: 'Cole - Missed Votes %', data: [0.0, 3.8, 1.6, 5.3, 1.0, 1.8, 1.2, 0.0, 3.3, 2.2, 2.1, 3.1, 1.2, 0.7, 2.5, 3.7, 1.4, 0.8, 2.5, 6.1, 6.0, 4.0, 3.9, 0.0, 0.6, 1.3, 1.1, 4.1, 1.0, 8.2, 2.6, 2.0, 0.9, 2.5, 1.2, 0.5, 1.3, 0.3, 0.7, 7.8, 0.0, 0.0, 12.6, 3.5, 1.5, 1.4, 4.6, 0.7, 2.0, 1.4, 0.0, 2.2, 3.4, 3.6, 1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0, 9.6, 0.5, 0.6, 1.6, 3.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 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